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Misc. Page ・ Li'uhn Guides

Li'uhn Traits : Version #92

This page is a WIP! Rarities will be added in soon! For now, open the link to see the rarity! This will also give you more detailed accounts on what each gene does and how you get it as well as design guides and examples.



Examples of each of the Li'uhn types, and their average colors, traits and heights

More Detail on the breeds can be seen in the following links
Large and strong, incapable of flight, but able to run on all fours. Often found underground. Docile and calm.

Dainty and slim, able to fly mostly under their own power without requiring energy boosts from their natural magic.

Extremely rare and very elusive. Shy, generally only seen at night. Often seen with Nightkin.

The main example of the species, the one from which all variants extend from. Commons are everywhere.

Fairly rare variant that lives on the shore or underwater. They are capable of existing on land just fine as well.

Fairly small, known for their deep blue colors and starry markings, as well as their nearly white trimming.

Tiny things, but brightly colored and very pretty. Skittish and watchful. They can often be seen with Stoneclaws.

Smol and floofy! They handle cold much better than other Li'uhn variants.


Their wings are small, the structure unique.  They do not fly purely under the power of their own wings (They are incapable of it)

More information on the wing, feathers, and how it folds and spreads here. The main arm of the wing should not be longer than the Li'uhn's arm unless they are a Silverwing, Shadowcloak or Flutterwing. Flutterwing wings are very big, the feathers often nearly touching the ground when walking, while Silverwing's reach to their mid calf, and Shadowcloaks reach to around the knee area.

Stoneclaw wings are stunted and very small, incapable of flight even with magic boosts, and Woolie wings are small and fluffy, making it harder for them to fly but not disabling it entirely.

Li'uhn have what is known as a frill. This can be called their ears, though the functionality is quite different. The Li'uhn frill is mobile and can twitch and flick and move around like ears, and even helps funnel sound into their actual ears (On the sides of their head with reptilian like openings), but their main function, aside from emoting, is energy sensing. Li'uhn all have an energy core in their chest, the signature within unique to the individual. When they call, they let out a pulse of this energy. Special organs within the frill sense this energy and allow them to locate eachother. These energy pulses can go far and wide.

Below are links to guides about each individual sort of thing.


Coloration Guides

The basic common coloration that Li'uhn can have.


Color Morphs

Genes that can effect a Li'uhn's colors. Some of these are very interesting!



Markings outside of the common/free markings that can be found in Li'uhn.


Frill Types and frill fur

Frill types and the fur types that effect the Frill in particular

Mane and fur Types

Manes and different fur types, including the free ones.


Tail and Tail Fur Types

Tails and the fur variations that can appear on the tails


Wing Types and Feathers

Wing types and the various mutations that can effect the feathers.



Miscellaneous genes with different effects.