Cryptid-Artha's Page Revisions

The following are all of Cryptid-Artha's page revisions, ordered from most to least recent.

#202 12 August 2023, 16:07:47 UTC
Page Updated
Length: 33880 (+60) -
{"data":{"description":"<p>Warbred are massive and powerful werebug like creatures, genetically engineered using magic and science by King Zarkhan in the Kingdom of Reinvari. They have their smaller bipedal form and their massive Beast form. Known for their loyalty and power, Warbred are impressive and imposing creatures that serve as an extension of the Shadowed King's power over his Kingdom.<\/p>","field1":"<p>Warbred Vhessen are highly modified creatures, far removed from their ancestors, the regular Vhessen that wander Lumivalis and thrive there.<\/p>\r\n<p>They were created by King Zarkhan, commonly known as Blackwyrm, or the Shadowed King. There will be more information about him and his kingdom once that page is added<br \/><br \/>Warbred are quite literally bred for war, given orders on who to mate with. When not being bred, they are given a contraceptive implant which is removed once the orders are given. Most Warbred will follow these orders without question. Those that do not, are not bred. This has furthered the selection towards docile, loyal, obedient Warbred. The King takes the nymphs when they are about two weeks old, as they do better with at least a little time with their dam. The warbred will be anxious and antsy and a little depressed for a while after the nymph is taken. However, they usually shake it off and get back to their duties within a few days. Once the eggs hatch, the nymph is placed in a special stasis chamber that speeds up time, where all basic knowledge is put into their mind with enchantments while time is sped up. From hatching to adulthood, the chamber takes about a year, instead of the 16-ish years it'd normally take to wait for a Warbred to mature naturally. They are taken from the chamber as a sub-adult, so they reach full maturity while in training. Zarkhan found this made for stronger, surer, better-formed and healthier Warbred. Upon leaving the Chamber, the young Warbred are sent off to training, where they will train for a few years before being sent off to where they are stationed. Those who do not make the cut are either stationed somewhere undesirable or outside of the city, or simply killed off to not be a burden on the Kingdom. Warbred the King intends to breed are kept in outposts around the Capitol, while others are sent to less important outposts.<\/p>\r\n<p>There are some that go from the chamber into a hidden underground facility instead of going into training; mostly from very desirable lineages, siblings of Warbred that came out the way he wanted them to, and raised like common beasts. Used for breeding to further bolster their species number or add more to desirable lineages. Eggs from these Feral stock are treated as normal, and their lineage is listed as coming from a full sibling of the Feral, since the Ferals are top secret. Only Zarkhan himself, his head scientist Lumus; a psychotic butterfly with no empathy but is damn good at what he does, and the automatons he built deal with them.<\/p>\r\n<p>Those who highly disappoint the King or disobey direct orders also end up in the underground facility, caged up like the ferals. These ones are most often used for experimentation, to push a Warbred as far as they can be pushed to see what they can handle and figure out how to bring out traits that he wants more. They are still bred, depending on how desirable t heir lineage is. He may pair one with a more docile Feral that shows the traits he does want and that he feels will counter the bad traits; but he is very careful with this, as explaining the lineage would be difficult and strange Warbred from lineages he hasn't bred before may be cause for suspicion, as well as Warbred coming from a soldier who disappeared and should be dead. He leaves all of this to Lumis, as he generally doesn't care about the breeding side of things aside from the strong, useful nymphs that come out of it. While Lumis is responsible for most of the cruelty inflicted on the Warbred in the hidden facility, Zarkhan is fully aware and simply turns a blind eye because in the end, he gets what he wants. The Warbred belong to him, after all. He created them. Warbred who age out of usefulness but still have valuable genes are put up in retirement, usually around the edges of the Capitol City. Their only duty is to offer their genes when a younger Warbred is sent over. Early generation\/elder Warbred have healthy and strong genes that are somethings bred back into certain lineages to increase their health as later generation Warbred are proving to have some health problems starting to crop up in connection to some of the traits the King is trying to encourage.<\/p>\r\n<p>Warbred are the result of several generations of modifications and selective breeding, and are known for being big and powerful Vhessen, towering over their already tall ancestors.<\/p>","field2":"<p>By and large, Warbred are a new species.&nbsp; They are only seen within the borders of Reinvari itself, as they are a specially created and modified creature and the Shadowed King holds them close. <br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p>The generations have passed more quickly than otherwise due to the use of Time Chambers, using rare and powerful magic fueled by Zarkhan himself.<\/p>\r\n<p>Warbred are separated by Generation, though later generation Warbred are separated by their lineage or purpose.<\/p>\r\n<p>Predecessors: Taken directly from Lumivalis after they were abandoned, Zarkhan modified them to make them fiercer and stronger. He started with around 50 individuals chosen from the many he brought in. Those that showed traits he preferred, he modified and trained, those that did not he simply abandoned back in Lumivalis. Kavuta, the albino Wyrm that created the Vhessen, was unaware of this. They closely resemble regular Vhessen (See more about Vhessen on their page along with their lore), and in a sense still are. Some features are exaggerated, but subtly, but there were limits to what he could do to them. From there, he would need to breed those who displayed desired traits together. He started work on the Beast form, and soon managed to have a good starting Warbred species. Because the predcessors were created using the power of an ancient Root of the Life Tree, they were highly adaptable and he was able to modify them far more than he would have otherwise. He greatly boosted their fertility in hopes of them successfully breeding, and he made great use of his enchanted time chambers so they could be out and ready to pair off. At this point, they were all kept in his vast underground facility, caged up. He had the help of his head scientist, a butterfly named Lumis, through all of this.<\/p>\r\n<p>It took a while for the Warbred characteristics he wanted that became a part of his final product to appear. They didn't start to appear until the 3rd and 4th generation of the Predecessors. Each generation was highly modified using magic, and a strange otherworldly science he discovered around the place he founded his Capitol City before to bring out and strengthen the traits he wanted, and he continued to carefully pair them together making fully sure to track whose line came from who. He started adding his own blood to the mix, using intensive magic, experimenting with a powerful were-like beast form. The first attempts failed, but once he succeeded, every Warbred was given the Wereform. At this point, he felt they were complete. He had a good starting population, and the first generations that were not to his desire were culled<\/p>\r\n<p>Because of this, all Warbred have their massive beast form. He was still working on improving them, so hadn't made use of them within his Kingdom yet. They were significantly larger than the Vhessen they descended from by this point, becoming a distinct subspecies. Longer spines on their limbs, thicker in build, larger horns. The beast forms made them even tougher. Many around this point were quite aggressive and could be hard to manage due to enhancing their powerful predatory nature. He then began adding things to make them obedient, loyal and docile.<\/p>\r\n<p>The King started to see improvements in the aggression around the 8th generation of modifying them, they were becoming loyal and obedient, and very strong.<\/p>\r\n<p>Finally, after working on the Predeccessors for around 14 generations, he felt they were ready. He had about 300 individuals at this point, all sporting what he wanted. They were stationed all throughout the Capitol, and from this point they started being counted by Generations.<\/p>\r\n<p>Around this point, Zarkhan started keeping a few siblings of those who had the best genes caged up and raised like simple beasts. They were bred, on occasion, to bolster the numbers of some of his favorite lineages, but they were mostly kept as backup to keep certain genes in the pool in case one of his prized Warbred was killed off. A notable individual among the feral stock is simply known as Ferus, though Ferus eventually managed to break away from the automatons when being exercized in a hidden courtyard, and ran off. Security was improved at this point. His current location is unknown. His scientist, Lumis, would provide a cocktail of potent drugs that would block out their sapient mind, causing them to behave on instinct alone. Because of Lumis being in charge of these \"Ferals\", they are not treated well at all and are usually kept packed up in tiny cages, tended to by the King's Automatons. These 'Feral' Warbred act on instinct alone, and do question orders. Zarkhan was worried the drugs could effect their nymphs, but those descended from the Ferals show no difference from those descended from Warbred within the army.<\/p>\r\n<p>Warbred are all assigned ID numbers. These are used in the King's notes to track the individual. He keeps their family trees very carefully tracked.<br \/><br \/>The format of the ID number is as follows<br \/><br \/>G#[Number of Generation]-[Letter denoting their bodytype]-[Important Lineage Abreviation if there is any]-[Sire]+[Dam]<br \/><br \/>Their name would be listed after this with an abbreviation next to it. If two had the same abbreviation, the rest of the ID number would tell him what he needed to know. <br \/><br \/>An example would be<br \/><br \/>G13-A-Vherr,Vhel-Lar+Vir: Keldris<br \/><br \/>This denotes a 13th generation Warbred of the average bodytype, bearing the lineages of Vherra and Vhelos, child of&nbsp; Larion and Virek, with their name added. <br \/><br \/>Warbred are quite aware of their ID number, and even to a point what they mean. They know it tells who their parents are and they know it's used to track their lienages. This, however, is all they know so they do not see it as odd. The King awakens them from the Time Chambers, and they are told that he is their creator, and that he created them, saved their ancestors from being abandoned and that they exist to serve him and his kingdom. Very few question this. <br \/><br \/><\/p>","field3":"<p>Warbred are highly social, forming packs naturally. The are most effective stationed in groups of 8-15 individuals, and often bond closely with one other Warbred that they work well with. These duos often balance eachother out and have a sense of comradry about them.<\/p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Warbred become very depressed when alone, and prolonged isolation can lead to feelings of depression and sadness. <br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">In barracks or designated sleeping areas, the King typically provides each Warbred with their own bed, though partners share quarters. Despite having individual sleeping spaces, squad partners often choose to sleep together. They sleep noticeably better when cuddled up with another Warbred. They are known to groom eachothers. Not to clean, but because the act is soothing and helps both Warbred bond.<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Warbred are very open and accepting. If you befriend a pack, they'll accept you as one of them, treating you just as they treat their fellows, though being gentle with smaller folks because they are quite aware of their size. They're empathetic and attentive to the needs of eachother and those around them. A Warbred will be able to tell if you are upset in an instant, and will try to make you feel better.<br \/><br \/>They are very pack oriented. The strongest and most experienced of them becomes the leader. The pack alpha is not chosen based on their dominance, and despite their fierce nature, they don't fight for it. Their heirarchy forms naturally based on the individuals in the pack. <br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Warbred are surprisingly affectionate, and love physical contact. When off duty, and not training or sparring, they can often be seen laying together and cuddling, often with one resting their head in the other's mane. They will nuzzle and touch snouts sometimes, and when one becomes distressed, gentle licks and nibbles along the antennae can calm them down and make them feel better.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">They are extremely loyal, both to their pack and the King and Kingdom as a whole.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/p>","field4":"<p>Compared to regular Vhessen, Warbred stand an average of 10-12 feet tall, excluding the horns. Some lineages can get up to 13 feet tall, or even 14 feet tall with one individual unusually large at around 16 feet tall. They are powerful and thick in build, muscular, and naturally armored. Their claws are longer and sharper compared to regular Vhessen. Over time, a few variants have started to show. The tall, lanky fast lineage, lighter with longer limbs and incredible stamina are one variant that he's found useful and has been preserving several lineages of. The speedier Warbred tend to be energetic. While less docile than other variants, they are still obedient enough to be useful. There is the large variant, which can get up to 14 feet tall minus the horns, though some individuals get too big and this causes a lot of health problems. These huge \"tanky\" Warbred are wide and muscular and powerful, but they are slower than the average Warbred and tend to have much bigger horns, which can weigh their heads down and cause neck pain. They hit HARD, but are slow with low agility and low stamina. They are meant more to be impressive and strike fear in a battle with their terrible roar, which is several times louder than other Warbred variants. Finally there is the \"Dwarf\" variety, rising from a Warbred that got a random mutation that made them as tall as a normal, average bug in natural form. They have all the strength of an average Warbred packed into their smaller bodies, and are much lighter. They can jump, leap, climb, and get places other Warbred can not. They do tend to be a lot spunkier than others, but they are incredibly useful. ANY with this mutation are kept close and bred, most often with the faster lineages to try to create agile, quick, slender scouts.<br \/><br \/>More Soon<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/77bd8b2ecc92e20fd0a7e76e4b672fa0\/5b5333d5baa39dc3-9d\/s540x810\/860a922f30ddadb932db9228d2cc5ffbbbbad0d2.gifv\" alt=\"\" width=\"540\" height=\"294\" \/><\/p>","field5":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Warbred enter a heat cycle once a year, in mid to late Spring. They are gravid for around 8 months. They lay an egg, which has a soft leathery shell. The egg will hatch within a few minutes of being laid, serving more to protect the mother from the nymph's claws and horns than a proper egg shell. Warbred nymphs are born with their eyes closed and unable to move very well on their own, though they will crawl their way to their mother's belly to knead at the pouches and lap up the milk that comes out. During the nymph's first two weeks of life, the Warbred mother's milk has a special unique composition that makes it much more beneficial to the nymph. They do much better when they have this special milk during their early life which is why the King leaves them with their dam for two weeks before taking them away. They open their eyes when they are about a week old, and can move around by their second week, their movement and behavior reminiscent of a very young kitten. Warbred often become upset and distressed when it is time to give up their nymphs, but their loyalty to their king is strong enough that they rarely ever resist. Their duty is to the King, after all. Their nymphs belong to him, not them.<br \/><br \/>More Soon<br \/><\/span><\/p>","field6":"<p>More Soon<\/p>","field7":"<p>More Soon<\/p>","parsed":{"description":"<p>Warbred are massive and powerful werebug like creatures, genetically engineered using magic and science by King Zarkhan in the Kingdom of Reinvari. They have their smaller bipedal form and their massive Beast form. Known for their loyalty and power, Warbred are impressive and imposing creatures that serve as an extension of the Shadowed King's power over his Kingdom.<\/p>","field1":"<p>Warbred Vhessen are highly modified creatures, far removed from their ancestors, the regular Vhessen that wander Lumivalis and thrive there.<\/p>\r\n<p>They were created by King Zarkhan, commonly known as Blackwyrm, or the Shadowed King. There will be more information about him and his kingdom once that page is added<br \/><br \/>Warbred are quite literally bred for war, given orders on who to mate with. When not being bred, they are given a contraceptive implant which is removed once the orders are given. Most Warbred will follow these orders without question. Those that do not, are not bred. This has furthered the selection towards docile, loyal, obedient Warbred. The King takes the nymphs when they are about two weeks old, as they do better with at least a little time with their dam. The warbred will be anxious and antsy and a little depressed for a while after the nymph is taken. However, they usually shake it off and get back to their duties within a few days. Once the eggs hatch, the nymph is placed in a special stasis chamber that speeds up time, where all basic knowledge is put into their mind with enchantments while time is sped up. From hatching to adulthood, the chamber takes about a year, instead of the 16-ish years it'd normally take to wait for a Warbred to mature naturally. They are taken from the chamber as a sub-adult, so they reach full maturity while in training. Zarkhan found this made for stronger, surer, better-formed and healthier Warbred. Upon leaving the Chamber, the young Warbred are sent off to training, where they will train for a few years before being sent off to where they are stationed. Those who do not make the cut are either stationed somewhere undesirable or outside of the city, or simply killed off to not be a burden on the Kingdom. Warbred the King intends to breed are kept in outposts around the Capitol, while others are sent to less important outposts.<\/p>\r\n<p>There are some that go from the chamber into a hidden underground facility instead of going into training; mostly from very desirable lineages, siblings of Warbred that came out the way he wanted them to, and raised like common beasts. Used for breeding to further bolster their species number or add more to desirable lineages. Eggs from these Feral stock are treated as normal, and their lineage is listed as coming from a full sibling of the Feral, since the Ferals are top secret. Only Zarkhan himself, his head scientist Lumus; a psychotic butterfly with no empathy but is damn good at what he does, and the automatons he built deal with them.<\/p>\r\n<p>Those who highly disappoint the King or disobey direct orders also end up in the underground facility, caged up like the ferals. These ones are most often used for experimentation, to push a Warbred as far as they can be pushed to see what they can handle and figure out how to bring out traits that he wants more. They are still bred, depending on how desirable t heir lineage is. He may pair one with a more docile Feral that shows the traits he does want and that he feels will counter the bad traits; but he is very careful with this, as explaining the lineage would be difficult and strange Warbred from lineages he hasn't bred before may be cause for suspicion, as well as Warbred coming from a soldier who disappeared and should be dead. He leaves all of this to Lumis, as he generally doesn't care about the breeding side of things aside from the strong, useful nymphs that come out of it. While Lumis is responsible for most of the cruelty inflicted on the Warbred in the hidden facility, Zarkhan is fully aware and simply turns a blind eye because in the end, he gets what he wants. The Warbred belong to him, after all. He created them. Warbred who age out of usefulness but still have valuable genes are put up in retirement, usually around the edges of the Capitol City. Their only duty is to offer their genes when a younger Warbred is sent over. Early generation\/elder Warbred have healthy and strong genes that are somethings bred back into certain lineages to increase their health as later generation Warbred are proving to have some health problems starting to crop up in connection to some of the traits the King is trying to encourage.<\/p>\r\n<p>Warbred are the result of several generations of modifications and selective breeding, and are known for being big and powerful Vhessen, towering over their already tall ancestors.<\/p>","field2":"<p>By and large, Warbred are a new species.&nbsp; They are only seen within the borders of Reinvari itself, as they are a specially created and modified creature and the Shadowed King holds them close. <br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p>The generations have passed more quickly than otherwise due to the use of Time Chambers, using rare and powerful magic fueled by Zarkhan himself.<\/p>\r\n<p>Warbred are separated by Generation, though later generation Warbred are separated by their lineage or purpose.<\/p>\r\n<p>Predecessors: Taken directly from Lumivalis after they were abandoned, Zarkhan modified them to make them fiercer and stronger. He started with around 50 individuals chosen from the many he brought in. Those that showed traits he preferred, he modified and trained, those that did not he simply abandoned back in Lumivalis. Kavuta, the albino Wyrm that created the Vhessen, was unaware of this. They closely resemble regular Vhessen (See more about Vhessen on their page along with their lore), and in a sense still are. Some features are exaggerated, but subtly, but there were limits to what he could do to them. From there, he would need to breed those who displayed desired traits together. He started work on the Beast form, and soon managed to have a good starting Warbred species. Because the predcessors were created using the power of an ancient Root of the Life Tree, they were highly adaptable and he was able to modify them far more than he would have otherwise. He greatly boosted their fertility in hopes of them successfully breeding, and he made great use of his enchanted time chambers so they could be out and ready to pair off. At this point, they were all kept in his vast underground facility, caged up. He had the help of his head scientist, a butterfly named Lumis, through all of this.<\/p>\r\n<p>It took a while for the Warbred characteristics he wanted that became a part of his final product to appear. They didn't start to appear until the 3rd and 4th generation of the Predecessors. Each generation was highly modified using magic, and a strange otherworldly science he discovered around the place he founded his Capitol City before to bring out and strengthen the traits he wanted, and he continued to carefully pair them together making fully sure to track whose line came from who. He started adding his own blood to the mix, using intensive magic, experimenting with a powerful were-like beast form. The first attempts failed, but once he succeeded, every Warbred was given the Wereform. At this point, he felt they were complete. He had a good starting population, and the first generations that were not to his desire were culled<\/p>\r\n<p>Because of this, all Warbred have their massive beast form. He was still working on improving them, so hadn't made use of them within his Kingdom yet. They were significantly larger than the Vhessen they descended from by this point, becoming a distinct subspecies. Longer spines on their limbs, thicker in build, larger horns. The beast forms made them even tougher. Many around this point were quite aggressive and could be hard to manage due to enhancing their powerful predatory nature. He then began adding things to make them obedient, loyal and docile.<\/p>\r\n<p>The King started to see improvements in the aggression around the 8th generation of modifying them, they were becoming loyal and obedient, and very strong.<\/p>\r\n<p>Finally, after working on the Predeccessors for around 14 generations, he felt they were ready. He had about 300 individuals at this point, all sporting what he wanted. They were stationed all throughout the Capitol, and from this point they started being counted by Generations.<\/p>\r\n<p>Around this point, Zarkhan started keeping a few siblings of those who had the best genes caged up and raised like simple beasts. They were bred, on occasion, to bolster the numbers of some of his favorite lineages, but they were mostly kept as backup to keep certain genes in the pool in case one of his prized Warbred was killed off. A notable individual among the feral stock is simply known as Ferus, though Ferus eventually managed to break away from the automatons when being exercized in a hidden courtyard, and ran off. Security was improved at this point. His current location is unknown. His scientist, Lumis, would provide a cocktail of potent drugs that would block out their sapient mind, causing them to behave on instinct alone. Because of Lumis being in charge of these \"Ferals\", they are not treated well at all and are usually kept packed up in tiny cages, tended to by the King's Automatons. These 'Feral' Warbred act on instinct alone, and do question orders. Zarkhan was worried the drugs could effect their nymphs, but those descended from the Ferals show no difference from those descended from Warbred within the army.<\/p>\r\n<p>Warbred are all assigned ID numbers. These are used in the King's notes to track the individual. He keeps their family trees very carefully tracked.<br \/><br \/>The format of the ID number is as follows<br \/><br \/>G#[Number of Generation]-[Letter denoting their bodytype]-[Important Lineage Abreviation if there is any]-[Sire]+[Dam]<br \/><br \/>Their name would be listed after this with an abbreviation next to it. If two had the same abbreviation, the rest of the ID number would tell him what he needed to know. <br \/><br \/>An example would be<br \/><br \/>G13-A-Vherr,Vhel-Lar+Vir: Keldris<br \/><br \/>This denotes a 13th generation Warbred of the average bodytype, bearing the lineages of Vherra and Vhelos, child of&nbsp; Larion and Virek, with their name added. <br \/><br \/>Warbred are quite aware of their ID number, and even to a point what they mean. They know it tells who their parents are and they know it's used to track their lienages. This, however, is all they know so they do not see it as odd. The King awakens them from the Time Chambers, and they are told that he is their creator, and that he created them, saved their ancestors from being abandoned and that they exist to serve him and his kingdom. Very few question this. <br \/><br \/><\/p>","field3":"<p>Warbred are highly social, forming packs naturally. The are most effective stationed in groups of 8-15 individuals, and often bond closely with one other Warbred that they work well with. These duos often balance eachother out and have a sense of comradry about them.<\/p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Warbred become very depressed when alone, and prolonged isolation can lead to feelings of depression and sadness. <br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">In barracks or designated sleeping areas, the King typically provides each Warbred with their own bed, though partners share quarters. Despite having individual sleeping spaces, squad partners often choose to sleep together. They sleep noticeably better when cuddled up with another Warbred. They are known to groom eachothers. Not to clean, but because the act is soothing and helps both Warbred bond.<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Warbred are very open and accepting. If you befriend a pack, they'll accept you as one of them, treating you just as they treat their fellows, though being gentle with smaller folks because they are quite aware of their size. They're empathetic and attentive to the needs of eachother and those around them. A Warbred will be able to tell if you are upset in an instant, and will try to make you feel better.<br \/><br \/>They are very pack oriented. The strongest and most experienced of them becomes the leader. The pack alpha is not chosen based on their dominance, and despite their fierce nature, they don't fight for it. Their heirarchy forms naturally based on the individuals in the pack. <br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Warbred are surprisingly affectionate, and love physical contact. When off duty, and not training or sparring, they can often be seen laying together and cuddling, often with one resting their head in the other's mane. They will nuzzle and touch snouts sometimes, and when one becomes distressed, gentle licks and nibbles along the antennae can calm them down and make them feel better.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">They are extremely loyal, both to their pack and the King and Kingdom as a whole.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/p>","field4":"<p>Compared to regular Vhessen, Warbred stand an average of 10-12 feet tall, excluding the horns. Some lineages can get up to 13 feet tall, or even 14 feet tall with one individual unusually large at around 16 feet tall. They are powerful and thick in build, muscular, and naturally armored. Their claws are longer and sharper compared to regular Vhessen. Over time, a few variants have started to show. The tall, lanky fast lineage, lighter with longer limbs and incredible stamina are one variant that he's found useful and has been preserving several lineages of. The speedier Warbred tend to be energetic. While less docile than other variants, they are still obedient enough to be useful. There is the large variant, which can get up to 14 feet tall minus the horns, though some individuals get too big and this causes a lot of health problems. These huge \"tanky\" Warbred are wide and muscular and powerful, but they are slower than the average Warbred and tend to have much bigger horns, which can weigh their heads down and cause neck pain. They hit HARD, but are slow with low agility and low stamina. They are meant more to be impressive and strike fear in a battle with their terrible roar, which is several times louder than other Warbred variants. Finally there is the \"Dwarf\" variety, rising from a Warbred that got a random mutation that made them as tall as a normal, average bug in natural form. They have all the strength of an average Warbred packed into their smaller bodies, and are much lighter. They can jump, leap, climb, and get places other Warbred can not. They do tend to be a lot spunkier than others, but they are incredibly useful. ANY with this mutation are kept close and bred, most often with the faster lineages to try to create agile, quick, slender scouts.<br \/><br \/>More Soon<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/77bd8b2ecc92e20fd0a7e76e4b672fa0\/5b5333d5baa39dc3-9d\/s540x810\/860a922f30ddadb932db9228d2cc5ffbbbbad0d2.gifv\" alt=\"\" width=\"540\" height=\"294\" \/><\/p>","field5":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Warbred enter a heat cycle once a year, in mid to late Spring. They are gravid for around 8 months. They lay an egg, which has a soft leathery shell. The egg will hatch within a few minutes of being laid, serving more to protect the mother from the nymph's claws and horns than a proper egg shell. Warbred nymphs are born with their eyes closed and unable to move very well on their own, though they will crawl their way to their mother's belly to knead at the pouches and lap up the milk that comes out. During the nymph's first two weeks of life, the Warbred mother's milk has a special unique composition that makes it much more beneficial to the nymph. They do much better when they have this special milk during their early life which is why the King leaves them with their dam for two weeks before taking them away. They open their eyes when they are about a week old, and can move around by their second week, their movement and behavior reminiscent of a very young kitten. Warbred often become upset and distressed when it is time to give up their nymphs, but their loyalty to their king is strong enough that they rarely ever resist. Their duty is to the King, after all. Their nymphs belong to him, not them.<br \/><br \/>More Soon<br \/><\/span><\/p>","field6":"<p>More Soon<\/p>","field7":"<p>More Soon<\/p>"}},"title":"Warbred","is_visible":"1","summary":"Genetically engineered werebug like Super Soldiers created with a combination of science and magic that have been selectively bred for generations.","utility_tag":["wip"],"page_tag":["Enterra","A Tale of Two Brothers"]}
#201 12 August 2023, 16:06:06 UTC
Page Updated
Length: 33820 (+2) -
{"data":{"description":"<p>Warbred are massive and powerful werebug like creatures, genetically engineered using magic and science by King Zarkhan in the Kingdom of Reinvari. They have their smaller bipedal form and their massive Beast form. Known for their loyalty and power, Warbred are impressive and imposing creatures that serve as an extension of the Shadowed King's power over his Kingdom.<\/p>","field1":"<p>Warbred Vhessen are highly modified creatures, far removed from their ancestors, the regular Vhessen that wander Lumivalis and thrive there.<\/p>\r\n<p>They were created by King Zarkhan, commonly known as Blackwyrm, or the Shadowed King. There will be more information about him and his kingdom once that page is added<br \/><br \/>Warbred are quite literally bred for war, given orders on who to mate with. When not being bred, they are given a contraceptive implant which is removed once the orders are given. Most Warbred will follow these orders without question. Those that do not, are not bred. This has furthered the selection towards docile, loyal, obedient Warbred. The King takes the eggs as soon as they are laid for his own purposes. Warbred do still have very strong maternal instinct; and this leaves them very antsy for a while after the egg is taken. However, they usually shake it off and get back to their duties within a few days. Once the eggs hatch, the nymph is placed in a special stasis chamber that speeds up time, where all basic knowledge is put into their mind with enchantments while time is sped up. From hatching to adulthood, the chamber takes about a year, instead of the 16-ish years it'd normally take to wait for a Warbred to mature naturally. They are taken from the chamber as a sub-adult, so they reach full maturity while in training. Zarkhan found this made for stronger, surer, better-formed and healthier Warbred. Upon leaving the Chamber, the young Warbred are sent off to training, where they will train for a few years before being sent off to where they are stationed. Those who do not make the cut are either stationed somewhere undesirable or outside of the city, or simply killed off to not be a burden on the Kingdom. Warbred the King intends to breed are kept in outposts around the Capitol, while others are sent to less important outposts.<\/p>\r\n<p>There are some that go from the chamber into a hidden underground facility instead of going into training; mostly from very desirable lineages, siblings of Warbred that came out the way he wanted them to, and raised like common beasts. Used for breeding to further bolster their species number or add more to desirable lineages. Eggs from these Feral stock are treated as normal, and their lineage is listed as coming from a full sibling of the Feral, since the Ferals are top secret. Only Zarkhan himself, his head scientist Lumus; a psychotic butterfly with no empathy but is damn good at what he does, and the automatons he built deal with them.<\/p>\r\n<p>Those who highly disappoint the King or disobey direct orders also end up in the underground facility, caged up like the ferals. These ones are most often used for experimentation, to push a Warbred as far as they can be pushed to see what they can handle and figure out how to bring out traits that he wants more. They are still bred, depending on how desirable t heir lineage is. He may pair one with a more docile Feral that shows the traits he does want and that he feels will counter the bad traits; but he is very careful with this, as explaining the lineage would be difficult and strange Warbred from lineages he hasn't bred before may be cause for suspicion, as well as Warbred coming from a soldier who disappeared and should be dead. He leaves all of this to Lumis, as he generally doesn't care about the breeding side of things aside from the strong, useful nymphs that come out of it. While Lumis is responsible for most of the cruelty inflicted on the Warbred in the hidden facility, Zarkhan is fully aware and simply turns a blind eye because in the end, he gets what he wants. The Warbred belong to him, after all. He created them. Warbred who age out of usefulness but still have valuable genes are put up in retirement, usually around the edges of the Capitol City. Their only duty is to offer their genes when a younger Warbred is sent over. Early generation\/elder Warbred have healthy and strong genes that are somethings bred back into certain lineages to increase their health as later generation Warbred are proving to have some health problems starting to crop up in connection to some of the traits the King is trying to encourage.<\/p>\r\n<p>Warbred are the result of several generations of modifications and selective breeding, and are known for being big and powerful Vhessen, towering over their already tall ancestors.<\/p>","field2":"<p>By and large, Warbred are a new species.&nbsp; They are only seen within the borders of Reinvari itself, as they are a specially created and modified creature and the Shadowed King holds them close. <br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p>The generations have passed more quickly than otherwise due to the use of Time Chambers, using rare and powerful magic fueled by Zarkhan himself.<\/p>\r\n<p>Warbred are separated by Generation, though later generation Warbred are separated by their lineage or purpose.<\/p>\r\n<p>Predecessors: Taken directly from Lumivalis after they were abandoned, Zarkhan modified them to make them fiercer and stronger. He started with around 50 individuals chosen from the many he brought in. Those that showed traits he preferred, he modified and trained, those that did not he simply abandoned back in Lumivalis. Kavuta, the albino Wyrm that created the Vhessen, was unaware of this. They closely resemble regular Vhessen (See more about Vhessen on their page along with their lore), and in a sense still are. Some features are exaggerated, but subtly, but there were limits to what he could do to them. From there, he would need to breed those who displayed desired traits together. He started work on the Beast form, and soon managed to have a good starting Warbred species. Because the predcessors were created using the power of an ancient Root of the Life Tree, they were highly adaptable and he was able to modify them far more than he would have otherwise. He greatly boosted their fertility in hopes of them successfully breeding, and he made great use of his enchanted time chambers so they could be out and ready to pair off. At this point, they were all kept in his vast underground facility, caged up. He had the help of his head scientist, a butterfly named Lumis, through all of this.<\/p>\r\n<p>It took a while for the Warbred characteristics he wanted that became a part of his final product to appear. They didn't start to appear until the 3rd and 4th generation of the Predecessors. Each generation was highly modified using magic, and a strange otherworldly science he discovered around the place he founded his Capitol City before to bring out and strengthen the traits he wanted, and he continued to carefully pair them together making fully sure to track whose line came from who. He started adding his own blood to the mix, using intensive magic, experimenting with a powerful were-like beast form. The first attempts failed, but once he succeeded, every Warbred was given the Wereform. At this point, he felt they were complete. He had a good starting population, and the first generations that were not to his desire were culled<\/p>\r\n<p>Because of this, all Warbred have their massive beast form. He was still working on improving them, so hadn't made use of them within his Kingdom yet. They were significantly larger than the Vhessen they descended from by this point, becoming a distinct subspecies. Longer spines on their limbs, thicker in build, larger horns. The beast forms made them even tougher. Many around this point were quite aggressive and could be hard to manage due to enhancing their powerful predatory nature. He then began adding things to make them obedient, loyal and docile.<\/p>\r\n<p>The King started to see improvements in the aggression around the 8th generation of modifying them, they were becoming loyal and obedient, and very strong.<\/p>\r\n<p>Finally, after working on the Predeccessors for around 14 generations, he felt they were ready. He had about 300 individuals at this point, all sporting what he wanted. They were stationed all throughout the Capitol, and from this point they started being counted by Generations.<\/p>\r\n<p>Around this point, Zarkhan started keeping a few siblings of those who had the best genes caged up and raised like simple beasts. They were bred, on occasion, to bolster the numbers of some of his favorite lineages, but they were mostly kept as backup to keep certain genes in the pool in case one of his prized Warbred was killed off. A notable individual among the feral stock is simply known as Ferus, though Ferus eventually managed to break away from the automatons when being exercized in a hidden courtyard, and ran off. Security was improved at this point. His current location is unknown. His scientist, Lumis, would provide a cocktail of potent drugs that would block out their sapient mind, causing them to behave on instinct alone. Because of Lumis being in charge of these \"Ferals\", they are not treated well at all and are usually kept packed up in tiny cages, tended to by the King's Automatons. These 'Feral' Warbred act on instinct alone, and do question orders. Zarkhan was worried the drugs could effect their nymphs, but those descended from the Ferals show no difference from those descended from Warbred within the army.<\/p>\r\n<p>Warbred are all assigned ID numbers. These are used in the King's notes to track the individual. He keeps their family trees very carefully tracked.<br \/><br \/>The format of the ID number is as follows<br \/><br \/>G#[Number of Generation]-[Letter denoting their bodytype]-[Important Lineage Abreviation if there is any]-[Sire]+[Dam]<br \/><br \/>Their name would be listed after this with an abbreviation next to it. If two had the same abbreviation, the rest of the ID number would tell him what he needed to know. <br \/><br \/>An example would be<br \/><br \/>G13-A-Vherr,Vhel-Lar+Vir: Keldris<br \/><br \/>This denotes a 13th generation Warbred of the average bodytype, bearing the lineages of Vherra and Vhelos, child of&nbsp; Larion and Virek, with their name added. <br \/><br \/>Warbred are quite aware of their ID number, and even to a point what they mean. They know it tells who their parents are and they know it's used to track their lienages. This, however, is all they know so they do not see it as odd. The King awakens them from the Time Chambers, and they are told that he is their creator, and that he created them, saved their ancestors from being abandoned and that they exist to serve him and his kingdom. Very few question this. <br \/><br \/><\/p>","field3":"<p>Warbred are highly social, forming packs naturally. The are most effective stationed in groups of 8-15 individuals, and often bond closely with one other Warbred that they work well with. These duos often balance eachother out and have a sense of comradry about them.<\/p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Warbred become very depressed when alone, and prolonged isolation can lead to feelings of depression and sadness. <br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">In barracks or designated sleeping areas, the King typically provides each Warbred with their own bed, though partners share quarters. Despite having individual sleeping spaces, squad partners often choose to sleep together. They sleep noticeably better when cuddled up with another Warbred. They are known to groom eachothers. Not to clean, but because the act is soothing and helps both Warbred bond.<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Warbred are very open and accepting. If you befriend a pack, they'll accept you as one of them, treating you just as they treat their fellows, though being gentle with smaller folks because they are quite aware of their size. They're empathetic and attentive to the needs of eachother and those around them. A Warbred will be able to tell if you are upset in an instant, and will try to make you feel better.<br \/><br \/>They are very pack oriented. The strongest and most experienced of them becomes the leader. The pack alpha is not chosen based on their dominance, and despite their fierce nature, they don't fight for it. Their heirarchy forms naturally based on the individuals in the pack. <br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Warbred are surprisingly affectionate, and love physical contact. When off duty, and not training or sparring, they can often be seen laying together and cuddling, often with one resting their head in the other's mane. They will nuzzle and touch snouts sometimes, and when one becomes distressed, gentle licks and nibbles along the antennae can calm them down and make them feel better.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">They are extremely loyal, both to their pack and the King and Kingdom as a whole.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/p>","field4":"<p>Compared to regular Vhessen, Warbred stand an average of 10-12 feet tall, excluding the horns. Some lineages can get up to 13 feet tall, or even 14 feet tall with one individual unusually large at around 16 feet tall. They are powerful and thick in build, muscular, and naturally armored. Their claws are longer and sharper compared to regular Vhessen. Over time, a few variants have started to show. The tall, lanky fast lineage, lighter with longer limbs and incredible stamina are one variant that he's found useful and has been preserving several lineages of. The speedier Warbred tend to be energetic. While less docile than other variants, they are still obedient enough to be useful. There is the large variant, which can get up to 14 feet tall minus the horns, though some individuals get too big and this causes a lot of health problems. These huge \"tanky\" Warbred are wide and muscular and powerful, but they are slower than the average Warbred and tend to have much bigger horns, which can weigh their heads down and cause neck pain. They hit HARD, but are slow with low agility and low stamina. They are meant more to be impressive and strike fear in a battle with their terrible roar, which is several times louder than other Warbred variants. Finally there is the \"Dwarf\" variety, rising from a Warbred that got a random mutation that made them as tall as a normal, average bug in natural form. They have all the strength of an average Warbred packed into their smaller bodies, and are much lighter. They can jump, leap, climb, and get places other Warbred can not. They do tend to be a lot spunkier than others, but they are incredibly useful. ANY with this mutation are kept close and bred, most often with the faster lineages to try to create agile, quick, slender scouts.<br \/><br \/>More Soon<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/77bd8b2ecc92e20fd0a7e76e4b672fa0\/5b5333d5baa39dc3-9d\/s540x810\/860a922f30ddadb932db9228d2cc5ffbbbbad0d2.gifv\" alt=\"\" width=\"540\" height=\"294\" \/><\/p>","field5":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Warbred enter a heat cycle once a year, in mid to late Spring. They are gravid for around 8 months. They lay an egg, which has a soft leathery shell. The egg will hatch within a few minutes of being laid, serving more to protect the mother from the nymph's claws and horns than a proper egg shell. Warbred nymphs are born with their eyes closed and unable to move very well on their own, though they will crawl their way to their mother's belly to knead at the pouches and lap up the milk that comes out. During the nymph's first two weeks of life, the Warbred mother's milk has a special unique composition that makes it much more beneficial to the nymph. They do much better when they have this special milk during their early life which is why the King leaves them with their dam for two weeks before taking them away. They open their eyes when they are about a week old, and can move around by their second week, their movement and behavior reminiscent of a very young kitten. Warbred often become upset and distressed when it is time to give up their nymphs, but their loyalty to their king is strong enough that they rarely ever resist. Their duty is to the King, after all. Their nymphs belong to him, not them.<br \/><br \/>More Soon<br \/><\/span><\/p>","field6":"<p>More Soon<\/p>","field7":"<p>More Soon<\/p>","parsed":{"description":"<p>Warbred are massive and powerful werebug like creatures, genetically engineered using magic and science by King Zarkhan in the Kingdom of Reinvari. They have their smaller bipedal form and their massive Beast form. Known for their loyalty and power, Warbred are impressive and imposing creatures that serve as an extension of the Shadowed King's power over his Kingdom.<\/p>","field1":"<p>Warbred Vhessen are highly modified creatures, far removed from their ancestors, the regular Vhessen that wander Lumivalis and thrive there.<\/p>\r\n<p>They were created by King Zarkhan, commonly known as Blackwyrm, or the Shadowed King. There will be more information about him and his kingdom once that page is added<br \/><br \/>Warbred are quite literally bred for war, given orders on who to mate with. When not being bred, they are given a contraceptive implant which is removed once the orders are given. Most Warbred will follow these orders without question. Those that do not, are not bred. This has furthered the selection towards docile, loyal, obedient Warbred. The King takes the eggs as soon as they are laid for his own purposes. Warbred do still have very strong maternal instinct; and this leaves them very antsy for a while after the egg is taken. However, they usually shake it off and get back to their duties within a few days. Once the eggs hatch, the nymph is placed in a special stasis chamber that speeds up time, where all basic knowledge is put into their mind with enchantments while time is sped up. From hatching to adulthood, the chamber takes about a year, instead of the 16-ish years it'd normally take to wait for a Warbred to mature naturally. They are taken from the chamber as a sub-adult, so they reach full maturity while in training. Zarkhan found this made for stronger, surer, better-formed and healthier Warbred. Upon leaving the Chamber, the young Warbred are sent off to training, where they will train for a few years before being sent off to where they are stationed. Those who do not make the cut are either stationed somewhere undesirable or outside of the city, or simply killed off to not be a burden on the Kingdom. Warbred the King intends to breed are kept in outposts around the Capitol, while others are sent to less important outposts.<\/p>\r\n<p>There are some that go from the chamber into a hidden underground facility instead of going into training; mostly from very desirable lineages, siblings of Warbred that came out the way he wanted them to, and raised like common beasts. Used for breeding to further bolster their species number or add more to desirable lineages. Eggs from these Feral stock are treated as normal, and their lineage is listed as coming from a full sibling of the Feral, since the Ferals are top secret. Only Zarkhan himself, his head scientist Lumus; a psychotic butterfly with no empathy but is damn good at what he does, and the automatons he built deal with them.<\/p>\r\n<p>Those who highly disappoint the King or disobey direct orders also end up in the underground facility, caged up like the ferals. These ones are most often used for experimentation, to push a Warbred as far as they can be pushed to see what they can handle and figure out how to bring out traits that he wants more. They are still bred, depending on how desirable t heir lineage is. He may pair one with a more docile Feral that shows the traits he does want and that he feels will counter the bad traits; but he is very careful with this, as explaining the lineage would be difficult and strange Warbred from lineages he hasn't bred before may be cause for suspicion, as well as Warbred coming from a soldier who disappeared and should be dead. He leaves all of this to Lumis, as he generally doesn't care about the breeding side of things aside from the strong, useful nymphs that come out of it. While Lumis is responsible for most of the cruelty inflicted on the Warbred in the hidden facility, Zarkhan is fully aware and simply turns a blind eye because in the end, he gets what he wants. The Warbred belong to him, after all. He created them. Warbred who age out of usefulness but still have valuable genes are put up in retirement, usually around the edges of the Capitol City. Their only duty is to offer their genes when a younger Warbred is sent over. Early generation\/elder Warbred have healthy and strong genes that are somethings bred back into certain lineages to increase their health as later generation Warbred are proving to have some health problems starting to crop up in connection to some of the traits the King is trying to encourage.<\/p>\r\n<p>Warbred are the result of several generations of modifications and selective breeding, and are known for being big and powerful Vhessen, towering over their already tall ancestors.<\/p>","field2":"<p>By and large, Warbred are a new species.&nbsp; They are only seen within the borders of Reinvari itself, as they are a specially created and modified creature and the Shadowed King holds them close. <br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p>The generations have passed more quickly than otherwise due to the use of Time Chambers, using rare and powerful magic fueled by Zarkhan himself.<\/p>\r\n<p>Warbred are separated by Generation, though later generation Warbred are separated by their lineage or purpose.<\/p>\r\n<p>Predecessors: Taken directly from Lumivalis after they were abandoned, Zarkhan modified them to make them fiercer and stronger. He started with around 50 individuals chosen from the many he brought in. Those that showed traits he preferred, he modified and trained, those that did not he simply abandoned back in Lumivalis. Kavuta, the albino Wyrm that created the Vhessen, was unaware of this. They closely resemble regular Vhessen (See more about Vhessen on their page along with their lore), and in a sense still are. Some features are exaggerated, but subtly, but there were limits to what he could do to them. From there, he would need to breed those who displayed desired traits together. He started work on the Beast form, and soon managed to have a good starting Warbred species. Because the predcessors were created using the power of an ancient Root of the Life Tree, they were highly adaptable and he was able to modify them far more than he would have otherwise. He greatly boosted their fertility in hopes of them successfully breeding, and he made great use of his enchanted time chambers so they could be out and ready to pair off. At this point, they were all kept in his vast underground facility, caged up. He had the help of his head scientist, a butterfly named Lumis, through all of this.<\/p>\r\n<p>It took a while for the Warbred characteristics he wanted that became a part of his final product to appear. They didn't start to appear until the 3rd and 4th generation of the Predecessors. Each generation was highly modified using magic, and a strange otherworldly science he discovered around the place he founded his Capitol City before to bring out and strengthen the traits he wanted, and he continued to carefully pair them together making fully sure to track whose line came from who. He started adding his own blood to the mix, using intensive magic, experimenting with a powerful were-like beast form. The first attempts failed, but once he succeeded, every Warbred was given the Wereform. At this point, he felt they were complete. He had a good starting population, and the first generations that were not to his desire were culled<\/p>\r\n<p>Because of this, all Warbred have their massive beast form. He was still working on improving them, so hadn't made use of them within his Kingdom yet. They were significantly larger than the Vhessen they descended from by this point, becoming a distinct subspecies. Longer spines on their limbs, thicker in build, larger horns. The beast forms made them even tougher. Many around this point were quite aggressive and could be hard to manage due to enhancing their powerful predatory nature. He then began adding things to make them obedient, loyal and docile.<\/p>\r\n<p>The King started to see improvements in the aggression around the 8th generation of modifying them, they were becoming loyal and obedient, and very strong.<\/p>\r\n<p>Finally, after working on the Predeccessors for around 14 generations, he felt they were ready. He had about 300 individuals at this point, all sporting what he wanted. They were stationed all throughout the Capitol, and from this point they started being counted by Generations.<\/p>\r\n<p>Around this point, Zarkhan started keeping a few siblings of those who had the best genes caged up and raised like simple beasts. They were bred, on occasion, to bolster the numbers of some of his favorite lineages, but they were mostly kept as backup to keep certain genes in the pool in case one of his prized Warbred was killed off. A notable individual among the feral stock is simply known as Ferus, though Ferus eventually managed to break away from the automatons when being exercized in a hidden courtyard, and ran off. Security was improved at this point. His current location is unknown. His scientist, Lumis, would provide a cocktail of potent drugs that would block out their sapient mind, causing them to behave on instinct alone. Because of Lumis being in charge of these \"Ferals\", they are not treated well at all and are usually kept packed up in tiny cages, tended to by the King's Automatons. These 'Feral' Warbred act on instinct alone, and do question orders. Zarkhan was worried the drugs could effect their nymphs, but those descended from the Ferals show no difference from those descended from Warbred within the army.<\/p>\r\n<p>Warbred are all assigned ID numbers. These are used in the King's notes to track the individual. He keeps their family trees very carefully tracked.<br \/><br \/>The format of the ID number is as follows<br \/><br \/>G#[Number of Generation]-[Letter denoting their bodytype]-[Important Lineage Abreviation if there is any]-[Sire]+[Dam]<br \/><br \/>Their name would be listed after this with an abbreviation next to it. If two had the same abbreviation, the rest of the ID number would tell him what he needed to know. <br \/><br \/>An example would be<br \/><br \/>G13-A-Vherr,Vhel-Lar+Vir: Keldris<br \/><br \/>This denotes a 13th generation Warbred of the average bodytype, bearing the lineages of Vherra and Vhelos, child of&nbsp; Larion and Virek, with their name added. <br \/><br \/>Warbred are quite aware of their ID number, and even to a point what they mean. They know it tells who their parents are and they know it's used to track their lienages. This, however, is all they know so they do not see it as odd. The King awakens them from the Time Chambers, and they are told that he is their creator, and that he created them, saved their ancestors from being abandoned and that they exist to serve him and his kingdom. Very few question this. <br \/><br \/><\/p>","field3":"<p>Warbred are highly social, forming packs naturally. The are most effective stationed in groups of 8-15 individuals, and often bond closely with one other Warbred that they work well with. These duos often balance eachother out and have a sense of comradry about them.<\/p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Warbred become very depressed when alone, and prolonged isolation can lead to feelings of depression and sadness. <br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">In barracks or designated sleeping areas, the King typically provides each Warbred with their own bed, though partners share quarters. Despite having individual sleeping spaces, squad partners often choose to sleep together. They sleep noticeably better when cuddled up with another Warbred. They are known to groom eachothers. Not to clean, but because the act is soothing and helps both Warbred bond.<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Warbred are very open and accepting. If you befriend a pack, they'll accept you as one of them, treating you just as they treat their fellows, though being gentle with smaller folks because they are quite aware of their size. They're empathetic and attentive to the needs of eachother and those around them. A Warbred will be able to tell if you are upset in an instant, and will try to make you feel better.<br \/><br \/>They are very pack oriented. The strongest and most experienced of them becomes the leader. The pack alpha is not chosen based on their dominance, and despite their fierce nature, they don't fight for it. Their heirarchy forms naturally based on the individuals in the pack. <br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Warbred are surprisingly affectionate, and love physical contact. When off duty, and not training or sparring, they can often be seen laying together and cuddling, often with one resting their head in the other's mane. They will nuzzle and touch snouts sometimes, and when one becomes distressed, gentle licks and nibbles along the antennae can calm them down and make them feel better.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">They are extremely loyal, both to their pack and the King and Kingdom as a whole.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/p>","field4":"<p>Compared to regular Vhessen, Warbred stand an average of 10-12 feet tall, excluding the horns. Some lineages can get up to 13 feet tall, or even 14 feet tall with one individual unusually large at around 16 feet tall. They are powerful and thick in build, muscular, and naturally armored. Their claws are longer and sharper compared to regular Vhessen. Over time, a few variants have started to show. The tall, lanky fast lineage, lighter with longer limbs and incredible stamina are one variant that he's found useful and has been preserving several lineages of. The speedier Warbred tend to be energetic. While less docile than other variants, they are still obedient enough to be useful. There is the large variant, which can get up to 14 feet tall minus the horns, though some individuals get too big and this causes a lot of health problems. These huge \"tanky\" Warbred are wide and muscular and powerful, but they are slower than the average Warbred and tend to have much bigger horns, which can weigh their heads down and cause neck pain. They hit HARD, but are slow with low agility and low stamina. They are meant more to be impressive and strike fear in a battle with their terrible roar, which is several times louder than other Warbred variants. Finally there is the \"Dwarf\" variety, rising from a Warbred that got a random mutation that made them as tall as a normal, average bug in natural form. They have all the strength of an average Warbred packed into their smaller bodies, and are much lighter. They can jump, leap, climb, and get places other Warbred can not. They do tend to be a lot spunkier than others, but they are incredibly useful. ANY with this mutation are kept close and bred, most often with the faster lineages to try to create agile, quick, slender scouts.<br \/><br \/>More Soon<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/77bd8b2ecc92e20fd0a7e76e4b672fa0\/5b5333d5baa39dc3-9d\/s540x810\/860a922f30ddadb932db9228d2cc5ffbbbbad0d2.gifv\" alt=\"\" width=\"540\" height=\"294\" \/><\/p>","field5":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Warbred enter a heat cycle once a year, in mid to late Spring. They are gravid for around 8 months. They lay an egg, which has a soft leathery shell. The egg will hatch within a few minutes of being laid, serving more to protect the mother from the nymph's claws and horns than a proper egg shell. Warbred nymphs are born with their eyes closed and unable to move very well on their own, though they will crawl their way to their mother's belly to knead at the pouches and lap up the milk that comes out. During the nymph's first two weeks of life, the Warbred mother's milk has a special unique composition that makes it much more beneficial to the nymph. They do much better when they have this special milk during their early life which is why the King leaves them with their dam for two weeks before taking them away. They open their eyes when they are about a week old, and can move around by their second week, their movement and behavior reminiscent of a very young kitten. Warbred often become upset and distressed when it is time to give up their nymphs, but their loyalty to their king is strong enough that they rarely ever resist. Their duty is to the King, after all. Their nymphs belong to him, not them.<br \/><br \/>More Soon<br \/><\/span><\/p>","field6":"<p>More Soon<\/p>","field7":"<p>More Soon<\/p>"}},"title":"Warbred","is_visible":"1","summary":"Genetically engineered werebug like Super Soldiers created with a combination of science and magic that have been selectively bred for generations.","utility_tag":["wip"],"page_tag":["Enterra","A Tale of Two Brothers"]}
#200 8 July 2023, 06:17:02 UTC
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Length: 105251 (+300) -
{"data":{"description":"<p>A mysterious, though surprisingly peaceful, dark entity. Not hostile unless threatened, surprisingly social, surprisingly gentle and curious.<\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/davidjamesnielsen\/the-dhaebru-theme-chronicles-of-azrimar-feb-21\/s-RplYQ?in=davidjamesnielsen\/sets\/chronicles-of-azrimar\/\/s-ZwFqi\">Their Theme Music<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/89_110_p6wMHTDd8OIGStN.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1051\" height=\"847\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/124_153_FMqtmfC9xaIVN6V.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1500\" height=\"725\" \/><\/p>","field1":"<p><strong>Species Name<\/strong><br \/>&nbsp;Dhaebru<br \/><br \/><strong>Sometimes known as or mistaken as:<\/strong><br \/>Shadow Wraith, Void Spirit, Shade, sometimes mistaken for Demons or Shadow People. They don't have connections to either and aren't truly wraiths, spirits or shades. They are a class of their own.<\/p>\r\n<p>Dhaebru are a sapient and highly social eldritch creatures of shadow, spectral in nature. They are always seen robed in dark, tattered robes and usually have armor on as well, of varying designs depending on the individuals and their origin. The robes and armor are connected to a special amulet they wear on a&nbsp; collar-like necklace that settles around their neck. This amulet has a direct connection to the Dhaebru's core, and can not be removed. Dhaebru are highly social beings, and hate being alone. If deprived of the company of another Dhaebru, they will gravitate towards any living thing, sapient or not, and cling to any company they can. They get extremely depressed and upset when they are alone for too long.<\/p>\r\n<p>Dhaebru have two types. The smaller variety are the commonfolk of the species, simply called Dhaebru. They are roughly human sized, and the most commonly seen type. They regularly leave the Outer Realms, wandering various worlds seemingly at random. They are most often seen in the lands surrounding the portal to their world, usually marked by an obelisk of strange dark crystals. Dhaebru can be be spotted regularly wandering worlds that have a strong magical presence, but are not hostile unless threatened. They are most likely to slip away back into the Outer Realms, where they are safe. They have pale eyes gleaming out from beneath their hoods, and often throw off a spectral fog when startled, giving them cover to escape harm. Dhaebru are curious, but shy. If they can not get to safety, they will attack and they make short work of most physical beings.<\/p>\r\n<p>The larger variety is known as a Warden. Wardens are tall and powerful Dhaebru, known for their impressive stature, some individual reaching up to 12 feet or 3.6 meters tall. Wardens are protectors and leaders by nature. They are highly territorial, so it's rare to find more than one Warden within a sect unless one of them is a juvenile, or they are closely related, such as siblings or parent and child. Wardens rarely leave the Outer Realm. They are usually pretty calm, and can be downright lazy, but if you threaten their sect, they can kill even a heavily armored physical beings with little to no effort. Fortunately, most Wardens prefer to frighten off a potential threat, but if the threat returns, they don't take chances. Wardens are surprisingly maternal and have a tendency to be very possessive. If their sect is not threatened, a Warden is usually peaceful and will simply observe, but when attacked their true power shows. If a Warden wants to kill you, it's going to kill you, no questions about it.<\/p>\r\n<p>Dhaebru are not to be mistaken with wraiths, demons, shadow people or ghosts. While they are wraith like, they are not true wraiths and they are not from the Infernus like demons. They are eldritch beings from a realm beyond the edge of reality. They have a large amount of strange Eldritch influence to them, but this is stabilized down by their robes and is the reason they wear them. The robes protect the Dhaebru from the world around then, but also protect the world from their otherworldly aura.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are mysterious creatures, and not many have had real contact with them. Regular Dhaebru are shy and skittish by nature, and most physical beings are terrified of them due to their dark appearance and power. They are also known to show up when dark magic is afoot. While they are attracted by the dark magic due to instincts to investigate and prevent harm, many associate them with it, and blame them for it. They have a dark and frightening reputation, meaning very few people truly know much about them.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are known to clash with a group of dangerous individuals known as the Order of the Eclipse. The Order are a mysterious and dangerous cult that once existed to protect humankind but twisted into something dangerous with an obcession for dark power. They actively hunt Dhaebru for their cores, which are used in their dark rituals. Most Dhaebru will attack and kill a member of the Order on sight, or turn tail and run.<\/p>","field2":"<p><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">The Outer Realm, the Dhaebru Homeworld<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Dhaebru reside in an alternate dimension of sorts known as the Outer Realm. This strange and hostile realm serves as a barrier and buffer between the Eldritch Realm and Midworld, though this knowledge has long since been lost. Nobody knows where it came from anymore, not even the Dhaebru. Many feel they may have come from somewhere else, but such knowledge is lost to time. It's common for Wardens to try to figure this out, but not much headway has been made, as if something about their past was buried or lost a long time ago. Some feel it was on purpose, as Dhaebru have always liked to keep their history written down, down to the name of each member born to the sect, and the date of their death should they die. <br \/><br \/>Strange growths of a black crystals that appear clustered with some floating under their unique eldritch power show entry and exit points and portals to the Outer Realm.&nbsp; This is where the Dhaebru come and go from. It's extremely dangerous to physical beings to cross through, but Dhaebru can take people in there with them and protect them from the negative effects within.&nbsp; The Outer Realm is generally comprised generally caves and corridors that seem to have no rhyme or reason. Almost like the ruins of an ancient infinite fortress. Lighting comes from various crystals, fungi, and some creatures that wander the corridors.&nbsp; One can often tell where a Sect lives as that area is usually closed off with rooms carved in the strange anceitn dark stone the Shadow Realm is made of, often closed off so the Dhaebru can stay safe from the various creatures that wander their Realm.<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Origins of the Dhaebru and Deepbloods<\/span><br \/>While Dhaebru do not know their own origin anymore, they have anncient tales and stories about how they were created alongside mysterious beings known as Aethyr by a strange being known as the Balance. The Balance was said to be a combination of Voidborn and Etherborn, a creature embodying both Light and Darkness.<br \/><br \/>Wild and untamed, but also sensitive and sapient, the strange entity felt that the physical realms and all they contained was a precious gem that needed to be protected and preserved, and observed that the fragile Midworld and all its varied and beautiful life could be damaged by the Aether and the Eldritch Void. They themselves could not directly interfere, as their powerful energy could do great damage no matter their intentions, so they found another solution. They set out to protect it, by creating two realms, as buffers and barriers between Midworld and the dangerous realms layered around it. They then populated these buffers with beings that would serve as guardians and protectors and keep the balance and protect Midworld.<br \/><br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/94_115_hPbnfbHWmtHdz5c.jpg\" alt=\"\" width=\"781\" height=\"660\" \/><br \/><br \/>Below is a basic example of dimensional layering and how it works. The lines are uneven. Some worlds are in the middle, not touching either. Some are close to the Eldritch Void, and gateways to the Dhaebru's Shadowrealm appear, allowing Dhaebru to enter the world and wander about. Some are closer to the Aethyr, allowing gateways to the Aethyr's homeworld to appear, and allowing Aethyr to wander the land. Some are close to both, having both Aethyr and Dhaebru present.<br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/96_117_HIUNRhb0Vc25KfZ.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"660\" height=\"800\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p>The Outer Realm is a bit like a buffer between midworld and the dangerous and unstable Eldritch Void. Dhaebru were meant to seek out any intrusions of creatures or volatile energies from the Eldritch Void, and call their Warden over to destroy them, while they seal up the rift. Dhaebru actually need to enter Midworld to feed on the magical energy present there; causing them to need to wander about regularly, and making them have need of their gateways wherever they appear. Their draw to the disruption of the fabric of reality is the reason they often show up when dangerous magic is afoot, as their instincts draw them to it and they want to put a stop to it if it starts causing damage. Aethyr did the same within the Aether, and the two beings together kept Midworld in balance. This did not last, however, as contention soon started between the two races. The Aethyr felt that they were better than the Dhaebru, and tried to treat them as slaves. The Dhaebru and the Aethyr fought, then eventually parted ways. The Aethyr retreated into their realm, while Dhaebru remained within the Outer Realm and wander Midworld from time to time. All of this went down a very long time ago, near the beginning of the Universe itself.<\/p>\r\n<p>As for Deepbloods, a voidic entity interbred with a Dhaebru Warden several generations down the line, and a three hybrids were born of their union, known as the Deepbloods. When that Warden found their peaceful and natural end, the creature kept watch over the race, until another Warden caught their interest several generations later. This Warden, however, was a descendant of one of those original Deepbloods, and was power hungry. They wanted as pure an offspring as they could get because they felt that this bloodline was the origin of the Dhaebru race and wanted purity. When the child did not come out as they wanted, they killed the Void creature and abused the child, who eventually became the most evil being the Universe has ever known. This cruel being destroyed and stole the creatures power, and killed any Deepbloods they felt weren't pure enough, and all Deepblood are thought to be descended from this single cruel and vicious individual. As such, they have a very negative stigma, even among Dhaebru, who fear those who are of that bloodline, even if Deepbloods are very powerful protectors and are known to be extremely loyal, even moreso than a regular Warden.<\/p>","field3":"<p>The temperament of a Dhaebru Warden differs with Deepblood Wardens, also known as Deepbloods. Deepbloods are noted for being slightly larger than regular Wardens, sometimes standing up to thirteen feet tall, and are noticeably more aggressive and unstable. While not evil, they have to keep a closer handle on their emotions as they have a berserk state that is brought on by extreme anger or fear. They are usually bulkier in appearance as well.<\/p>\r\n<p>Deepbloods are extremely rare, and the unique bloodline is only passed on from Warden to Warden. There aren&rsquo;t many left, and they trace their lineage back as far as Dhaebru records go. Deepbloods are not evil or hostile by nature, but they are more aggressive and territorial and can be more dangerous if provoked. Deepbloods have Voidborn blood in them, though it's been diluted greatly over time. Deepbloods are larger and more powerful, and do have some slightly different and amplified abilities originating from being descended from true Eldritch beings. \u200b<\/p>\r\n<p>Normal Wardens are territorial and protective, fierce fighters if provoked but generally placid and observant otherwise. If you encounter one and show you are not a threat, they are surprisingly friendly. Wardens aren't easily frightened. They are very watchful and protective, and can be possessive.<\/p>\r\n<p>Regular Dhaebru are surprisingly skittish and generally will only attack if cornered or heavily provoked. They're curious and social, and if you show you aren't a threat they are very likely to approach you to try to learn more about you.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their native language consists deep and ancient version of Eldritch speech. This strange language is far too much for most mortal minds to handle. One could compare it, somewhat, to Black Speech from Lord of the Rings to a point, but not inherently evil. As such, most Sects will learn the most commonly spoken language of the surrounding inhabitants to avoid confrontation.<\/p>\r\n<p>Dhaebru have very dark and unsettling voices. They have a ghostly echo and seem to come from all around at once. They are deep and dark, having a soft growl behind their tones. Entirely unsettling to anybody not used to it. While they are capable of snarling, hissing and growling, Common Dhaebru rarely do this while Wardens are known to do this when defending their Sect or confronting other Wardens.<\/p>\r\n<p>Dhaebru are highly social creatures. They do not like to be alone, and get quiet and upset without companionship. A sect usually has one Warden who is the Sect's Kral, or Leader, several Guardians, Dhaebru who protect the sect and are higher ranked, but still ranked lower than the Warden, and 30-50 common Dhaebru. Some larger sects have a lower ranking Warden or Sub-Warden who is subordinate to the main Kral, but still high ranking. This is fairly rare, as sub wardens are usually siblings or children of the head Warden. They are very territorial so most Wardens part ways to found their own sect, though older Wardens will sometimes take in and teach younger ones. Wardens usually go to start sects of their own when they come of age, but some will remain as a lower ranking Warden in their parent's sect.<\/p>\r\n<p>Guardians can be told apart from regular Guardians by the symbol on their chestplate. While common Dhaebru have a lighter purple symbol on their chestplate, Guardians have it in gold. Wardens tend to have lighter colored robes with hints of red, and brighter chestplates with golden symbols. Aside from the color of the chestplate symbol color differing from common Dhaebru, Guardians look exactly the same.<\/p>\r\n<p>Sects usually consist of 30-50 Dhaebru and one Warden, but never number more than a couple hundred. Sects consisting of more than a hundred members are very rare.<\/p>\r\n<p>The symbol on the chest plate usually identifies what Sect a Dhaebru belongs to.<\/p>\r\n<p>While many people fear Dhaebru, their main purpose is to protect and balance and thus are not hostile unless attacked.&nbsp; Dhaebru are surprisingly nurturing and gentle beings, and prefer to avoid conflict. They are very curious and fond of gathering information. Sect Wardens often have libraries and journals, and common Dhaebru are known to bring anything of interest back home. Temperament can vary between Wardens and common Dhaebru. Dhaebru are highly social, and truly hate being alone.<br \/><br \/><strong>Wardens<\/strong>: They rarely leave the Shadow Realm unless one of their Sect calls out for help. They are vicious when threatened and will attack savagely to protect their Sect. They have fiercely protective instincts, and these come out around anybody the individual cares about. This can sometimes translate to guarding belongings or areas, and can even shift to being aggressively territorial. Because of this, there is usually only one Warden occupying one area, and any others are usually related, such as siblings or offspring. Wardens are usually calm and collected, but can become very temperamental given the right circumstances. They are known to grumble and growl when annoyed or irritated.<\/p>\r\n<p>Shown below are two Dhaebru Wardens in a territorial dispute! Illustration by Jagal on FurAffinity<br \/><br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/95_116_TpZGn2Yj5JFrkTF.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1100\" height=\"633\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Common Dhaebru<\/strong>: They frequently leave the Shadow Realm to explore or keep an eye on things. Dhaebru are not fond of confrontation, and much prefer to run away from trouble, or call out to their Warden for help. Dhaebru are generally curious, but a bit flighty and very cautious. When threatened, they flee. If cornered, they attack in self defense. If the threat is big, they for help, and attack in groups. If you stay still and let a Dhaebru approach you, you can generally interact with one once they realize that you aren't a threat. When they feel safe and calm, Dhaebru are friendly and will likely shower you with questions, and if you let them, they can get very touchy feely.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>\u200bAppearance: It varies very little. The style of the armor and robes does vary by individual and sect a bit, and the main difference is between the larger Warden type Dhaebru, and the smaller common type Dhaebru. Dhaebru vary the most in their personality and energy signature. They are hard to tell apart, but if you get to know one well their individuality comes out strongly in how they behave, speak, and their individual quirks and habits. The shape of a Dhaebru's eyes vary, as well as their mouth and even face shape to a point. These features are inherited. Deepbloods tend to have sharper features and fierce, narrow eyes that glow more intensely than regular Wardens.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><strong><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Emotion and expression<\/span><\/strong><br \/>They have emotions very much like humans, though they do show some things differently. They also react slightly differently to some emotions as well. While they do have expressions, most of their emotion is shown in a combination of their body language and the movement of their shadowy aura and the shadows around them. When frightened or nervous, their shadows coil up beneath their robes, and extreme panic can cause the shadows around them to quiver, for example. When angry, their shadows flow out and darken, growing more voluminous and when happy, they waver and flow softly. Looking at their face can give some clues to how they are feeling, but watching their shadows and how they move is the biggest indicator. While it can take some time to get to know a Dhaebru, once you know one their emotions read like an open book.<\/p>\r\n<p><strong><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Relationship with Other Races<\/span><\/strong><br \/>Cautious, usually peaceful. Dhaebru tend to keep their distance. They aren't overly fond of humans most of the time, as some humans have found that their cores are useful and hunt them. Others attack Dhaebru on sight out of fear, which has resulted in a lot of tension. Some Dhaebru, even, will attack and kill a human if they discover their gateway, as it leads directly to their home. They feel that the human is a threat in these cases. They react similarly to any race that they have tension with. Longer lived races, such as Fey, are more reserved so confrontations aren't as common, but some young Fey do go after Dhaebru since they are considered creatures of darkness. Darkness is considered bad and evil to many races. This has made many consider the calm and docile shadow creatures as a threat. Wilder races without the concept of &ldquo;Darkness is Evil&rdquo; thing in their heads get along great with Dhaebru. One example is the wild, social and friendly Kivuuli. Their temperament is somewhat similar, which results in Kivuuli and Dhaebru getting on quite well. Both races are highly social. When gateways to the Shadow Realm are found in Kivuuli territories, the Dhaebru and Kivuuli are usually amiable towards eachother. Kivuuli often consider the local sect as a part of their colony, and will viciously attack people who hurt the Dhaebru. The Dhaebru will return the favor if their Kivuuli allies are attacked. The alpha female and the Warden are usually close allies. Some Kivuuli Colonies have been seen with Shadowkin kits, which says that Dhaebru do occasionally crossbreed with them. Red eyed Warden Shadowkin are more common among Kivuuli than any other race, which seems to point to the possibility that mating between the alpha female Kivuuli and the Dhaebru Wardens is fairly common. Kivuuli are also able to pass through the gateways safely and easily.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>Various reactions from a group of Dhaebru stumbling across a human.<\/p>\r\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/90_111_940gopRY27Pq6eW.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"732\" height=\"582\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>There is one major exception in the peaceful nature of the Dhaebru, and this is with those who try to push past the safer sorts of magic into ancient, eldritch and forbidden arts. The Forbidden Arts are forbidden for a reason, and the influence effects a mage's very mind. When this dangerous influence builds up or starts to build up, Dhaebru become hostile. This has caused a lot of tension, and has given the Dhaebru a dark reputation. Humans, in general, fear these mysterious creatures. The Order of the Eclipse and various practitioners of Forbidden Magic have frequently been attacked by Dhaebru sects, with even the Warden getting involved in some cases.<\/p>","field4":"<p><strong>Species Type<\/strong>: Spectral, Energy-Based though they can take a semi-Physical form<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Average Height<\/strong><br \/>Common Dhaebru: 6&rsquo;5<br \/>Warden: 10-12 feet<br \/><br \/><strong>Average Weight<\/strong><br \/>Spectral, they weigh no more than their robes and armor. Wardens weigh more, as their larger forms also have larger robes and armor.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/><strong>Diet<\/strong><br \/>Dhaebru feed on ambient magical energy with a high preference for darker energies, or its liquid form of dark mana. Mana, or Magical Energy, generates naturally in any physical world that has magic, but not in the Outer Realm, their home. As such, Dhaebru come to Midworld to feed, and are often found in areas with a lot of magic. Dhaebru tend to bring energy back for their Warden. They don't learn how to feed on their own until they are roughly three to five years old, and until then a parent feeds them energy. If no Dhaebru is available to give them energy, a shadeling can be fed Dark Mana and do just fine.<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Dhaebru Anatomy and Features<br \/><\/strong>Dhaebru have two 'stomachs' - One takes in energy and converts it to the type of energy the Dhaebru can use.<br \/><br \/>Their second 'stomach' is an energy reservoir, where all usable energy is stored. It can be compared to the social stomach of various eusocial insects. They can share energy with eachother through their cores. Common Dhaebru use it to bring energy back to their Warden. The Warden stores a great amount of energy, and if the Sect is unable to get to Midworld, the Warden can sustain a sect of around 20 Dhaebru for up to a week.<br \/><br \/>\u200bThey usually consists of their core, and their shadowy body which is fluid and vulnerable, unless robed. The robe protects the Dhaebru from the world, and in the case of Wardens protects the world from the negative effects creature with connections to the Eldritch Realm can pose. This is especially true for Deepbloods.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>Dhaebru have the ability to manifest tendrils of shadow that can manipulate objects, and are often used when their hands are full. They can either be solid and able to handle things or immaterial, resembling eddies and always moving tendrils of smoke flowing from beneath their robes. They are much darker and surround the Dhaebru&rsquo;s body when unrobed, and resemble smooth black tentacles. They appear beneath the robe when the Dhaebru is robed.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>When robed, their body somewhat mimics the body of a physical creature. It allows them to enjoy the senses of a physical creature, eat, or even breathe if they want to. Some will even take on the habits of physical creatures even if they don&rsquo;t need to, such as yawning, stretching, or sighing. Dhaebru need to sleep, robed or unrobed. When they do, they lay down, close their eyes, and go entirely still. They do not breathe, or snore, or make any sound and can be mistaken for dead by one not familiar with them. A dead Dhaebru fades away leaving nothing but their robe, armor, and collar like thing with the gem on it. If the Dhaebru is still there, they aren't dead. They are simply asleep.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>When robed, an injured Dhaebru will bleed. It&rsquo;s pure black in color, and will fade away after a while as it goes back to energy. A healthy Dhaebru can heal with a bit of rest if they retreat before they get severe injuries.