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{"data":{"description":"<h2 id=\"viewer-45d4c\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhast trait list<\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p> <\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5qk0j\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No matter the aditional traits you choose, Sulfurhastes always have:<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3tb08\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- An animal semi-skull face (covered with a thin layer of skin). They<\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> can not have humanoid skulls, feet or other traits. They must be animalistic.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ac0od\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The semi-skull face has very pointy bone cheeks<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9scmm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- A square-tipped tongue<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9aoab\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Claws on humanoid hands<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7bk6k\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Anthro legs<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7gumd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Some protrudring bones in the back<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3b5qn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- A rough and thick skin<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-2hvhq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9hvln\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The size of the animal parts always adapt to the body; meaning that a hare skull, for example, will grow to be human-sized, and same for every animal body parts. <br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-6q5ct\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/97_133_faGWjfYOB1MqqkB.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1059\" height=\"1552\" \/><br \/><br \/><\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8sfdc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Here are the additional traits. A lot of them are free if you own a MYO, <strong>however <\/strong>some have a number at their side; it means that they cost one, two or three <strong>SulfurPoints<\/strong> (link) to unlock.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"> <\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-fokm\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Head<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-76gns\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The head may have another gender. (Cow can become bull, deer can have no horn, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-e3m7d\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The bone cheek is always pointy<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5q0f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Is covered with a thin layer of skin<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fcdss\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Tongue is square-tipped<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9okok\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Orbits\/eye sockets and ears are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/105_136_UUyJNllSYqcJZnK.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"965\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cjern\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">The heads above are the most common, however, you may choose any existing animal skull for your Sulfurhast! Extinct and Mythical beasts require a trait.<\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-9kg9m\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-53dq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Orbits\/eye sockets (must corrrespond to the skull type)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-39hl3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Orbits\/eye sockets with a faint light inside (any color)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2rk1n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animals<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast, invented animal<br \/>It can be a creature from Realms-Between, or a species you own, but you can not use a closed species you don't own for the skull of a Sulfurhast<\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-1i4d9\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Horns<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7rsa3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-c3dnd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They don't have to match the head or ears (for example, you can have a cow head with deer antlers and wolf ears.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/106_137_vjSdHwM0guXmMVG.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"410\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5g945\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any mammal's horn (present on Earth + isn't an extinct species) (Free)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-69fim\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Other horns (Demon, dragon, insect, dino, or invented, etc.) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5kkfh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Huge horns (equal or bigger than two times the head's length) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-64h0n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-e3ac\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Ears<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-69rpm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-65na6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They don't have to match the head or horns (for example, you can have a cow head with deer antlers and wolf ears.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9h8rf\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The ears may have species variation (for example, cow ears can become Brahman cow ears for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/104_135_y6t4EsS7bTWcusS.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"514\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6pkqv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhast can have the ears of any existing animal.<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-882b\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"> <\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5k53p\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">If you unlocked another kind of skull with SulfurPoints, you have unlocked its eventual ears as well for your <u class=\"_3zM-5\">current<\/u> design. (For example, if you spent one SulfurPoint to unlock a squirrel's skull, you can add squirrel ears for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-c53a3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> Uncommon: Extra Pairs of Ears<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6m2fu\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animal<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast<br \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-7bcsd\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Tail<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-77sah\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail is optional and your Sulfurhast can have a bare butt if you want<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8s5p5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- It doesn't have to match the other animal parts nor the head (for example, you can have a cow head with a wolf tail.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-a9dss\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail may look healthy or sick (fur loss, apparent bones, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9pnm5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail may have species variation (for example, a cat tail can become a sphinx or Maine coon cat tail for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/100_134_90JxuzYFnlkChwu.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"830\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d2akk\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">A Sulfurhast can have the tail of any existing animal<\/p>\r\n<p><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animal<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p> <\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-1ap4a\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Paws, legs<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7vc4t\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- \"Paws\" only refers to the feet. The hands of the beast will remain human-like.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3i5g0\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The legs are always anthro-shaped, no matter the chosen paws. If the animal is plantigrade, they may be plantigrade, but the legs should still be animalistic<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-b9635\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- It doesn't have to match the other animal parts nor the head (for example, you can have a cow head with hare paws.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-83ljs\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Thumbs are optional (depends if the necromancer selected back or front paws or the animal.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/108_139_uTbLdk4ECqWB24z.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"631\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8roqn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">The feet can be based on any existing animal<\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-c5cu6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animal<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p> <\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-5nto5\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Other traits<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dds6v\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They are completely optional.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6qruh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Other traits can appear at any time in the list and are not limited to the visual sheet only.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/107_138_NyUSS8ujbFu7p3U.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"1502\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5u1t5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Free addons: <\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-5fvt3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1m0pm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Fur (no limit)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1a04i\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Feathers (no limit)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2lrpm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hand pawpads<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-flni\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Damaged skull<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f066n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Carved bones\/skull<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8j70c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Extra teeth, fang and\/or tusks (any head)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7f4o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Stitches<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5pbv9\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Missing limbs \/ Heavily hurt<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ah4ml\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Extra bones \/ Protruding bones (no extra limbs or head)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8o3ri\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Skeletal body parts (missing flesh)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3433o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sick, ill aspect (skin problems, fur loss, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4js1h\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Black smoke constant leak (sulfur powder, toxic)<br \/>This can also leak from any wounds, or parts that have exposed skeleton\/bones<br \/><br \/>Spines, Heel Spurs, Talons, other portrusions<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ahgr7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Prosthesis (respecting the basic anatomy)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-4cqc2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-8lj24\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-agprj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>SulfurHast traits and their rarities:<br \/><\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-5hsn6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Uncommon<\/strong><br \/>Scales (any size and pattern)<strong><br \/><\/strong>Ooze: Bleed \/ fluid leak (Any color and texture, can glow if interacting with Phosphorescence<strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Metallic bones \/ markings<br \/><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Prosthesis (If it is replacing the anatomy, this is a free trait, but things such as guns and weapons instead of arms, for example, require a trait) <br \/><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wisps (Wisps appear around the Sulfurhast, like will o wisps. They can glow.<br \/><\/span><br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Rare<\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Crystal bones \/ Gem growth<strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Ghostly, plasma (body parts or fullbody) (doesn't glow) Though it can glow when interacting with Phosphoresence<\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wings (any kind and number)<strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Phosphorescence. This can take the form of an inner glow coming from the mouth, lighting up the chest, revealing the ribcage. This can also take the form of a ghostly mist flowing from your Sulfur's mouth, eyes, or any areas they are open.<br \/><\/span><br \/><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Mythic<\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Taur-like body<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d10d6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Can be centaur-like or another species. Artwork is just an example, and your Taur can be completely different from the sheet.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6tkmg\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Mer-like body<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ai05a\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Can have the body of any aquatic animal. Artwork is just an example, and your Mer can be completely different from the sheet.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4tbfj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Conjointed<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1cbg3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Don't have to be \"twins\", nor two merged bodies only (can be three, or more conjointed bodies, all with different features. Add any extra limb(s) and head(s) you want.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7hh48\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><br \/>Sulfurhast can gain more forms through art and writing, by hunting prey and gaining Experience.<\/p>","parsed":{"description":"<h2 id=\"viewer-45d4c\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhast trait list<\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p> <\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5qk0j\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No matter the aditional traits you choose, Sulfurhastes always have:<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3tb08\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- An animal semi-skull face (covered with a thin layer of skin). They<\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> can not have humanoid skulls, feet or other traits. They must be animalistic.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ac0od\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The semi-skull face has very pointy bone cheeks<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9scmm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- A square-tipped tongue<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9aoab\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Claws on humanoid hands<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7bk6k\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Anthro legs<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7gumd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Some protrudring bones in the back<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3b5qn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- A rough and thick skin<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-2hvhq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9hvln\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The size of the animal parts always adapt to the body; meaning that a hare skull, for example, will grow to be human-sized, and same for every animal body parts. <br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-6q5ct\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/97_133_faGWjfYOB1MqqkB.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1059\" height=\"1552\" \/><br \/><br \/><\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8sfdc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Here are the additional traits. A lot of them are free if you own a MYO, <strong>however <\/strong>some have a number at their side; it means that they cost one, two or three <strong>SulfurPoints<\/strong> (link) to unlock.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"> <\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-fokm\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Head<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-76gns\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The head may have another gender. (Cow can become bull, deer can have no horn, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-e3m7d\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The bone cheek is always pointy<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5q0f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Is covered with a thin layer of skin<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fcdss\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Tongue is square-tipped<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9okok\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Orbits\/eye sockets and ears are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/105_136_UUyJNllSYqcJZnK.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"965\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cjern\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">The heads above are the most common, however, you may choose any existing animal skull for your Sulfurhast! Extinct and Mythical beasts require a trait.<\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-9kg9m\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-53dq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Orbits\/eye sockets (must corrrespond to the skull type)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-39hl3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Orbits\/eye sockets with a faint light inside (any color)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2rk1n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animals<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast, invented animal<br \/>It can be a creature from Realms-Between, or a species you own, but you can not use a closed species you don't own for the skull of a Sulfurhast<\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-1i4d9\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Horns<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7rsa3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-c3dnd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They don't have to match the head or ears (for example, you can have a cow head with deer antlers and wolf ears.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/106_137_vjSdHwM0guXmMVG.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"410\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5g945\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any mammal's horn (present on Earth + isn't an extinct species) (Free)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-69fim\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Other horns (Demon, dragon, insect, dino, or invented, etc.) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5kkfh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Huge horns (equal or bigger than two times the head's length) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-64h0n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-e3ac\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Ears<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-69rpm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-65na6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They don't have to match the head or horns (for example, you can have a cow head with deer antlers and wolf ears.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9h8rf\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The ears may have species variation (for example, cow ears can become Brahman cow ears for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/104_135_y6t4EsS7bTWcusS.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"514\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6pkqv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhast can have the ears of any existing animal.<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-882b\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"> <\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5k53p\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">If you unlocked another kind of skull with SulfurPoints, you have unlocked its eventual ears as well for your <u class=\"_3zM-5\">current<\/u> design. (For example, if you spent one SulfurPoint to unlock a squirrel's skull, you can add squirrel ears for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-c53a3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> Uncommon: Extra Pairs of Ears<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6m2fu\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animal<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast<br \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-7bcsd\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Tail<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-77sah\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail is optional and your Sulfurhast can have a bare butt if you want<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8s5p5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- It doesn't have to match the other animal parts nor the head (for example, you can have a cow head with a wolf tail.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-a9dss\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail may look healthy or sick (fur loss, apparent bones, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9pnm5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail may have species variation (for example, a cat tail can become a sphinx or Maine coon cat tail for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/100_134_90JxuzYFnlkChwu.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"830\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d2akk\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">A Sulfurhast can have the tail of any existing animal<\/p>\r\n<p><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animal<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p> <\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-1ap4a\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Paws, legs<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7vc4t\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- \"Paws\" only refers to the feet. The hands of the beast will remain human-like.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3i5g0\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The legs are always anthro-shaped, no matter the chosen paws. If the animal is plantigrade, they may be plantigrade, but the legs should still be animalistic<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-b9635\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- It doesn't have to match the other animal parts nor the head (for example, you can have a cow head with hare paws.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-83ljs\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Thumbs are optional (depends if the necromancer selected back or front paws or the animal.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/108_139_uTbLdk4ECqWB24z.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"631\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8roqn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">The feet can be based on any existing animal<\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-c5cu6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animal<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p> <\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-5nto5\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Other traits<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dds6v\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They are completely optional.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6qruh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Other traits can appear at any time in the list and are not limited to the visual sheet only.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/107_138_NyUSS8ujbFu7p3U.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"1502\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5u1t5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Free addons: <\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-5fvt3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1m0pm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Fur (no limit)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1a04i\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Feathers (no limit)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2lrpm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hand pawpads<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-flni\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Damaged skull<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f066n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Carved bones\/skull<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8j70c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Extra teeth, fang and\/or tusks (any head)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7f4o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Stitches<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5pbv9\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Missing limbs \/ Heavily hurt<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ah4ml\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Extra bones \/ Protruding bones (no extra limbs or head)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8o3ri\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Skeletal body parts (missing flesh)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3433o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sick, ill aspect (skin problems, fur loss, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4js1h\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Black smoke constant leak (sulfur powder, toxic)<br \/>This can also leak from any wounds, or parts that have exposed skeleton\/bones<br \/><br \/>Spines, Heel Spurs, Talons, other portrusions<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ahgr7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Prosthesis (respecting the basic anatomy)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-4cqc2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-8lj24\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-agprj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>SulfurHast traits and their rarities:<br \/><\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-5hsn6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Uncommon<\/strong><br \/>Scales (any size and pattern)<strong><br \/><\/strong>Ooze: Bleed \/ fluid leak (Any color and texture, can glow if interacting with Phosphorescence<strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Metallic bones \/ markings<br \/><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Prosthesis (If it is replacing the anatomy, this is a free trait, but things such as guns and weapons instead of arms, for example, require a trait) <br \/><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wisps (Wisps appear around the Sulfurhast, like will o wisps. They can glow.<br \/><\/span><br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Rare<\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Crystal bones \/ Gem growth<strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Ghostly, plasma (body parts or fullbody) (doesn't glow) Though it can glow when interacting with Phosphoresence<\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wings (any kind and number)<strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Phosphorescence. This can take the form of an inner glow coming from the mouth, lighting up the chest, revealing the ribcage. This can also take the form of a ghostly mist flowing from your Sulfur's mouth, eyes, or any areas they are open.<br \/><\/span><br \/><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Mythic<\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Taur-like body<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d10d6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Can be centaur-like or another species. Artwork is just an example, and your Taur can be completely different from the sheet.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6tkmg\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Mer-like body<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ai05a\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Can have the body of any aquatic animal. Artwork is just an example, and your Mer can be completely different from the sheet.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4tbfj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Conjointed<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1cbg3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Don't have to be \"twins\", nor two merged bodies only (can be three, or more conjointed bodies, all with different features. Add any extra limb(s) and head(s) you want.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7hh48\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><br \/>Sulfurhast can gain more forms through art and writing, by hunting prey and gaining Experience.<\/p>"}},"title":"Trait Sheets","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":["wip"],"page_tag":null}
Page Updated
Length: 54098 (-2172) - Show Raw Data
{"data":{"description":"<h2 id=\"viewer-45d4c\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhast trait list<\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p> <\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5qk0j\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No matter the aditional traits you choose, Sulfurhastes always have:<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3tb08\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- An animal semi-skull face (covered with a thin layer of skin). They<\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> can not have humanoid skulls, feet or other traits. They must be animalistic.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ac0od\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The semi-skull face has very pointy bone cheeks<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9scmm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- A square-tipped tongue<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9aoab\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Claws on humanoid hands<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7bk6k\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Anthro legs<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7gumd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Some protrudring bones in the back<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3b5qn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- A rough and thick skin<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-2hvhq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9hvln\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The size of the animal parts always adapt to the body; meaning that a hare skull, for example, will grow to be human-sized, and same for every animal body parts. <br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-6q5ct\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/97_133_faGWjfYOB1MqqkB.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1059\" height=\"1552\" \/><br \/><br \/><\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8sfdc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Here are the additional traits. A lot of them are free if you own a MYO, <strong>however <\/strong>some have a number at their side; it means that they cost one, two or three <strong>SulfurPoints<\/strong> (link) to unlock.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"> <\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-fokm\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Head<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-76gns\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The head may have another gender. (Cow can become bull, deer can have no horn, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-e3m7d\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The bone cheek is always pointy<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5q0f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Is covered with a thin layer of skin<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fcdss\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Tongue is square-tipped<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9okok\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Orbits\/eye sockets and ears are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/105_136_UUyJNllSYqcJZnK.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"965\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cjern\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">The heads above are the most common, however, you may choose any existing animal skull for your Sulfurhast! Extinct and Mythical beasts require a trait.<\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-9kg9m\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-53dq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Orbits\/eye sockets (must corrrespond to the skull type)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-39hl3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Orbits\/eye sockets with a faint light inside (any color)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2rk1n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animals<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast, invented animal<br \/>It can be a creature from Realms-Between, or a species you own, but you can not use a closed species you don't own for the skull of a Sulfurhast<\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-1i4d9\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Horns<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7rsa3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-c3dnd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They don't have to match the head or ears (for example, you can have a cow head with deer antlers and wolf ears.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/106_137_vjSdHwM0guXmMVG.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"410\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5g945\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any mammal's horn (present on Earth + isn't an extinct species) (Free)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-69fim\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Other horns (Demon, dragon, insect, dino, or invented, etc.) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5kkfh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Huge horns (equal or bigger than two times the head's length) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-64h0n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-e3ac\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Ears<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-69rpm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-65na6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They don't have to match the head or horns (for example, you can have a cow head with deer antlers and wolf ears.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9h8rf\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The ears may have species variation (for example, cow ears can become Brahman cow ears for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/104_135_y6t4EsS7bTWcusS.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"514\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6pkqv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhast can have the ears of any existing animal.<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-882b\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"> <\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5k53p\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">If you unlocked another kind of skull with SulfurPoints, you have unlocked its eventual ears as well for your <u class=\"_3zM-5\">current<\/u> design. (For example, if you spent one SulfurPoint to unlock a squirrel's skull, you can add squirrel ears for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-c53a3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> Uncommon: Extra Pairs of Ears<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6m2fu\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animal<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast<br \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-7bcsd\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Tail<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-77sah\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail is optional and your Sulfurhast can have a bare butt if you want<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8s5p5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- It doesn't have to match the other animal parts nor the head (for example, you can have a cow head with a wolf tail.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-a9dss\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail may look healthy or sick (fur loss, apparent bones, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9pnm5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail may have species variation (for example, a cat tail can become a sphinx or Maine coon cat tail for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/100_134_90JxuzYFnlkChwu.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"830\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d2akk\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">A Sulfurhast can have the tail of any existing animal<\/p>\r\n<p><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animal<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p> <\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-1ap4a\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Paws, legs<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7vc4t\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- \"Paws\" only refers to the feet. The hands of the beast will remain human-like.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3i5g0\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The legs are always anthro-shaped, no matter the chosen paws. If the animal is plantigrade, they may be plantigrade, but the legs should still be animalistic<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-b9635\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- It doesn't have to match the other animal parts nor the head (for example, you can have a cow head with hare paws.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-83ljs\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Thumbs are optional (depends if the necromancer selected back or front paws or the animal.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/108_139_uTbLdk4ECqWB24z.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"631\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8roqn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">The feet can be based on any existing animal<\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-c5cu6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animal<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p> <\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-5nto5\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Other traits<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dds6v\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They are completely optional.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6qruh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Other traits can appear at any time in the list and are not limited to the visual sheet only.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/107_138_NyUSS8ujbFu7p3U.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"1502\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5u1t5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Free addons: <\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-5fvt3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1m0pm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Fur (no limit)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1a04i\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Feathers (no limit)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2lrpm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hand pawpads<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-flni\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Damaged skull<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f066n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Carved bones\/skull<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8j70c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Extra teeth, fang and\/or tusks (any head)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7f4o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Stitches<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5pbv9\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Missing limbs \/ Heavily hurt<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ah4ml\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Extra bones \/ Protruding bones (no extra limbs or head)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8o3ri\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Skeletal body parts (missing flesh)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3433o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sick, ill aspect (skin problems, fur loss, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4js1h\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Black smoke constant leak (sulfur powder, toxic)<br \/>This can also leak from any wounds, or parts that have exposed skeleton\/bones<br \/><br \/>Spines, Heel Spurs, Talons, other portrusions<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ahgr7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Prosthesis (respecting the basic anatomy)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-4cqc2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-8lj24\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-agprj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>SulfurHast traits and their rarities:<br \/><\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-5hsn6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Uncommon<\/strong><br \/>Scales (any size and pattern)<strong><br \/><\/strong>Bleed \/ fluid leak (Any color and texture)<strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Metallic bones \/ markings<br \/><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Prosthesis (If it is replacing the anatomy, this is a free trait, but things such as guns and weapons instead of arms, for example, require a trait) <br \/><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wisps (Wisps appear around the Sulfurhast, like will o wisps. They can glow.<br \/><\/span><br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Rare<\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Crystal bones \/ Gem growth<strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Ghostly, plasma (body parts or fullbody) (doesn't glow) Though it can glow when interacting with Phosphoresence<\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wings (any kind and number)<strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Phosphorescence. This can take the form of an inner glow coming from the mouth, lighting up the chest, revealing the ribcage. This can also take the form of a ghostly mist flowing from your Sulfur's mouth, eyes, or any areas they are open.<br \/><\/span><br \/><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Mythic<\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Taur-like body<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d10d6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Can be centaur-like or another species. Artwork is just an example, and your Taur can be completely different from the sheet.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6tkmg\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Mer-like body<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ai05a\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Can have the body of any aquatic animal. Artwork is just an example, and your Mer can be completely different from the sheet.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4tbfj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Conjointed<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1cbg3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Don't have to be \"twins\", nor two merged bodies only (can be three, or more conjointed bodies, all with different features. Add any extra limb(s) and head(s) you want.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7hh48\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><br \/>Sulfurhast can gain more forms through art and writing, by hunting prey and gaining Experience.<\/p>","parsed":{"description":"<h2 id=\"viewer-45d4c\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhast trait list<\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p> <\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5qk0j\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No matter the aditional traits you choose, Sulfurhastes always have:<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3tb08\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- An animal semi-skull face (covered with a thin layer of skin). They<\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> can not have humanoid skulls, feet or other traits. They must be animalistic.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ac0od\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The semi-skull face has very pointy bone cheeks<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9scmm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- A square-tipped tongue<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9aoab\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Claws on humanoid hands<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7bk6k\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Anthro legs<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7gumd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Some protrudring bones in the back<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3b5qn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- A rough and thick skin<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-2hvhq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9hvln\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The size of the animal parts always adapt to the body; meaning that a hare skull, for example, will grow to be human-sized, and same for every animal body parts. <br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-6q5ct\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/97_133_faGWjfYOB1MqqkB.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1059\" height=\"1552\" \/><br \/><br \/><\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8sfdc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Here are the additional traits. A lot of them are free if you own a MYO, <strong>however <\/strong>some have a number at their side; it means that they cost one, two or three <strong>SulfurPoints<\/strong> (link) to unlock.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"> <\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-fokm\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Head<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-76gns\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The head may have another gender. (Cow can become bull, deer can have no horn, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-e3m7d\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The bone cheek is always pointy<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5q0f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Is covered with a thin layer of skin<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fcdss\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Tongue is square-tipped<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9okok\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Orbits\/eye sockets and ears are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/105_136_UUyJNllSYqcJZnK.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"965\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cjern\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">The heads above are the most common, however, you may choose any existing animal skull for your Sulfurhast! Extinct and Mythical beasts require a trait.<\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-9kg9m\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-53dq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Orbits\/eye sockets (must corrrespond to the skull type)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-39hl3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Orbits\/eye sockets with a faint light inside (any color)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2rk1n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animals<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast, invented animal<br \/>It can be a creature from Realms-Between, or a species you own, but you can not use a closed species you don't own for the skull of a Sulfurhast<\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-1i4d9\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Horns<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7rsa3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-c3dnd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They don't have to match the head or ears (for example, you can have a cow head with deer antlers and wolf ears.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/106_137_vjSdHwM0guXmMVG.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"410\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5g945\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any mammal's horn (present on Earth + isn't an extinct species) (Free)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-69fim\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Other horns (Demon, dragon, insect, dino, or invented, etc.) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5kkfh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Huge horns (equal or bigger than two times the head's length) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-64h0n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-e3ac\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Ears<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-69rpm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-65na6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They don't have to match the head or horns (for example, you can have a cow head with deer antlers and wolf ears.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9h8rf\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The ears may have species variation (for example, cow ears can become Brahman cow ears for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/104_135_y6t4EsS7bTWcusS.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"514\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6pkqv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhast can have the ears of any existing animal.<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-882b\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"> <\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5k53p\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">If you unlocked another kind of skull with SulfurPoints, you have unlocked its eventual ears as well for your <u class=\"_3zM-5\">current<\/u> design. (For example, if you spent one SulfurPoint to unlock a squirrel's skull, you can add squirrel ears for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-c53a3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> Uncommon: Extra Pairs of Ears<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6m2fu\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animal<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast<br \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-7bcsd\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Tail<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-77sah\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail is optional and your Sulfurhast can have a bare butt if you want<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8s5p5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- It doesn't have to match the other animal parts nor the head (for example, you can have a cow head with a wolf tail.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-a9dss\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail may look healthy or sick (fur loss, apparent bones, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9pnm5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail may have species variation (for example, a cat tail can become a sphinx or Maine coon cat tail for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/100_134_90JxuzYFnlkChwu.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"830\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d2akk\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">A Sulfurhast can have the tail of any existing animal<\/p>\r\n<p><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animal<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p> <\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-1ap4a\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Paws, legs<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7vc4t\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- \"Paws\" only refers to the feet. The hands of the beast will remain human-like.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3i5g0\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The legs are always anthro-shaped, no matter the chosen paws. If the animal is plantigrade, they may be plantigrade, but the legs should still be animalistic<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-b9635\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- It doesn't have to match the other animal parts nor the head (for example, you can have a cow head with hare paws.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-83ljs\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Thumbs are optional (depends if the necromancer selected back or front paws or the animal.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/108_139_uTbLdk4ECqWB24z.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"631\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8roqn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">The feet can be based on any existing animal<\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-c5cu6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animal<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p> <\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-5nto5\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Other traits<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dds6v\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They are completely optional.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6qruh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Other traits can appear at any time in the list and are not limited to the visual sheet only.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/107_138_NyUSS8ujbFu7p3U.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"1502\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5u1t5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Free addons: <\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-5fvt3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1m0pm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Fur (no limit)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1a04i\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Feathers (no limit)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2lrpm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hand pawpads<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-flni\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Damaged skull<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f066n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Carved bones\/skull<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8j70c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Extra teeth, fang and\/or tusks (any head)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7f4o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Stitches<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5pbv9\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Missing limbs \/ Heavily hurt<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ah4ml\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Extra bones \/ Protruding bones (no extra limbs or head)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8o3ri\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Skeletal body parts (missing flesh)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3433o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sick, ill aspect (skin problems, fur loss, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4js1h\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Black smoke constant leak (sulfur powder, toxic)<br \/>This can also leak from any wounds, or parts that have exposed skeleton\/bones<br \/><br \/>Spines, Heel Spurs, Talons, other portrusions<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ahgr7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Prosthesis (respecting the basic anatomy)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-4cqc2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-8lj24\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-agprj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>SulfurHast traits and their rarities:<br \/><\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-5hsn6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Uncommon<\/strong><br \/>Scales (any size and pattern)<strong><br \/><\/strong>Bleed \/ fluid leak (Any color and texture)<strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Metallic bones \/ markings<br \/><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Prosthesis (If it is replacing the anatomy, this is a free trait, but things such as guns and weapons instead of arms, for example, require a trait) <br \/><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wisps (Wisps appear around the Sulfurhast, like will o wisps. They can glow.<br \/><\/span><br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Rare<\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Crystal bones \/ Gem growth<strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Ghostly, plasma (body parts or fullbody) (doesn't glow) Though it can glow when interacting with Phosphoresence<\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wings (any kind and number)<strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Phosphorescence. This can take the form of an inner glow coming from the mouth, lighting up the chest, revealing the ribcage. This can also take the form of a ghostly mist flowing from your Sulfur's mouth, eyes, or any areas they are open.<br \/><\/span><br \/><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Mythic<\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Taur-like body<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d10d6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Can be centaur-like or another species. Artwork is just an example, and your Taur can be completely different from the sheet.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6tkmg\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Mer-like body<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ai05a\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Can have the body of any aquatic animal. Artwork is just an example, and your Mer can be completely different from the sheet.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4tbfj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Conjointed<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1cbg3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Don't have to be \"twins\", nor two merged bodies only (can be three, or more conjointed bodies, all with different features. Add any extra limb(s) and head(s) you want.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7hh48\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><br \/>Sulfurhast can gain more forms through art and writing, by hunting prey and gaining Experience.<\/p>"}},"title":"Trait Sheets","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":["wip"],"page_tag":null}
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{"data":{"description":"<h2 id=\"viewer-45d4c\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhast trait list<\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5qk0j\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No matter the aditional traits you choose, Sulfurhastes always have:<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3tb08\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- An animal semi-skull face (covered with a thin layer of skin)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ac0od\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The semi-skull face has very pointy bone cheeks<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9scmm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- A square-tipped tongue<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9aoab\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Claws on humanoid hands<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7bk6k\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Anthro legs<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7gumd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Some protrudring bones in the back<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3b5qn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- A rough and thick skin<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-2hvhq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9hvln\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The size of the animal parts always adapt to the body; meaning that a hare skull, for example, will grow to be human-sized, and same for every animal body parts. <br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-6q5ct\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When species variations are possible, it only considers species bearing the same name. For example, the cat tail can vary for the tail of the sphinx cat or Maine coon cat; but it does not include lion or puma tails, or other feline tails.<br \/><br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/97_119_3A5lAk7aRqjvdTF.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1067\" height=\"1564\" \/><br \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8sfdc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Here are the additional traits. A lot of them are free if you own a MYO, <strong>however <\/strong>some have a number at their side; it means that they cost one, two or three <strong>SulfurPoints<\/strong> (link) to unlock.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d1bff\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>(1)<\/strong> = This trait costs 1 SulfurPoint<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3nslo\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>(2)<\/strong> = This trait costs 2 SulfurPoint<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fa7ac\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>(3)<\/strong> = This trait costs 3 SulfurPoint<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6q9j\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>(x)<\/strong> = This trait costs x SulfurPoint<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"> <\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-fokm\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Head<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-76gns\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The head may have another gender. (Cow can become bull, deer can have no horn, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-e3m7d\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The bone cheek is always pointy<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5q0f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Is covered with a thin layer of skin<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fcdss\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Tongue is square-tipped<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9okok\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Orbits\/eye sockets and ears are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/105_127_66PsubTwE4sGuOs.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1077\" height=\"1014\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cjern\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">The heads above are the most common, however, you may choose any existing animal skull for your Sulfurhast! Extinct and Mythical beasts require a trait.<\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-9kg9m\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-53dq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Orbits\/eye sockets (must correcpond to the skull)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-39hl3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Orbits\/eye sockets with a faint light inside (any color)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2rk1n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animals<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast, invented animal<br \/>It can be a creature from Realms-Between, or a species you own, but you can not use a closed species you don't own for the skull of a Sulfurhast<\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-1i4d9\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Horns<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7rsa3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Their are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-c3dnd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They don't have to match the head or ears (for example, you can have a cow head with deer antlers and wolf ears.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/106_128_uHNMlg9ieUspooB.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1081\" height=\"433\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5g945\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any mammal's horn (present on Earth + isn't an extinct species) (Free)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-69fim\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Other horns (Demon, dragon, insect, dino, or invented, etc.) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5kkfh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Huge horns (equal or bigger than two times the head's length) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-64h0n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-e3ac\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Ears<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-69rpm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-65na6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They don't have to match the head or horns (for example, you can have a cow head with deer antlers and wolf ears.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9h8rf\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The ears may have species variation (for example, cow ears can become Brahman cow ears for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/104_126_BNKQgT9N5H6AHdM.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1081\" height=\"542\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6pkqv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhast can have the ears of any existing animal.<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-882b\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"> <\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5k53p\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">If you unlocked another kind of skull with SulfurPoints, you have unlocked its eventual ears as well for your <u class=\"_3zM-5\">current<\/u> design. (For example, if you spent one SulfurPoint to unlock a squirrel's skull, you can add squirrel ears for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-c53a3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> Uncommon: Extra Pairs of Ears<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6m2fu\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animal<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast<br \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-7bcsd\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Tail<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-77sah\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail is optional and your Sulfurhast can have a bare butt if you want<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8s5p5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- It doesn't have to match the other animal parts nor the head (for example, you can have a cow head with a wolf tail.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-a9dss\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail may look healthy or sick (fur loss, apparent bones, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9pnm5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail may have species variation (for example, a cat tail can become a sphinx or Maine coon cat tail for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/100_122_R7cZLsS5LxlYsVB.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1080\" height=\"874\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d2akk\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">A Sulfurhast can have the tail of any existing animal<\/p>\r\n<p><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animal<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p> <\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-1ap4a\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Paws, legs<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7vc4t\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- \"Paws\" only refers to the feet. The hands of the beast will remain human-like.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3i5g0\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The legs are always anthro-shaped, no matter the chosen paws.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-b9635\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- It doesn't have to match the other animal parts nor the head (for example, you can have a cow head with hare paws.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-83ljs\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Thumbs are optional (depends if the necromancer selected back or front paws or the animal.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/108_130_FnKJ0nqt8JPjUnL.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1081\" height=\"665\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8roqn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">The feet can be based on any existing animal<\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-c5cu6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animal<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p> <\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-5nto5\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Other traits<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dds6v\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They are completely optional.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6qruh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Other traits can appear at any time in the list and are not limited to the visual sheet only.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/107_129_YgkU4ptUu6xZ4Dj.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1079\" height=\"1580\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5u1t5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Free addons: <\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-5fvt3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1m0pm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Fur (no limit)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1a04i\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Feathers (no limit)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2lrpm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hand pawpads<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-flni\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Damaged skull<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f066n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Carved bones\/skull<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8j70c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Extra teeth, fang and\/or tusks (any head)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7f4o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Stitches<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5pbv9\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Missing limbs \/ Heavily hurt<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ah4ml\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Extra bones \/ Protruding bones (no extra limbs or head)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8o3ri\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Skeletal body parts (missing flesh)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3433o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sick, ill aspect (skin problems, fur loss, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4js1h\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Black smoke constant leak (sulfur powder, toxic)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ahgr7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Prosthesis (respecting the basic anatomy)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-4cqc2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-8lj24\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-agprj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>SulfurPoint traits:<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-5hsn6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6bits\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Uncommon<\/strong><br \/>Scales (any size and pattern) <strong>(1)<br \/><\/strong>Bleed \/ fluid leak (Any color and texture) <strong>(1)<br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Bioluminescence \/ phosphorescence <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Rare<br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Metallic bones \/ markings <strong>(1)<br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Crystal bones \/ Gem growth <strong>(1)<br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Ghostly, plasma (body parts or fullbody) (doesn't glow) <strong>(2)<br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Prosthesis (not respecting the basic anatomy. Example: gun arm) <strong>(2)<br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wings (any kind and number) (3)<br \/>Anything else (3)<strong><br \/><br \/>Mythic<\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Taur-like body <strong>(10)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d10d6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Can be centaur-like or another species. Artwork is just an example, and your Taur can be completely different from the sheet.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6tkmg\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Mer-like body <strong>(10)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ai05a\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Can have the body of any aquatic animal. Artwork is just an example, and your Mer can be completely different from the sheet.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4tbfj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Conjointed twins <strong>(10)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1cbg3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Don't have to be \"twins\", nor two merged bodies only (can be three, or more conjointed bodies, all with different features. Add any extra limb(s) and head(s) you want.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-3eii9\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2d1di\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Gives the Sulfurhast two preys, and thus two transformations instead of one <strong>(10)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7hh48\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Gives the Sulfurhast three preys, and thus three transformations instead of one <strong>(25)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>","parsed":{"description":"<h2 id=\"viewer-45d4c\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhast trait list<\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5qk0j\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No matter the aditional traits you choose, Sulfurhastes always have:<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3tb08\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- An animal semi-skull face (covered with a thin layer of skin)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ac0od\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The semi-skull face has very pointy bone cheeks<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9scmm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- A square-tipped tongue<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9aoab\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Claws on humanoid hands<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7bk6k\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Anthro legs<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7gumd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Some protrudring bones in the back<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3b5qn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- A rough and thick skin<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-2hvhq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9hvln\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The size of the animal parts always adapt to the body; meaning that a hare skull, for example, will grow to be human-sized, and same for every animal body parts. <br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-6q5ct\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When species variations are possible, it only considers species bearing the same name. For example, the cat tail can vary for the tail of the sphinx cat or Maine coon cat; but it does not include lion or puma tails, or other feline tails.<br \/><br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/97_119_3A5lAk7aRqjvdTF.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1067\" height=\"1564\" \/><br \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8sfdc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Here are the additional traits. A lot of them are free if you own a MYO, <strong>however <\/strong>some have a number at their side; it means that they cost one, two or three <strong>SulfurPoints<\/strong> (link) to unlock.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d1bff\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>(1)<\/strong> = This trait costs 1 SulfurPoint<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3nslo\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>(2)<\/strong> = This trait costs 2 SulfurPoint<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fa7ac\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>(3)<\/strong> = This trait costs 3 SulfurPoint<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6q9j\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>(x)<\/strong> = This trait costs x SulfurPoint<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"> <\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-fokm\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Head<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-76gns\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The head may have another gender. (Cow can become bull, deer can have no horn, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-e3m7d\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The bone cheek is always pointy<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5q0f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Is covered with a thin layer of skin<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fcdss\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Tongue is square-tipped<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9okok\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Orbits\/eye sockets and ears are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/105_127_66PsubTwE4sGuOs.