Cryptid-Artha's Page Revisions

The following are all of Cryptid-Artha's page revisions, ordered from most to least recent.

#122 29 June 2023, 19:19:58 UTC
Page Updated
Length: 106821 (+3020) -
{"data":{"description":"<p>The Kivuuli, a mysterious and powerful interdimensional semi-humanoid creature. They are rumored to hold the key to the Realms Between.<\/p>","field1":"<p>Kivuuli are a tall and powerful carnivorous furred semi-humanoid inter-dimensional race. They are generally black or dark grey with blue, green, or purple eyes and usually have slightly darker markings in stripes, spots, or a combination of the two that only show under certain light. There are several subspecies with different colors and markings being common from the warm reds of the forest dwelling Met'saa to the whites of the Lippizan to the blue grays of the Maltese or the golden color of Desert Kivuuli.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are elongated in build, with long limbs and are as comfortable on all fours as they are on two feet. They are incredibly wild, but generally won't attack unless attacked or threatened. Kivuuli are fully sapient and a social species. Despite their fearsome appearance, Kivuuli are a gentle and peaceful race with strong maternal instincts appearing in both males and females.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are very fast, especially when on all fours and live in groups known as Colonies.<\/p>","field2":"<h4>Between; Homeworld of the Kivuuli<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Imagine the air around you, full of bubbles. Now imagine that each of these bubbles is its own dimension. It's own universe. Has its own laws, and inner workings. Now, imagine all the space between the bubbles. A strange place, between the dimensions; ever shifting and changing. This is where the Kivuuli dwell and come from. The rules of physics do not apply; great islands of stone float through the darkness, covered in forests of strange bioluminescent fungus-like plants and other strange flora. Inhabited by strange creatures of all shapes and sizes, from tiny glowing dragonlike lizards to massive beasts that would put Earth's dinosaurs to shame. Literally anything can happen in Between, any sort of creature, any world, any dimension, any universe. The Kivuuli can reach many worlds and this is part of the reason for their great success as an apex predator.<\/p>\r\n<p>Harsh, but oddly beautiful, Between is buzzing with strange power and magic and the magical rules and laws of hundreds of dimensions, worlds, and universes clashing together in beautiful chaos. The areas of Between are effected by the laws of the dimensions and worlds closest to them; making Between highly varied. Between is beautiful; but as beautiful as it is it is deadly, thus the Kivuuli have had to adapt in to fast, powerful pack hunting predators that have claws that can slash through granite and a terrible shrieking wail that can drive fear into the hearts of the bravest.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are fast, able to teleport, and able to face creatures several times their size. This strange place has many names. Darkrealm, Tartarus, Limbo; but many simply call this place the Between; for this is what it is. The realm between dimensions. A strange and mysterious place; beautiful to behold but deadly to those not from there. While most of Between is completely dark aside from glimmers of light here and there and bioluminsecent plants and animals, some isles are ruled by a great orb of energy mimicking a sun. Some have their own weather patterns and day night cycles. Cracks and passages between dimensions are always opening and closing, allowing Kivuuli the ability to enter and leave Between at will, though they must be careful as some rifts are temporary and could close and leave them stranded in a strange and unfamiliar world. Others, still, are horribly unstable and deadly and could rip an unsuspecting Kivuuli to shreds leaving nothing but splatters of blood and the memory of their horrible screams.<\/p>","field3":"<h4>Calls, Vocalizations and Language<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli voices have a strange, otherworldly quality to them. They sound almost distorted, with a clear staticy crackling undertone. This is likely because of their interdimensional nature.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their voices are often deep, with a growl or purr like sound mixed in. A Kivuuli speaking is much what a person might imagine a lion&rsquo;s voice would sound like if it learned to speak. They tend to have emphasis on sharper sounds, like k, z, v, and such, and their r&rsquo;s are often lengthened slightly in a slight growl or purr. They are fully capable of learning languages aside from their own and, in fact, Kivuuli learn incredibly fast. Despite their wild primitive ways, they are incredibly intelligent.<\/p>\r\n<p>Outside of speech, they have a whole range of natural vocalizations. When excited or friendly, they let out a sound similar to a chittering cat. Though much deeper and lower in tone. This sound is often used by playful kits, or adults trying to show they mean no harm. Kivuuli also purr. It&rsquo;s a deep, heavy rumbling sound with a bit of static to it.<\/p>\r\n<p>They chitter, chirp, chuff, rumble, growl, purr, hiss, click, snarl, roar, howl, and many other sounds.<\/p>\r\n<p>Chirping is used to call and greet fellow members of their Colony. The chuff is similar to a chuffing tiger, and they use this to greet loved ones and family or close friends. The rumble and growl show varying levels of irritation and\/or anger, eventually leading to a wild snarling or finally, their terrible howl or roar.<\/p>\r\n<p>Purring is an expression of pleasure and contentment.<\/p>\r\n<p>When injured, they let out soft whimpers and whines.<\/p>\r\n<p>When sad, they will either be very quiet, whimper softly, or let out a heartbreaking wail when mourning the death of a loved one.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their language incorporates all of these vocalizations. And they even integrate this when speaking other languages as well.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli also rely strongly on body language. The position of one&rsquo;s ears, tone of voice, and posture can change the meaning of what they are trying to say. Looking at the position of the ears is a great way to tell what mood a Kivuuli is in. When neutral, the ears are out slightly to the sides and in a relaxed position. When alert or shocked, their ears perk up and swivel forward. Their ears often flick and swivel towards any sound, and many times they detect sounds other creatures will not.<\/p>\r\n<p>When angry, their ears go back, and they lower their ears when sad, or trying to show submission. Higher ranking Kivuuli generally tend to hold their ears perked higher than lower ranking Kivuuli.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli can also make a strange tonal almost&hellip; droning sound. Somewhere between a thrum and a rumble, it can promote relaxation or healing. The sound is, indeed, very strange. And it is something that is rarely heard among Kivuuli so it is theorized that only a few of them are capable of, or know how to, produce this sound.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h4>Culture, Customs and Heirarchy<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Not much is known of Kivuuli culture and customs, but it can be very complex even if it seems deceptively simple. Their customs are a mix between their wild and feral nature and their sapience. In some ways they can be considered very primitive, though not savage. In reality, Kivuuli believe strongly in living with the land. When living somewhere, they are very careful to preserve the balance of nature. They do not chase other predators out of their territory, and never over-hunt. They only take what they need, and use as much of their prey as they can. They use the pelts and fur in their nests, make things from their bones, horns, or hooves, and eat every part they are able to.<\/p>\r\n<p>Most Kivuuli do not mate for life. As such, they do not have any ceremonies or weddings. Among Kivuuli, a Colony is a family. They do not have surnames, nor do they need them. Reproduction has nothing to do with feelings of love, but rather to make offspring. Kivuuli do sometimes mate for life, but this is fairly rare. Even those who are lifemates will sometimes mate with others and this is not considered cheating. It is completely normal, since it helps spread out the gene pool.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli hierarchy is very pack like. Their groups are referred to as Colonies, though some call them Clans. A Colony is lead by the Dominant Female, or Alpha Female. Males in higher positions are extremely rare. The highest ranking male or males are known as Betas.<\/p>\r\n<p>The Elders are the oldest and wisest members of the Colony. Just being old does not make you an Elder. Elders are story-tellers, legend-keepers; and even the Dominant Female often goes to them for advice or help. An Elder must always be respected. Kivuuli have a written language, and the Elders write their history into the caves their Colony dwells in. Their claws carve the stories and names of all Kivuuli in a Colony into the stone. The Halls of History, as a Kivuuli calls the dens and caves the Elders keep and dwell in, are considered sacred and must not be damaged in any way. Only the Elders are allowed to carve the stone within. Because of this, Kivuuli Colonies are VERY hesitant to leave their homes, even if threatened. They are incredibly sentimental of their history. When an Elder dies, their Heartstone is placed within the Hall with the Heartstones of all past Elders in a place of ultimate honor. The Dominant Female&rsquo;s Heartstone are placed within the Halls as well.<\/p>\r\n<p>The highest ranking male is considered the Colony Dominant Male, or Beta Male. He usually leads with the female, but is completely subordinate towards her. He is dominant towards the males in the Colony, but not towards the females. The Beta Male is usually the first one a female in heat will choose, and most often is the chosen mate of the Alpha Female, simply because he is the strongest and most clever male in the Colony and has good genes.<\/p>\r\n<p>There are mid ranking males and females, who fight out their dominance among eachother, and Omegas.<\/p>\r\n<p>Omegas are not treated badly, but they have no authority within the Colony and are almost never chosen as mates. Female Omegas are extremely rare, and generally only crippled, or terminally ill females end up as an Omega. Omegas often act as nannies for the Colony, and often induce lactation to keep kits calm and fed while the stronger and higher ranking Kivuuli hunt and carry out other tasks. Kivuuli who play the part of nannies are treated very well, and given plenty of food so they can continue to produce milk for the kits they help care for.<\/p>\r\n<p>Lactating Kivuuli will often allow weak, sick, or elderly members of their colony to feed from them, for the strengthening and healing properties their milk has. While a human would consider this taboo, gross and strange, it is completely normal in Kivuuli society.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli take very good care of the less fortunate members of their Colonies. The crippled, the weak, the runty, the stunted, the injured, the elderly&hellip; all of them are well cared for. The entire Colony will pitch in together to insure the survival of even their weakest members. Weak Kivuuli may not reproduce, but they live comfortable and happy.<\/p>\r\n<p>Lower than Omegas, are the disgraced Kivuuli. They have done something terrible and lost their honor and are hated by the Colony and not treated well.<\/p>\r\n<p>Disgraced Kivuuli are those who did something shameful. Not deserving of exile, they keep their name and aren&rsquo;t chased away, but they are generally ostracized by their fellows and can&rsquo;t fight their way up in rank even if strong and dominant. A Disgraced Kivuuli must provide for themselves and are not allowed access to the Colony&rsquo;s food stores or hunts. They must prove themselves worthy to get out of this status and become Omegas, but they will never rise above omega status and will never be fully trusted again.<\/p>\r\n<p>Exiled Kivuuli are those who have committed the highest of crimes in their culture. Rape, murder, killing other sentient beings unprovoked, hurting innocent kits, and betrayal are among the crimes deemed worthy this fate worse than death. An Exile is called Itz&rsquo;hil. This word means many things at once. &ldquo;Exiled, Nameless, Shamed One, Marked One.&rdquo;<\/p>\r\n<p>The Marking is sentenced by the Alpha Female and the Colony&rsquo;s Elders. If the accused Kivuuli is not remorseful of their crimes, or their crimes are unforgivable, their teleportation ability is temporarily knocked out and they are chained to a pillar of stone that they can not escape from. Legs and arms clamped down so they can not move. The Alpha Female makes the first mark. She slashes into his chest a symbol, reciting the word &ldquo;Itz&rsquo;hil!&rdquo; with each slash of her claws. The Elders are next, speaking something along the lines of &ldquo;As you threw away your honor, I take away your name. You are Exile. You are Itz&rsquo;hil. You are Nameless. You are Nothing.&rdquo; followed by the family their actions hurt the most, then every other adult in the Colony. Children are not permitted to view or participate in these Ceremonies. The mark and word is repeated time and time and time again until the Kivuuli&rsquo;s healing ability slows and the slashes form a scar, a mark that will forever mar their chest. This can take weeks of constant torture. Once the Marking Ceremony is complete, the exhausted exile is released from the chains, and viciously chased away by the Colony. Any Colony who sees these marks from that time on will not allow the exile into their territory. Exiles live a lonely and miserable life, and generally don&rsquo;t last long since Kivuuli are such social creatures and depend strongly on eachother for survival and emotional wellbeing.<\/p>\r\n<p>Older, stronger Kivuuli can assert their dominance without a fight, simply with posture, ear position, and growling. Or, even, with confidence alone. Smaller males are generally more submissive than larger ones.<\/p>\r\n<p>The female is in charge; though she lets the males set up their pecking order however they want. If it gets to be too much, she&rsquo;ll step in, assert her dominance, and put a stop to it.<br \/>Battles for dominance never end in death. They fight until one backs down. Sometimes this doesn&rsquo;t even get past the snarling, growling, circling eachother, and displaying their strength and ferocity.<\/p>\r\n<p>Simply watching and listening to a Kivuuli within a Colony can give you a ton of clues on their status. The dominant leaders move with their heads high and ears alert and perked up. When addressing others, they stand tall and look down at them with their hands out to the sides. Submissive members take a lower submissive posture with their claws crossed in front of them and eyes turned to the side. Their ears are held slightly lowered. Direct eye contact is considered a threat, thus lower ranking Kivuuli must not look higher ranking Kivuuli directly in the eye without permission.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli have strange ceremonies when a member of their Colony dies. First, the dead Kivuuli is mourned. Mourning can last days, and is not done until the family of the dead Kivuuli says it is. Those closest will wail and howl their grief on and on, a haunting and heartbreaking sound. Almost a haunting and heartbreaking song. Especially at the death of an Elder or Alpha. The entire Colony howls and mourns. But the time for Mourning does not last forever. Once the deceased Kivuuli is mourned, they have a special celebration.<\/p>\r\n<p>A feast is held, with dancing, singing, storytelling, and laughing. For such a sombre thing, there is great joy. The Colony remembers their deceased member fondly. They talk about their life, their effect on the Colony. The Heartstone is then placed in a special antechamber within the Halls of History. The Elders carve the shape of the Heartstone out into the stone, gently place the gem within, and carve the name of the deceased Kivuuli beneath with their claws to be remembered forever. All deceased Kivuuli in a Colony are remembered unless they are Disgraced when they die. If disgraced, the Heartstone is set aside and ignored&hellip; a strong enough crime has the Heartstone being thrown off into the blackness surrounding the strange floating isles the Kivuuli dwell on.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are very matriarchal. The female is entirely in charge; the dominant female is submissive to none. A Colony lead by a male is considered unnatural and weak.<\/p>\r\n<p>They tolerate mistakes in children more than in adults. Children are still learning, and can be taught. Adults know better.<\/p>\r\n<p>These colonies can harbor anything from a small handful of Kivuuli, to hundreds or in some rare cases, over a thousand of them. The Elder position is not limited to just one; if there is more than one elder, they are all looked up to and view eachother as equals.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli live as a community and share everything. Their homes, their food. The strong help provide for the weak, those not strong enough to hunt do other tasks within the Colony, such as helping care for kits. They respect eachother&rsquo;s homes and belongings. Theft and stealing is frowned upon, but not enough for alphas to get involved. The one stolen from is in charge of getting their belongings back. This often results in a spat. If it gets severe enough, the Alpha or one of the Betas will step in.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are territorial. Not against others in their own Colony, but towards those from other Colonies. While not common, some alpha females and the highest ranking beta males will use urine marking to mark the edges of their territory.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are a mixture of supernatural and biological. They are a sentient creature that lives in groups called Colonies. Dominance and leadership is dependent on the strength and cleverness of the individual. Females are bigger and stronger than males, as well as more aggressive and naturally more dominant. Male leaders are not only extremely rare, but are practically unheard of.<\/p>\r\n<p>They have very little concept of personal space. Kivuuli are very touchy with eachother. They spend a lot of time cuddling and generally being near eachother. They are VERY fond of touching. They often stay very close to those they care about. Communal grooming is very common and reinforces bonds within the colony, and among friends and family.<\/p>\r\n<p>They have no concept of doors. They have no shame in nudity. Kivuuli do not wear clothes. Some, though, may decorate themselves with gems and things they have found. Their homes are open, and they come and go as they please. They don&rsquo;t steal from eachother. A Kivuuli who does steal is often attacked by their fellows, and driven away if the action continues.<\/p>","field4":"<h4>Appearance and anatomy<\/h4>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are somewhat humanoid in appearance, but have some very clear differences. They are long and lean, with elongated torsos and limbs. The average Kivuuli stands around nine to nine and a half feet tall. They have pawlike digitgrade feet which have four toes, or four toes and a dewclaw. Being interdimensional creatures, they often appear with a strange dark aura around them with what seems like tiny sparks or glimmers of lights appearing and floating aimlessly around them and vanishing again. This aura and particles usually matches the basic color of their eyes. It only shows when they are using, or have recently used their reality bending abilities.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli skin is incredibly tough and thick. It takes some strength and a sharp blade to pierce it. They have a coating of fur that is short, but dense and soft. Their natural body temperature is around 105 degrees Fahrenheit, and thus they are very warm to the touch. The fur is usually longest around the shoulders, down the back, and in small fringes around the ankles and wrists.<\/p>\r\n<p>The fur on a female's ruff is longer and thicker than that of a male, and the skin there is looser and thicker and tougher as well. This serves as a protective barrier against the male's fangs, since they tend to bite during mating. Even then, he does often draw blood though most females don't mind this. It actually feels good to them.<\/p>\r\n<p>Being interdimensional creatures, Kivuuli are extremely light. Even standing around nine or more feet tall, they rarely weigh over one hundred fifty pounds. This is due to them being made up of something like solidified energy. Light, but incredibly strong. This not fully physical nature also manifests in their spines, claws, and fangs. When angry, they actually extend out and get longer and sharper, and when calm shrink back to normal size and sharpness.<\/p>\r\n<p>They have scale like spines on their forearms pointing back off the elbow with membranes between them. Similar scale like spines go down their spine, also having membranes between them. These spines flare up when frightened, angry, or threatened. They are also used in dominance displays.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli blood is a dark nearly black purple and thicker than human blood.<\/p>\r\n<p>Males are far more common than females. There are about five males for every one female hatched.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h4>Diet and Feeding<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli are carnivorous. Their diet consists almost entirely of meat, though they might eat other things if no meat is available. They will sometimes add other things to their diet, such as fruits. Kivuuli tend to love sweets, but they aren&rsquo;t fond of sour things.<\/p>\r\n<p>When it comes out the other end, it looks like very large rabbit droppings and simply crumbles to dust if stepped on. Has little to no smell.<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<h4><br \/>Abilities<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli have many special abilities they are capable of using.<\/p>\r\n<p>\u200b<\/p>\r\n<p>Teleportation - Kivuuli are able to teleport, though their methods are strange and unique. They are able to bend the fabric of reality around them in minor ways, the most pronounced being the ability to literally tear a crack in reality and step through. The crack always heals itself right after the Kivuuli steps through. Not ALL Kivuuli can do this. It is something that must be taught. Kivuuli can see and sense the flow of energy around them. They can also completely silence their steps, even at a full run.<\/p>\r\n<p>**Note that they teleport by jumping through the dimension - or, within the bubble. They can not break out of the bubble into greater between, but they do, in a sense, touch Between when teleporting.<\/p>\r\n<p>Paralyzing Stare - The Paralyzing Stare is an ability Kivuuli developed for hunting and self defense. They stare you right in the eyes, which has a hypnotizing effect, rendering their prey or enemy unable to move. As long as your eyes are locked with the Kivuuli&rsquo;s, you can&rsquo;t move. When eye contact is broken, you can move again. Most Kivuuli ONLY use this ability when absolutely necessary. Generally if they are attacked. They catch the person&rsquo;s gaze, causes them to freeze up, and teleports away to safety as they recover.<\/p>\r\n<p>Intimidating Howl - The Intimidating Howl is a horrible unearthly howl, laced with the Kivuuli&rsquo;s reality bending power. It sounds somewhere between a feral howl, savage snarling, horrible shrieking, and radio static. It forces feelings of terror into the one hearing it, giving them the desire to run away. Most can not handle it, and either faint where they are or run in horror. This terrible howl seems to come from every direction at once, making the Kivuuli&rsquo;s location hard to determine.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Reality Bending - This ability is the underlying cause to many other abilities Kivuuli have. They are able to bend reality around them in minor ways, stifling the sound of their footsteps, stopping you from hearing their breath or smelling them or sensing their presence. They can also leap through cracks in reality to teleport and many other small, but useful applications.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h4>Evolutionary Background<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Their society is very wild in many ways. They are sentient and intelligent, but far more ruled by wild instincts and feral tendencies than humans. This has not changed because it works for them. They are matriarchal, with females naturally leading and males being far calmer and more docile.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Between is a dangerous place, and Kivuuli reproduce slowly. Smaller Colonies are much more likely to breed faster. They also breed faster is there is plenty of food around. During times of famine females will actually stop having heats entirely. This is natural; it allows a Colony to grow strong and maintain their numbers. More babies born means more Kivuuli likely to make it to adulthood. A lone Kivuuli female is several times more likely to become pregnant than a Kivuuli in a big Colony. When a lot of Kivuuli populate one area, or food is less plentiful, their fertility as a whole drops dramatically. The reason why is unknown, but a hormonal response is the most likely candidate. Kivuuli in smaller Colonies are also more likely to go into heat more often. Kivuuli can go into heat every one to three years. Smaller Colonies' viable members will go into heat once a year; bigger colonies often every three years and sometimes even five.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli leave Between to hunt for food not available in their homeworld, gather resources, and explore. They usually go in small parties. Only the strong and clever make it back alive, for other worlds are packed with even more dangers to test a Kivuuli&rsquo;s ability to survive. There may be a small number of Kivuuli with the ability to not age or die of age, but there are plenty of other things killing them and keeping their population balanced.<\/p>\r\n<p>All of this together has honed their intelligence to a fine point, but also nurtured their wild side giving them human intelligence coupled with bestial behaviors and instincts.<br \/>Their ancestors are, in fact, extinct. Natural selection made sure of that. Kinda like we don&rsquo;t see neanderthals or proto-humans running about. Some of their earliest ancestors were sleek, quadrupedal spiked predators that used teleportation to hunt or escape danger. They were fast, strong, and fierce, forming packs that were highly territorial.<\/p>","field5":"<h4>Lifespan<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli have very long natural lives; generally living up to 1000 years. As they start to grow older and approach the end of their lifespan, their Heartstones get less and less effective. This leaves them unable to feed as efficiently or teleport since their bodies stop being able to handle the discordant energies in the rifts they create. Their healing ability starts to slow down as well; and eventually goes away completely. Eventually, their body can no longer repair the damage done by age, and they grow weak and tired. Their fur will begin to gray around the eyes and mouth, and tips of ears as well as on their hands and feet. Once they reach a certain age, they are no longer capable of producing milk, even if they spend a lot of time around kits.<\/p>\r\n<p>When they sense their time is near, they surround themselves by friends and family. They say their goodbyes, before slipping away peacefully. Most often in their sleep.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Some Kivuuli, though, can live on way beyond this time. It seems to be a strange mutation. A Heartstone that can actually slowly repair itself; thus negating the effects of aging present in most of the species. Those who have this mutation will need to sleep more and rest more once they reach a certain age, and their fertility drops. While less fertile, they are still able to have children. They just don't do so as often and females are harder to get pregnant. They will not show any visible signs of aging; they will not grey or dull in color.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are not affected by aging, at all, and they will live on, healthy, until they are killed by something other than age. This tends to be genetic; so those of their line have a chance of getting this ability. The oldest Kivuuli to have ever lived is an Elder named Kaitu, a member of the rare and isolated &lsquo;Maltese&rsquo; or &lsquo;Blue&rsquo; subspecies. Severe damage to the Heartstone can overrun this ability, causing an ancient Kivuuli to age and die very quickly after being hurt, within a year.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h4>Mating and Reproduction<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli males and females look quite similar. Genitals are internal, though gender can be told through differences in their bodies, demeanor, and voice. If one sees a male and female Kivuuli standing side by side, first glance won&rsquo;t reveal many differences. But if you look closely you can tell. Kivuuli do have the occasional hermaphrodite, this is a rare mutation.<br \/>Sexual Dimorphism<br \/>Male: Kivuuli genitals are internal and only emerge in a state of arousal. The male has a slit like sheath more towards the front of his crotch. Males are slimmer and smaller than females, and generally hold themselves lower as well. They are naturally submissive since even a very strong male wouldn't stand a chance against the physically bigger and stronger female. Males do not have much curve to them, if any at all and have narrow waists and hips. They have semi defined pecs, and the fur on their lower belly and inner thighs is not any longer than the fur on the rest of their bodies. They have teats on the lower belly, usually small and not very visible. They tend to have thicker and longer chest fur as well as slightly longer\/fluffier fur around their neck. This can sometimes amplify their cheek fluff, too.<\/p>\r\n<p>Male Kivuuli have lower, rougher and deeper voices than females. The growling undertone is more pronounced.<\/p>\r\n<p>Female: The female has a slit on the bottom of her crotch, barely visable of at all from the front. The slit is subtle and less visable than the male's sheath like slit. A female has visible teats, though they are only really noticeable when she is carrying an egg, or nursing a hatchling.<\/p>\r\n<p>Females are taller and noticeably stronger than males. Her body is thicker, and moderately curvy with wider hips leading down to long and slim, but strong legs. While a layer of fat beneath her skin makes her look softer, beneath that softness is a lot of brute strength and ferocity.<\/p>\r\n<p>The fur down the back of a female&rsquo;s neck, shoulders, and back is thicker and longer than a male's, and she also has thicker longer fur on her belly and inner thigh, which thickens further when carrying, or nursing young.<\/p>\r\n<p>The female Kivuuli's voice is softer and higher in pitch than a male's. Her growl is smoother, but deeper and fiercer. Her purr is a low and smooth.<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p>Heat and Mating<br \/>Kivuuli attract mates through scent.<\/p>\r\n<p>Female Kivuuli go into heat regularly, but when observed in our dimension it happens roughly once every 1-3 years. A female raising a kit can not enter this state as long as she is nursing the kit. This is the only time she can become pregnant. It lasts for roughly two weeks or until she finds a suitable mate.<\/p>\r\n<p>There are three stages to the heat.<\/p>\r\n<p>Stage 1- Her scent begins to shift. This is not actual heat yet; she is not fertile. But her body is preparing itself for heat. She starts to become more interested in males, but also more hormonal and dangerous. She also becomes territorial towards other females, not letting them near her den. This stage lasts a few days.<\/p>\r\n<p>Stage 2- Her scent grows stronger, and her body is almost ready to mate. This is the attracting a mate stage. The testing the males and letting them fight for her stage. She becomes actively interested in males, and is easily aroused. Like a cat, a female in heat will groom herself frequently to deal with the wetness between the legs. While not water-based, it gets annoying. This stage of heat lasts about a week.<br \/>At this stage, her strong heat-scent rouses the males into excitement; causing them to follow her an attempt to impress her. Mating in this stage of heat will not end it, but it will shorten the time that she&rsquo;s in it. Once a mate is chosen, they will mate repeatedly until her heat is over. It usually ends within 24 hours of her first mating.<\/p>\r\n<p>Stage 3 - This is the most intense part of her heat. This is when she is fully ready to mate and most likely to ovulate. Her heat scent becomes so strong the males can practically taste it on the air. She becomes extremely restless, unable to stay in one place for long. Many females will pace on and on, and even whine and call their discomfort and need. Younger females react more strongly to this stage; while older females can usually ignore it with the occasional whine and shift of discomfort. The ache inside them grows so intense that even those who don&rsquo;t want a child might mate just to get it over with.<\/p>\r\n<p>The males will scuffle and fight among themselves, and the strongest, healthiest males will compete to gain her attention. Once the female has chosen, the other males will give up and find another release. Often in the form of a female who is not in heat; since she can not become pregnant she does not care about the health or strength of the male.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Even though Kivuuli generally mate very roughly, with growling and biting and claws involved, it is always consensual. A Kivuuli who tries to take a mate against their will will be turned on and killed by their Colony.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Once the female chooses her suitor and mating occurs, her heat will either be shortened, or end completely. She signals that she is ready by getting into the presenting position. Crouching down, revealing the thickly furred ruff on her back, and raising her rear into the air. Even if mating doesn&rsquo;t always happen in this position, it&rsquo;s considered a sign of acceptance, even if she plays hard to get afterwards. Kivuuli females, like cats, are stimulated ovulators. Without the proper stimulation, the heat will end but she won&rsquo;t become pregnant. Even if stimulated, the male must have strong seed or her body will kill it all before it fertilizes her. While they will mate repeatedly, the first one is the one that triggers the end of the heat, and thus, after that first one, stimulation will not cause ovulation if it hasn&rsquo;t already.<\/p>\r\n<p>It takes a few days to know if the mating was successful. After a few days, if the mating was successful, her scent will change to announce that she is pregnant. She will also fail to shed, since the shed will be delayed until a week before laying. Female Kivuuli shed a week after heat. If it does not take and she sheds, she will have to wait until her next heat cycle to try again; usually with a different male. \u200b<br \/>Gestation<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>With the exception of very few isolated colonies, Kivuuli are an egg-bearing race. They carry the egg for four to five months, growing large quickly. The male is expected to hunt for her and bring her food, since her appetite will increase as she packs the egg with nutrients it will need once it exits her body. The baby will also develop considerably during this time. By the time the egg is laid, the brain of the fetus is almost completely formed; the rest of the body finishes forming after the egg is laid. As the egg forms, the female&rsquo;s fur grows thicker and denser, to make better lining for her nest. The fur around her belly and inner thighs thickens too; and she will not shed her guardhairs.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their pelvis separates in two places, and is held together by springy, elastic tendons. Each separation contains a small bone bridge that breaks in the process of laying the first egg. This produces a small, sharp crack\/pop, and is quite painful. The bone bridge never grows back and any eggs after the first are easier. Once the egg has passed through, the tendons will spring back, and the Kivuuli&rsquo;s natural healing ability will repair any damage within an hour or two of laying while the exhausted mother sleeps. Males do not have the tendons or bone bridges.<\/p>\r\n<p>While inside them, the egg shell is thick and leathery. It forms soon after conception and plays the part of the placenta until it comes time to lay. During the last few days before laying it becomes the egg shell, which and is soft and pliable. After laying, the shell takes roughly a half hour to harden. It becomes tough, hard and slightly textured. It is very thick and tough, hard to break from the outside. It is, however, very vulnerable until it&rsquo;s fully hardened. The reason it develops so long inside the mother is so the brain can form properly; the mother gives it a kick start, and the hatchling finishes development within the egg.<\/p>\r\n<p>They look huge when they are carrying, but most of that is actually fluids that protect and cushion the egg as well as providing lubrication for laying. Nutrients are stored within the forming shell, though the hatchling has a Proteanct link to the mother until a few days before laying.<\/p>\r\n<p>During the pregnancy, the Kivuuli will have an intense nesting instinct. She will take anything she can find. Fur of other shedding Kivuuli, blankets, any soft thing, and build a nest. During the last week of carrying, she will shed, and line her nest with her fur. Once the egg is laid, it will be watched over and kept warm by her while its father hunts for her. It will hatch in another 4-5 months. This can vary by subspecies, or location, or individual Kivuuli. Eggs can vary in color, but are usually smooth and black with slightly lighter colored mottling. This can change depending on the individual Kivuuli or their environment.<\/p>\r\n<p>A hatchling Kivuuli is known as a kit, because they are very kitten like in their behavior. Kits are known to imprint on the energy signature and voice of the one who spends the most time around the egg. As such, they know their mother the instant they come out. While hatching, a mother will crouch near the egg, face inches away from it and make soft chirring calls to encourage the kit to break free of the egg.<br \/><br \/>Upon hatching, they will follow the scent of the mother&rsquo;s teats. The scent and feel of the kit suckling will trigger a surge of hormones, and she will begin lactation. This surge of hormones will reduce the Kivuuli to soft, relaxed purring. Any Kivuuli can be triggered to lactate in this manner, be it male or female. Once lactation begins, the Kivuuli&rsquo;s appetite will increase. They often feed their milk to older or sick individuals within the Colony to help them survive and stay strong.<\/p>\r\n<p>In the pregnant Kivuuli, the teats poke out of the fur, as the fur sheds from directly around them.<\/p>\r\n<p>When nursing, the flesh swells a bit to push the nipples out of the fur, thus allowing the hatchling to nurse without getting a mouthful of its mother&rsquo;s fur.<\/p>\r\n<p>The consistency is thick, almost like a probiotic yogurt shake, and the taste is surprisingly mild and a little sweet. It is highly nutritious, high in protein and energy; and everything else a kit needs to grow. Kivuuli kits who nurse on their mother grow up bigger and stronger as adults, and generally have a higher chance of being more dominant. It is not at all uncommon for Kivuuli in a Colony to nurse eachother's young. Sometimes older members will play the part of nanny for younger, less experienced Kivuuli. Some Kivuuli will choose to never stop lactating for the purpose of playing nanny to the kits within the Colony.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are extremely protective of their kits. If you hurt a kit, the whole Colony will attack. Even one lone Kivuuli is far more ferocious and dangerous than any mother bear; you don&rsquo;t want to know what would happen if you pissed off a whole colony of them.<\/p>\r\n<p>A human baby could drink Kivuuli&rsquo;s milk but couldn&rsquo;t survive off of it unless water was added to it. Kivuuli&rsquo;s milk contains no water whatsoever. It is high in protein, with a moderate amount of fat, and harder on the digestive system than human milk. It isn&rsquo;t dangerous but will not meet a human&rsquo;s needs properly. If water is added a human baby can survive off of it but won&rsquo;t be at ideal health and it would likely cause a lot of gas and intestinal discomfort being designed for a baby with a much stronger digestive system. It would pose no problems for an adult, and is highly nutritious with natural healing properties as well as infection fighting properties. An adult human or other meat-eating animal could survive off of it as long as they had access to water to stay hydrated.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are highly lactose intolerant. It makes them very, very sick. As such, Kivuuli milk has no lactose in it.<\/p>\r\n<p>A Kivuuli hatchling would be unable to survive on the milk of any terrestrial mammal. It contains way too much water and their little tummies can&rsquo;t handle it, not to mention their lactose intolerance. An adult Kivuuli can ingest the milk of terrestrial mammals, but it does cause a lot of digestive upset, cramping, nausea, and vomiting. The digestive issues can become severe enough to kill a kit, though an adult can survive it. It would just make them very sick. It does not contain the proper nutrients so if the kit did manage to survive the lactose and water, it would slowly deteriorate in health until it died of malnutrition. Their digestive systems are more advanced so they can be fed mashed cooked (Not raw) meat or anything else high in protein if taken in and raised by a human or a member of another race. Mixing ground up bones and the organs of the animal can add to the nutrition and help the kit more. Some that start off being nursed, though, will utterly refuse solid food.<\/p>\r\n<p>It is not unusual for members of a Colony to nurse eachother&rsquo;s young. In fact, this is a very common practice, though some Kits will not nurse on any but their mother. This depends on the individual. It is most common for the omegas to act as nannies for the Colony, helping to care for the kits while stronger individuals hunt and bring in food. Because of this Omegas, and especially nannies, while not given any authority, are not treated badly. Kivuuli tend to produce more milk than is needed. If it gets uncomfortable, they tend to empty their teats themselves. This keeps their supply strong, is relaxing and calming, tastes good to them, and is considered completely normal. While a human would find such activity odd, it is completely natural for a Kivuuli.<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h4>Kits<\/h4>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>Kits are teeny when they hatch, a little smaller than the average human baby. They hatch with their eyes closed, but able to hear and smell just fine. Their ears are droopy and their bodies are pudgy and bellies round from the yolk of the egg still inside, being slowly absorbed to give them strength while their mother&rsquo;s milk comes in and they learn to nurse properly. Kits open their eyes when they are between three and seven days old.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are generally fairly quiet and don&rsquo;t cry often, though do tend to make small chitters, squeaks, and mewling noises. They hate being alone.<\/p>\r\n<p>Babies have a very strong instinct to not relieve themselves within the nest. When they feel the need to go, they will let their parent know with insistent screeching until taken somewhere. Like a newborn kitten or puppy, they will not eliminate on their own. There is a pressure point just at the base of the neck that can be triggered through a certain way of holding onto the scruff that triggers them to go reflexively; they will only go when held in that certain way until they learn to move about on all fours. Once able to move about on all fours they will always leave the nest to eliminate. It's an instinct to keep the nest site clean and smelling good, since Kivuuli noses are extremely sensitive. Young Kivuuli are fully mobile by the time they are three months old, and run about everywhere on all fours.<\/p>\r\n<p>The babies depend completely on their parents and the others in their colony for survival. They are unable to teleport. In fact, this takes a lot of time to get right and generally has to be taught though can be done autonomously if the Kivuuli feels that its life is in danger. Kits are weaned between 3-5 years old, depending on the kit in question. Some wean themselves earlier, some later. A mother will never force wean her kit, because if they are still nursing it means they likely still need to. Kits are able to move about by the time they are three months old. As kits get older and start to move around, they love to practice their hunting instincts and will often hunt, and eat, small animals once their teeth grow in. They generally start getting teeth when they are about a year old. They like to show their kills off to their parents, or others in the Colony. As they get to be about 5 years old, they are weaned and eating solid food with ease. They are also able to eat raw meat by then.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli grow bigger and stronger as they age. At roughly 15, they reach sexual maturity. They are considered adults, even if not at full size yet at this age. Around 18 to 23, they stop growing and achieve their full height. It is around this time they learn to effect reality around them both in silencing their steps and in creating and jumping through little dimensional cracks to teleport. They usually stay with their parents until full maturity, and after that remain with their Colony of birth.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli children are incredibly awkward and clumsy until they grow into their long limbs. They spend more time on all fours than on two feet, though around ten years old they start getting up on two feet more often. Even into adulthod, they spend time both on all fours, and on two feet equally depending on the situation. Kits hurt themselves frequently, but this only kick-starts their natural healing ability.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Kits are known for getting themselves into trouble, constantly. They are mischievous, playful, energetic, and insatiably curious. The entire colony works to keep the children safe and alive. Just like kittens.<\/p>\r\n<p>Female kits are a bit more energetic and feisty than males.<\/p>\r\n<p>Young males love to playfight and spar among themselves. These playfights grow more intense once they near adolescence, roughly around 10-12 years old or so. Sometimes, these playfights get a bit too intense, leaving one or both young males bloody. They step away to heal, which is usually finished within minutes. Once healed, they go at it again. Adolescent males are constantly tussling, wrestling, and play-fighting, which only grows worse the closer to adulthood they get. While these bouts of snapping, screaming, growling, and snarling looks terrifying and deadly, they look far, far, FAR worse than they actually are. They never seriously hurt eachother and other Kivuuli in the Colony know very well the difference between play and real fighting, since real fighting is far louder and more vicious. As males get older, they mellow out considerably, and only face off against other males in contests of strength in the presence of a receptive female. They do this to try to impress her. They usually don&rsquo;t mellow out fully until around 30 or so; around 20-30 they are fully mature, but have bouts of wild, child-like energetic kittenlike playfulness.<\/p>\r\n<p>As a female reaches adolescence, she becomes fiercer and more commanding. If she joins a playfight, the males usually back down and submit almost instantly. Playfights between two females are far more vicious and noisy and dangerous-looking than playfights between males. They are practicing to take dominance someday; males just fight for fun or to pass on their genes. She starts to show interest in the male&rsquo;s battles, and starts to show more interest in those that win these fights. Most of the time, she will avoid a mate when she has her first heat cycle, since her body isn&rsquo;t fully grown at this point and not likely able to sustain an offspring for long. The first heat cycle generally happens around 15 years of age. She is considered an adult at this age, but she usually won&rsquo;t choose a mate until she is at her full size since a younger body is less able to successfully carry an egg. Most males will not attempt to impress a young female unless they themselves are young. Even if she is sexually mature and considered an adult, she is not full size and not interested in mating. Most of the time, even if she DOES find a mate, it will not take since her body is not ready to sustain pregnancy.<\/p>\r\n<p>She will usually chase off any male that comes near while going through her first heat. The first heat cycle is usually short, and not too intense. She is not fertile for this cycle, it is simply her body announcing that it is mature. Her heats will gradually get longer until they settle at the normal length when she&rsquo;s achieved her full size. If a female is not ready to have a kit of her own, she will hide away and ignore or chase off any males that try to gain her attention. Most females prefer not to have a kit until they have gained more experience. Young mothers are far more likely to be aggressive and attack anything they see as a threat than older mothers who are more experienced in raising, guiding, and protecting a child.<\/p>","field6":"<p>Mutations and Variations<br \/>The dewclaw is a fairly common variation found among Kivuuli. Both parents must either have, or carry, the dewclaw gene for it to show in an offspring.<\/p>\r\n<p>Another common variation is the heel spur. This is also recessive. Both parents must be carriers of the gene for it to pass on. Some Kivuuli have both heelspurs and dewclaws.<\/p>\r\n<p>Some Kivuuli are unable to retract their claws. This is very rare; but when it does show up it is not much of a hindrance. They are generally chosen as hunters, though they have to be careful since their claws are very sharp when fully extended. They often make claw caps for themselves to avoid hurting themselves or others.<\/p>\r\n<p>Some Kivuuli have a strip of longer fur that goes all the way down their spine.<\/p>\r\n<p>A rare mutation can cause them to lack spines.<\/p>\r\n<p>The Bully mutation causes Kivuuli to be bigger and more muscular than their fellows. They lose a lot of speed and agility, but gain a lot of brute strength.<\/p>\r\n<p>It is not uncommon for Kivuuli to have no markings, though it is far more common to have markings around the shoulders and hips.<\/p>\r\n<p>Long Fur<\/p>\r\n<p>Hermaphrodite - (Either masculine or feminine hermaphrodite)<\/p>\r\n<p>Rex Coat (Curly, this shows in varying degrees, fairly common, but usually subtle)<\/p>\r\n<p>Feathering (Light, Medium, or Heavy, light is common, medium and heavy is uncommon)<\/p>\r\n<p>Leucism (Can appear either patchy, white, near white, or unusually pale. This occurs either partial, or full. Leucistic Kivuuli are extremely rare!)<\/p>\r\n<p>Melenistic (Menelistic Kivuuli are almost impossible to tell apart from regular Kivuuli unless from a subspecies)<\/p>\r\n<p>Furless (Rare, but not unheard of. Tends to show up in warmer areas.)<\/p>\r\n<p>Lengthened Ear Tufts (Rare)<br \/>Albinism\/Partial Albinism (EXTREMELY rare! Most Albino Kivuuli are either blind, or almost blind.)<\/p>\r\n<p>Lengthened Cheek Fluffs (Uncommon, common among Maltese)<\/p>","field7":"<h4>Tips for Designing your Kivuuli<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>The pads will always match the iris in color, though always darker and less saturated, unless the Kivuuli is a Lippizan.<\/p>\r\n<p>Lippizan have black pads and membranes and skin, whereas normal Kivuuli, and Kivuuli of other breeds have flesh color somewhat matching their eyes.<\/p>\r\n<p>I always select the iris color, darken it slightly and desaturate it. If the Kivuuli has heterochromia, the fleshy bits can match either eye.<\/p>\r\n<p>Another tip is try not to make your Kivuuli too saturated. They must look natural.<\/p>\r\n<p>For color reference on Desert Kivuuli, look at lions, caracals, fennecs, and similar creatures. The most common look is Caracal like with some spotting, dappling and striping.<\/p>\r\n<p>For regular Kivuuli, they can have slight hints of color, though never too saturated or obvious since other color is added by a gene that isn&rsquo;t open. They can be dark grey to near stark black. Markings are usually slightly darker, but can be slightly lighter in some occasions.<\/p>\r\n<p>Tundra Kivuuli come in soft creams and browns, but never stark white. Think like the summer coat of an arctic fox for coloration.<\/p>\r\n<p>Many Kivuuli are lighter on the bellies and darker on the backs, shoulders, and hips and dorsal stripes are common.<\/p>\r\n<p>The spines are usually black, though can be lighter, and always match the claws in color. The inside of the mouth is generally lighter than the membrane\/pad color.<\/p>","parsed":{"description":"<p>The Kivuuli, a mysterious and powerful interdimensional semi-humanoid creature. They are rumored to hold the key to the Realms Between.<\/p>","field1":"<p>Kivuuli are a tall and powerful carnivorous furred semi-humanoid inter-dimensional race. They are generally black or dark grey with blue, green, or purple eyes and usually have slightly darker markings in stripes, spots, or a combination of the two that only show under certain light. There are several subspecies with different colors and markings being common from the warm reds of the forest dwelling Met'saa to the whites of the Lippizan to the blue grays of the Maltese or the golden color of Desert Kivuuli.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are elongated in build, with long limbs and are as comfortable on all fours as they are on two feet. They are incredibly wild, but generally won't attack unless attacked or threatened. Kivuuli are fully sapient and a social species. Despite their fearsome appearance, Kivuuli are a gentle and peaceful race with strong maternal instincts appearing in both males and females.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are very fast, especially when on all fours and live in groups known as Colonies.<\/p>","field2":"<h4>Between; Homeworld of the Kivuuli<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Imagine the air around you, full of bubbles. Now imagine that each of these bubbles is its own dimension. It's own universe. Has its own laws, and inner workings. Now, imagine all the space between the bubbles. A strange place, between the dimensions; ever shifting and changing. This is where the Kivuuli dwell and come from. The rules of physics do not apply; great islands of stone float through the darkness, covered in forests of strange bioluminescent fungus-like plants and other strange flora. Inhabited by strange creatures of all shapes and sizes, from tiny glowing dragonlike lizards to massive beasts that would put Earth's dinosaurs to shame. Literally anything can happen in Between, any sort of creature, any world, any dimension, any universe. The Kivuuli can reach many worlds and this is part of the reason for their great success as an apex predator.<\/p>\r\n<p>Harsh, but oddly beautiful, Between is buzzing with strange power and magic and the magical rules and laws of hundreds of dimensions, worlds, and universes clashing together in beautiful chaos. The areas of Between are effected by the laws of the dimensions and worlds closest to them; making Between highly varied. Between is beautiful; but as beautiful as it is it is deadly, thus the Kivuuli have had to adapt in to fast, powerful pack hunting predators that have claws that can slash through granite and a terrible shrieking wail that can drive fear into the hearts of the bravest.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are fast, able to teleport, and able to face creatures several times their size. This strange place has many names. Darkrealm, Tartarus, Limbo; but many simply call this place the Between; for this is what it is. The realm between dimensions. A strange and mysterious place; beautiful to behold but deadly to those not from there. While most of Between is completely dark aside from glimmers of light here and there and bioluminsecent plants and animals, some isles are ruled by a great orb of energy mimicking a sun. Some have their own weather patterns and day night cycles. Cracks and passages between dimensions are always opening and closing, allowing Kivuuli the ability to enter and leave Between at will, though they must be careful as some rifts are temporary and could close and leave them stranded in a strange and unfamiliar world. Others, still, are horribly unstable and deadly and could rip an unsuspecting Kivuuli to shreds leaving nothing but splatters of blood and the memory of their horrible screams.<\/p>","field3":"<h4>Calls, Vocalizations and Language<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli voices have a strange, otherworldly quality to them. They sound almost distorted, with a clear staticy crackling undertone. This is likely because of their interdimensional nature.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their voices are often deep, with a growl or purr like sound mixed in. A Kivuuli speaking is much what a person might imagine a lion&rsquo;s voice would sound like if it learned to speak. They tend to have emphasis on sharper sounds, like k, z, v, and such, and their r&rsquo;s are often lengthened slightly in a slight growl or purr. They are fully capable of learning languages aside from their own and, in fact, Kivuuli learn incredibly fast. Despite their wild primitive ways, they are incredibly intelligent.<\/p>\r\n<p>Outside of speech, they have a whole range of natural vocalizations. When excited or friendly, they let out a sound similar to a chittering cat. Though much deeper and lower in tone. This sound is often used by playful kits, or adults trying to show they mean no harm. Kivuuli also purr. It&rsquo;s a deep, heavy rumbling sound with a bit of static to it.<\/p>\r\n<p>They chitter, chirp, chuff, rumble, growl, purr, hiss, click, snarl, roar, howl, and many other sounds.