<br \/><br \/>When killed, their core can be caught and stabilized before it winks out. Warden cores last longer. Common Dhaebru cores generally appear like small dark orbs with a purple shimmer, softly pulsing like a heart. Warden cores are almost prismatic and pearlescent, with a shimmering glow. They also pulsate like a heartbeat. They are sometimes called a Cosmic Fragment. They have all six of the primordial aspects, Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Order and Entropy. As such, a Warden can pull any aspect from their core by taking those sources and carefully weaving them together. This is part of the reason Wardens are so much more powerful, as they can do a lot more with this core within them. The Core of a Warden is highly sought after, and those with ill intentions are known to invade the Outer Realm for the purpose of killing one for their core.<br \/><br \/>While it's fairly uncommon for them to do it, Dhaebru are fully capable of eating when robed. When Dhaebru do decide to eat, it&rsquo;s just for fun and a different experience. They do so to explore the flavors and sensations that food can provide. Aside from being pleasurable, it has no real benefit, though they can sometimes get a little energy from it. When they eat, their insides will break the food down into its component aspects, which is further broken down into the primal aspects. The solid parts of this food simply passes out the other end, just as it would with a physical being. Their body will adjust to accomodate this when it happens. <br \/><br \/>All of the senses a physical creature has work for a robed Dhaebru. They can see, hear, taste, smell, and feel. When robed, this closely mimics how human senses work. When unrobed, they do not taste or smell, and their other senses work differently. The robe makes them more &ldquo;human&rdquo; in a sense. It does not imprison a Dhaebru; in fact, many feel that despite the small inconveniences it causes, it frees them to do and experience more. They like their robes and would become defensive and angry should one try to take them away.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>Dhaebru robes are energy based much like them and are connected to the Dhaebru in such a way that they are directly influenced by the Dhaebru that wears them. A sick or weak Dhaebru has duller, more tattered robes, though all Dhaebru robes are naturally tattered. The reason is often attributed to their dark and chaotic nature, though it could just be an aesthetic choice that just became a normal part of the enchantment. Either way, Dhaebru have worn robes for as long as the race can remember and it is considered highly taboo not to wear robes, even deep in the Outer Realms when nowhere near Midworld. They are very sensitive about nudity, and even if they trust you deeply you will never, ever see one without their robes on. This is such a big part of them, they'll often become distressed, frightened or worried if they see a physical being undressing.<br \/><br \/>Without their robes they are completely spectral, but also extremely vulnerable. Their robes serve to constrain their form down to a more basic shape, allowing them to better interact with the world around them but it also protects them.&nbsp; Unrobed, light causes damage that can quickly lead to death. They have to expend a lot more energy to interact with anything or touch anything if they do not at least have the &ldquo;Collar&rdquo; on. The &ldquo;Collar&rdquo; shown in their unrobed appearance gives some measure of protection, but is not nearly as effective as the full robes. The &ldquo;Collar&rdquo; is what identifies the Dhaebru and allows them to manifest their Robe and Armor. It is often embued with a tracking spell. This allows Dhaebru to find each other within a sect, or call out to their Warden when in danger.<br \/><br \/>The Robe&rsquo;s constraining abilities makes them semi physical in a sense, allowing them to stand in light and survive, as well as protecting their core. The cons are that it keeps them in this semisolid form, and allows them to become vulnerable to physical weapons. They are also able to eat solid food, if they want, and able to enjoy things that physical beings are able to enjoy. Once bound to the Dhaebru, the robe becomes a part of them. The armor is separate, and given to them upon coming of age, becoming integrated with their robes and amulet. This can be removed, but is also bound to their core. The armor depends on the individual sect, but is usually dark purple, with bits of red for Wardens, and golden trimming for both. Dhaebru&rsquo;s sect and adds additional protection from physical damage. The style of the robe and armor can vary depending on the individual sect of Dhaebru. The Sect&rsquo;s symbol appears on the chestplate.<br \/><br \/>Dhaebru do use the bathroom... sort of. The energy they take in, their inner workings cleanses and purifies, and the energy they do not use is passed in a liquid form, though it dissipates after a bit and returns to the ambient energy around them. Amusingly enough, this expelled energy is very useful for a lot of Spellweavers, and is commonly called \"Dhaebru's Essence\" when in reality... it's basically just their version of pee.<br \/><br \/><br \/><strong>Dhaebru Illnesses<\/strong><br \/>While incredibly rare, there are things that can disrupt their energy. This causes a Dhaebru to become very sick. When a Dhaebru becomes ill, they sleep a lot, are lethargic and a bit cranky, often sore and in pain, and their energy can feel discordant and wrong.&nbsp; They often have quivers and tremors, and like to curl up somewhere dark to be alone in their misery. They can be quite vocal about complaining about this, if one bothers them. Any illness one may be afflicted with usually clears up on its own as long as the Dhaebru gets plenty of rest and spends a lot of time around something to harmonize their energy, but in severe cases, such as damage to their core, it can grow severe enough to kill the Dhaebru.<br \/><br \/>A very sick Dhaebru can experience violent energy spikes. While Dhaebru are usually cool to the touch, when they get really sick, the energy conflicting can cause them to actually put off heat, similar to a bad fever.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>While pregnancy can cause a Dhaebru to throw up, how illness can cause it much worse. Normally, vomiting is caused by carrying, taking in the wrong sort of energy, or eating more physical food than their insides can handle. Minor illness can cause this as well. In this case, just the first \"stomach\" empties, a mix of half-converted energies, often with a bit of dark mana as well. When minor, vomiting comes with very little warning, and they usually just heave once and that's it.<br \/><br \/>When seriously ill, however, their energy reservoir can end up with the wrong sort of energy due to conflicts. This causes them to heave repeatedly and bring up their internal energy stores. They bring up significantly more in this case, and it happens repeatedly.&nbsp; Like a human with a severe stomach bug or food poisoning, it leaves a Dhaebru weak and exhausted from loss of energy, and can even lead to their death if severe enough.<br \/><br \/>Dhaebru do not give off clear signs when they are going to vomit, like physical beings do. It's really hard to tell if one is going to, but the main sign to watch out for is a strange 'pressure' as their energy gets all out of sorts. This can feel like a heavy feeling of impending dread, a dark energy. They may also become restless and begin to pace, though they will usually usually curl up and lay down somewhere dark and cool. When they show these signs, it is best to keep something that can absorb and stabilize the energy nearby, as the discordance can be dangerous if not stabilized and taken care of. While it will usually fade away on its own, too much can stick around and cause problems. Even so, the dark energy dissipating can cause an unpleasant pressure for a time. Because it's simply energy, there is no smell.<br \/><br \/><strong>Abilities<\/strong><br \/>They can move through shadows, somewhat like teleporting. They are able to do this robed, as their robes are magically bound to them. They are rarely seen unrobed as they are highly vulnerable outside of their own world.&nbsp;<br \/>They can let out a horrible shriek that can make one become paralyzed in terror. Amped up, this can cause temporary deafness and blindness.<br \/>They cast a spectral fog, which they can hide in, allowing them to escape danger.<br \/>Powerful magical projectiles, balls of darkness that damage, daze, and confuse their attacker. It can also cause temporary blindness.<br \/>When comfortable or happy, or comforting loved ones, especially shadelings, Dhaebru purr. It sounds like a soft, dark rumble and is oddly relaxing despite their frightening appearance. The sound of their purring lets out the more peaceful side of their power, and can lull a person to sleep. Even a frightened human child can be calmed and lulled into sleep by a Dhaebru's purr.<\/p>","field5":"<div id=\"main\">\r\n<div id=\"wsite-content\" class=\"wsite-elements wsite-not-footer\">\r\n<div class=\"wsite-section-wrap\">\r\n<div class=\"wsite-section wsite-body-section wsite-background-9\">\r\n<div class=\"wsite-section-content\">\r\n<div class=\"container\">\r\n<div class=\"wsite-section-elements\">\r\n<div class=\"paragraph\" style=\"text-align: left;\">Simply speaking, Dhaebru have no true sexual dimorphism as they are all simply both and neither. Personality and energy may be masculine or feminine, and they may identify as one gender or the other but all of them are both and capable of siring or bearing Shadelings. What they identify as can appear in their features, such as eye shape and very subtly body shape, though it shows in their energy signature and voice the most, and to some extent personality.<br \/><br \/>While Dhaebru will sometimes tend more towards masculine or feminine, they are all nonbinary in some manner. Even the most masculine Dhaebru has a feminine side, and vice versa. All Dhaebru are capable of siring and bearing young, no matter their individual gender expression. The main difference between a \"male\" and a \"female\" is the voice, energy signature, and the pronoun they use. \"Male\" Dhaebru are usually deeper voiced and sound more masculine, with less of an angle to the eyes. They usually have broader shoulders and narrower hops. Those with male characteristics are known to be slightly more territorial. \"Female\" Dhaebru usually have slightly slimmer bodies when observed, with very subtle curvature sometimes.&nbsp; Their eyes are usually a bit more slanted. Their voices sound softer and more feminine. Their hips are generally wider with narrower shoulders. Unlike many physical beings, Dhaebru are not constrained to one gender or the other, and their expressed gender is very accurate to who they are as their body adjusts naturally to fit their gender expression. It is incredibly common for a Dhaebru to not identify as male or female, though some may simply use a pronoun out of convenience. They don't really care, or see the pronoun used as a big deal, as that's a part of physical beings and their language. Dhaebru do not have gendered pronouns in their natural tongue, and will generally follow whatever physical beings do in their area. Many Dhaebru are so balanced that it's impossible to tell if they are \"male\" or \"female\" Gender as a whole is not an issue to Dhaebru, as they just go by whatever they feel like.<br \/><br \/>Dhaebru are not monogamous. They do not understand the connection between sex and love that humans have. To them, love is not something to be kept to a single individual, but something to be shared with their entire Sect. They are very polyamorous. Dhaebru do not mate for life. There is the occasional Dhaebru who is only attracted to the one they have an emotional emotion with, but they often share this with more than one. They do not have any concept of marriage. When a Dhaebru loves somebody, they cuddle with them, protect them, and want to be around them a lot. Sex is just something they sometimes do for fun. They do not have any concept of &ldquo;cheating&rdquo; and the idea of loving and being with only one creature for their entire lives is confusing and makes no sense. They feel that love of any sort should be shared freely with anybody they care about. This is something to keep in mind if entering a relationship with a Dhaebru. While a Dhaebru will not stick to one partner, they will always love every partner they have. They may not have the same views on relationships as humans, but they are incredibly loyal and loving.<br \/><br \/><br \/><strong><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Reproduction<\/span><\/strong><br \/>Dhaebru reproduce through energy. They periodically go through a reproductive cycle. While both sides are usually active, it can lean more towards one side or the other, taking the form of a &lsquo;heat&rsquo; (When the female side is active, and they are ready to receive energy and carry) or &lsquo;rut&rsquo; (When the male side is active and they are ready to give energy and sire). They can either reproduce asexually or sexually depending on the individual&rsquo;s preferences.&nbsp; Sexually is more common, simply because doing so asexually requires removing their robe and sometimes even their amulet and opening up their core, allowing energy to pass from one to the other. This requires utmost trust, and the Dhaebru is extremely vulnerable during this time. They don't have to open up their core or make themselves vulnerable to do it the physical way. More masculine Dhaebru are more likely to go into rut, and more feminine ones are more likely to go into heat, but they both have both, and often have both at the same time. When a Warden goes into their reproductive cycle, their energy tends to affect every other Dhaebru around them more than a regular Dhaebru's cycle does due to their increased power and size.<br \/>One can tell a Dhaebru is in season if they know normal Dhaebru behavior. When in season, their energy is stronger. One may find themselves getting a little restless around them, especially those who are sensitive to energy. Aside from that, they seem a bit more energetic. They become restless and pace a lot. 'Heat' has their maternal instincts growing stronger, while rut can make a Dhaebru slightly more competitive and aggressive, but never anything extreme. They become restless and a bit moody and pace a lot. It lasts about two weeks, then fades away. A rut can be ended by releasing a certain energy - they don't have to do so with another Dhaebru. Heat can be ended by either carrying, or taking in a quick burst of energy. If a Dhaebru does NOT want to carry, they can block the energy from fully hitting their core, so it won't join and create a Shadeling. Dhaebru Wardens are the most strongly affected by going into this cycle, and have the urge to seek out other Wardens. Their season, though, also makes them very aggressive and territorial, making the Wardens unusually tense. They can&rsquo;t decide whether to fight, or mate! This stalemate can be rather noisy and scary to see, with a lot of growling and pacing around and circling eachother, but it&rsquo;s never dangerous and either ends with the Wardens fighting &hellip; or the alternative. It is not uncommon for them to charge and start to fight, but end with a more peaceful resolution. Their sects are usually used to this and just look on and sigh while trying to ignore the roaring, growling and snarling and the complete indecision while their respective Wardens figure it out.<br \/><br \/><br \/><strong><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Gestation and Birthing<\/span><\/strong><br \/>Dhaebru carry for about 15 months. Symptoms of a pregnant Dhaebru do not show outwardly unless something forces them to carry physically, such as Injury, illness, or something wrong with their core. A pregnant Dhaebru&rsquo;s energy has a different feel to it, easily detectable to other Dhaebru. They will sleep a lot, begin to crave various aspects that they need for the development of their Shadeling, and can even experience something similar to morning sickness, though this is uncommon. The reason being is that it causes energy spikes. Sometimes these can just have the Dhaebru laying around grumbling in tempermental misery, but it can result in throwing up the excess energy if it overwhelms their ability to release it. Morning sickness is most common when carrying a Warden Shadeling, for Wardens and common Dhaebru alike, though it&rsquo;s worse for a common Dhaebru carrying a Warden.&nbsp; These symptoms come in waves, alternating between starving for energy and clinging to energy sources coupled with being very tired, or having energy in excess, causing them to become restless and possibly even start throwing up the extra if the sheer amount of it overwhelms them. As such, pregnant Dhaebru usually just rest somewhere for the most part and just ride it out. They usually give birth by allowing the Shadeling to separate from their core. This process is painful and leaves the Dhaebru exhausted, but they recover just fine with some rest and help from the rest of their sect. They will remove their robe for this process, though their amulet remains on them. In VERY rare occasions, the energy is unable to separate properly and they end up having to take on the physical characteristics of a female and give birth that way. Generally, if the pregnancy is high risk, the Dhaebru's body can determine this early on. This causes them to take on a physical form. Pregnancy, labor and delivery will then mimic the gestation of a physical creature. This is incredibly rare, but does happen on occasion.<br \/><br \/>A Dhaebru has three stages of labor.<br \/><br \/>Stage 1 - The Dhaebru becomes restless, a little pacing, no pain. It is easy to miss because the Dhaebru just sorta seems uncomfortable, though they may begin to pace. This stage can last anything from 12 hours to several days. While not active labor, their body is building up energy to help compensate for what is lost during the split, as well as preparing to split as well. Being nearby, one can feel their energy slowly building. It can make your hair stand on end near the end of this stage.<br \/><br \/>Stage 2 - As the core finishes it's preparation for the split, waves of discomfort and mild to moderate pain quickly follow. While not bad yet, the Dhaebru becomes increasingly restless. They can't sit still. This stage is characterized by pacing around in circles. The pressing feeling of their building energy is so pronounced even one not sensitive will feel it on the air. While they don't need to breathe, a Dhaebru may pant simply because it helps them feel better. This stage can last up to three hours. As the final stage nears, the discomfort and pain quickly grows worse as their energy begins to surge.<br \/><br \/>Stage 3 - The actual splitting of the core happens. The Dhaebru's energy begins to surge painfully. Many Dhaebru will growl and yell their pain. They'll snarl and snap at any who come too close, but don't attack. While it looks scary, the Dhaebru is very unlikely to lash out, and just wants to curl up somewhere dark and safe and get it over with. This stage can last up to an hour, but usually lasts around fifteen minutes to a half hour. If it takes longer than an hour, then the Dhaebru is either having a difficult birth, or something went wrong. At this point, a piece of their core will split off and float in front of them while their own core pulses with intense power as energy flows from them to the tiny newly formed core in front of them, and the Shadeling materializes. It is then given an amulet and robed. This takes a lot of energy, and the exhausted mother will usually sleep.<br \/><br \/><br \/><strong><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Shadowkin: The Rare Hybrid<\/span><\/strong><br \/>Dhaebru ARE capable of impregnating physical beings, but this is extremely rare. The Dhaebru must be in season, and more towards the 'rut' side. The mother has to have some sort of magic either within them or effecting them, so a creature with natural magical energy is more likely to be able to successfully carry a hybrid. The resulting pregnancy is a magical conception, the body taking after the shape of the physical parent and the energy\/dark appearance of the Dhaebru parent. While Dhaebru are quite capable it, it's not too often that they do engage in relations with physical beings. When they do, the chances of conception are extremely low, less than 1% chance with a common Dhaebru, and around 5% for Wardens. The resulting hybrid is known as a Shadowkin. Wardens will sometimes produce Warden Shadowkin, or Shadowkin with the characteristics of Warden, but Common Dhaebru Shadowkin are more likely. Common Dhaebru will always produce normal Shadowkin.<br \/><br \/><strong><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Shadelings<\/span><\/strong><br \/>A baby Dhaebru is known as a Shadeling. They are much smaller, pudgier versions of the adults with babyish porportions. They are given their robes at birth. The robes are bound to their form by a special magical &ldquo;Collar&rdquo; with a gem, the gem being fused with their very core. Warden Shadelings are larger with red eyes, with the robe color of a Warden without any armor. Normal Shadelings have simple dark robes and are smaller. Shadelings are usually given energy by their entire sect, though if one is found orphaned or abandoned, one can feed them dark mana. They will thrive on it, but will need to &ldquo;eat&rdquo; regularly. Shadelings hate being alone. They imprint on the energy of their mother, and spend the most time with the one that birthed them. When separated, they will become extremely upset. When in danger, they will let out a terrible shrieking wail. The sound is enough to make one&rsquo;s ears ring. When separated from their mother, they will let out pulses of energy that can make a person tingle. This pulse can be felt from far away, allowing their mother to find them again. They will continue to do this for weeks, though without somebody to care for them, they&rsquo;ll starve and fade away within a few days.<br \/><br \/><strong><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Growing Up<\/span><\/strong><br \/>Once a Shadeling learns to move about, they are insatiably curious and have a habit of following adult Dhaebru out into Midworld. Warden Shadelings will puff up and protect their friends, or even their mother, whether there is danger or not! They will sometimes chir, chitter and chirp, or make tiny rumbly growls when nervous or playing. They start off crawling about, but once they gain toddlerhood they learn how to stand and walk on two feet. They gain their armor once they come of age, or, when they have their first reproductive cycle. The first cycle is never fertile, and is just a shift in their energy showing they&rsquo;ve matured. Common Dhaebru reach adulthood in roughly 13-14 years, at which point they are mentally and physically equivilent to an 18 year old human. This can be effected by their access to energy, so can be slower if they aren't well fed.&nbsp; Wardens mature fully in roughly 16-18 years. This lenghtened time is because Wardens are far more powerful and need more energy to reach maturity.<\/div>\r\n<div class=\"paragraph\">&nbsp;<\/div>\r\n<div>\r\n<div class=\"wsite-image wsite-image-border-none \" style=\"padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px; margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0; text-align: center;\"><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/91_112_OUXOd21Py8O3BYs.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"939\" height=\"480\" \/><br \/>\r\n<div style=\"display: block; font-size: 90%;\">&nbsp;<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<div class=\"paragraph\">Infant\/Newborn - The amulet is bound to their core and they are robed. They are tiny and sleep a lot. Warden newborns are slightly larger than newborn common Dhaebru. It is easy to tell as soon as a Dhaebru is born if they are a normal Dhaebru, or a Warden. Normal Dhaebru always have pale eyes and are less powerful while Wardens are larger with intense power and bright red eyes.<br \/><br \/>Baby - Getting bigger. Still very small, they spend a lot of time asleep. They are very clingy, and will cry and cry if left alone. They are known to let off little pulses of energy if separated from their mother, which is their way of calling.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>Toddler - Now able to move around on their own, Dhaebru toddlers are insanely curious. They are full of energy and get into everything they can. They still spend a fair amount of time sleeping, but when awake they are little balls of energy. Wardens begin to display signs of being territorial and possessive, and may growl and even bite if you try to take something away they have deemed as belonging to them.<br \/><br \/>Child - Not unlike a human child, curious, playful, imaginative, love to explore, and can get into all sorts of trouble. Warden children will fiercely protect other children, no matter the species. If the sect is around humans and are peaceful with them, their children will play together. A Warden child will fiercely protect other children, no matter their species. They may even growl at a human child's parent if the child doesn't want to stop playing and cries when playtime is over! <br \/><br \/>Adolescence - Their energy begins to go through a shift as it matures, this process taking a few years to complete.<\/div>\r\n<div class=\"paragraph\">&nbsp;<\/div>\r\n<div class=\"paragraph\">Maturity - They go into their first reproductive cycle as their energy goes through a final shift. At this point, they are given their armor, which denotes them as adults. They are finished growing, mature both mentally and physically, by the time they have this first cycle.<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>","field6":"<p>Dhaebru are not physical creatures. No mutations or variations other than the design of their individual robes, and the difference between common Dhaebru and Wardens, have been observed.<\/p>\r\n<p>Deepbloods could be seen as a variation, but this seems to simply be a certain bloodline.<\/p>","field7":"<p><strong><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Other<\/span><\/strong><br \/>Dhaebru, despite their dark nature, love to lay in the sunlight when they are robed. The warmth is comorting and feels really good to them. It can feel uncomfortable on their bare 'skin', but when they are shielded by their robes, the robes absorb the warmth of the sun and make the Dhaebru feel really good. They love warmth! They'll even fall asleep sometimes, lulled by the smells, sounds, and feelings of being out on a nice day.<br \/><br \/>Dhaebru are comforted by soft, ambient light.<br \/><br \/>Their armor protects their Core. The Core is what forms their being and houses their soul.<\/p>","parsed":{"description":"<p>A mysterious, though surprisingly peaceful, dark entity. Not hostile unless threatened, surprisingly social, surprisingly gentle and curious.<\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/davidjamesnielsen\/the-dhaebru-theme-chronicles-of-azrimar-feb-21\/s-RplYQ?in=davidjamesnielsen\/sets\/chronicles-of-azrimar\/\/s-ZwFqi\">Their Theme Music<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/89_110_p6wMHTDd8OIGStN.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1051\" height=\"847\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/124_153_FMqtmfC9xaIVN6V.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1500\" height=\"725\" \/><\/p>","field1":"<p><strong>Species Name<\/strong><br \/>&nbsp;Dhaebru<br \/><br \/><strong>Sometimes known as or mistaken as:<\/strong><br \/>Shadow Wraith, Void Spirit, Shade, sometimes mistaken for Demons or Shadow People. They don't have connections to either and aren't truly wraiths, spirits or shades. They are a class of their own.<\/p>\r\n<p>Dhaebru are a sapient and highly social eldritch creatures of shadow, spectral in nature. They are always seen robed in dark, tattered robes and usually have armor on as well, of varying designs depending on the individuals and their origin. The robes and armor are connected to a special amulet they wear on a&nbsp; collar-like necklace that settles around their neck. This amulet has a direct connection to the Dhaebru's core, and can not be removed. Dhaebru are highly social beings, and hate being alone. If deprived of the company of another Dhaebru, they will gravitate towards any living thing, sapient or not, and cling to any company they can. They get extremely depressed and upset when they are alone for too long.<\/p>\r\n<p>Dhaebru have two types. The smaller variety are the commonfolk of the species, simply called Dhaebru. They are roughly human sized, and the most commonly seen type. They regularly leave the Outer Realms, wandering various worlds seemingly at random. They are most often seen in the lands surrounding the portal to their world, usually marked by an obelisk of strange dark crystals. Dhaebru can be be spotted regularly wandering worlds that have a strong magical presence, but are not hostile unless threatened. They are most likely to slip away back into the Outer Realms, where they are safe. They have pale eyes gleaming out from beneath their hoods, and often throw off a spectral fog when startled, giving them cover to escape harm. Dhaebru are curious, but shy. If they can not get to safety, they will attack and they make short work of most physical beings.<\/p>\r\n<p>The larger variety is known as a Warden. Wardens are tall and powerful Dhaebru, known for their impressive stature, some individual reaching up to 12 feet or 3.6 meters tall. Wardens are protectors and leaders by nature. They are highly territorial, so it's rare to find more than one Warden within a sect unless one of them is a juvenile, or they are closely related, such as siblings or parent and child. Wardens rarely leave the Outer Realm. They are usually pretty calm, and can be downright lazy, but if you threaten their sect, they can kill even a heavily armored physical beings with little to no effort. Fortunately, most Wardens prefer to frighten off a potential threat, but if the threat returns, they don't take chances. Wardens are surprisingly maternal and have a tendency to be very possessive. If their sect is not threatened, a Warden is usually peaceful and will simply observe, but when attacked their true power shows. If a Warden wants to kill you, it's going to kill you, no questions about it.<\/p>\r\n<p>Dhaebru are not to be mistaken with wraiths, demons, shadow people or ghosts. While they are wraith like, they are not true wraiths and they are not from the Infernus like demons. They are eldritch beings from a realm beyond the edge of reality. They have a large amount of strange Eldritch influence to them, but this is stabilized down by their robes and is the reason they wear them. The robes protect the Dhaebru from the world around then, but also protect the world from their otherworldly aura.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are mysterious creatures, and not many have had real contact with them. Regular Dhaebru are shy and skittish by nature, and most physical beings are terrified of them due to their dark appearance and power. They are also known to show up when dark magic is afoot. While they are attracted by the dark magic due to instincts to investigate and prevent harm, many associate them with it, and blame them for it. They have a dark and frightening reputation, meaning very few people truly know much about them.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are known to clash with a group of dangerous individuals known as the Order of the Eclipse. The Order are a mysterious and dangerous cult that once existed to protect humankind but twisted into something dangerous with an obcession for dark power. They actively hunt Dhaebru for their cores, which are used in their dark rituals. Most Dhaebru will attack and kill a member of the Order on sight, or turn tail and run.<\/p>","field2":"<p><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">The Outer Realm, the Dhaebru Homeworld<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Dhaebru reside in an alternate dimension of sorts known as the Outer Realm. This strange and hostile realm serves as a barrier and buffer between the Eldritch Realm and Midworld, though this knowledge has long since been lost. Nobody knows where it came from anymore, not even the Dhaebru. Many feel they may have come from somewhere else, but such knowledge is lost to time. It's common for Wardens to try to figure this out, but not much headway has been made, as if something about their past was buried or lost a long time ago. Some feel it was on purpose, as Dhaebru have always liked to keep their history written down, down to the name of each member born to the sect, and the date of their death should they die. <br \/><br \/>Strange growths of a black crystals that appear clustered with some floating under their unique eldritch power show entry and exit points and portals to the Outer Realm.&nbsp; This is where the Dhaebru come and go from. It's extremely dangerous to physical beings to cross through, but Dhaebru can take people in there with them and protect them from the negative effects within.&nbsp; The Outer Realm is generally comprised generally caves and corridors that seem to have no rhyme or reason. Almost like the ruins of an ancient infinite fortress. Lighting comes from various crystals, fungi, and some creatures that wander the corridors.&nbsp; One can often tell where a Sect lives as that area is usually closed off with rooms carved in the strange anceitn dark stone the Shadow Realm is made of, often closed off so the Dhaebru can stay safe from the various creatures that wander their Realm.<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Origins of the Dhaebru and Deepbloods<\/span><br \/>While Dhaebru do not know their own origin anymore, they have anncient tales and stories about how they were created alongside mysterious beings known as Aethyr by a strange being known as the Balance. The Balance was said to be a combination of Voidborn and Etherborn, a creature embodying both Light and Darkness.<br \/><br \/>Wild and untamed, but also sensitive and sapient, the strange entity felt that the physical realms and all they contained was a precious gem that needed to be protected and preserved, and observed that the fragile Midworld and all its varied and beautiful life could be damaged by the Aether and the Eldritch Void. They themselves could not directly interfere, as their powerful energy could do great damage no matter their intentions, so they found another solution. They set out to protect it, by creating two realms, as buffers and barriers between Midworld and the dangerous realms layered around it. They then populated these buffers with beings that would serve as guardians and protectors and keep the balance and protect Midworld.<br \/><br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/94_115_hPbnfbHWmtHdz5c.jpg\" alt=\"\" width=\"781\" height=\"660\" \/><br \/><br \/>Below is a basic example of dimensional layering and how it works. The lines are uneven. Some worlds are in the middle, not touching either. Some are close to the Eldritch Void, and gateways to the Dhaebru's Shadowrealm appear, allowing Dhaebru to enter the world and wander about. Some are closer to the Aethyr, allowing gateways to the Aethyr's homeworld to appear, and allowing Aethyr to wander the land. Some are close to both, having both Aethyr and Dhaebru present.<br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/96_117_HIUNRhb0Vc25KfZ.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"660\" height=\"800\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p>The Outer Realm is a bit like a buffer between midworld and the dangerous and unstable Eldritch Void. Dhaebru were meant to seek out any intrusions of creatures or volatile energies from the Eldritch Void, and call their Warden over to destroy them, while they seal up the rift. Dhaebru actually need to enter Midworld to feed on the magical energy present there; causing them to need to wander about regularly, and making them have need of their gateways wherever they appear. Their draw to the disruption of the fabric of reality is the reason they often show up when dangerous magic is afoot, as their instincts draw them to it and they want to put a stop to it if it starts causing damage. Aethyr did the same within the Aether, and the two beings together kept Midworld in balance. This did not last, however, as contention soon started between the two races. The Aethyr felt that they were better than the Dhaebru, and tried to treat them as slaves. The Dhaebru and the Aethyr fought, then eventually parted ways. The Aethyr retreated into their realm, while Dhaebru remained within the Outer Realm and wander Midworld from time to time. All of this went down a very long time ago, near the beginning of the Universe itself.<\/p>\r\n<p>As for Deepbloods, a voidic entity interbred with a Dhaebru Warden several generations down the line, and a three hybrids were born of their union, known as the Deepbloods. When that Warden found their peaceful and natural end, the creature kept watch over the race, until another Warden caught their interest several generations later. This Warden, however, was a descendant of one of those original Deepbloods, and was power hungry. They wanted as pure an offspring as they could get because they felt that this bloodline was the origin of the Dhaebru race and wanted purity. When the child did not come out as they wanted, they killed the Void creature and abused the child, who eventually became the most evil being the Universe has ever known. This cruel being destroyed and stole the creatures power, and killed any Deepbloods they felt weren't pure enough, and all Deepblood are thought to be descended from this single cruel and vicious individual. As such, they have a very negative stigma, even among Dhaebru, who fear those who are of that bloodline, even if Deepbloods are very powerful protectors and are known to be extremely loyal, even moreso than a regular Warden.<\/p>","field3":"<p>The temperament of a Dhaebru Warden differs with Deepblood Wardens, also known as Deepbloods. Deepbloods are noted for being slightly larger than regular Wardens, sometimes standing up to thirteen feet tall, and are noticeably more aggressive and unstable. While not evil, they have to keep a closer handle on their emotions as they have a berserk state that is brought on by extreme anger or fear. They are usually bulkier in appearance as well.<\/p>\r\n<p>Deepbloods are extremely rare, and the unique bloodline is only passed on from Warden to Warden. There aren&rsquo;t many left, and they trace their lineage back as far as Dhaebru records go. Deepbloods are not evil or hostile by nature, but they are more aggressive and territorial and can be more dangerous if provoked. Deepbloods have Voidborn blood in them, though it's been diluted greatly over time. Deepbloods are larger and more powerful, and do have some slightly different and amplified abilities originating from being descended from true Eldritch beings. \u200b<\/p>\r\n<p>Normal Wardens are territorial and protective, fierce fighters if provoked but generally placid and observant otherwise. If you encounter one and show you are not a threat, they are surprisingly friendly. Wardens aren't easily frightened. They are very watchful and protective, and can be possessive.<\/p>\r\n<p>Regular Dhaebru are surprisingly skittish and generally will only attack if cornered or heavily provoked. They're curious and social, and if you show you aren't a threat they are very likely to approach you to try to learn more about you.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their native language consists deep and ancient version of Eldritch speech. This strange language is far too much for most mortal minds to handle. One could compare it, somewhat, to Black Speech from Lord of the Rings to a point, but not inherently evil. As such, most Sects will learn the most commonly spoken language of the surrounding inhabitants to avoid confrontation.<\/p>\r\n<p>Dhaebru have very dark and unsettling voices. They have a ghostly echo and seem to come from all around at once. They are deep and dark, having a soft growl behind their tones. Entirely unsettling to anybody not used to it. While they are capable of snarling, hissing and growling, Common Dhaebru rarely do this while Wardens are known to do this when defending their Sect or confronting other Wardens.<\/p>\r\n<p>Dhaebru are highly social creatures. They do not like to be alone, and get quiet and upset without companionship. A sect usually has one Warden who is the Sect's Kral, or Leader, several Guardians, Dhaebru who protect the sect and are higher ranked, but still ranked lower than the Warden, and 30-50 common Dhaebru. Some larger sects have a lower ranking Warden or Sub-Warden who is subordinate to the main Kral, but still high ranking. This is fairly rare, as sub wardens are usually siblings or children of the head Warden. They are very territorial so most Wardens part ways to found their own sect, though older Wardens will sometimes take in and teach younger ones. Wardens usually go to start sects of their own when they come of age, but some will remain as a lower ranking Warden in their parent's sect.<\/p>\r\n<p>Guardians can be told apart from regular Guardians by the symbol on their chestplate. While common Dhaebru have a lighter purple symbol on their chestplate, Guardians have it in gold. Wardens tend to have lighter colored robes with hints of red, and brighter chestplates with golden symbols. Aside from the color of the chestplate symbol color differing from common Dhaebru, Guardians look exactly the same.<\/p>\r\n<p>Sects usually consist of 30-50 Dhaebru and one Warden, but never number more than a couple hundred. Sects consisting of more than a hundred members are very rare.<\/p>\r\n<p>The symbol on the chest plate usually identifies what Sect a Dhaebru belongs to.<\/p>\r\n<p>While many people fear Dhaebru, their main purpose is to protect and balance and thus are not hostile unless attacked.&nbsp; Dhaebru are surprisingly nurturing and gentle beings, and prefer to avoid conflict. They are very curious and fond of gathering information. Sect Wardens often have libraries and journals, and common Dhaebru are known to bring anything of interest back home. Temperament can vary between Wardens and common Dhaebru. Dhaebru are highly social, and truly hate being alone.<br \/><br \/><strong>Wardens<\/strong>: They rarely leave the Shadow Realm unless one of their Sect calls out for help. They are vicious when threatened and will attack savagely to protect their Sect. They have fiercely protective instincts, and these come out around anybody the individual cares about. This can sometimes translate to guarding belongings or areas, and can even shift to being aggressively territorial. Because of this, there is usually only one Warden occupying one area, and any others are usually related, such as siblings or offspring. Wardens are usually calm and collected, but can become very temperamental given the right circumstances. They are known to grumble and growl when annoyed or irritated.<\/p>\r\n<p>Shown below are two Dhaebru Wardens in a territorial dispute! Illustration by Jagal on FurAffinity<br \/><br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/95_116_TpZGn2Yj5JFrkTF.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1100\" height=\"633\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Common Dhaebru<\/strong>: They frequently leave the Shadow Realm to explore or keep an eye on things. Dhaebru are not fond of confrontation, and much prefer to run away from trouble, or call out to their Warden for help. Dhaebru are generally curious, but a bit flighty and very cautious. When threatened, they flee. If cornered, they attack in self defense. If the threat is big, they for help, and attack in groups. If you stay still and let a Dhaebru approach you, you can generally interact with one once they realize that you aren't a threat. When they feel safe and calm, Dhaebru are friendly and will likely shower you with questions, and if you let them, they can get very touchy feely.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>\u200bAppearance: It varies very little. The style of the armor and robes does vary by individual and sect a bit, and the main difference is between the larger Warden type Dhaebru, and the smaller common type Dhaebru. Dhaebru vary the most in their personality and energy signature. They are hard to tell apart, but if you get to know one well their individuality comes out strongly in how they behave, speak, and their individual quirks and habits. The shape of a Dhaebru's eyes vary, as well as their mouth and even face shape to a point. These features are inherited. Deepbloods tend to have sharper features and fierce, narrow eyes that glow more intensely than regular Wardens.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><strong><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Emotion and expression<\/span><\/strong><br \/>They have emotions very much like humans, though they do show some things differently. They also react slightly differently to some emotions as well. While they do have expressions, most of their emotion is shown in a combination of their body language and the movement of their shadowy aura and the shadows around them. When frightened or nervous, their shadows coil up beneath their robes, and extreme panic can cause the shadows around them to quiver, for example. When angry, their shadows flow out and darken, growing more voluminous and when happy, they waver and flow softly. Looking at their face can give some clues to how they are feeling, but watching their shadows and how they move is the biggest indicator. While it can take some time to get to know a Dhaebru, once you know one their emotions read like an open book.<\/p>\r\n<p><strong><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Relationship with Other Races<\/span><\/strong><br \/>Cautious, usually peaceful. Dhaebru tend to keep their distance. They aren't overly fond of humans most of the time, as some humans have found that their cores are useful and hunt them. Others attack Dhaebru on sight out of fear, which has resulted in a lot of tension. Some Dhaebru, even, will attack and kill a human if they discover their gateway, as it leads directly to their home. They feel that the human is a threat in these cases. They react similarly to any race that they have tension with. Longer lived races, such as Fey, are more reserved so confrontations aren't as common, but some young Fey do go after Dhaebru since they are considered creatures of darkness. Darkness is considered bad and evil to many races. This has made many consider the calm and docile shadow creatures as a threat. Wilder races without the concept of &ldquo;Darkness is Evil&rdquo; thing in their heads get along great with Dhaebru. One example is the wild, social and friendly Kivuuli. Their temperament is somewhat similar, which results in Kivuuli and Dhaebru getting on quite well. Both races are highly social. When gateways to the Shadow Realm are found in Kivuuli territories, the Dhaebru and Kivuuli are usually amiable towards eachother. Kivuuli often consider the local sect as a part of their colony, and will viciously attack people who hurt the Dhaebru. The Dhaebru will return the favor if their Kivuuli allies are attacked. The alpha female and the Warden are usually close allies. Some Kivuuli Colonies have been seen with Shadowkin kits, which says that Dhaebru do occasionally crossbreed with them. Red eyed Warden Shadowkin are more common among Kivuuli than any other race, which seems to point to the possibility that mating between the alpha female Kivuuli and the Dhaebru Wardens is fairly common. Kivuuli are also able to pass through the gateways safely and easily.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>Various reactions from a group of Dhaebru stumbling across a human.<\/p>\r\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/90_111_940gopRY27Pq6eW.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"732\" height=\"582\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>There is one major exception in the peaceful nature of the Dhaebru, and this is with those who try to push past the safer sorts of magic into ancient, eldritch and forbidden arts. The Forbidden Arts are forbidden for a reason, and the influence effects a mage's very mind. When this dangerous influence builds up or starts to build up, Dhaebru become hostile. This has caused a lot of tension, and has given the Dhaebru a dark reputation. Humans, in general, fear these mysterious creatures. The Order of the Eclipse and various practitioners of Forbidden Magic have frequently been attacked by Dhaebru sects, with even the Warden getting involved in some cases.<\/p>","field4":"<p><strong>Species Type<\/strong>: Spectral, Energy-Based though they can take a semi-Physical form<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Average Height<\/strong><br \/>Common Dhaebru: 6&rsquo;5<br \/>Warden: 10-12 feet<br \/><br \/><strong>Average Weight<\/strong><br \/>Spectral, they weigh no more than their robes and armor. Wardens weigh more, as their larger forms also have larger robes and armor.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/><strong>Diet<\/strong><br \/>Dhaebru feed on ambient magical energy with a high preference for darker energies, or its liquid form of dark mana. Mana, or Magical Energy, generates naturally in any physical world that has magic, but not in the Outer Realm, their home. As such, Dhaebru come to Midworld to feed, and are often found in areas with a lot of magic. Dhaebru tend to bring energy back for their Warden. They don't learn how to feed on their own until they are roughly three to five years old, and until then a parent feeds them energy. If no Dhaebru is available to give them energy, a shadeling can be fed Dark Mana and do just fine.<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Dhaebru Anatomy and Features<br \/><\/strong>Dhaebru have two 'stomachs' - One takes in energy and converts it to the type of energy the Dhaebru can use.<br \/><br \/>Their second 'stomach' is an energy reservoir, where all usable energy is stored. It can be compared to the social stomach of various eusocial insects. They can share energy with eachother through their cores. Common Dhaebru use it to bring energy back to their Warden. The Warden stores a great amount of energy, and if the Sect is unable to get to Midworld, the Warden can sustain a sect of around 20 Dhaebru for up to a week.<br \/><br \/>\u200bThey usually consists of their core, and their shadowy body which is fluid and vulnerable, unless robed. The robe protects the Dhaebru from the world, and in the case of Wardens protects the world from the negative effects creature with connections to the Eldritch Realm can pose. This is especially true for Deepbloods.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>Dhaebru have the ability to manifest tendrils of shadow that can manipulate objects, and are often used when their hands are full. They can either be solid and able to handle things or immaterial, resembling eddies and always moving tendrils of smoke flowing from beneath their robes. They are much darker and surround the Dhaebru&rsquo;s body when unrobed, and resemble smooth black tentacles. They appear beneath the robe when the Dhaebru is robed.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>When robed, their body somewhat mimics the body of a physical creature. It allows them to enjoy the senses of a physical creature, eat, or even breathe if they want to. Some will even take on the habits of physical creatures even if they don&rsquo;t need to, such as yawning, stretching, or sighing. Dhaebru need to sleep, robed or unrobed. When they do, they lay down, close their eyes, and go entirely still. They do not breathe, or snore, or make any sound and can be mistaken for dead by one not familiar with them. A dead Dhaebru fades away leaving nothing but their robe, armor, and collar like thing with the gem on it. If the Dhaebru is still there, they aren't dead. They are simply asleep.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>When robed, an injured Dhaebru will bleed. It&rsquo;s pure black in color, and will fade away after a while as it goes back to energy. A healthy Dhaebru can heal with a bit of rest if they retreat before they get severe injuries.<br \/><br \/>When killed, their core can be caught and stabilized before it winks out. Warden cores last longer. Common Dhaebru cores generally appear like small dark orbs with a purple shimmer, softly pulsing like a heart. Warden cores are almost prismatic and pearlescent, with a shimmering glow. They also pulsate like a heartbeat. They are sometimes called a Cosmic Fragment. They have all six of the primordial aspects, Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Order and Entropy. As such, a Warden can pull any aspect from their core by taking those sources and carefully weaving them together. This is part of the reason Wardens are so much more powerful, as they can do a lot more with this core within them. The Core of a Warden is highly sought after, and those with ill intentions are known to invade the Outer Realm for the purpose of killing one for their core.<br \/><br \/>While it's fairly uncommon for them to do it, Dhaebru are fully capable of eating when robed. When Dhaebru do decide to eat, it&rsquo;s just for fun and a different experience. They do so to explore the flavors and sensations that food can provide. Aside from being pleasurable, it has no real benefit, though they can sometimes get a little energy from it. When they eat, their insides will break the food down into its component aspects, which is further broken down into the primal aspects. The solid parts of this food simply passes out the other end, just as it would with a physical being. Their body will adjust to accomodate this when it happens. <br \/><br \/>All of the senses a physical creature has work for a robed Dhaebru. They can see, hear, taste, smell, and feel. When robed, this closely mimics how human senses work. When unrobed, they do not taste or smell, and their other senses work differently. The robe makes them more &ldquo;human&rdquo; in a sense. It does not imprison a Dhaebru; in fact, many feel that despite the small inconveniences it causes, it frees them to do and experience more. They like their robes and would become defensive and angry should one try to take them away.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>Dhaebru robes are energy based much like them and are connected to the Dhaebru in such a way that they are directly influenced by the Dhaebru that wears them. A sick or weak Dhaebru has duller, more tattered robes, though all Dhaebru robes are naturally tattered. The reason is often attributed to their dark and chaotic nature, though it could just be an aesthetic choice that just became a normal part of the enchantment. Either way, Dhaebru have worn robes for as long as the race can remember and it is considered highly taboo not to wear robes, even deep in the Outer Realms when nowhere near Midworld. They are very sensitive about nudity, and even if they trust you deeply you will never, ever see one without their robes on. This is such a big part of them, they'll often become distressed, frightened or worried if they see a physical being undressing.<br \/><br \/>Without their robes they are completely spectral, but also extremely vulnerable. Their robes serve to constrain their form down to a more basic shape, allowing them to better interact with the world around them but it also protects them.&nbsp; Unrobed, light causes damage that can quickly lead to death. They have to expend a lot more energy to interact with anything or touch anything if they do not at least have the &ldquo;Collar&rdquo; on. The &ldquo;Collar&rdquo; shown in their unrobed appearance gives some measure of protection, but is not nearly as effective as the full robes. The &ldquo;Collar&rdquo; is what identifies the Dhaebru and allows them to manifest their Robe and Armor. It is often embued with a tracking spell. This allows Dhaebru to find each other within a sect, or call out to their Warden when in danger.<br \/><br \/>The Robe&rsquo;s constraining abilities makes them semi physical in a sense, allowing them to stand in light and survive, as well as protecting their core. The cons are that it keeps them in this semisolid form, and allows them to become vulnerable to physical weapons. They are also able to eat solid food, if they want, and able to enjoy things that physical beings are able to enjoy. Once bound to the Dhaebru, the robe becomes a part of them. The armor is separate, and given to them upon coming of age, becoming integrated with their robes and amulet. This can be removed, but is also bound to their core. The armor depends on the individual sect, but is usually dark purple, with bits of red for Wardens, and golden trimming for both. Dhaebru&rsquo;s sect and adds additional protection from physical damage. The style of the robe and armor can vary depending on the individual sect of Dhaebru. The Sect&rsquo;s symbol appears on the chestplate.<br \/><br \/>Dhaebru do use the bathroom... sort of. The energy they take in, their inner workings cleanses and purifies, and the energy they do not use is passed in a liquid form, though it dissipates after a bit and returns to the ambient energy around them. Amusingly enough, this expelled energy is very useful for a lot of Spellweavers, and is commonly called \"Dhaebru's Essence\" when in reality... it's basically just their version of pee.<br \/><br \/><br \/><strong>Dhaebru Illnesses<\/strong><br \/>While incredibly rare, there are things that can disrupt their energy. This causes a Dhaebru to become very sick. When a Dhaebru becomes ill, they sleep a lot, are lethargic and a bit cranky, often sore and in pain, and their energy can feel discordant and wrong.&nbsp; They often have quivers and tremors, and like to curl up somewhere dark to be alone in their misery. They can be quite vocal about complaining about this, if one bothers them. Any illness one may be afflicted with usually clears up on its own as long as the Dhaebru gets plenty of rest and spends a lot of time around something to harmonize their energy, but in severe cases, such as damage to their core, it can grow severe enough to kill the Dhaebru.<br \/><br \/>A very sick Dhaebru can experience violent energy spikes. While Dhaebru are usually cool to the touch, when they get really sick, the energy conflicting can cause them to actually put off heat, similar to a bad fever.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>While pregnancy can cause a Dhaebru to throw up, how illness can cause it much worse. Normally, vomiting is caused by carrying, taking in the wrong sort of energy, or eating more physical food than their insides can handle. Minor illness can cause this as well. In this case, just the first \"stomach\" empties, a mix of half-converted energies, often with a bit of dark mana as well. When minor, vomiting comes with very little warning, and they usually just heave once and that's it.<br \/><br \/>When seriously ill, however, their energy reservoir can end up with the wrong sort of energy due to conflicts. This causes them to heave repeatedly and bring up their internal energy stores. They bring up significantly more in this case, and it happens repeatedly.&nbsp; Like a human with a severe stomach bug or food poisoning, it leaves a Dhaebru weak and exhausted from loss of energy, and can even lead to their death if severe enough.<br \/><br \/>Dhaebru do not give off clear signs when they are going to vomit, like physical beings do. It's really hard to tell if one is going to, but the main sign to watch out for is a strange 'pressure' as their energy gets all out of sorts. This can feel like a heavy feeling of impending dread, a dark energy. They may also become restless and begin to pace, though they will usually usually curl up and lay down somewhere dark and cool. When they show these signs, it is best to keep something that can absorb and stabilize the energy nearby, as the discordance can be dangerous if not stabilized and taken care of. While it will usually fade away on its own, too much can stick around and cause problems. Even so, the dark energy dissipating can cause an unpleasant pressure for a time. Because it's simply energy, there is no smell.<br \/><br \/><strong>Abilities<\/strong><br \/>They can move through shadows, somewhat like teleporting. They are able to do this robed, as their robes are magically bound to them. They are rarely seen unrobed as they are highly vulnerable outside of their own world.&nbsp;<br \/>They can let out a horrible shriek that can make one become paralyzed in terror. Amped up, this can cause temporary deafness and blindness.<br \/>They cast a spectral fog, which they can hide in, allowing them to escape danger.<br \/>Powerful magical projectiles, balls of darkness that damage, daze, and confuse their attacker. It can also cause temporary blindness.<br \/>When comfortable or happy, or comforting loved ones, especially shadelings, Dhaebru purr. It sounds like a soft, dark rumble and is oddly relaxing despite their frightening appearance. The sound of their purring lets out the more peaceful side of their power, and can lull a person to sleep. Even a frightened human child can be calmed and lulled into sleep by a Dhaebru's purr.<\/p>","field5":"<div id=\"main\">\r\n<div id=\"wsite-content\" class=\"wsite-elements wsite-not-footer\">\r\n<div class=\"wsite-section-wrap\">\r\n<div class=\"wsite-section wsite-body-section wsite-background-9\">\r\n<div class=\"wsite-section-content\">\r\n<div class=\"container\">\r\n<div class=\"wsite-section-elements\">\r\n<div class=\"paragraph\" style=\"text-align: left;\">Simply speaking, Dhaebru have no true sexual dimorphism as they are all simply both and neither. Personality and energy may be masculine or feminine, and they may identify as one gender or the other but all of them are both and capable of siring or bearing Shadelings. What they identify as can appear in their features, such as eye shape and very subtly body shape, though it shows in their energy signature and voice the most, and to some extent personality.<br \/><br \/>While Dhaebru will sometimes tend more towards masculine or feminine, they are all nonbinary in some manner. Even the most masculine Dhaebru has a feminine side, and vice versa. All Dhaebru are capable of siring and bearing young, no matter their individual gender expression. The main difference between a \"male\" and a \"female\" is the voice, energy signature, and the pronoun they use. \"Male\" Dhaebru are usually deeper voiced and sound more masculine, with less of an angle to the eyes. They usually have broader shoulders and narrower hops. Those with male characteristics are known to be slightly more territorial. \"Female\" Dhaebru usually have slightly slimmer bodies when observed, with very subtle curvature sometimes.&nbsp; Their eyes are usually a bit more slanted. Their voices sound softer and more feminine. Their hips are generally wider with narrower shoulders. Unlike many physical beings, Dhaebru are not constrained to one gender or the other, and their expressed gender is very accurate to who they are as their body adjusts naturally to fit their gender expression. It is incredibly common for a Dhaebru to not identify as male or female, though some may simply use a pronoun out of convenience. They don't really care, or see the pronoun used as a big deal, as that's a part of physical beings and their language. Dhaebru do not have gendered pronouns in their natural tongue, and will generally follow whatever physical beings do in their area. Many Dhaebru are so balanced that it's impossible to tell if they are \"male\" or \"female\" Gender as a whole is not an issue to Dhaebru, as they just go by whatever they feel like.<br \/><br \/>Dhaebru are not monogamous. They do not understand the connection between sex and love that humans have. To them, love is not something to be kept to a single individual, but something to be shared with their entire Sect. They are very polyamorous. Dhaebru do not mate for life. There is the occasional Dhaebru who is only attracted to the one they have an emotional emotion with, but they often share this with more than one. They do not have any concept of marriage. When a Dhaebru loves somebody, they cuddle with them, protect them, and want to be around them a lot. Sex is just something they sometimes do for fun. They do not have any concept of &ldquo;cheating&rdquo; and the idea of loving and being with only one creature for their entire lives is confusing and makes no sense. They feel that love of any sort should be shared freely with anybody they care about. This is something to keep in mind if entering a relationship with a Dhaebru. While a Dhaebru will not stick to one partner, they will always love every partner they have. They may not have the same views on relationships as humans, but they are incredibly loyal and loving.<br \/><br \/><br \/><strong><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Reproduction<\/span><\/strong><br \/>Dhaebru reproduce through energy. They periodically go through a reproductive cycle. While both sides are usually active, it can lean more towards one side or the other, taking the form of a &lsquo;heat&rsquo; (When the female side is active, and they are ready to receive energy and carry) or &lsquo;rut&rsquo; (When the male side is active and they are ready to give energy and sire). They can either reproduce asexually or sexually depending on the individual&rsquo;s preferences.&nbsp; Sexually is more common, simply because doing so asexually requires removing their robe and sometimes even their amulet and opening up their core, allowing energy to pass from one to the other. This requires utmost trust, and the Dhaebru is extremely vulnerable during this time. They don't have to open up their core or make themselves vulnerable to do it the physical way. More masculine Dhaebru are more likely to go into rut, and more feminine ones are more likely to go into heat, but they both have both, and often have both at the same time. When a Warden goes into their reproductive cycle, their energy tends to affect every other Dhaebru around them more than a regular Dhaebru's cycle does due to their increased power and size.<br \/>One can tell a Dhaebru is in season if they know normal Dhaebru behavior. When in season, their energy is stronger. One may find themselves getting a little restless around them, especially those who are sensitive to energy. Aside from that, they seem a bit more energetic. They become restless and pace a lot. 'Heat' has their maternal instincts growing stronger, while rut can make a Dhaebru slightly more competitive and aggressive, but never anything extreme. They become restless and a bit moody and pace a lot. It lasts about two weeks, then fades away. A rut can be ended by releasing a certain energy - they don't have to do so with another Dhaebru. Heat can be ended by either carrying, or taking in a quick burst of energy. If a Dhaebru does NOT want to carry, they can block the energy from fully hitting their core, so it won't join and create a Shadeling. Dhaebru Wardens are the most strongly affected by going into this cycle, and have the urge to seek out other Wardens. Their season, though, also makes them very aggressive and territorial, making the Wardens unusually tense. They can&rsquo;t decide whether to fight, or mate! This stalemate can be rather noisy and scary to see, with a lot of growling and pacing around and circling eachother, but it&rsquo;s never dangerous and either ends with the Wardens fighting &hellip; or the alternative. It is not uncommon for them to charge and start to fight, but end with a more peaceful resolution. Their sects are usually used to this and just look on and sigh while trying to ignore the roaring, growling and snarling and the complete indecision while their respective Wardens figure it out.<br \/><br \/><br \/><strong><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Gestation and Birthing<\/span><\/strong><br \/>Dhaebru carry for about 15 months. Symptoms of a pregnant Dhaebru do not show outwardly unless something forces them to carry physically, such as Injury, illness, or something wrong with their core. A pregnant Dhaebru&rsquo;s energy has a different feel to it, easily detectable to other Dhaebru. They will sleep a lot, begin to crave various aspects that they need for the development of their Shadeling, and can even experience something similar to morning sickness, though this is uncommon. The reason being is that it causes energy spikes. Sometimes these can just have the Dhaebru laying around grumbling in tempermental misery, but it can result in throwing up the excess energy if it overwhelms their ability to release it. Morning sickness is most common when carrying a Warden Shadeling, for Wardens and common Dhaebru alike, though it&rsquo;s worse for a common Dhaebru carrying a Warden.&nbsp; These symptoms come in waves, alternating between starving for energy and clinging to energy sources coupled with being very tired, or having energy in excess, causing them to become restless and possibly even start throwing up the extra if the sheer amount of it overwhelms them. As such, pregnant Dhaebru usually just rest somewhere for the most part and just ride it out. They usually give birth by allowing the Shadeling to separate from their core. This process is painful and leaves the Dhaebru exhausted, but they recover just fine with some rest and help from the rest of their sect. They will remove their robe for this process, though their amulet remains on them. In VERY rare occasions, the energy is unable to separate properly and they end up having to take on the physical characteristics of a female and give birth that way. Generally, if the pregnancy is high risk, the Dhaebru's body can determine this early on. This causes them to take on a physical form. Pregnancy, labor and delivery will then mimic the gestation of a physical creature. This is incredibly rare, but does happen on occasion.<br \/><br \/>A Dhaebru has three stages of labor.<br \/><br \/>Stage 1 - The Dhaebru becomes restless, a little pacing, no pain. It is easy to miss because the Dhaebru just sorta seems uncomfortable, though they may begin to pace. This stage can last anything from 12 hours to several days. While not active labor, their body is building up energy to help compensate for what is lost during the split, as well as preparing to split as well. Being nearby, one can feel their energy slowly building. It can make your hair stand on end near the end of this stage.<br \/><br \/>Stage 2 - As the core finishes it's preparation for the split, waves of discomfort and mild to moderate pain quickly follow. While not bad yet, the Dhaebru becomes increasingly restless. They can't sit still. This stage is characterized by pacing around in circles. The pressing feeling of their building energy is so pronounced even one not sensitive will feel it on the air. While they don't need to breathe, a Dhaebru may pant simply because it helps them feel better. This stage can last up to three hours. As the final stage nears, the discomfort and pain quickly grows worse as their energy begins to surge.<br \/><br \/>Stage 3 - The actual splitting of the core happens. The Dhaebru's energy begins to surge painfully. Many Dhaebru will growl and yell their pain. They'll snarl and snap at any who come too close, but don't attack. While it looks scary, the Dhaebru is very unlikely to lash out, and just wants to curl up somewhere dark and safe and get it over with. This stage can last up to an hour, but usually lasts around fifteen minutes to a half hour. If it takes longer than an hour, then the Dhaebru is either having a difficult birth, or something went wrong. At this point, a piece of their core will split off and float in front of them while their own core pulses with intense power as energy flows from them to the tiny newly formed core in front of them, and the Shadeling materializes. It is then given an amulet and robed. This takes a lot of energy, and the exhausted mother will usually sleep.<br \/><br \/><br \/><strong><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Shadowkin: The Rare Hybrid<\/span><\/strong><br \/>Dhaebru ARE capable of impregnating physical beings, but this is extremely rare. The Dhaebru must be in season, and more towards the 'rut' side. The mother has to have some sort of magic either within them or effecting them, so a creature with natural magical energy is more likely to be able to successfully carry a hybrid. The resulting pregnancy is a magical conception, the body taking after the shape of the physical parent and the energy\/dark appearance of the Dhaebru parent. While Dhaebru are quite capable it, it's not too often that they do engage in relations with physical beings. When they do, the chances of conception are extremely low, less than 1% chance with a common Dhaebru, and around 5% for Wardens. The resulting hybrid is known as a Shadowkin. Wardens will sometimes produce Warden Shadowkin, or Shadowkin with the characteristics of Warden, but Common Dhaebru Shadowkin are more likely. Common Dhaebru will always produce normal Shadowkin.<br \/><br \/><strong><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Shadelings<\/span><\/strong><br \/>A baby Dhaebru is known as a Shadeling. They are much smaller, pudgier versions of the adults with babyish porportions. They are given their robes at birth. The robes are bound to their form by a special magical &ldquo;Collar&rdquo; with a gem, the gem being fused with their very core. Warden Shadelings are larger with red eyes, with the robe color of a Warden without any armor. Normal Shadelings have simple dark robes and are smaller. Shadelings are usually given energy by their entire sect, though if one is found orphaned or abandoned, one can feed them dark mana. They will thrive on it, but will need to &ldquo;eat&rdquo; regularly. Shadelings hate being alone. They imprint on the energy of their mother, and spend the most time with the one that birthed them. When separated, they will become extremely upset. When in danger, they will let out a terrible shrieking wail. The sound is enough to make one&rsquo;s ears ring. When separated from their mother, they will let out pulses of energy that can make a person tingle. This pulse can be felt from far away, allowing their mother to find them again. They will continue to do this for weeks, though without somebody to care for them, they&rsquo;ll starve and fade away within a few days.<br \/><br \/><strong><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Growing Up<\/span><\/strong><br \/>Once a Shadeling learns to move about, they are insatiably curious and have a habit of following adult Dhaebru out into Midworld. Warden Shadelings will puff up and protect their friends, or even their mother, whether there is danger or not! They will sometimes chir, chitter and chirp, or make tiny rumbly growls when nervous or playing. They start off crawling about, but once they gain toddlerhood they learn how to stand and walk on two feet. They gain their armor once they come of age, or, when they have their first reproductive cycle. The first cycle is never fertile, and is just a shift in their energy showing they&rsquo;ve matured. Common Dhaebru reach adulthood in roughly 13-14 years, at which point they are mentally and physically equivilent to an 18 year old human. This can be effected by their access to energy, so can be slower if they aren't well fed.&nbsp; Wardens mature fully in roughly 16-18 years. This lenghtened time is because Wardens are far more powerful and need more energy to reach maturity.<\/div>\r\n<div class=\"paragraph\">&nbsp;<\/div>\r\n<div>\r\n<div class=\"wsite-image wsite-image-border-none \" style=\"padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px; margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0; text-align: center;\"><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/91_112_OUXOd21Py8O3BYs.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"939\" height=\"480\" \/><br \/>\r\n<div style=\"display: block; font-size: 90%;\">&nbsp;<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<div class=\"paragraph\">Infant\/Newborn - The amulet is bound to their core and they are robed. They are tiny and sleep a lot. Warden newborns are slightly larger than newborn common Dhaebru. It is easy to tell as soon as a Dhaebru is born if they are a normal Dhaebru, or a Warden. Normal Dhaebru always have pale eyes and are less powerful while Wardens are larger with intense power and bright red eyes.<br \/><br \/>Baby - Getting bigger. Still very small, they spend a lot of time asleep. They are very clingy, and will cry and cry if left alone. They are known to let off little pulses of energy if separated from their mother, which is their way of calling.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>Toddler - Now able to move around on their own, Dhaebru toddlers are insanely curious. They are full of energy and get into everything they can. They still spend a fair amount of time sleeping, but when awake they are little balls of energy. Wardens begin to display signs of being territorial and possessive, and may growl and even bite if you try to take something away they have deemed as belonging to them.<br \/><br \/>Child - Not unlike a human child, curious, playful, imaginative, love to explore, and can get into all sorts of trouble. Warden children will fiercely protect other children, no matter the species. If the sect is around humans and are peaceful with them, their children will play together. A Warden child will fiercely protect other children, no matter their species. They may even growl at a human child's parent if the child doesn't want to stop playing and cries when playtime is over! <br \/><br \/>Adolescence - Their energy begins to go through a shift as it matures, this process taking a few years to complete.<\/div>\r\n<div class=\"paragraph\">&nbsp;<\/div>\r\n<div class=\"paragraph\">Maturity - They go into their first reproductive cycle as their energy goes through a final shift. At this point, they are given their armor, which denotes them as adults. They are finished growing, mature both mentally and physically, by the time they have this first cycle.<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>","field6":"<p>Dhaebru are not physical creatures. No mutations or variations other than the design of their individual robes, and the difference between common Dhaebru and Wardens, have been observed.<\/p>\r\n<p>Deepbloods could be seen as a variation, but this seems to simply be a certain bloodline.<\/p>","field7":"<p><strong><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Other<\/span><\/strong><br \/>Dhaebru, despite their dark nature, love to lay in the sunlight when they are robed. The warmth is comorting and feels really good to them. It can feel uncomfortable on their bare 'skin', but when they are shielded by their robes, the robes absorb the warmth of the sun and make the Dhaebru feel really good. They love warmth! They'll even fall asleep sometimes, lulled by the smells, sounds, and feelings of being out on a nice day.<br \/><br \/>Dhaebru are comforted by soft, ambient light.<br \/><br \/>Their armor protects their Core. The Core is what forms their being and houses their soul.<\/p>"}},"title":"Dhaebru","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":["wip"],"page_tag":null}
#199 4 July 2023, 15:35:56 UTC
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Length: 33818 (+11050) -