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1077\" height=\"1014\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cjern\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">The heads above are the most common, however, you may choose any existing animal skull for your Sulfurhast! Extinct and Mythical beasts require a trait.<\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-9kg9m\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-53dq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Orbits\/eye sockets (must correcpond to the skull)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-39hl3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Orbits\/eye sockets with a faint light inside (any color)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2rk1n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animals<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast, invented animal<br \/>It can be a creature from Realms-Between, or a species you own, but you can not use a closed species you don't own for the skull of a Sulfurhast<\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-1i4d9\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Horns<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7rsa3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Their are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-c3dnd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They don't have to match the head or ears (for example, you can have a cow head with deer antlers and wolf ears.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/106_128_uHNMlg9ieUspooB.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1081\" height=\"433\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5g945\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any mammal's horn (present on Earth + isn't an extinct species) (Free)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-69fim\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Other horns (Demon, dragon, insect, dino, or invented, etc.) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5kkfh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Huge horns (equal or bigger than two times the head's length) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-64h0n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-e3ac\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Ears<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-69rpm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-65na6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They don't have to match the head or horns (for example, you can have a cow head with deer antlers and wolf ears.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9h8rf\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The ears may have species variation (for example, cow ears can become Brahman cow ears for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/104_126_BNKQgT9N5H6AHdM.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1081\" height=\"542\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6pkqv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhast can have the ears of any existing animal.<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-882b\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"> <\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5k53p\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">If you unlocked another kind of skull with SulfurPoints, you have unlocked its eventual ears as well for your <u class=\"_3zM-5\">current<\/u> design. (For example, if you spent one SulfurPoint to unlock a squirrel's skull, you can add squirrel ears for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-c53a3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> Uncommon: Extra Pairs of Ears<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6m2fu\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animal<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast<br \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-7bcsd\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Tail<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-77sah\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail is optional and your Sulfurhast can have a bare butt if you want<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8s5p5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- It doesn't have to match the other animal parts nor the head (for example, you can have a cow head with a wolf tail.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-a9dss\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail may look healthy or sick (fur loss, apparent bones, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9pnm5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail may have species variation (for example, a cat tail can become a sphinx or Maine coon cat tail for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/100_122_R7cZLsS5LxlYsVB.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1080\" height=\"874\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d2akk\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">A Sulfurhast can have the tail of any existing animal<\/p>\r\n<p><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animal<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p> <\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-1ap4a\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Paws, legs<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7vc4t\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- \"Paws\" only refers to the feet. The hands of the beast will remain human-like.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3i5g0\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The legs are always anthro-shaped, no matter the chosen paws.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-b9635\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- It doesn't have to match the other animal parts nor the head (for example, you can have a cow head with hare paws.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-83ljs\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Thumbs are optional (depends if the necromancer selected back or front paws or the animal.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/108_130_FnKJ0nqt8JPjUnL.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1081\" height=\"665\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8roqn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">The feet can be based on any existing animal<\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-c5cu6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animal<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p> <\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-5nto5\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Other traits<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dds6v\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They are completely optional.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6qruh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Other traits can appear at any time in the list and are not limited to the visual sheet only.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/107_129_YgkU4ptUu6xZ4Dj.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1079\" height=\"1580\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5u1t5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Free addons: <\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-5fvt3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1m0pm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Fur (no limit)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1a04i\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Feathers (no limit)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2lrpm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hand pawpads<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-flni\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Damaged skull<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f066n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Carved bones\/skull<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8j70c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Extra teeth, fang and\/or tusks (any head)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7f4o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Stitches<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5pbv9\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Missing limbs \/ Heavily hurt<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ah4ml\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Extra bones \/ Protruding bones (no extra limbs or head)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8o3ri\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Skeletal body parts (missing flesh)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3433o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sick, ill aspect (skin problems, fur loss, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4js1h\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Black smoke constant leak (sulfur powder, toxic)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ahgr7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Prosthesis (respecting the basic anatomy)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-4cqc2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-8lj24\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-agprj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>SulfurPoint traits:<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-5hsn6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6bits\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Uncommon<\/strong><br \/>Scales (any size and pattern) <strong>(1)<br \/><\/strong>Bleed \/ fluid leak (Any color and texture) <strong>(1)<br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Bioluminescence \/ phosphorescence <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Rare<br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Metallic bones \/ markings <strong>(1)<br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Crystal bones \/ Gem growth <strong>(1)<br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Ghostly, plasma (body parts or fullbody) (doesn't glow) <strong>(2)<br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Prosthesis (not respecting the basic anatomy. Example: gun arm) <strong>(2)<br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wings (any kind and number) (3)<br \/>Anything else (3)<strong><br \/><br \/>Mythic<\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Taur-like body <strong>(10)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d10d6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Can be centaur-like or another species. Artwork is just an example, and your Taur can be completely different from the sheet.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6tkmg\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Mer-like body <strong>(10)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ai05a\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Can have the body of any aquatic animal. Artwork is just an example, and your Mer can be completely different from the sheet.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4tbfj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Conjointed twins <strong>(10)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1cbg3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Don't have to be \"twins\", nor two merged bodies only (can be three, or more conjointed bodies, all with different features. Add any extra limb(s) and head(s) you want.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-3eii9\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2d1di\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Gives the Sulfurhast two preys, and thus two transformations instead of one <strong>(10)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7hh48\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Gives the Sulfurhast three preys, and thus three transformations instead of one <strong>(25)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>"}},"title":"Trait Sheets","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":["wip"],"page_tag":null}
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{"data":{"description":"<p>Sulfurhast can have any color and pattern inspired by real creatures and animals, or natural looking markings. To get unnatural markings and colors, these require traits<br \/><br \/>Uncommon<br \/>Accents (Natural base coat with unnatural colored marking)<br \/><br \/>Rare<br \/>Unnatural Markings (Shapes such as eyes, symbols, and such)<\/p>\r\n<p>Mythic<br \/>Unnatural Colors (Like red, or green, or similar)<\/p>","parsed":{"description":"<p>Sulfurhast can have any color and pattern inspired by real creatures and animals, or natural looking markings. To get unnatural markings and colors, these require traits<br \/><br \/>Uncommon<br \/>Accents (Natural base coat with unnatural colored marking)<br \/><br \/>Rare<br \/>Unnatural Markings (Shapes such as eyes, symbols, and such)<\/p>\r\n<p>Mythic<br \/>Unnatural Colors (Like red, or green, or similar)<\/p>"}},"title":"Colors and Patterns","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":null,"page_tag":null}
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Length: 16469 (+16469) - Show Raw Data
{"data":{"description":"<p>(WIP)<\/p>\r\n<p>Official Sulfurhast RULES<\/p>\r\n<p>When buying\/owning a Sulfurhast you must agree with these rules.<\/p>\r\n<p>The user is you. The physical person is a person, it is different from a non-physical person (a society, for example.)<\/p>\r\n<p>SH may be used to say \"Sulfurhast\" in short<\/p>\r\n<p>SP may be used to say \"SulfurPoint\" in short<\/p>\r\n<p>Sulfurhast<\/p>\r\n<p>Sulfurhast designates any creature from the Sulfurhast closed species, hybrids included.<\/p>\r\n<p>Necromancer designates, in the lore, the character who created the Sulfurhast with necromancy.<\/p>\r\n<p>Prey designates, in the lore, the character who's victim of the Sulfurhast and necromancer.<\/p>\r\n<p>The following rules does not apply to Necromancers or Preys, unless stated otherwise.<\/p>\r\n<p>The species is an original concept design by tomoburd<\/p>\r\n<p>Every additional trait, visual reference, or writing is made by YokaMycelium, and the concept under copyright. You may not reproduce\/copy\/sell Sulfurhastes or the species concepts without written persmission from YokaMycelium.<\/p>\r\n<p>You can buy a Sulfurhast (only a design, not the species concept) from YokaMycelium, or any authorized guest artist. You only can buy MYOs from YokaMycelium. You also can buy a Sulfurhast (registrated in the official masterlist) or Sulfurhast MYO from another user, if they are the current owner and want to get rid of it. If you get a new Sulfurhast or if you get rid of a Sulfurhast, you must update the masterlist! Otherwise the changes will not be official.<\/p>\r\n<p>If you own a Sulfurhast or MYO: (You must be the owner, with your nickname written in the masterlist!)<\/p>\r\n<p>- You are allowed to gift it to another user (physical person.) It will not belong to you afterwards.<\/p>\r\n<p>- You are allowed to trade it to another user (physical person) for anything. It will not belong to you afterwards.<\/p>\r\n<p>- You are allowed to trade it to another user (physical person) for vouchers (they buy something for you.) It will not belong to you afterwards.<\/p>\r\n<p>- You are allowed to sell it to another user (physical person) for any value. It will not belong to you afterwards.<\/p>\r\n<p>The exceptions are:<\/p>\r\n<p>- You can't sell a Sulfurhast you got through a free raffle, unless extra art is added. It's to prevent people entering only for profit.<\/p>\r\n<p>- You can't sell a Sulfurhast MYO you got for free, unless you design it. If you own a Sulfurhast or MYO: (You must be the owner, with your nickname written in the masterlist!)<\/p>\r\n<p>- You are allowed to repost the adoptable design on any website as long as a proper credit to the designer is provided, and a functional link redirect to them. It is also better is the species name is mentioned \/ or if you state clearly that these are closed species.<\/p>\r\n<p>- You are allowed to create and buy extra art of any media for your character.<\/p>\r\n<p>- You are allowed to roleplay your character and to include it in any non-monetized story \/ universe. If the story or the universe is not yours, please ask first for the original creator of the story or the universe if you can do it.<\/p>\r\n<p>- You are NOT allowed to design a Sulfurhast after copyrighted characters or existing designs. If you design a Sulfurhast from another designer's design, without their explicit authorisation, you will be the only responsible of the steal and your design will be suspended until the situation is resolved. While Yoka\/YokaMycelium will do everything to prevent it and to solve the situation if it happens, she can not be held responsible of someone stealing\/copying a design in their MYO.<\/p>\r\n<p>- You are NOT allowed to include a design\/the species in a monetized media (for example, in a book that will be sold) without my explicit authorization. I am willing to discuss this with you, however! If you do want your Sulfurhast in a published work, I'll just ask for small royalties :)<\/p>\r\n<p>- You are NOT allowed to use the species concept, design, artworks, or anything in a monetized way without my explicit authorization, except for resseling the design\/MYO to a physical person.<\/p>\r\n<p>- You are NOT allowed to duplicate or to sell multiple times a design. Each design is unique and may be sold\/traded only once.<\/p>\r\n<p>- You are NOT allowed to hide, or to ‘forget’ the proper credit of the design and species maker.<\/p>\r\n<p>- Co-owning is not allowed.<\/p>\r\n<p>Changes and redesign: EVERY change and\/or redesign must be approved by YokaMycelium to be valid! Please note Yoka here or on Discord to have an approval.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>NECROMANCERS AND PREY<\/p>\r\n<p>Necromancers and prey are not closed species.<\/p>\r\n<p>They can have any design. You are free to design them, or to use an already existing design for them.<\/p>\r\n<p>You are ALLOWED to create and sell Necromancers and Preys (as long as they don't look like Sulfurhast, or any other closed species, unless you have the rights for the species.)<\/p>\r\n<p>Necromancers and preys will not be added to the masterlist.<\/p>\r\n<p>When trading or selling, you are allowed to sell your Sulfurhast with or without the necromancer and\/or prey design.<\/p>\r\n<p>You can keep the necromancer and prey's design for yourself, but they'll be separated from the Sulfurhast design.<\/p>\r\n<p>The new owner is also allowed to separate the necromancer and prey's design from the Sulfurhast and to still keep all characters, even if they're not linked anymore.<\/p>\r\n<p>The only exception is:<\/p>\r\n<p>If an official adoptable comes with a Necromancer or Prey already designed, they'll be added to the masterlist together and can't be separated (unless stated otherwise in the adoptable's description.)<\/p>\r\n<p>Necromancers<\/p>\r\n<p>The necromancer has black magic powers.<\/p>\r\n<p>If you choose a species character to make your Necromancer, make sure that the species can use black magic.<\/p>\r\n<p>If you choose an open or closed species that is not yours to make a necromancer, make sure it's ok from the species owner!<\/p>\r\n<p>You are allowed to roleplay (with the other user's permission) the necromancer who created someone else's Sulfurhast.<\/p>\r\n<p>Preys<\/p>\r\n<p>The prey will be the second form of your Sulfurhast. The Sulfurhast is able to shapeshift into its prey (after the hunting phase.)<\/p>\r\n<p>The prey's species can be anything, but once you've chose, you can't change. Choose carefully!<\/p>\r\n<p>If you choose an open or closed species that is not yours to make a necromancer, make sure it's ok from the species owner!<\/p>\r\n<p>You are allowed to roleplay (with the other user's permission) the necromancer who created someone else's Sulfurhast - ONLY in Hunter phase.<\/p>\r\n<p>However, if you link a prey and a Sulfurhast, it is now considered a 1 character and co-owning isn't allowed. - Puppet and Freedom phase. You must unlink the prey's design and Sulfurhast before trading one of them.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>GENERAL<\/p>\r\n<p>Cryptid-Artha keeps creative control over the species and designs. If you own a Sulfurhast, you only own partial rights to the design (ownership and masterlist protection.) If you own a Sulfurhast you do not own the whole species, only a single design.<\/p>\r\n<p>If you find that the species looks like another species\/design, this is a coincidence! Sulfurhast are kinda easy to make even when we don't know the species, so similar designs are possible. Sulfurhast species is about a species design, traits, lore, resources and community, not a design only! You can contact us to talk about it before any drama.<\/p>\r\n<p> <\/p>\r\n<p>Failing to these rules will result in:<\/p>\r\n<p>- All the Sulfurhast(es) you own cannot be sold anymore, neither be traded for a voucher. They loose their monetary value and can only be traded or gifted.<\/p>\r\n<p>- You will be banned from the species and won't be able to take part in the community neither to own new Sulfurhast or MYO.<\/p>\r\n<p>- You will keep your current Sulfurhast(es) until you decide to trade or gift them.<\/p>","parsed":{"description":"<p>(WIP)<\/p>\r\n<p>Official Sulfurhast RULES<\/p>\r\n<p>When buying\/owning a Sulfurhast you must agree with these rules.<\/p>\r\n<p>The user is you. The physical person is a person, it is different from a non-physical person (a society, for example.)<\/p>\r\n<p>SH may be used to say \"Sulfurhast\" in short<\/p>\r\n<p>SP may be used to say \"SulfurPoint\" in short<\/p>\r\n<p>Sulfurhast<\/p>\r\n<p>Sulfurhast designates any creature from the Sulfurhast closed species, hybrids included.<\/p>\r\n<p>Necromancer designates, in the lore, the character who created the Sulfurhast with necromancy.<\/p>\r\n<p>Prey designates, in the lore, the character who's victim of the Sulfurhast and necromancer.<\/p>\r\n<p>The following rules does not apply to Necromancers or Preys, unless stated otherwise.<\/p>\r\n<p>The species is an original concept design by tomoburd<\/p>\r\n<p>Every additional trait, visual reference, or writing is made by YokaMycelium, and the concept under copyright. You may not reproduce\/copy\/sell Sulfurhastes or the species concepts without written persmission from YokaMycelium.<\/p>\r\n<p>You can buy a Sulfurhast (only a design, not the species concept) from YokaMycelium, or any authorized guest artist. You only can buy MYOs from YokaMycelium. You also can buy a Sulfurhast (registrated in the official masterlist) or Sulfurhast MYO from another user, if they are the current owner and want to get rid of it. If you get a new Sulfurhast or if you get rid of a Sulfurhast, you must update the masterlist! Otherwise the changes will not be official.<\/p>\r\n<p>If you own a Sulfurhast or MYO: (You must be the owner, with your nickname written in the masterlist!)<\/p>\r\n<p>- You are allowed to gift it to another user (physical person.) It will not belong to you afterwards.<\/p>\r\n<p>- You are allowed to trade it to another user (physical person) for anything. It will not belong to you afterwards.<\/p>\r\n<p>- You are allowed to trade it to another user (physical person) for vouchers (they buy something for you.) It will not belong to you afterwards.<\/p>\r\n<p>- You are allowed to sell it to another user (physical person) for any value. It will not belong to you afterwards.<\/p>\r\n<p>The exceptions are:<\/p>\r\n<p>- You can't sell a Sulfurhast you got through a free raffle, unless extra art is added. It's to prevent people entering only for profit.<\/p>\r\n<p>- You can't sell a Sulfurhast MYO you got for free, unless you design it. If you own a Sulfurhast or MYO: (You must be the owner, with your nickname written in the masterlist!)<\/p>\r\n<p>- You are allowed to repost the adoptable design on any website as long as a proper credit to the designer is provided, and a functional link redirect to them. It is also better is the species name is mentioned \/ or if you state clearly that these are closed species.<\/p>\r\n<p>- You are allowed to create and buy extra art of any media for your character.<\/p>\r\n<p>- You are allowed to roleplay your character and to include it in any non-monetized story \/ universe. If the story or the universe is not yours, please ask first for the original creator of the story or the universe if you can do it.<\/p>\r\n<p>- You are NOT allowed to design a Sulfurhast after copyrighted characters or existing designs. If you design a Sulfurhast from another designer's design, without their explicit authorisation, you will be the only responsible of the steal and your design will be suspended until the situation is resolved. While Yoka\/YokaMycelium will do everything to prevent it and to solve the situation if it happens, she can not be held responsible of someone stealing\/copying a design in their MYO.<\/p>\r\n<p>- You are NOT allowed to include a design\/the species in a monetized media (for example, in a book that will be sold) without my explicit authorization. I am willing to discuss this with you, however! If you do want your Sulfurhast in a published work, I'll just ask for small royalties :)<\/p>\r\n<p>- You are NOT allowed to use the species concept, design, artworks, or anything in a monetized way without my explicit authorization, except for resseling the design\/MYO to a physical person.<\/p>\r\n<p>- You are NOT allowed to duplicate or to sell multiple times a design. Each design is unique and may be sold\/traded only once.<\/p>\r\n<p>- You are NOT allowed to hide, or to ‘forget’ the proper credit of the design and species maker.<\/p>\r\n<p>- Co-owning is not allowed.<\/p>\r\n<p>Changes and redesign: EVERY change and\/or redesign must be approved by YokaMycelium to be valid! Please note Yoka here or on Discord to have an approval.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>NECROMANCERS AND PREY<\/p>\r\n<p>Necromancers and prey are not closed species.<\/p>\r\n<p>They can have any design. You are free to design them, or to use an already existing design for them.<\/p>\r\n<p>You are ALLOWED to create and sell Necromancers and Preys (as long as they don't look like Sulfurhast, or any other closed species, unless you have the rights for the species.)<\/p>\r\n<p>Necromancers and preys will not be added to the masterlist.<\/p>\r\n<p>When trading or selling, you are allowed to sell your Sulfurhast with or without the necromancer and\/or prey design.<\/p>\r\n<p>You can keep the necromancer and prey's design for yourself, but they'll be separated from the Sulfurhast design.<\/p>\r\n<p>The new owner is also allowed to separate the necromancer and prey's design from the Sulfurhast and to still keep all characters, even if they're not linked anymore.<\/p>\r\n<p>The only exception is:<\/p>\r\n<p>If an official adoptable comes with a Necromancer or Prey already designed, they'll be added to the masterlist together and can't be separated (unless stated otherwise in the adoptable's description.)<\/p>\r\n<p>Necromancers<\/p>\r\n<p>The necromancer has black magic powers.<\/p>\r\n<p>If you choose a species character to make your Necromancer, make sure that the species can use black magic.<\/p>\r\n<p>If you choose an open or closed species that is not yours to make a necromancer, make sure it's ok from the species owner!<\/p>\r\n<p>You are allowed to roleplay (with the other user's permission) the necromancer who created someone else's Sulfurhast.<\/p>\r\n<p>Preys<\/p>\r\n<p>The prey will be the second form of your Sulfurhast. The Sulfurhast is able to shapeshift into its prey (after the hunting phase.)<\/p>\r\n<p>The prey's species can be anything, but once you've chose, you can't change. Choose carefully!<\/p>\r\n<p>If you choose an open or closed species that is not yours to make a necromancer, make sure it's ok from the species owner!<\/p>\r\n<p>You are allowed to roleplay (with the other user's permission) the necromancer who created someone else's Sulfurhast - ONLY in Hunter phase.<\/p>\r\n<p>However, if you link a prey and a Sulfurhast, it is now considered a 1 character and co-owning isn't allowed. - Puppet and Freedom phase. You must unlink the prey's design and Sulfurhast before trading one of them.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>GENERAL<\/p>\r\n<p>Cryptid-Artha keeps creative control over the species and designs. If you own a Sulfurhast, you only own partial rights to the design (ownership and masterlist protection.) If you own a Sulfurhast you do not own the whole species, only a single design.<\/p>\r\n<p>If you find that the species looks like another species\/design, this is a coincidence! Sulfurhast are kinda easy to make even when we don't know the species, so similar designs are possible. Sulfurhast species is about a species design, traits, lore, resources and community, not a design only! You can contact us to talk about it before any drama.<\/p>\r\n<p> <\/p>\r\n<p>Failing to these rules will result in:<\/p>\r\n<p>- All the Sulfurhast(es) you own cannot be sold anymore, neither be traded for a voucher. They loose their monetary value and can only be traded or gifted.<\/p>\r\n<p>- You will be banned from the species and won't be able to take part in the community neither to own new Sulfurhast or MYO.<\/p>\r\n<p>- You will keep your current Sulfurhast(es) until you decide to trade or gift them.<\/p>"}},"title":"Rules","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":["wip"],"page_tag":null}
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{"data":{"description":"<h2 id=\"viewer-45d4c\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhast trait list<\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5qk0j\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No matter the aditional traits you choose, Sulfurhastes always have:<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3tb08\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- An animal semi-skull face (covered with a thin layer of skin)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ac0od\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The semi-skull face has very pointy bone cheeks<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9scmm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- A square-tipped tongue<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9aoab\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Claws on humanoid hands<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7bk6k\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Anthro legs<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7gumd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Some protrudring bones in the back<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3b5qn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- A rough and thick skin<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-2hvhq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9hvln\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The size of the animal parts always adapt to the body; meaning that a hare skull, for example, will grow to be human-sized, and same for every animal body parts. <br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-6q5ct\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When species variations are possible, it only considers species bearing the same name. For example, the cat tail can vary for the tail of the sphinx cat or Maine coon cat; but it does not include lion or puma tails, or other feline tails.<br \/><br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/97_119_3A5lAk7aRqjvdTF.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1067\" height=\"1564\" \/><br \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8sfdc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Here are the additional traits. A lot of them are free if you own a MYO, <strong>however <\/strong>some have a number at their side; it means that they cost one, two or three <strong>SulfurPoints<\/strong> (link) to unlock.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d1bff\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>(1)<\/strong> = This trait costs 1 SulfurPoint<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3nslo\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>(2)<\/strong> = This trait costs 2 SulfurPoint<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fa7ac\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>(3)<\/strong> = This trait costs 3 SulfurPoint<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6q9j\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>(x)<\/strong> = This trait costs x SulfurPoint<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"> <\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-fokm\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Head<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-76gns\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The head may have another gender. (Cow can become bull, deer can have no horn, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-e3m7d\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The bone cheek is always pointy<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5q0f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Is covered with a thin layer of skin<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fcdss\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Tongue is square-tipped<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9okok\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Orbits\/eye sockets and ears are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/105_127_66PsubTwE4sGuOs.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1077\" height=\"1014\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2c2ps\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Horse<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f1ie3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cow<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-50tll\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Deer<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-24qsh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wolf<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8u8lv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Fox<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fmdb4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cat<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ef4jb\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Crow<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-290b2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Raven<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9udqo\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Vulture<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ckcmi\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Owl<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-b2dk5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Bear<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-brdcb\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hare<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cjern\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No orbits<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-9kg9m\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-53dq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Orbits\/eye sockets (must correcpond to the skull)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-39hl3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Orbits\/eye sockets with a faint light inside (any color)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-4ofcd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-b0qff\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other animal <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2rk1n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any mythical or extinct animal (dragon, werewolf, griffin, dinosaur...) <strong>(2)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-flol6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other invented animal (your species or random design) <strong>(3)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-1i4d9\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Horns<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7rsa3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Their are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-c3dnd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They don't have to match the head or ears (for example, you can have a cow head with deer antlers and wolf ears.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/106_128_uHNMlg9ieUspooB.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1081\" height=\"433\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5g945\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any mammal's horn (present on Earth + isn't an extinct species) (Free)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-69fim\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Other horns (Demon, dragon, insect, dino, or invented, etc.) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5kkfh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Huge horns (equal or bigger than two times the head's length) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-64h0n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-e3ac\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Ears<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-69rpm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-65na6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They don't have to match the head or horns (for example, you can have a cow head with deer antlers and wolf ears.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9h8rf\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The ears may have species variation (for example, cow ears can become Brahman cow ears for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/104_126_BNKQgT9N5H6AHdM.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1081\" height=\"542\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6pkqv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No ears<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7pufe\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hole ears<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8s3tb\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Horse<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-83c3c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cow<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5d2nk\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Deer<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cetnu\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wolf<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-67mfj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Fox<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-p1lv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cat<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-bfhjr\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Owl<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-195pd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Bear<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fqd46\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hare<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-882b\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5k53p\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">If you unlocked another kind of skull with SulfurPoints, you have unlocked its eventual ears as well for your <u class=\"_3zM-5\">current<\/u> design. (For example, if you spent one SulfurPoint to unlock a squirrel's skull, you can add squirrel ears for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-c53a3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7nbmj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other animal <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6m2fu\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any mythical or extinct animal (dragon, werewolf, griffin, dinosaur...) <strong>(2)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5glro\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other invented animal (your species or random design) <strong>(3)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-77um4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Two or more pair(s) of ears<strong> (1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-7bcsd\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Tail<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-77sah\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail is optional and your Sulfurhast can have a bare butt if you want<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8s5p5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- It doesn't have to match the other animal parts nor the head (for example, you can have a cow head with a wolf tail.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-a9dss\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail may look healthy or sick (fur loss, apparent bones, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9pnm5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail may have species variation (for example, a cat tail can become a sphinx or Maine coon cat tail for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/100_122_R7cZLsS5LxlYsVB.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1080\" height=\"874\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cu6cs\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No tail<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-baka4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Horse<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-b4v60\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cow<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ducf3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Deer<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1rhq2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wolf<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f10kg\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Fox<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5k6fn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cat<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4636r\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Crow<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-vp3c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Raven<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-126cq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Vulture<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7gt6q\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Owl<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dkrb3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Bear<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d2akk\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hare<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-97b9f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-28qge\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">If you unlocked another kind of skull with SulfurPoints, you have unlocked its eventual tail as well for your <u class=\"_3zM-5\">current<\/u> design. (For example, if you spent one SulfurPoint to unlock a squirrel's skull, you can add a squirrel tail for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-9eavl\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2rdb5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other animal <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4ta1o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any mythical or extinct animal (dragon, werewolf, griffin, dinosaur...) <strong>(2)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-emn0h\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other invented animal (your species or random design) <strong>(3)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d1ro4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Two tails, or tail split in two <strong>(2)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9puff\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Three or more tails, or tail split in three or more <strong>(3)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-1ap4a\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Paws, legs<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7vc4t\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- \"Paws\" only refers to the feet. The hands of the beast will remain human-like.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3i5g0\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The legs are always anthro-shaped, no matter the chosen paws.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-b9635\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- It doesn't have to match the other animal parts nor the head (for example, you can have a cow head with hare paws.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-83ljs\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Thumbs are optional (depends if the necromancer selected back or front paws or the animal.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/108_130_FnKJ0nqt8JPjUnL.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1081\" height=\"665\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cjglh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Horse<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-b0mr8\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cow<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1241q\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Deer<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7ji2h\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wolf<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1o9d2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Fox<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-clubh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cat<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5k7d1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Crow<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7s3id\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Raven<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d7d6f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Vulture<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3pemv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Owl<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7flon\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Bear<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-39raq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hare<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-16met\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8roqn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">If you unlocked another kind of skull with SulfurPoints, you have unlocked its eventual tail as well for your <u class=\"_3zM-5\">current<\/u> design. (For example, if you spent one SulfurPoint to unlock a squirrel's skull, you can add squirrel paws for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-c5cu6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-br7o6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other animal <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2s6j4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any mythical or extinct animal (dragon, werewolf, griffin, dinosaur...) <strong>(2)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8lqj2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other invented animal (your species or random design) <strong>(3)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cjd9\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Two different paws <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-5nto5\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Other traits<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dds6v\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They are completely optional.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6qruh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Other traits can appear at any time in the list and are not limited to the visual sheet only.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/107_129_YgkU4ptUu6xZ4Dj.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1079\" height=\"1580\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5u1t5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Free addons: <\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-5fvt3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1m0pm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Fur (no limit)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1a04i\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Feathers (no limit)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2lrpm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hand pawpads<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-flni\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Damaged skull<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f066n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Carved bones\/skull<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8j70c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Extra teeth, fang and\/or tusks (any head)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7f4o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Stitches<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5pbv9\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Missing limbs \/ Heavily hurt<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ah4ml\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Extra bones \/ Protruding bones (no extra limbs or head)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8o3ri\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Skeletal body parts (missing flesh)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3433o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sick, ill aspect (skin problems, fur loss, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4js1h\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Black smoke constant leak (sulfur powder, toxic)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ahgr7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Prosthesis (respecting the basic anatomy)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-4cqc2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-8lj24\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-agprj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>SulfurPoint traits:<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-5hsn6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9r7nc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Scales (any size and pattern) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6bits\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Bleed \/ fluid leak (Any color and texture) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8r276\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Bioluminescence \/ phosphorescence <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4is87\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Metallic bones \/ markings <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7s9bh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Crystal bones \/ Gem growth <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7219o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Ghostly, plasma (body parts or fullbody) (doesn't glow) <strong>(2)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cprgj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Prosthesis (not respecting the basic anatomy. Example: gun arm) <strong>(2)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-alcuc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wings (any kind and number) <strong>(3)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-585oq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Anything else <strong>(3)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-bm270\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-eb6k6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Taur-like body <strong>(10)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d10d6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Can be centaur-like or another species. Artwork is just an example, and your Taur can be completely different from the sheet.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6tkmg\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Mer-like body <strong>(10)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ai05a\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Can have the body of any aquatic animal. Artwork is just an example, and your Mer can be completely different from the sheet.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4tbfj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Conjointed twins <strong>(10)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1cbg3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Don't have to be \"twins\", nor two merged bodies only (can be three, or more conjointed bodies, all with different features. Add any extra limb(s) and head(s) you want.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-3eii9\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2d1di\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Gives the Sulfurhast two preys, and thus two transformations instead of one <strong>(10)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7hh48\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Gives the Sulfurhast three preys, and thus three transformations instead of one <strong>(25)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>","parsed":{"description":"<h2 id=\"viewer-45d4c\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhast trait list<\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5qk0j\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No matter the aditional traits you choose, Sulfurhastes always have:<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3tb08\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- An animal semi-skull face (covered with a thin layer of skin)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ac0od\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The semi-skull face has very pointy bone cheeks<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9scmm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- A square-tipped tongue<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9aoab\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Claws on humanoid hands<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7bk6k\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Anthro legs<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7gumd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Some protrudring bones in the back<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3b5qn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- A rough and thick skin<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-2hvhq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9hvln\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The size of the animal parts always adapt to the body; meaning that a hare skull, for example, will grow to be human-sized, and same for every animal body parts. <br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-6q5ct\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When species variations are possible, it only considers species bearing the same name. For example, the cat tail can vary for the tail of the sphinx cat or Maine coon cat; but it does not include lion or puma tails, or other feline tails.<br \/><br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/97_119_3A5lAk7aRqjvdTF.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1067\" height=\"1564\" \/><br \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8sfdc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Here are the additional traits. A lot of them are free if you own a MYO, <strong>however <\/strong>some have a number at their side; it means that they cost one, two or three <strong>SulfurPoints<\/strong> (link) to unlock.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d1bff\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>(1)<\/strong> = This trait costs 1 SulfurPoint<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3nslo\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>(2)<\/strong> = This trait costs 2 SulfurPoint<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fa7ac\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>(3)<\/strong> = This trait costs 3 SulfurPoint<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6q9j\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>(x)<\/strong> = This trait costs x SulfurPoint<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"> <\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-fokm\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Head<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-76gns\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The head may have another gender. (Cow can become bull, deer can have no horn, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-e3m7d\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The bone cheek is always pointy<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5q0f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Is covered with a thin layer of skin<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fcdss\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Tongue is square-tipped<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9okok\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Orbits\/eye sockets and ears are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/105_127_66PsubTwE4sGuOs.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1077\" height=\"1014\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2c2ps\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Horse<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f1ie3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cow<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-50tll\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Deer<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-24qsh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wolf<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8u8lv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Fox<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fmdb4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cat<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ef4jb\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Crow<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-290b2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Raven<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9udqo\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Vulture<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ckcmi\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Owl<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-b2dk5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Bear<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-brdcb\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hare<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cjern\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No orbits<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-9kg9m\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-53dq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Orbits\/eye sockets (must correcpond to the skull)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-39hl3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Orbits\/eye sockets with a faint light inside (any color)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-4ofcd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-b0qff\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other animal <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2rk1n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any mythical or extinct animal (dragon, werewolf, griffin, dinosaur...) <strong>(2)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-flol6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other invented animal (your species or random design) <strong>(3)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-1i4d9\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Horns<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7rsa3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Their are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-c3dnd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They don't have to match the head or ears (for example, you can have a cow head with deer antlers and wolf ears.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/106_128_uHNMlg9ieUspooB.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1081\" height=\"433\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5g945\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any mammal's horn (present on Earth + isn't an extinct species) (Free)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-69fim\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Other horns (Demon, dragon, insect, dino, or invented, etc.) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5kkfh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Huge horns (equal or bigger than two times the head's length) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-64h0n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-e3ac\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Ears<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-69rpm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-65na6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They don't have to match the head or horns (for example, you can have a cow head with deer antlers and wolf ears.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9h8rf\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The ears may have species variation (for example, cow ears can become Brahman cow ears for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/104_126_BNKQgT9N5H6AHdM.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1081\" height=\"542\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6pkqv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No ears<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7pufe\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hole ears<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8s3tb\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Horse<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-83c3c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cow<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5d2nk\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Deer<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cetnu\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wolf<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-67mfj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Fox<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-p1lv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cat<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-bfhjr\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Owl<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-195pd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Bear<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fqd46\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hare<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-882b\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5k53p\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">If you unlocked another kind of skull with SulfurPoints, you have unlocked its eventual ears as well for your <u class=\"_3zM-5\">current<\/u> design. (For example, if you spent one SulfurPoint to unlock a squirrel's skull, you can add squirrel ears for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-c53a3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7nbmj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other animal <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6m2fu\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any mythical or extinct animal (dragon, werewolf, griffin, dinosaur...) <strong>(2)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5glro\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other invented animal (your species or random design) <strong>(3)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-77um4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Two or more pair(s) of ears<strong> (1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-7bcsd\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Tail<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-77sah\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail is optional and your Sulfurhast can have a bare butt if you want<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8s5p5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- It doesn't have to match the other animal parts nor the head (for example, you can have a cow head with a wolf tail.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-a9dss\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail may look healthy or sick (fur loss, apparent bones, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9pnm5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail may have species variation (for example, a cat tail can become a sphinx or Maine coon cat tail for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/100_122_R7cZLsS5LxlYsVB.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1080\" height=\"874\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cu6cs\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No tail<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-baka4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Horse<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-b4v60\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cow<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ducf3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Deer<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1rhq2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wolf<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f10kg\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Fox<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5k6fn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cat<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4636r\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Crow<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-vp3c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Raven<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-126cq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Vulture<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7gt6q\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Owl<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dkrb3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Bear<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d2akk\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hare<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-97b9f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-28qge\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">If you unlocked another kind of skull with SulfurPoints, you have unlocked its eventual tail as well for your <u class=\"_3zM-5\">current<\/u> design. (For example, if you spent one SulfurPoint to unlock a squirrel's skull, you can add a squirrel tail for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-9eavl\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2rdb5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other animal <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4ta1o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any mythical or extinct animal (dragon, werewolf, griffin, dinosaur...) <strong>(2)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-emn0h\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other invented animal (your species or random design) <strong>(3)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d1ro4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Two tails, or tail split in two <strong>(2)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9puff\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Three or more tails, or tail split in three or more <strong>(3)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-1ap4a\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Paws, legs<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7vc4t\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- \"Paws\" only refers to the feet. The hands of the beast will remain human-like.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3i5g0\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The legs are always anthro-shaped, no matter the chosen paws.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-b9635\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- It doesn't have to match the other animal parts nor the head (for example, you can have a cow head with hare paws.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-83ljs\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Thumbs are optional (depends if the necromancer selected back or front paws or the animal.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/108_130_FnKJ0nqt8JPjUnL.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1081\" height=\"665\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cjglh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Horse<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-b0mr8\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cow<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1241q\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Deer<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7ji2h\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wolf<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1o9d2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Fox<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-clubh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cat<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5k7d1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Crow<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7s3id\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Raven<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d7d6f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Vulture<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3pemv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Owl<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7flon\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Bear<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-39raq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hare<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-16met\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8roqn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">If you unlocked another kind of skull with SulfurPoints, you have unlocked its eventual tail as well for your <u class=\"_3zM-5\">current<\/u> design. (For example, if you spent one SulfurPoint to unlock a squirrel's skull, you can add squirrel paws for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-c5cu6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-br7o6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other animal <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2s6j4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any mythical or extinct animal (dragon, werewolf, griffin, dinosaur...) <strong>(2)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8lqj2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other invented animal (your species or random design) <strong>(3)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cjd9\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Two different paws <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-5nto5\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Other traits<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dds6v\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They are completely optional.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6qruh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Other traits can appear at any time in the list and are not limited to the visual sheet only.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/107_129_YgkU4ptUu6xZ4Dj.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1079\" height=\"1580\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5u1t5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Free addons: <\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-5fvt3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1m0pm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Fur (no limit)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1a04i\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Feathers (no limit)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2lrpm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hand pawpads<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-flni\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Damaged skull<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f066n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Carved bones\/skull<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8j70c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Extra teeth, fang and\/or tusks (any head)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7f4o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Stitches<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5pbv9\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Missing limbs \/ Heavily hurt<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ah4ml\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Extra bones \/ Protruding bones (no extra limbs or head)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8o3ri\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Skeletal body parts (missing flesh)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3433o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sick, ill aspect (skin problems, fur loss, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4js1h\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Black smoke constant leak (sulfur powder, toxic)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ahgr7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Prosthesis (respecting the basic anatomy)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-4cqc2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-8lj24\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-agprj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>SulfurPoint traits:<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-5hsn6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9r7nc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Scales (any size and pattern) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6bits\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Bleed \/ fluid leak (Any color and texture) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8r276\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Bioluminescence \/ phosphorescence <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4is87\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Metallic bones \/ markings <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7s9bh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Crystal bones \/ Gem growth <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7219o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Ghostly, plasma (body parts or fullbody) (doesn't glow) <strong>(2)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cprgj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Prosthesis (not respecting the basic anatomy. Example: gun arm) <strong>(2)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-alcuc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wings (any kind and number) <strong>(3)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-585oq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Anything else <strong>(3)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-bm270\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-eb6k6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Taur-like body <strong>(10)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d10d6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Can be centaur-like or another species. Artwork is just an example, and your Taur can be completely different from the sheet.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6tkmg\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Mer-like body <strong>(10)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ai05a\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Can have the body of any aquatic animal. Artwork is just an example, and your Mer can be completely different from the sheet.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4tbfj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Conjointed twins <strong>(10)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1cbg3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Don't have to be \"twins\", nor two merged bodies only (can be three, or more conjointed bodies, all with different features. Add any extra limb(s) and head(s) you want.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-3eii9\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2d1di\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Gives the Sulfurhast two preys, and thus two transformations instead of one <strong>(10)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7hh48\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Gives the Sulfurhast three preys, and thus three transformations instead of one <strong>(25)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>"}},"title":"Trait Sheets","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":["wip"],"page_tag":null}
Page Updated
Length: 89346 (+1372) - Show Raw Data
