Misc. Page ・ Li'uhn Guides
Tail Types and Tail Fur : History
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Length: 3812 - Show Raw Data
{"data":{"description":"<p><br \/><br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/26_33_qi2yZjphV9d9UZ8.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"993\" height=\"795\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p>Most of these are shown, but there is one not shown here!<br \/><br \/>Tail types can combine and interact, and can be effected by various fur mutations. The Bare + Flare tail is an example of a trait interaction.<br \/><br \/>The <a href=\"https:\/\/realms-between.com\/world\/traits?name=Ribbon%20Tail\">Ribbon Tail<\/a><br \/>This long, slender tail can be inherited from the <a href=\"https:\/\/realms-between.com\/world\/subtypes?name=Flutterwing\">Flutterwing<\/a><br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<h4>Tail Fur Types<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/realms-between.com\/world\/traits?name=Flow\">Flow<\/a><br \/>No Example Yet<br \/>This makes the fur long and silken and flowing, especially on the tail. It can also be shiny. Can effect the texture of the mane.<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/realms-between.com\/world\/traits?name=Long%20Tail%20Fur\">Long Tail Fur<\/a><br \/>Makes the tail fur longer, but not as long as the flowing Tail fur. This tends to be fluffier in texture<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/realms-between.com\/world\/traits?name=Dust%20Mop\">Dust Mop<\/a><br \/>Called this because the long fur alongthe underside of the tail mups up dust like no other and can be very high maintenance!<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/realms-between.com\/world\/traits?name=Tail%20Tuft\">Tail Tuft<\/a><br \/>A long tuft on the end of the tail, much longer than the free small fringe that can appear along it.<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/realms-between.com\/world\/traits?name=Edging\">Edging<\/a><br \/>Long fur is found along the edges of the tail. Usually the color of the Li'uhn's trimming.<\/p>","guide":null,"parsed":{"description":"<p><br \/><br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/26_33_qi2yZjphV9d9UZ8.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"993\" height=\"795\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p>Most of these are shown, but there is one not shown here!<br \/><br \/>Tail types can combine and interact, and can be effected by various fur mutations. The Bare + Flare tail is an example of a trait interaction.<br \/><br \/>The <a href=\"https:\/\/realms-between.com\/world\/traits?name=Ribbon%20Tail\">Ribbon Tail<\/a><br \/>This long, slender tail can be inherited from the <a href=\"https:\/\/realms-between.com\/world\/subtypes?name=Flutterwing\">Flutterwing<\/a><br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<h4>Tail Fur Types<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/realms-between.com\/world\/traits?name=Flow\">Flow<\/a><br \/>No Example Yet<br \/>This makes the fur long and silken and flowing, especially on the tail. It can also be shiny. Can effect the texture of the mane.<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/realms-between.com\/world\/traits?name=Long%20Tail%20Fur\">Long Tail Fur<\/a><br \/>Makes the tail fur longer, but not as long as the flowing Tail fur. This tends to be fluffier in texture<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/realms-between.com\/world\/traits?name=Dust%20Mop\">Dust Mop<\/a><br \/>Called this because the long fur alongthe underside of the tail mups up dust like no other and can be very high maintenance!<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/realms-between.com\/world\/traits?name=Tail%20Tuft\">Tail Tuft<\/a><br \/>A long tuft on the end of the tail, much longer than the free small fringe that can appear along it.<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/realms-between.com\/world\/traits?name=Edging\">Edging<\/a><br \/>Long fur is found along the edges of the tail. Usually the color of the Li'uhn's trimming.<\/p>","guide":null}},"title":"Tail Types and Tail Fur","is_visible":"1","summary":"Various tail types and fur mutations\/fur types that can effect them","utility_tag":null,"page_tag":null}
Page Updated
Length: 3812 (+2286) - Show Raw Data
