Misc. Page ・ Sulfurhast FAQs and Extra Info

Rarity Guide

(Changes Coming Soon!)

SulfurPoints are a rarity system. The more a design is composed with Sulfurpoints, the rarer! But instead of having a rarity system like "common - uncommon - rare - lengendary - etc", the rare traits are measured with SulfurPoints.


SulfurPoints can be shortly called "SP." They are represented by a bold number between bold brackets; for example (1), (2), (3), (10), etc.

For example, let's take the Horns sheet:

[Image Coming Soon]

It is precised in the description that any non mammal and present on Earth Horns will cost one SulfurPoint, so (1) SP.


You can find every SP options gathered in the full traits sheet.

SulfurPoints are not a money or a currency. They should be considered the same way as MYOs ('make your own'.) For example, instead of having a 'rare MYO', you'll have a 'MYO with (x) SP.'

Like the MYOs, they are a partial liscence to unlock specials traits, design, appearance.

Every SP will be added to the masterlist with your nickname as a proof of ownership.

SulfurPoints will be sold in the same time than MYOs. Participating in events may also reward free SP! More coming soon.

When designing your Sulfurhast, if you own a MYO, you'll be asked to send the visual artwork of your design plus a written list of the traits you added. Here's an example:


Sulfurhast - Hare skull, hare ears, bull horns, cow tail, bear paws, golden leak (1), wings (3)


In this example, the submitted design contains golden leak and wings, for a total of (4) SP. You need to own (4) SP in order to submit such a design. Then, if the design is approved, the (4) SP will be "consumed" and added to the design in the masterlist. Your design will worth (4) SP.

At any time, if you get more SulfurPoints and want update your Sulfurhast with more traits, you can. Just redesign your beast and send it to approval to YokaMycelium. When re-approved, the SP will be deduced from your SP count and will be added to the design.


If you want to redesign your beast simply to change its design, it's also possible. You are allowed to swap traits if the total SP remains the same (unless if you add SP between time.)

For example:


Let's say that you have this Sulfurhast:

Sulfurhast - Hare skull, hare ears, bull horns, cow tail, bear paws, golden leak (1), wings (3)

For a total of (4) SP, but you want to redesign it and change its traits.

You can change the traits with:

Sulfurhast - Hare skull, hare ears, bull horns, cow tail, bear paws, Scales (1), fluid leak (1), Bioluminescence (1), and Metallic bones (1).

The total is still (4) SP so it's valid.