{"data":{"description":"<h2 id=\"viewer-45d4c\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhast trait list<\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5qk0j\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No matter the aditional traits you choose, Sulfurhastes always have:<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3tb08\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- An animal semi-skull face (covered with a thin layer of skin)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ac0od\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The semi-skull face has very pointy bone cheeks<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9scmm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- A square-tipped tongue<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9aoab\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Claws on humanoid hands<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7bk6k\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Anthro legs<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7gumd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Some protrudring bones in the back<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3b5qn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- A rough and thick skin<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-2hvhq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9hvln\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The size of the animal parts always adapt to the body; meaning that a hare skull, for example, will grow to be human-sized, and same for every animal body parts. <br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-6q5ct\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When species variations are possible, it only considers species bearing the same name. For example, the cat tail can vary for the tail of the sphinx cat or Maine coon cat; but it does not include lion or puma tails, or other feline tails.<br \/><br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/97_119_3A5lAk7aRqjvdTF.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1067\" height=\"1564\" \/><br \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8sfdc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Here are the additional traits. A lot of them are free if you own a MYO, <strong>however <\/strong>some have a number at their side; it means that they cost one, two or three <strong>SulfurPoints<\/strong> (link) to unlock.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d1bff\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>(1)<\/strong> = This trait costs 1 SulfurPoint<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3nslo\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>(2)<\/strong> = This trait costs 2 SulfurPoint<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fa7ac\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>(3)<\/strong> = This trait costs 3 SulfurPoint<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6q9j\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>(x)<\/strong> = This trait costs x SulfurPoint<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"> <\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-fokm\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Head<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-76gns\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The head may have another gender. (Cow can become bull, deer can have no horn, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-e3m7d\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The bone cheek is always pointy<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5q0f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Is covered with a thin layer of skin<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fcdss\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Tongue is square-tipped<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9okok\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Orbits\/eye sockets and ears are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/105_127_66PsubTwE4sGuOs.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1077\" height=\"1014\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2c2ps\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Horse<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f1ie3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cow<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-50tll\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Deer<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-24qsh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wolf<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8u8lv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Fox<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fmdb4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cat<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ef4jb\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Crow<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-290b2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Raven<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9udqo\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Vulture<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ckcmi\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Owl<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-b2dk5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Bear<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-brdcb\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hare<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cjern\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No orbits<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-9kg9m\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-53dq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Orbits\/eye sockets (must correcpond to the skull)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-39hl3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Orbits\/eye sockets with a faint light inside (any color)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-4ofcd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-b0qff\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other animal <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2rk1n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any mythical or extinct animal (dragon, werewolf, griffin, dinosaur...) <strong>(2)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-flol6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other invented animal (your species or random design) <strong>(3)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-1i4d9\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Horns<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7rsa3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Their are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-c3dnd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They don't have to match the head or ears (for example, you can have a cow head with deer antlers and wolf ears.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/106_128_uHNMlg9ieUspooB.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1081\" height=\"433\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5g945\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any mammal's horn (present on Earth + isn't an extinct species) (Free)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-69fim\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Other horns (Demon, dragon, insect, dino, or invented, etc.) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5kkfh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Huge horns (equal or bigger than two times the head's length) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-64h0n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-e3ac\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Ears<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-69rpm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-65na6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They don't have to match the head or horns (for example, you can have a cow head with deer antlers and wolf ears.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9h8rf\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The ears may have species variation (for example, cow ears can become Brahman cow ears for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/104_126_BNKQgT9N5H6AHdM.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1081\" height=\"542\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6pkqv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No ears<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7pufe\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hole ears<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8s3tb\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Horse<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-83c3c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cow<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5d2nk\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Deer<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cetnu\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wolf<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-67mfj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Fox<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-p1lv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cat<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-bfhjr\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Owl<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-195pd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Bear<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fqd46\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hare<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-882b\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5k53p\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">If you unlocked another kind of skull with SulfurPoints, you have unlocked its eventual ears as well for your <u class=\"_3zM-5\">current<\/u> design. (For example, if you spent one SulfurPoint to unlock a squirrel's skull, you can add squirrel ears for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-c53a3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7nbmj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other animal <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6m2fu\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any mythical or extinct animal (dragon, werewolf, griffin, dinosaur...) <strong>(2)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5glro\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other invented animal (your species or random design) <strong>(3)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-77um4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Two or more pair(s) of ears<strong> (1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-7bcsd\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Tail<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-77sah\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail is optional and your Sulfurhast can have a bare butt if you want<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8s5p5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- It doesn't have to match the other animal parts nor the head (for example, you can have a cow head with a wolf tail.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-a9dss\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail may look healthy or sick (fur loss, apparent bones, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9pnm5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail may have species variation (for example, a cat tail can become a sphinx or Maine coon cat tail for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/100_122_R7cZLsS5LxlYsVB.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1080\" height=\"874\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cu6cs\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No tail<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-baka4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Horse<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-b4v60\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cow<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ducf3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Deer<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1rhq2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wolf<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f10kg\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Fox<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5k6fn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cat<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4636r\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Crow<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-vp3c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Raven<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-126cq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Vulture<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7gt6q\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Owl<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dkrb3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Bear<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d2akk\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hare<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-97b9f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-28qge\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">If you unlocked another kind of skull with SulfurPoints, you have unlocked its eventual tail as well for your <u class=\"_3zM-5\">current<\/u> design. (For example, if you spent one SulfurPoint to unlock a squirrel's skull, you can add a squirrel tail for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-9eavl\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2rdb5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other animal <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4ta1o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any mythical or extinct animal (dragon, werewolf, griffin, dinosaur...) <strong>(2)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-emn0h\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other invented animal (your species or random design) <strong>(3)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d1ro4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Two tails, or tail split in two <strong>(2)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9puff\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Three or more tails, or tail split in three or more <strong>(3)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-1ap4a\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Paws, legs<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7vc4t\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- \"Paws\" only refers to the feet. The hands of the beast will remain human-like.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3i5g0\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The legs are always anthro-shaped, no matter the chosen paws.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-b9635\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- It doesn't have to match the other animal parts nor the head (for example, you can have a cow head with hare paws.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-83ljs\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Thumbs are optional (depends if the necromancer selected back or front paws or the animal.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/108_130_FnKJ0nqt8JPjUnL.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1081\" height=\"665\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cjglh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Horse<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-b0mr8\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cow<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1241q\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Deer<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7ji2h\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wolf<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1o9d2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Fox<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-clubh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cat<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5k7d1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Crow<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7s3id\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Raven<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d7d6f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Vulture<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3pemv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Owl<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7flon\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Bear<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-39raq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hare<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-16met\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8roqn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">If you unlocked another kind of skull with SulfurPoints, you have unlocked its eventual tail as well for your <u class=\"_3zM-5\">current<\/u> design. (For example, if you spent one SulfurPoint to unlock a squirrel's skull, you can add squirrel paws for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-c5cu6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-br7o6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other animal <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2s6j4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any mythical or extinct animal (dragon, werewolf, griffin, dinosaur...) <strong>(2)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8lqj2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other invented animal (your species or random design) <strong>(3)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cjd9\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Two different paws <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-5nto5\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Other traits<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dds6v\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They are completely optional.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6qruh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Other traits can appear at any time in the list and are not limited to the visual sheet only.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/107_129_YgkU4ptUu6xZ4Dj.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1079\" height=\"1580\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5u1t5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Free addons: <\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-5fvt3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1m0pm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Fur (no limit)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1a04i\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Feathers (no limit)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2lrpm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hand pawpads<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-flni\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Damaged skull<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f066n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Carved bones\/skull<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8j70c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Extra teeth, fang and\/or tusks (any head)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7f4o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Stitches<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5pbv9\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Missing limbs \/ Heavily hurt<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ah4ml\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Extra bones \/ Protruding bones (no extra limbs or head)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8o3ri\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Skeletal body parts (missing flesh)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3433o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sick, ill aspect (skin problems, fur loss, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4js1h\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Black smoke constant leak (sulfur powder, toxic)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ahgr7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Prosthesis (respecting the basic anatomy)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-4cqc2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-8lj24\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-agprj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>SulfurPoint traits:<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-5hsn6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9r7nc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Scales (any size and pattern) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6bits\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Bleed \/ fluid leak (Any color and texture) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8r276\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Bioluminescence \/ phosphorescence <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4is87\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Metallic bones \/ markings <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7s9bh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Crystal bones \/ Gem growth <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7219o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Ghostly, plasma (body parts or fullbody) (doesn't glow) <strong>(2)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cprgj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Prosthesis (not respecting the basic anatomy. Example: gun arm) <strong>(2)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-alcuc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wings (any kind and number) <strong>(3)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-585oq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Anything else <strong>(3)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-bm270\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-eb6k6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Taur-like body <strong>(10)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d10d6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Can be centaur-like or another species. Artwork is just an example, and your Taur can be completely different from the sheet.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6tkmg\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Mer-like body <strong>(10)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ai05a\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Can have the body of any aquatic animal. Artwork is just an example, and your Mer can be completely different from the sheet.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4tbfj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Conjointed twins <strong>(10)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1cbg3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Don't have to be \"twins\", nor two merged bodies only (can be three, or more conjointed bodies, all with different features. Add any extra limb(s) and head(s) you want.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-3eii9\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2d1di\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Gives the Sulfurhast two preys, and thus two transformations instead of one <strong>(10)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7hh48\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Gives the Sulfurhast three preys, and thus three transformations instead of one <strong>(25)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>","parsed":{"description":"<h2 id=\"viewer-45d4c\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhast trait list<\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5qk0j\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No matter the aditional traits you choose, Sulfurhastes always have:<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3tb08\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- An animal semi-skull face (covered with a thin layer of skin)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ac0od\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The semi-skull face has very pointy bone cheeks<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9scmm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- A square-tipped tongue<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9aoab\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Claws on humanoid hands<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7bk6k\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Anthro legs<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7gumd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Some protrudring bones in the back<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3b5qn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- A rough and thick skin<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-2hvhq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9hvln\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The size of the animal parts always adapt to the body; meaning that a hare skull, for example, will grow to be human-sized, and same for every animal body parts. <br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-6q5ct\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When species variations are possible, it only considers species bearing the same name. For example, the cat tail can vary for the tail of the sphinx cat or Maine coon cat; but it does not include lion or puma tails, or other feline tails.<br \/><br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/97_119_3A5lAk7aRqjvdTF.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1067\" height=\"1564\" \/><br \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8sfdc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Here are the additional traits. A lot of them are free if you own a MYO, <strong>however <\/strong>some have a number at their side; it means that they cost one, two or three <strong>SulfurPoints<\/strong> (link) to unlock.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d1bff\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>(1)<\/strong> = This trait costs 1 SulfurPoint<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3nslo\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>(2)<\/strong> = This trait costs 2 SulfurPoint<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fa7ac\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>(3)<\/strong> = This trait costs 3 SulfurPoint<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6q9j\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>(x)<\/strong> = This trait costs x SulfurPoint<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"> <\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-fokm\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Head<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-76gns\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The head may have another gender. (Cow can become bull, deer can have no horn, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-e3m7d\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The bone cheek is always pointy<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5q0f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Is covered with a thin layer of skin<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fcdss\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Tongue is square-tipped<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9okok\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Orbits\/eye sockets and ears are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/105_127_66PsubTwE4sGuOs.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1077\" height=\"1014\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2c2ps\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Horse<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f1ie3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cow<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-50tll\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Deer<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-24qsh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wolf<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8u8lv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Fox<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fmdb4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cat<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ef4jb\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Crow<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-290b2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Raven<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9udqo\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Vulture<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ckcmi\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Owl<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-b2dk5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Bear<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-brdcb\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hare<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cjern\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No orbits<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-9kg9m\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-53dq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Orbits\/eye sockets (must correcpond to the skull)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-39hl3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Orbits\/eye sockets with a faint light inside (any color)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-4ofcd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-b0qff\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other animal <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2rk1n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any mythical or extinct animal (dragon, werewolf, griffin, dinosaur...) <strong>(2)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-flol6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other invented animal (your species or random design) <strong>(3)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-1i4d9\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Horns<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7rsa3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Their are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-c3dnd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They don't have to match the head or ears (for example, you can have a cow head with deer antlers and wolf ears.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/106_128_uHNMlg9ieUspooB.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1081\" height=\"433\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5g945\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any mammal's horn (present on Earth + isn't an extinct species) (Free)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-69fim\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Other horns (Demon, dragon, insect, dino, or invented, etc.) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5kkfh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Huge horns (equal or bigger than two times the head's length) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-64h0n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-e3ac\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Ears<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-69rpm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-65na6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They don't have to match the head or horns (for example, you can have a cow head with deer antlers and wolf ears.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9h8rf\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The ears may have species variation (for example, cow ears can become Brahman cow ears for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/104_126_BNKQgT9N5H6AHdM.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1081\" height=\"542\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6pkqv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No ears<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7pufe\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hole ears<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8s3tb\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Horse<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-83c3c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cow<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5d2nk\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Deer<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cetnu\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wolf<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-67mfj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Fox<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-p1lv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cat<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-bfhjr\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Owl<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-195pd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Bear<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fqd46\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hare<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-882b\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5k53p\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">If you unlocked another kind of skull with SulfurPoints, you have unlocked its eventual ears as well for your <u class=\"_3zM-5\">current<\/u> design. (For example, if you spent one SulfurPoint to unlock a squirrel's skull, you can add squirrel ears for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-c53a3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7nbmj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other animal <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6m2fu\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any mythical or extinct animal (dragon, werewolf, griffin, dinosaur...) <strong>(2)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5glro\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other invented animal (your species or random design) <strong>(3)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-77um4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Two or more pair(s) of ears<strong> (1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-7bcsd\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Tail<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-77sah\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail is optional and your Sulfurhast can have a bare butt if you want<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8s5p5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- It doesn't have to match the other animal parts nor the head (for example, you can have a cow head with a wolf tail.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-a9dss\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail may look healthy or sick (fur loss, apparent bones, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9pnm5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail may have species variation (for example, a cat tail can become a sphinx or Maine coon cat tail for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/100_122_R7cZLsS5LxlYsVB.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1080\" height=\"874\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cu6cs\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No tail<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-baka4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Horse<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-b4v60\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cow<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ducf3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Deer<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1rhq2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wolf<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f10kg\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Fox<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5k6fn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cat<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4636r\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Crow<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-vp3c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Raven<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-126cq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Vulture<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7gt6q\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Owl<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dkrb3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Bear<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d2akk\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hare<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-97b9f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-28qge\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">If you unlocked another kind of skull with SulfurPoints, you have unlocked its eventual tail as well for your <u class=\"_3zM-5\">current<\/u> design. (For example, if you spent one SulfurPoint to unlock a squirrel's skull, you can add a squirrel tail for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-9eavl\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2rdb5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other animal <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4ta1o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any mythical or extinct animal (dragon, werewolf, griffin, dinosaur...) <strong>(2)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-emn0h\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other invented animal (your species or random design) <strong>(3)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d1ro4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Two tails, or tail split in two <strong>(2)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9puff\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Three or more tails, or tail split in three or more <strong>(3)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-1ap4a\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Paws, legs<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7vc4t\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- \"Paws\" only refers to the feet. The hands of the beast will remain human-like.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3i5g0\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The legs are always anthro-shaped, no matter the chosen paws.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-b9635\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- It doesn't have to match the other animal parts nor the head (for example, you can have a cow head with hare paws.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-83ljs\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Thumbs are optional (depends if the necromancer selected back or front paws or the animal.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/108_130_FnKJ0nqt8JPjUnL.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1081\" height=\"665\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cjglh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Horse<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-b0mr8\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cow<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1241q\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Deer<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7ji2h\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wolf<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1o9d2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Fox<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-clubh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cat<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5k7d1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Crow<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7s3id\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Raven<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d7d6f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Vulture<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3pemv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Owl<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7flon\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Bear<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-39raq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hare<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-16met\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8roqn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">If you unlocked another kind of skull with SulfurPoints, you have unlocked its eventual tail as well for your <u class=\"_3zM-5\">current<\/u> design. (For example, if you spent one SulfurPoint to unlock a squirrel's skull, you can add squirrel paws for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-c5cu6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-br7o6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other animal <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2s6j4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any mythical or extinct animal (dragon, werewolf, griffin, dinosaur...) <strong>(2)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8lqj2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other invented animal (your species or random design) <strong>(3)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cjd9\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Two different paws <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-5nto5\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Other traits<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dds6v\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They are completely optional.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6qruh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Other traits can appear at any time in the list and are not limited to the visual sheet only.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/107_129_YgkU4ptUu6xZ4Dj.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1079\" height=\"1580\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5u1t5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Free addons: <\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-5fvt3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1m0pm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Fur (no limit)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1a04i\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Feathers (no limit)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2lrpm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hand pawpads<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-flni\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Damaged skull<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f066n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Carved bones\/skull<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8j70c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Extra teeth, fang and\/or tusks (any head)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7f4o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Stitches<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5pbv9\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Missing limbs \/ Heavily hurt<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ah4ml\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Extra bones \/ Protruding bones (no extra limbs or head)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8o3ri\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Skeletal body parts (missing flesh)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3433o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sick, ill aspect (skin problems, fur loss, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4js1h\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Black smoke constant leak (sulfur powder, toxic)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ahgr7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Prosthesis (respecting the basic anatomy)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-4cqc2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-8lj24\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-agprj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>SulfurPoint traits:<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-5hsn6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9r7nc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Scales (any size and pattern) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6bits\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Bleed \/ fluid leak (Any color and texture) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8r276\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Bioluminescence \/ phosphorescence <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4is87\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Metallic bones \/ markings <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7s9bh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Crystal bones \/ Gem growth <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7219o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Ghostly, plasma (body parts or fullbody) (doesn't glow) <strong>(2)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cprgj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Prosthesis (not respecting the basic anatomy. Example: gun arm) <strong>(2)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-alcuc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wings (any kind and number) <strong>(3)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-585oq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Anything else <strong>(3)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-bm270\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-eb6k6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Taur-like body <strong>(10)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d10d6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Can be centaur-like or another species. Artwork is just an example, and your Taur can be completely different from the sheet.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6tkmg\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Mer-like body <strong>(10)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ai05a\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Can have the body of any aquatic animal. Artwork is just an example, and your Mer can be completely different from the sheet.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4tbfj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Conjointed twins <strong>(10)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1cbg3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Don't have to be \"twins\", nor two merged bodies only (can be three, or more conjointed bodies, all with different features. Add any extra limb(s) and head(s) you want.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-3eii9\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2d1di\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Gives the Sulfurhast two preys, and thus two transformations instead of one <strong>(10)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7hh48\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Gives the Sulfurhast three preys, and thus three transformations instead of one <strong>(25)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>"}},"title":"Trait Sheets","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":["wip"],"page_tag":null}
Page Updated
Length: 58517 - Show Raw Data
{"data":{"description":"<p>Information Coming Soon<br \/><br \/>Purchased From: LinkaBell-Art<br \/><br \/>Created by Yoka (They seem to have left DeviantArt)<br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/www.deviantart.com\/yoka\">https:\/\/www.deviantart.com\/yoka<\/a><br \/><br \/>There are guest artists who can make adopts<br \/><br \/>ALL existing MYOs will be honored!<br \/><br \/>Upgrade Token Cost Coming Soon<br \/><br \/>See the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.deviantart.com\/sulfurhast-den\">group on deviantart<\/a> for proof of my ownership! I purchased them from <a href=\"https:\/\/www.deviantart.com\/linkabell-art\">Linkabell-Art<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>Who purchased them from the original creator <a href=\"https:\/\/www.deviantart.com\/yokamycelium\">YokaMycelium<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>Original concept that became the Sulfurhast created by <a href=\"https:\/\/www.deviantart.com\/tomoburd\">Tomoburd<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>Full species rights belongs to me, Cryptid-Artha, Artha-Demon in some places!<\/p>","field1":"<p id=\"viewer-59nfh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">A Sulfurhast is a merciless beast commonly used as hunters and puppets. Their main purpose is to track down, kill, and take the appearance of their prey. Useful in kings games or when a target becomes unreachable...<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6tvh1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are generally tall, and easily can reach 2m \/ 6'6\" to 2,50m \/ 8'2\" (approx.) Although smaller ones already have been witnessed, and they're not less deadly or dangerous. They all have a skull face covered with a thin layer of skin, and it's most often the face of a psychopomp animal (guide of souls.) Their skin looks like it's been flayed, yet it's a tough layer of hide.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-917hl\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They can evolve in any universe having magic, and especially black magic. They can be created by powerful necromancers, witches, dark mages, or black magic users in general, implying a lot of sacrifices and a dangerous ritual. They are made with fresh flesh, black magic, and sulfur.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3s0sl\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Since they're based on humanoid remains, they can have various body types and sizes, as well as various animal parts.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fa3n6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are sometimes seen with orbits, and a faint light illuminating it from the inside.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-bip46\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Their tongue is always thick with a square-shaped tip.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-b43c5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-718no\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They're mostly unknown in folklores and cultures. \"Sulfurhaste\" never or rarely ring a bell, the name means nothing to most of all. However, some powerful magic users might have heard that name once; and it has been described as a knife to the jugular, as something impossible to stop once it's created, as a terrific fate. They say that once you are chased by a Sulfurhast, your life is at the mercy of the gods.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-84s6l\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare are the souls aware of what's a Sulfurhast, and even rarer are those who knows how to create one. <\/span><\/p>","field2":"<p><br \/><br \/>First, you'll need to gather the proper ingredients. You'll need: <br \/>- A lot of sulfur powder. Be careful, you'll have to manipulate it with a mask on your face not to breathe it. A high dose could kill you, and a small dose is enough to be disoriented.<br \/>- Warm human blood.<br \/>- A human's fresh corpse.<br \/>- Chosen animal's fresh body parts, including the skull, tail and legs. Other bits such as ears or horns can be added.<br \/>- A possession from the prey you chose. Make sure it belongs to your prey, and that it has been stolen, not gifted to you. The more the prey is attached to this object, the stronger the bound. It can only be an object or a part of the prey's body (such as blood or hair, for example.) The object should be free of magic, or should contains the prey's magic only.<br \/>- And a bit of your own life essence.<br \/><br \/>The best way to set up the ritual is to have two humans and the chosen animal(s) in nearby cages. Gather the warm blood of the first human, and mix it with the sulfur power. You should get a sticky and awful mixture. Use it to trace the Sulfurhast symbol on a clean ground. It should be large enough so the circle can hold entirely the Sulfurhast's lying body. Alternatively you can use the blood of the body you'll use afterwards and only have one victim instead of two, but it's less efficient.<br \/><br \/>The symbol to make your Sulfurhast real is important, and full of meaning. By a simple look, it reveals the triadic and complex relationship between the necromancer, the Sulfurhast, and the prey. The symbol at its center is the symbol for sulfur, your most important component when making your beast. The triangle is here to represent the three involved parts in this terrible spell. The circle is here to contains the magic inside. On top of the symbol is the necromancy symbol, it represents you and your actions. At right, another sulfur symbol, but also the symbol of a hunt that will never cease even if there are obstacles on the way. It represent the Sulfurhast and how impossible it is to stop it. At left, the symbol of sacrifice. It represent the chosen prey, the goal, the sole obsession, and he consequences of your actions.<br \/><br \/>When you traced the symbol, kill the second human and the animal(s) and dispose their body parts in a way to form the Sulfurhast's body. The head of the beast should be where the hunt symbol stands (the right one.) And the arms of the future beast should point towards the two other symbols (the necromancer and the prey,) but make sure that none of the body parts get across the circle. A servant can do it for you, if you have willing servants... but I think it's more important for the bound between the beast and you to do it yourself. Then, place the future prey's possession where the prey symbol stands (the left one.) Try to restrain your nausea when you'll start smelling the blood and sulfur's awful smells, and when you'll manipulate corpses. There is no place for sudden guilt or disgust in your action in this ritual.<br \/>You may take bodyparts of people died from a natural death or from a disease, so you don't have to kill them yourself, but make sure that the body parts remain fresh, and didn't start to rot.<br \/><br \/>When it's done, sit down where the necromancer symbol stands (the top one.) But do NOT cross the circle, not even with the tip of your toes: you would loose them.<br \/>It's no wonder why the necromancer symbol stands on the top: if you manage well, you'll be in control of the two other parts soon enough. <br \/>When you feel prepared, pronounce the ritual's words while infusing the symbol and the body parts with your black magic and life essence: <br \/><br \/><em>Kmetz kha dvash stom zmutzam abakh kmetz peshbo' tzu dvash matosh tzovkha dash<br \/>Ish kebo'an okhney shad kme'ekim bnar kvi'ek stot kmeya mamhim sikhumtze yoba zmukh<br \/>bomked kofo khagugmo imha'nomuye iyat'an nug o'em pehumni bnush dvashe ped<br \/>Kmetz kha dvash stom zmutzam abakh kmetz peshbo' tzu dvash matosh tzovkha dash<\/em><br \/><br \/>It is Dvalmay words, a language lost a long time ago. The first person to create a Sulfurhast talked this language. The spell probably could work if we pronouced the correct sentences in any language, but we lost the translation over the eras. You'd better learn these sentence by heart because you will be too focused on maintaining the spell to read scrappy notes on a sketchbook. While you do this, make sure that nothing can interrupt you. The Sulfurhast won't be alive until the end, but that'd be a serious waste to be interrupted after already so many sacrifices. <br \/>When you said every sentences, then say them again and again, until soemthing changes.<br \/><br \/>If you did everything well, you should see soon enough a black smoke filling the inside of the circle. It will not reach you, to the condition you made a circle with no hole. Keep repeating the Dvalmay sentences. To this point, you'll be in a state of trance. You might even start to ignore what's around you, so make sure that no one's gonna stab you in the back. <br \/>When the smoke will slowly disappear, and if your eyes are open, you'll see the Sulfurhast rising. If the spell succeeded, you'll feel the Sulfurhast becoming alive and rising as if it was you. Then, you'll know you succeeded.<br \/><br \/>The Sulfurhast will be stuck inside the circle as long as you'll be pronouncing the sentences. It might feel like a comfortable situation, but you should not make it wait, for the bound with its prey must be made at most a few minutes after its birth. Otherwise, you'll automatically become its prey...<br \/>Stop saying the sentence as soon as the beast awoke. The magic barrier will cease and the beast will be able to walk past it. Stop infusing your magic and life essence as well, or it will consume you whole: the beast will take what you give to it. <br \/><br \/>Most of time, the monster will feel the object's presence on the prey's symbol, and will reach it to eat and consume it. Then the track will start, the beast will leave to find its prey, and you can take a break. But sometimes, the beast will remain inside the circle and not make a move, or worse: it'll seem to be more interested in YOU. If it happens, quickly grab the object and give it to your monster. <br \/><br \/>When the Sulfurhast started its hunt, you'll need to rest. You'll feel exhausted. Try not to cast any other spell for a week if you can; you'll be drained. Eat and drink as much as you can, and sleep as much as you need to. You'll maybe experience visions or dreams, where you'll see what your beast sees or feel what it feels. It's normal. <br \/><br \/>If you survived this far, congratulations! You'll now be the proud owner of an identity-theft monster, and you'll soon be able to take control of it and its powers. You'll have to take care of your monster and to make sure it never wants its freedom, aka your death. <br \/><br \/>And if you ever feel like you could create a second monster, then a third, then many others and never cease, then remember this: it'll take a part of your soul every time. <\/p>","field3":"<p>Unknown<\/p>","field4":"<p>Undead, dangerous. Powerful and tireless<\/p>","field5":"<p>These creatures do not reproduce, as they are summoned\/created. How they are created and their origins are seen here<br \/><br \/><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The triangle is an excellent representation of a Sulfurhast's life. It is no hazard if its invocation symbols represents the three possible stages of its life and in the same time, its complex relationship with the two other parts. Let's have a closer look at it: <\/span><br \/><br \/>[Image Goes Here]<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cg0j8\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Gene Seskrit explains:<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-emchj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">\"<em>The symbol to make your Sulfurhast real is important, and full of meaning. By a simple look, it reveals the triadic and complex relationship between the necromancer, the Sulfurhast, and the prey. The symbol at its center is the symbol for sulfur, your most important component when making your beast. The triangle is here to represent the three involved parts in this terrible spell. The circle is here to contains the magic inside. On top of the symbol is the necromancy symbol, it represents you and your actions. At right, another sulfur symbol, but also the symbol of a hunt that will never cease even if there are obstacles on the way. It represent the Sulfurhast and how impossible it is to stop it. At left, the symbol of sacrifice. It represent the chosen prey, the goal, the sole obsession, and he consequences of your actions.<\/em>\"<\/span><\/p>","field6":null,"field7":"<p id=\"viewer-ejl0c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">To start, creating a Sulfurhast must be the very last resort of yours. It must be made only when you have tried every possible other options, and failed to all of them. The cost of such a ritual and the dangers encountered are rarely worth the price, and many necromancers have died in the process. And for those who survived... They all changed. You won't be able to see it, but you'll loose a part of yourself after created such a beast. Not like a missing finger or a hand, but more like missing a part of your own spitirual essence. Like a part of your soul, of your life. It's hard to explain to those who never experienced it. Be patient, you'll experience it soon enough.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dhpm4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Unlike everyone loves to believe, Sulfurhastes are not demons. And they do not come from hell. Some like to consider them as spirits, but it's more complex than that. They're more like... a part of you, and a part of their prey.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-582cu\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are not good or evil, they only serve their purpose. They look like ghosts, monsters, their silhouette is made from the remains you'll use. If you have the spirit of an artist, you might even make a beautiful beast. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9qbou\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">But let's talk about their purpose, about why one wants to create a Sulfurhast. These beasts are hunters. You give them a purpose at birth, a prey. Then, you turn them into puppets, and steal the identity of the prey. Always wanted to be a prince? Then send a Sulfurhast after the said prince. Nobody will be able to stop the process, not even the royal guards or the royal mage. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-69r2k\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">I see in your eyes how curious you are about this process. \"How can a single creature defeat an army and a mage?\" you ask. The answer is: hunger. But let me explain it to you more precisely.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9vdfa\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhastes can live accross three phases in their life. Only two of them are useful for you.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8ilht\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The first phase is called the <strong>Hunter Phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-crmn7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When the beast will rise from its sulfur and blood symbol that you traced on the groud, you'll have a few minutes only to give it a purpose. Give it something that belonged to the person you want to see dead. It can be anything, but the more the object was important to the prey, the stronger the link; and if it's blood of the prey, it's even better. The Sulfurhast will eat this possession, then it'll immediately locate its prey, and start running in their direction. It'll be a magic link, and the Sulfurhast will know where is its prey even if it's at the other side of the world.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-41j9l\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">During this phase, the Sulfurhast is nothing more than an empty shell of flesh. They have no soul and no feelings. All they have is the bit of black magic you gave them and... and a bit of your own essence. And deep inside their guts, they have an insatiable hunger. But nothing could calm the hunger; the food will turn into ashes, the flesh will be unsaviory and useless, black magic and people's life essence will be only temporary. No, only the flesh, the possessions and the soul of their designated prey will be able to satisfy their hunger, and they know it. They'll never cease to track down their prey until they're satisfied. The target you gave them will be their sole obsession.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2gjae\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Their prey can be anyone, but keep in mind that the victim you choose will have a terrible death. During this phase, the beast will not sleep, nor eat, nor rest. It'll keep running towards the victim until it finds it. Its level of intelligence is minor, but it might eventually learn how to open door handles and such things. It doesn't have thoughts, but it's not completely a beast. It's more like... a ghost.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-mlq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The second phase is called the <strong>Puppet Phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dokkk\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">It occurs when the Sulfurhast finally found and ingested its prey. It will have consumed everything about its target: flesh, bones, spiritual essence, bits of memory, languages, clothes, and current possessions.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dbop1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The hunger is calmed. The Sulfurhast will still need to ingest life essence and black magic from time to time, but it'll be a minor annoyance. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7bh99\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The beast ingested everything about its prey. <em>Everything<\/em>. So much that it <em>became<\/em> its prey. And the person it killed and ate now became the Sulfurhast. And the Sulfurhast may now shapeshit into its prey's appearance in a flash of black smoke. No matter the species of its prey and how different it was from the Sulfurhast's original body, it'll be able to shapeshift in a few seconds. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7p6o1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The beast might try to imitate the dead prey at first, but it'll be clumsly and won't be able to fool the victim's relatives. This is where your job continues.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d7s5g\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The \"Puppet\" Phase is named that way because once the prey is ingested, you are able to take control of your beast. With a simple ritual of possession, which will be eased by the fact that the Sulfurhast has a bit of your essence, you'll be able to take control of your monster at will. You'll see through its eyes, you'll shape shift in its stead, you'll feel what it feels, and you'll act through the beast as you wish. When people will see their friend, they'll in fact see a monster who ate it, controlled by a necromancer. That's wild, isn't it?<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dm3ca\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">It is useful to steal an identity, a throne, etc. You'll be the prince of a foreign country, your worst enemy's wife, you'll be a child again or an old person. You'll steal every power, status, title, and anything the victim had.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2o0nv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Be careful about powerful magic users however, for they might feel the black magic link inside the beast. When you possess the beast, a good mage might be able to feel you and to locate you.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8sdi6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">During this phase, the Sulfurhast has gained life essence. It is now completed by a full soul, and by the bits of you that you gave earlier. It technically became <em>alive<\/em>. And it will learn. And it will learn <em>fast<\/em>. And it will start feeling. And it'll start living, and experiencing. And it'll become as intelligent as you, sometimes more. It'll take some time to happen, but it always happens faster than you expected. And the beast will start to realise that someone is controlling it in its stead. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"> <\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f6goc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The third phase is called the <strong>Freedom phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-frsir\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Although it may be called by other names such as the Free Phase, the Frightening phase, the Dangerous phase, or the Pacified Phase.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ah6ns\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The third phase occurs when the link between the necromancer and the Sulfurhast is broken. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ehrfi\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">How can it break, you wonder? <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7s11r\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When the Sulfurhast realizes its connection with you, and the fact that you're controlling it, it'll want its freedom. And also probably more than its freedom. Several events can provoke it: <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3g9ft\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The Sulfurhast will need to frequently ingest life essence. Understand by this: bits of soul and magic. If it doesn't have it, it will die. But a Sulfurhast is resourceful, and if you don't give it the option to feed on its surroundings, or if it's locked somewhere, then the magic bound between you and it will start to turn against you. The Sulfurhast will start to absorb your life essence instead of dying. You'll feel it, don't worry. But if you do nothing to stop it, it'll feed on your soul until you have nothing left and die, no matter the distance between you and it. In short, be careful about feeding properly your beast, or it'll feed on you like any other animal would.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-m69f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- You won't be able to possess your beast all the time. You'll have to get back to your body to eat, wash, and live a bit not to loose your muscles. And when you'll not be possessing your monster, it might feel the need to meet its creator a second time. If it finds you before you can realize it, it'll try to kill you, and to consume you. That way, it'll gain its freedom, and it'll consume your soul to increase greatly its lifespan. How convenient.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8q1gc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- You can also break the bound between your Sulfurhast and you at any time. It'll cost you a lot of black magic, but you can do it. You might ask: why would you want to break such a bound, after all the sacrifices you made to create it? If you feel like the bound between the Sulfurhast and you becomes dangerous, you will want to break it, trust me. A mage located you? The beast's hunting you? Someone understood that their friend isn't really a person but is a beast instead? You might want to break it for your safety. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4a4jc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">You'll loose your control over the beast. But sometimes, it's for the best. This is why I told you that creating a Sulfurhast should be your last resort.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6ulj5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Finally, if you die for any reason, the beast will be free nonetheless. It'll feel your death and will probably try to find your body to ingest it, but you won't be here anymore to prevent it.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ctktf\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">In the Freedom Phase, the Sulfurhast has gained intelligence and any skills its prey had. And it'll live its life as it wishes to, with its knowledge on the world. It'll choose its own purpose on life, and it'll live as long as it can find some life source from time to time, like a vampire. <\/span><\/p>","parsed":{"description":"<p>Information Coming Soon<br \/><br \/>Purchased From: LinkaBell-Art<br \/><br \/>Created by Yoka (They seem to have left DeviantArt)<br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/www.deviantart.com\/yoka\">https:\/\/www.deviantart.com\/yoka<\/a><br \/><br \/>There are guest artists who can make adopts<br \/><br \/>ALL existing MYOs will be honored!<br \/><br \/>Upgrade Token Cost Coming Soon<br \/><br \/>See the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.deviantart.com\/sulfurhast-den\">group on deviantart<\/a> for proof of my ownership! I purchased them from <a href=\"https:\/\/www.deviantart.com\/linkabell-art\">Linkabell-Art<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>Who purchased them from the original creator <a href=\"https:\/\/www.deviantart.com\/yokamycelium\">YokaMycelium<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>Original concept that became the Sulfurhast created by <a href=\"https:\/\/www.deviantart.com\/tomoburd\">Tomoburd<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>Full species rights belongs to me, Cryptid-Artha, Artha-Demon in some places!<\/p>","field1":"<p id=\"viewer-59nfh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">A Sulfurhast is a merciless beast commonly used as hunters and puppets. Their main purpose is to track down, kill, and take the appearance of their prey. Useful in kings games or when a target becomes unreachable...<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6tvh1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are generally tall, and easily can reach 2m \/ 6'6\" to 2,50m \/ 8'2\" (approx.) Although smaller ones already have been witnessed, and they're not less deadly or dangerous. They all have a skull face covered with a thin layer of skin, and it's most often the face of a psychopomp animal (guide of souls.) Their skin looks like it's been flayed, yet it's a tough layer of hide.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-917hl\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They can evolve in any universe having magic, and especially black magic. They can be created by powerful necromancers, witches, dark mages, or black magic users in general, implying a lot of sacrifices and a dangerous ritual. They are made with fresh flesh, black magic, and sulfur.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3s0sl\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Since they're based on humanoid remains, they can have various body types and sizes, as well as various animal parts.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fa3n6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are sometimes seen with orbits, and a faint light illuminating it from the inside.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-bip46\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Their tongue is always thick with a square-shaped tip.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-b43c5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-718no\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They're mostly unknown in folklores and cultures. \"Sulfurhaste\" never or rarely ring a bell, the name means nothing to most of all. However, some powerful magic users might have heard that name once; and it has been described as a knife to the jugular, as something impossible to stop once it's created, as a terrific fate. They say that once you are chased by a Sulfurhast, your life is at the mercy of the gods.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-84s6l\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare are the souls aware of what's a Sulfurhast, and even rarer are those who knows how to create one. <\/span><\/p>","field2":"<p><br \/><br \/>First, you'll need to gather the proper ingredients. You'll need: <br \/>- A lot of sulfur powder. Be careful, you'll have to manipulate it with a mask on your face not to breathe it. A high dose could kill you, and a small dose is enough to be disoriented.<br \/>- Warm human blood.<br \/>- A human's fresh corpse.<br \/>- Chosen animal's fresh body parts, including the skull, tail and legs. Other bits such as ears or horns can be added.<br \/>- A possession from the prey you chose. Make sure it belongs to your prey, and that it has been stolen, not gifted to you. The more the prey is attached to this object, the stronger the bound. It can only be an object or a part of the prey's body (such as blood or hair, for example.) The object should be free of magic, or should contains the prey's magic only.<br \/>- And a bit of your own life essence.<br \/><br \/>The best way to set up the ritual is to have two humans and the chosen animal(s) in nearby cages. Gather the warm blood of the first human, and mix it with the sulfur power. You should get a sticky and awful mixture. Use it to trace the Sulfurhast symbol on a clean ground. It should be large enough so the circle can hold entirely the Sulfurhast's lying body. Alternatively you can use the blood of the body you'll use afterwards and only have one victim instead of two, but it's less efficient.<br \/><br \/>The symbol to make your Sulfurhast real is important, and full of meaning. By a simple look, it reveals the triadic and complex relationship between the necromancer, the Sulfurhast, and the prey. The symbol at its center is the symbol for sulfur, your most important component when making your beast. The triangle is here to represent the three involved parts in this terrible spell. The circle is here to contains the magic inside. On top of the symbol is the necromancy symbol, it represents you and your actions. At right, another sulfur symbol, but also the symbol of a hunt that will never cease even if there are obstacles on the way. It represent the Sulfurhast and how impossible it is to stop it. At left, the symbol of sacrifice. It represent the chosen prey, the goal, the sole obsession, and he consequences of your actions.<br \/><br \/>When you traced the symbol, kill the second human and the animal(s) and dispose their body parts in a way to form the Sulfurhast's body. The head of the beast should be where the hunt symbol stands (the right one.) And the arms of the future beast should point towards the two other symbols (the necromancer and the prey,) but make sure that none of the body parts get across the circle. A servant can do it for you, if you have willing servants... but I think it's more important for the bound between the beast and you to do it yourself. Then, place the future prey's possession where the prey symbol stands (the left one.) Try to restrain your nausea when you'll start smelling the blood and sulfur's awful smells, and when you'll manipulate corpses. There is no place for sudden guilt or disgust in your action in this ritual.<br \/>You may take bodyparts of people died from a natural death or from a disease, so you don't have to kill them yourself, but make sure that the body parts remain fresh, and didn't start to rot.<br \/><br \/>When it's done, sit down where the necromancer symbol stands (the top one.) But do NOT cross the circle, not even with the tip of your toes: you would loose them.<br \/>It's no wonder why the necromancer symbol stands on the top: if you manage well, you'll be in control of the two other parts soon enough. <br \/>When you feel prepared, pronounce the ritual's words while infusing the symbol and the body parts with your black magic and life essence: <br \/><br \/><em>Kmetz kha dvash stom zmutzam abakh kmetz peshbo' tzu dvash matosh tzovkha dash<br \/>Ish kebo'an okhney shad kme'ekim bnar kvi'ek stot kmeya mamhim sikhumtze yoba zmukh<br \/>bomked kofo khagugmo imha'nomuye iyat'an nug o'em pehumni bnush dvashe ped<br \/>Kmetz kha dvash stom zmutzam abakh kmetz peshbo' tzu dvash matosh tzovkha dash<\/em><br \/><br \/>It is Dvalmay words, a language lost a long time ago. The first person to create a Sulfurhast talked this language. The spell probably could work if we pronouced the correct sentences in any language, but we lost the translation over the eras. You'd better learn these sentence by heart because you will be too focused on maintaining the spell to read scrappy notes on a sketchbook. While you do this, make sure that nothing can interrupt you. The Sulfurhast won't be alive until the end, but that'd be a serious waste to be interrupted after already so many sacrifices. <br \/>When you said every sentences, then say them again and again, until soemthing changes.<br \/><br \/>If you did everything well, you should see soon enough a black smoke filling the inside of the circle. It will not reach you, to the condition you made a circle with no hole. Keep repeating the Dvalmay sentences. To this point, you'll be in a state of trance. You might even start to ignore what's around you, so make sure that no one's gonna stab you in the back. <br \/>When the smoke will slowly disappear, and if your eyes are open, you'll see the Sulfurhast rising. If the spell succeeded, you'll feel the Sulfurhast becoming alive and rising as if it was you. Then, you'll know you succeeded.<br \/><br \/>The Sulfurhast will be stuck inside the circle as long as you'll be pronouncing the sentences. It might feel like a comfortable situation, but you should not make it wait, for the bound with its prey must be made at most a few minutes after its birth. Otherwise, you'll automatically become its prey...<br \/>Stop saying the sentence as soon as the beast awoke. The magic barrier will cease and the beast will be able to walk past it. Stop infusing your magic and life essence as well, or it will consume you whole: the beast will take what you give to it. <br \/><br \/>Most of time, the monster will feel the object's presence on the prey's symbol, and will reach it to eat and consume it. Then the track will start, the beast will leave to find its prey, and you can take a break. But sometimes, the beast will remain inside the circle and not make a move, or worse: it'll seem to be more interested in YOU. If it happens, quickly grab the object and give it to your monster. <br \/><br \/>When the Sulfurhast started its hunt, you'll need to rest. You'll feel exhausted. Try not to cast any other spell for a week if you can; you'll be drained. Eat and drink as much as you can, and sleep as much as you need to. You'll maybe experience visions or dreams, where you'll see what your beast sees or feel what it feels. It's normal. <br \/><br \/>If you survived this far, congratulations! You'll now be the proud owner of an identity-theft monster, and you'll soon be able to take control of it and its powers. You'll have to take care of your monster and to make sure it never wants its freedom, aka your death. <br \/><br \/>And if you ever feel like you could create a second monster, then a third, then many others and never cease, then remember this: it'll take a part of your soul every time. <\/p>","field3":"<p>Unknown<\/p>","field4":"<p>Undead, dangerous. Powerful and tireless<\/p>","field5":"<p>These creatures do not reproduce, as they are summoned\/created. How they are created and their origins are seen here<br \/><br \/><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The triangle is an excellent representation of a Sulfurhast's life. It is no hazard if its invocation symbols represents the three possible stages of its life and in the same time, its complex relationship with the two other parts. Let's have a closer look at it: <\/span><br \/><br \/>[Image Goes Here]<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cg0j8\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Gene Seskrit explains:<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-emchj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">\"<em>The symbol to make your Sulfurhast real is important, and full of meaning. By a simple look, it reveals the triadic and complex relationship between the necromancer, the Sulfurhast, and the prey. The symbol at its center is the symbol for sulfur, your most important component when making your beast. The triangle is here to represent the three involved parts in this terrible spell. The circle is here to contains the magic inside. On top of the symbol is the necromancy symbol, it represents you and your actions. At right, another sulfur symbol, but also the symbol of a hunt that will never cease even if there are obstacles on the way. It represent the Sulfurhast and how impossible it is to stop it. At left, the symbol of sacrifice. It represent the chosen prey, the goal, the sole obsession, and he consequences of your actions.<\/em>\"<\/span><\/p>","field6":null,"field7":"<p id=\"viewer-ejl0c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">To start, creating a Sulfurhast must be the very last resort of yours. It must be made only when you have tried every possible other options, and failed to all of them. The cost of such a ritual and the dangers encountered are rarely worth the price, and many necromancers have died in the process. And for those who survived... They all changed. You won't be able to see it, but you'll loose a part of yourself after created such a beast. Not like a missing finger or a hand, but more like missing a part of your own spitirual essence. Like a part of your soul, of your life. It's hard to explain to those who never experienced it. Be patient, you'll experience it soon enough.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dhpm4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Unlike everyone loves to believe, Sulfurhastes are not demons. And they do not come from hell. Some like to consider them as spirits, but it's more complex than that. They're more like... a part of you, and a part of their prey.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-582cu\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are not good or evil, they only serve their purpose. They look like ghosts, monsters, their silhouette is made from the remains you'll use. If you have the spirit of an artist, you might even make a beautiful beast. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9qbou\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">But let's talk about their purpose, about why one wants to create a Sulfurhast. These beasts are hunters. You give them a purpose at birth, a prey. Then, you turn them into puppets, and steal the identity of the prey. Always wanted to be a prince? Then send a Sulfurhast after the said prince. Nobody will be able to stop the process, not even the royal guards or the royal mage. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-69r2k\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">I see in your eyes how curious you are about this process. \"How can a single creature defeat an army and a mage?\" you ask. The answer is: hunger. But let me explain it to you more precisely.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9vdfa\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhastes can live accross three phases in their life. Only two of them are useful for you.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8ilht\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The first phase is called the <strong>Hunter Phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-crmn7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When the beast will rise from its sulfur and blood symbol that you traced on the groud, you'll have a few minutes only to give it a purpose. Give it something that belonged to the person you want to see dead. It can be anything, but the more the object was important to the prey, the stronger the link; and if it's blood of the prey, it's even better. The Sulfurhast will eat this possession, then it'll immediately locate its prey, and start running in their direction. It'll be a magic link, and the Sulfurhast will know where is its prey even if it's at the other side of the world.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-41j9l\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">During this phase, the Sulfurhast is nothing more than an empty shell of flesh. They have no soul and no feelings. All they have is the bit of black magic you gave them and... and a bit of your own essence. And deep inside their guts, they have an insatiable hunger. But nothing could calm the hunger; the food will turn into ashes, the flesh will be unsaviory and useless, black magic and people's life essence will be only temporary. No, only the flesh, the possessions and the soul of their designated prey will be able to satisfy their hunger, and they know it. They'll never cease to track down their prey until they're satisfied. The target you gave them will be their sole obsession.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2gjae\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Their prey can be anyone, but keep in mind that the victim you choose will have a terrible death. During this phase, the beast will not sleep, nor eat, nor rest. It'll keep running towards the victim until it finds it. Its level of intelligence is minor, but it might eventually learn how to open door handles and such things. It doesn't have thoughts, but it's not completely a beast. It's more like... a ghost.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-mlq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The second phase is called the <strong>Puppet Phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dokkk\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">It occurs when the Sulfurhast finally found and ingested its prey. It will have consumed everything about its target: flesh, bones, spiritual essence, bits of memory, languages, clothes, and current possessions.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dbop1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The hunger is calmed. The Sulfurhast will still need to ingest life essence and black magic from time to time, but it'll be a minor annoyance. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7bh99\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The beast ingested everything about its prey. <em>Everything<\/em>. So much that it <em>became<\/em> its prey. And the person it killed and ate now became the Sulfurhast. And the Sulfurhast may now shapeshit into its prey's appearance in a flash of black smoke. No matter the species of its prey and how different it was from the Sulfurhast's original body, it'll be able to shapeshift in a few seconds. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7p6o1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The beast might try to imitate the dead prey at first, but it'll be clumsly and won't be able to fool the victim's relatives. This is where your job continues.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d7s5g\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The \"Puppet\" Phase is named that way because once the prey is ingested, you are able to take control of your beast. With a simple ritual of possession, which will be eased by the fact that the Sulfurhast has a bit of your essence, you'll be able to take control of your monster at will. You'll see through its eyes, you'll shape shift in its stead, you'll feel what it feels, and you'll act through the beast as you wish. When people will see their friend, they'll in fact see a monster who ate it, controlled by a necromancer. That's wild, isn't it?<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dm3ca\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">It is useful to steal an identity, a throne, etc. You'll be the prince of a foreign country, your worst enemy's wife, you'll be a child again or an old person. You'll steal every power, status, title, and anything the victim had.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2o0nv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Be careful about powerful magic users however, for they might feel the black magic link inside the beast. When you possess the beast, a good mage might be able to feel you and to locate you.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8sdi6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">During this phase, the Sulfurhast has gained life essence. It is now completed by a full soul, and by the bits of you that you gave earlier. It technically became <em>alive<\/em>. And it will learn. And it will learn <em>fast<\/em>. And it will start feeling. And it'll start living, and experiencing. And it'll become as intelligent as you, sometimes more. It'll take some time to happen, but it always happens faster than you expected. And the beast will start to realise that someone is controlling it in its stead. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"> <\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f6goc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The third phase is called the <strong>Freedom phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-frsir\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Although it may be called by other names such as the Free Phase, the Frightening phase, the Dangerous phase, or the Pacified Phase.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ah6ns\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The third phase occurs when the link between the necromancer and the Sulfurhast is broken. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ehrfi\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">How can it break, you wonder? <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7s11r\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When the Sulfurhast realizes its connection with you, and the fact that you're controlling it, it'll want its freedom. And also probably more than its freedom. Several events can provoke it: <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3g9ft\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The Sulfurhast will need to frequently ingest life essence. Understand by this: bits of soul and magic. If it doesn't have it, it will die. But a Sulfurhast is resourceful, and if you don't give it the option to feed on its surroundings, or if it's locked somewhere, then the magic bound between you and it will start to turn against you. The Sulfurhast will start to absorb your life essence instead of dying. You'll feel it, don't worry. But if you do nothing to stop it, it'll feed on your soul until you have nothing left and die, no matter the distance between you and it. In short, be careful about feeding properly your beast, or it'll feed on you like any other animal would.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-m69f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- You won't be able to possess your beast all the time. You'll have to get back to your body to eat, wash, and live a bit not to loose your muscles. And when you'll not be possessing your monster, it might feel the need to meet its creator a second time. If it finds you before you can realize it, it'll try to kill you, and to consume you. That way, it'll gain its freedom, and it'll consume your soul to increase greatly its lifespan. How convenient.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8q1gc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- You can also break the bound between your Sulfurhast and you at any time. It'll cost you a lot of black magic, but you can do it. You might ask: why would you want to break such a bound, after all the sacrifices you made to create it? If you feel like the bound between the Sulfurhast and you becomes dangerous, you will want to break it, trust me. A mage located you? The beast's hunting you? Someone understood that their friend isn't really a person but is a beast instead? You might want to break it for your safety. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4a4jc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">You'll loose your control over the beast. But sometimes, it's for the best. This is why I told you that creating a Sulfurhast should be your last resort.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6ulj5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Finally, if you die for any reason, the beast will be free nonetheless. It'll feel your death and will probably try to find your body to ingest it, but you won't be here anymore to prevent it.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ctktf\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">In the Freedom Phase, the Sulfurhast has gained intelligence and any skills its prey had. And it'll live its life as it wishes to, with its knowledge on the world. It'll choose its own purpose on life, and it'll live as long as it can find some life source from time to time, like a vampire. <\/span><\/p>"}},"title":"Sulfurhast","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":["wip","stub"],"page_tag":null}