{"data":{"description":"<p>Warbred are massive and powerful werebug like creatures, genetically engineered using magic and science by King Zarkhan in the Kingdom of Reinvar. They have their smaller bipedal form and their massive Beast form. Known for their loyalty and power, Warbred are impressive and imposing creatures that serve as an extension of the Shadowed King's power over his Kingdom.<\/p>","field1":"<p>Warbred Vhessen are highly modified creatures, far removed from their ancestors, the regular Vhessen that wander Lumivalis and thrive there.<\/p>\r\n<p>They were created by King Zarkhan, commonly known as Blackwyrm, or the Shadowed King. There will be more information about him and his kingdom once that page is added<br \/><br \/>Warbred are quite literally bred for war, given orders on who to mate with. When not being bred, they are given a contraceptive implant which is removed once the orders are given. Most Warbred will follow these orders without question. Those that do not, are not bred. This has furthered the selection towards docile, loyal, obedient Warbred. The King takes the eggs as soon as they are laid for his own purposes. Warbred do still have very strong maternal instinct; and this leaves them very antsy for a while after the egg is taken. However, they usually shake it off and get back to their duties within a few days. Once the eggs hatch, the nymph is placed in a special stasis chamber that speeds up time, where all basic knowledge is put into their mind with enchantments while time is sped up. From hatching to adulthood, the chamber takes about a year, instead of the 16-ish years it'd normally take to wait for a Warbred to mature naturally. They are taken from the chamber as a sub-adult, so they reach full maturity while in training. Zarkhan found this made for stronger, surer, better-formed and healthier Warbred. Upon leaving the Chamber, the young Warbred are sent off to training, where they will train for a few years before being sent off to where they are stationed. Those who do not make the cut are either stationed somewhere undesirable or outside of the city, or simply killed off to not be a burden on the Kingdom. Warbred the King intends to breed are kept in outposts around the Capitol, while others are sent to less important outposts.<\/p>\r\n<p>There are some that go from the chamber into a hidden underground facility instead of going into training; mostly from very desirable lineages, siblings of Warbred that came out the way he wanted them to, and raised like common beasts. Used for breeding to further bolster their species number or add more to desirable lineages. Eggs from these Feral stock are treated as normal, and their lineage is listed as coming from a full sibling of the Feral, since the Ferals are top secret. Only Zarkhan himself, his head scientist Lumus; a psychotic butterfly with no empathy but is damn good at what he does, and the automatons he built deal with them.<\/p>\r\n<p>Those who highly disappoint the King or disobey direct orders also end up in the underground facility, caged up like the ferals. These ones are most often used for experimentation, to push a Warbred as far as they can be pushed to see what they can handle and figure out how to bring out traits that he wants more. They are still bred, depending on how desirable t heir lineage is. He may pair one with a more docile Feral that shows the traits he does want and that he feels will counter the bad traits; but he is very careful with this, as explaining the lineage would be difficult and strange Warbred from lineages he hasn't bred before may be cause for suspicion, as well as Warbred coming from a soldier who disappeared and should be dead. He leaves all of this to Lumis, as he generally doesn't care about the breeding side of things aside from the strong, useful nymphs that come out of it. While Lumis is responsible for most of the cruelty inflicted on the Warbred in the hidden facility, Zarkhan is fully aware and simply turns a blind eye because in the end, he gets what he wants. The Warbred belong to him, after all. He created them. Warbred who age out of usefulness but still have valuable genes are put up in retirement, usually around the edges of the Capitol City. Their only duty is to offer their genes when a younger Warbred is sent over. Early generation\/elder Warbred have healthy and strong genes that are somethings bred back into certain lineages to increase their health as later generation Warbred are proving to have some health problems starting to crop up in connection to some of the traits the King is trying to encourage.<\/p>\r\n<p>Warbred are the result of several generations of modifications and selective breeding, and are known for being big and powerful Vhessen, towering over their already tall ancestors.<\/p>","field2":"<p>By and large, Warbred are a new species.&nbsp; They are only seen within the borders of Reinvari itself, as they are a specially created and modified creature and the Shadowed King holds them close. <br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p>The generations have passed more quickly than otherwise due to the use of Time Chambers, using rare and powerful magic fueled by Zarkhan himself.<\/p>\r\n<p>Warbred are separated by Generation, though later generation Warbred are separated by their lineage or purpose.<\/p>\r\n<p>Predecessors: Taken directly from Lumivalis after they were abandoned, Zarkhan modified them to make them fiercer and stronger. He started with around 50 individuals chosen from the many he brought in. Those that showed traits he preferred, he modified and trained, those that did not he simply abandoned back in Lumivalis. Kavuta, the albino Wyrm that created the Vhessen, was unaware of this. They closely resemble regular Vhessen (See more about Vhessen on their page along with their lore), and in a sense still are. Some features are exaggerated, but subtly, but there were limits to what he could do to them. From there, he would need to breed those who displayed desired traits together. He started work on the Beast form, and soon managed to have a good starting Warbred species. Because the predcessors were created using the power of an ancient Root of the Life Tree, they were highly adaptable and he was able to modify them far more than he would have otherwise. He greatly boosted their fertility in hopes of them successfully breeding, and he made great use of his enchanted time chambers so they could be out and ready to pair off. At this point, they were all kept in his vast underground facility, caged up. He had the help of his head scientist, a butterfly named Lumis, through all of this.<\/p>\r\n<p>It took a while for the Warbred characteristics he wanted that became a part of his final product to appear. They didn't start to appear until the 3rd and 4th generation of the Predecessors. Each generation was highly modified using magic, and a strange otherworldly science he discovered around the place he founded his Capitol City before to bring out and strengthen the traits he wanted, and he continued to carefully pair them together making fully sure to track whose line came from who. He started adding his own blood to the mix, using intensive magic, experimenting with a powerful were-like beast form. The first attempts failed, but once he succeeded, every Warbred was given the Wereform. At this point, he felt they were complete. He had a good starting population, and the first generations that were not to his desire were culled<\/p>\r\n<p>Because of this, all Warbred have their massive beast form. He was still working on improving them, so hadn't made use of them within his Kingdom yet. They were significantly larger than the Vhessen they descended from by this point, becoming a distinct subspecies. Longer spines on their limbs, thicker in build, larger horns. The beast forms made them even tougher. Many around this point were quite aggressive and could be hard to manage due to enhancing their powerful predatory nature. He then began adding things to make them obedient, loyal and docile.<\/p>\r\n<p>The King started to see improvements in the aggression around the 8th generation of modifying them, they were becoming loyal and obedient, and very strong.<\/p>\r\n<p>Finally, after working on the Predeccessors for around 14 generations, he felt they were ready. He had about 300 individuals at this point, all sporting what he wanted. They were stationed all throughout the Capitol, and from this point they started being counted by Generations.<\/p>\r\n<p>Around this point, Zarkhan started keeping a few siblings of those who had the best genes caged up and raised like simple beasts. They were bred, on occasion, to bolster the numbers of some of his favorite lineages, but they were mostly kept as backup to keep certain genes in the pool in case one of his prized Warbred was killed off. A notable individual among the feral stock is simply known as Ferus, though Ferus eventually managed to break away from the automatons when being exercized in a hidden courtyard, and ran off. Security was improved at this point. His current location is unknown. His scientist, Lumis, would provide a cocktail of potent drugs that would block out their sapient mind, causing them to behave on instinct alone. Because of Lumis being in charge of these \"Ferals\", they are not treated well at all and are usually kept packed up in tiny cages, tended to by the King's Automatons. These 'Feral' Warbred act on instinct alone, and do question orders. Zarkhan was worried the drugs could effect their nymphs, but those descended from the Ferals show no difference from those descended from Warbred within the army.<\/p>\r\n<p>Warbred are all assigned ID numbers. These are used in the King's notes to track the individual. He keeps their family trees very carefully tracked.<br \/><br \/>The format of the ID number is as follows<br \/><br \/>G#[Number of Generation]-[Letter denoting their bodytype]-[Important Lineage Abreviation if there is any]-[Sire]+[Dam]<br \/><br \/>Their name would be listed after this with an abbreviation next to it. If two had the same abbreviation, the rest of the ID number would tell him what he needed to know. <br \/><br \/>An example would be<br \/><br \/>G13-A-Vherr,Vhel-Lar+Vir: Keldris<br \/><br \/>This denotes a 13th generation Warbred of the average bodytype, bearing the lineages of Vherra and Vhelos, child of&nbsp; Larion and Virek, with their name added. <br \/><br \/>Warbred are quite aware of their ID number, and even to a point what they mean. They know it tells who their parents are and they know it's used to track their lienages. This, however, is all they know so they do not see it as odd. The King awakens them from the Time Chambers, and they are told that he is their creator, and that he created them, saved their ancestors from being abandoned and that they exist to serve him and his kingdom. Very few question this. <br \/><br \/><\/p>","field3":"<p>Warbred are highly social, forming packs naturally. The are most effective stationed in groups of 8-15 individuals, and often bond closely with one other Warbred that they work well with. These duos often balance eachother out and have a sense of comradry about them.<\/p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Warbred become very depressed when alone, and prolonged isolation can lead to feelings of depression and sadness. <br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">In barracks or designated sleeping areas, the King typically provides each Warbred with their own bed, though partners share quarters. Despite having individual sleeping spaces, squad partners often choose to sleep together. They sleep noticeably better when cuddled up with another Warbred. They are known to groom eachothers. Not to clean, but because the act is soothing and helps both Warbred bond.<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Warbred are very open and accepting. If you befriend a pack, they'll accept you as one of them, treating you just as they treat their fellows, though being gentle with smaller folks because they are quite aware of their size. They're empathetic and attentive to the needs of eachother and those around them. A Warbred will be able to tell if you are upset in an instant, and will try to make you feel better.<br \/><br \/>They are very pack oriented. The strongest and most experienced of them becomes the leader. The pack alpha is not chosen based on their dominance, and despite their fierce nature, they don't fight for it. Their heirarchy forms naturally based on the individuals in the pack. <br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Warbred are surprisingly affectionate, and love physical contact. When off duty, and not training or sparring, they can often be seen laying together and cuddling, often with one resting their head in the other's mane. They will nuzzle and touch snouts sometimes, and when one becomes distressed, gentle licks and nibbles along the antennae can calm them down and make them feel better.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">They are extremely loyal, both to their pack and the King and Kingdom as a whole.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/p>","field4":"<p>Compared to regular Vhessen, Warbred stand an average of 10-12 feet tall, excluding the horns. Some lineages can get up to 13 feet tall, or even 14 feet tall with one individual unusually large at around 16 feet tall. They are powerful and thick in build, muscular, and naturally armored. Their claws are longer and sharper compared to regular Vhessen. Over time, a few variants have started to show. The tall, lanky fast lineage, lighter with longer limbs and incredible stamina are one variant that he's found useful and has been preserving several lineages of. The speedier Warbred tend to be energetic. While less docile than other variants, they are still obedient enough to be useful. There is the large variant, which can get up to 14 feet tall minus the horns, though some individuals get too big and this causes a lot of health problems. These huge \"tanky\" Warbred are wide and muscular and powerful, but they are slower than the average Warbred and tend to have much bigger horns, which can weigh their heads down and cause neck pain. They hit HARD, but are slow with low agility and low stamina. They are meant more to be impressive and strike fear in a battle with their terrible roar, which is several times louder than other Warbred variants. Finally there is the \"Dwarf\" variety, rising from a Warbred that got a random mutation that made them as tall as a normal, average bug in natural form. They have all the strength of an average Warbred packed into their smaller bodies, and are much lighter. They can jump, leap, climb, and get places other Warbred can not. They do tend to be a lot spunkier than others, but they are incredibly useful. ANY with this mutation are kept close and bred, most often with the faster lineages to try to create agile, quick, slender scouts.<br \/><br \/>More Soon<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/77bd8b2ecc92e20fd0a7e76e4b672fa0\/5b5333d5baa39dc3-9d\/s540x810\/860a922f30ddadb932db9228d2cc5ffbbbbad0d2.gifv\" alt=\"\" width=\"540\" height=\"294\" \/><\/p>","field5":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Warbred enter a heat cycle once a year, in mid to late Spring. They are gravid for around 8 months. They lay an egg, which has a soft leathery shell. The egg will hatch within a few minutes of being laid, serving more to protect the mother from the nymph's claws and horns than a proper egg shell. Warbred nymphs are born with their eyes closed and unable to move very well on their own, though they will crawl their way to their mother's belly to knead at the pouches and lap up the milk that comes out. During the nymph's first two weeks of life, the Warbred mother's milk has a special unique composition that makes it much more beneficial to the nymph. They do much better when they have this special milk during their early life which is why the King leaves them with their dam for two weeks before taking them away. They open their eyes when they are about a week old, and can move around by their second week, their movement and behavior reminiscent of a very young kitten. Warbred often become upset and distressed when it is time to give up their nymphs, but their loyalty to their king is strong enough that they rarely ever resist. Their duty is to the King, after all. Their nymphs belong to him, not them.<br \/><br \/>More Soon<br \/><\/span><\/p>","field6":"<p>More Soon<\/p>","field7":"<p>More Soon<\/p>","parsed":{"description":"<p>Warbred are massive and powerful werebug like creatures, genetically engineered using magic and science by King Zarkhan in the Kingdom of Reinvar. They have their smaller bipedal form and their massive Beast form. Known for their loyalty and power, Warbred are impressive and imposing creatures that serve as an extension of the Shadowed King's power over his Kingdom.<\/p>","field1":"<p>Warbred Vhessen are highly modified creatures, far removed from their ancestors, the regular Vhessen that wander Lumivalis and thrive there.<\/p>\r\n<p>They were created by King Zarkhan, commonly known as Blackwyrm, or the Shadowed King. There will be more information about him and his kingdom once that page is added<br \/><br \/>Warbred are quite literally bred for war, given orders on who to mate with. When not being bred, they are given a contraceptive implant which is removed once the orders are given. Most Warbred will follow these orders without question. Those that do not, are not bred. This has furthered the selection towards docile, loyal, obedient Warbred. The King takes the eggs as soon as they are laid for his own purposes. Warbred do still have very strong maternal instinct; and this leaves them very antsy for a while after the egg is taken. However, they usually shake it off and get back to their duties within a few days. Once the eggs hatch, the nymph is placed in a special stasis chamber that speeds up time, where all basic knowledge is put into their mind with enchantments while time is sped up. From hatching to adulthood, the chamber takes about a year, instead of the 16-ish years it'd normally take to wait for a Warbred to mature naturally. They are taken from the chamber as a sub-adult, so they reach full maturity while in training. Zarkhan found this made for stronger, surer, better-formed and healthier Warbred. Upon leaving the Chamber, the young Warbred are sent off to training, where they will train for a few years before being sent off to where they are stationed. Those who do not make the cut are either stationed somewhere undesirable or outside of the city, or simply killed off to not be a burden on the Kingdom. Warbred the King intends to breed are kept in outposts around the Capitol, while others are sent to less important outposts.<\/p>\r\n<p>There are some that go from the chamber into a hidden underground facility instead of going into training; mostly from very desirable lineages, siblings of Warbred that came out the way he wanted them to, and raised like common beasts. Used for breeding to further bolster their species number or add more to desirable lineages. Eggs from these Feral stock are treated as normal, and their lineage is listed as coming from a full sibling of the Feral, since the Ferals are top secret. Only Zarkhan himself, his head scientist Lumus; a psychotic butterfly with no empathy but is damn good at what he does, and the automatons he built deal with them.<\/p>\r\n<p>Those who highly disappoint the King or disobey direct orders also end up in the underground facility, caged up like the ferals. These ones are most often used for experimentation, to push a Warbred as far as they can be pushed to see what they can handle and figure out how to bring out traits that he wants more. They are still bred, depending on how desirable t heir lineage is. He may pair one with a more docile Feral that shows the traits he does want and that he feels will counter the bad traits; but he is very careful with this, as explaining the lineage would be difficult and strange Warbred from lineages he hasn't bred before may be cause for suspicion, as well as Warbred coming from a soldier who disappeared and should be dead. He leaves all of this to Lumis, as he generally doesn't care about the breeding side of things aside from the strong, useful nymphs that come out of it. While Lumis is responsible for most of the cruelty inflicted on the Warbred in the hidden facility, Zarkhan is fully aware and simply turns a blind eye because in the end, he gets what he wants. The Warbred belong to him, after all. He created them. Warbred who age out of usefulness but still have valuable genes are put up in retirement, usually around the edges of the Capitol City. Their only duty is to offer their genes when a younger Warbred is sent over. Early generation\/elder Warbred have healthy and strong genes that are somethings bred back into certain lineages to increase their health as later generation Warbred are proving to have some health problems starting to crop up in connection to some of the traits the King is trying to encourage.<\/p>\r\n<p>Warbred are the result of several generations of modifications and selective breeding, and are known for being big and powerful Vhessen, towering over their already tall ancestors.<\/p>","field2":"<p>By and large, Warbred are a new species.&nbsp; They are only seen within the borders of Reinvari itself, as they are a specially created and modified creature and the Shadowed King holds them close. <br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p>The generations have passed more quickly than otherwise due to the use of Time Chambers, using rare and powerful magic fueled by Zarkhan himself.<\/p>\r\n<p>Warbred are separated by Generation, though later generation Warbred are separated by their lineage or purpose.<\/p>\r\n<p>Predecessors: Taken directly from Lumivalis after they were abandoned, Zarkhan modified them to make them fiercer and stronger. He started with around 50 individuals chosen from the many he brought in. Those that showed traits he preferred, he modified and trained, those that did not he simply abandoned back in Lumivalis. Kavuta, the albino Wyrm that created the Vhessen, was unaware of this. They closely resemble regular Vhessen (See more about Vhessen on their page along with their lore), and in a sense still are. Some features are exaggerated, but subtly, but there were limits to what he could do to them. From there, he would need to breed those who displayed desired traits together. He started work on the Beast form, and soon managed to have a good starting Warbred species. Because the predcessors were created using the power of an ancient Root of the Life Tree, they were highly adaptable and he was able to modify them far more than he would have otherwise. He greatly boosted their fertility in hopes of them successfully breeding, and he made great use of his enchanted time chambers so they could be out and ready to pair off. At this point, they were all kept in his vast underground facility, caged up. He had the help of his head scientist, a butterfly named Lumis, through all of this.<\/p>\r\n<p>It took a while for the Warbred characteristics he wanted that became a part of his final product to appear. They didn't start to appear until the 3rd and 4th generation of the Predecessors. Each generation was highly modified using magic, and a strange otherworldly science he discovered around the place he founded his Capitol City before to bring out and strengthen the traits he wanted, and he continued to carefully pair them together making fully sure to track whose line came from who. He started adding his own blood to the mix, using intensive magic, experimenting with a powerful were-like beast form. The first attempts failed, but once he succeeded, every Warbred was given the Wereform. At this point, he felt they were complete. He had a good starting population, and the first generations that were not to his desire were culled<\/p>\r\n<p>Because of this, all Warbred have their massive beast form. He was still working on improving them, so hadn't made use of them within his Kingdom yet. They were significantly larger than the Vhessen they descended from by this point, becoming a distinct subspecies. Longer spines on their limbs, thicker in build, larger horns. The beast forms made them even tougher. Many around this point were quite aggressive and could be hard to manage due to enhancing their powerful predatory nature. He then began adding things to make them obedient, loyal and docile.<\/p>\r\n<p>The King started to see improvements in the aggression around the 8th generation of modifying them, they were becoming loyal and obedient, and very strong.<\/p>\r\n<p>Finally, after working on the Predeccessors for around 14 generations, he felt they were ready. He had about 300 individuals at this point, all sporting what he wanted. They were stationed all throughout the Capitol, and from this point they started being counted by Generations.<\/p>\r\n<p>Around this point, Zarkhan started keeping a few siblings of those who had the best genes caged up and raised like simple beasts. They were bred, on occasion, to bolster the numbers of some of his favorite lineages, but they were mostly kept as backup to keep certain genes in the pool in case one of his prized Warbred was killed off. A notable individual among the feral stock is simply known as Ferus, though Ferus eventually managed to break away from the automatons when being exercized in a hidden courtyard, and ran off. Security was improved at this point. His current location is unknown. His scientist, Lumis, would provide a cocktail of potent drugs that would block out their sapient mind, causing them to behave on instinct alone. Because of Lumis being in charge of these \"Ferals\", they are not treated well at all and are usually kept packed up in tiny cages, tended to by the King's Automatons. These 'Feral' Warbred act on instinct alone, and do question orders. Zarkhan was worried the drugs could effect their nymphs, but those descended from the Ferals show no difference from those descended from Warbred within the army.<\/p>\r\n<p>Warbred are all assigned ID numbers. These are used in the King's notes to track the individual. He keeps their family trees very carefully tracked.<br \/><br \/>The format of the ID number is as follows<br \/><br \/>G#[Number of Generation]-[Letter denoting their bodytype]-[Important Lineage Abreviation if there is any]-[Sire]+[Dam]<br \/><br \/>Their name would be listed after this with an abbreviation next to it. If two had the same abbreviation, the rest of the ID number would tell him what he needed to know. <br \/><br \/>An example would be<br \/><br \/>G13-A-Vherr,Vhel-Lar+Vir: Keldris<br \/><br \/>This denotes a 13th generation Warbred of the average bodytype, bearing the lineages of Vherra and Vhelos, child of&nbsp; Larion and Virek, with their name added. <br \/><br \/>Warbred are quite aware of their ID number, and even to a point what they mean. They know it tells who their parents are and they know it's used to track their lienages. This, however, is all they know so they do not see it as odd. The King awakens them from the Time Chambers, and they are told that he is their creator, and that he created them, saved their ancestors from being abandoned and that they exist to serve him and his kingdom. Very few question this. <br \/><br \/><\/p>","field3":"<p>Warbred are highly social, forming packs naturally. The are most effective stationed in groups of 8-15 individuals, and often bond closely with one other Warbred that they work well with. These duos often balance eachother out and have a sense of comradry about them.<\/p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Warbred become very depressed when alone, and prolonged isolation can lead to feelings of depression and sadness. <br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">In barracks or designated sleeping areas, the King typically provides each Warbred with their own bed, though partners share quarters. Despite having individual sleeping spaces, squad partners often choose to sleep together. They sleep noticeably better when cuddled up with another Warbred. They are known to groom eachothers. Not to clean, but because the act is soothing and helps both Warbred bond.<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Warbred are very open and accepting. If you befriend a pack, they'll accept you as one of them, treating you just as they treat their fellows, though being gentle with smaller folks because they are quite aware of their size. They're empathetic and attentive to the needs of eachother and those around them. A Warbred will be able to tell if you are upset in an instant, and will try to make you feel better.<br \/><br \/>They are very pack oriented. The strongest and most experienced of them becomes the leader. The pack alpha is not chosen based on their dominance, and despite their fierce nature, they don't fight for it. Their heirarchy forms naturally based on the individuals in the pack. <br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Warbred are surprisingly affectionate, and love physical contact. When off duty, and not training or sparring, they can often be seen laying together and cuddling, often with one resting their head in the other's mane. They will nuzzle and touch snouts sometimes, and when one becomes distressed, gentle licks and nibbles along the antennae can calm them down and make them feel better.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">They are extremely loyal, both to their pack and the King and Kingdom as a whole.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/p>","field4":"<p>Compared to regular Vhessen, Warbred stand an average of 10-12 feet tall, excluding the horns. Some lineages can get up to 13 feet tall, or even 14 feet tall with one individual unusually large at around 16 feet tall. They are powerful and thick in build, muscular, and naturally armored. Their claws are longer and sharper compared to regular Vhessen. Over time, a few variants have started to show. The tall, lanky fast lineage, lighter with longer limbs and incredible stamina are one variant that he's found useful and has been preserving several lineages of. The speedier Warbred tend to be energetic. While less docile than other variants, they are still obedient enough to be useful. There is the large variant, which can get up to 14 feet tall minus the horns, though some individuals get too big and this causes a lot of health problems. These huge \"tanky\" Warbred are wide and muscular and powerful, but they are slower than the average Warbred and tend to have much bigger horns, which can weigh their heads down and cause neck pain. They hit HARD, but are slow with low agility and low stamina. They are meant more to be impressive and strike fear in a battle with their terrible roar, which is several times louder than other Warbred variants. Finally there is the \"Dwarf\" variety, rising from a Warbred that got a random mutation that made them as tall as a normal, average bug in natural form. They have all the strength of an average Warbred packed into their smaller bodies, and are much lighter. They can jump, leap, climb, and get places other Warbred can not. They do tend to be a lot spunkier than others, but they are incredibly useful. ANY with this mutation are kept close and bred, most often with the faster lineages to try to create agile, quick, slender scouts.<br \/><br \/>More Soon<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/77bd8b2ecc92e20fd0a7e76e4b672fa0\/5b5333d5baa39dc3-9d\/s540x810\/860a922f30ddadb932db9228d2cc5ffbbbbad0d2.gifv\" alt=\"\" width=\"540\" height=\"294\" \/><\/p>","field5":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Warbred enter a heat cycle once a year, in mid to late Spring. They are gravid for around 8 months. They lay an egg, which has a soft leathery shell. The egg will hatch within a few minutes of being laid, serving more to protect the mother from the nymph's claws and horns than a proper egg shell. Warbred nymphs are born with their eyes closed and unable to move very well on their own, though they will crawl their way to their mother's belly to knead at the pouches and lap up the milk that comes out. During the nymph's first two weeks of life, the Warbred mother's milk has a special unique composition that makes it much more beneficial to the nymph. They do much better when they have this special milk during their early life which is why the King leaves them with their dam for two weeks before taking them away. They open their eyes when they are about a week old, and can move around by their second week, their movement and behavior reminiscent of a very young kitten. Warbred often become upset and distressed when it is time to give up their nymphs, but their loyalty to their king is strong enough that they rarely ever resist. Their duty is to the King, after all. Their nymphs belong to him, not them.<br \/><br \/>More Soon<br \/><\/span><\/p>","field6":"<p>More Soon<\/p>","field7":"<p>More Soon<\/p>"}},"title":"Warbred","is_visible":"1","summary":"Genetically engineered werebug like Super Soldiers created with a combination of science and magic that have been selectively bred for generations.","utility_tag":["wip"],"page_tag":["Enterra","A Tale of Two Brothers"]}
#198 4 July 2023, 14:33:09 UTC
Page Updated
Length: 22768 (+21096) -
{"data":{"description":"<p>Warbred are massive and powerful werebug like creatures, genetically engineered using magic and science by King Zarkhan in the Kingdom of Reinvar. They have their smaller bipedal form and their massive Beast form. Known for their loyalty and power, Warbred are impressive and imposing creatures that serve as an extension of the Shadowed King's power over his Kingdom.<\/p>","field1":"<p>Warbred Vhessen are highly modified creatures, far removed from their ancestors, the regular Vhessen that wander Lumivalis and thrive there.<\/p>\r\n<p>They were created by King Zarkhan, commonly known as Blackwyrm, or the Shadowed King. There will be more information about him and his kingdom once that page is added<br \/><br \/>Warbred are quite literally bred for war, given orders on who to mate with. When not being bred, they are given a contraceptive implant which is removed once the orders are given. Most Warbred will follow these orders without question. Those that do not, are not bred. This has furthered the selection towards docile, loyal, obedient Warbred. The King takes the eggs as soon as they are laid for his own purposes. Warbred do still have very strong maternal instinct; and this leaves them very antsy for a while after the egg is taken. However, they usually shake it off and get back to their duties within a few days. Once the eggs hatch, the nymph is placed in a special stasis chamber that speeds up time, where all basic knowledge is put into their mind with enchantments while time is sped up. From hatching to adulthood, the chamber takes about a year, instead of the 16-ish years it'd normally take to wait for a Warbred to mature naturally. They are taken from the chamber as a sub-adult, so they reach full maturity while in training. Zarkhan found this made for stronger, surer, better-formed and healthier Warbred. Upon leaving the Chamber, the young Warbred are sent off to training, where they will train for a few years before being sent off to where they are stationed. Those who do not make the cut are either stationed somewhere undesirable or outside of the city, or simply killed off to not be a burden on the Kingdom. Warbred the King intends to breed are kept in outposts around the Capitol, while others are sent to less important outposts.<\/p>\r\n<p>There are some that go from the chamber into a hidden underground facility instead of going into training; mostly from very desirable lineages, siblings of Warbred that came out the way he wanted them to, and raised like common beasts. Used for breeding to further bolster their species number or add more to desirable lineages. Eggs from these Feral stock are treated as normal, and their lineage is listed as coming from a full sibling of the Feral, since the Ferals are top secret. Only Zarkhan himself, his head scientist Lumus; a psychotic butterfly with no empathy but is damn good at what he does, and the automatons he built deal with them.<\/p>\r\n<p>Those who highly disappoint the King or disobey direct orders also end up in the underground facility, caged up like the ferals. These ones are most often used for experimentation, to push a Warbred as far as they can be pushed to see what they can handle and figure out how to bring out traits that he wants more. They are still bred, depending on how desirable t heir lineage is. He may pair one with a more docile Feral that shows the traits he does want and that he feels will counter the bad traits; but he is very careful with this, as explaining the lineage would be difficult and strange Warbred from lineages he hasn't bred before may be cause for suspicion, as well as Warbred coming from a soldier who disappeared and should be dead. He leaves all of this to Lumis, as he generally doesn't care about the breeding side of things aside from the strong, useful nymphs that come out of it. While Lumis is responsible for most of the cruelty inflicted on the Warbred in the hidden facility, Zarkhan is fully aware and simply turns a blind eye because in the end, he gets what he wants. The Warbred belong to him, after all. He created them. Warbred who age out of usefulness but still have valuable genes are put up in retirement, usually around the edges of the Capitol City. Their only duty is to offer their genes when a younger Warbred is sent over. Early generation\/elder Warbred have healthy and strong genes that are somethings bred back into certain lineages to increase their health as later generation Warbred are proving to have some health problems starting to crop up in connection to some of the traits the King is trying to encourage.<\/p>\r\n<p>Warbred have been in the process of creation for numerous generations, and are known for being big and powerful Vhessen, towering over their already tall ancestors.<\/p>","field2":"<p>By and large, Warbred are a new species.&nbsp; They are only seen within the borders of Reinvari itself, as they are a specially created and modified creature and the Shadowed King holds them close. <br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p>The generations have passed more quickly than otherwise due to the use of Time Chambers, using rare and powerful magic fueled by Zarkhan himself.<\/p>\r\n<p>Warbred are separated by Generation, though later generation Warbred are separated by their lineage or purpose.<\/p>\r\n<p>Predecessors: Taken directly from Lumivalis after they were abandoned, Zarkhan modified them to make them fiercer and stronger. He started with around 50 individuals chosen from the many he brought in. Those that showed traits he preferred, he modified and trained, those that did not he simply abandoned back in Lumivalis. Kavuta, the albino Wyrm that created the Vhessen, was unaware of this. They closely resemble regular Vhessen (See more about Vhessen on their page along with their lore), and in a sense still are. Some features are exaggerated, but subtly, but there were limits to what he could do to them. From there, he would need to breed those who displayed desired traits together. He started work on the Beast form, and soon managed to have a good starting Warbred species. Because the predcessors were created using the power of an ancient Root of the Life Tree, they were highly adaptable and he was able to modify them far more than he would have otherwise. He greatly boosted their fertility in hopes of them successfully breeding, and he made great use of his enchanted time chambers so they could be out and ready to pair off. At this point, they were all kept in his vast underground facility, caged up. He had the help of his head scientist, a butterfly named Lumis, through all of this.<\/p>\r\n<p>It took a while for the Warbred characteristics he wanted that became a part of his final product to appear. They didn't start to appear until the 3rd and 4th generation of the Predecessors. Each generation was highly modified using magic, and a strange otherworldly science he discovered around the place he founded his Capitol City before to bring out and strengthen the traits he wanted, and he continued to carefully pair them together making fully sure to track whose line came from who. He started adding his own blood to the mix, using intensive magic, experimenting with a powerful were-like beast form. The first attempts failed, but once he succeeded, every Warbred was given the Wereform. At this point, he felt they were complete. He had a good starting population, and the first generations that were not to his desire were culled<\/p>\r\n<p>Because of this, all Warbred have their massive beast form. He was still working on improving them, so hadn't made use of them within his Kingdom yet. They were significantly larger than the Vhessen they descended from by this point, becoming a distinct subspecies. Longer spines on their limbs, thicker in build, larger horns. The beast forms made them even tougher. Many around this point were quite aggressive and could be hard to manage due to enhancing their powerful predatory nature. He then began adding things to make them obedient, loyal and docile. <\/p>\r\n<p>The King started to see improvements in the aggression around the 8th generation of modifying them, they were becoming loyal and obedient, and very strong.<\/p>\r\n<p>Finally, after working on the Predeccessors for around 14 generations, he felt they were ready. He had about 300 individuals at this point, all sporting what he wanted. They were stationed all throughout the Capitol, and from this point they started being counted by Generations. <\/p>\r\n<p>Around this point, Zarkhan started keeping a few siblings of those who had the best genes caged up and raised like simple beasts. They were bred, on occasion, to bolster the numbers of some of his favorite lineages, but they were mostly kept as backup to keep certain genes in the pool in case one of his prized Warbred was killed off. A notable individual among the feral stock is simply known as Ferus, though Ferus eventually managed to break away from the automatons when being exercized in a hidden courtyard, and ran off. Security was improved at this point. His current location is unknown. His scientist, Lumis, would provide a cocktail of potent drugs that would block out their sapient mind, causing them to behave on instinct alone. Because of Lumis being in charge of these \"Ferals\", they are not treated well at all and are usually kept packed up in tiny cages, tended to by the King's Automatons. These 'Feral' Warbred act on instinct alone, and do question orders. Zarkhan was worried the drugs could effect their nymphs, but those descended from the Ferals show no difference from those descended from Warbred within the army. <\/p>\r\n<p>Warbred are all assigned ID numbers. These are used in the King's notes to track the individual. He keeps their family trees very carefully tracked.<br \/><br \/>The format of the ID number is as follows<br \/><br \/>G#[Number of Generation]-[Letter denoting their bodytype]-[Important Lineage Abreviation if there is any]-[Sire]+[Dam]<br \/><br \/>Their name would be listed after this with an abbreviation next to it. If two had the same abbreviation, the rest of the ID number would tell him what he needed to know. <br \/><br \/>An example would be<br \/><br \/>G13-A-Vherr,Vhel-Lar+Vir: Keldris<br \/><br \/>This denotes a 13th generation Warbred of the average bodytype, bearing the lineages of Vherra and Vhelos, child of&nbsp; Larion and Virek, with their name added. <br \/><br \/>Warbred are quite aware of their ID number, and even to a point what they mean. They know it tells who their parents are and they know it's used to track their lienages. This, however, is all they know so they do not see it as odd. The King awakens them from the Time Chambers, and they are told that he is their creator, and that he created them, saved their ancestors from being abandoned and that they exist to serve him and his kingdom. Very few question this. <br \/><br \/><\/p>","field3":null,"field4":"<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/77bd8b2ecc92e20fd0a7e76e4b672fa0\/5b5333d5baa39dc3-9d\/s540x810\/860a922f30ddadb932db9228d2cc5ffbbbbad0d2.gifv\" alt=\"\" width=\"540\" height=\"294\" \/><\/p>","field5":null,"field6":null,"field7":null,"parsed":{"description":"<p>Warbred are massive and powerful werebug like creatures, genetically engineered using magic and science by King Zarkhan in the Kingdom of Reinvar. They have their smaller bipedal form and their massive Beast form. Known for their loyalty and power, Warbred are impressive and imposing creatures that serve as an extension of the Shadowed King's power over his Kingdom.<\/p>","field1":"<p>Warbred Vhessen are highly modified creatures, far removed from their ancestors, the regular Vhessen that wander Lumivalis and thrive there.<\/p>\r\n<p>They were created by King Zarkhan, commonly known as Blackwyrm, or the Shadowed King. There will be more information about him and his kingdom once that page is added<br \/><br \/>Warbred are quite literally bred for war, given orders on who to mate with. When not being bred, they are given a contraceptive implant which is removed once the orders are given. Most Warbred will follow these orders without question. Those that do not, are not bred. This has furthered the selection towards docile, loyal, obedient Warbred. The King takes the eggs as soon as they are laid for his own purposes. Warbred do still have very strong maternal instinct; and this leaves them very antsy for a while after the egg is taken. However, they usually shake it off and get back to their duties within a few days. Once the eggs hatch, the nymph is placed in a special stasis chamber that speeds up time, where all basic knowledge is put into their mind with enchantments while time is sped up. From hatching to adulthood, the chamber takes about a year, instead of the 16-ish years it'd normally take to wait for a Warbred to mature naturally. They are taken from the chamber as a sub-adult, so they reach full maturity while in training. Zarkhan found this made for stronger, surer, better-formed and healthier Warbred. Upon leaving the Chamber, the young Warbred are sent off to training, where they will train for a few years before being sent off to where they are stationed. Those who do not make the cut are either stationed somewhere undesirable or outside of the city, or simply killed off to not be a burden on the Kingdom. Warbred the King intends to breed are kept in outposts around the Capitol, while others are sent to less important outposts.<\/p>\r\n<p>There are some that go from the chamber into a hidden underground facility instead of going into training; mostly from very desirable lineages, siblings of Warbred that came out the way he wanted them to, and raised like common beasts. Used for breeding to further bolster their species number or add more to desirable lineages. Eggs from these Feral stock are treated as normal, and their lineage is listed as coming from a full sibling of the Feral, since the Ferals are top secret. Only Zarkhan himself, his head scientist Lumus; a psychotic butterfly with no empathy but is damn good at what he does, and the automatons he built deal with them.<\/p>\r\n<p>Those who highly disappoint the King or disobey direct orders also end up in the underground facility, caged up like the ferals. These ones are most often used for experimentation, to push a Warbred as far as they can be pushed to see what they can handle and figure out how to bring out traits that he wants more. They are still bred, depending on how desirable t heir lineage is. He may pair one with a more docile Feral that shows the traits he does want and that he feels will counter the bad traits; but he is very careful with this, as explaining the lineage would be difficult and strange Warbred from lineages he hasn't bred before may be cause for suspicion, as well as Warbred coming from a soldier who disappeared and should be dead. He leaves all of this to Lumis, as he generally doesn't care about the breeding side of things aside from the strong, useful nymphs that come out of it. While Lumis is responsible for most of the cruelty inflicted on the Warbred in the hidden facility, Zarkhan is fully aware and simply turns a blind eye because in the end, he gets what he wants. The Warbred belong to him, after all. He created them. Warbred who age out of usefulness but still have valuable genes are put up in retirement, usually around the edges of the Capitol City. Their only duty is to offer their genes when a younger Warbred is sent over. Early generation\/elder Warbred have healthy and strong genes that are somethings bred back into certain lineages to increase their health as later generation Warbred are proving to have some health problems starting to crop up in connection to some of the traits the King is trying to encourage.<\/p>\r\n<p>Warbred have been in the process of creation for numerous generations, and are known for being big and powerful Vhessen, towering over their already tall ancestors.<\/p>","field2":"<p>By and large, Warbred are a new species.&nbsp; They are only seen within the borders of Reinvari itself, as they are a specially created and modified creature and the Shadowed King holds them close. <br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p>The generations have passed more quickly than otherwise due to the use of Time Chambers, using rare and powerful magic fueled by Zarkhan himself.<\/p>\r\n<p>Warbred are separated by Generation, though later generation Warbred are separated by their lineage or purpose.<\/p>\r\n<p>Predecessors: Taken directly from Lumivalis after they were abandoned, Zarkhan modified them to make them fiercer and stronger. He started with around 50 individuals chosen from the many he brought in. Those that showed traits he preferred, he modified and trained, those that did not he simply abandoned back in Lumivalis. Kavuta, the albino Wyrm that created the Vhessen, was unaware of this. They closely resemble regular Vhessen (See more about Vhessen on their page along with their lore), and in a sense still are. Some features are exaggerated, but subtly, but there were limits to what he could do to them. From there, he would need to breed those who displayed desired traits together. He started work on the Beast form, and soon managed to have a good starting Warbred species. Because the predcessors were created using the power of an ancient Root of the Life Tree, they were highly adaptable and he was able to modify them far more than he would have otherwise. He greatly boosted their fertility in hopes of them successfully breeding, and he made great use of his enchanted time chambers so they could be out and ready to pair off. At this point, they were all kept in his vast underground facility, caged up. He had the help of his head scientist, a butterfly named Lumis, through all of this.<\/p>\r\n<p>It took a while for the Warbred characteristics he wanted that became a part of his final product to appear. They didn't start to appear until the 3rd and 4th generation of the Predecessors. Each generation was highly modified using magic, and a strange otherworldly science he discovered around the place he founded his Capitol City before to bring out and strengthen the traits he wanted, and he continued to carefully pair them together making fully sure to track whose line came from who. He started adding his own blood to the mix, using intensive magic, experimenting with a powerful were-like beast form. The first attempts failed, but once he succeeded, every Warbred was given the Wereform. At this point, he felt they were complete. He had a good starting population, and the first generations that were not to his desire were culled<\/p>\r\n<p>Because of this, all Warbred have their massive beast form. He was still working on improving them, so hadn't made use of them within his Kingdom yet. They were significantly larger than the Vhessen they descended from by this point, becoming a distinct subspecies. Longer spines on their limbs, thicker in build, larger horns. The beast forms made them even tougher. Many around this point were quite aggressive and could be hard to manage due to enhancing their powerful predatory nature. He then began adding things to make them obedient, loyal and docile. <\/p>\r\n<p>The King started to see improvements in the aggression around the 8th generation of modifying them, they were becoming loyal and obedient, and very strong.<\/p>\r\n<p>Finally, after working on the Predeccessors for around 14 generations, he felt they were ready. He had about 300 individuals at this point, all sporting what he wanted. They were stationed all throughout the Capitol, and from this point they started being counted by Generations. <\/p>\r\n<p>Around this point, Zarkhan started keeping a few siblings of those who had the best genes caged up and raised like simple beasts. They were bred, on occasion, to bolster the numbers of some of his favorite lineages, but they were mostly kept as backup to keep certain genes in the pool in case one of his prized Warbred was killed off. A notable individual among the feral stock is simply known as Ferus, though Ferus eventually managed to break away from the automatons when being exercized in a hidden courtyard, and ran off. Security was improved at this point. His current location is unknown. His scientist, Lumis, would provide a cocktail of potent drugs that would block out their sapient mind, causing them to behave on instinct alone. Because of Lumis being in charge of these \"Ferals\", they are not treated well at all and are usually kept packed up in tiny cages, tended to by the King's Automatons. These 'Feral' Warbred act on instinct alone, and do question orders. Zarkhan was worried the drugs could effect their nymphs, but those descended from the Ferals show no difference from those descended from Warbred within the army. <\/p>\r\n<p>Warbred are all assigned ID numbers. These are used in the King's notes to track the individual. He keeps their family trees very carefully tracked.<br \/><br \/>The format of the ID number is as follows<br \/><br \/>G#[Number of Generation]-[Letter denoting their bodytype]-[Important Lineage Abreviation if there is any]-[Sire]+[Dam]<br \/><br \/>Their name would be listed after this with an abbreviation next to it. If two had the same abbreviation, the rest of the ID number would tell him what he needed to know. <br \/><br \/>An example would be<br \/><br \/>G13-A-Vherr,Vhel-Lar+Vir: Keldris<br \/><br \/>This denotes a 13th generation Warbred of the average bodytype, bearing the lineages of Vherra and Vhelos, child of&nbsp; Larion and Virek, with their name added. <br \/><br \/>Warbred are quite aware of their ID number, and even to a point what they mean. They know it tells who their parents are and they know it's used to track their lienages. This, however, is all they know so they do not see it as odd. The King awakens them from the Time Chambers, and they are told that he is their creator, and that he created them, saved their ancestors from being abandoned and that they exist to serve him and his kingdom. Very few question this. <br \/><br \/><\/p>","field3":null,"field4":"<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/77bd8b2ecc92e20fd0a7e76e4b672fa0\/5b5333d5baa39dc3-9d\/s540x810\/860a922f30ddadb932db9228d2cc5ffbbbbad0d2.gifv\" alt=\"\" width=\"540\" height=\"294\" \/><\/p>","field5":null,"field6":null,"field7":null}},"title":"Warbred","is_visible":"1","summary":"Genetically engineered werebug like Super Soldiers created with a combination of science and magic that have been selectively bred for generations.","utility_tag":["wip"],"page_tag":["Enterra","A Tale of Two Brothers"]}
#197 4 July 2023, 13:56:25 UTC
Page Updated
Length: 1672 (-40266) -
{"data":{"description":"<p>Warbred are massive and powerful werebug like creatures, genetically engineered using magic and science by King Zarkhan in the Kingdom of Reinvar. They have their smaller bipedal form and their massive Beast form. Known for their loyalty and power, Warbred are impressive and imposing creatures that serve as an extension of the Shadowed King's power over his Kingdom.<\/p>","field1":null,"field2":null,"field3":"<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/77bd8b2ecc92e20fd0a7e76e4b672fa0\/5b5333d5baa39dc3-9d\/s540x810\/860a922f30ddadb932db9228d2cc5ffbbbbad0d2.gifv\" alt=\"\" width=\"540\" height=\"294\" \/><\/p>","field4":null,"field5":null,"field6":null,"field7":null,"parsed":{"description":"<p>Warbred are massive and powerful werebug like creatures, genetically engineered using magic and science by King Zarkhan in the Kingdom of Reinvar. They have their smaller bipedal form and their massive Beast form. Known for their loyalty and power, Warbred are impressive and imposing creatures that serve as an extension of the Shadowed King's power over his Kingdom.<\/p>","field1":null,"field2":null,"field3":"<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/77bd8b2ecc92e20fd0a7e76e4b672fa0\/5b5333d5baa39dc3-9d\/s540x810\/860a922f30ddadb932db9228d2cc5ffbbbbad0d2.gifv\" alt=\"\" width=\"540\" height=\"294\" \/><\/p>","field4":null,"field5":null,"field6":null,"field7":null}},"title":"Warbred","is_visible":"1","summary":"Genetically engineered werebug like Super Soldiers created with a combination of science and magic that have been selectively bred for generations.","utility_tag":["wip"],"page_tag":["Enterra","A Tale of Two Brothers"]}
#196 3 July 2023, 20:27:45 UTC
Page Updated
Length: 60225 (+16) -
{"data":{"description":"<p>Purchased From: LinkaBell-Art<br \/><br \/><br \/>Created by Yoka<br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/\/yokamycelium\">https:\/\/\/yokamycelium<\/a><br \/><br \/>There are guest artists who can make adopts<br \/><br \/>ALL existing MYOs will be honored!<br \/><br \/>Upgrade Token Cost Coming Soon<br \/><br \/>See the <a href=\"https:\/\/\/sulfurhast-den\">group on deviantart<\/a> for proof of my ownership! I purchased them from <a href=\"https:\/\/\/linkabell-art\">Linkabell-Art<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>Who purchased them from the original creator <a href=\"https:\/\/\/yokamycelium\">YokaMycelium<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>Original concept that became the Sulfurhast created by <a href=\"https:\/\/\/tomoburd\">Tomoburd<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>Full species rights belongs to me, Cryptid-Artha, Artha-Demon in some places!<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/33.Trait_Sheets\">Trait Sheets<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/31.FAQs\">Frequently Asked Questions<\/a><br \/>(This may be updated!)<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/35.Colors_and_Patterns\">Colors and Patterns<\/a><br \/>(The original color and pattern sheet seems to be missing, I am unable to find it, so I had to work on my own)<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/34.Rules\">Rules<\/a><br \/>(May be changed a bit)<br \/><br \/>Uncommon Traits: 1 Upgrade Token Each<br \/>Rare Traits: 5 Upgrade Tokens<br \/>Mythic Traits: 10 Upgrade Tokens<br \/>Exclusive Traits: 20 Upgrade Tokens (This is an exclusive trait that will only appear on your SulfurHast. Guest Artists can add Exclusives to their adoptables for free!)<\/p>","field1":"<p id=\"viewer-59nfh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">A Sulfurhast is a merciless beast commonly used as hunters and puppets. Their main purpose is to track down, kill, and take the appearance of their prey. Useful in kings games or when a target becomes unreachable...<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6tvh1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are generally tall, and easily can reach 2m \/ 6'6\" to 2,50m \/ 8'2\" (approx.) Although smaller ones already have been witnessed, and they're not less deadly or dangerous. They all have a skull face covered with a thin layer of skin, and it's most often the face of a psychopomp animal (guide of souls.) Their skin looks like it's been flayed, yet it's a tough layer of hide.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-917hl\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They can evolve in any universe having magic, and especially black magic. They can be created by powerful necromancers, witches, dark mages, or black magic users in general, implying a lot of sacrifices and a dangerous ritual. They are made with fresh flesh, black magic, and sulfur.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3s0sl\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Since they're based on humanoid remains, they can have various body types and sizes, as well as various animal parts.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fa3n6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are sometimes seen with orbits, and a faint light illuminating it from the inside.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-bip46\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Their tongue is always thick with a square-shaped tip.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-b43c5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-718no\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They're mostly unknown in folklores and cultures. \"Sulfurhaste\" never or rarely ring a bell, the name means nothing to most of all. However, some powerful magic users might have heard that name once; and it has been described as a knife to the jugular, as something impossible to stop once it's created, as a terrific fate. They say that once you are chased by a Sulfurhast, your life is at the mercy of the gods.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-84s6l\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare are the souls aware of what's a Sulfurhast, and even rarer are those who knows how to create one. <\/span><\/p>","field2":"<p><br \/><br \/>Ingredients to Summon a Sulfurhast<br \/>- A lot of sulfur powder. Be careful, you'll have to manipulate it with a mask on your face not to breathe it. A high dose could kill you, and a small dose is enough to be disoriented.<br \/>- Warm human blood.<br \/>- A human's fresh corpse.<br \/>- Chosen animal's fresh body parts, including the skull, tail and legs. Other bits such as ears or horns can be added.<br \/>- A possession from the prey you chose. Make sure it belongs to your prey, and that it has been stolen, not gifted to you. The more the prey is attached to this object, the stronger the bound. It can only be an object or a part of the prey's body (such as blood or hair, for example.) The object should be free of magic, or should contains the prey's magic only.<br \/>- And a bit of your own life essence.<br \/><br \/>The best way to set up the ritual is to have two humans and the chosen animal(s) in nearby cages. Gather the warm blood of the first human, and mix it with the sulfur power. You should get a sticky and awful mixture. Use it to trace the Sulfurhast symbol on a clean ground. It should be large enough so the circle can hold entirely the Sulfurhast's&nbsp;lying body. Alternatively you can use the blood of the body you'll use afterwards and only have one victim instead of two, but it's less efficient.<br \/><br \/>The symbol to make your Sulfurhast real is important, and full of meaning. By a simple look, it reveals the triadic and complex relationship between the necromancer, the Sulfurhast, and the prey. The symbol at its center is the symbol for sulfur, your most important component when making your beast. The triangle is here to represent the three involved parts in this terrible spell. The circle is here to contains the magic inside. On top of the symbol is the necromancy symbol, it represents you and your actions. At right, another sulfur symbol, but also the symbol of a hunt that will never cease even if there are obstacles on the way. It represent the Sulfurhast and how impossible it is to stop it. At left, the symbol of sacrifice. It represent the chosen prey, the goal, the sole obsession, and he consequences of your actions.<br \/><br \/>When you traced the symbol, kill the second human and the animal(s) and dispose their body parts in a way to form the Sulfurhast's body. The head of the beast should be where the hunt symbol stands (the right one.) And the arms of the future beast should point towards the two other symbols (the necromancer and the prey,) but make sure that none of the body parts get across the circle. A servant can do it for you, if you have willing servants... but I think it's more important for the bound between the beast and you to do it yourself. Then, place the future prey's possession where the prey symbol stands (the left one.) Try to restrain your nausea when you'll start smelling the blood and sulfur's awful smells, and when you'll manipulate corpses. There is no place for sudden guilt or disgust in your action in this ritual.<br \/>You may take bodyparts of people died from a natural death or from a disease, so you don't have to kill them yourself, but make sure that the body parts remain fresh, and didn't start to rot.<br \/><br \/>When it's done, sit down where the necromancer symbol stands (the top one.) But do NOT cross the circle, not even with the tip of your toes: you would loose them.<br \/>It's no wonder why the necromancer symbol stands on the top: if you manage well, you'll be in control of the two other parts soon enough.&nbsp;<br \/>When you feel prepared, pronounce the ritual's words while infusing the symbol and the body parts with your black magic and life essence:&nbsp;<br \/><br \/><em>Kmetz kha dvash stom zmutzam abakh kmetz peshbo' tzu dvash matosh tzovkha dash<br \/>Ish kebo'an okhney shad kme'ekim bnar kvi'ek&nbsp;stot kmeya mamhim sikhumtze yoba zmukh<br \/>bomked kofo khagugmo imha'nomuye iyat'an nug o'em pehumni bnush dvashe ped<br \/>Kmetz kha dvash stom zmutzam abakh kmetz peshbo' tzu dvash matosh tzovkha dash<\/em><br \/><br \/>It is&nbsp;Dvalmay words, a language lost a long time ago. The first person to create a Sulfurhast talked this language. The spell probably could work if we pronouced the correct sentences in any language, but we lost the translation over the eras. You'd better learn these sentence by heart because you will be too focused on maintaining the spell to read scrappy notes on a sketchbook. While you do this, make sure that nothing can interrupt you. The Sulfurhast won't be alive until the end, but that'd be a serious waste to be interrupted after already so many sacrifices.&nbsp;<br \/>When you said every sentences, then say them again and again, until soemthing changes.<br \/><br \/>If you did everything well, you should see soon enough a black smoke filling the inside of the circle. It will not reach you, to the condition you made a circle with no hole. Keep repeating the Dvalmay sentences. To this point, you'll be in a state of trance. You might even start to ignore what's around you, so make sure that no one's gonna stab you in the back.&nbsp;<br \/>When the smoke will slowly disappear, and if your eyes are open, you'll see the Sulfurhast rising. If the spell succeeded, you'll feel the Sulfurhast becoming alive and rising as if it was you. Then, you'll know you succeeded.<br \/><br \/>The Sulfurhast will be stuck inside the circle as long as you'll be pronouncing the sentences. It might feel like a comfortable situation, but you should not make it wait, for the bound with its prey must be made at most a few minutes after its birth. Otherwise, you'll automatically become its prey...<br \/>Stop saying the sentence as soon as the beast awoke. The magic barrier will cease and the beast will be able to walk past it. Stop infusing your magic and life essence as well, or it will consume you whole: the beast will take what you give to it.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>Most of time, the monster will feel the object's presence on the prey's symbol, and will reach it to eat and consume it. Then the track will start, the beast will leave to find its prey, and you can take a break. But sometimes, the beast will remain inside the circle and not make a move, or worse: it'll seem to be more interested in YOU. If it happens, quickly grab the object and give it to your monster.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>When the Sulfurhast started its hunt, you'll need to rest. You'll feel exhausted. Try not to cast any other spell for a week if you can; you'll be drained. Eat and drink as much as you can, and sleep as much as you need to. You'll maybe experience visions or dreams, where you'll see what your beast sees or feel what it feels. It's normal.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>If you survived this far, congratulations! You'll now be the proud owner of an identity-theft monster, and you'll soon be able to take control of it and its powers. You'll have to take care of your monster and to make sure it never wants its freedom, aka your death.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>And if you ever feel like you could create a second monster, then a third, then many others and never cease, then remember this: it'll take a part of your soul every time.&nbsp;<\/p>","field3":"<p>Unknown<\/p>","field4":"<p>Undead, Eldritch, dangerous. Powerful and tireless<\/p>","field5":"<p>These creatures do not reproduce, as they are summoned\/created. How they are created and their origins are seen here<br \/><br \/><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The triangle is an excellent representation of a Sulfurhast's life. It is no hazard if its invocation symbols represents the three possible stages of its life and in the same time, its complex relationship with the two other parts. Let's have a closer look at it: <\/span><br \/><br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/99_121_s3V2FpIphwEGTZB.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"957\" \/><br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cg0j8\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Gene Seskrit explains:<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">\"<em>The symbol to make your Sulfurhast real is important, and full of meaning. By a simple look, it reveals the triadic and complex relationship between the necromancer, the Sulfurhast, and the prey. The symbol at its center is the symbol for sulfur, your most important component when making your beast. The triangle is here to represent the three involved parts in this terrible spell. The circle is here to contains the magic inside. On top of the symbol is the necromancy symbol, it represents you and your actions. At right, another sulfur symbol, but also the symbol of a hunt that will never cease even if there are obstacles on the way. It represent the Sulfurhast and how impossible it is to stop it. At left, the symbol of sacrifice. It represent the chosen prey, the goal, the sole obsession, and he consequences of your actions.<\/em>\"<br \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9vdfa\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhastes can live accross three phases in their life. Only two of them are useful for you.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8ilht\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The first phase is called the <strong>Hunter Phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-crmn7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When the beast will rise from its sulfur and blood symbol that you traced on the groud, you'll have a few minutes only to give it a purpose. Give it something that belonged to the person you want to see dead. It can be anything, but the more the object was important to the prey, the stronger the link; and if it's blood of the prey, it's even better. The Sulfurhast will eat this possession, then it'll immediately locate its prey, and start running in their direction. It'll be a magic link, and the Sulfurhast will know where is its prey even if it's at the other side of the world.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-41j9l\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">During this phase, the Sulfurhast is nothing more than an empty shell of flesh. They have no soul and no feelings. All they have is the bit of black magic you gave them and... and a bit of your own essence. And deep inside their guts, they have an insatiable hunger. But nothing could calm the hunger; the food will turn into ashes, the flesh will be unsaviory and useless, black magic and people's life essence will be only temporary. No, only the flesh, the possessions and the soul of their designated prey will be able to satisfy their hunger, and they know it. They'll never cease to track down their prey until they're satisfied. The target you gave them will be their sole obsession.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2gjae\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Their prey can be anyone, but keep in mind that the victim you choose will have a terrible death. During this phase, the beast will not sleep, nor eat, nor rest. It'll keep running towards the victim until it finds it. Its level of intelligence is minor, but it might eventually learn how to open door handles and such things. It doesn't have thoughts, but it's not completely a beast. It's more like... a ghost.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-mlq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The second phase is called the <strong>Puppet Phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dokkk\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">It occurs when the Sulfurhast finally found and ingested its prey. It will have consumed everything about its target: flesh, bones, spiritual essence, bits of memory, languages, clothes, and current possessions.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dbop1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The hunger is calmed. The Sulfurhast will still need to ingest life essence and black magic from time to time, but it'll be a minor annoyance. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7bh99\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The beast ingested everything about its prey. <em>Everything<\/em>. So much that it <em>became<\/em> its prey. And the person it killed and ate now became the Sulfurhast. And the Sulfurhast may now shapeshit into its prey's appearance in a flash of black smoke. No matter the species of its prey and how different it was from the Sulfurhast's original body, it'll be able to shapeshift in a few seconds. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7p6o1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The beast might try to imitate the dead prey at first, but it'll be clumsly and won't be able to fool the victim's relatives. This is where your job continues.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d7s5g\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The \"Puppet\" Phase is named that way because once the prey is ingested, you are able to take control of your beast. With a simple ritual of possession, which will be eased by the fact that the Sulfurhast has a bit of your essence, you'll be able to take control of your monster at will. You'll see through its eyes, you'll shape shift in its stead, you'll feel what it feels, and you'll act through the beast as you wish. When people will see their friend, they'll in fact see a monster who ate it, controlled by a necromancer. That's wild, isn't it?<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dm3ca\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">It is useful to steal an identity, a throne, etc. You'll be the prince of a foreign country, your worst enemy's wife, you'll be a child again or an old person. You'll steal every power, status, title, and anything the victim had.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2o0nv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Be careful about powerful magic users however, for they might feel the black magic link inside the beast. When you possess the beast, a good mage might be able to feel you and to locate you.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8sdi6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">During this phase, the Sulfurhast has gained life essence. It is now completed by a full soul, and by the bits of you that you gave earlier. It technically became <em>alive<\/em>. And it will learn. And it will learn <em>fast<\/em>. And it will start feeling. And it'll start living, and experiencing. And it'll become as intelligent as you, sometimes more. It'll take some time to happen, but it always happens faster than you expected. And the beast will start to realise that someone is controlling it in its stead. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f6goc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The third phase is called the <strong>Freedom phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-frsir\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Although it may be called by other names such as the Free Phase, the Frightening phase, the Dangerous phase, or the Pacified Phase.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ah6ns\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The third phase occurs when the link between the necromancer and the Sulfurhast is broken. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ehrfi\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">How can it break, you wonder? <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7s11r\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When the Sulfurhast realizes its connection with you, and the fact that you're controlling it, it'll want its freedom. And also probably more than its freedom. Several events can provoke it: <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3g9ft\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The Sulfurhast will need to frequently ingest life essence. Understand by this: bits of soul and magic. If it doesn't have it, it will die. But a Sulfurhast is resourceful, and if you don't give it the option to feed on its surroundings, or if it's locked somewhere, then the magic bound between you and it will start to turn against you. The Sulfurhast will start to absorb your life essence instead of dying. You'll feel it, don't worry. But if you do nothing to stop it, it'll feed on your soul until you have nothing left and die, no matter the distance between you and it. In short, be careful about feeding properly your beast, or it'll feed on you like any other animal would.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-m69f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- You won't be able to possess your beast all the time. You'll have to get back to your body to eat, wash, and live a bit not to loose your muscles. And when you'll not be possessing your monster, it might feel the need to meet its creator a second time. If it finds you before you can realize it, it'll try to kill you, and to consume you. That way, it'll gain its freedom, and it'll consume your soul to increase greatly its lifespan. How convenient.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8q1gc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- You can also break the bound between your Sulfurhast and you at any time. It'll cost you a lot of black magic, but you can do it. You might ask: why would you want to break such a bound, after all the sacrifices you made to create it? If you feel like the bound between the Sulfurhast and you becomes dangerous, you will want to break it, trust me. A mage located you? The beast's hunting you? Someone understood that their friend isn't really a person but is a beast instead? You might want to break it for your safety. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4a4jc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">You'll loose your control over the beast. But sometimes, it's for the best. This is why I told you that creating a Sulfurhast should be your last resort.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6ulj5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Finally, if you die for any reason, the beast will be free nonetheless. It'll feel your death and will probably try to find your body to ingest it, but you won't be here anymore to prevent it.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ctktf\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">In the Freedom Phase, the Sulfurhast has gained intelligence and any skills its prey had. And it'll live its life as it wishes to, with its knowledge on the world. It'll choose its own purpose on life, and it'll live as long as it can find some life source from time to time, like a vampire. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-emchj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/p>","field6":"<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/33.Trait_Sheets\">Trait Sheet<\/a><\/p>","field7":"<p id=\"viewer-ejl0c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">To start, creating a Sulfurhast must be the very last resort of yours. It must be made only when you have tried every possible other options, and failed to all of them. The cost of such a ritual and the dangers encountered are rarely worth the price, and many necromancers have died in the process. And for those who survived... They all changed. You won't be able to see it, but you'll loose a part of yourself after created such a beast. Not like a missing finger or a hand, but more like missing a part of your own spitirual essence. Like a part of your soul, of your life. It's hard to explain to those who never experienced it. Be patient, you'll experience it soon enough.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dhpm4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Unlike everyone loves to believe, Sulfurhastes are not demons. And they do not come from hell. Some like to consider them as spirits, but it's more complex than that. They're more like... a part of you, and a part of their prey.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-582cu\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are not good or evil, they only serve their purpose. They look like ghosts, monsters, their silhouette is made from the remains you'll use. If you have the spirit of an artist, you might even make a beautiful beast. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9qbou\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">But let's talk about their purpose, about why one wants to create a Sulfurhast. These beasts are hunters. You give them a purpose at birth, a prey. Then, you turn them into puppets, and steal the identity of the prey. Always wanted to be a prince? Then send a Sulfurhast after the said prince. Nobody will be able to stop the process, not even the royal guards or the royal mage. <\/span><\/p>","parsed":{"description":"<p>Purchased From: LinkaBell-Art<br \/><br \/><br \/>Created by Yoka<br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/\/yokamycelium\">https:\/\/\/yokamycelium<\/a><br \/><br \/>There are guest artists who can make adopts<br \/><br \/>ALL existing MYOs will be honored!<br \/><br \/>Upgrade Token Cost Coming Soon<br \/><br \/>See the <a href=\"https:\/\/\/sulfurhast-den\">group on deviantart<\/a> for proof of my ownership! I purchased them from <a href=\"https:\/\/\/linkabell-art\">Linkabell-Art<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>Who purchased them from the original creator <a href=\"https:\/\/\/yokamycelium\">YokaMycelium<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>Original concept that became the Sulfurhast created by <a href=\"https:\/\/\/tomoburd\">Tomoburd<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>Full species rights belongs to me, Cryptid-Artha, Artha-Demon in some places!<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/33.Trait_Sheets\">Trait Sheets<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/31.FAQs\">Frequently Asked Questions<\/a><br \/>(This may be updated!)<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/35.Colors_and_Patterns\">Colors and Patterns<\/a><br \/>(The original color and pattern sheet seems to be missing, I am unable to find it, so I had to work on my own)<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/34.Rules\">Rules<\/a><br \/>(May be changed a bit)<br \/><br \/>Uncommon Traits: 1 Upgrade Token Each<br \/>Rare Traits: 5 Upgrade Tokens<br \/>Mythic Traits: 10 Upgrade Tokens<br \/>Exclusive Traits: 20 Upgrade Tokens (This is an exclusive trait that will only appear on your SulfurHast. Guest Artists can add Exclusives to their adoptables for free!)<\/p>","field1":"<p id=\"viewer-59nfh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">A Sulfurhast is a merciless beast commonly used as hunters and puppets. Their main purpose is to track down, kill, and take the appearance of their prey. Useful in kings games or when a target becomes unreachable...<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6tvh1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are generally tall, and easily can reach 2m \/ 6'6\" to 2,50m \/ 8'2\" (approx.) Although smaller ones already have been witnessed, and they're not less deadly or dangerous. They all have a skull face covered with a thin layer of skin, and it's most often the face of a psychopomp animal (guide of souls.) Their skin looks like it's been flayed, yet it's a tough layer of hide.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-917hl\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They can evolve in any universe having magic, and especially black magic. They can be created by powerful necromancers, witches, dark mages, or black magic users in general, implying a lot of sacrifices and a dangerous ritual. They are made with fresh flesh, black magic, and sulfur.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3s0sl\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Since they're based on humanoid remains, they can have various body types and sizes, as well as various animal parts.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fa3n6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are sometimes seen with orbits, and a faint light illuminating it from the inside.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-bip46\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Their tongue is always thick with a square-shaped tip.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-b43c5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-718no\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They're mostly unknown in folklores and cultures. \"Sulfurhaste\" never or rarely ring a bell, the name means nothing to most of all. However, some powerful magic users might have heard that name once; and it has been described as a knife to the jugular, as something impossible to stop once it's created, as a terrific fate. They say that once you are chased by a Sulfurhast, your life is at the mercy of the gods.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-84s6l\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare are the souls aware of what's a Sulfurhast, and even rarer are those who knows how to create one. <\/span><\/p>","field2":"<p><br \/><br \/>Ingredients to Summon a Sulfurhast<br \/>- A lot of sulfur powder. Be careful, you'll have to manipulate it with a mask on your face not to breathe it. A high dose could kill you, and a small dose is enough to be disoriented.<br \/>- Warm human blood.<br \/>- A human's fresh corpse.<br \/>- Chosen animal's fresh body parts, including the skull, tail and legs. Other bits such as ears or horns can be added.<br \/>- A possession from the prey you chose. Make sure it belongs to your prey, and that it has been stolen, not gifted to you. The more the prey is attached to this object, the stronger the bound. It can only be an object or a part of the prey's body (such as blood or hair, for example.) The object should be free of magic, or should contains the prey's magic only.<br \/>- And a bit of your own life essence.<br \/><br \/>The best way to set up the ritual is to have two humans and the chosen animal(s) in nearby cages. Gather the warm blood of the first human, and mix it with the sulfur power. You should get a sticky and awful mixture. Use it to trace the Sulfurhast symbol on a clean ground. It should be large enough so the circle can hold entirely the Sulfurhast's&nbsp;lying body. Alternatively you can use the blood of the body you'll use afterwards and only have one victim instead of two, but it's less efficient.<br \/><br \/>The symbol to make your Sulfurhast real is important, and full of meaning. By a simple look, it reveals the triadic and complex relationship between the necromancer, the Sulfurhast, and the prey. The symbol at its center is the symbol for sulfur, your most important component when making your beast. The triangle is here to represent the three involved parts in this terrible spell. The circle is here to contains the magic inside. On top of the symbol is the necromancy symbol, it represents you and your actions. At right, another sulfur symbol, but also the symbol of a hunt that will never cease even if there are obstacles on the way. It represent the Sulfurhast and how impossible it is to stop it. At left, the symbol of sacrifice. It represent the chosen prey, the goal, the sole obsession, and he consequences of your actions.<br \/><br \/>When you traced the symbol, kill the second human and the animal(s) and dispose their body parts in a way to form the Sulfurhast's body. The head of the beast should be where the hunt symbol stands (the right one.) And the arms of the future beast should point towards the two other symbols (the necromancer and the prey,) but make sure that none of the body parts get across the circle. A servant can do it for you, if you have willing servants... but I think it's more important for the bound between the beast and you to do it yourself. Then, place the future prey's possession where the prey symbol stands (the left one.) Try to restrain your nausea when you'll start smelling the blood and sulfur's awful smells, and when you'll manipulate corpses. There is no place for sudden guilt or disgust in your action in this ritual.<br \/>You may take bodyparts of people died from a natural death or from a disease, so you don't have to kill them yourself, but make sure that the body parts remain fresh, and didn't start to rot.<br \/><br \/>When it's done, sit down where the necromancer symbol stands (the top one.) But do NOT cross the circle, not even with the tip of your toes: you would loose them.<br \/>It's no wonder why the necromancer symbol stands on the top: if you manage well, you'll be in control of the two other parts soon enough.&nbsp;<br \/>When you feel prepared, pronounce the ritual's words while infusing the symbol and the body parts with your black magic and life essence:&nbsp;<br \/><br \/><em>Kmetz kha dvash stom zmutzam abakh kmetz peshbo' tzu dvash matosh tzovkha dash<br \/>Ish kebo'an okhney shad kme'ekim bnar kvi'ek&nbsp;stot kmeya mamhim sikhumtze yoba zmukh<br \/>bomked kofo khagugmo imha'nomuye iyat'an nug o'em pehumni bnush dvashe ped<br \/>Kmetz kha dvash stom zmutzam abakh kmetz peshbo' tzu dvash matosh tzovkha dash<\/em><br \/><br \/>It is&nbsp;Dvalmay words, a language lost a long time ago. The first person to create a Sulfurhast talked this language. The spell probably could work if we pronouced the correct sentences in any language, but we lost the translation over the eras. You'd better learn these sentence by heart because you will be too focused on maintaining the spell to read scrappy notes on a sketchbook. While you do this, make sure that nothing can interrupt you. The Sulfurhast won't be alive until the end, but that'd be a serious waste to be interrupted after already so many sacrifices.&nbsp;<br \/>When you said every sentences, then say them again and again, until soemthing changes.<br \/><br \/>If you did everything well, you should see soon enough a black smoke filling the inside of the circle. It will not reach you, to the condition you made a circle with no hole. Keep repeating the Dvalmay sentences. To this point, you'll be in a state of trance. You might even start to ignore what's around you, so make sure that no one's gonna stab you in the back.&nbsp;<br \/>When the smoke will slowly disappear, and if your eyes are open, you'll see the Sulfurhast rising. If the spell succeeded, you'll feel the Sulfurhast becoming alive and rising as if it was you. Then, you'll know you succeeded.<br \/><br \/>The Sulfurhast will be stuck inside the circle as long as you'll be pronouncing the sentences. It might feel like a comfortable situation, but you should not make it wait, for the bound with its prey must be made at most a few minutes after its birth. Otherwise, you'll automatically become its prey...<br \/>Stop saying the sentence as soon as the beast awoke. The magic barrier will cease and the beast will be able to walk past it. Stop infusing your magic and life essence as well, or it will consume you whole: the beast will take what you give to it.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>Most of time, the monster will feel the object's presence on the prey's symbol, and will reach it to eat and consume it. Then the track will start, the beast will leave to find its prey, and you can take a break. But sometimes, the beast will remain inside the circle and not make a move, or worse: it'll seem to be more interested in YOU. If it happens, quickly grab the object and give it to your monster.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>When the Sulfurhast started its hunt, you'll need to rest. You'll feel exhausted. Try not to cast any other spell for a week if you can; you'll be drained. Eat and drink as much as you can, and sleep as much as you need to. You'll maybe experience visions or dreams, where you'll see what your beast sees or feel what it feels. It's normal.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>If you survived this far, congratulations! You'll now be the proud owner of an identity-theft monster, and you'll soon be able to take control of it and its powers. You'll have to take care of your monster and to make sure it never wants its freedom, aka your death.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>And if you ever feel like you could create a second monster, then a third, then many others and never cease, then remember this: it'll take a part of your soul every time.&nbsp;<\/p>","field3":"<p>Unknown<\/p>","field4":"<p>Undead, Eldritch, dangerous. Powerful and tireless<\/p>","field5":"<p>These creatures do not reproduce, as they are summoned\/created. How they are created and their origins are seen here<br \/><br \/><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The triangle is an excellent representation of a Sulfurhast's life. It is no hazard if its invocation symbols represents the three possible stages of its life and in the same time, its complex relationship with the two other parts. Let's have a closer look at it: <\/span><br \/><br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/99_121_s3V2FpIphwEGTZB.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"957\" \/><br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cg0j8\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Gene Seskrit explains:<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">\"<em>The symbol to make your Sulfurhast real is important, and full of meaning. By a simple look, it reveals the triadic and complex relationship between the necromancer, the Sulfurhast, and the prey. The symbol at its center is the symbol for sulfur, your most important component when making your beast. The triangle is here to represent the three involved parts in this terrible spell. The circle is here to contains the magic inside. On top of the symbol is the necromancy symbol, it represents you and your actions. At right, another sulfur symbol, but also the symbol of a hunt that will never cease even if there are obstacles on the way. It represent the Sulfurhast and how impossible it is to stop it. At left, the symbol of sacrifice. It represent the chosen prey, the goal, the sole obsession, and he consequences of your actions.<\/em>\"<br \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9vdfa\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhastes can live accross three phases in their life. Only two of them are useful for you.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8ilht\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The first phase is called the <strong>Hunter Phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-crmn7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When the beast will rise from its sulfur and blood symbol that you traced on the groud, you'll have a few minutes only to give it a purpose. Give it something that belonged to the person you want to see dead. It can be anything, but the more the object was important to the prey, the stronger the link; and if it's blood of the prey, it's even better. The Sulfurhast will eat this possession, then it'll immediately locate its prey, and start running in their direction. It'll be a magic link, and the Sulfurhast will know where is its prey even if it's at the other side of the world.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-41j9l\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">During this phase, the Sulfurhast is nothing more than an empty shell of flesh. They have no soul and no feelings. All they have is the bit of black magic you gave them and... and a bit of your own essence. And deep inside their guts, they have an insatiable hunger. But nothing could calm the hunger; the food will turn into ashes, the flesh will be unsaviory and useless, black magic and people's life essence will be only temporary. No, only the flesh, the possessions and the soul of their designated prey will be able to satisfy their hunger, and they know it. They'll never cease to track down their prey until they're satisfied. The target you gave them will be their sole obsession.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2gjae\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Their prey can be anyone, but keep in mind that the victim you choose will have a terrible death. During this phase, the beast will not sleep, nor eat, nor rest. It'll keep running towards the victim until it finds it. Its level of intelligence is minor, but it might eventually learn how to open door handles and such things. It doesn't have thoughts, but it's not completely a beast. It's more like... a ghost.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-mlq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The second phase is called the <strong>Puppet Phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dokkk\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">It occurs when the Sulfurhast finally found and ingested its prey. It will have consumed everything about its target: flesh, bones, spiritual essence, bits of memory, languages, clothes, and current possessions.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dbop1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The hunger is calmed. The Sulfurhast will still need to ingest life essence and black magic from time to time, but it'll be a minor annoyance. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7bh99\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The beast ingested everything about its prey. <em>Everything<\/em>. So much that it <em>became<\/em> its prey. And the person it killed and ate now became the Sulfurhast. And the Sulfurhast may now shapeshit into its prey's appearance in a flash of black smoke. No matter the species of its prey and how different it was from the Sulfurhast's original body, it'll be able to shapeshift in a few seconds. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7p6o1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The beast might try to imitate the dead prey at first, but it'll be clumsly and won't be able to fool the victim's relatives. This is where your job continues.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d7s5g\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The \"Puppet\" Phase is named that way because once the prey is ingested, you are able to take control of your beast. With a simple ritual of possession, which will be eased by the fact that the Sulfurhast has a bit of your essence, you'll be able to take control of your monster at will. You'll see through its eyes, you'll shape shift in its stead, you'll feel what it feels, and you'll act through the beast as you wish. When people will see their friend, they'll in fact see a monster who ate it, controlled by a necromancer. That's wild, isn't it?<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dm3ca\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">It is useful to steal an identity, a throne, etc. You'll be the prince of a foreign country, your worst enemy's wife, you'll be a child again or an old person. You'll steal every power, status, title, and anything the victim had.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2o0nv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Be careful about powerful magic users however, for they might feel the black magic link inside the beast. When you possess the beast, a good mage might be able to feel you and to locate you.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8sdi6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">During this phase, the Sulfurhast has gained life essence. It is now completed by a full soul, and by the bits of you that you gave earlier. It technically became <em>alive<\/em>. And it will learn. And it will learn <em>fast<\/em>. And it will start feeling. And it'll start living, and experiencing. And it'll become as intelligent as you, sometimes more. It'll take some time to happen, but it always happens faster than you expected. And the beast will start to realise that someone is controlling it in its stead. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f6goc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The third phase is called the <strong>Freedom phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-frsir\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Although it may be called by other names such as the Free Phase, the Frightening phase, the Dangerous phase, or the Pacified Phase.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ah6ns\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The third phase occurs when the link between the necromancer and the Sulfurhast is broken. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ehrfi\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">How can it break, you wonder? <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7s11r\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When the Sulfurhast realizes its connection with you, and the fact that you're controlling it, it'll want its freedom. And also probably more than its freedom. Several events can provoke it: <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3g9ft\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The Sulfurhast will need to frequently ingest life essence. Understand by this: bits of soul and magic. If it doesn't have it, it will die. But a Sulfurhast is resourceful, and if you don't give it the option to feed on its surroundings, or if it's locked somewhere, then the magic bound between you and it will start to turn against you. The Sulfurhast will start to absorb your life essence instead of dying. You'll feel it, don't worry. But if you do nothing to stop it, it'll feed on your soul until you have nothing left and die, no matter the distance between you and it. In short, be careful about feeding properly your beast, or it'll feed on you like any other animal would.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-m69f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- You won't be able to possess your beast all the time. You'll have to get back to your body to eat, wash, and live a bit not to loose your muscles. And when you'll not be possessing your monster, it might feel the need to meet its creator a second time. If it finds you before you can realize it, it'll try to kill you, and to consume you. That way, it'll gain its freedom, and it'll consume your soul to increase greatly its lifespan. How convenient.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8q1gc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- You can also break the bound between your Sulfurhast and you at any time. It'll cost you a lot of black magic, but you can do it. You might ask: why would you want to break such a bound, after all the sacrifices you made to create it? If you feel like the bound between the Sulfurhast and you becomes dangerous, you will want to break it, trust me. A mage located you? The beast's hunting you? Someone understood that their friend isn't really a person but is a beast instead? You might want to break it for your safety. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4a4jc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">You'll loose your control over the beast. But sometimes, it's for the best. This is why I told you that creating a Sulfurhast should be your last resort.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6ulj5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Finally, if you die for any reason, the beast will be free nonetheless. It'll feel your death and will probably try to find your body to ingest it, but you won't be here anymore to prevent it.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ctktf\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">In the Freedom Phase, the Sulfurhast has gained intelligence and any skills its prey had. And it'll live its life as it wishes to, with its knowledge on the world. It'll choose its own purpose on life, and it'll live as long as it can find some life source from time to time, like a vampire. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-emchj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/p>","field6":"<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/33.Trait_Sheets\">Trait Sheet<\/a><\/p>","field7":"<p id=\"viewer-ejl0c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">To start, creating a Sulfurhast must be the very last resort of yours. It must be made only when you have tried every possible other options, and failed to all of them. The cost of such a ritual and the dangers encountered are rarely worth the price, and many necromancers have died in the process. And for those who survived... They all changed. You won't be able to see it, but you'll loose a part of yourself after created such a beast. Not like a missing finger or a hand, but more like missing a part of your own spitirual essence. Like a part of your soul, of your life. It's hard to explain to those who never experienced it. Be patient, you'll experience it soon enough.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dhpm4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Unlike everyone loves to believe, Sulfurhastes are not demons. And they do not come from hell. Some like to consider them as spirits, but it's more complex than that. They're more like... a part of you, and a part of their prey.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-582cu\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are not good or evil, they only serve their purpose. They look like ghosts, monsters, their silhouette is made from the remains you'll use. If you have the spirit of an artist, you might even make a beautiful beast. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9qbou\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">But let's talk about their purpose, about why one wants to create a Sulfurhast. These beasts are hunters. You give them a purpose at birth, a prey. Then, you turn them into puppets, and steal the identity of the prey. Always wanted to be a prince? Then send a Sulfurhast after the said prince. Nobody will be able to stop the process, not even the royal guards or the royal mage. <\/span><\/p>"}},"title":"Sulfurhast","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":["wip","stub"],"page_tag":null}
