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Frill Types and Frill Fur : History
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Length: 3508 (+328) - Show Raw Data
{"data":{"description":"<h4>Frill Types<\/h4>\r\n<p> <\/p>\r\n<p><br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/8_14_bSocxRk1mPcDkdY.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"885\" height=\"708\" \/><br \/><br \/>The Finned frill is special in that it can only be inherited from <a href=\"https:\/\/realms-between.com\/world\/subtypes?name=Seaborn\">Seaborn<\/a>, and is a mythic tier trait.<br \/><br \/><strong>Some new frills not shown on the trait sheet<\/strong><br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/realms-between.com\/world\/traits?name=Bat%20Frill\">Bat Frill<\/a><br \/>You can see an example of the Bat Frill on the <a href=\"https:\/\/realms-between.com\/world\/subtypes?name=Stoneclaw\">Stoneclaw<\/a>, one of the rarer Li'uhn variants. Their shape can be inspired by various bats, but are generally big and wide.<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/realms-between.com\/world\/traits?name=Fennec\">Fennec Frill<\/a><br \/>This frill type comes default with the <a href=\"https:\/\/realms-between.com\/world\/subtypes?name=Flutterwing\">Flutterwing<\/a> Variant. They are similar in shape to the Anubial frill, but much longer and wider at the base, like the ears of a fennec fox. They come on Flutterwings by default, but can be inherited by other variants.<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/realms-between.com\/world\/traits?name=Lurker\">Lurker Frill<\/a><br \/>Exclusive to Stoneclaws, a mythic frill found only on the deepest of Stoneclaws. Often comes with a special color morph.<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/realms-between.com\/world\/traits?name=Feathered%20Frill\">Feathered Frill<\/a><br \/>Replaces the fur on the frill with feathers.<\/p>","guide":null,"parsed":{"description":"<h4>Frill Types<\/h4>\r\n<p> <\/p>\r\n<p><br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/8_14_bSocxRk1mPcDkdY.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"885\" height=\"708\" \/><br \/><br \/>The Finned frill is special in that it can only be inherited from <a href=\"https:\/\/realms-between.com\/world\/subtypes?name=Seaborn\">Seaborn<\/a>, and is a mythic tier trait.<br \/><br \/><strong>Some new frills not shown on the trait sheet<\/strong><br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/realms-between.com\/world\/traits?name=Bat%20Frill\">Bat Frill<\/a><br \/>You can see an example of the Bat Frill on the <a href=\"https:\/\/realms-between.com\/world\/subtypes?name=Stoneclaw\">Stoneclaw<\/a>, one of the rarer Li'uhn variants. Their shape can be inspired by various bats, but are generally big and wide.<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/realms-between.com\/world\/traits?name=Fennec\">Fennec Frill<\/a><br \/>This frill type comes default with the <a href=\"https:\/\/realms-between.com\/world\/subtypes?name=Flutterwing\">Flutterwing<\/a> Variant. They are similar in shape to the Anubial frill, but much longer and wider at the base, like the ears of a fennec fox. They come on Flutterwings by default, but can be inherited by other variants.<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/realms-between.com\/world\/traits?name=Lurker\">Lurker Frill<\/a><br \/>Exclusive to Stoneclaws, a mythic frill found only on the deepest of Stoneclaws. Often comes with a special color morph.<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/realms-between.com\/world\/traits?name=Feathered%20Frill\">Feathered Frill<\/a><br \/>Replaces the fur on the frill with feathers.<\/p>","guide":null}},"title":"Frill Types and Frill Fur","is_visible":"1","summary":"Various frill shapes and frill types","utility_tag":null,"page_tag":null}
Page Created
Length: 3180 (+3180) - Show Raw Data
{"data":{"description":"<h4>Frill Types<\/h4>\r\n<p> <\/p>\r\n<p><br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/8_14_bSocxRk1mPcDkdY.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"885\" height=\"708\" \/><br \/><br \/>The Finned frill is special in that it can only be inherited from <a href=\"https:\/\/realms-between.com\/world\/subtypes?name=Seaborn\">Seaborn<\/a>, and is a mythic tier trait.<br \/><br \/><strong>Some new frills not shown on the trait sheet<\/strong><br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/realms-between.com\/world\/traits?name=Bat%20Frill\">Bat Frill<\/a><br \/>You can see an example of the Bat Frill on the <a href=\"https:\/\/realms-between.com\/world\/subtypes?name=Stoneclaw\">Stoneclaw<\/a>, one of the rarer Li'uhn variants. Their shape can be inspired by various bats, but are generally big and wide.<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/realms-between.com\/world\/traits?name=Fennec\">Fennec Frill<\/a><br \/>This frill type comes default with the <a href=\"https:\/\/realms-between.com\/world\/subtypes?name=Flutterwing\">Flutterwing<\/a> Variant. They are similar in shape to the Anubial frill, but much longer and wider at the base, like the ears of a fennec fox. They come on Flutterwings by default, but can be inherited by other variants.<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/realms-between.com\/world\/traits?name=Lurker\">Lurker Frill<\/a><br \/>Exclusive to Stoneclaws, a mythic frill found only on the deepest of Stoneclaws. Often comes with a special color morph.<\/p>","guide":null,"parsed":{"description":"<h4>Frill Types<\/h4>\r\n<p> <\/p>\r\n<p><br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/8_14_bSocxRk1mPcDkdY.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"885\" height=\"708\" \/><br \/><br \/>The Finned frill is special in that it can only be inherited from <a href=\"https:\/\/realms-between.com\/world\/subtypes?name=Seaborn\">Seaborn<\/a>, and is a mythic tier trait.<br \/><br \/><strong>Some new frills not shown on the trait sheet<\/strong><br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/realms-between.com\/world\/traits?name=Bat%20Frill\">Bat Frill<\/a><br \/>You can see an example of the Bat Frill on the <a href=\"https:\/\/realms-between.com\/world\/subtypes?name=Stoneclaw\">Stoneclaw<\/a>, one of the rarer Li'uhn variants. Their shape can be inspired by various bats, but are generally big and wide.<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/realms-between.com\/world\/traits?name=Fennec\">Fennec Frill<\/a><br \/>This frill type comes default with the <a href=\"https:\/\/realms-between.com\/world\/subtypes?name=Flutterwing\">Flutterwing<\/a> Variant. They are similar in shape to the Anubial frill, but much longer and wider at the base, like the ears of a fennec fox. They come on Flutterwings by default, but can be inherited by other variants.<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/realms-between.com\/world\/traits?name=Lurker\">Lurker Frill<\/a><br \/>Exclusive to Stoneclaws, a mythic frill found only on the deepest of Stoneclaws. Often comes with a special color morph.<\/p>","guide":null}},"title":"Frill Types and Frill Fur","is_visible":"1","summary":"Various frill shapes and frill types","utility_tag":null,"page_tag":null}
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