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Length: 58517 (+124) - Show Raw Data
{"data":{"description":"<p>Information Coming Soon<br \/><br \/>Purchased From: LinkaBell-Art<br \/><br \/>Created by Yoka (They seem to have left DeviantArt)<br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/www.deviantart.com\/yoka\">https:\/\/www.deviantart.com\/yoka<\/a><br \/><br \/>There are guest artists who can make adopts<br \/><br \/>ALL existing MYOs will be honored!<br \/><br \/>Upgrade Token Cost Coming Soon<br \/><br \/>See the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.deviantart.com\/sulfurhast-den\">group on deviantart<\/a> for proof of my ownership! I purchased them from <a href=\"https:\/\/www.deviantart.com\/linkabell-art\">Linkabell-Art<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>Who purchased them from the original creator <a href=\"https:\/\/www.deviantart.com\/yokamycelium\">YokaMycelium<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>Original concept that became the Sulfurhast created by <a href=\"https:\/\/www.deviantart.com\/tomoburd\">Tomoburd<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>Full species rights belongs to me, Cryptid-Artha, Artha-Demon in some places!<\/p>","field1":"<p id=\"viewer-59nfh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">A Sulfurhast is a merciless beast commonly used as hunters and puppets. Their main purpose is to track down, kill, and take the appearance of their prey. Useful in kings games or when a target becomes unreachable...<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6tvh1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are generally tall, and easily can reach 2m \/ 6'6\" to 2,50m \/ 8'2\" (approx.) Although smaller ones already have been witnessed, and they're not less deadly or dangerous. They all have a skull face covered with a thin layer of skin, and it's most often the face of a psychopomp animal (guide of souls.) Their skin looks like it's been flayed, yet it's a tough layer of hide.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-917hl\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They can evolve in any universe having magic, and especially black magic. They can be created by powerful necromancers, witches, dark mages, or black magic users in general, implying a lot of sacrifices and a dangerous ritual. They are made with fresh flesh, black magic, and sulfur.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3s0sl\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Since they're based on humanoid remains, they can have various body types and sizes, as well as various animal parts.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fa3n6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are sometimes seen with orbits, and a faint light illuminating it from the inside.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-bip46\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Their tongue is always thick with a square-shaped tip.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-b43c5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-718no\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They're mostly unknown in folklores and cultures. \"Sulfurhaste\" never or rarely ring a bell, the name means nothing to most of all. However, some powerful magic users might have heard that name once; and it has been described as a knife to the jugular, as something impossible to stop once it's created, as a terrific fate. They say that once you are chased by a Sulfurhast, your life is at the mercy of the gods.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-84s6l\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare are the souls aware of what's a Sulfurhast, and even rarer are those who knows how to create one. <\/span><\/p>","field2":"<p><br \/><br \/>First, you'll need to gather the proper ingredients. You'll need: <br \/>- A lot of sulfur powder. Be careful, you'll have to manipulate it with a mask on your face not to breathe it. A high dose could kill you, and a small dose is enough to be disoriented.<br \/>- Warm human blood.<br \/>- A human's fresh corpse.<br \/>- Chosen animal's fresh body parts, including the skull, tail and legs. Other bits such as ears or horns can be added.<br \/>- A possession from the prey you chose. Make sure it belongs to your prey, and that it has been stolen, not gifted to you. The more the prey is attached to this object, the stronger the bound. It can only be an object or a part of the prey's body (such as blood or hair, for example.) The object should be free of magic, or should contains the prey's magic only.<br \/>- And a bit of your own life essence.<br \/><br \/>The best way to set up the ritual is to have two humans and the chosen animal(s) in nearby cages. Gather the warm blood of the first human, and mix it with the sulfur power. You should get a sticky and awful mixture. Use it to trace the Sulfurhast symbol on a clean ground. It should be large enough so the circle can hold entirely the Sulfurhast's lying body. Alternatively you can use the blood of the body you'll use afterwards and only have one victim instead of two, but it's less efficient.<br \/><br \/>The symbol to make your Sulfurhast real is important, and full of meaning. By a simple look, it reveals the triadic and complex relationship between the necromancer, the Sulfurhast, and the prey. The symbol at its center is the symbol for sulfur, your most important component when making your beast. The triangle is here to represent the three involved parts in this terrible spell. The circle is here to contains the magic inside. On top of the symbol is the necromancy symbol, it represents you and your actions. At right, another sulfur symbol, but also the symbol of a hunt that will never cease even if there are obstacles on the way. It represent the Sulfurhast and how impossible it is to stop it. At left, the symbol of sacrifice. It represent the chosen prey, the goal, the sole obsession, and he consequences of your actions.<br \/><br \/>When you traced the symbol, kill the second human and the animal(s) and dispose their body parts in a way to form the Sulfurhast's body. The head of the beast should be where the hunt symbol stands (the right one.) And the arms of the future beast should point towards the two other symbols (the necromancer and the prey,) but make sure that none of the body parts get across the circle. A servant can do it for you, if you have willing servants... but I think it's more important for the bound between the beast and you to do it yourself. Then, place the future prey's possession where the prey symbol stands (the left one.) Try to restrain your nausea when you'll start smelling the blood and sulfur's awful smells, and when you'll manipulate corpses. There is no place for sudden guilt or disgust in your action in this ritual.<br \/>You may take bodyparts of people died from a natural death or from a disease, so you don't have to kill them yourself, but make sure that the body parts remain fresh, and didn't start to rot.<br \/><br \/>When it's done, sit down where the necromancer symbol stands (the top one.) But do NOT cross the circle, not even with the tip of your toes: you would loose them.<br \/>It's no wonder why the necromancer symbol stands on the top: if you manage well, you'll be in control of the two other parts soon enough. <br \/>When you feel prepared, pronounce the ritual's words while infusing the symbol and the body parts with your black magic and life essence: <br \/><br \/><em>Kmetz kha dvash stom zmutzam abakh kmetz peshbo' tzu dvash matosh tzovkha dash<br \/>Ish kebo'an okhney shad kme'ekim bnar kvi'ek stot kmeya mamhim sikhumtze yoba zmukh<br \/>bomked kofo khagugmo imha'nomuye iyat'an nug o'em pehumni bnush dvashe ped<br \/>Kmetz kha dvash stom zmutzam abakh kmetz peshbo' tzu dvash matosh tzovkha dash<\/em><br \/><br \/>It is Dvalmay words, a language lost a long time ago. The first person to create a Sulfurhast talked this language. The spell probably could work if we pronouced the correct sentences in any language, but we lost the translation over the eras. You'd better learn these sentence by heart because you will be too focused on maintaining the spell to read scrappy notes on a sketchbook. While you do this, make sure that nothing can interrupt you. The Sulfurhast won't be alive until the end, but that'd be a serious waste to be interrupted after already so many sacrifices. <br \/>When you said every sentences, then say them again and again, until soemthing changes.<br \/><br \/>If you did everything well, you should see soon enough a black smoke filling the inside of the circle. It will not reach you, to the condition you made a circle with no hole. Keep repeating the Dvalmay sentences. To this point, you'll be in a state of trance. You might even start to ignore what's around you, so make sure that no one's gonna stab you in the back. <br \/>When the smoke will slowly disappear, and if your eyes are open, you'll see the Sulfurhast rising. If the spell succeeded, you'll feel the Sulfurhast becoming alive and rising as if it was you. Then, you'll know you succeeded.<br \/><br \/>The Sulfurhast will be stuck inside the circle as long as you'll be pronouncing the sentences. It might feel like a comfortable situation, but you should not make it wait, for the bound with its prey must be made at most a few minutes after its birth. Otherwise, you'll automatically become its prey...<br \/>Stop saying the sentence as soon as the beast awoke. The magic barrier will cease and the beast will be able to walk past it. Stop infusing your magic and life essence as well, or it will consume you whole: the beast will take what you give to it. <br \/><br \/>Most of time, the monster will feel the object's presence on the prey's symbol, and will reach it to eat and consume it. Then the track will start, the beast will leave to find its prey, and you can take a break. But sometimes, the beast will remain inside the circle and not make a move, or worse: it'll seem to be more interested in YOU. If it happens, quickly grab the object and give it to your monster. <br \/><br \/>When the Sulfurhast started its hunt, you'll need to rest. You'll feel exhausted. Try not to cast any other spell for a week if you can; you'll be drained. Eat and drink as much as you can, and sleep as much as you need to. You'll maybe experience visions or dreams, where you'll see what your beast sees or feel what it feels. It's normal. <br \/><br \/>If you survived this far, congratulations! You'll now be the proud owner of an identity-theft monster, and you'll soon be able to take control of it and its powers. You'll have to take care of your monster and to make sure it never wants its freedom, aka your death. <br \/><br \/>And if you ever feel like you could create a second monster, then a third, then many others and never cease, then remember this: it'll take a part of your soul every time. <\/p>","field3":"<p>Unknown<\/p>","field4":"<p>Undead, dangerous. Powerful and tireless<\/p>","field5":"<p>These creatures do not reproduce, as they are summoned\/created. How they are created and their origins are seen here<br \/><br \/><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The triangle is an excellent representation of a Sulfurhast's life. It is no hazard if its invocation symbols represents the three possible stages of its life and in the same time, its complex relationship with the two other parts. Let's have a closer look at it: <\/span><br \/><br \/>[Image Goes Here]<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cg0j8\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Gene Seskrit explains:<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-emchj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">\"<em>The symbol to make your Sulfurhast real is important, and full of meaning. By a simple look, it reveals the triadic and complex relationship between the necromancer, the Sulfurhast, and the prey. The symbol at its center is the symbol for sulfur, your most important component when making your beast. The triangle is here to represent the three involved parts in this terrible spell. The circle is here to contains the magic inside. On top of the symbol is the necromancy symbol, it represents you and your actions. At right, another sulfur symbol, but also the symbol of a hunt that will never cease even if there are obstacles on the way. It represent the Sulfurhast and how impossible it is to stop it. At left, the symbol of sacrifice. It represent the chosen prey, the goal, the sole obsession, and he consequences of your actions.<\/em>\"<\/span><\/p>","field6":null,"field7":"<p id=\"viewer-ejl0c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">To start, creating a Sulfurhast must be the very last resort of yours. It must be made only when you have tried every possible other options, and failed to all of them. The cost of such a ritual and the dangers encountered are rarely worth the price, and many necromancers have died in the process. And for those who survived... They all changed. You won't be able to see it, but you'll loose a part of yourself after created such a beast. Not like a missing finger or a hand, but more like missing a part of your own spitirual essence. Like a part of your soul, of your life. It's hard to explain to those who never experienced it. Be patient, you'll experience it soon enough.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dhpm4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Unlike everyone loves to believe, Sulfurhastes are not demons. And they do not come from hell. Some like to consider them as spirits, but it's more complex than that. They're more like... a part of you, and a part of their prey.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-582cu\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are not good or evil, they only serve their purpose. They look like ghosts, monsters, their silhouette is made from the remains you'll use. If you have the spirit of an artist, you might even make a beautiful beast. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9qbou\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">But let's talk about their purpose, about why one wants to create a Sulfurhast. These beasts are hunters. You give them a purpose at birth, a prey. Then, you turn them into puppets, and steal the identity of the prey. Always wanted to be a prince? Then send a Sulfurhast after the said prince. Nobody will be able to stop the process, not even the royal guards or the royal mage. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-69r2k\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">I see in your eyes how curious you are about this process. \"How can a single creature defeat an army and a mage?\" you ask. The answer is: hunger. But let me explain it to you more precisely.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9vdfa\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhastes can live accross three phases in their life. Only two of them are useful for you.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8ilht\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The first phase is called the <strong>Hunter Phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-crmn7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When the beast will rise from its sulfur and blood symbol that you traced on the groud, you'll have a few minutes only to give it a purpose. Give it something that belonged to the person you want to see dead. It can be anything, but the more the object was important to the prey, the stronger the link; and if it's blood of the prey, it's even better. The Sulfurhast will eat this possession, then it'll immediately locate its prey, and start running in their direction. It'll be a magic link, and the Sulfurhast will know where is its prey even if it's at the other side of the world.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-41j9l\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">During this phase, the Sulfurhast is nothing more than an empty shell of flesh. They have no soul and no feelings. All they have is the bit of black magic you gave them and... and a bit of your own essence. And deep inside their guts, they have an insatiable hunger. But nothing could calm the hunger; the food will turn into ashes, the flesh will be unsaviory and useless, black magic and people's life essence will be only temporary. No, only the flesh, the possessions and the soul of their designated prey will be able to satisfy their hunger, and they know it. They'll never cease to track down their prey until they're satisfied. The target you gave them will be their sole obsession.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2gjae\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Their prey can be anyone, but keep in mind that the victim you choose will have a terrible death. During this phase, the beast will not sleep, nor eat, nor rest. It'll keep running towards the victim until it finds it. Its level of intelligence is minor, but it might eventually learn how to open door handles and such things. It doesn't have thoughts, but it's not completely a beast. It's more like... a ghost.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-mlq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The second phase is called the <strong>Puppet Phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dokkk\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">It occurs when the Sulfurhast finally found and ingested its prey. It will have consumed everything about its target: flesh, bones, spiritual essence, bits of memory, languages, clothes, and current possessions.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dbop1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The hunger is calmed. The Sulfurhast will still need to ingest life essence and black magic from time to time, but it'll be a minor annoyance. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7bh99\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The beast ingested everything about its prey. <em>Everything<\/em>. So much that it <em>became<\/em> its prey. And the person it killed and ate now became the Sulfurhast. And the Sulfurhast may now shapeshit into its prey's appearance in a flash of black smoke. No matter the species of its prey and how different it was from the Sulfurhast's original body, it'll be able to shapeshift in a few seconds. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7p6o1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The beast might try to imitate the dead prey at first, but it'll be clumsly and won't be able to fool the victim's relatives. This is where your job continues.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d7s5g\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The \"Puppet\" Phase is named that way because once the prey is ingested, you are able to take control of your beast. With a simple ritual of possession, which will be eased by the fact that the Sulfurhast has a bit of your essence, you'll be able to take control of your monster at will. You'll see through its eyes, you'll shape shift in its stead, you'll feel what it feels, and you'll act through the beast as you wish. When people will see their friend, they'll in fact see a monster who ate it, controlled by a necromancer. That's wild, isn't it?<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dm3ca\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">It is useful to steal an identity, a throne, etc. You'll be the prince of a foreign country, your worst enemy's wife, you'll be a child again or an old person. You'll steal every power, status, title, and anything the victim had.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2o0nv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Be careful about powerful magic users however, for they might feel the black magic link inside the beast. When you possess the beast, a good mage might be able to feel you and to locate you.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8sdi6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">During this phase, the Sulfurhast has gained life essence. It is now completed by a full soul, and by the bits of you that you gave earlier. It technically became <em>alive<\/em>. And it will learn. And it will learn <em>fast<\/em>. And it will start feeling. And it'll start living, and experiencing. And it'll become as intelligent as you, sometimes more. It'll take some time to happen, but it always happens faster than you expected. And the beast will start to realise that someone is controlling it in its stead. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"> <\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f6goc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The third phase is called the <strong>Freedom phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-frsir\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Although it may be called by other names such as the Free Phase, the Frightening phase, the Dangerous phase, or the Pacified Phase.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ah6ns\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The third phase occurs when the link between the necromancer and the Sulfurhast is broken. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ehrfi\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">How can it break, you wonder? <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7s11r\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When the Sulfurhast realizes its connection with you, and the fact that you're controlling it, it'll want its freedom. And also probably more than its freedom. Several events can provoke it: <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3g9ft\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The Sulfurhast will need to frequently ingest life essence. Understand by this: bits of soul and magic. If it doesn't have it, it will die. But a Sulfurhast is resourceful, and if you don't give it the option to feed on its surroundings, or if it's locked somewhere, then the magic bound between you and it will start to turn against you. The Sulfurhast will start to absorb your life essence instead of dying. You'll feel it, don't worry. But if you do nothing to stop it, it'll feed on your soul until you have nothing left and die, no matter the distance between you and it. In short, be careful about feeding properly your beast, or it'll feed on you like any other animal would.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-m69f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- You won't be able to possess your beast all the time. You'll have to get back to your body to eat, wash, and live a bit not to loose your muscles. And when you'll not be possessing your monster, it might feel the need to meet its creator a second time. If it finds you before you can realize it, it'll try to kill you, and to consume you. That way, it'll gain its freedom, and it'll consume your soul to increase greatly its lifespan. How convenient.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8q1gc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- You can also break the bound between your Sulfurhast and you at any time. It'll cost you a lot of black magic, but you can do it. You might ask: why would you want to break such a bound, after all the sacrifices you made to create it? If you feel like the bound between the Sulfurhast and you becomes dangerous, you will want to break it, trust me. A mage located you? The beast's hunting you? Someone understood that their friend isn't really a person but is a beast instead? You might want to break it for your safety. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4a4jc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">You'll loose your control over the beast. But sometimes, it's for the best. This is why I told you that creating a Sulfurhast should be your last resort.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6ulj5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Finally, if you die for any reason, the beast will be free nonetheless. It'll feel your death and will probably try to find your body to ingest it, but you won't be here anymore to prevent it.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ctktf\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">In the Freedom Phase, the Sulfurhast has gained intelligence and any skills its prey had. And it'll live its life as it wishes to, with its knowledge on the world. It'll choose its own purpose on life, and it'll live as long as it can find some life source from time to time, like a vampire. <\/span><\/p>","parsed":{"description":"<p>Information Coming Soon<br \/><br \/>Purchased From: LinkaBell-Art<br \/><br \/>Created by Yoka (They seem to have left DeviantArt)<br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/www.deviantart.com\/yoka\">https:\/\/www.deviantart.com\/yoka<\/a><br \/><br \/>There are guest artists who can make adopts<br \/><br \/>ALL existing MYOs will be honored!<br \/><br \/>Upgrade Token Cost Coming Soon<br \/><br \/>See the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.deviantart.com\/sulfurhast-den\">group on deviantart<\/a> for proof of my ownership! I purchased them from <a href=\"https:\/\/www.deviantart.com\/linkabell-art\">Linkabell-Art<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>Who purchased them from the original creator <a href=\"https:\/\/www.deviantart.com\/yokamycelium\">YokaMycelium<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>Original concept that became the Sulfurhast created by <a href=\"https:\/\/www.deviantart.com\/tomoburd\">Tomoburd<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>Full species rights belongs to me, Cryptid-Artha, Artha-Demon in some places!<\/p>","field1":"<p id=\"viewer-59nfh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">A Sulfurhast is a merciless beast commonly used as hunters and puppets. Their main purpose is to track down, kill, and take the appearance of their prey. Useful in kings games or when a target becomes unreachable...<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6tvh1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are generally tall, and easily can reach 2m \/ 6'6\" to 2,50m \/ 8'2\" (approx.) Although smaller ones already have been witnessed, and they're not less deadly or dangerous. They all have a skull face covered with a thin layer of skin, and it's most often the face of a psychopomp animal (guide of souls.) Their skin looks like it's been flayed, yet it's a tough layer of hide.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-917hl\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They can evolve in any universe having magic, and especially black magic. They can be created by powerful necromancers, witches, dark mages, or black magic users in general, implying a lot of sacrifices and a dangerous ritual. They are made with fresh flesh, black magic, and sulfur.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3s0sl\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Since they're based on humanoid remains, they can have various body types and sizes, as well as various animal parts.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fa3n6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are sometimes seen with orbits, and a faint light illuminating it from the inside.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-bip46\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Their tongue is always thick with a square-shaped tip.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-b43c5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-718no\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They're mostly unknown in folklores and cultures. \"Sulfurhaste\" never or rarely ring a bell, the name means nothing to most of all. However, some powerful magic users might have heard that name once; and it has been described as a knife to the jugular, as something impossible to stop once it's created, as a terrific fate. They say that once you are chased by a Sulfurhast, your life is at the mercy of the gods.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-84s6l\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare are the souls aware of what's a Sulfurhast, and even rarer are those who knows how to create one. <\/span><\/p>","field2":"<p><br \/><br \/>First, you'll need to gather the proper ingredients. You'll need: <br \/>- A lot of sulfur powder. Be careful, you'll have to manipulate it with a mask on your face not to breathe it. A high dose could kill you, and a small dose is enough to be disoriented.<br \/>- Warm human blood.<br \/>- A human's fresh corpse.<br \/>- Chosen animal's fresh body parts, including the skull, tail and legs. Other bits such as ears or horns can be added.<br \/>- A possession from the prey you chose. Make sure it belongs to your prey, and that it has been stolen, not gifted to you. The more the prey is attached to this object, the stronger the bound. It can only be an object or a part of the prey's body (such as blood or hair, for example.) The object should be free of magic, or should contains the prey's magic only.<br \/>- And a bit of your own life essence.<br \/><br \/>The best way to set up the ritual is to have two humans and the chosen animal(s) in nearby cages. Gather the warm blood of the first human, and mix it with the sulfur power. You should get a sticky and awful mixture. Use it to trace the Sulfurhast symbol on a clean ground. It should be large enough so the circle can hold entirely the Sulfurhast's lying body. Alternatively you can use the blood of the body you'll use afterwards and only have one victim instead of two, but it's less efficient.<br \/><br \/>The symbol to make your Sulfurhast real is important, and full of meaning. By a simple look, it reveals the triadic and complex relationship between the necromancer, the Sulfurhast, and the prey. The symbol at its center is the symbol for sulfur, your most important component when making your beast. The triangle is here to represent the three involved parts in this terrible spell. The circle is here to contains the magic inside. On top of the symbol is the necromancy symbol, it represents you and your actions. At right, another sulfur symbol, but also the symbol of a hunt that will never cease even if there are obstacles on the way. It represent the Sulfurhast and how impossible it is to stop it. At left, the symbol of sacrifice. It represent the chosen prey, the goal, the sole obsession, and he consequences of your actions.<br \/><br \/>When you traced the symbol, kill the second human and the animal(s) and dispose their body parts in a way to form the Sulfurhast's body. The head of the beast should be where the hunt symbol stands (the right one.) And the arms of the future beast should point towards the two other symbols (the necromancer and the prey,) but make sure that none of the body parts get across the circle. A servant can do it for you, if you have willing servants... but I think it's more important for the bound between the beast and you to do it yourself. Then, place the future prey's possession where the prey symbol stands (the left one.) Try to restrain your nausea when you'll start smelling the blood and sulfur's awful smells, and when you'll manipulate corpses. There is no place for sudden guilt or disgust in your action in this ritual.<br \/>You may take bodyparts of people died from a natural death or from a disease, so you don't have to kill them yourself, but make sure that the body parts remain fresh, and didn't start to rot.<br \/><br \/>When it's done, sit down where the necromancer symbol stands (the top one.) But do NOT cross the circle, not even with the tip of your toes: you would loose them.<br \/>It's no wonder why the necromancer symbol stands on the top: if you manage well, you'll be in control of the two other parts soon enough. <br \/>When you feel prepared, pronounce the ritual's words while infusing the symbol and the body parts with your black magic and life essence: <br \/><br \/><em>Kmetz kha dvash stom zmutzam abakh kmetz peshbo' tzu dvash matosh tzovkha dash<br \/>Ish kebo'an okhney shad kme'ekim bnar kvi'ek stot kmeya mamhim sikhumtze yoba zmukh<br \/>bomked kofo khagugmo imha'nomuye iyat'an nug o'em pehumni bnush dvashe ped<br \/>Kmetz kha dvash stom zmutzam abakh kmetz peshbo' tzu dvash matosh tzovkha dash<\/em><br \/><br \/>It is Dvalmay words, a language lost a long time ago. The first person to create a Sulfurhast talked this language. The spell probably could work if we pronouced the correct sentences in any language, but we lost the translation over the eras. You'd better learn these sentence by heart because you will be too focused on maintaining the spell to read scrappy notes on a sketchbook. While you do this, make sure that nothing can interrupt you. The Sulfurhast won't be alive until the end, but that'd be a serious waste to be interrupted after already so many sacrifices. <br \/>When you said every sentences, then say them again and again, until soemthing changes.<br \/><br \/>If you did everything well, you should see soon enough a black smoke filling the inside of the circle. It will not reach you, to the condition you made a circle with no hole. Keep repeating the Dvalmay sentences. To this point, you'll be in a state of trance. You might even start to ignore what's around you, so make sure that no one's gonna stab you in the back. <br \/>When the smoke will slowly disappear, and if your eyes are open, you'll see the Sulfurhast rising. If the spell succeeded, you'll feel the Sulfurhast becoming alive and rising as if it was you. Then, you'll know you succeeded.<br \/><br \/>The Sulfurhast will be stuck inside the circle as long as you'll be pronouncing the sentences. It might feel like a comfortable situation, but you should not make it wait, for the bound with its prey must be made at most a few minutes after its birth. Otherwise, you'll automatically become its prey...<br \/>Stop saying the sentence as soon as the beast awoke. The magic barrier will cease and the beast will be able to walk past it. Stop infusing your magic and life essence as well, or it will consume you whole: the beast will take what you give to it. <br \/><br \/>Most of time, the monster will feel the object's presence on the prey's symbol, and will reach it to eat and consume it. Then the track will start, the beast will leave to find its prey, and you can take a break. But sometimes, the beast will remain inside the circle and not make a move, or worse: it'll seem to be more interested in YOU. If it happens, quickly grab the object and give it to your monster. <br \/><br \/>When the Sulfurhast started its hunt, you'll need to rest. You'll feel exhausted. Try not to cast any other spell for a week if you can; you'll be drained. Eat and drink as much as you can, and sleep as much as you need to. You'll maybe experience visions or dreams, where you'll see what your beast sees or feel what it feels. It's normal. <br \/><br \/>If you survived this far, congratulations! You'll now be the proud owner of an identity-theft monster, and you'll soon be able to take control of it and its powers. You'll have to take care of your monster and to make sure it never wants its freedom, aka your death. <br \/><br \/>And if you ever feel like you could create a second monster, then a third, then many others and never cease, then remember this: it'll take a part of your soul every time. <\/p>","field3":"<p>Unknown<\/p>","field4":"<p>Undead, dangerous. Powerful and tireless<\/p>","field5":"<p>These creatures do not reproduce, as they are summoned\/created. How they are created and their origins are seen here<br \/><br \/><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The triangle is an excellent representation of a Sulfurhast's life. It is no hazard if its invocation symbols represents the three possible stages of its life and in the same time, its complex relationship with the two other parts. Let's have a closer look at it: <\/span><br \/><br \/>[Image Goes Here]<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cg0j8\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Gene Seskrit explains:<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-emchj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">\"<em>The symbol to make your Sulfurhast real is important, and full of meaning. By a simple look, it reveals the triadic and complex relationship between the necromancer, the Sulfurhast, and the prey. The symbol at its center is the symbol for sulfur, your most important component when making your beast. The triangle is here to represent the three involved parts in this terrible spell. The circle is here to contains the magic inside. On top of the symbol is the necromancy symbol, it represents you and your actions. At right, another sulfur symbol, but also the symbol of a hunt that will never cease even if there are obstacles on the way. It represent the Sulfurhast and how impossible it is to stop it. At left, the symbol of sacrifice. It represent the chosen prey, the goal, the sole obsession, and he consequences of your actions.<\/em>\"<\/span><\/p>","field6":null,"field7":"<p id=\"viewer-ejl0c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">To start, creating a Sulfurhast must be the very last resort of yours. It must be made only when you have tried every possible other options, and failed to all of them. The cost of such a ritual and the dangers encountered are rarely worth the price, and many necromancers have died in the process. And for those who survived... They all changed. You won't be able to see it, but you'll loose a part of yourself after created such a beast. Not like a missing finger or a hand, but more like missing a part of your own spitirual essence. Like a part of your soul, of your life. It's hard to explain to those who never experienced it. Be patient, you'll experience it soon enough.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dhpm4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Unlike everyone loves to believe, Sulfurhastes are not demons. And they do not come from hell. Some like to consider them as spirits, but it's more complex than that. They're more like... a part of you, and a part of their prey.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-582cu\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are not good or evil, they only serve their purpose. They look like ghosts, monsters, their silhouette is made from the remains you'll use. If you have the spirit of an artist, you might even make a beautiful beast. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9qbou\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">But let's talk about their purpose, about why one wants to create a Sulfurhast. These beasts are hunters. You give them a purpose at birth, a prey. Then, you turn them into puppets, and steal the identity of the prey. Always wanted to be a prince? Then send a Sulfurhast after the said prince. Nobody will be able to stop the process, not even the royal guards or the royal mage. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-69r2k\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">I see in your eyes how curious you are about this process. \"How can a single creature defeat an army and a mage?\" you ask. The answer is: hunger. But let me explain it to you more precisely.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9vdfa\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhastes can live accross three phases in their life. Only two of them are useful for you.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8ilht\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The first phase is called the <strong>Hunter Phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-crmn7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When the beast will rise from its sulfur and blood symbol that you traced on the groud, you'll have a few minutes only to give it a purpose. Give it something that belonged to the person you want to see dead. It can be anything, but the more the object was important to the prey, the stronger the link; and if it's blood of the prey, it's even better. The Sulfurhast will eat this possession, then it'll immediately locate its prey, and start running in their direction. It'll be a magic link, and the Sulfurhast will know where is its prey even if it's at the other side of the world.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-41j9l\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">During this phase, the Sulfurhast is nothing more than an empty shell of flesh. They have no soul and no feelings. All they have is the bit of black magic you gave them and... and a bit of your own essence. And deep inside their guts, they have an insatiable hunger. But nothing could calm the hunger; the food will turn into ashes, the flesh will be unsaviory and useless, black magic and people's life essence will be only temporary. No, only the flesh, the possessions and the soul of their designated prey will be able to satisfy their hunger, and they know it. They'll never cease to track down their prey until they're satisfied. The target you gave them will be their sole obsession.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2gjae\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Their prey can be anyone, but keep in mind that the victim you choose will have a terrible death. During this phase, the beast will not sleep, nor eat, nor rest. It'll keep running towards the victim until it finds it. Its level of intelligence is minor, but it might eventually learn how to open door handles and such things. It doesn't have thoughts, but it's not completely a beast. It's more like... a ghost.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-mlq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The second phase is called the <strong>Puppet Phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dokkk\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">It occurs when the Sulfurhast finally found and ingested its prey. It will have consumed everything about its target: flesh, bones, spiritual essence, bits of memory, languages, clothes, and current possessions.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dbop1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The hunger is calmed. The Sulfurhast will still need to ingest life essence and black magic from time to time, but it'll be a minor annoyance. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7bh99\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The beast ingested everything about its prey. <em>Everything<\/em>. So much that it <em>became<\/em> its prey. And the person it killed and ate now became the Sulfurhast. And the Sulfurhast may now shapeshit into its prey's appearance in a flash of black smoke. No matter the species of its prey and how different it was from the Sulfurhast's original body, it'll be able to shapeshift in a few seconds. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7p6o1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The beast might try to imitate the dead prey at first, but it'll be clumsly and won't be able to fool the victim's relatives. This is where your job continues.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d7s5g\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The \"Puppet\" Phase is named that way because once the prey is ingested, you are able to take control of your beast. With a simple ritual of possession, which will be eased by the fact that the Sulfurhast has a bit of your essence, you'll be able to take control of your monster at will. You'll see through its eyes, you'll shape shift in its stead, you'll feel what it feels, and you'll act through the beast as you wish. When people will see their friend, they'll in fact see a monster who ate it, controlled by a necromancer. That's wild, isn't it?<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dm3ca\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">It is useful to steal an identity, a throne, etc. You'll be the prince of a foreign country, your worst enemy's wife, you'll be a child again or an old person. You'll steal every power, status, title, and anything the victim had.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2o0nv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Be careful about powerful magic users however, for they might feel the black magic link inside the beast. When you possess the beast, a good mage might be able to feel you and to locate you.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8sdi6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">During this phase, the Sulfurhast has gained life essence. It is now completed by a full soul, and by the bits of you that you gave earlier. It technically became <em>alive<\/em>. And it will learn. And it will learn <em>fast<\/em>. And it will start feeling. And it'll start living, and experiencing. And it'll become as intelligent as you, sometimes more. It'll take some time to happen, but it always happens faster than you expected. And the beast will start to realise that someone is controlling it in its stead. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"> <\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f6goc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The third phase is called the <strong>Freedom phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-frsir\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Although it may be called by other names such as the Free Phase, the Frightening phase, the Dangerous phase, or the Pacified Phase.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ah6ns\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The third phase occurs when the link between the necromancer and the Sulfurhast is broken. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ehrfi\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">How can it break, you wonder? <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7s11r\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When the Sulfurhast realizes its connection with you, and the fact that you're controlling it, it'll want its freedom. And also probably more than its freedom. Several events can provoke it: <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3g9ft\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The Sulfurhast will need to frequently ingest life essence. Understand by this: bits of soul and magic. If it doesn't have it, it will die. But a Sulfurhast is resourceful, and if you don't give it the option to feed on its surroundings, or if it's locked somewhere, then the magic bound between you and it will start to turn against you. The Sulfurhast will start to absorb your life essence instead of dying. You'll feel it, don't worry. But if you do nothing to stop it, it'll feed on your soul until you have nothing left and die, no matter the distance between you and it. In short, be careful about feeding properly your beast, or it'll feed on you like any other animal would.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-m69f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- You won't be able to possess your beast all the time. You'll have to get back to your body to eat, wash, and live a bit not to loose your muscles. And when you'll not be possessing your monster, it might feel the need to meet its creator a second time. If it finds you before you can realize it, it'll try to kill you, and to consume you. That way, it'll gain its freedom, and it'll consume your soul to increase greatly its lifespan. How convenient.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8q1gc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- You can also break the bound between your Sulfurhast and you at any time. It'll cost you a lot of black magic, but you can do it. You might ask: why would you want to break such a bound, after all the sacrifices you made to create it? If you feel like the bound between the Sulfurhast and you becomes dangerous, you will want to break it, trust me. A mage located you? The beast's hunting you? Someone understood that their friend isn't really a person but is a beast instead? You might want to break it for your safety. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4a4jc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">You'll loose your control over the beast. But sometimes, it's for the best. This is why I told you that creating a Sulfurhast should be your last resort.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6ulj5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Finally, if you die for any reason, the beast will be free nonetheless. It'll feel your death and will probably try to find your body to ingest it, but you won't be here anymore to prevent it.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ctktf\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">In the Freedom Phase, the Sulfurhast has gained intelligence and any skills its prey had. And it'll live its life as it wishes to, with its knowledge on the world. It'll choose its own purpose on life, and it'll live as long as it can find some life source from time to time, like a vampire. <\/span><\/p>"}},"title":"Sulfurhast","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":["wip","stub"],"page_tag":null}
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Length: 58393 (+1028) - Show Raw Data
{"data":{"description":"<p>Information Coming Soon<br \/><br \/>Purchased From: LinkaBell-Art<br \/><br \/>Created by Yoka (They seem to have left DeviantArt)<br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/www.deviantart.com\/yoka\">https:\/\/www.deviantart.com\/yoka<\/a><br \/><br \/>There are guest artists who can make adopts<br \/><br \/>ALL existing MYOs will be honored!<br \/><br \/>Upgrade Token Cost Coming Soon<br \/><br \/>See the group on deviantart for proof of my ownership! I purchased them from <a href=\"https:\/\/www.deviantart.com\/linkabell-art\">Linkabell-Art<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>Who purchased them from the original creator <a href=\"https:\/\/www.deviantart.com\/yokamycelium\">YokaMycelium<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>Original concept that became the Sulfurhast created by <a href=\"https:\/\/www.deviantart.com\/tomoburd\">Tomoburd<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>Full species rights belongs to me, Cryptid-Artha, Artha-Demon in some places!<\/p>","field1":"<p id=\"viewer-59nfh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">A Sulfurhast is a merciless beast commonly used as hunters and puppets. Their main purpose is to track down, kill, and take the appearance of their prey. Useful in kings games or when a target becomes unreachable...<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6tvh1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are generally tall, and easily can reach 2m \/ 6'6\" to 2,50m \/ 8'2\" (approx.) Although smaller ones already have been witnessed, and they're not less deadly or dangerous. They all have a skull face covered with a thin layer of skin, and it's most often the face of a psychopomp animal (guide of souls.) Their skin looks like it's been flayed, yet it's a tough layer of hide.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-917hl\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They can evolve in any universe having magic, and especially black magic. They can be created by powerful necromancers, witches, dark mages, or black magic users in general, implying a lot of sacrifices and a dangerous ritual. They are made with fresh flesh, black magic, and sulfur.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3s0sl\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Since they're based on humanoid remains, they can have various body types and sizes, as well as various animal parts.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fa3n6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are sometimes seen with orbits, and a faint light illuminating it from the inside.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-bip46\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Their tongue is always thick with a square-shaped tip.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-b43c5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-718no\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They're mostly unknown in folklores and cultures. \"Sulfurhaste\" never or rarely ring a bell, the name means nothing to most of all. However, some powerful magic users might have heard that name once; and it has been described as a knife to the jugular, as something impossible to stop once it's created, as a terrific fate. They say that once you are chased by a Sulfurhast, your life is at the mercy of the gods.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-84s6l\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare are the souls aware of what's a Sulfurhast, and even rarer are those who knows how to create one. <\/span><\/p>","field2":"<p><br \/><br \/>First, you'll need to gather the proper ingredients. You'll need: <br \/>- A lot of sulfur powder. Be careful, you'll have to manipulate it with a mask on your face not to breathe it. A high dose could kill you, and a small dose is enough to be disoriented.<br \/>- Warm human blood.<br \/>- A human's fresh corpse.<br \/>- Chosen animal's fresh body parts, including the skull, tail and legs. Other bits such as ears or horns can be added.<br \/>- A possession from the prey you chose. Make sure it belongs to your prey, and that it has been stolen, not gifted to you. The more the prey is attached to this object, the stronger the bound. It can only be an object or a part of the prey's body (such as blood or hair, for example.) The object should be free of magic, or should contains the prey's magic only.<br \/>- And a bit of your own life essence.<br \/><br \/>The best way to set up the ritual is to have two humans and the chosen animal(s) in nearby cages. Gather the warm blood of the first human, and mix it with the sulfur power. You should get a sticky and awful mixture. Use it to trace the Sulfurhast symbol on a clean ground. It should be large enough so the circle can hold entirely the Sulfurhast's lying body. Alternatively you can use the blood of the body you'll use afterwards and only have one victim instead of two, but it's less efficient.<br \/><br \/>The symbol to make your Sulfurhast real is important, and full of meaning. By a simple look, it reveals the triadic and complex relationship between the necromancer, the Sulfurhast, and the prey. The symbol at its center is the symbol for sulfur, your most important component when making your beast. The triangle is here to represent the three involved parts in this terrible spell. The circle is here to contains the magic inside. On top of the symbol is the necromancy symbol, it represents you and your actions. At right, another sulfur symbol, but also the symbol of a hunt that will never cease even if there are obstacles on the way. It represent the Sulfurhast and how impossible it is to stop it. At left, the symbol of sacrifice. It represent the chosen prey, the goal, the sole obsession, and he consequences of your actions.<br \/><br \/>When you traced the symbol, kill the second human and the animal(s) and dispose their body parts in a way to form the Sulfurhast's body. The head of the beast should be where the hunt symbol stands (the right one.) And the arms of the future beast should point towards the two other symbols (the necromancer and the prey,) but make sure that none of the body parts get across the circle. A servant can do it for you, if you have willing servants... but I think it's more important for the bound between the beast and you to do it yourself. Then, place the future prey's possession where the prey symbol stands (the left one.) Try to restrain your nausea when you'll start smelling the blood and sulfur's awful smells, and when you'll manipulate corpses. There is no place for sudden guilt or disgust in your action in this ritual.<br \/>You may take bodyparts of people died from a natural death or from a disease, so you don't have to kill them yourself, but make sure that the body parts remain fresh, and didn't start to rot.<br \/><br \/>When it's done, sit down where the necromancer symbol stands (the top one.) But do NOT cross the circle, not even with the tip of your toes: you would loose them.<br \/>It's no wonder why the necromancer symbol stands on the top: if you manage well, you'll be in control of the two other parts soon enough. <br \/>When you feel prepared, pronounce the ritual's words while infusing the symbol and the body parts with your black magic and life essence: <br \/><br \/><em>Kmetz kha dvash stom zmutzam abakh kmetz peshbo' tzu dvash matosh tzovkha dash<br \/>Ish kebo'an okhney shad kme'ekim bnar kvi'ek stot kmeya mamhim sikhumtze yoba zmukh<br \/>bomked kofo khagugmo imha'nomuye iyat'an nug o'em pehumni bnush dvashe ped<br \/>Kmetz kha dvash stom zmutzam abakh kmetz peshbo' tzu dvash matosh tzovkha dash<\/em><br \/><br \/>It is Dvalmay words, a language lost a long time ago. The first person to create a Sulfurhast talked this language. The spell probably could work if we pronouced the correct sentences in any language, but we lost the translation over the eras. You'd better learn these sentence by heart because you will be too focused on maintaining the spell to read scrappy notes on a sketchbook. While you do this, make sure that nothing can interrupt you. The Sulfurhast won't be alive until the end, but that'd be a serious waste to be interrupted after already so many sacrifices. <br \/>When you said every sentences, then say them again and again, until soemthing changes.<br \/><br \/>If you did everything well, you should see soon enough a black smoke filling the inside of the circle. It will not reach you, to the condition you made a circle with no hole. Keep repeating the Dvalmay sentences. To this point, you'll be in a state of trance. You might even start to ignore what's around you, so make sure that no one's gonna stab you in the back. <br \/>When the smoke will slowly disappear, and if your eyes are open, you'll see the Sulfurhast rising. If the spell succeeded, you'll feel the Sulfurhast becoming alive and rising as if it was you. Then, you'll know you succeeded.<br \/><br \/>The Sulfurhast will be stuck inside the circle as long as you'll be pronouncing the sentences. It might feel like a comfortable situation, but you should not make it wait, for the bound with its prey must be made at most a few minutes after its birth. Otherwise, you'll automatically become its prey...<br \/>Stop saying the sentence as soon as the beast awoke. The magic barrier will cease and the beast will be able to walk past it. Stop infusing your magic and life essence as well, or it will consume you whole: the beast will take what you give to it. <br \/><br \/>Most of time, the monster will feel the object's presence on the prey's symbol, and will reach it to eat and consume it. Then the track will start, the beast will leave to find its prey, and you can take a break. But sometimes, the beast will remain inside the circle and not make a move, or worse: it'll seem to be more interested in YOU. If it happens, quickly grab the object and give it to your monster. <br \/><br \/>When the Sulfurhast started its hunt, you'll need to rest. You'll feel exhausted. Try not to cast any other spell for a week if you can; you'll be drained. Eat and drink as much as you can, and sleep as much as you need to. You'll maybe experience visions or dreams, where you'll see what your beast sees or feel what it feels. It's normal. <br \/><br \/>If you survived this far, congratulations! You'll now be the proud owner of an identity-theft monster, and you'll soon be able to take control of it and its powers. You'll have to take care of your monster and to make sure it never wants its freedom, aka your death. <br \/><br \/>And if you ever feel like you could create a second monster, then a third, then many others and never cease, then remember this: it'll take a part of your soul every time. <\/p>","field3":"<p>Unknown<\/p>","field4":"<p>Undead, dangerous. Powerful and tireless<\/p>","field5":"<p>These creatures do not reproduce, as they are summoned\/created. How they are created and their origins are seen here<br \/><br \/><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The triangle is an excellent representation of a Sulfurhast's life. It is no hazard if its invocation symbols represents the three possible stages of its life and in the same time, its complex relationship with the two other parts. Let's have a closer look at it: <\/span><br \/><br \/>[Image Goes Here]<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cg0j8\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Gene Seskrit explains:<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-emchj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">\"<em>The symbol to make your Sulfurhast real is important, and full of meaning. By a simple look, it reveals the triadic and complex relationship between the necromancer, the Sulfurhast, and the prey. The symbol at its center is the symbol for sulfur, your most important component when making your beast. The triangle is here to represent the three involved parts in this terrible spell. The circle is here to contains the magic inside. On top of the symbol is the necromancy symbol, it represents you and your actions. At right, another sulfur symbol, but also the symbol of a hunt that will never cease even if there are obstacles on the way. It represent the Sulfurhast and how impossible it is to stop it. At left, the symbol of sacrifice. It represent the chosen prey, the goal, the sole obsession, and he consequences of your actions.<\/em>\"<\/span><\/p>","field6":null,"field7":"<p id=\"viewer-ejl0c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">To start, creating a Sulfurhast must be the very last resort of yours. It must be made only when you have tried every possible other options, and failed to all of them. The cost of such a ritual and the dangers encountered are rarely worth the price, and many necromancers have died in the process. And for those who survived... They all changed. You won't be able to see it, but you'll loose a part of yourself after created such a beast. Not like a missing finger or a hand, but more like missing a part of your own spitirual essence. Like a part of your soul, of your life. It's hard to explain to those who never experienced it. Be patient, you'll experience it soon enough.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dhpm4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Unlike everyone loves to believe, Sulfurhastes are not demons. And they do not come from hell. Some like to consider them as spirits, but it's more complex than that. They're more like... a part of you, and a part of their prey.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-582cu\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are not good or evil, they only serve their purpose. They look like ghosts, monsters, their silhouette is made from the remains you'll use. If you have the spirit of an artist, you might even make a beautiful beast. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9qbou\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">But let's talk about their purpose, about why one wants to create a Sulfurhast. These beasts are hunters. You give them a purpose at birth, a prey. Then, you turn them into puppets, and steal the identity of the prey. Always wanted to be a prince? Then send a Sulfurhast after the said prince. Nobody will be able to stop the process, not even the royal guards or the royal mage. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-69r2k\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">I see in your eyes how curious you are about this process. \"How can a single creature defeat an army and a mage?\" you ask. The answer is: hunger. But let me explain it to you more precisely.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9vdfa\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhastes can live accross three phases in their life. Only two of them are useful for you.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8ilht\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The first phase is called the <strong>Hunter Phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-crmn7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When the beast will rise from its sulfur and blood symbol that you traced on the groud, you'll have a few minutes only to give it a purpose. Give it something that belonged to the person you want to see dead. It can be anything, but the more the object was important to the prey, the stronger the link; and if it's blood of the prey, it's even better. The Sulfurhast will eat this possession, then it'll immediately locate its prey, and start running in their direction. It'll be a magic link, and the Sulfurhast will know where is its prey even if it's at the other side of the world.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-41j9l\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">During this phase, the Sulfurhast is nothing more than an empty shell of flesh. They have no soul and no feelings. All they have is the bit of black magic you gave them and... and a bit of your own essence. And deep inside their guts, they have an insatiable hunger. But nothing could calm the hunger; the food will turn into ashes, the flesh will be unsaviory and useless, black magic and people's life essence will be only temporary. No, only the flesh, the possessions and the soul of their designated prey will be able to satisfy their hunger, and they know it. They'll never cease to track down their prey until they're satisfied. The target you gave them will be their sole obsession.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2gjae\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Their prey can be anyone, but keep in mind that the victim you choose will have a terrible death. During this phase, the beast will not sleep, nor eat, nor rest. It'll keep running towards the victim until it finds it. Its level of intelligence is minor, but it might eventually learn how to open door handles and such things. It doesn't have thoughts, but it's not completely a beast. It's more like... a ghost.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-mlq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The second phase is called the <strong>Puppet Phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dokkk\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">It occurs when the Sulfurhast finally found and ingested its prey. It will have consumed everything about its target: flesh, bones, spiritual essence, bits of memory, languages, clothes, and current possessions.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dbop1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The hunger is calmed. The Sulfurhast will still need to ingest life essence and black magic from time to time, but it'll be a minor annoyance. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7bh99\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The beast ingested everything about its prey. <em>Everything<\/em>. So much that it <em>became<\/em> its prey. And the person it killed and ate now became the Sulfurhast. And the Sulfurhast may now shapeshit into its prey's appearance in a flash of black smoke. No matter the species of its prey and how different it was from the Sulfurhast's original body, it'll be able to shapeshift in a few seconds. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7p6o1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The beast might try to imitate the dead prey at first, but it'll be clumsly and won't be able to fool the victim's relatives. This is where your job continues.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d7s5g\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The \"Puppet\" Phase is named that way because once the prey is ingested, you are able to take control of your beast. With a simple ritual of possession, which will be eased by the fact that the Sulfurhast has a bit of your essence, you'll be able to take control of your monster at will. You'll see through its eyes, you'll shape shift in its stead, you'll feel what it feels, and you'll act through the beast as you wish. When people will see their friend, they'll in fact see a monster who ate it, controlled by a necromancer. That's wild, isn't it?<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dm3ca\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">It is useful to steal an identity, a throne, etc. You'll be the prince of a foreign country, your worst enemy's wife, you'll be a child again or an old person. You'll steal every power, status, title, and anything the victim had.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2o0nv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Be careful about powerful magic users however, for they might feel the black magic link inside the beast. When you possess the beast, a good mage might be able to feel you and to locate you.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8sdi6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">During this phase, the Sulfurhast has gained life essence. It is now completed by a full soul, and by the bits of you that you gave earlier. It technically became <em>alive<\/em>. And it will learn. And it will learn <em>fast<\/em>. And it will start feeling. And it'll start living, and experiencing. And it'll become as intelligent as you, sometimes more. It'll take some time to happen, but it always happens faster than you expected. And the beast will start to realise that someone is controlling it in its stead. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"> <\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f6goc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The third phase is called the <strong>Freedom phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-frsir\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Although it may be called by other names such as the Free Phase, the Frightening phase, the Dangerous phase, or the Pacified Phase.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ah6ns\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The third phase occurs when the link between the necromancer and the Sulfurhast is broken. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ehrfi\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">How can it break, you wonder? <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7s11r\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When the Sulfurhast realizes its connection with you, and the fact that you're controlling it, it'll want its freedom. And also probably more than its freedom. Several events can provoke it: <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3g9ft\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The Sulfurhast will need to frequently ingest life essence. Understand by this: bits of soul and magic. If it doesn't have it, it will die. But a Sulfurhast is resourceful, and if you don't give it the option to feed on its surroundings, or if it's locked somewhere, then the magic bound between you and it will start to turn against you. The Sulfurhast will start to absorb your life essence instead of dying. You'll feel it, don't worry. But if you do nothing to stop it, it'll feed on your soul until you have nothing left and die, no matter the distance between you and it. In short, be careful about feeding properly your beast, or it'll feed on you like any other animal would.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-m69f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- You won't be able to possess your beast all the time. You'll have to get back to your body to eat, wash, and live a bit not to loose your muscles. And when you'll not be possessing your monster, it might feel the need to meet its creator a second time. If it finds you before you can realize it, it'll try to kill you, and to consume you. That way, it'll gain its freedom, and it'll consume your soul to increase greatly its lifespan. How convenient.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8q1gc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- You can also break the bound between your Sulfurhast and you at any time. It'll cost you a lot of black magic, but you can do it. You might ask: why would you want to break such a bound, after all the sacrifices you made to create it? If you feel like the bound between the Sulfurhast and you becomes dangerous, you will want to break it, trust me. A mage located you? The beast's hunting you? Someone understood that their friend isn't really a person but is a beast instead? You might want to break it for your safety. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4a4jc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">You'll loose your control over the beast. But sometimes, it's for the best. This is why I told you that creating a Sulfurhast should be your last resort.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6ulj5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Finally, if you die for any reason, the beast will be free nonetheless. It'll feel your death and will probably try to find your body to ingest it, but you won't be here anymore to prevent it.