#195 3 July 2023, 20:27:12 UTC
Page Updated
Length: 60209 -
{"data":{"description":"<p>Purchased From: LinkaBell-Art<br \/><br \/><br \/>Created by Yoka<br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/\/yoka\">https:\/\/\/yoka<\/a>mycelium<br \/><br \/>There are guest artists who can make adopts<br \/><br \/>ALL existing MYOs will be honored!<br \/><br \/>Upgrade Token Cost Coming Soon<br \/><br \/>See the <a href=\"https:\/\/\/sulfurhast-den\">group on deviantart<\/a> for proof of my ownership! I purchased them from <a href=\"https:\/\/\/linkabell-art\">Linkabell-Art<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>Who purchased them from the original creator <a href=\"https:\/\/\/yokamycelium\">YokaMycelium<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>Original concept that became the Sulfurhast created by <a href=\"https:\/\/\/tomoburd\">Tomoburd<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>Full species rights belongs to me, Cryptid-Artha, Artha-Demon in some places!<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/33.Trait_Sheets\">Trait Sheets<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/31.FAQs\">Frequently Asked Questions<\/a><br \/>(This may be updated!)<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/35.Colors_and_Patterns\">Colors and Patterns<\/a><br \/>(The original color and pattern sheet seems to be missing, I am unable to find it, so I had to work on my own)<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/34.Rules\">Rules<\/a><br \/>(May be changed a bit)<br \/><br \/>Uncommon Traits: 1 Upgrade Token Each<br \/>Rare Traits: 5 Upgrade Tokens<br \/>Mythic Traits: 10 Upgrade Tokens<br \/>Exclusive Traits: 20 Upgrade Tokens (This is an exclusive trait that will only appear on your SulfurHast. Guest Artists can add Exclusives to their adoptables for free!)<\/p>","field1":"<p id=\"viewer-59nfh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">A Sulfurhast is a merciless beast commonly used as hunters and puppets. Their main purpose is to track down, kill, and take the appearance of their prey. Useful in kings games or when a target becomes unreachable...<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6tvh1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are generally tall, and easily can reach 2m \/ 6'6\" to 2,50m \/ 8'2\" (approx.) Although smaller ones already have been witnessed, and they're not less deadly or dangerous. They all have a skull face covered with a thin layer of skin, and it's most often the face of a psychopomp animal (guide of souls.) Their skin looks like it's been flayed, yet it's a tough layer of hide.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-917hl\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They can evolve in any universe having magic, and especially black magic. They can be created by powerful necromancers, witches, dark mages, or black magic users in general, implying a lot of sacrifices and a dangerous ritual. They are made with fresh flesh, black magic, and sulfur.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3s0sl\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Since they're based on humanoid remains, they can have various body types and sizes, as well as various animal parts.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fa3n6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are sometimes seen with orbits, and a faint light illuminating it from the inside.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-bip46\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Their tongue is always thick with a square-shaped tip.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-b43c5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-718no\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They're mostly unknown in folklores and cultures. \"Sulfurhaste\" never or rarely ring a bell, the name means nothing to most of all. However, some powerful magic users might have heard that name once; and it has been described as a knife to the jugular, as something impossible to stop once it's created, as a terrific fate. They say that once you are chased by a Sulfurhast, your life is at the mercy of the gods.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-84s6l\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare are the souls aware of what's a Sulfurhast, and even rarer are those who knows how to create one. <\/span><\/p>","field2":"<p><br \/><br \/>Ingredients to Summon a Sulfurhast<br \/>- A lot of sulfur powder. Be careful, you'll have to manipulate it with a mask on your face not to breathe it. A high dose could kill you, and a small dose is enough to be disoriented.<br \/>- Warm human blood.<br \/>- A human's fresh corpse.<br \/>- Chosen animal's fresh body parts, including the skull, tail and legs. Other bits such as ears or horns can be added.<br \/>- A possession from the prey you chose. Make sure it belongs to your prey, and that it has been stolen, not gifted to you. The more the prey is attached to this object, the stronger the bound. It can only be an object or a part of the prey's body (such as blood or hair, for example.) The object should be free of magic, or should contains the prey's magic only.<br \/>- And a bit of your own life essence.<br \/><br \/>The best way to set up the ritual is to have two humans and the chosen animal(s) in nearby cages. Gather the warm blood of the first human, and mix it with the sulfur power. You should get a sticky and awful mixture. Use it to trace the Sulfurhast symbol on a clean ground. It should be large enough so the circle can hold entirely the Sulfurhast's&nbsp;lying body. Alternatively you can use the blood of the body you'll use afterwards and only have one victim instead of two, but it's less efficient.<br \/><br \/>The symbol to make your Sulfurhast real is important, and full of meaning. By a simple look, it reveals the triadic and complex relationship between the necromancer, the Sulfurhast, and the prey. The symbol at its center is the symbol for sulfur, your most important component when making your beast. The triangle is here to represent the three involved parts in this terrible spell. The circle is here to contains the magic inside. On top of the symbol is the necromancy symbol, it represents you and your actions. At right, another sulfur symbol, but also the symbol of a hunt that will never cease even if there are obstacles on the way. It represent the Sulfurhast and how impossible it is to stop it. At left, the symbol of sacrifice. It represent the chosen prey, the goal, the sole obsession, and he consequences of your actions.<br \/><br \/>When you traced the symbol, kill the second human and the animal(s) and dispose their body parts in a way to form the Sulfurhast's body. The head of the beast should be where the hunt symbol stands (the right one.) And the arms of the future beast should point towards the two other symbols (the necromancer and the prey,) but make sure that none of the body parts get across the circle. A servant can do it for you, if you have willing servants... but I think it's more important for the bound between the beast and you to do it yourself. Then, place the future prey's possession where the prey symbol stands (the left one.) Try to restrain your nausea when you'll start smelling the blood and sulfur's awful smells, and when you'll manipulate corpses. There is no place for sudden guilt or disgust in your action in this ritual.<br \/>You may take bodyparts of people died from a natural death or from a disease, so you don't have to kill them yourself, but make sure that the body parts remain fresh, and didn't start to rot.<br \/><br \/>When it's done, sit down where the necromancer symbol stands (the top one.) But do NOT cross the circle, not even with the tip of your toes: you would loose them.<br \/>It's no wonder why the necromancer symbol stands on the top: if you manage well, you'll be in control of the two other parts soon enough.&nbsp;<br \/>When you feel prepared, pronounce the ritual's words while infusing the symbol and the body parts with your black magic and life essence:&nbsp;<br \/><br \/><em>Kmetz kha dvash stom zmutzam abakh kmetz peshbo' tzu dvash matosh tzovkha dash<br \/>Ish kebo'an okhney shad kme'ekim bnar kvi'ek&nbsp;stot kmeya mamhim sikhumtze yoba zmukh<br \/>bomked kofo khagugmo imha'nomuye iyat'an nug o'em pehumni bnush dvashe ped<br \/>Kmetz kha dvash stom zmutzam abakh kmetz peshbo' tzu dvash matosh tzovkha dash<\/em><br \/><br \/>It is&nbsp;Dvalmay words, a language lost a long time ago. The first person to create a Sulfurhast talked this language. The spell probably could work if we pronouced the correct sentences in any language, but we lost the translation over the eras. You'd better learn these sentence by heart because you will be too focused on maintaining the spell to read scrappy notes on a sketchbook. While you do this, make sure that nothing can interrupt you. The Sulfurhast won't be alive until the end, but that'd be a serious waste to be interrupted after already so many sacrifices.&nbsp;<br \/>When you said every sentences, then say them again and again, until soemthing changes.<br \/><br \/>If you did everything well, you should see soon enough a black smoke filling the inside of the circle. It will not reach you, to the condition you made a circle with no hole. Keep repeating the Dvalmay sentences. To this point, you'll be in a state of trance. You might even start to ignore what's around you, so make sure that no one's gonna stab you in the back.&nbsp;<br \/>When the smoke will slowly disappear, and if your eyes are open, you'll see the Sulfurhast rising. If the spell succeeded, you'll feel the Sulfurhast becoming alive and rising as if it was you. Then, you'll know you succeeded.<br \/><br \/>The Sulfurhast will be stuck inside the circle as long as you'll be pronouncing the sentences. It might feel like a comfortable situation, but you should not make it wait, for the bound with its prey must be made at most a few minutes after its birth. Otherwise, you'll automatically become its prey...<br \/>Stop saying the sentence as soon as the beast awoke. The magic barrier will cease and the beast will be able to walk past it. Stop infusing your magic and life essence as well, or it will consume you whole: the beast will take what you give to it.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>Most of time, the monster will feel the object's presence on the prey's symbol, and will reach it to eat and consume it. Then the track will start, the beast will leave to find its prey, and you can take a break. But sometimes, the beast will remain inside the circle and not make a move, or worse: it'll seem to be more interested in YOU. If it happens, quickly grab the object and give it to your monster.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>When the Sulfurhast started its hunt, you'll need to rest. You'll feel exhausted. Try not to cast any other spell for a week if you can; you'll be drained. Eat and drink as much as you can, and sleep as much as you need to. You'll maybe experience visions or dreams, where you'll see what your beast sees or feel what it feels. It's normal.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>If you survived this far, congratulations! You'll now be the proud owner of an identity-theft monster, and you'll soon be able to take control of it and its powers. You'll have to take care of your monster and to make sure it never wants its freedom, aka your death.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>And if you ever feel like you could create a second monster, then a third, then many others and never cease, then remember this: it'll take a part of your soul every time.&nbsp;<\/p>","field3":"<p>Unknown<\/p>","field4":"<p>Undead, Eldritch, dangerous. Powerful and tireless<\/p>","field5":"<p>These creatures do not reproduce, as they are summoned\/created. How they are created and their origins are seen here<br \/><br \/><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The triangle is an excellent representation of a Sulfurhast's life. It is no hazard if its invocation symbols represents the three possible stages of its life and in the same time, its complex relationship with the two other parts. Let's have a closer look at it: <\/span><br \/><br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/99_121_s3V2FpIphwEGTZB.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"957\" \/><br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cg0j8\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Gene Seskrit explains:<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">\"<em>The symbol to make your Sulfurhast real is important, and full of meaning. By a simple look, it reveals the triadic and complex relationship between the necromancer, the Sulfurhast, and the prey. The symbol at its center is the symbol for sulfur, your most important component when making your beast. The triangle is here to represent the three involved parts in this terrible spell. The circle is here to contains the magic inside. On top of the symbol is the necromancy symbol, it represents you and your actions. At right, another sulfur symbol, but also the symbol of a hunt that will never cease even if there are obstacles on the way. It represent the Sulfurhast and how impossible it is to stop it. At left, the symbol of sacrifice. It represent the chosen prey, the goal, the sole obsession, and he consequences of your actions.<\/em>\"<br \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9vdfa\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhastes can live accross three phases in their life. Only two of them are useful for you.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8ilht\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The first phase is called the <strong>Hunter Phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-crmn7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When the beast will rise from its sulfur and blood symbol that you traced on the groud, you'll have a few minutes only to give it a purpose. Give it something that belonged to the person you want to see dead. It can be anything, but the more the object was important to the prey, the stronger the link; and if it's blood of the prey, it's even better. The Sulfurhast will eat this possession, then it'll immediately locate its prey, and start running in their direction. It'll be a magic link, and the Sulfurhast will know where is its prey even if it's at the other side of the world.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-41j9l\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">During this phase, the Sulfurhast is nothing more than an empty shell of flesh. They have no soul and no feelings. All they have is the bit of black magic you gave them and... and a bit of your own essence. And deep inside their guts, they have an insatiable hunger. But nothing could calm the hunger; the food will turn into ashes, the flesh will be unsaviory and useless, black magic and people's life essence will be only temporary. No, only the flesh, the possessions and the soul of their designated prey will be able to satisfy their hunger, and they know it. They'll never cease to track down their prey until they're satisfied. The target you gave them will be their sole obsession.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2gjae\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Their prey can be anyone, but keep in mind that the victim you choose will have a terrible death. During this phase, the beast will not sleep, nor eat, nor rest. It'll keep running towards the victim until it finds it. Its level of intelligence is minor, but it might eventually learn how to open door handles and such things. It doesn't have thoughts, but it's not completely a beast. It's more like... a ghost.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-mlq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The second phase is called the <strong>Puppet Phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dokkk\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">It occurs when the Sulfurhast finally found and ingested its prey. It will have consumed everything about its target: flesh, bones, spiritual essence, bits of memory, languages, clothes, and current possessions.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dbop1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The hunger is calmed. The Sulfurhast will still need to ingest life essence and black magic from time to time, but it'll be a minor annoyance. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7bh99\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The beast ingested everything about its prey. <em>Everything<\/em>. So much that it <em>became<\/em> its prey. And the person it killed and ate now became the Sulfurhast. And the Sulfurhast may now shapeshit into its prey's appearance in a flash of black smoke. No matter the species of its prey and how different it was from the Sulfurhast's original body, it'll be able to shapeshift in a few seconds. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7p6o1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The beast might try to imitate the dead prey at first, but it'll be clumsly and won't be able to fool the victim's relatives. This is where your job continues.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d7s5g\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The \"Puppet\" Phase is named that way because once the prey is ingested, you are able to take control of your beast. With a simple ritual of possession, which will be eased by the fact that the Sulfurhast has a bit of your essence, you'll be able to take control of your monster at will. You'll see through its eyes, you'll shape shift in its stead, you'll feel what it feels, and you'll act through the beast as you wish. When people will see their friend, they'll in fact see a monster who ate it, controlled by a necromancer. That's wild, isn't it?<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dm3ca\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">It is useful to steal an identity, a throne, etc. You'll be the prince of a foreign country, your worst enemy's wife, you'll be a child again or an old person. You'll steal every power, status, title, and anything the victim had.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2o0nv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Be careful about powerful magic users however, for they might feel the black magic link inside the beast. When you possess the beast, a good mage might be able to feel you and to locate you.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8sdi6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">During this phase, the Sulfurhast has gained life essence. It is now completed by a full soul, and by the bits of you that you gave earlier. It technically became <em>alive<\/em>. And it will learn. And it will learn <em>fast<\/em>. And it will start feeling. And it'll start living, and experiencing. And it'll become as intelligent as you, sometimes more. It'll take some time to happen, but it always happens faster than you expected. And the beast will start to realise that someone is controlling it in its stead. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f6goc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The third phase is called the <strong>Freedom phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-frsir\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Although it may be called by other names such as the Free Phase, the Frightening phase, the Dangerous phase, or the Pacified Phase.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ah6ns\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The third phase occurs when the link between the necromancer and the Sulfurhast is broken. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ehrfi\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">How can it break, you wonder? <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7s11r\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When the Sulfurhast realizes its connection with you, and the fact that you're controlling it, it'll want its freedom. And also probably more than its freedom. Several events can provoke it: <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3g9ft\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The Sulfurhast will need to frequently ingest life essence. Understand by this: bits of soul and magic. If it doesn't have it, it will die. But a Sulfurhast is resourceful, and if you don't give it the option to feed on its surroundings, or if it's locked somewhere, then the magic bound between you and it will start to turn against you. The Sulfurhast will start to absorb your life essence instead of dying. You'll feel it, don't worry. But if you do nothing to stop it, it'll feed on your soul until you have nothing left and die, no matter the distance between you and it. In short, be careful about feeding properly your beast, or it'll feed on you like any other animal would.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-m69f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- You won't be able to possess your beast all the time. You'll have to get back to your body to eat, wash, and live a bit not to loose your muscles. And when you'll not be possessing your monster, it might feel the need to meet its creator a second time. If it finds you before you can realize it, it'll try to kill you, and to consume you. That way, it'll gain its freedom, and it'll consume your soul to increase greatly its lifespan. How convenient.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8q1gc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- You can also break the bound between your Sulfurhast and you at any time. It'll cost you a lot of black magic, but you can do it. You might ask: why would you want to break such a bound, after all the sacrifices you made to create it? If you feel like the bound between the Sulfurhast and you becomes dangerous, you will want to break it, trust me. A mage located you? The beast's hunting you? Someone understood that their friend isn't really a person but is a beast instead? You might want to break it for your safety. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4a4jc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">You'll loose your control over the beast. But sometimes, it's for the best. This is why I told you that creating a Sulfurhast should be your last resort.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6ulj5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Finally, if you die for any reason, the beast will be free nonetheless. It'll feel your death and will probably try to find your body to ingest it, but you won't be here anymore to prevent it.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ctktf\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">In the Freedom Phase, the Sulfurhast has gained intelligence and any skills its prey had. And it'll live its life as it wishes to, with its knowledge on the world. It'll choose its own purpose on life, and it'll live as long as it can find some life source from time to time, like a vampire. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-emchj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/p>","field6":"<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/33.Trait_Sheets\">Trait Sheet<\/a><\/p>","field7":"<p id=\"viewer-ejl0c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">To start, creating a Sulfurhast must be the very last resort of yours. It must be made only when you have tried every possible other options, and failed to all of them. The cost of such a ritual and the dangers encountered are rarely worth the price, and many necromancers have died in the process. And for those who survived... They all changed. You won't be able to see it, but you'll loose a part of yourself after created such a beast. Not like a missing finger or a hand, but more like missing a part of your own spitirual essence. Like a part of your soul, of your life. It's hard to explain to those who never experienced it. Be patient, you'll experience it soon enough.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dhpm4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Unlike everyone loves to believe, Sulfurhastes are not demons. And they do not come from hell. Some like to consider them as spirits, but it's more complex than that. They're more like... a part of you, and a part of their prey.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-582cu\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are not good or evil, they only serve their purpose. They look like ghosts, monsters, their silhouette is made from the remains you'll use. If you have the spirit of an artist, you might even make a beautiful beast. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9qbou\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">But let's talk about their purpose, about why one wants to create a Sulfurhast. These beasts are hunters. You give them a purpose at birth, a prey. Then, you turn them into puppets, and steal the identity of the prey. Always wanted to be a prince? Then send a Sulfurhast after the said prince. Nobody will be able to stop the process, not even the royal guards or the royal mage. <\/span><\/p>","parsed":{"description":"<p>Purchased From: LinkaBell-Art<br \/><br \/><br \/>Created by Yoka<br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/\/yoka\">https:\/\/\/yoka<\/a>mycelium<br \/><br \/>There are guest artists who can make adopts<br \/><br \/>ALL existing MYOs will be honored!<br \/><br \/>Upgrade Token Cost Coming Soon<br \/><br \/>See the <a href=\"https:\/\/\/sulfurhast-den\">group on deviantart<\/a> for proof of my ownership! I purchased them from <a href=\"https:\/\/\/linkabell-art\">Linkabell-Art<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>Who purchased them from the original creator <a href=\"https:\/\/\/yokamycelium\">YokaMycelium<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>Original concept that became the Sulfurhast created by <a href=\"https:\/\/\/tomoburd\">Tomoburd<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>Full species rights belongs to me, Cryptid-Artha, Artha-Demon in some places!<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/33.Trait_Sheets\">Trait Sheets<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/31.FAQs\">Frequently Asked Questions<\/a><br \/>(This may be updated!)<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/35.Colors_and_Patterns\">Colors and Patterns<\/a><br \/>(The original color and pattern sheet seems to be missing, I am unable to find it, so I had to work on my own)<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/34.Rules\">Rules<\/a><br \/>(May be changed a bit)<br \/><br \/>Uncommon Traits: 1 Upgrade Token Each<br \/>Rare Traits: 5 Upgrade Tokens<br \/>Mythic Traits: 10 Upgrade Tokens<br \/>Exclusive Traits: 20 Upgrade Tokens (This is an exclusive trait that will only appear on your SulfurHast. Guest Artists can add Exclusives to their adoptables for free!)<\/p>","field1":"<p id=\"viewer-59nfh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">A Sulfurhast is a merciless beast commonly used as hunters and puppets. Their main purpose is to track down, kill, and take the appearance of their prey. Useful in kings games or when a target becomes unreachable...<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6tvh1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are generally tall, and easily can reach 2m \/ 6'6\" to 2,50m \/ 8'2\" (approx.) Although smaller ones already have been witnessed, and they're not less deadly or dangerous. They all have a skull face covered with a thin layer of skin, and it's most often the face of a psychopomp animal (guide of souls.) Their skin looks like it's been flayed, yet it's a tough layer of hide.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-917hl\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They can evolve in any universe having magic, and especially black magic. They can be created by powerful necromancers, witches, dark mages, or black magic users in general, implying a lot of sacrifices and a dangerous ritual. They are made with fresh flesh, black magic, and sulfur.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3s0sl\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Since they're based on humanoid remains, they can have various body types and sizes, as well as various animal parts.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fa3n6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are sometimes seen with orbits, and a faint light illuminating it from the inside.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-bip46\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Their tongue is always thick with a square-shaped tip.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-b43c5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-718no\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They're mostly unknown in folklores and cultures. \"Sulfurhaste\" never or rarely ring a bell, the name means nothing to most of all. However, some powerful magic users might have heard that name once; and it has been described as a knife to the jugular, as something impossible to stop once it's created, as a terrific fate. They say that once you are chased by a Sulfurhast, your life is at the mercy of the gods.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-84s6l\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare are the souls aware of what's a Sulfurhast, and even rarer are those who knows how to create one. <\/span><\/p>","field2":"<p><br \/><br \/>Ingredients to Summon a Sulfurhast<br \/>- A lot of sulfur powder. Be careful, you'll have to manipulate it with a mask on your face not to breathe it. A high dose could kill you, and a small dose is enough to be disoriented.<br \/>- Warm human blood.<br \/>- A human's fresh corpse.<br \/>- Chosen animal's fresh body parts, including the skull, tail and legs. Other bits such as ears or horns can be added.<br \/>- A possession from the prey you chose. Make sure it belongs to your prey, and that it has been stolen, not gifted to you. The more the prey is attached to this object, the stronger the bound. It can only be an object or a part of the prey's body (such as blood or hair, for example.) The object should be free of magic, or should contains the prey's magic only.<br \/>- And a bit of your own life essence.<br \/><br \/>The best way to set up the ritual is to have two humans and the chosen animal(s) in nearby cages. Gather the warm blood of the first human, and mix it with the sulfur power. You should get a sticky and awful mixture. Use it to trace the Sulfurhast symbol on a clean ground. It should be large enough so the circle can hold entirely the Sulfurhast's&nbsp;lying body. Alternatively you can use the blood of the body you'll use afterwards and only have one victim instead of two, but it's less efficient.<br \/><br \/>The symbol to make your Sulfurhast real is important, and full of meaning. By a simple look, it reveals the triadic and complex relationship between the necromancer, the Sulfurhast, and the prey. The symbol at its center is the symbol for sulfur, your most important component when making your beast. The triangle is here to represent the three involved parts in this terrible spell. The circle is here to contains the magic inside. On top of the symbol is the necromancy symbol, it represents you and your actions. At right, another sulfur symbol, but also the symbol of a hunt that will never cease even if there are obstacles on the way. It represent the Sulfurhast and how impossible it is to stop it. At left, the symbol of sacrifice. It represent the chosen prey, the goal, the sole obsession, and he consequences of your actions.<br \/><br \/>When you traced the symbol, kill the second human and the animal(s) and dispose their body parts in a way to form the Sulfurhast's body. The head of the beast should be where the hunt symbol stands (the right one.) And the arms of the future beast should point towards the two other symbols (the necromancer and the prey,) but make sure that none of the body parts get across the circle. A servant can do it for you, if you have willing servants... but I think it's more important for the bound between the beast and you to do it yourself. Then, place the future prey's possession where the prey symbol stands (the left one.) Try to restrain your nausea when you'll start smelling the blood and sulfur's awful smells, and when you'll manipulate corpses. There is no place for sudden guilt or disgust in your action in this ritual.<br \/>You may take bodyparts of people died from a natural death or from a disease, so you don't have to kill them yourself, but make sure that the body parts remain fresh, and didn't start to rot.<br \/><br \/>When it's done, sit down where the necromancer symbol stands (the top one.) But do NOT cross the circle, not even with the tip of your toes: you would loose them.<br \/>It's no wonder why the necromancer symbol stands on the top: if you manage well, you'll be in control of the two other parts soon enough.&nbsp;<br \/>When you feel prepared, pronounce the ritual's words while infusing the symbol and the body parts with your black magic and life essence:&nbsp;<br \/><br \/><em>Kmetz kha dvash stom zmutzam abakh kmetz peshbo' tzu dvash matosh tzovkha dash<br \/>Ish kebo'an okhney shad kme'ekim bnar kvi'ek&nbsp;stot kmeya mamhim sikhumtze yoba zmukh<br \/>bomked kofo khagugmo imha'nomuye iyat'an nug o'em pehumni bnush dvashe ped<br \/>Kmetz kha dvash stom zmutzam abakh kmetz peshbo' tzu dvash matosh tzovkha dash<\/em><br \/><br \/>It is&nbsp;Dvalmay words, a language lost a long time ago. The first person to create a Sulfurhast talked this language. The spell probably could work if we pronouced the correct sentences in any language, but we lost the translation over the eras. You'd better learn these sentence by heart because you will be too focused on maintaining the spell to read scrappy notes on a sketchbook. While you do this, make sure that nothing can interrupt you. The Sulfurhast won't be alive until the end, but that'd be a serious waste to be interrupted after already so many sacrifices.&nbsp;<br \/>When you said every sentences, then say them again and again, until soemthing changes.<br \/><br \/>If you did everything well, you should see soon enough a black smoke filling the inside of the circle. It will not reach you, to the condition you made a circle with no hole. Keep repeating the Dvalmay sentences. To this point, you'll be in a state of trance. You might even start to ignore what's around you, so make sure that no one's gonna stab you in the back.&nbsp;<br \/>When the smoke will slowly disappear, and if your eyes are open, you'll see the Sulfurhast rising. If the spell succeeded, you'll feel the Sulfurhast becoming alive and rising as if it was you. Then, you'll know you succeeded.<br \/><br \/>The Sulfurhast will be stuck inside the circle as long as you'll be pronouncing the sentences. It might feel like a comfortable situation, but you should not make it wait, for the bound with its prey must be made at most a few minutes after its birth. Otherwise, you'll automatically become its prey...<br \/>Stop saying the sentence as soon as the beast awoke. The magic barrier will cease and the beast will be able to walk past it. Stop infusing your magic and life essence as well, or it will consume you whole: the beast will take what you give to it.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>Most of time, the monster will feel the object's presence on the prey's symbol, and will reach it to eat and consume it. Then the track will start, the beast will leave to find its prey, and you can take a break. But sometimes, the beast will remain inside the circle and not make a move, or worse: it'll seem to be more interested in YOU. If it happens, quickly grab the object and give it to your monster.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>When the Sulfurhast started its hunt, you'll need to rest. You'll feel exhausted. Try not to cast any other spell for a week if you can; you'll be drained. Eat and drink as much as you can, and sleep as much as you need to. You'll maybe experience visions or dreams, where you'll see what your beast sees or feel what it feels. It's normal.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>If you survived this far, congratulations! You'll now be the proud owner of an identity-theft monster, and you'll soon be able to take control of it and its powers. You'll have to take care of your monster and to make sure it never wants its freedom, aka your death.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>And if you ever feel like you could create a second monster, then a third, then many others and never cease, then remember this: it'll take a part of your soul every time.&nbsp;<\/p>","field3":"<p>Unknown<\/p>","field4":"<p>Undead, Eldritch, dangerous. Powerful and tireless<\/p>","field5":"<p>These creatures do not reproduce, as they are summoned\/created. How they are created and their origins are seen here<br \/><br \/><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The triangle is an excellent representation of a Sulfurhast's life. It is no hazard if its invocation symbols represents the three possible stages of its life and in the same time, its complex relationship with the two other parts. Let's have a closer look at it: <\/span><br \/><br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/99_121_s3V2FpIphwEGTZB.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"957\" \/><br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cg0j8\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Gene Seskrit explains:<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">\"<em>The symbol to make your Sulfurhast real is important, and full of meaning. By a simple look, it reveals the triadic and complex relationship between the necromancer, the Sulfurhast, and the prey. The symbol at its center is the symbol for sulfur, your most important component when making your beast. The triangle is here to represent the three involved parts in this terrible spell. The circle is here to contains the magic inside. On top of the symbol is the necromancy symbol, it represents you and your actions. At right, another sulfur symbol, but also the symbol of a hunt that will never cease even if there are obstacles on the way. It represent the Sulfurhast and how impossible it is to stop it. At left, the symbol of sacrifice. It represent the chosen prey, the goal, the sole obsession, and he consequences of your actions.<\/em>\"<br \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9vdfa\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhastes can live accross three phases in their life. Only two of them are useful for you.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8ilht\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The first phase is called the <strong>Hunter Phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-crmn7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When the beast will rise from its sulfur and blood symbol that you traced on the groud, you'll have a few minutes only to give it a purpose. Give it something that belonged to the person you want to see dead. It can be anything, but the more the object was important to the prey, the stronger the link; and if it's blood of the prey, it's even better. The Sulfurhast will eat this possession, then it'll immediately locate its prey, and start running in their direction. It'll be a magic link, and the Sulfurhast will know where is its prey even if it's at the other side of the world.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-41j9l\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">During this phase, the Sulfurhast is nothing more than an empty shell of flesh. They have no soul and no feelings. All they have is the bit of black magic you gave them and... and a bit of your own essence. And deep inside their guts, they have an insatiable hunger. But nothing could calm the hunger; the food will turn into ashes, the flesh will be unsaviory and useless, black magic and people's life essence will be only temporary. No, only the flesh, the possessions and the soul of their designated prey will be able to satisfy their hunger, and they know it. They'll never cease to track down their prey until they're satisfied. The target you gave them will be their sole obsession.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2gjae\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Their prey can be anyone, but keep in mind that the victim you choose will have a terrible death. During this phase, the beast will not sleep, nor eat, nor rest. It'll keep running towards the victim until it finds it. Its level of intelligence is minor, but it might eventually learn how to open door handles and such things. It doesn't have thoughts, but it's not completely a beast. It's more like... a ghost.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-mlq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The second phase is called the <strong>Puppet Phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dokkk\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">It occurs when the Sulfurhast finally found and ingested its prey. It will have consumed everything about its target: flesh, bones, spiritual essence, bits of memory, languages, clothes, and current possessions.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dbop1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The hunger is calmed. The Sulfurhast will still need to ingest life essence and black magic from time to time, but it'll be a minor annoyance. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7bh99\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The beast ingested everything about its prey. <em>Everything<\/em>. So much that it <em>became<\/em> its prey. And the person it killed and ate now became the Sulfurhast. And the Sulfurhast may now shapeshit into its prey's appearance in a flash of black smoke. No matter the species of its prey and how different it was from the Sulfurhast's original body, it'll be able to shapeshift in a few seconds. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7p6o1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The beast might try to imitate the dead prey at first, but it'll be clumsly and won't be able to fool the victim's relatives. This is where your job continues.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d7s5g\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The \"Puppet\" Phase is named that way because once the prey is ingested, you are able to take control of your beast. With a simple ritual of possession, which will be eased by the fact that the Sulfurhast has a bit of your essence, you'll be able to take control of your monster at will. You'll see through its eyes, you'll shape shift in its stead, you'll feel what it feels, and you'll act through the beast as you wish. When people will see their friend, they'll in fact see a monster who ate it, controlled by a necromancer. That's wild, isn't it?<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dm3ca\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">It is useful to steal an identity, a throne, etc. You'll be the prince of a foreign country, your worst enemy's wife, you'll be a child again or an old person. You'll steal every power, status, title, and anything the victim had.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2o0nv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Be careful about powerful magic users however, for they might feel the black magic link inside the beast. When you possess the beast, a good mage might be able to feel you and to locate you.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8sdi6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">During this phase, the Sulfurhast has gained life essence. It is now completed by a full soul, and by the bits of you that you gave earlier. It technically became <em>alive<\/em>. And it will learn. And it will learn <em>fast<\/em>. And it will start feeling. And it'll start living, and experiencing. And it'll become as intelligent as you, sometimes more. It'll take some time to happen, but it always happens faster than you expected. And the beast will start to realise that someone is controlling it in its stead. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f6goc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The third phase is called the <strong>Freedom phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-frsir\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Although it may be called by other names such as the Free Phase, the Frightening phase, the Dangerous phase, or the Pacified Phase.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ah6ns\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The third phase occurs when the link between the necromancer and the Sulfurhast is broken. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ehrfi\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">How can it break, you wonder? <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7s11r\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When the Sulfurhast realizes its connection with you, and the fact that you're controlling it, it'll want its freedom. And also probably more than its freedom. Several events can provoke it: <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3g9ft\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The Sulfurhast will need to frequently ingest life essence. Understand by this: bits of soul and magic. If it doesn't have it, it will die. But a Sulfurhast is resourceful, and if you don't give it the option to feed on its surroundings, or if it's locked somewhere, then the magic bound between you and it will start to turn against you. The Sulfurhast will start to absorb your life essence instead of dying. You'll feel it, don't worry. But if you do nothing to stop it, it'll feed on your soul until you have nothing left and die, no matter the distance between you and it. In short, be careful about feeding properly your beast, or it'll feed on you like any other animal would.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-m69f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- You won't be able to possess your beast all the time. You'll have to get back to your body to eat, wash, and live a bit not to loose your muscles. And when you'll not be possessing your monster, it might feel the need to meet its creator a second time. If it finds you before you can realize it, it'll try to kill you, and to consume you. That way, it'll gain its freedom, and it'll consume your soul to increase greatly its lifespan. How convenient.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8q1gc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- You can also break the bound between your Sulfurhast and you at any time. It'll cost you a lot of black magic, but you can do it. You might ask: why would you want to break such a bound, after all the sacrifices you made to create it? If you feel like the bound between the Sulfurhast and you becomes dangerous, you will want to break it, trust me. A mage located you? The beast's hunting you? Someone understood that their friend isn't really a person but is a beast instead? You might want to break it for your safety. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4a4jc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">You'll loose your control over the beast. But sometimes, it's for the best. This is why I told you that creating a Sulfurhast should be your last resort.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6ulj5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Finally, if you die for any reason, the beast will be free nonetheless. It'll feel your death and will probably try to find your body to ingest it, but you won't be here anymore to prevent it.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ctktf\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">In the Freedom Phase, the Sulfurhast has gained intelligence and any skills its prey had. And it'll live its life as it wishes to, with its knowledge on the world. It'll choose its own purpose on life, and it'll live as long as it can find some life source from time to time, like a vampire. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-emchj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/p>","field6":"<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/33.Trait_Sheets\">Trait Sheet<\/a><\/p>","field7":"<p id=\"viewer-ejl0c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">To start, creating a Sulfurhast must be the very last resort of yours. It must be made only when you have tried every possible other options, and failed to all of them. The cost of such a ritual and the dangers encountered are rarely worth the price, and many necromancers have died in the process. And for those who survived... They all changed. You won't be able to see it, but you'll loose a part of yourself after created such a beast. Not like a missing finger or a hand, but more like missing a part of your own spitirual essence. Like a part of your soul, of your life. It's hard to explain to those who never experienced it. Be patient, you'll experience it soon enough.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dhpm4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Unlike everyone loves to believe, Sulfurhastes are not demons. And they do not come from hell. Some like to consider them as spirits, but it's more complex than that. They're more like... a part of you, and a part of their prey.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-582cu\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are not good or evil, they only serve their purpose. They look like ghosts, monsters, their silhouette is made from the remains you'll use. If you have the spirit of an artist, you might even make a beautiful beast. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9qbou\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">But let's talk about their purpose, about why one wants to create a Sulfurhast. These beasts are hunters. You give them a purpose at birth, a prey. Then, you turn them into puppets, and steal the identity of the prey. Always wanted to be a prince? Then send a Sulfurhast after the said prince. Nobody will be able to stop the process, not even the royal guards or the royal mage. <\/span><\/p>"}},"title":"Sulfurhast","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":["wip","stub"],"page_tag":null}
#194 3 July 2023, 16:44:50 UTC
Page Updated
Length: 60209 (-58) -
{"data":{"description":"<p>Purchased From: LinkaBell-Art<br \/><br \/><br \/>Created by Yoka<br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/\/yoka\">https:\/\/\/yoka<\/a>mycelium<br \/><br \/>There are guest artists who can make adopts<br \/><br \/>ALL existing MYOs will be honored!<br \/><br \/>Upgrade Token Cost Coming Soon<br \/><br \/>See the <a href=\"https:\/\/\/sulfurhast-den\">group on deviantart<\/a> for proof of my ownership! I purchased them from <a href=\"https:\/\/\/linkabell-art\">Linkabell-Art<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>Who purchased them from the original creator <a href=\"https:\/\/\/yokamycelium\">YokaMycelium<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>Original concept that became the Sulfurhast created by <a href=\"https:\/\/\/tomoburd\">Tomoburd<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>Full species rights belongs to me, Cryptid-Artha, Artha-Demon in some places!<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/33.Trait_Sheets\">Trait Sheets<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/31.FAQs\">Frequently Asked Questions<\/a><br \/>(This may be updated!)<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/35.Colors_and_Patterns\">Colors and Patterns<\/a><br \/>(The original color and pattern sheet seems to be missing, I am unable to find it, so I had to work on my own)<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/34.Rules\">Rules<\/a><br \/>(May be changed a bit)<br \/><br \/>Uncommon Traits: 1 Upgrade Token Each<br \/>Rare Traits: 5 Upgrade Tokens<br \/>Mythic Traits: 10 Upgrade Tokens<br \/>Exclusive Traits: 20 Upgrade Tokens (This is an exclusive trait that will only appear on your SulfurHast. Guest Artists can add Exclusives to their adoptables for free!)<\/p>","field1":"<p id=\"viewer-59nfh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">A Sulfurhast is a merciless beast commonly used as hunters and puppets. Their main purpose is to track down, kill, and take the appearance of their prey. Useful in kings games or when a target becomes unreachable...<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6tvh1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are generally tall, and easily can reach 2m \/ 6'6\" to 2,50m \/ 8'2\" (approx.) Although smaller ones already have been witnessed, and they're not less deadly or dangerous. They all have a skull face covered with a thin layer of skin, and it's most often the face of a psychopomp animal (guide of souls.) Their skin looks like it's been flayed, yet it's a tough layer of hide.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-917hl\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They can evolve in any universe having magic, and especially black magic. They can be created by powerful necromancers, witches, dark mages, or black magic users in general, implying a lot of sacrifices and a dangerous ritual. They are made with fresh flesh, black magic, and sulfur.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3s0sl\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Since they're based on humanoid remains, they can have various body types and sizes, as well as various animal parts.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fa3n6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are sometimes seen with orbits, and a faint light illuminating it from the inside.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-bip46\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Their tongue is always thick with a square-shaped tip.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-b43c5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-718no\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They're mostly unknown in folklores and cultures. \"Sulfurhaste\" never or rarely ring a bell, the name means nothing to most of all. However, some powerful magic users might have heard that name once; and it has been described as a knife to the jugular, as something impossible to stop once it's created, as a terrific fate. They say that once you are chased by a Sulfurhast, your life is at the mercy of the gods.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-84s6l\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare are the souls aware of what's a Sulfurhast, and even rarer are those who knows how to create one. <\/span><\/p>","field2":"<p><br \/><br \/>Ingredients to Summon a Sulfurhast<br \/>- A lot of sulfur powder. Be careful, you'll have to manipulate it with a mask on your face not to breathe it. A high dose could kill you, and a small dose is enough to be disoriented.<br \/>- Warm human blood.<br \/>- A human's fresh corpse.<br \/>- Chosen animal's fresh body parts, including the skull, tail and legs. Other bits such as ears or horns can be added.<br \/>- A possession from the prey you chose. Make sure it belongs to your prey, and that it has been stolen, not gifted to you. The more the prey is attached to this object, the stronger the bound. It can only be an object or a part of the prey's body (such as blood or hair, for example.) The object should be free of magic, or should contains the prey's magic only.<br \/>- And a bit of your own life essence.<br \/><br \/>The best way to set up the ritual is to have two humans and the chosen animal(s) in nearby cages. Gather the warm blood of the first human, and mix it with the sulfur power. You should get a sticky and awful mixture. Use it to trace the Sulfurhast symbol on a clean ground. It should be large enough so the circle can hold entirely the Sulfurhast's&nbsp;lying body. Alternatively you can use the blood of the body you'll use afterwards and only have one victim instead of two, but it's less efficient.<br \/><br \/>The symbol to make your Sulfurhast real is important, and full of meaning. By a simple look, it reveals the triadic and complex relationship between the necromancer, the Sulfurhast, and the prey. The symbol at its center is the symbol for sulfur, your most important component when making your beast. The triangle is here to represent the three involved parts in this terrible spell. The circle is here to contains the magic inside. On top of the symbol is the necromancy symbol, it represents you and your actions. At right, another sulfur symbol, but also the symbol of a hunt that will never cease even if there are obstacles on the way. It represent the Sulfurhast and how impossible it is to stop it. At left, the symbol of sacrifice. It represent the chosen prey, the goal, the sole obsession, and he consequences of your actions.<br \/><br \/>When you traced the symbol, kill the second human and the animal(s) and dispose their body parts in a way to form the Sulfurhast's body. The head of the beast should be where the hunt symbol stands (the right one.) And the arms of the future beast should point towards the two other symbols (the necromancer and the prey,) but make sure that none of the body parts get across the circle. A servant can do it for you, if you have willing servants... but I think it's more important for the bound between the beast and you to do it yourself. Then, place the future prey's possession where the prey symbol stands (the left one.) Try to restrain your nausea when you'll start smelling the blood and sulfur's awful smells, and when you'll manipulate corpses. There is no place for sudden guilt or disgust in your action in this ritual.<br \/>You may take bodyparts of people died from a natural death or from a disease, so you don't have to kill them yourself, but make sure that the body parts remain fresh, and didn't start to rot.<br \/><br \/>When it's done, sit down where the necromancer symbol stands (the top one.) But do NOT cross the circle, not even with the tip of your toes: you would loose them.<br \/>It's no wonder why the necromancer symbol stands on the top: if you manage well, you'll be in control of the two other parts soon enough.&nbsp;<br \/>When you feel prepared, pronounce the ritual's words while infusing the symbol and the body parts with your black magic and life essence:&nbsp;<br \/><br \/><em>Kmetz kha dvash stom zmutzam abakh kmetz peshbo' tzu dvash matosh tzovkha dash<br \/>Ish kebo'an okhney shad kme'ekim bnar kvi'ek&nbsp;stot kmeya mamhim sikhumtze yoba zmukh<br \/>bomked kofo khagugmo imha'nomuye iyat'an nug o'em pehumni bnush dvashe ped<br \/>Kmetz kha dvash stom zmutzam abakh kmetz peshbo' tzu dvash matosh tzovkha dash<\/em><br \/><br \/>It is&nbsp;Dvalmay words, a language lost a long time ago. The first person to create a Sulfurhast talked this language. The spell probably could work if we pronouced the correct sentences in any language, but we lost the translation over the eras. You'd better learn these sentence by heart because you will be too focused on maintaining the spell to read scrappy notes on a sketchbook. While you do this, make sure that nothing can interrupt you. The Sulfurhast won't be alive until the end, but that'd be a serious waste to be interrupted after already so many sacrifices.&nbsp;<br \/>When you said every sentences, then say them again and again, until soemthing changes.<br \/><br \/>If you did everything well, you should see soon enough a black smoke filling the inside of the circle. It will not reach you, to the condition you made a circle with no hole. Keep repeating the Dvalmay sentences. To this point, you'll be in a state of trance. You might even start to ignore what's around you, so make sure that no one's gonna stab you in the back.&nbsp;<br \/>When the smoke will slowly disappear, and if your eyes are open, you'll see the Sulfurhast rising. If the spell succeeded, you'll feel the Sulfurhast becoming alive and rising as if it was you. Then, you'll know you succeeded.<br \/><br \/>The Sulfurhast will be stuck inside the circle as long as you'll be pronouncing the sentences. It might feel like a comfortable situation, but you should not make it wait, for the bound with its prey must be made at most a few minutes after its birth. Otherwise, you'll automatically become its prey...<br \/>Stop saying the sentence as soon as the beast awoke. The magic barrier will cease and the beast will be able to walk past it. Stop infusing your magic and life essence as well, or it will consume you whole: the beast will take what you give to it.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>Most of time, the monster will feel the object's presence on the prey's symbol, and will reach it to eat and consume it. Then the track will start, the beast will leave to find its prey, and you can take a break. But sometimes, the beast will remain inside the circle and not make a move, or worse: it'll seem to be more interested in YOU. If it happens, quickly grab the object and give it to your monster.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>When the Sulfurhast started its hunt, you'll need to rest. You'll feel exhausted. Try not to cast any other spell for a week if you can; you'll be drained. Eat and drink as much as you can, and sleep as much as you need to. You'll maybe experience visions or dreams, where you'll see what your beast sees or feel what it feels. It's normal.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>If you survived this far, congratulations! You'll now be the proud owner of an identity-theft monster, and you'll soon be able to take control of it and its powers. You'll have to take care of your monster and to make sure it never wants its freedom, aka your death.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>And if you ever feel like you could create a second monster, then a third, then many others and never cease, then remember this: it'll take a part of your soul every time.&nbsp;<\/p>","field3":"<p>Unknown<\/p>","field4":"<p>Undead, Eldritch, dangerous. Powerful and tireless<\/p>","field5":"<p>These creatures do not reproduce, as they are summoned\/created. How they are created and their origins are seen here<br \/><br \/><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The triangle is an excellent representation of a Sulfurhast's life. It is no hazard if its invocation symbols represents the three possible stages of its life and in the same time, its complex relationship with the two other parts. Let's have a closer look at it: <\/span><br \/><br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/99_121_s3V2FpIphwEGTZB.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"957\" \/><br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cg0j8\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Gene Seskrit explains:<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">\"<em>The symbol to make your Sulfurhast real is important, and full of meaning. By a simple look, it reveals the triadic and complex relationship between the necromancer, the Sulfurhast, and the prey. The symbol at its center is the symbol for sulfur, your most important component when making your beast. The triangle is here to represent the three involved parts in this terrible spell. The circle is here to contains the magic inside. On top of the symbol is the necromancy symbol, it represents you and your actions. At right, another sulfur symbol, but also the symbol of a hunt that will never cease even if there are obstacles on the way. It represent the Sulfurhast and how impossible it is to stop it. At left, the symbol of sacrifice. It represent the chosen prey, the goal, the sole obsession, and he consequences of your actions.<\/em>\"<br \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9vdfa\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhastes can live accross three phases in their life. Only two of them are useful for you.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8ilht\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The first phase is called the <strong>Hunter Phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-crmn7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When the beast will rise from its sulfur and blood symbol that you traced on the groud, you'll have a few minutes only to give it a purpose. Give it something that belonged to the person you want to see dead. It can be anything, but the more the object was important to the prey, the stronger the link; and if it's blood of the prey, it's even better. The Sulfurhast will eat this possession, then it'll immediately locate its prey, and start running in their direction. It'll be a magic link, and the Sulfurhast will know where is its prey even if it's at the other side of the world.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-41j9l\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">During this phase, the Sulfurhast is nothing more than an empty shell of flesh. They have no soul and no feelings. All they have is the bit of black magic you gave them and... and a bit of your own essence. And deep inside their guts, they have an insatiable hunger. But nothing could calm the hunger; the food will turn into ashes, the flesh will be unsaviory and useless, black magic and people's life essence will be only temporary. No, only the flesh, the possessions and the soul of their designated prey will be able to satisfy their hunger, and they know it. They'll never cease to track down their prey until they're satisfied. The target you gave them will be their sole obsession.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2gjae\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Their prey can be anyone, but keep in mind that the victim you choose will have a terrible death. During this phase, the beast will not sleep, nor eat, nor rest. It'll keep running towards the victim until it finds it. Its level of intelligence is minor, but it might eventually learn how to open door handles and such things. It doesn't have thoughts, but it's not completely a beast. It's more like... a ghost.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-mlq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The second phase is called the <strong>Puppet Phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dokkk\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">It occurs when the Sulfurhast finally found and ingested its prey. It will have consumed everything about its target: flesh, bones, spiritual essence, bits of memory, languages, clothes, and current possessions.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dbop1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The hunger is calmed. The Sulfurhast will still need to ingest life essence and black magic from time to time, but it'll be a minor annoyance. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7bh99\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The beast ingested everything about its prey. <em>Everything<\/em>. So much that it <em>became<\/em> its prey. And the person it killed and ate now became the Sulfurhast. And the Sulfurhast may now shapeshit into its prey's appearance in a flash of black smoke. No matter the species of its prey and how different it was from the Sulfurhast's original body, it'll be able to shapeshift in a few seconds. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7p6o1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The beast might try to imitate the dead prey at first, but it'll be clumsly and won't be able to fool the victim's relatives. This is where your job continues.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d7s5g\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The \"Puppet\" Phase is named that way because once the prey is ingested, you are able to take control of your beast. With a simple ritual of possession, which will be eased by the fact that the Sulfurhast has a bit of your essence, you'll be able to take control of your monster at will. You'll see through its eyes, you'll shape shift in its stead, you'll feel what it feels, and you'll act through the beast as you wish. When people will see their friend, they'll in fact see a monster who ate it, controlled by a necromancer. That's wild, isn't it?<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dm3ca\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">It is useful to steal an identity, a throne, etc. You'll be the prince of a foreign country, your worst enemy's wife, you'll be a child again or an old person. You'll steal every power, status, title, and anything the victim had.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2o0nv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Be careful about powerful magic users however, for they might feel the black magic link inside the beast. When you possess the beast, a good mage might be able to feel you and to locate you.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8sdi6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">During this phase, the Sulfurhast has gained life essence. It is now completed by a full soul, and by the bits of you that you gave earlier. It technically became <em>alive<\/em>. And it will learn. And it will learn <em>fast<\/em>. And it will start feeling. And it'll start living, and experiencing. And it'll become as intelligent as you, sometimes more. It'll take some time to happen, but it always happens faster than you expected. And the beast will start to realise that someone is controlling it in its stead. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f6goc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The third phase is called the <strong>Freedom phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-frsir\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Although it may be called by other names such as the Free Phase, the Frightening phase, the Dangerous phase, or the Pacified Phase.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ah6ns\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The third phase occurs when the link between the necromancer and the Sulfurhast is broken. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ehrfi\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">How can it break, you wonder? <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7s11r\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When the Sulfurhast realizes its connection with you, and the fact that you're controlling it, it'll want its freedom. And also probably more than its freedom. Several events can provoke it: <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3g9ft\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The Sulfurhast will need to frequently ingest life essence. Understand by this: bits of soul and magic. If it doesn't have it, it will die. But a Sulfurhast is resourceful, and if you don't give it the option to feed on its surroundings, or if it's locked somewhere, then the magic bound between you and it will start to turn against you. The Sulfurhast will start to absorb your life essence instead of dying. You'll feel it, don't worry. But if you do nothing to stop it, it'll feed on your soul until you have nothing left and die, no matter the distance between you and it. In short, be careful about feeding properly your beast, or it'll feed on you like any other animal would.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-m69f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- You won't be able to possess your beast all the time. You'll have to get back to your body to eat, wash, and live a bit not to loose your muscles. And when you'll not be possessing your monster, it might feel the need to meet its creator a second time. If it finds you before you can realize it, it'll try to kill you, and to consume you. That way, it'll gain its freedom, and it'll consume your soul to increase greatly its lifespan. How convenient.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8q1gc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- You can also break the bound between your Sulfurhast and you at any time. It'll cost you a lot of black magic, but you can do it. You might ask: why would you want to break such a bound, after all the sacrifices you made to create it? If you feel like the bound between the Sulfurhast and you becomes dangerous, you will want to break it, trust me. A mage located you? The beast's hunting you? Someone understood that their friend isn't really a person but is a beast instead? You might want to break it for your safety. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4a4jc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">You'll loose your control over the beast. But sometimes, it's for the best. This is why I told you that creating a Sulfurhast should be your last resort.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6ulj5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Finally, if you die for any reason, the beast will be free nonetheless. It'll feel your death and will probably try to find your body to ingest it, but you won't be here anymore to prevent it.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ctktf\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">In the Freedom Phase, the Sulfurhast has gained intelligence and any skills its prey had. And it'll live its life as it wishes to, with its knowledge on the world. It'll choose its own purpose on life, and it'll live as long as it can find some life source from time to time, like a vampire. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-emchj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/p>","field6":"<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/33.Trait_Sheets\">Trait Sheet<\/a><\/p>","field7":"<p id=\"viewer-ejl0c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">To start, creating a Sulfurhast must be the very last resort of yours. It must be made only when you have tried every possible other options, and failed to all of them. The cost of such a ritual and the dangers encountered are rarely worth the price, and many necromancers have died in the process. And for those who survived... They all changed. You won't be able to see it, but you'll loose a part of yourself after created such a beast. Not like a missing finger or a hand, but more like missing a part of your own spitirual essence. Like a part of your soul, of your life. It's hard to explain to those who never experienced it. Be patient, you'll experience it soon enough.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dhpm4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Unlike everyone loves to believe, Sulfurhastes are not demons. And they do not come from hell. Some like to consider them as spirits, but it's more complex than that. They're more like... a part of you, and a part of their prey.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-582cu\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are not good or evil, they only serve their purpose. They look like ghosts, monsters, their silhouette is made from the remains you'll use. If you have the spirit of an artist, you might even make a beautiful beast. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9qbou\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">But let's talk about their purpose, about why one wants to create a Sulfurhast. These beasts are hunters. You give them a purpose at birth, a prey. Then, you turn them into puppets, and steal the identity of the prey. Always wanted to be a prince? Then send a Sulfurhast after the said prince. Nobody will be able to stop the process, not even the royal guards or the royal mage. <\/span><\/p>","parsed":{"description":"<p>Purchased From: LinkaBell-Art<br \/><br \/><br \/>Created by Yoka<br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/\/yoka\">https:\/\/\/yoka<\/a>mycelium<br \/><br \/>There are guest artists who can make adopts<br \/><br \/>ALL existing MYOs will be honored!<br \/><br \/>Upgrade Token Cost Coming Soon<br \/><br \/>See the <a href=\"https:\/\/\/sulfurhast-den\">group on deviantart<\/a> for proof of my ownership! I purchased them from <a href=\"https:\/\/\/linkabell-art\">Linkabell-Art<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>Who purchased them from the original creator <a href=\"https:\/\/\/yokamycelium\">YokaMycelium<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>Original concept that became the Sulfurhast created by <a href=\"https:\/\/\/tomoburd\">Tomoburd<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>Full species rights belongs to me, Cryptid-Artha, Artha-Demon in some places!<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/33.Trait_Sheets\">Trait Sheets<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/31.FAQs\">Frequently Asked Questions<\/a><br \/>(This may be updated!)<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/35.Colors_and_Patterns\">Colors and Patterns<\/a><br \/>(The original color and pattern sheet seems to be missing, I am unable to find it, so I had to work on my own)<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/34.Rules\">Rules<\/a><br \/>(May be changed a bit)<br \/><br \/>Uncommon Traits: 1 Upgrade Token Each<br \/>Rare Traits: 5 Upgrade Tokens<br \/>Mythic Traits: 10 Upgrade Tokens<br \/>Exclusive Traits: 20 Upgrade Tokens (This is an exclusive trait that will only appear on your SulfurHast. Guest Artists can add Exclusives to their adoptables for free!)<\/p>","field1":"<p id=\"viewer-59nfh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">A Sulfurhast is a merciless beast commonly used as hunters and puppets. Their main purpose is to track down, kill, and take the appearance of their prey. Useful in kings games or when a target becomes unreachable...<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6tvh1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are generally tall, and easily can reach 2m \/ 6'6\" to 2,50m \/ 8'2\" (approx.) Although smaller ones already have been witnessed, and they're not less deadly or dangerous. They all have a skull face covered with a thin layer of skin, and it's most often the face of a psychopomp animal (guide of souls.) Their skin looks like it's been flayed, yet it's a tough layer of hide.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-917hl\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They can evolve in any universe having magic, and especially black magic. They can be created by powerful necromancers, witches, dark mages, or black magic users in general, implying a lot of sacrifices and a dangerous ritual. They are made with fresh flesh, black magic, and sulfur.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3s0sl\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Since they're based on humanoid remains, they can have various body types and sizes, as well as various animal parts.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fa3n6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are sometimes seen with orbits, and a faint light illuminating it from the inside.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-bip46\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Their tongue is always thick with a square-shaped tip.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-b43c5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-718no\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They're mostly unknown in folklores and cultures. \"Sulfurhaste\" never or rarely ring a bell, the name means nothing to most of all. However, some powerful magic users might have heard that name once; and it has been described as a knife to the jugular, as something impossible to stop once it's created, as a terrific fate. They say that once you are chased by a Sulfurhast, your life is at the mercy of the gods.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-84s6l\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare are the souls aware of what's a Sulfurhast, and even rarer are those who knows how to create one. <\/span><\/p>","field2":"<p><br \/><br \/>Ingredients to Summon a Sulfurhast<br \/>- A lot of sulfur powder. Be careful, you'll have to manipulate it with a mask on your face not to breathe it. A high dose could kill you, and a small dose is enough to be disoriented.<br \/>- Warm human blood.<br \/>- A human's fresh corpse.<br \/>- Chosen animal's fresh body parts, including the skull, tail and legs. Other bits such as ears or horns can be added.<br \/>- A possession from the prey you chose. Make sure it belongs to your prey, and that it has been stolen, not gifted to you. The more the prey is attached to this object, the stronger the bound. It can only be an object or a part of the prey's body (such as blood or hair, for example.) The object should be free of magic, or should contains the prey's magic only.<br \/>- And a bit of your own life essence.<br \/><br \/>The best way to set up the ritual is to have two humans and the chosen animal(s) in nearby cages. Gather the warm blood of the first human, and mix it with the sulfur power. You should get a sticky and awful mixture. Use it to trace the Sulfurhast symbol on a clean ground. It should be large enough so the circle can hold entirely the Sulfurhast's&nbsp;lying body. Alternatively you can use the blood of the body you'll use afterwards and only have one victim instead of two, but it's less efficient.<br \/><br \/>The symbol to make your Sulfurhast real is important, and full of meaning. By a simple look, it reveals the triadic and complex relationship between the necromancer, the Sulfurhast, and the prey. The symbol at its center is the symbol for sulfur, your most important component when making your beast. The triangle is here to represent the three involved parts in this terrible spell. The circle is here to contains the magic inside. On top of the symbol is the necromancy symbol, it represents you and your actions. At right, another sulfur symbol, but also the symbol of a hunt that will never cease even if there are obstacles on the way. It represent the Sulfurhast and how impossible it is to stop it. At left, the symbol of sacrifice. It represent the chosen prey, the goal, the sole obsession, and he consequences of your actions.<br \/><br \/>When you traced the symbol, kill the second human and the animal(s) and dispose their body parts in a way to form the Sulfurhast's body. The head of the beast should be where the hunt symbol stands (the right one.) And the arms of the future beast should point towards the two other symbols (the necromancer and the prey,) but make sure that none of the body parts get across the circle. A servant can do it for you, if you have willing servants... but I think it's more important for the bound between the beast and you to do it yourself. Then, place the future prey's possession where the prey symbol stands (the left one.) Try to restrain your nausea when you'll start smelling the blood and sulfur's awful smells, and when you'll manipulate corpses. There is no place for sudden guilt or disgust in your action in this ritual.<br \/>You may take bodyparts of people died from a natural death or from a disease, so you don't have to kill them yourself, but make sure that the body parts remain fresh, and didn't start to rot.<br \/><br \/>When it's done, sit down where the necromancer symbol stands (the top one.) But do NOT cross the circle, not even with the tip of your toes: you would loose them.<br \/>It's no wonder why the necromancer symbol stands on the top: if you manage well, you'll be in control of the two other parts soon enough.&nbsp;<br \/>When you feel prepared, pronounce the ritual's words while infusing the symbol and the body parts with your black magic and life essence:&nbsp;<br \/><br \/><em>Kmetz kha dvash stom zmutzam abakh kmetz peshbo' tzu dvash matosh tzovkha dash<br \/>Ish kebo'an okhney shad kme'ekim bnar kvi'ek&nbsp;stot kmeya mamhim sikhumtze yoba zmukh<br \/>bomked kofo khagugmo imha'nomuye iyat'an nug o'em pehumni bnush dvashe ped<br \/>Kmetz kha dvash stom zmutzam abakh kmetz peshbo' tzu dvash matosh tzovkha dash<\/em><br \/><br \/>It is&nbsp;Dvalmay words, a language lost a long time ago. The first person to create a Sulfurhast talked this language. The spell probably could work if we pronouced the correct sentences in any language, but we lost the translation over the eras. You'd better learn these sentence by heart because you will be too focused on maintaining the spell to read scrappy notes on a sketchbook. While you do this, make sure that nothing can interrupt you. The Sulfurhast won't be alive until the end, but that'd be a serious waste to be interrupted after already so many sacrifices.&nbsp;<br \/>When you said every sentences, then say them again and again, until soemthing changes.<br \/><br \/>If you did everything well, you should see soon enough a black smoke filling the inside of the circle. It will not reach you, to the condition you made a circle with no hole. Keep repeating the Dvalmay sentences. To this point, you'll be in a state of trance. You might even start to ignore what's around you, so make sure that no one's gonna stab you in the back.&nbsp;<br \/>When the smoke will slowly disappear, and if your eyes are open, you'll see the Sulfurhast rising. If the spell succeeded, you'll feel the Sulfurhast becoming alive and rising as if it was you. Then, you'll know you succeeded.<br \/><br \/>The Sulfurhast will be stuck inside the circle as long as you'll be pronouncing the sentences. It might feel like a comfortable situation, but you should not make it wait, for the bound with its prey must be made at most a few minutes after its birth. Otherwise, you'll automatically become its prey...<br \/>Stop saying the sentence as soon as the beast awoke. The magic barrier will cease and the beast will be able to walk past it. Stop infusing your magic and life essence as well, or it will consume you whole: the beast will take what you give to it.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>Most of time, the monster will feel the object's presence on the prey's symbol, and will reach it to eat and consume it. Then the track will start, the beast will leave to find its prey, and you can take a break. But sometimes, the beast will remain inside the circle and not make a move, or worse: it'll seem to be more interested in YOU. If it happens, quickly grab the object and give it to your monster.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>When the Sulfurhast started its hunt, you'll need to rest. You'll feel exhausted. Try not to cast any other spell for a week if you can; you'll be drained. Eat and drink as much as you can, and sleep as much as you need to. You'll maybe experience visions or dreams, where you'll see what your beast sees or feel what it feels. It's normal.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>If you survived this far, congratulations! You'll now be the proud owner of an identity-theft monster, and you'll soon be able to take control of it and its powers. You'll have to take care of your monster and to make sure it never wants its freedom, aka your death.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>And if you ever feel like you could create a second monster, then a third, then many others and never cease, then remember this: it'll take a part of your soul every time.&nbsp;<\/p>","field3":"<p>Unknown<\/p>","field4":"<p>Undead, Eldritch, dangerous. Powerful and tireless<\/p>","field5":"<p>These creatures do not reproduce, as they are summoned\/created. How they are created and their origins are seen here<br \/><br \/><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The triangle is an excellent representation of a Sulfurhast's life. It is no hazard if its invocation symbols represents the three possible stages of its life and in the same time, its complex relationship with the two other parts. Let's have a closer look at it: <\/span><br \/><br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/99_121_s3V2FpIphwEGTZB.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"957\" \/><br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cg0j8\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Gene Seskrit explains:<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">\"<em>The symbol to make your Sulfurhast real is important, and full of meaning. By a simple look, it reveals the triadic and complex relationship between the necromancer, the Sulfurhast, and the prey. The symbol at its center is the symbol for sulfur, your most important component when making your beast. The triangle is here to represent the three involved parts in this terrible spell. The circle is here to contains the magic inside. On top of the symbol is the necromancy symbol, it represents you and your actions. At right, another sulfur symbol, but also the symbol of a hunt that will never cease even if there are obstacles on the way. It represent the Sulfurhast and how impossible it is to stop it. At left, the symbol of sacrifice. It represent the chosen prey, the goal, the sole obsession, and he consequences of your actions.<\/em>\"<br \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9vdfa\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhastes can live accross three phases in their life. Only two of them are useful for you.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8ilht\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The first phase is called the <strong>Hunter Phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-crmn7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When the beast will rise from its sulfur and blood symbol that you traced on the groud, you'll have a few minutes only to give it a purpose. Give it something that belonged to the person you want to see dead. It can be anything, but the more the object was important to the prey, the stronger the link; and if it's blood of the prey, it's even better. The Sulfurhast will eat this possession, then it'll immediately locate its prey, and start running in their direction. It'll be a magic link, and the Sulfurhast will know where is its prey even if it's at the other side of the world.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-41j9l\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">During this phase, the Sulfurhast is nothing more than an empty shell of flesh. They have no soul and no feelings. All they have is the bit of black magic you gave them and... and a bit of your own essence. And deep inside their guts, they have an insatiable hunger. But nothing could calm the hunger; the food will turn into ashes, the flesh will be unsaviory and useless, black magic and people's life essence will be only temporary. No, only the flesh, the possessions and the soul of their designated prey will be able to satisfy their hunger, and they know it. They'll never cease to track down their prey until they're satisfied. The target you gave them will be their sole obsession.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2gjae\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Their prey can be anyone, but keep in mind that the victim you choose will have a terrible death. During this phase, the beast will not sleep, nor eat, nor rest. It'll keep running towards the victim until it finds it. Its level of intelligence is minor, but it might eventually learn how to open door handles and such things. It doesn't have thoughts, but it's not completely a beast. It's more like... a ghost.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-mlq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The second phase is called the <strong>Puppet Phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dokkk\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">It occurs when the Sulfurhast finally found and ingested its prey. It will have consumed everything about its target: flesh, bones, spiritual essence, bits of memory, languages, clothes, and current possessions.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dbop1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The hunger is calmed. The Sulfurhast will still need to ingest life essence and black magic from time to time, but it'll be a minor annoyance. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7bh99\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The beast ingested everything about its prey. <em>Everything<\/em>. So much that it <em>became<\/em> its prey. And the person it killed and ate now became the Sulfurhast. And the Sulfurhast may now shapeshit into its prey's appearance in a flash of black smoke. No matter the species of its prey and how different it was from the Sulfurhast's original body, it'll be able to shapeshift in a few seconds. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7p6o1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The beast might try to imitate the dead prey at first, but it'll be clumsly and won't be able to fool the victim's relatives. This is where your job continues.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d7s5g\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The \"Puppet\" Phase is named that way because once the prey is ingested, you are able to take control of your beast. With a simple ritual of possession, which will be eased by the fact that the Sulfurhast has a bit of your essence, you'll be able to take control of your monster at will. You'll see through its eyes, you'll shape shift in its stead, you'll feel what it feels, and you'll act through the beast as you wish. When people will see their friend, they'll in fact see a monster who ate it, controlled by a necromancer. That's wild, isn't it?<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dm3ca\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">It is useful to steal an identity, a throne, etc. You'll be the prince of a foreign country, your worst enemy's wife, you'll be a child again or an old person. You'll steal every power, status, title, and anything the victim had.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2o0nv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Be careful about powerful magic users however, for they might feel the black magic link inside the beast. When you possess the beast, a good mage might be able to feel you and to locate you.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8sdi6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">During this phase, the Sulfurhast has gained life essence. It is now completed by a full soul, and by the bits of you that you gave earlier. It technically became <em>alive<\/em>. And it will learn. And it will learn <em>fast<\/em>. And it will start feeling. And it'll start living, and experiencing. And it'll become as intelligent as you, sometimes more. It'll take some time to happen, but it always happens faster than you expected. And the beast will start to realise that someone is controlling it in its stead. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f6goc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The third phase is called the <strong>Freedom phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-frsir\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Although it may be called by other names such as the Free Phase, the Frightening phase, the Dangerous phase, or the Pacified Phase.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ah6ns\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The third phase occurs when the link between the necromancer and the Sulfurhast is broken. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ehrfi\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">How can it break, you wonder? <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7s11r\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When the Sulfurhast realizes its connection with you, and the fact that you're controlling it, it'll want its freedom. And also probably more than its freedom. Several events can provoke it: <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3g9ft\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The Sulfurhast will need to frequently ingest life essence. Understand by this: bits of soul and magic. If it doesn't have it, it will die. But a Sulfurhast is resourceful, and if you don't give it the option to feed on its surroundings, or if it's locked somewhere, then the magic bound between you and it will start to turn against you. The Sulfurhast will start to absorb your life essence instead of dying. You'll feel it, don't worry. But if you do nothing to stop it, it'll feed on your soul until you have nothing left and die, no matter the distance between you and it. In short, be careful about feeding properly your beast, or it'll feed on you like any other animal would.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-m69f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- You won't be able to possess your beast all the time. You'll have to get back to your body to eat, wash, and live a bit not to loose your muscles. And when you'll not be possessing your monster, it might feel the need to meet its creator a second time. If it finds you before you can realize it, it'll try to kill you, and to consume you. That way, it'll gain its freedom, and it'll consume your soul to increase greatly its lifespan. How convenient.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8q1gc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- You can also break the bound between your Sulfurhast and you at any time. It'll cost you a lot of black magic, but you can do it. You might ask: why would you want to break such a bound, after all the sacrifices you made to create it? If you feel like the bound between the Sulfurhast and you becomes dangerous, you will want to break it, trust me. A mage located you? The beast's hunting you? Someone understood that their friend isn't really a person but is a beast instead? You might want to break it for your safety. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4a4jc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">You'll loose your control over the beast. But sometimes, it's for the best. This is why I told you that creating a Sulfurhast should be your last resort.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6ulj5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Finally, if you die for any reason, the beast will be free nonetheless. It'll feel your death and will probably try to find your body to ingest it, but you won't be here anymore to prevent it.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ctktf\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">In the Freedom Phase, the Sulfurhast has gained intelligence and any skills its prey had. And it'll live its life as it wishes to, with its knowledge on the world. It'll choose its own purpose on life, and it'll live as long as it can find some life source from time to time, like a vampire. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-emchj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/p>","field6":"<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/33.Trait_Sheets\">Trait Sheet<\/a><\/p>","field7":"<p id=\"viewer-ejl0c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">To start, creating a Sulfurhast must be the very last resort of yours. It must be made only when you have tried every possible other options, and failed to all of them. The cost of such a ritual and the dangers encountered are rarely worth the price, and many necromancers have died in the process. And for those who survived... They all changed. You won't be able to see it, but you'll loose a part of yourself after created such a beast. Not like a missing finger or a hand, but more like missing a part of your own spitirual essence. Like a part of your soul, of your life. It's hard to explain to those who never experienced it. Be patient, you'll experience it soon enough.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dhpm4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Unlike everyone loves to believe, Sulfurhastes are not demons. And they do not come from hell. Some like to consider them as spirits, but it's more complex than that. They're more like... a part of you, and a part of their prey.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-582cu\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are not good or evil, they only serve their purpose. They look like ghosts, monsters, their silhouette is made from the remains you'll use. If you have the spirit of an artist, you might even make a beautiful beast. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9qbou\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">But let's talk about their purpose, about why one wants to create a Sulfurhast. These beasts are hunters. You give them a purpose at birth, a prey. Then, you turn them into puppets, and steal the identity of the prey. Always wanted to be a prince? Then send a Sulfurhast after the said prince. Nobody will be able to stop the process, not even the royal guards or the royal mage. <\/span><\/p>"}},"title":"Sulfurhast","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":["wip","stub"],"page_tag":null}
