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Species ・ Races

Il'hune : Version #35

An extinct species of tall, elegant winged giants, the creator of the li'uhn species.

There are six of them left sealed in an oasis under a curse of immortality. There will only ever be six of them, and they are unable to leave the oasis temple they have been tasked to protect after their war destroyed their world and civilization and they are completely incapable of reproducing as part of the curse.

One of them tried to break the spell, in a way, and create a new il'hune, but she died in the process. The resulting il'hune that replaced her, Tahti, was outcasted. Kaaru took him under his wing and is kind to the kid.

Basic Information

Lore and History

Social Habits and Temperament

Anatomy and Physiology

Reproduction and Life Cycle

Mutations and Variations

Other Information