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ctktf\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">In the Freedom Phase, the Sulfurhast has gained intelligence and any skills its prey had. And it'll live its life as it wishes to, with its knowledge on the world. It'll choose its own purpose on life, and it'll live as long as it can find some life source from time to time, like a vampire. <\/span><\/p>","parsed":{"description":"<p>Information Coming Soon<br \/><br \/>Purchased From: LinkaBell-Art<br \/><br \/>Created by Yoka (They seem to have left DeviantArt)<br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/www.deviantart.com\/yoka\">https:\/\/www.deviantart.com\/yoka<\/a><br \/><br \/>There are guest artists who can make adopts<br \/><br \/>ALL existing MYOs will be honored!<br \/><br \/>Upgrade Token Cost Coming Soon<br \/><br \/>See the group on deviantart for proof of my ownership! I purchased them from <a href=\"https:\/\/www.deviantart.com\/linkabell-art\">Linkabell-Art<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>Who purchased them from the original creator <a href=\"https:\/\/www.deviantart.com\/yokamycelium\">YokaMycelium<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>Original concept that became the Sulfurhast created by <a href=\"https:\/\/www.deviantart.com\/tomoburd\">Tomoburd<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>Full species rights belongs to me, Cryptid-Artha, Artha-Demon in some places!<\/p>","field1":"<p id=\"viewer-59nfh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">A Sulfurhast is a merciless beast commonly used as hunters and puppets. Their main purpose is to track down, kill, and take the appearance of their prey. Useful in kings games or when a target becomes unreachable...<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6tvh1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are generally tall, and easily can reach 2m \/ 6'6\" to 2,50m \/ 8'2\" (approx.) Although smaller ones already have been witnessed, and they're not less deadly or dangerous. They all have a skull face covered with a thin layer of skin, and it's most often the face of a psychopomp animal (guide of souls.) Their skin looks like it's been flayed, yet it's a tough layer of hide.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-917hl\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They can evolve in any universe having magic, and especially black magic. They can be created by powerful necromancers, witches, dark mages, or black magic users in general, implying a lot of sacrifices and a dangerous ritual. They are made with fresh flesh, black magic, and sulfur.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3s0sl\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Since they're based on humanoid remains, they can have various body types and sizes, as well as various animal parts.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fa3n6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are sometimes seen with orbits, and a faint light illuminating it from the inside.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-bip46\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Their tongue is always thick with a square-shaped tip.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-b43c5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-718no\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They're mostly unknown in folklores and cultures. \"Sulfurhaste\" never or rarely ring a bell, the name means nothing to most of all. However, some powerful magic users might have heard that name once; and it has been described as a knife to the jugular, as something impossible to stop once it's created, as a terrific fate. They say that once you are chased by a Sulfurhast, your life is at the mercy of the gods.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-84s6l\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare are the souls aware of what's a Sulfurhast, and even rarer are those who knows how to create one. <\/span><\/p>","field2":"<p><br \/><br \/>First, you'll need to gather the proper ingredients. You'll need: <br \/>- A lot of sulfur powder. Be careful, you'll have to manipulate it with a mask on your face not to breathe it. A high dose could kill you, and a small dose is enough to be disoriented.<br \/>- Warm human blood.<br \/>- A human's fresh corpse.<br \/>- Chosen animal's fresh body parts, including the skull, tail and legs. Other bits such as ears or horns can be added.<br \/>- A possession from the prey you chose. Make sure it belongs to your prey, and that it has been stolen, not gifted to you. The more the prey is attached to this object, the stronger the bound. It can only be an object or a part of the prey's body (such as blood or hair, for example.) The object should be free of magic, or should contains the prey's magic only.<br \/>- And a bit of your own life essence.<br \/><br \/>The best way to set up the ritual is to have two humans and the chosen animal(s) in nearby cages. Gather the warm blood of the first human, and mix it with the sulfur power. You should get a sticky and awful mixture. Use it to trace the Sulfurhast symbol on a clean ground. It should be large enough so the circle can hold entirely the Sulfurhast's lying body. Alternatively you can use the blood of the body you'll use afterwards and only have one victim instead of two, but it's less efficient.<br \/><br \/>The symbol to make your Sulfurhast real is important, and full of meaning. By a simple look, it reveals the triadic and complex relationship between the necromancer, the Sulfurhast, and the prey. The symbol at its center is the symbol for sulfur, your most important component when making your beast. The triangle is here to represent the three involved parts in this terrible spell. The circle is here to contains the magic inside. On top of the symbol is the necromancy symbol, it represents you and your actions. At right, another sulfur symbol, but also the symbol of a hunt that will never cease even if there are obstacles on the way. It represent the Sulfurhast and how impossible it is to stop it. At left, the symbol of sacrifice. It represent the chosen prey, the goal, the sole obsession, and he consequences of your actions.<br \/><br \/>When you traced the symbol, kill the second human and the animal(s) and dispose their body parts in a way to form the Sulfurhast's body. The head of the beast should be where the hunt symbol stands (the right one.) And the arms of the future beast should point towards the two other symbols (the necromancer and the prey,) but make sure that none of the body parts get across the circle. A servant can do it for you, if you have willing servants... but I think it's more important for the bound between the beast and you to do it yourself. Then, place the future prey's possession where the prey symbol stands (the left one.) Try to restrain your nausea when you'll start smelling the blood and sulfur's awful smells, and when you'll manipulate corpses. There is no place for sudden guilt or disgust in your action in this ritual.<br \/>You may take bodyparts of people died from a natural death or from a disease, so you don't have to kill them yourself, but make sure that the body parts remain fresh, and didn't start to rot.<br \/><br \/>When it's done, sit down where the necromancer symbol stands (the top one.) But do NOT cross the circle, not even with the tip of your toes: you would loose them.<br \/>It's no wonder why the necromancer symbol stands on the top: if you manage well, you'll be in control of the two other parts soon enough. <br \/>When you feel prepared, pronounce the ritual's words while infusing the symbol and the body parts with your black magic and life essence: <br \/><br \/><em>Kmetz kha dvash stom zmutzam abakh kmetz peshbo' tzu dvash matosh tzovkha dash<br \/>Ish kebo'an okhney shad kme'ekim bnar kvi'ek stot kmeya mamhim sikhumtze yoba zmukh<br \/>bomked kofo khagugmo imha'nomuye iyat'an nug o'em pehumni bnush dvashe ped<br \/>Kmetz kha dvash stom zmutzam abakh kmetz peshbo' tzu dvash matosh tzovkha dash<\/em><br \/><br \/>It is Dvalmay words, a language lost a long time ago. The first person to create a Sulfurhast talked this language. The spell probably could work if we pronouced the correct sentences in any language, but we lost the translation over the eras. You'd better learn these sentence by heart because you will be too focused on maintaining the spell to read scrappy notes on a sketchbook. While you do this, make sure that nothing can interrupt you. The Sulfurhast won't be alive until the end, but that'd be a serious waste to be interrupted after already so many sacrifices. <br \/>When you said every sentences, then say them again and again, until soemthing changes.<br \/><br \/>If you did everything well, you should see soon enough a black smoke filling the inside of the circle. It will not reach you, to the condition you made a circle with no hole. Keep repeating the Dvalmay sentences. To this point, you'll be in a state of trance. You might even start to ignore what's around you, so make sure that no one's gonna stab you in the back. <br \/>When the smoke will slowly disappear, and if your eyes are open, you'll see the Sulfurhast rising. If the spell succeeded, you'll feel the Sulfurhast becoming alive and rising as if it was you. Then, you'll know you succeeded.<br \/><br \/>The Sulfurhast will be stuck inside the circle as long as you'll be pronouncing the sentences. It might feel like a comfortable situation, but you should not make it wait, for the bound with its prey must be made at most a few minutes after its birth. Otherwise, you'll automatically become its prey...<br \/>Stop saying the sentence as soon as the beast awoke. The magic barrier will cease and the beast will be able to walk past it. Stop infusing your magic and life essence as well, or it will consume you whole: the beast will take what you give to it. <br \/><br \/>Most of time, the monster will feel the object's presence on the prey's symbol, and will reach it to eat and consume it. Then the track will start, the beast will leave to find its prey, and you can take a break. But sometimes, the beast will remain inside the circle and not make a move, or worse: it'll seem to be more interested in YOU. If it happens, quickly grab the object and give it to your monster. <br \/><br \/>When the Sulfurhast started its hunt, you'll need to rest. You'll feel exhausted. Try not to cast any other spell for a week if you can; you'll be drained. Eat and drink as much as you can, and sleep as much as you need to. You'll maybe experience visions or dreams, where you'll see what your beast sees or feel what it feels. It's normal. <br \/><br \/>If you survived this far, congratulations! You'll now be the proud owner of an identity-theft monster, and you'll soon be able to take control of it and its powers. You'll have to take care of your monster and to make sure it never wants its freedom, aka your death. <br \/><br \/>And if you ever feel like you could create a second monster, then a third, then many others and never cease, then remember this: it'll take a part of your soul every time. <\/p>","field3":"<p>Unknown<\/p>","field4":"<p>Undead, dangerous. Powerful and tireless<\/p>","field5":"<p>These creatures do not reproduce, as they are summoned\/created. How they are created and their origins are seen here<br \/><br \/><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The triangle is an excellent representation of a Sulfurhast's life. It is no hazard if its invocation symbols represents the three possible stages of its life and in the same time, its complex relationship with the two other parts. Let's have a closer look at it: <\/span><br \/><br \/>[Image Goes Here]<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cg0j8\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Gene Seskrit explains:<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-emchj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">\"<em>The symbol to make your Sulfurhast real is important, and full of meaning. By a simple look, it reveals the triadic and complex relationship between the necromancer, the Sulfurhast, and the prey. The symbol at its center is the symbol for sulfur, your most important component when making your beast. The triangle is here to represent the three involved parts in this terrible spell. The circle is here to contains the magic inside. On top of the symbol is the necromancy symbol, it represents you and your actions. At right, another sulfur symbol, but also the symbol of a hunt that will never cease even if there are obstacles on the way. It represent the Sulfurhast and how impossible it is to stop it. At left, the symbol of sacrifice. It represent the chosen prey, the goal, the sole obsession, and he consequences of your actions.<\/em>\"<\/span><\/p>","field6":null,"field7":"<p id=\"viewer-ejl0c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">To start, creating a Sulfurhast must be the very last resort of yours. It must be made only when you have tried every possible other options, and failed to all of them. The cost of such a ritual and the dangers encountered are rarely worth the price, and many necromancers have died in the process. And for those who survived... They all changed. You won't be able to see it, but you'll loose a part of yourself after created such a beast. Not like a missing finger or a hand, but more like missing a part of your own spitirual essence. Like a part of your soul, of your life. It's hard to explain to those who never experienced it. Be patient, you'll experience it soon enough.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dhpm4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Unlike everyone loves to believe, Sulfurhastes are not demons. And they do not come from hell. Some like to consider them as spirits, but it's more complex than that. They're more like... a part of you, and a part of their prey.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-582cu\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are not good or evil, they only serve their purpose. They look like ghosts, monsters, their silhouette is made from the remains you'll use. If you have the spirit of an artist, you might even make a beautiful beast. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9qbou\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">But let's talk about their purpose, about why one wants to create a Sulfurhast. These beasts are hunters. You give them a purpose at birth, a prey. Then, you turn them into puppets, and steal the identity of the prey. Always wanted to be a prince? Then send a Sulfurhast after the said prince. Nobody will be able to stop the process, not even the royal guards or the royal mage. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-69r2k\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">I see in your eyes how curious you are about this process. \"How can a single creature defeat an army and a mage?\" you ask. The answer is: hunger. But let me explain it to you more precisely.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9vdfa\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhastes can live accross three phases in their life. Only two of them are useful for you.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8ilht\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The first phase is called the <strong>Hunter Phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-crmn7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When the beast will rise from its sulfur and blood symbol that you traced on the groud, you'll have a few minutes only to give it a purpose. Give it something that belonged to the person you want to see dead. It can be anything, but the more the object was important to the prey, the stronger the link; and if it's blood of the prey, it's even better. The Sulfurhast will eat this possession, then it'll immediately locate its prey, and start running in their direction. It'll be a magic link, and the Sulfurhast will know where is its prey even if it's at the other side of the world.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-41j9l\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">During this phase, the Sulfurhast is nothing more than an empty shell of flesh. They have no soul and no feelings. All they have is the bit of black magic you gave them and... and a bit of your own essence. And deep inside their guts, they have an insatiable hunger. But nothing could calm the hunger; the food will turn into ashes, the flesh will be unsaviory and useless, black magic and people's life essence will be only temporary. No, only the flesh, the possessions and the soul of their designated prey will be able to satisfy their hunger, and they know it. They'll never cease to track down their prey until they're satisfied. The target you gave them will be their sole obsession.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2gjae\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Their prey can be anyone, but keep in mind that the victim you choose will have a terrible death. During this phase, the beast will not sleep, nor eat, nor rest. It'll keep running towards the victim until it finds it. Its level of intelligence is minor, but it might eventually learn how to open door handles and such things. It doesn't have thoughts, but it's not completely a beast. It's more like... a ghost.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-mlq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The second phase is called the <strong>Puppet Phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dokkk\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">It occurs when the Sulfurhast finally found and ingested its prey. It will have consumed everything about its target: flesh, bones, spiritual essence, bits of memory, languages, clothes, and current possessions.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dbop1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The hunger is calmed. The Sulfurhast will still need to ingest life essence and black magic from time to time, but it'll be a minor annoyance. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7bh99\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The beast ingested everything about its prey. <em>Everything<\/em>. So much that it <em>became<\/em> its prey. And the person it killed and ate now became the Sulfurhast. And the Sulfurhast may now shapeshit into its prey's appearance in a flash of black smoke. No matter the species of its prey and how different it was from the Sulfurhast's original body, it'll be able to shapeshift in a few seconds. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7p6o1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The beast might try to imitate the dead prey at first, but it'll be clumsly and won't be able to fool the victim's relatives. This is where your job continues.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d7s5g\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The \"Puppet\" Phase is named that way because once the prey is ingested, you are able to take control of your beast. With a simple ritual of possession, which will be eased by the fact that the Sulfurhast has a bit of your essence, you'll be able to take control of your monster at will. You'll see through its eyes, you'll shape shift in its stead, you'll feel what it feels, and you'll act through the beast as you wish. When people will see their friend, they'll in fact see a monster who ate it, controlled by a necromancer. That's wild, isn't it?<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dm3ca\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">It is useful to steal an identity, a throne, etc. You'll be the prince of a foreign country, your worst enemy's wife, you'll be a child again or an old person. You'll steal every power, status, title, and anything the victim had.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2o0nv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Be careful about powerful magic users however, for they might feel the black magic link inside the beast. When you possess the beast, a good mage might be able to feel you and to locate you.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8sdi6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">During this phase, the Sulfurhast has gained life essence. It is now completed by a full soul, and by the bits of you that you gave earlier. It technically became <em>alive<\/em>. And it will learn. And it will learn <em>fast<\/em>. And it will start feeling. And it'll start living, and experiencing. And it'll become as intelligent as you, sometimes more. It'll take some time to happen, but it always happens faster than you expected. And the beast will start to realise that someone is controlling it in its stead. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"> <\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f6goc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The third phase is called the <strong>Freedom phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-frsir\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Although it may be called by other names such as the Free Phase, the Frightening phase, the Dangerous phase, or the Pacified Phase.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ah6ns\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The third phase occurs when the link between the necromancer and the Sulfurhast is broken. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ehrfi\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">How can it break, you wonder? <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7s11r\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When the Sulfurhast realizes its connection with you, and the fact that you're controlling it, it'll want its freedom. And also probably more than its freedom. Several events can provoke it: <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3g9ft\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The Sulfurhast will need to frequently ingest life essence. Understand by this: bits of soul and magic. If it doesn't have it, it will die. But a Sulfurhast is resourceful, and if you don't give it the option to feed on its surroundings, or if it's locked somewhere, then the magic bound between you and it will start to turn against you. The Sulfurhast will start to absorb your life essence instead of dying. You'll feel it, don't worry. But if you do nothing to stop it, it'll feed on your soul until you have nothing left and die, no matter the distance between you and it. In short, be careful about feeding properly your beast, or it'll feed on you like any other animal would.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-m69f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- You won't be able to possess your beast all the time. You'll have to get back to your body to eat, wash, and live a bit not to loose your muscles. And when you'll not be possessing your monster, it might feel the need to meet its creator a second time. If it finds you before you can realize it, it'll try to kill you, and to consume you. That way, it'll gain its freedom, and it'll consume your soul to increase greatly its lifespan. How convenient.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8q1gc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- You can also break the bound between your Sulfurhast and you at any time. It'll cost you a lot of black magic, but you can do it. You might ask: why would you want to break such a bound, after all the sacrifices you made to create it? If you feel like the bound between the Sulfurhast and you becomes dangerous, you will want to break it, trust me. A mage located you? The beast's hunting you? Someone understood that their friend isn't really a person but is a beast instead? You might want to break it for your safety. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4a4jc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">You'll loose your control over the beast. But sometimes, it's for the best. This is why I told you that creating a Sulfurhast should be your last resort.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6ulj5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Finally, if you die for any reason, the beast will be free nonetheless. It'll feel your death and will probably try to find your body to ingest it, but you won't be here anymore to prevent it.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ctktf\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">In the Freedom Phase, the Sulfurhast has gained intelligence and any skills its prey had. And it'll live its life as it wishes to, with its knowledge on the world. It'll choose its own purpose on life, and it'll live as long as it can find some life source from time to time, like a vampire. <\/span><\/p>"}},"title":"Sulfurhast","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":["wip","stub"],"page_tag":null}
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{"data":{"description":"<h2 id=\"viewer-45d4c\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhast trait list<\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5qk0j\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No matter the aditional traits you choose, Sulfurhastes always have:<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3tb08\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- An animal semi-skull face (covered with a thin layer of skin)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ac0od\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The semi-skull face has very pointy bone cheeks<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9scmm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- A square-tipped tongue<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9aoab\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Claws on humanoid hands<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7bk6k\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Anthro legs<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7gumd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Some protrudring bones in the back<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3b5qn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- A rough and thick skin<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-2hvhq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9hvln\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The size of the animal parts always adapt to the body; meaning that a hare skull, for example, will grow to be human-sized, and same for every animal body parts. <br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-6q5ct\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When species variations are possible, it only considers species bearing the same name. For example, the cat tail can vary for the tail of the sphinx cat or Maine coon cat; but it does not include lion or puma tails, or other feline tails.<br \/><br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/97_119_3A5lAk7aRqjvdTF.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1067\" height=\"1564\" \/><br \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8sfdc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Here are the additional traits. A lot of them are free if you own a MYO, <strong>however <\/strong>some have a number at their side; it means that they cost one, two or three <strong>SulfurPoints<\/strong> (link) to unlock.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d1bff\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>(1)<\/strong> = This trait costs 1 SulfurPoint<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3nslo\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>(2)<\/strong> = This trait costs 2 SulfurPoint<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fa7ac\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>(3)<\/strong> = This trait costs 3 SulfurPoint<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6q9j\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>(x)<\/strong> = This trait costs x SulfurPoint<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"> <\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-fokm\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Head<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-76gns\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The head may have another gender. (Cow can become bull, deer can have no horn, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-e3m7d\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The bone cheek is always pointy<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5q0f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Is covered with a thin layer of skin<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fcdss\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Tongue is square-tipped<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9okok\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Orbits\/eye sockets and ears are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">[Image with Head Examples goes Here]<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2c2ps\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Horse<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f1ie3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cow<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-50tll\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Deer<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-24qsh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wolf<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8u8lv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Fox<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fmdb4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cat<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ef4jb\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Crow<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-290b2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Raven<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9udqo\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Vulture<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ckcmi\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Owl<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-b2dk5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Bear<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-brdcb\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hare<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cjern\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No orbits<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-9kg9m\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-53dq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Orbits\/eye sockets (must correcpond to the skull)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-39hl3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Orbits\/eye sockets with a faint light inside (any color)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-4ofcd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-b0qff\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other animal <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2rk1n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any mythical or extinct animal (dragon, werewolf, griffin, dinosaur...) <strong>(2)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-flol6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other invented animal (your species or random design) <strong>(3)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-1i4d9\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Horns<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7rsa3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Their are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-c3dnd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They don't have to match the head or ears (for example, you can have a cow head with deer antlers and wolf ears.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">[Image with Horns go Here]<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5g945\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any mammal's horn (present on Earth + isn't an extinct species) (Free)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-69fim\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Other horns (Demon, dragon, insect, dino, or invented, etc.) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5kkfh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Huge horns (equal or bigger than two times the head's length) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-64h0n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-e3ac\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Ears<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-69rpm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Their are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-65na6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They don't have to match the head or horns (for example, you can have a cow head with deer antlers and wolf ears.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9h8rf\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The ears may have species variation (for example, cow ears can become Brahman cow ears for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">[Image with Ears goes Here]<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6pkqv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No ears<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7pufe\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hole ears<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8s3tb\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Horse<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-83c3c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cow<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5d2nk\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Deer<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cetnu\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wolf<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-67mfj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Fox<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-p1lv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cat<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-bfhjr\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Owl<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-195pd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Bear<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fqd46\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hare<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-882b\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5k53p\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">If you unlocked another kind of skull with SulfurPoints, you have unlocked its eventual ears as well for your <u class=\"_3zM-5\">current<\/u> design. (For example, if you spent one SulfurPoint to unlock a squirrel's skull, you can add squirrel ears for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-c53a3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7nbmj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other animal <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6m2fu\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any mythical or extinct animal (dragon, werewolf, griffin, dinosaur...) <strong>(2)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5glro\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other invented animal (your species or random design) <strong>(3)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-77um4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Two or more pair(s) of ears<strong> (1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-7bcsd\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Tail<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-77sah\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail is optional and your Sulfurhast can have a bare butt if you want<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8s5p5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- It doesn't have to match the other animal parts nor the head (for example, you can have a cow head with a wolf tail.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-a9dss\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail may look healthy or sick (fur loss, apparent bones, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9pnm5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail may have species variation (for example, a cat tail can become a sphinx or Maine coon cat tail for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">[Image with Tail goes Here]<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cu6cs\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No tail<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-baka4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Horse<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-b4v60\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cow<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ducf3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Deer<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1rhq2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wolf<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f10kg\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Fox<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5k6fn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cat<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4636r\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Crow<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-vp3c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Raven<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-126cq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Vulture<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7gt6q\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Owl<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dkrb3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Bear<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d2akk\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hare<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-97b9f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-28qge\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">If you unlocked another kind of skull with SulfurPoints, you have unlocked its eventual tail as well for your <u class=\"_3zM-5\">current<\/u> design. (For example, if you spent one SulfurPoint to unlock a squirrel's skull, you can add a squirrel tail for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-9eavl\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2rdb5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other animal <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4ta1o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any mythical or extinct animal (dragon, werewolf, griffin, dinosaur...) <strong>(2)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-emn0h\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other invented animal (your species or random design) <strong>(3)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d1ro4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Two tails, or tail split in two <strong>(2)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9puff\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Three or more tails, or tail split in three or more <strong>(3)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-1ap4a\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Paws, legs<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7vc4t\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- \"Paws\" only refers to the feet. The hands of the beast will remain human-like.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3i5g0\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The legs are always anthro-shaped, no matter the chosen paws.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-b9635\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- It doesn't have to match the other animal parts nor the head (for example, you can have a cow head with hare paws.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-83ljs\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Thumbs are optional (depends if the necromancer selected back or front paws or the animal.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">[Images with Paws\/Legs goes here]<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cjglh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Horse<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-b0mr8\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cow<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1241q\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Deer<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7ji2h\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wolf<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1o9d2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Fox<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-clubh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cat<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5k7d1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Crow<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7s3id\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Raven<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d7d6f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Vulture<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3pemv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Owl<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7flon\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Bear<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-39raq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hare<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-16met\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8roqn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">If you unlocked another kind of skull with SulfurPoints, you have unlocked its eventual tail as well for your <u class=\"_3zM-5\">current<\/u> design. (For example, if you spent one SulfurPoint to unlock a squirrel's skull, you can add squirrel paws for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-c5cu6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-br7o6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other animal <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2s6j4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any mythical or extinct animal (dragon, werewolf, griffin, dinosaur...) <strong>(2)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8lqj2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other invented animal (your species or random design) <strong>(3)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cjd9\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Two different paws <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-5nto5\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Other traits<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dds6v\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They are completely optional.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6qruh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Other traits can appear at any time in the list and are not limited to the visual sheet only.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">[Image with Other Traits goes Here]<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5u1t5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Free addons: <\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-5fvt3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1m0pm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Fur (no limit)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1a04i\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Feathers (no limit)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2lrpm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hand pawpads<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-flni\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Damaged skull<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f066n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Carved bones\/skull<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8j70c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Extra teeth, fang and\/or tusks (any head)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7f4o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Stitches<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5pbv9\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Missing limbs \/ Heavily hurt<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ah4ml\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Extra bones \/ Protruding bones (no extra limbs or head)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8o3ri\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Skeletal body parts (missing flesh)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3433o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sick, ill aspect (skin problems, fur loss, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4js1h\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Black smoke constant leak (sulfur powder, toxic)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ahgr7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Prosthesis (respecting the basic anatomy)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-4cqc2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-8lj24\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-agprj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>SulfurPoint traits:<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-5hsn6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9r7nc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Scales (any size and pattern) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6bits\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Bleed \/ fluid leak (Any color and texture) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8r276\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Bioluminescence \/ phosphorescence <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4is87\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Metallic bones \/ markings <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7s9bh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Crystal bones \/ Gem growth <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7219o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Ghostly, plasma (body parts or fullbody) (doesn't glow) <strong>(2)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cprgj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Prosthesis (not respecting the basic anatomy. Example: gun arm) <strong>(2)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-alcuc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wings (any kind and number) <strong>(3)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-585oq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Anything else <strong>(3)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-bm270\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-eb6k6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Taur-like body <strong>(10)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d10d6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Can be centaur-like or another species. Artwork is just an example, and your Taur can be completely different from the sheet.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6tkmg\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Mer-like body <strong>(10)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ai05a\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Can have the body of any aquatic animal. Artwork is just an example, and your Mer can be completely different from the sheet.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4tbfj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Conjointed twins <strong>(10)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1cbg3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Don't have to be \"twins\", nor two merged bodies only (can be three, or more conjointed bodies, all with different features. Add any extra limb(s) and head(s) you want.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-3eii9\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2d1di\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Gives the Sulfurhast two preys, and thus two transformations instead of one <strong>(10)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7hh48\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Gives the Sulfurhast three preys, and thus three transformations instead of one <strong>(25)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>","parsed":{"description":"<h2 id=\"viewer-45d4c\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhast trait list<\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5qk0j\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No matter the aditional traits you choose, Sulfurhastes always have:<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3tb08\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- An animal semi-skull face (covered with a thin layer of skin)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ac0od\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The semi-skull face has very pointy bone cheeks<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9scmm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- A square-tipped tongue<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9aoab\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Claws on humanoid hands<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7bk6k\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Anthro legs<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7gumd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Some protrudring bones in the back<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3b5qn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- A rough and thick skin<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-2hvhq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9hvln\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The size of the animal parts always adapt to the body; meaning that a hare skull, for example, will grow to be human-sized, and same for every animal body parts. <br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-6q5ct\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When species variations are possible, it only considers species bearing the same name. For example, the cat tail can vary for the tail of the sphinx cat or Maine coon cat; but it does not include lion or puma tails, or other feline tails.<br \/><br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/www.cryptid-creations.com\/images\/pages\/0\/97_119_3A5lAk7aRqjvdTF.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1067\" height=\"1564\" \/><br \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8sfdc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Here are the additional traits. A lot of them are free if you own a MYO, <strong>however <\/strong>some have a number at their side; it means that they cost one, two or three <strong>SulfurPoints<\/strong> (link) to unlock.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d1bff\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>(1)<\/strong> = This trait costs 1 SulfurPoint<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3nslo\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>(2)<\/strong> = This trait costs 2 SulfurPoint<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fa7ac\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>(3)<\/strong> = This trait costs 3 SulfurPoint<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6q9j\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>(x)<\/strong> = This trait costs x SulfurPoint<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"> <\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-fokm\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Head<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-76gns\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The head may have another gender. (Cow can become bull, deer can have no horn, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-e3m7d\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The bone cheek is always pointy<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5q0f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Is covered with a thin layer of skin<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fcdss\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Tongue is square-tipped<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9okok\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Orbits\/eye sockets and ears are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">[Image with Head Examples goes Here]<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2c2ps\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Horse<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f1ie3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cow<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-50tll\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Deer<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-24qsh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wolf<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8u8lv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Fox<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fmdb4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cat<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ef4jb\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Crow<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-290b2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Raven<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9udqo\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Vulture<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ckcmi\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Owl<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-b2dk5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Bear<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-brdcb\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hare<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cjern\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No orbits<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-9kg9m\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-53dq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Orbits\/eye sockets (must correcpond to the skull)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-39hl3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Orbits\/eye sockets with a faint light inside (any color)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-4ofcd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-b0qff\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other animal <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2rk1n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any mythical or extinct animal (dragon, werewolf, griffin, dinosaur...) <strong>(2)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-flol6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other invented animal (your species or random design) <strong>(3)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-1i4d9\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Horns<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7rsa3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Their are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-c3dnd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They don't have to match the head or ears (for example, you can have a cow head with deer antlers and wolf ears.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">[Image with Horns go Here]<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5g945\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any mammal's horn (present on Earth + isn't an extinct species) (Free)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-69fim\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Other horns (Demon, dragon, insect, dino, or invented, etc.) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5kkfh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Huge horns (equal or bigger than two times the head's length) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-64h0n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-e3ac\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Ears<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-69rpm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Their are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-65na6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They don't have to match the head or horns (for example, you can have a cow head with deer antlers and wolf ears.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9h8rf\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The ears may have species variation (for example, cow ears can become Brahman cow ears for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">[Image with Ears goes Here]<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6pkqv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No ears<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7pufe\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hole ears<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8s3tb\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Horse<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-83c3c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cow<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5d2nk\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Deer<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cetnu\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wolf<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-67mfj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Fox<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-p1lv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cat<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-bfhjr\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Owl<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-195pd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Bear<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fqd46\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hare<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-882b\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5k53p\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">If you unlocked another kind of skull with SulfurPoints, you have unlocked its eventual ears as well for your <u class=\"_3zM-5\">current<\/u> design. (For example, if you spent one SulfurPoint to unlock a squirrel's skull, you can add squirrel ears for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-c53a3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7nbmj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other animal <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6m2fu\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any mythical or extinct animal (dragon, werewolf, griffin, dinosaur...) <strong>(2)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5glro\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other invented animal (your species or random design) <strong>(3)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-77um4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Two or more pair(s) of ears<strong> (1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-7bcsd\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Tail<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-77sah\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail is optional and your Sulfurhast can have a bare butt if you want<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8s5p5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- It doesn't have to match the other animal parts nor the head (for example, you can have a cow head with a wolf tail.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-a9dss\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail may look healthy or sick (fur loss, apparent bones, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9pnm5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail may have species variation (for example, a cat tail can become a sphinx or Maine coon cat tail for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">[Image with Tail goes Here]<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cu6cs\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No tail<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-baka4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Horse<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-b4v60\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cow<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ducf3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Deer<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1rhq2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wolf<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f10kg\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Fox<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5k6fn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cat<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4636r\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Crow<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-vp3c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Raven<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-126cq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Vulture<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7gt6q\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Owl<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dkrb3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Bear<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d2akk\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hare<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-97b9f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-28qge\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">If you unlocked another kind of skull with SulfurPoints, you have unlocked its eventual tail as well for your <u class=\"_3zM-5\">current<\/u> design. (For example, if you spent one SulfurPoint to unlock a squirrel's skull, you can add a squirrel tail for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-9eavl\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2rdb5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other animal <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4ta1o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any mythical or extinct animal (dragon, werewolf, griffin, dinosaur...) <strong>(2)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-emn0h\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other invented animal (your species or random design) <strong>(3)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d1ro4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Two tails, or tail split in two <strong>(2)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9puff\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Three or more tails, or tail split in three or more <strong>(3)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-1ap4a\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Paws, legs<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7vc4t\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- \"Paws\" only refers to the feet. The hands of the beast will remain human-like.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3i5g0\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The legs are always anthro-shaped, no matter the chosen paws.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-b9635\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- It doesn't have to match the other animal parts nor the head (for example, you can have a cow head with hare paws.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-83ljs\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Thumbs are optional (depends if the necromancer selected back or front paws or the animal.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">[Images with Paws\/Legs goes here]<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cjglh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Horse<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-b0mr8\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cow<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1241q\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Deer<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7ji2h\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wolf<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1o9d2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Fox<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-clubh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cat<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5k7d1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Crow<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7s3id\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Raven<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d7d6f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Vulture<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3pemv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Owl<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7flon\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Bear<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-39raq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hare<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-16met\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8roqn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">If you unlocked another kind of skull with SulfurPoints, you have unlocked its eventual tail as well for your <u class=\"_3zM-5\">current<\/u> design. (For example, if you spent one SulfurPoint to unlock a squirrel's skull, you can add squirrel paws for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-c5cu6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-br7o6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other animal <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2s6j4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any mythical or extinct animal (dragon, werewolf, griffin, dinosaur...) <strong>(2)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8lqj2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other invented animal (your species or random design) <strong>(3)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cjd9\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Two different paws <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-5nto5\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Other traits<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dds6v\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They are completely optional.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6qruh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Other traits can appear at any time in the list and are not limited to the visual sheet only.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">[Image with Other Traits goes Here]<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5u1t5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Free addons: <\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-5fvt3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1m0pm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Fur (no limit)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1a04i\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Feathers (no limit)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2lrpm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hand pawpads<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-flni\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Damaged skull<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f066n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Carved bones\/skull<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8j70c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Extra teeth, fang and\/or tusks (any head)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7f4o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Stitches<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5pbv9\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Missing limbs \/ Heavily hurt<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ah4ml\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Extra bones \/ Protruding bones (no extra limbs or head)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8o3ri\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Skeletal body parts (missing flesh)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3433o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sick, ill aspect (skin problems, fur loss, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4js1h\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Black smoke constant leak (sulfur powder, toxic)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ahgr7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Prosthesis (respecting the basic anatomy)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-4cqc2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-8lj24\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-agprj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>SulfurPoint traits:<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-5hsn6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9r7nc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Scales (any size and pattern) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6bits\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Bleed \/ fluid leak (Any color and texture) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8r276\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Bioluminescence \/ phosphorescence <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4is87\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Metallic bones \/ markings <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7s9bh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Crystal bones \/ Gem growth <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7219o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Ghostly, plasma (body parts or fullbody) (doesn't glow) <strong>(2)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cprgj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Prosthesis (not respecting the basic anatomy. Example: gun arm) <strong>(2)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-alcuc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wings (any kind and number) <strong>(3)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-585oq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Anything else <strong>(3)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-bm270\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-eb6k6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Taur-like body <strong>(10)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d10d6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Can be centaur-like or another species. Artwork is just an example, and your Taur can be completely different from the sheet.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6tkmg\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Mer-like body <strong>(10)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ai05a\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Can have the body of any aquatic animal. Artwork is just an example, and your Mer can be completely different from the sheet.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4tbfj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Conjointed twins <strong>(10)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1cbg3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Don't have to be \"twins\", nor two merged bodies only (can be three, or more conjointed bodies, all with different features. Add any extra limb(s) and head(s) you want.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-3eii9\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2d1di\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Gives the Sulfurhast two preys, and thus two transformations instead of one <strong>(10)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7hh48\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Gives the Sulfurhast three preys, and thus three transformations instead of one <strong>(25)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>"}},"title":"Trait Sheets","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":["wip"],"page_tag":null}
Page Updated
Length: 87768 (+60007) - Show Raw Data
