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Species ・ Races

Kivuuli : Version #112

The Kivuuli, a mysterious and powerful interdimensional semi-humanoid creature. They are rumored to hold the key to the Realms Between.

Basic Information

Kivuuli are a tall and powerful carnivorous furred semi-humanoid inter-dimensional race. They are generally black or dark grey with blue, green, or purple eyes and usually have slightly darker markings in stripes, spots, or a combination of the two that only show under certain light. There are several subspecies with different colors and markings being common from the warm reds of the forest dwelling Met'saa to the whites of the Lippizan to the blue grays of the Maltese or the golden color of Desert Kivuuli.

They are elongated in build, with long limbs and are as comfortable on all fours as they are on two feet. They are incredibly wild, but generally won't attack unless attacked or threatened. Kivuuli are fully sapient and a social species. Despite their fearsome appearance, Kivuuli are a gentle and peaceful race with strong maternal instincts appearing in both males and females.

Kivuuli are very fast, especially when on all fours and live in groups known as Colonies.

Lore and History

Between; Homeworld of the Kivuuli

Imagine the air around you, full of bubbles. Now imagine that each of these bubbles is its own dimension. It's own universe. Has its own laws, and inner workings. Now, imagine all the space between the bubbles. A strange place, between the dimensions; ever shifting and changing. This is where the Kivuuli dwell and come from. The rules of physics do not apply; great islands of stone float through the darkness, covered in forests of strange bioluminescent fungus-like plants and other strange flora. Inhabited by strange creatures of all shapes and sizes, from tiny glowing dragonlike lizards to massive beasts that would put Earth's dinosaurs to shame. Literally anything can happen in Between, any sort of creature, any world, any dimension, any universe. The Kivuuli can reach many worlds and this is part of the reason for their great success as an apex predator.

Harsh, but oddly beautiful, Between is buzzing with strange power and magic and the magical rules and laws of hundreds of dimensions, worlds, and universes clashing together in beautiful chaos. The areas of Between are effected by the laws of the dimensions and worlds closest to them; making Between highly varied. Between is beautiful; but as beautiful as it is it is deadly, thus the Kivuuli have had to adapt in to fast, powerful pack hunting predators that have claws that can slash through granite and a terrible shrieking wail that can drive fear into the hearts of the bravest.

They are fast, able to teleport, and able to face creatures several times their size. This strange place has many names. Darkrealm, Tartarus, Limbo; but many simply call this place the Between; for this is what it is. The realm between dimensions. A strange and mysterious place; beautiful to behold but deadly to those not from there. While most of Between is completely dark aside from glimmers of light here and there and bioluminsecent plants and animals, some isles are ruled by a great orb of energy mimicking a sun. Some have their own weather patterns and day night cycles. Cracks and passages between dimensions are always opening and closing, allowing Kivuuli the ability to enter and leave Between at will, though they must be careful as some rifts are temporary and could close and leave them stranded in a strange and unfamiliar world. Others, still, are horribly unstable and deadly and could rip an unsuspecting Kivuuli to shreds leaving nothing but splatters of blood and the memory of their horrible screams.

Social Habits and Temperament

Anatomy and Physiology

Reproduction and Life Cycle

Mutations and Variations

Other Information