<\/p>\r\n<p>Chirping is used to call and greet fellow members of their Colony. The chuff is similar to a chuffing tiger, and they use this to greet loved ones and family or close friends. The rumble and growl show varying levels of irritation and\/or anger, eventually leading to a wild snarling or finally, their terrible howl or roar.<\/p>\r\n<p>Purring is an expression of pleasure and contentment.<\/p>\r\n<p>When injured, they let out soft whimpers and whines.<\/p>\r\n<p>When sad, they will either be very quiet, whimper softly, or let out a heartbreaking wail when mourning the death of a loved one.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their language incorporates all of these vocalizations. And they even integrate this when speaking other languages as well.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli also rely strongly on body language. The position of one&rsquo;s ears, tone of voice, and posture can change the meaning of what they are trying to say. Looking at the position of the ears is a great way to tell what mood a Kivuuli is in. When neutral, the ears are out slightly to the sides and in a relaxed position. When alert or shocked, their ears perk up and swivel forward. Their ears often flick and swivel towards any sound, and many times they detect sounds other creatures will not.<\/p>\r\n<p>When angry, their ears go back, and they lower their ears when sad, or trying to show submission. Higher ranking Kivuuli generally tend to hold their ears perked higher than lower ranking Kivuuli.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli can also make a strange tonal almost&hellip; droning sound. Somewhere between a thrum and a rumble, it can promote relaxation or healing. The sound is, indeed, very strange. And it is something that is rarely heard among Kivuuli so it is theorized that only a few of them are capable of, or know how to, produce this sound.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h4>Culture, Customs and Heirarchy<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Not much is known of Kivuuli culture and customs, but it can be very complex even if it seems deceptively simple. Their customs are a mix between their wild and feral nature and their sapience. In some ways they can be considered very primitive, though not savage. In reality, Kivuuli believe strongly in living with the land. When living somewhere, they are very careful to preserve the balance of nature. They do not chase other predators out of their territory, and never over-hunt. They only take what they need, and use as much of their prey as they can. They use the pelts and fur in their nests, make things from their bones, horns, or hooves, and eat every part they are able to.<\/p>\r\n<p>Most Kivuuli do not mate for life. As such, they do not have any ceremonies or weddings. Among Kivuuli, a Colony is a family. They do not have surnames, nor do they need them. Reproduction has nothing to do with feelings of love, but rather to make offspring. Kivuuli do sometimes mate for life, but this is fairly rare. Even those who are lifemates will sometimes mate with others and this is not considered cheating. It is completely normal, since it helps spread out the gene pool.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli hierarchy is very pack like. Their groups are referred to as Colonies, though some call them Clans. A Colony is lead by the Dominant Female, or Alpha Female. Males in higher positions are extremely rare. The highest ranking male or males are known as Betas.<\/p>\r\n<p>The Elders are the oldest and wisest members of the Colony. Just being old does not make you an Elder. Elders are story-tellers, legend-keepers; and even the Dominant Female often goes to them for advice or help. An Elder must always be respected. Kivuuli have a written language, and the Elders write their history into the caves their Colony dwells in. Their claws carve the stories and names of all Kivuuli in a Colony into the stone. The Halls of History, as a Kivuuli calls the dens and caves the Elders keep and dwell in, are considered sacred and must not be damaged in any way. Only the Elders are allowed to carve the stone within. Because of this, Kivuuli Colonies are VERY hesitant to leave their homes, even if threatened. They are incredibly sentimental of their history. When an Elder dies, their Heartstone is placed within the Hall with the Heartstones of all past Elders in a place of ultimate honor. The Dominant Female&rsquo;s Heartstone are placed within the Halls as well.<\/p>\r\n<p>The highest ranking male is considered the Colony Dominant Male, or Beta Male. He usually leads with the female, but is completely subordinate towards her. He is dominant towards the males in the Colony, but not towards the females. The Beta Male is usually the first one a female in heat will choose, and most often is the chosen mate of the Alpha Female, simply because he is the strongest and most clever male in the Colony and has good genes.<\/p>\r\n<p>There are mid ranking males and females, who fight out their dominance among eachother, and Omegas.<\/p>\r\n<p>Omegas are not treated badly, but they have no authority within the Colony and are almost never chosen as mates. Female Omegas are extremely rare, and generally only crippled, or terminally ill females end up as an Omega. Omegas often act as nannies for the Colony, and often induce lactation to keep kits calm and fed while the stronger and higher ranking Kivuuli hunt and carry out other tasks. Kivuuli who play the part of nannies are treated very well, and given plenty of food so they can continue to produce milk for the kits they help care for.<\/p>\r\n<p>Lactating Kivuuli will often allow weak, sick, or elderly members of their colony to feed from them, for the strengthening and healing properties their milk has. While a human would consider this taboo, gross and strange, it is completely normal in Kivuuli society.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli take very good care of the less fortunate members of their Colonies. The crippled, the weak, the runty, the stunted, the injured, the elderly&hellip; all of them are well cared for. The entire Colony will pitch in together to insure the survival of even their weakest members. Weak Kivuuli may not reproduce, but they live comfortable and happy.<\/p>\r\n<p>Lower than Omegas, are the disgraced Kivuuli. They have done something terrible and lost their honor and are hated by the Colony and not treated well.<\/p>\r\n<p>Disgraced Kivuuli are those who did something shameful. Not deserving of exile, they keep their name and aren&rsquo;t chased away, but they are generally ostracized by their fellows and can&rsquo;t fight their way up in rank even if strong and dominant. A Disgraced Kivuuli must provide for themselves and are not allowed access to the Colony&rsquo;s food stores or hunts. They must prove themselves worthy to get out of this status and become Omegas, but they will never rise above omega status and will never be fully trusted again.<\/p>\r\n<p>Exiled Kivuuli are those who have committed the highest of crimes in their culture. Rape, murder, killing other sentient beings unprovoked, hurting innocent kits, and betrayal are among the crimes deemed worthy this fate worse than death. An Exile is called Itz&rsquo;hil. This word means many things at once. &ldquo;Exiled, Nameless, Shamed One, Marked One.&rdquo;<\/p>\r\n<p>The Marking is sentenced by the Alpha Female and the Colony&rsquo;s Elders. If the accused Kivuuli is not remorseful of their crimes, or their crimes are unforgivable, their teleportation ability is temporarily knocked out and they are chained to a pillar of stone that they can not escape from. Legs and arms clamped down so they can not move. The Alpha Female makes the first mark. She slashes into his chest a symbol, reciting the word &ldquo;Itz&rsquo;hil!&rdquo; with each slash of her claws. The Elders are next, speaking something along the lines of &ldquo;As you threw away your honor, I take away your name. You are Exile. You are Itz&rsquo;hil. You are Nameless. You are Nothing.&rdquo; followed by the family their actions hurt the most, then every other adult in the Colony. Children are not permitted to view or participate in these Ceremonies. The mark and word is repeated time and time and time again until the Kivuuli&rsquo;s healing ability slows and the slashes form a scar, a mark that will forever mar their chest. This can take weeks of constant torture. Once the Marking Ceremony is complete, the exhausted exile is released from the chains, and viciously chased away by the Colony. Any Colony who sees these marks from that time on will not allow the exile into their territory. Exiles live a lonely and miserable life, and generally don&rsquo;t last long since Kivuuli are such social creatures and depend strongly on eachother for survival and emotional wellbeing.<\/p>\r\n<p>Older, stronger Kivuuli can assert their dominance without a fight, simply with posture, ear position, and growling. Or, even, with confidence alone. Smaller males are generally more submissive than larger ones.<\/p>\r\n<p>The female is in charge; though she lets the males set up their pecking order however they want. If it gets to be too much, she&rsquo;ll step in, assert her dominance, and put a stop to it.<br \/>Battles for dominance never end in death. They fight until one backs down. Sometimes this doesn&rsquo;t even get past the snarling, growling, circling eachother, and displaying their strength and ferocity.<\/p>\r\n<p>Simply watching and listening to a Kivuuli within a Colony can give you a ton of clues on their status. The dominant leaders move with their heads high and ears alert and perked up. When addressing others, they stand tall and look down at them with their hands out to the sides. Submissive members take a lower submissive posture with their claws crossed in front of them and eyes turned to the side. Their ears are held slightly lowered. Direct eye contact is considered a threat, thus lower ranking Kivuuli must not look higher ranking Kivuuli directly in the eye without permission.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli have strange ceremonies when a member of their Colony dies. First, the dead Kivuuli is mourned. Mourning can last days, and is not done until the family of the dead Kivuuli says it is. Those closest will wail and howl their grief on and on, a haunting and heartbreaking sound. Almost a haunting and heartbreaking song. Especially at the death of an Elder or Alpha. The entire Colony howls and mourns. But the time for Mourning does not last forever. Once the deceased Kivuuli is mourned, they have a special celebration.<\/p>\r\n<p>A feast is held, with dancing, singing, storytelling, and laughing. For such a sombre thing, there is great joy. The Colony remembers their deceased member fondly. They talk about their life, their effect on the Colony. The Heartstone is then placed in a special antechamber within the Halls of History. The Elders carve the shape of the Heartstone out into the stone, gently place the gem within, and carve the name of the deceased Kivuuli beneath with their claws to be remembered forever. All deceased Kivuuli in a Colony are remembered unless they are Disgraced when they die. If disgraced, the Heartstone is set aside and ignored&hellip; a strong enough crime has the Heartstone being thrown off into the blackness surrounding the strange floating isles the Kivuuli dwell on.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are very matriarchal. The female is entirely in charge; the dominant female is submissive to none. A Colony lead by a male is considered unnatural and weak.<\/p>\r\n<p>They tolerate mistakes in children more than in adults. Children are still learning, and can be taught. Adults know better.<\/p>\r\n<p>These colonies can harbor anything from a small handful of Kivuuli, to hundreds or in some rare cases, over a thousand of them. The Elder position is not limited to just one; if there is more than one elder, they are all looked up to and view eachother as equals.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli live as a community and share everything. Their homes, their food. The strong help provide for the weak, those not strong enough to hunt do other tasks within the Colony, such as helping care for kits. They respect eachother&rsquo;s homes and belongings. Theft and stealing is frowned upon, but not enough for alphas to get involved. The one stolen from is in charge of getting their belongings back. This often results in a spat. If it gets severe enough, the Alpha or one of the Betas will step in.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are territorial. Not against others in their own Colony, but towards those from other Colonies. While not common, some alpha females and the highest ranking beta males will use urine marking to mark the edges of their territory.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are a mixture of supernatural and biological. They are a sentient creature that lives in groups called Colonies. Dominance and leadership is dependent on the strength and cleverness of the individual. Females are bigger and stronger than males, as well as more aggressive and naturally more dominant. Male leaders are not only extremely rare, but are practically unheard of.<\/p>\r\n<p>They have very little concept of personal space. Kivuuli are very touchy with eachother. They spend a lot of time cuddling and generally being near eachother. They are VERY fond of touching. They often stay very close to those they care about. Communal grooming is very common and reinforces bonds within the colony, and among friends and family.<\/p>\r\n<p>They have no concept of doors. They have no shame in nudity. Kivuuli do not wear clothes. Some, though, may decorate themselves with gems and things they have found. Their homes are open, and they come and go as they please. They don&rsquo;t steal from eachother. A Kivuuli who does steal is often attacked by their fellows, and driven away if the action continues.<\/p>","field4":"<h4>Appearance and anatomy<\/h4>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are somewhat humanoid in appearance, but have some very clear differences. They are long and lean, with elongated torsos and limbs. The average Kivuuli stands around nine to nine and a half feet tall. They have pawlike digitgrade feet which have four toes, or four toes and a dewclaw. Being interdimensional creatures, they often appear with a strange dark aura around them with what seems like tiny sparks or glimmers of lights appearing and floating aimlessly around them and vanishing again. This aura and particles usually matches the basic color of their eyes. It only shows when they are using, or have recently used their reality bending abilities.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli skin is incredibly tough and thick. It takes some strength and a sharp blade to pierce it. They have a coating of fur that is short, but dense and soft. Their natural body temperature is around 105 degrees Fahrenheit, and thus they are very warm to the touch. The fur is usually longest around the shoulders, down the back, and in small fringes around the ankles and wrists.<\/p>\r\n<p>The fur on a female's ruff is longer and thicker than that of a male, and the skin there is looser and thicker and tougher as well. This serves as a protective barrier against the male's fangs, since they tend to bite during mating. Even then, he does often draw blood though most females don't mind this. It actually feels good to them.<\/p>\r\n<p>Being interdimensional creatures, Kivuuli are extremely light. Even standing around nine or more feet tall, they rarely weigh over one hundred fifty pounds. This is due to them being made up of something like solidified energy. Light, but incredibly strong. This not fully physical nature also manifests in their spines, claws, and fangs. When angry, they actually extend out and get longer and sharper, and when calm shrink back to normal size and sharpness.<\/p>\r\n<p>They have scale like spines on their forearms pointing back off the elbow with membranes between them. Similar scale like spines go down their spine, also having membranes between them. These spines flare up when frightened, angry, or threatened. They are also used in dominance displays.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli blood is a dark nearly black purple and thicker than human blood.<\/p>\r\n<p>Males are far more common than females. There are about five males for every one female hatched.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h4>Diet and Feeding<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli are carnivorous. Their diet consists almost entirely of meat, though they might eat other things if no meat is available. They will sometimes add other things to their diet, such as fruits. Kivuuli tend to love sweets, but they aren&rsquo;t fond of sour things.<\/p>\r\n<p>When it comes out the other end, it looks like very large rabbit droppings and simply crumbles to dust if stepped on. Has little to no smell.<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<h4><br \/>Abilities<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli have many special abilities they are capable of using.<\/p>\r\n<p>\u200b<\/p>\r\n<p>Teleportation - Kivuuli are able to teleport, though their methods are strange and unique. They are able to bend the fabric of reality around them in minor ways, the most pronounced being the ability to literally tear a crack in reality and step through. The crack always heals itself right after the Kivuuli steps through. Not ALL Kivuuli can do this. It is something that must be taught. Kivuuli can see and sense the flow of energy around them. They can also completely silence their steps, even at a full run.<\/p>\r\n<p>**Note that they teleport by jumping through the dimension - or, within the bubble. They can not break out of the bubble into greater between, but they do, in a sense, touch Between when teleporting.<\/p>\r\n<p>Paralyzing Stare - The Paralyzing Stare is an ability Kivuuli developed for hunting and self defense. They stare you right in the eyes, which has a hypnotizing effect, rendering their prey or enemy unable to move. As long as your eyes are locked with the Kivuuli&rsquo;s, you can&rsquo;t move. When eye contact is broken, you can move again. Most Kivuuli ONLY use this ability when absolutely necessary. Generally if they are attacked. They catch the person&rsquo;s gaze, causes them to freeze up, and teleports away to safety as they recover.<\/p>\r\n<p>Intimidating Howl - The Intimidating Howl is a horrible unearthly howl, laced with the Kivuuli&rsquo;s reality bending power. It sounds somewhere between a feral howl, savage snarling, horrible shrieking, and radio static. It forces feelings of terror into the one hearing it, giving them the desire to run away. Most can not handle it, and either faint where they are or run in horror. This terrible howl seems to come from every direction at once, making the Kivuuli&rsquo;s location hard to determine.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Reality Bending - This ability is the underlying cause to many other abilities Kivuuli have. They are able to bend reality around them in minor ways, stifling the sound of their footsteps, stopping you from hearing their breath or smelling them or sensing their presence. They can also leap through cracks in reality to teleport and many other small, but useful applications.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h4>Evolutionary Background<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Their society is very wild in many ways. They are sentient and intelligent, but far more ruled by wild instincts and feral tendencies than humans. This has not changed because it works for them. They are matriarchal, with females naturally leading and males being far calmer and more docile.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Between is a dangerous place, and Kivuuli reproduce slowly. Smaller Colonies are much more likely to breed faster. They also breed faster is there is plenty of food around. During times of famine females will actually stop having heats entirely. This is natural; it allows a Colony to grow strong and maintain their numbers. More babies born means more Kivuuli likely to make it to adulthood. A lone Kivuuli female is several times more likely to become pregnant than a Kivuuli in a big Colony. When a lot of Kivuuli populate one area, or food is less plentiful, their fertility as a whole drops dramatically. The reason why is unknown, but a hormonal response is the most likely candidate. Kivuuli in smaller Colonies are also more likely to go into heat more often. Kivuuli can go into heat every one to three years. Smaller Colonies' viable members will go into heat once a year; bigger colonies often every three years and sometimes even five.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli leave Between to hunt for food not available in their homeworld, gather resources, and explore. They usually go in small parties. Only the strong and clever make it back alive, for other worlds are packed with even more dangers to test a Kivuuli&rsquo;s ability to survive. There may be a small number of Kivuuli with the ability to not age or die of age, but there are plenty of other things killing them and keeping their population balanced.<\/p>\r\n<p>All of this together has honed their intelligence to a fine point, but also nurtured their wild side giving them human intelligence coupled with bestial behaviors and instincts.<br \/>Their ancestors are, in fact, extinct. Natural selection made sure of that. Kinda like we don&rsquo;t see neanderthals or proto-humans running about. Some of their earliest ancestors were sleek, quadrupedal spiked predators that used teleportation to hunt or escape danger. They were fast, strong, and fierce, forming packs that were highly territorial.<\/p>","field5":"<h4>Lifespan<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli have very long natural lives; generally living up to 1000 years. As they start to grow older and approach the end of their lifespan, their Heartstones get less and less effective. This leaves them unable to feed as efficiently or teleport since their bodies stop being able to handle the discordant energies in the rifts they create. Their healing ability starts to slow down as well; and eventually goes away completely. Eventually, their body can no longer repair the damage done by age, and they grow weak and tired. Their fur will begin to gray around the eyes and mouth, and tips of ears as well as on their hands and feet. Once they reach a certain age, they are no longer capable of producing milk, even if they spend a lot of time around kits.<\/p>\r\n<p>When they sense their time is near, they surround themselves by friends and family. They say their goodbyes, before slipping away peacefully. Most often in their sleep.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Some Kivuuli, though, can live on way beyond this time. It seems to be a strange mutation. A Heartstone that can actually slowly repair itself; thus negating the effects of aging present in most of the species. Those who have this mutation will need to sleep more and rest more once they reach a certain age, and their fertility drops. While less fertile, they are still able to have children. They just don't do so as often and females are harder to get pregnant. They will not show any visible signs of aging; they will not grey or dull in color.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are not affected by aging, at all, and they will live on, healthy, until they are killed by something other than age. This tends to be genetic; so those of their line have a chance of getting this ability. The oldest Kivuuli to have ever lived is an Elder named Kaitu, a member of the rare and isolated &lsquo;Maltese&rsquo; or &lsquo;Blue&rsquo; subspecies. Severe damage to the Heartstone can overrun this ability, causing an ancient Kivuuli to age and die very quickly after being hurt, within a year.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h4>Mating and Reproduction<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli males and females look quite similar. Genitals are internal, though gender can be told through differences in their bodies, demeanor, and voice. If one sees a male and female Kivuuli standing side by side, first glance won&rsquo;t reveal many differences. But if you look closely you can tell. Kivuuli do have the occasional hermaphrodite, this is a rare mutation.<br \/>Sexual Dimorphism<br \/>Male: Kivuuli genitals are internal and only emerge in a state of arousal. The male has a slit like sheath more towards the front of his crotch. Males are slimmer and smaller than females, and generally hold themselves lower as well. They are naturally submissive since even a very strong male wouldn't stand a chance against the physically bigger and stronger female. Males do not have much curve to them, if any at all and have narrow waists and hips. They have semi defined pecs, and the fur on their lower belly and inner thighs is not any longer than the fur on the rest of their bodies. They have teats on the lower belly, usually small and not very visible. They tend to have thicker and longer chest fur as well as slightly longer\/fluffier fur around their neck. This can sometimes amplify their cheek fluff, too.<\/p>\r\n<p>Male Kivuuli have lower, rougher and deeper voices than females. The growling undertone is more pronounced.<\/p>\r\n<p>Female: The female has a slit on the bottom of her crotch, barely visable of at all from the front. The slit is subtle and less visable than the male's sheath like slit. A female has visible teats, though they are only really noticeable when she is carrying an egg, or nursing a hatchling.<\/p>\r\n<p>Females are taller and noticeably stronger than males. Her body is thicker, and moderately curvy with wider hips leading down to long and slim, but strong legs. While a layer of fat beneath her skin makes her look softer, beneath that softness is a lot of brute strength and ferocity.<\/p>\r\n<p>The fur down the back of a female&rsquo;s neck, shoulders, and back is thicker and longer than a male's, and she also has thicker longer fur on her belly and inner thigh, which thickens further when carrying, or nursing young.<\/p>\r\n<p>The female Kivuuli's voice is softer and higher in pitch than a male's. Her growl is smoother, but deeper and fiercer. Her purr is a low and smooth.<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p>Heat and Mating<br \/>Kivuuli attract mates through scent.<\/p>\r\n<p>Female Kivuuli go into heat regularly, but when observed in our dimension it happens roughly once every 1-3 years. A female raising a kit can not enter this state as long as she is nursing the kit. This is the only time she can become pregnant. It lasts for roughly two weeks or until she finds a suitable mate.<\/p>\r\n<p>There are three stages to the heat.<\/p>\r\n<p>Stage 1- Her scent begins to shift. This is not actual heat yet; she is not fertile. But her body is preparing itself for heat. She starts to become more interested in males, but also more hormonal and dangerous. She also becomes territorial towards other females, not letting them near her den. This stage lasts a few days.<\/p>\r\n<p>Stage 2- Her scent grows stronger, and her body is almost ready to mate. This is the attracting a mate stage. The testing the males and letting them fight for her stage. She becomes actively interested in males, and is easily aroused. Like a cat, a female in heat will groom herself frequently to deal with the wetness between the legs. While not water-based, it gets annoying. This stage of heat lasts about a week.<br \/>At this stage, her strong heat-scent rouses the males into excitement; causing them to follow her an attempt to impress her. Mating in this stage of heat will not end it, but it will shorten the time that she&rsquo;s in it. Once a mate is chosen, they will mate repeatedly until her heat is over. It usually ends within 24 hours of her first mating.<\/p>\r\n<p>Stage 3 - This is the most intense part of her heat. This is when she is fully ready to mate and most likely to ovulate. Her heat scent becomes so strong the males can practically taste it on the air. She becomes extremely restless, unable to stay in one place for long. Many females will pace on and on, and even whine and call their discomfort and need. Younger females react more strongly to this stage; while older females can usually ignore it with the occasional whine and shift of discomfort. The ache inside them grows so intense that even those who don&rsquo;t want a child might mate just to get it over with.<\/p>\r\n<p>The males will scuffle and fight among themselves, and the strongest, healthiest males will compete to gain her attention. Once the female has chosen, the other males will give up and find another release. Often in the form of a female who is not in heat; since she can not become pregnant she does not care about the health or strength of the male.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Even though Kivuuli generally mate very roughly, with growling and biting and claws involved, it is always consensual. A Kivuuli who tries to take a mate against their will will be turned on and killed by their Colony.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Once the female chooses her suitor and mating occurs, her heat will either be shortened, or end completely. She signals that she is ready by getting into the presenting position. Crouching down, revealing the thickly furred ruff on her back, and raising her rear into the air. Even if mating doesn&rsquo;t always happen in this position, it&rsquo;s considered a sign of acceptance, even if she plays hard to get afterwards. Kivuuli females, like cats, are stimulated ovulators. Without the proper stimulation, the heat will end but she won&rsquo;t become pregnant. Even if stimulated, the male must have strong seed or her body will kill it all before it fertilizes her. While they will mate repeatedly, the first one is the one that triggers the end of the heat, and thus, after that first one, stimulation will not cause ovulation if it hasn&rsquo;t already.<\/p>\r\n<p>It takes a few days to know if the mating was successful. After a few days, if the mating was successful, her scent will change to announce that she is pregnant. She will also fail to shed, since the shed will be delayed until a week before laying. Female Kivuuli shed a week after heat. If it does not take and she sheds, she will have to wait until her next heat cycle to try again; usually with a different male. \u200b<br \/>Gestation<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>With the exception of very few isolated colonies, Kivuuli are an egg-bearing race. They carry the egg for four to five months, growing large quickly. The male is expected to hunt for her and bring her food, since her appetite will increase as she packs the egg with nutrients it will need once it exits her body. The baby will also develop considerably during this time. By the time the egg is laid, the brain of the fetus is almost completely formed; the rest of the body finishes forming after the egg is laid. As the egg forms, the female&rsquo;s fur grows thicker and denser, to make better lining for her nest. The fur around her belly and inner thighs thickens too; and she will not shed her guardhairs.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their pelvis separates in two places, and is held together by springy, elastic tendons. Each separation contains a small bone bridge that breaks in the process of laying the first egg. This produces a small, sharp crack\/pop, and is quite painful. The bone bridge never grows back and any eggs after the first are easier. Once the egg has passed through, the tendons will spring back, and the Kivuuli&rsquo;s natural healing ability will repair any damage within an hour or two of laying while the exhausted mother sleeps. Males do not have the tendons or bone bridges.<\/p>\r\n<p>While inside them, the egg shell is thick and leathery. It forms soon after conception and plays the part of the placenta until it comes time to lay. During the last few days before laying it becomes the egg shell, which and is soft and pliable. After laying, the shell takes roughly a half hour to harden. It becomes tough, hard and slightly textured. It is very thick and tough, hard to break from the outside. It is, however, very vulnerable until it&rsquo;s fully hardened. The reason it develops so long inside the mother is so the brain can form properly; the mother gives it a kick start, and the hatchling finishes development within the egg.<\/p>\r\n<p>They look huge when they are carrying, but most of that is actually fluids that protect and cushion the egg as well as providing lubrication for laying. Nutrients are stored within the forming shell, though the hatchling has a Proteanct link to the mother until a few days before laying.<\/p>\r\n<p>During the pregnancy, the Kivuuli will have an intense nesting instinct. She will take anything she can find. Fur of other shedding Kivuuli, blankets, any soft thing, and build a nest. During the last week of carrying, she will shed, and line her nest with her fur. Once the egg is laid, it will be watched over and kept warm by her while its father hunts for her. It will hatch in another 4-5 months. This can vary by subspecies, or location, or individual Kivuuli. Eggs can vary in color, but are usually smooth and black with slightly lighter colored mottling. This can change depending on the individual Kivuuli or their environment.<\/p>\r\n<p>A hatchling Kivuuli is known as a kit, because they are very kitten like in their behavior. Kits are known to imprint on the energy signature and voice of the one who spends the most time around the egg. As such, they know their mother the instant they come out. While hatching, a mother will crouch near the egg, face inches away from it and make soft chirring calls to encourage the kit to break free of the egg.<br \/><br \/>Upon hatching, they will follow the scent of the mother&rsquo;s teats. The scent and feel of the kit suckling will trigger a surge of hormones, and she will begin lactation. This surge of hormones will reduce the Kivuuli to soft, relaxed purring. Any Kivuuli can be triggered to lactate in this manner, be it male or female. Once lactation begins, the Kivuuli&rsquo;s appetite will increase. They often feed their milk to older or sick individuals within the Colony to help them survive and stay strong.<\/p>\r\n<p>In the pregnant Kivuuli, the teats poke out of the fur, as the fur sheds from directly around them.<\/p>\r\n<p>When nursing, the flesh swells a bit to push the nipples out of the fur, thus allowing the hatchling to nurse without getting a mouthful of its mother&rsquo;s fur.<\/p>\r\n<p>The consistency is thick, almost like a probiotic yogurt shake, and the taste is surprisingly mild and a little sweet. It is highly nutritious, high in protein and energy; and everything else a kit needs to grow. Kivuuli kits who nurse on their mother grow up bigger and stronger as adults, and generally have a higher chance of being more dominant. It is not at all uncommon for Kivuuli in a Colony to nurse eachother's young. Sometimes older members will play the part of nanny for younger, less experienced Kivuuli. Some Kivuuli will choose to never stop lactating for the purpose of playing nanny to the kits within the Colony.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are extremely protective of their kits. If you hurt a kit, the whole Colony will attack. Even one lone Kivuuli is far more ferocious and dangerous than any mother bear; you don&rsquo;t want to know what would happen if you pissed off a whole colony of them.<\/p>\r\n<p>A human baby could drink Kivuuli&rsquo;s milk but couldn&rsquo;t survive off of it unless water was added to it. Kivuuli&rsquo;s milk contains no water whatsoever. It is high in protein, with a moderate amount of fat, and harder on the digestive system than human milk. It isn&rsquo;t dangerous but will not meet a human&rsquo;s needs properly. If water is added a human baby can survive off of it but won&rsquo;t be at ideal health and it would likely cause a lot of gas and intestinal discomfort being designed for a baby with a much stronger digestive system. It would pose no problems for an adult, and is highly nutritious with natural healing properties as well as infection fighting properties. An adult human or other meat-eating animal could survive off of it as long as they had access to water to stay hydrated.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are highly lactose intolerant. It makes them very, very sick. As such, Kivuuli milk has no lactose in it.<\/p>\r\n<p>A Kivuuli hatchling would be unable to survive on the milk of any terrestrial mammal. It contains way too much water and their little tummies can&rsquo;t handle it, not to mention their lactose intolerance. An adult Kivuuli can ingest the milk of terrestrial mammals, but it does cause a lot of digestive upset, cramping, nausea, and vomiting. The digestive issues can become severe enough to kill a kit, though an adult can survive it. It would just make them very sick. It does not contain the proper nutrients so if the kit did manage to survive the lactose and water, it would slowly deteriorate in health until it died of malnutrition. Their digestive systems are more advanced so they can be fed mashed cooked (Not raw) meat or anything else high in protein if taken in and raised by a human or a member of another race. Mixing ground up bones and the organs of the animal can add to the nutrition and help the kit more. Some that start off being nursed, though, will utterly refuse solid food.<\/p>\r\n<p>It is not unusual for members of a Colony to nurse eachother&rsquo;s young. In fact, this is a very common practice, though some Kits will not nurse on any but their mother. This depends on the individual. It is most common for the omegas to act as nannies for the Colony, helping to care for the kits while stronger individuals hunt and bring in food. Because of this Omegas, and especially nannies, while not given any authority, are not treated badly. Kivuuli tend to produce more milk than is needed. If it gets uncomfortable, they tend to empty their teats themselves. This keeps their supply strong, is relaxing and calming, tastes good to them, and is considered completely normal. While a human would find such activity odd, it is completely natural for a Kivuuli.<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h4>Kits<\/h4>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>Kits are teeny when they hatch, a little smaller than the average human baby. They hatch with their eyes closed, but able to hear and smell just fine. Their ears are droopy and their bodies are pudgy and bellies round from the yolk of the egg still inside, being slowly absorbed to give them strength while their mother&rsquo;s milk comes in and they learn to nurse properly. Kits open their eyes when they are between three and seven days old.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are generally fairly quiet and don&rsquo;t cry often, though do tend to make small chitters, squeaks, and mewling noises. They hate being alone.<\/p>\r\n<p>Babies have a very strong instinct to not relieve themselves within the nest. When they feel the need to go, they will let their parent know with insistent screeching until taken somewhere. Like a newborn kitten or puppy, they will not eliminate on their own. There is a pressure point just at the base of the neck that can be triggered through a certain way of holding onto the scruff that triggers them to go reflexively; they will only go when held in that certain way until they learn to move about on all fours. Once able to move about on all fours they will always leave the nest to eliminate. It's an instinct to keep the nest site clean and smelling good, since Kivuuli noses are extremely sensitive. Young Kivuuli are fully mobile by the time they are three months old, and run about everywhere on all fours.<\/p>\r\n<p>The babies depend completely on their parents and the others in their colony for survival. They are unable to teleport. In fact, this takes a lot of time to get right and generally has to be taught though can be done autonomously if the Kivuuli feels that its life is in danger. Kits are weaned between 3-5 years old, depending on the kit in question. Some wean themselves earlier, some later. A mother will never force wean her kit, because if they are still nursing it means they likely still need to. Kits are able to move about by the time they are three months old. As kits get older and start to move around, they love to practice their hunting instincts and will often hunt, and eat, small animals once their teeth grow in. They generally start getting teeth when they are about a year old. They like to show their kills off to their parents, or others in the Colony. As they get to be about 5 years old, they are weaned and eating solid food with ease. They are also able to eat raw meat by then.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli grow bigger and stronger as they age. At roughly 15, they reach sexual maturity. They are considered adults, even if not at full size yet at this age. Around 18 to 23, they stop growing and achieve their full height. It is around this time they learn to effect reality around them both in silencing their steps and in creating and jumping through little dimensional cracks to teleport. They usually stay with their parents until full maturity, and after that remain with their Colony of birth.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli children are incredibly awkward and clumsy until they grow into their long limbs. They spend more time on all fours than on two feet, though around ten years old they start getting up on two feet more often. Even into adulthod, they spend time both on all fours, and on two feet equally depending on the situation. Kits hurt themselves frequently, but this only kick-starts their natural healing ability.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Kits are known for getting themselves into trouble, constantly. They are mischievous, playful, energetic, and insatiably curious. The entire colony works to keep the children safe and alive. Just like kittens.<\/p>\r\n<p>Female kits are a bit more energetic and feisty than males.<\/p>\r\n<p>Young males love to playfight and spar among themselves. These playfights grow more intense once they near adolescence, roughly around 10-12 years old or so. Sometimes, these playfights get a bit too intense, leaving one or both young males bloody. They step away to heal, which is usually finished within minutes. Once healed, they go at it again. Adolescent males are constantly tussling, wrestling, and play-fighting, which only grows worse the closer to adulthood they get. While these bouts of snapping, screaming, growling, and snarling looks terrifying and deadly, they look far, far, FAR worse than they actually are. They never seriously hurt eachother and other Kivuuli in the Colony know very well the difference between play and real fighting, since real fighting is far louder and more vicious. As males get older, they mellow out considerably, and only face off against other males in contests of strength in the presence of a receptive female. They do this to try to impress her. They usually don&rsquo;t mellow out fully until around 30 or so; around 20-30 they are fully mature, but have bouts of wild, child-like energetic kittenlike playfulness.<\/p>\r\n<p>As a female reaches adolescence, she becomes fiercer and more commanding. If she joins a playfight, the males usually back down and submit almost instantly. Playfights between two females are far more vicious and noisy and dangerous-looking than playfights between males. They are practicing to take dominance someday; males just fight for fun or to pass on their genes. She starts to show interest in the male&rsquo;s battles, and starts to show more interest in those that win these fights. Most of the time, she will avoid a mate when she has her first heat cycle, since her body isn&rsquo;t fully grown at this point and not likely able to sustain an offspring for long. The first heat cycle generally happens around 15 years of age. She is considered an adult at this age, but she usually won&rsquo;t choose a mate until she is at her full size since a younger body is less able to successfully carry an egg. Most males will not attempt to impress a young female unless they themselves are young. Even if she is sexually mature and considered an adult, she is not full size and not interested in mating. Most of the time, even if she DOES find a mate, it will not take since her body is not ready to sustain pregnancy.<\/p>\r\n<p>She will usually chase off any male that comes near while going through her first heat. The first heat cycle is usually short, and not too intense. She is not fertile for this cycle, it is simply her body announcing that it is mature. Her heats will gradually get longer until they settle at the normal length when she&rsquo;s achieved her full size. If a female is not ready to have a kit of her own, she will hide away and ignore or chase off any males that try to gain her attention. Most females prefer not to have a kit until they have gained more experience. Young mothers are far more likely to be aggressive and attack anything they see as a threat than older mothers who are more experienced in raising, guiding, and protecting a child.<\/p>","field6":"<p>Mutations and Variations<br \/>The dewclaw is a fairly common variation found among Kivuuli. Both parents must either have, or carry, the dewclaw gene for it to show in an offspring.<\/p>\r\n<p>Another common variation is the heel spur. This is also recessive. Both parents must be carriers of the gene for it to pass on. Some Kivuuli have both heelspurs and dewclaws.<\/p>\r\n<p>Some Kivuuli are unable to retract their claws. This is very rare; but when it does show up it is not much of a hindrance. They are generally chosen as hunters, though they have to be careful since their claws are very sharp when fully extended. They often make claw caps for themselves to avoid hurting themselves or others.<\/p>\r\n<p>Some Kivuuli have a strip of longer fur that goes all the way down their spine.<\/p>\r\n<p>A rare mutation can cause them to lack spines.<\/p>\r\n<p>The Bully mutation causes Kivuuli to be bigger and more muscular than their fellows. They lose a lot of speed and agility, but gain a lot of brute strength.<\/p>\r\n<p>It is not uncommon for Kivuuli to have no markings, though it is far more common to have markings around the shoulders and hips.<\/p>\r\n<p>Long Fur<\/p>\r\n<p>Hermaphrodite - (Either masculine or feminine hermaphrodite)<\/p>\r\n<p>Rex Coat (Curly, this shows in varying degrees, fairly common, but usually subtle)<\/p>\r\n<p>Feathering (Light, Medium, or Heavy, light is common, medium and heavy is uncommon)<\/p>\r\n<p>Leucism (Can appear either patchy, white, near white, or unusually pale. This occurs either partial, or full. Leucistic Kivuuli are extremely rare!)<\/p>\r\n<p>Melenistic (Menelistic Kivuuli are almost impossible to tell apart from regular Kivuuli unless from a subspecies)<\/p>\r\n<p>Furless (Rare, but not unheard of. Tends to show up in warmer areas.)<\/p>\r\n<p>Lengthened Ear Tufts (Rare)<br \/>Albinism\/Partial Albinism (EXTREMELY rare! Most Albino Kivuuli are either blind, or almost blind.)<\/p>\r\n<p>Lengthened Cheek Fluffs (Uncommon, common among Maltese)<\/p>","field7":"<h4>Tips for Designing your Kivuuli<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>The pads will always match the iris in color, though always darker and less saturated, unless the Kivuuli is a Lippizan.<\/p>\r\n<p>Lippizan have black pads and membranes and skin, whereas normal Kivuuli, and Kivuuli of other breeds have flesh color somewhat matching their eyes.<\/p>\r\n<p>I always select the iris color, darken it slightly and desaturate it. If the Kivuuli has heterochromia, the fleshy bits can match either eye.<\/p>\r\n<p>Another tip is try not to make your Kivuuli too saturated. They must look natural.<\/p>\r\n<p>For color reference on Desert Kivuuli, look at lions, caracals, fennecs, and similar creatures. The most common look is Caracal like with some spotting, dappling and striping.<\/p>\r\n<p>For regular Kivuuli, they can have slight hints of color, though never too saturated or obvious since other color is added by a gene that isn&rsquo;t open. They can be dark grey to near stark black. Markings are usually slightly darker, but can be slightly lighter in some occasions.<\/p>\r\n<p>Tundra Kivuuli come in soft creams and browns, but never stark white. Think like the summer coat of an arctic fox for coloration.<\/p>\r\n<p>Many Kivuuli are lighter on the bellies and darker on the backs, shoulders, and hips and dorsal stripes are common.<\/p>\r\n<p>The spines are usually black, though can be lighter, and always match the claws in color. The inside of the mouth is generally lighter than the membrane\/pad color.<\/p>"}},"title":"Kivuuli","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":["wip"],"page_tag":null}
#121 29 June 2023, 19:19:04 UTC
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{"data":{"description":"<p>The Kivuuli, a mysterious and powerful interdimensional semi-humanoid creature. They are rumored to hold the key to the Realms Between.<\/p>","field1":"<p>Kivuuli are a tall and powerful carnivorous furred semi-humanoid inter-dimensional race. They are generally black or dark grey with blue, green, or purple eyes and usually have slightly darker markings in stripes, spots, or a combination of the two that only show under certain light. There are several subspecies with different colors and markings being common from the warm reds of the forest dwelling Met'saa to the whites of the Lippizan to the blue grays of the Maltese or the golden color of Desert Kivuuli.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are elongated in build, with long limbs and are as comfortable on all fours as they are on two feet. They are incredibly wild, but generally won't attack unless attacked or threatened. Kivuuli are fully sapient and a social species. Despite their fearsome appearance, Kivuuli are a gentle and peaceful race with strong maternal instincts appearing in both males and females.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are very fast, especially when on all fours and live in groups known as Colonies.<\/p>","field2":"<h4>Between; Homeworld of the Kivuuli<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Imagine the air around you, full of bubbles. Now imagine that each of these bubbles is its own dimension. It's own universe. Has its own laws, and inner workings. Now, imagine all the space between the bubbles. A strange place, between the dimensions; ever shifting and changing. This is where the Kivuuli dwell and come from. The rules of physics do not apply; great islands of stone float through the darkness, covered in forests of strange bioluminescent fungus-like plants and other strange flora. Inhabited by strange creatures of all shapes and sizes, from tiny glowing dragonlike lizards to massive beasts that would put Earth's dinosaurs to shame. Literally anything can happen in Between, any sort of creature, any world, any dimension, any universe. The Kivuuli can reach many worlds and this is part of the reason for their great success as an apex predator.<\/p>\r\n<p>Harsh, but oddly beautiful, Between is buzzing with strange power and magic and the magical rules and laws of hundreds of dimensions, worlds, and universes clashing together in beautiful chaos. The areas of Between are effected by the laws of the dimensions and worlds closest to them; making Between highly varied. Between is beautiful; but as beautiful as it is it is deadly, thus the Kivuuli have had to adapt in to fast, powerful pack hunting predators that have claws that can slash through granite and a terrible shrieking wail that can drive fear into the hearts of the bravest.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are fast, able to teleport, and able to face creatures several times their size. This strange place has many names. Darkrealm, Tartarus, Limbo; but many simply call this place the Between; for this is what it is. The realm between dimensions. A strange and mysterious place; beautiful to behold but deadly to those not from there. While most of Between is completely dark aside from glimmers of light here and there and bioluminsecent plants and animals, some isles are ruled by a great orb of energy mimicking a sun. Some have their own weather patterns and day night cycles. Cracks and passages between dimensions are always opening and closing, allowing Kivuuli the ability to enter and leave Between at will, though they must be careful as some rifts are temporary and could close and leave them stranded in a strange and unfamiliar world. Others, still, are horribly unstable and deadly and could rip an unsuspecting Kivuuli to shreds leaving nothing but splatters of blood and the memory of their horrible screams.<\/p>","field3":"<h4>Calls, Vocalizations and Language<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli voices have a strange, otherworldly quality to them. They sound almost distorted, with a clear staticy crackling undertone. This is likely because of their interdimensional nature.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their voices are often deep, with a growl or purr like sound mixed in. A Kivuuli speaking is much what a person might imagine a lion&rsquo;s voice would sound like if it learned to speak. They tend to have emphasis on sharper sounds, like k, z, v, and such, and their r&rsquo;s are often lengthened slightly in a slight growl or purr. They are fully capable of learning languages aside from their own and, in fact, Kivuuli learn incredibly fast. Despite their wild primitive ways, they are incredibly intelligent.<\/p>\r\n<p>Outside of speech, they have a whole range of natural vocalizations. When excited or friendly, they let out a sound similar to a chittering cat. Though much deeper and lower in tone. This sound is often used by playful kits, or adults trying to show they mean no harm. Kivuuli also purr. It&rsquo;s a deep, heavy rumbling sound with a bit of static to it.<\/p>\r\n<p>They chitter, chirp, chuff, rumble, growl, purr, hiss, click, snarl, roar, howl, and many other sounds.<\/p>\r\n<p>Chirping is used to call and greet fellow members of their Colony. The chuff is similar to a chuffing tiger, and they use this to greet loved ones and family or close friends. The rumble and growl show varying levels of irritation and\/or anger, eventually leading to a wild snarling or finally, their terrible howl or roar.<\/p>\r\n<p>Purring is an expression of pleasure and contentment.<\/p>\r\n<p>When injured, they let out soft whimpers and whines.<\/p>\r\n<p>When sad, they will either be very quiet, whimper softly, or let out a heartbreaking wail when mourning the death of a loved one.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their language incorporates all of these vocalizations. And they even integrate this when speaking other languages as well.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli also rely strongly on body language. The position of one&rsquo;s ears, tone of voice, and posture can change the meaning of what they are trying to say. Looking at the position of the ears is a great way to tell what mood a Kivuuli is in. When neutral, the ears are out slightly to the sides and in a relaxed position. When alert or shocked, their ears perk up and swivel forward. Their ears often flick and swivel towards any sound, and many times they detect sounds other creatures will not.<\/p>\r\n<p>When angry, their ears go back, and they lower their ears when sad, or trying to show submission. Higher ranking Kivuuli generally tend to hold their ears perked higher than lower ranking Kivuuli.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli can also make a strange tonal almost&hellip; droning sound. Somewhere between a thrum and a rumble, it can promote relaxation or healing. The sound is, indeed, very strange. And it is something that is rarely heard among Kivuuli so it is theorized that only a few of them are capable of, or know how to, produce this sound.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h4>Culture, Customs and Heirarchy<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Not much is known of Kivuuli culture and customs, but it can be very complex even if it seems deceptively simple. Their customs are a mix between their wild and feral nature and their sapience. In some ways they can be considered very primitive, though not savage. In reality, Kivuuli believe strongly in living with the land. When living somewhere, they are very careful to preserve the balance of nature. They do not chase other predators out of their territory, and never over-hunt. They only take what they need, and use as much of their prey as they can. They use the pelts and fur in their nests, make things from their bones, horns, or hooves, and eat every part they are able to.<\/p>\r\n<p>Most Kivuuli do not mate for life. As such, they do not have any ceremonies or weddings. Among Kivuuli, a Colony is a family. They do not have surnames, nor do they need them. Reproduction has nothing to do with feelings of love, but rather to make offspring. Kivuuli do sometimes mate for life, but this is fairly rare. Even those who are lifemates will sometimes mate with others and this is not considered cheating. It is completely normal, since it helps spread out the gene pool.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli hierarchy is very pack like. Their groups are referred to as Colonies, though some call them Clans. A Colony is lead by the Dominant Female, or Alpha Female. Males in higher positions are extremely rare. The highest ranking male or males are known as Betas.<\/p>\r\n<p>The Elders are the oldest and wisest members of the Colony. Just being old does not make you an Elder. Elders are story-tellers, legend-keepers; and even the Dominant Female often goes to them for advice or help. An Elder must always be respected. Kivuuli have a written language, and the Elders write their history into the caves their Colony dwells in. Their claws carve the stories and names of all Kivuuli in a Colony into the stone. The Halls of History, as a Kivuuli calls the dens and caves the Elders keep and dwell in, are considered sacred and must not be damaged in any way. Only the Elders are allowed to carve the stone within. Because of this, Kivuuli Colonies are VERY hesitant to leave their homes, even if threatened. They are incredibly sentimental of their history. When an Elder dies, their Heartstone is placed within the Hall with the Heartstones of all past Elders in a place of ultimate honor. The Dominant Female&rsquo;s Heartstone are placed within the Halls as well.<\/p>\r\n<p>The highest ranking male is considered the Colony Dominant Male, or Beta Male. He usually leads with the female, but is completely subordinate towards her. He is dominant towards the males in the Colony, but not towards the females. The Beta Male is usually the first one a female in heat will choose, and most often is the chosen mate of the Alpha Female, simply because he is the strongest and most clever male in the Colony and has good genes.<\/p>\r\n<p>There are mid ranking males and females, who fight out their dominance among eachother, and Omegas.