{"data":{"description":"<h2 id=\"viewer-45d4c\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhast trait list<\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5qk0j\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No matter the aditional traits you choose, Sulfurhastes always have:<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3tb08\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- An animal semi-skull face (covered with a thin layer of skin)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ac0od\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The semi-skull face has very pointy bone cheeks<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9scmm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- A square-tipped tongue<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9aoab\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Claws on humanoid hands<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7bk6k\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Anthro legs<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7gumd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Some protrudring bones in the back<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3b5qn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- A rough and thick skin<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-2hvhq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9hvln\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The size of the animal parts always adapt to the body; meaning that a hare skull, for example, will grow to be human-sized, and same for every animal body parts. <br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-6q5ct\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When species variations are possible, it only considers species bearing the same name. For example, the cat tail can vary for the tail of the sphinx cat or Maine coon cat; but it does not include lion or puma tails, or other feline tails.<br \/><br \/>[Main Species Info Image goes Here]<br \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8sfdc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Here are the additional traits. A lot of them are free if you own a MYO, <strong>however <\/strong>some have a number at their side; it means that they cost one, two or three <strong>SulfurPoints<\/strong> (link) to unlock.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d1bff\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>(1)<\/strong> = This trait costs 1 SulfurPoint<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3nslo\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>(2)<\/strong> = This trait costs 2 SulfurPoint<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fa7ac\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>(3)<\/strong> = This trait costs 3 SulfurPoint<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6q9j\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>(x)<\/strong> = This trait costs x SulfurPoint<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"> <\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-fokm\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Head<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-76gns\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The head may have another gender. (Cow can become bull, deer can have no horn, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-e3m7d\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The bone cheek is always pointy<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5q0f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Is covered with a thin layer of skin<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fcdss\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Tongue is square-tipped<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9okok\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Orbits\/eye sockets and ears are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">[Image with Head Examples goes Here]<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2c2ps\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Horse<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f1ie3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cow<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-50tll\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Deer<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-24qsh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wolf<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8u8lv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Fox<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fmdb4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cat<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ef4jb\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Crow<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-290b2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Raven<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9udqo\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Vulture<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ckcmi\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Owl<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-b2dk5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Bear<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-brdcb\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hare<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cjern\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No orbits<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-9kg9m\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-53dq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Orbits\/eye sockets (must correcpond to the skull)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-39hl3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Orbits\/eye sockets with a faint light inside (any color)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-4ofcd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-b0qff\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other animal <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2rk1n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any mythical or extinct animal (dragon, werewolf, griffin, dinosaur...) <strong>(2)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-flol6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other invented animal (your species or random design) <strong>(3)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-1i4d9\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Horns<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7rsa3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Their are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-c3dnd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They don't have to match the head or ears (for example, you can have a cow head with deer antlers and wolf ears.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">[Image with Horns go Here]<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5g945\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any mammal's horn (present on Earth + isn't an extinct species) (Free)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-69fim\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Other horns (Demon, dragon, insect, dino, or invented, etc.) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5kkfh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Huge horns (equal or bigger than two times the head's length) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-64h0n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-e3ac\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Ears<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-69rpm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Their are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-65na6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They don't have to match the head or horns (for example, you can have a cow head with deer antlers and wolf ears.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9h8rf\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The ears may have species variation (for example, cow ears can become Brahman cow ears for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">[Image with Ears goes Here]<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6pkqv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No ears<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7pufe\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hole ears<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8s3tb\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Horse<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-83c3c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cow<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5d2nk\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Deer<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cetnu\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wolf<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-67mfj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Fox<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-p1lv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cat<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-bfhjr\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Owl<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-195pd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Bear<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fqd46\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hare<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-882b\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5k53p\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">If you unlocked another kind of skull with SulfurPoints, you have unlocked its eventual ears as well for your <u class=\"_3zM-5\">current<\/u> design. (For example, if you spent one SulfurPoint to unlock a squirrel's skull, you can add squirrel ears for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-c53a3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7nbmj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other animal <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6m2fu\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any mythical or extinct animal (dragon, werewolf, griffin, dinosaur...) <strong>(2)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5glro\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other invented animal (your species or random design) <strong>(3)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-77um4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Two or more pair(s) of ears<strong> (1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-7bcsd\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Tail<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-77sah\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail is optional and your Sulfurhast can have a bare butt if you want<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8s5p5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- It doesn't have to match the other animal parts nor the head (for example, you can have a cow head with a wolf tail.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-a9dss\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail may look healthy or sick (fur loss, apparent bones, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9pnm5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail may have species variation (for example, a cat tail can become a sphinx or Maine coon cat tail for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">[Image with Tail goes Here]<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cu6cs\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No tail<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-baka4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Horse<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-b4v60\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cow<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ducf3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Deer<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1rhq2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wolf<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f10kg\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Fox<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5k6fn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cat<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4636r\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Crow<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-vp3c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Raven<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-126cq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Vulture<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7gt6q\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Owl<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dkrb3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Bear<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d2akk\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hare<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-97b9f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-28qge\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">If you unlocked another kind of skull with SulfurPoints, you have unlocked its eventual tail as well for your <u class=\"_3zM-5\">current<\/u> design. (For example, if you spent one SulfurPoint to unlock a squirrel's skull, you can add a squirrel tail for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-9eavl\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2rdb5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other animal <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4ta1o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any mythical or extinct animal (dragon, werewolf, griffin, dinosaur...) <strong>(2)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-emn0h\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other invented animal (your species or random design) <strong>(3)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d1ro4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Two tails, or tail split in two <strong>(2)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9puff\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Three or more tails, or tail split in three or more <strong>(3)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-1ap4a\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Paws, legs<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7vc4t\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- \"Paws\" only refers to the feet. The hands of the beast will remain human-like.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3i5g0\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The legs are always anthro-shaped, no matter the chosen paws.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-b9635\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- It doesn't have to match the other animal parts nor the head (for example, you can have a cow head with hare paws.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-83ljs\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Thumbs are optional (depends if the necromancer selected back or front paws or the animal.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">[Images with Paws\/Legs goes here]<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cjglh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Horse<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-b0mr8\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cow<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1241q\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Deer<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7ji2h\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wolf<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1o9d2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Fox<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-clubh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cat<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5k7d1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Crow<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7s3id\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Raven<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d7d6f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Vulture<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3pemv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Owl<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7flon\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Bear<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-39raq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hare<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-16met\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8roqn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">If you unlocked another kind of skull with SulfurPoints, you have unlocked its eventual tail as well for your <u class=\"_3zM-5\">current<\/u> design. (For example, if you spent one SulfurPoint to unlock a squirrel's skull, you can add squirrel paws for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-c5cu6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-br7o6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other animal <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2s6j4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any mythical or extinct animal (dragon, werewolf, griffin, dinosaur...) <strong>(2)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8lqj2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other invented animal (your species or random design) <strong>(3)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cjd9\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Two different paws <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-5nto5\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Other traits<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dds6v\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They are completely optional.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6qruh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Other traits can appear at any time in the list and are not limited to the visual sheet only.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">[Image with Other Traits goes Here]<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5u1t5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Free addons: <\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-5fvt3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1m0pm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Fur (no limit)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1a04i\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Feathers (no limit)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2lrpm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hand pawpads<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-flni\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Damaged skull<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f066n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Carved bones\/skull<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8j70c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Extra teeth, fang and\/or tusks (any head)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7f4o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Stitches<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5pbv9\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Missing limbs \/ Heavily hurt<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ah4ml\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Extra bones \/ Protruding bones (no extra limbs or head)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8o3ri\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Skeletal body parts (missing flesh)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3433o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sick, ill aspect (skin problems, fur loss, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4js1h\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Black smoke constant leak (sulfur powder, toxic)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ahgr7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Prosthesis (respecting the basic anatomy)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-4cqc2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-8lj24\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-agprj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>SulfurPoint traits:<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-5hsn6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9r7nc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Scales (any size and pattern) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6bits\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Bleed \/ fluid leak (Any color and texture) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8r276\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Bioluminescence \/ phosphorescence <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4is87\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Metallic bones \/ markings <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7s9bh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Crystal bones \/ Gem growth <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7219o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Ghostly, plasma (body parts or fullbody) (doesn't glow) <strong>(2)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cprgj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Prosthesis (not respecting the basic anatomy. Example: gun arm) <strong>(2)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-alcuc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wings (any kind and number) <strong>(3)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-585oq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Anything else <strong>(3)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-bm270\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-eb6k6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Taur-like body <strong>(10)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d10d6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Can be centaur-like or another species. Artwork is just an example, and your Taur can be completely different from the sheet.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6tkmg\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Mer-like body <strong>(10)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ai05a\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Can have the body of any aquatic animal. Artwork is just an example, and your Mer can be completely different from the sheet.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4tbfj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Conjointed twins <strong>(10)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1cbg3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Don't have to be \"twins\", nor two merged bodies only (can be three, or more conjointed bodies, all with different features. Add any extra limb(s) and head(s) you want.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-3eii9\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2d1di\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Gives the Sulfurhast two preys, and thus two transformations instead of one <strong>(10)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7hh48\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Gives the Sulfurhast three preys, and thus three transformations instead of one <strong>(25)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>","parsed":{"description":"<h2 id=\"viewer-45d4c\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhast trait list<\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5qk0j\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No matter the aditional traits you choose, Sulfurhastes always have:<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3tb08\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- An animal semi-skull face (covered with a thin layer of skin)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ac0od\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The semi-skull face has very pointy bone cheeks<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9scmm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- A square-tipped tongue<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9aoab\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Claws on humanoid hands<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7bk6k\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Anthro legs<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7gumd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Some protrudring bones in the back<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3b5qn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- A rough and thick skin<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-2hvhq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9hvln\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The size of the animal parts always adapt to the body; meaning that a hare skull, for example, will grow to be human-sized, and same for every animal body parts. <br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-6q5ct\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When species variations are possible, it only considers species bearing the same name. For example, the cat tail can vary for the tail of the sphinx cat or Maine coon cat; but it does not include lion or puma tails, or other feline tails.<br \/><br \/>[Main Species Info Image goes Here]<br \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8sfdc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Here are the additional traits. A lot of them are free if you own a MYO, <strong>however <\/strong>some have a number at their side; it means that they cost one, two or three <strong>SulfurPoints<\/strong> (link) to unlock.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d1bff\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>(1)<\/strong> = This trait costs 1 SulfurPoint<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3nslo\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>(2)<\/strong> = This trait costs 2 SulfurPoint<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fa7ac\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>(3)<\/strong> = This trait costs 3 SulfurPoint<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6q9j\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>(x)<\/strong> = This trait costs x SulfurPoint<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"> <\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-fokm\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Head<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-76gns\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The head may have another gender. (Cow can become bull, deer can have no horn, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-e3m7d\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The bone cheek is always pointy<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5q0f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Is covered with a thin layer of skin<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fcdss\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Tongue is square-tipped<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9okok\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Orbits\/eye sockets and ears are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">[Image with Head Examples goes Here]<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2c2ps\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Horse<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f1ie3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cow<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-50tll\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Deer<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-24qsh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wolf<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8u8lv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Fox<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fmdb4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cat<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ef4jb\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Crow<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-290b2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Raven<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9udqo\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Vulture<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ckcmi\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Owl<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-b2dk5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Bear<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-brdcb\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hare<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cjern\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No orbits<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-9kg9m\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-53dq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Orbits\/eye sockets (must correcpond to the skull)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-39hl3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Orbits\/eye sockets with a faint light inside (any color)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-4ofcd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-b0qff\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other animal <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2rk1n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any mythical or extinct animal (dragon, werewolf, griffin, dinosaur...) <strong>(2)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-flol6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other invented animal (your species or random design) <strong>(3)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-1i4d9\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Horns<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7rsa3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Their are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-c3dnd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They don't have to match the head or ears (for example, you can have a cow head with deer antlers and wolf ears.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">[Image with Horns go Here]<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5g945\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any mammal's horn (present on Earth + isn't an extinct species) (Free)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-69fim\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Other horns (Demon, dragon, insect, dino, or invented, etc.) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5kkfh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Huge horns (equal or bigger than two times the head's length) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-64h0n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-e3ac\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Ears<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-69rpm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Their are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-65na6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They don't have to match the head or horns (for example, you can have a cow head with deer antlers and wolf ears.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9h8rf\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The ears may have species variation (for example, cow ears can become Brahman cow ears for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">[Image with Ears goes Here]<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6pkqv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No ears<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7pufe\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hole ears<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8s3tb\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Horse<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-83c3c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cow<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5d2nk\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Deer<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cetnu\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wolf<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-67mfj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Fox<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-p1lv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cat<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-bfhjr\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Owl<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-195pd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Bear<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fqd46\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hare<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-882b\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5k53p\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">If you unlocked another kind of skull with SulfurPoints, you have unlocked its eventual ears as well for your <u class=\"_3zM-5\">current<\/u> design. (For example, if you spent one SulfurPoint to unlock a squirrel's skull, you can add squirrel ears for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-c53a3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7nbmj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other animal <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6m2fu\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any mythical or extinct animal (dragon, werewolf, griffin, dinosaur...) <strong>(2)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5glro\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other invented animal (your species or random design) <strong>(3)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-77um4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Two or more pair(s) of ears<strong> (1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-7bcsd\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Tail<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-77sah\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail is optional and your Sulfurhast can have a bare butt if you want<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8s5p5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- It doesn't have to match the other animal parts nor the head (for example, you can have a cow head with a wolf tail.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-a9dss\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail may look healthy or sick (fur loss, apparent bones, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9pnm5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail may have species variation (for example, a cat tail can become a sphinx or Maine coon cat tail for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">[Image with Tail goes Here]<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cu6cs\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No tail<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-baka4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Horse<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-b4v60\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cow<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ducf3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Deer<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1rhq2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wolf<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f10kg\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Fox<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5k6fn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cat<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4636r\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Crow<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-vp3c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Raven<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-126cq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Vulture<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7gt6q\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Owl<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dkrb3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Bear<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d2akk\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hare<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-97b9f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-28qge\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">If you unlocked another kind of skull with SulfurPoints, you have unlocked its eventual tail as well for your <u class=\"_3zM-5\">current<\/u> design. (For example, if you spent one SulfurPoint to unlock a squirrel's skull, you can add a squirrel tail for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-9eavl\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2rdb5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other animal <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4ta1o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any mythical or extinct animal (dragon, werewolf, griffin, dinosaur...) <strong>(2)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-emn0h\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other invented animal (your species or random design) <strong>(3)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d1ro4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Two tails, or tail split in two <strong>(2)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9puff\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Three or more tails, or tail split in three or more <strong>(3)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-1ap4a\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Paws, legs<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7vc4t\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- \"Paws\" only refers to the feet. The hands of the beast will remain human-like.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3i5g0\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The legs are always anthro-shaped, no matter the chosen paws.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-b9635\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- It doesn't have to match the other animal parts nor the head (for example, you can have a cow head with hare paws.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-83ljs\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Thumbs are optional (depends if the necromancer selected back or front paws or the animal.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">[Images with Paws\/Legs goes here]<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cjglh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Horse<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-b0mr8\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cow<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1241q\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Deer<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7ji2h\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wolf<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1o9d2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Fox<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-clubh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cat<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5k7d1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Crow<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7s3id\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Raven<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d7d6f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Vulture<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3pemv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Owl<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7flon\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Bear<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-39raq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hare<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-16met\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8roqn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">If you unlocked another kind of skull with SulfurPoints, you have unlocked its eventual tail as well for your <u class=\"_3zM-5\">current<\/u> design. (For example, if you spent one SulfurPoint to unlock a squirrel's skull, you can add squirrel paws for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-c5cu6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-br7o6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other animal <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2s6j4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any mythical or extinct animal (dragon, werewolf, griffin, dinosaur...) <strong>(2)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8lqj2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other invented animal (your species or random design) <strong>(3)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cjd9\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Two different paws <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-5nto5\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Other traits<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dds6v\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They are completely optional.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6qruh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Other traits can appear at any time in the list and are not limited to the visual sheet only.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">[Image with Other Traits goes Here]<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5u1t5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Free addons: <\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-5fvt3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1m0pm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Fur (no limit)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1a04i\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Feathers (no limit)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2lrpm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hand pawpads<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-flni\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Damaged skull<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f066n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Carved bones\/skull<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8j70c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Extra teeth, fang and\/or tusks (any head)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7f4o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Stitches<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5pbv9\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Missing limbs \/ Heavily hurt<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ah4ml\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Extra bones \/ Protruding bones (no extra limbs or head)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8o3ri\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Skeletal body parts (missing flesh)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3433o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sick, ill aspect (skin problems, fur loss, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4js1h\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Black smoke constant leak (sulfur powder, toxic)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ahgr7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Prosthesis (respecting the basic anatomy)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-4cqc2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-8lj24\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-agprj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>SulfurPoint traits:<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-5hsn6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9r7nc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Scales (any size and pattern) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6bits\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Bleed \/ fluid leak (Any color and texture) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8r276\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Bioluminescence \/ phosphorescence <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4is87\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Metallic bones \/ markings <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7s9bh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Crystal bones \/ Gem growth <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7219o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Ghostly, plasma (body parts or fullbody) (doesn't glow) <strong>(2)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cprgj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Prosthesis (not respecting the basic anatomy. Example: gun arm) <strong>(2)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-alcuc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wings (any kind and number) <strong>(3)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-585oq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Anything else <strong>(3)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-bm270\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-eb6k6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Taur-like body <strong>(10)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d10d6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Can be centaur-like or another species. Artwork is just an example, and your Taur can be completely different from the sheet.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6tkmg\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Mer-like body <strong>(10)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ai05a\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Can have the body of any aquatic animal. Artwork is just an example, and your Mer can be completely different from the sheet.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4tbfj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Conjointed twins <strong>(10)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1cbg3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Don't have to be \"twins\", nor two merged bodies only (can be three, or more conjointed bodies, all with different features. Add any extra limb(s) and head(s) you want.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-3eii9\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2d1di\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Gives the Sulfurhast two preys, and thus two transformations instead of one <strong>(10)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7hh48\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Gives the Sulfurhast three preys, and thus three transformations instead of one <strong>(25)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>"}},"title":"Trait Sheets","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":["wip"],"page_tag":null}
Page Updated
Length: 27761 (+27612) - Show Raw Data
{"data":{"description":"<h2 id=\"viewer-45d4c\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhast trait list<\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5qk0j\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No matter the aditional traits you choose, Sulfurhastes always have:<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3tb08\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- An animal semi-skull face (covered with a thin layer of skin)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ac0od\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The semi-skull face has very pointy bone cheeks<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9scmm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- A square-tipped tongue<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9aoab\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Claws on humanoid hands<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7bk6k\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Anthro legs<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7gumd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Some protrudring bones in the back<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3b5qn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- A rough and thick skin<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-2hvhq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9hvln\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The size of the animal parts always adapt to the body; meaning that a hare skull, for example, will grow to be human-sized, and same for every animal body parts. <br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-6q5ct\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When species variations are possible, it only considers species bearing the same name. For example, the cat tail can vary for the tail of the sphinx cat or Maine coon cat; but it does not include lion or puma tails, or other feline tails.<br \/><br \/>[Main Species Info Image goes Here]<br \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8sfdc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Here are the additional traits. A lot of them are free if you own a MYO, <strong>however <\/strong>some have a number at their side; it means that they cost one, two or three <strong>SulfurPoints<\/strong> (link) to unlock.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d1bff\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>(1)<\/strong> = This trait costs 1 SulfurPoint<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3nslo\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>(2)<\/strong> = This trait costs 2 SulfurPoint<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fa7ac\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>(3)<\/strong> = This trait costs 3 SulfurPoint<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6q9j\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>(x)<\/strong> = This trait costs x SulfurPoint<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"> <\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-fokm\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Head<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-76gns\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The head may have another gender. (Cow can become bull, deer can have no horn, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-e3m7d\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The bone cheek is always pointy<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5q0f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Is covered with a thin layer of skin<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fcdss\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Tongue is square-tipped<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9okok\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Orbits\/eye sockets and ears are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">[Image with Head Examples goes Here]<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2c2ps\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Horse<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f1ie3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cow<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-50tll\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Deer<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-24qsh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wolf<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8u8lv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Fox<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fmdb4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cat<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ef4jb\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Crow<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-290b2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Raven<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9udqo\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Vulture<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ckcmi\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Owl<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-b2dk5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Bear<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-brdcb\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hare<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cjern\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No orbits<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-9kg9m\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-53dq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Orbits\/eye sockets (must correcpond to the skull)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-39hl3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Orbits\/eye sockets with a faint light inside (any color)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-4ofcd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-b0qff\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other animal <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2rk1n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any mythical or extinct animal (dragon, werewolf, griffin, dinosaur...) <strong>(2)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-flol6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other invented animal (your species or random design) <strong>(3)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-1i4d9\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Horns<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7rsa3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Their are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-c3dnd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They don't have to match the head or ears (for example, you can have a cow head with deer antlers and wolf ears.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">[Image with Horns go Here]<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5g945\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any mammal's horn (present on Earth + isn't an extinct species) (Free)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-69fim\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Other horns (Demon, dragon, insect, dino, or invented, etc.) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5kkfh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Huge horns (equal or bigger than two times the head's length) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-64h0n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/p>","parsed":{"description":"<h2 id=\"viewer-45d4c\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhast trait list<\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5qk0j\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No matter the aditional traits you choose, Sulfurhastes always have:<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3tb08\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- An animal semi-skull face (covered with a thin layer of skin)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ac0od\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The semi-skull face has very pointy bone cheeks<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9scmm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- A square-tipped tongue<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9aoab\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Claws on humanoid hands<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7bk6k\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Anthro legs<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7gumd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Some protrudring bones in the back<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3b5qn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- A rough and thick skin<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-2hvhq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9hvln\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The size of the animal parts always adapt to the body; meaning that a hare skull, for example, will grow to be human-sized, and same for every animal body parts. <br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-6q5ct\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When species variations are possible, it only considers species bearing the same name. For example, the cat tail can vary for the tail of the sphinx cat or Maine coon cat; but it does not include lion or puma tails, or other feline tails.<br \/><br \/>[Main Species Info Image goes Here]<br \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8sfdc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Here are the additional traits. A lot of them are free if you own a MYO, <strong>however <\/strong>some have a number at their side; it means that they cost one, two or three <strong>SulfurPoints<\/strong> (link) to unlock.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d1bff\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>(1)<\/strong> = This trait costs 1 SulfurPoint<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3nslo\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>(2)<\/strong> = This trait costs 2 SulfurPoint<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fa7ac\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>(3)<\/strong> = This trait costs 3 SulfurPoint<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6q9j\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>(x)<\/strong> = This trait costs x SulfurPoint<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"> <\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-fokm\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Head<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-76gns\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The head may have another gender. (Cow can become bull, deer can have no horn, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-e3m7d\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The bone cheek is always pointy<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5q0f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Is covered with a thin layer of skin<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fcdss\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Tongue is square-tipped<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9okok\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Orbits\/eye sockets and ears are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">[Image with Head Examples goes Here]<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2c2ps\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Horse<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f1ie3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cow<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-50tll\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Deer<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-24qsh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wolf<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8u8lv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Fox<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fmdb4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Cat<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ef4jb\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Crow<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-290b2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Raven<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9udqo\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Vulture<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ckcmi\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Owl<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-b2dk5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Bear<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-brdcb\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hare<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cjern\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No orbits<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-9kg9m\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-53dq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Orbits\/eye sockets (must correcpond to the skull)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-39hl3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Orbits\/eye sockets with a faint light inside (any color)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-4ofcd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-b0qff\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other animal <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2rk1n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any mythical or extinct animal (dragon, werewolf, griffin, dinosaur...) <strong>(2)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-flol6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any other invented animal (your species or random design) <strong>(3)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-1i4d9\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Horns<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7rsa3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Their are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-c3dnd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They don't have to match the head or ears (for example, you can have a cow head with deer antlers and wolf ears.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">[Image with Horns go Here]<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5g945\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any mammal's horn (present on Earth + isn't an extinct species) (Free)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-69fim\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Other horns (Demon, dragon, insect, dino, or invented, etc.) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5kkfh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Huge horns (equal or bigger than two times the head's length) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-64h0n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/p>"}},"title":"Trait Sheets","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":null,"page_tag":null}
Page Created
Length: 149 (+149) - Show Raw Data
{"data":{"description":null,"parsed":{"description":null}},"title":"Trait Sheets","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":null,"page_tag":null}
Page Updated
Length: 19647 (+16368) - Show Raw Data
{"data":{"description":"<p id=\"viewer-aeukr\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">(Changes Coming Soon!)<br \/><br \/>SulfurPoints are a rarity system. The more a design is composed with Sulfurpoints, the rarer! But instead of having a rarity system like \"common - uncommon - rare - lengendary - etc\", the rare traits are measured with SulfurPoints.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-34g1n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-bjk20\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">SulfurPoints can be shortly called \"SP.\" They are represented by a bold number between bold brackets; for example <strong>(1)<\/strong>, <strong>(2)<\/strong>, <strong>(3)<\/strong>, <strong>(10)<\/strong>, etc.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7ccn2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">For example, let's take the Horns sheet: <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">[Image Coming Soon]<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1s4f6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">It is precised in the description that any non mammal and present on Earth Horns will cost one SulfurPoint, so <strong>(1) SP<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-2vgrc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6qebe\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">You can find every SP options gathered in the <u class=\"_3zM-5\">full traits sheet<\/u>. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-711ls\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">\r\n<p id=\"viewer-46b1h\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">SulfurPoints are not a money or a currency. They should be considered the same way as MYOs ('make your own'.) For example, instead of having a 'rare MYO', you'll have a 'MYO with <strong>(x)<\/strong> SP.' <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7qd20\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Like the MYOs, they are a partial liscence to unlock specials traits, design, appearance.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-509n7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Every SP will be added to the masterlist with your nickname as a proof of ownership.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">SulfurPoints will be sold in the same time than MYOs. Participating in events may also reward free SP! More coming soon.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2obk6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When designing your Sulfurhast, if you own a MYO, you'll be asked to send the visual artwork of your design plus a written list of the traits you added. Here's an example: <\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-fds2m\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-avic6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhast - Hare skull, hare ears, bull horns, cow tail, bear paws, golden leak <strong>(1)<\/strong>, wings <strong>(3)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-fr7qs\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-98ml3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">In this example, the submitted design contains golden leak and wings, for a total of <strong>(4) SP<\/strong>. You need to own <strong>(4) SP<\/strong> in order to submit such a design. Then, if the design is approved, the <strong>(4) SP<\/strong> will be \"consumed\" and added to the design in the masterlist. Your design will worth <strong>(4) SP.<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-80vgo\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">\r\n<p id=\"viewer-do5hj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">At any time, if you get more SulfurPoints and want update your Sulfurhast with more traits, you can. Just redesign your beast and send it to approval to <a class=\"user-link _277bf editor-mention-link\" href=\"https:\/\/www.deviantart.com\/yokamycelium\" data-hook=\"user_link\" data-username=\"YokaMycelium\" data-icon=\"https:\/\/a.deviantart.net\/avatars\/y\/o\/yokamycelium.gif?15\" data-usertype=\"core_plus\" data-userid=\"42040717\" data-useruuid=\"26783ed1-55b6-40bd-9150-f8e2c093b455\"><span class=\"_2vKEO\">YokaMycelium<\/span><\/a>. When re-approved, the SP will be deduced from your SP count and will be added to the design.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-6gpet\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2m57a\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">If you want to redesign your beast simply to change its design, it's also possible. You are allowed to swap traits if the total SP remains the same (unless if you add SP between time.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4ri1o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">For example: <\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-8vshj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-bgp3c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Let's say that you have this Sulfurhast: <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7fr82\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>Sulfurhast - Hare skull, hare ears, bull horns, cow tail, bear paws, golden leak<\/em> <strong>(1)<\/strong>, <em>wings<\/em> <strong>(3)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-a4t12\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">For a total of <strong>(4) SP, <\/strong>but you want to redesign it and change its traits.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8up74\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">You can change the traits with:<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7tv84\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>Sulfurhast - Hare skull, hare ears, bull horns, cow tail, bear paws, Scales<\/em> <strong>(1), <\/strong><em>fluid leak<\/em> <strong>(1), <\/strong><em>Bioluminescence<\/em> <strong>(1)<\/strong>, <em>and Metallic bones<\/em> <strong>(1).<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ag4hs\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The total is still <strong>(4) SP<\/strong> so it's valid.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>","parsed":{"description":"<p id=\"viewer-aeukr\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">(Changes Coming Soon!)<br \/><br \/>SulfurPoints are a rarity system. The more a design is composed with Sulfurpoints, the rarer! But instead of having a rarity system like \"common - uncommon - rare - lengendary - etc\", the rare traits are measured with SulfurPoints.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-34g1n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-bjk20\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">SulfurPoints can be shortly called \"SP.\" They are represented by a bold number between bold brackets; for example <strong>(1)<\/strong>, <strong>(2)<\/strong>, <strong>(3)<\/strong>, <strong>(10)<\/strong>, etc.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7ccn2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">For example, let's take the Horns sheet: <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">[Image Coming Soon]<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1s4f6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">It is precised in the description that any non mammal and present on Earth Horns will cost one SulfurPoint, so <strong>(1) SP<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-2vgrc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6qebe\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">You can find every SP options gathered in the <u class=\"_3zM-5\">full traits sheet<\/u>. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-711ls\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">\r\n<p id=\"viewer-46b1h\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">SulfurPoints are not a money or a currency. They should be considered the same way as MYOs ('make your own'.) For example, instead of having a 'rare MYO', you'll have a 'MYO with <strong>(x)<\/strong> SP.' <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7qd20\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Like the MYOs, they are a partial liscence to unlock specials traits, design, appearance.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-509n7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Every SP will be added to the masterlist with your nickname as a proof of ownership.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">SulfurPoints will be sold in the same time than MYOs. Participating in events may also reward free SP! More coming soon.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2obk6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When designing your Sulfurhast, if you own a MYO, you'll be asked to send the visual artwork of your design plus a written list of the traits you added. Here's an example: <\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-fds2m\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-avic6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhast - Hare skull, hare ears, bull horns, cow tail, bear paws, golden leak <strong>(1)<\/strong>, wings <strong>(3)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-fr7qs\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-98ml3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">In this example, the submitted design contains golden leak and wings, for a total of <strong>(4) SP<\/strong>. You need to own <strong>(4) SP<\/strong> in order to submit such a design. Then, if the design is approved, the <strong>(4) SP<\/strong> will be \"consumed\" and added to the design in the masterlist. Your design will worth <strong>(4) SP.<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-80vgo\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">\r\n<p id=\"viewer-do5hj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">At any time, if you get more SulfurPoints and want update your Sulfurhast with more traits, you can. Just redesign your beast and send it to approval to <a class=\"user-link _277bf editor-mention-link\" href=\"https:\/\/www.deviantart.com\/yokamycelium\" data-hook=\"user_link\" data-username=\"YokaMycelium\" data-icon=\"https:\/\/a.deviantart.net\/avatars\/y\/o\/yokamycelium.gif?15\" data-usertype=\"core_plus\" data-userid=\"42040717\" data-useruuid=\"26783ed1-55b6-40bd-9150-f8e2c093b455\"><span class=\"_2vKEO\">YokaMycelium<\/span><\/a>. When re-approved, the SP will be deduced from your SP count and will be added to the design.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-6gpet\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2m57a\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">If you want to redesign your beast simply to change its design, it's also possible. You are allowed to swap traits if the total SP remains the same (unless if you add SP between time.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4ri1o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">For example: <\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-8vshj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-bgp3c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Let's say that you have this Sulfurhast: <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7fr82\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>Sulfurhast - Hare skull, hare ears, bull horns, cow tail, bear paws, golden leak<\/em> <strong>(1)<\/strong>, <em>wings<\/em> <strong>(3)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-a4t12\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">For a total of <strong>(4) SP, <\/strong>but you want to redesign it and change its traits.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8up74\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">You can change the traits with:<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7tv84\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>Sulfurhast - Hare skull, hare ears, bull horns, cow tail, bear paws, Scales<\/em> <strong>(1), <\/strong><em>fluid leak<\/em> <strong>(1), <\/strong><em>Bioluminescence<\/em> <strong>(1)<\/strong>, <em>and Metallic bones<\/em> <strong>(1).<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ag4hs\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The total is still <strong>(4) SP<\/strong> so it's valid.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>"}},"title":"Rarity Guide","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":null,"page_tag":null}
Page Created
Length: 3279 (+3279) - Show Raw Data
{"data":{"description":"<p id=\"viewer-aeukr\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">SulfurPoints are a rarity system. The more a design is composed with Sulfurpoints, the rarer! But instead of having a rarity system like \"common - uncommon - rare - lengendary - etc\", the rare traits are measured with SulfurPoints.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-34g1n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-bjk20\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">SulfurPoints can be shortly called \"SP.\" They are represented by a bold number between bold brackets; for example <strong>(1)<\/strong>, <strong>(2)<\/strong>, <strong>(3)<\/strong>, <strong>(10)<\/strong>, etc.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7ccn2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">For example, let's take the Horns sheet: <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">[Image Coming Soon]<\/span><\/p>","parsed":{"description":"<p id=\"viewer-aeukr\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">SulfurPoints are a rarity system. The more a design is composed with Sulfurpoints, the rarer! But instead of having a rarity system like \"common - uncommon - rare - lengendary - etc\", the rare traits are measured with SulfurPoints.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-34g1n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-bjk20\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">SulfurPoints can be shortly called \"SP.\" They are represented by a bold number between bold brackets; for example <strong>(1)<\/strong>, <strong>(2)<\/strong>, <strong>(3)<\/strong>, <strong>(10)<\/strong>, etc.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7ccn2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">For example, let's take the Horns sheet: <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">[Image Coming Soon]<\/span><\/p>"}},"title":"Rarity Guide","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":null,"page_tag":null}
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{"data":{"description":"<h2 id=\"viewer-a9glu\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">FAQ<\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6h1kd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>This is a complementary of the Lore page. It's recommanded to read it before reading this!<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f220r\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>You can ask anything on the comments of this journal or in our discord! If the question is pertinent, it'll be added here.<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4944l\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + F then type a keyword to quickly find an answer.<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-tmm1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-4giea\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">GENERAL<\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4dpfr\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: Can I make a Sulfurhast?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-qc4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No, sorry. They are a closed species, meaning that you need to possess a MYO (Make You Own) slot to make your own.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-7jv3m\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-bhdfd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: If I have a MYO, can I design a Sulfurhast after an already existing design or a copyrighted character (like Spiderman, for example?)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dr9ci\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No, sorry. The Sulfurhast rules will most often conflicts with other designer's rules, aka people ca resell their Sulfurhast for the price they want (which is not the case of most designs.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-660os\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f54rp\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: In what universe can I add my Sulfurhast?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-bbjko\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any universe including magic, and a notion of dark\/black\/death magic. It can be fantasy, medieval, modern, sci-fi...<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-2jh7f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-79gfl\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">SULFURHAST<\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5t2hk\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: What are Sulfurhast natural powers?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-98ukv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Physically, Sulfurhastes seem to have an unlimited stamina, and a huge strength. Their teeth can chew anything organic and their body and bones are way more stronger and tougher than regular ones. Their hand claws can slash leather easily and will leave deep marks on a plate armor. They do not feel pain, and will not react even when bearing deep wounds. Since they don't need to eat, sleep, or to breathe, they can track preys without sleep and walk underwater to cross lakes, rivers or even oceans. They can run pretty fast and they can run on all four. They also have a very good wound regeneration skill.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fhrup\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Magically, they can communicate through telepathy and see through illusions.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1llni\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">And for other powers, they can generate at will a poisonous black smoke that smells sulfur. An habile Sulfurhast could even absorb magical attacks, if they're lucky and fast enough. When they ate their prey, they can shape shift into their prey. They also steal their prey's abilities. Finally, they can follow their prey into other realms\/dimensions if it's a death realm (for example, sheol, gehenna, abyss, tartarus...)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-179gp\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2ed6o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <strong>Q: How can they see and hear if they have no eyes and no ears? <\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fj25\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhastes are half in your world, half in the spirit's world. They don't need eyes or ears to locate their prey, which they have a magic bound with. They'll feel magic before any other sense, and it'll be their primary sense. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-5s8v\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1eqle\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: What's the ritual to create them? And what does it cost? <\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9eto4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The answer is given <a class=\"_3Bkfb _19Iz5 _1lsz7\" href=\"https:\/\/www.deviantart.com\/yokamycelium\/art\/Sulfurhast-ritual-873492512\" target=\"_top\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer noreferrer\"><u class=\"_3zM-5\">here<\/u><\/a>. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-eip8b\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-moer\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: What if no object, and thus no prey, is given to the Sulfurhast after its creation? <\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1gqa2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The Sulfurhast's prey becomes the necromancer. The link between the Sulfurhast and its prey must be made in the first minutes after its birth\/creation.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-7g5s5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-34k40\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: What does the shapeshifting looks like? Is it painful?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-c40ve\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">It's not painful. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6vjm2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The Sulfurhast disappear in a cloud of black smoke (the smoke is toxic if directly breathed), and the smoke fades away to reveal another appearance. It take only a few seconds.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-br4er\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4as2t\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: What if the Sulfurhast is attacked on its way? (to reach its prey)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-63hvj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The Sulfurhast will defend itself, probably resulting in the death of the attackers.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-79kat\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-u651\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: How long do Sulfurhastes live?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ctpl8\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Firstly, it depends on how talented the necromancer is. It might be a week, or years.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6d398\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Then, the Sulfurhast can increase indefinitly its lifespan by ingesting life essences, souls, and sources of magic. Depending on the quantity and the quality of what the beast ingest, it can increase its lifespan from a few weeks to decades.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-7as9u\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-93t6c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong> Q: Can Sulfurhastes use weapons?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d9p9q\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Usually, their only weapons will be their body and natural abilities. (Read question above.) They will not use other weapons in general. However, if the said weapon allows them to reach their prey, then they may use it.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-af929\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-826n1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: Can the sulfur be \"reused,\", and thus be bound with a second prey?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f2u4u\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No. The way the invocation is made, the way the bounds are created, it's only a one-time use only. After it ate its prey, the Sulfurhast's goal may be to gain its freedom.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-8cadf\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6h2sh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: After the Hunting Phase, can Sulfurhastes eat and drink? Also can they sleep and defecate?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-700s7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Once the hunger for their prey is satisfied, Sulfurhastes can eat and drink human food and drinks. It is not necessary and they can live without food or water, but they can if they wanna be fancy. Their stomach will act as a kind of powerful incinerator that will consume everything ingested, so they won't defecate nor urinate.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4k6bf\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhastes can't be victim (or enjoyers) of food or drinks effects. For example, they can't be drunk or poisoned.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-a6805\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">During the Hunting Phase, a Sulfurhast can't sleep; the hunger is too powerful. After the Hunting Phase, it can sleep, but won't need to. It may feel a need to sleep is it hasn't fed enough and thus, don't have enough energy to sustain.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-1rk0c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9ntob\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: Can Sulfurhastes have sex?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ebogi\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Yes and no.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9e66c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">During the Hunter Phase, the beast is considered as 'empty' and will only focus on its sole obsession: hunting and eating its prey.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-118um\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">During the Puppet Phase, the Sulfurhast can have sex. When it ate its prey, it gained its soul and life and is considered as alive. Its humanoid body parts are fully functional. But most of time, it's the necromancer who'll possess the Sulfurhast and have sex through it. The necromancer will most certainly use the shape shifted form to have sex - if the species of the ingested prey is able to have sex. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-27vcf\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">During the Free Phase, the Sulfurhast is free to do whatever they want.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-a6879\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-eiaqh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: Can Sulfurhastes have babies, or reproduce?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3uv22\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Yes and no. Sulfurhastes are created with necromancy, the art of death. They can't create life. Even when shapeshifted, their reproductive organs, if any, will be sterile. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-713nn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">However, due to their affinity with black magic, if they learn how to create other Sulfurhastes, they may create beasts like them following the proper ritual of invocation. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-efl4o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-e09cn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-8lftc\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">NECROMANCER<\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-el3k2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: Can I make one or several necromancer(s)?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dr1d\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Yes. They are not closed species. You can create as many as you want, and even sell them. We have a special folder in the group to advertise your necromancers and preys adoptables!<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-d567o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6ijn4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: Does my necromancer have to look like a sad and gothic human?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8enet\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No. Your necromancer can be any species and have any appearance. They can even look like a little, innocent girl with a halo and angel wings. It's really up to you! \"Necromancer\" can also be called: black magic user, dark mage, wizard, etc.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-d2o07\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5g745\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: Can I use an OC I already own to make a Necromancer?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-a27k9\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Yes. However, make sure that your character has an affinity with black magic. If you decide to make a necromancer which would be from another closed species, then make sure that the species owner allows it before!<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-1fbco\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1uffa\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: If I choose who's the necromancer who made my Sulfurhast in its story, will I have to trade the necromancer and the Sulfurhast in the same time? Are they linked forever?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2er4u\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They're not linked forever. If you don't want your Sulfurhast anymore, then you can sell it without the necromancer design. If you want to sell both in the same time, it's also possible. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-c2i5p\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Necromancers are not added to the masterlist, and you can't constrain someone to keep the necromancer and the Sulfurhast together, they can separate it if they want.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2dfcp\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The necromancer design will keep the original designer's TOS.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-4lf6g\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5r7t0\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: When can the necromancer take control of the beast?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f4coe\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When the Sulfuhast is hunting, it's extremely hard to take control over it. Its urges are often stronger than the necromancer's control. It is possible, but very hard to maintain.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1apre\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The necromancer will have full control when the Puppet phase is reached.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-92dnq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-bphok\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: During the Puppet phase, how does the necromancer controls the Sulfurhast? And can the Sulfurhast not realize it's controlled? <\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1iaom\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">During the Puppet Phase, the necromancer applies a simple ritual of possession, eased by the fact that the beast have some of the necromancer's life essence. It is really similar to a demonic possession, but the \"demon\" is the necromancer.