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Misc. Page ・ Li'uhn Guides

Activities and Prompts : Version #43

The Journey

Li'uhn periodically embark on a pilgremage to visit the Oasis and the Six Il'hune that dwell there. They see the Il'hune as gods. The Oasis is surrounded by the ruins of what was once a great shining city. Depict your Li'uhn during this journey, or arriving at the Oasis. What is their reaction?

800 words if written
Flatcolored fullbody with a background if drawn

Silver Coins
Chance to get an Upgrade Token
-More rewards to come!

The Il'hune

The li'uhn see the il'hun as sacred creatures, ancient and powerful beings. They are giants, but surprisingly similar to the li'uhn in their basic build. Depict your li'uhn encountering one of the Six. Is it their first time in the Oasis? Or have they visited before? What do they think of the il'hune? You can also depict them interacting with the il'hune in general

800 words if written
flatcolored fullbody with a background if drawn. At least some of the il'hune should show

Silver Coins
Chance to get an upgrade token
Some extra Experience
-More rewards to come!