<\/p>\r\n<p>Omegas are not treated badly, but they have no authority within the Colony and are almost never chosen as mates. Female Omegas are extremely rare, and generally only crippled, or terminally ill females end up as an Omega. Omegas often act as nannies for the Colony, and often induce lactation to keep kits calm and fed while the stronger and higher ranking Kivuuli hunt and carry out other tasks. Kivuuli who play the part of nannies are treated very well, and given plenty of food so they can continue to produce milk for the kits they help care for.<\/p>\r\n<p>Lactating Kivuuli will often allow weak, sick, or elderly members of their colony to feed from them, for the strengthening and healing properties their milk has. While a human would consider this taboo, gross and strange, it is completely normal in Kivuuli society.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli take very good care of the less fortunate members of their Colonies. The crippled, the weak, the runty, the stunted, the injured, the elderly&hellip; all of them are well cared for. The entire Colony will pitch in together to insure the survival of even their weakest members. Weak Kivuuli may not reproduce, but they live comfortable and happy.<\/p>\r\n<p>Lower than Omegas, are the disgraced Kivuuli. They have done something terrible and lost their honor and are hated by the Colony and not treated well.<\/p>\r\n<p>Disgraced Kivuuli are those who did something shameful. Not deserving of exile, they keep their name and aren&rsquo;t chased away, but they are generally ostracized by their fellows and can&rsquo;t fight their way up in rank even if strong and dominant. A Disgraced Kivuuli must provide for themselves and are not allowed access to the Colony&rsquo;s food stores or hunts. They must prove themselves worthy to get out of this status and become Omegas, but they will never rise above omega status and will never be fully trusted again.<\/p>\r\n<p>Exiled Kivuuli are those who have committed the highest of crimes in their culture. Rape, murder, killing other sentient beings unprovoked, hurting innocent kits, and betrayal are among the crimes deemed worthy this fate worse than death. An Exile is called Itz&rsquo;hil. This word means many things at once. &ldquo;Exiled, Nameless, Shamed One, Marked One.&rdquo;<\/p>\r\n<p>The Marking is sentenced by the Alpha Female and the Colony&rsquo;s Elders. If the accused Kivuuli is not remorseful of their crimes, or their crimes are unforgivable, their teleportation ability is temporarily knocked out and they are chained to a pillar of stone that they can not escape from. Legs and arms clamped down so they can not move. The Alpha Female makes the first mark. She slashes into his chest a symbol, reciting the word &ldquo;Itz&rsquo;hil!&rdquo; with each slash of her claws. The Elders are next, speaking something along the lines of &ldquo;As you threw away your honor, I take away your name. You are Exile. You are Itz&rsquo;hil. You are Nameless. You are Nothing.&rdquo; followed by the family their actions hurt the most, then every other adult in the Colony. Children are not permitted to view or participate in these Ceremonies. The mark and word is repeated time and time and time again until the Kivuuli&rsquo;s healing ability slows and the slashes form a scar, a mark that will forever mar their chest. This can take weeks of constant torture. Once the Marking Ceremony is complete, the exhausted exile is released from the chains, and viciously chased away by the Colony. Any Colony who sees these marks from that time on will not allow the exile into their territory. Exiles live a lonely and miserable life, and generally don&rsquo;t last long since Kivuuli are such social creatures and depend strongly on eachother for survival and emotional wellbeing.<\/p>\r\n<p>Older, stronger Kivuuli can assert their dominance without a fight, simply with posture, ear position, and growling. Or, even, with confidence alone. Smaller males are generally more submissive than larger ones.<\/p>\r\n<p>The female is in charge; though she lets the males set up their pecking order however they want. If it gets to be too much, she&rsquo;ll step in, assert her dominance, and put a stop to it.<br \/>Battles for dominance never end in death. They fight until one backs down. Sometimes this doesn&rsquo;t even get past the snarling, growling, circling eachother, and displaying their strength and ferocity.<\/p>\r\n<p>Simply watching and listening to a Kivuuli within a Colony can give you a ton of clues on their status. The dominant leaders move with their heads high and ears alert and perked up. When addressing others, they stand tall and look down at them with their hands out to the sides. Submissive members take a lower submissive posture with their claws crossed in front of them and eyes turned to the side. Their ears are held slightly lowered. Direct eye contact is considered a threat, thus lower ranking Kivuuli must not look higher ranking Kivuuli directly in the eye without permission.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli have strange ceremonies when a member of their Colony dies. First, the dead Kivuuli is mourned. Mourning can last days, and is not done until the family of the dead Kivuuli says it is. Those closest will wail and howl their grief on and on, a haunting and heartbreaking sound. Almost a haunting and heartbreaking song. Especially at the death of an Elder or Alpha. The entire Colony howls and mourns. But the time for Mourning does not last forever. Once the deceased Kivuuli is mourned, they have a special celebration.<\/p>\r\n<p>A feast is held, with dancing, singing, storytelling, and laughing. For such a sombre thing, there is great joy. The Colony remembers their deceased member fondly. They talk about their life, their effect on the Colony. The Heartstone is then placed in a special antechamber within the Halls of History. The Elders carve the shape of the Heartstone out into the stone, gently place the gem within, and carve the name of the deceased Kivuuli beneath with their claws to be remembered forever. All deceased Kivuuli in a Colony are remembered unless they are Disgraced when they die. If disgraced, the Heartstone is set aside and ignored&hellip; a strong enough crime has the Heartstone being thrown off into the blackness surrounding the strange floating isles the Kivuuli dwell on.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are very matriarchal. The female is entirely in charge; the dominant female is submissive to none. A Colony lead by a male is considered unnatural and weak.<\/p>\r\n<p>They tolerate mistakes in children more than in adults. Children are still learning, and can be taught. Adults know better.<\/p>\r\n<p>These colonies can harbor anything from a small handful of Kivuuli, to hundreds or in some rare cases, over a thousand of them. The Elder position is not limited to just one; if there is more than one elder, they are all looked up to and view eachother as equals.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli live as a community and share everything. Their homes, their food. The strong help provide for the weak, those not strong enough to hunt do other tasks within the Colony, such as helping care for kits. They respect eachother&rsquo;s homes and belongings. Theft and stealing is frowned upon, but not enough for alphas to get involved. The one stolen from is in charge of getting their belongings back. This often results in a spat. If it gets severe enough, the Alpha or one of the Betas will step in.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are territorial. Not against others in their own Colony, but towards those from other Colonies. While not common, some alpha females and the highest ranking beta males will use urine marking to mark the edges of their territory.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are a mixture of supernatural and biological. They are a sentient creature that lives in groups called Colonies. Dominance and leadership is dependent on the strength and cleverness of the individual. Females are bigger and stronger than males, as well as more aggressive and naturally more dominant. Male leaders are not only extremely rare, but are practically unheard of.<\/p>\r\n<p>They have very little concept of personal space. Kivuuli are very touchy with eachother. They spend a lot of time cuddling and generally being near eachother. They are VERY fond of touching. They often stay very close to those they care about. Communal grooming is very common and reinforces bonds within the colony, and among friends and family.<\/p>\r\n<p>They have no concept of doors. They have no shame in nudity. Kivuuli do not wear clothes. Some, though, may decorate themselves with gems and things they have found. Their homes are open, and they come and go as they please. They don&rsquo;t steal from eachother. A Kivuuli who does steal is often attacked by their fellows, and driven away if the action continues.<\/p>","field4":"<h4>Appearance and anatomy<\/h4>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are somewhat humanoid in appearance, but have some very clear differences. They are long and lean, with elongated torsos and limbs. The average Kivuuli stands around nine to nine and a half feet tall. They have pawlike digitgrade feet which have four toes, or four toes and a dewclaw. Being interdimensional creatures, they often appear with a strange dark aura around them with what seems like tiny sparks or glimmers of lights appearing and floating aimlessly around them and vanishing again. This aura and particles usually matches the basic color of their eyes. It only shows when they are using, or have recently used their reality bending abilities.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli skin is incredibly tough and thick. It takes some strength and a sharp blade to pierce it. They have a coating of fur that is short, but dense and soft. Their natural body temperature is around 105 degrees Fahrenheit, and thus they are very warm to the touch. The fur is usually longest around the shoulders, down the back, and in small fringes around the ankles and wrists.<\/p>\r\n<p>The fur on a female's ruff is longer and thicker than that of a male, and the skin there is looser and thicker and tougher as well. This serves as a protective barrier against the male's fangs, since they tend to bite during mating. Even then, he does often draw blood though most females don't mind this. It actually feels good to them.<\/p>\r\n<p>Being interdimensional creatures, Kivuuli are extremely light. Even standing around nine or more feet tall, they rarely weigh over one hundred fifty pounds. This is due to them being made up of something like solidified energy. Light, but incredibly strong. This not fully physical nature also manifests in their spines, claws, and fangs. When angry, they actually extend out and get longer and sharper, and when calm shrink back to normal size and sharpness.<\/p>\r\n<p>They have scale like spines on their forearms pointing back off the elbow with membranes between them. Similar scale like spines go down their spine, also having membranes between them. These spines flare up when frightened, angry, or threatened. They are also used in dominance displays.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli blood is a dark nearly black purple and thicker than human blood.<\/p>\r\n<p>Males are far more common than females. There are about five males for every one female hatched.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h4>Diet and Feeding<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli are carnivorous. Their diet consists almost entirely of meat, though they might eat other things if no meat is available. They will sometimes add other things to their diet, such as fruits. Kivuuli tend to love sweets, but they aren&rsquo;t fond of sour things.<\/p>\r\n<p>When it comes out the other end, it looks like very large rabbit droppings and simply crumbles to dust if stepped on. Has little to no smell.<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<h4><br \/>Abilities<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli have many special abilities they are capable of using.<\/p>\r\n<p>\u200b<\/p>\r\n<p>Teleportation - Kivuuli are able to teleport, though their methods are strange and unique. They are able to bend the fabric of reality around them in minor ways, the most pronounced being the ability to literally tear a crack in reality and step through. The crack always heals itself right after the Kivuuli steps through. Not ALL Kivuuli can do this. It is something that must be taught. Kivuuli can see and sense the flow of energy around them. They can also completely silence their steps, even at a full run.<\/p>\r\n<p>**Note that they teleport by jumping through the dimension - or, within the bubble. They can not break out of the bubble into greater between, but they do, in a sense, touch Between when teleporting.<\/p>\r\n<p>Paralyzing Stare - The Paralyzing Stare is an ability Kivuuli developed for hunting and self defense. They stare you right in the eyes, which has a hypnotizing effect, rendering their prey or enemy unable to move. As long as your eyes are locked with the Kivuuli&rsquo;s, you can&rsquo;t move. When eye contact is broken, you can move again. Most Kivuuli ONLY use this ability when absolutely necessary. Generally if they are attacked. They catch the person&rsquo;s gaze, causes them to freeze up, and teleports away to safety as they recover.<\/p>\r\n<p>Intimidating Howl - The Intimidating Howl is a horrible unearthly howl, laced with the Kivuuli&rsquo;s reality bending power. It sounds somewhere between a feral howl, savage snarling, horrible shrieking, and radio static. It forces feelings of terror into the one hearing it, giving them the desire to run away. Most can not handle it, and either faint where they are or run in horror. This terrible howl seems to come from every direction at once, making the Kivuuli&rsquo;s location hard to determine.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Reality Bending - This ability is the underlying cause to many other abilities Kivuuli have. They are able to bend reality around them in minor ways, stifling the sound of their footsteps, stopping you from hearing their breath or smelling them or sensing their presence. They can also leap through cracks in reality to teleport and many other small, but useful applications.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h4>Evolutionary Background<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Their society is very wild in many ways. They are sentient and intelligent, but far more ruled by wild instincts and feral tendencies than humans. This has not changed because it works for them. They are matriarchal, with females naturally leading and males being far calmer and more docile.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Between is a dangerous place, and Kivuuli reproduce slowly. Smaller Colonies are much more likely to breed faster. They also breed faster is there is plenty of food around. During times of famine females will actually stop having heats entirely. This is natural; it allows a Colony to grow strong and maintain their numbers. More babies born means more Kivuuli likely to make it to adulthood. A lone Kivuuli female is several times more likely to become pregnant than a Kivuuli in a big Colony. When a lot of Kivuuli populate one area, or food is less plentiful, their fertility as a whole drops dramatically. The reason why is unknown, but a hormonal response is the most likely candidate. Kivuuli in smaller Colonies are also more likely to go into heat more often. Kivuuli can go into heat every one to three years. Smaller Colonies' viable members will go into heat once a year; bigger colonies often every three years and sometimes even five.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli leave Between to hunt for food not available in their homeworld, gather resources, and explore. They usually go in small parties. Only the strong and clever make it back alive, for other worlds are packed with even more dangers to test a Kivuuli&rsquo;s ability to survive. There may be a small number of Kivuuli with the ability to not age or die of age, but there are plenty of other things killing them and keeping their population balanced.<\/p>\r\n<p>All of this together has honed their intelligence to a fine point, but also nurtured their wild side giving them human intelligence coupled with bestial behaviors and instincts.<br \/>Their ancestors are, in fact, extinct. Natural selection made sure of that. Kinda like we don&rsquo;t see neanderthals or proto-humans running about. Some of their earliest ancestors were sleek, quadrupedal spiked predators that used teleportation to hunt or escape danger. They were fast, strong, and fierce, forming packs that were highly territorial.<\/p>","field5":"<h4>Lifespan<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli have very long natural lives; generally living up to 1000 years. As they start to grow older and approach the end of their lifespan, their Heartstones get less and less effective. This leaves them unable to feed as efficiently or teleport since their bodies stop being able to handle the discordant energies in the rifts they create. Their healing ability starts to slow down as well; and eventually goes away completely. Eventually, their body can no longer repair the damage done by age, and they grow weak and tired. Their fur will begin to gray around the eyes and mouth, and tips of ears as well as on their hands and feet. Once they reach a certain age, they are no longer capable of producing milk, even if they spend a lot of time around kits.<\/p>\r\n<p>When they sense their time is near, they surround themselves by friends and family. They say their goodbyes, before slipping away peacefully. Most often in their sleep.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Some Kivuuli, though, can live on way beyond this time. It seems to be a strange mutation. A Heartstone that can actually slowly repair itself; thus negating the effects of aging present in most of the species. Those who have this mutation will need to sleep more and rest more once they reach a certain age, and their fertility drops. While less fertile, they are still able to have children. They just don't do so as often and females are harder to get pregnant. They will not show any visible signs of aging; they will not grey or dull in color.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are not affected by aging, at all, and they will live on, healthy, until they are killed by something other than age. This tends to be genetic; so those of their line have a chance of getting this ability. The oldest Kivuuli to have ever lived is an Elder named Kaitu, a member of the rare and isolated &lsquo;Maltese&rsquo; or &lsquo;Blue&rsquo; subspecies. Severe damage to the Heartstone can overrun this ability, causing an ancient Kivuuli to age and die very quickly after being hurt, within a year.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h4>Mating and Reproduction<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli males and females look quite similar. Genitals are internal, though gender can be told through differences in their bodies, demeanor, and voice. If one sees a male and female Kivuuli standing side by side, first glance won&rsquo;t reveal many differences. But if you look closely you can tell. Kivuuli do have the occasional hermaphrodite, this is a rare mutation.<br \/>Sexual Dimorphism<br \/>Male: Kivuuli genitals are internal and only emerge in a state of arousal. The male has a slit like sheath more towards the front of his crotch. Males are slimmer and smaller than females, and generally hold themselves lower as well. They are naturally submissive since even a very strong male wouldn't stand a chance against the physically bigger and stronger female. Males do not have much curve to them, if any at all and have narrow waists and hips. They have semi defined pecs, and the fur on their lower belly and inner thighs is not any longer than the fur on the rest of their bodies. They have teats on the lower belly, usually small and not very visible. They tend to have thicker and longer chest fur as well as slightly longer\/fluffier fur around their neck. This can sometimes amplify their cheek fluff, too.<\/p>\r\n<p>Male Kivuuli have lower, rougher and deeper voices than females. The growling undertone is more pronounced.<\/p>\r\n<p>Female: The female has a slit on the bottom of her crotch, barely visable of at all from the front. The slit is subtle and less visable than the male's sheath like slit. A female has visible teats, though they are only really noticeable when she is carrying an egg, or nursing a hatchling.<\/p>\r\n<p>Females are taller and noticeably stronger than males. Her body is thicker, and moderately curvy with wider hips leading down to long and slim, but strong legs. While a layer of fat beneath her skin makes her look softer, beneath that softness is a lot of brute strength and ferocity.<\/p>\r\n<p>The fur down the back of a female&rsquo;s neck, shoulders, and back is thicker and longer than a male's, and she also has thicker longer fur on her belly and inner thigh, which thickens further when carrying, or nursing young.<\/p>\r\n<p>The female Kivuuli's voice is softer and higher in pitch than a male's. Her growl is smoother, but deeper and fiercer. Her purr is a low and smooth.<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p>Heat and Mating<br \/>Kivuuli attract mates through scent.<\/p>\r\n<p>Female Kivuuli go into heat regularly, but when observed in our dimension it happens roughly once every 1-3 years. A female raising a kit can not enter this state as long as she is nursing the kit. This is the only time she can become pregnant. It lasts for roughly two weeks or until she finds a suitable mate.<\/p>\r\n<p>There are three stages to the heat.<\/p>\r\n<p>Stage 1- Her scent begins to shift. This is not actual heat yet; she is not fertile. But her body is preparing itself for heat. She starts to become more interested in males, but also more hormonal and dangerous. She also becomes territorial towards other females, not letting them near her den. This stage lasts a few days.<\/p>\r\n<p>Stage 2- Her scent grows stronger, and her body is almost ready to mate. This is the attracting a mate stage. The testing the males and letting them fight for her stage. She becomes actively interested in males, and is easily aroused. Like a cat, a female in heat will groom herself frequently to deal with the wetness between the legs. While not water-based, it gets annoying. This stage of heat lasts about a week.<br \/>At this stage, her strong heat-scent rouses the males into excitement; causing them to follow her an attempt to impress her. Mating in this stage of heat will not end it, but it will shorten the time that she&rsquo;s in it. Once a mate is chosen, they will mate repeatedly until her heat is over. It usually ends within 24 hours of her first mating.<\/p>\r\n<p>Stage 3 - This is the most intense part of her heat. This is when she is fully ready to mate and most likely to ovulate. Her heat scent becomes so strong the males can practically taste it on the air. She becomes extremely restless, unable to stay in one place for long. Many females will pace on and on, and even whine and call their discomfort and need. Younger females react more strongly to this stage; while older females can usually ignore it with the occasional whine and shift of discomfort. The ache inside them grows so intense that even those who don&rsquo;t want a child might mate just to get it over with.<\/p>\r\n<p>The males will scuffle and fight among themselves, and the strongest, healthiest males will compete to gain her attention. Once the female has chosen, the other males will give up and find another release. Often in the form of a female who is not in heat; since she can not become pregnant she does not care about the health or strength of the male.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Even though Kivuuli generally mate very roughly, with growling and biting and claws involved, it is always consensual. A Kivuuli who tries to take a mate against their will will be turned on and killed by their Colony.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Once the female chooses her suitor and mating occurs, her heat will either be shortened, or end completely. She signals that she is ready by getting into the presenting position. Crouching down, revealing the thickly furred ruff on her back, and raising her rear into the air. Even if mating doesn&rsquo;t always happen in this position, it&rsquo;s considered a sign of acceptance, even if she plays hard to get afterwards. Kivuuli females, like cats, are stimulated ovulators. Without the proper stimulation, the heat will end but she won&rsquo;t become pregnant. Even if stimulated, the male must have strong seed or her body will kill it all before it fertilizes her. While they will mate repeatedly, the first one is the one that triggers the end of the heat, and thus, after that first one, stimulation will not cause ovulation if it hasn&rsquo;t already.<\/p>\r\n<p>It takes a few days to know if the mating was successful. After a few days, if the mating was successful, her scent will change to announce that she is pregnant. She will also fail to shed, since the shed will be delayed until a week before laying. Female Kivuuli shed a week after heat. If it does not take and she sheds, she will have to wait until her next heat cycle to try again; usually with a different male. \u200b<br \/>Gestation<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>With the exception of very few isolated colonies, Kivuuli are an egg-bearing race. They carry the egg for four to five months, growing large quickly. The male is expected to hunt for her and bring her food, since her appetite will increase as she packs the egg with nutrients it will need once it exits her body. The baby will also develop considerably during this time. By the time the egg is laid, the brain of the fetus is almost completely formed; the rest of the body finishes forming after the egg is laid. As the egg forms, the female&rsquo;s fur grows thicker and denser, to make better lining for her nest. The fur around her belly and inner thighs thickens too; and she will not shed her guardhairs.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their pelvis separates in two places, and is held together by springy, elastic tendons. Each separation contains a small bone bridge that breaks in the process of laying the first egg. This produces a small, sharp crack\/pop, and is quite painful. The bone bridge never grows back and any eggs after the first are easier. Once the egg has passed through, the tendons will spring back, and the Kivuuli&rsquo;s natural healing ability will repair any damage within an hour or two of laying while the exhausted mother sleeps. Males do not have the tendons or bone bridges.<\/p>\r\n<p>While inside them, the egg shell is thick and leathery. It forms soon after conception and plays the part of the placenta until it comes time to lay. During the last few days before laying it becomes the egg shell, which and is soft and pliable. After laying, the shell takes roughly a half hour to harden. It becomes tough, hard and slightly textured. It is very thick and tough, hard to break from the outside. It is, however, very vulnerable until it&rsquo;s fully hardened. The reason it develops so long inside the mother is so the brain can form properly; the mother gives it a kick start, and the hatchling finishes development within the egg.<\/p>\r\n<p>They look huge when they are carrying, but most of that is actually fluids that protect and cushion the egg as well as providing lubrication for laying. Nutrients are stored within the forming shell, though the hatchling has a Proteanct link to the mother until a few days before laying.<\/p>\r\n<p>During the pregnancy, the Kivuuli will have an intense nesting instinct. She will take anything she can find. Fur of other shedding Kivuuli, blankets, any soft thing, and build a nest. During the last week of carrying, she will shed, and line her nest with her fur. Once the egg is laid, it will be watched over and kept warm by her while its father hunts for her. It will hatch in another 4-5 months. This can vary by subspecies, or location, or individual Kivuuli. Eggs can vary in color, but are usually smooth and black with slightly lighter colored mottling. This can change depending on the individual Kivuuli or their environment.<\/p>\r\n<p>A hatchling Kivuuli is known as a kit, because they are very kitten like in their behavior. Kits are known to imprint on the energy signature and voice of the one who spends the most time around the egg. As such, they know their mother the instant they come out. While hatching, a mother will crouch near the egg, face inches away from it and make soft chirring calls to encourage the kit to break free of the egg.<br \/><br \/>Upon hatching, they will follow the scent of the mother&rsquo;s teats. The scent and feel of the kit suckling will trigger a surge of hormones, and she will begin lactation. This surge of hormones will reduce the Kivuuli to soft, relaxed purring. Any Kivuuli can be triggered to lactate in this manner, be it male or female. Once lactation begins, the Kivuuli&rsquo;s appetite will increase. They often feed their milk to older or sick individuals within the Colony to help them survive and stay strong.<\/p>\r\n<p>In the pregnant Kivuuli, the teats poke out of the fur, as the fur sheds from directly around them.<\/p>\r\n<p>When nursing, the flesh swells a bit to push the nipples out of the fur, thus allowing the hatchling to nurse without getting a mouthful of its mother&rsquo;s fur.<\/p>\r\n<p>The consistency is thick, almost like a probiotic yogurt shake, and the taste is surprisingly mild and a little sweet. It is highly nutritious, high in protein and energy; and everything else a kit needs to grow. Kivuuli kits who nurse on their mother grow up bigger and stronger as adults, and generally have a higher chance of being more dominant. It is not at all uncommon for Kivuuli in a Colony to nurse eachother's young. Sometimes older members will play the part of nanny for younger, less experienced Kivuuli. Some Kivuuli will choose to never stop lactating for the purpose of playing nanny to the kits within the Colony.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are extremely protective of their kits. If you hurt a kit, the whole Colony will attack. Even one lone Kivuuli is far more ferocious and dangerous than any mother bear; you don&rsquo;t want to know what would happen if you pissed off a whole colony of them.<\/p>\r\n<p>A human baby could drink Kivuuli&rsquo;s milk but couldn&rsquo;t survive off of it unless water was added to it. Kivuuli&rsquo;s milk contains no water whatsoever. It is high in protein, with a moderate amount of fat, and harder on the digestive system than human milk. It isn&rsquo;t dangerous but will not meet a human&rsquo;s needs properly. If water is added a human baby can survive off of it but won&rsquo;t be at ideal health and it would likely cause a lot of gas and intestinal discomfort being designed for a baby with a much stronger digestive system. It would pose no problems for an adult, and is highly nutritious with natural healing properties as well as infection fighting properties. An adult human or other meat-eating animal could survive off of it as long as they had access to water to stay hydrated.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are highly lactose intolerant. It makes them very, very sick. As such, Kivuuli milk has no lactose in it.<\/p>\r\n<p>A Kivuuli hatchling would be unable to survive on the milk of any terrestrial mammal. It contains way too much water and their little tummies can&rsquo;t handle it, not to mention their lactose intolerance. An adult Kivuuli can ingest the milk of terrestrial mammals, but it does cause a lot of digestive upset, cramping, nausea, and vomiting. The digestive issues can become severe enough to kill a kit, though an adult can survive it. It would just make them very sick. It does not contain the proper nutrients so if the kit did manage to survive the lactose and water, it would slowly deteriorate in health until it died of malnutrition. Their digestive systems are more advanced so they can be fed mashed cooked (Not raw) meat or anything else high in protein if taken in and raised by a human or a member of another race. Mixing ground up bones and the organs of the animal can add to the nutrition and help the kit more. Some that start off being nursed, though, will utterly refuse solid food.<\/p>\r\n<p>It is not unusual for members of a Colony to nurse eachother&rsquo;s young. In fact, this is a very common practice, though some Kits will not nurse on any but their mother. This depends on the individual. It is most common for the omegas to act as nannies for the Colony, helping to care for the kits while stronger individuals hunt and bring in food. Because of this Omegas, and especially nannies, while not given any authority, are not treated badly. Kivuuli tend to produce more milk than is needed. If it gets uncomfortable, they tend to empty their teats themselves. This keeps their supply strong, is relaxing and calming, tastes good to them, and is considered completely normal. While a human would find such activity odd, it is completely natural for a Kivuuli.<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h4>Kits<\/h4>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>Kits are teeny when they hatch, a little smaller than the average human baby. They hatch with their eyes closed, but able to hear and smell just fine. Their ears are droopy and their bodies are pudgy and bellies round from the yolk of the egg still inside, being slowly absorbed to give them strength while their mother&rsquo;s milk comes in and they learn to nurse properly. Kits open their eyes when they are between three and seven days old.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are generally fairly quiet and don&rsquo;t cry often, though do tend to make small chitters, squeaks, and mewling noises. They hate being alone.<\/p>\r\n<p>Babies have a very strong instinct to not relieve themselves within the nest. When they feel the need to go, they will let their parent know with insistent screeching until taken somewhere. Like a newborn kitten or puppy, they will not eliminate on their own. There is a pressure point just at the base of the neck that can be triggered through a certain way of holding onto the scruff that triggers them to go reflexively; they will only go when held in that certain way until they learn to move about on all fours. Once able to move about on all fours they will always leave the nest to eliminate. It's an instinct to keep the nest site clean and smelling good, since Kivuuli noses are extremely sensitive. Young Kivuuli are fully mobile by the time they are three months old, and run about everywhere on all fours.<\/p>\r\n<p>The babies depend completely on their parents and the others in their colony for survival. They are unable to teleport. In fact, this takes a lot of time to get right and generally has to be taught though can be done autonomously if the Kivuuli feels that its life is in danger. Kits are weaned between 3-5 years old, depending on the kit in question. Some wean themselves earlier, some later. A mother will never force wean her kit, because if they are still nursing it means they likely still need to. Kits are able to move about by the time they are three months old. As kits get older and start to move around, they love to practice their hunting instincts and will often hunt, and eat, small animals once their teeth grow in. They generally start getting teeth when they are about a year old. They like to show their kills off to their parents, or others in the Colony. As they get to be about 5 years old, they are weaned and eating solid food with ease. They are also able to eat raw meat by then.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli grow bigger and stronger as they age. At roughly 15, they reach sexual maturity. They are considered adults, even if not at full size yet at this age. Around 18 to 23, they stop growing and achieve their full height. It is around this time they learn to effect reality around them both in silencing their steps and in creating and jumping through little dimensional cracks to teleport. They usually stay with their parents until full maturity, and after that remain with their Colony of birth.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli children are incredibly awkward and clumsy until they grow into their long limbs. They spend more time on all fours than on two feet, though around ten years old they start getting up on two feet more often. Even into adulthod, they spend time both on all fours, and on two feet equally depending on the situation. Kits hurt themselves frequently, but this only kick-starts their natural healing ability.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Kits are known for getting themselves into trouble, constantly. They are mischievous, playful, energetic, and insatiably curious. The entire colony works to keep the children safe and alive. Just like kittens.<\/p>\r\n<p>Female kits are a bit more energetic and feisty than males.<\/p>\r\n<p>Young males love to playfight and spar among themselves. These playfights grow more intense once they near adolescence, roughly around 10-12 years old or so. Sometimes, these playfights get a bit too intense, leaving one or both young males bloody. They step away to heal, which is usually finished within minutes. Once healed, they go at it again. Adolescent males are constantly tussling, wrestling, and play-fighting, which only grows worse the closer to adulthood they get. While these bouts of snapping, screaming, growling, and snarling looks terrifying and deadly, they look far, far, FAR worse than they actually are. They never seriously hurt eachother and other Kivuuli in the Colony know very well the difference between play and real fighting, since real fighting is far louder and more vicious. As males get older, they mellow out considerably, and only face off against other males in contests of strength in the presence of a receptive female. They do this to try to impress her. They usually don&rsquo;t mellow out fully until around 30 or so; around 20-30 they are fully mature, but have bouts of wild, child-like energetic kittenlike playfulness.<\/p>\r\n<p>As a female reaches adolescence, she becomes fiercer and more commanding. If she joins a playfight, the males usually back down and submit almost instantly. Playfights between two females are far more vicious and noisy and dangerous-looking than playfights between males. They are practicing to take dominance someday; males just fight for fun or to pass on their genes. She starts to show interest in the male&rsquo;s battles, and starts to show more interest in those that win these fights. Most of the time, she will avoid a mate when she has her first heat cycle, since her body isn&rsquo;t fully grown at this point and not likely able to sustain an offspring for long. The first heat cycle generally happens around 15 years of age. She is considered an adult at this age, but she usually won&rsquo;t choose a mate until she is at her full size since a younger body is less able to successfully carry an egg. Most males will not attempt to impress a young female unless they themselves are young. Even if she is sexually mature and considered an adult, she is not full size and not interested in mating. Most of the time, even if she DOES find a mate, it will not take since her body is not ready to sustain pregnancy.<\/p>\r\n<p>She will usually chase off any male that comes near while going through her first heat. The first heat cycle is usually short, and not too intense. She is not fertile for this cycle, it is simply her body announcing that it is mature. Her heats will gradually get longer until they settle at the normal length when she&rsquo;s achieved her full size. If a female is not ready to have a kit of her own, she will hide away and ignore or chase off any males that try to gain her attention. Most females prefer not to have a kit until they have gained more experience. Young mothers are far more likely to be aggressive and attack anything they see as a threat than older mothers who are more experienced in raising, guiding, and protecting a child.<\/p>","field6":"<p>Mutations and Variations<br \/>The dewclaw is a fairly common variation found among Kivuuli. Both parents must either have, or carry, the dewclaw gene for it to show in an offspring.<\/p>\r\n<p>Another common variation is the heel spur. This is also recessive. Both parents must be carriers of the gene for it to pass on. Some Kivuuli have both heelspurs and dewclaws.<\/p>\r\n<p>Some Kivuuli are unable to retract their claws. This is very rare; but when it does show up it is not much of a hindrance. They are generally chosen as hunters, though they have to be careful since their claws are very sharp when fully extended. They often make claw caps for themselves to avoid hurting themselves or others.<\/p>\r\n<p>Some Kivuuli have a strip of longer fur that goes all the way down their spine.<\/p>\r\n<p>A rare mutation can cause them to lack spines.<\/p>\r\n<p>The Bully mutation causes Kivuuli to be bigger and more muscular than their fellows. They lose a lot of speed and agility, but gain a lot of brute strength.<\/p>\r\n<p>It is not uncommon for Kivuuli to have no markings, though it is far more common to have markings around the shoulders and hips.<\/p>\r\n<p>Long Fur<\/p>\r\n<p>Hermaphrodite - (Either masculine or feminine hermaphrodite)<\/p>\r\n<p>Rex Coat (Curly, this shows in varying degrees, fairly common, but usually subtle)<\/p>\r\n<p>Feathering (Light, Medium, or Heavy, light is common, medium and heavy is uncommon)<\/p>\r\n<p>Leucism (Can appear either patchy, white, near white, or unusually pale. This occurs either partial, or full. Leucistic Kivuuli are extremely rare!)<\/p>\r\n<p>Melenistic (Menelistic Kivuuli are almost impossible to tell apart from regular Kivuuli unless from a subspecies)<\/p>\r\n<p>Furless (Rare, but not unheard of. Tends to show up in warmer areas.)<\/p>\r\n<p>Lengthened Ear Tufts (Rare)<br \/>Albinism\/Partial Albinism (EXTREMELY rare! Most Albino Kivuuli are either blind, or almost blind.)<\/p>\r\n<p>Lengthened Cheek Fluffs (Uncommon, common among Maltese)<\/p>","field7":null,"parsed":{"description":"<p>The Kivuuli, a mysterious and powerful interdimensional semi-humanoid creature. They are rumored to hold the key to the Realms Between.<\/p>","field1":"<p>Kivuuli are a tall and powerful carnivorous furred semi-humanoid inter-dimensional race. They are generally black or dark grey with blue, green, or purple eyes and usually have slightly darker markings in stripes, spots, or a combination of the two that only show under certain light. There are several subspecies with different colors and markings being common from the warm reds of the forest dwelling Met'saa to the whites of the Lippizan to the blue grays of the Maltese or the golden color of Desert Kivuuli.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are elongated in build, with long limbs and are as comfortable on all fours as they are on two feet. They are incredibly wild, but generally won't attack unless attacked or threatened. Kivuuli are fully sapient and a social species. Despite their fearsome appearance, Kivuuli are a gentle and peaceful race with strong maternal instincts appearing in both males and females.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are very fast, especially when on all fours and live in groups known as Colonies.<\/p>","field2":"<h4>Between; Homeworld of the Kivuuli<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Imagine the air around you, full of bubbles. Now imagine that each of these bubbles is its own dimension. It's own universe. Has its own laws, and inner workings. Now, imagine all the space between the bubbles. A strange place, between the dimensions; ever shifting and changing. This is where the Kivuuli dwell and come from. The rules of physics do not apply; great islands of stone float through the darkness, covered in forests of strange bioluminescent fungus-like plants and other strange flora. Inhabited by strange creatures of all shapes and sizes, from tiny glowing dragonlike lizards to massive beasts that would put Earth's dinosaurs to shame. Literally anything can happen in Between, any sort of creature, any world, any dimension, any universe. The Kivuuli can reach many worlds and this is part of the reason for their great success as an apex predator.<\/p>\r\n<p>Harsh, but oddly beautiful, Between is buzzing with strange power and magic and the magical rules and laws of hundreds of dimensions, worlds, and universes clashing together in beautiful chaos. The areas of Between are effected by the laws of the dimensions and worlds closest to them; making Between highly varied. Between is beautiful; but as beautiful as it is it is deadly, thus the Kivuuli have had to adapt in to fast, powerful pack hunting predators that have claws that can slash through granite and a terrible shrieking wail that can drive fear into the hearts of the bravest.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are fast, able to teleport, and able to face creatures several times their size. This strange place has many names. Darkrealm, Tartarus, Limbo; but many simply call this place the Between; for this is what it is. The realm between dimensions. A strange and mysterious place; beautiful to behold but deadly to those not from there. While most of Between is completely dark aside from glimmers of light here and there and bioluminsecent plants and animals, some isles are ruled by a great orb of energy mimicking a sun. Some have their own weather patterns and day night cycles. Cracks and passages between dimensions are always opening and closing, allowing Kivuuli the ability to enter and leave Between at will, though they must be careful as some rifts are temporary and could close and leave them stranded in a strange and unfamiliar world. Others, still, are horribly unstable and deadly and could rip an unsuspecting Kivuuli to shreds leaving nothing but splatters of blood and the memory of their horrible screams.<\/p>","field3":"<h4>Calls, Vocalizations and Language<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli voices have a strange, otherworldly quality to them. They sound almost distorted, with a clear staticy crackling undertone. This is likely because of their interdimensional nature.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their voices are often deep, with a growl or purr like sound mixed in. A Kivuuli speaking is much what a person might imagine a lion&rsquo;s voice would sound like if it learned to speak. They tend to have emphasis on sharper sounds, like k, z, v, and such, and their r&rsquo;s are often lengthened slightly in a slight growl or purr. They are fully capable of learning languages aside from their own and, in fact, Kivuuli learn incredibly fast. Despite their wild primitive ways, they are incredibly intelligent.<\/p>\r\n<p>Outside of speech, they have a whole range of natural vocalizations. When excited or friendly, they let out a sound similar to a chittering cat. Though much deeper and lower in tone. This sound is often used by playful kits, or adults trying to show they mean no harm. Kivuuli also purr. It&rsquo;s a deep, heavy rumbling sound with a bit of static to it.<\/p>\r\n<p>They chitter, chirp, chuff, rumble, growl, purr, hiss, click, snarl, roar, howl, and many other sounds.<\/p>\r\n<p>Chirping is used to call and greet fellow members of their Colony. The chuff is similar to a chuffing tiger, and they use this to greet loved ones and family or close friends. The rumble and growl show varying levels of irritation and\/or anger, eventually leading to a wild snarling or finally, their terrible howl or roar.<\/p>\r\n<p>Purring is an expression of pleasure and contentment.<\/p>\r\n<p>When injured, they let out soft whimpers and whines.<\/p>\r\n<p>When sad, they will either be very quiet, whimper softly, or let out a heartbreaking wail when mourning the death of a loved one.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their language incorporates all of these vocalizations. And they even integrate this when speaking other languages as well.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli also rely strongly on body language. The position of one&rsquo;s ears, tone of voice, and posture can change the meaning of what they are trying to say. Looking at the position of the ears is a great way to tell what mood a Kivuuli is in. When neutral, the ears are out slightly to the sides and in a relaxed position. When alert or shocked, their ears perk up and swivel forward. Their ears often flick and swivel towards any sound, and many times they detect sounds other creatures will not.<\/p>\r\n<p>When angry, their ears go back, and they lower their ears when sad, or trying to show submission. Higher ranking Kivuuli generally tend to hold their ears perked higher than lower ranking Kivuuli.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli can also make a strange tonal almost&hellip; droning sound. Somewhere between a thrum and a rumble, it can promote relaxation or healing. The sound is, indeed, very strange. And it is something that is rarely heard among Kivuuli so it is theorized that only a few of them are capable of, or know how to, produce this sound.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h4>Culture, Customs and Heirarchy<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Not much is known of Kivuuli culture and customs, but it can be very complex even if it seems deceptively simple. Their customs are a mix between their wild and feral nature and their sapience. In some ways they can be considered very primitive, though not savage. In reality, Kivuuli believe strongly in living with the land. When living somewhere, they are very careful to preserve the balance of nature. They do not chase other predators out of their territory, and never over-hunt. They only take what they need, and use as much of their prey as they can. They use the pelts and fur in their nests, make things from their bones, horns, or hooves, and eat every part they are able to.<\/p>\r\n<p>Most Kivuuli do not mate for life. As such, they do not have any ceremonies or weddings. Among Kivuuli, a Colony is a family. They do not have surnames, nor do they need them. Reproduction has nothing to do with feelings of love, but rather to make offspring. Kivuuli do sometimes mate for life, but this is fairly rare. Even those who are lifemates will sometimes mate with others and this is not considered cheating. It is completely normal, since it helps spread out the gene pool.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli hierarchy is very pack like. Their groups are referred to as Colonies, though some call them Clans. A Colony is lead by the Dominant Female, or Alpha Female. Males in higher positions are extremely rare. The highest ranking male or males are known as Betas.<\/p>\r\n<p>The Elders are the oldest and wisest members of the Colony. Just being old does not make you an Elder. Elders are story-tellers, legend-keepers; and even the Dominant Female often goes to them for advice or help. An Elder must always be respected. Kivuuli have a written language, and the Elders write their history into the caves their Colony dwells in. Their claws carve the stories and names of all Kivuuli in a Colony into the stone. The Halls of History, as a Kivuuli calls the dens and caves the Elders keep and dwell in, are considered sacred and must not be damaged in any way. Only the Elders are allowed to carve the stone within. Because of this, Kivuuli Colonies are VERY hesitant to leave their homes, even if threatened. They are incredibly sentimental of their history. When an Elder dies, their Heartstone is placed within the Hall with the Heartstones of all past Elders in a place of ultimate honor. The Dominant Female&rsquo;s Heartstone are placed within the Halls as well.<\/p>\r\n<p>The highest ranking male is considered the Colony Dominant Male, or Beta Male. He usually leads with the female, but is completely subordinate towards her. He is dominant towards the males in the Colony, but not towards the females. The Beta Male is usually the first one a female in heat will choose, and most often is the chosen mate of the Alpha Female, simply because he is the strongest and most clever male in the Colony and has good genes.<\/p>\r\n<p>There are mid ranking males and females, who fight out their dominance among eachother, and Omegas.<\/p>\r\n<p>Omegas are not treated badly, but they have no authority within the Colony and are almost never chosen as mates. Female Omegas are extremely rare, and generally only crippled, or terminally ill females end up as an Omega. Omegas often act as nannies for the Colony, and often induce lactation to keep kits calm and fed while the stronger and higher ranking Kivuuli hunt and carry out other tasks. Kivuuli who play the part of nannies are treated very well, and given plenty of food so they can continue to produce milk for the kits they help care for.<\/p>\r\n<p>Lactating Kivuuli will often allow weak, sick, or elderly members of their colony to feed from them, for the strengthening and healing properties their milk has. While a human would consider this taboo, gross and strange, it is completely normal in Kivuuli society.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli take very good care of the less fortunate members of their Colonies. The crippled, the weak, the runty, the stunted, the injured, the elderly&hellip; all of them are well cared for. The entire Colony will pitch in together to insure the survival of even their weakest members. Weak Kivuuli may not reproduce, but they live comfortable and happy.<\/p>\r\n<p>Lower than Omegas, are the disgraced Kivuuli. They have done something terrible and lost their honor and are hated by the Colony and not treated well.<\/p>\r\n<p>Disgraced Kivuuli are those who did something shameful. Not deserving of exile, they keep their name and aren&rsquo;t chased away, but they are generally ostracized by their fellows and can&rsquo;t fight their way up in rank even if strong and dominant. A Disgraced Kivuuli must provide for themselves and are not allowed access to the Colony&rsquo;s food stores or hunts. They must prove themselves worthy to get out of this status and become Omegas, but they will never rise above omega status and will never be fully trusted again.<\/p>\r\n<p>Exiled Kivuuli are those who have committed the highest of crimes in their culture. Rape, murder, killing other sentient beings unprovoked, hurting innocent kits, and betrayal are among the crimes deemed worthy this fate worse than death. An Exile is called Itz&rsquo;hil. This word means many things at once. &ldquo;Exiled, Nameless, Shamed One, Marked One.&rdquo;<\/p>\r\n<p>The Marking is sentenced by the Alpha Female and the Colony&rsquo;s Elders. If the accused Kivuuli is not remorseful of their crimes, or their crimes are unforgivable, their teleportation ability is temporarily knocked out and they are chained to a pillar of stone that they can not escape from. Legs and arms clamped down so they can not move. The Alpha Female makes the first mark. She slashes into his chest a symbol, reciting the word &ldquo;Itz&rsquo;hil!&rdquo; with each slash of her claws. The Elders are next, speaking something along the lines of &ldquo;As you threw away your honor, I take away your name. You are Exile. You are Itz&rsquo;hil. You are Nameless. You are Nothing.&rdquo; followed by the family their actions hurt the most, then every other adult in the Colony. Children are not permitted to view or participate in these Ceremonies. The mark and word is repeated time and time and time again until the Kivuuli&rsquo;s healing ability slows and the slashes form a scar, a mark that will forever mar their chest. This can take weeks of constant torture. Once the Marking Ceremony is complete, the exhausted exile is released from the chains, and viciously chased away by the Colony. Any Colony who sees these marks from that time on will not allow the exile into their territory. Exiles live a lonely and miserable life, and generally don&rsquo;t last long since Kivuuli are such social creatures and depend strongly on eachother for survival and emotional wellbeing.<\/p>\r\n<p>Older, stronger Kivuuli can assert their dominance without a fight, simply with posture, ear position, and growling. Or, even, with confidence alone. Smaller males are generally more submissive than larger ones.<\/p>\r\n<p>The female is in charge; though she lets the males set up their pecking order however they want. If it gets to be too much, she&rsquo;ll step in, assert her dominance, and put a stop to it.<br \/>Battles for dominance never end in death. They fight until one backs down. Sometimes this doesn&rsquo;t even get past the snarling, growling, circling eachother, and displaying their strength and ferocity.<\/p>\r\n<p>Simply watching and listening to a Kivuuli within a Colony can give you a ton of clues on their status. The dominant leaders move with their heads high and ears alert and perked up. When addressing others, they stand tall and look down at them with their hands out to the sides. Submissive members take a lower submissive posture with their claws crossed in front of them and eyes turned to the side. Their ears are held slightly lowered. Direct eye contact is considered a threat, thus lower ranking Kivuuli must not look higher ranking Kivuuli directly in the eye without permission.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli have strange ceremonies when a member of their Colony dies. First, the dead Kivuuli is mourned. Mourning can last days, and is not done until the family of the dead Kivuuli says it is. Those closest will wail and howl their grief on and on, a haunting and heartbreaking sound. Almost a haunting and heartbreaking song. Especially at the death of an Elder or Alpha. The entire Colony howls and mourns. But the time for Mourning does not last forever. Once the deceased Kivuuli is mourned, they have a special celebration.<\/p>\r\n<p>A feast is held, with dancing, singing, storytelling, and laughing. For such a sombre thing, there is great joy. The Colony remembers their deceased member fondly. They talk about their life, their effect on the Colony. The Heartstone is then placed in a special antechamber within the Halls of History. The Elders carve the shape of the Heartstone out into the stone, gently place the gem within, and carve the name of the deceased Kivuuli beneath with their claws to be remembered forever. All deceased Kivuuli in a Colony are remembered unless they are Disgraced when they die. If disgraced, the Heartstone is set aside and ignored&hellip; a strong enough crime has the Heartstone being thrown off into the blackness surrounding the strange floating isles the Kivuuli dwell on.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are very matriarchal. The female is entirely in charge; the dominant female is submissive to none. A Colony lead by a male is considered unnatural and weak.<\/p>\r\n<p>They tolerate mistakes in children more than in adults. Children are still learning, and can be taught. Adults know better.<\/p>\r\n<p>These colonies can harbor anything from a small handful of Kivuuli, to hundreds or in some rare cases, over a thousand of them. The Elder position is not limited to just one; if there is more than one elder, they are all looked up to and view eachother as equals.