#193 3 July 2023, 16:40:09 UTC
Page Updated
Length: 60267 (+16) -
{"data":{"description":"<p>Purchased From: LinkaBell-Art<br \/><br \/>Created by Yoka (They seem to have left DeviantArt)<br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/\/yoka\">https:\/\/\/yoka<\/a>mycelium<br \/><br \/>There are guest artists who can make adopts<br \/><br \/>ALL existing MYOs will be honored!<br \/><br \/>Upgrade Token Cost Coming Soon<br \/><br \/>See the <a href=\"https:\/\/\/sulfurhast-den\">group on deviantart<\/a> for proof of my ownership! I purchased them from <a href=\"https:\/\/\/linkabell-art\">Linkabell-Art<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>Who purchased them from the original creator <a href=\"https:\/\/\/yokamycelium\">YokaMycelium<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>Original concept that became the Sulfurhast created by <a href=\"https:\/\/\/tomoburd\">Tomoburd<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>Full species rights belongs to me, Cryptid-Artha, Artha-Demon in some places!<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/33.Trait_Sheets\">Trait Sheets<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/31.FAQs\">Frequently Asked Questions<\/a><br \/>(This may be updated!)<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/35.Colors_and_Patterns\">Colors and Patterns<\/a><br \/>(The original color and pattern sheet seems to be missing, I am unable to find it, so I had to work on my own)<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/34.Rules\">Rules<\/a><br \/>(May be changed a bit)<br \/><br \/>Uncommon Traits: 1 Upgrade Token Each<br \/>Rare Traits: 5 Upgrade Tokens<br \/>Mythic Traits: 10 Upgrade Tokens<br \/>Exclusive Traits: 20 Upgrade Tokens (This is an exclusive trait that will only appear on your SulfurHast. Guest Artists can add Exclusives to their adoptables for free!)<\/p>","field1":"<p id=\"viewer-59nfh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">A Sulfurhast is a merciless beast commonly used as hunters and puppets. Their main purpose is to track down, kill, and take the appearance of their prey. Useful in kings games or when a target becomes unreachable...<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6tvh1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are generally tall, and easily can reach 2m \/ 6'6\" to 2,50m \/ 8'2\" (approx.) Although smaller ones already have been witnessed, and they're not less deadly or dangerous. They all have a skull face covered with a thin layer of skin, and it's most often the face of a psychopomp animal (guide of souls.) Their skin looks like it's been flayed, yet it's a tough layer of hide.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-917hl\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They can evolve in any universe having magic, and especially black magic. They can be created by powerful necromancers, witches, dark mages, or black magic users in general, implying a lot of sacrifices and a dangerous ritual. They are made with fresh flesh, black magic, and sulfur.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3s0sl\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Since they're based on humanoid remains, they can have various body types and sizes, as well as various animal parts.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fa3n6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are sometimes seen with orbits, and a faint light illuminating it from the inside.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-bip46\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Their tongue is always thick with a square-shaped tip.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-b43c5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-718no\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They're mostly unknown in folklores and cultures. \"Sulfurhaste\" never or rarely ring a bell, the name means nothing to most of all. However, some powerful magic users might have heard that name once; and it has been described as a knife to the jugular, as something impossible to stop once it's created, as a terrific fate. They say that once you are chased by a Sulfurhast, your life is at the mercy of the gods.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-84s6l\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare are the souls aware of what's a Sulfurhast, and even rarer are those who knows how to create one. <\/span><\/p>","field2":"<p><br \/><br \/>Ingredients to Summon a Sulfurhast<br \/>- A lot of sulfur powder. Be careful, you'll have to manipulate it with a mask on your face not to breathe it. A high dose could kill you, and a small dose is enough to be disoriented.<br \/>- Warm human blood.<br \/>- A human's fresh corpse.<br \/>- Chosen animal's fresh body parts, including the skull, tail and legs. Other bits such as ears or horns can be added.<br \/>- A possession from the prey you chose. Make sure it belongs to your prey, and that it has been stolen, not gifted to you. The more the prey is attached to this object, the stronger the bound. It can only be an object or a part of the prey's body (such as blood or hair, for example.) The object should be free of magic, or should contains the prey's magic only.<br \/>- And a bit of your own life essence.<br \/><br \/>The best way to set up the ritual is to have two humans and the chosen animal(s) in nearby cages. Gather the warm blood of the first human, and mix it with the sulfur power. You should get a sticky and awful mixture. Use it to trace the Sulfurhast symbol on a clean ground. It should be large enough so the circle can hold entirely the Sulfurhast's&nbsp;lying body. Alternatively you can use the blood of the body you'll use afterwards and only have one victim instead of two, but it's less efficient.<br \/><br \/>The symbol to make your Sulfurhast real is important, and full of meaning. By a simple look, it reveals the triadic and complex relationship between the necromancer, the Sulfurhast, and the prey. The symbol at its center is the symbol for sulfur, your most important component when making your beast. The triangle is here to represent the three involved parts in this terrible spell. The circle is here to contains the magic inside. On top of the symbol is the necromancy symbol, it represents you and your actions. At right, another sulfur symbol, but also the symbol of a hunt that will never cease even if there are obstacles on the way. It represent the Sulfurhast and how impossible it is to stop it. At left, the symbol of sacrifice. It represent the chosen prey, the goal, the sole obsession, and he consequences of your actions.<br \/><br \/>When you traced the symbol, kill the second human and the animal(s) and dispose their body parts in a way to form the Sulfurhast's body. The head of the beast should be where the hunt symbol stands (the right one.) And the arms of the future beast should point towards the two other symbols (the necromancer and the prey,) but make sure that none of the body parts get across the circle. A servant can do it for you, if you have willing servants... but I think it's more important for the bound between the beast and you to do it yourself. Then, place the future prey's possession where the prey symbol stands (the left one.) Try to restrain your nausea when you'll start smelling the blood and sulfur's awful smells, and when you'll manipulate corpses. There is no place for sudden guilt or disgust in your action in this ritual.<br \/>You may take bodyparts of people died from a natural death or from a disease, so you don't have to kill them yourself, but make sure that the body parts remain fresh, and didn't start to rot.<br \/><br \/>When it's done, sit down where the necromancer symbol stands (the top one.) But do NOT cross the circle, not even with the tip of your toes: you would loose them.<br \/>It's no wonder why the necromancer symbol stands on the top: if you manage well, you'll be in control of the two other parts soon enough.&nbsp;<br \/>When you feel prepared, pronounce the ritual's words while infusing the symbol and the body parts with your black magic and life essence:&nbsp;<br \/><br \/><em>Kmetz kha dvash stom zmutzam abakh kmetz peshbo' tzu dvash matosh tzovkha dash<br \/>Ish kebo'an okhney shad kme'ekim bnar kvi'ek&nbsp;stot kmeya mamhim sikhumtze yoba zmukh<br \/>bomked kofo khagugmo imha'nomuye iyat'an nug o'em pehumni bnush dvashe ped<br \/>Kmetz kha dvash stom zmutzam abakh kmetz peshbo' tzu dvash matosh tzovkha dash<\/em><br \/><br \/>It is&nbsp;Dvalmay words, a language lost a long time ago. The first person to create a Sulfurhast talked this language. The spell probably could work if we pronouced the correct sentences in any language, but we lost the translation over the eras. You'd better learn these sentence by heart because you will be too focused on maintaining the spell to read scrappy notes on a sketchbook. While you do this, make sure that nothing can interrupt you. The Sulfurhast won't be alive until the end, but that'd be a serious waste to be interrupted after already so many sacrifices.&nbsp;<br \/>When you said every sentences, then say them again and again, until soemthing changes.<br \/><br \/>If you did everything well, you should see soon enough a black smoke filling the inside of the circle. It will not reach you, to the condition you made a circle with no hole. Keep repeating the Dvalmay sentences. To this point, you'll be in a state of trance. You might even start to ignore what's around you, so make sure that no one's gonna stab you in the back.&nbsp;<br \/>When the smoke will slowly disappear, and if your eyes are open, you'll see the Sulfurhast rising. If the spell succeeded, you'll feel the Sulfurhast becoming alive and rising as if it was you. Then, you'll know you succeeded.<br \/><br \/>The Sulfurhast will be stuck inside the circle as long as you'll be pronouncing the sentences. It might feel like a comfortable situation, but you should not make it wait, for the bound with its prey must be made at most a few minutes after its birth. Otherwise, you'll automatically become its prey...<br \/>Stop saying the sentence as soon as the beast awoke. The magic barrier will cease and the beast will be able to walk past it. Stop infusing your magic and life essence as well, or it will consume you whole: the beast will take what you give to it.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>Most of time, the monster will feel the object's presence on the prey's symbol, and will reach it to eat and consume it. Then the track will start, the beast will leave to find its prey, and you can take a break. But sometimes, the beast will remain inside the circle and not make a move, or worse: it'll seem to be more interested in YOU. If it happens, quickly grab the object and give it to your monster.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>When the Sulfurhast started its hunt, you'll need to rest. You'll feel exhausted. Try not to cast any other spell for a week if you can; you'll be drained. Eat and drink as much as you can, and sleep as much as you need to. You'll maybe experience visions or dreams, where you'll see what your beast sees or feel what it feels. It's normal.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>If you survived this far, congratulations! You'll now be the proud owner of an identity-theft monster, and you'll soon be able to take control of it and its powers. You'll have to take care of your monster and to make sure it never wants its freedom, aka your death.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>And if you ever feel like you could create a second monster, then a third, then many others and never cease, then remember this: it'll take a part of your soul every time.&nbsp;<\/p>","field3":"<p>Unknown<\/p>","field4":"<p>Undead, Eldritch, dangerous. Powerful and tireless<\/p>","field5":"<p>These creatures do not reproduce, as they are summoned\/created. How they are created and their origins are seen here<br \/><br \/><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The triangle is an excellent representation of a Sulfurhast's life. It is no hazard if its invocation symbols represents the three possible stages of its life and in the same time, its complex relationship with the two other parts. Let's have a closer look at it: <\/span><br \/><br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/99_121_s3V2FpIphwEGTZB.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"957\" \/><br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cg0j8\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Gene Seskrit explains:<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">\"<em>The symbol to make your Sulfurhast real is important, and full of meaning. By a simple look, it reveals the triadic and complex relationship between the necromancer, the Sulfurhast, and the prey. The symbol at its center is the symbol for sulfur, your most important component when making your beast. The triangle is here to represent the three involved parts in this terrible spell. The circle is here to contains the magic inside. On top of the symbol is the necromancy symbol, it represents you and your actions. At right, another sulfur symbol, but also the symbol of a hunt that will never cease even if there are obstacles on the way. It represent the Sulfurhast and how impossible it is to stop it. At left, the symbol of sacrifice. It represent the chosen prey, the goal, the sole obsession, and he consequences of your actions.<\/em>\"<br \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9vdfa\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhastes can live accross three phases in their life. Only two of them are useful for you.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8ilht\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The first phase is called the <strong>Hunter Phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-crmn7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When the beast will rise from its sulfur and blood symbol that you traced on the groud, you'll have a few minutes only to give it a purpose. Give it something that belonged to the person you want to see dead. It can be anything, but the more the object was important to the prey, the stronger the link; and if it's blood of the prey, it's even better. The Sulfurhast will eat this possession, then it'll immediately locate its prey, and start running in their direction. It'll be a magic link, and the Sulfurhast will know where is its prey even if it's at the other side of the world.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-41j9l\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">During this phase, the Sulfurhast is nothing more than an empty shell of flesh. They have no soul and no feelings. All they have is the bit of black magic you gave them and... and a bit of your own essence. And deep inside their guts, they have an insatiable hunger. But nothing could calm the hunger; the food will turn into ashes, the flesh will be unsaviory and useless, black magic and people's life essence will be only temporary. No, only the flesh, the possessions and the soul of their designated prey will be able to satisfy their hunger, and they know it. They'll never cease to track down their prey until they're satisfied. The target you gave them will be their sole obsession.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2gjae\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Their prey can be anyone, but keep in mind that the victim you choose will have a terrible death. During this phase, the beast will not sleep, nor eat, nor rest. It'll keep running towards the victim until it finds it. Its level of intelligence is minor, but it might eventually learn how to open door handles and such things. It doesn't have thoughts, but it's not completely a beast. It's more like... a ghost.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-mlq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The second phase is called the <strong>Puppet Phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dokkk\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">It occurs when the Sulfurhast finally found and ingested its prey. It will have consumed everything about its target: flesh, bones, spiritual essence, bits of memory, languages, clothes, and current possessions.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dbop1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The hunger is calmed. The Sulfurhast will still need to ingest life essence and black magic from time to time, but it'll be a minor annoyance. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7bh99\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The beast ingested everything about its prey. <em>Everything<\/em>. So much that it <em>became<\/em> its prey. And the person it killed and ate now became the Sulfurhast. And the Sulfurhast may now shapeshit into its prey's appearance in a flash of black smoke. No matter the species of its prey and how different it was from the Sulfurhast's original body, it'll be able to shapeshift in a few seconds. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7p6o1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The beast might try to imitate the dead prey at first, but it'll be clumsly and won't be able to fool the victim's relatives. This is where your job continues.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d7s5g\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The \"Puppet\" Phase is named that way because once the prey is ingested, you are able to take control of your beast. With a simple ritual of possession, which will be eased by the fact that the Sulfurhast has a bit of your essence, you'll be able to take control of your monster at will. You'll see through its eyes, you'll shape shift in its stead, you'll feel what it feels, and you'll act through the beast as you wish. When people will see their friend, they'll in fact see a monster who ate it, controlled by a necromancer. That's wild, isn't it?<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dm3ca\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">It is useful to steal an identity, a throne, etc. You'll be the prince of a foreign country, your worst enemy's wife, you'll be a child again or an old person. You'll steal every power, status, title, and anything the victim had.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2o0nv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Be careful about powerful magic users however, for they might feel the black magic link inside the beast. When you possess the beast, a good mage might be able to feel you and to locate you.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8sdi6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">During this phase, the Sulfurhast has gained life essence. It is now completed by a full soul, and by the bits of you that you gave earlier. It technically became <em>alive<\/em>. And it will learn. And it will learn <em>fast<\/em>. And it will start feeling. And it'll start living, and experiencing. And it'll become as intelligent as you, sometimes more. It'll take some time to happen, but it always happens faster than you expected. And the beast will start to realise that someone is controlling it in its stead. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f6goc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The third phase is called the <strong>Freedom phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-frsir\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Although it may be called by other names such as the Free Phase, the Frightening phase, the Dangerous phase, or the Pacified Phase.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ah6ns\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The third phase occurs when the link between the necromancer and the Sulfurhast is broken. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ehrfi\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">How can it break, you wonder? <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7s11r\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When the Sulfurhast realizes its connection with you, and the fact that you're controlling it, it'll want its freedom. And also probably more than its freedom. Several events can provoke it: <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3g9ft\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The Sulfurhast will need to frequently ingest life essence. Understand by this: bits of soul and magic. If it doesn't have it, it will die. But a Sulfurhast is resourceful, and if you don't give it the option to feed on its surroundings, or if it's locked somewhere, then the magic bound between you and it will start to turn against you. The Sulfurhast will start to absorb your life essence instead of dying. You'll feel it, don't worry. But if you do nothing to stop it, it'll feed on your soul until you have nothing left and die, no matter the distance between you and it. In short, be careful about feeding properly your beast, or it'll feed on you like any other animal would.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-m69f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- You won't be able to possess your beast all the time. You'll have to get back to your body to eat, wash, and live a bit not to loose your muscles. And when you'll not be possessing your monster, it might feel the need to meet its creator a second time. If it finds you before you can realize it, it'll try to kill you, and to consume you. That way, it'll gain its freedom, and it'll consume your soul to increase greatly its lifespan. How convenient.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8q1gc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- You can also break the bound between your Sulfurhast and you at any time. It'll cost you a lot of black magic, but you can do it. You might ask: why would you want to break such a bound, after all the sacrifices you made to create it? If you feel like the bound between the Sulfurhast and you becomes dangerous, you will want to break it, trust me. A mage located you? The beast's hunting you? Someone understood that their friend isn't really a person but is a beast instead? You might want to break it for your safety. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4a4jc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">You'll loose your control over the beast. But sometimes, it's for the best. This is why I told you that creating a Sulfurhast should be your last resort.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6ulj5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Finally, if you die for any reason, the beast will be free nonetheless. It'll feel your death and will probably try to find your body to ingest it, but you won't be here anymore to prevent it.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ctktf\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">In the Freedom Phase, the Sulfurhast has gained intelligence and any skills its prey had. And it'll live its life as it wishes to, with its knowledge on the world. It'll choose its own purpose on life, and it'll live as long as it can find some life source from time to time, like a vampire. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-emchj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/p>","field6":"<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/33.Trait_Sheets\">Trait Sheet<\/a><\/p>","field7":"<p id=\"viewer-ejl0c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">To start, creating a Sulfurhast must be the very last resort of yours. It must be made only when you have tried every possible other options, and failed to all of them. The cost of such a ritual and the dangers encountered are rarely worth the price, and many necromancers have died in the process. And for those who survived... They all changed. You won't be able to see it, but you'll loose a part of yourself after created such a beast. Not like a missing finger or a hand, but more like missing a part of your own spitirual essence. Like a part of your soul, of your life. It's hard to explain to those who never experienced it. Be patient, you'll experience it soon enough.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dhpm4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Unlike everyone loves to believe, Sulfurhastes are not demons. And they do not come from hell. Some like to consider them as spirits, but it's more complex than that. They're more like... a part of you, and a part of their prey.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-582cu\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are not good or evil, they only serve their purpose. They look like ghosts, monsters, their silhouette is made from the remains you'll use. If you have the spirit of an artist, you might even make a beautiful beast. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9qbou\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">But let's talk about their purpose, about why one wants to create a Sulfurhast. These beasts are hunters. You give them a purpose at birth, a prey. Then, you turn them into puppets, and steal the identity of the prey. Always wanted to be a prince? Then send a Sulfurhast after the said prince. Nobody will be able to stop the process, not even the royal guards or the royal mage. <\/span><\/p>","parsed":{"description":"<p>Purchased From: LinkaBell-Art<br \/><br \/>Created by Yoka (They seem to have left DeviantArt)<br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/\/yoka\">https:\/\/\/yoka<\/a>mycelium<br \/><br \/>There are guest artists who can make adopts<br \/><br \/>ALL existing MYOs will be honored!<br \/><br \/>Upgrade Token Cost Coming Soon<br \/><br \/>See the <a href=\"https:\/\/\/sulfurhast-den\">group on deviantart<\/a> for proof of my ownership! I purchased them from <a href=\"https:\/\/\/linkabell-art\">Linkabell-Art<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>Who purchased them from the original creator <a href=\"https:\/\/\/yokamycelium\">YokaMycelium<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>Original concept that became the Sulfurhast created by <a href=\"https:\/\/\/tomoburd\">Tomoburd<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>Full species rights belongs to me, Cryptid-Artha, Artha-Demon in some places!<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/33.Trait_Sheets\">Trait Sheets<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/31.FAQs\">Frequently Asked Questions<\/a><br \/>(This may be updated!)<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/35.Colors_and_Patterns\">Colors and Patterns<\/a><br \/>(The original color and pattern sheet seems to be missing, I am unable to find it, so I had to work on my own)<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/34.Rules\">Rules<\/a><br \/>(May be changed a bit)<br \/><br \/>Uncommon Traits: 1 Upgrade Token Each<br \/>Rare Traits: 5 Upgrade Tokens<br \/>Mythic Traits: 10 Upgrade Tokens<br \/>Exclusive Traits: 20 Upgrade Tokens (This is an exclusive trait that will only appear on your SulfurHast. Guest Artists can add Exclusives to their adoptables for free!)<\/p>","field1":"<p id=\"viewer-59nfh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">A Sulfurhast is a merciless beast commonly used as hunters and puppets. Their main purpose is to track down, kill, and take the appearance of their prey. Useful in kings games or when a target becomes unreachable...<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6tvh1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are generally tall, and easily can reach 2m \/ 6'6\" to 2,50m \/ 8'2\" (approx.) Although smaller ones already have been witnessed, and they're not less deadly or dangerous. They all have a skull face covered with a thin layer of skin, and it's most often the face of a psychopomp animal (guide of souls.) Their skin looks like it's been flayed, yet it's a tough layer of hide.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-917hl\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They can evolve in any universe having magic, and especially black magic. They can be created by powerful necromancers, witches, dark mages, or black magic users in general, implying a lot of sacrifices and a dangerous ritual. They are made with fresh flesh, black magic, and sulfur.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3s0sl\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Since they're based on humanoid remains, they can have various body types and sizes, as well as various animal parts.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fa3n6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are sometimes seen with orbits, and a faint light illuminating it from the inside.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-bip46\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Their tongue is always thick with a square-shaped tip.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-b43c5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-718no\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They're mostly unknown in folklores and cultures. \"Sulfurhaste\" never or rarely ring a bell, the name means nothing to most of all. However, some powerful magic users might have heard that name once; and it has been described as a knife to the jugular, as something impossible to stop once it's created, as a terrific fate. They say that once you are chased by a Sulfurhast, your life is at the mercy of the gods.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-84s6l\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare are the souls aware of what's a Sulfurhast, and even rarer are those who knows how to create one. <\/span><\/p>","field2":"<p><br \/><br \/>Ingredients to Summon a Sulfurhast<br \/>- A lot of sulfur powder. Be careful, you'll have to manipulate it with a mask on your face not to breathe it. A high dose could kill you, and a small dose is enough to be disoriented.<br \/>- Warm human blood.<br \/>- A human's fresh corpse.<br \/>- Chosen animal's fresh body parts, including the skull, tail and legs. Other bits such as ears or horns can be added.<br \/>- A possession from the prey you chose. Make sure it belongs to your prey, and that it has been stolen, not gifted to you. The more the prey is attached to this object, the stronger the bound. It can only be an object or a part of the prey's body (such as blood or hair, for example.) The object should be free of magic, or should contains the prey's magic only.<br \/>- And a bit of your own life essence.<br \/><br \/>The best way to set up the ritual is to have two humans and the chosen animal(s) in nearby cages. Gather the warm blood of the first human, and mix it with the sulfur power. You should get a sticky and awful mixture. Use it to trace the Sulfurhast symbol on a clean ground. It should be large enough so the circle can hold entirely the Sulfurhast's&nbsp;lying body. Alternatively you can use the blood of the body you'll use afterwards and only have one victim instead of two, but it's less efficient.<br \/><br \/>The symbol to make your Sulfurhast real is important, and full of meaning. By a simple look, it reveals the triadic and complex relationship between the necromancer, the Sulfurhast, and the prey. The symbol at its center is the symbol for sulfur, your most important component when making your beast. The triangle is here to represent the three involved parts in this terrible spell. The circle is here to contains the magic inside. On top of the symbol is the necromancy symbol, it represents you and your actions. At right, another sulfur symbol, but also the symbol of a hunt that will never cease even if there are obstacles on the way. It represent the Sulfurhast and how impossible it is to stop it. At left, the symbol of sacrifice. It represent the chosen prey, the goal, the sole obsession, and he consequences of your actions.<br \/><br \/>When you traced the symbol, kill the second human and the animal(s) and dispose their body parts in a way to form the Sulfurhast's body. The head of the beast should be where the hunt symbol stands (the right one.) And the arms of the future beast should point towards the two other symbols (the necromancer and the prey,) but make sure that none of the body parts get across the circle. A servant can do it for you, if you have willing servants... but I think it's more important for the bound between the beast and you to do it yourself. Then, place the future prey's possession where the prey symbol stands (the left one.) Try to restrain your nausea when you'll start smelling the blood and sulfur's awful smells, and when you'll manipulate corpses. There is no place for sudden guilt or disgust in your action in this ritual.<br \/>You may take bodyparts of people died from a natural death or from a disease, so you don't have to kill them yourself, but make sure that the body parts remain fresh, and didn't start to rot.<br \/><br \/>When it's done, sit down where the necromancer symbol stands (the top one.) But do NOT cross the circle, not even with the tip of your toes: you would loose them.<br \/>It's no wonder why the necromancer symbol stands on the top: if you manage well, you'll be in control of the two other parts soon enough.&nbsp;<br \/>When you feel prepared, pronounce the ritual's words while infusing the symbol and the body parts with your black magic and life essence:&nbsp;<br \/><br \/><em>Kmetz kha dvash stom zmutzam abakh kmetz peshbo' tzu dvash matosh tzovkha dash<br \/>Ish kebo'an okhney shad kme'ekim bnar kvi'ek&nbsp;stot kmeya mamhim sikhumtze yoba zmukh<br \/>bomked kofo khagugmo imha'nomuye iyat'an nug o'em pehumni bnush dvashe ped<br \/>Kmetz kha dvash stom zmutzam abakh kmetz peshbo' tzu dvash matosh tzovkha dash<\/em><br \/><br \/>It is&nbsp;Dvalmay words, a language lost a long time ago. The first person to create a Sulfurhast talked this language. The spell probably could work if we pronouced the correct sentences in any language, but we lost the translation over the eras. You'd better learn these sentence by heart because you will be too focused on maintaining the spell to read scrappy notes on a sketchbook. While you do this, make sure that nothing can interrupt you. The Sulfurhast won't be alive until the end, but that'd be a serious waste to be interrupted after already so many sacrifices.&nbsp;<br \/>When you said every sentences, then say them again and again, until soemthing changes.<br \/><br \/>If you did everything well, you should see soon enough a black smoke filling the inside of the circle. It will not reach you, to the condition you made a circle with no hole. Keep repeating the Dvalmay sentences. To this point, you'll be in a state of trance. You might even start to ignore what's around you, so make sure that no one's gonna stab you in the back.&nbsp;<br \/>When the smoke will slowly disappear, and if your eyes are open, you'll see the Sulfurhast rising. If the spell succeeded, you'll feel the Sulfurhast becoming alive and rising as if it was you. Then, you'll know you succeeded.<br \/><br \/>The Sulfurhast will be stuck inside the circle as long as you'll be pronouncing the sentences. It might feel like a comfortable situation, but you should not make it wait, for the bound with its prey must be made at most a few minutes after its birth. Otherwise, you'll automatically become its prey...<br \/>Stop saying the sentence as soon as the beast awoke. The magic barrier will cease and the beast will be able to walk past it. Stop infusing your magic and life essence as well, or it will consume you whole: the beast will take what you give to it.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>Most of time, the monster will feel the object's presence on the prey's symbol, and will reach it to eat and consume it. Then the track will start, the beast will leave to find its prey, and you can take a break. But sometimes, the beast will remain inside the circle and not make a move, or worse: it'll seem to be more interested in YOU. If it happens, quickly grab the object and give it to your monster.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>When the Sulfurhast started its hunt, you'll need to rest. You'll feel exhausted. Try not to cast any other spell for a week if you can; you'll be drained. Eat and drink as much as you can, and sleep as much as you need to. You'll maybe experience visions or dreams, where you'll see what your beast sees or feel what it feels. It's normal.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>If you survived this far, congratulations! You'll now be the proud owner of an identity-theft monster, and you'll soon be able to take control of it and its powers. You'll have to take care of your monster and to make sure it never wants its freedom, aka your death.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>And if you ever feel like you could create a second monster, then a third, then many others and never cease, then remember this: it'll take a part of your soul every time.&nbsp;<\/p>","field3":"<p>Unknown<\/p>","field4":"<p>Undead, Eldritch, dangerous. Powerful and tireless<\/p>","field5":"<p>These creatures do not reproduce, as they are summoned\/created. How they are created and their origins are seen here<br \/><br \/><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The triangle is an excellent representation of a Sulfurhast's life. It is no hazard if its invocation symbols represents the three possible stages of its life and in the same time, its complex relationship with the two other parts. Let's have a closer look at it: <\/span><br \/><br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/99_121_s3V2FpIphwEGTZB.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"957\" \/><br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cg0j8\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Gene Seskrit explains:<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">\"<em>The symbol to make your Sulfurhast real is important, and full of meaning. By a simple look, it reveals the triadic and complex relationship between the necromancer, the Sulfurhast, and the prey. The symbol at its center is the symbol for sulfur, your most important component when making your beast. The triangle is here to represent the three involved parts in this terrible spell. The circle is here to contains the magic inside. On top of the symbol is the necromancy symbol, it represents you and your actions. At right, another sulfur symbol, but also the symbol of a hunt that will never cease even if there are obstacles on the way. It represent the Sulfurhast and how impossible it is to stop it. At left, the symbol of sacrifice. It represent the chosen prey, the goal, the sole obsession, and he consequences of your actions.<\/em>\"<br \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9vdfa\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhastes can live accross three phases in their life. Only two of them are useful for you.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8ilht\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The first phase is called the <strong>Hunter Phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-crmn7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When the beast will rise from its sulfur and blood symbol that you traced on the groud, you'll have a few minutes only to give it a purpose. Give it something that belonged to the person you want to see dead. It can be anything, but the more the object was important to the prey, the stronger the link; and if it's blood of the prey, it's even better. The Sulfurhast will eat this possession, then it'll immediately locate its prey, and start running in their direction. It'll be a magic link, and the Sulfurhast will know where is its prey even if it's at the other side of the world.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-41j9l\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">During this phase, the Sulfurhast is nothing more than an empty shell of flesh. They have no soul and no feelings. All they have is the bit of black magic you gave them and... and a bit of your own essence. And deep inside their guts, they have an insatiable hunger. But nothing could calm the hunger; the food will turn into ashes, the flesh will be unsaviory and useless, black magic and people's life essence will be only temporary. No, only the flesh, the possessions and the soul of their designated prey will be able to satisfy their hunger, and they know it. They'll never cease to track down their prey until they're satisfied. The target you gave them will be their sole obsession.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2gjae\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Their prey can be anyone, but keep in mind that the victim you choose will have a terrible death. During this phase, the beast will not sleep, nor eat, nor rest. It'll keep running towards the victim until it finds it. Its level of intelligence is minor, but it might eventually learn how to open door handles and such things. It doesn't have thoughts, but it's not completely a beast. It's more like... a ghost.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-mlq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The second phase is called the <strong>Puppet Phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dokkk\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">It occurs when the Sulfurhast finally found and ingested its prey. It will have consumed everything about its target: flesh, bones, spiritual essence, bits of memory, languages, clothes, and current possessions.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dbop1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The hunger is calmed. The Sulfurhast will still need to ingest life essence and black magic from time to time, but it'll be a minor annoyance. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7bh99\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The beast ingested everything about its prey. <em>Everything<\/em>. So much that it <em>became<\/em> its prey. And the person it killed and ate now became the Sulfurhast. And the Sulfurhast may now shapeshit into its prey's appearance in a flash of black smoke. No matter the species of its prey and how different it was from the Sulfurhast's original body, it'll be able to shapeshift in a few seconds. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7p6o1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The beast might try to imitate the dead prey at first, but it'll be clumsly and won't be able to fool the victim's relatives. This is where your job continues.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d7s5g\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The \"Puppet\" Phase is named that way because once the prey is ingested, you are able to take control of your beast. With a simple ritual of possession, which will be eased by the fact that the Sulfurhast has a bit of your essence, you'll be able to take control of your monster at will. You'll see through its eyes, you'll shape shift in its stead, you'll feel what it feels, and you'll act through the beast as you wish. When people will see their friend, they'll in fact see a monster who ate it, controlled by a necromancer. That's wild, isn't it?<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dm3ca\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">It is useful to steal an identity, a throne, etc. You'll be the prince of a foreign country, your worst enemy's wife, you'll be a child again or an old person. You'll steal every power, status, title, and anything the victim had.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2o0nv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Be careful about powerful magic users however, for they might feel the black magic link inside the beast. When you possess the beast, a good mage might be able to feel you and to locate you.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8sdi6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">During this phase, the Sulfurhast has gained life essence. It is now completed by a full soul, and by the bits of you that you gave earlier. It technically became <em>alive<\/em>. And it will learn. And it will learn <em>fast<\/em>. And it will start feeling. And it'll start living, and experiencing. And it'll become as intelligent as you, sometimes more. It'll take some time to happen, but it always happens faster than you expected. And the beast will start to realise that someone is controlling it in its stead. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f6goc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The third phase is called the <strong>Freedom phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-frsir\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Although it may be called by other names such as the Free Phase, the Frightening phase, the Dangerous phase, or the Pacified Phase.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ah6ns\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The third phase occurs when the link between the necromancer and the Sulfurhast is broken. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ehrfi\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">How can it break, you wonder? <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7s11r\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When the Sulfurhast realizes its connection with you, and the fact that you're controlling it, it'll want its freedom. And also probably more than its freedom. Several events can provoke it: <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3g9ft\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The Sulfurhast will need to frequently ingest life essence. Understand by this: bits of soul and magic. If it doesn't have it, it will die. But a Sulfurhast is resourceful, and if you don't give it the option to feed on its surroundings, or if it's locked somewhere, then the magic bound between you and it will start to turn against you. The Sulfurhast will start to absorb your life essence instead of dying. You'll feel it, don't worry. But if you do nothing to stop it, it'll feed on your soul until you have nothing left and die, no matter the distance between you and it. In short, be careful about feeding properly your beast, or it'll feed on you like any other animal would.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-m69f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- You won't be able to possess your beast all the time. You'll have to get back to your body to eat, wash, and live a bit not to loose your muscles. And when you'll not be possessing your monster, it might feel the need to meet its creator a second time. If it finds you before you can realize it, it'll try to kill you, and to consume you. That way, it'll gain its freedom, and it'll consume your soul to increase greatly its lifespan. How convenient.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8q1gc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- You can also break the bound between your Sulfurhast and you at any time. It'll cost you a lot of black magic, but you can do it. You might ask: why would you want to break such a bound, after all the sacrifices you made to create it? If you feel like the bound between the Sulfurhast and you becomes dangerous, you will want to break it, trust me. A mage located you? The beast's hunting you? Someone understood that their friend isn't really a person but is a beast instead? You might want to break it for your safety. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4a4jc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">You'll loose your control over the beast. But sometimes, it's for the best. This is why I told you that creating a Sulfurhast should be your last resort.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6ulj5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Finally, if you die for any reason, the beast will be free nonetheless. It'll feel your death and will probably try to find your body to ingest it, but you won't be here anymore to prevent it.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ctktf\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">In the Freedom Phase, the Sulfurhast has gained intelligence and any skills its prey had. And it'll live its life as it wishes to, with its knowledge on the world. It'll choose its own purpose on life, and it'll live as long as it can find some life source from time to time, like a vampire. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-emchj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/p>","field6":"<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/33.Trait_Sheets\">Trait Sheet<\/a><\/p>","field7":"<p id=\"viewer-ejl0c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">To start, creating a Sulfurhast must be the very last resort of yours. It must be made only when you have tried every possible other options, and failed to all of them. The cost of such a ritual and the dangers encountered are rarely worth the price, and many necromancers have died in the process. And for those who survived... They all changed. You won't be able to see it, but you'll loose a part of yourself after created such a beast. Not like a missing finger or a hand, but more like missing a part of your own spitirual essence. Like a part of your soul, of your life. It's hard to explain to those who never experienced it. Be patient, you'll experience it soon enough.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dhpm4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Unlike everyone loves to believe, Sulfurhastes are not demons. And they do not come from hell. Some like to consider them as spirits, but it's more complex than that. They're more like... a part of you, and a part of their prey.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-582cu\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are not good or evil, they only serve their purpose. They look like ghosts, monsters, their silhouette is made from the remains you'll use. If you have the spirit of an artist, you might even make a beautiful beast. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9qbou\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">But let's talk about their purpose, about why one wants to create a Sulfurhast. These beasts are hunters. You give them a purpose at birth, a prey. Then, you turn them into puppets, and steal the identity of the prey. Always wanted to be a prince? Then send a Sulfurhast after the said prince. Nobody will be able to stop the process, not even the royal guards or the royal mage. <\/span><\/p>"}},"title":"Sulfurhast","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":["wip","stub"],"page_tag":null}
#192 3 July 2023, 16:16:26 UTC
Page Updated
Length: 60251 (-74) -
{"data":{"description":"<p>Purchased From: LinkaBell-Art<br \/><br \/>Created by Yoka (They seem to have left DeviantArt)<br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/\/yoka\">https:\/\/\/yoka<\/a><br \/><br \/>There are guest artists who can make adopts<br \/><br \/>ALL existing MYOs will be honored!<br \/><br \/>Upgrade Token Cost Coming Soon<br \/><br \/>See the <a href=\"https:\/\/\/sulfurhast-den\">group on deviantart<\/a> for proof of my ownership! I purchased them from <a href=\"https:\/\/\/linkabell-art\">Linkabell-Art<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>Who purchased them from the original creator <a href=\"https:\/\/\/yokamycelium\">YokaMycelium<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>Original concept that became the Sulfurhast created by <a href=\"https:\/\/\/tomoburd\">Tomoburd<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>Full species rights belongs to me, Cryptid-Artha, Artha-Demon in some places!<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/33.Trait_Sheets\">Trait Sheets<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/31.FAQs\">Frequently Asked Questions<\/a><br \/>(This may be updated!)<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/35.Colors_and_Patterns\">Colors and Patterns<\/a><br \/>(The original color and pattern sheet seems to be missing, I am unable to find it, so I had to work on my own)<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/34.Rules\">Rules<\/a><br \/>(May be changed a bit)<br \/><br \/>Uncommon Traits: 1 Upgrade Token Each<br \/>Rare Traits: 5 Upgrade Tokens<br \/>Mythic Traits: 10 Upgrade Tokens<br \/>Exclusive Traits: 20 Upgrade Tokens (This is an exclusive trait that will only appear on your SulfurHast. Guest Artists can add Exclusives to their adoptables for free!)<\/p>","field1":"<p id=\"viewer-59nfh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">A Sulfurhast is a merciless beast commonly used as hunters and puppets. Their main purpose is to track down, kill, and take the appearance of their prey. Useful in kings games or when a target becomes unreachable...<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6tvh1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are generally tall, and easily can reach 2m \/ 6'6\" to 2,50m \/ 8'2\" (approx.) Although smaller ones already have been witnessed, and they're not less deadly or dangerous. They all have a skull face covered with a thin layer of skin, and it's most often the face of a psychopomp animal (guide of souls.) Their skin looks like it's been flayed, yet it's a tough layer of hide.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-917hl\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They can evolve in any universe having magic, and especially black magic. They can be created by powerful necromancers, witches, dark mages, or black magic users in general, implying a lot of sacrifices and a dangerous ritual. They are made with fresh flesh, black magic, and sulfur.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3s0sl\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Since they're based on humanoid remains, they can have various body types and sizes, as well as various animal parts.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fa3n6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are sometimes seen with orbits, and a faint light illuminating it from the inside.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-bip46\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Their tongue is always thick with a square-shaped tip.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-b43c5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-718no\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They're mostly unknown in folklores and cultures. \"Sulfurhaste\" never or rarely ring a bell, the name means nothing to most of all. However, some powerful magic users might have heard that name once; and it has been described as a knife to the jugular, as something impossible to stop once it's created, as a terrific fate. They say that once you are chased by a Sulfurhast, your life is at the mercy of the gods.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-84s6l\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare are the souls aware of what's a Sulfurhast, and even rarer are those who knows how to create one. <\/span><\/p>","field2":"<p><br \/><br \/>Ingredients to Summon a Sulfurhast<br \/>- A lot of sulfur powder. Be careful, you'll have to manipulate it with a mask on your face not to breathe it. A high dose could kill you, and a small dose is enough to be disoriented.<br \/>- Warm human blood.<br \/>- A human's fresh corpse.<br \/>- Chosen animal's fresh body parts, including the skull, tail and legs. Other bits such as ears or horns can be added.<br \/>- A possession from the prey you chose. Make sure it belongs to your prey, and that it has been stolen, not gifted to you. The more the prey is attached to this object, the stronger the bound. It can only be an object or a part of the prey's body (such as blood or hair, for example.) The object should be free of magic, or should contains the prey's magic only.<br \/>- And a bit of your own life essence.<br \/><br \/>The best way to set up the ritual is to have two humans and the chosen animal(s) in nearby cages. Gather the warm blood of the first human, and mix it with the sulfur power. You should get a sticky and awful mixture. Use it to trace the Sulfurhast symbol on a clean ground. It should be large enough so the circle can hold entirely the Sulfurhast's&nbsp;lying body. Alternatively you can use the blood of the body you'll use afterwards and only have one victim instead of two, but it's less efficient.<br \/><br \/>The symbol to make your Sulfurhast real is important, and full of meaning. By a simple look, it reveals the triadic and complex relationship between the necromancer, the Sulfurhast, and the prey. The symbol at its center is the symbol for sulfur, your most important component when making your beast. The triangle is here to represent the three involved parts in this terrible spell. The circle is here to contains the magic inside. On top of the symbol is the necromancy symbol, it represents you and your actions. At right, another sulfur symbol, but also the symbol of a hunt that will never cease even if there are obstacles on the way. It represent the Sulfurhast and how impossible it is to stop it. At left, the symbol of sacrifice. It represent the chosen prey, the goal, the sole obsession, and he consequences of your actions.<br \/><br \/>When you traced the symbol, kill the second human and the animal(s) and dispose their body parts in a way to form the Sulfurhast's body. The head of the beast should be where the hunt symbol stands (the right one.) And the arms of the future beast should point towards the two other symbols (the necromancer and the prey,) but make sure that none of the body parts get across the circle. A servant can do it for you, if you have willing servants... but I think it's more important for the bound between the beast and you to do it yourself. Then, place the future prey's possession where the prey symbol stands (the left one.) Try to restrain your nausea when you'll start smelling the blood and sulfur's awful smells, and when you'll manipulate corpses. There is no place for sudden guilt or disgust in your action in this ritual.<br \/>You may take bodyparts of people died from a natural death or from a disease, so you don't have to kill them yourself, but make sure that the body parts remain fresh, and didn't start to rot.<br \/><br \/>When it's done, sit down where the necromancer symbol stands (the top one.) But do NOT cross the circle, not even with the tip of your toes: you would loose them.<br \/>It's no wonder why the necromancer symbol stands on the top: if you manage well, you'll be in control of the two other parts soon enough.&nbsp;<br \/>When you feel prepared, pronounce the ritual's words while infusing the symbol and the body parts with your black magic and life essence:&nbsp;<br \/><br \/><em>Kmetz kha dvash stom zmutzam abakh kmetz peshbo' tzu dvash matosh tzovkha dash<br \/>Ish kebo'an okhney shad kme'ekim bnar kvi'ek&nbsp;stot kmeya mamhim sikhumtze yoba zmukh<br \/>bomked kofo khagugmo imha'nomuye iyat'an nug o'em pehumni bnush dvashe ped<br \/>Kmetz kha dvash stom zmutzam abakh kmetz peshbo' tzu dvash matosh tzovkha dash<\/em><br \/><br \/>It is&nbsp;Dvalmay words, a language lost a long time ago. The first person to create a Sulfurhast talked this language. The spell probably could work if we pronouced the correct sentences in any language, but we lost the translation over the eras. You'd better learn these sentence by heart because you will be too focused on maintaining the spell to read scrappy notes on a sketchbook. While you do this, make sure that nothing can interrupt you. The Sulfurhast won't be alive until the end, but that'd be a serious waste to be interrupted after already so many sacrifices.&nbsp;<br \/>When you said every sentences, then say them again and again, until soemthing changes.<br \/><br \/>If you did everything well, you should see soon enough a black smoke filling the inside of the circle. It will not reach you, to the condition you made a circle with no hole. Keep repeating the Dvalmay sentences. To this point, you'll be in a state of trance. You might even start to ignore what's around you, so make sure that no one's gonna stab you in the back.&nbsp;<br \/>When the smoke will slowly disappear, and if your eyes are open, you'll see the Sulfurhast rising. If the spell succeeded, you'll feel the Sulfurhast becoming alive and rising as if it was you. Then, you'll know you succeeded.<br \/><br \/>The Sulfurhast will be stuck inside the circle as long as you'll be pronouncing the sentences. It might feel like a comfortable situation, but you should not make it wait, for the bound with its prey must be made at most a few minutes after its birth. Otherwise, you'll automatically become its prey...<br \/>Stop saying the sentence as soon as the beast awoke. The magic barrier will cease and the beast will be able to walk past it. Stop infusing your magic and life essence as well, or it will consume you whole: the beast will take what you give to it.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>Most of time, the monster will feel the object's presence on the prey's symbol, and will reach it to eat and consume it. Then the track will start, the beast will leave to find its prey, and you can take a break. But sometimes, the beast will remain inside the circle and not make a move, or worse: it'll seem to be more interested in YOU. If it happens, quickly grab the object and give it to your monster.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>When the Sulfurhast started its hunt, you'll need to rest. You'll feel exhausted. Try not to cast any other spell for a week if you can; you'll be drained. Eat and drink as much as you can, and sleep as much as you need to. You'll maybe experience visions or dreams, where you'll see what your beast sees or feel what it feels. It's normal.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>If you survived this far, congratulations! You'll now be the proud owner of an identity-theft monster, and you'll soon be able to take control of it and its powers. You'll have to take care of your monster and to make sure it never wants its freedom, aka your death.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>And if you ever feel like you could create a second monster, then a third, then many others and never cease, then remember this: it'll take a part of your soul every time.&nbsp;<\/p>","field3":"<p>Unknown<\/p>","field4":"<p>Undead, Eldritch, dangerous. Powerful and tireless<\/p>","field5":"<p>These creatures do not reproduce, as they are summoned\/created. How they are created and their origins are seen here<br \/><br \/><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The triangle is an excellent representation of a Sulfurhast's life. It is no hazard if its invocation symbols represents the three possible stages of its life and in the same time, its complex relationship with the two other parts. Let's have a closer look at it: <\/span><br \/><br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/99_121_s3V2FpIphwEGTZB.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"957\" \/><br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cg0j8\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Gene Seskrit explains:<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">\"<em>The symbol to make your Sulfurhast real is important, and full of meaning. By a simple look, it reveals the triadic and complex relationship between the necromancer, the Sulfurhast, and the prey. The symbol at its center is the symbol for sulfur, your most important component when making your beast. The triangle is here to represent the three involved parts in this terrible spell. The circle is here to contains the magic inside. On top of the symbol is the necromancy symbol, it represents you and your actions. At right, another sulfur symbol, but also the symbol of a hunt that will never cease even if there are obstacles on the way. It represent the Sulfurhast and how impossible it is to stop it. At left, the symbol of sacrifice. It represent the chosen prey, the goal, the sole obsession, and he consequences of your actions.<\/em>\"<br \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9vdfa\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhastes can live accross three phases in their life. Only two of them are useful for you.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8ilht\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The first phase is called the <strong>Hunter Phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-crmn7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When the beast will rise from its sulfur and blood symbol that you traced on the groud, you'll have a few minutes only to give it a purpose. Give it something that belonged to the person you want to see dead. It can be anything, but the more the object was important to the prey, the stronger the link; and if it's blood of the prey, it's even better. The Sulfurhast will eat this possession, then it'll immediately locate its prey, and start running in their direction. It'll be a magic link, and the Sulfurhast will know where is its prey even if it's at the other side of the world.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-41j9l\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">During this phase, the Sulfurhast is nothing more than an empty shell of flesh. They have no soul and no feelings. All they have is the bit of black magic you gave them and... and a bit of your own essence. And deep inside their guts, they have an insatiable hunger. But nothing could calm the hunger; the food will turn into ashes, the flesh will be unsaviory and useless, black magic and people's life essence will be only temporary. No, only the flesh, the possessions and the soul of their designated prey will be able to satisfy their hunger, and they know it. They'll never cease to track down their prey until they're satisfied. The target you gave them will be their sole obsession.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2gjae\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Their prey can be anyone, but keep in mind that the victim you choose will have a terrible death. During this phase, the beast will not sleep, nor eat, nor rest. It'll keep running towards the victim until it finds it. Its level of intelligence is minor, but it might eventually learn how to open door handles and such things. It doesn't have thoughts, but it's not completely a beast. It's more like... a ghost.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-mlq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The second phase is called the <strong>Puppet Phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dokkk\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">It occurs when the Sulfurhast finally found and ingested its prey. It will have consumed everything about its target: flesh, bones, spiritual essence, bits of memory, languages, clothes, and current possessions.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dbop1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The hunger is calmed. The Sulfurhast will still need to ingest life essence and black magic from time to time, but it'll be a minor annoyance. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7bh99\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The beast ingested everything about its prey. <em>Everything<\/em>. So much that it <em>became<\/em> its prey. And the person it killed and ate now became the Sulfurhast. And the Sulfurhast may now shapeshit into its prey's appearance in a flash of black smoke. No matter the species of its prey and how different it was from the Sulfurhast's original body, it'll be able to shapeshift in a few seconds. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7p6o1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The beast might try to imitate the dead prey at first, but it'll be clumsly and won't be able to fool the victim's relatives. This is where your job continues.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d7s5g\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The \"Puppet\" Phase is named that way because once the prey is ingested, you are able to take control of your beast. With a simple ritual of possession, which will be eased by the fact that the Sulfurhast has a bit of your essence, you'll be able to take control of your monster at will. You'll see through its eyes, you'll shape shift in its stead, you'll feel what it feels, and you'll act through the beast as you wish. When people will see their friend, they'll in fact see a monster who ate it, controlled by a necromancer. That's wild, isn't it?<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dm3ca\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">It is useful to steal an identity, a throne, etc. You'll be the prince of a foreign country, your worst enemy's wife, you'll be a child again or an old person. You'll steal every power, status, title, and anything the victim had.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2o0nv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Be careful about powerful magic users however, for they might feel the black magic link inside the beast. When you possess the beast, a good mage might be able to feel you and to locate you.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8sdi6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">During this phase, the Sulfurhast has gained life essence. It is now completed by a full soul, and by the bits of you that you gave earlier. It technically became <em>alive<\/em>. And it will learn. And it will learn <em>fast<\/em>. And it will start feeling. And it'll start living, and experiencing. And it'll become as intelligent as you, sometimes more. It'll take some time to happen, but it always happens faster than you expected. And the beast will start to realise that someone is controlling it in its stead. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f6goc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The third phase is called the <strong>Freedom phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-frsir\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Although it may be called by other names such as the Free Phase, the Frightening phase, the Dangerous phase, or the Pacified Phase.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ah6ns\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The third phase occurs when the link between the necromancer and the Sulfurhast is broken. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ehrfi\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">How can it break, you wonder? <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7s11r\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When the Sulfurhast realizes its connection with you, and the fact that you're controlling it, it'll want its freedom. And also probably more than its freedom. Several events can provoke it: <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3g9ft\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The Sulfurhast will need to frequently ingest life essence. Understand by this: bits of soul and magic. If it doesn't have it, it will die. But a Sulfurhast is resourceful, and if you don't give it the option to feed on its surroundings, or if it's locked somewhere, then the magic bound between you and it will start to turn against you. The Sulfurhast will start to absorb your life essence instead of dying. You'll feel it, don't worry. But if you do nothing to stop it, it'll feed on your soul until you have nothing left and die, no matter the distance between you and it. In short, be careful about feeding properly your beast, or it'll feed on you like any other animal would.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-m69f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- You won't be able to possess your beast all the time. You'll have to get back to your body to eat, wash, and live a bit not to loose your muscles. And when you'll not be possessing your monster, it might feel the need to meet its creator a second time. If it finds you before you can realize it, it'll try to kill you, and to consume you. That way, it'll gain its freedom, and it'll consume your soul to increase greatly its lifespan. How convenient.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8q1gc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- You can also break the bound between your Sulfurhast and you at any time. It'll cost you a lot of black magic, but you can do it. You might ask: why would you want to break such a bound, after all the sacrifices you made to create it? If you feel like the bound between the Sulfurhast and you becomes dangerous, you will want to break it, trust me. A mage located you? The beast's hunting you? Someone understood that their friend isn't really a person but is a beast instead? You might want to break it for your safety. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4a4jc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">You'll loose your control over the beast. But sometimes, it's for the best. This is why I told you that creating a Sulfurhast should be your last resort.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6ulj5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Finally, if you die for any reason, the beast will be free nonetheless. It'll feel your death and will probably try to find your body to ingest it, but you won't be here anymore to prevent it.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ctktf\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">In the Freedom Phase, the Sulfurhast has gained intelligence and any skills its prey had. And it'll live its life as it wishes to, with its knowledge on the world. It'll choose its own purpose on life, and it'll live as long as it can find some life source from time to time, like a vampire. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-emchj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/p>","field6":"<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/33.Trait_Sheets\">Trait Sheet<\/a><\/p>","field7":"<p id=\"viewer-ejl0c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">To start, creating a Sulfurhast must be the very last resort of yours. It must be made only when you have tried every possible other options, and failed to all of them. The cost of such a ritual and the dangers encountered are rarely worth the price, and many necromancers have died in the process. And for those who survived... They all changed. You won't be able to see it, but you'll loose a part of yourself after created such a beast. Not like a missing finger or a hand, but more like missing a part of your own spitirual essence. Like a part of your soul, of your life. It's hard to explain to those who never experienced it. Be patient, you'll experience it soon enough.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dhpm4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Unlike everyone loves to believe, Sulfurhastes are not demons. And they do not come from hell. Some like to consider them as spirits, but it's more complex than that. They're more like... a part of you, and a part of their prey.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-582cu\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are not good or evil, they only serve their purpose. They look like ghosts, monsters, their silhouette is made from the remains you'll use. If you have the spirit of an artist, you might even make a beautiful beast. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9qbou\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">But let's talk about their purpose, about why one wants to create a Sulfurhast. These beasts are hunters. You give them a purpose at birth, a prey. Then, you turn them into puppets, and steal the identity of the prey. Always wanted to be a prince? Then send a Sulfurhast after the said prince. Nobody will be able to stop the process, not even the royal guards or the royal mage. <\/span><\/p>","parsed":{"description":"<p>Purchased From: LinkaBell-Art<br \/><br \/>Created by Yoka (They seem to have left DeviantArt)<br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/\/yoka\">https:\/\/\/yoka<\/a><br \/><br \/>There are guest artists who can make adopts<br \/><br \/>ALL existing MYOs will be honored!<br \/><br \/>Upgrade Token Cost Coming Soon<br \/><br \/>See the <a href=\"https:\/\/\/sulfurhast-den\">group on deviantart<\/a> for proof of my ownership! I purchased them from <a href=\"https:\/\/\/linkabell-art\">Linkabell-Art<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>Who purchased them from the original creator <a href=\"https:\/\/\/yokamycelium\">YokaMycelium<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>Original concept that became the Sulfurhast created by <a href=\"https:\/\/\/tomoburd\">Tomoburd<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>Full species rights belongs to me, Cryptid-Artha, Artha-Demon in some places!<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/33.Trait_Sheets\">Trait Sheets<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/31.FAQs\">Frequently Asked Questions<\/a><br \/>(This may be updated!)<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/35.Colors_and_Patterns\">Colors and Patterns<\/a><br \/>(The original color and pattern sheet seems to be missing, I am unable to find it, so I had to work on my own)<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/34.Rules\">Rules<\/a><br \/>(May be changed a bit)<br \/><br \/>Uncommon Traits: 1 Upgrade Token Each<br \/>Rare Traits: 5 Upgrade Tokens<br \/>Mythic Traits: 10 Upgrade Tokens<br \/>Exclusive Traits: 20 Upgrade Tokens (This is an exclusive trait that will only appear on your SulfurHast. Guest Artists can add Exclusives to their adoptables for free!)<\/p>","field1":"<p id=\"viewer-59nfh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">A Sulfurhast is a merciless beast commonly used as hunters and puppets. Their main purpose is to track down, kill, and take the appearance of their prey. Useful in kings games or when a target becomes unreachable...<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6tvh1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are generally tall, and easily can reach 2m \/ 6'6\" to 2,50m \/ 8'2\" (approx.) Although smaller ones already have been witnessed, and they're not less deadly or dangerous. They all have a skull face covered with a thin layer of skin, and it's most often the face of a psychopomp animal (guide of souls.) Their skin looks like it's been flayed, yet it's a tough layer of hide.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-917hl\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They can evolve in any universe having magic, and especially black magic. They can be created by powerful necromancers, witches, dark mages, or black magic users in general, implying a lot of sacrifices and a dangerous ritual. They are made with fresh flesh, black magic, and sulfur.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3s0sl\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Since they're based on humanoid remains, they can have various body types and sizes, as well as various animal parts.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fa3n6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are sometimes seen with orbits, and a faint light illuminating it from the inside.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-bip46\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Their tongue is always thick with a square-shaped tip.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-b43c5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-718no\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They're mostly unknown in folklores and cultures. \"Sulfurhaste\" never or rarely ring a bell, the name means nothing to most of all. However, some powerful magic users might have heard that name once; and it has been described as a knife to the jugular, as something impossible to stop once it's created, as a terrific fate. They say that once you are chased by a Sulfurhast, your life is at the mercy of the gods.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-84s6l\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare are the souls aware of what's a Sulfurhast, and even rarer are those who knows how to create one. <\/span><\/p>","field2":"<p><br \/><br \/>Ingredients to Summon a Sulfurhast<br \/>- A lot of sulfur powder. Be careful, you'll have to manipulate it with a mask on your face not to breathe it. A high dose could kill you, and a small dose is enough to be disoriented.<br \/>- Warm human blood.<br \/>- A human's fresh corpse.<br \/>- Chosen animal's fresh body parts, including the skull, tail and legs. Other bits such as ears or horns can be added.<br \/>- A possession from the prey you chose. Make sure it belongs to your prey, and that it has been stolen, not gifted to you. The more the prey is attached to this object, the stronger the bound. It can only be an object or a part of the prey's body (such as blood or hair, for example.) The object should be free of magic, or should contains the prey's magic only.<br \/>- And a bit of your own life essence.<br \/><br \/>The best way to set up the ritual is to have two humans and the chosen animal(s) in nearby cages. Gather the warm blood of the first human, and mix it with the sulfur power. You should get a sticky and awful mixture. Use it to trace the Sulfurhast symbol on a clean ground. It should be large enough so the circle can hold entirely the Sulfurhast's&nbsp;lying body. Alternatively you can use the blood of the body you'll use afterwards and only have one victim instead of two, but it's less efficient.<br \/><br \/>The symbol to make your Sulfurhast real is important, and full of meaning. By a simple look, it reveals the triadic and complex relationship between the necromancer, the Sulfurhast, and the prey. The symbol at its center is the symbol for sulfur, your most important component when making your beast. The triangle is here to represent the three involved parts in this terrible spell. The circle is here to contains the magic inside. On top of the symbol is the necromancy symbol, it represents you and your actions. At right, another sulfur symbol, but also the symbol of a hunt that will never cease even if there are obstacles on the way. It represent the Sulfurhast and how impossible it is to stop it. At left, the symbol of sacrifice. It represent the chosen prey, the goal, the sole obsession, and he consequences of your actions.