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Species ・ Races

Kivuuli : Version #115

The Kivuuli, a mysterious and powerful interdimensional semi-humanoid creature. They are rumored to hold the key to the Realms Between.

Basic Information

Kivuuli are a tall and powerful carnivorous furred semi-humanoid inter-dimensional race. They are generally black or dark grey with blue, green, or purple eyes and usually have slightly darker markings in stripes, spots, or a combination of the two that only show under certain light. There are several subspecies with different colors and markings being common from the warm reds of the forest dwelling Met'saa to the whites of the Lippizan to the blue grays of the Maltese or the golden color of Desert Kivuuli.

They are elongated in build, with long limbs and are as comfortable on all fours as they are on two feet. They are incredibly wild, but generally won't attack unless attacked or threatened. Kivuuli are fully sapient and a social species. Despite their fearsome appearance, Kivuuli are a gentle and peaceful race with strong maternal instincts appearing in both males and females.

Kivuuli are very fast, especially when on all fours and live in groups known as Colonies.

Lore and History

Between; Homeworld of the Kivuuli

Imagine the air around you, full of bubbles. Now imagine that each of these bubbles is its own dimension. It's own universe. Has its own laws, and inner workings. Now, imagine all the space between the bubbles. A strange place, between the dimensions; ever shifting and changing. This is where the Kivuuli dwell and come from. The rules of physics do not apply; great islands of stone float through the darkness, covered in forests of strange bioluminescent fungus-like plants and other strange flora. Inhabited by strange creatures of all shapes and sizes, from tiny glowing dragonlike lizards to massive beasts that would put Earth's dinosaurs to shame. Literally anything can happen in Between, any sort of creature, any world, any dimension, any universe. The Kivuuli can reach many worlds and this is part of the reason for their great success as an apex predator.

Harsh, but oddly beautiful, Between is buzzing with strange power and magic and the magical rules and laws of hundreds of dimensions, worlds, and universes clashing together in beautiful chaos. The areas of Between are effected by the laws of the dimensions and worlds closest to them; making Between highly varied. Between is beautiful; but as beautiful as it is it is deadly, thus the Kivuuli have had to adapt in to fast, powerful pack hunting predators that have claws that can slash through granite and a terrible shrieking wail that can drive fear into the hearts of the bravest.

They are fast, able to teleport, and able to face creatures several times their size. This strange place has many names. Darkrealm, Tartarus, Limbo; but many simply call this place the Between; for this is what it is. The realm between dimensions. A strange and mysterious place; beautiful to behold but deadly to those not from there. While most of Between is completely dark aside from glimmers of light here and there and bioluminsecent plants and animals, some isles are ruled by a great orb of energy mimicking a sun. Some have their own weather patterns and day night cycles. Cracks and passages between dimensions are always opening and closing, allowing Kivuuli the ability to enter and leave Between at will, though they must be careful as some rifts are temporary and could close and leave them stranded in a strange and unfamiliar world. Others, still, are horribly unstable and deadly and could rip an unsuspecting Kivuuli to shreds leaving nothing but splatters of blood and the memory of their horrible screams.

Social Habits and Temperament

Calls, Vocalizations and Language

Kivuuli voices have a strange, otherworldly quality to them. They sound almost distorted, with a clear staticy crackling undertone. This is likely because of their interdimensional nature.

Their voices are often deep, with a growl or purr like sound mixed in. A Kivuuli speaking is much what a person might imagine a lion’s voice would sound like if it learned to speak. They tend to have emphasis on sharper sounds, like k, z, v, and such, and their r’s are often lengthened slightly in a slight growl or purr. They are fully capable of learning languages aside from their own and, in fact, Kivuuli learn incredibly fast. Despite their wild primitive ways, they are incredibly intelligent.

Outside of speech, they have a whole range of natural vocalizations. When excited or friendly, they let out a sound similar to a chittering cat. Though much deeper and lower in tone. This sound is often used by playful kits, or adults trying to show they mean no harm. Kivuuli also purr. It’s a deep, heavy rumbling sound with a bit of static to it.

They chitter, chirp, chuff, rumble, growl, purr, hiss, click, snarl, roar, howl, and many other sounds.

Chirping is used to call and greet fellow members of their Colony. The chuff is similar to a chuffing tiger, and they use this to greet loved ones and family or close friends. The rumble and growl show varying levels of irritation and/or anger, eventually leading to a wild snarling or finally, their terrible howl or roar.

Purring is an expression of pleasure and contentment.

When injured, they let out soft whimpers and whines.

When sad, they will either be very quiet, whimper softly, or let out a heartbreaking wail when mourning the death of a loved one.

Their language incorporates all of these vocalizations. And they even integrate this when speaking other languages as well.