{"data":{"description":"<p><br \/><br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/26_33_qi2yZjphV9d9UZ8.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"993\" height=\"795\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p>Most of these are shown, but there is one not shown here!<br \/><br \/>Tail types can combine and interact, and can be effected by various fur mutations. The Bare + Flare tail is an example of a trait interaction.<br \/><br \/>The <a href=\"https:\/\/realms-between.com\/world\/traits?name=Ribbon%20Tail\">Ribbon Tail<\/a><br \/>This long, slender tail can be inherited from the <a href=\"https:\/\/realms-between.com\/world\/subtypes?name=Flutterwing\">Flutterwing<\/a><br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<h4>Tail Fur Types<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/realms-between.com\/world\/traits?name=Flow\">Flow<\/a><br \/>No Example Yet<br \/>This makes the fur long and silken and flowing, especially on the tail. It can also be shiny. Can effect the texture of the mane.<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/realms-between.com\/world\/traits?name=Long%20Tail%20Fur\">Long Tail Fur<\/a><br \/>Makes the tail fur longer, but not as long as the flowing Tail fur. This tends to be fluffier in texture<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/realms-between.com\/world\/traits?name=Dust%20Mop\">Dust Mop<\/a><br \/>Called this because the long fur alongthe underside of the tail mups up dust like no other and can be very high maintenance!<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/realms-between.com\/world\/traits?name=Tail%20Tuft\">Tail Tuft<\/a><br \/>A long tuft on the end of the tail, much longer than the free small fringe that can appear along it.<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/realms-between.com\/world\/traits?name=Edging\">Edging<\/a><br \/>Long fur is found along the edges of the tail. Usually the color of the Li'uhn's trimming.<\/p>","guide":null,"parsed":{"description":"<p><br \/><br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/26_33_qi2yZjphV9d9UZ8.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"993\" height=\"795\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p>Most of these are shown, but there is one not shown here!<br \/><br \/>Tail types can combine and interact, and can be effected by various fur mutations. The Bare + Flare tail is an example of a trait interaction.<br \/><br \/>The <a href=\"https:\/\/realms-between.com\/world\/traits?name=Ribbon%20Tail\">Ribbon Tail<\/a><br \/>This long, slender tail can be inherited from the <a href=\"https:\/\/realms-between.com\/world\/subtypes?name=Flutterwing\">Flutterwing<\/a><br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<h4>Tail Fur Types<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/realms-between.com\/world\/traits?name=Flow\">Flow<\/a><br \/>No Example Yet<br \/>This makes the fur long and silken and flowing, especially on the tail. It can also be shiny. Can effect the texture of the mane.<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/realms-between.com\/world\/traits?name=Long%20Tail%20Fur\">Long Tail Fur<\/a><br \/>Makes the tail fur longer, but not as long as the flowing Tail fur. This tends to be fluffier in texture<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/realms-between.com\/world\/traits?name=Dust%20Mop\">Dust Mop<\/a><br \/>Called this because the long fur alongthe underside of the tail mups up dust like no other and can be very high maintenance!<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/realms-between.com\/world\/traits?name=Tail%20Tuft\">Tail Tuft<\/a><br \/>A long tuft on the end of the tail, much longer than the free small fringe that can appear along it.<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/realms-between.com\/world\/traits?name=Edging\">Edging<\/a><br \/>Long fur is found along the edges of the tail. Usually the color of the Li'uhn's trimming.<\/p>","guide":null}},"title":"Tail Types and Tail Fur","is_visible":"1","summary":"Various tail types and fur mutations\/fur types that can effect them","utility_tag":null,"page_tag":null}
Page Created
Length: 1526 (+1526) - Show Raw Data
{"data":{"description":"<p><br \/><br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/26_33_qi2yZjphV9d9UZ8.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"993\" height=\"795\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p>Most of these are shown, but there is one not shown here!<br \/><br \/>Tail types can combine and interact, and can be effected by various fur mutations. The Bare + Flare tail is an example of a trait interaction.<br \/><br \/>The <a href=\"https:\/\/realms-between.com\/world\/traits?name=Ribbon%20Tail\">Ribbon Tail<\/a><br \/>This long, slender tail can be inherited from the <a href=\"https:\/\/realms-between.com\/world\/subtypes?name=Flutterwing\">Flutterwing<\/a><\/p>","guide":null,"parsed":{"description":"<p><br \/><br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/26_33_qi2yZjphV9d9UZ8.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"993\" height=\"795\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p>Most of these are shown, but there is one not shown here!<br \/><br \/>Tail types can combine and interact, and can be effected by various fur mutations. The Bare + Flare tail is an example of a trait interaction.<br \/><br \/>The <a href=\"https:\/\/realms-between.com\/world\/traits?name=Ribbon%20Tail\">Ribbon Tail<\/a><br \/>This long, slender tail can be inherited from the <a href=\"https:\/\/realms-between.com\/world\/subtypes?name=Flutterwing\">Flutterwing<\/a><\/p>","guide":null}},"title":"Tail Types and Tail Fur","is_visible":"1","summary":"Various tail types and fur mutations\/fur types that can effect them","utility_tag":null,"page_tag":null}
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