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Misc. Page ・ Sulfurhast FAQs and Extra Info

Trait Sheets : Version #183

Sulfurhast trait list


No matter the aditional traits you choose, Sulfurhastes always have:

- An animal semi-skull face (covered with a thin layer of skin). They can not have humanoid skulls, feet or other traits. They must be animalistic.

- The semi-skull face has very pointy bone cheeks

- A square-tipped tongue

- Claws on humanoid hands

- Anthro legs

- Some protrudring bones in the back

- A rough and thick skin


The size of the animal parts always adapt to the body; meaning that a hare skull, for example, will grow to be human-sized, and same for every animal body parts.


Here are the additional traits. A lot of them are free if you own a MYO, however some have a number at their side; it means that they cost one, two or three SulfurPoints (link) to unlock.



- The head may have another gender. (Cow can become bull, deer can have no horn, etc.)

- The bone cheek is always pointy

- Is covered with a thin layer of skin

- Tongue is square-tipped

- Orbits/eye sockets and ears are optional

The heads above are the most common, however, you may choose any existing animal skull for your Sulfurhast! Extinct and Mythical beasts require a trait.


Orbits/eye sockets (must corrrespond to the skull type)

Orbits/eye sockets with a faint light inside (any color)

Rare: Extinct Animals
Mythic: Mythical Beast, invented animal
It can be a creature from Realms-Between, or a species you own, but you can not use a closed species you don't own for the skull of a Sulfurhast


- They are optional

- They don't have to match the head or ears (for example, you can have a cow head with deer antlers and wolf ears.)

Any mammal's horn (present on Earth + isn't an extinct species) (Free)

Other horns (Demon, dragon, insect, dino, or invented, etc.) (1)

Huge horns (equal or bigger than two times the head's length) (1)



- They are optional

- They don't have to match the head or horns (for example, you can have a cow head with deer antlers and wolf ears.)

- The ears may have species variation (for example, cow ears can become Brahman cow ears for free.)

Sulfurhast can have the ears of any existing animal.


If you unlocked another kind of skull with SulfurPoints, you have unlocked its eventual ears as well for your current design. (For example, if you spent one SulfurPoint to unlock a squirrel's skull, you can add squirrel ears for free.)

 Uncommon: Extra Pairs of Ears

Rare: Extinct Animal
Mythic: Mythical Beast


- The tail is optional and your Sulfurhast can have a bare butt if you want

- It doesn't have to match the other animal parts nor the head (for example, you can have a cow head with a wolf tail.)

- The tail may look healthy or sick (fur loss, apparent bones, etc.)

- The tail may have species variation (for example, a cat tail can become a sphinx or Maine coon cat tail for free.)

A Sulfurhast can have the tail of any existing animal

Rare: Extinct Animal
Mythic: Mythical Beast


Paws, legs

- "Paws" only refers to the feet. The hands of the beast will remain human-like.

- The legs are always anthro-shaped, no matter the chosen paws. If the animal is plantigrade, they may be plantigrade, but the legs should still be animalistic

- It doesn't have to match the other animal parts nor the head (for example, you can have a cow head with hare paws.)

- Thumbs are optional (depends if the necromancer selected back or front paws or the animal.)

The feet can be based on any existing animal


Rare: Extinct Animal
Mythic: Mythical Beast


Other traits

- They are completely optional.

- Other traits can appear at any time in the list and are not limited to the visual sheet only.

Free addons:


Fur (no limit)

Feathers (no limit)

Hand pawpads

Damaged skull

Carved bones/skull

Extra teeth, fang and/or tusks (any head)


Missing limbs / Heavily hurt

Extra bones / Protruding bones (no extra limbs or head)

Skeletal body parts (missing flesh)

Sick, ill aspect (skin problems, fur loss, etc.)

Black smoke constant leak (sulfur powder, toxic)
This can also leak from any wounds, or parts that have exposed skeleton/bones

Spines, Heel Spurs, Talons, other portrusions

Prosthesis (respecting the basic anatomy)


SulfurHast traits and their rarities:


Scales (any size and pattern)
Bleed / fluid leak (Any color and texture)
Metallic bones / markings
Prosthesis (If it is replacing the anatomy, this is a free trait, but things such as guns and weapons instead of arms, for example, require a trait)
Wisps (Wisps appear around the Sulfurhast, like will o wisps. They can glow.

Crystal bones / Gem growth
Ghostly, plasma (body parts or fullbody) (doesn't glow) Though it can glow when interacting with Phosphoresence
Wings (any kind and number)
Phosphorescence. This can take the form of an inner glow coming from the mouth, lighting up the chest, revealing the ribcage. This can also take the form of a ghostly mist flowing from your Sulfur's mouth, eyes, or any areas they are open.

Taur-like body

(Can be centaur-like or another species. Artwork is just an example, and your Taur can be completely different from the sheet.)

Mer-like body

(Can have the body of any aquatic animal. Artwork is just an example, and your Mer can be completely different from the sheet.)


(Don't have to be "twins", nor two merged bodies only (can be three, or more conjointed bodies, all with different features. Add any extra limb(s) and head(s) you want.)

Sulfurhast can gain more forms through art and writing, by hunting prey and gaining Experience.