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4fib3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The control is physical, so the necromancer can move and act through the Sulfurhast's body, but it's also mental: the necromancer will apply a mental control over the beast's mind. If the necromancer is very talented, he could possibly hid from the Sulfurhast and it may never understand what's happening to it, it might even not realize that its actions are not commanded by itself. The necromancer can also attempt to trick the Sulfurhast into believing it <em>is<\/em> its prey, and not a Sulfurhast. Like \"What? no, I'm no monster, I'm your old pal! Wait, why can I shapeshift?\" They can fully believe that they are what the prey were, and then turn into a monster in a situation of danger, and be like \"yo wtf\" <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6usrm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Every Sulfurhast will experience their Phases differently.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-9b5v3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-e7i1f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: What happens if the necromancer dies before the Sulfurhast ate its prey?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1hsrt\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The Sulfurhast will keep chasing its prey. The necromancer's death will not remove the hunger. However, the Sulfurhast will be free as soon as it ates its prey, and will never experience the Puppet Phase.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6mvvr\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The Sulfurhast might feel the necromancer's death. If the necromancer dies after the prey has already been consumed by the beast, then the Sulfurhast might track their body to ingest their remains of black magic.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-5au1t\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6duq9\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: Can necromancer B steal the control of necromancer A? (the one who created the Sulfurhast)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fcs0h\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">In some rare cases, if necromancer B more powerful than necromancer A (who created the Sulfurhast,) it might try. Necromancer B might even succeed, but the control it'll have on the beast will only be temporary.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8aqd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">If necromancer B is the Sulfurhast's designated prey, it'll be even harder.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-80tdl\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-clllm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-7bhii\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">PREY<\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9nivs\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: Can I make one or several prey(s)?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-bfdqb\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Yes. They are not closed species. You can create as many as you want, and even sell them. We have a special folder in the group to advertise your necromancers and preys adoptables! However, your Sulfurhast can only have one designated prey.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-5qccu\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-aufp4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: Does my prey have to look like a human?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6qqo7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No. Your prey can be any species and have any appearance. They can even look like a frog, a dragon, or a huge Orc with spikes. It's really up to you! It'll be the alt appearance of your Sulfurhast.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-87jom\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">However, keep in mind that to reach the Sulfurhast's Puppet and Free phase, the prey must die.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-592i3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6hr98\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: Can I use an OC I already own to make a Prey?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5ud28\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Yes. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-646rb\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">However if you decide to make a necromancer which would be from another closed species, then make sure that the species owner allows it before! Many CS will decline it because it consider the death of the OC and also making the OC something else than its original species.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9svus\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">(For example, I wouldn't allow you to choose an YVVO from my other CS <a class=\"user-link _277bf editor-mention-link\" href=\"https:\/\/www.deviantart.com\/yevat\" data-hook=\"user_link\" data-username=\"Yevat\" data-icon=\"https:\/\/a.deviantart.net\/avatars-big\/y\/e\/yevat.gif?9\" data-usertype=\"group\" data-userid=\"48778054\" data-useruuid=\"\"><span class=\"_2vKEO\">Yevat<\/span><\/a> as a prey. The shapeshifting ability would require a mutation trait in the YVVO side.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-c2vb6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">So the best bet is to design your prey yourself.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-2arta\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-63o1p\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: If I choose who's the prey my Sulfurhast ate in its story, will I have to trade the prey and the Sulfurhast in the same time? Are they linked forever?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fnpfu\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They're not linked forever. If you don't want your Sulfurhast anymore, then you can sell it without the prey design. If you want to sell both in the same time, it's also possible. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2mj7a\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Preys are not added to the masterlist, and you can't constrain someone to keep the prey and the Sulfurhast together, they can separate it if they want.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6ne8d\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The prey's design will keep the original designer's TOS.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-3te2q\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9t3e9\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: What happens to the prey when the Sulfurhast found it?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5ta8o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When the Sulfurhast found its prey, it'll use all its powers to kill its prey. Then, it'll ingest its prey, and everything the prey is and has: flesh, bones, spiritual essence, bits of memory, languages, clothes, and current possessions.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8cior\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Then, the Sulfurhast can shapeshift into its prey at will. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4h16f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The necromancer will know that the prey is eaten, in a way or another. They might have a vision, a dream, a feeling about it, anything.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-k8g5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Despite copying their prey's appearance, Sulfurhastes may not always fool the prey's closest relatives. They can feel like \"something's odd...\"<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-6f12a\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3jmgt\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: When shapeshifted into their prey, does Sulfurhastes loose or keep their original powers? And when they gained their prey's powers, do they have to be shapeshifted to use them?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f0bkt\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Even when shapeshifted into something else, Sulfurhastes keep their original powers, such as poison resistance, Sulfur smoke production, etc. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-69qcp\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">However, they DO need to be shapeshifted to use their prey's powers.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-d327q\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-bh6pq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: What if one of the prey's powers was to shapeshift into something else? Do I have unlimited appearances for my Sulfurhast?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-djep9\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sadly, no. Sulfurhastes are only bound to one prey and can only shapeshift into one, definitive appearance. This power will not be copied, a rare exception.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3to85\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">A <em>slight<\/em> change in form may be allowed if the prey had a small power to change details. For example, if the prey could change its pupils' shape according to its emotions, it will be allowed. Another example with my other species <a class=\"user-link _277bf editor-mention-link\" href=\"https:\/\/www.deviantart.com\/yevat\" data-hook=\"user_link\" data-username=\"Yevat\" data-icon=\"https:\/\/a.deviantart.net\/avatars-big\/y\/e\/yevat.gif?9\" data-usertype=\"group\" data-userid=\"48778054\" data-useruuid=\"\"><span class=\"_2vKEO\">Yevat<\/span><\/a> : if (exceptionally) a Sulfurhast's prey is a Yevat, the Rokyevat \"angry\" form will be allowed.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-8sbvf\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7rkqk\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: Once the Sulfurhast ates its prey and can shapeshift into it, can the appearance evolve, change? For example, will it change with age or wounds?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-77aq7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The Sulfurhaste will copy the exact appearance of its prey at the moment it ate it. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-12rid\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The prey's appearance will not age. It means if the prey is a child, the Sulfurhast will never have another appearance than the child. It'll never grow up nor get old. If the prey is already old it can't get younger either and will stay old.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-29gdq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">If a wound is deep enough to hurt the Sulfurhast after the hunting pahse, a wound or a scar can appear on both appearances. It'll be visible in similar zones on the Sulfurhast and the prey's design, as much as possible. For example, if the Sulfurhast gets deeply injured to the left eye when shapeshifted and loose sight of this eye, a scar may appear on the Sulfurhast's skull.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5m9qc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The transformation will basically remain the same as how was the prey before dying, except for slight and natural variations: the prey's appearance can vary in fatness, if hair it'll grow naturally, etc. It's to avoid looking too suspicious if they have to bend into their prey's universe.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-eh2ut\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7qgrp\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: Does the Sulfurhast shapeshift in a nude version of its prey, or a clothed one?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-br6io\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">It depends is the Sulfurhast ate clothes in the same time of eating its prey's body and soul. If yes, the Sulfurhast can choose between a clothed or nude appearance of its prey. Only the clothes that belonged to the prey and which have been ingested by the beast can appear magically. Otherwise, the Sulfurhast will have to manually change its clothes if desired.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-cvktt\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-19l5j\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: What if the prey the necromancer chose is dead before the Sulfurhast is created, and the necromancer ignores it? <\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-afqoq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The Sulfurhast's prey becomes the necromancer.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-5qntg\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7f3e\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: What if the designated prey dies while the Sulfurhast is hunting them?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7441g\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The Sulfurhast will still track the body of their prey and ingest it. It'll still be able to shapeshift into its prey, but the Sulfurhast will not have access to the prey's memory, languages, or powers. It'll make a weak Sulfurhast who'll die quickly because its soul isn't full.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-737ev\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Exceptionally, if the Sulfurhast manages to kill its necromancer, it might steal its necromancer's souls and powers instead.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-6j9e2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4unve\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: What if the prey is in unreachable or in a dangerous place?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-i4q0\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The Sulfurhast will do everything it can to find its prey, even developing a form of intelligence. It'll learn how to open doors, how to solve riddles (with time), and eventually even how to understand the local spoken language. If the place is dangerous, such as a burning forest for example, the Sulfurhast will reach the prey despite the danger (they don't feel pain.) It can lead to the Sulfurhast's death.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-8mhe7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-atrad\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: Does the prey know they're chased?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-demcm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Nothing tells the prey they're suddenly chased. However, they could have a sudden \"bad feeling\" or stress, but they can't say where it comes from, and will most of time ignore it.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-v2r7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">If the prey is a magic user or has a magic user in their team, they can feel the sudden curse. It requires a high level in magic to understand precisely what's happening though. The link between a Sulfurhast and its prey can't be unbound and the only way to get rid of a Sulfurhast is to kill it.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-elt3i\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dli9s\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: What happens when the Sulfurhast eats other people? Does it ingest their powers and appearance as well?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-bk1gv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No. The Sulfurhast can only steal the appearance, powers, partial memory and language of its designated prey, for it's bound with its prey and no one else. None of the future victims will give the Sulfurhast a new appearance or powers. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-76fu6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-bosp7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: Can the Sulfurhast decides not to eat its prey, if it developed a consciousness?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-artqn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No. The Sulfurhast can't feel empathy for its prey, and the hunger is stronger than anything else. When chasing a prey, the Sulfurhast can do nothing else but hunting its prey; it's inside all its thoughts and works like the biggest obsessions it might have.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-dhbsi\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8lfcm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: What happens if the prey isn't physically in the same world or planet?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-avm28\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">It depends.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-94hdk\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The Sulfurhast can cross many things, but can't change planet itself (for sci-fi setups.) In that case, it might requires some help from its necromancer to reach its prey.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cddip\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">If the prey is in another dimension, and if there's a clear way to reach this dimension (like a portal, for example), the Sulfurhast might understand the way and reach the place... or not.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-99f5h\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">If the prey is hiding in a world or dimension related to death (the underworld, Hell, etc.), the Sulfurhast will be able to reach it easily.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-ev753\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-e0nn7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: What happens if the given object has two owners or more?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-314pu\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">In some rare cases, a given object may have two owners or more (for example, a plush that would belong to two young brothers.) In that case, the Sulfurhast will track down the two persons, starting with the closer one. It'll only stops when the two have been eaten. This Sulfurhast will be able to shapeshift into these two persons, and will gain powers and memories of these two persons.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2tqi\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">(It requires special traits, buyable with SulfurPoints.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-816ob\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2rst9\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: What happens is the designed prey has a twin, or a clone for example?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9bfdo\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The magical link can't be wrong. The proper twin or clone (sci-fi setups) will become the prey without a problem. It's about a person, a soul; not a body only.<\/span><\/p>","parsed":{"description":"<h2 id=\"viewer-a9glu\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">FAQ<\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6h1kd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>This is a complementary of the Lore page. It's recommanded to read it before reading this!<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f220r\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>You can ask anything on the comments of this journal or in our discord! If the question is pertinent, it'll be added here.<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4944l\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + F then type a keyword to quickly find an answer.<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-tmm1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-4giea\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">GENERAL<\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4dpfr\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: Can I make a Sulfurhast?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-qc4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No, sorry. They are a closed species, meaning that you need to possess a MYO (Make You Own) slot to make your own.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-7jv3m\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-bhdfd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: If I have a MYO, can I design a Sulfurhast after an already existing design or a copyrighted character (like Spiderman, for example?)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dr9ci\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No, sorry. The Sulfurhast rules will most often conflicts with other designer's rules, aka people ca resell their Sulfurhast for the price they want (which is not the case of most designs.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-660os\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f54rp\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: In what universe can I add my Sulfurhast?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-bbjko\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any universe including magic, and a notion of dark\/black\/death magic. It can be fantasy, medieval, modern, sci-fi...<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-2jh7f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-79gfl\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">SULFURHAST<\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5t2hk\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: What are Sulfurhast natural powers?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-98ukv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Physically, Sulfurhastes seem to have an unlimited stamina, and a huge strength. Their teeth can chew anything organic and their body and bones are way more stronger and tougher than regular ones. Their hand claws can slash leather easily and will leave deep marks on a plate armor. They do not feel pain, and will not react even when bearing deep wounds. Since they don't need to eat, sleep, or to breathe, they can track preys without sleep and walk underwater to cross lakes, rivers or even oceans. They can run pretty fast and they can run on all four. They also have a very good wound regeneration skill.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fhrup\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Magically, they can communicate through telepathy and see through illusions.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1llni\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">And for other powers, they can generate at will a poisonous black smoke that smells sulfur. An habile Sulfurhast could even absorb magical attacks, if they're lucky and fast enough. When they ate their prey, they can shape shift into their prey. They also steal their prey's abilities. Finally, they can follow their prey into other realms\/dimensions if it's a death realm (for example, sheol, gehenna, abyss, tartarus...)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-179gp\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2ed6o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <strong>Q: How can they see and hear if they have no eyes and no ears? <\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fj25\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhastes are half in your world, half in the spirit's world. They don't need eyes or ears to locate their prey, which they have a magic bound with. They'll feel magic before any other sense, and it'll be their primary sense. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-5s8v\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1eqle\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: What's the ritual to create them? And what does it cost? <\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9eto4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The answer is given <a class=\"_3Bkfb _19Iz5 _1lsz7\" href=\"https:\/\/www.deviantart.com\/yokamycelium\/art\/Sulfurhast-ritual-873492512\" target=\"_top\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer noreferrer\"><u class=\"_3zM-5\">here<\/u><\/a>. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-eip8b\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-moer\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: What if no object, and thus no prey, is given to the Sulfurhast after its creation? <\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1gqa2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The Sulfurhast's prey becomes the necromancer. The link between the Sulfurhast and its prey must be made in the first minutes after its birth\/creation.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-7g5s5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-34k40\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: What does the shapeshifting looks like? Is it painful?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-c40ve\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">It's not painful. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6vjm2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The Sulfurhast disappear in a cloud of black smoke (the smoke is toxic if directly breathed), and the smoke fades away to reveal another appearance. It take only a few seconds.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-br4er\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4as2t\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: What if the Sulfurhast is attacked on its way? (to reach its prey)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-63hvj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The Sulfurhast will defend itself, probably resulting in the death of the attackers.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-79kat\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-u651\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: How long do Sulfurhastes live?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ctpl8\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Firstly, it depends on how talented the necromancer is. It might be a week, or years.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6d398\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Then, the Sulfurhast can increase indefinitly its lifespan by ingesting life essences, souls, and sources of magic. Depending on the quantity and the quality of what the beast ingest, it can increase its lifespan from a few weeks to decades.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-7as9u\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-93t6c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong> Q: Can Sulfurhastes use weapons?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d9p9q\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Usually, their only weapons will be their body and natural abilities. (Read question above.) They will not use other weapons in general. However, if the said weapon allows them to reach their prey, then they may use it.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-af929\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-826n1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: Can the sulfur be \"reused,\", and thus be bound with a second prey?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f2u4u\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No. The way the invocation is made, the way the bounds are created, it's only a one-time use only. After it ate its prey, the Sulfurhast's goal may be to gain its freedom.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-8cadf\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6h2sh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: After the Hunting Phase, can Sulfurhastes eat and drink? Also can they sleep and defecate?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-700s7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Once the hunger for their prey is satisfied, Sulfurhastes can eat and drink human food and drinks. It is not necessary and they can live without food or water, but they can if they wanna be fancy. Their stomach will act as a kind of powerful incinerator that will consume everything ingested, so they won't defecate nor urinate.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4k6bf\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhastes can't be victim (or enjoyers) of food or drinks effects. For example, they can't be drunk or poisoned.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-a6805\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">During the Hunting Phase, a Sulfurhast can't sleep; the hunger is too powerful. After the Hunting Phase, it can sleep, but won't need to. It may feel a need to sleep is it hasn't fed enough and thus, don't have enough energy to sustain.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-1rk0c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9ntob\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: Can Sulfurhastes have sex?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ebogi\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Yes and no.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9e66c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">During the Hunter Phase, the beast is considered as 'empty' and will only focus on its sole obsession: hunting and eating its prey.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-118um\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">During the Puppet Phase, the Sulfurhast can have sex. When it ate its prey, it gained its soul and life and is considered as alive. Its humanoid body parts are fully functional. But most of time, it's the necromancer who'll possess the Sulfurhast and have sex through it. The necromancer will most certainly use the shape shifted form to have sex - if the species of the ingested prey is able to have sex. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-27vcf\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">During the Free Phase, the Sulfurhast is free to do whatever they want.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-a6879\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-eiaqh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: Can Sulfurhastes have babies, or reproduce?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3uv22\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Yes and no. Sulfurhastes are created with necromancy, the art of death. They can't create life. Even when shapeshifted, their reproductive organs, if any, will be sterile. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-713nn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">However, due to their affinity with black magic, if they learn how to create other Sulfurhastes, they may create beasts like them following the proper ritual of invocation. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-efl4o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-e09cn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-8lftc\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">NECROMANCER<\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-el3k2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: Can I make one or several necromancer(s)?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dr1d\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Yes. They are not closed species. You can create as many as you want, and even sell them. We have a special folder in the group to advertise your necromancers and preys adoptables!<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-d567o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6ijn4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: Does my necromancer have to look like a sad and gothic human?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8enet\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No. Your necromancer can be any species and have any appearance. They can even look like a little, innocent girl with a halo and angel wings. It's really up to you! \"Necromancer\" can also be called: black magic user, dark mage, wizard, etc.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-d2o07\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5g745\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: Can I use an OC I already own to make a Necromancer?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-a27k9\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Yes. However, make sure that your character has an affinity with black magic. If you decide to make a necromancer which would be from another closed species, then make sure that the species owner allows it before!<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-1fbco\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1uffa\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: If I choose who's the necromancer who made my Sulfurhast in its story, will I have to trade the necromancer and the Sulfurhast in the same time? Are they linked forever?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2er4u\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They're not linked forever. If you don't want your Sulfurhast anymore, then you can sell it without the necromancer design. If you want to sell both in the same time, it's also possible. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-c2i5p\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Necromancers are not added to the masterlist, and you can't constrain someone to keep the necromancer and the Sulfurhast together, they can separate it if they want.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2dfcp\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The necromancer design will keep the original designer's TOS.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-4lf6g\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5r7t0\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: When can the necromancer take control of the beast?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f4coe\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When the Sulfuhast is hunting, it's extremely hard to take control over it. Its urges are often stronger than the necromancer's control. It is possible, but very hard to maintain.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1apre\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The necromancer will have full control when the Puppet phase is reached.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-92dnq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-bphok\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: During the Puppet phase, how does the necromancer controls the Sulfurhast? And can the Sulfurhast not realize it's controlled? <\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1iaom\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">During the Puppet Phase, the necromancer applies a simple ritual of possession, eased by the fact that the beast have some of the necromancer's life essence. It is really similar to a demonic possession, but the \"demon\" is the necromancer.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4fib3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The control is physical, so the necromancer can move and act through the Sulfurhast's body, but it's also mental: the necromancer will apply a mental control over the beast's mind. If the necromancer is very talented, he could possibly hid from the Sulfurhast and it may never understand what's happening to it, it might even not realize that its actions are not commanded by itself. The necromancer can also attempt to trick the Sulfurhast into believing it <em>is<\/em> its prey, and not a Sulfurhast. Like \"What? no, I'm no monster, I'm your old pal! Wait, why can I shapeshift?\" They can fully believe that they are what the prey were, and then turn into a monster in a situation of danger, and be like \"yo wtf\" <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6usrm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Every Sulfurhast will experience their Phases differently.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-9b5v3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-e7i1f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: What happens if the necromancer dies before the Sulfurhast ate its prey?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1hsrt\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The Sulfurhast will keep chasing its prey. The necromancer's death will not remove the hunger. However, the Sulfurhast will be free as soon as it ates its prey, and will never experience the Puppet Phase.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6mvvr\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The Sulfurhast might feel the necromancer's death. If the necromancer dies after the prey has already been consumed by the beast, then the Sulfurhast might track their body to ingest their remains of black magic.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-5au1t\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6duq9\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: Can necromancer B steal the control of necromancer A? (the one who created the Sulfurhast)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fcs0h\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">In some rare cases, if necromancer B more powerful than necromancer A (who created the Sulfurhast,) it might try. Necromancer B might even succeed, but the control it'll have on the beast will only be temporary.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8aqd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">If necromancer B is the Sulfurhast's designated prey, it'll be even harder.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-80tdl\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-clllm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-7bhii\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">PREY<\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9nivs\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: Can I make one or several prey(s)?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-bfdqb\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Yes. They are not closed species. You can create as many as you want, and even sell them. We have a special folder in the group to advertise your necromancers and preys adoptables! However, your Sulfurhast can only have one designated prey.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-5qccu\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-aufp4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: Does my prey have to look like a human?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6qqo7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No. Your prey can be any species and have any appearance. They can even look like a frog, a dragon, or a huge Orc with spikes. It's really up to you! It'll be the alt appearance of your Sulfurhast.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-87jom\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">However, keep in mind that to reach the Sulfurhast's Puppet and Free phase, the prey must die.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-592i3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6hr98\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: Can I use an OC I already own to make a Prey?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5ud28\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Yes. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-646rb\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">However if you decide to make a necromancer which would be from another closed species, then make sure that the species owner allows it before! Many CS will decline it because it consider the death of the OC and also making the OC something else than its original species.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9svus\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">(For example, I wouldn't allow you to choose an YVVO from my other CS <a class=\"user-link _277bf editor-mention-link\" href=\"https:\/\/www.deviantart.com\/yevat\" data-hook=\"user_link\" data-username=\"Yevat\" data-icon=\"https:\/\/a.deviantart.net\/avatars-big\/y\/e\/yevat.gif?9\" data-usertype=\"group\" data-userid=\"48778054\" data-useruuid=\"\"><span class=\"_2vKEO\">Yevat<\/span><\/a> as a prey. The shapeshifting ability would require a mutation trait in the YVVO side.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-c2vb6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">So the best bet is to design your prey yourself.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-2arta\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-63o1p\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: If I choose who's the prey my Sulfurhast ate in its story, will I have to trade the prey and the Sulfurhast in the same time? Are they linked forever?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fnpfu\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They're not linked forever. If you don't want your Sulfurhast anymore, then you can sell it without the prey design. If you want to sell both in the same time, it's also possible. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2mj7a\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Preys are not added to the masterlist, and you can't constrain someone to keep the prey and the Sulfurhast together, they can separate it if they want.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6ne8d\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The prey's design will keep the original designer's TOS.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-3te2q\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9t3e9\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: What happens to the prey when the Sulfurhast found it?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5ta8o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When the Sulfurhast found its prey, it'll use all its powers to kill its prey. Then, it'll ingest its prey, and everything the prey is and has: flesh, bones, spiritual essence, bits of memory, languages, clothes, and current possessions.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8cior\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Then, the Sulfurhast can shapeshift into its prey at will. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4h16f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The necromancer will know that the prey is eaten, in a way or another. They might have a vision, a dream, a feeling about it, anything.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-k8g5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Despite copying their prey's appearance, Sulfurhastes may not always fool the prey's closest relatives. They can feel like \"something's odd...\"<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-6f12a\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3jmgt\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: When shapeshifted into their prey, does Sulfurhastes loose or keep their original powers? And when they gained their prey's powers, do they have to be shapeshifted to use them?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f0bkt\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Even when shapeshifted into something else, Sulfurhastes keep their original powers, such as poison resistance, Sulfur smoke production, etc. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-69qcp\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">However, they DO need to be shapeshifted to use their prey's powers.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-d327q\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-bh6pq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: What if one of the prey's powers was to shapeshift into something else? Do I have unlimited appearances for my Sulfurhast?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-djep9\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sadly, no. Sulfurhastes are only bound to one prey and can only shapeshift into one, definitive appearance. This power will not be copied, a rare exception.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3to85\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">A <em>slight<\/em> change in form may be allowed if the prey had a small power to change details. For example, if the prey could change its pupils' shape according to its emotions, it will be allowed. Another example with my other species <a class=\"user-link _277bf editor-mention-link\" href=\"https:\/\/www.deviantart.com\/yevat\" data-hook=\"user_link\" data-username=\"Yevat\" data-icon=\"https:\/\/a.deviantart.net\/avatars-big\/y\/e\/yevat.gif?9\" data-usertype=\"group\" data-userid=\"48778054\" data-useruuid=\"\"><span class=\"_2vKEO\">Yevat<\/span><\/a> : if (exceptionally) a Sulfurhast's prey is a Yevat, the Rokyevat \"angry\" form will be allowed.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-8sbvf\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7rkqk\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: Once the Sulfurhast ates its prey and can shapeshift into it, can the appearance evolve, change? For example, will it change with age or wounds?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-77aq7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The Sulfurhaste will copy the exact appearance of its prey at the moment it ate it. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-12rid\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The prey's appearance will not age. It means if the prey is a child, the Sulfurhast will never have another appearance than the child. It'll never grow up nor get old. If the prey is already old it can't get younger either and will stay old.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-29gdq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">If a wound is deep enough to hurt the Sulfurhast after the hunting pahse, a wound or a scar can appear on both appearances. It'll be visible in similar zones on the Sulfurhast and the prey's design, as much as possible. For example, if the Sulfurhast gets deeply injured to the left eye when shapeshifted and loose sight of this eye, a scar may appear on the Sulfurhast's skull.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5m9qc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The transformation will basically remain the same as how was the prey before dying, except for slight and natural variations: the prey's appearance can vary in fatness, if hair it'll grow naturally, etc. It's to avoid looking too suspicious if they have to bend into their prey's universe.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-eh2ut\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7qgrp\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: Does the Sulfurhast shapeshift in a nude version of its prey, or a clothed one?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-br6io\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">It depends is the Sulfurhast ate clothes in the same time of eating its prey's body and soul. If yes, the Sulfurhast can choose between a clothed or nude appearance of its prey. Only the clothes that belonged to the prey and which have been ingested by the beast can appear magically. Otherwise, the Sulfurhast will have to manually change its clothes if desired.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-cvktt\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-19l5j\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: What if the prey the necromancer chose is dead before the Sulfurhast is created, and the necromancer ignores it? <\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-afqoq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The Sulfurhast's prey becomes the necromancer.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-5qntg\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7f3e\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: What if the designated prey dies while the Sulfurhast is hunting them?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7441g\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The Sulfurhast will still track the body of their prey and ingest it. It'll still be able to shapeshift into its prey, but the Sulfurhast will not have access to the prey's memory, languages, or powers. It'll make a weak Sulfurhast who'll die quickly because its soul isn't full.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-737ev\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Exceptionally, if the Sulfurhast manages to kill its necromancer, it might steal its necromancer's souls and powers instead.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-6j9e2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4unve\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: What if the prey is in unreachable or in a dangerous place?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-i4q0\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The Sulfurhast will do everything it can to find its prey, even developing a form of intelligence. It'll learn how to open doors, how to solve riddles (with time), and eventually even how to understand the local spoken language. If the place is dangerous, such as a burning forest for example, the Sulfurhast will reach the prey despite the danger (they don't feel pain.) It can lead to the Sulfurhast's death.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-8mhe7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-atrad\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: Does the prey know they're chased?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-demcm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Nothing tells the prey they're suddenly chased. However, they could have a sudden \"bad feeling\" or stress, but they can't say where it comes from, and will most of time ignore it.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-v2r7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">If the prey is a magic user or has a magic user in their team, they can feel the sudden curse. It requires a high level in magic to understand precisely what's happening though. The link between a Sulfurhast and its prey can't be unbound and the only way to get rid of a Sulfurhast is to kill it.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-elt3i\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dli9s\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: What happens when the Sulfurhast eats other people? Does it ingest their powers and appearance as well?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-bk1gv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No. The Sulfurhast can only steal the appearance, powers, partial memory and language of its designated prey, for it's bound with its prey and no one else. None of the future victims will give the Sulfurhast a new appearance or powers. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-76fu6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-bosp7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: Can the Sulfurhast decides not to eat its prey, if it developed a consciousness?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-artqn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No. The Sulfurhast can't feel empathy for its prey, and the hunger is stronger than anything else. When chasing a prey, the Sulfurhast can do nothing else but hunting its prey; it's inside all its thoughts and works like the biggest obsessions it might have.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-dhbsi\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8lfcm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: What happens if the prey isn't physically in the same world or planet?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-avm28\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">It depends.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-94hdk\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The Sulfurhast can cross many things, but can't change planet itself (for sci-fi setups.) In that case, it might requires some help from its necromancer to reach its prey.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cddip\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">If the prey is in another dimension, and if there's a clear way to reach this dimension (like a portal, for example), the Sulfurhast might understand the way and reach the place... or not.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-99f5h\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">If the prey is hiding in a world or dimension related to death (the underworld, Hell, etc.), the Sulfurhast will be able to reach it easily.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-ev753\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-e0nn7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: What happens if the given object has two owners or more?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-314pu\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">In some rare cases, a given object may have two owners or more (for example, a plush that would belong to two young brothers.) In that case, the Sulfurhast will track down the two persons, starting with the closer one. It'll only stops when the two have been eaten. This Sulfurhast will be able to shapeshift into these two persons, and will gain powers and memories of these two persons.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2tqi\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">(It requires special traits, buyable with SulfurPoints.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-816ob\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2rst9\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Q: What happens is the designed prey has a twin, or a clone for example?<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9bfdo\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The magical link can't be wrong. The proper twin or clone (sci-fi setups) will become the prey without a problem. It's about a person, a soul; not a body only.<\/span><\/p>"}},"title":"FAQs","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":null,"page_tag":null}
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Length: 57365 - Show Raw Data
{"data":{"description":"<p>Information Coming Soon<br \/><br \/>Purchased From: LinkaBell-Art<br \/><br \/>Created by Yoka (They seem to have left DeviantArt)<br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/www.deviantart.com\/yoka\">https:\/\/www.deviantart.com\/yoka<\/a><br \/><br \/>There are guest artists who can make adopts<br \/><br \/>ALL existing MYOs will be honored!<br \/><br \/>Upgrade Token Cost Coming Soon<\/p>","field1":"<p id=\"viewer-59nfh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">A Sulfurhast is a merciless beast commonly used as hunters and puppets. Their main purpose is to track down, kill, and take the appearance of their prey. Useful in kings games or when a target becomes unreachable...<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6tvh1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are generally tall, and easily can reach 2m \/ 6'6\" to 2,50m \/ 8'2\" (approx.) Although smaller ones already have been witnessed, and they're not less deadly or dangerous. They all have a skull face covered with a thin layer of skin, and it's most often the face of a psychopomp animal (guide of souls.) Their skin looks like it's been flayed, yet it's a tough layer of hide.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-917hl\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They can evolve in any universe having magic, and especially black magic. They can be created by powerful necromancers, witches, dark mages, or black magic users in general, implying a lot of sacrifices and a dangerous ritual. They are made with fresh flesh, black magic, and sulfur.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3s0sl\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Since they're based on humanoid remains, they can have various body types and sizes, as well as various animal parts.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fa3n6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are sometimes seen with orbits, and a faint light illuminating it from the inside.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-bip46\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Their tongue is always thick with a square-shaped tip.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-b43c5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-718no\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They're mostly unknown in folklores and cultures. \"Sulfurhaste\" never or rarely ring a bell, the name means nothing to most of all. However, some powerful magic users might have heard that name once; and it has been described as a knife to the jugular, as something impossible to stop once it's created, as a terrific fate. They say that once you are chased by a Sulfurhast, your life is at the mercy of the gods.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-84s6l\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare are the souls aware of what's a Sulfurhast, and even rarer are those who knows how to create one. <\/span><\/p>","field2":"<p><br \/><br \/>First, you'll need to gather the proper ingredients. You'll need: <br \/>- A lot of sulfur powder. Be careful, you'll have to manipulate it with a mask on your face not to breathe it. A high dose could kill you, and a small dose is enough to be disoriented.<br \/>- Warm human blood.<br \/>- A human's fresh corpse.<br \/>- Chosen animal's fresh body parts, including the skull, tail and legs. Other bits such as ears or horns can be added.<br \/>- A possession from the prey you chose. Make sure it belongs to your prey, and that it has been stolen, not gifted to you. The more the prey is attached to this object, the stronger the bound. It can only be an object or a part of the prey's body (such as blood or hair, for example.) The object should be free of magic, or should contains the prey's magic only.<br \/>- And a bit of your own life essence.<br \/><br \/>The best way to set up the ritual is to have two humans and the chosen animal(s) in nearby cages. Gather the warm blood of the first human, and mix it with the sulfur power. You should get a sticky and awful mixture. Use it to trace the Sulfurhast symbol on a clean ground. It should be large enough so the circle can hold entirely the Sulfurhast's lying body. Alternatively you can use the blood of the body you'll use afterwards and only have one victim instead of two, but it's less efficient.<br \/><br \/>The symbol to make your Sulfurhast real is important, and full of meaning. By a simple look, it reveals the triadic and complex relationship between the necromancer, the Sulfurhast, and the prey. The symbol at its center is the symbol for sulfur, your most important component when making your beast. The triangle is here to represent the three involved parts in this terrible spell. The circle is here to contains the magic inside. On top of the symbol is the necromancy symbol, it represents you and your actions. At right, another sulfur symbol, but also the symbol of a hunt that will never cease even if there are obstacles on the way. It represent the Sulfurhast and how impossible it is to stop it. At left, the symbol of sacrifice. It represent the chosen prey, the goal, the sole obsession, and he consequences of your actions.<br \/><br \/>When you traced the symbol, kill the second human and the animal(s) and dispose their body parts in a way to form the Sulfurhast's body. The head of the beast should be where the hunt symbol stands (the right one.) And the arms of the future beast should point towards the two other symbols (the necromancer and the prey,) but make sure that none of the body parts get across the circle. A servant can do it for you, if you have willing servants... but I think it's more important for the bound between the beast and you to do it yourself. Then, place the future prey's possession where the prey symbol stands (the left one.) Try to restrain your nausea when you'll start smelling the blood and sulfur's awful smells, and when you'll manipulate corpses. There is no place for sudden guilt or disgust in your action in this ritual.<br \/>You may take bodyparts of people died from a natural death or from a disease, so you don't have to kill them yourself, but make sure that the body parts remain fresh, and didn't start to rot.<br \/><br \/>When it's done, sit down where the necromancer symbol stands (the top one.) But do NOT cross the circle, not even with the tip of your toes: you would loose them.<br \/>It's no wonder why the necromancer symbol stands on the top: if you manage well, you'll be in control of the two other parts soon enough. <br \/>When you feel prepared, pronounce the ritual's words while infusing the symbol and the body parts with your black magic and life essence: <br \/><br \/><em>Kmetz kha dvash stom zmutzam abakh kmetz peshbo' tzu dvash matosh tzovkha dash<br \/>Ish kebo'an okhney shad kme'ekim bnar kvi'ek stot kmeya mamhim sikhumtze yoba zmukh<br \/>bomked kofo khagugmo imha'nomuye iyat'an nug o'em pehumni bnush dvashe ped<br \/>Kmetz kha dvash stom zmutzam abakh kmetz peshbo' tzu dvash matosh tzovkha dash<\/em><br \/><br \/>It is Dvalmay words, a language lost a long time ago. The first person to create a Sulfurhast talked this language. The spell probably could work if we pronouced the correct sentences in any language, but we lost the translation over the eras. You'd better learn these sentence by heart because you will be too focused on maintaining the spell to read scrappy notes on a sketchbook. While you do this, make sure that nothing can interrupt you. The Sulfurhast won't be alive until the end, but that'd be a serious waste to be interrupted after already so many sacrifices. <br \/>When you said every sentences, then say them again and again, until soemthing changes.<br \/><br \/>If you did everything well, you should see soon enough a black smoke filling the inside of the circle. It will not reach you, to the condition you made a circle with no hole. Keep repeating the Dvalmay sentences. To this point, you'll be in a state of trance. You might even start to ignore what's around you, so make sure that no one's gonna stab you in the back. <br \/>When the smoke will slowly disappear, and if your eyes are open, you'll see the Sulfurhast rising. If the spell succeeded, you'll feel the Sulfurhast becoming alive and rising as if it was you. Then, you'll know you succeeded.<br \/><br \/>The Sulfurhast will be stuck inside the circle as long as you'll be pronouncing the sentences. It might feel like a comfortable situation, but you should not make it wait, for the bound with its prey must be made at most a few minutes after its birth. Otherwise, you'll automatically become its prey...<br \/>Stop saying the sentence as soon as the beast awoke. The magic barrier will cease and the beast will be able to walk past it. Stop infusing your magic and life essence as well, or it will consume you whole: the beast will take what you give to it. <br \/><br \/>Most of time, the monster will feel the object's presence on the prey's symbol, and will reach it to eat and consume it. Then the track will start, the beast will leave to find its prey, and you can take a break. But sometimes, the beast will remain inside the circle and not make a move, or worse: it'll seem to be more interested in YOU. If it happens, quickly grab the object and give it to your monster. <br \/><br \/>When the Sulfurhast started its hunt, you'll need to rest. You'll feel exhausted. Try not to cast any other spell for a week if you can; you'll be drained. Eat and drink as much as you can, and sleep as much as you need to. You'll maybe experience visions or dreams, where you'll see what your beast sees or feel what it feels. It's normal. <br \/><br \/>If you survived this far, congratulations! You'll now be the proud owner of an identity-theft monster, and you'll soon be able to take control of it and its powers. You'll have to take care of your monster and to make sure it never wants its freedom, aka your death. <br \/><br \/>And if you ever feel like you could create a second monster, then a third, then many others and never cease, then remember this: it'll take a part of your soul every time. <\/p>","field3":"<p>Unknown<\/p>","field4":"<p>Undead, dangerous. Powerful and tireless<\/p>","field5":"<p>These creatures do not reproduce, as they are summoned\/created. How they are created and their origins are seen here<br \/><br \/><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The triangle is an excellent representation of a Sulfurhast's life. It is no hazard if its invocation symbols represents the three possible stages of its life and in the same time, its complex relationship with the two other parts. Let's have a closer look at it: <\/span><br \/><br \/>[Image Goes Here]<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cg0j8\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Gene Seskrit explains:<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-emchj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">\"<em>The symbol to make your Sulfurhast real is important, and full of meaning. By a simple look, it reveals the triadic and complex relationship between the necromancer, the Sulfurhast, and the prey. The symbol at its center is the symbol for sulfur, your most important component when making your beast. The triangle is here to represent the three involved parts in this terrible spell. The circle is here to contains the magic inside. On top of the symbol is the necromancy symbol, it represents you and your actions. At right, another sulfur symbol, but also the symbol of a hunt that will never cease even if there are obstacles on the way. It represent the Sulfurhast and how impossible it is to stop it. At left, the symbol of sacrifice. It represent the chosen prey, the goal, the sole obsession, and he consequences of your actions.<\/em>\"<\/span><\/p>","field6":null,"field7":"<p id=\"viewer-ejl0c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">To start, creating a Sulfurhast must be the very last resort of yours. It must be made only when you have tried every possible other options, and failed to all of them. The cost of such a ritual and the dangers encountered are rarely worth the price, and many necromancers have died in the process. And for those who survived... They all changed. You won't be able to see it, but you'll loose a part of yourself after created such a beast. Not like a missing finger or a hand, but more like missing a part of your own spitirual essence. Like a part of your soul, of your life. It's hard to explain to those who never experienced it. Be patient, you'll experience it soon enough.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dhpm4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Unlike everyone loves to believe, Sulfurhastes are not demons. And they do not come from hell. Some like to consider them as spirits, but it's more complex than that. They're more like... a part of you, and a part of their prey.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-582cu\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are not good or evil, they only serve their purpose. They look like ghosts, monsters, their silhouette is made from the remains you'll use. If you have the spirit of an artist, you might even make a beautiful beast. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9qbou\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">But let's talk about their purpose, about why one wants to create a Sulfurhast. These beasts are hunters. You give them a purpose at birth, a prey. Then, you turn them into puppets, and steal the identity of the prey. Always wanted to be a prince? Then send a Sulfurhast after the said prince. Nobody will be able to stop the process, not even the royal guards or the royal mage. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-69r2k\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">I see in your eyes how curious you are about this process. \"How can a single creature defeat an army and a mage?\" you ask. The answer is: hunger. But let me explain it to you more precisely.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9vdfa\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhastes can live accross three phases in their life. Only two of them are useful for you.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8ilht\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The first phase is called the <strong>Hunter Phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-crmn7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When the beast will rise from its sulfur and blood symbol that you traced on the groud, you'll have a few minutes only to give it a purpose. Give it something that belonged to the person you want to see dead. It can be anything, but the more the object was important to the prey, the stronger the link; and if it's blood of the prey, it's even better. The Sulfurhast will eat this possession, then it'll immediately locate its prey, and start running in their direction. It'll be a magic link, and the Sulfurhast will know where is its prey even if it's at the other side of the world.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-41j9l\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">During this phase, the Sulfurhast is nothing more than an empty shell of flesh. They have no soul and no feelings. All they have is the bit of black magic you gave them and... and a bit of your own essence. And deep inside their guts, they have an insatiable hunger. But nothing could calm the hunger; the food will turn into ashes, the flesh will be unsaviory and useless, black magic and people's life essence will be only temporary. No, only the flesh, the possessions and the soul of their designated prey will be able to satisfy their hunger, and they know it. They'll never cease to track down their prey until they're satisfied. The target you gave them will be their sole obsession.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2gjae\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Their prey can be anyone, but keep in mind that the victim you choose will have a terrible death. During this phase, the beast will not sleep, nor eat, nor rest. It'll keep running towards the victim until it finds it. Its level of intelligence is minor, but it might eventually learn how to open door handles and such things. It doesn't have thoughts, but it's not completely a beast. It's more like... a ghost.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-mlq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The second phase is called the <strong>Puppet Phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dokkk\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">It occurs when the Sulfurhast finally found and ingested its prey. It will have consumed everything about its target: flesh, bones, spiritual essence, bits of memory, languages, clothes, and current possessions.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dbop1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The hunger is calmed. The Sulfurhast will still need to ingest life essence and black magic from time to time, but it'll be a minor annoyance. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7bh99\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The beast ingested everything about its prey. <em>Everything<\/em>. So much that it <em>became<\/em> its prey. And the person it killed and ate now became the Sulfurhast. And the Sulfurhast may now shapeshit into its prey's appearance in a flash of black smoke. No matter the species of its prey and how different it was from the Sulfurhast's original body, it'll be able to shapeshift in a few seconds. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7p6o1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The beast might try to imitate the dead prey at first, but it'll be clumsly and won't be able to fool the victim's relatives. This is where your job continues.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d7s5g\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The \"Puppet\" Phase is named that way because once the prey is ingested, you are able to take control of your beast. With a simple ritual of possession, which will be eased by the fact that the Sulfurhast has a bit of your essence, you'll be able to take control of your monster at will. You'll see through its eyes, you'll shape shift in its stead, you'll feel what it feels, and you'll act through the beast as you wish. When people will see their friend, they'll in fact see a monster who ate it, controlled by a necromancer. That's wild, isn't it?<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dm3ca\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">It is useful to steal an identity, a throne, etc. You'll be the prince of a foreign country, your worst enemy's wife, you'll be a child again or an old person. You'll steal every power, status, title, and anything the victim had.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2o0nv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Be careful about powerful magic users however, for they might feel the black magic link inside the beast. When you possess the beast, a good mage might be able to feel you and to locate you.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8sdi6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">During this phase, the Sulfurhast has gained life essence. It is now completed by a full soul, and by the bits of you that you gave earlier. It technically became <em>alive<\/em>. And it will learn. And it will learn <em>fast<\/em>. And it will start feeling. And it'll start living, and experiencing. And it'll become as intelligent as you, sometimes more. It'll take some time to happen, but it always happens faster than you expected. And the beast will start to realise that someone is controlling it in its stead. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"> <\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f6goc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The third phase is called the <strong>Freedom phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-frsir\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Although it may be called by other names such as the Free Phase, the Frightening phase, the Dangerous phase, or the Pacified Phase.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ah6ns\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The third phase occurs when the link between the necromancer and the Sulfurhast is broken. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ehrfi\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">How can it break, you wonder? <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7s11r\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When the Sulfurhast realizes its connection with you, and the fact that you're controlling it, it'll want its freedom. And also probably more than its freedom. Several events can provoke it: <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3g9ft\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The Sulfurhast will need to frequently ingest life essence. Understand by this: bits of soul and magic. If it doesn't have it, it will die. But a Sulfurhast is resourceful, and if you don't give it the option to feed on its surroundings, or if it's locked somewhere, then the magic bound between you and it will start to turn against you. The Sulfurhast will start to absorb your life essence instead of dying. You'll feel it, don't worry. But if you do nothing to stop it, it'll feed on your soul until you have nothing left and die, no matter the distance between you and it. In short, be careful about feeding properly your beast, or it'll feed on you like any other animal would.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-m69f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- You won't be able to possess your beast all the time. You'll have to get back to your body to eat, wash, and live a bit not to loose your muscles. And when you'll not be possessing your monster, it might feel the need to meet its creator a second time. If it finds you before you can realize it, it'll try to kill you, and to consume you. That way, it'll gain its freedom, and it'll consume your soul to increase greatly its lifespan. How convenient.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8q1gc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- You can also break the bound between your Sulfurhast and you at any time. It'll cost you a lot of black magic, but you can do it. You might ask: why would you want to break such a bound, after all the sacrifices you made to create it? If you feel like the bound between the Sulfurhast and you becomes dangerous, you will want to break it, trust me. A mage located you? The beast's hunting you? Someone understood that their friend isn't really a person but is a beast instead? You might want to break it for your safety. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4a4jc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">You'll loose your control over the beast. But sometimes, it's for the best. This is why I told you that creating a Sulfurhast should be your last resort.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6ulj5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Finally, if you die for any reason, the beast will be free nonetheless. It'll feel your death and will probably try to find your body to ingest it, but you won't be here anymore to prevent it.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ctktf\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">In the Freedom Phase, the Sulfurhast has gained intelligence and any skills its prey had. And it'll live its life as it wishes to, with its knowledge on the world. It'll choose its own purpose on life, and it'll live as long as it can find some life source from time to time, like a vampire. <\/span><\/p>","parsed":{"description":"<p>Information Coming Soon<br \/><br \/>Purchased From: LinkaBell-Art<br \/><br \/>Created by Yoka (They seem to have left DeviantArt)<br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/www.deviantart.com\/yoka\">https:\/\/www.deviantart.com\/yoka<\/a><br \/><br \/>There are guest artists who can make adopts<br \/><br \/>ALL existing MYOs will be honored!<br \/><br \/>Upgrade Token Cost Coming Soon<\/p>","field1":"<p id=\"viewer-59nfh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">A Sulfurhast is a merciless beast commonly used as hunters and puppets. Their main purpose is to track down, kill, and take the appearance of their prey. Useful in kings games or when a target becomes unreachable...<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6tvh1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are generally tall, and easily can reach 2m \/ 6'6\" to 2,50m \/ 8'2\" (approx.) Although smaller ones already have been witnessed, and they're not less deadly or dangerous. They all have a skull face covered with a thin layer of skin, and it's most often the face of a psychopomp animal (guide of souls.) Their skin looks like it's been flayed, yet it's a tough layer of hide.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-917hl\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They can evolve in any universe having magic, and especially black magic. They can be created by powerful necromancers, witches, dark mages, or black magic users in general, implying a lot of sacrifices and a dangerous ritual. They are made with fresh flesh, black magic, and sulfur.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3s0sl\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Since they're based on humanoid remains, they can have various body types and sizes, as well as various animal parts.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fa3n6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are sometimes seen with orbits, and a faint light illuminating it from the inside.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-bip46\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Their tongue is always thick with a square-shaped tip.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-b43c5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-718no\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They're mostly unknown in folklores and cultures. \"Sulfurhaste\" never or rarely ring a bell, the name means nothing to most of all. However, some powerful magic users might have heard that name once; and it has been described as a knife to the jugular, as something impossible to stop once it's created, as a terrific fate. They say that once you are chased by a Sulfurhast, your life is at the mercy of the gods.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-84s6l\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare are the souls aware of what's a Sulfurhast, and even rarer are those who knows how to create one. <\/span><\/p>","field2":"<p><br \/><br \/>First, you'll need to gather the proper ingredients. You'll need: <br \/>- A lot of sulfur powder. Be careful, you'll have to manipulate it with a mask on your face not to breathe it. A high dose could kill you, and a small dose is enough to be disoriented.<br \/>- Warm human blood.<br \/>- A human's fresh corpse.<br \/>- Chosen animal's fresh body parts, including the skull, tail and legs. Other bits such as ears or horns can be added.<br \/>- A possession from the prey you chose. Make sure it belongs to your prey, and that it has been stolen, not gifted to you. The more the prey is attached to this object, the stronger the bound. It can only be an object or a part of the prey's body (such as blood or hair, for example.) The object should be free of magic, or should contains the prey's magic only.<br \/>- And a bit of your own life essence.<br \/><br \/>The best way to set up the ritual is to have two humans and the chosen animal(s) in nearby cages. Gather the warm blood of the first human, and mix it with the sulfur power. You should get a sticky and awful mixture. Use it to trace the Sulfurhast symbol on a clean ground. It should be large enough so the circle can hold entirely the Sulfurhast's lying body. Alternatively you can use the blood of the body you'll use afterwards and only have one victim instead of two, but it's less efficient.<br \/><br \/>The symbol to make your Sulfurhast real is important, and full of meaning. By a simple look, it reveals the triadic and complex relationship between the necromancer, the Sulfurhast, and the prey. The symbol at its center is the symbol for sulfur, your most important component when making your beast. The triangle is here to represent the three involved parts in this terrible spell. The circle is here to contains the magic inside. On top of the symbol is the necromancy symbol, it represents you and your actions. At right, another sulfur symbol, but also the symbol of a hunt that will never cease even if there are obstacles on the way. It represent the Sulfurhast and how impossible it is to stop it. At left, the symbol of sacrifice. It represent the chosen prey, the goal, the sole obsession, and he consequences of your actions.