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli live as a community and share everything. Their homes, their food. The strong help provide for the weak, those not strong enough to hunt do other tasks within the Colony, such as helping care for kits. They respect eachother&rsquo;s homes and belongings. Theft and stealing is frowned upon, but not enough for alphas to get involved. The one stolen from is in charge of getting their belongings back. This often results in a spat. If it gets severe enough, the Alpha or one of the Betas will step in.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are territorial. Not against others in their own Colony, but towards those from other Colonies. While not common, some alpha females and the highest ranking beta males will use urine marking to mark the edges of their territory.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are a mixture of supernatural and biological. They are a sentient creature that lives in groups called Colonies. Dominance and leadership is dependent on the strength and cleverness of the individual. Females are bigger and stronger than males, as well as more aggressive and naturally more dominant. Male leaders are not only extremely rare, but are practically unheard of.<\/p>\r\n<p>They have very little concept of personal space. Kivuuli are very touchy with eachother. They spend a lot of time cuddling and generally being near eachother. They are VERY fond of touching. They often stay very close to those they care about. Communal grooming is very common and reinforces bonds within the colony, and among friends and family.<\/p>\r\n<p>They have no concept of doors. They have no shame in nudity. Kivuuli do not wear clothes. Some, though, may decorate themselves with gems and things they have found. Their homes are open, and they come and go as they please. They don&rsquo;t steal from eachother. A Kivuuli who does steal is often attacked by their fellows, and driven away if the action continues.<\/p>","field4":"<h4>Appearance and anatomy<\/h4>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are somewhat humanoid in appearance, but have some very clear differences. They are long and lean, with elongated torsos and limbs. The average Kivuuli stands around nine to nine and a half feet tall. They have pawlike digitgrade feet which have four toes, or four toes and a dewclaw. Being interdimensional creatures, they often appear with a strange dark aura around them with what seems like tiny sparks or glimmers of lights appearing and floating aimlessly around them and vanishing again. This aura and particles usually matches the basic color of their eyes. It only shows when they are using, or have recently used their reality bending abilities.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli skin is incredibly tough and thick. It takes some strength and a sharp blade to pierce it. They have a coating of fur that is short, but dense and soft. Their natural body temperature is around 105 degrees Fahrenheit, and thus they are very warm to the touch. The fur is usually longest around the shoulders, down the back, and in small fringes around the ankles and wrists.<\/p>\r\n<p>The fur on a female's ruff is longer and thicker than that of a male, and the skin there is looser and thicker and tougher as well. This serves as a protective barrier against the male's fangs, since they tend to bite during mating. Even then, he does often draw blood though most females don't mind this. It actually feels good to them.<\/p>\r\n<p>Being interdimensional creatures, Kivuuli are extremely light. Even standing around nine or more feet tall, they rarely weigh over one hundred fifty pounds. This is due to them being made up of something like solidified energy. Light, but incredibly strong. This not fully physical nature also manifests in their spines, claws, and fangs. When angry, they actually extend out and get longer and sharper, and when calm shrink back to normal size and sharpness.<\/p>\r\n<p>They have scale like spines on their forearms pointing back off the elbow with membranes between them. Similar scale like spines go down their spine, also having membranes between them. These spines flare up when frightened, angry, or threatened. They are also used in dominance displays.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli blood is a dark nearly black purple and thicker than human blood.<\/p>\r\n<p>Males are far more common than females. There are about five males for every one female hatched.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h4>Diet and Feeding<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli are carnivorous. Their diet consists almost entirely of meat, though they might eat other things if no meat is available. They will sometimes add other things to their diet, such as fruits. Kivuuli tend to love sweets, but they aren&rsquo;t fond of sour things.<\/p>\r\n<p>When it comes out the other end, it looks like very large rabbit droppings and simply crumbles to dust if stepped on. Has little to no smell.<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<h4><br \/>Abilities<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli have many special abilities they are capable of using.<\/p>\r\n<p>\u200b<\/p>\r\n<p>Teleportation - Kivuuli are able to teleport, though their methods are strange and unique. They are able to bend the fabric of reality around them in minor ways, the most pronounced being the ability to literally tear a crack in reality and step through. The crack always heals itself right after the Kivuuli steps through. Not ALL Kivuuli can do this. It is something that must be taught. Kivuuli can see and sense the flow of energy around them. They can also completely silence their steps, even at a full run.<\/p>\r\n<p>**Note that they teleport by jumping through the dimension - or, within the bubble. They can not break out of the bubble into greater between, but they do, in a sense, touch Between when teleporting.<\/p>\r\n<p>Paralyzing Stare - The Paralyzing Stare is an ability Kivuuli developed for hunting and self defense. They stare you right in the eyes, which has a hypnotizing effect, rendering their prey or enemy unable to move. As long as your eyes are locked with the Kivuuli&rsquo;s, you can&rsquo;t move. When eye contact is broken, you can move again. Most Kivuuli ONLY use this ability when absolutely necessary. Generally if they are attacked. They catch the person&rsquo;s gaze, causes them to freeze up, and teleports away to safety as they recover.<\/p>\r\n<p>Intimidating Howl - The Intimidating Howl is a horrible unearthly howl, laced with the Kivuuli&rsquo;s reality bending power. It sounds somewhere between a feral howl, savage snarling, horrible shrieking, and radio static. It forces feelings of terror into the one hearing it, giving them the desire to run away. Most can not handle it, and either faint where they are or run in horror. This terrible howl seems to come from every direction at once, making the Kivuuli&rsquo;s location hard to determine.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Reality Bending - This ability is the underlying cause to many other abilities Kivuuli have. They are able to bend reality around them in minor ways, stifling the sound of their footsteps, stopping you from hearing their breath or smelling them or sensing their presence. They can also leap through cracks in reality to teleport and many other small, but useful applications.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h4>Evolutionary Background<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Their society is very wild in many ways. They are sentient and intelligent, but far more ruled by wild instincts and feral tendencies than humans. This has not changed because it works for them. They are matriarchal, with females naturally leading and males being far calmer and more docile.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Between is a dangerous place, and Kivuuli reproduce slowly. Smaller Colonies are much more likely to breed faster. They also breed faster is there is plenty of food around. During times of famine females will actually stop having heats entirely. This is natural; it allows a Colony to grow strong and maintain their numbers. More babies born means more Kivuuli likely to make it to adulthood. A lone Kivuuli female is several times more likely to become pregnant than a Kivuuli in a big Colony. When a lot of Kivuuli populate one area, or food is less plentiful, their fertility as a whole drops dramatically. The reason why is unknown, but a hormonal response is the most likely candidate. Kivuuli in smaller Colonies are also more likely to go into heat more often. Kivuuli can go into heat every one to three years. Smaller Colonies' viable members will go into heat once a year; bigger colonies often every three years and sometimes even five.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli leave Between to hunt for food not available in their homeworld, gather resources, and explore. They usually go in small parties. Only the strong and clever make it back alive, for other worlds are packed with even more dangers to test a Kivuuli&rsquo;s ability to survive. There may be a small number of Kivuuli with the ability to not age or die of age, but there are plenty of other things killing them and keeping their population balanced.<\/p>\r\n<p>All of this together has honed their intelligence to a fine point, but also nurtured their wild side giving them human intelligence coupled with bestial behaviors and instincts.<br \/>Their ancestors are, in fact, extinct. Natural selection made sure of that. Kinda like we don&rsquo;t see neanderthals or proto-humans running about. Some of their earliest ancestors were sleek, quadrupedal spiked predators that used teleportation to hunt or escape danger. They were fast, strong, and fierce, forming packs that were highly territorial.<\/p>","field5":"<h4>Lifespan<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli have very long natural lives; generally living up to 1000 years. As they start to grow older and approach the end of their lifespan, their Heartstones get less and less effective. This leaves them unable to feed as efficiently or teleport since their bodies stop being able to handle the discordant energies in the rifts they create. Their healing ability starts to slow down as well; and eventually goes away completely. Eventually, their body can no longer repair the damage done by age, and they grow weak and tired. Their fur will begin to gray around the eyes and mouth, and tips of ears as well as on their hands and feet. Once they reach a certain age, they are no longer capable of producing milk, even if they spend a lot of time around kits.<\/p>\r\n<p>When they sense their time is near, they surround themselves by friends and family. They say their goodbyes, before slipping away peacefully. Most often in their sleep.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Some Kivuuli, though, can live on way beyond this time. It seems to be a strange mutation. A Heartstone that can actually slowly repair itself; thus negating the effects of aging present in most of the species. Those who have this mutation will need to sleep more and rest more once they reach a certain age, and their fertility drops. While less fertile, they are still able to have children. They just don't do so as often and females are harder to get pregnant. They will not show any visible signs of aging; they will not grey or dull in color.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are not affected by aging, at all, and they will live on, healthy, until they are killed by something other than age. This tends to be genetic; so those of their line have a chance of getting this ability. The oldest Kivuuli to have ever lived is an Elder named Kaitu, a member of the rare and isolated &lsquo;Maltese&rsquo; or &lsquo;Blue&rsquo; subspecies. Severe damage to the Heartstone can overrun this ability, causing an ancient Kivuuli to age and die very quickly after being hurt, within a year.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h4>Mating and Reproduction<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli males and females look quite similar. Genitals are internal, though gender can be told through differences in their bodies, demeanor, and voice. If one sees a male and female Kivuuli standing side by side, first glance won&rsquo;t reveal many differences. But if you look closely you can tell. Kivuuli do have the occasional hermaphrodite, this is a rare mutation.<br \/>Sexual Dimorphism<br \/>Male: Kivuuli genitals are internal and only emerge in a state of arousal. The male has a slit like sheath more towards the front of his crotch. Males are slimmer and smaller than females, and generally hold themselves lower as well. They are naturally submissive since even a very strong male wouldn't stand a chance against the physically bigger and stronger female. Males do not have much curve to them, if any at all and have narrow waists and hips. They have semi defined pecs, and the fur on their lower belly and inner thighs is not any longer than the fur on the rest of their bodies. They have teats on the lower belly, usually small and not very visible. They tend to have thicker and longer chest fur as well as slightly longer\/fluffier fur around their neck. This can sometimes amplify their cheek fluff, too.<\/p>\r\n<p>Male Kivuuli have lower, rougher and deeper voices than females. The growling undertone is more pronounced.<\/p>\r\n<p>Female: The female has a slit on the bottom of her crotch, barely visable of at all from the front. The slit is subtle and less visable than the male's sheath like slit. A female has visible teats, though they are only really noticeable when she is carrying an egg, or nursing a hatchling.<\/p>\r\n<p>Females are taller and noticeably stronger than males. Her body is thicker, and moderately curvy with wider hips leading down to long and slim, but strong legs. While a layer of fat beneath her skin makes her look softer, beneath that softness is a lot of brute strength and ferocity.<\/p>\r\n<p>The fur down the back of a female&rsquo;s neck, shoulders, and back is thicker and longer than a male's, and she also has thicker longer fur on her belly and inner thigh, which thickens further when carrying, or nursing young.<\/p>\r\n<p>The female Kivuuli's voice is softer and higher in pitch than a male's. Her growl is smoother, but deeper and fiercer. Her purr is a low and smooth.<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p>Heat and Mating<br \/>Kivuuli attract mates through scent.<\/p>\r\n<p>Female Kivuuli go into heat regularly, but when observed in our dimension it happens roughly once every 1-3 years. A female raising a kit can not enter this state as long as she is nursing the kit. This is the only time she can become pregnant. It lasts for roughly two weeks or until she finds a suitable mate.<\/p>\r\n<p>There are three stages to the heat.<\/p>\r\n<p>Stage 1- Her scent begins to shift. This is not actual heat yet; she is not fertile. But her body is preparing itself for heat. She starts to become more interested in males, but also more hormonal and dangerous. She also becomes territorial towards other females, not letting them near her den. This stage lasts a few days.<\/p>\r\n<p>Stage 2- Her scent grows stronger, and her body is almost ready to mate. This is the attracting a mate stage. The testing the males and letting them fight for her stage. She becomes actively interested in males, and is easily aroused. Like a cat, a female in heat will groom herself frequently to deal with the wetness between the legs. While not water-based, it gets annoying. This stage of heat lasts about a week.<br \/>At this stage, her strong heat-scent rouses the males into excitement; causing them to follow her an attempt to impress her. Mating in this stage of heat will not end it, but it will shorten the time that she&rsquo;s in it. Once a mate is chosen, they will mate repeatedly until her heat is over. It usually ends within 24 hours of her first mating.<\/p>\r\n<p>Stage 3 - This is the most intense part of her heat. This is when she is fully ready to mate and most likely to ovulate. Her heat scent becomes so strong the males can practically taste it on the air. She becomes extremely restless, unable to stay in one place for long. Many females will pace on and on, and even whine and call their discomfort and need. Younger females react more strongly to this stage; while older females can usually ignore it with the occasional whine and shift of discomfort. The ache inside them grows so intense that even those who don&rsquo;t want a child might mate just to get it over with.<\/p>\r\n<p>The males will scuffle and fight among themselves, and the strongest, healthiest males will compete to gain her attention. Once the female has chosen, the other males will give up and find another release. Often in the form of a female who is not in heat; since she can not become pregnant she does not care about the health or strength of the male.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Even though Kivuuli generally mate very roughly, with growling and biting and claws involved, it is always consensual. A Kivuuli who tries to take a mate against their will will be turned on and killed by their Colony.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Once the female chooses her suitor and mating occurs, her heat will either be shortened, or end completely. She signals that she is ready by getting into the presenting position. Crouching down, revealing the thickly furred ruff on her back, and raising her rear into the air. Even if mating doesn&rsquo;t always happen in this position, it&rsquo;s considered a sign of acceptance, even if she plays hard to get afterwards. Kivuuli females, like cats, are stimulated ovulators. Without the proper stimulation, the heat will end but she won&rsquo;t become pregnant. Even if stimulated, the male must have strong seed or her body will kill it all before it fertilizes her. While they will mate repeatedly, the first one is the one that triggers the end of the heat, and thus, after that first one, stimulation will not cause ovulation if it hasn&rsquo;t already.<\/p>\r\n<p>It takes a few days to know if the mating was successful. After a few days, if the mating was successful, her scent will change to announce that she is pregnant. She will also fail to shed, since the shed will be delayed until a week before laying. Female Kivuuli shed a week after heat. If it does not take and she sheds, she will have to wait until her next heat cycle to try again; usually with a different male. \u200b<br \/>Gestation<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>With the exception of very few isolated colonies, Kivuuli are an egg-bearing race. They carry the egg for four to five months, growing large quickly. The male is expected to hunt for her and bring her food, since her appetite will increase as she packs the egg with nutrients it will need once it exits her body. The baby will also develop considerably during this time. By the time the egg is laid, the brain of the fetus is almost completely formed; the rest of the body finishes forming after the egg is laid. As the egg forms, the female&rsquo;s fur grows thicker and denser, to make better lining for her nest. The fur around her belly and inner thighs thickens too; and she will not shed her guardhairs.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their pelvis separates in two places, and is held together by springy, elastic tendons. Each separation contains a small bone bridge that breaks in the process of laying the first egg. This produces a small, sharp crack\/pop, and is quite painful. The bone bridge never grows back and any eggs after the first are easier. Once the egg has passed through, the tendons will spring back, and the Kivuuli&rsquo;s natural healing ability will repair any damage within an hour or two of laying while the exhausted mother sleeps. Males do not have the tendons or bone bridges.<\/p>\r\n<p>While inside them, the egg shell is thick and leathery. It forms soon after conception and plays the part of the placenta until it comes time to lay. During the last few days before laying it becomes the egg shell, which and is soft and pliable. After laying, the shell takes roughly a half hour to harden. It becomes tough, hard and slightly textured. It is very thick and tough, hard to break from the outside. It is, however, very vulnerable until it&rsquo;s fully hardened. The reason it develops so long inside the mother is so the brain can form properly; the mother gives it a kick start, and the hatchling finishes development within the egg.<\/p>\r\n<p>They look huge when they are carrying, but most of that is actually fluids that protect and cushion the egg as well as providing lubrication for laying. Nutrients are stored within the forming shell, though the hatchling has a Proteanct link to the mother until a few days before laying.<\/p>\r\n<p>During the pregnancy, the Kivuuli will have an intense nesting instinct. She will take anything she can find. Fur of other shedding Kivuuli, blankets, any soft thing, and build a nest. During the last week of carrying, she will shed, and line her nest with her fur. Once the egg is laid, it will be watched over and kept warm by her while its father hunts for her. It will hatch in another 4-5 months. This can vary by subspecies, or location, or individual Kivuuli. Eggs can vary in color, but are usually smooth and black with slightly lighter colored mottling. This can change depending on the individual Kivuuli or their environment.<\/p>\r\n<p>A hatchling Kivuuli is known as a kit, because they are very kitten like in their behavior. Kits are known to imprint on the energy signature and voice of the one who spends the most time around the egg. As such, they know their mother the instant they come out. While hatching, a mother will crouch near the egg, face inches away from it and make soft chirring calls to encourage the kit to break free of the egg.<br \/><br \/>Upon hatching, they will follow the scent of the mother&rsquo;s teats. The scent and feel of the kit suckling will trigger a surge of hormones, and she will begin lactation. This surge of hormones will reduce the Kivuuli to soft, relaxed purring. Any Kivuuli can be triggered to lactate in this manner, be it male or female. Once lactation begins, the Kivuuli&rsquo;s appetite will increase. They often feed their milk to older or sick individuals within the Colony to help them survive and stay strong.<\/p>\r\n<p>In the pregnant Kivuuli, the teats poke out of the fur, as the fur sheds from directly around them.<\/p>\r\n<p>When nursing, the flesh swells a bit to push the nipples out of the fur, thus allowing the hatchling to nurse without getting a mouthful of its mother&rsquo;s fur.<\/p>\r\n<p>The consistency is thick, almost like a probiotic yogurt shake, and the taste is surprisingly mild and a little sweet. It is highly nutritious, high in protein and energy; and everything else a kit needs to grow. Kivuuli kits who nurse on their mother grow up bigger and stronger as adults, and generally have a higher chance of being more dominant. It is not at all uncommon for Kivuuli in a Colony to nurse eachother's young. Sometimes older members will play the part of nanny for younger, less experienced Kivuuli. Some Kivuuli will choose to never stop lactating for the purpose of playing nanny to the kits within the Colony.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are extremely protective of their kits. If you hurt a kit, the whole Colony will attack. Even one lone Kivuuli is far more ferocious and dangerous than any mother bear; you don&rsquo;t want to know what would happen if you pissed off a whole colony of them.<\/p>\r\n<p>A human baby could drink Kivuuli&rsquo;s milk but couldn&rsquo;t survive off of it unless water was added to it. Kivuuli&rsquo;s milk contains no water whatsoever. It is high in protein, with a moderate amount of fat, and harder on the digestive system than human milk. It isn&rsquo;t dangerous but will not meet a human&rsquo;s needs properly. If water is added a human baby can survive off of it but won&rsquo;t be at ideal health and it would likely cause a lot of gas and intestinal discomfort being designed for a baby with a much stronger digestive system. It would pose no problems for an adult, and is highly nutritious with natural healing properties as well as infection fighting properties. An adult human or other meat-eating animal could survive off of it as long as they had access to water to stay hydrated.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are highly lactose intolerant. It makes them very, very sick. As such, Kivuuli milk has no lactose in it.<\/p>\r\n<p>A Kivuuli hatchling would be unable to survive on the milk of any terrestrial mammal. It contains way too much water and their little tummies can&rsquo;t handle it, not to mention their lactose intolerance. An adult Kivuuli can ingest the milk of terrestrial mammals, but it does cause a lot of digestive upset, cramping, nausea, and vomiting. The digestive issues can become severe enough to kill a kit, though an adult can survive it. It would just make them very sick. It does not contain the proper nutrients so if the kit did manage to survive the lactose and water, it would slowly deteriorate in health until it died of malnutrition. Their digestive systems are more advanced so they can be fed mashed cooked (Not raw) meat or anything else high in protein if taken in and raised by a human or a member of another race. Mixing ground up bones and the organs of the animal can add to the nutrition and help the kit more. Some that start off being nursed, though, will utterly refuse solid food.<\/p>\r\n<p>It is not unusual for members of a Colony to nurse eachother&rsquo;s young. In fact, this is a very common practice, though some Kits will not nurse on any but their mother. This depends on the individual. It is most common for the omegas to act as nannies for the Colony, helping to care for the kits while stronger individuals hunt and bring in food. Because of this Omegas, and especially nannies, while not given any authority, are not treated badly. Kivuuli tend to produce more milk than is needed. If it gets uncomfortable, they tend to empty their teats themselves. This keeps their supply strong, is relaxing and calming, tastes good to them, and is considered completely normal. While a human would find such activity odd, it is completely natural for a Kivuuli.<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h4>Kits<\/h4>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>Kits are teeny when they hatch, a little smaller than the average human baby. They hatch with their eyes closed, but able to hear and smell just fine. Their ears are droopy and their bodies are pudgy and bellies round from the yolk of the egg still inside, being slowly absorbed to give them strength while their mother&rsquo;s milk comes in and they learn to nurse properly. Kits open their eyes when they are between three and seven days old.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are generally fairly quiet and don&rsquo;t cry often, though do tend to make small chitters, squeaks, and mewling noises. They hate being alone.<\/p>\r\n<p>Babies have a very strong instinct to not relieve themselves within the nest. When they feel the need to go, they will let their parent know with insistent screeching until taken somewhere. Like a newborn kitten or puppy, they will not eliminate on their own. There is a pressure point just at the base of the neck that can be triggered through a certain way of holding onto the scruff that triggers them to go reflexively; they will only go when held in that certain way until they learn to move about on all fours. Once able to move about on all fours they will always leave the nest to eliminate. It's an instinct to keep the nest site clean and smelling good, since Kivuuli noses are extremely sensitive. Young Kivuuli are fully mobile by the time they are three months old, and run about everywhere on all fours.<\/p>\r\n<p>The babies depend completely on their parents and the others in their colony for survival. They are unable to teleport. In fact, this takes a lot of time to get right and generally has to be taught though can be done autonomously if the Kivuuli feels that its life is in danger. Kits are weaned between 3-5 years old, depending on the kit in question. Some wean themselves earlier, some later. A mother will never force wean her kit, because if they are still nursing it means they likely still need to. Kits are able to move about by the time they are three months old. As kits get older and start to move around, they love to practice their hunting instincts and will often hunt, and eat, small animals once their teeth grow in. They generally start getting teeth when they are about a year old. They like to show their kills off to their parents, or others in the Colony. As they get to be about 5 years old, they are weaned and eating solid food with ease. They are also able to eat raw meat by then.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli grow bigger and stronger as they age. At roughly 15, they reach sexual maturity. They are considered adults, even if not at full size yet at this age. Around 18 to 23, they stop growing and achieve their full height. It is around this time they learn to effect reality around them both in silencing their steps and in creating and jumping through little dimensional cracks to teleport. They usually stay with their parents until full maturity, and after that remain with their Colony of birth.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli children are incredibly awkward and clumsy until they grow into their long limbs. They spend more time on all fours than on two feet, though around ten years old they start getting up on two feet more often. Even into adulthod, they spend time both on all fours, and on two feet equally depending on the situation. Kits hurt themselves frequently, but this only kick-starts their natural healing ability.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Kits are known for getting themselves into trouble, constantly. They are mischievous, playful, energetic, and insatiably curious. The entire colony works to keep the children safe and alive. Just like kittens.<\/p>\r\n<p>Female kits are a bit more energetic and feisty than males.<\/p>\r\n<p>Young males love to playfight and spar among themselves. These playfights grow more intense once they near adolescence, roughly around 10-12 years old or so. Sometimes, these playfights get a bit too intense, leaving one or both young males bloody. They step away to heal, which is usually finished within minutes. Once healed, they go at it again. Adolescent males are constantly tussling, wrestling, and play-fighting, which only grows worse the closer to adulthood they get. While these bouts of snapping, screaming, growling, and snarling looks terrifying and deadly, they look far, far, FAR worse than they actually are. They never seriously hurt eachother and other Kivuuli in the Colony know very well the difference between play and real fighting, since real fighting is far louder and more vicious. As males get older, they mellow out considerably, and only face off against other males in contests of strength in the presence of a receptive female. They do this to try to impress her. They usually don&rsquo;t mellow out fully until around 30 or so; around 20-30 they are fully mature, but have bouts of wild, child-like energetic kittenlike playfulness.<\/p>\r\n<p>As a female reaches adolescence, she becomes fiercer and more commanding. If she joins a playfight, the males usually back down and submit almost instantly. Playfights between two females are far more vicious and noisy and dangerous-looking than playfights between males. They are practicing to take dominance someday; males just fight for fun or to pass on their genes. She starts to show interest in the male&rsquo;s battles, and starts to show more interest in those that win these fights. Most of the time, she will avoid a mate when she has her first heat cycle, since her body isn&rsquo;t fully grown at this point and not likely able to sustain an offspring for long. The first heat cycle generally happens around 15 years of age. She is considered an adult at this age, but she usually won&rsquo;t choose a mate until she is at her full size since a younger body is less able to successfully carry an egg. Most males will not attempt to impress a young female unless they themselves are young. Even if she is sexually mature and considered an adult, she is not full size and not interested in mating. Most of the time, even if she DOES find a mate, it will not take since her body is not ready to sustain pregnancy.<\/p>\r\n<p>She will usually chase off any male that comes near while going through her first heat. The first heat cycle is usually short, and not too intense. She is not fertile for this cycle, it is simply her body announcing that it is mature. Her heats will gradually get longer until they settle at the normal length when she&rsquo;s achieved her full size. If a female is not ready to have a kit of her own, she will hide away and ignore or chase off any males that try to gain her attention. Most females prefer not to have a kit until they have gained more experience. Young mothers are far more likely to be aggressive and attack anything they see as a threat than older mothers who are more experienced in raising, guiding, and protecting a child.<\/p>","field6":"<p>Mutations and Variations<br \/>The dewclaw is a fairly common variation found among Kivuuli. Both parents must either have, or carry, the dewclaw gene for it to show in an offspring.<\/p>\r\n<p>Another common variation is the heel spur. This is also recessive. Both parents must be carriers of the gene for it to pass on. Some Kivuuli have both heelspurs and dewclaws.<\/p>\r\n<p>Some Kivuuli are unable to retract their claws. This is very rare; but when it does show up it is not much of a hindrance. They are generally chosen as hunters, though they have to be careful since their claws are very sharp when fully extended. They often make claw caps for themselves to avoid hurting themselves or others.<\/p>\r\n<p>Some Kivuuli have a strip of longer fur that goes all the way down their spine.<\/p>\r\n<p>A rare mutation can cause them to lack spines.<\/p>\r\n<p>The Bully mutation causes Kivuuli to be bigger and more muscular than their fellows. They lose a lot of speed and agility, but gain a lot of brute strength.<\/p>\r\n<p>It is not uncommon for Kivuuli to have no markings, though it is far more common to have markings around the shoulders and hips.<\/p>\r\n<p>Long Fur<\/p>\r\n<p>Hermaphrodite - (Either masculine or feminine hermaphrodite)<\/p>\r\n<p>Rex Coat (Curly, this shows in varying degrees, fairly common, but usually subtle)<\/p>\r\n<p>Feathering (Light, Medium, or Heavy, light is common, medium and heavy is uncommon)<\/p>\r\n<p>Leucism (Can appear either patchy, white, near white, or unusually pale. This occurs either partial, or full. Leucistic Kivuuli are extremely rare!)<\/p>\r\n<p>Melenistic (Menelistic Kivuuli are almost impossible to tell apart from regular Kivuuli unless from a subspecies)<\/p>\r\n<p>Furless (Rare, but not unheard of. Tends to show up in warmer areas.)<\/p>\r\n<p>Lengthened Ear Tufts (Rare)<br \/>Albinism\/Partial Albinism (EXTREMELY rare! Most Albino Kivuuli are either blind, or almost blind.)<\/p>\r\n<p>Lengthened Cheek Fluffs (Uncommon, common among Maltese)<\/p>","field7":null}},"title":"Kivuuli","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":["wip"],"page_tag":null}
#120 29 June 2023, 19:17:27 UTC
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Length: 104035 (+4200) -
{"data":{"description":"<p>The Kivuuli, a mysterious and powerful interdimensional semi-humanoid creature. They are rumored to hold the key to the Realms Between.<\/p>","field1":"<p>Kivuuli are a tall and powerful carnivorous furred semi-humanoid inter-dimensional race. They are generally black or dark grey with blue, green, or purple eyes and usually have slightly darker markings in stripes, spots, or a combination of the two that only show under certain light. There are several subspecies with different colors and markings being common from the warm reds of the forest dwelling Met'saa to the whites of the Lippizan to the blue grays of the Maltese or the golden color of Desert Kivuuli.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are elongated in build, with long limbs and are as comfortable on all fours as they are on two feet. They are incredibly wild, but generally won't attack unless attacked or threatened. Kivuuli are fully sapient and a social species. Despite their fearsome appearance, Kivuuli are a gentle and peaceful race with strong maternal instincts appearing in both males and females.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are very fast, especially when on all fours and live in groups known as Colonies.<\/p>","field2":"<h4>Between; Homeworld of the Kivuuli<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Imagine the air around you, full of bubbles. Now imagine that each of these bubbles is its own dimension. It's own universe. Has its own laws, and inner workings. Now, imagine all the space between the bubbles. A strange place, between the dimensions; ever shifting and changing. This is where the Kivuuli dwell and come from. The rules of physics do not apply; great islands of stone float through the darkness, covered in forests of strange bioluminescent fungus-like plants and other strange flora. Inhabited by strange creatures of all shapes and sizes, from tiny glowing dragonlike lizards to massive beasts that would put Earth's dinosaurs to shame. Literally anything can happen in Between, any sort of creature, any world, any dimension, any universe. The Kivuuli can reach many worlds and this is part of the reason for their great success as an apex predator.<\/p>\r\n<p>Harsh, but oddly beautiful, Between is buzzing with strange power and magic and the magical rules and laws of hundreds of dimensions, worlds, and universes clashing together in beautiful chaos. The areas of Between are effected by the laws of the dimensions and worlds closest to them; making Between highly varied. Between is beautiful; but as beautiful as it is it is deadly, thus the Kivuuli have had to adapt in to fast, powerful pack hunting predators that have claws that can slash through granite and a terrible shrieking wail that can drive fear into the hearts of the bravest.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are fast, able to teleport, and able to face creatures several times their size. This strange place has many names. Darkrealm, Tartarus, Limbo; but many simply call this place the Between; for this is what it is. The realm between dimensions. A strange and mysterious place; beautiful to behold but deadly to those not from there. While most of Between is completely dark aside from glimmers of light here and there and bioluminsecent plants and animals, some isles are ruled by a great orb of energy mimicking a sun. Some have their own weather patterns and day night cycles. Cracks and passages between dimensions are always opening and closing, allowing Kivuuli the ability to enter and leave Between at will, though they must be careful as some rifts are temporary and could close and leave them stranded in a strange and unfamiliar world. Others, still, are horribly unstable and deadly and could rip an unsuspecting Kivuuli to shreds leaving nothing but splatters of blood and the memory of their horrible screams.<\/p>","field3":"<h4>Calls, Vocalizations and Language<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli voices have a strange, otherworldly quality to them. They sound almost distorted, with a clear staticy crackling undertone. This is likely because of their interdimensional nature.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their voices are often deep, with a growl or purr like sound mixed in. A Kivuuli speaking is much what a person might imagine a lion&rsquo;s voice would sound like if it learned to speak. They tend to have emphasis on sharper sounds, like k, z, v, and such, and their r&rsquo;s are often lengthened slightly in a slight growl or purr. They are fully capable of learning languages aside from their own and, in fact, Kivuuli learn incredibly fast. Despite their wild primitive ways, they are incredibly intelligent.<\/p>\r\n<p>Outside of speech, they have a whole range of natural vocalizations. When excited or friendly, they let out a sound similar to a chittering cat. Though much deeper and lower in tone. This sound is often used by playful kits, or adults trying to show they mean no harm. Kivuuli also purr. It&rsquo;s a deep, heavy rumbling sound with a bit of static to it.<\/p>\r\n<p>They chitter, chirp, chuff, rumble, growl, purr, hiss, click, snarl, roar, howl, and many other sounds.<\/p>\r\n<p>Chirping is used to call and greet fellow members of their Colony. The chuff is similar to a chuffing tiger, and they use this to greet loved ones and family or close friends. The rumble and growl show varying levels of irritation and\/or anger, eventually leading to a wild snarling or finally, their terrible howl or roar.<\/p>\r\n<p>Purring is an expression of pleasure and contentment.<\/p>\r\n<p>When injured, they let out soft whimpers and whines.<\/p>\r\n<p>When sad, they will either be very quiet, whimper softly, or let out a heartbreaking wail when mourning the death of a loved one.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their language incorporates all of these vocalizations. And they even integrate this when speaking other languages as well.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli also rely strongly on body language. The position of one&rsquo;s ears, tone of voice, and posture can change the meaning of what they are trying to say. Looking at the position of the ears is a great way to tell what mood a Kivuuli is in. When neutral, the ears are out slightly to the sides and in a relaxed position. When alert or shocked, their ears perk up and swivel forward. Their ears often flick and swivel towards any sound, and many times they detect sounds other creatures will not.<\/p>\r\n<p>When angry, their ears go back, and they lower their ears when sad, or trying to show submission. Higher ranking Kivuuli generally tend to hold their ears perked higher than lower ranking Kivuuli.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli can also make a strange tonal almost&hellip; droning sound. Somewhere between a thrum and a rumble, it can promote relaxation or healing. The sound is, indeed, very strange. And it is something that is rarely heard among Kivuuli so it is theorized that only a few of them are capable of, or know how to, produce this sound.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h4>Culture, Customs and Heirarchy<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Not much is known of Kivuuli culture and customs, but it can be very complex even if it seems deceptively simple. Their customs are a mix between their wild and feral nature and their sapience. In some ways they can be considered very primitive, though not savage. In reality, Kivuuli believe strongly in living with the land. When living somewhere, they are very careful to preserve the balance of nature. They do not chase other predators out of their territory, and never over-hunt. They only take what they need, and use as much of their prey as they can. They use the pelts and fur in their nests, make things from their bones, horns, or hooves, and eat every part they are able to.<\/p>\r\n<p>Most Kivuuli do not mate for life. As such, they do not have any ceremonies or weddings. Among Kivuuli, a Colony is a family. They do not have surnames, nor do they need them. Reproduction has nothing to do with feelings of love, but rather to make offspring. Kivuuli do sometimes mate for life, but this is fairly rare. Even those who are lifemates will sometimes mate with others and this is not considered cheating. It is completely normal, since it helps spread out the gene pool.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli hierarchy is very pack like. Their groups are referred to as Colonies, though some call them Clans. A Colony is lead by the Dominant Female, or Alpha Female. Males in higher positions are extremely rare. The highest ranking male or males are known as Betas.<\/p>\r\n<p>The Elders are the oldest and wisest members of the Colony. Just being old does not make you an Elder. Elders are story-tellers, legend-keepers; and even the Dominant Female often goes to them for advice or help. An Elder must always be respected. Kivuuli have a written language, and the Elders write their history into the caves their Colony dwells in. Their claws carve the stories and names of all Kivuuli in a Colony into the stone. The Halls of History, as a Kivuuli calls the dens and caves the Elders keep and dwell in, are considered sacred and must not be damaged in any way. Only the Elders are allowed to carve the stone within. Because of this, Kivuuli Colonies are VERY hesitant to leave their homes, even if threatened. They are incredibly sentimental of their history. When an Elder dies, their Heartstone is placed within the Hall with the Heartstones of all past Elders in a place of ultimate honor. The Dominant Female&rsquo;s Heartstone are placed within the Halls as well.<\/p>\r\n<p>The highest ranking male is considered the Colony Dominant Male, or Beta Male. He usually leads with the female, but is completely subordinate towards her. He is dominant towards the males in the Colony, but not towards the females. The Beta Male is usually the first one a female in heat will choose, and most often is the chosen mate of the Alpha Female, simply because he is the strongest and most clever male in the Colony and has good genes.<\/p>\r\n<p>There are mid ranking males and females, who fight out their dominance among eachother, and Omegas.<\/p>\r\n<p>Omegas are not treated badly, but they have no authority within the Colony and are almost never chosen as mates. Female Omegas are extremely rare, and generally only crippled, or terminally ill females end up as an Omega. Omegas often act as nannies for the Colony, and often induce lactation to keep kits calm and fed while the stronger and higher ranking Kivuuli hunt and carry out other tasks. Kivuuli who play the part of nannies are treated very well, and given plenty of food so they can continue to produce milk for the kits they help care for.<\/p>\r\n<p>Lactating Kivuuli will often allow weak, sick, or elderly members of their colony to feed from them, for the strengthening and healing properties their milk has. While a human would consider this taboo, gross and strange, it is completely normal in Kivuuli society.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli take very good care of the less fortunate members of their Colonies. The crippled, the weak, the runty, the stunted, the injured, the elderly&hellip; all of them are well cared for. The entire Colony will pitch in together to insure the survival of even their weakest members. Weak Kivuuli may not reproduce, but they live comfortable and happy.<\/p>\r\n<p>Lower than Omegas, are the disgraced Kivuuli. They have done something terrible and lost their honor and are hated by the Colony and not treated well.<\/p>\r\n<p>Disgraced Kivuuli are those who did something shameful. Not deserving of exile, they keep their name and aren&rsquo;t chased away, but they are generally ostracized by their fellows and can&rsquo;t fight their way up in rank even if strong and dominant. A Disgraced Kivuuli must provide for themselves and are not allowed access to the Colony&rsquo;s food stores or hunts. They must prove themselves worthy to get out of this status and become Omegas, but they will never rise above omega status and will never be fully trusted again.<\/p>\r\n<p>Exiled Kivuuli are those who have committed the highest of crimes in their culture. Rape, murder, killing other sentient beings unprovoked, hurting innocent kits, and betrayal are among the crimes deemed worthy this fate worse than death. An Exile is called Itz&rsquo;hil. This word means many things at once. &ldquo;Exiled, Nameless, Shamed One, Marked One.&rdquo;<\/p>\r\n<p>The Marking is sentenced by the Alpha Female and the Colony&rsquo;s Elders. If the accused Kivuuli is not remorseful of their crimes, or their crimes are unforgivable, their teleportation ability is temporarily knocked out and they are chained to a pillar of stone that they can not escape from. Legs and arms clamped down so they can not move. The Alpha Female makes the first mark. She slashes into his chest a symbol, reciting the word &ldquo;Itz&rsquo;hil!&rdquo; with each slash of her claws. The Elders are next, speaking something along the lines of &ldquo;As you threw away your honor, I take away your name. You are Exile. You are Itz&rsquo;hil. You are Nameless. You are Nothing.&rdquo; followed by the family their actions hurt the most, then every other adult in the Colony. Children are not permitted to view or participate in these Ceremonies. The mark and word is repeated time and time and time again until the Kivuuli&rsquo;s healing ability slows and the slashes form a scar, a mark that will forever mar their chest. This can take weeks of constant torture. Once the Marking Ceremony is complete, the exhausted exile is released from the chains, and viciously chased away by the Colony. Any Colony who sees these marks from that time on will not allow the exile into their territory. Exiles live a lonely and miserable life, and generally don&rsquo;t last long since Kivuuli are such social creatures and depend strongly on eachother for survival and emotional wellbeing.<\/p>\r\n<p>Older, stronger Kivuuli can assert their dominance without a fight, simply with posture, ear position, and growling. Or, even, with confidence alone. Smaller males are generally more submissive than larger ones.<\/p>\r\n<p>The female is in charge; though she lets the males set up their pecking order however they want. If it gets to be too much, she&rsquo;ll step in, assert her dominance, and put a stop to it.<br \/>Battles for dominance never end in death. They fight until one backs down. Sometimes this doesn&rsquo;t even get past the snarling, growling, circling eachother, and displaying their strength and ferocity.<\/p>\r\n<p>Simply watching and listening to a Kivuuli within a Colony can give you a ton of clues on their status. The dominant leaders move with their heads high and ears alert and perked up. When addressing others, they stand tall and look down at them with their hands out to the sides. Submissive members take a lower submissive posture with their claws crossed in front of them and eyes turned to the side. Their ears are held slightly lowered. Direct eye contact is considered a threat, thus lower ranking Kivuuli must not look higher ranking Kivuuli directly in the eye without permission.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli have strange ceremonies when a member of their Colony dies. First, the dead Kivuuli is mourned. Mourning can last days, and is not done until the family of the dead Kivuuli says it is. Those closest will wail and howl their grief on and on, a haunting and heartbreaking sound. Almost a haunting and heartbreaking song. Especially at the death of an Elder or Alpha. The entire Colony howls and mourns. But the time for Mourning does not last forever. Once the deceased Kivuuli is mourned, they have a special celebration.<\/p>\r\n<p>A feast is held, with dancing, singing, storytelling, and laughing. For such a sombre thing, there is great joy. The Colony remembers their deceased member fondly. They talk about their life, their effect on the Colony. The Heartstone is then placed in a special antechamber within the Halls of History. The Elders carve the shape of the Heartstone out into the stone, gently place the gem within, and carve the name of the deceased Kivuuli beneath with their claws to be remembered forever. All deceased Kivuuli in a Colony are remembered unless they are Disgraced when they die. If disgraced, the Heartstone is set aside and ignored&hellip; a strong enough crime has the Heartstone being thrown off into the blackness surrounding the strange floating isles the Kivuuli dwell on.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are very matriarchal. The female is entirely in charge; the dominant female is submissive to none. A Colony lead by a male is considered unnatural and weak.<\/p>\r\n<p>They tolerate mistakes in children more than in adults. Children are still learning, and can be taught. Adults know better.<\/p>\r\n<p>These colonies can harbor anything from a small handful of Kivuuli, to hundreds or in some rare cases, over a thousand of them. The Elder position is not limited to just one; if there is more than one elder, they are all looked up to and view eachother as equals.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli live as a community and share everything. Their homes, their food. The strong help provide for the weak, those not strong enough to hunt do other tasks within the Colony, such as helping care for kits. They respect eachother&rsquo;s homes and belongings. Theft and stealing is frowned upon, but not enough for alphas to get involved. The one stolen from is in charge of getting their belongings back. This often results in a spat. If it gets severe enough, the Alpha or one of the Betas will step in.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are territorial. Not against others in their own Colony, but towards those from other Colonies. While not common, some alpha females and the highest ranking beta males will use urine marking to mark the edges of their territory.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are a mixture of supernatural and biological. They are a sentient creature that lives in groups called Colonies. Dominance and leadership is dependent on the strength and cleverness of the individual. Females are bigger and stronger than males, as well as more aggressive and naturally more dominant. Male leaders are not only extremely rare, but are practically unheard of.<\/p>\r\n<p>They have very little concept of personal space. Kivuuli are very touchy with eachother. They spend a lot of time cuddling and generally being near eachother. They are VERY fond of touching. They often stay very close to those they care about. Communal grooming is very common and reinforces bonds within the colony, and among friends and family.<\/p>\r\n<p>They have no concept of doors. They have no shame in nudity. Kivuuli do not wear clothes. Some, though, may decorate themselves with gems and things they have found. Their homes are open, and they come and go as they please. They don&rsquo;t steal from eachother. A Kivuuli who does steal is often attacked by their fellows, and driven away if the action continues.<\/p>","field4":"<h4>Appearance and anatomy<\/h4>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are somewhat humanoid in appearance, but have some very clear differences. They are long and lean, with elongated torsos and limbs. The average Kivuuli stands around nine to nine and a half feet tall. They have pawlike digitgrade feet which have four toes, or four toes and a dewclaw. Being interdimensional creatures, they often appear with a strange dark aura around them with what seems like tiny sparks or glimmers of lights appearing and floating aimlessly around them and vanishing again. This aura and particles usually matches the basic color of their eyes. It only shows when they are using, or have recently used their reality bending abilities.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli skin is incredibly tough and thick. It takes some strength and a sharp blade to pierce it. They have a coating of fur that is short, but dense and soft. Their natural body temperature is around 105 degrees Fahrenheit, and thus they are very warm to the touch. The fur is usually longest around the shoulders, down the back, and in small fringes around the ankles and wrists.<\/p>\r\n<p>The fur on a female's ruff is longer and thicker than that of a male, and the skin there is looser and thicker and tougher as well. This serves as a protective barrier against the male's fangs, since they tend to bite during mating. Even then, he does often draw blood though most females don't mind this. It actually feels good to them.<\/p>\r\n<p>Being interdimensional creatures, Kivuuli are extremely light. Even standing around nine or more feet tall, they rarely weigh over one hundred fifty pounds. This is due to them being made up of something like solidified energy. Light, but incredibly strong. This not fully physical nature also manifests in their spines, claws, and fangs. When angry, they actually extend out and get longer and sharper, and when calm shrink back to normal size and sharpness.<\/p>\r\n<p>They have scale like spines on their forearms pointing back off the elbow with membranes between them. Similar scale like spines go down their spine, also having membranes between them. These spines flare up when frightened, angry, or threatened. They are also used in dominance displays.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli blood is a dark nearly black purple and thicker than human blood.<\/p>\r\n<p>Males are far more common than females. There are about five males for every one female hatched.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h4>Diet and Feeding<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli are carnivorous. Their diet consists almost entirely of meat, though they might eat other things if no meat is available. They will sometimes add other things to their diet, such as fruits. Kivuuli tend to love sweets, but they aren&rsquo;t fond of sour things.<\/p>\r\n<p>When it comes out the other end, it looks like very large rabbit droppings and simply crumbles to dust if stepped on. Has little to no smell.<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<h4><br \/>Abilities<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli have many special abilities they are capable of using.<\/p>\r\n<p>\u200b<\/p>\r\n<p>Teleportation - Kivuuli are able to teleport, though their methods are strange and unique. They are able to bend the fabric of reality around them in minor ways, the most pronounced being the ability to literally tear a crack in reality and step through. The crack always heals itself right after the Kivuuli steps through. Not ALL Kivuuli can do this. It is something that must be taught. Kivuuli can see and sense the flow of energy around them. They can also completely silence their steps, even at a full run.<\/p>\r\n<p>**Note that they teleport by jumping through the dimension - or, within the bubble. They can not break out of the bubble into greater between, but they do, in a sense, touch Between when teleporting.<\/p>\r\n<p>Paralyzing Stare - The Paralyzing Stare is an ability Kivuuli developed for hunting and self defense. They stare you right in the eyes, which has a hypnotizing effect, rendering their prey or enemy unable to move. As long as your eyes are locked with the Kivuuli&rsquo;s, you can&rsquo;t move. When eye contact is broken, you can move again. Most Kivuuli ONLY use this ability when absolutely necessary. Generally if they are attacked. They catch the person&rsquo;s gaze, causes them to freeze up, and teleports away to safety as they recover.<\/p>\r\n<p>Intimidating Howl - The Intimidating Howl is a horrible unearthly howl, laced with the Kivuuli&rsquo;s reality bending power. It sounds somewhere between a feral howl, savage snarling, horrible shrieking, and radio static. It forces feelings of terror into the one hearing it, giving them the desire to run away. Most can not handle it, and either faint where they are or run in horror. This terrible howl seems to come from every direction at once, making the Kivuuli&rsquo;s location hard to determine.