<br \/><br \/>When you traced the symbol, kill the second human and the animal(s) and dispose their body parts in a way to form the Sulfurhast's body. The head of the beast should be where the hunt symbol stands (the right one.) And the arms of the future beast should point towards the two other symbols (the necromancer and the prey,) but make sure that none of the body parts get across the circle. A servant can do it for you, if you have willing servants... but I think it's more important for the bound between the beast and you to do it yourself. Then, place the future prey's possession where the prey symbol stands (the left one.) Try to restrain your nausea when you'll start smelling the blood and sulfur's awful smells, and when you'll manipulate corpses. There is no place for sudden guilt or disgust in your action in this ritual.<br \/>You may take bodyparts of people died from a natural death or from a disease, so you don't have to kill them yourself, but make sure that the body parts remain fresh, and didn't start to rot.<br \/><br \/>When it's done, sit down where the necromancer symbol stands (the top one.) But do NOT cross the circle, not even with the tip of your toes: you would loose them.<br \/>It's no wonder why the necromancer symbol stands on the top: if you manage well, you'll be in control of the two other parts soon enough.&nbsp;<br \/>When you feel prepared, pronounce the ritual's words while infusing the symbol and the body parts with your black magic and life essence:&nbsp;<br \/><br \/><em>Kmetz kha dvash stom zmutzam abakh kmetz peshbo' tzu dvash matosh tzovkha dash<br \/>Ish kebo'an okhney shad kme'ekim bnar kvi'ek&nbsp;stot kmeya mamhim sikhumtze yoba zmukh<br \/>bomked kofo khagugmo imha'nomuye iyat'an nug o'em pehumni bnush dvashe ped<br \/>Kmetz kha dvash stom zmutzam abakh kmetz peshbo' tzu dvash matosh tzovkha dash<\/em><br \/><br \/>It is&nbsp;Dvalmay words, a language lost a long time ago. The first person to create a Sulfurhast talked this language. The spell probably could work if we pronouced the correct sentences in any language, but we lost the translation over the eras. You'd better learn these sentence by heart because you will be too focused on maintaining the spell to read scrappy notes on a sketchbook. While you do this, make sure that nothing can interrupt you. The Sulfurhast won't be alive until the end, but that'd be a serious waste to be interrupted after already so many sacrifices.&nbsp;<br \/>When you said every sentences, then say them again and again, until soemthing changes.<br \/><br \/>If you did everything well, you should see soon enough a black smoke filling the inside of the circle. It will not reach you, to the condition you made a circle with no hole. Keep repeating the Dvalmay sentences. To this point, you'll be in a state of trance. You might even start to ignore what's around you, so make sure that no one's gonna stab you in the back.&nbsp;<br \/>When the smoke will slowly disappear, and if your eyes are open, you'll see the Sulfurhast rising. If the spell succeeded, you'll feel the Sulfurhast becoming alive and rising as if it was you. Then, you'll know you succeeded.<br \/><br \/>The Sulfurhast will be stuck inside the circle as long as you'll be pronouncing the sentences. It might feel like a comfortable situation, but you should not make it wait, for the bound with its prey must be made at most a few minutes after its birth. Otherwise, you'll automatically become its prey...<br \/>Stop saying the sentence as soon as the beast awoke. The magic barrier will cease and the beast will be able to walk past it. Stop infusing your magic and life essence as well, or it will consume you whole: the beast will take what you give to it.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>Most of time, the monster will feel the object's presence on the prey's symbol, and will reach it to eat and consume it. Then the track will start, the beast will leave to find its prey, and you can take a break. But sometimes, the beast will remain inside the circle and not make a move, or worse: it'll seem to be more interested in YOU. If it happens, quickly grab the object and give it to your monster.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>When the Sulfurhast started its hunt, you'll need to rest. You'll feel exhausted. Try not to cast any other spell for a week if you can; you'll be drained. Eat and drink as much as you can, and sleep as much as you need to. You'll maybe experience visions or dreams, where you'll see what your beast sees or feel what it feels. It's normal.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>If you survived this far, congratulations! You'll now be the proud owner of an identity-theft monster, and you'll soon be able to take control of it and its powers. You'll have to take care of your monster and to make sure it never wants its freedom, aka your death.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>And if you ever feel like you could create a second monster, then a third, then many others and never cease, then remember this: it'll take a part of your soul every time.&nbsp;<\/p>","field3":"<p>Unknown<\/p>","field4":"<p>Undead, Eldritch, dangerous. Powerful and tireless<\/p>","field5":"<p>These creatures do not reproduce, as they are summoned\/created. How they are created and their origins are seen here<br \/><br \/><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The triangle is an excellent representation of a Sulfurhast's life. It is no hazard if its invocation symbols represents the three possible stages of its life and in the same time, its complex relationship with the two other parts. Let's have a closer look at it: <\/span><br \/><br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/99_121_s3V2FpIphwEGTZB.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"957\" \/><br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cg0j8\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Gene Seskrit explains:<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">\"<em>The symbol to make your Sulfurhast real is important, and full of meaning. By a simple look, it reveals the triadic and complex relationship between the necromancer, the Sulfurhast, and the prey. The symbol at its center is the symbol for sulfur, your most important component when making your beast. The triangle is here to represent the three involved parts in this terrible spell. The circle is here to contains the magic inside. On top of the symbol is the necromancy symbol, it represents you and your actions. At right, another sulfur symbol, but also the symbol of a hunt that will never cease even if there are obstacles on the way. It represent the Sulfurhast and how impossible it is to stop it. At left, the symbol of sacrifice. It represent the chosen prey, the goal, the sole obsession, and he consequences of your actions.<\/em>\"<br \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9vdfa\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhastes can live accross three phases in their life. Only two of them are useful for you.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8ilht\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The first phase is called the <strong>Hunter Phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-crmn7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When the beast will rise from its sulfur and blood symbol that you traced on the groud, you'll have a few minutes only to give it a purpose. Give it something that belonged to the person you want to see dead. It can be anything, but the more the object was important to the prey, the stronger the link; and if it's blood of the prey, it's even better. The Sulfurhast will eat this possession, then it'll immediately locate its prey, and start running in their direction. It'll be a magic link, and the Sulfurhast will know where is its prey even if it's at the other side of the world.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-41j9l\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">During this phase, the Sulfurhast is nothing more than an empty shell of flesh. They have no soul and no feelings. All they have is the bit of black magic you gave them and... and a bit of your own essence. And deep inside their guts, they have an insatiable hunger. But nothing could calm the hunger; the food will turn into ashes, the flesh will be unsaviory and useless, black magic and people's life essence will be only temporary. No, only the flesh, the possessions and the soul of their designated prey will be able to satisfy their hunger, and they know it. They'll never cease to track down their prey until they're satisfied. The target you gave them will be their sole obsession.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2gjae\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Their prey can be anyone, but keep in mind that the victim you choose will have a terrible death. During this phase, the beast will not sleep, nor eat, nor rest. It'll keep running towards the victim until it finds it. Its level of intelligence is minor, but it might eventually learn how to open door handles and such things. It doesn't have thoughts, but it's not completely a beast. It's more like... a ghost.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-mlq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The second phase is called the <strong>Puppet Phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dokkk\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">It occurs when the Sulfurhast finally found and ingested its prey. It will have consumed everything about its target: flesh, bones, spiritual essence, bits of memory, languages, clothes, and current possessions.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dbop1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The hunger is calmed. The Sulfurhast will still need to ingest life essence and black magic from time to time, but it'll be a minor annoyance. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7bh99\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The beast ingested everything about its prey. <em>Everything<\/em>. So much that it <em>became<\/em> its prey. And the person it killed and ate now became the Sulfurhast. And the Sulfurhast may now shapeshit into its prey's appearance in a flash of black smoke. No matter the species of its prey and how different it was from the Sulfurhast's original body, it'll be able to shapeshift in a few seconds. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7p6o1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The beast might try to imitate the dead prey at first, but it'll be clumsly and won't be able to fool the victim's relatives. This is where your job continues.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d7s5g\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The \"Puppet\" Phase is named that way because once the prey is ingested, you are able to take control of your beast. With a simple ritual of possession, which will be eased by the fact that the Sulfurhast has a bit of your essence, you'll be able to take control of your monster at will. You'll see through its eyes, you'll shape shift in its stead, you'll feel what it feels, and you'll act through the beast as you wish. When people will see their friend, they'll in fact see a monster who ate it, controlled by a necromancer. That's wild, isn't it?<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dm3ca\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">It is useful to steal an identity, a throne, etc. You'll be the prince of a foreign country, your worst enemy's wife, you'll be a child again or an old person. You'll steal every power, status, title, and anything the victim had.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2o0nv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Be careful about powerful magic users however, for they might feel the black magic link inside the beast. When you possess the beast, a good mage might be able to feel you and to locate you.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8sdi6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">During this phase, the Sulfurhast has gained life essence. It is now completed by a full soul, and by the bits of you that you gave earlier. It technically became <em>alive<\/em>. And it will learn. And it will learn <em>fast<\/em>. And it will start feeling. And it'll start living, and experiencing. And it'll become as intelligent as you, sometimes more. It'll take some time to happen, but it always happens faster than you expected. And the beast will start to realise that someone is controlling it in its stead. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f6goc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The third phase is called the <strong>Freedom phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-frsir\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Although it may be called by other names such as the Free Phase, the Frightening phase, the Dangerous phase, or the Pacified Phase.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ah6ns\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The third phase occurs when the link between the necromancer and the Sulfurhast is broken. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ehrfi\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">How can it break, you wonder? <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7s11r\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When the Sulfurhast realizes its connection with you, and the fact that you're controlling it, it'll want its freedom. And also probably more than its freedom. Several events can provoke it: <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3g9ft\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The Sulfurhast will need to frequently ingest life essence. Understand by this: bits of soul and magic. If it doesn't have it, it will die. But a Sulfurhast is resourceful, and if you don't give it the option to feed on its surroundings, or if it's locked somewhere, then the magic bound between you and it will start to turn against you. The Sulfurhast will start to absorb your life essence instead of dying. You'll feel it, don't worry. But if you do nothing to stop it, it'll feed on your soul until you have nothing left and die, no matter the distance between you and it. In short, be careful about feeding properly your beast, or it'll feed on you like any other animal would.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-m69f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- You won't be able to possess your beast all the time. You'll have to get back to your body to eat, wash, and live a bit not to loose your muscles. And when you'll not be possessing your monster, it might feel the need to meet its creator a second time. If it finds you before you can realize it, it'll try to kill you, and to consume you. That way, it'll gain its freedom, and it'll consume your soul to increase greatly its lifespan. How convenient.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8q1gc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- You can also break the bound between your Sulfurhast and you at any time. It'll cost you a lot of black magic, but you can do it. You might ask: why would you want to break such a bound, after all the sacrifices you made to create it? If you feel like the bound between the Sulfurhast and you becomes dangerous, you will want to break it, trust me. A mage located you? The beast's hunting you? Someone understood that their friend isn't really a person but is a beast instead? You might want to break it for your safety. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4a4jc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">You'll loose your control over the beast. But sometimes, it's for the best. This is why I told you that creating a Sulfurhast should be your last resort.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6ulj5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Finally, if you die for any reason, the beast will be free nonetheless. It'll feel your death and will probably try to find your body to ingest it, but you won't be here anymore to prevent it.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ctktf\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">In the Freedom Phase, the Sulfurhast has gained intelligence and any skills its prey had. And it'll live its life as it wishes to, with its knowledge on the world. It'll choose its own purpose on life, and it'll live as long as it can find some life source from time to time, like a vampire. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-emchj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/p>","field6":"<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/33.Trait_Sheets\">Trait Sheet<\/a><\/p>","field7":"<p id=\"viewer-ejl0c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">To start, creating a Sulfurhast must be the very last resort of yours. It must be made only when you have tried every possible other options, and failed to all of them. The cost of such a ritual and the dangers encountered are rarely worth the price, and many necromancers have died in the process. And for those who survived... They all changed. You won't be able to see it, but you'll loose a part of yourself after created such a beast. Not like a missing finger or a hand, but more like missing a part of your own spitirual essence. Like a part of your soul, of your life. It's hard to explain to those who never experienced it. Be patient, you'll experience it soon enough.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dhpm4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Unlike everyone loves to believe, Sulfurhastes are not demons. And they do not come from hell. Some like to consider them as spirits, but it's more complex than that. They're more like... a part of you, and a part of their prey.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-582cu\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are not good or evil, they only serve their purpose. They look like ghosts, monsters, their silhouette is made from the remains you'll use. If you have the spirit of an artist, you might even make a beautiful beast. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9qbou\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">But let's talk about their purpose, about why one wants to create a Sulfurhast. These beasts are hunters. You give them a purpose at birth, a prey. Then, you turn them into puppets, and steal the identity of the prey. Always wanted to be a prince? Then send a Sulfurhast after the said prince. Nobody will be able to stop the process, not even the royal guards or the royal mage. <\/span><\/p>"}},"title":"Sulfurhast","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":["wip","stub"],"page_tag":null}
#191 3 July 2023, 16:08:06 UTC
Page Updated
Length: 60325 (+604) -
{"data":{"description":"<p>Information Coming Soon<br \/><br \/>Purchased From: LinkaBell-Art<br \/><br \/>Created by Yoka (They seem to have left DeviantArt)<br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/\/yoka\">https:\/\/\/yoka<\/a><br \/><br \/>There are guest artists who can make adopts<br \/><br \/>ALL existing MYOs will be honored!<br \/><br \/>Upgrade Token Cost Coming Soon<br \/><br \/>See the <a href=\"https:\/\/\/sulfurhast-den\">group on deviantart<\/a> for proof of my ownership! I purchased them from <a href=\"https:\/\/\/linkabell-art\">Linkabell-Art<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>Who purchased them from the original creator <a href=\"https:\/\/\/yokamycelium\">YokaMycelium<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>Original concept that became the Sulfurhast created by <a href=\"https:\/\/\/tomoburd\">Tomoburd<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>Full species rights belongs to me, Cryptid-Artha, Artha-Demon in some places!<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/33.Trait_Sheets\">Trait Sheets<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/31.FAQs\">Frequently Asked Questions<\/a><br \/>(This may be updated!)<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/35.Colors_and_Patterns\">Colors and Patterns<\/a><br \/>(The original color and pattern sheet seems to be missing, I am unable to find it, so I had to work on my own)<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/34.Rules\">Rules<\/a><br \/>(May be changed a bit)<br \/><br \/>Uncommon Traits: 1 Upgrade Token Each<br \/>Rare Traits: 5 Upgrade Tokens<br \/>Mythic Traits: 10 Upgrade Tokens<br \/>Exclusive Traits: 20 Upgrade Tokens (This is an exclusive trait that will only appear on your SulfurHast. Guest Artists can add Exclusives to their adoptables for free!)<\/p>","field1":"<p id=\"viewer-59nfh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">A Sulfurhast is a merciless beast commonly used as hunters and puppets. Their main purpose is to track down, kill, and take the appearance of their prey. Useful in kings games or when a target becomes unreachable...<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6tvh1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are generally tall, and easily can reach 2m \/ 6'6\" to 2,50m \/ 8'2\" (approx.) Although smaller ones already have been witnessed, and they're not less deadly or dangerous. They all have a skull face covered with a thin layer of skin, and it's most often the face of a psychopomp animal (guide of souls.) Their skin looks like it's been flayed, yet it's a tough layer of hide.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-917hl\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They can evolve in any universe having magic, and especially black magic. They can be created by powerful necromancers, witches, dark mages, or black magic users in general, implying a lot of sacrifices and a dangerous ritual. They are made with fresh flesh, black magic, and sulfur.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3s0sl\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Since they're based on humanoid remains, they can have various body types and sizes, as well as various animal parts.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fa3n6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are sometimes seen with orbits, and a faint light illuminating it from the inside.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-bip46\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Their tongue is always thick with a square-shaped tip.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-b43c5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-718no\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They're mostly unknown in folklores and cultures. \"Sulfurhaste\" never or rarely ring a bell, the name means nothing to most of all. However, some powerful magic users might have heard that name once; and it has been described as a knife to the jugular, as something impossible to stop once it's created, as a terrific fate. They say that once you are chased by a Sulfurhast, your life is at the mercy of the gods.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-84s6l\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare are the souls aware of what's a Sulfurhast, and even rarer are those who knows how to create one. <\/span><\/p>","field2":"<p><br \/><br \/>Ingredients to Summon a Sulfurhast<br \/>- A lot of sulfur powder. Be careful, you'll have to manipulate it with a mask on your face not to breathe it. A high dose could kill you, and a small dose is enough to be disoriented.<br \/>- Warm human blood.<br \/>- A human's fresh corpse.<br \/>- Chosen animal's fresh body parts, including the skull, tail and legs. Other bits such as ears or horns can be added.<br \/>- A possession from the prey you chose. Make sure it belongs to your prey, and that it has been stolen, not gifted to you. The more the prey is attached to this object, the stronger the bound. It can only be an object or a part of the prey's body (such as blood or hair, for example.) The object should be free of magic, or should contains the prey's magic only.<br \/>- And a bit of your own life essence.<br \/><br \/>The best way to set up the ritual is to have two humans and the chosen animal(s) in nearby cages. Gather the warm blood of the first human, and mix it with the sulfur power. You should get a sticky and awful mixture. Use it to trace the Sulfurhast symbol on a clean ground. It should be large enough so the circle can hold entirely the Sulfurhast's&nbsp;lying body. Alternatively you can use the blood of the body you'll use afterwards and only have one victim instead of two, but it's less efficient.<br \/><br \/>The symbol to make your Sulfurhast real is important, and full of meaning. By a simple look, it reveals the triadic and complex relationship between the necromancer, the Sulfurhast, and the prey. The symbol at its center is the symbol for sulfur, your most important component when making your beast. The triangle is here to represent the three involved parts in this terrible spell. The circle is here to contains the magic inside. On top of the symbol is the necromancy symbol, it represents you and your actions. At right, another sulfur symbol, but also the symbol of a hunt that will never cease even if there are obstacles on the way. It represent the Sulfurhast and how impossible it is to stop it. At left, the symbol of sacrifice. It represent the chosen prey, the goal, the sole obsession, and he consequences of your actions.<br \/><br \/>When you traced the symbol, kill the second human and the animal(s) and dispose their body parts in a way to form the Sulfurhast's body. The head of the beast should be where the hunt symbol stands (the right one.) And the arms of the future beast should point towards the two other symbols (the necromancer and the prey,) but make sure that none of the body parts get across the circle. A servant can do it for you, if you have willing servants... but I think it's more important for the bound between the beast and you to do it yourself. Then, place the future prey's possession where the prey symbol stands (the left one.) Try to restrain your nausea when you'll start smelling the blood and sulfur's awful smells, and when you'll manipulate corpses. There is no place for sudden guilt or disgust in your action in this ritual.<br \/>You may take bodyparts of people died from a natural death or from a disease, so you don't have to kill them yourself, but make sure that the body parts remain fresh, and didn't start to rot.<br \/><br \/>When it's done, sit down where the necromancer symbol stands (the top one.) But do NOT cross the circle, not even with the tip of your toes: you would loose them.<br \/>It's no wonder why the necromancer symbol stands on the top: if you manage well, you'll be in control of the two other parts soon enough.&nbsp;<br \/>When you feel prepared, pronounce the ritual's words while infusing the symbol and the body parts with your black magic and life essence:&nbsp;<br \/><br \/><em>Kmetz kha dvash stom zmutzam abakh kmetz peshbo' tzu dvash matosh tzovkha dash<br \/>Ish kebo'an okhney shad kme'ekim bnar kvi'ek&nbsp;stot kmeya mamhim sikhumtze yoba zmukh<br \/>bomked kofo khagugmo imha'nomuye iyat'an nug o'em pehumni bnush dvashe ped<br \/>Kmetz kha dvash stom zmutzam abakh kmetz peshbo' tzu dvash matosh tzovkha dash<\/em><br \/><br \/>It is&nbsp;Dvalmay words, a language lost a long time ago. The first person to create a Sulfurhast talked this language. The spell probably could work if we pronouced the correct sentences in any language, but we lost the translation over the eras. You'd better learn these sentence by heart because you will be too focused on maintaining the spell to read scrappy notes on a sketchbook. While you do this, make sure that nothing can interrupt you. The Sulfurhast won't be alive until the end, but that'd be a serious waste to be interrupted after already so many sacrifices.&nbsp;<br \/>When you said every sentences, then say them again and again, until soemthing changes.<br \/><br \/>If you did everything well, you should see soon enough a black smoke filling the inside of the circle. It will not reach you, to the condition you made a circle with no hole. Keep repeating the Dvalmay sentences. To this point, you'll be in a state of trance. You might even start to ignore what's around you, so make sure that no one's gonna stab you in the back.&nbsp;<br \/>When the smoke will slowly disappear, and if your eyes are open, you'll see the Sulfurhast rising. If the spell succeeded, you'll feel the Sulfurhast becoming alive and rising as if it was you. Then, you'll know you succeeded.<br \/><br \/>The Sulfurhast will be stuck inside the circle as long as you'll be pronouncing the sentences. It might feel like a comfortable situation, but you should not make it wait, for the bound with its prey must be made at most a few minutes after its birth. Otherwise, you'll automatically become its prey...<br \/>Stop saying the sentence as soon as the beast awoke. The magic barrier will cease and the beast will be able to walk past it. Stop infusing your magic and life essence as well, or it will consume you whole: the beast will take what you give to it.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>Most of time, the monster will feel the object's presence on the prey's symbol, and will reach it to eat and consume it. Then the track will start, the beast will leave to find its prey, and you can take a break. But sometimes, the beast will remain inside the circle and not make a move, or worse: it'll seem to be more interested in YOU. If it happens, quickly grab the object and give it to your monster.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>When the Sulfurhast started its hunt, you'll need to rest. You'll feel exhausted. Try not to cast any other spell for a week if you can; you'll be drained. Eat and drink as much as you can, and sleep as much as you need to. You'll maybe experience visions or dreams, where you'll see what your beast sees or feel what it feels. It's normal.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>If you survived this far, congratulations! You'll now be the proud owner of an identity-theft monster, and you'll soon be able to take control of it and its powers. You'll have to take care of your monster and to make sure it never wants its freedom, aka your death.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>And if you ever feel like you could create a second monster, then a third, then many others and never cease, then remember this: it'll take a part of your soul every time.&nbsp;<\/p>","field3":"<p>Unknown<\/p>","field4":"<p>Undead, Eldritch, dangerous. Powerful and tireless<\/p>","field5":"<p>These creatures do not reproduce, as they are summoned\/created. How they are created and their origins are seen here<br \/><br \/><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The triangle is an excellent representation of a Sulfurhast's life. It is no hazard if its invocation symbols represents the three possible stages of its life and in the same time, its complex relationship with the two other parts. Let's have a closer look at it: <\/span><br \/><br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/99_121_s3V2FpIphwEGTZB.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"957\" \/><br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cg0j8\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Gene Seskrit explains:<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">\"<em>The symbol to make your Sulfurhast real is important, and full of meaning. By a simple look, it reveals the triadic and complex relationship between the necromancer, the Sulfurhast, and the prey. The symbol at its center is the symbol for sulfur, your most important component when making your beast. The triangle is here to represent the three involved parts in this terrible spell. The circle is here to contains the magic inside. On top of the symbol is the necromancy symbol, it represents you and your actions. At right, another sulfur symbol, but also the symbol of a hunt that will never cease even if there are obstacles on the way. It represent the Sulfurhast and how impossible it is to stop it. At left, the symbol of sacrifice. It represent the chosen prey, the goal, the sole obsession, and he consequences of your actions.<\/em>\"<br \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9vdfa\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhastes can live accross three phases in their life. Only two of them are useful for you.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8ilht\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The first phase is called the <strong>Hunter Phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-crmn7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When the beast will rise from its sulfur and blood symbol that you traced on the groud, you'll have a few minutes only to give it a purpose. Give it something that belonged to the person you want to see dead. It can be anything, but the more the object was important to the prey, the stronger the link; and if it's blood of the prey, it's even better. The Sulfurhast will eat this possession, then it'll immediately locate its prey, and start running in their direction. It'll be a magic link, and the Sulfurhast will know where is its prey even if it's at the other side of the world.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-41j9l\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">During this phase, the Sulfurhast is nothing more than an empty shell of flesh. They have no soul and no feelings. All they have is the bit of black magic you gave them and... and a bit of your own essence. And deep inside their guts, they have an insatiable hunger. But nothing could calm the hunger; the food will turn into ashes, the flesh will be unsaviory and useless, black magic and people's life essence will be only temporary. No, only the flesh, the possessions and the soul of their designated prey will be able to satisfy their hunger, and they know it. They'll never cease to track down their prey until they're satisfied. The target you gave them will be their sole obsession.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2gjae\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Their prey can be anyone, but keep in mind that the victim you choose will have a terrible death. During this phase, the beast will not sleep, nor eat, nor rest. It'll keep running towards the victim until it finds it. Its level of intelligence is minor, but it might eventually learn how to open door handles and such things. It doesn't have thoughts, but it's not completely a beast. It's more like... a ghost.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-mlq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The second phase is called the <strong>Puppet Phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dokkk\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">It occurs when the Sulfurhast finally found and ingested its prey. It will have consumed everything about its target: flesh, bones, spiritual essence, bits of memory, languages, clothes, and current possessions.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dbop1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The hunger is calmed. The Sulfurhast will still need to ingest life essence and black magic from time to time, but it'll be a minor annoyance. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7bh99\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The beast ingested everything about its prey. <em>Everything<\/em>. So much that it <em>became<\/em> its prey. And the person it killed and ate now became the Sulfurhast. And the Sulfurhast may now shapeshit into its prey's appearance in a flash of black smoke. No matter the species of its prey and how different it was from the Sulfurhast's original body, it'll be able to shapeshift in a few seconds. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7p6o1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The beast might try to imitate the dead prey at first, but it'll be clumsly and won't be able to fool the victim's relatives. This is where your job continues.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d7s5g\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The \"Puppet\" Phase is named that way because once the prey is ingested, you are able to take control of your beast. With a simple ritual of possession, which will be eased by the fact that the Sulfurhast has a bit of your essence, you'll be able to take control of your monster at will. You'll see through its eyes, you'll shape shift in its stead, you'll feel what it feels, and you'll act through the beast as you wish. When people will see their friend, they'll in fact see a monster who ate it, controlled by a necromancer. That's wild, isn't it?<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dm3ca\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">It is useful to steal an identity, a throne, etc. You'll be the prince of a foreign country, your worst enemy's wife, you'll be a child again or an old person. You'll steal every power, status, title, and anything the victim had.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2o0nv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Be careful about powerful magic users however, for they might feel the black magic link inside the beast. When you possess the beast, a good mage might be able to feel you and to locate you.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8sdi6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">During this phase, the Sulfurhast has gained life essence. It is now completed by a full soul, and by the bits of you that you gave earlier. It technically became <em>alive<\/em>. And it will learn. And it will learn <em>fast<\/em>. And it will start feeling. And it'll start living, and experiencing. And it'll become as intelligent as you, sometimes more. It'll take some time to happen, but it always happens faster than you expected. And the beast will start to realise that someone is controlling it in its stead. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f6goc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The third phase is called the <strong>Freedom phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-frsir\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Although it may be called by other names such as the Free Phase, the Frightening phase, the Dangerous phase, or the Pacified Phase.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ah6ns\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The third phase occurs when the link between the necromancer and the Sulfurhast is broken. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ehrfi\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">How can it break, you wonder? <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7s11r\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When the Sulfurhast realizes its connection with you, and the fact that you're controlling it, it'll want its freedom. And also probably more than its freedom. Several events can provoke it: <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3g9ft\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The Sulfurhast will need to frequently ingest life essence. Understand by this: bits of soul and magic. If it doesn't have it, it will die. But a Sulfurhast is resourceful, and if you don't give it the option to feed on its surroundings, or if it's locked somewhere, then the magic bound between you and it will start to turn against you. The Sulfurhast will start to absorb your life essence instead of dying. You'll feel it, don't worry. But if you do nothing to stop it, it'll feed on your soul until you have nothing left and die, no matter the distance between you and it. In short, be careful about feeding properly your beast, or it'll feed on you like any other animal would.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-m69f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- You won't be able to possess your beast all the time. You'll have to get back to your body to eat, wash, and live a bit not to loose your muscles. And when you'll not be possessing your monster, it might feel the need to meet its creator a second time. If it finds you before you can realize it, it'll try to kill you, and to consume you. That way, it'll gain its freedom, and it'll consume your soul to increase greatly its lifespan. How convenient.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8q1gc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- You can also break the bound between your Sulfurhast and you at any time. It'll cost you a lot of black magic, but you can do it. You might ask: why would you want to break such a bound, after all the sacrifices you made to create it? If you feel like the bound between the Sulfurhast and you becomes dangerous, you will want to break it, trust me. A mage located you? The beast's hunting you? Someone understood that their friend isn't really a person but is a beast instead? You might want to break it for your safety. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4a4jc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">You'll loose your control over the beast. But sometimes, it's for the best. This is why I told you that creating a Sulfurhast should be your last resort.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6ulj5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Finally, if you die for any reason, the beast will be free nonetheless. It'll feel your death and will probably try to find your body to ingest it, but you won't be here anymore to prevent it.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ctktf\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">In the Freedom Phase, the Sulfurhast has gained intelligence and any skills its prey had. And it'll live its life as it wishes to, with its knowledge on the world. It'll choose its own purpose on life, and it'll live as long as it can find some life source from time to time, like a vampire. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-emchj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/p>","field6":"<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/33.Trait_Sheets\">Trait Sheet<\/a><\/p>","field7":"<p id=\"viewer-ejl0c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">To start, creating a Sulfurhast must be the very last resort of yours. It must be made only when you have tried every possible other options, and failed to all of them. The cost of such a ritual and the dangers encountered are rarely worth the price, and many necromancers have died in the process. And for those who survived... They all changed. You won't be able to see it, but you'll loose a part of yourself after created such a beast. Not like a missing finger or a hand, but more like missing a part of your own spitirual essence. Like a part of your soul, of your life. It's hard to explain to those who never experienced it. Be patient, you'll experience it soon enough.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dhpm4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Unlike everyone loves to believe, Sulfurhastes are not demons. And they do not come from hell. Some like to consider them as spirits, but it's more complex than that. They're more like... a part of you, and a part of their prey.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-582cu\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are not good or evil, they only serve their purpose. They look like ghosts, monsters, their silhouette is made from the remains you'll use. If you have the spirit of an artist, you might even make a beautiful beast. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9qbou\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">But let's talk about their purpose, about why one wants to create a Sulfurhast. These beasts are hunters. You give them a purpose at birth, a prey. Then, you turn them into puppets, and steal the identity of the prey. Always wanted to be a prince? Then send a Sulfurhast after the said prince. Nobody will be able to stop the process, not even the royal guards or the royal mage. <\/span><\/p>","parsed":{"description":"<p>Information Coming Soon<br \/><br \/>Purchased From: LinkaBell-Art<br \/><br \/>Created by Yoka (They seem to have left DeviantArt)<br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/\/yoka\">https:\/\/\/yoka<\/a><br \/><br \/>There are guest artists who can make adopts<br \/><br \/>ALL existing MYOs will be honored!<br \/><br \/>Upgrade Token Cost Coming Soon<br \/><br \/>See the <a href=\"https:\/\/\/sulfurhast-den\">group on deviantart<\/a> for proof of my ownership! I purchased them from <a href=\"https:\/\/\/linkabell-art\">Linkabell-Art<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>Who purchased them from the original creator <a href=\"https:\/\/\/yokamycelium\">YokaMycelium<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>Original concept that became the Sulfurhast created by <a href=\"https:\/\/\/tomoburd\">Tomoburd<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>Full species rights belongs to me, Cryptid-Artha, Artha-Demon in some places!<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/33.Trait_Sheets\">Trait Sheets<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/31.FAQs\">Frequently Asked Questions<\/a><br \/>(This may be updated!)<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/35.Colors_and_Patterns\">Colors and Patterns<\/a><br \/>(The original color and pattern sheet seems to be missing, I am unable to find it, so I had to work on my own)<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/34.Rules\">Rules<\/a><br \/>(May be changed a bit)<br \/><br \/>Uncommon Traits: 1 Upgrade Token Each<br \/>Rare Traits: 5 Upgrade Tokens<br \/>Mythic Traits: 10 Upgrade Tokens<br \/>Exclusive Traits: 20 Upgrade Tokens (This is an exclusive trait that will only appear on your SulfurHast. Guest Artists can add Exclusives to their adoptables for free!)<\/p>","field1":"<p id=\"viewer-59nfh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">A Sulfurhast is a merciless beast commonly used as hunters and puppets. Their main purpose is to track down, kill, and take the appearance of their prey. Useful in kings games or when a target becomes unreachable...<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6tvh1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are generally tall, and easily can reach 2m \/ 6'6\" to 2,50m \/ 8'2\" (approx.) Although smaller ones already have been witnessed, and they're not less deadly or dangerous. They all have a skull face covered with a thin layer of skin, and it's most often the face of a psychopomp animal (guide of souls.) Their skin looks like it's been flayed, yet it's a tough layer of hide.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-917hl\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They can evolve in any universe having magic, and especially black magic. They can be created by powerful necromancers, witches, dark mages, or black magic users in general, implying a lot of sacrifices and a dangerous ritual. They are made with fresh flesh, black magic, and sulfur.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3s0sl\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Since they're based on humanoid remains, they can have various body types and sizes, as well as various animal parts.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fa3n6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are sometimes seen with orbits, and a faint light illuminating it from the inside.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-bip46\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Their tongue is always thick with a square-shaped tip.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-b43c5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-718no\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They're mostly unknown in folklores and cultures. \"Sulfurhaste\" never or rarely ring a bell, the name means nothing to most of all. However, some powerful magic users might have heard that name once; and it has been described as a knife to the jugular, as something impossible to stop once it's created, as a terrific fate. They say that once you are chased by a Sulfurhast, your life is at the mercy of the gods.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-84s6l\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare are the souls aware of what's a Sulfurhast, and even rarer are those who knows how to create one. <\/span><\/p>","field2":"<p><br \/><br \/>Ingredients to Summon a Sulfurhast<br \/>- A lot of sulfur powder. Be careful, you'll have to manipulate it with a mask on your face not to breathe it. A high dose could kill you, and a small dose is enough to be disoriented.<br \/>- Warm human blood.<br \/>- A human's fresh corpse.<br \/>- Chosen animal's fresh body parts, including the skull, tail and legs. Other bits such as ears or horns can be added.<br \/>- A possession from the prey you chose. Make sure it belongs to your prey, and that it has been stolen, not gifted to you. The more the prey is attached to this object, the stronger the bound. It can only be an object or a part of the prey's body (such as blood or hair, for example.) The object should be free of magic, or should contains the prey's magic only.<br \/>- And a bit of your own life essence.<br \/><br \/>The best way to set up the ritual is to have two humans and the chosen animal(s) in nearby cages. Gather the warm blood of the first human, and mix it with the sulfur power. You should get a sticky and awful mixture. Use it to trace the Sulfurhast symbol on a clean ground. It should be large enough so the circle can hold entirely the Sulfurhast's&nbsp;lying body. Alternatively you can use the blood of the body you'll use afterwards and only have one victim instead of two, but it's less efficient.<br \/><br \/>The symbol to make your Sulfurhast real is important, and full of meaning. By a simple look, it reveals the triadic and complex relationship between the necromancer, the Sulfurhast, and the prey. The symbol at its center is the symbol for sulfur, your most important component when making your beast. The triangle is here to represent the three involved parts in this terrible spell. The circle is here to contains the magic inside. On top of the symbol is the necromancy symbol, it represents you and your actions. At right, another sulfur symbol, but also the symbol of a hunt that will never cease even if there are obstacles on the way. It represent the Sulfurhast and how impossible it is to stop it. At left, the symbol of sacrifice. It represent the chosen prey, the goal, the sole obsession, and he consequences of your actions.<br \/><br \/>When you traced the symbol, kill the second human and the animal(s) and dispose their body parts in a way to form the Sulfurhast's body. The head of the beast should be where the hunt symbol stands (the right one.) And the arms of the future beast should point towards the two other symbols (the necromancer and the prey,) but make sure that none of the body parts get across the circle. A servant can do it for you, if you have willing servants... but I think it's more important for the bound between the beast and you to do it yourself. Then, place the future prey's possession where the prey symbol stands (the left one.) Try to restrain your nausea when you'll start smelling the blood and sulfur's awful smells, and when you'll manipulate corpses. There is no place for sudden guilt or disgust in your action in this ritual.<br \/>You may take bodyparts of people died from a natural death or from a disease, so you don't have to kill them yourself, but make sure that the body parts remain fresh, and didn't start to rot.<br \/><br \/>When it's done, sit down where the necromancer symbol stands (the top one.) But do NOT cross the circle, not even with the tip of your toes: you would loose them.<br \/>It's no wonder why the necromancer symbol stands on the top: if you manage well, you'll be in control of the two other parts soon enough.&nbsp;<br \/>When you feel prepared, pronounce the ritual's words while infusing the symbol and the body parts with your black magic and life essence:&nbsp;<br \/><br \/><em>Kmetz kha dvash stom zmutzam abakh kmetz peshbo' tzu dvash matosh tzovkha dash<br \/>Ish kebo'an okhney shad kme'ekim bnar kvi'ek&nbsp;stot kmeya mamhim sikhumtze yoba zmukh<br \/>bomked kofo khagugmo imha'nomuye iyat'an nug o'em pehumni bnush dvashe ped<br \/>Kmetz kha dvash stom zmutzam abakh kmetz peshbo' tzu dvash matosh tzovkha dash<\/em><br \/><br \/>It is&nbsp;Dvalmay words, a language lost a long time ago. The first person to create a Sulfurhast talked this language. The spell probably could work if we pronouced the correct sentences in any language, but we lost the translation over the eras. You'd better learn these sentence by heart because you will be too focused on maintaining the spell to read scrappy notes on a sketchbook. While you do this, make sure that nothing can interrupt you. The Sulfurhast won't be alive until the end, but that'd be a serious waste to be interrupted after already so many sacrifices.&nbsp;<br \/>When you said every sentences, then say them again and again, until soemthing changes.<br \/><br \/>If you did everything well, you should see soon enough a black smoke filling the inside of the circle. It will not reach you, to the condition you made a circle with no hole. Keep repeating the Dvalmay sentences. To this point, you'll be in a state of trance. You might even start to ignore what's around you, so make sure that no one's gonna stab you in the back.&nbsp;<br \/>When the smoke will slowly disappear, and if your eyes are open, you'll see the Sulfurhast rising. If the spell succeeded, you'll feel the Sulfurhast becoming alive and rising as if it was you. Then, you'll know you succeeded.<br \/><br \/>The Sulfurhast will be stuck inside the circle as long as you'll be pronouncing the sentences. It might feel like a comfortable situation, but you should not make it wait, for the bound with its prey must be made at most a few minutes after its birth. Otherwise, you'll automatically become its prey...<br \/>Stop saying the sentence as soon as the beast awoke. The magic barrier will cease and the beast will be able to walk past it. Stop infusing your magic and life essence as well, or it will consume you whole: the beast will take what you give to it.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>Most of time, the monster will feel the object's presence on the prey's symbol, and will reach it to eat and consume it. Then the track will start, the beast will leave to find its prey, and you can take a break. But sometimes, the beast will remain inside the circle and not make a move, or worse: it'll seem to be more interested in YOU. If it happens, quickly grab the object and give it to your monster.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>When the Sulfurhast started its hunt, you'll need to rest. You'll feel exhausted. Try not to cast any other spell for a week if you can; you'll be drained. Eat and drink as much as you can, and sleep as much as you need to. You'll maybe experience visions or dreams, where you'll see what your beast sees or feel what it feels. It's normal.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>If you survived this far, congratulations! You'll now be the proud owner of an identity-theft monster, and you'll soon be able to take control of it and its powers. You'll have to take care of your monster and to make sure it never wants its freedom, aka your death.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>And if you ever feel like you could create a second monster, then a third, then many others and never cease, then remember this: it'll take a part of your soul every time.&nbsp;<\/p>","field3":"<p>Unknown<\/p>","field4":"<p>Undead, Eldritch, dangerous. Powerful and tireless<\/p>","field5":"<p>These creatures do not reproduce, as they are summoned\/created. How they are created and their origins are seen here<br \/><br \/><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The triangle is an excellent representation of a Sulfurhast's life. It is no hazard if its invocation symbols represents the three possible stages of its life and in the same time, its complex relationship with the two other parts. Let's have a closer look at it: <\/span><br \/><br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/99_121_s3V2FpIphwEGTZB.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"957\" \/><br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cg0j8\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Gene Seskrit explains:<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">\"<em>The symbol to make your Sulfurhast real is important, and full of meaning. By a simple look, it reveals the triadic and complex relationship between the necromancer, the Sulfurhast, and the prey. The symbol at its center is the symbol for sulfur, your most important component when making your beast. The triangle is here to represent the three involved parts in this terrible spell. The circle is here to contains the magic inside. On top of the symbol is the necromancy symbol, it represents you and your actions. At right, another sulfur symbol, but also the symbol of a hunt that will never cease even if there are obstacles on the way. It represent the Sulfurhast and how impossible it is to stop it. At left, the symbol of sacrifice. It represent the chosen prey, the goal, the sole obsession, and he consequences of your actions.<\/em>\"<br \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9vdfa\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhastes can live accross three phases in their life. Only two of them are useful for you.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8ilht\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The first phase is called the <strong>Hunter Phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-crmn7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When the beast will rise from its sulfur and blood symbol that you traced on the groud, you'll have a few minutes only to give it a purpose. Give it something that belonged to the person you want to see dead. It can be anything, but the more the object was important to the prey, the stronger the link; and if it's blood of the prey, it's even better. The Sulfurhast will eat this possession, then it'll immediately locate its prey, and start running in their direction. It'll be a magic link, and the Sulfurhast will know where is its prey even if it's at the other side of the world.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-41j9l\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">During this phase, the Sulfurhast is nothing more than an empty shell of flesh. They have no soul and no feelings. All they have is the bit of black magic you gave them and... and a bit of your own essence. And deep inside their guts, they have an insatiable hunger. But nothing could calm the hunger; the food will turn into ashes, the flesh will be unsaviory and useless, black magic and people's life essence will be only temporary. No, only the flesh, the possessions and the soul of their designated prey will be able to satisfy their hunger, and they know it. They'll never cease to track down their prey until they're satisfied. The target you gave them will be their sole obsession.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2gjae\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Their prey can be anyone, but keep in mind that the victim you choose will have a terrible death. During this phase, the beast will not sleep, nor eat, nor rest. It'll keep running towards the victim until it finds it. Its level of intelligence is minor, but it might eventually learn how to open door handles and such things. It doesn't have thoughts, but it's not completely a beast. It's more like... a ghost.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-mlq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The second phase is called the <strong>Puppet Phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dokkk\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">It occurs when the Sulfurhast finally found and ingested its prey. It will have consumed everything about its target: flesh, bones, spiritual essence, bits of memory, languages, clothes, and current possessions.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dbop1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The hunger is calmed. The Sulfurhast will still need to ingest life essence and black magic from time to time, but it'll be a minor annoyance. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7bh99\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The beast ingested everything about its prey. <em>Everything<\/em>. So much that it <em>became<\/em> its prey. And the person it killed and ate now became the Sulfurhast. And the Sulfurhast may now shapeshit into its prey's appearance in a flash of black smoke. No matter the species of its prey and how different it was from the Sulfurhast's original body, it'll be able to shapeshift in a few seconds. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7p6o1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The beast might try to imitate the dead prey at first, but it'll be clumsly and won't be able to fool the victim's relatives. This is where your job continues.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d7s5g\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The \"Puppet\" Phase is named that way because once the prey is ingested, you are able to take control of your beast. With a simple ritual of possession, which will be eased by the fact that the Sulfurhast has a bit of your essence, you'll be able to take control of your monster at will. You'll see through its eyes, you'll shape shift in its stead, you'll feel what it feels, and you'll act through the beast as you wish. When people will see their friend, they'll in fact see a monster who ate it, controlled by a necromancer. That's wild, isn't it?<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dm3ca\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">It is useful to steal an identity, a throne, etc. You'll be the prince of a foreign country, your worst enemy's wife, you'll be a child again or an old person. You'll steal every power, status, title, and anything the victim had.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2o0nv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Be careful about powerful magic users however, for they might feel the black magic link inside the beast. When you possess the beast, a good mage might be able to feel you and to locate you.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8sdi6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">During this phase, the Sulfurhast has gained life essence. It is now completed by a full soul, and by the bits of you that you gave earlier. It technically became <em>alive<\/em>. And it will learn. And it will learn <em>fast<\/em>. And it will start feeling. And it'll start living, and experiencing. And it'll become as intelligent as you, sometimes more. It'll take some time to happen, but it always happens faster than you expected. And the beast will start to realise that someone is controlling it in its stead. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f6goc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The third phase is called the <strong>Freedom phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-frsir\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Although it may be called by other names such as the Free Phase, the Frightening phase, the Dangerous phase, or the Pacified Phase.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ah6ns\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The third phase occurs when the link between the necromancer and the Sulfurhast is broken. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ehrfi\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">How can it break, you wonder? <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7s11r\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When the Sulfurhast realizes its connection with you, and the fact that you're controlling it, it'll want its freedom. And also probably more than its freedom. Several events can provoke it: <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3g9ft\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The Sulfurhast will need to frequently ingest life essence. Understand by this: bits of soul and magic. If it doesn't have it, it will die. But a Sulfurhast is resourceful, and if you don't give it the option to feed on its surroundings, or if it's locked somewhere, then the magic bound between you and it will start to turn against you. The Sulfurhast will start to absorb your life essence instead of dying. You'll feel it, don't worry. But if you do nothing to stop it, it'll feed on your soul until you have nothing left and die, no matter the distance between you and it. In short, be careful about feeding properly your beast, or it'll feed on you like any other animal would.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-m69f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- You won't be able to possess your beast all the time. You'll have to get back to your body to eat, wash, and live a bit not to loose your muscles. And when you'll not be possessing your monster, it might feel the need to meet its creator a second time. If it finds you before you can realize it, it'll try to kill you, and to consume you. That way, it'll gain its freedom, and it'll consume your soul to increase greatly its lifespan. How convenient.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8q1gc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- You can also break the bound between your Sulfurhast and you at any time. It'll cost you a lot of black magic, but you can do it. You might ask: why would you want to break such a bound, after all the sacrifices you made to create it? If you feel like the bound between the Sulfurhast and you becomes dangerous, you will want to break it, trust me. A mage located you? The beast's hunting you? Someone understood that their friend isn't really a person but is a beast instead? You might want to break it for your safety. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4a4jc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">You'll loose your control over the beast. But sometimes, it's for the best. This is why I told you that creating a Sulfurhast should be your last resort.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6ulj5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Finally, if you die for any reason, the beast will be free nonetheless. It'll feel your death and will probably try to find your body to ingest it, but you won't be here anymore to prevent it.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ctktf\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">In the Freedom Phase, the Sulfurhast has gained intelligence and any skills its prey had. And it'll live its life as it wishes to, with its knowledge on the world. It'll choose its own purpose on life, and it'll live as long as it can find some life source from time to time, like a vampire. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-emchj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/p>","field6":"<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/33.Trait_Sheets\">Trait Sheet<\/a><\/p>","field7":"<p id=\"viewer-ejl0c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">To start, creating a Sulfurhast must be the very last resort of yours. It must be made only when you have tried every possible other options, and failed to all of them. The cost of such a ritual and the dangers encountered are rarely worth the price, and many necromancers have died in the process. And for those who survived... They all changed. You won't be able to see it, but you'll loose a part of yourself after created such a beast. Not like a missing finger or a hand, but more like missing a part of your own spitirual essence. Like a part of your soul, of your life. It's hard to explain to those who never experienced it. Be patient, you'll experience it soon enough.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dhpm4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Unlike everyone loves to believe, Sulfurhastes are not demons. And they do not come from hell. Some like to consider them as spirits, but it's more complex than that. They're more like... a part of you, and a part of their prey.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-582cu\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are not good or evil, they only serve their purpose. They look like ghosts, monsters, their silhouette is made from the remains you'll use. If you have the spirit of an artist, you might even make a beautiful beast. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9qbou\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">But let's talk about their purpose, about why one wants to create a Sulfurhast. These beasts are hunters. You give them a purpose at birth, a prey. Then, you turn them into puppets, and steal the identity of the prey. Always wanted to be a prince? Then send a Sulfurhast after the said prince. Nobody will be able to stop the process, not even the royal guards or the royal mage. <\/span><\/p>"}},"title":"Sulfurhast","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":["wip","stub"],"page_tag":null}
#190 3 July 2023, 15:46:09 UTC
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Length: 54720 (+214) -
{"data":{"description":"<h2 id=\"viewer-45d4c\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhast trait list<\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5qk0j\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No matter the aditional traits you choose, Sulfurhastes always have:<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3tb08\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- An animal semi-skull face (covered with a thin layer of skin). They<\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> can not have humanoid skulls, feet or other traits. They must be animalistic.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ac0od\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The semi-skull face has very pointy bone cheeks<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9scmm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- A square-tipped tongue<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9aoab\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Claws on humanoid hands<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7bk6k\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Anthro legs<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7gumd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Some protrudring bones in the back<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3b5qn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- A rough and thick skin<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-2hvhq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9hvln\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The size of the animal parts always adapt to the body; meaning that a hare skull, for example, will grow to be human-sized, and same for every animal body parts. <br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-6q5ct\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/97_133_faGWjfYOB1MqqkB.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1059\" height=\"1552\" \/><br \/><br \/><\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8sfdc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Here are the additional traits. A lot of them are free if you own a MYO, <strong>however <\/strong>some have a number at their side; it means that they cost one, two or three <strong>SulfurPoints<\/strong> (link) to unlock.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-fokm\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Head<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-76gns\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The head may have another gender. (Cow can become bull, deer can have no horn, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-e3m7d\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The bone cheek is always pointy<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5q0f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Is covered with a thin layer of skin<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fcdss\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Tongue is square-tipped<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9okok\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Orbits\/eye sockets and ears are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/105_136_UUyJNllSYqcJZnK.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"965\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cjern\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">The heads above are the most common, however, you may choose any existing animal skull for your Sulfurhast! Extinct and Mythical beasts require a trait.<\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-9kg9m\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-53dq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Orbits\/eye sockets (must corrrespond to the skull type)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-39hl3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Orbits\/eye sockets with a faint light inside (any color)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2rk1n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animals<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast, invented animal<br \/>It can be a creature from Realms-Between, or a species you own, but you can not use a closed species you don't own for the skull of a Sulfurhast<\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-1i4d9\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Horns<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7rsa3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-c3dnd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They don't have to match the head or ears (for example, you can have a cow head with deer antlers and wolf ears.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/106_137_vjSdHwM0guXmMVG.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"410\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5g945\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any mammal's horn (present on Earth + isn't an extinct species) (Free)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-69fim\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Other horns (Demon, dragon, insect, dino, or invented, etc.) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5kkfh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Huge horns (equal or bigger than two times the head's length) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-64h0n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-e3ac\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Ears<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-69rpm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-65na6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They don't have to match the head or horns (for example, you can have a cow head with deer antlers and wolf ears.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9h8rf\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The ears may have species variation (for example, cow ears can become Brahman cow ears for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/104_135_y6t4EsS7bTWcusS.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"514\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6pkqv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhast can have the ears of any existing animal.<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-882b\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5k53p\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">If you unlocked another kind of skull with SulfurPoints, you have unlocked its eventual ears as well for your <u class=\"_3zM-5\">current<\/u> design. (For example, if you spent one SulfurPoint to unlock a squirrel's skull, you can add squirrel ears for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-c53a3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;Uncommon: Extra Pairs of Ears<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6m2fu\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animal<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast<br \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-7bcsd\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Tail<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-77sah\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail is optional and your Sulfurhast can have a bare butt if you want<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8s5p5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- It doesn't have to match the other animal parts nor the head (for example, you can have a cow head with a wolf tail.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-a9dss\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail may look healthy or sick (fur loss, apparent bones, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9pnm5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail may have species variation (for example, a cat tail can become a sphinx or Maine coon cat tail for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/100_134_90JxuzYFnlkChwu.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"830\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d2akk\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">A Sulfurhast can have the tail of any existing animal<\/p>\r\n<p><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animal<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-1ap4a\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Paws, legs<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7vc4t\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- \"Paws\" only refers to the feet. The hands of the beast will remain human-like.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3i5g0\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The legs are always anthro-shaped, no matter the chosen paws. If the animal is plantigrade, they may be plantigrade, but the legs should still be animalistic<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-b9635\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- It doesn't have to match the other animal parts nor the head (for example, you can have a cow head with hare paws.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-83ljs\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Thumbs are optional (depends if the necromancer selected back or front paws or the animal.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/108_139_uTbLdk4ECqWB24z.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"631\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8roqn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">The feet can be based on any existing animal<\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-c5cu6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animal<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-5nto5\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Other traits<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dds6v\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They are completely optional.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6qruh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Other traits can appear at any time in the list and are not limited to the visual sheet only.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/107_138_NyUSS8ujbFu7p3U.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"1502\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5u1t5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Free addons: <\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-5fvt3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1m0pm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Fur (no limit)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1a04i\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Feathers (no limit)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2lrpm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hand pawpads<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-flni\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Damaged skull<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f066n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Carved bones\/skull<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8j70c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Extra teeth, fang and\/or tusks (any head)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7f4o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Stitches<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5pbv9\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Missing limbs \/ Heavily hurt<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ah4ml\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Extra bones \/ Protruding bones (no extra limbs or head)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8o3ri\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Skeletal body parts (missing flesh)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3433o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sick, ill aspect (skin problems, fur loss, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4js1h\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Black smoke constant leak (sulfur powder, toxic)<br \/>This can also leak from any wounds, or parts that have exposed skeleton\/bones<br \/><br \/>Spines, Heel Spurs, Talons, other portrusions<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ahgr7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Prosthesis (respecting the basic anatomy)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-4cqc2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-8lj24\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-agprj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>SulfurHast traits and their rarities:<br \/><\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-5hsn6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Uncommon<\/strong><br \/>Scales (any size and pattern)<strong><br \/><\/strong>Ooze: Bleed \/ fluid leak (Any color and texture, can glow if interacting with Phosphorescence<strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Metallic bones \/ markings<br \/><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Augmentation (If it is replacing the anatomy, this is a free trait, but things such as guns and weapons instead of arms, for example, require a trait) <br \/><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wisps (Wisps appear around the Sulfurhast, like will o wisps. They can glow.<br \/>Faerie Fire (The Sulfur appears to be on fire with unnatural flame. It does not burn, most often seen in greens and blues, but can be any color. Most often seen on the horns if they have them, or down their back on the ends of their protruding bones.)<br \/><\/span><br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Rare<\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Crystal bones \/ Gem growth<strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Ghostly, plasma (body parts or fullbody) (doesn't glow) Though it can glow when interacting with Phosphoresence<\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wings (any kind and number)<strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Phosphorescence. This can take the form of an inner glow coming from the mouth, lighting up the chest, revealing the ribcage. This can also take the form of a ghostly mist flowing from your Sulfur's mouth, eyes, or any areas they are open.<br \/><\/span><br \/><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Mythic<\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Taur-like body<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d10d6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Can be centaur-like or another species. Artwork is just an example, and your Taur can be completely different from the sheet.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6tkmg\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Mer-like body<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ai05a\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Can have the body of any aquatic animal. Artwork is just an example, and your Mer can be completely different from the sheet.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4tbfj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Conjointed<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1cbg3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Don't have to be \"twins\", nor two merged bodies only (can be three, or more conjointed bodies, all with different features. Add any extra limb(s) and head(s) you want.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7hh48\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><br \/>Sulfurhast can gain more forms through art and writing, by hunting prey and gaining Experience.<\/p>","parsed":{"description":"<h2 id=\"viewer-45d4c\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhast trait list<\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5qk0j\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No matter the aditional traits you choose, Sulfurhastes always have:<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3tb08\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- An animal semi-skull face (covered with a thin layer of skin). They<\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> can not have humanoid skulls, feet or other traits. They must be animalistic.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ac0od\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The semi-skull face has very pointy bone cheeks<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9scmm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- A square-tipped tongue<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9aoab\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Claws on humanoid hands<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7bk6k\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Anthro legs<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7gumd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Some protrudring bones in the back<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3b5qn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- A rough and thick skin<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-2hvhq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9hvln\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The size of the animal parts always adapt to the body; meaning that a hare skull, for example, will grow to be human-sized, and same for every animal body parts. <br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-6q5ct\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/97_133_faGWjfYOB1MqqkB.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1059\" height=\"1552\" \/><br \/><br \/><\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8sfdc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Here are the additional traits. A lot of them are free if you own a MYO, <strong>however <\/strong>some have a number at their side; it means that they cost one, two or three <strong>SulfurPoints<\/strong> (link) to unlock.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-fokm\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Head<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-76gns\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The head may have another gender. (Cow can become bull, deer can have no horn, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-e3m7d\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The bone cheek is always pointy<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5q0f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Is covered with a thin layer of skin<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fcdss\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Tongue is square-tipped<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9okok\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Orbits\/eye sockets and ears are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/105_136_UUyJNllSYqcJZnK.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"965\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cjern\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">The heads above are the most common, however, you may choose any existing animal skull for your Sulfurhast! Extinct and Mythical beasts require a trait.<\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-9kg9m\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-53dq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Orbits\/eye sockets (must corrrespond to the skull type)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-39hl3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Orbits\/eye sockets with a faint light inside (any color)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2rk1n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animals<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast, invented animal<br \/>It can be a creature from Realms-Between, or a species you own, but you can not use a closed species you don't own for the skull of a Sulfurhast<\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-1i4d9\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Horns<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7rsa3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-c3dnd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They don't have to match the head or ears (for example, you can have a cow head with deer antlers and wolf ears.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/106_137_vjSdHwM0guXmMVG.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"410\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5g945\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any mammal's horn (present on Earth + isn't an extinct species) (Free)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-69fim\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Other horns (Demon, dragon, insect, dino, or invented, etc.) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5kkfh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Huge horns (equal or bigger than two times the head's length) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-64h0n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-e3ac\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Ears<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-69rpm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-65na6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They don't have to match the head or horns (for example, you can have a cow head with deer antlers and wolf ears.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9h8rf\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The ears may have species variation (for example, cow ears can become Brahman cow ears for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/104_135_y6t4EsS7bTWcusS.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"514\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6pkqv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhast can have the ears of any existing animal.<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-882b\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5k53p\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">If you unlocked another kind of skull with SulfurPoints, you have unlocked its eventual ears as well for your <u class=\"_3zM-5\">current<\/u> design. (For example, if you spent one SulfurPoint to unlock a squirrel's skull, you can add squirrel ears for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-c53a3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;Uncommon: Extra Pairs of Ears<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6m2fu\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animal<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast<br \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-7bcsd\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Tail<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-77sah\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail is optional and your Sulfurhast can have a bare butt if you want<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8s5p5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- It doesn't have to match the other animal parts nor the head (for example, you can have a cow head with a wolf tail.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-a9dss\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail may look healthy or sick (fur loss, apparent bones, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9pnm5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail may have species variation (for example, a cat tail can become a sphinx or Maine coon cat tail for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/100_134_90JxuzYFnlkChwu.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"830\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d2akk\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">A Sulfurhast can have the tail of any existing animal<\/p>\r\n<p><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animal<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-1ap4a\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Paws, legs<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7vc4t\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- \"Paws\" only refers to the feet. The hands of the beast will remain human-like.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3i5g0\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The legs are always anthro-shaped, no matter the chosen paws. If the animal is plantigrade, they may be plantigrade, but the legs should still be animalistic<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-b9635\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- It doesn't have to match the other animal parts nor the head (for example, you can have a cow head with hare paws.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-83ljs\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Thumbs are optional (depends if the necromancer selected back or front paws or the animal.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/108_139_uTbLdk4ECqWB24z.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"631\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8roqn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">The feet can be based on any existing animal<\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-c5cu6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animal<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-5nto5\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Other traits<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dds6v\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They are completely optional.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6qruh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Other traits can appear at any time in the list and are not limited to the visual sheet only.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/107_138_NyUSS8ujbFu7p3U.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"1502\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5u1t5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Free addons: <\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-5fvt3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1m0pm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Fur (no limit)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1a04i\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Feathers (no limit)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2lrpm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hand pawpads<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-flni\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Damaged skull<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f066n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Carved bones\/skull<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8j70c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Extra teeth, fang and\/or tusks (any head)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7f4o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Stitches<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5pbv9\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Missing limbs \/ Heavily hurt<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ah4ml\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Extra bones \/ Protruding bones (no extra limbs or head)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8o3ri\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Skeletal body parts (missing flesh)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3433o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sick, ill aspect (skin problems, fur loss, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4js1h\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Black smoke constant leak (sulfur powder, toxic)<br \/>This can also leak from any wounds, or parts that have exposed skeleton\/bones<br \/><br \/>Spines, Heel Spurs, Talons, other portrusions<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ahgr7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Prosthesis (respecting the basic anatomy)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-4cqc2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-8lj24\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-agprj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>SulfurHast traits and their rarities:<br \/><\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-5hsn6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Uncommon<\/strong><br \/>Scales (any size and pattern)<strong><br \/><\/strong>Ooze: Bleed \/ fluid leak (Any color and texture, can glow if interacting with Phosphorescence<strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Metallic bones \/ markings<br \/><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Augmentation (If it is replacing the anatomy, this is a free trait, but things such as guns and weapons instead of arms, for example, require a trait) <br \/><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wisps (Wisps appear around the Sulfurhast, like will o wisps. They can glow.<br \/>Faerie Fire (The Sulfur appears to be on fire with unnatural flame. It does not burn, most often seen in greens and blues, but can be any color. Most often seen on the horns if they have them, or down their back on the ends of their protruding bones.)<br \/><\/span><br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Rare<\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Crystal bones \/ Gem growth<strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Ghostly, plasma (body parts or fullbody) (doesn't glow) Though it can glow when interacting with Phosphoresence<\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wings (any kind and number)<strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Phosphorescence. This can take the form of an inner glow coming from the mouth, lighting up the chest, revealing the ribcage. This can also take the form of a ghostly mist flowing from your Sulfur's mouth, eyes, or any areas they are open.<br \/><\/span><br \/><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Mythic<\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Taur-like body<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d10d6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Can be centaur-like or another species. Artwork is just an example, and your Taur can be completely different from the sheet.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6tkmg\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Mer-like body<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ai05a\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Can have the body of any aquatic animal. Artwork is just an example, and your Mer can be completely different from the sheet.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4tbfj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Conjointed<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1cbg3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Don't have to be \"twins\", nor two merged bodies only (can be three, or more conjointed bodies, all with different features. Add any extra limb(s) and head(s) you want.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7hh48\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><br \/>Sulfurhast can gain more forms through art and writing, by hunting prey and gaining Experience.<\/p>"}},"title":"Trait Sheets","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":["wip"],"page_tag":null}
