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Species ・ Races

Il'hune : Version #106

An extinct species of tall, elegant winged giants, the creator of the li'uhn species.

There are six of them left sealed in an oasis under a curse of immortality. There will only ever be six of them, and they are unable to leave the oasis temple they have been tasked to protect after their war destroyed their world and civilization and they are completely incapable of reproducing as part of the curse. Each of the Six Ancestors had a major part in the war that destroyed their world and caused their species to go extinct. Their imprisonment is a punishment, to make them attone for their wrongdoings, and protect the remains of the being they killed to use for their own purposes. They take this very seriously, and do their best to guide the li'uhn down a better path.  Each of the Six has deep regrets over what they did in the past. Especially with none of their own kind left anywhere else in the world.

One of them tried to break the spell, in a way, and create a new il'hune, but she died in the process. The resulting il'hune that replaced her, Tahti, was outcasted. Kaaru took him under his wing and is kind to the kid.

The li'uhn are held back from the level of advancement the il'hune had due to the il'hune having used up the world's resources for their own purposes, though the li'uhn don't seem to mind too much. They're nomadic creatures, constantly on the move.

The Six are Kaaru, Tahti, Rama, Vahanu, Haolani and Dayalu.

Click on their names to take you to their profiles on Realms-Between. This will give you more information about each of the Six, their dynamics with eachother, and their part in the war that destroyed their planet.

Basic Information

Il'hune were tall and powerful beings, natural workers of magic. They were incredibly advanced, and had exhausted their world's resources and gone to war over the last of what the world had to offer. During the height of this, they created life, creatures to do their work for them, the Li'uhn.

They were true giants, standing around 15 feet tall. They were omnivores, though require more meat than vegitation.  They had sharp teeth and sharp retractible claws. They look very similar to Li'uhn, just bigger. They created the smaller beings in their own image.

They were generally proud and fierce, territorial and warlike when resources ran thin. They tried to play god, using a god they killed to create life in their own image, and possible livestock and plants for them to use. The last hundred years their species existed was marked with suffering and pain, with no way to raise food, their technology failing around them, and them dying out until there were none left. Only six remain, under a curse of immortality and sealed away in the central Oasis that was once seen as a holy spot to them.

Even with their advancement, il'hune were very ceremonial and traditional and generally held close to their kind's religous beliefs. They preferred clothing in cream, white and gold, and those with deep golden fur were seen as more attractive. Their blue eyes were striking against ther golden faces. They often wore ceremonial robes when on holy ground, or in the Oasis that was seen as a center of peace before it became the very last place with natural resources and the center of the final, bitter and terrible fighting that resulted in the extinction of the race.


Lore and History

Il'hune ruled their world for thousands and thousands of world. They could be seen in every corner, even in great cities under the ocean with water held back by great glass domes and magic. Their cities were huge and expansive

Social Habits and Temperament

Anatomy and Physiology

Reproduction and Life Cycle

Mutations and Variations

Other Information