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Reality Bending - This ability is the underlying cause to many other abilities Kivuuli have. They are able to bend reality around them in minor ways, stifling the sound of their footsteps, stopping you from hearing their breath or smelling them or sensing their presence. They can also leap through cracks in reality to teleport and many other small, but useful applications.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h4>Evolutionary Background<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Their society is very wild in many ways. They are sentient and intelligent, but far more ruled by wild instincts and feral tendencies than humans. This has not changed because it works for them. They are matriarchal, with females naturally leading and males being far calmer and more docile.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Between is a dangerous place, and Kivuuli reproduce slowly. Smaller Colonies are much more likely to breed faster. They also breed faster is there is plenty of food around. During times of famine females will actually stop having heats entirely. This is natural; it allows a Colony to grow strong and maintain their numbers. More babies born means more Kivuuli likely to make it to adulthood. A lone Kivuuli female is several times more likely to become pregnant than a Kivuuli in a big Colony. When a lot of Kivuuli populate one area, or food is less plentiful, their fertility as a whole drops dramatically. The reason why is unknown, but a hormonal response is the most likely candidate. Kivuuli in smaller Colonies are also more likely to go into heat more often. Kivuuli can go into heat every one to three years. Smaller Colonies' viable members will go into heat once a year; bigger colonies often every three years and sometimes even five.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli leave Between to hunt for food not available in their homeworld, gather resources, and explore. They usually go in small parties. Only the strong and clever make it back alive, for other worlds are packed with even more dangers to test a Kivuuli&rsquo;s ability to survive. There may be a small number of Kivuuli with the ability to not age or die of age, but there are plenty of other things killing them and keeping their population balanced.<\/p>\r\n<p>All of this together has honed their intelligence to a fine point, but also nurtured their wild side giving them human intelligence coupled with bestial behaviors and instincts.<br \/>Their ancestors are, in fact, extinct. Natural selection made sure of that. Kinda like we don&rsquo;t see neanderthals or proto-humans running about. Some of their earliest ancestors were sleek, quadrupedal spiked predators that used teleportation to hunt or escape danger. They were fast, strong, and fierce, forming packs that were highly territorial.<\/p>","field5":"<h4>Lifespan<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli have very long natural lives; generally living up to 1000 years. As they start to grow older and approach the end of their lifespan, their Heartstones get less and less effective. This leaves them unable to feed as efficiently or teleport since their bodies stop being able to handle the discordant energies in the rifts they create. Their healing ability starts to slow down as well; and eventually goes away completely. Eventually, their body can no longer repair the damage done by age, and they grow weak and tired. Their fur will begin to gray around the eyes and mouth, and tips of ears as well as on their hands and feet. Once they reach a certain age, they are no longer capable of producing milk, even if they spend a lot of time around kits.<\/p>\r\n<p>When they sense their time is near, they surround themselves by friends and family. They say their goodbyes, before slipping away peacefully. Most often in their sleep.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Some Kivuuli, though, can live on way beyond this time. It seems to be a strange mutation. A Heartstone that can actually slowly repair itself; thus negating the effects of aging present in most of the species. Those who have this mutation will need to sleep more and rest more once they reach a certain age, and their fertility drops. While less fertile, they are still able to have children. They just don't do so as often and females are harder to get pregnant. They will not show any visible signs of aging; they will not grey or dull in color.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are not affected by aging, at all, and they will live on, healthy, until they are killed by something other than age. This tends to be genetic; so those of their line have a chance of getting this ability. The oldest Kivuuli to have ever lived is an Elder named Kaitu, a member of the rare and isolated &lsquo;Maltese&rsquo; or &lsquo;Blue&rsquo; subspecies. Severe damage to the Heartstone can overrun this ability, causing an ancient Kivuuli to age and die very quickly after being hurt, within a year.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h4>Mating and Reproduction<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli males and females look quite similar. Genitals are internal, though gender can be told through differences in their bodies, demeanor, and voice. If one sees a male and female Kivuuli standing side by side, first glance won&rsquo;t reveal many differences. But if you look closely you can tell. Kivuuli do have the occasional hermaphrodite, this is a rare mutation.<br \/>Sexual Dimorphism<br \/>Male: Kivuuli genitals are internal and only emerge in a state of arousal. The male has a slit like sheath more towards the front of his crotch. Males are slimmer and smaller than females, and generally hold themselves lower as well. They are naturally submissive since even a very strong male wouldn't stand a chance against the physically bigger and stronger female. Males do not have much curve to them, if any at all and have narrow waists and hips. They have semi defined pecs, and the fur on their lower belly and inner thighs is not any longer than the fur on the rest of their bodies. They have teats on the lower belly, usually small and not very visible. They tend to have thicker and longer chest fur as well as slightly longer\/fluffier fur around their neck. This can sometimes amplify their cheek fluff, too.<\/p>\r\n<p>Male Kivuuli have lower, rougher and deeper voices than females. The growling undertone is more pronounced.<\/p>\r\n<p>Female: The female has a slit on the bottom of her crotch, barely visable of at all from the front. The slit is subtle and less visable than the male's sheath like slit. A female has visible teats, though they are only really noticeable when she is carrying an egg, or nursing a hatchling.<\/p>\r\n<p>Females are taller and noticeably stronger than males. Her body is thicker, and moderately curvy with wider hips leading down to long and slim, but strong legs. While a layer of fat beneath her skin makes her look softer, beneath that softness is a lot of brute strength and ferocity.<\/p>\r\n<p>The fur down the back of a female&rsquo;s neck, shoulders, and back is thicker and longer than a male's, and she also has thicker longer fur on her belly and inner thigh, which thickens further when carrying, or nursing young.<\/p>\r\n<p>The female Kivuuli's voice is softer and higher in pitch than a male's. Her growl is smoother, but deeper and fiercer. Her purr is a low and smooth.<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p>Heat and Mating<br \/>Kivuuli attract mates through scent.<\/p>\r\n<p>Female Kivuuli go into heat regularly, but when observed in our dimension it happens roughly once every 1-3 years. A female raising a kit can not enter this state as long as she is nursing the kit. This is the only time she can become pregnant. It lasts for roughly two weeks or until she finds a suitable mate.<\/p>\r\n<p>There are three stages to the heat.<\/p>\r\n<p>Stage 1- Her scent begins to shift. This is not actual heat yet; she is not fertile. But her body is preparing itself for heat. She starts to become more interested in males, but also more hormonal and dangerous. She also becomes territorial towards other females, not letting them near her den. This stage lasts a few days.<\/p>\r\n<p>Stage 2- Her scent grows stronger, and her body is almost ready to mate. This is the attracting a mate stage. The testing the males and letting them fight for her stage. She becomes actively interested in males, and is easily aroused. Like a cat, a female in heat will groom herself frequently to deal with the wetness between the legs. While not water-based, it gets annoying. This stage of heat lasts about a week.<br \/>At this stage, her strong heat-scent rouses the males into excitement; causing them to follow her an attempt to impress her. Mating in this stage of heat will not end it, but it will shorten the time that she&rsquo;s in it. Once a mate is chosen, they will mate repeatedly until her heat is over. It usually ends within 24 hours of her first mating.<\/p>\r\n<p>Stage 3 - This is the most intense part of her heat. This is when she is fully ready to mate and most likely to ovulate. Her heat scent becomes so strong the males can practically taste it on the air. She becomes extremely restless, unable to stay in one place for long. Many females will pace on and on, and even whine and call their discomfort and need. Younger females react more strongly to this stage; while older females can usually ignore it with the occasional whine and shift of discomfort. The ache inside them grows so intense that even those who don&rsquo;t want a child might mate just to get it over with.<\/p>\r\n<p>The males will scuffle and fight among themselves, and the strongest, healthiest males will compete to gain her attention. Once the female has chosen, the other males will give up and find another release. Often in the form of a female who is not in heat; since she can not become pregnant she does not care about the health or strength of the male.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Even though Kivuuli generally mate very roughly, with growling and biting and claws involved, it is always consensual. A Kivuuli who tries to take a mate against their will will be turned on and killed by their Colony.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Once the female chooses her suitor and mating occurs, her heat will either be shortened, or end completely. She signals that she is ready by getting into the presenting position. Crouching down, revealing the thickly furred ruff on her back, and raising her rear into the air. Even if mating doesn&rsquo;t always happen in this position, it&rsquo;s considered a sign of acceptance, even if she plays hard to get afterwards. Kivuuli females, like cats, are stimulated ovulators. Without the proper stimulation, the heat will end but she won&rsquo;t become pregnant. Even if stimulated, the male must have strong seed or her body will kill it all before it fertilizes her. While they will mate repeatedly, the first one is the one that triggers the end of the heat, and thus, after that first one, stimulation will not cause ovulation if it hasn&rsquo;t already.<\/p>\r\n<p>It takes a few days to know if the mating was successful. After a few days, if the mating was successful, her scent will change to announce that she is pregnant. She will also fail to shed, since the shed will be delayed until a week before laying. Female Kivuuli shed a week after heat. If it does not take and she sheds, she will have to wait until her next heat cycle to try again; usually with a different male. \u200b<br \/>Gestation<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>With the exception of very few isolated colonies, Kivuuli are an egg-bearing race. They carry the egg for four to five months, growing large quickly. The male is expected to hunt for her and bring her food, since her appetite will increase as she packs the egg with nutrients it will need once it exits her body. The baby will also develop considerably during this time. By the time the egg is laid, the brain of the fetus is almost completely formed; the rest of the body finishes forming after the egg is laid. As the egg forms, the female&rsquo;s fur grows thicker and denser, to make better lining for her nest. The fur around her belly and inner thighs thickens too; and she will not shed her guardhairs.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their pelvis separates in two places, and is held together by springy, elastic tendons. Each separation contains a small bone bridge that breaks in the process of laying the first egg. This produces a small, sharp crack\/pop, and is quite painful. The bone bridge never grows back and any eggs after the first are easier. Once the egg has passed through, the tendons will spring back, and the Kivuuli&rsquo;s natural healing ability will repair any damage within an hour or two of laying while the exhausted mother sleeps. Males do not have the tendons or bone bridges.<\/p>\r\n<p>While inside them, the egg shell is thick and leathery. It forms soon after conception and plays the part of the placenta until it comes time to lay. During the last few days before laying it becomes the egg shell, which and is soft and pliable. After laying, the shell takes roughly a half hour to harden. It becomes tough, hard and slightly textured. It is very thick and tough, hard to break from the outside. It is, however, very vulnerable until it&rsquo;s fully hardened. The reason it develops so long inside the mother is so the brain can form properly; the mother gives it a kick start, and the hatchling finishes development within the egg.<\/p>\r\n<p>They look huge when they are carrying, but most of that is actually fluids that protect and cushion the egg as well as providing lubrication for laying. Nutrients are stored within the forming shell, though the hatchling has a Proteanct link to the mother until a few days before laying.<\/p>\r\n<p>During the pregnancy, the Kivuuli will have an intense nesting instinct. She will take anything she can find. Fur of other shedding Kivuuli, blankets, any soft thing, and build a nest. During the last week of carrying, she will shed, and line her nest with her fur. Once the egg is laid, it will be watched over and kept warm by her while its father hunts for her. It will hatch in another 4-5 months. This can vary by subspecies, or location, or individual Kivuuli. Eggs can vary in color, but are usually smooth and black with slightly lighter colored mottling. This can change depending on the individual Kivuuli or their environment.<\/p>\r\n<p>A hatchling Kivuuli is known as a kit, because they are very kitten like in their behavior. Kits are known to imprint on the energy signature and voice of the one who spends the most time around the egg. As such, they know their mother the instant they come out. While hatching, a mother will crouch near the egg, face inches away from it and make soft chirring calls to encourage the kit to break free of the egg.<br \/><br \/>Upon hatching, they will follow the scent of the mother&rsquo;s teats. The scent and feel of the kit suckling will trigger a surge of hormones, and she will begin lactation. This surge of hormones will reduce the Kivuuli to soft, relaxed purring. Any Kivuuli can be triggered to lactate in this manner, be it male or female. Once lactation begins, the Kivuuli&rsquo;s appetite will increase. They often feed their milk to older or sick individuals within the Colony to help them survive and stay strong.<\/p>\r\n<p>Shown are a Kivuuli&rsquo;s teats. First image, they are mostly covered by the fur. SOmetimes a slight separation in the fur is seen on shorter furred Kivuuli.<\/p>\r\n<p>In the pregnant Kivuuli, the teats poke out of the fur, as the fur sheds from directly around them.<\/p>\r\n<p>When nursing, the flesh swells a bit to push the nipples out of the fur, thus allowing the hatchling to nurse without getting a mouthful of its mother&rsquo;s fur.<\/p>\r\n<p>The consistency is thick, almost like a probiotic yogurt shake, and the taste is surprisingly mild and a little sweet. It is highly nutritious, high in protein and energy; and everything else a kit needs to grow. Kivuuli kits who nurse on their mother grow up bigger and stronger as adults, and generally have a higher chance of being more dominant. It is not at all uncommon for Kivuuli in a Colony to nurse eachother's young. Sometimes older members will play the part of nanny for younger, less experienced Kivuuli. Some Kivuuli will choose to never stop lactating for the purpose of playing nanny to the kits within the Colony.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are extremely protective of their kits. If you hurt a kit, the whole Colony will attack. Even one lone Kivuuli is far more ferocious and dangerous than any mother bear; you don&rsquo;t want to know what would happen if you pissed off a whole colony of them.<\/p>\r\n<p>A human baby could drink Kivuuli&rsquo;s milk but couldn&rsquo;t survive off of it unless water was added to it. Kivuuli&rsquo;s milk contains no water whatsoever. It is high in protein, with a moderate amount of fat, and harder on the digestive system than human milk. It isn&rsquo;t dangerous but will not meet a human&rsquo;s needs properly. If water is added a human baby can survive off of it but won&rsquo;t be at ideal health and it would likely cause a lot of gas and intestinal discomfort being designed for a baby with a much stronger digestive system. It would pose no problems for an adult, and is highly nutritious with natural healing properties as well as infection fighting properties. An adult human or other meat-eating animal could survive off of it as long as they had access to water to stay hydrated.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are highly lactose intolerant. It makes them very, very sick. As such, Kivuuli milk has no lactose in it.<\/p>\r\n<p>A Kivuuli hatchling would be unable to survive on the milk of any terrestrial mammal. It contains way too much water and their little tummies can&rsquo;t handle it, not to mention their lactose intolerance. An adult Kivuuli can ingest the milk of terrestrial mammals, but it does cause a lot of digestive upset, cramping, nausea, and vomiting. The digestive issues can become severe enough to kill a kit, though an adult can survive it. It would just make them very sick. It does not contain the proper nutrients so if the kit did manage to survive the lactose and water, it would slowly deteriorate in health until it died of malnutrition. Their digestive systems are more advanced so they can be fed mashed cooked (Not raw) meat or anything else high in protein if taken in and raised by a human or a member of another race. Mixing ground up bones and the organs of the animal can add to the nutrition and help the kit more. Some that start off being nursed, though, will utterly refuse solid food.<\/p>\r\n<p>It is not unusual for members of a Colony to nurse eachother&rsquo;s young. In fact, this is a very common practice, though some Kits will not nurse on any but their mother. This depends on the individual. It is most common for the omegas to act as nannies for the Colony, helping to care for the kits while stronger individuals hunt and bring in food. Because of this Omegas, and especially nannies, while not given any authority, are not treated badly. Kivuuli tend to produce more milk than is needed. If it gets uncomfortable, they tend to empty their teats themselves. This keeps their supply strong, is relaxing and calming, tastes good to them, and is considered completely normal. While a human would find such activity odd, it is completely natural for a Kivuuli.<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p>Kits are teeny when they hatch, a little smaller than the average human baby. They hatch with their eyes closed, but able to hear and smell just fine. Their ears are droopy and their bodies are pudgy and bellies round from the yolk of the egg still inside, being slowly absorbed to give them strength while their mother&rsquo;s milk comes in and they learn to nurse properly. Kits open their eyes when they are between three and seven days old.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are generally fairly quiet and don&rsquo;t cry often, though do tend to make small chitters, squeaks, and mewling noises. They hate being alone.<\/p>\r\n<p>Babies have a very strong instinct to not relieve themselves within the nest. When they feel the need to go, they will let their parent know with insistent screeching until taken somewhere. Like a newborn kitten or puppy, they will not eliminate on their own. There is a pressure point just at the base of the neck that can be triggered through a certain way of holding onto the scruff that triggers them to go reflexively; they will only go when held in that certain way until they learn to move about on all fours. Once able to move about on all fours they will always leave the nest to eliminate. It's an instinct to keep the nest site clean and smelling good, since Kivuuli noses are extremely sensitive. Young Kivuuli are fully mobile by the time they are three months old, and run about everywhere on all fours.<\/p>\r\n<p>The babies depend completely on their parents and the others in their colony for survival. They are unable to teleport. In fact, this takes a lot of time to get right and generally has to be taught though can be done autonomously if the Kivuuli feels that its life is in danger. Kits are weaned between 3-5 years old, depending on the kit in question. Some wean themselves earlier, some later. A mother will never force wean her kit, because if they are still nursing it means they likely still need to. Kits are able to move about by the time they are three months old. As kits get older and start to move around, they love to practice their hunting instincts and will often hunt, and eat, small animals once their teeth grow in. They generally start getting teeth when they are about a year old. They like to show their kills off to their parents, or others in the Colony. As they get to be about 5 years old, they are weaned and eating solid food with ease. They are also able to eat raw meat by then.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli grow bigger and stronger as they age. At roughly 15, they reach sexual maturity. They are considered adults, even if not at full size yet at this age. Around 18 to 23, they stop growing and achieve their full height. It is around this time they learn to effect reality around them both in silencing their steps and in creating and jumping through little dimensional cracks to teleport. They usually stay with their parents until full maturity, and after that remain with their Colony of birth.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli children are incredibly awkward and clumsy until they grow into their long limbs. They spend more time on all fours than on two feet, though around ten years old they start getting up on two feet more often. Even into adulthod, they spend time both on all fours, and on two feet equally depending on the situation. Kits hurt themselves frequently, but this only kick-starts their natural healing ability.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Kits are known for getting themselves into trouble, constantly. They are mischievous, playful, energetic, and insatiably curious. The entire colony works to keep the children safe and alive. Just like kittens.<\/p>\r\n<p>Female kits are a bit more energetic and feisty than males.<\/p>\r\n<p>Young males love to playfight and spar among themselves. These playfights grow more intense once they near adolescence, roughly around 10-12 years old or so. Sometimes, these playfights get a bit too intense, leaving one or both young males bloody. They step away to heal, which is usually finished within minutes. Once healed, they go at it again. Adolescent males are constantly tussling, wrestling, and play-fighting, which only grows worse the closer to adulthood they get. While these bouts of snapping, screaming, growling, and snarling looks terrifying and deadly, they look far, far, FAR worse than they actually are. They never seriously hurt eachother and other Kivuuli in the Colony know very well the difference between play and real fighting, since real fighting is far louder and more vicious. As males get older, they mellow out considerably, and only face off against other males in contests of strength in the presence of a receptive female. They do this to try to impress her. They usually don&rsquo;t mellow out fully until around 30 or so; around 20-30 they are fully mature, but have bouts of wild, child-like energetic kittenlike playfulness.<\/p>\r\n<p>As a female reaches adolescence, she becomes fiercer and more commanding. If she joins a playfight, the males usually back down and submit almost instantly. Playfights between two females are far more vicious and noisy and dangerous-looking than playfights between males. They are practicing to take dominance someday; males just fight for fun or to pass on their genes. She starts to show interest in the male&rsquo;s battles, and starts to show more interest in those that win these fights. Most of the time, she will avoid a mate when she has her first heat cycle, since her body isn&rsquo;t fully grown at this point and not likely able to sustain an offspring for long. The first heat cycle generally happens around 15 years of age. She is considered an adult at this age, but she usually won&rsquo;t choose a mate until she is at her full size since a younger body is less able to successfully carry an egg. Most males will not attempt to impress a young female unless they themselves are young. Even if she is sexually mature and considered an adult, she is not full size and not interested in mating. Most of the time, even if she DOES find a mate, it will not take since her body is not ready to sustain pregnancy.<\/p>\r\n<p>She will usually chase off any male that comes near while going through her first heat. The first heat cycle is usually short, and not too intense. She is not fertile for this cycle, it is simply her body announcing that it is mature. Her heats will gradually get longer until they settle at the normal length when she&rsquo;s achieved her full size. If a female is not ready to have a kit of her own, she will hide away and ignore or chase off any males that try to gain her attention. Most females prefer not to have a kit until they have gained more experience. Young mothers are far more likely to be aggressive and attack anything they see as a threat than older mothers who are more experienced in raising, guiding, and protecting a child.<\/p>","field6":"<p>Mutations and Variations<br \/>The dewclaw is a fairly common variation found among Kivuuli. Both parents must either have, or carry, the dewclaw gene for it to show in an offspring.<\/p>\r\n<p>Another common variation is the heel spur. This is also recessive. Both parents must be carriers of the gene for it to pass on. Some Kivuuli have both heelspurs and dewclaws.<\/p>\r\n<p>Some Kivuuli are unable to retract their claws. This is very rare; but when it does show up it is not much of a hindrance. They are generally chosen as hunters, though they have to be careful since their claws are very sharp when fully extended. They often make claw caps for themselves to avoid hurting themselves or others.<\/p>\r\n<p>Some Kivuuli have a strip of longer fur that goes all the way down their spine.<\/p>\r\n<p>A rare mutation can cause them to lack spines.<\/p>\r\n<p>The Bully mutation causes Kivuuli to be bigger and more muscular than their fellows. They lose a lot of speed and agility, but gain a lot of brute strength.<\/p>\r\n<p>It is not uncommon for Kivuuli to have no markings, though it is far more common to have markings around the shoulders and hips.<\/p>\r\n<p>Long Fur<\/p>\r\n<p>Hermaphrodite - (Either masculine or feminine hermaphrodite)<\/p>\r\n<p>Rex Coat (Curly, this shows in varying degrees, fairly common, but usually subtle)<\/p>\r\n<p>Feathering (Light, Medium, or Heavy, light is common, medium and heavy is uncommon)<\/p>\r\n<p>Leucism (Can appear either patchy, white, near white, or unusually pale. This occurs either partial, or full. Leucistic Kivuuli are extremely rare!)<\/p>\r\n<p>Melenistic (Menelistic Kivuuli are almost impossible to tell apart from regular Kivuuli unless from a subspecies)<\/p>\r\n<p>Furless (Rare, but not unheard of. Tends to show up in warmer areas.)<\/p>\r\n<p>Lengthened Ear Tufts (Rare)<br \/>Albinism\/Partial Albinism (EXTREMELY rare! Most Albino Kivuuli are either blind, or almost blind.)<\/p>\r\n<p>Lengthened Cheek Fluffs (Uncommon, common among Maltese)<\/p>","field7":null,"parsed":{"description":"<p>The Kivuuli, a mysterious and powerful interdimensional semi-humanoid creature. They are rumored to hold the key to the Realms Between.<\/p>","field1":"<p>Kivuuli are a tall and powerful carnivorous furred semi-humanoid inter-dimensional race. They are generally black or dark grey with blue, green, or purple eyes and usually have slightly darker markings in stripes, spots, or a combination of the two that only show under certain light. There are several subspecies with different colors and markings being common from the warm reds of the forest dwelling Met'saa to the whites of the Lippizan to the blue grays of the Maltese or the golden color of Desert Kivuuli.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are elongated in build, with long limbs and are as comfortable on all fours as they are on two feet. They are incredibly wild, but generally won't attack unless attacked or threatened. Kivuuli are fully sapient and a social species. Despite their fearsome appearance, Kivuuli are a gentle and peaceful race with strong maternal instincts appearing in both males and females.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are very fast, especially when on all fours and live in groups known as Colonies.<\/p>","field2":"<h4>Between; Homeworld of the Kivuuli<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Imagine the air around you, full of bubbles. Now imagine that each of these bubbles is its own dimension. It's own universe. Has its own laws, and inner workings. Now, imagine all the space between the bubbles. A strange place, between the dimensions; ever shifting and changing. This is where the Kivuuli dwell and come from. The rules of physics do not apply; great islands of stone float through the darkness, covered in forests of strange bioluminescent fungus-like plants and other strange flora. Inhabited by strange creatures of all shapes and sizes, from tiny glowing dragonlike lizards to massive beasts that would put Earth's dinosaurs to shame. Literally anything can happen in Between, any sort of creature, any world, any dimension, any universe. The Kivuuli can reach many worlds and this is part of the reason for their great success as an apex predator.<\/p>\r\n<p>Harsh, but oddly beautiful, Between is buzzing with strange power and magic and the magical rules and laws of hundreds of dimensions, worlds, and universes clashing together in beautiful chaos. The areas of Between are effected by the laws of the dimensions and worlds closest to them; making Between highly varied. Between is beautiful; but as beautiful as it is it is deadly, thus the Kivuuli have had to adapt in to fast, powerful pack hunting predators that have claws that can slash through granite and a terrible shrieking wail that can drive fear into the hearts of the bravest.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are fast, able to teleport, and able to face creatures several times their size. This strange place has many names. Darkrealm, Tartarus, Limbo; but many simply call this place the Between; for this is what it is. The realm between dimensions. A strange and mysterious place; beautiful to behold but deadly to those not from there. While most of Between is completely dark aside from glimmers of light here and there and bioluminsecent plants and animals, some isles are ruled by a great orb of energy mimicking a sun. Some have their own weather patterns and day night cycles. Cracks and passages between dimensions are always opening and closing, allowing Kivuuli the ability to enter and leave Between at will, though they must be careful as some rifts are temporary and could close and leave them stranded in a strange and unfamiliar world. Others, still, are horribly unstable and deadly and could rip an unsuspecting Kivuuli to shreds leaving nothing but splatters of blood and the memory of their horrible screams.<\/p>","field3":"<h4>Calls, Vocalizations and Language<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli voices have a strange, otherworldly quality to them. They sound almost distorted, with a clear staticy crackling undertone. This is likely because of their interdimensional nature.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their voices are often deep, with a growl or purr like sound mixed in. A Kivuuli speaking is much what a person might imagine a lion&rsquo;s voice would sound like if it learned to speak. They tend to have emphasis on sharper sounds, like k, z, v, and such, and their r&rsquo;s are often lengthened slightly in a slight growl or purr. They are fully capable of learning languages aside from their own and, in fact, Kivuuli learn incredibly fast. Despite their wild primitive ways, they are incredibly intelligent.<\/p>\r\n<p>Outside of speech, they have a whole range of natural vocalizations. When excited or friendly, they let out a sound similar to a chittering cat. Though much deeper and lower in tone. This sound is often used by playful kits, or adults trying to show they mean no harm. Kivuuli also purr. It&rsquo;s a deep, heavy rumbling sound with a bit of static to it.<\/p>\r\n<p>They chitter, chirp, chuff, rumble, growl, purr, hiss, click, snarl, roar, howl, and many other sounds.<\/p>\r\n<p>Chirping is used to call and greet fellow members of their Colony. The chuff is similar to a chuffing tiger, and they use this to greet loved ones and family or close friends. The rumble and growl show varying levels of irritation and\/or anger, eventually leading to a wild snarling or finally, their terrible howl or roar.<\/p>\r\n<p>Purring is an expression of pleasure and contentment.<\/p>\r\n<p>When injured, they let out soft whimpers and whines.<\/p>\r\n<p>When sad, they will either be very quiet, whimper softly, or let out a heartbreaking wail when mourning the death of a loved one.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their language incorporates all of these vocalizations. And they even integrate this when speaking other languages as well.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli also rely strongly on body language. The position of one&rsquo;s ears, tone of voice, and posture can change the meaning of what they are trying to say. Looking at the position of the ears is a great way to tell what mood a Kivuuli is in. When neutral, the ears are out slightly to the sides and in a relaxed position. When alert or shocked, their ears perk up and swivel forward. Their ears often flick and swivel towards any sound, and many times they detect sounds other creatures will not.<\/p>\r\n<p>When angry, their ears go back, and they lower their ears when sad, or trying to show submission. Higher ranking Kivuuli generally tend to hold their ears perked higher than lower ranking Kivuuli.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli can also make a strange tonal almost&hellip; droning sound. Somewhere between a thrum and a rumble, it can promote relaxation or healing. The sound is, indeed, very strange. And it is something that is rarely heard among Kivuuli so it is theorized that only a few of them are capable of, or know how to, produce this sound.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h4>Culture, Customs and Heirarchy<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Not much is known of Kivuuli culture and customs, but it can be very complex even if it seems deceptively simple. Their customs are a mix between their wild and feral nature and their sapience. In some ways they can be considered very primitive, though not savage. In reality, Kivuuli believe strongly in living with the land. When living somewhere, they are very careful to preserve the balance of nature. They do not chase other predators out of their territory, and never over-hunt. They only take what they need, and use as much of their prey as they can. They use the pelts and fur in their nests, make things from their bones, horns, or hooves, and eat every part they are able to.<\/p>\r\n<p>Most Kivuuli do not mate for life. As such, they do not have any ceremonies or weddings. Among Kivuuli, a Colony is a family. They do not have surnames, nor do they need them. Reproduction has nothing to do with feelings of love, but rather to make offspring. Kivuuli do sometimes mate for life, but this is fairly rare. Even those who are lifemates will sometimes mate with others and this is not considered cheating. It is completely normal, since it helps spread out the gene pool.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli hierarchy is very pack like. Their groups are referred to as Colonies, though some call them Clans. A Colony is lead by the Dominant Female, or Alpha Female. Males in higher positions are extremely rare. The highest ranking male or males are known as Betas.<\/p>\r\n<p>The Elders are the oldest and wisest members of the Colony. Just being old does not make you an Elder. Elders are story-tellers, legend-keepers; and even the Dominant Female often goes to them for advice or help. An Elder must always be respected. Kivuuli have a written language, and the Elders write their history into the caves their Colony dwells in. Their claws carve the stories and names of all Kivuuli in a Colony into the stone. The Halls of History, as a Kivuuli calls the dens and caves the Elders keep and dwell in, are considered sacred and must not be damaged in any way. Only the Elders are allowed to carve the stone within. Because of this, Kivuuli Colonies are VERY hesitant to leave their homes, even if threatened. They are incredibly sentimental of their history. When an Elder dies, their Heartstone is placed within the Hall with the Heartstones of all past Elders in a place of ultimate honor. The Dominant Female&rsquo;s Heartstone are placed within the Halls as well.<\/p>\r\n<p>The highest ranking male is considered the Colony Dominant Male, or Beta Male. He usually leads with the female, but is completely subordinate towards her. He is dominant towards the males in the Colony, but not towards the females. The Beta Male is usually the first one a female in heat will choose, and most often is the chosen mate of the Alpha Female, simply because he is the strongest and most clever male in the Colony and has good genes.<\/p>\r\n<p>There are mid ranking males and females, who fight out their dominance among eachother, and Omegas.<\/p>\r\n<p>Omegas are not treated badly, but they have no authority within the Colony and are almost never chosen as mates. Female Omegas are extremely rare, and generally only crippled, or terminally ill females end up as an Omega. Omegas often act as nannies for the Colony, and often induce lactation to keep kits calm and fed while the stronger and higher ranking Kivuuli hunt and carry out other tasks. Kivuuli who play the part of nannies are treated very well, and given plenty of food so they can continue to produce milk for the kits they help care for.<\/p>\r\n<p>Lactating Kivuuli will often allow weak, sick, or elderly members of their colony to feed from them, for the strengthening and healing properties their milk has. While a human would consider this taboo, gross and strange, it is completely normal in Kivuuli society.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli take very good care of the less fortunate members of their Colonies. The crippled, the weak, the runty, the stunted, the injured, the elderly&hellip; all of them are well cared for. The entire Colony will pitch in together to insure the survival of even their weakest members. Weak Kivuuli may not reproduce, but they live comfortable and happy.<\/p>\r\n<p>Lower than Omegas, are the disgraced Kivuuli. They have done something terrible and lost their honor and are hated by the Colony and not treated well.<\/p>\r\n<p>Disgraced Kivuuli are those who did something shameful. Not deserving of exile, they keep their name and aren&rsquo;t chased away, but they are generally ostracized by their fellows and can&rsquo;t fight their way up in rank even if strong and dominant. A Disgraced Kivuuli must provide for themselves and are not allowed access to the Colony&rsquo;s food stores or hunts. They must prove themselves worthy to get out of this status and become Omegas, but they will never rise above omega status and will never be fully trusted again.<\/p>\r\n<p>Exiled Kivuuli are those who have committed the highest of crimes in their culture. Rape, murder, killing other sentient beings unprovoked, hurting innocent kits, and betrayal are among the crimes deemed worthy this fate worse than death. An Exile is called Itz&rsquo;hil. This word means many things at once. &ldquo;Exiled, Nameless, Shamed One, Marked One.&rdquo;<\/p>\r\n<p>The Marking is sentenced by the Alpha Female and the Colony&rsquo;s Elders. If the accused Kivuuli is not remorseful of their crimes, or their crimes are unforgivable, their teleportation ability is temporarily knocked out and they are chained to a pillar of stone that they can not escape from. Legs and arms clamped down so they can not move. The Alpha Female makes the first mark. She slashes into his chest a symbol, reciting the word &ldquo;Itz&rsquo;hil!&rdquo; with each slash of her claws. The Elders are next, speaking something along the lines of &ldquo;As you threw away your honor, I take away your name. You are Exile. You are Itz&rsquo;hil. You are Nameless. You are Nothing.&rdquo; followed by the family their actions hurt the most, then every other adult in the Colony. Children are not permitted to view or participate in these Ceremonies. The mark and word is repeated time and time and time again until the Kivuuli&rsquo;s healing ability slows and the slashes form a scar, a mark that will forever mar their chest. This can take weeks of constant torture. Once the Marking Ceremony is complete, the exhausted exile is released from the chains, and viciously chased away by the Colony. Any Colony who sees these marks from that time on will not allow the exile into their territory. Exiles live a lonely and miserable life, and generally don&rsquo;t last long since Kivuuli are such social creatures and depend strongly on eachother for survival and emotional wellbeing.<\/p>\r\n<p>Older, stronger Kivuuli can assert their dominance without a fight, simply with posture, ear position, and growling. Or, even, with confidence alone. Smaller males are generally more submissive than larger ones.<\/p>\r\n<p>The female is in charge; though she lets the males set up their pecking order however they want. If it gets to be too much, she&rsquo;ll step in, assert her dominance, and put a stop to it.<br \/>Battles for dominance never end in death. They fight until one backs down. Sometimes this doesn&rsquo;t even get past the snarling, growling, circling eachother, and displaying their strength and ferocity.<\/p>\r\n<p>Simply watching and listening to a Kivuuli within a Colony can give you a ton of clues on their status. The dominant leaders move with their heads high and ears alert and perked up. When addressing others, they stand tall and look down at them with their hands out to the sides. Submissive members take a lower submissive posture with their claws crossed in front of them and eyes turned to the side. Their ears are held slightly lowered. Direct eye contact is considered a threat, thus lower ranking Kivuuli must not look higher ranking Kivuuli directly in the eye without permission.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli have strange ceremonies when a member of their Colony dies. First, the dead Kivuuli is mourned. Mourning can last days, and is not done until the family of the dead Kivuuli says it is. Those closest will wail and howl their grief on and on, a haunting and heartbreaking sound. Almost a haunting and heartbreaking song. Especially at the death of an Elder or Alpha. The entire Colony howls and mourns. But the time for Mourning does not last forever. Once the deceased Kivuuli is mourned, they have a special celebration.<\/p>\r\n<p>A feast is held, with dancing, singing, storytelling, and laughing. For such a sombre thing, there is great joy. The Colony remembers their deceased member fondly. They talk about their life, their effect on the Colony. The Heartstone is then placed in a special antechamber within the Halls of History. The Elders carve the shape of the Heartstone out into the stone, gently place the gem within, and carve the name of the deceased Kivuuli beneath with their claws to be remembered forever. All deceased Kivuuli in a Colony are remembered unless they are Disgraced when they die. If disgraced, the Heartstone is set aside and ignored&hellip; a strong enough crime has the Heartstone being thrown off into the blackness surrounding the strange floating isles the Kivuuli dwell on.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are very matriarchal. The female is entirely in charge; the dominant female is submissive to none. A Colony lead by a male is considered unnatural and weak.<\/p>\r\n<p>They tolerate mistakes in children more than in adults. Children are still learning, and can be taught. Adults know better.<\/p>\r\n<p>These colonies can harbor anything from a small handful of Kivuuli, to hundreds or in some rare cases, over a thousand of them. The Elder position is not limited to just one; if there is more than one elder, they are all looked up to and view eachother as equals.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli live as a community and share everything. Their homes, their food. The strong help provide for the weak, those not strong enough to hunt do other tasks within the Colony, such as helping care for kits. They respect eachother&rsquo;s homes and belongings. Theft and stealing is frowned upon, but not enough for alphas to get involved. The one stolen from is in charge of getting their belongings back. This often results in a spat. If it gets severe enough, the Alpha or one of the Betas will step in.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are territorial. Not against others in their own Colony, but towards those from other Colonies. While not common, some alpha females and the highest ranking beta males will use urine marking to mark the edges of their territory.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are a mixture of supernatural and biological. They are a sentient creature that lives in groups called Colonies. Dominance and leadership is dependent on the strength and cleverness of the individual. Females are bigger and stronger than males, as well as more aggressive and naturally more dominant. Male leaders are not only extremely rare, but are practically unheard of.<\/p>\r\n<p>They have very little concept of personal space. Kivuuli are very touchy with eachother. They spend a lot of time cuddling and generally being near eachother. They are VERY fond of touching. They often stay very close to those they care about. Communal grooming is very common and reinforces bonds within the colony, and among friends and family.<\/p>\r\n<p>They have no concept of doors. They have no shame in nudity. Kivuuli do not wear clothes. Some, though, may decorate themselves with gems and things they have found. Their homes are open, and they come and go as they please. They don&rsquo;t steal from eachother. A Kivuuli who does steal is often attacked by their fellows, and driven away if the action continues.<\/p>","field4":"<h4>Appearance and anatomy<\/h4>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are somewhat humanoid in appearance, but have some very clear differences. They are long and lean, with elongated torsos and limbs. The average Kivuuli stands around nine to nine and a half feet tall. They have pawlike digitgrade feet which have four toes, or four toes and a dewclaw. Being interdimensional creatures, they often appear with a strange dark aura around them with what seems like tiny sparks or glimmers of lights appearing and floating aimlessly around them and vanishing again. This aura and particles usually matches the basic color of their eyes. It only shows when they are using, or have recently used their reality bending abilities.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli skin is incredibly tough and thick. It takes some strength and a sharp blade to pierce it. They have a coating of fur that is short, but dense and soft. Their natural body temperature is around 105 degrees Fahrenheit, and thus they are very warm to the touch. The fur is usually longest around the shoulders, down the back, and in small fringes around the ankles and wrists.<\/p>\r\n<p>The fur on a female's ruff is longer and thicker than that of a male, and the skin there is looser and thicker and tougher as well. This serves as a protective barrier against the male's fangs, since they tend to bite during mating. Even then, he does often draw blood though most females don't mind this. It actually feels good to them.<\/p>\r\n<p>Being interdimensional creatures, Kivuuli are extremely light. Even standing around nine or more feet tall, they rarely weigh over one hundred fifty pounds. This is due to them being made up of something like solidified energy. Light, but incredibly strong. This not fully physical nature also manifests in their spines, claws, and fangs. When angry, they actually extend out and get longer and sharper, and when calm shrink back to normal size and sharpness.<\/p>\r\n<p>They have scale like spines on their forearms pointing back off the elbow with membranes between them. Similar scale like spines go down their spine, also having membranes between them. These spines flare up when frightened, angry, or threatened. They are also used in dominance displays.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli blood is a dark nearly black purple and thicker than human blood.<\/p>\r\n<p>Males are far more common than females. There are about five males for every one female hatched.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h4>Diet and Feeding<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli are carnivorous. Their diet consists almost entirely of meat, though they might eat other things if no meat is available. They will sometimes add other things to their diet, such as fruits. Kivuuli tend to love sweets, but they aren&rsquo;t fond of sour things.<\/p>\r\n<p>When it comes out the other end, it looks like very large rabbit droppings and simply crumbles to dust if stepped on. Has little to no smell.<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<h4><br \/>Abilities<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli have many special abilities they are capable of using.<\/p>\r\n<p>\u200b<\/p>\r\n<p>Teleportation - Kivuuli are able to teleport, though their methods are strange and unique. They are able to bend the fabric of reality around them in minor ways, the most pronounced being the ability to literally tear a crack in reality and step through. The crack always heals itself right after the Kivuuli steps through. Not ALL Kivuuli can do this. It is something that must be taught. Kivuuli can see and sense the flow of energy around them. They can also completely silence their steps, even at a full run.<\/p>\r\n<p>**Note that they teleport by jumping through the dimension - or, within the bubble. They can not break out of the bubble into greater between, but they do, in a sense, touch Between when teleporting.<\/p>\r\n<p>Paralyzing Stare - The Paralyzing Stare is an ability Kivuuli developed for hunting and self defense. They stare you right in the eyes, which has a hypnotizing effect, rendering their prey or enemy unable to move. As long as your eyes are locked with the Kivuuli&rsquo;s, you can&rsquo;t move. When eye contact is broken, you can move again. Most Kivuuli ONLY use this ability when absolutely necessary. Generally if they are attacked. They catch the person&rsquo;s gaze, causes them to freeze up, and teleports away to safety as they recover.<\/p>\r\n<p>Intimidating Howl - The Intimidating Howl is a horrible unearthly howl, laced with the Kivuuli&rsquo;s reality bending power. It sounds somewhere between a feral howl, savage snarling, horrible shrieking, and radio static. It forces feelings of terror into the one hearing it, giving them the desire to run away. Most can not handle it, and either faint where they are or run in horror. This terrible howl seems to come from every direction at once, making the Kivuuli&rsquo;s location hard to determine.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Reality Bending - This ability is the underlying cause to many other abilities Kivuuli have. They are able to bend reality around them in minor ways, stifling the sound of their footsteps, stopping you from hearing their breath or smelling them or sensing their presence. They can also leap through cracks in reality to teleport and many other small, but useful applications.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h4>Evolutionary Background<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Their society is very wild in many ways. They are sentient and intelligent, but far more ruled by wild instincts and feral tendencies than humans. This has not changed because it works for them. They are matriarchal, with females naturally leading and males being far calmer and more docile.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Between is a dangerous place, and Kivuuli reproduce slowly. Smaller Colonies are much more likely to breed faster. They also breed faster is there is plenty of food around. During times of famine females will actually stop having heats entirely. This is natural; it allows a Colony to grow strong and maintain their numbers. More babies born means more Kivuuli likely to make it to adulthood. A lone Kivuuli female is several times more likely to become pregnant than a Kivuuli in a big Colony. When a lot of Kivuuli populate one area, or food is less plentiful, their fertility as a whole drops dramatically. The reason why is unknown, but a hormonal response is the most likely candidate. Kivuuli in smaller Colonies are also more likely to go into heat more often. Kivuuli can go into heat every one to three years. Smaller Colonies' viable members will go into heat once a year; bigger colonies often every three years and sometimes even five.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli leave Between to hunt for food not available in their homeworld, gather resources, and explore. They usually go in small parties. Only the strong and clever make it back alive, for other worlds are packed with even more dangers to test a Kivuuli&rsquo;s ability to survive. There may be a small number of Kivuuli with the ability to not age or die of age, but there are plenty of other things killing them and keeping their population balanced.<\/p>\r\n<p>All of this together has honed their intelligence to a fine point, but also nurtured their wild side giving them human intelligence coupled with bestial behaviors and instincts.<br \/>Their ancestors are, in fact, extinct. Natural selection made sure of that. Kinda like we don&rsquo;t see neanderthals or proto-humans running about. Some of their earliest ancestors were sleek, quadrupedal spiked predators that used teleportation to hunt or escape danger. They were fast, strong, and fierce, forming packs that were highly territorial.<\/p>","field5":"<h4>Lifespan<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli have very long natural lives; generally living up to 1000 years. As they start to grow older and approach the end of their lifespan, their Heartstones get less and less effective. This leaves them unable to feed as efficiently or teleport since their bodies stop being able to handle the discordant energies in the rifts they create. Their healing ability starts to slow down as well; and eventually goes away completely. Eventually, their body can no longer repair the damage done by age, and they grow weak and tired. Their fur will begin to gray around the eyes and mouth, and tips of ears as well as on their hands and feet. Once they reach a certain age, they are no longer capable of producing milk, even if they spend a lot of time around kits.<\/p>\r\n<p>When they sense their time is near, they surround themselves by friends and family. They say their goodbyes, before slipping away peacefully. Most often in their sleep.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Some Kivuuli, though, can live on way beyond this time. It seems to be a strange mutation. A Heartstone that can actually slowly repair itself; thus negating the effects of aging present in most of the species. Those who have this mutation will need to sleep more and rest more once they reach a certain age, and their fertility drops. While less fertile, they are still able to have children. They just don't do so as often and females are harder to get pregnant. They will not show any visible signs of aging; they will not grey or dull in color.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are not affected by aging, at all, and they will live on, healthy, until they are killed by something other than age. This tends to be genetic; so those of their line have a chance of getting this ability. The oldest Kivuuli to have ever lived is an Elder named Kaitu, a member of the rare and isolated &lsquo;Maltese&rsquo; or &lsquo;Blue&rsquo; subspecies. Severe damage to the Heartstone can overrun this ability, causing an ancient Kivuuli to age and die very quickly after being hurt, within a year.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h4>Mating and Reproduction<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli males and females look quite similar. Genitals are internal, though gender can be told through differences in their bodies, demeanor, and voice. If one sees a male and female Kivuuli standing side by side, first glance won&rsquo;t reveal many differences. But if you look closely you can tell. Kivuuli do have the occasional hermaphrodite, this is a rare mutation.<br \/>Sexual Dimorphism<br \/>Male: Kivuuli genitals are internal and only emerge in a state of arousal. The male has a slit like sheath more towards the front of his crotch. Males are slimmer and smaller than females, and generally hold themselves lower as well. They are naturally submissive since even a very strong male wouldn't stand a chance against the physically bigger and stronger female. Males do not have much curve to them, if any at all and have narrow waists and hips. They have semi defined pecs, and the fur on their lower belly and inner thighs is not any longer than the fur on the rest of their bodies. They have teats on the lower belly, usually small and not very visible. They tend to have thicker and longer chest fur as well as slightly longer\/fluffier fur around their neck. This can sometimes amplify their cheek fluff, too.<\/p>\r\n<p>Male Kivuuli have lower, rougher and deeper voices than females. The growling undertone is more pronounced.<\/p>\r\n<p>Female: The female has a slit on the bottom of her crotch, barely visable of at all from the front. The slit is subtle and less visable than the male's sheath like slit. A female has visible teats, though they are only really noticeable when she is carrying an egg, or nursing a hatchling.