#189 3 July 2023, 15:00:14 UTC
Page Updated
Length: 1134 (+128) -
{"data":{"description":"<p>Sulfurhast can have any color and pattern inspired by real creatures and animals, or natural looking markings. To get unnatural markings and colors, these require traits<br \/><br \/><br \/>Free<br \/>Accents (Natural base coat with unnatural colored marking)<br \/><br \/>Uncommon<br \/>Unnatural Markings (Any shape other than runic symbols on the skull\/head, such as eyes, flowers, tribal patterns, similar)<\/p>\r\n<p>Rare<br \/>Unnatural Colors (Like red, or green, or similar)<\/p>","parsed":{"description":"<p>Sulfurhast can have any color and pattern inspired by real creatures and animals, or natural looking markings. To get unnatural markings and colors, these require traits<br \/><br \/><br \/>Free<br \/>Accents (Natural base coat with unnatural colored marking)<br \/><br \/>Uncommon<br \/>Unnatural Markings (Any shape other than runic symbols on the skull\/head, such as eyes, flowers, tribal patterns, similar)<\/p>\r\n<p>Rare<br \/>Unnatural Colors (Like red, or green, or similar)<\/p>"}},"title":"Colors and Patterns","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":null,"page_tag":null}
#188 3 July 2023, 14:58:03 UTC
Page Updated
Length: 1006 (+10) -
{"data":{"description":"<p>Sulfurhast can have any color and pattern inspired by real creatures and animals, or natural looking markings. To get unnatural markings and colors, these require traits<br \/><br \/><br \/>Free<br \/>Accents (Natural base coat with unnatural colored marking)<br \/><br \/>Uncommon<br \/>Unnatural Markings (Shapes such as eyes, symbols, and such)<\/p>\r\n<p>Rare<br \/>Unnatural Colors (Like red, or green, or similar)<\/p>","parsed":{"description":"<p>Sulfurhast can have any color and pattern inspired by real creatures and animals, or natural looking markings. To get unnatural markings and colors, these require traits<br \/><br \/><br \/>Free<br \/>Accents (Natural base coat with unnatural colored marking)<br \/><br \/>Uncommon<br \/>Unnatural Markings (Shapes such as eyes, symbols, and such)<\/p>\r\n<p>Rare<br \/>Unnatural Colors (Like red, or green, or similar)<\/p>"}},"title":"Colors and Patterns","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":null,"page_tag":null}
#187 3 July 2023, 14:30:01 UTC
Page Updated
Length: 59721 (+1204) -
{"data":{"description":"<p>Information Coming Soon<br \/><br \/>Purchased From: LinkaBell-Art<br \/><br \/>Created by Yoka (They seem to have left DeviantArt)<br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/\/yoka\">https:\/\/\/yoka<\/a><br \/><br \/>There are guest artists who can make adopts<br \/><br \/>ALL existing MYOs will be honored!<br \/><br \/>Upgrade Token Cost Coming Soon<br \/><br \/>See the <a href=\"https:\/\/\/sulfurhast-den\">group on deviantart<\/a> for proof of my ownership! I purchased them from <a href=\"https:\/\/\/linkabell-art\">Linkabell-Art<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>Who purchased them from the original creator <a href=\"https:\/\/\/yokamycelium\">YokaMycelium<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>Original concept that became the Sulfurhast created by <a href=\"https:\/\/\/tomoburd\">Tomoburd<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>Full species rights belongs to me, Cryptid-Artha, Artha-Demon in some places!<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/33.Trait_Sheets\">Trait Sheets<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/31.FAQs\">Frequently Asked Questions<\/a><br \/>(This may be updated!)<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/35.Colors_and_Patterns\">Colors and Patterns<\/a><br \/>(The original color and pattern sheet seems to be missing, I am unable to find it, so I had to work on my own)<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/34.Rules\">Rules<\/a><br \/>(May be changed a bit)<\/p>","field1":"<p id=\"viewer-59nfh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">A Sulfurhast is a merciless beast commonly used as hunters and puppets. Their main purpose is to track down, kill, and take the appearance of their prey. Useful in kings games or when a target becomes unreachable...<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6tvh1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are generally tall, and easily can reach 2m \/ 6'6\" to 2,50m \/ 8'2\" (approx.) Although smaller ones already have been witnessed, and they're not less deadly or dangerous. They all have a skull face covered with a thin layer of skin, and it's most often the face of a psychopomp animal (guide of souls.) Their skin looks like it's been flayed, yet it's a tough layer of hide.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-917hl\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They can evolve in any universe having magic, and especially black magic. They can be created by powerful necromancers, witches, dark mages, or black magic users in general, implying a lot of sacrifices and a dangerous ritual. They are made with fresh flesh, black magic, and sulfur.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3s0sl\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Since they're based on humanoid remains, they can have various body types and sizes, as well as various animal parts.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fa3n6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are sometimes seen with orbits, and a faint light illuminating it from the inside.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-bip46\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Their tongue is always thick with a square-shaped tip.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-b43c5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-718no\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They're mostly unknown in folklores and cultures. \"Sulfurhaste\" never or rarely ring a bell, the name means nothing to most of all. However, some powerful magic users might have heard that name once; and it has been described as a knife to the jugular, as something impossible to stop once it's created, as a terrific fate. They say that once you are chased by a Sulfurhast, your life is at the mercy of the gods.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-84s6l\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare are the souls aware of what's a Sulfurhast, and even rarer are those who knows how to create one. <\/span><\/p>","field2":"<p><br \/><br \/>Ingredients to Summon a Sulfurhast<br \/>- A lot of sulfur powder. Be careful, you'll have to manipulate it with a mask on your face not to breathe it. A high dose could kill you, and a small dose is enough to be disoriented.<br \/>- Warm human blood.<br \/>- A human's fresh corpse.<br \/>- Chosen animal's fresh body parts, including the skull, tail and legs. Other bits such as ears or horns can be added.<br \/>- A possession from the prey you chose. Make sure it belongs to your prey, and that it has been stolen, not gifted to you. The more the prey is attached to this object, the stronger the bound. It can only be an object or a part of the prey's body (such as blood or hair, for example.) The object should be free of magic, or should contains the prey's magic only.<br \/>- And a bit of your own life essence.<br \/><br \/>The best way to set up the ritual is to have two humans and the chosen animal(s) in nearby cages. Gather the warm blood of the first human, and mix it with the sulfur power. You should get a sticky and awful mixture. Use it to trace the Sulfurhast symbol on a clean ground. It should be large enough so the circle can hold entirely the Sulfurhast's&nbsp;lying body. Alternatively you can use the blood of the body you'll use afterwards and only have one victim instead of two, but it's less efficient.<br \/><br \/>The symbol to make your Sulfurhast real is important, and full of meaning. By a simple look, it reveals the triadic and complex relationship between the necromancer, the Sulfurhast, and the prey. The symbol at its center is the symbol for sulfur, your most important component when making your beast. The triangle is here to represent the three involved parts in this terrible spell. The circle is here to contains the magic inside. On top of the symbol is the necromancy symbol, it represents you and your actions. At right, another sulfur symbol, but also the symbol of a hunt that will never cease even if there are obstacles on the way. It represent the Sulfurhast and how impossible it is to stop it. At left, the symbol of sacrifice. It represent the chosen prey, the goal, the sole obsession, and he consequences of your actions.<br \/><br \/>When you traced the symbol, kill the second human and the animal(s) and dispose their body parts in a way to form the Sulfurhast's body. The head of the beast should be where the hunt symbol stands (the right one.) And the arms of the future beast should point towards the two other symbols (the necromancer and the prey,) but make sure that none of the body parts get across the circle. A servant can do it for you, if you have willing servants... but I think it's more important for the bound between the beast and you to do it yourself. Then, place the future prey's possession where the prey symbol stands (the left one.) Try to restrain your nausea when you'll start smelling the blood and sulfur's awful smells, and when you'll manipulate corpses. There is no place for sudden guilt or disgust in your action in this ritual.<br \/>You may take bodyparts of people died from a natural death or from a disease, so you don't have to kill them yourself, but make sure that the body parts remain fresh, and didn't start to rot.<br \/><br \/>When it's done, sit down where the necromancer symbol stands (the top one.) But do NOT cross the circle, not even with the tip of your toes: you would loose them.<br \/>It's no wonder why the necromancer symbol stands on the top: if you manage well, you'll be in control of the two other parts soon enough.&nbsp;<br \/>When you feel prepared, pronounce the ritual's words while infusing the symbol and the body parts with your black magic and life essence:&nbsp;<br \/><br \/><em>Kmetz kha dvash stom zmutzam abakh kmetz peshbo' tzu dvash matosh tzovkha dash<br \/>Ish kebo'an okhney shad kme'ekim bnar kvi'ek&nbsp;stot kmeya mamhim sikhumtze yoba zmukh<br \/>bomked kofo khagugmo imha'nomuye iyat'an nug o'em pehumni bnush dvashe ped<br \/>Kmetz kha dvash stom zmutzam abakh kmetz peshbo' tzu dvash matosh tzovkha dash<\/em><br \/><br \/>It is&nbsp;Dvalmay words, a language lost a long time ago. The first person to create a Sulfurhast talked this language. The spell probably could work if we pronouced the correct sentences in any language, but we lost the translation over the eras. You'd better learn these sentence by heart because you will be too focused on maintaining the spell to read scrappy notes on a sketchbook. While you do this, make sure that nothing can interrupt you. The Sulfurhast won't be alive until the end, but that'd be a serious waste to be interrupted after already so many sacrifices.&nbsp;<br \/>When you said every sentences, then say them again and again, until soemthing changes.<br \/><br \/>If you did everything well, you should see soon enough a black smoke filling the inside of the circle. It will not reach you, to the condition you made a circle with no hole. Keep repeating the Dvalmay sentences. To this point, you'll be in a state of trance. You might even start to ignore what's around you, so make sure that no one's gonna stab you in the back.&nbsp;<br \/>When the smoke will slowly disappear, and if your eyes are open, you'll see the Sulfurhast rising. If the spell succeeded, you'll feel the Sulfurhast becoming alive and rising as if it was you. Then, you'll know you succeeded.<br \/><br \/>The Sulfurhast will be stuck inside the circle as long as you'll be pronouncing the sentences. It might feel like a comfortable situation, but you should not make it wait, for the bound with its prey must be made at most a few minutes after its birth. Otherwise, you'll automatically become its prey...<br \/>Stop saying the sentence as soon as the beast awoke. The magic barrier will cease and the beast will be able to walk past it. Stop infusing your magic and life essence as well, or it will consume you whole: the beast will take what you give to it.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>Most of time, the monster will feel the object's presence on the prey's symbol, and will reach it to eat and consume it. Then the track will start, the beast will leave to find its prey, and you can take a break. But sometimes, the beast will remain inside the circle and not make a move, or worse: it'll seem to be more interested in YOU. If it happens, quickly grab the object and give it to your monster.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>When the Sulfurhast started its hunt, you'll need to rest. You'll feel exhausted. Try not to cast any other spell for a week if you can; you'll be drained. Eat and drink as much as you can, and sleep as much as you need to. You'll maybe experience visions or dreams, where you'll see what your beast sees or feel what it feels. It's normal.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>If you survived this far, congratulations! You'll now be the proud owner of an identity-theft monster, and you'll soon be able to take control of it and its powers. You'll have to take care of your monster and to make sure it never wants its freedom, aka your death.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>And if you ever feel like you could create a second monster, then a third, then many others and never cease, then remember this: it'll take a part of your soul every time.&nbsp;<\/p>","field3":"<p>Unknown<\/p>","field4":"<p>Undead, Eldritch, dangerous. Powerful and tireless<\/p>","field5":"<p>These creatures do not reproduce, as they are summoned\/created. How they are created and their origins are seen here<br \/><br \/><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The triangle is an excellent representation of a Sulfurhast's life. It is no hazard if its invocation symbols represents the three possible stages of its life and in the same time, its complex relationship with the two other parts. Let's have a closer look at it: <\/span><br \/><br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/99_121_s3V2FpIphwEGTZB.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"957\" \/><br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cg0j8\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Gene Seskrit explains:<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">\"<em>The symbol to make your Sulfurhast real is important, and full of meaning. By a simple look, it reveals the triadic and complex relationship between the necromancer, the Sulfurhast, and the prey. The symbol at its center is the symbol for sulfur, your most important component when making your beast. The triangle is here to represent the three involved parts in this terrible spell. The circle is here to contains the magic inside. On top of the symbol is the necromancy symbol, it represents you and your actions. At right, another sulfur symbol, but also the symbol of a hunt that will never cease even if there are obstacles on the way. It represent the Sulfurhast and how impossible it is to stop it. At left, the symbol of sacrifice. It represent the chosen prey, the goal, the sole obsession, and he consequences of your actions.<\/em>\"<br \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9vdfa\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhastes can live accross three phases in their life. Only two of them are useful for you.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8ilht\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The first phase is called the <strong>Hunter Phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-crmn7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When the beast will rise from its sulfur and blood symbol that you traced on the groud, you'll have a few minutes only to give it a purpose. Give it something that belonged to the person you want to see dead. It can be anything, but the more the object was important to the prey, the stronger the link; and if it's blood of the prey, it's even better. The Sulfurhast will eat this possession, then it'll immediately locate its prey, and start running in their direction. It'll be a magic link, and the Sulfurhast will know where is its prey even if it's at the other side of the world.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-41j9l\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">During this phase, the Sulfurhast is nothing more than an empty shell of flesh. They have no soul and no feelings. All they have is the bit of black magic you gave them and... and a bit of your own essence. And deep inside their guts, they have an insatiable hunger. But nothing could calm the hunger; the food will turn into ashes, the flesh will be unsaviory and useless, black magic and people's life essence will be only temporary. No, only the flesh, the possessions and the soul of their designated prey will be able to satisfy their hunger, and they know it. They'll never cease to track down their prey until they're satisfied. The target you gave them will be their sole obsession.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2gjae\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Their prey can be anyone, but keep in mind that the victim you choose will have a terrible death. During this phase, the beast will not sleep, nor eat, nor rest. It'll keep running towards the victim until it finds it. Its level of intelligence is minor, but it might eventually learn how to open door handles and such things. It doesn't have thoughts, but it's not completely a beast. It's more like... a ghost.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-mlq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The second phase is called the <strong>Puppet Phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dokkk\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">It occurs when the Sulfurhast finally found and ingested its prey. It will have consumed everything about its target: flesh, bones, spiritual essence, bits of memory, languages, clothes, and current possessions.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dbop1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The hunger is calmed. The Sulfurhast will still need to ingest life essence and black magic from time to time, but it'll be a minor annoyance. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7bh99\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The beast ingested everything about its prey. <em>Everything<\/em>. So much that it <em>became<\/em> its prey. And the person it killed and ate now became the Sulfurhast. And the Sulfurhast may now shapeshit into its prey's appearance in a flash of black smoke. No matter the species of its prey and how different it was from the Sulfurhast's original body, it'll be able to shapeshift in a few seconds. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7p6o1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The beast might try to imitate the dead prey at first, but it'll be clumsly and won't be able to fool the victim's relatives. This is where your job continues.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d7s5g\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The \"Puppet\" Phase is named that way because once the prey is ingested, you are able to take control of your beast. With a simple ritual of possession, which will be eased by the fact that the Sulfurhast has a bit of your essence, you'll be able to take control of your monster at will. You'll see through its eyes, you'll shape shift in its stead, you'll feel what it feels, and you'll act through the beast as you wish. When people will see their friend, they'll in fact see a monster who ate it, controlled by a necromancer. That's wild, isn't it?<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dm3ca\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">It is useful to steal an identity, a throne, etc. You'll be the prince of a foreign country, your worst enemy's wife, you'll be a child again or an old person. You'll steal every power, status, title, and anything the victim had.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2o0nv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Be careful about powerful magic users however, for they might feel the black magic link inside the beast. When you possess the beast, a good mage might be able to feel you and to locate you.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8sdi6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">During this phase, the Sulfurhast has gained life essence. It is now completed by a full soul, and by the bits of you that you gave earlier. It technically became <em>alive<\/em>. And it will learn. And it will learn <em>fast<\/em>. And it will start feeling. And it'll start living, and experiencing. And it'll become as intelligent as you, sometimes more. It'll take some time to happen, but it always happens faster than you expected. And the beast will start to realise that someone is controlling it in its stead. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f6goc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The third phase is called the <strong>Freedom phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-frsir\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Although it may be called by other names such as the Free Phase, the Frightening phase, the Dangerous phase, or the Pacified Phase.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ah6ns\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The third phase occurs when the link between the necromancer and the Sulfurhast is broken. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ehrfi\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">How can it break, you wonder? <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7s11r\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When the Sulfurhast realizes its connection with you, and the fact that you're controlling it, it'll want its freedom. And also probably more than its freedom. Several events can provoke it: <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3g9ft\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The Sulfurhast will need to frequently ingest life essence. Understand by this: bits of soul and magic. If it doesn't have it, it will die. But a Sulfurhast is resourceful, and if you don't give it the option to feed on its surroundings, or if it's locked somewhere, then the magic bound between you and it will start to turn against you. The Sulfurhast will start to absorb your life essence instead of dying. You'll feel it, don't worry. But if you do nothing to stop it, it'll feed on your soul until you have nothing left and die, no matter the distance between you and it. In short, be careful about feeding properly your beast, or it'll feed on you like any other animal would.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-m69f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- You won't be able to possess your beast all the time. You'll have to get back to your body to eat, wash, and live a bit not to loose your muscles. And when you'll not be possessing your monster, it might feel the need to meet its creator a second time. If it finds you before you can realize it, it'll try to kill you, and to consume you. That way, it'll gain its freedom, and it'll consume your soul to increase greatly its lifespan. How convenient.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8q1gc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- You can also break the bound between your Sulfurhast and you at any time. It'll cost you a lot of black magic, but you can do it. You might ask: why would you want to break such a bound, after all the sacrifices you made to create it? If you feel like the bound between the Sulfurhast and you becomes dangerous, you will want to break it, trust me. A mage located you? The beast's hunting you? Someone understood that their friend isn't really a person but is a beast instead? You might want to break it for your safety. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4a4jc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">You'll loose your control over the beast. But sometimes, it's for the best. This is why I told you that creating a Sulfurhast should be your last resort.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6ulj5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Finally, if you die for any reason, the beast will be free nonetheless. It'll feel your death and will probably try to find your body to ingest it, but you won't be here anymore to prevent it.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ctktf\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">In the Freedom Phase, the Sulfurhast has gained intelligence and any skills its prey had. And it'll live its life as it wishes to, with its knowledge on the world. It'll choose its own purpose on life, and it'll live as long as it can find some life source from time to time, like a vampire. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-emchj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/p>","field6":"<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/33.Trait_Sheets\">Trait Sheet<\/a><\/p>","field7":"<p id=\"viewer-ejl0c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">To start, creating a Sulfurhast must be the very last resort of yours. It must be made only when you have tried every possible other options, and failed to all of them. The cost of such a ritual and the dangers encountered are rarely worth the price, and many necromancers have died in the process. And for those who survived... They all changed. You won't be able to see it, but you'll loose a part of yourself after created such a beast. Not like a missing finger or a hand, but more like missing a part of your own spitirual essence. Like a part of your soul, of your life. It's hard to explain to those who never experienced it. Be patient, you'll experience it soon enough.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dhpm4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Unlike everyone loves to believe, Sulfurhastes are not demons. And they do not come from hell. Some like to consider them as spirits, but it's more complex than that. They're more like... a part of you, and a part of their prey.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-582cu\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are not good or evil, they only serve their purpose. They look like ghosts, monsters, their silhouette is made from the remains you'll use. If you have the spirit of an artist, you might even make a beautiful beast. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9qbou\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">But let's talk about their purpose, about why one wants to create a Sulfurhast. These beasts are hunters. You give them a purpose at birth, a prey. Then, you turn them into puppets, and steal the identity of the prey. Always wanted to be a prince? Then send a Sulfurhast after the said prince. Nobody will be able to stop the process, not even the royal guards or the royal mage. <\/span><\/p>","parsed":{"description":"<p>Information Coming Soon<br \/><br \/>Purchased From: LinkaBell-Art<br \/><br \/>Created by Yoka (They seem to have left DeviantArt)<br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/\/yoka\">https:\/\/\/yoka<\/a><br \/><br \/>There are guest artists who can make adopts<br \/><br \/>ALL existing MYOs will be honored!<br \/><br \/>Upgrade Token Cost Coming Soon<br \/><br \/>See the <a href=\"https:\/\/\/sulfurhast-den\">group on deviantart<\/a> for proof of my ownership! I purchased them from <a href=\"https:\/\/\/linkabell-art\">Linkabell-Art<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>Who purchased them from the original creator <a href=\"https:\/\/\/yokamycelium\">YokaMycelium<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>Original concept that became the Sulfurhast created by <a href=\"https:\/\/\/tomoburd\">Tomoburd<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>Full species rights belongs to me, Cryptid-Artha, Artha-Demon in some places!<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/33.Trait_Sheets\">Trait Sheets<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/31.FAQs\">Frequently Asked Questions<\/a><br \/>(This may be updated!)<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/35.Colors_and_Patterns\">Colors and Patterns<\/a><br \/>(The original color and pattern sheet seems to be missing, I am unable to find it, so I had to work on my own)<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/34.Rules\">Rules<\/a><br \/>(May be changed a bit)<\/p>","field1":"<p id=\"viewer-59nfh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">A Sulfurhast is a merciless beast commonly used as hunters and puppets. Their main purpose is to track down, kill, and take the appearance of their prey. Useful in kings games or when a target becomes unreachable...<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6tvh1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are generally tall, and easily can reach 2m \/ 6'6\" to 2,50m \/ 8'2\" (approx.) Although smaller ones already have been witnessed, and they're not less deadly or dangerous. They all have a skull face covered with a thin layer of skin, and it's most often the face of a psychopomp animal (guide of souls.) Their skin looks like it's been flayed, yet it's a tough layer of hide.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-917hl\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They can evolve in any universe having magic, and especially black magic. They can be created by powerful necromancers, witches, dark mages, or black magic users in general, implying a lot of sacrifices and a dangerous ritual. They are made with fresh flesh, black magic, and sulfur.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3s0sl\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Since they're based on humanoid remains, they can have various body types and sizes, as well as various animal parts.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fa3n6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are sometimes seen with orbits, and a faint light illuminating it from the inside.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-bip46\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Their tongue is always thick with a square-shaped tip.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-b43c5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-718no\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They're mostly unknown in folklores and cultures. \"Sulfurhaste\" never or rarely ring a bell, the name means nothing to most of all. However, some powerful magic users might have heard that name once; and it has been described as a knife to the jugular, as something impossible to stop once it's created, as a terrific fate. They say that once you are chased by a Sulfurhast, your life is at the mercy of the gods.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-84s6l\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare are the souls aware of what's a Sulfurhast, and even rarer are those who knows how to create one. <\/span><\/p>","field2":"<p><br \/><br \/>Ingredients to Summon a Sulfurhast<br \/>- A lot of sulfur powder. Be careful, you'll have to manipulate it with a mask on your face not to breathe it. A high dose could kill you, and a small dose is enough to be disoriented.<br \/>- Warm human blood.<br \/>- A human's fresh corpse.<br \/>- Chosen animal's fresh body parts, including the skull, tail and legs. Other bits such as ears or horns can be added.<br \/>- A possession from the prey you chose. Make sure it belongs to your prey, and that it has been stolen, not gifted to you. The more the prey is attached to this object, the stronger the bound. It can only be an object or a part of the prey's body (such as blood or hair, for example.) The object should be free of magic, or should contains the prey's magic only.<br \/>- And a bit of your own life essence.<br \/><br \/>The best way to set up the ritual is to have two humans and the chosen animal(s) in nearby cages. Gather the warm blood of the first human, and mix it with the sulfur power. You should get a sticky and awful mixture. Use it to trace the Sulfurhast symbol on a clean ground. It should be large enough so the circle can hold entirely the Sulfurhast's&nbsp;lying body. Alternatively you can use the blood of the body you'll use afterwards and only have one victim instead of two, but it's less efficient.<br \/><br \/>The symbol to make your Sulfurhast real is important, and full of meaning. By a simple look, it reveals the triadic and complex relationship between the necromancer, the Sulfurhast, and the prey. The symbol at its center is the symbol for sulfur, your most important component when making your beast. The triangle is here to represent the three involved parts in this terrible spell. The circle is here to contains the magic inside. On top of the symbol is the necromancy symbol, it represents you and your actions. At right, another sulfur symbol, but also the symbol of a hunt that will never cease even if there are obstacles on the way. It represent the Sulfurhast and how impossible it is to stop it. At left, the symbol of sacrifice. It represent the chosen prey, the goal, the sole obsession, and he consequences of your actions.<br \/><br \/>When you traced the symbol, kill the second human and the animal(s) and dispose their body parts in a way to form the Sulfurhast's body. The head of the beast should be where the hunt symbol stands (the right one.) And the arms of the future beast should point towards the two other symbols (the necromancer and the prey,) but make sure that none of the body parts get across the circle. A servant can do it for you, if you have willing servants... but I think it's more important for the bound between the beast and you to do it yourself. Then, place the future prey's possession where the prey symbol stands (the left one.) Try to restrain your nausea when you'll start smelling the blood and sulfur's awful smells, and when you'll manipulate corpses. There is no place for sudden guilt or disgust in your action in this ritual.<br \/>You may take bodyparts of people died from a natural death or from a disease, so you don't have to kill them yourself, but make sure that the body parts remain fresh, and didn't start to rot.<br \/><br \/>When it's done, sit down where the necromancer symbol stands (the top one.) But do NOT cross the circle, not even with the tip of your toes: you would loose them.<br \/>It's no wonder why the necromancer symbol stands on the top: if you manage well, you'll be in control of the two other parts soon enough.&nbsp;<br \/>When you feel prepared, pronounce the ritual's words while infusing the symbol and the body parts with your black magic and life essence:&nbsp;<br \/><br \/><em>Kmetz kha dvash stom zmutzam abakh kmetz peshbo' tzu dvash matosh tzovkha dash<br \/>Ish kebo'an okhney shad kme'ekim bnar kvi'ek&nbsp;stot kmeya mamhim sikhumtze yoba zmukh<br \/>bomked kofo khagugmo imha'nomuye iyat'an nug o'em pehumni bnush dvashe ped<br \/>Kmetz kha dvash stom zmutzam abakh kmetz peshbo' tzu dvash matosh tzovkha dash<\/em><br \/><br \/>It is&nbsp;Dvalmay words, a language lost a long time ago. The first person to create a Sulfurhast talked this language. The spell probably could work if we pronouced the correct sentences in any language, but we lost the translation over the eras. You'd better learn these sentence by heart because you will be too focused on maintaining the spell to read scrappy notes on a sketchbook. While you do this, make sure that nothing can interrupt you. The Sulfurhast won't be alive until the end, but that'd be a serious waste to be interrupted after already so many sacrifices.&nbsp;<br \/>When you said every sentences, then say them again and again, until soemthing changes.<br \/><br \/>If you did everything well, you should see soon enough a black smoke filling the inside of the circle. It will not reach you, to the condition you made a circle with no hole. Keep repeating the Dvalmay sentences. To this point, you'll be in a state of trance. You might even start to ignore what's around you, so make sure that no one's gonna stab you in the back.&nbsp;<br \/>When the smoke will slowly disappear, and if your eyes are open, you'll see the Sulfurhast rising. If the spell succeeded, you'll feel the Sulfurhast becoming alive and rising as if it was you. Then, you'll know you succeeded.<br \/><br \/>The Sulfurhast will be stuck inside the circle as long as you'll be pronouncing the sentences. It might feel like a comfortable situation, but you should not make it wait, for the bound with its prey must be made at most a few minutes after its birth. Otherwise, you'll automatically become its prey...<br \/>Stop saying the sentence as soon as the beast awoke. The magic barrier will cease and the beast will be able to walk past it. Stop infusing your magic and life essence as well, or it will consume you whole: the beast will take what you give to it.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>Most of time, the monster will feel the object's presence on the prey's symbol, and will reach it to eat and consume it. Then the track will start, the beast will leave to find its prey, and you can take a break. But sometimes, the beast will remain inside the circle and not make a move, or worse: it'll seem to be more interested in YOU. If it happens, quickly grab the object and give it to your monster.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>When the Sulfurhast started its hunt, you'll need to rest. You'll feel exhausted. Try not to cast any other spell for a week if you can; you'll be drained. Eat and drink as much as you can, and sleep as much as you need to. You'll maybe experience visions or dreams, where you'll see what your beast sees or feel what it feels. It's normal.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>If you survived this far, congratulations! You'll now be the proud owner of an identity-theft monster, and you'll soon be able to take control of it and its powers. You'll have to take care of your monster and to make sure it never wants its freedom, aka your death.&nbsp;<br \/><br \/>And if you ever feel like you could create a second monster, then a third, then many others and never cease, then remember this: it'll take a part of your soul every time.&nbsp;<\/p>","field3":"<p>Unknown<\/p>","field4":"<p>Undead, Eldritch, dangerous. Powerful and tireless<\/p>","field5":"<p>These creatures do not reproduce, as they are summoned\/created. How they are created and their origins are seen here<br \/><br \/><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The triangle is an excellent representation of a Sulfurhast's life. It is no hazard if its invocation symbols represents the three possible stages of its life and in the same time, its complex relationship with the two other parts. Let's have a closer look at it: <\/span><br \/><br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/99_121_s3V2FpIphwEGTZB.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"957\" \/><br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cg0j8\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Gene Seskrit explains:<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">\"<em>The symbol to make your Sulfurhast real is important, and full of meaning. By a simple look, it reveals the triadic and complex relationship between the necromancer, the Sulfurhast, and the prey. The symbol at its center is the symbol for sulfur, your most important component when making your beast. The triangle is here to represent the three involved parts in this terrible spell. The circle is here to contains the magic inside. On top of the symbol is the necromancy symbol, it represents you and your actions. At right, another sulfur symbol, but also the symbol of a hunt that will never cease even if there are obstacles on the way. It represent the Sulfurhast and how impossible it is to stop it. At left, the symbol of sacrifice. It represent the chosen prey, the goal, the sole obsession, and he consequences of your actions.<\/em>\"<br \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9vdfa\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhastes can live accross three phases in their life. Only two of them are useful for you.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8ilht\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The first phase is called the <strong>Hunter Phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-crmn7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When the beast will rise from its sulfur and blood symbol that you traced on the groud, you'll have a few minutes only to give it a purpose. Give it something that belonged to the person you want to see dead. It can be anything, but the more the object was important to the prey, the stronger the link; and if it's blood of the prey, it's even better. The Sulfurhast will eat this possession, then it'll immediately locate its prey, and start running in their direction. It'll be a magic link, and the Sulfurhast will know where is its prey even if it's at the other side of the world.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-41j9l\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">During this phase, the Sulfurhast is nothing more than an empty shell of flesh. They have no soul and no feelings. All they have is the bit of black magic you gave them and... and a bit of your own essence. And deep inside their guts, they have an insatiable hunger. But nothing could calm the hunger; the food will turn into ashes, the flesh will be unsaviory and useless, black magic and people's life essence will be only temporary. No, only the flesh, the possessions and the soul of their designated prey will be able to satisfy their hunger, and they know it. They'll never cease to track down their prey until they're satisfied. The target you gave them will be their sole obsession.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2gjae\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Their prey can be anyone, but keep in mind that the victim you choose will have a terrible death. During this phase, the beast will not sleep, nor eat, nor rest. It'll keep running towards the victim until it finds it. Its level of intelligence is minor, but it might eventually learn how to open door handles and such things. It doesn't have thoughts, but it's not completely a beast. It's more like... a ghost.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-mlq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The second phase is called the <strong>Puppet Phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dokkk\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">It occurs when the Sulfurhast finally found and ingested its prey. It will have consumed everything about its target: flesh, bones, spiritual essence, bits of memory, languages, clothes, and current possessions.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dbop1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The hunger is calmed. The Sulfurhast will still need to ingest life essence and black magic from time to time, but it'll be a minor annoyance. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7bh99\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The beast ingested everything about its prey. <em>Everything<\/em>. So much that it <em>became<\/em> its prey. And the person it killed and ate now became the Sulfurhast. And the Sulfurhast may now shapeshit into its prey's appearance in a flash of black smoke. No matter the species of its prey and how different it was from the Sulfurhast's original body, it'll be able to shapeshift in a few seconds. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7p6o1\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The beast might try to imitate the dead prey at first, but it'll be clumsly and won't be able to fool the victim's relatives. This is where your job continues.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d7s5g\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The \"Puppet\" Phase is named that way because once the prey is ingested, you are able to take control of your beast. With a simple ritual of possession, which will be eased by the fact that the Sulfurhast has a bit of your essence, you'll be able to take control of your monster at will. You'll see through its eyes, you'll shape shift in its stead, you'll feel what it feels, and you'll act through the beast as you wish. When people will see their friend, they'll in fact see a monster who ate it, controlled by a necromancer. That's wild, isn't it?<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dm3ca\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">It is useful to steal an identity, a throne, etc. You'll be the prince of a foreign country, your worst enemy's wife, you'll be a child again or an old person. You'll steal every power, status, title, and anything the victim had.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2o0nv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Be careful about powerful magic users however, for they might feel the black magic link inside the beast. When you possess the beast, a good mage might be able to feel you and to locate you.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8sdi6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">During this phase, the Sulfurhast has gained life essence. It is now completed by a full soul, and by the bits of you that you gave earlier. It technically became <em>alive<\/em>. And it will learn. And it will learn <em>fast<\/em>. And it will start feeling. And it'll start living, and experiencing. And it'll become as intelligent as you, sometimes more. It'll take some time to happen, but it always happens faster than you expected. And the beast will start to realise that someone is controlling it in its stead. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f6goc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The third phase is called the <strong>Freedom phase<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-frsir\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Although it may be called by other names such as the Free Phase, the Frightening phase, the Dangerous phase, or the Pacified Phase.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ah6ns\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The third phase occurs when the link between the necromancer and the Sulfurhast is broken. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ehrfi\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">How can it break, you wonder? <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7s11r\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">When the Sulfurhast realizes its connection with you, and the fact that you're controlling it, it'll want its freedom. And also probably more than its freedom. Several events can provoke it: <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3g9ft\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The Sulfurhast will need to frequently ingest life essence. Understand by this: bits of soul and magic. If it doesn't have it, it will die. But a Sulfurhast is resourceful, and if you don't give it the option to feed on its surroundings, or if it's locked somewhere, then the magic bound between you and it will start to turn against you. The Sulfurhast will start to absorb your life essence instead of dying. You'll feel it, don't worry. But if you do nothing to stop it, it'll feed on your soul until you have nothing left and die, no matter the distance between you and it. In short, be careful about feeding properly your beast, or it'll feed on you like any other animal would.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-m69f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- You won't be able to possess your beast all the time. You'll have to get back to your body to eat, wash, and live a bit not to loose your muscles. And when you'll not be possessing your monster, it might feel the need to meet its creator a second time. If it finds you before you can realize it, it'll try to kill you, and to consume you. That way, it'll gain its freedom, and it'll consume your soul to increase greatly its lifespan. How convenient.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8q1gc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- You can also break the bound between your Sulfurhast and you at any time. It'll cost you a lot of black magic, but you can do it. You might ask: why would you want to break such a bound, after all the sacrifices you made to create it? If you feel like the bound between the Sulfurhast and you becomes dangerous, you will want to break it, trust me. A mage located you? The beast's hunting you? Someone understood that their friend isn't really a person but is a beast instead? You might want to break it for your safety. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4a4jc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">You'll loose your control over the beast. But sometimes, it's for the best. This is why I told you that creating a Sulfurhast should be your last resort.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6ulj5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Finally, if you die for any reason, the beast will be free nonetheless. It'll feel your death and will probably try to find your body to ingest it, but you won't be here anymore to prevent it.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ctktf\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">In the Freedom Phase, the Sulfurhast has gained intelligence and any skills its prey had. And it'll live its life as it wishes to, with its knowledge on the world. It'll choose its own purpose on life, and it'll live as long as it can find some life source from time to time, like a vampire. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-emchj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/p>","field6":"<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/33.Trait_Sheets\">Trait Sheet<\/a><\/p>","field7":"<p id=\"viewer-ejl0c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">To start, creating a Sulfurhast must be the very last resort of yours. It must be made only when you have tried every possible other options, and failed to all of them. The cost of such a ritual and the dangers encountered are rarely worth the price, and many necromancers have died in the process. And for those who survived... They all changed. You won't be able to see it, but you'll loose a part of yourself after created such a beast. Not like a missing finger or a hand, but more like missing a part of your own spitirual essence. Like a part of your soul, of your life. It's hard to explain to those who never experienced it. Be patient, you'll experience it soon enough.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dhpm4\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Unlike everyone loves to believe, Sulfurhastes are not demons. And they do not come from hell. Some like to consider them as spirits, but it's more complex than that. They're more like... a part of you, and a part of their prey.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-582cu\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">They are not good or evil, they only serve their purpose. They look like ghosts, monsters, their silhouette is made from the remains you'll use. If you have the spirit of an artist, you might even make a beautiful beast. <\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9qbou\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">But let's talk about their purpose, about why one wants to create a Sulfurhast. These beasts are hunters. You give them a purpose at birth, a prey. Then, you turn them into puppets, and steal the identity of the prey. Always wanted to be a prince? Then send a Sulfurhast after the said prince. Nobody will be able to stop the process, not even the royal guards or the royal mage. <\/span><\/p>"}},"title":"Sulfurhast","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":["wip","stub"],"page_tag":null}
#186 3 July 2023, 14:06:15 UTC
Page Updated
Length: 54506 (+302) -
{"data":{"description":"<h2 id=\"viewer-45d4c\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhast trait list<\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5qk0j\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No matter the aditional traits you choose, Sulfurhastes always have:<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3tb08\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- An animal semi-skull face (covered with a thin layer of skin). They<\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> can not have humanoid skulls, feet or other traits. They must be animalistic.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ac0od\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The semi-skull face has very pointy bone cheeks<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9scmm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- A square-tipped tongue<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9aoab\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Claws on humanoid hands<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7bk6k\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Anthro legs<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7gumd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Some protrudring bones in the back<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3b5qn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- A rough and thick skin<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-2hvhq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9hvln\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The size of the animal parts always adapt to the body; meaning that a hare skull, for example, will grow to be human-sized, and same for every animal body parts. <br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-6q5ct\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/97_133_faGWjfYOB1MqqkB.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1059\" height=\"1552\" \/><br \/><br \/><\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8sfdc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Here are the additional traits. A lot of them are free if you own a MYO, <strong>however <\/strong>some have a number at their side; it means that they cost one, two or three <strong>SulfurPoints<\/strong> (link) to unlock.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-fokm\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Head<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-76gns\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The head may have another gender. (Cow can become bull, deer can have no horn, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-e3m7d\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The bone cheek is always pointy<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5q0f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Is covered with a thin layer of skin<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fcdss\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Tongue is square-tipped<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9okok\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Orbits\/eye sockets and ears are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/105_136_UUyJNllSYqcJZnK.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"965\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cjern\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">The heads above are the most common, however, you may choose any existing animal skull for your Sulfurhast! Extinct and Mythical beasts require a trait.<\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-9kg9m\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-53dq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Orbits\/eye sockets (must corrrespond to the skull type)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-39hl3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Orbits\/eye sockets with a faint light inside (any color)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2rk1n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animals<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast, invented animal<br \/>It can be a creature from Realms-Between, or a species you own, but you can not use a closed species you don't own for the skull of a Sulfurhast<\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-1i4d9\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Horns<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7rsa3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-c3dnd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They don't have to match the head or ears (for example, you can have a cow head with deer antlers and wolf ears.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/106_137_vjSdHwM0guXmMVG.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"410\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5g945\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any mammal's horn (present on Earth + isn't an extinct species) (Free)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-69fim\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Other horns (Demon, dragon, insect, dino, or invented, etc.) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5kkfh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Huge horns (equal or bigger than two times the head's length) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-64h0n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-e3ac\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Ears<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-69rpm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-65na6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They don't have to match the head or horns (for example, you can have a cow head with deer antlers and wolf ears.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9h8rf\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The ears may have species variation (for example, cow ears can become Brahman cow ears for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/104_135_y6t4EsS7bTWcusS.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"514\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6pkqv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhast can have the ears of any existing animal.<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-882b\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5k53p\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">If you unlocked another kind of skull with SulfurPoints, you have unlocked its eventual ears as well for your <u class=\"_3zM-5\">current<\/u> design. (For example, if you spent one SulfurPoint to unlock a squirrel's skull, you can add squirrel ears for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-c53a3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;Uncommon: Extra Pairs of Ears<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6m2fu\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animal<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast<br \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-7bcsd\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Tail<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-77sah\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail is optional and your Sulfurhast can have a bare butt if you want<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8s5p5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- It doesn't have to match the other animal parts nor the head (for example, you can have a cow head with a wolf tail.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-a9dss\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail may look healthy or sick (fur loss, apparent bones, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9pnm5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail may have species variation (for example, a cat tail can become a sphinx or Maine coon cat tail for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/100_134_90JxuzYFnlkChwu.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"830\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d2akk\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">A Sulfurhast can have the tail of any existing animal<\/p>\r\n<p><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animal<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-1ap4a\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Paws, legs<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7vc4t\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- \"Paws\" only refers to the feet. The hands of the beast will remain human-like.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3i5g0\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The legs are always anthro-shaped, no matter the chosen paws. If the animal is plantigrade, they may be plantigrade, but the legs should still be animalistic<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-b9635\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- It doesn't have to match the other animal parts nor the head (for example, you can have a cow head with hare paws.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-83ljs\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Thumbs are optional (depends if the necromancer selected back or front paws or the animal.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/108_139_uTbLdk4ECqWB24z.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"631\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8roqn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">The feet can be based on any existing animal<\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-c5cu6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animal<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-5nto5\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Other traits<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dds6v\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They are completely optional.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6qruh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Other traits can appear at any time in the list and are not limited to the visual sheet only.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/107_138_NyUSS8ujbFu7p3U.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"1502\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5u1t5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Free addons: <\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-5fvt3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1m0pm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Fur (no limit)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1a04i\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Feathers (no limit)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2lrpm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hand pawpads<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-flni\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Damaged skull<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f066n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Carved bones\/skull<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8j70c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Extra teeth, fang and\/or tusks (any head)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7f4o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Stitches<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5pbv9\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Missing limbs \/ Heavily hurt<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ah4ml\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Extra bones \/ Protruding bones (no extra limbs or head)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8o3ri\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Skeletal body parts (missing flesh)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3433o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sick, ill aspect (skin problems, fur loss, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4js1h\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Black smoke constant leak (sulfur powder, toxic)<br \/>This can also leak from any wounds, or parts that have exposed skeleton\/bones<br \/><br \/>Spines, Heel Spurs, Talons, other portrusions<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ahgr7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Prosthesis (respecting the basic anatomy)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-4cqc2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-8lj24\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-agprj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>SulfurHast traits and their rarities:<br \/><\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-5hsn6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Uncommon<\/strong><br \/>Scales (any size and pattern)<strong><br \/><\/strong>Ooze: Bleed \/ fluid leak (Any color and texture, can glow if interacting with Phosphorescence<strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Metallic bones \/ markings<br \/><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Augmentation (If it is replacing the anatomy, this is a free trait, but things such as guns and weapons instead of arms, for example, require a trait) <br \/><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wisps (Wisps appear around the Sulfurhast, like will o wisps. They can glow.<br \/>Faerie Fire (The Sulfer appears to be on fire with unnatural flame. It does not burn, most often seen in greens and blues, but can be any color.<br \/><\/span><br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Rare<\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Crystal bones \/ Gem growth<strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Ghostly, plasma (body parts or fullbody) (doesn't glow) Though it can glow when interacting with Phosphoresence<\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wings (any kind and number)<strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Phosphorescence. This can take the form of an inner glow coming from the mouth, lighting up the chest, revealing the ribcage. This can also take the form of a ghostly mist flowing from your Sulfur's mouth, eyes, or any areas they are open.<br \/><\/span><br \/><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Mythic<\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Taur-like body<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d10d6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Can be centaur-like or another species. Artwork is just an example, and your Taur can be completely different from the sheet.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6tkmg\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Mer-like body<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ai05a\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Can have the body of any aquatic animal. Artwork is just an example, and your Mer can be completely different from the sheet.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4tbfj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Conjointed<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1cbg3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Don't have to be \"twins\", nor two merged bodies only (can be three, or more conjointed bodies, all with different features. Add any extra limb(s) and head(s) you want.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7hh48\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><br \/>Sulfurhast can gain more forms through art and writing, by hunting prey and gaining Experience.<\/p>","parsed":{"description":"<h2 id=\"viewer-45d4c\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhast trait list<\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5qk0j\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No matter the aditional traits you choose, Sulfurhastes always have:<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3tb08\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- An animal semi-skull face (covered with a thin layer of skin). They<\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> can not have humanoid skulls, feet or other traits. They must be animalistic.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ac0od\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The semi-skull face has very pointy bone cheeks<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9scmm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- A square-tipped tongue<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9aoab\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Claws on humanoid hands<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7bk6k\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Anthro legs<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7gumd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Some protrudring bones in the back<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3b5qn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- A rough and thick skin<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-2hvhq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9hvln\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The size of the animal parts always adapt to the body; meaning that a hare skull, for example, will grow to be human-sized, and same for every animal body parts. <br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-6q5ct\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/97_133_faGWjfYOB1MqqkB.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1059\" height=\"1552\" \/><br \/><br \/><\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8sfdc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Here are the additional traits. A lot of them are free if you own a MYO, <strong>however <\/strong>some have a number at their side; it means that they cost one, two or three <strong>SulfurPoints<\/strong> (link) to unlock.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-fokm\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Head<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-76gns\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The head may have another gender. (Cow can become bull, deer can have no horn, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-e3m7d\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The bone cheek is always pointy<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5q0f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Is covered with a thin layer of skin<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fcdss\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Tongue is square-tipped<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9okok\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Orbits\/eye sockets and ears are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/105_136_UUyJNllSYqcJZnK.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"965\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cjern\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">The heads above are the most common, however, you may choose any existing animal skull for your Sulfurhast! Extinct and Mythical beasts require a trait.<\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-9kg9m\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-53dq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Orbits\/eye sockets (must corrrespond to the skull type)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-39hl3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Orbits\/eye sockets with a faint light inside (any color)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2rk1n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animals<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast, invented animal<br \/>It can be a creature from Realms-Between, or a species you own, but you can not use a closed species you don't own for the skull of a Sulfurhast<\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-1i4d9\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Horns<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7rsa3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-c3dnd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They don't have to match the head or ears (for example, you can have a cow head with deer antlers and wolf ears.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/106_137_vjSdHwM0guXmMVG.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"410\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5g945\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any mammal's horn (present on Earth + isn't an extinct species) (Free)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-69fim\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Other horns (Demon, dragon, insect, dino, or invented, etc.) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5kkfh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Huge horns (equal or bigger than two times the head's length) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-64h0n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-e3ac\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Ears<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-69rpm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-65na6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They don't have to match the head or horns (for example, you can have a cow head with deer antlers and wolf ears.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9h8rf\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The ears may have species variation (for example, cow ears can become Brahman cow ears for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/104_135_y6t4EsS7bTWcusS.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"514\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6pkqv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhast can have the ears of any existing animal.<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-882b\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5k53p\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">If you unlocked another kind of skull with SulfurPoints, you have unlocked its eventual ears as well for your <u class=\"_3zM-5\">current<\/u> design. (For example, if you spent one SulfurPoint to unlock a squirrel's skull, you can add squirrel ears for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-c53a3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;Uncommon: Extra Pairs of Ears<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6m2fu\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animal<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast<br \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-7bcsd\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Tail<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-77sah\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail is optional and your Sulfurhast can have a bare butt if you want<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8s5p5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- It doesn't have to match the other animal parts nor the head (for example, you can have a cow head with a wolf tail.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-a9dss\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail may look healthy or sick (fur loss, apparent bones, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9pnm5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail may have species variation (for example, a cat tail can become a sphinx or Maine coon cat tail for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/100_134_90JxuzYFnlkChwu.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"830\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d2akk\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">A Sulfurhast can have the tail of any existing animal<\/p>\r\n<p><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animal<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-1ap4a\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Paws, legs<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7vc4t\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- \"Paws\" only refers to the feet. The hands of the beast will remain human-like.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3i5g0\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The legs are always anthro-shaped, no matter the chosen paws. If the animal is plantigrade, they may be plantigrade, but the legs should still be animalistic<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-b9635\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- It doesn't have to match the other animal parts nor the head (for example, you can have a cow head with hare paws.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-83ljs\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Thumbs are optional (depends if the necromancer selected back or front paws or the animal.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/108_139_uTbLdk4ECqWB24z.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"631\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8roqn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">The feet can be based on any existing animal<\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-c5cu6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animal<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-5nto5\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Other traits<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dds6v\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They are completely optional.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6qruh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Other traits can appear at any time in the list and are not limited to the visual sheet only.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/107_138_NyUSS8ujbFu7p3U.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"1502\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5u1t5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Free addons: <\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-5fvt3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1m0pm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Fur (no limit)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1a04i\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Feathers (no limit)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2lrpm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hand pawpads<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-flni\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Damaged skull<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f066n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Carved bones\/skull<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8j70c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Extra teeth, fang and\/or tusks (any head)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7f4o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Stitches<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5pbv9\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Missing limbs \/ Heavily hurt<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ah4ml\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Extra bones \/ Protruding bones (no extra limbs or head)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8o3ri\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Skeletal body parts (missing flesh)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3433o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sick, ill aspect (skin problems, fur loss, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4js1h\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Black smoke constant leak (sulfur powder, toxic)<br \/>This can also leak from any wounds, or parts that have exposed skeleton\/bones<br \/><br \/>Spines, Heel Spurs, Talons, other portrusions<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ahgr7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Prosthesis (respecting the basic anatomy)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-4cqc2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-8lj24\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-agprj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>SulfurHast traits and their rarities:<br \/><\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-5hsn6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Uncommon<\/strong><br \/>Scales (any size and pattern)<strong><br \/><\/strong>Ooze: Bleed \/ fluid leak (Any color and texture, can glow if interacting with Phosphorescence<strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Metallic bones \/ markings<br \/><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Augmentation (If it is replacing the anatomy, this is a free trait, but things such as guns and weapons instead of arms, for example, require a trait) <br \/><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wisps (Wisps appear around the Sulfurhast, like will o wisps. They can glow.<br \/>Faerie Fire (The Sulfer appears to be on fire with unnatural flame. It does not burn, most often seen in greens and blues, but can be any color.<br \/><\/span><br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Rare<\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Crystal bones \/ Gem growth<strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Ghostly, plasma (body parts or fullbody) (doesn't glow) Though it can glow when interacting with Phosphoresence<\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wings (any kind and number)<strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Phosphorescence. This can take the form of an inner glow coming from the mouth, lighting up the chest, revealing the ribcage. This can also take the form of a ghostly mist flowing from your Sulfur's mouth, eyes, or any areas they are open.<br \/><\/span><br \/><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Mythic<\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Taur-like body<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d10d6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Can be centaur-like or another species. Artwork is just an example, and your Taur can be completely different from the sheet.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6tkmg\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Mer-like body<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ai05a\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Can have the body of any aquatic animal. Artwork is just an example, and your Mer can be completely different from the sheet.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4tbfj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Conjointed<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1cbg3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Don't have to be \"twins\", nor two merged bodies only (can be three, or more conjointed bodies, all with different features. Add any extra limb(s) and head(s) you want.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7hh48\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><br \/>Sulfurhast can gain more forms through art and writing, by hunting prey and gaining Experience.<\/p>"}},"title":"Trait Sheets","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":["wip"],"page_tag":null}
#185 3 July 2023, 14:02:38 UTC
Page Updated
Length: 54204 (+4) -