Kivuuli also rely strongly on body language. The position of one’s ears, tone of voice, and posture can change the meaning of what they are trying to say. Looking at the position of the ears is a great way to tell what mood a Kivuuli is in. When neutral, the ears are out slightly to the sides and in a relaxed position. When alert or shocked, their ears perk up and swivel forward. Their ears often flick and swivel towards any sound, and many times they detect sounds other creatures will not.

When angry, their ears go back, and they lower their ears when sad, or trying to show submission. Higher ranking Kivuuli generally tend to hold their ears perked higher than lower ranking Kivuuli.

Kivuuli can also make a strange tonal almost… droning sound. Somewhere between a thrum and a rumble, it can promote relaxation or healing. The sound is, indeed, very strange. And it is something that is rarely heard among Kivuuli so it is theorized that only a few of them are capable of, or know how to, produce this sound.

Anatomy and Physiology

Appearance and anatomy

Kivuuli are somewhat humanoid in appearance, but have some very clear differences. They are long and lean, with elongated torsos and limbs. The average Kivuuli stands around nine to nine and a half feet tall. They have pawlike digitgrade feet which have four toes, or four toes and a dewclaw. Being interdimensional creatures, they often appear with a strange dark aura around them with what seems like tiny sparks or glimmers of lights appearing and floating aimlessly around them and vanishing again. This aura and particles usually matches the basic color of their eyes. It only shows when they are using, or have recently used their reality bending abilities.

Kivuuli skin is incredibly tough and thick. It takes some strength and a sharp blade to pierce it. They have a coating of fur that is short, but dense and soft. Their natural body temperature is around 105 degrees Fahrenheit, and thus they are very warm to the touch. The fur is usually longest around the shoulders, down the back, and in small fringes around the ankles and wrists.

The fur on a female's ruff is longer and thicker than that of a male, and the skin there is looser and thicker and tougher as well. This serves as a protective barrier against the male's fangs, since they tend to bite during mating. Even then, he does often draw blood though most females don't mind this. It actually feels good to them.

Being interdimensional creatures, Kivuuli are extremely light. Even standing around nine or more feet tall, they rarely weigh over one hundred fifty pounds. This is due to them being made up of something like solidified energy. Light, but incredibly strong. This not fully physical nature also manifests in their spines, claws, and fangs. When angry, they actually extend out and get longer and sharper, and when calm shrink back to normal size and sharpness.

They have scale like spines on their forearms pointing back off the elbow with membranes between them. Similar scale like spines go down their spine, also having membranes between them. These spines flare up when frightened, angry, or threatened. They are also used in dominance displays.

Kivuuli blood is a dark nearly black purple and thicker than human blood.

Males are far more common than females. There are about five males for every one female hatched.


Diet and Feeding

Kivuuli are carnivorous. Their diet consists almost entirely of meat, though they might eat other things if no meat is available. They will sometimes add other things to their diet, such as fruits. Kivuuli tend to love sweets, but they aren’t fond of sour things.

When it comes out the other end, it looks like very large rabbit droppings and simply crumbles to dust if stepped on. Has little to no smell.


Kivuuli have many special abilities they are capable of using.

Teleportation - Kivuuli are able to teleport, though their methods are strange and unique. They are able to bend the fabric of reality around them in minor ways, the most pronounced being the ability to literally tear a crack in reality and step through. The crack always heals itself right after the Kivuuli steps through. Not ALL Kivuuli can do this. It is something that must be taught. Kivuuli can see and sense the flow of energy around them. They can also completely silence their steps, even at a full run.

**Note that they teleport by jumping through the dimension - or, within the bubble. They can not break out of the bubble into greater between, but they do, in a sense, touch Between when teleporting.

Paralyzing Stare - The Paralyzing Stare is an ability Kivuuli developed for hunting and self defense. They stare you right in the eyes, which has a hypnotizing effect, rendering their prey or enemy unable to move. As long as your eyes are locked with the Kivuuli’s, you can’t move. When eye contact is broken, you can move again. Most Kivuuli ONLY use this ability when absolutely necessary. Generally if they are attacked. They catch the person’s gaze, causes them to freeze up, and teleports away to safety as they recover.

Intimidating Howl - The Intimidating Howl is a horrible unearthly howl, laced with the Kivuuli’s reality bending power. It sounds somewhere between a feral howl, savage snarling, horrible shrieking, and radio static. It forces feelings of terror into the one hearing it, giving them the desire to run away. Most can not handle it, and either faint where they are or run in horror. This terrible howl seems to come from every direction at once, making the Kivuuli’s location hard to determine.

Reality Bending - This ability is the underlying cause to many other abilities Kivuuli have. They are able to bend reality around them in minor ways, stifling the sound of their footsteps, stopping you from hearing their breath or smelling them or sensing their presence. They can also leap through cracks in reality to teleport and many other small, but useful applications.

Reproduction and Life Cycle

Mutations and Variations

Other Information