<\/p>\r\n<p>Females are taller and noticeably stronger than males. Her body is thicker, and moderately curvy with wider hips leading down to long and slim, but strong legs. While a layer of fat beneath her skin makes her look softer, beneath that softness is a lot of brute strength and ferocity.<\/p>\r\n<p>The fur down the back of a female&rsquo;s neck, shoulders, and back is thicker and longer than a male's, and she also has thicker longer fur on her belly and inner thigh, which thickens further when carrying, or nursing young.<\/p>\r\n<p>The female Kivuuli's voice is softer and higher in pitch than a male's. Her growl is smoother, but deeper and fiercer. Her purr is a low and smooth.<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p>Heat and Mating<br \/>Kivuuli attract mates through scent.<\/p>\r\n<p>Female Kivuuli go into heat regularly, but when observed in our dimension it happens roughly once every 1-3 years. A female raising a kit can not enter this state as long as she is nursing the kit. This is the only time she can become pregnant. It lasts for roughly two weeks or until she finds a suitable mate.<\/p>\r\n<p>There are three stages to the heat.<\/p>\r\n<p>Stage 1- Her scent begins to shift. This is not actual heat yet; she is not fertile. But her body is preparing itself for heat. She starts to become more interested in males, but also more hormonal and dangerous. She also becomes territorial towards other females, not letting them near her den. This stage lasts a few days.<\/p>\r\n<p>Stage 2- Her scent grows stronger, and her body is almost ready to mate. This is the attracting a mate stage. The testing the males and letting them fight for her stage. She becomes actively interested in males, and is easily aroused. Like a cat, a female in heat will groom herself frequently to deal with the wetness between the legs. While not water-based, it gets annoying. This stage of heat lasts about a week.<br \/>At this stage, her strong heat-scent rouses the males into excitement; causing them to follow her an attempt to impress her. Mating in this stage of heat will not end it, but it will shorten the time that she&rsquo;s in it. Once a mate is chosen, they will mate repeatedly until her heat is over. It usually ends within 24 hours of her first mating.<\/p>\r\n<p>Stage 3 - This is the most intense part of her heat. This is when she is fully ready to mate and most likely to ovulate. Her heat scent becomes so strong the males can practically taste it on the air. She becomes extremely restless, unable to stay in one place for long. Many females will pace on and on, and even whine and call their discomfort and need. Younger females react more strongly to this stage; while older females can usually ignore it with the occasional whine and shift of discomfort. The ache inside them grows so intense that even those who don&rsquo;t want a child might mate just to get it over with.<\/p>\r\n<p>The males will scuffle and fight among themselves, and the strongest, healthiest males will compete to gain her attention. Once the female has chosen, the other males will give up and find another release. Often in the form of a female who is not in heat; since she can not become pregnant she does not care about the health or strength of the male.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Even though Kivuuli generally mate very roughly, with growling and biting and claws involved, it is always consensual. A Kivuuli who tries to take a mate against their will will be turned on and killed by their Colony.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Once the female chooses her suitor and mating occurs, her heat will either be shortened, or end completely. She signals that she is ready by getting into the presenting position. Crouching down, revealing the thickly furred ruff on her back, and raising her rear into the air. Even if mating doesn&rsquo;t always happen in this position, it&rsquo;s considered a sign of acceptance, even if she plays hard to get afterwards. Kivuuli females, like cats, are stimulated ovulators. Without the proper stimulation, the heat will end but she won&rsquo;t become pregnant. Even if stimulated, the male must have strong seed or her body will kill it all before it fertilizes her. While they will mate repeatedly, the first one is the one that triggers the end of the heat, and thus, after that first one, stimulation will not cause ovulation if it hasn&rsquo;t already.<\/p>\r\n<p>It takes a few days to know if the mating was successful. After a few days, if the mating was successful, her scent will change to announce that she is pregnant. She will also fail to shed, since the shed will be delayed until a week before laying. Female Kivuuli shed a week after heat. If it does not take and she sheds, she will have to wait until her next heat cycle to try again; usually with a different male. \u200b<br \/>Gestation<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>With the exception of very few isolated colonies, Kivuuli are an egg-bearing race. They carry the egg for four to five months, growing large quickly. The male is expected to hunt for her and bring her food, since her appetite will increase as she packs the egg with nutrients it will need once it exits her body. The baby will also develop considerably during this time. By the time the egg is laid, the brain of the fetus is almost completely formed; the rest of the body finishes forming after the egg is laid. As the egg forms, the female&rsquo;s fur grows thicker and denser, to make better lining for her nest. The fur around her belly and inner thighs thickens too; and she will not shed her guardhairs.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their pelvis separates in two places, and is held together by springy, elastic tendons. Each separation contains a small bone bridge that breaks in the process of laying the first egg. This produces a small, sharp crack\/pop, and is quite painful. The bone bridge never grows back and any eggs after the first are easier. Once the egg has passed through, the tendons will spring back, and the Kivuuli&rsquo;s natural healing ability will repair any damage within an hour or two of laying while the exhausted mother sleeps. Males do not have the tendons or bone bridges.<\/p>\r\n<p>While inside them, the egg shell is thick and leathery. It forms soon after conception and plays the part of the placenta until it comes time to lay. During the last few days before laying it becomes the egg shell, which and is soft and pliable. After laying, the shell takes roughly a half hour to harden. It becomes tough, hard and slightly textured. It is very thick and tough, hard to break from the outside. It is, however, very vulnerable until it&rsquo;s fully hardened. The reason it develops so long inside the mother is so the brain can form properly; the mother gives it a kick start, and the hatchling finishes development within the egg.<\/p>\r\n<p>They look huge when they are carrying, but most of that is actually fluids that protect and cushion the egg as well as providing lubrication for laying. Nutrients are stored within the forming shell, though the hatchling has a Proteanct link to the mother until a few days before laying.<\/p>\r\n<p>During the pregnancy, the Kivuuli will have an intense nesting instinct. She will take anything she can find. Fur of other shedding Kivuuli, blankets, any soft thing, and build a nest. During the last week of carrying, she will shed, and line her nest with her fur. Once the egg is laid, it will be watched over and kept warm by her while its father hunts for her. It will hatch in another 4-5 months. This can vary by subspecies, or location, or individual Kivuuli. Eggs can vary in color, but are usually smooth and black with slightly lighter colored mottling. This can change depending on the individual Kivuuli or their environment.<\/p>\r\n<p>A hatchling Kivuuli is known as a kit, because they are very kitten like in their behavior. Kits are known to imprint on the energy signature and voice of the one who spends the most time around the egg. As such, they know their mother the instant they come out. While hatching, a mother will crouch near the egg, face inches away from it and make soft chirring calls to encourage the kit to break free of the egg.<br \/><br \/>Upon hatching, they will follow the scent of the mother&rsquo;s teats. The scent and feel of the kit suckling will trigger a surge of hormones, and she will begin lactation. This surge of hormones will reduce the Kivuuli to soft, relaxed purring. Any Kivuuli can be triggered to lactate in this manner, be it male or female. Once lactation begins, the Kivuuli&rsquo;s appetite will increase. They often feed their milk to older or sick individuals within the Colony to help them survive and stay strong.<\/p>\r\n<p>Shown are a Kivuuli&rsquo;s teats. First image, they are mostly covered by the fur. SOmetimes a slight separation in the fur is seen on shorter furred Kivuuli.<\/p>\r\n<p>In the pregnant Kivuuli, the teats poke out of the fur, as the fur sheds from directly around them.<\/p>\r\n<p>When nursing, the flesh swells a bit to push the nipples out of the fur, thus allowing the hatchling to nurse without getting a mouthful of its mother&rsquo;s fur.<\/p>\r\n<p>The consistency is thick, almost like a probiotic yogurt shake, and the taste is surprisingly mild and a little sweet. It is highly nutritious, high in protein and energy; and everything else a kit needs to grow. Kivuuli kits who nurse on their mother grow up bigger and stronger as adults, and generally have a higher chance of being more dominant. It is not at all uncommon for Kivuuli in a Colony to nurse eachother's young. Sometimes older members will play the part of nanny for younger, less experienced Kivuuli. Some Kivuuli will choose to never stop lactating for the purpose of playing nanny to the kits within the Colony.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are extremely protective of their kits. If you hurt a kit, the whole Colony will attack. Even one lone Kivuuli is far more ferocious and dangerous than any mother bear; you don&rsquo;t want to know what would happen if you pissed off a whole colony of them.<\/p>\r\n<p>A human baby could drink Kivuuli&rsquo;s milk but couldn&rsquo;t survive off of it unless water was added to it. Kivuuli&rsquo;s milk contains no water whatsoever. It is high in protein, with a moderate amount of fat, and harder on the digestive system than human milk. It isn&rsquo;t dangerous but will not meet a human&rsquo;s needs properly. If water is added a human baby can survive off of it but won&rsquo;t be at ideal health and it would likely cause a lot of gas and intestinal discomfort being designed for a baby with a much stronger digestive system. It would pose no problems for an adult, and is highly nutritious with natural healing properties as well as infection fighting properties. An adult human or other meat-eating animal could survive off of it as long as they had access to water to stay hydrated.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are highly lactose intolerant. It makes them very, very sick. As such, Kivuuli milk has no lactose in it.<\/p>\r\n<p>A Kivuuli hatchling would be unable to survive on the milk of any terrestrial mammal. It contains way too much water and their little tummies can&rsquo;t handle it, not to mention their lactose intolerance. An adult Kivuuli can ingest the milk of terrestrial mammals, but it does cause a lot of digestive upset, cramping, nausea, and vomiting. The digestive issues can become severe enough to kill a kit, though an adult can survive it. It would just make them very sick. It does not contain the proper nutrients so if the kit did manage to survive the lactose and water, it would slowly deteriorate in health until it died of malnutrition. Their digestive systems are more advanced so they can be fed mashed cooked (Not raw) meat or anything else high in protein if taken in and raised by a human or a member of another race. Mixing ground up bones and the organs of the animal can add to the nutrition and help the kit more. Some that start off being nursed, though, will utterly refuse solid food.<\/p>\r\n<p>It is not unusual for members of a Colony to nurse eachother&rsquo;s young. In fact, this is a very common practice, though some Kits will not nurse on any but their mother. This depends on the individual. It is most common for the omegas to act as nannies for the Colony, helping to care for the kits while stronger individuals hunt and bring in food. Because of this Omegas, and especially nannies, while not given any authority, are not treated badly. Kivuuli tend to produce more milk than is needed. If it gets uncomfortable, they tend to empty their teats themselves. This keeps their supply strong, is relaxing and calming, tastes good to them, and is considered completely normal. While a human would find such activity odd, it is completely natural for a Kivuuli.<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p>Kits are teeny when they hatch, a little smaller than the average human baby. They hatch with their eyes closed, but able to hear and smell just fine. Their ears are droopy and their bodies are pudgy and bellies round from the yolk of the egg still inside, being slowly absorbed to give them strength while their mother&rsquo;s milk comes in and they learn to nurse properly. Kits open their eyes when they are between three and seven days old.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are generally fairly quiet and don&rsquo;t cry often, though do tend to make small chitters, squeaks, and mewling noises. They hate being alone.<\/p>\r\n<p>Babies have a very strong instinct to not relieve themselves within the nest. When they feel the need to go, they will let their parent know with insistent screeching until taken somewhere. Like a newborn kitten or puppy, they will not eliminate on their own. There is a pressure point just at the base of the neck that can be triggered through a certain way of holding onto the scruff that triggers them to go reflexively; they will only go when held in that certain way until they learn to move about on all fours. Once able to move about on all fours they will always leave the nest to eliminate. It's an instinct to keep the nest site clean and smelling good, since Kivuuli noses are extremely sensitive. Young Kivuuli are fully mobile by the time they are three months old, and run about everywhere on all fours.<\/p>\r\n<p>The babies depend completely on their parents and the others in their colony for survival. They are unable to teleport. In fact, this takes a lot of time to get right and generally has to be taught though can be done autonomously if the Kivuuli feels that its life is in danger. Kits are weaned between 3-5 years old, depending on the kit in question. Some wean themselves earlier, some later. A mother will never force wean her kit, because if they are still nursing it means they likely still need to. Kits are able to move about by the time they are three months old. As kits get older and start to move around, they love to practice their hunting instincts and will often hunt, and eat, small animals once their teeth grow in. They generally start getting teeth when they are about a year old. They like to show their kills off to their parents, or others in the Colony. As they get to be about 5 years old, they are weaned and eating solid food with ease. They are also able to eat raw meat by then.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli grow bigger and stronger as they age. At roughly 15, they reach sexual maturity. They are considered adults, even if not at full size yet at this age. Around 18 to 23, they stop growing and achieve their full height. It is around this time they learn to effect reality around them both in silencing their steps and in creating and jumping through little dimensional cracks to teleport. They usually stay with their parents until full maturity, and after that remain with their Colony of birth.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli children are incredibly awkward and clumsy until they grow into their long limbs. They spend more time on all fours than on two feet, though around ten years old they start getting up on two feet more often. Even into adulthod, they spend time both on all fours, and on two feet equally depending on the situation. Kits hurt themselves frequently, but this only kick-starts their natural healing ability.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Kits are known for getting themselves into trouble, constantly. They are mischievous, playful, energetic, and insatiably curious. The entire colony works to keep the children safe and alive. Just like kittens.<\/p>\r\n<p>Female kits are a bit more energetic and feisty than males.<\/p>\r\n<p>Young males love to playfight and spar among themselves. These playfights grow more intense once they near adolescence, roughly around 10-12 years old or so. Sometimes, these playfights get a bit too intense, leaving one or both young males bloody. They step away to heal, which is usually finished within minutes. Once healed, they go at it again. Adolescent males are constantly tussling, wrestling, and play-fighting, which only grows worse the closer to adulthood they get. While these bouts of snapping, screaming, growling, and snarling looks terrifying and deadly, they look far, far, FAR worse than they actually are. They never seriously hurt eachother and other Kivuuli in the Colony know very well the difference between play and real fighting, since real fighting is far louder and more vicious. As males get older, they mellow out considerably, and only face off against other males in contests of strength in the presence of a receptive female. They do this to try to impress her. They usually don&rsquo;t mellow out fully until around 30 or so; around 20-30 they are fully mature, but have bouts of wild, child-like energetic kittenlike playfulness.<\/p>\r\n<p>As a female reaches adolescence, she becomes fiercer and more commanding. If she joins a playfight, the males usually back down and submit almost instantly. Playfights between two females are far more vicious and noisy and dangerous-looking than playfights between males. They are practicing to take dominance someday; males just fight for fun or to pass on their genes. She starts to show interest in the male&rsquo;s battles, and starts to show more interest in those that win these fights. Most of the time, she will avoid a mate when she has her first heat cycle, since her body isn&rsquo;t fully grown at this point and not likely able to sustain an offspring for long. The first heat cycle generally happens around 15 years of age. She is considered an adult at this age, but she usually won&rsquo;t choose a mate until she is at her full size since a younger body is less able to successfully carry an egg. Most males will not attempt to impress a young female unless they themselves are young. Even if she is sexually mature and considered an adult, she is not full size and not interested in mating. Most of the time, even if she DOES find a mate, it will not take since her body is not ready to sustain pregnancy.<\/p>\r\n<p>She will usually chase off any male that comes near while going through her first heat. The first heat cycle is usually short, and not too intense. She is not fertile for this cycle, it is simply her body announcing that it is mature. Her heats will gradually get longer until they settle at the normal length when she&rsquo;s achieved her full size. If a female is not ready to have a kit of her own, she will hide away and ignore or chase off any males that try to gain her attention. Most females prefer not to have a kit until they have gained more experience. Young mothers are far more likely to be aggressive and attack anything they see as a threat than older mothers who are more experienced in raising, guiding, and protecting a child.<\/p>","field6":"<p>Mutations and Variations<br \/>The dewclaw is a fairly common variation found among Kivuuli. Both parents must either have, or carry, the dewclaw gene for it to show in an offspring.<\/p>\r\n<p>Another common variation is the heel spur. This is also recessive. Both parents must be carriers of the gene for it to pass on. Some Kivuuli have both heelspurs and dewclaws.<\/p>\r\n<p>Some Kivuuli are unable to retract their claws. This is very rare; but when it does show up it is not much of a hindrance. They are generally chosen as hunters, though they have to be careful since their claws are very sharp when fully extended. They often make claw caps for themselves to avoid hurting themselves or others.<\/p>\r\n<p>Some Kivuuli have a strip of longer fur that goes all the way down their spine.<\/p>\r\n<p>A rare mutation can cause them to lack spines.<\/p>\r\n<p>The Bully mutation causes Kivuuli to be bigger and more muscular than their fellows. They lose a lot of speed and agility, but gain a lot of brute strength.<\/p>\r\n<p>It is not uncommon for Kivuuli to have no markings, though it is far more common to have markings around the shoulders and hips.<\/p>\r\n<p>Long Fur<\/p>\r\n<p>Hermaphrodite - (Either masculine or feminine hermaphrodite)<\/p>\r\n<p>Rex Coat (Curly, this shows in varying degrees, fairly common, but usually subtle)<\/p>\r\n<p>Feathering (Light, Medium, or Heavy, light is common, medium and heavy is uncommon)<\/p>\r\n<p>Leucism (Can appear either patchy, white, near white, or unusually pale. This occurs either partial, or full. Leucistic Kivuuli are extremely rare!)<\/p>\r\n<p>Melenistic (Menelistic Kivuuli are almost impossible to tell apart from regular Kivuuli unless from a subspecies)<\/p>\r\n<p>Furless (Rare, but not unheard of. Tends to show up in warmer areas.)<\/p>\r\n<p>Lengthened Ear Tufts (Rare)<br \/>Albinism\/Partial Albinism (EXTREMELY rare! Most Albino Kivuuli are either blind, or almost blind.)<\/p>\r\n<p>Lengthened Cheek Fluffs (Uncommon, common among Maltese)<\/p>","field7":null}},"title":"Kivuuli","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":["wip"],"page_tag":null}
#119 29 June 2023, 19:16:39 UTC
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{"data":{"description":"<p>The Kivuuli, a mysterious and powerful interdimensional semi-humanoid creature. They are rumored to hold the key to the Realms Between.<\/p>","field1":"<p>Kivuuli are a tall and powerful carnivorous furred semi-humanoid inter-dimensional race. They are generally black or dark grey with blue, green, or purple eyes and usually have slightly darker markings in stripes, spots, or a combination of the two that only show under certain light. There are several subspecies with different colors and markings being common from the warm reds of the forest dwelling Met'saa to the whites of the Lippizan to the blue grays of the Maltese or the golden color of Desert Kivuuli.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are elongated in build, with long limbs and are as comfortable on all fours as they are on two feet. They are incredibly wild, but generally won't attack unless attacked or threatened. Kivuuli are fully sapient and a social species. Despite their fearsome appearance, Kivuuli are a gentle and peaceful race with strong maternal instincts appearing in both males and females.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are very fast, especially when on all fours and live in groups known as Colonies.<\/p>","field2":"<h4>Between; Homeworld of the Kivuuli<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Imagine the air around you, full of bubbles. Now imagine that each of these bubbles is its own dimension. It's own universe. Has its own laws, and inner workings. Now, imagine all the space between the bubbles. A strange place, between the dimensions; ever shifting and changing. This is where the Kivuuli dwell and come from. The rules of physics do not apply; great islands of stone float through the darkness, covered in forests of strange bioluminescent fungus-like plants and other strange flora. Inhabited by strange creatures of all shapes and sizes, from tiny glowing dragonlike lizards to massive beasts that would put Earth's dinosaurs to shame. Literally anything can happen in Between, any sort of creature, any world, any dimension, any universe. The Kivuuli can reach many worlds and this is part of the reason for their great success as an apex predator.<\/p>\r\n<p>Harsh, but oddly beautiful, Between is buzzing with strange power and magic and the magical rules and laws of hundreds of dimensions, worlds, and universes clashing together in beautiful chaos. The areas of Between are effected by the laws of the dimensions and worlds closest to them; making Between highly varied. Between is beautiful; but as beautiful as it is it is deadly, thus the Kivuuli have had to adapt in to fast, powerful pack hunting predators that have claws that can slash through granite and a terrible shrieking wail that can drive fear into the hearts of the bravest.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are fast, able to teleport, and able to face creatures several times their size. This strange place has many names. Darkrealm, Tartarus, Limbo; but many simply call this place the Between; for this is what it is. The realm between dimensions. A strange and mysterious place; beautiful to behold but deadly to those not from there. While most of Between is completely dark aside from glimmers of light here and there and bioluminsecent plants and animals, some isles are ruled by a great orb of energy mimicking a sun. Some have their own weather patterns and day night cycles. Cracks and passages between dimensions are always opening and closing, allowing Kivuuli the ability to enter and leave Between at will, though they must be careful as some rifts are temporary and could close and leave them stranded in a strange and unfamiliar world. Others, still, are horribly unstable and deadly and could rip an unsuspecting Kivuuli to shreds leaving nothing but splatters of blood and the memory of their horrible screams.<\/p>","field3":"<h4>Calls, Vocalizations and Language<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli voices have a strange, otherworldly quality to them. They sound almost distorted, with a clear staticy crackling undertone. This is likely because of their interdimensional nature.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their voices are often deep, with a growl or purr like sound mixed in. A Kivuuli speaking is much what a person might imagine a lion&rsquo;s voice would sound like if it learned to speak. They tend to have emphasis on sharper sounds, like k, z, v, and such, and their r&rsquo;s are often lengthened slightly in a slight growl or purr. They are fully capable of learning languages aside from their own and, in fact, Kivuuli learn incredibly fast. Despite their wild primitive ways, they are incredibly intelligent.<\/p>\r\n<p>Outside of speech, they have a whole range of natural vocalizations. When excited or friendly, they let out a sound similar to a chittering cat. Though much deeper and lower in tone. This sound is often used by playful kits, or adults trying to show they mean no harm. Kivuuli also purr. It&rsquo;s a deep, heavy rumbling sound with a bit of static to it.<\/p>\r\n<p>They chitter, chirp, chuff, rumble, growl, purr, hiss, click, snarl, roar, howl, and many other sounds.<\/p>\r\n<p>Chirping is used to call and greet fellow members of their Colony. The chuff is similar to a chuffing tiger, and they use this to greet loved ones and family or close friends. The rumble and growl show varying levels of irritation and\/or anger, eventually leading to a wild snarling or finally, their terrible howl or roar.<\/p>\r\n<p>Purring is an expression of pleasure and contentment.<\/p>\r\n<p>When injured, they let out soft whimpers and whines.<\/p>\r\n<p>When sad, they will either be very quiet, whimper softly, or let out a heartbreaking wail when mourning the death of a loved one.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their language incorporates all of these vocalizations. And they even integrate this when speaking other languages as well.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli also rely strongly on body language. The position of one&rsquo;s ears, tone of voice, and posture can change the meaning of what they are trying to say. Looking at the position of the ears is a great way to tell what mood a Kivuuli is in. When neutral, the ears are out slightly to the sides and in a relaxed position. When alert or shocked, their ears perk up and swivel forward. Their ears often flick and swivel towards any sound, and many times they detect sounds other creatures will not.<\/p>\r\n<p>When angry, their ears go back, and they lower their ears when sad, or trying to show submission. Higher ranking Kivuuli generally tend to hold their ears perked higher than lower ranking Kivuuli.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli can also make a strange tonal almost&hellip; droning sound. Somewhere between a thrum and a rumble, it can promote relaxation or healing. The sound is, indeed, very strange. And it is something that is rarely heard among Kivuuli so it is theorized that only a few of them are capable of, or know how to, produce this sound.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h4>Culture, Customs and Heirarchy<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Not much is known of Kivuuli culture and customs, but it can be very complex even if it seems deceptively simple. Their customs are a mix between their wild and feral nature and their sapience. In some ways they can be considered very primitive, though not savage. In reality, Kivuuli believe strongly in living with the land. When living somewhere, they are very careful to preserve the balance of nature. They do not chase other predators out of their territory, and never over-hunt. They only take what they need, and use as much of their prey as they can. They use the pelts and fur in their nests, make things from their bones, horns, or hooves, and eat every part they are able to.<\/p>\r\n<p>Most Kivuuli do not mate for life. As such, they do not have any ceremonies or weddings. Among Kivuuli, a Colony is a family. They do not have surnames, nor do they need them. Reproduction has nothing to do with feelings of love, but rather to make offspring. Kivuuli do sometimes mate for life, but this is fairly rare. Even those who are lifemates will sometimes mate with others and this is not considered cheating. It is completely normal, since it helps spread out the gene pool.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli hierarchy is very pack like. Their groups are referred to as Colonies, though some call them Clans. A Colony is lead by the Dominant Female, or Alpha Female. Males in higher positions are extremely rare. The highest ranking male or males are known as Betas.<\/p>\r\n<p>The Elders are the oldest and wisest members of the Colony. Just being old does not make you an Elder. Elders are story-tellers, legend-keepers; and even the Dominant Female often goes to them for advice or help. An Elder must always be respected. Kivuuli have a written language, and the Elders write their history into the caves their Colony dwells in. Their claws carve the stories and names of all Kivuuli in a Colony into the stone. The Halls of History, as a Kivuuli calls the dens and caves the Elders keep and dwell in, are considered sacred and must not be damaged in any way. Only the Elders are allowed to carve the stone within. Because of this, Kivuuli Colonies are VERY hesitant to leave their homes, even if threatened. They are incredibly sentimental of their history. When an Elder dies, their Heartstone is placed within the Hall with the Heartstones of all past Elders in a place of ultimate honor. The Dominant Female&rsquo;s Heartstone are placed within the Halls as well.<\/p>\r\n<p>The highest ranking male is considered the Colony Dominant Male, or Beta Male. He usually leads with the female, but is completely subordinate towards her. He is dominant towards the males in the Colony, but not towards the females. The Beta Male is usually the first one a female in heat will choose, and most often is the chosen mate of the Alpha Female, simply because he is the strongest and most clever male in the Colony and has good genes.<\/p>\r\n<p>There are mid ranking males and females, who fight out their dominance among eachother, and Omegas.<\/p>\r\n<p>Omegas are not treated badly, but they have no authority within the Colony and are almost never chosen as mates. Female Omegas are extremely rare, and generally only crippled, or terminally ill females end up as an Omega. Omegas often act as nannies for the Colony, and often induce lactation to keep kits calm and fed while the stronger and higher ranking Kivuuli hunt and carry out other tasks. Kivuuli who play the part of nannies are treated very well, and given plenty of food so they can continue to produce milk for the kits they help care for.<\/p>\r\n<p>Lactating Kivuuli will often allow weak, sick, or elderly members of their colony to feed from them, for the strengthening and healing properties their milk has. While a human would consider this taboo, gross and strange, it is completely normal in Kivuuli society.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli take very good care of the less fortunate members of their Colonies. The crippled, the weak, the runty, the stunted, the injured, the elderly&hellip; all of them are well cared for. The entire Colony will pitch in together to insure the survival of even their weakest members. Weak Kivuuli may not reproduce, but they live comfortable and happy.<\/p>\r\n<p>Lower than Omegas, are the disgraced Kivuuli. They have done something terrible and lost their honor and are hated by the Colony and not treated well.<\/p>\r\n<p>Disgraced Kivuuli are those who did something shameful. Not deserving of exile, they keep their name and aren&rsquo;t chased away, but they are generally ostracized by their fellows and can&rsquo;t fight their way up in rank even if strong and dominant. A Disgraced Kivuuli must provide for themselves and are not allowed access to the Colony&rsquo;s food stores or hunts. They must prove themselves worthy to get out of this status and become Omegas, but they will never rise above omega status and will never be fully trusted again.<\/p>\r\n<p>Exiled Kivuuli are those who have committed the highest of crimes in their culture. Rape, murder, killing other sentient beings unprovoked, hurting innocent kits, and betrayal are among the crimes deemed worthy this fate worse than death. An Exile is called Itz&rsquo;hil. This word means many things at once. &ldquo;Exiled, Nameless, Shamed One, Marked One.&rdquo;<\/p>\r\n<p>The Marking is sentenced by the Alpha Female and the Colony&rsquo;s Elders. If the accused Kivuuli is not remorseful of their crimes, or their crimes are unforgivable, their teleportation ability is temporarily knocked out and they are chained to a pillar of stone that they can not escape from. Legs and arms clamped down so they can not move. The Alpha Female makes the first mark. She slashes into his chest a symbol, reciting the word &ldquo;Itz&rsquo;hil!&rdquo; with each slash of her claws. The Elders are next, speaking something along the lines of &ldquo;As you threw away your honor, I take away your name. You are Exile. You are Itz&rsquo;hil. You are Nameless. You are Nothing.&rdquo; followed by the family their actions hurt the most, then every other adult in the Colony. Children are not permitted to view or participate in these Ceremonies. The mark and word is repeated time and time and time again until the Kivuuli&rsquo;s healing ability slows and the slashes form a scar, a mark that will forever mar their chest. This can take weeks of constant torture. Once the Marking Ceremony is complete, the exhausted exile is released from the chains, and viciously chased away by the Colony. Any Colony who sees these marks from that time on will not allow the exile into their territory. Exiles live a lonely and miserable life, and generally don&rsquo;t last long since Kivuuli are such social creatures and depend strongly on eachother for survival and emotional wellbeing.<\/p>\r\n<p>Older, stronger Kivuuli can assert their dominance without a fight, simply with posture, ear position, and growling. Or, even, with confidence alone. Smaller males are generally more submissive than larger ones.<\/p>\r\n<p>The female is in charge; though she lets the males set up their pecking order however they want. If it gets to be too much, she&rsquo;ll step in, assert her dominance, and put a stop to it.<br \/>Battles for dominance never end in death. They fight until one backs down. Sometimes this doesn&rsquo;t even get past the snarling, growling, circling eachother, and displaying their strength and ferocity.<\/p>\r\n<p>Simply watching and listening to a Kivuuli within a Colony can give you a ton of clues on their status. The dominant leaders move with their heads high and ears alert and perked up. When addressing others, they stand tall and look down at them with their hands out to the sides. Submissive members take a lower submissive posture with their claws crossed in front of them and eyes turned to the side. Their ears are held slightly lowered. Direct eye contact is considered a threat, thus lower ranking Kivuuli must not look higher ranking Kivuuli directly in the eye without permission.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli have strange ceremonies when a member of their Colony dies. First, the dead Kivuuli is mourned. Mourning can last days, and is not done until the family of the dead Kivuuli says it is. Those closest will wail and howl their grief on and on, a haunting and heartbreaking sound. Almost a haunting and heartbreaking song. Especially at the death of an Elder or Alpha. The entire Colony howls and mourns. But the time for Mourning does not last forever. Once the deceased Kivuuli is mourned, they have a special celebration.<\/p>\r\n<p>A feast is held, with dancing, singing, storytelling, and laughing. For such a sombre thing, there is great joy. The Colony remembers their deceased member fondly. They talk about their life, their effect on the Colony. The Heartstone is then placed in a special antechamber within the Halls of History. The Elders carve the shape of the Heartstone out into the stone, gently place the gem within, and carve the name of the deceased Kivuuli beneath with their claws to be remembered forever. All deceased Kivuuli in a Colony are remembered unless they are Disgraced when they die. If disgraced, the Heartstone is set aside and ignored&hellip; a strong enough crime has the Heartstone being thrown off into the blackness surrounding the strange floating isles the Kivuuli dwell on.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are very matriarchal. The female is entirely in charge; the dominant female is submissive to none. A Colony lead by a male is considered unnatural and weak.<\/p>\r\n<p>They tolerate mistakes in children more than in adults. Children are still learning, and can be taught. Adults know better.<\/p>\r\n<p>These colonies can harbor anything from a small handful of Kivuuli, to hundreds or in some rare cases, over a thousand of them. The Elder position is not limited to just one; if there is more than one elder, they are all looked up to and view eachother as equals.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli live as a community and share everything. Their homes, their food. The strong help provide for the weak, those not strong enough to hunt do other tasks within the Colony, such as helping care for kits. They respect eachother&rsquo;s homes and belongings. Theft and stealing is frowned upon, but not enough for alphas to get involved. The one stolen from is in charge of getting their belongings back. This often results in a spat. If it gets severe enough, the Alpha or one of the Betas will step in.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are territorial. Not against others in their own Colony, but towards those from other Colonies. While not common, some alpha females and the highest ranking beta males will use urine marking to mark the edges of their territory.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are a mixture of supernatural and biological. They are a sentient creature that lives in groups called Colonies. Dominance and leadership is dependent on the strength and cleverness of the individual. Females are bigger and stronger than males, as well as more aggressive and naturally more dominant. Male leaders are not only extremely rare, but are practically unheard of.<\/p>\r\n<p>They have very little concept of personal space. Kivuuli are very touchy with eachother. They spend a lot of time cuddling and generally being near eachother. They are VERY fond of touching. They often stay very close to those they care about. Communal grooming is very common and reinforces bonds within the colony, and among friends and family.<\/p>\r\n<p>They have no concept of doors. They have no shame in nudity. Kivuuli do not wear clothes. Some, though, may decorate themselves with gems and things they have found. Their homes are open, and they come and go as they please. They don&rsquo;t steal from eachother. A Kivuuli who does steal is often attacked by their fellows, and driven away if the action continues.<\/p>","field4":"<h4>Appearance and anatomy<\/h4>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are somewhat humanoid in appearance, but have some very clear differences. They are long and lean, with elongated torsos and limbs. The average Kivuuli stands around nine to nine and a half feet tall. They have pawlike digitgrade feet which have four toes, or four toes and a dewclaw. Being interdimensional creatures, they often appear with a strange dark aura around them with what seems like tiny sparks or glimmers of lights appearing and floating aimlessly around them and vanishing again. This aura and particles usually matches the basic color of their eyes. It only shows when they are using, or have recently used their reality bending abilities.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli skin is incredibly tough and thick. It takes some strength and a sharp blade to pierce it. They have a coating of fur that is short, but dense and soft. Their natural body temperature is around 105 degrees Fahrenheit, and thus they are very warm to the touch. The fur is usually longest around the shoulders, down the back, and in small fringes around the ankles and wrists.<\/p>\r\n<p>The fur on a female's ruff is longer and thicker than that of a male, and the skin there is looser and thicker and tougher as well. This serves as a protective barrier against the male's fangs, since they tend to bite during mating. Even then, he does often draw blood though most females don't mind this. It actually feels good to them.<\/p>\r\n<p>Being interdimensional creatures, Kivuuli are extremely light. Even standing around nine or more feet tall, they rarely weigh over one hundred fifty pounds. This is due to them being made up of something like solidified energy. Light, but incredibly strong. This not fully physical nature also manifests in their spines, claws, and fangs. When angry, they actually extend out and get longer and sharper, and when calm shrink back to normal size and sharpness.<\/p>\r\n<p>They have scale like spines on their forearms pointing back off the elbow with membranes between them. Similar scale like spines go down their spine, also having membranes between them. These spines flare up when frightened, angry, or threatened. They are also used in dominance displays.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli blood is a dark nearly black purple and thicker than human blood.<\/p>\r\n<p>Males are far more common than females. There are about five males for every one female hatched.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h4>Diet and Feeding<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli are carnivorous. Their diet consists almost entirely of meat, though they might eat other things if no meat is available. They will sometimes add other things to their diet, such as fruits. Kivuuli tend to love sweets, but they aren&rsquo;t fond of sour things.<\/p>\r\n<p>When it comes out the other end, it looks like very large rabbit droppings and simply crumbles to dust if stepped on. Has little to no smell.<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<h4><br \/>Abilities<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli have many special abilities they are capable of using.<\/p>\r\n<p>\u200b<\/p>\r\n<p>Teleportation - Kivuuli are able to teleport, though their methods are strange and unique. They are able to bend the fabric of reality around them in minor ways, the most pronounced being the ability to literally tear a crack in reality and step through. The crack always heals itself right after the Kivuuli steps through. Not ALL Kivuuli can do this. It is something that must be taught. Kivuuli can see and sense the flow of energy around them. They can also completely silence their steps, even at a full run.<\/p>\r\n<p>**Note that they teleport by jumping through the dimension - or, within the bubble. They can not break out of the bubble into greater between, but they do, in a sense, touch Between when teleporting.<\/p>\r\n<p>Paralyzing Stare - The Paralyzing Stare is an ability Kivuuli developed for hunting and self defense. They stare you right in the eyes, which has a hypnotizing effect, rendering their prey or enemy unable to move. As long as your eyes are locked with the Kivuuli&rsquo;s, you can&rsquo;t move. When eye contact is broken, you can move again. Most Kivuuli ONLY use this ability when absolutely necessary. Generally if they are attacked. They catch the person&rsquo;s gaze, causes them to freeze up, and teleports away to safety as they recover.<\/p>\r\n<p>Intimidating Howl - The Intimidating Howl is a horrible unearthly howl, laced with the Kivuuli&rsquo;s reality bending power. It sounds somewhere between a feral howl, savage snarling, horrible shrieking, and radio static. It forces feelings of terror into the one hearing it, giving them the desire to run away. Most can not handle it, and either faint where they are or run in horror. This terrible howl seems to come from every direction at once, making the Kivuuli&rsquo;s location hard to determine.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Reality Bending - This ability is the underlying cause to many other abilities Kivuuli have. They are able to bend reality around them in minor ways, stifling the sound of their footsteps, stopping you from hearing their breath or smelling them or sensing their presence. They can also leap through cracks in reality to teleport and many other small, but useful applications.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h4>Evolutionary Background<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Their society is very wild in many ways. They are sentient and intelligent, but far more ruled by wild instincts and feral tendencies than humans. This has not changed because it works for them. They are matriarchal, with females naturally leading and males being far calmer and more docile.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Between is a dangerous place, and Kivuuli reproduce slowly. Smaller Colonies are much more likely to breed faster. They also breed faster is there is plenty of food around. During times of famine females will actually stop having heats entirely. This is natural; it allows a Colony to grow strong and maintain their numbers. More babies born means more Kivuuli likely to make it to adulthood. A lone Kivuuli female is several times more likely to become pregnant than a Kivuuli in a big Colony. When a lot of Kivuuli populate one area, or food is less plentiful, their fertility as a whole drops dramatically. The reason why is unknown, but a hormonal response is the most likely candidate. Kivuuli in smaller Colonies are also more likely to go into heat more often. Kivuuli can go into heat every one to three years. Smaller Colonies' viable members will go into heat once a year; bigger colonies often every three years and sometimes even five.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli leave Between to hunt for food not available in their homeworld, gather resources, and explore. They usually go in small parties. Only the strong and clever make it back alive, for other worlds are packed with even more dangers to test a Kivuuli&rsquo;s ability to survive. There may be a small number of Kivuuli with the ability to not age or die of age, but there are plenty of other things killing them and keeping their population balanced.<\/p>\r\n<p>All of this together has honed their intelligence to a fine point, but also nurtured their wild side giving them human intelligence coupled with bestial behaviors and instincts.<br \/>Their ancestors are, in fact, extinct. Natural selection made sure of that. Kinda like we don&rsquo;t see neanderthals or proto-humans running about. Some of their earliest ancestors were sleek, quadrupedal spiked predators that used teleportation to hunt or escape danger. They were fast, strong, and fierce, forming packs that were highly territorial.<\/p>","field5":"<p>Mating and Reproduction<br \/>Kivuuli males and females look quite similar. Genitals are internal, though gender can be told through differences in their bodies, demeanor, and voice. If one sees a male and female Kivuuli standing side by side, first glance won&rsquo;t reveal many differences. But if you look closely you can tell. Kivuuli do have the occasional hermaphrodite, this is a rare mutation.<br \/>Sexual Dimorphism<br \/>Male: Kivuuli genitals are internal and only emerge in a state of arousal. The male has a slit like sheath more towards the front of his crotch. Males are slimmer and smaller than females, and generally hold themselves lower as well. They are naturally submissive since even a very strong male wouldn't stand a chance against the physically bigger and stronger female. Males do not have much curve to them, if any at all and have narrow waists and hips. They have semi defined pecs, and the fur on their lower belly and inner thighs is not any longer than the fur on the rest of their bodies. They have teats on the lower belly, usually small and not very visible. They tend to have thicker and longer chest fur as well as slightly longer\/fluffier fur around their neck. This can sometimes amplify their cheek fluff, too.<\/p>\r\n<p>Male Kivuuli have lower, rougher and deeper voices than females. The growling undertone is more pronounced.<\/p>\r\n<p>Female: The female has a slit on the bottom of her crotch, barely visable of at all from the front. The slit is subtle and less visable than the male's sheath like slit. A female has visible teats, though they are only really noticeable when she is carrying an egg, or nursing a hatchling.<\/p>\r\n<p>Females are taller and noticeably stronger than males. Her body is thicker, and moderately curvy with wider hips leading down to long and slim, but strong legs. While a layer of fat beneath her skin makes her look softer, beneath that softness is a lot of brute strength and ferocity.<\/p>\r\n<p>The fur down the back of a female&rsquo;s neck, shoulders, and back is thicker and longer than a male's, and she also has thicker longer fur on her belly and inner thigh, which thickens further when carrying, or nursing young.<\/p>\r\n<p>The female Kivuuli's voice is softer and higher in pitch than a male's. Her growl is smoother, but deeper and fiercer. Her purr is a low and smooth.<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p>Heat and Mating<br \/>Kivuuli attract mates through scent.<\/p>\r\n<p>Female Kivuuli go into heat regularly, but when observed in our dimension it happens roughly once every 1-3 years. A female raising a kit can not enter this state as long as she is nursing the kit. This is the only time she can become pregnant. It lasts for roughly two weeks or until she finds a suitable mate.<\/p>\r\n<p>There are three stages to the heat.<\/p>\r\n<p>Stage 1- Her scent begins to shift. This is not actual heat yet; she is not fertile. But her body is preparing itself for heat. She starts to become more interested in males, but also more hormonal and dangerous. She also becomes territorial towards other females, not letting them near her den. This stage lasts a few days.<\/p>\r\n<p>Stage 2- Her scent grows stronger, and her body is almost ready to mate. This is the attracting a mate stage. The testing the males and letting them fight for her stage. She becomes actively interested in males, and is easily aroused. Like a cat, a female in heat will groom herself frequently to deal with the wetness between the legs. While not water-based, it gets annoying. This stage of heat lasts about a week.<br \/>At this stage, her strong heat-scent rouses the males into excitement; causing them to follow her an attempt to impress her. Mating in this stage of heat will not end it, but it will shorten the time that she&rsquo;s in it. Once a mate is chosen, they will mate repeatedly until her heat is over. It usually ends within 24 hours of her first mating.<\/p>\r\n<p>Stage 3 - This is the most intense part of her heat. This is when she is fully ready to mate and most likely to ovulate. Her heat scent becomes so strong the males can practically taste it on the air. She becomes extremely restless, unable to stay in one place for long. Many females will pace on and on, and even whine and call their discomfort and need. Younger females react more strongly to this stage; while older females can usually ignore it with the occasional whine and shift of discomfort. The ache inside them grows so intense that even those who don&rsquo;t want a child might mate just to get it over with.<\/p>\r\n<p>The males will scuffle and fight among themselves, and the strongest, healthiest males will compete to gain her attention. Once the female has chosen, the other males will give up and find another release. Often in the form of a female who is not in heat; since she can not become pregnant she does not care about the health or strength of the male.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Even though Kivuuli generally mate very roughly, with growling and biting and claws involved, it is always consensual. A Kivuuli who tries to take a mate against their will will be turned on and killed by their Colony.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Once the female chooses her suitor and mating occurs, her heat will either be shortened, or end completely. She signals that she is ready by getting into the presenting position. Crouching down, revealing the thickly furred ruff on her back, and raising her rear into the air. Even if mating doesn&rsquo;t always happen in this position, it&rsquo;s considered a sign of acceptance, even if she plays hard to get afterwards. Kivuuli females, like cats, are stimulated ovulators. Without the proper stimulation, the heat will end but she won&rsquo;t become pregnant. Even if stimulated, the male must have strong seed or her body will kill it all before it fertilizes her. While they will mate repeatedly, the first one is the one that triggers the end of the heat, and thus, after that first one, stimulation will not cause ovulation if it hasn&rsquo;t already.<\/p>\r\n<p>It takes a few days to know if the mating was successful. After a few days, if the mating was successful, her scent will change to announce that she is pregnant. She will also fail to shed, since the shed will be delayed until a week before laying. Female Kivuuli shed a week after heat. If it does not take and she sheds, she will have to wait until her next heat cycle to try again; usually with a different male. \u200b<br \/>Gestation<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>With the exception of very few isolated colonies, Kivuuli are an egg-bearing race. They carry the egg for four to five months, growing large quickly. The male is expected to hunt for her and bring her food, since her appetite will increase as she packs the egg with nutrients it will need once it exits her body. The baby will also develop considerably during this time. By the time the egg is laid, the brain of the fetus is almost completely formed; the rest of the body finishes forming after the egg is laid. As the egg forms, the female&rsquo;s fur grows thicker and denser, to make better lining for her nest. The fur around her belly and inner thighs thickens too; and she will not shed her guardhairs.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their pelvis separates in two places, and is held together by springy, elastic tendons. Each separation contains a small bone bridge that breaks in the process of laying the first egg. This produces a small, sharp crack\/pop, and is quite painful. The bone bridge never grows back and any eggs after the first are easier. Once the egg has passed through, the tendons will spring back, and the Kivuuli&rsquo;s natural healing ability will repair any damage within an hour or two of laying while the exhausted mother sleeps. Males do not have the tendons or bone bridges.<\/p>\r\n<p>While inside them, the egg shell is thick and leathery. It forms soon after conception and plays the part of the placenta until it comes time to lay. During the last few days before laying it becomes the egg shell, which and is soft and pliable. After laying, the shell takes roughly a half hour to harden. It becomes tough, hard and slightly textured. It is very thick and tough, hard to break from the outside. It is, however, very vulnerable until it&rsquo;s fully hardened. The reason it develops so long inside the mother is so the brain can form properly; the mother gives it a kick start, and the hatchling finishes development within the egg.<\/p>\r\n<p>They look huge when they are carrying, but most of that is actually fluids that protect and cushion the egg as well as providing lubrication for laying. Nutrients are stored within the forming shell, though the hatchling has a Proteanct link to the mother until a few days before laying.<\/p>\r\n<p>During the pregnancy, the Kivuuli will have an intense nesting instinct. She will take anything she can find. Fur of other shedding Kivuuli, blankets, any soft thing, and build a nest. During the last week of carrying, she will shed, and line her nest with her fur. Once the egg is laid, it will be watched over and kept warm by her while its father hunts for her. It will hatch in another 4-5 months. This can vary by subspecies, or location, or individual Kivuuli. Eggs can vary in color, but are usually smooth and black with slightly lighter colored mottling. This can change depending on the individual Kivuuli or their environment.<\/p>\r\n<p>A hatchling Kivuuli is known as a kit, because they are very kitten like in their behavior. Kits are known to imprint on the energy signature and voice of the one who spends the most time around the egg. As such, they know their mother the instant they come out. While hatching, a mother will crouch near the egg, face inches away from it and make soft chirring calls to encourage the kit to break free of the egg.<br \/><br \/>Upon hatching, they will follow the scent of the mother&rsquo;s teats. The scent and feel of the kit suckling will trigger a surge of hormones, and she will begin lactation. This surge of hormones will reduce the Kivuuli to soft, relaxed purring. Any Kivuuli can be triggered to lactate in this manner, be it male or female. Once lactation begins, the Kivuuli&rsquo;s appetite will increase. They often feed their milk to older or sick individuals within the Colony to help them survive and stay strong.