{"data":{"description":"<h2 id=\"viewer-45d4c\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhast trait list<\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5qk0j\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No matter the aditional traits you choose, Sulfurhastes always have:<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3tb08\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- An animal semi-skull face (covered with a thin layer of skin). They<\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> can not have humanoid skulls, feet or other traits. They must be animalistic.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ac0od\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The semi-skull face has very pointy bone cheeks<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9scmm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- A square-tipped tongue<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9aoab\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Claws on humanoid hands<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7bk6k\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Anthro legs<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7gumd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Some protrudring bones in the back<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3b5qn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- A rough and thick skin<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-2hvhq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9hvln\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The size of the animal parts always adapt to the body; meaning that a hare skull, for example, will grow to be human-sized, and same for every animal body parts. <br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-6q5ct\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/97_133_faGWjfYOB1MqqkB.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1059\" height=\"1552\" \/><br \/><br \/><\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8sfdc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Here are the additional traits. A lot of them are free if you own a MYO, <strong>however <\/strong>some have a number at their side; it means that they cost one, two or three <strong>SulfurPoints<\/strong> (link) to unlock.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-fokm\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Head<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-76gns\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The head may have another gender. (Cow can become bull, deer can have no horn, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-e3m7d\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The bone cheek is always pointy<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5q0f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Is covered with a thin layer of skin<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fcdss\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Tongue is square-tipped<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9okok\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Orbits\/eye sockets and ears are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/105_136_UUyJNllSYqcJZnK.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"965\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cjern\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">The heads above are the most common, however, you may choose any existing animal skull for your Sulfurhast! Extinct and Mythical beasts require a trait.<\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-9kg9m\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-53dq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Orbits\/eye sockets (must corrrespond to the skull type)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-39hl3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Orbits\/eye sockets with a faint light inside (any color)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2rk1n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animals<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast, invented animal<br \/>It can be a creature from Realms-Between, or a species you own, but you can not use a closed species you don't own for the skull of a Sulfurhast<\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-1i4d9\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Horns<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7rsa3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-c3dnd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They don't have to match the head or ears (for example, you can have a cow head with deer antlers and wolf ears.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/106_137_vjSdHwM0guXmMVG.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"410\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5g945\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any mammal's horn (present on Earth + isn't an extinct species) (Free)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-69fim\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Other horns (Demon, dragon, insect, dino, or invented, etc.) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5kkfh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Huge horns (equal or bigger than two times the head's length) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-64h0n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-e3ac\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Ears<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-69rpm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-65na6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They don't have to match the head or horns (for example, you can have a cow head with deer antlers and wolf ears.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9h8rf\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The ears may have species variation (for example, cow ears can become Brahman cow ears for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/104_135_y6t4EsS7bTWcusS.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"514\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6pkqv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhast can have the ears of any existing animal.<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-882b\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5k53p\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">If you unlocked another kind of skull with SulfurPoints, you have unlocked its eventual ears as well for your <u class=\"_3zM-5\">current<\/u> design. (For example, if you spent one SulfurPoint to unlock a squirrel's skull, you can add squirrel ears for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-c53a3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;Uncommon: Extra Pairs of Ears<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6m2fu\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animal<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast<br \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-7bcsd\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Tail<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-77sah\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail is optional and your Sulfurhast can have a bare butt if you want<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8s5p5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- It doesn't have to match the other animal parts nor the head (for example, you can have a cow head with a wolf tail.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-a9dss\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail may look healthy or sick (fur loss, apparent bones, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9pnm5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail may have species variation (for example, a cat tail can become a sphinx or Maine coon cat tail for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/100_134_90JxuzYFnlkChwu.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"830\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d2akk\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">A Sulfurhast can have the tail of any existing animal<\/p>\r\n<p><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animal<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-1ap4a\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Paws, legs<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7vc4t\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- \"Paws\" only refers to the feet. The hands of the beast will remain human-like.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3i5g0\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The legs are always anthro-shaped, no matter the chosen paws. If the animal is plantigrade, they may be plantigrade, but the legs should still be animalistic<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-b9635\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- It doesn't have to match the other animal parts nor the head (for example, you can have a cow head with hare paws.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-83ljs\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Thumbs are optional (depends if the necromancer selected back or front paws or the animal.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/108_139_uTbLdk4ECqWB24z.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"631\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8roqn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">The feet can be based on any existing animal<\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-c5cu6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animal<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-5nto5\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Other traits<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dds6v\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They are completely optional.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6qruh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Other traits can appear at any time in the list and are not limited to the visual sheet only.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/107_138_NyUSS8ujbFu7p3U.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"1502\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5u1t5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Free addons: <\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-5fvt3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1m0pm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Fur (no limit)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1a04i\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Feathers (no limit)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2lrpm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hand pawpads<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-flni\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Damaged skull<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f066n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Carved bones\/skull<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8j70c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Extra teeth, fang and\/or tusks (any head)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7f4o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Stitches<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5pbv9\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Missing limbs \/ Heavily hurt<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ah4ml\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Extra bones \/ Protruding bones (no extra limbs or head)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8o3ri\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Skeletal body parts (missing flesh)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3433o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sick, ill aspect (skin problems, fur loss, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4js1h\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Black smoke constant leak (sulfur powder, toxic)<br \/>This can also leak from any wounds, or parts that have exposed skeleton\/bones<br \/><br \/>Spines, Heel Spurs, Talons, other portrusions<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ahgr7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Prosthesis (respecting the basic anatomy)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-4cqc2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-8lj24\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-agprj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>SulfurHast traits and their rarities:<br \/><\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-5hsn6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Uncommon<\/strong><br \/>Scales (any size and pattern)<strong><br \/><\/strong>Ooze: Bleed \/ fluid leak (Any color and texture, can glow if interacting with Phosphorescence<strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Metallic bones \/ markings<br \/><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Augmentation (If it is replacing the anatomy, this is a free trait, but things such as guns and weapons instead of arms, for example, require a trait) <br \/><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wisps (Wisps appear around the Sulfurhast, like will o wisps. They can glow.<br \/><\/span><br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Rare<\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Crystal bones \/ Gem growth<strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Ghostly, plasma (body parts or fullbody) (doesn't glow) Though it can glow when interacting with Phosphoresence<\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wings (any kind and number)<strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Phosphorescence. This can take the form of an inner glow coming from the mouth, lighting up the chest, revealing the ribcage. This can also take the form of a ghostly mist flowing from your Sulfur's mouth, eyes, or any areas they are open.<br \/><\/span><br \/><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Mythic<\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Taur-like body<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d10d6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Can be centaur-like or another species. Artwork is just an example, and your Taur can be completely different from the sheet.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6tkmg\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Mer-like body<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ai05a\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Can have the body of any aquatic animal. Artwork is just an example, and your Mer can be completely different from the sheet.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4tbfj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Conjointed<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1cbg3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Don't have to be \"twins\", nor two merged bodies only (can be three, or more conjointed bodies, all with different features. Add any extra limb(s) and head(s) you want.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7hh48\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><br \/>Sulfurhast can gain more forms through art and writing, by hunting prey and gaining Experience.<\/p>","parsed":{"description":"<h2 id=\"viewer-45d4c\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhast trait list<\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5qk0j\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No matter the aditional traits you choose, Sulfurhastes always have:<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3tb08\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- An animal semi-skull face (covered with a thin layer of skin). They<\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> can not have humanoid skulls, feet or other traits. They must be animalistic.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ac0od\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The semi-skull face has very pointy bone cheeks<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9scmm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- A square-tipped tongue<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9aoab\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Claws on humanoid hands<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7bk6k\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Anthro legs<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7gumd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Some protrudring bones in the back<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3b5qn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- A rough and thick skin<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-2hvhq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9hvln\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The size of the animal parts always adapt to the body; meaning that a hare skull, for example, will grow to be human-sized, and same for every animal body parts. <br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-6q5ct\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/97_133_faGWjfYOB1MqqkB.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1059\" height=\"1552\" \/><br \/><br \/><\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8sfdc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Here are the additional traits. A lot of them are free if you own a MYO, <strong>however <\/strong>some have a number at their side; it means that they cost one, two or three <strong>SulfurPoints<\/strong> (link) to unlock.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-fokm\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Head<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-76gns\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The head may have another gender. (Cow can become bull, deer can have no horn, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-e3m7d\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The bone cheek is always pointy<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5q0f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Is covered with a thin layer of skin<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fcdss\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Tongue is square-tipped<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9okok\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Orbits\/eye sockets and ears are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/105_136_UUyJNllSYqcJZnK.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"965\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cjern\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">The heads above are the most common, however, you may choose any existing animal skull for your Sulfurhast! Extinct and Mythical beasts require a trait.<\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-9kg9m\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-53dq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Orbits\/eye sockets (must corrrespond to the skull type)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-39hl3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Orbits\/eye sockets with a faint light inside (any color)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2rk1n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animals<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast, invented animal<br \/>It can be a creature from Realms-Between, or a species you own, but you can not use a closed species you don't own for the skull of a Sulfurhast<\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-1i4d9\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Horns<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7rsa3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-c3dnd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They don't have to match the head or ears (for example, you can have a cow head with deer antlers and wolf ears.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/106_137_vjSdHwM0guXmMVG.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"410\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5g945\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any mammal's horn (present on Earth + isn't an extinct species) (Free)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-69fim\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Other horns (Demon, dragon, insect, dino, or invented, etc.) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5kkfh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Huge horns (equal or bigger than two times the head's length) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-64h0n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-e3ac\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Ears<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-69rpm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-65na6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They don't have to match the head or horns (for example, you can have a cow head with deer antlers and wolf ears.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9h8rf\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The ears may have species variation (for example, cow ears can become Brahman cow ears for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/104_135_y6t4EsS7bTWcusS.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"514\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6pkqv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhast can have the ears of any existing animal.<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-882b\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5k53p\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">If you unlocked another kind of skull with SulfurPoints, you have unlocked its eventual ears as well for your <u class=\"_3zM-5\">current<\/u> design. (For example, if you spent one SulfurPoint to unlock a squirrel's skull, you can add squirrel ears for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-c53a3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;Uncommon: Extra Pairs of Ears<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6m2fu\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animal<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast<br \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-7bcsd\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Tail<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-77sah\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail is optional and your Sulfurhast can have a bare butt if you want<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8s5p5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- It doesn't have to match the other animal parts nor the head (for example, you can have a cow head with a wolf tail.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-a9dss\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail may look healthy or sick (fur loss, apparent bones, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9pnm5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail may have species variation (for example, a cat tail can become a sphinx or Maine coon cat tail for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/100_134_90JxuzYFnlkChwu.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"830\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d2akk\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">A Sulfurhast can have the tail of any existing animal<\/p>\r\n<p><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animal<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-1ap4a\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Paws, legs<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7vc4t\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- \"Paws\" only refers to the feet. The hands of the beast will remain human-like.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3i5g0\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The legs are always anthro-shaped, no matter the chosen paws. If the animal is plantigrade, they may be plantigrade, but the legs should still be animalistic<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-b9635\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- It doesn't have to match the other animal parts nor the head (for example, you can have a cow head with hare paws.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-83ljs\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Thumbs are optional (depends if the necromancer selected back or front paws or the animal.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/108_139_uTbLdk4ECqWB24z.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"631\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8roqn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">The feet can be based on any existing animal<\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-c5cu6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animal<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-5nto5\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Other traits<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dds6v\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They are completely optional.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6qruh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Other traits can appear at any time in the list and are not limited to the visual sheet only.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/107_138_NyUSS8ujbFu7p3U.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"1502\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5u1t5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Free addons: <\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-5fvt3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1m0pm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Fur (no limit)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1a04i\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Feathers (no limit)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2lrpm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hand pawpads<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-flni\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Damaged skull<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f066n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Carved bones\/skull<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8j70c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Extra teeth, fang and\/or tusks (any head)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7f4o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Stitches<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5pbv9\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Missing limbs \/ Heavily hurt<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ah4ml\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Extra bones \/ Protruding bones (no extra limbs or head)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8o3ri\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Skeletal body parts (missing flesh)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3433o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sick, ill aspect (skin problems, fur loss, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4js1h\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Black smoke constant leak (sulfur powder, toxic)<br \/>This can also leak from any wounds, or parts that have exposed skeleton\/bones<br \/><br \/>Spines, Heel Spurs, Talons, other portrusions<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ahgr7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Prosthesis (respecting the basic anatomy)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-4cqc2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-8lj24\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-agprj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>SulfurHast traits and their rarities:<br \/><\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-5hsn6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Uncommon<\/strong><br \/>Scales (any size and pattern)<strong><br \/><\/strong>Ooze: Bleed \/ fluid leak (Any color and texture, can glow if interacting with Phosphorescence<strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Metallic bones \/ markings<br \/><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Augmentation (If it is replacing the anatomy, this is a free trait, but things such as guns and weapons instead of arms, for example, require a trait) <br \/><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wisps (Wisps appear around the Sulfurhast, like will o wisps. They can glow.<br \/><\/span><br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Rare<\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Crystal bones \/ Gem growth<strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Ghostly, plasma (body parts or fullbody) (doesn't glow) Though it can glow when interacting with Phosphoresence<\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wings (any kind and number)<strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Phosphorescence. This can take the form of an inner glow coming from the mouth, lighting up the chest, revealing the ribcage. This can also take the form of a ghostly mist flowing from your Sulfur's mouth, eyes, or any areas they are open.<br \/><\/span><br \/><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Mythic<\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Taur-like body<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d10d6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Can be centaur-like or another species. Artwork is just an example, and your Taur can be completely different from the sheet.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6tkmg\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Mer-like body<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ai05a\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Can have the body of any aquatic animal. Artwork is just an example, and your Mer can be completely different from the sheet.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4tbfj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Conjointed<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1cbg3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Don't have to be \"twins\", nor two merged bodies only (can be three, or more conjointed bodies, all with different features. Add any extra limb(s) and head(s) you want.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7hh48\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><br \/>Sulfurhast can gain more forms through art and writing, by hunting prey and gaining Experience.<\/p>"}},"title":"Trait Sheets","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":["wip"],"page_tag":null}
#184 3 July 2023, 14:00:38 UTC
Page Updated
Length: 54200 (+102) -
{"data":{"description":"<h2 id=\"viewer-45d4c\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhast trait list<\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5qk0j\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No matter the aditional traits you choose, Sulfurhastes always have:<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3tb08\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- An animal semi-skull face (covered with a thin layer of skin). They<\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> can not have humanoid skulls, feet or other traits. They must be animalistic.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ac0od\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The semi-skull face has very pointy bone cheeks<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9scmm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- A square-tipped tongue<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9aoab\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Claws on humanoid hands<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7bk6k\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Anthro legs<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7gumd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Some protrudring bones in the back<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3b5qn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- A rough and thick skin<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-2hvhq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9hvln\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The size of the animal parts always adapt to the body; meaning that a hare skull, for example, will grow to be human-sized, and same for every animal body parts. <br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-6q5ct\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/97_133_faGWjfYOB1MqqkB.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1059\" height=\"1552\" \/><br \/><br \/><\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8sfdc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Here are the additional traits. A lot of them are free if you own a MYO, <strong>however <\/strong>some have a number at their side; it means that they cost one, two or three <strong>SulfurPoints<\/strong> (link) to unlock.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-fokm\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Head<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-76gns\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The head may have another gender. (Cow can become bull, deer can have no horn, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-e3m7d\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The bone cheek is always pointy<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5q0f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Is covered with a thin layer of skin<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fcdss\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Tongue is square-tipped<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9okok\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Orbits\/eye sockets and ears are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/105_136_UUyJNllSYqcJZnK.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"965\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cjern\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">The heads above are the most common, however, you may choose any existing animal skull for your Sulfurhast! Extinct and Mythical beasts require a trait.<\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-9kg9m\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-53dq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Orbits\/eye sockets (must corrrespond to the skull type)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-39hl3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Orbits\/eye sockets with a faint light inside (any color)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2rk1n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animals<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast, invented animal<br \/>It can be a creature from Realms-Between, or a species you own, but you can not use a closed species you don't own for the skull of a Sulfurhast<\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-1i4d9\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Horns<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7rsa3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-c3dnd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They don't have to match the head or ears (for example, you can have a cow head with deer antlers and wolf ears.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/106_137_vjSdHwM0guXmMVG.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"410\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5g945\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any mammal's horn (present on Earth + isn't an extinct species) (Free)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-69fim\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Other horns (Demon, dragon, insect, dino, or invented, etc.) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5kkfh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Huge horns (equal or bigger than two times the head's length) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-64h0n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-e3ac\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Ears<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-69rpm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-65na6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They don't have to match the head or horns (for example, you can have a cow head with deer antlers and wolf ears.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9h8rf\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The ears may have species variation (for example, cow ears can become Brahman cow ears for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/104_135_y6t4EsS7bTWcusS.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"514\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6pkqv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhast can have the ears of any existing animal.<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-882b\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5k53p\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">If you unlocked another kind of skull with SulfurPoints, you have unlocked its eventual ears as well for your <u class=\"_3zM-5\">current<\/u> design. (For example, if you spent one SulfurPoint to unlock a squirrel's skull, you can add squirrel ears for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-c53a3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;Uncommon: Extra Pairs of Ears<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6m2fu\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animal<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast<br \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-7bcsd\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Tail<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-77sah\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail is optional and your Sulfurhast can have a bare butt if you want<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8s5p5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- It doesn't have to match the other animal parts nor the head (for example, you can have a cow head with a wolf tail.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-a9dss\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail may look healthy or sick (fur loss, apparent bones, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9pnm5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail may have species variation (for example, a cat tail can become a sphinx or Maine coon cat tail for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/100_134_90JxuzYFnlkChwu.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"830\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d2akk\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">A Sulfurhast can have the tail of any existing animal<\/p>\r\n<p><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animal<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-1ap4a\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Paws, legs<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7vc4t\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- \"Paws\" only refers to the feet. The hands of the beast will remain human-like.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3i5g0\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The legs are always anthro-shaped, no matter the chosen paws. If the animal is plantigrade, they may be plantigrade, but the legs should still be animalistic<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-b9635\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- It doesn't have to match the other animal parts nor the head (for example, you can have a cow head with hare paws.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-83ljs\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Thumbs are optional (depends if the necromancer selected back or front paws or the animal.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/108_139_uTbLdk4ECqWB24z.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"631\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8roqn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">The feet can be based on any existing animal<\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-c5cu6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animal<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-5nto5\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Other traits<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dds6v\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They are completely optional.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6qruh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Other traits can appear at any time in the list and are not limited to the visual sheet only.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/107_138_NyUSS8ujbFu7p3U.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"1502\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5u1t5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Free addons: <\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-5fvt3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1m0pm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Fur (no limit)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1a04i\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Feathers (no limit)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2lrpm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hand pawpads<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-flni\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Damaged skull<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f066n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Carved bones\/skull<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8j70c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Extra teeth, fang and\/or tusks (any head)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7f4o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Stitches<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5pbv9\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Missing limbs \/ Heavily hurt<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ah4ml\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Extra bones \/ Protruding bones (no extra limbs or head)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8o3ri\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Skeletal body parts (missing flesh)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3433o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sick, ill aspect (skin problems, fur loss, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4js1h\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Black smoke constant leak (sulfur powder, toxic)<br \/>This can also leak from any wounds, or parts that have exposed skeleton\/bones<br \/><br \/>Spines, Heel Spurs, Talons, other portrusions<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ahgr7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Prosthesis (respecting the basic anatomy)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-4cqc2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-8lj24\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-agprj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>SulfurHast traits and their rarities:<br \/><\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-5hsn6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Uncommon<\/strong><br \/>Scales (any size and pattern)<strong><br \/><\/strong>Ooze: Bleed \/ fluid leak (Any color and texture, can glow if interacting with Phosphorescence<strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Metallic bones \/ markings<br \/><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Prosthesis (If it is replacing the anatomy, this is a free trait, but things such as guns and weapons instead of arms, for example, require a trait) <br \/><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wisps (Wisps appear around the Sulfurhast, like will o wisps. They can glow.<br \/><\/span><br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Rare<\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Crystal bones \/ Gem growth<strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Ghostly, plasma (body parts or fullbody) (doesn't glow) Though it can glow when interacting with Phosphoresence<\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wings (any kind and number)<strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Phosphorescence. This can take the form of an inner glow coming from the mouth, lighting up the chest, revealing the ribcage. This can also take the form of a ghostly mist flowing from your Sulfur's mouth, eyes, or any areas they are open.<br \/><\/span><br \/><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Mythic<\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Taur-like body<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d10d6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Can be centaur-like or another species. Artwork is just an example, and your Taur can be completely different from the sheet.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6tkmg\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Mer-like body<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ai05a\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Can have the body of any aquatic animal. Artwork is just an example, and your Mer can be completely different from the sheet.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4tbfj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Conjointed<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1cbg3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Don't have to be \"twins\", nor two merged bodies only (can be three, or more conjointed bodies, all with different features. Add any extra limb(s) and head(s) you want.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7hh48\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><br \/>Sulfurhast can gain more forms through art and writing, by hunting prey and gaining Experience.<\/p>","parsed":{"description":"<h2 id=\"viewer-45d4c\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhast trait list<\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5qk0j\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No matter the aditional traits you choose, Sulfurhastes always have:<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3tb08\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- An animal semi-skull face (covered with a thin layer of skin). They<\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> can not have humanoid skulls, feet or other traits. They must be animalistic.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ac0od\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The semi-skull face has very pointy bone cheeks<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9scmm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- A square-tipped tongue<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9aoab\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Claws on humanoid hands<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7bk6k\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Anthro legs<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7gumd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Some protrudring bones in the back<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3b5qn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- A rough and thick skin<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-2hvhq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9hvln\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The size of the animal parts always adapt to the body; meaning that a hare skull, for example, will grow to be human-sized, and same for every animal body parts. <br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-6q5ct\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/97_133_faGWjfYOB1MqqkB.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1059\" height=\"1552\" \/><br \/><br \/><\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8sfdc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Here are the additional traits. A lot of them are free if you own a MYO, <strong>however <\/strong>some have a number at their side; it means that they cost one, two or three <strong>SulfurPoints<\/strong> (link) to unlock.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-fokm\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Head<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-76gns\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The head may have another gender. (Cow can become bull, deer can have no horn, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-e3m7d\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The bone cheek is always pointy<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5q0f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Is covered with a thin layer of skin<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fcdss\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Tongue is square-tipped<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9okok\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Orbits\/eye sockets and ears are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/105_136_UUyJNllSYqcJZnK.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"965\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cjern\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">The heads above are the most common, however, you may choose any existing animal skull for your Sulfurhast! Extinct and Mythical beasts require a trait.<\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-9kg9m\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-53dq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Orbits\/eye sockets (must corrrespond to the skull type)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-39hl3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Orbits\/eye sockets with a faint light inside (any color)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2rk1n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animals<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast, invented animal<br \/>It can be a creature from Realms-Between, or a species you own, but you can not use a closed species you don't own for the skull of a Sulfurhast<\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-1i4d9\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Horns<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7rsa3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-c3dnd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They don't have to match the head or ears (for example, you can have a cow head with deer antlers and wolf ears.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/106_137_vjSdHwM0guXmMVG.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"410\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5g945\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any mammal's horn (present on Earth + isn't an extinct species) (Free)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-69fim\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Other horns (Demon, dragon, insect, dino, or invented, etc.) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5kkfh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Huge horns (equal or bigger than two times the head's length) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-64h0n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-e3ac\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Ears<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-69rpm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-65na6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They don't have to match the head or horns (for example, you can have a cow head with deer antlers and wolf ears.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9h8rf\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The ears may have species variation (for example, cow ears can become Brahman cow ears for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/104_135_y6t4EsS7bTWcusS.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"514\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6pkqv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhast can have the ears of any existing animal.<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-882b\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5k53p\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">If you unlocked another kind of skull with SulfurPoints, you have unlocked its eventual ears as well for your <u class=\"_3zM-5\">current<\/u> design. (For example, if you spent one SulfurPoint to unlock a squirrel's skull, you can add squirrel ears for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-c53a3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;Uncommon: Extra Pairs of Ears<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6m2fu\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animal<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast<br \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-7bcsd\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Tail<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-77sah\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail is optional and your Sulfurhast can have a bare butt if you want<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8s5p5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- It doesn't have to match the other animal parts nor the head (for example, you can have a cow head with a wolf tail.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-a9dss\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail may look healthy or sick (fur loss, apparent bones, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9pnm5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail may have species variation (for example, a cat tail can become a sphinx or Maine coon cat tail for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/100_134_90JxuzYFnlkChwu.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"830\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d2akk\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">A Sulfurhast can have the tail of any existing animal<\/p>\r\n<p><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animal<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-1ap4a\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Paws, legs<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7vc4t\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- \"Paws\" only refers to the feet. The hands of the beast will remain human-like.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3i5g0\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The legs are always anthro-shaped, no matter the chosen paws. If the animal is plantigrade, they may be plantigrade, but the legs should still be animalistic<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-b9635\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- It doesn't have to match the other animal parts nor the head (for example, you can have a cow head with hare paws.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-83ljs\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Thumbs are optional (depends if the necromancer selected back or front paws or the animal.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/108_139_uTbLdk4ECqWB24z.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"631\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8roqn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">The feet can be based on any existing animal<\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-c5cu6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animal<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-5nto5\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Other traits<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dds6v\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They are completely optional.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6qruh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Other traits can appear at any time in the list and are not limited to the visual sheet only.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/107_138_NyUSS8ujbFu7p3U.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"1502\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5u1t5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Free addons: <\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-5fvt3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1m0pm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Fur (no limit)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1a04i\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Feathers (no limit)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2lrpm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hand pawpads<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-flni\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Damaged skull<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f066n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Carved bones\/skull<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8j70c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Extra teeth, fang and\/or tusks (any head)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7f4o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Stitches<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5pbv9\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Missing limbs \/ Heavily hurt<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ah4ml\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Extra bones \/ Protruding bones (no extra limbs or head)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8o3ri\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Skeletal body parts (missing flesh)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3433o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sick, ill aspect (skin problems, fur loss, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4js1h\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Black smoke constant leak (sulfur powder, toxic)<br \/>This can also leak from any wounds, or parts that have exposed skeleton\/bones<br \/><br \/>Spines, Heel Spurs, Talons, other portrusions<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ahgr7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Prosthesis (respecting the basic anatomy)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-4cqc2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-8lj24\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-agprj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>SulfurHast traits and their rarities:<br \/><\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-5hsn6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Uncommon<\/strong><br \/>Scales (any size and pattern)<strong><br \/><\/strong>Ooze: Bleed \/ fluid leak (Any color and texture, can glow if interacting with Phosphorescence<strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Metallic bones \/ markings<br \/><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Prosthesis (If it is replacing the anatomy, this is a free trait, but things such as guns and weapons instead of arms, for example, require a trait) <br \/><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wisps (Wisps appear around the Sulfurhast, like will o wisps. They can glow.<br \/><\/span><br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Rare<\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Crystal bones \/ Gem growth<strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Ghostly, plasma (body parts or fullbody) (doesn't glow) Though it can glow when interacting with Phosphoresence<\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wings (any kind and number)<strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Phosphorescence. This can take the form of an inner glow coming from the mouth, lighting up the chest, revealing the ribcage. This can also take the form of a ghostly mist flowing from your Sulfur's mouth, eyes, or any areas they are open.<br \/><\/span><br \/><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Mythic<\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Taur-like body<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d10d6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Can be centaur-like or another species. Artwork is just an example, and your Taur can be completely different from the sheet.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6tkmg\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Mer-like body<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ai05a\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Can have the body of any aquatic animal. Artwork is just an example, and your Mer can be completely different from the sheet.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4tbfj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Conjointed<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1cbg3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Don't have to be \"twins\", nor two merged bodies only (can be three, or more conjointed bodies, all with different features. Add any extra limb(s) and head(s) you want.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7hh48\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><br \/>Sulfurhast can gain more forms through art and writing, by hunting prey and gaining Experience.<\/p>"}},"title":"Trait Sheets","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":["wip"],"page_tag":null}
#183 3 July 2023, 13:57:19 UTC
Page Updated
Length: 54098 (-2172) -
{"data":{"description":"<h2 id=\"viewer-45d4c\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhast trait list<\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5qk0j\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No matter the aditional traits you choose, Sulfurhastes always have:<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3tb08\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- An animal semi-skull face (covered with a thin layer of skin). They<\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> can not have humanoid skulls, feet or other traits. They must be animalistic.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ac0od\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The semi-skull face has very pointy bone cheeks<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9scmm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- A square-tipped tongue<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9aoab\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Claws on humanoid hands<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7bk6k\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Anthro legs<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7gumd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Some protrudring bones in the back<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3b5qn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- A rough and thick skin<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-2hvhq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9hvln\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The size of the animal parts always adapt to the body; meaning that a hare skull, for example, will grow to be human-sized, and same for every animal body parts. <br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-6q5ct\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/97_133_faGWjfYOB1MqqkB.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1059\" height=\"1552\" \/><br \/><br \/><\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8sfdc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Here are the additional traits. A lot of them are free if you own a MYO, <strong>however <\/strong>some have a number at their side; it means that they cost one, two or three <strong>SulfurPoints<\/strong> (link) to unlock.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-fokm\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Head<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-76gns\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The head may have another gender. (Cow can become bull, deer can have no horn, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-e3m7d\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The bone cheek is always pointy<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5q0f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Is covered with a thin layer of skin<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fcdss\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Tongue is square-tipped<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9okok\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Orbits\/eye sockets and ears are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/105_136_UUyJNllSYqcJZnK.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"965\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cjern\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">The heads above are the most common, however, you may choose any existing animal skull for your Sulfurhast! Extinct and Mythical beasts require a trait.<\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-9kg9m\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-53dq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Orbits\/eye sockets (must corrrespond to the skull type)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-39hl3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Orbits\/eye sockets with a faint light inside (any color)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2rk1n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animals<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast, invented animal<br \/>It can be a creature from Realms-Between, or a species you own, but you can not use a closed species you don't own for the skull of a Sulfurhast<\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-1i4d9\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Horns<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7rsa3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-c3dnd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They don't have to match the head or ears (for example, you can have a cow head with deer antlers and wolf ears.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/106_137_vjSdHwM0guXmMVG.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"410\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5g945\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any mammal's horn (present on Earth + isn't an extinct species) (Free)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-69fim\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Other horns (Demon, dragon, insect, dino, or invented, etc.) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5kkfh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Huge horns (equal or bigger than two times the head's length) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-64h0n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-e3ac\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Ears<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-69rpm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-65na6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They don't have to match the head or horns (for example, you can have a cow head with deer antlers and wolf ears.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9h8rf\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The ears may have species variation (for example, cow ears can become Brahman cow ears for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/104_135_y6t4EsS7bTWcusS.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"514\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6pkqv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhast can have the ears of any existing animal.<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-882b\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5k53p\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">If you unlocked another kind of skull with SulfurPoints, you have unlocked its eventual ears as well for your <u class=\"_3zM-5\">current<\/u> design. (For example, if you spent one SulfurPoint to unlock a squirrel's skull, you can add squirrel ears for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-c53a3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;Uncommon: Extra Pairs of Ears<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6m2fu\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animal<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast<br \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-7bcsd\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Tail<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-77sah\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail is optional and your Sulfurhast can have a bare butt if you want<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8s5p5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- It doesn't have to match the other animal parts nor the head (for example, you can have a cow head with a wolf tail.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-a9dss\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail may look healthy or sick (fur loss, apparent bones, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9pnm5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail may have species variation (for example, a cat tail can become a sphinx or Maine coon cat tail for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/100_134_90JxuzYFnlkChwu.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"830\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d2akk\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">A Sulfurhast can have the tail of any existing animal<\/p>\r\n<p><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animal<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-1ap4a\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Paws, legs<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7vc4t\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- \"Paws\" only refers to the feet. The hands of the beast will remain human-like.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3i5g0\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The legs are always anthro-shaped, no matter the chosen paws. If the animal is plantigrade, they may be plantigrade, but the legs should still be animalistic<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-b9635\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- It doesn't have to match the other animal parts nor the head (for example, you can have a cow head with hare paws.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-83ljs\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Thumbs are optional (depends if the necromancer selected back or front paws or the animal.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/108_139_uTbLdk4ECqWB24z.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"631\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8roqn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">The feet can be based on any existing animal<\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-c5cu6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animal<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-5nto5\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Other traits<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dds6v\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They are completely optional.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6qruh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Other traits can appear at any time in the list and are not limited to the visual sheet only.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/107_138_NyUSS8ujbFu7p3U.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"1502\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5u1t5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Free addons: <\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-5fvt3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1m0pm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Fur (no limit)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1a04i\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Feathers (no limit)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2lrpm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hand pawpads<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-flni\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Damaged skull<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f066n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Carved bones\/skull<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8j70c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Extra teeth, fang and\/or tusks (any head)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7f4o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Stitches<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5pbv9\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Missing limbs \/ Heavily hurt<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ah4ml\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Extra bones \/ Protruding bones (no extra limbs or head)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8o3ri\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Skeletal body parts (missing flesh)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3433o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sick, ill aspect (skin problems, fur loss, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4js1h\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Black smoke constant leak (sulfur powder, toxic)<br \/>This can also leak from any wounds, or parts that have exposed skeleton\/bones<br \/><br \/>Spines, Heel Spurs, Talons, other portrusions<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ahgr7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Prosthesis (respecting the basic anatomy)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-4cqc2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-8lj24\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-agprj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>SulfurHast traits and their rarities:<br \/><\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-5hsn6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Uncommon<\/strong><br \/>Scales (any size and pattern)<strong><br \/><\/strong>Bleed \/ fluid leak (Any color and texture)<strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Metallic bones \/ markings<br \/><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Prosthesis (If it is replacing the anatomy, this is a free trait, but things such as guns and weapons instead of arms, for example, require a trait) <br \/><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wisps (Wisps appear around the Sulfurhast, like will o wisps. They can glow.<br \/><\/span><br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Rare<\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Crystal bones \/ Gem growth<strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Ghostly, plasma (body parts or fullbody) (doesn't glow) Though it can glow when interacting with Phosphoresence<\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wings (any kind and number)<strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Phosphorescence. This can take the form of an inner glow coming from the mouth, lighting up the chest, revealing the ribcage. This can also take the form of a ghostly mist flowing from your Sulfur's mouth, eyes, or any areas they are open.<br \/><\/span><br \/><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Mythic<\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Taur-like body<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d10d6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Can be centaur-like or another species. Artwork is just an example, and your Taur can be completely different from the sheet.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6tkmg\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Mer-like body<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ai05a\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Can have the body of any aquatic animal. Artwork is just an example, and your Mer can be completely different from the sheet.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4tbfj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Conjointed<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1cbg3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Don't have to be \"twins\", nor two merged bodies only (can be three, or more conjointed bodies, all with different features. Add any extra limb(s) and head(s) you want.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7hh48\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><br \/>Sulfurhast can gain more forms through art and writing, by hunting prey and gaining Experience.<\/p>","parsed":{"description":"<h2 id=\"viewer-45d4c\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhast trait list<\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5qk0j\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">No matter the aditional traits you choose, Sulfurhastes always have:<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3tb08\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- An animal semi-skull face (covered with a thin layer of skin). They<\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"> can not have humanoid skulls, feet or other traits. They must be animalistic.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ac0od\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The semi-skull face has very pointy bone cheeks<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9scmm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- A square-tipped tongue<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9aoab\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Claws on humanoid hands<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7bk6k\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Anthro legs<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7gumd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Some protrudring bones in the back<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3b5qn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- A rough and thick skin<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-2hvhq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9hvln\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">The size of the animal parts always adapt to the body; meaning that a hare skull, for example, will grow to be human-sized, and same for every animal body parts. <br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-6q5ct\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/97_133_faGWjfYOB1MqqkB.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1059\" height=\"1552\" \/><br \/><br \/><\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8sfdc\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Here are the additional traits. A lot of them are free if you own a MYO, <strong>however <\/strong>some have a number at their side; it means that they cost one, two or three <strong>SulfurPoints<\/strong> (link) to unlock.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-fokm\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Head<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-76gns\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The head may have another gender. (Cow can become bull, deer can have no horn, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-e3m7d\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The bone cheek is always pointy<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5q0f\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Is covered with a thin layer of skin<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-fcdss\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Tongue is square-tipped<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9okok\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Orbits\/eye sockets and ears are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/105_136_UUyJNllSYqcJZnK.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"965\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-cjern\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">The heads above are the most common, however, you may choose any existing animal skull for your Sulfurhast! Extinct and Mythical beasts require a trait.<\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-9kg9m\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-53dq\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Orbits\/eye sockets (must corrrespond to the skull type)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-39hl3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Orbits\/eye sockets with a faint light inside (any color)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2rk1n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animals<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast, invented animal<br \/>It can be a creature from Realms-Between, or a species you own, but you can not use a closed species you don't own for the skull of a Sulfurhast<\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-1i4d9\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Horns<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7rsa3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-c3dnd\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They don't have to match the head or ears (for example, you can have a cow head with deer antlers and wolf ears.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/106_137_vjSdHwM0guXmMVG.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"410\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5g945\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Any mammal's horn (present on Earth + isn't an extinct species) (Free)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-69fim\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Other horns (Demon, dragon, insect, dino, or invented, etc.) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5kkfh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Huge horns (equal or bigger than two times the head's length) <strong>(1)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-64h0n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-e3ac\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Ears<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-69rpm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They are optional<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-65na6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They don't have to match the head or horns (for example, you can have a cow head with deer antlers and wolf ears.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9h8rf\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The ears may have species variation (for example, cow ears can become Brahman cow ears for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/104_135_y6t4EsS7bTWcusS.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"514\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6pkqv\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sulfurhast can have the ears of any existing animal.<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-882b\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5k53p\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">If you unlocked another kind of skull with SulfurPoints, you have unlocked its eventual ears as well for your <u class=\"_3zM-5\">current<\/u> design. (For example, if you spent one SulfurPoint to unlock a squirrel's skull, you can add squirrel ears for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-c53a3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;Uncommon: Extra Pairs of Ears<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6m2fu\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animal<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast<br \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-7bcsd\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Tail<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-77sah\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail is optional and your Sulfurhast can have a bare butt if you want<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8s5p5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- It doesn't have to match the other animal parts nor the head (for example, you can have a cow head with a wolf tail.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-a9dss\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail may look healthy or sick (fur loss, apparent bones, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-9pnm5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The tail may have species variation (for example, a cat tail can become a sphinx or Maine coon cat tail for free.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/100_134_90JxuzYFnlkChwu.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"830\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d2akk\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">A Sulfurhast can have the tail of any existing animal<\/p>\r\n<p><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animal<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-1ap4a\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Paws, legs<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7vc4t\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- \"Paws\" only refers to the feet. The hands of the beast will remain human-like.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3i5g0\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- The legs are always anthro-shaped, no matter the chosen paws. If the animal is plantigrade, they may be plantigrade, but the legs should still be animalistic<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-b9635\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- It doesn't have to match the other animal parts nor the head (for example, you can have a cow head with hare paws.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-83ljs\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Thumbs are optional (depends if the necromancer selected back or front paws or the animal.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/108_139_uTbLdk4ECqWB24z.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"631\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8roqn\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\">The feet can be based on any existing animal<\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-c5cu6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Rare: Extinct Animal<br \/>Mythic: Mythical Beast<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h2 id=\"viewer-5nto5\" class=\"eSWI6 _1j-51 _15w4E _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Other traits<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-dds6v\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- They are completely optional.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6qruh\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">- Other traits can appear at any time in the list and are not limited to the visual sheet only.<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/107_138_NyUSS8ujbFu7p3U.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1025\" height=\"1502\" \/><br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5u1t5\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Free addons: <\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-5fvt3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1m0pm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Fur (no limit)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1a04i\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Feathers (no limit)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-2lrpm\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Hand pawpads<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-flni\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Damaged skull<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-f066n\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Carved bones\/skull<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8j70c\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Extra teeth, fang and\/or tusks (any head)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7f4o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Stitches<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-5pbv9\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Missing limbs \/ Heavily hurt<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ah4ml\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Extra bones \/ Protruding bones (no extra limbs or head)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-8o3ri\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Skeletal body parts (missing flesh)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-3433o\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Sick, ill aspect (skin problems, fur loss, etc.)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4js1h\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Black smoke constant leak (sulfur powder, toxic)<br \/>This can also leak from any wounds, or parts that have exposed skeleton\/bones<br \/><br \/>Spines, Heel Spurs, Talons, other portrusions<br \/><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ahgr7\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Prosthesis (respecting the basic anatomy)<\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-4cqc2\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-8lj24\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-agprj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>SulfurHast traits and their rarities:<br \/><\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"viewer-5hsn6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">&nbsp;<\/span><\/div>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Uncommon<\/strong><br \/>Scales (any size and pattern)<strong><br \/><\/strong>Bleed \/ fluid leak (Any color and texture)<strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Metallic bones \/ markings<br \/><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Prosthesis (If it is replacing the anatomy, this is a free trait, but things such as guns and weapons instead of arms, for example, require a trait) <br \/><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wisps (Wisps appear around the Sulfurhast, like will o wisps. They can glow.<br \/><\/span><br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Rare<\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Crystal bones \/ Gem growth<strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Ghostly, plasma (body parts or fullbody) (doesn't glow) Though it can glow when interacting with Phosphoresence<\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Wings (any kind and number)<strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Phosphorescence. This can take the form of an inner glow coming from the mouth, lighting up the chest, revealing the ribcage. This can also take the form of a ghostly mist flowing from your Sulfur's mouth, eyes, or any areas they are open.<br \/><\/span><br \/><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong>Mythic<\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><strong><br \/><\/strong><\/span><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Taur-like body<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-d10d6\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Can be centaur-like or another species. Artwork is just an example, and your Taur can be completely different from the sheet.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-6tkmg\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Mer-like body<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-ai05a\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Can have the body of any aquatic animal. Artwork is just an example, and your Mer can be completely different from the sheet.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-4tbfj\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\">Conjointed<\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-1cbg3\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><span class=\"_2PHJq public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr\"><em>(Don't have to be \"twins\", nor two merged bodies only (can be three, or more conjointed bodies, all with different features. Add any extra limb(s) and head(s) you want.)<\/em><\/span><\/p>\r\n<p id=\"viewer-7hh48\" class=\"mm8Nw _1j-51 _3f-JX _1Y4Gq _1FoOD _3M0Fe public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr\"><br \/>Sulfurhast can gain more forms through art and writing, by hunting prey and gaining Experience.<\/p>"}},"title":"Trait Sheets","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":["wip"],"page_tag":null}
242 results found.