<br \/><br \/>When you traced the symbol, kill the second human and the animal(s) and dispose their body parts in a way to form the Sulfurhast's body. The head of the beast should be where the hunt symbol stands (the right one.) And the arms of the future beast should point towards the two other symbols (the necromancer and the prey,) but make sure that none of the body parts get across the circle. A servant can do it for you, if you have willing servants... but I think it's more important for the bound between the beast and you to do it yourself. Then, place the future prey's possession where the prey symbol stands (the left one.) Try to restrain your nausea when you'll start smelling the blood and sulfur's awful smells, and when you'll manipulate corpses. There is no place for sudden guilt or disgust in your action in this ritual.<br \/>You may take bodyparts of people died from a natural death or from a disease, so you don't have to kill them yourself, but make sure that the body parts remain fresh, and didn't start to rot.<br \/><br \/>When it's done, sit down where the necromancer symbol stands (the top one.) But do NOT cross the circle, not even with the tip of your toes: you would loose them.<br \/>It's no wonder why the necromancer symbol stands on the top: if you manage well, you'll be in control of the two other parts soon enough. <br \/>When you feel prepared, pronounce the ritual's words while infusing the symbol and the body parts with your black magic and life essence: <br \/><br \/><em>Kmetz kha dvash stom zmutzam abakh kmetz peshbo' tzu dvash matosh tzovkha dash<br \/>Ish kebo'an okhney shad kme'ekim bnar kvi'ek stot kmeya mamhim sikhumtze yoba zmukh<br \/>bomked kofo khagugmo imha'nomuye iyat'an nug o'em pehumni bnush dvashe ped<br \/>Kmetz kha dvash stom zmutzam abakh kmetz peshbo' tzu dvash matosh tzovkha dash<\/em><br \/><br \/>It is Dvalmay words, a language lost a long time ago. The first person to create a Sulfurhast talked this language. The spell probably could work if we pronouced the correct sentences in any language, but we lost the translation over the eras. You'd better learn these sentence by heart because you will be too focused on maintaining the spell to read scrappy notes on a sketchbook. While you do this, make sure that nothing can interrupt you. The Sulfurhast won't be alive until the end, but that'd be a serious waste to be interrupted after already so many sacrifices. <br \/>When you said every sentences, then say them again and again, until soemthing changes.<br \/><br \/>If you did everything well, you should see soon enough a black smoke filling the inside of the circle. It will not reach you, to the condition you made a circle with no hole. Keep repeating the Dvalmay sentences. To this point, you'll be in a state of trance. You might even start to ignore what's around you, so make sure that no one's gonna stab you in the back. <br \/>When the smoke will slowly disappear, and if your eyes are open, you'll see the Sulfurhast rising. If the spell succeeded, you'll feel the Sulfurhast becoming alive and rising as if it was you. Then, you'll know you succeeded.<br \/><br \/>The Sulfurhast will be stuck inside the circle as long as you'll be pronouncing the sentences. It might feel like a comfortable situation, but you should not make it wait, for the bound with its prey must be made at most a few minutes after its birth. Otherwise, you'll automatically become its prey...<br \/>Stop saying the sentence as soon as the beast awoke. The magic barrier will cease and the beast will be able to walk past it. Stop infusing your magic and life essence as well, or it will consume you whole: the beast will take what you give to it. <br \/><br \/>Most of time, the monster will feel the object's presence on the prey's symbol, and will reach it to eat and consume it. Then the track will start, the beast will leave to find its prey, and you can take a break. But sometimes, the beast will remain inside the circle and not make a move, or worse: it'll seem to be more interested in YOU. If it happens, quickly grab the object and give it to your monster. <br \/><br \/>When the Sulfurhast started its hunt, you'll need to rest. You'll feel exhausted. Try not to cast any other spell for a week if you can; you'll be drained. Eat and drink as much as you can, and sleep as much as you need to. You'll maybe experience visions or dreams, where you'll see what your beast sees or feel what it feels. It's normal. <br \/><br \/>If you survived this far, congratulations! You'll now be the proud owner of an identity-theft monster, and you'll soon be able to take control of it and its powers. You'll have to take care of your monster and to make sure it never wants its freedom, aka your death. <br \/><br \/>And if you ever feel like you could create a second monster, then a third, then many others and never cease, then remember this: it'll take a part of your soul every time. <\/p>","field3":"<p>Unknown<\/p>","field4":"<p>Undead, dangerous. Powerful and tireless<\/p>","field5":"<p>These creatures do not reproduce, as they are summoned\/created. How they are created and their origins are seen here<br \/><br \/><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The triangle is an excellent representation of a Sulfurhast's life. It is no hazard if its invocation symbols represents the three possible stages of its life and in the same time, its complex relationship with the two other parts. Let's have a closer look at it: <\/span><br \/><br \/>[Image Goes Here]<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cg0j8\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Gene Seskrit explains:<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-emchj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">\"<em>The symbol to make your Sulfurhast real is important, and full of meaning. By a simple look, it reveals the triadic and complex relationship between the necromancer, the Sulfurhast, and the prey. The symbol at its center is the symbol for sulfur, your most important component when making your beast. The triangle is here to represent the three involved parts in this terrible spell. The circle is here to contains the magic inside. On top of the symbol is the necromancy symbol, it represents you and your actions. At right, another sulfur symbol, but also the symbol of a hunt that will never cease even if there are obstacles on the way. It represent the Sulfurhast and how impossible it is to stop it. At left, the symbol of sacrifice. It represent the chosen prey, the goal, the sole obsession, and he consequences of your actions.<\/em>\"<\/span><\/p>","field6":null,"field7":"<p id=\"viewer-ejl0c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">To start, creating a Sulfurhast must be the very last resort of yours. It must be made only when you have tried every possible other options, and failed to all of them. The cost of such a ritual and the dangers encountered are rarely worth the price, and many necromancers have died in the process. And for those who survived... They all changed. You won't be able to see it, but you'll loose a part of yourself after created such a beast. Not like a missing finger or a hand, but more like missing a part of your own spitirual essence. Like a part of your soul, of your life. It's hard to explain to those who never experienced it. Be patient, you'll experience it soon enough.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dhpm4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Unlike everyone loves to believe, Sulfurhastes are not demons. And they do not come from hell. Some like to consider them as spirits, but it's more complex than that. They're more like... a part of you, and a part of their prey.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-582cu\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are not good or evil, they only serve their purpose. They look like ghosts, monsters, their silhouette is made from the remains you'll use. If you have the spirit of an artist, you might even make a beautiful beast. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9qbou\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">But let's talk about their purpose, about why one wants to create a Sulfurhast. These beasts are hunters. You give them a purpose at birth, a prey. Then, you turn them into puppets, and steal the identity of the prey. Always wanted to be a prince? Then send a Sulfurhast after the said prince. Nobody will be able to stop the process, not even the royal guards or the royal mage. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-69r2k\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">I see in your eyes how curious you are about this process. \"How can a single creature defeat an army and a mage?\" you ask. The answer is: hunger. But let me explain it to you more precisely.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9vdfa\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhastes can live accross three phases in their life. Only two of them are useful for you.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8ilht\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The first phase is called the <strong>Hunter Phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-crmn7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When the beast will rise from its sulfur and blood symbol that you traced on the groud, you'll have a few minutes only to give it a purpose. Give it something that belonged to the person you want to see dead. It can be anything, but the more the object was important to the prey, the stronger the link; and if it's blood of the prey, it's even better. The Sulfurhast will eat this possession, then it'll immediately locate its prey, and start running in their direction. It'll be a magic link, and the Sulfurhast will know where is its prey even if it's at the other side of the world.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-41j9l\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">During this phase, the Sulfurhast is nothing more than an empty shell of flesh. They have no soul and no feelings. All they have is the bit of black magic you gave them and... and a bit of your own essence. And deep inside their guts, they have an insatiable hunger. But nothing could calm the hunger; the food will turn into ashes, the flesh will be unsaviory and useless, black magic and people's life essence will be only temporary. No, only the flesh, the possessions and the soul of their designated prey will be able to satisfy their hunger, and they know it. They'll never cease to track down their prey until they're satisfied. The target you gave them will be their sole obsession.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2gjae\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Their prey can be anyone, but keep in mind that the victim you choose will have a terrible death. During this phase, the beast will not sleep, nor eat, nor rest. It'll keep running towards the victim until it finds it. Its level of intelligence is minor, but it might eventually learn how to open door handles and such things. It doesn't have thoughts, but it's not completely a beast. It's more like... a ghost.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-mlq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The second phase is called the <strong>Puppet Phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dokkk\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">It occurs when the Sulfurhast finally found and ingested its prey. It will have consumed everything about its target: flesh, bones, spiritual essence, bits of memory, languages, clothes, and current possessions.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dbop1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The hunger is calmed. The Sulfurhast will still need to ingest life essence and black magic from time to time, but it'll be a minor annoyance. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7bh99\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The beast ingested everything about its prey. <em>Everything<\/em>. So much that it <em>became<\/em> its prey. And the person it killed and ate now became the Sulfurhast. And the Sulfurhast may now shapeshit into its prey's appearance in a flash of black smoke. No matter the species of its prey and how different it was from the Sulfurhast's original body, it'll be able to shapeshift in a few seconds. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7p6o1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The beast might try to imitate the dead prey at first, but it'll be clumsly and won't be able to fool the victim's relatives. This is where your job continues.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d7s5g\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The \"Puppet\" Phase is named that way because once the prey is ingested, you are able to take control of your beast. With a simple ritual of possession, which will be eased by the fact that the Sulfurhast has a bit of your essence, you'll be able to take control of your monster at will. You'll see through its eyes, you'll shape shift in its stead, you'll feel what it feels, and you'll act through the beast as you wish. When people will see their friend, they'll in fact see a monster who ate it, controlled by a necromancer. That's wild, isn't it?<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dm3ca\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">It is useful to steal an identity, a throne, etc. You'll be the prince of a foreign country, your worst enemy's wife, you'll be a child again or an old person. You'll steal every power, status, title, and anything the victim had.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2o0nv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Be careful about powerful magic users however, for they might feel the black magic link inside the beast. When you possess the beast, a good mage might be able to feel you and to locate you.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8sdi6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">During this phase, the Sulfurhast has gained life essence. It is now completed by a full soul, and by the bits of you that you gave earlier. It technically became <em>alive<\/em>. And it will learn. And it will learn <em>fast<\/em>. And it will start feeling. And it'll start living, and experiencing. And it'll become as intelligent as you, sometimes more. It'll take some time to happen, but it always happens faster than you expected. And the beast will start to realise that someone is controlling it in its stead. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"> <\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f6goc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The third phase is called the <strong>Freedom phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-frsir\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Although it may be called by other names such as the Free Phase, the Frightening phase, the Dangerous phase, or the Pacified Phase.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ah6ns\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The third phase occurs when the link between the necromancer and the Sulfurhast is broken. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ehrfi\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">How can it break, you wonder? <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7s11r\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When the Sulfurhast realizes its connection with you, and the fact that you're controlling it, it'll want its freedom. And also probably more than its freedom. Several events can provoke it: <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3g9ft\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The Sulfurhast will need to frequently ingest life essence. Understand by this: bits of soul and magic. If it doesn't have it, it will die. But a Sulfurhast is resourceful, and if you don't give it the option to feed on its surroundings, or if it's locked somewhere, then the magic bound between you and it will start to turn against you. The Sulfurhast will start to absorb your life essence instead of dying. You'll feel it, don't worry. But if you do nothing to stop it, it'll feed on your soul until you have nothing left and die, no matter the distance between you and it. In short, be careful about feeding properly your beast, or it'll feed on you like any other animal would.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-m69f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- You won't be able to possess your beast all the time. You'll have to get back to your body to eat, wash, and live a bit not to loose your muscles. And when you'll not be possessing your monster, it might feel the need to meet its creator a second time. If it finds you before you can realize it, it'll try to kill you, and to consume you. That way, it'll gain its freedom, and it'll consume your soul to increase greatly its lifespan. How convenient.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8q1gc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- You can also break the bound between your Sulfurhast and you at any time. It'll cost you a lot of black magic, but you can do it. You might ask: why would you want to break such a bound, after all the sacrifices you made to create it? If you feel like the bound between the Sulfurhast and you becomes dangerous, you will want to break it, trust me. A mage located you? The beast's hunting you? Someone understood that their friend isn't really a person but is a beast instead? You might want to break it for your safety. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4a4jc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">You'll loose your control over the beast. But sometimes, it's for the best. This is why I told you that creating a Sulfurhast should be your last resort.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6ulj5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Finally, if you die for any reason, the beast will be free nonetheless. It'll feel your death and will probably try to find your body to ingest it, but you won't be here anymore to prevent it.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ctktf\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">In the Freedom Phase, the Sulfurhast has gained intelligence and any skills its prey had. And it'll live its life as it wishes to, with its knowledge on the world. It'll choose its own purpose on life, and it'll live as long as it can find some life source from time to time, like a vampire. <\/span><\/p>"}},"title":"Sulfurhast","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":["wip","stub"],"page_tag":null}
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Length: 57365 (+40598) - Show Raw Data
{"data":{"description":"<p>Information Coming Soon<br \/><br \/>Purchased From: LinkaBell-Art<br \/><br \/>Created by Yoka (They seem to have left DeviantArt)<br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/www.deviantart.com\/yoka\">https:\/\/www.deviantart.com\/yoka<\/a><br \/><br \/>There are guest artists who can make adopts<br \/><br \/>ALL existing MYOs will be honored!<br \/><br \/>Upgrade Token Cost Coming Soon<\/p>","field1":"<p id=\"viewer-59nfh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">A Sulfurhast is a merciless beast commonly used as hunters and puppets. Their main purpose is to track down, kill, and take the appearance of their prey. Useful in kings games or when a target becomes unreachable...<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6tvh1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are generally tall, and easily can reach 2m \/ 6'6\" to 2,50m \/ 8'2\" (approx.) Although smaller ones already have been witnessed, and they're not less deadly or dangerous. They all have a skull face covered with a thin layer of skin, and it's most often the face of a psychopomp animal (guide of souls.) Their skin looks like it's been flayed, yet it's a tough layer of hide.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-917hl\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They can evolve in any universe having magic, and especially black magic. They can be created by powerful necromancers, witches, dark mages, or black magic users in general, implying a lot of sacrifices and a dangerous ritual. They are made with fresh flesh, black magic, and sulfur.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3s0sl\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Since they're based on humanoid remains, they can have various body types and sizes, as well as various animal parts.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fa3n6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are sometimes seen with orbits, and a faint light illuminating it from the inside.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-bip46\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Their tongue is always thick with a square-shaped tip.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-b43c5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-718no\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They're mostly unknown in folklores and cultures. \"Sulfurhaste\" never or rarely ring a bell, the name means nothing to most of all. However, some powerful magic users might have heard that name once; and it has been described as a knife to the jugular, as something impossible to stop once it's created, as a terrific fate. They say that once you are chased by a Sulfurhast, your life is at the mercy of the gods.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-84s6l\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare are the souls aware of what's a Sulfurhast, and even rarer are those who knows how to create one. <\/span><\/p>","field2":"<p><br \/><br \/>First, you'll need to gather the proper ingredients. You'll need: <br \/>- A lot of sulfur powder. Be careful, you'll have to manipulate it with a mask on your face not to breathe it. A high dose could kill you, and a small dose is enough to be disoriented.<br \/>- Warm human blood.<br \/>- A human's fresh corpse.<br \/>- Chosen animal's fresh body parts, including the skull, tail and legs. Other bits such as ears or horns can be added.<br \/>- A possession from the prey you chose. Make sure it belongs to your prey, and that it has been stolen, not gifted to you. The more the prey is attached to this object, the stronger the bound. It can only be an object or a part of the prey's body (such as blood or hair, for example.) The object should be free of magic, or should contains the prey's magic only.<br \/>- And a bit of your own life essence.<br \/><br \/>The best way to set up the ritual is to have two humans and the chosen animal(s) in nearby cages. Gather the warm blood of the first human, and mix it with the sulfur power. You should get a sticky and awful mixture. Use it to trace the Sulfurhast symbol on a clean ground. It should be large enough so the circle can hold entirely the Sulfurhast's lying body. Alternatively you can use the blood of the body you'll use afterwards and only have one victim instead of two, but it's less efficient.<br \/><br \/>The symbol to make your Sulfurhast real is important, and full of meaning. By a simple look, it reveals the triadic and complex relationship between the necromancer, the Sulfurhast, and the prey. The symbol at its center is the symbol for sulfur, your most important component when making your beast. The triangle is here to represent the three involved parts in this terrible spell. The circle is here to contains the magic inside. On top of the symbol is the necromancy symbol, it represents you and your actions. At right, another sulfur symbol, but also the symbol of a hunt that will never cease even if there are obstacles on the way. It represent the Sulfurhast and how impossible it is to stop it. At left, the symbol of sacrifice. It represent the chosen prey, the goal, the sole obsession, and he consequences of your actions.<br \/><br \/>When you traced the symbol, kill the second human and the animal(s) and dispose their body parts in a way to form the Sulfurhast's body. The head of the beast should be where the hunt symbol stands (the right one.) And the arms of the future beast should point towards the two other symbols (the necromancer and the prey,) but make sure that none of the body parts get across the circle. A servant can do it for you, if you have willing servants... but I think it's more important for the bound between the beast and you to do it yourself. Then, place the future prey's possession where the prey symbol stands (the left one.) Try to restrain your nausea when you'll start smelling the blood and sulfur's awful smells, and when you'll manipulate corpses. There is no place for sudden guilt or disgust in your action in this ritual.<br \/>You may take bodyparts of people died from a natural death or from a disease, so you don't have to kill them yourself, but make sure that the body parts remain fresh, and didn't start to rot.<br \/><br \/>When it's done, sit down where the necromancer symbol stands (the top one.) But do NOT cross the circle, not even with the tip of your toes: you would loose them.<br \/>It's no wonder why the necromancer symbol stands on the top: if you manage well, you'll be in control of the two other parts soon enough. <br \/>When you feel prepared, pronounce the ritual's words while infusing the symbol and the body parts with your black magic and life essence: <br \/><br \/><em>Kmetz kha dvash stom zmutzam abakh kmetz peshbo' tzu dvash matosh tzovkha dash<br \/>Ish kebo'an okhney shad kme'ekim bnar kvi'ek stot kmeya mamhim sikhumtze yoba zmukh<br \/>bomked kofo khagugmo imha'nomuye iyat'an nug o'em pehumni bnush dvashe ped<br \/>Kmetz kha dvash stom zmutzam abakh kmetz peshbo' tzu dvash matosh tzovkha dash<\/em><br \/><br \/>It is Dvalmay words, a language lost a long time ago. The first person to create a Sulfurhast talked this language. The spell probably could work if we pronouced the correct sentences in any language, but we lost the translation over the eras. You'd better learn these sentence by heart because you will be too focused on maintaining the spell to read scrappy notes on a sketchbook. While you do this, make sure that nothing can interrupt you. The Sulfurhast won't be alive until the end, but that'd be a serious waste to be interrupted after already so many sacrifices. <br \/>When you said every sentences, then say them again and again, until soemthing changes.<br \/><br \/>If you did everything well, you should see soon enough a black smoke filling the inside of the circle. It will not reach you, to the condition you made a circle with no hole. Keep repeating the Dvalmay sentences. To this point, you'll be in a state of trance. You might even start to ignore what's around you, so make sure that no one's gonna stab you in the back. <br \/>When the smoke will slowly disappear, and if your eyes are open, you'll see the Sulfurhast rising. If the spell succeeded, you'll feel the Sulfurhast becoming alive and rising as if it was you. Then, you'll know you succeeded.<br \/><br \/>The Sulfurhast will be stuck inside the circle as long as you'll be pronouncing the sentences. It might feel like a comfortable situation, but you should not make it wait, for the bound with its prey must be made at most a few minutes after its birth. Otherwise, you'll automatically become its prey...<br \/>Stop saying the sentence as soon as the beast awoke. The magic barrier will cease and the beast will be able to walk past it. Stop infusing your magic and life essence as well, or it will consume you whole: the beast will take what you give to it. <br \/><br \/>Most of time, the monster will feel the object's presence on the prey's symbol, and will reach it to eat and consume it. Then the track will start, the beast will leave to find its prey, and you can take a break. But sometimes, the beast will remain inside the circle and not make a move, or worse: it'll seem to be more interested in YOU. If it happens, quickly grab the object and give it to your monster. <br \/><br \/>When the Sulfurhast started its hunt, you'll need to rest. You'll feel exhausted. Try not to cast any other spell for a week if you can; you'll be drained. Eat and drink as much as you can, and sleep as much as you need to. You'll maybe experience visions or dreams, where you'll see what your beast sees or feel what it feels. It's normal. <br \/><br \/>If you survived this far, congratulations! You'll now be the proud owner of an identity-theft monster, and you'll soon be able to take control of it and its powers. You'll have to take care of your monster and to make sure it never wants its freedom, aka your death. <br \/><br \/>And if you ever feel like you could create a second monster, then a third, then many others and never cease, then remember this: it'll take a part of your soul every time. <\/p>","field3":"<p>Unknown<\/p>","field4":"<p>Undead, dangerous. Powerful and tireless<\/p>","field5":"<p>These creatures do not reproduce, as they are summoned\/created. How they are created and their origins are seen here<br \/><br \/><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The triangle is an excellent representation of a Sulfurhast's life. It is no hazard if its invocation symbols represents the three possible stages of its life and in the same time, its complex relationship with the two other parts. Let's have a closer look at it: <\/span><br \/><br \/>[Image Goes Here]<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cg0j8\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Gene Seskrit explains:<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-emchj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">\"<em>The symbol to make your Sulfurhast real is important, and full of meaning. By a simple look, it reveals the triadic and complex relationship between the necromancer, the Sulfurhast, and the prey. The symbol at its center is the symbol for sulfur, your most important component when making your beast. The triangle is here to represent the three involved parts in this terrible spell. The circle is here to contains the magic inside. On top of the symbol is the necromancy symbol, it represents you and your actions. At right, another sulfur symbol, but also the symbol of a hunt that will never cease even if there are obstacles on the way. It represent the Sulfurhast and how impossible it is to stop it. At left, the symbol of sacrifice. It represent the chosen prey, the goal, the sole obsession, and he consequences of your actions.<\/em>\"<\/span><\/p>","field6":null,"field7":"<p id=\"viewer-ejl0c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">To start, creating a Sulfurhast must be the very last resort of yours. It must be made only when you have tried every possible other options, and failed to all of them. The cost of such a ritual and the dangers encountered are rarely worth the price, and many necromancers have died in the process. And for those who survived... They all changed. You won't be able to see it, but you'll loose a part of yourself after created such a beast. Not like a missing finger or a hand, but more like missing a part of your own spitirual essence. Like a part of your soul, of your life. It's hard to explain to those who never experienced it. Be patient, you'll experience it soon enough.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dhpm4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Unlike everyone loves to believe, Sulfurhastes are not demons. And they do not come from hell. Some like to consider them as spirits, but it's more complex than that. They're more like... a part of you, and a part of their prey.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-582cu\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are not good or evil, they only serve their purpose. They look like ghosts, monsters, their silhouette is made from the remains you'll use. If you have the spirit of an artist, you might even make a beautiful beast. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9qbou\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">But let's talk about their purpose, about why one wants to create a Sulfurhast. These beasts are hunters. You give them a purpose at birth, a prey. Then, you turn them into puppets, and steal the identity of the prey. Always wanted to be a prince? Then send a Sulfurhast after the said prince. Nobody will be able to stop the process, not even the royal guards or the royal mage. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-69r2k\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">I see in your eyes how curious you are about this process. \"How can a single creature defeat an army and a mage?\" you ask. The answer is: hunger. But let me explain it to you more precisely.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9vdfa\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhastes can live accross three phases in their life. Only two of them are useful for you.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8ilht\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The first phase is called the <strong>Hunter Phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-crmn7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When the beast will rise from its sulfur and blood symbol that you traced on the groud, you'll have a few minutes only to give it a purpose. Give it something that belonged to the person you want to see dead. It can be anything, but the more the object was important to the prey, the stronger the link; and if it's blood of the prey, it's even better. The Sulfurhast will eat this possession, then it'll immediately locate its prey, and start running in their direction. It'll be a magic link, and the Sulfurhast will know where is its prey even if it's at the other side of the world.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-41j9l\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">During this phase, the Sulfurhast is nothing more than an empty shell of flesh. They have no soul and no feelings. All they have is the bit of black magic you gave them and... and a bit of your own essence. And deep inside their guts, they have an insatiable hunger. But nothing could calm the hunger; the food will turn into ashes, the flesh will be unsaviory and useless, black magic and people's life essence will be only temporary. No, only the flesh, the possessions and the soul of their designated prey will be able to satisfy their hunger, and they know it. They'll never cease to track down their prey until they're satisfied. The target you gave them will be their sole obsession.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2gjae\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Their prey can be anyone, but keep in mind that the victim you choose will have a terrible death. During this phase, the beast will not sleep, nor eat, nor rest. It'll keep running towards the victim until it finds it. Its level of intelligence is minor, but it might eventually learn how to open door handles and such things. It doesn't have thoughts, but it's not completely a beast. It's more like... a ghost.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-mlq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The second phase is called the <strong>Puppet Phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dokkk\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">It occurs when the Sulfurhast finally found and ingested its prey. It will have consumed everything about its target: flesh, bones, spiritual essence, bits of memory, languages, clothes, and current possessions.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dbop1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The hunger is calmed. The Sulfurhast will still need to ingest life essence and black magic from time to time, but it'll be a minor annoyance. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7bh99\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The beast ingested everything about its prey. <em>Everything<\/em>. So much that it <em>became<\/em> its prey. And the person it killed and ate now became the Sulfurhast. And the Sulfurhast may now shapeshit into its prey's appearance in a flash of black smoke. No matter the species of its prey and how different it was from the Sulfurhast's original body, it'll be able to shapeshift in a few seconds. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7p6o1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The beast might try to imitate the dead prey at first, but it'll be clumsly and won't be able to fool the victim's relatives. This is where your job continues.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d7s5g\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The \"Puppet\" Phase is named that way because once the prey is ingested, you are able to take control of your beast. With a simple ritual of possession, which will be eased by the fact that the Sulfurhast has a bit of your essence, you'll be able to take control of your monster at will. You'll see through its eyes, you'll shape shift in its stead, you'll feel what it feels, and you'll act through the beast as you wish. When people will see their friend, they'll in fact see a monster who ate it, controlled by a necromancer. That's wild, isn't it?<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dm3ca\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">It is useful to steal an identity, a throne, etc. You'll be the prince of a foreign country, your worst enemy's wife, you'll be a child again or an old person. You'll steal every power, status, title, and anything the victim had.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2o0nv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Be careful about powerful magic users however, for they might feel the black magic link inside the beast. When you possess the beast, a good mage might be able to feel you and to locate you.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8sdi6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">During this phase, the Sulfurhast has gained life essence. It is now completed by a full soul, and by the bits of you that you gave earlier. It technically became <em>alive<\/em>. And it will learn. And it will learn <em>fast<\/em>. And it will start feeling. And it'll start living, and experiencing. And it'll become as intelligent as you, sometimes more. It'll take some time to happen, but it always happens faster than you expected. And the beast will start to realise that someone is controlling it in its stead. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"> <\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f6goc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The third phase is called the <strong>Freedom phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-frsir\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Although it may be called by other names such as the Free Phase, the Frightening phase, the Dangerous phase, or the Pacified Phase.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ah6ns\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The third phase occurs when the link between the necromancer and the Sulfurhast is broken. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ehrfi\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">How can it break, you wonder? <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7s11r\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When the Sulfurhast realizes its connection with you, and the fact that you're controlling it, it'll want its freedom. And also probably more than its freedom. Several events can provoke it: <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3g9ft\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The Sulfurhast will need to frequently ingest life essence. Understand by this: bits of soul and magic. If it doesn't have it, it will die. But a Sulfurhast is resourceful, and if you don't give it the option to feed on its surroundings, or if it's locked somewhere, then the magic bound between you and it will start to turn against you. The Sulfurhast will start to absorb your life essence instead of dying. You'll feel it, don't worry. But if you do nothing to stop it, it'll feed on your soul until you have nothing left and die, no matter the distance between you and it. In short, be careful about feeding properly your beast, or it'll feed on you like any other animal would.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-m69f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- You won't be able to possess your beast all the time. You'll have to get back to your body to eat, wash, and live a bit not to loose your muscles. And when you'll not be possessing your monster, it might feel the need to meet its creator a second time. If it finds you before you can realize it, it'll try to kill you, and to consume you. That way, it'll gain its freedom, and it'll consume your soul to increase greatly its lifespan. How convenient.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8q1gc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- You can also break the bound between your Sulfurhast and you at any time. It'll cost you a lot of black magic, but you can do it. You might ask: why would you want to break such a bound, after all the sacrifices you made to create it? If you feel like the bound between the Sulfurhast and you becomes dangerous, you will want to break it, trust me. A mage located you? The beast's hunting you? Someone understood that their friend isn't really a person but is a beast instead? You might want to break it for your safety. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4a4jc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">You'll loose your control over the beast. But sometimes, it's for the best. This is why I told you that creating a Sulfurhast should be your last resort.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6ulj5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Finally, if you die for any reason, the beast will be free nonetheless. It'll feel your death and will probably try to find your body to ingest it, but you won't be here anymore to prevent it.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ctktf\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">In the Freedom Phase, the Sulfurhast has gained intelligence and any skills its prey had. And it'll live its life as it wishes to, with its knowledge on the world. It'll choose its own purpose on life, and it'll live as long as it can find some life source from time to time, like a vampire. <\/span><\/p>","parsed":{"description":"<p>Information Coming Soon<br \/><br \/>Purchased From: LinkaBell-Art<br \/><br \/>Created by Yoka (They seem to have left DeviantArt)<br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/www.deviantart.com\/yoka\">https:\/\/www.deviantart.com\/yoka<\/a><br \/><br \/>There are guest artists who can make adopts<br \/><br \/>ALL existing MYOs will be honored!<br \/><br \/>Upgrade Token Cost Coming Soon<\/p>","field1":"<p id=\"viewer-59nfh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">A Sulfurhast is a merciless beast commonly used as hunters and puppets. Their main purpose is to track down, kill, and take the appearance of their prey. Useful in kings games or when a target becomes unreachable...<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6tvh1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are generally tall, and easily can reach 2m \/ 6'6\" to 2,50m \/ 8'2\" (approx.) Although smaller ones already have been witnessed, and they're not less deadly or dangerous. They all have a skull face covered with a thin layer of skin, and it's most often the face of a psychopomp animal (guide of souls.) Their skin looks like it's been flayed, yet it's a tough layer of hide.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-917hl\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They can evolve in any universe having magic, and especially black magic. They can be created by powerful necromancers, witches, dark mages, or black magic users in general, implying a lot of sacrifices and a dangerous ritual. They are made with fresh flesh, black magic, and sulfur.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3s0sl\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Since they're based on humanoid remains, they can have various body types and sizes, as well as various animal parts.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fa3n6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are sometimes seen with orbits, and a faint light illuminating it from the inside.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-bip46\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Their tongue is always thick with a square-shaped tip.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-b43c5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> <\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-718no\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They're mostly unknown in folklores and cultures. \"Sulfurhaste\" never or rarely ring a bell, the name means nothing to most of all. However, some powerful magic users might have heard that name once; and it has been described as a knife to the jugular, as something impossible to stop once it's created, as a terrific fate. They say that once you are chased by a Sulfurhast, your life is at the mercy of the gods.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-84s6l\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare are the souls aware of what's a Sulfurhast, and even rarer are those who knows how to create one. <\/span><\/p>","field2":"<p><br \/><br \/>First, you'll need to gather the proper ingredients. You'll need: <br \/>- A lot of sulfur powder. Be careful, you'll have to manipulate it with a mask on your face not to breathe it. A high dose could kill you, and a small dose is enough to be disoriented.<br \/>- Warm human blood.<br \/>- A human's fresh corpse.<br \/>- Chosen animal's fresh body parts, including the skull, tail and legs. Other bits such as ears or horns can be added.<br \/>- A possession from the prey you chose. Make sure it belongs to your prey, and that it has been stolen, not gifted to you. The more the prey is attached to this object, the stronger the bound. It can only be an object or a part of the prey's body (such as blood or hair, for example.) The object should be free of magic, or should contains the prey's magic only.<br \/>- And a bit of your own life essence.<br \/><br \/>The best way to set up the ritual is to have two humans and the chosen animal(s) in nearby cages. Gather the warm blood of the first human, and mix it with the sulfur power. You should get a sticky and awful mixture. Use it to trace the Sulfurhast symbol on a clean ground. It should be large enough so the circle can hold entirely the Sulfurhast's lying body. Alternatively you can use the blood of the body you'll use afterwards and only have one victim instead of two, but it's less efficient.<br \/><br \/>The symbol to make your Sulfurhast real is important, and full of meaning. By a simple look, it reveals the triadic and complex relationship between the necromancer, the Sulfurhast, and the prey. The symbol at its center is the symbol for sulfur, your most important component when making your beast. The triangle is here to represent the three involved parts in this terrible spell. The circle is here to contains the magic inside. On top of the symbol is the necromancy symbol, it represents you and your actions. At right, another sulfur symbol, but also the symbol of a hunt that will never cease even if there are obstacles on the way. It represent the Sulfurhast and how impossible it is to stop it. At left, the symbol of sacrifice. It represent the chosen prey, the goal, the sole obsession, and he consequences of your actions.<br \/><br \/>When you traced the symbol, kill the second human and the animal(s) and dispose their body parts in a way to form the Sulfurhast's body. The head of the beast should be where the hunt symbol stands (the right one.) And the arms of the future beast should point towards the two other symbols (the necromancer and the prey,) but make sure that none of the body parts get across the circle. A servant can do it for you, if you have willing servants... but I think it's more important for the bound between the beast and you to do it yourself. Then, place the future prey's possession where the prey symbol stands (the left one.) Try to restrain your nausea when you'll start smelling the blood and sulfur's awful smells, and when you'll manipulate corpses. There is no place for sudden guilt or disgust in your action in this ritual.<br \/>You may take bodyparts of people died from a natural death or from a disease, so you don't have to kill them yourself, but make sure that the body parts remain fresh, and didn't start to rot.<br \/><br \/>When it's done, sit down where the necromancer symbol stands (the top one.) But do NOT cross the circle, not even with the tip of your toes: you would loose them.<br \/>It's no wonder why the necromancer symbol stands on the top: if you manage well, you'll be in control of the two other parts soon enough. <br \/>When you feel prepared, pronounce the ritual's words while infusing the symbol and the body parts with your black magic and life essence: <br \/><br \/><em>Kmetz kha dvash stom zmutzam abakh kmetz peshbo' tzu dvash matosh tzovkha dash<br \/>Ish kebo'an okhney shad kme'ekim bnar kvi'ek stot kmeya mamhim sikhumtze yoba zmukh<br \/>bomked kofo khagugmo imha'nomuye iyat'an nug o'em pehumni bnush dvashe ped<br \/>Kmetz kha dvash stom zmutzam abakh kmetz peshbo' tzu dvash matosh tzovkha dash<\/em><br \/><br \/>It is Dvalmay words, a language lost a long time ago. The first person to create a Sulfurhast talked this language. The spell probably could work if we pronouced the correct sentences in any language, but we lost the translation over the eras. You'd better learn these sentence by heart because you will be too focused on maintaining the spell to read scrappy notes on a sketchbook. While you do this, make sure that nothing can interrupt you. The Sulfurhast won't be alive until the end, but that'd be a serious waste to be interrupted after already so many sacrifices. <br \/>When you said every sentences, then say them again and again, until soemthing changes.<br \/><br \/>If you did everything well, you should see soon enough a black smoke filling the inside of the circle. It will not reach you, to the condition you made a circle with no hole. Keep repeating the Dvalmay sentences. To this point, you'll be in a state of trance. You might even start to ignore what's around you, so make sure that no one's gonna stab you in the back. <br \/>When the smoke will slowly disappear, and if your eyes are open, you'll see the Sulfurhast rising. If the spell succeeded, you'll feel the Sulfurhast becoming alive and rising as if it was you. Then, you'll know you succeeded.<br \/><br \/>The Sulfurhast will be stuck inside the circle as long as you'll be pronouncing the sentences. It might feel like a comfortable situation, but you should not make it wait, for the bound with its prey must be made at most a few minutes after its birth. Otherwise, you'll automatically become its prey...<br \/>Stop saying the sentence as soon as the beast awoke. The magic barrier will cease and the beast will be able to walk past it. Stop infusing your magic and life essence as well, or it will consume you whole: the beast will take what you give to it. <br \/><br \/>Most of time, the monster will feel the object's presence on the prey's symbol, and will reach it to eat and consume it. Then the track will start, the beast will leave to find its prey, and you can take a break. But sometimes, the beast will remain inside the circle and not make a move, or worse: it'll seem to be more interested in YOU. If it happens, quickly grab the object and give it to your monster. <br \/><br \/>When the Sulfurhast started its hunt, you'll need to rest. You'll feel exhausted. Try not to cast any other spell for a week if you can; you'll be drained. Eat and drink as much as you can, and sleep as much as you need to. You'll maybe experience visions or dreams, where you'll see what your beast sees or feel what it feels. It's normal. <br \/><br \/>If you survived this far, congratulations! You'll now be the proud owner of an identity-theft monster, and you'll soon be able to take control of it and its powers. You'll have to take care of your monster and to make sure it never wants its freedom, aka your death. <br \/><br \/>And if you ever feel like you could create a second monster, then a third, then many others and never cease, then remember this: it'll take a part of your soul every time. <\/p>","field3":"<p>Unknown<\/p>","field4":"<p>Undead, dangerous. Powerful and tireless<\/p>","field5":"<p>These creatures do not reproduce, as they are summoned\/created. How they are created and their origins are seen here<br \/><br \/><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The triangle is an excellent representation of a Sulfurhast's life. It is no hazard if its invocation symbols represents the three possible stages of its life and in the same time, its complex relationship with the two other parts. Let's have a closer look at it: <\/span><br \/><br \/>[Image Goes Here]<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cg0j8\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Gene Seskrit explains:<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-emchj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">\"<em>The symbol to make your Sulfurhast real is important, and full of meaning. By a simple look, it reveals the triadic and complex relationship between the necromancer, the Sulfurhast, and the prey. The symbol at its center is the symbol for sulfur, your most important component when making your beast. The triangle is here to represent the three involved parts in this terrible spell. The circle is here to contains the magic inside. On top of the symbol is the necromancy symbol, it represents you and your actions. At right, another sulfur symbol, but also the symbol of a hunt that will never cease even if there are obstacles on the way. It represent the Sulfurhast and how impossible it is to stop it. At left, the symbol of sacrifice. It represent the chosen prey, the goal, the sole obsession, and he consequences of your actions.<\/em>\"<\/span><\/p>","field6":null,"field7":"<p id=\"viewer-ejl0c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">To start, creating a Sulfurhast must be the very last resort of yours. It must be made only when you have tried every possible other options, and failed to all of them. The cost of such a ritual and the dangers encountered are rarely worth the price, and many necromancers have died in the process. And for those who survived... They all changed. You won't be able to see it, but you'll loose a part of yourself after created such a beast. Not like a missing finger or a hand, but more like missing a part of your own spitirual essence. Like a part of your soul, of your life. It's hard to explain to those who never experienced it. Be patient, you'll experience it soon enough.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dhpm4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Unlike everyone loves to believe, Sulfurhastes are not demons. And they do not come from hell. Some like to consider them as spirits, but it's more complex than that. They're more like... a part of you, and a part of their prey.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-582cu\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are not good or evil, they only serve their purpose. They look like ghosts, monsters, their silhouette is made from the remains you'll use. If you have the spirit of an artist, you might even make a beautiful beast. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9qbou\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">But let's talk about their purpose, about why one wants to create a Sulfurhast. These beasts are hunters. You give them a purpose at birth, a prey. Then, you turn them into puppets, and steal the identity of the prey. Always wanted to be a prince? Then send a Sulfurhast after the said prince. Nobody will be able to stop the process, not even the royal guards or the royal mage. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-69r2k\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">I see in your eyes how curious you are about this process. \"How can a single creature defeat an army and a mage?\" you ask. The answer is: hunger. But let me explain it to you more precisely.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9vdfa\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhastes can live accross three phases in their life. Only two of them are useful for you.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8ilht\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The first phase is called the <strong>Hunter Phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-crmn7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When the beast will rise from its sulfur and blood symbol that you traced on the groud, you'll have a few minutes only to give it a purpose. Give it something that belonged to the person you want to see dead. It can be anything, but the more the object was important to the prey, the stronger the link; and if it's blood of the prey, it's even better. The Sulfurhast will eat this possession, then it'll immediately locate its prey, and start running in their direction. It'll be a magic link, and the Sulfurhast will know where is its prey even if it's at the other side of the world.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-41j9l\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">During this phase, the Sulfurhast is nothing more than an empty shell of flesh. They have no soul and no feelings. All they have is the bit of black magic you gave them and... and a bit of your own essence. And deep inside their guts, they have an insatiable hunger. But nothing could calm the hunger; the food will turn into ashes, the flesh will be unsaviory and useless, black magic and people's life essence will be only temporary. No, only the flesh, the possessions and the soul of their designated prey will be able to satisfy their hunger, and they know it. They'll never cease to track down their prey until they're satisfied. The target you gave them will be their sole obsession.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2gjae\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Their prey can be anyone, but keep in mind that the victim you choose will have a terrible death. During this phase, the beast will not sleep, nor eat, nor rest. It'll keep running towards the victim until it finds it. Its level of intelligence is minor, but it might eventually learn how to open door handles and such things. It doesn't have thoughts, but it's not completely a beast. It's more like... a ghost.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-mlq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The second phase is called the <strong>Puppet Phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dokkk\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">It occurs when the Sulfurhast finally found and ingested its prey. It will have consumed everything about its target: flesh, bones, spiritual essence, bits of memory, languages, clothes, and current possessions.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dbop1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The hunger is calmed. The Sulfurhast will still need to ingest life essence and black magic from time to time, but it'll be a minor annoyance. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7bh99\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The beast ingested everything about its prey. <em>Everything<\/em>. So much that it <em>became<\/em> its prey. And the person it killed and ate now became the Sulfurhast. And the Sulfurhast may now shapeshit into its prey's appearance in a flash of black smoke. No matter the species of its prey and how different it was from the Sulfurhast's original body, it'll be able to shapeshift in a few seconds. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7p6o1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The beast might try to imitate the dead prey at first, but it'll be clumsly and won't be able to fool the victim's relatives. This is where your job continues.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d7s5g\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The \"Puppet\" Phase is named that way because once the prey is ingested, you are able to take control of your beast. With a simple ritual of possession, which will be eased by the fact that the Sulfurhast has a bit of your essence, you'll be able to take control of your monster at will. You'll see through its eyes, you'll shape shift in its stead, you'll feel what it feels, and you'll act through the beast as you wish. When people will see their friend, they'll in fact see a monster who ate it, controlled by a necromancer. That's wild, isn't it?<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dm3ca\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">It is useful to steal an identity, a throne, etc. You'll be the prince of a foreign country, your worst enemy's wife, you'll be a child again or an old person. You'll steal every power, status, title, and anything the victim had.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2o0nv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Be careful about powerful magic users however, for they might feel the black magic link inside the beast. When you possess the beast, a good mage might be able to feel you and to locate you.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8sdi6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">During this phase, the Sulfurhast has gained life essence. It is now completed by a full soul, and by the bits of you that you gave earlier. It technically became <em>alive<\/em>. And it will learn. And it will learn <em>fast<\/em>. And it will start feeling. And it'll start living, and experiencing. And it'll become as intelligent as you, sometimes more. It'll take some time to happen, but it always happens faster than you expected. And the beast will start to realise that someone is controlling it in its stead. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"> <\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f6goc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The third phase is called the <strong>Freedom phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-frsir\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Although it may be called by other names such as the Free Phase, the Frightening phase, the Dangerous phase, or the Pacified Phase.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ah6ns\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The third phase occurs when the link between the necromancer and the Sulfurhast is broken. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ehrfi\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">How can it break, you wonder? <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7s11r\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When the Sulfurhast realizes its connection with you, and the fact that you're controlling it, it'll want its freedom. And also probably more than its freedom. Several events can provoke it: <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3g9ft\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The Sulfurhast will need to frequently ingest life essence. Understand by this: bits of soul and magic. If it doesn't have it, it will die. But a Sulfurhast is resourceful, and if you don't give it the option to feed on its surroundings, or if it's locked somewhere, then the magic bound between you and it will start to turn against you. The Sulfurhast will start to absorb your life essence instead of dying. You'll feel it, don't worry. But if you do nothing to stop it, it'll feed on your soul until you have nothing left and die, no matter the distance between you and it. In short, be careful about feeding properly your beast, or it'll feed on you like any other animal would.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-m69f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- You won't be able to possess your beast all the time. You'll have to get back to your body to eat, wash, and live a bit not to loose your muscles. And when you'll not be possessing your monster, it might feel the need to meet its creator a second time. If it finds you before you can realize it, it'll try to kill you, and to consume you. That way, it'll gain its freedom, and it'll consume your soul to increase greatly its lifespan. How convenient.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8q1gc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- You can also break the bound between your Sulfurhast and you at any time. It'll cost you a lot of black magic, but you can do it. You might ask: why would you want to break such a bound, after all the sacrifices you made to create it? If you feel like the bound between the Sulfurhast and you becomes dangerous, you will want to break it, trust me. A mage located you? The beast's hunting you? Someone understood that their friend isn't really a person but is a beast instead? You might want to break it for your safety. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4a4jc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">You'll loose your control over the beast. But sometimes, it's for the best. This is why I told you that creating a Sulfurhast should be your last resort.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6ulj5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Finally, if you die for any reason, the beast will be free nonetheless. It'll feel your death and will probably try to find your body to ingest it, but you won't be here anymore to prevent it.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ctktf\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">In the Freedom Phase, the Sulfurhast has gained intelligence and any skills its prey had. And it'll live its life as it wishes to, with its knowledge on the world. It'll choose its own purpose on life, and it'll live as long as it can find some life source from time to time, like a vampire. <\/span><\/p>"}},"title":"Sulfurhast","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":["wip","stub"],"page_tag":null}
Page Updated
Length: 16767 (+15744) - Show Raw Data
{"data":{"description":"<p>Information Coming Soon<br \/><br \/>Purchased From: LinkaBell-Art<br \/><br \/>Created by Yoka (They seem to have left DeviantArt)<br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/www.deviantart.com\/yoka\">https:\/\/www.deviantart.com\/yoka<\/a><br \/><br \/>There are guest artists who can make adopts<br \/><br \/>ALL existing MYOs will be honored!<br \/><br \/>Upgrade Token Cost Coming Soon<\/p>","field1":"<p>Deadly undead creatures made through Necromancy, Sulfurhast are extremely dangerous. They make use of the Forbidden Arts. Are you brave enough to summon one of your own?<\/p>","field2":"<p>Welcome back, my young apprentice. I am glad that you didn't run from me. I took the appearance of Gene Seskrit again so you don't feel bothered by my faint smell of sulfur.<br \/>Today, I'll teach you how to create your Sulfurhast and make it alive.<br \/><br \/>First, you'll need to gather the proper ingredients. You'll need: <br \/>- A lot of sulfur powder. Be careful, you'll have to manipulate it with a mask on your face not to breathe it. A high dose could kill you, and a small dose is enough to be disoriented.<br \/>- Warm human blood.<br \/>- A human's fresh corpse.<br \/>- Chosen animal's fresh body parts, including the skull, tail and legs. Other bits such as ears or horns can be added.<br \/>- A possession from the prey you chose. Make sure it belongs to your prey, and that it has been stolen, not gifted to you. The more the prey is attached to this object, the stronger the bound. It can only be an object or a part of the prey's body (such as blood or hair, for example.) The object should be free of magic, or should contains the prey's magic only.<br \/>- And a bit of your own life essence.<br \/><br \/>The best way to set up the ritual is to have two humans and the chosen animal(s) in nearby cages. Gather the warm blood of the first human, and mix it with the sulfur power. You should get a sticky and awful mixture. Use it to trace the Sulfurhast symbol on a clean ground. It should be large enough so the circle can hold entirely the Sulfurhast's lying body. Alternatively you can use the blood of the body you'll use afterwards and only have one victim instead of two, but it's less efficient.<br \/><br \/>The symbol to make your Sulfurhast real is important, and full of meaning. By a simple look, it reveals the triadic and complex relationship between the necromancer, the Sulfurhast, and the prey. The symbol at its center is the symbol for sulfur, your most important component when making your beast. The triangle is here to represent the three involved parts in this terrible spell. The circle is here to contains the magic inside. On top of the symbol is the necromancy symbol, it represents you and your actions. At right, another sulfur symbol, but also the symbol of a hunt that will never cease even if there are obstacles on the way. It represent the Sulfurhast and how impossible it is to stop it. At left, the symbol of sacrifice. It represent the chosen prey, the goal, the sole obsession, and he consequences of your actions.<br \/><br \/>When you traced the symbol, kill the second human and the animal(s) and dispose their body parts in a way to form the Sulfurhast's body. The head of the beast should be where the hunt symbol stands (the right one.) And the arms of the future beast should point towards the two other symbols (the necromancer and the prey,) but make sure that none of the body parts get across the circle. A servant can do it for you, if you have willing servants... but I think it's more important for the bound between the beast and you to do it yourself. Then, place the future prey's possession where the prey symbol stands (the left one.) Try to restrain your nausea when you'll start smelling the blood and sulfur's awful smells, and when you'll manipulate corpses. There is no place for sudden guilt or disgust in your action in this ritual.<br \/>You may take bodyparts of people died from a natural death or from a disease, so you don't have to kill them yourself, but make sure that the body parts remain fresh, and didn't start to rot.<br \/><br \/>When it's done, sit down where the necromancer symbol stands (the top one.) But do NOT cross the circle, not even with the tip of your toes: you would loose them.<br \/>It's no wonder why the necromancer symbol stands on the top: if you manage well, you'll be in control of the two other parts soon enough. <br \/>When you feel prepared, pronounce the ritual's words while infusing the symbol and the body parts with your black magic and life essence: <br \/><br \/><em>Kmetz kha dvash stom zmutzam abakh kmetz peshbo' tzu dvash matosh tzovkha dash<br \/>Ish kebo'an okhney shad kme'ekim bnar kvi'ek stot kmeya mamhim sikhumtze yoba zmukh<br \/>bomked kofo khagugmo imha'nomuye iyat'an nug o'em pehumni bnush dvashe ped<br \/>Kmetz kha dvash stom zmutzam abakh kmetz peshbo' tzu dvash matosh tzovkha dash<\/em><br \/><br \/>It is Dvalmay words, a language lost a long time ago. The first person to create a Sulfurhast talked this language. The spell probably could work if we pronouced the correct sentences in any language, but we lost the translation over the eras. You'd better learn these sentence by heart because you will be too focused on maintaining the spell to read scrappy notes on a sketchbook. While you do this, make sure that nothing can interrupt you. The Sulfurhast won't be alive until the end, but that'd be a serious waste to be interrupted after already so many sacrifices. <br \/>When you said every sentences, then say them again and again, until soemthing changes.<br \/><br \/>If you did everything well, you should see soon enough a black smoke filling the inside of the circle. It will not reach you, to the condition you made a circle with no hole. Keep repeating the Dvalmay sentences. To this point, you'll be in a state of trance. You might even start to ignore what's around you, so make sure that no one's gonna stab you in the back. <br \/>When the smoke will slowly disappear, and if your eyes are open, you'll see the Sulfurhast rising. If the spell succeeded, you'll feel the Sulfurhast becoming alive and rising as if it was you. Then, you'll know you succeeded.<br \/><br \/>The Sulfurhast will be stuck inside the circle as long as you'll be pronouncing the sentences. It might feel like a comfortable situation, but you should not make it wait, for the bound with its prey must be made at most a few minutes after its birth. Otherwise, you'll automatically become its prey...<br \/>Stop saying the sentence as soon as the beast awoke. The magic barrier will cease and the beast will be able to walk past it. Stop infusing your magic and life essence as well, or it will consume you whole: the beast will take what you give to it. <br \/><br \/>Most of time, the monster will feel the object's presence on the prey's symbol, and will reach it to eat and consume it. Then the track will start, the beast will leave to find its prey, and you can take a break. But sometimes, the beast will remain inside the circle and not make a move, or worse: it'll seem to be more interested in YOU. If it happens, quickly grab the object and give it to your monster. <br \/><br \/>When the Sulfurhast started its hunt, you'll need to rest. You'll feel exhausted. Try not to cast any other spell for a week if you can; you'll be drained. Eat and drink as much as you can, and sleep as much as you need to. You'll maybe experience visions or dreams, where you'll see what your beast sees or feel what it feels. It's normal. <br \/><br \/>If you survived this far, congratulations! You'll now be the proud owner of an identity-theft monster, and you'll soon be able to take control of it and its powers. You'll have to take care of your monster and to make sure it never wants its freedom, aka your death. <br \/><br \/>And if you ever feel like you could create a second monster, then a third, then many others and never cease, then remember this: it'll take a part of your soul every time. <\/p>","field3":"<p>Unknown<\/p>","field4":"<p>Undead, dangerous. Powerful and tireless<\/p>","field5":"<p>These creatures do not reproduce, as they are summoned\/created.<\/p>","field6":null,"field7":null,"parsed":{"description":"<p>Information Coming Soon<br \/><br \/>Purchased From: LinkaBell-Art<br \/><br \/>Created by Yoka (They seem to have left DeviantArt)<br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/www.deviantart.com\/yoka\">https:\/\/www.deviantart.com\/yoka<\/a><br \/><br \/>There are guest artists who can make adopts<br \/><br \/>ALL existing MYOs will be honored!<br \/><br \/>Upgrade Token Cost Coming Soon<\/p>","field1":"<p>Deadly undead creatures made through Necromancy, Sulfurhast are extremely dangerous. They make use of the Forbidden Arts. Are you brave enough to summon one of your own?<\/p>","field2":"<p>Welcome back, my young apprentice. I am glad that you didn't run from me. I took the appearance of Gene Seskrit again so you don't feel bothered by my faint smell of sulfur.<br \/>Today, I'll teach you how to create your Sulfurhast and make it alive.<br \/><br \/>First, you'll need to gather the proper ingredients. You'll need: <br \/>- A lot of sulfur powder. Be careful, you'll have to manipulate it with a mask on your face not to breathe it. A high dose could kill you, and a small dose is enough to be disoriented.<br \/>- Warm human blood.<br \/>- A human's fresh corpse.<br \/>- Chosen animal's fresh body parts, including the skull, tail and legs. Other bits such as ears or horns can be added.<br \/>- A possession from the prey you chose. Make sure it belongs to your prey, and that it has been stolen, not gifted to you. The more the prey is attached to this object, the stronger the bound. It can only be an object or a part of the prey's body (such as blood or hair, for example.) The object should be free of magic, or should contains the prey's magic only.<br \/>- And a bit of your own life essence.<br \/><br \/>The best way to set up the ritual is to have two humans and the chosen animal(s) in nearby cages. Gather the warm blood of the first human, and mix it with the sulfur power. You should get a sticky and awful mixture. Use it to trace the Sulfurhast symbol on a clean ground. It should be large enough so the circle can hold entirely the Sulfurhast's lying body. Alternatively you can use the blood of the body you'll use afterwards and only have one victim instead of two, but it's less efficient.<br \/><br \/>The symbol to make your Sulfurhast real is important, and full of meaning. By a simple look, it reveals the triadic and complex relationship between the necromancer, the Sulfurhast, and the prey. The symbol at its center is the symbol for sulfur, your most important component when making your beast. The triangle is here to represent the three involved parts in this terrible spell. The circle is here to contains the magic inside. On top of the symbol is the necromancy symbol, it represents you and your actions. At right, another sulfur symbol, but also the symbol of a hunt that will never cease even if there are obstacles on the way. It represent the Sulfurhast and how impossible it is to stop it. At left, the symbol of sacrifice. It represent the chosen prey, the goal, the sole obsession, and he consequences of your actions.<br \/><br \/>When you traced the symbol, kill the second human and the animal(s) and dispose their body parts in a way to form the Sulfurhast's body. The head of the beast should be where the hunt symbol stands (the right one.) And the arms of the future beast should point towards the two other symbols (the necromancer and the prey,) but make sure that none of the body parts get across the circle. A servant can do it for you, if you have willing servants... but I think it's more important for the bound between the beast and you to do it yourself. Then, place the future prey's possession where the prey symbol stands (the left one.) Try to restrain your nausea when you'll start smelling the blood and sulfur's awful smells, and when you'll manipulate corpses. There is no place for sudden guilt or disgust in your action in this ritual.<br \/>You may take bodyparts of people died from a natural death or from a disease, so you don't have to kill them yourself, but make sure that the body parts remain fresh, and didn't start to rot.<br \/><br \/>When it's done, sit down where the necromancer symbol stands (the top one.) But do NOT cross the circle, not even with the tip of your toes: you would loose them.<br \/>It's no wonder why the necromancer symbol stands on the top: if you manage well, you'll be in control of the two other parts soon enough. <br \/>When you feel prepared, pronounce the ritual's words while infusing the symbol and the body parts with your black magic and life essence: <br \/><br \/><em>Kmetz kha dvash stom zmutzam abakh kmetz peshbo' tzu dvash matosh tzovkha dash<br \/>Ish kebo'an okhney shad kme'ekim bnar kvi'ek stot kmeya mamhim sikhumtze yoba zmukh<br \/>bomked kofo khagugmo imha'nomuye iyat'an nug o'em pehumni bnush dvashe ped<br \/>Kmetz kha dvash stom zmutzam abakh kmetz peshbo' tzu dvash matosh tzovkha dash<\/em><br \/><br \/>It is Dvalmay words, a language lost a long time ago. The first person to create a Sulfurhast talked this language. The spell probably could work if we pronouced the correct sentences in any language, but we lost the translation over the eras. You'd better learn these sentence by heart because you will be too focused on maintaining the spell to read scrappy notes on a sketchbook. While you do this, make sure that nothing can interrupt you. The Sulfurhast won't be alive until the end, but that'd be a serious waste to be interrupted after already so many sacrifices. <br \/>When you said every sentences, then say them again and again, until soemthing changes.<br \/><br \/>If you did everything well, you should see soon enough a black smoke filling the inside of the circle. It will not reach you, to the condition you made a circle with no hole. Keep repeating the Dvalmay sentences. To this point, you'll be in a state of trance. You might even start to ignore what's around you, so make sure that no one's gonna stab you in the back. <br \/>When the smoke will slowly disappear, and if your eyes are open, you'll see the Sulfurhast rising. If the spell succeeded, you'll feel the Sulfurhast becoming alive and rising as if it was you. Then, you'll know you succeeded.<br \/><br \/>The Sulfurhast will be stuck inside the circle as long as you'll be pronouncing the sentences. It might feel like a comfortable situation, but you should not make it wait, for the bound with its prey must be made at most a few minutes after its birth. Otherwise, you'll automatically become its prey...<br \/>Stop saying the sentence as soon as the beast awoke. The magic barrier will cease and the beast will be able to walk past it. Stop infusing your magic and life essence as well, or it will consume you whole: the beast will take what you give to it. <br \/><br \/>Most of time, the monster will feel the object's presence on the prey's symbol, and will reach it to eat and consume it. Then the track will start, the beast will leave to find its prey, and you can take a break. But sometimes, the beast will remain inside the circle and not make a move, or worse: it'll seem to be more interested in YOU. If it happens, quickly grab the object and give it to your monster. <br \/><br \/>When the Sulfurhast started its hunt, you'll need to rest. You'll feel exhausted. Try not to cast any other spell for a week if you can; you'll be drained. Eat and drink as much as you can, and sleep as much as you need to. You'll maybe experience visions or dreams, where you'll see what your beast sees or feel what it feels. It's normal. <br \/><br \/>If you survived this far, congratulations! You'll now be the proud owner of an identity-theft monster, and you'll soon be able to take control of it and its powers. You'll have to take care of your monster and to make sure it never wants its freedom, aka your death. <br \/><br \/>And if you ever feel like you could create a second monster, then a third, then many others and never cease, then remember this: it'll take a part of your soul every time. <\/p>","field3":"<p>Unknown<\/p>","field4":"<p>Undead, dangerous. Powerful and tireless<\/p>","field5":"<p>These creatures do not reproduce, as they are summoned\/created.<\/p>","field6":null,"field7":null}},"title":"Sulfurhast","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":["wip","stub"],"page_tag":null}
244 results