<\/p>\r\n<p>Shown are a Kivuuli&rsquo;s teats. First image, they are mostly covered by the fur. SOmetimes a slight separation in the fur is seen on shorter furred Kivuuli.<\/p>\r\n<p>In the pregnant Kivuuli, the teats poke out of the fur, as the fur sheds from directly around them.<\/p>\r\n<p>When nursing, the flesh swells a bit to push the nipples out of the fur, thus allowing the hatchling to nurse without getting a mouthful of its mother&rsquo;s fur.<\/p>\r\n<p>The consistency is thick, almost like a probiotic yogurt shake, and the taste is surprisingly mild and a little sweet. It is highly nutritious, high in protein and energy; and everything else a kit needs to grow. Kivuuli kits who nurse on their mother grow up bigger and stronger as adults, and generally have a higher chance of being more dominant. It is not at all uncommon for Kivuuli in a Colony to nurse eachother's young. Sometimes older members will play the part of nanny for younger, less experienced Kivuuli. Some Kivuuli will choose to never stop lactating for the purpose of playing nanny to the kits within the Colony.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are extremely protective of their kits. If you hurt a kit, the whole Colony will attack. Even one lone Kivuuli is far more ferocious and dangerous than any mother bear; you don&rsquo;t want to know what would happen if you pissed off a whole colony of them.<\/p>\r\n<p>A human baby could drink Kivuuli&rsquo;s milk but couldn&rsquo;t survive off of it unless water was added to it. Kivuuli&rsquo;s milk contains no water whatsoever. It is high in protein, with a moderate amount of fat, and harder on the digestive system than human milk. It isn&rsquo;t dangerous but will not meet a human&rsquo;s needs properly. If water is added a human baby can survive off of it but won&rsquo;t be at ideal health and it would likely cause a lot of gas and intestinal discomfort being designed for a baby with a much stronger digestive system. It would pose no problems for an adult, and is highly nutritious with natural healing properties as well as infection fighting properties. An adult human or other meat-eating animal could survive off of it as long as they had access to water to stay hydrated.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are highly lactose intolerant. It makes them very, very sick. As such, Kivuuli milk has no lactose in it.<\/p>\r\n<p>A Kivuuli hatchling would be unable to survive on the milk of any terrestrial mammal. It contains way too much water and their little tummies can&rsquo;t handle it, not to mention their lactose intolerance. An adult Kivuuli can ingest the milk of terrestrial mammals, but it does cause a lot of digestive upset, cramping, nausea, and vomiting. The digestive issues can become severe enough to kill a kit, though an adult can survive it. It would just make them very sick. It does not contain the proper nutrients so if the kit did manage to survive the lactose and water, it would slowly deteriorate in health until it died of malnutrition. Their digestive systems are more advanced so they can be fed mashed cooked (Not raw) meat or anything else high in protein if taken in and raised by a human or a member of another race. Mixing ground up bones and the organs of the animal can add to the nutrition and help the kit more. Some that start off being nursed, though, will utterly refuse solid food.<\/p>\r\n<p>It is not unusual for members of a Colony to nurse eachother&rsquo;s young. In fact, this is a very common practice, though some Kits will not nurse on any but their mother. This depends on the individual. It is most common for the omegas to act as nannies for the Colony, helping to care for the kits while stronger individuals hunt and bring in food. Because of this Omegas, and especially nannies, while not given any authority, are not treated badly. Kivuuli tend to produce more milk than is needed. If it gets uncomfortable, they tend to empty their teats themselves. This keeps their supply strong, is relaxing and calming, tastes good to them, and is considered completely normal. While a human would find such activity odd, it is completely natural for a Kivuuli.<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p>Kits are teeny when they hatch, a little smaller than the average human baby. They hatch with their eyes closed, but able to hear and smell just fine. Their ears are droopy and their bodies are pudgy and bellies round from the yolk of the egg still inside, being slowly absorbed to give them strength while their mother&rsquo;s milk comes in and they learn to nurse properly. Kits open their eyes when they are between three and seven days old.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are generally fairly quiet and don&rsquo;t cry often, though do tend to make small chitters, squeaks, and mewling noises. They hate being alone.<\/p>\r\n<p>Babies have a very strong instinct to not relieve themselves within the nest. When they feel the need to go, they will let their parent know with insistent screeching until taken somewhere. Like a newborn kitten or puppy, they will not eliminate on their own. There is a pressure point just at the base of the neck that can be triggered through a certain way of holding onto the scruff that triggers them to go reflexively; they will only go when held in that certain way until they learn to move about on all fours. Once able to move about on all fours they will always leave the nest to eliminate. It's an instinct to keep the nest site clean and smelling good, since Kivuuli noses are extremely sensitive. Young Kivuuli are fully mobile by the time they are three months old, and run about everywhere on all fours.<\/p>\r\n<p>The babies depend completely on their parents and the others in their colony for survival. They are unable to teleport. In fact, this takes a lot of time to get right and generally has to be taught though can be done autonomously if the Kivuuli feels that its life is in danger. Kits are weaned between 3-5 years old, depending on the kit in question. Some wean themselves earlier, some later. A mother will never force wean her kit, because if they are still nursing it means they likely still need to. Kits are able to move about by the time they are three months old. As kits get older and start to move around, they love to practice their hunting instincts and will often hunt, and eat, small animals once their teeth grow in. They generally start getting teeth when they are about a year old. They like to show their kills off to their parents, or others in the Colony. As they get to be about 5 years old, they are weaned and eating solid food with ease. They are also able to eat raw meat by then.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli grow bigger and stronger as they age. At roughly 15, they reach sexual maturity. They are considered adults, even if not at full size yet at this age. Around 18 to 23, they stop growing and achieve their full height. It is around this time they learn to effect reality around them both in silencing their steps and in creating and jumping through little dimensional cracks to teleport. They usually stay with their parents until full maturity, and after that remain with their Colony of birth.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli children are incredibly awkward and clumsy until they grow into their long limbs. They spend more time on all fours than on two feet, though around ten years old they start getting up on two feet more often. Even into adulthod, they spend time both on all fours, and on two feet equally depending on the situation. Kits hurt themselves frequently, but this only kick-starts their natural healing ability.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Kits are known for getting themselves into trouble, constantly. They are mischievous, playful, energetic, and insatiably curious. The entire colony works to keep the children safe and alive. Just like kittens.<\/p>\r\n<p>Female kits are a bit more energetic and feisty than males.<\/p>\r\n<p>Young males love to playfight and spar among themselves. These playfights grow more intense once they near adolescence, roughly around 10-12 years old or so. Sometimes, these playfights get a bit too intense, leaving one or both young males bloody. They step away to heal, which is usually finished within minutes. Once healed, they go at it again. Adolescent males are constantly tussling, wrestling, and play-fighting, which only grows worse the closer to adulthood they get. While these bouts of snapping, screaming, growling, and snarling looks terrifying and deadly, they look far, far, FAR worse than they actually are. They never seriously hurt eachother and other Kivuuli in the Colony know very well the difference between play and real fighting, since real fighting is far louder and more vicious. As males get older, they mellow out considerably, and only face off against other males in contests of strength in the presence of a receptive female. They do this to try to impress her. They usually don&rsquo;t mellow out fully until around 30 or so; around 20-30 they are fully mature, but have bouts of wild, child-like energetic kittenlike playfulness.<\/p>\r\n<p>As a female reaches adolescence, she becomes fiercer and more commanding. If she joins a playfight, the males usually back down and submit almost instantly. Playfights between two females are far more vicious and noisy and dangerous-looking than playfights between males. They are practicing to take dominance someday; males just fight for fun or to pass on their genes. She starts to show interest in the male&rsquo;s battles, and starts to show more interest in those that win these fights. Most of the time, she will avoid a mate when she has her first heat cycle, since her body isn&rsquo;t fully grown at this point and not likely able to sustain an offspring for long. The first heat cycle generally happens around 15 years of age. She is considered an adult at this age, but she usually won&rsquo;t choose a mate until she is at her full size since a younger body is less able to successfully carry an egg. Most males will not attempt to impress a young female unless they themselves are young. Even if she is sexually mature and considered an adult, she is not full size and not interested in mating. Most of the time, even if she DOES find a mate, it will not take since her body is not ready to sustain pregnancy.<\/p>\r\n<p>She will usually chase off any male that comes near while going through her first heat. The first heat cycle is usually short, and not too intense. She is not fertile for this cycle, it is simply her body announcing that it is mature. Her heats will gradually get longer until they settle at the normal length when she&rsquo;s achieved her full size. If a female is not ready to have a kit of her own, she will hide away and ignore or chase off any males that try to gain her attention. Most females prefer not to have a kit until they have gained more experience. Young mothers are far more likely to be aggressive and attack anything they see as a threat than older mothers who are more experienced in raising, guiding, and protecting a child.<\/p>","field6":"<p>Mutations and Variations<br \/>The dewclaw is a fairly common variation found among Kivuuli. Both parents must either have, or carry, the dewclaw gene for it to show in an offspring.<\/p>\r\n<p>Another common variation is the heel spur. This is also recessive. Both parents must be carriers of the gene for it to pass on. Some Kivuuli have both heelspurs and dewclaws.<\/p>\r\n<p>Some Kivuuli are unable to retract their claws. This is very rare; but when it does show up it is not much of a hindrance. They are generally chosen as hunters, though they have to be careful since their claws are very sharp when fully extended. They often make claw caps for themselves to avoid hurting themselves or others.<\/p>\r\n<p>Some Kivuuli have a strip of longer fur that goes all the way down their spine.<\/p>\r\n<p>A rare mutation can cause them to lack spines.<\/p>\r\n<p>The Bully mutation causes Kivuuli to be bigger and more muscular than their fellows. They lose a lot of speed and agility, but gain a lot of brute strength.<\/p>\r\n<p>It is not uncommon for Kivuuli to have no markings, though it is far more common to have markings around the shoulders and hips.<\/p>\r\n<p>Long Fur<\/p>\r\n<p>Hermaphrodite - (Either masculine or feminine hermaphrodite)<\/p>\r\n<p>Rex Coat (Curly, this shows in varying degrees, fairly common, but usually subtle)<\/p>\r\n<p>Feathering (Light, Medium, or Heavy, light is common, medium and heavy is uncommon)<\/p>\r\n<p>Leucism (Can appear either patchy, white, near white, or unusually pale. This occurs either partial, or full. Leucistic Kivuuli are extremely rare!)<\/p>\r\n<p>Melenistic (Menelistic Kivuuli are almost impossible to tell apart from regular Kivuuli unless from a subspecies)<\/p>\r\n<p>Furless (Rare, but not unheard of. Tends to show up in warmer areas.)<\/p>\r\n<p>Lengthened Ear Tufts (Rare)<br \/>Albinism\/Partial Albinism (EXTREMELY rare! Most Albino Kivuuli are either blind, or almost blind.)<\/p>\r\n<p>Lengthened Cheek Fluffs (Uncommon, common among Maltese)<\/p>","field7":null,"parsed":{"description":"<p>The Kivuuli, a mysterious and powerful interdimensional semi-humanoid creature. They are rumored to hold the key to the Realms Between.<\/p>","field1":"<p>Kivuuli are a tall and powerful carnivorous furred semi-humanoid inter-dimensional race. They are generally black or dark grey with blue, green, or purple eyes and usually have slightly darker markings in stripes, spots, or a combination of the two that only show under certain light. There are several subspecies with different colors and markings being common from the warm reds of the forest dwelling Met'saa to the whites of the Lippizan to the blue grays of the Maltese or the golden color of Desert Kivuuli.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are elongated in build, with long limbs and are as comfortable on all fours as they are on two feet. They are incredibly wild, but generally won't attack unless attacked or threatened. Kivuuli are fully sapient and a social species. Despite their fearsome appearance, Kivuuli are a gentle and peaceful race with strong maternal instincts appearing in both males and females.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are very fast, especially when on all fours and live in groups known as Colonies.<\/p>","field2":"<h4>Between; Homeworld of the Kivuuli<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Imagine the air around you, full of bubbles. Now imagine that each of these bubbles is its own dimension. It's own universe. Has its own laws, and inner workings. Now, imagine all the space between the bubbles. A strange place, between the dimensions; ever shifting and changing. This is where the Kivuuli dwell and come from. The rules of physics do not apply; great islands of stone float through the darkness, covered in forests of strange bioluminescent fungus-like plants and other strange flora. Inhabited by strange creatures of all shapes and sizes, from tiny glowing dragonlike lizards to massive beasts that would put Earth's dinosaurs to shame. Literally anything can happen in Between, any sort of creature, any world, any dimension, any universe. The Kivuuli can reach many worlds and this is part of the reason for their great success as an apex predator.<\/p>\r\n<p>Harsh, but oddly beautiful, Between is buzzing with strange power and magic and the magical rules and laws of hundreds of dimensions, worlds, and universes clashing together in beautiful chaos. The areas of Between are effected by the laws of the dimensions and worlds closest to them; making Between highly varied. Between is beautiful; but as beautiful as it is it is deadly, thus the Kivuuli have had to adapt in to fast, powerful pack hunting predators that have claws that can slash through granite and a terrible shrieking wail that can drive fear into the hearts of the bravest.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are fast, able to teleport, and able to face creatures several times their size. This strange place has many names. Darkrealm, Tartarus, Limbo; but many simply call this place the Between; for this is what it is. The realm between dimensions. A strange and mysterious place; beautiful to behold but deadly to those not from there. While most of Between is completely dark aside from glimmers of light here and there and bioluminsecent plants and animals, some isles are ruled by a great orb of energy mimicking a sun. Some have their own weather patterns and day night cycles. Cracks and passages between dimensions are always opening and closing, allowing Kivuuli the ability to enter and leave Between at will, though they must be careful as some rifts are temporary and could close and leave them stranded in a strange and unfamiliar world. Others, still, are horribly unstable and deadly and could rip an unsuspecting Kivuuli to shreds leaving nothing but splatters of blood and the memory of their horrible screams.<\/p>","field3":"<h4>Calls, Vocalizations and Language<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli voices have a strange, otherworldly quality to them. They sound almost distorted, with a clear staticy crackling undertone. This is likely because of their interdimensional nature.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their voices are often deep, with a growl or purr like sound mixed in. A Kivuuli speaking is much what a person might imagine a lion&rsquo;s voice would sound like if it learned to speak. They tend to have emphasis on sharper sounds, like k, z, v, and such, and their r&rsquo;s are often lengthened slightly in a slight growl or purr. They are fully capable of learning languages aside from their own and, in fact, Kivuuli learn incredibly fast. Despite their wild primitive ways, they are incredibly intelligent.<\/p>\r\n<p>Outside of speech, they have a whole range of natural vocalizations. When excited or friendly, they let out a sound similar to a chittering cat. Though much deeper and lower in tone. This sound is often used by playful kits, or adults trying to show they mean no harm. Kivuuli also purr. It&rsquo;s a deep, heavy rumbling sound with a bit of static to it.<\/p>\r\n<p>They chitter, chirp, chuff, rumble, growl, purr, hiss, click, snarl, roar, howl, and many other sounds.<\/p>\r\n<p>Chirping is used to call and greet fellow members of their Colony. The chuff is similar to a chuffing tiger, and they use this to greet loved ones and family or close friends. The rumble and growl show varying levels of irritation and\/or anger, eventually leading to a wild snarling or finally, their terrible howl or roar.<\/p>\r\n<p>Purring is an expression of pleasure and contentment.<\/p>\r\n<p>When injured, they let out soft whimpers and whines.<\/p>\r\n<p>When sad, they will either be very quiet, whimper softly, or let out a heartbreaking wail when mourning the death of a loved one.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their language incorporates all of these vocalizations. And they even integrate this when speaking other languages as well.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli also rely strongly on body language. The position of one&rsquo;s ears, tone of voice, and posture can change the meaning of what they are trying to say. Looking at the position of the ears is a great way to tell what mood a Kivuuli is in. When neutral, the ears are out slightly to the sides and in a relaxed position. When alert or shocked, their ears perk up and swivel forward. Their ears often flick and swivel towards any sound, and many times they detect sounds other creatures will not.<\/p>\r\n<p>When angry, their ears go back, and they lower their ears when sad, or trying to show submission. Higher ranking Kivuuli generally tend to hold their ears perked higher than lower ranking Kivuuli.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli can also make a strange tonal almost&hellip; droning sound. Somewhere between a thrum and a rumble, it can promote relaxation or healing. The sound is, indeed, very strange. And it is something that is rarely heard among Kivuuli so it is theorized that only a few of them are capable of, or know how to, produce this sound.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h4>Culture, Customs and Heirarchy<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Not much is known of Kivuuli culture and customs, but it can be very complex even if it seems deceptively simple. Their customs are a mix between their wild and feral nature and their sapience. In some ways they can be considered very primitive, though not savage. In reality, Kivuuli believe strongly in living with the land. When living somewhere, they are very careful to preserve the balance of nature. They do not chase other predators out of their territory, and never over-hunt. They only take what they need, and use as much of their prey as they can. They use the pelts and fur in their nests, make things from their bones, horns, or hooves, and eat every part they are able to.<\/p>\r\n<p>Most Kivuuli do not mate for life. As such, they do not have any ceremonies or weddings. Among Kivuuli, a Colony is a family. They do not have surnames, nor do they need them. Reproduction has nothing to do with feelings of love, but rather to make offspring. Kivuuli do sometimes mate for life, but this is fairly rare. Even those who are lifemates will sometimes mate with others and this is not considered cheating. It is completely normal, since it helps spread out the gene pool.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli hierarchy is very pack like. Their groups are referred to as Colonies, though some call them Clans. A Colony is lead by the Dominant Female, or Alpha Female. Males in higher positions are extremely rare. The highest ranking male or males are known as Betas.<\/p>\r\n<p>The Elders are the oldest and wisest members of the Colony. Just being old does not make you an Elder. Elders are story-tellers, legend-keepers; and even the Dominant Female often goes to them for advice or help. An Elder must always be respected. Kivuuli have a written language, and the Elders write their history into the caves their Colony dwells in. Their claws carve the stories and names of all Kivuuli in a Colony into the stone. The Halls of History, as a Kivuuli calls the dens and caves the Elders keep and dwell in, are considered sacred and must not be damaged in any way. Only the Elders are allowed to carve the stone within. Because of this, Kivuuli Colonies are VERY hesitant to leave their homes, even if threatened. They are incredibly sentimental of their history. When an Elder dies, their Heartstone is placed within the Hall with the Heartstones of all past Elders in a place of ultimate honor. The Dominant Female&rsquo;s Heartstone are placed within the Halls as well.<\/p>\r\n<p>The highest ranking male is considered the Colony Dominant Male, or Beta Male. He usually leads with the female, but is completely subordinate towards her. He is dominant towards the males in the Colony, but not towards the females. The Beta Male is usually the first one a female in heat will choose, and most often is the chosen mate of the Alpha Female, simply because he is the strongest and most clever male in the Colony and has good genes.<\/p>\r\n<p>There are mid ranking males and females, who fight out their dominance among eachother, and Omegas.<\/p>\r\n<p>Omegas are not treated badly, but they have no authority within the Colony and are almost never chosen as mates. Female Omegas are extremely rare, and generally only crippled, or terminally ill females end up as an Omega. Omegas often act as nannies for the Colony, and often induce lactation to keep kits calm and fed while the stronger and higher ranking Kivuuli hunt and carry out other tasks. Kivuuli who play the part of nannies are treated very well, and given plenty of food so they can continue to produce milk for the kits they help care for.<\/p>\r\n<p>Lactating Kivuuli will often allow weak, sick, or elderly members of their colony to feed from them, for the strengthening and healing properties their milk has. While a human would consider this taboo, gross and strange, it is completely normal in Kivuuli society.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli take very good care of the less fortunate members of their Colonies. The crippled, the weak, the runty, the stunted, the injured, the elderly&hellip; all of them are well cared for. The entire Colony will pitch in together to insure the survival of even their weakest members. Weak Kivuuli may not reproduce, but they live comfortable and happy.<\/p>\r\n<p>Lower than Omegas, are the disgraced Kivuuli. They have done something terrible and lost their honor and are hated by the Colony and not treated well.<\/p>\r\n<p>Disgraced Kivuuli are those who did something shameful. Not deserving of exile, they keep their name and aren&rsquo;t chased away, but they are generally ostracized by their fellows and can&rsquo;t fight their way up in rank even if strong and dominant. A Disgraced Kivuuli must provide for themselves and are not allowed access to the Colony&rsquo;s food stores or hunts. They must prove themselves worthy to get out of this status and become Omegas, but they will never rise above omega status and will never be fully trusted again.<\/p>\r\n<p>Exiled Kivuuli are those who have committed the highest of crimes in their culture. Rape, murder, killing other sentient beings unprovoked, hurting innocent kits, and betrayal are among the crimes deemed worthy this fate worse than death. An Exile is called Itz&rsquo;hil. This word means many things at once. &ldquo;Exiled, Nameless, Shamed One, Marked One.&rdquo;<\/p>\r\n<p>The Marking is sentenced by the Alpha Female and the Colony&rsquo;s Elders. If the accused Kivuuli is not remorseful of their crimes, or their crimes are unforgivable, their teleportation ability is temporarily knocked out and they are chained to a pillar of stone that they can not escape from. Legs and arms clamped down so they can not move. The Alpha Female makes the first mark. She slashes into his chest a symbol, reciting the word &ldquo;Itz&rsquo;hil!&rdquo; with each slash of her claws. The Elders are next, speaking something along the lines of &ldquo;As you threw away your honor, I take away your name. You are Exile. You are Itz&rsquo;hil. You are Nameless. You are Nothing.&rdquo; followed by the family their actions hurt the most, then every other adult in the Colony. Children are not permitted to view or participate in these Ceremonies. The mark and word is repeated time and time and time again until the Kivuuli&rsquo;s healing ability slows and the slashes form a scar, a mark that will forever mar their chest. This can take weeks of constant torture. Once the Marking Ceremony is complete, the exhausted exile is released from the chains, and viciously chased away by the Colony. Any Colony who sees these marks from that time on will not allow the exile into their territory. Exiles live a lonely and miserable life, and generally don&rsquo;t last long since Kivuuli are such social creatures and depend strongly on eachother for survival and emotional wellbeing.<\/p>\r\n<p>Older, stronger Kivuuli can assert their dominance without a fight, simply with posture, ear position, and growling. Or, even, with confidence alone. Smaller males are generally more submissive than larger ones.<\/p>\r\n<p>The female is in charge; though she lets the males set up their pecking order however they want. If it gets to be too much, she&rsquo;ll step in, assert her dominance, and put a stop to it.<br \/>Battles for dominance never end in death. They fight until one backs down. Sometimes this doesn&rsquo;t even get past the snarling, growling, circling eachother, and displaying their strength and ferocity.<\/p>\r\n<p>Simply watching and listening to a Kivuuli within a Colony can give you a ton of clues on their status. The dominant leaders move with their heads high and ears alert and perked up. When addressing others, they stand tall and look down at them with their hands out to the sides. Submissive members take a lower submissive posture with their claws crossed in front of them and eyes turned to the side. Their ears are held slightly lowered. Direct eye contact is considered a threat, thus lower ranking Kivuuli must not look higher ranking Kivuuli directly in the eye without permission.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli have strange ceremonies when a member of their Colony dies. First, the dead Kivuuli is mourned. Mourning can last days, and is not done until the family of the dead Kivuuli says it is. Those closest will wail and howl their grief on and on, a haunting and heartbreaking sound. Almost a haunting and heartbreaking song. Especially at the death of an Elder or Alpha. The entire Colony howls and mourns. But the time for Mourning does not last forever. Once the deceased Kivuuli is mourned, they have a special celebration.<\/p>\r\n<p>A feast is held, with dancing, singing, storytelling, and laughing. For such a sombre thing, there is great joy. The Colony remembers their deceased member fondly. They talk about their life, their effect on the Colony. The Heartstone is then placed in a special antechamber within the Halls of History. The Elders carve the shape of the Heartstone out into the stone, gently place the gem within, and carve the name of the deceased Kivuuli beneath with their claws to be remembered forever. All deceased Kivuuli in a Colony are remembered unless they are Disgraced when they die. If disgraced, the Heartstone is set aside and ignored&hellip; a strong enough crime has the Heartstone being thrown off into the blackness surrounding the strange floating isles the Kivuuli dwell on.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are very matriarchal. The female is entirely in charge; the dominant female is submissive to none. A Colony lead by a male is considered unnatural and weak.<\/p>\r\n<p>They tolerate mistakes in children more than in adults. Children are still learning, and can be taught. Adults know better.<\/p>\r\n<p>These colonies can harbor anything from a small handful of Kivuuli, to hundreds or in some rare cases, over a thousand of them. The Elder position is not limited to just one; if there is more than one elder, they are all looked up to and view eachother as equals.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli live as a community and share everything. Their homes, their food. The strong help provide for the weak, those not strong enough to hunt do other tasks within the Colony, such as helping care for kits. They respect eachother&rsquo;s homes and belongings. Theft and stealing is frowned upon, but not enough for alphas to get involved. The one stolen from is in charge of getting their belongings back. This often results in a spat. If it gets severe enough, the Alpha or one of the Betas will step in.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are territorial. Not against others in their own Colony, but towards those from other Colonies. While not common, some alpha females and the highest ranking beta males will use urine marking to mark the edges of their territory.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are a mixture of supernatural and biological. They are a sentient creature that lives in groups called Colonies. Dominance and leadership is dependent on the strength and cleverness of the individual. Females are bigger and stronger than males, as well as more aggressive and naturally more dominant. Male leaders are not only extremely rare, but are practically unheard of.<\/p>\r\n<p>They have very little concept of personal space. Kivuuli are very touchy with eachother. They spend a lot of time cuddling and generally being near eachother. They are VERY fond of touching. They often stay very close to those they care about. Communal grooming is very common and reinforces bonds within the colony, and among friends and family.<\/p>\r\n<p>They have no concept of doors. They have no shame in nudity. Kivuuli do not wear clothes. Some, though, may decorate themselves with gems and things they have found. Their homes are open, and they come and go as they please. They don&rsquo;t steal from eachother. A Kivuuli who does steal is often attacked by their fellows, and driven away if the action continues.<\/p>","field4":"<h4>Appearance and anatomy<\/h4>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are somewhat humanoid in appearance, but have some very clear differences. They are long and lean, with elongated torsos and limbs. The average Kivuuli stands around nine to nine and a half feet tall. They have pawlike digitgrade feet which have four toes, or four toes and a dewclaw. Being interdimensional creatures, they often appear with a strange dark aura around them with what seems like tiny sparks or glimmers of lights appearing and floating aimlessly around them and vanishing again. This aura and particles usually matches the basic color of their eyes. It only shows when they are using, or have recently used their reality bending abilities.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli skin is incredibly tough and thick. It takes some strength and a sharp blade to pierce it. They have a coating of fur that is short, but dense and soft. Their natural body temperature is around 105 degrees Fahrenheit, and thus they are very warm to the touch. The fur is usually longest around the shoulders, down the back, and in small fringes around the ankles and wrists.<\/p>\r\n<p>The fur on a female's ruff is longer and thicker than that of a male, and the skin there is looser and thicker and tougher as well. This serves as a protective barrier against the male's fangs, since they tend to bite during mating. Even then, he does often draw blood though most females don't mind this. It actually feels good to them.<\/p>\r\n<p>Being interdimensional creatures, Kivuuli are extremely light. Even standing around nine or more feet tall, they rarely weigh over one hundred fifty pounds. This is due to them being made up of something like solidified energy. Light, but incredibly strong. This not fully physical nature also manifests in their spines, claws, and fangs. When angry, they actually extend out and get longer and sharper, and when calm shrink back to normal size and sharpness.<\/p>\r\n<p>They have scale like spines on their forearms pointing back off the elbow with membranes between them. Similar scale like spines go down their spine, also having membranes between them. These spines flare up when frightened, angry, or threatened. They are also used in dominance displays.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli blood is a dark nearly black purple and thicker than human blood.<\/p>\r\n<p>Males are far more common than females. There are about five males for every one female hatched.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h4>Diet and Feeding<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli are carnivorous. Their diet consists almost entirely of meat, though they might eat other things if no meat is available. They will sometimes add other things to their diet, such as fruits. Kivuuli tend to love sweets, but they aren&rsquo;t fond of sour things.<\/p>\r\n<p>When it comes out the other end, it looks like very large rabbit droppings and simply crumbles to dust if stepped on. Has little to no smell.<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<h4><br \/>Abilities<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli have many special abilities they are capable of using.<\/p>\r\n<p>\u200b<\/p>\r\n<p>Teleportation - Kivuuli are able to teleport, though their methods are strange and unique. They are able to bend the fabric of reality around them in minor ways, the most pronounced being the ability to literally tear a crack in reality and step through. The crack always heals itself right after the Kivuuli steps through. Not ALL Kivuuli can do this. It is something that must be taught. Kivuuli can see and sense the flow of energy around them. They can also completely silence their steps, even at a full run.<\/p>\r\n<p>**Note that they teleport by jumping through the dimension - or, within the bubble. They can not break out of the bubble into greater between, but they do, in a sense, touch Between when teleporting.<\/p>\r\n<p>Paralyzing Stare - The Paralyzing Stare is an ability Kivuuli developed for hunting and self defense. They stare you right in the eyes, which has a hypnotizing effect, rendering their prey or enemy unable to move. As long as your eyes are locked with the Kivuuli&rsquo;s, you can&rsquo;t move. When eye contact is broken, you can move again. Most Kivuuli ONLY use this ability when absolutely necessary. Generally if they are attacked. They catch the person&rsquo;s gaze, causes them to freeze up, and teleports away to safety as they recover.<\/p>\r\n<p>Intimidating Howl - The Intimidating Howl is a horrible unearthly howl, laced with the Kivuuli&rsquo;s reality bending power. It sounds somewhere between a feral howl, savage snarling, horrible shrieking, and radio static. It forces feelings of terror into the one hearing it, giving them the desire to run away. Most can not handle it, and either faint where they are or run in horror. This terrible howl seems to come from every direction at once, making the Kivuuli&rsquo;s location hard to determine.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Reality Bending - This ability is the underlying cause to many other abilities Kivuuli have. They are able to bend reality around them in minor ways, stifling the sound of their footsteps, stopping you from hearing their breath or smelling them or sensing their presence. They can also leap through cracks in reality to teleport and many other small, but useful applications.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h4>Evolutionary Background<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Their society is very wild in many ways. They are sentient and intelligent, but far more ruled by wild instincts and feral tendencies than humans. This has not changed because it works for them. They are matriarchal, with females naturally leading and males being far calmer and more docile.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Between is a dangerous place, and Kivuuli reproduce slowly. Smaller Colonies are much more likely to breed faster. They also breed faster is there is plenty of food around. During times of famine females will actually stop having heats entirely. This is natural; it allows a Colony to grow strong and maintain their numbers. More babies born means more Kivuuli likely to make it to adulthood. A lone Kivuuli female is several times more likely to become pregnant than a Kivuuli in a big Colony. When a lot of Kivuuli populate one area, or food is less plentiful, their fertility as a whole drops dramatically. The reason why is unknown, but a hormonal response is the most likely candidate. Kivuuli in smaller Colonies are also more likely to go into heat more often. Kivuuli can go into heat every one to three years. Smaller Colonies' viable members will go into heat once a year; bigger colonies often every three years and sometimes even five.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli leave Between to hunt for food not available in their homeworld, gather resources, and explore. They usually go in small parties. Only the strong and clever make it back alive, for other worlds are packed with even more dangers to test a Kivuuli&rsquo;s ability to survive. There may be a small number of Kivuuli with the ability to not age or die of age, but there are plenty of other things killing them and keeping their population balanced.<\/p>\r\n<p>All of this together has honed their intelligence to a fine point, but also nurtured their wild side giving them human intelligence coupled with bestial behaviors and instincts.<br \/>Their ancestors are, in fact, extinct. Natural selection made sure of that. Kinda like we don&rsquo;t see neanderthals or proto-humans running about. Some of their earliest ancestors were sleek, quadrupedal spiked predators that used teleportation to hunt or escape danger. They were fast, strong, and fierce, forming packs that were highly territorial.<\/p>","field5":"<p>Mating and Reproduction<br \/>Kivuuli males and females look quite similar. Genitals are internal, though gender can be told through differences in their bodies, demeanor, and voice. If one sees a male and female Kivuuli standing side by side, first glance won&rsquo;t reveal many differences. But if you look closely you can tell. Kivuuli do have the occasional hermaphrodite, this is a rare mutation.<br \/>Sexual Dimorphism<br \/>Male: Kivuuli genitals are internal and only emerge in a state of arousal. The male has a slit like sheath more towards the front of his crotch. Males are slimmer and smaller than females, and generally hold themselves lower as well. They are naturally submissive since even a very strong male wouldn't stand a chance against the physically bigger and stronger female. Males do not have much curve to them, if any at all and have narrow waists and hips. They have semi defined pecs, and the fur on their lower belly and inner thighs is not any longer than the fur on the rest of their bodies. They have teats on the lower belly, usually small and not very visible. They tend to have thicker and longer chest fur as well as slightly longer\/fluffier fur around their neck. This can sometimes amplify their cheek fluff, too.<\/p>\r\n<p>Male Kivuuli have lower, rougher and deeper voices than females. The growling undertone is more pronounced.<\/p>\r\n<p>Female: The female has a slit on the bottom of her crotch, barely visable of at all from the front. The slit is subtle and less visable than the male's sheath like slit. A female has visible teats, though they are only really noticeable when she is carrying an egg, or nursing a hatchling.<\/p>\r\n<p>Females are taller and noticeably stronger than males. Her body is thicker, and moderately curvy with wider hips leading down to long and slim, but strong legs. While a layer of fat beneath her skin makes her look softer, beneath that softness is a lot of brute strength and ferocity.<\/p>\r\n<p>The fur down the back of a female&rsquo;s neck, shoulders, and back is thicker and longer than a male's, and she also has thicker longer fur on her belly and inner thigh, which thickens further when carrying, or nursing young.<\/p>\r\n<p>The female Kivuuli's voice is softer and higher in pitch than a male's. Her growl is smoother, but deeper and fiercer. Her purr is a low and smooth.<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p>Heat and Mating<br \/>Kivuuli attract mates through scent.<\/p>\r\n<p>Female Kivuuli go into heat regularly, but when observed in our dimension it happens roughly once every 1-3 years. A female raising a kit can not enter this state as long as she is nursing the kit. This is the only time she can become pregnant. It lasts for roughly two weeks or until she finds a suitable mate.<\/p>\r\n<p>There are three stages to the heat.<\/p>\r\n<p>Stage 1- Her scent begins to shift. This is not actual heat yet; she is not fertile. But her body is preparing itself for heat. She starts to become more interested in males, but also more hormonal and dangerous. She also becomes territorial towards other females, not letting them near her den. This stage lasts a few days.<\/p>\r\n<p>Stage 2- Her scent grows stronger, and her body is almost ready to mate. This is the attracting a mate stage. The testing the males and letting them fight for her stage. She becomes actively interested in males, and is easily aroused. Like a cat, a female in heat will groom herself frequently to deal with the wetness between the legs. While not water-based, it gets annoying. This stage of heat lasts about a week.<br \/>At this stage, her strong heat-scent rouses the males into excitement; causing them to follow her an attempt to impress her. Mating in this stage of heat will not end it, but it will shorten the time that she&rsquo;s in it. Once a mate is chosen, they will mate repeatedly until her heat is over. It usually ends within 24 hours of her first mating.<\/p>\r\n<p>Stage 3 - This is the most intense part of her heat. This is when she is fully ready to mate and most likely to ovulate. Her heat scent becomes so strong the males can practically taste it on the air. She becomes extremely restless, unable to stay in one place for long. Many females will pace on and on, and even whine and call their discomfort and need. Younger females react more strongly to this stage; while older females can usually ignore it with the occasional whine and shift of discomfort. The ache inside them grows so intense that even those who don&rsquo;t want a child might mate just to get it over with.<\/p>\r\n<p>The males will scuffle and fight among themselves, and the strongest, healthiest males will compete to gain her attention. Once the female has chosen, the other males will give up and find another release. Often in the form of a female who is not in heat; since she can not become pregnant she does not care about the health or strength of the male.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Even though Kivuuli generally mate very roughly, with growling and biting and claws involved, it is always consensual. A Kivuuli who tries to take a mate against their will will be turned on and killed by their Colony.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Once the female chooses her suitor and mating occurs, her heat will either be shortened, or end completely. She signals that she is ready by getting into the presenting position. Crouching down, revealing the thickly furred ruff on her back, and raising her rear into the air. Even if mating doesn&rsquo;t always happen in this position, it&rsquo;s considered a sign of acceptance, even if she plays hard to get afterwards. Kivuuli females, like cats, are stimulated ovulators. Without the proper stimulation, the heat will end but she won&rsquo;t become pregnant. Even if stimulated, the male must have strong seed or her body will kill it all before it fertilizes her. While they will mate repeatedly, the first one is the one that triggers the end of the heat, and thus, after that first one, stimulation will not cause ovulation if it hasn&rsquo;t already.<\/p>\r\n<p>It takes a few days to know if the mating was successful. After a few days, if the mating was successful, her scent will change to announce that she is pregnant. She will also fail to shed, since the shed will be delayed until a week before laying. Female Kivuuli shed a week after heat. If it does not take and she sheds, she will have to wait until her next heat cycle to try again; usually with a different male. \u200b<br \/>Gestation<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>With the exception of very few isolated colonies, Kivuuli are an egg-bearing race. They carry the egg for four to five months, growing large quickly. The male is expected to hunt for her and bring her food, since her appetite will increase as she packs the egg with nutrients it will need once it exits her body. The baby will also develop considerably during this time. By the time the egg is laid, the brain of the fetus is almost completely formed; the rest of the body finishes forming after the egg is laid. As the egg forms, the female&rsquo;s fur grows thicker and denser, to make better lining for her nest. The fur around her belly and inner thighs thickens too; and she will not shed her guardhairs.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their pelvis separates in two places, and is held together by springy, elastic tendons. Each separation contains a small bone bridge that breaks in the process of laying the first egg. This produces a small, sharp crack\/pop, and is quite painful. The bone bridge never grows back and any eggs after the first are easier. Once the egg has passed through, the tendons will spring back, and the Kivuuli&rsquo;s natural healing ability will repair any damage within an hour or two of laying while the exhausted mother sleeps. Males do not have the tendons or bone bridges.<\/p>\r\n<p>While inside them, the egg shell is thick and leathery. It forms soon after conception and plays the part of the placenta until it comes time to lay. During the last few days before laying it becomes the egg shell, which and is soft and pliable. After laying, the shell takes roughly a half hour to harden. It becomes tough, hard and slightly textured. It is very thick and tough, hard to break from the outside. It is, however, very vulnerable until it&rsquo;s fully hardened. The reason it develops so long inside the mother is so the brain can form properly; the mother gives it a kick start, and the hatchling finishes development within the egg.<\/p>\r\n<p>They look huge when they are carrying, but most of that is actually fluids that protect and cushion the egg as well as providing lubrication for laying. Nutrients are stored within the forming shell, though the hatchling has a Proteanct link to the mother until a few days before laying.<\/p>\r\n<p>During the pregnancy, the Kivuuli will have an intense nesting instinct. She will take anything she can find. Fur of other shedding Kivuuli, blankets, any soft thing, and build a nest. During the last week of carrying, she will shed, and line her nest with her fur. Once the egg is laid, it will be watched over and kept warm by her while its father hunts for her. It will hatch in another 4-5 months. This can vary by subspecies, or location, or individual Kivuuli. Eggs can vary in color, but are usually smooth and black with slightly lighter colored mottling. This can change depending on the individual Kivuuli or their environment.<\/p>\r\n<p>A hatchling Kivuuli is known as a kit, because they are very kitten like in their behavior. Kits are known to imprint on the energy signature and voice of the one who spends the most time around the egg. As such, they know their mother the instant they come out. While hatching, a mother will crouch near the egg, face inches away from it and make soft chirring calls to encourage the kit to break free of the egg.<br \/><br \/>Upon hatching, they will follow the scent of the mother&rsquo;s teats. The scent and feel of the kit suckling will trigger a surge of hormones, and she will begin lactation. This surge of hormones will reduce the Kivuuli to soft, relaxed purring. Any Kivuuli can be triggered to lactate in this manner, be it male or female. Once lactation begins, the Kivuuli&rsquo;s appetite will increase. They often feed their milk to older or sick individuals within the Colony to help them survive and stay strong.<\/p>\r\n<p>Shown are a Kivuuli&rsquo;s teats. First image, they are mostly covered by the fur. SOmetimes a slight separation in the fur is seen on shorter furred Kivuuli.<\/p>\r\n<p>In the pregnant Kivuuli, the teats poke out of the fur, as the fur sheds from directly around them.<\/p>\r\n<p>When nursing, the flesh swells a bit to push the nipples out of the fur, thus allowing the hatchling to nurse without getting a mouthful of its mother&rsquo;s fur.<\/p>\r\n<p>The consistency is thick, almost like a probiotic yogurt shake, and the taste is surprisingly mild and a little sweet. It is highly nutritious, high in protein and energy; and everything else a kit needs to grow. Kivuuli kits who nurse on their mother grow up bigger and stronger as adults, and generally have a higher chance of being more dominant. It is not at all uncommon for Kivuuli in a Colony to nurse eachother's young. Sometimes older members will play the part of nanny for younger, less experienced Kivuuli. Some Kivuuli will choose to never stop lactating for the purpose of playing nanny to the kits within the Colony.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are extremely protective of their kits. If you hurt a kit, the whole Colony will attack. Even one lone Kivuuli is far more ferocious and dangerous than any mother bear; you don&rsquo;t want to know what would happen if you pissed off a whole colony of them.<\/p>\r\n<p>A human baby could drink Kivuuli&rsquo;s milk but couldn&rsquo;t survive off of it unless water was added to it. Kivuuli&rsquo;s milk contains no water whatsoever. It is high in protein, with a moderate amount of fat, and harder on the digestive system than human milk. It isn&rsquo;t dangerous but will not meet a human&rsquo;s needs properly. If water is added a human baby can survive off of it but won&rsquo;t be at ideal health and it would likely cause a lot of gas and intestinal discomfort being designed for a baby with a much stronger digestive system. It would pose no problems for an adult, and is highly nutritious with natural healing properties as well as infection fighting properties. An adult human or other meat-eating animal could survive off of it as long as they had access to water to stay hydrated.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are highly lactose intolerant. It makes them very, very sick. As such, Kivuuli milk has no lactose in it.<\/p>\r\n<p>A Kivuuli hatchling would be unable to survive on the milk of any terrestrial mammal. It contains way too much water and their little tummies can&rsquo;t handle it, not to mention their lactose intolerance. An adult Kivuuli can ingest the milk of terrestrial mammals, but it does cause a lot of digestive upset, cramping, nausea, and vomiting. The digestive issues can become severe enough to kill a kit, though an adult can survive it. It would just make them very sick. It does not contain the proper nutrients so if the kit did manage to survive the lactose and water, it would slowly deteriorate in health until it died of malnutrition. Their digestive systems are more advanced so they can be fed mashed cooked (Not raw) meat or anything else high in protein if taken in and raised by a human or a member of another race. Mixing ground up bones and the organs of the animal can add to the nutrition and help the kit more. Some that start off being nursed, though, will utterly refuse solid food.<\/p>\r\n<p>It is not unusual for members of a Colony to nurse eachother&rsquo;s young. In fact, this is a very common practice, though some Kits will not nurse on any but their mother. This depends on the individual. It is most common for the omegas to act as nannies for the Colony, helping to care for the kits while stronger individuals hunt and bring in food. Because of this Omegas, and especially nannies, while not given any authority, are not treated badly. Kivuuli tend to produce more milk than is needed. If it gets uncomfortable, they tend to empty their teats themselves. This keeps their supply strong, is relaxing and calming, tastes good to them, and is considered completely normal. While a human would find such activity odd, it is completely natural for a Kivuuli.<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p>Kits are teeny when they hatch, a little smaller than the average human baby. They hatch with their eyes closed, but able to hear and smell just fine. Their ears are droopy and their bodies are pudgy and bellies round from the yolk of the egg still inside, being slowly absorbed to give them strength while their mother&rsquo;s milk comes in and they learn to nurse properly. Kits open their eyes when they are between three and seven days old.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are generally fairly quiet and don&rsquo;t cry often, though do tend to make small chitters, squeaks, and mewling noises. They hate being alone.<\/p>\r\n<p>Babies have a very strong instinct to not relieve themselves within the nest. When they feel the need to go, they will let their parent know with insistent screeching until taken somewhere. Like a newborn kitten or puppy, they will not eliminate on their own. There is a pressure point just at the base of the neck that can be triggered through a certain way of holding onto the scruff that triggers them to go reflexively; they will only go when held in that certain way until they learn to move about on all fours. Once able to move about on all fours they will always leave the nest to eliminate. It's an instinct to keep the nest site clean and smelling good, since Kivuuli noses are extremely sensitive. Young Kivuuli are fully mobile by the time they are three months old, and run about everywhere on all fours.<\/p>\r\n<p>The babies depend completely on their parents and the others in their colony for survival. They are unable to teleport. In fact, this takes a lot of time to get right and generally has to be taught though can be done autonomously if the Kivuuli feels that its life is in danger. Kits are weaned between 3-5 years old, depending on the kit in question. Some wean themselves earlier, some later. A mother will never force wean her kit, because if they are still nursing it means they likely still need to. Kits are able to move about by the time they are three months old. As kits get older and start to move around, they love to practice their hunting instincts and will often hunt, and eat, small animals once their teeth grow in. They generally start getting teeth when they are about a year old. They like to show their kills off to their parents, or others in the Colony. As they get to be about 5 years old, they are weaned and eating solid food with ease. They are also able to eat raw meat by then.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli grow bigger and stronger as they age. At roughly 15, they reach sexual maturity. They are considered adults, even if not at full size yet at this age. Around 18 to 23, they stop growing and achieve their full height. It is around this time they learn to effect reality around them both in silencing their steps and in creating and jumping through little dimensional cracks to teleport. They usually stay with their parents until full maturity, and after that remain with their Colony of birth.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli children are incredibly awkward and clumsy until they grow into their long limbs. They spend more time on all fours than on two feet, though around ten years old they start getting up on two feet more often. Even into adulthod, they spend time both on all fours, and on two feet equally depending on the situation. Kits hurt themselves frequently, but this only kick-starts their natural healing ability.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Kits are known for getting themselves into trouble, constantly. They are mischievous, playful, energetic, and insatiably curious. The entire colony works to keep the children safe and alive. Just like kittens.<\/p>\r\n<p>Female kits are a bit more energetic and feisty than males.<\/p>\r\n<p>Young males love to playfight and spar among themselves. These playfights grow more intense once they near adolescence, roughly around 10-12 years old or so. Sometimes, these playfights get a bit too intense, leaving one or both young males bloody. They step away to heal, which is usually finished within minutes. Once healed, they go at it again. Adolescent males are constantly tussling, wrestling, and play-fighting, which only grows worse the closer to adulthood they get. While these bouts of snapping, screaming, growling, and snarling looks terrifying and deadly, they look far, far, FAR worse than they actually are. They never seriously hurt eachother and other Kivuuli in the Colony know very well the difference between play and real fighting, since real fighting is far louder and more vicious. As males get older, they mellow out considerably, and only face off against other males in contests of strength in the presence of a receptive female. They do this to try to impress her. They usually don&rsquo;t mellow out fully until around 30 or so; around 20-30 they are fully mature, but have bouts of wild, child-like energetic kittenlike playfulness.<\/p>\r\n<p>As a female reaches adolescence, she becomes fiercer and more commanding. If she joins a playfight, the males usually back down and submit almost instantly. Playfights between two females are far more vicious and noisy and dangerous-looking than playfights between males. They are practicing to take dominance someday; males just fight for fun or to pass on their genes. She starts to show interest in the male&rsquo;s battles, and starts to show more interest in those that win these fights. Most of the time, she will avoid a mate when she has her first heat cycle, since her body isn&rsquo;t fully grown at this point and not likely able to sustain an offspring for long. The first heat cycle generally happens around 15 years of age. She is considered an adult at this age, but she usually won&rsquo;t choose a mate until she is at her full size since a younger body is less able to successfully carry an egg. Most males will not attempt to impress a young female unless they themselves are young. Even if she is sexually mature and considered an adult, she is not full size and not interested in mating. Most of the time, even if she DOES find a mate, it will not take since her body is not ready to sustain pregnancy.<\/p>\r\n<p>She will usually chase off any male that comes near while going through her first heat. The first heat cycle is usually short, and not too intense. She is not fertile for this cycle, it is simply her body announcing that it is mature. Her heats will gradually get longer until they settle at the normal length when she&rsquo;s achieved her full size. If a female is not ready to have a kit of her own, she will hide away and ignore or chase off any males that try to gain her attention. Most females prefer not to have a kit until they have gained more experience. Young mothers are far more likely to be aggressive and attack anything they see as a threat than older mothers who are more experienced in raising, guiding, and protecting a child.<\/p>","field6":"<p>Mutations and Variations<br \/>The dewclaw is a fairly common variation found among Kivuuli. Both parents must either have, or carry, the dewclaw gene for it to show in an offspring.<\/p>\r\n<p>Another common variation is the heel spur. This is also recessive. Both parents must be carriers of the gene for it to pass on. Some Kivuuli have both heelspurs and dewclaws.<\/p>\r\n<p>Some Kivuuli are unable to retract their claws. This is very rare; but when it does show up it is not much of a hindrance. They are generally chosen as hunters, though they have to be careful since their claws are very sharp when fully extended. They often make claw caps for themselves to avoid hurting themselves or others.<\/p>\r\n<p>Some Kivuuli have a strip of longer fur that goes all the way down their spine.<\/p>\r\n<p>A rare mutation can cause them to lack spines.<\/p>\r\n<p>The Bully mutation causes Kivuuli to be bigger and more muscular than their fellows. They lose a lot of speed and agility, but gain a lot of brute strength.<\/p>\r\n<p>It is not uncommon for Kivuuli to have no markings, though it is far more common to have markings around the shoulders and hips.<\/p>\r\n<p>Long Fur<\/p>\r\n<p>Hermaphrodite - (Either masculine or feminine hermaphrodite)<\/p>\r\n<p>Rex Coat (Curly, this shows in varying degrees, fairly common, but usually subtle)<\/p>\r\n<p>Feathering (Light, Medium, or Heavy, light is common, medium and heavy is uncommon)<\/p>\r\n<p>Leucism (Can appear either patchy, white, near white, or unusually pale. This occurs either partial, or full. Leucistic Kivuuli are extremely rare!)<\/p>\r\n<p>Melenistic (Menelistic Kivuuli are almost impossible to tell apart from regular Kivuuli unless from a subspecies)<\/p>\r\n<p>Furless (Rare, but not unheard of. Tends to show up in warmer areas.)<\/p>\r\n<p>Lengthened Ear Tufts (Rare)<br \/>Albinism\/Partial Albinism (EXTREMELY rare! Most Albino Kivuuli are either blind, or almost blind.)<\/p>\r\n<p>Lengthened Cheek Fluffs (Uncommon, common among Maltese)<\/p>","field7":null}},"title":"Kivuuli","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":["wip"],"page_tag":null}
#118 29 June 2023, 19:15:50 UTC
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Length: 75889 (+8744) -
{"data":{"description":"<p>The Kivuuli, a mysterious and powerful interdimensional semi-humanoid creature. They are rumored to hold the key to the Realms Between.<\/p>","field1":"<p>Kivuuli are a tall and powerful carnivorous furred semi-humanoid inter-dimensional race. They are generally black or dark grey with blue, green, or purple eyes and usually have slightly darker markings in stripes, spots, or a combination of the two that only show under certain light. There are several subspecies with different colors and markings being common from the warm reds of the forest dwelling Met'saa to the whites of the Lippizan to the blue grays of the Maltese or the golden color of Desert Kivuuli.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are elongated in build, with long limbs and are as comfortable on all fours as they are on two feet. They are incredibly wild, but generally won't attack unless attacked or threatened. Kivuuli are fully sapient and a social species. Despite their fearsome appearance, Kivuuli are a gentle and peaceful race with strong maternal instincts appearing in both males and females.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are very fast, especially when on all fours and live in groups known as Colonies.<\/p>","field2":"<h4>Between; Homeworld of the Kivuuli<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Imagine the air around you, full of bubbles. Now imagine that each of these bubbles is its own dimension. It's own universe. Has its own laws, and inner workings. Now, imagine all the space between the bubbles. A strange place, between the dimensions; ever shifting and changing. This is where the Kivuuli dwell and come from. The rules of physics do not apply; great islands of stone float through the darkness, covered in forests of strange bioluminescent fungus-like plants and other strange flora. Inhabited by strange creatures of all shapes and sizes, from tiny glowing dragonlike lizards to massive beasts that would put Earth's dinosaurs to shame. Literally anything can happen in Between, any sort of creature, any world, any dimension, any universe. The Kivuuli can reach many worlds and this is part of the reason for their great success as an apex predator.<\/p>\r\n<p>Harsh, but oddly beautiful, Between is buzzing with strange power and magic and the magical rules and laws of hundreds of dimensions, worlds, and universes clashing together in beautiful chaos. The areas of Between are effected by the laws of the dimensions and worlds closest to them; making Between highly varied. Between is beautiful; but as beautiful as it is it is deadly, thus the Kivuuli have had to adapt in to fast, powerful pack hunting predators that have claws that can slash through granite and a terrible shrieking wail that can drive fear into the hearts of the bravest.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are fast, able to teleport, and able to face creatures several times their size. This strange place has many names. Darkrealm, Tartarus, Limbo; but many simply call this place the Between; for this is what it is. The realm between dimensions. A strange and mysterious place; beautiful to behold but deadly to those not from there. While most of Between is completely dark aside from glimmers of light here and there and bioluminsecent plants and animals, some isles are ruled by a great orb of energy mimicking a sun. Some have their own weather patterns and day night cycles. Cracks and passages between dimensions are always opening and closing, allowing Kivuuli the ability to enter and leave Between at will, though they must be careful as some rifts are temporary and could close and leave them stranded in a strange and unfamiliar world. Others, still, are horribly unstable and deadly and could rip an unsuspecting Kivuuli to shreds leaving nothing but splatters of blood and the memory of their horrible screams.<\/p>","field3":"<h4>Calls, Vocalizations and Language<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli voices have a strange, otherworldly quality to them. They sound almost distorted, with a clear staticy crackling undertone. This is likely because of their interdimensional nature.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their voices are often deep, with a growl or purr like sound mixed in. A Kivuuli speaking is much what a person might imagine a lion&rsquo;s voice would sound like if it learned to speak. They tend to have emphasis on sharper sounds, like k, z, v, and such, and their r&rsquo;s are often lengthened slightly in a slight growl or purr. They are fully capable of learning languages aside from their own and, in fact, Kivuuli learn incredibly fast. Despite their wild primitive ways, they are incredibly intelligent.<\/p>\r\n<p>Outside of speech, they have a whole range of natural vocalizations. When excited or friendly, they let out a sound similar to a chittering cat. Though much deeper and lower in tone. This sound is often used by playful kits, or adults trying to show they mean no harm. Kivuuli also purr. It&rsquo;s a deep, heavy rumbling sound with a bit of static to it.<\/p>\r\n<p>They chitter, chirp, chuff, rumble, growl, purr, hiss, click, snarl, roar, howl, and many other sounds.<\/p>\r\n<p>Chirping is used to call and greet fellow members of their Colony. The chuff is similar to a chuffing tiger, and they use this to greet loved ones and family or close friends. The rumble and growl show varying levels of irritation and\/or anger, eventually leading to a wild snarling or finally, their terrible howl or roar.<\/p>\r\n<p>Purring is an expression of pleasure and contentment.<\/p>\r\n<p>When injured, they let out soft whimpers and whines.<\/p>\r\n<p>When sad, they will either be very quiet, whimper softly, or let out a heartbreaking wail when mourning the death of a loved one.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their language incorporates all of these vocalizations. And they even integrate this when speaking other languages as well.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli also rely strongly on body language. The position of one&rsquo;s ears, tone of voice, and posture can change the meaning of what they are trying to say. Looking at the position of the ears is a great way to tell what mood a Kivuuli is in. When neutral, the ears are out slightly to the sides and in a relaxed position. When alert or shocked, their ears perk up and swivel forward. Their ears often flick and swivel towards any sound, and many times they detect sounds other creatures will not.<\/p>\r\n<p>When angry, their ears go back, and they lower their ears when sad, or trying to show submission. Higher ranking Kivuuli generally tend to hold their ears perked higher than lower ranking Kivuuli.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli can also make a strange tonal almost&hellip; droning sound. Somewhere between a thrum and a rumble, it can promote relaxation or healing. The sound is, indeed, very strange. And it is something that is rarely heard among Kivuuli so it is theorized that only a few of them are capable of, or know how to, produce this sound.<\/p>","field4":"<h4>Appearance and anatomy<\/h4>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are somewhat humanoid in appearance, but have some very clear differences. They are long and lean, with elongated torsos and limbs. The average Kivuuli stands around nine to nine and a half feet tall. They have pawlike digitgrade feet which have four toes, or four toes and a dewclaw. Being interdimensional creatures, they often appear with a strange dark aura around them with what seems like tiny sparks or glimmers of lights appearing and floating aimlessly around them and vanishing again. This aura and particles usually matches the basic color of their eyes. It only shows when they are using, or have recently used their reality bending abilities.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli skin is incredibly tough and thick. It takes some strength and a sharp blade to pierce it. They have a coating of fur that is short, but dense and soft. Their natural body temperature is around 105 degrees Fahrenheit, and thus they are very warm to the touch. The fur is usually longest around the shoulders, down the back, and in small fringes around the ankles and wrists.<\/p>\r\n<p>The fur on a female's ruff is longer and thicker than that of a male, and the skin there is looser and thicker and tougher as well. This serves as a protective barrier against the male's fangs, since they tend to bite during mating. Even then, he does often draw blood though most females don't mind this. It actually feels good to them.<\/p>\r\n<p>Being interdimensional creatures, Kivuuli are extremely light. Even standing around nine or more feet tall, they rarely weigh over one hundred fifty pounds. This is due to them being made up of something like solidified energy. Light, but incredibly strong. This not fully physical nature also manifests in their spines, claws, and fangs. When angry, they actually extend out and get longer and sharper, and when calm shrink back to normal size and sharpness.<\/p>\r\n<p>They have scale like spines on their forearms pointing back off the elbow with membranes between them. Similar scale like spines go down their spine, also having membranes between them. These spines flare up when frightened, angry, or threatened. They are also used in dominance displays.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli blood is a dark nearly black purple and thicker than human blood.<\/p>\r\n<p>Males are far more common than females. There are about five males for every one female hatched.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h4>Diet and Feeding<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli are carnivorous. Their diet consists almost entirely of meat, though they might eat other things if no meat is available. They will sometimes add other things to their diet, such as fruits. Kivuuli tend to love sweets, but they aren&rsquo;t fond of sour things.<\/p>\r\n<p>When it comes out the other end, it looks like very large rabbit droppings and simply crumbles to dust if stepped on. Has little to no smell.<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<h4><br \/>Abilities<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli have many special abilities they are capable of using.<\/p>\r\n<p>\u200b<\/p>\r\n<p>Teleportation - Kivuuli are able to teleport, though their methods are strange and unique. They are able to bend the fabric of reality around them in minor ways, the most pronounced being the ability to literally tear a crack in reality and step through. The crack always heals itself right after the Kivuuli steps through. Not ALL Kivuuli can do this. It is something that must be taught. Kivuuli can see and sense the flow of energy around them. They can also completely silence their steps, even at a full run.<\/p>\r\n<p>**Note that they teleport by jumping through the dimension - or, within the bubble. They can not break out of the bubble into greater between, but they do, in a sense, touch Between when teleporting.<\/p>\r\n<p>Paralyzing Stare - The Paralyzing Stare is an ability Kivuuli developed for hunting and self defense. They stare you right in the eyes, which has a hypnotizing effect, rendering their prey or enemy unable to move. As long as your eyes are locked with the Kivuuli&rsquo;s, you can&rsquo;t move. When eye contact is broken, you can move again. Most Kivuuli ONLY use this ability when absolutely necessary. Generally if they are attacked. They catch the person&rsquo;s gaze, causes them to freeze up, and teleports away to safety as they recover.<\/p>\r\n<p>Intimidating Howl - The Intimidating Howl is a horrible unearthly howl, laced with the Kivuuli&rsquo;s reality bending power. It sounds somewhere between a feral howl, savage snarling, horrible shrieking, and radio static. It forces feelings of terror into the one hearing it, giving them the desire to run away. Most can not handle it, and either faint where they are or run in horror. This terrible howl seems to come from every direction at once, making the Kivuuli&rsquo;s location hard to determine.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Reality Bending - This ability is the underlying cause to many other abilities Kivuuli have. They are able to bend reality around them in minor ways, stifling the sound of their footsteps, stopping you from hearing their breath or smelling them or sensing their presence. They can also leap through cracks in reality to teleport and many other small, but useful applications.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h4>Evolutionary Background<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Their society is very wild in many ways. They are sentient and intelligent, but far more ruled by wild instincts and feral tendencies than humans. This has not changed because it works for them. They are matriarchal, with females naturally leading and males being far calmer and more docile.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Between is a dangerous place, and Kivuuli reproduce slowly. Smaller Colonies are much more likely to breed faster. They also breed faster is there is plenty of food around. During times of famine females will actually stop having heats entirely. This is natural; it allows a Colony to grow strong and maintain their numbers. More babies born means more Kivuuli likely to make it to adulthood. A lone Kivuuli female is several times more likely to become pregnant than a Kivuuli in a big Colony. When a lot of Kivuuli populate one area, or food is less plentiful, their fertility as a whole drops dramatically. The reason why is unknown, but a hormonal response is the most likely candidate. Kivuuli in smaller Colonies are also more likely to go into heat more often. Kivuuli can go into heat every one to three years. Smaller Colonies' viable members will go into heat once a year; bigger colonies often every three years and sometimes even five.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli leave Between to hunt for food not available in their homeworld, gather resources, and explore. They usually go in small parties. Only the strong and clever make it back alive, for other worlds are packed with even more dangers to test a Kivuuli&rsquo;s ability to survive. There may be a small number of Kivuuli with the ability to not age or die of age, but there are plenty of other things killing them and keeping their population balanced.<\/p>\r\n<p>All of this together has honed their intelligence to a fine point, but also nurtured their wild side giving them human intelligence coupled with bestial behaviors and instincts.<br \/>Their ancestors are, in fact, extinct. Natural selection made sure of that. Kinda like we don&rsquo;t see neanderthals or proto-humans running about. Some of their earliest ancestors were sleek, quadrupedal spiked predators that used teleportation to hunt or escape danger. They were fast, strong, and fierce, forming packs that were highly territorial.<\/p>","field5":"<p>Mating and Reproduction<br \/>Kivuuli males and females look quite similar. Genitals are internal, though gender can be told through differences in their bodies, demeanor, and voice. If one sees a male and female Kivuuli standing side by side, first glance won&rsquo;t reveal many differences. But if you look closely you can tell. Kivuuli do have the occasional hermaphrodite, this is a rare mutation.<br \/>Sexual Dimorphism<br \/>Male: Kivuuli genitals are internal and only emerge in a state of arousal. The male has a slit like sheath more towards the front of his crotch. Males are slimmer and smaller than females, and generally hold themselves lower as well. They are naturally submissive since even a very strong male wouldn't stand a chance against the physically bigger and stronger female. Males do not have much curve to them, if any at all and have narrow waists and hips. They have semi defined pecs, and the fur on their lower belly and inner thighs is not any longer than the fur on the rest of their bodies. They have teats on the lower belly, usually small and not very visible. They tend to have thicker and longer chest fur as well as slightly longer\/fluffier fur around their neck. This can sometimes amplify their cheek fluff, too.<\/p>\r\n<p>Male Kivuuli have lower, rougher and deeper voices than females. The growling undertone is more pronounced.<\/p>\r\n<p>Female: The female has a slit on the bottom of her crotch, barely visable of at all from the front. The slit is subtle and less visable than the male's sheath like slit. A female has visible teats, though they are only really noticeable when she is carrying an egg, or nursing a hatchling.<\/p>\r\n<p>Females are taller and noticeably stronger than males. Her body is thicker, and moderately curvy with wider hips leading down to long and slim, but strong legs. While a layer of fat beneath her skin makes her look softer, beneath that softness is a lot of brute strength and ferocity.<\/p>\r\n<p>The fur down the back of a female&rsquo;s neck, shoulders, and back is thicker and longer than a male's, and she also has thicker longer fur on her belly and inner thigh, which thickens further when carrying, or nursing young.<\/p>\r\n<p>The female Kivuuli's voice is softer and higher in pitch than a male's. Her growl is smoother, but deeper and fiercer. Her purr is a low and smooth.<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p>Heat and Mating<br \/>Kivuuli attract mates through scent.<\/p>\r\n<p>Female Kivuuli go into heat regularly, but when observed in our dimension it happens roughly once every 1-3 years. A female raising a kit can not enter this state as long as she is nursing the kit. This is the only time she can become pregnant. It lasts for roughly two weeks or until she finds a suitable mate.<\/p>\r\n<p>There are three stages to the heat.<\/p>\r\n<p>Stage 1- Her scent begins to shift. This is not actual heat yet; she is not fertile. But her body is preparing itself for heat. She starts to become more interested in males, but also more hormonal and dangerous. She also becomes territorial towards other females, not letting them near her den. This stage lasts a few days.<\/p>\r\n<p>Stage 2- Her scent grows stronger, and her body is almost ready to mate. This is the attracting a mate stage. The testing the males and letting them fight for her stage. She becomes actively interested in males, and is easily aroused. Like a cat, a female in heat will groom herself frequently to deal with the wetness between the legs. While not water-based, it gets annoying. This stage of heat lasts about a week.<br \/>At this stage, her strong heat-scent rouses the males into excitement; causing them to follow her an attempt to impress her. Mating in this stage of heat will not end it, but it will shorten the time that she&rsquo;s in it. Once a mate is chosen, they will mate repeatedly until her heat is over. It usually ends within 24 hours of her first mating.<\/p>\r\n<p>Stage 3 - This is the most intense part of her heat. This is when she is fully ready to mate and most likely to ovulate. Her heat scent becomes so strong the males can practically taste it on the air. She becomes extremely restless, unable to stay in one place for long. Many females will pace on and on, and even whine and call their discomfort and need. Younger females react more strongly to this stage; while older females can usually ignore it with the occasional whine and shift of discomfort. The ache inside them grows so intense that even those who don&rsquo;t want a child might mate just to get it over with.<\/p>\r\n<p>The males will scuffle and fight among themselves, and the strongest, healthiest males will compete to gain her attention. Once the female has chosen, the other males will give up and find another release. Often in the form of a female who is not in heat; since she can not become pregnant she does not care about the health or strength of the male.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Even though Kivuuli generally mate very roughly, with growling and biting and claws involved, it is always consensual. A Kivuuli who tries to take a mate against their will will be turned on and killed by their Colony.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Once the female chooses her suitor and mating occurs, her heat will either be shortened, or end completely. She signals that she is ready by getting into the presenting position. Crouching down, revealing the thickly furred ruff on her back, and raising her rear into the air. Even if mating doesn&rsquo;t always happen in this position, it&rsquo;s considered a sign of acceptance, even if she plays hard to get afterwards. Kivuuli females, like cats, are stimulated ovulators. Without the proper stimulation, the heat will end but she won&rsquo;t become pregnant. Even if stimulated, the male must have strong seed or her body will kill it all before it fertilizes her. While they will mate repeatedly, the first one is the one that triggers the end of the heat, and thus, after that first one, stimulation will not cause ovulation if it hasn&rsquo;t already.<\/p>\r\n<p>It takes a few days to know if the mating was successful. After a few days, if the mating was successful, her scent will change to announce that she is pregnant. She will also fail to shed, since the shed will be delayed until a week before laying. Female Kivuuli shed a week after heat. If it does not take and she sheds, she will have to wait until her next heat cycle to try again; usually with a different male. \u200b<br \/>Gestation<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>With the exception of very few isolated colonies, Kivuuli are an egg-bearing race. They carry the egg for four to five months, growing large quickly. The male is expected to hunt for her and bring her food, since her appetite will increase as she packs the egg with nutrients it will need once it exits her body. The baby will also develop considerably during this time. By the time the egg is laid, the brain of the fetus is almost completely formed; the rest of the body finishes forming after the egg is laid. As the egg forms, the female&rsquo;s fur grows thicker and denser, to make better lining for her nest. The fur around her belly and inner thighs thickens too; and she will not shed her guardhairs.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their pelvis separates in two places, and is held together by springy, elastic tendons. Each separation contains a small bone bridge that breaks in the process of laying the first egg. This produces a small, sharp crack\/pop, and is quite painful. The bone bridge never grows back and any eggs after the first are easier. Once the egg has passed through, the tendons will spring back, and the Kivuuli&rsquo;s natural healing ability will repair any damage within an hour or two of laying while the exhausted mother sleeps. Males do not have the tendons or bone bridges.<\/p>\r\n<p>While inside them, the egg shell is thick and leathery. It forms soon after conception and plays the part of the placenta until it comes time to lay. During the last few days before laying it becomes the egg shell, which and is soft and pliable. After laying, the shell takes roughly a half hour to harden. It becomes tough, hard and slightly textured. It is very thick and tough, hard to break from the outside. It is, however, very vulnerable until it&rsquo;s fully hardened. The reason it develops so long inside the mother is so the brain can form properly; the mother gives it a kick start, and the hatchling finishes development within the egg.<\/p>\r\n<p>They look huge when they are carrying, but most of that is actually fluids that protect and cushion the egg as well as providing lubrication for laying. Nutrients are stored within the forming shell, though the hatchling has a Proteanct link to the mother until a few days before laying.<\/p>\r\n<p>During the pregnancy, the Kivuuli will have an intense nesting instinct. She will take anything she can find. Fur of other shedding Kivuuli, blankets, any soft thing, and build a nest. During the last week of carrying, she will shed, and line her nest with her fur. Once the egg is laid, it will be watched over and kept warm by her while its father hunts for her. It will hatch in another 4-5 months. This can vary by subspecies, or location, or individual Kivuuli. Eggs can vary in color, but are usually smooth and black with slightly lighter colored mottling. This can change depending on the individual Kivuuli or their environment.<\/p>\r\n<p>A hatchling Kivuuli is known as a kit, because they are very kitten like in their behavior. Kits are known to imprint on the energy signature and voice of the one who spends the most time around the egg. As such, they know their mother the instant they come out. While hatching, a mother will crouch near the egg, face inches away from it and make soft chirring calls to encourage the kit to break free of the egg.<br \/><br \/>Upon hatching, they will follow the scent of the mother&rsquo;s teats. The scent and feel of the kit suckling will trigger a surge of hormones, and she will begin lactation. This surge of hormones will reduce the Kivuuli to soft, relaxed purring. Any Kivuuli can be triggered to lactate in this manner, be it male or female. Once lactation begins, the Kivuuli&rsquo;s appetite will increase. They often feed their milk to older or sick individuals within the Colony to help them survive and stay strong.<\/p>\r\n<p>Shown are a Kivuuli&rsquo;s teats. First image, they are mostly covered by the fur. SOmetimes a slight separation in the fur is seen on shorter furred Kivuuli.<\/p>\r\n<p>In the pregnant Kivuuli, the teats poke out of the fur, as the fur sheds from directly around them.<\/p>\r\n<p>When nursing, the flesh swells a bit to push the nipples out of the fur, thus allowing the hatchling to nurse without getting a mouthful of its mother&rsquo;s fur.<\/p>\r\n<p>The consistency is thick, almost like a probiotic yogurt shake, and the taste is surprisingly mild and a little sweet. It is highly nutritious, high in protein and energy; and everything else a kit needs to grow. Kivuuli kits who nurse on their mother grow up bigger and stronger as adults, and generally have a higher chance of being more dominant. It is not at all uncommon for Kivuuli in a Colony to nurse eachother's young. Sometimes older members will play the part of nanny for younger, less experienced Kivuuli. Some Kivuuli will choose to never stop lactating for the purpose of playing nanny to the kits within the Colony.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are extremely protective of their kits. If you hurt a kit, the whole Colony will attack. Even one lone Kivuuli is far more ferocious and dangerous than any mother bear; you don&rsquo;t want to know what would happen if you pissed off a whole colony of them.<\/p>\r\n<p>A human baby could drink Kivuuli&rsquo;s milk but couldn&rsquo;t survive off of it unless water was added to it. Kivuuli&rsquo;s milk contains no water whatsoever. It is high in protein, with a moderate amount of fat, and harder on the digestive system than human milk. It isn&rsquo;t dangerous but will not meet a human&rsquo;s needs properly. If water is added a human baby can survive off of it but won&rsquo;t be at ideal health and it would likely cause a lot of gas and intestinal discomfort being designed for a baby with a much stronger digestive system. It would pose no problems for an adult, and is highly nutritious with natural healing properties as well as infection fighting properties. An adult human or other meat-eating animal could survive off of it as long as they had access to water to stay hydrated.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are highly lactose intolerant. It makes them very, very sick. As such, Kivuuli milk has no lactose in it.<\/p>\r\n<p>A Kivuuli hatchling would be unable to survive on the milk of any terrestrial mammal. It contains way too much water and their little tummies can&rsquo;t handle it, not to mention their lactose intolerance. An adult Kivuuli can ingest the milk of terrestrial mammals, but it does cause a lot of digestive upset, cramping, nausea, and vomiting. The digestive issues can become severe enough to kill a kit, though an adult can survive it. It would just make them very sick. It does not contain the proper nutrients so if the kit did manage to survive the lactose and water, it would slowly deteriorate in health until it died of malnutrition. Their digestive systems are more advanced so they can be fed mashed cooked (Not raw) meat or anything else high in protein if taken in and raised by a human or a member of another race. Mixing ground up bones and the organs of the animal can add to the nutrition and help the kit more. Some that start off being nursed, though, will utterly refuse solid food.<\/p>\r\n<p>It is not unusual for members of a Colony to nurse eachother&rsquo;s young. In fact, this is a very common practice, though some Kits will not nurse on any but their mother. This depends on the individual. It is most common for the omegas to act as nannies for the Colony, helping to care for the kits while stronger individuals hunt and bring in food. Because of this Omegas, and especially nannies, while not given any authority, are not treated badly. Kivuuli tend to produce more milk than is needed. If it gets uncomfortable, they tend to empty their teats themselves. This keeps their supply strong, is relaxing and calming, tastes good to them, and is considered completely normal. While a human would find such activity odd, it is completely natural for a Kivuuli.<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p>Kits are teeny when they hatch, a little smaller than the average human baby. They hatch with their eyes closed, but able to hear and smell just fine. Their ears are droopy and their bodies are pudgy and bellies round from the yolk of the egg still inside, being slowly absorbed to give them strength while their mother&rsquo;s milk comes in and they learn to nurse properly. Kits open their eyes when they are between three and seven days old.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are generally fairly quiet and don&rsquo;t cry often, though do tend to make small chitters, squeaks, and mewling noises. They hate being alone.<\/p>\r\n<p>Babies have a very strong instinct to not relieve themselves within the nest. When they feel the need to go, they will let their parent know with insistent screeching until taken somewhere. Like a newborn kitten or puppy, they will not eliminate on their own. There is a pressure point just at the base of the neck that can be triggered through a certain way of holding onto the scruff that triggers them to go reflexively; they will only go when held in that certain way until they learn to move about on all fours. Once able to move about on all fours they will always leave the nest to eliminate. It's an instinct to keep the nest site clean and smelling good, since Kivuuli noses are extremely sensitive. Young Kivuuli are fully mobile by the time they are three months old, and run about everywhere on all fours.<\/p>\r\n<p>The babies depend completely on their parents and the others in their colony for survival. They are unable to teleport. In fact, this takes a lot of time to get right and generally has to be taught though can be done autonomously if the Kivuuli feels that its life is in danger. Kits are weaned between 3-5 years old, depending on the kit in question. Some wean themselves earlier, some later. A mother will never force wean her kit, because if they are still nursing it means they likely still need to. Kits are able to move about by the time they are three months old. As kits get older and start to move around, they love to practice their hunting instincts and will often hunt, and eat, small animals once their teeth grow in. They generally start getting teeth when they are about a year old. They like to show their kills off to their parents, or others in the Colony. As they get to be about 5 years old, they are weaned and eating solid food with ease. They are also able to eat raw meat by then.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli grow bigger and stronger as they age. At roughly 15, they reach sexual maturity. They are considered adults, even if not at full size yet at this age. Around 18 to 23, they stop growing and achieve their full height. It is around this time they learn to effect reality around them both in silencing their steps and in creating and jumping through little dimensional cracks to teleport. They usually stay with their parents until full maturity, and after that remain with their Colony of birth.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli children are incredibly awkward and clumsy until they grow into their long limbs. They spend more time on all fours than on two feet, though around ten years old they start getting up on two feet more often. Even into adulthod, they spend time both on all fours, and on two feet equally depending on the situation. Kits hurt themselves frequently, but this only kick-starts their natural healing ability.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Kits are known for getting themselves into trouble, constantly. They are mischievous, playful, energetic, and insatiably curious. The entire colony works to keep the children safe and alive. Just like kittens.<\/p>\r\n<p>Female kits are a bit more energetic and feisty than males.<\/p>\r\n<p>Young males love to playfight and spar among themselves. These playfights grow more intense once they near adolescence, roughly around 10-12 years old or so. Sometimes, these playfights get a bit too intense, leaving one or both young males bloody. They step away to heal, which is usually finished within minutes. Once healed, they go at it again. Adolescent males are constantly tussling, wrestling, and play-fighting, which only grows worse the closer to adulthood they get. While these bouts of snapping, screaming, growling, and snarling looks terrifying and deadly, they look far, far, FAR worse than they actually are. They never seriously hurt eachother and other Kivuuli in the Colony know very well the difference between play and real fighting, since real fighting is far louder and more vicious. As males get older, they mellow out considerably, and only face off against other males in contests of strength in the presence of a receptive female. They do this to try to impress her. They usually don&rsquo;t mellow out fully until around 30 or so; around 20-30 they are fully mature, but have bouts of wild, child-like energetic kittenlike playfulness.<\/p>\r\n<p>As a female reaches adolescence, she becomes fiercer and more commanding. If she joins a playfight, the males usually back down and submit almost instantly. Playfights between two females are far more vicious and noisy and dangerous-looking than playfights between males. They are practicing to take dominance someday; males just fight for fun or to pass on their genes. She starts to show interest in the male&rsquo;s battles, and starts to show more interest in those that win these fights. Most of the time, she will avoid a mate when she has her first heat cycle, since her body isn&rsquo;t fully grown at this point and not likely able to sustain an offspring for long. The first heat cycle generally happens around 15 years of age. She is considered an adult at this age, but she usually won&rsquo;t choose a mate until she is at her full size since a younger body is less able to successfully carry an egg. Most males will not attempt to impress a young female unless they themselves are young. Even if she is sexually mature and considered an adult, she is not full size and not interested in mating. Most of the time, even if she DOES find a mate, it will not take since her body is not ready to sustain pregnancy.<\/p>\r\n<p>She will usually chase off any male that comes near while going through her first heat. The first heat cycle is usually short, and not too intense. She is not fertile for this cycle, it is simply her body announcing that it is mature. Her heats will gradually get longer until they settle at the normal length when she&rsquo;s achieved her full size. If a female is not ready to have a kit of her own, she will hide away and ignore or chase off any males that try to gain her attention. Most females prefer not to have a kit until they have gained more experience. Young mothers are far more likely to be aggressive and attack anything they see as a threat than older mothers who are more experienced in raising, guiding, and protecting a child.<\/p>","field6":"<p>Mutations and Variations<br \/>The dewclaw is a fairly common variation found among Kivuuli. Both parents must either have, or carry, the dewclaw gene for it to show in an offspring.<\/p>\r\n<p>Another common variation is the heel spur. This is also recessive. Both parents must be carriers of the gene for it to pass on. Some Kivuuli have both heelspurs and dewclaws.<\/p>\r\n<p>Some Kivuuli are unable to retract their claws. This is very rare; but when it does show up it is not much of a hindrance. They are generally chosen as hunters, though they have to be careful since their claws are very sharp when fully extended. They often make claw caps for themselves to avoid hurting themselves or others.<\/p>\r\n<p>Some Kivuuli have a strip of longer fur that goes all the way down their spine.<\/p>\r\n<p>A rare mutation can cause them to lack spines.<\/p>\r\n<p>The Bully mutation causes Kivuuli to be bigger and more muscular than their fellows. They lose a lot of speed and agility, but gain a lot of brute strength.<\/p>\r\n<p>It is not uncommon for Kivuuli to have no markings, though it is far more common to have markings around the shoulders and hips.<\/p>\r\n<p>Long Fur<\/p>\r\n<p>Hermaphrodite - (Either masculine or feminine hermaphrodite)<\/p>\r\n<p>Rex Coat (Curly, this shows in varying degrees, fairly common, but usually subtle)<\/p>\r\n<p>Feathering (Light, Medium, or Heavy, light is common, medium and heavy is uncommon)<\/p>\r\n<p>Leucism (Can appear either patchy, white, near white, or unusually pale. This occurs either partial, or full. Leucistic Kivuuli are extremely rare!)<\/p>\r\n<p>Melenistic (Menelistic Kivuuli are almost impossible to tell apart from regular Kivuuli unless from a subspecies)<\/p>\r\n<p>Furless (Rare, but not unheard of. Tends to show up in warmer areas.)<\/p>\r\n<p>Lengthened Ear Tufts (Rare)<br \/>Albinism\/Partial Albinism (EXTREMELY rare! Most Albino Kivuuli are either blind, or almost blind.)<\/p>\r\n<p>Lengthened Cheek Fluffs (Uncommon, common among Maltese)<\/p>","field7":null,"parsed":{"description":"<p>The Kivuuli, a mysterious and powerful interdimensional semi-humanoid creature. They are rumored to hold the key to the Realms Between.<\/p>","field1":"<p>Kivuuli are a tall and powerful carnivorous furred semi-humanoid inter-dimensional race. They are generally black or dark grey with blue, green, or purple eyes and usually have slightly darker markings in stripes, spots, or a combination of the two that only show under certain light. There are several subspecies with different colors and markings being common from the warm reds of the forest dwelling Met'saa to the whites of the Lippizan to the blue grays of the Maltese or the golden color of Desert Kivuuli.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are elongated in build, with long limbs and are as comfortable on all fours as they are on two feet. They are incredibly wild, but generally won't attack unless attacked or threatened. Kivuuli are fully sapient and a social species. Despite their fearsome appearance, Kivuuli are a gentle and peaceful race with strong maternal instincts appearing in both males and females.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are very fast, especially when on all fours and live in groups known as Colonies.<\/p>","field2":"<h4>Between; Homeworld of the Kivuuli<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Imagine the air around you, full of bubbles. Now imagine that each of these bubbles is its own dimension. It's own universe. Has its own laws, and inner workings. Now, imagine all the space between the bubbles. A strange place, between the dimensions; ever shifting and changing. This is where the Kivuuli dwell and come from. The rules of physics do not apply; great islands of stone float through the darkness, covered in forests of strange bioluminescent fungus-like plants and other strange flora. Inhabited by strange creatures of all shapes and sizes, from tiny glowing dragonlike lizards to massive beasts that would put Earth's dinosaurs to shame. Literally anything can happen in Between, any sort of creature, any world, any dimension, any universe. The Kivuuli can reach many worlds and this is part of the reason for their great success as an apex predator.<\/p>\r\n<p>Harsh, but oddly beautiful, Between is buzzing with strange power and magic and the magical rules and laws of hundreds of dimensions, worlds, and universes clashing together in beautiful chaos. The areas of Between are effected by the laws of the dimensions and worlds closest to them; making Between highly varied. Between is beautiful; but as beautiful as it is it is deadly, thus the Kivuuli have had to adapt in to fast, powerful pack hunting predators that have claws that can slash through granite and a terrible shrieking wail that can drive fear into the hearts of the bravest.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are fast, able to teleport, and able to face creatures several times their size. This strange place has many names. Darkrealm, Tartarus, Limbo; but many simply call this place the Between; for this is what it is. The realm between dimensions. A strange and mysterious place; beautiful to behold but deadly to those not from there. While most of Between is completely dark aside from glimmers of light here and there and bioluminsecent plants and animals, some isles are ruled by a great orb of energy mimicking a sun. Some have their own weather patterns and day night cycles. Cracks and passages between dimensions are always opening and closing, allowing Kivuuli the ability to enter and leave Between at will, though they must be careful as some rifts are temporary and could close and leave them stranded in a strange and unfamiliar world. Others, still, are horribly unstable and deadly and could rip an unsuspecting Kivuuli to shreds leaving nothing but splatters of blood and the memory of their horrible screams.<\/p>","field3":"<h4>Calls, Vocalizations and Language<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli voices have a strange, otherworldly quality to them. They sound almost distorted, with a clear staticy crackling undertone. This is likely because of their interdimensional nature.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their voices are often deep, with a growl or purr like sound mixed in. A Kivuuli speaking is much what a person might imagine a lion&rsquo;s voice would sound like if it learned to speak. They tend to have emphasis on sharper sounds, like k, z, v, and such, and their r&rsquo;s are often lengthened slightly in a slight growl or purr. They are fully capable of learning languages aside from their own and, in fact, Kivuuli learn incredibly fast. Despite their wild primitive ways, they are incredibly intelligent.<\/p>\r\n<p>Outside of speech, they have a whole range of natural vocalizations. When excited or friendly, they let out a sound similar to a chittering cat. Though much deeper and lower in tone. This sound is often used by playful kits, or adults trying to show they mean no harm. Kivuuli also purr. It&rsquo;s a deep, heavy rumbling sound with a bit of static to it.<\/p>\r\n<p>They chitter, chirp, chuff, rumble, growl, purr, hiss, click, snarl, roar, howl, and many other sounds.<\/p>\r\n<p>Chirping is used to call and greet fellow members of their Colony. The chuff is similar to a chuffing tiger, and they use this to greet loved ones and family or close friends. The rumble and growl show varying levels of irritation and\/or anger, eventually leading to a wild snarling or finally, their terrible howl or roar.<\/p>\r\n<p>Purring is an expression of pleasure and contentment.<\/p>\r\n<p>When injured, they let out soft whimpers and whines.<\/p>\r\n<p>When sad, they will either be very quiet, whimper softly, or let out a heartbreaking wail when mourning the death of a loved one.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their language incorporates all of these vocalizations. And they even integrate this when speaking other languages as well.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli also rely strongly on body language. The position of one&rsquo;s ears, tone of voice, and posture can change the meaning of what they are trying to say. Looking at the position of the ears is a great way to tell what mood a Kivuuli is in. When neutral, the ears are out slightly to the sides and in a relaxed position. When alert or shocked, their ears perk up and swivel forward. Their ears often flick and swivel towards any sound, and many times they detect sounds other creatures will not.<\/p>\r\n<p>When angry, their ears go back, and they lower their ears when sad, or trying to show submission. Higher ranking Kivuuli generally tend to hold their ears perked higher than lower ranking Kivuuli.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli can also make a strange tonal almost&hellip; droning sound. Somewhere between a thrum and a rumble, it can promote relaxation or healing. The sound is, indeed, very strange. And it is something that is rarely heard among Kivuuli so it is theorized that only a few of them are capable of, or know how to, produce this sound.<\/p>","field4":"<h4>Appearance and anatomy<\/h4>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are somewhat humanoid in appearance, but have some very clear differences. They are long and lean, with elongated torsos and limbs. The average Kivuuli stands around nine to nine and a half feet tall. They have pawlike digitgrade feet which have four toes, or four toes and a dewclaw. Being interdimensional creatures, they often appear with a strange dark aura around them with what seems like tiny sparks or glimmers of lights appearing and floating aimlessly around them and vanishing again. This aura and particles usually matches the basic color of their eyes. It only shows when they are using, or have recently used their reality bending abilities.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli skin is incredibly tough and thick. It takes some strength and a sharp blade to pierce it. They have a coating of fur that is short, but dense and soft. Their natural body temperature is around 105 degrees Fahrenheit, and thus they are very warm to the touch. The fur is usually longest around the shoulders, down the back, and in small fringes around the ankles and wrists.<\/p>\r\n<p>The fur on a female's ruff is longer and thicker than that of a male, and the skin there is looser and thicker and tougher as well. This serves as a protective barrier against the male's fangs, since they tend to bite during mating. Even then, he does often draw blood though most females don't mind this. It actually feels good to them.<\/p>\r\n<p>Being interdimensional creatures, Kivuuli are extremely light. Even standing around nine or more feet tall, they rarely weigh over one hundred fifty pounds. This is due to them being made up of something like solidified energy. Light, but incredibly strong. This not fully physical nature also manifests in their spines, claws, and fangs. When angry, they actually extend out and get longer and sharper, and when calm shrink back to normal size and sharpness.<\/p>\r\n<p>They have scale like spines on their forearms pointing back off the elbow with membranes between them. Similar scale like spines go down their spine, also having membranes between them. These spines flare up when frightened, angry, or threatened. They are also used in dominance displays.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli blood is a dark nearly black purple and thicker than human blood.<\/p>\r\n<p>Males are far more common than females. There are about five males for every one female hatched.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h4>Diet and Feeding<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli are carnivorous. Their diet consists almost entirely of meat, though they might eat other things if no meat is available. They will sometimes add other things to their diet, such as fruits. Kivuuli tend to love sweets, but they aren&rsquo;t fond of sour things.<\/p>\r\n<p>When it comes out the other end, it looks like very large rabbit droppings and simply crumbles to dust if stepped on. Has little to no smell.<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<h4><br \/>Abilities<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli have many special abilities they are capable of using.<\/p>\r\n<p>\u200b<\/p>\r\n<p>Teleportation - Kivuuli are able to teleport, though their methods are strange and unique. They are able to bend the fabric of reality around them in minor ways, the most pronounced being the ability to literally tear a crack in reality and step through. The crack always heals itself right after the Kivuuli steps through. Not ALL Kivuuli can do this. It is something that must be taught. Kivuuli can see and sense the flow of energy around them. They can also completely silence their steps, even at a full run.<\/p>\r\n<p>**Note that they teleport by jumping through the dimension - or, within the bubble. They can not break out of the bubble into greater between, but they do, in a sense, touch Between when teleporting.<\/p>\r\n<p>Paralyzing Stare - The Paralyzing Stare is an ability Kivuuli developed for hunting and self defense. They stare you right in the eyes, which has a hypnotizing effect, rendering their prey or enemy unable to move. As long as your eyes are locked with the Kivuuli&rsquo;s, you can&rsquo;t move. When eye contact is broken, you can move again. Most Kivuuli ONLY use this ability when absolutely necessary. Generally if they are attacked. They catch the person&rsquo;s gaze, causes them to freeze up, and teleports away to safety as they recover.<\/p>\r\n<p>Intimidating Howl - The Intimidating Howl is a horrible unearthly howl, laced with the Kivuuli&rsquo;s reality bending power. It sounds somewhere between a feral howl, savage snarling, horrible shrieking, and radio static. It forces feelings of terror into the one hearing it, giving them the desire to run away. Most can not handle it, and either faint where they are or run in horror. This terrible howl seems to come from every direction at once, making the Kivuuli&rsquo;s location hard to determine.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Reality Bending - This ability is the underlying cause to many other abilities Kivuuli have. They are able to bend reality around them in minor ways, stifling the sound of their footsteps, stopping you from hearing their breath or smelling them or sensing their presence. They can also leap through cracks in reality to teleport and many other small, but useful applications.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h4>Evolutionary Background<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Their society is very wild in many ways. They are sentient and intelligent, but far more ruled by wild instincts and feral tendencies than humans. This has not changed because it works for them. They are matriarchal, with females naturally leading and males being far calmer and more docile.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Between is a dangerous place, and Kivuuli reproduce slowly. Smaller Colonies are much more likely to breed faster. They also breed faster is there is plenty of food around. During times of famine females will actually stop having heats entirely. This is natural; it allows a Colony to grow strong and maintain their numbers. More babies born means more Kivuuli likely to make it to adulthood. A lone Kivuuli female is several times more likely to become pregnant than a Kivuuli in a big Colony. When a lot of Kivuuli populate one area, or food is less plentiful, their fertility as a whole drops dramatically. The reason why is unknown, but a hormonal response is the most likely candidate. Kivuuli in smaller Colonies are also more likely to go into heat more often. Kivuuli can go into heat every one to three years. Smaller Colonies' viable members will go into heat once a year; bigger colonies often every three years and sometimes even five.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli leave Between to hunt for food not available in their homeworld, gather resources, and explore. They usually go in small parties. Only the strong and clever make it back alive, for other worlds are packed with even more dangers to test a Kivuuli&rsquo;s ability to survive. There may be a small number of Kivuuli with the ability to not age or die of age, but there are plenty of other things killing them and keeping their population balanced.<\/p>\r\n<p>All of this together has honed their intelligence to a fine point, but also nurtured their wild side giving them human intelligence coupled with bestial behaviors and instincts.<br \/>Their ancestors are, in fact, extinct. Natural selection made sure of that. Kinda like we don&rsquo;t see neanderthals or proto-humans running about. Some of their earliest ancestors were sleek, quadrupedal spiked predators that used teleportation to hunt or escape danger. They were fast, strong, and fierce, forming packs that were highly territorial.<\/p>","field5":"<p>Mating and Reproduction<br \/>Kivuuli males and females look quite similar. Genitals are internal, though gender can be told through differences in their bodies, demeanor, and voice. If one sees a male and female Kivuuli standing side by side, first glance won&rsquo;t reveal many differences. But if you look closely you can tell. Kivuuli do have the occasional hermaphrodite, this is a rare mutation.<br \/>Sexual Dimorphism<br \/>Male: Kivuuli genitals are internal and only emerge in a state of arousal. The male has a slit like sheath more towards the front of his crotch. Males are slimmer and smaller than females, and generally hold themselves lower as well. They are naturally submissive since even a very strong male wouldn't stand a chance against the physically bigger and stronger female. Males do not have much curve to them, if any at all and have narrow waists and hips. They have semi defined pecs, and the fur on their lower belly and inner thighs is not any longer than the fur on the rest of their bodies. They have teats on the lower belly, usually small and not very visible. They tend to have thicker and longer chest fur as well as slightly longer\/fluffier fur around their neck. This can sometimes amplify their cheek fluff, too.<\/p>\r\n<p>Male Kivuuli have lower, rougher and deeper voices than females. The growling undertone is more pronounced.<\/p>\r\n<p>Female: The female has a slit on the bottom of her crotch, barely visable of at all from the front. The slit is subtle and less visable than the male's sheath like slit. A female has visible teats, though they are only really noticeable when she is carrying an egg, or nursing a hatchling.<\/p>\r\n<p>Females are taller and noticeably stronger than males. Her body is thicker, and moderately curvy with wider hips leading down to long and slim, but strong legs. While a layer of fat beneath her skin makes her look softer, beneath that softness is a lot of brute strength and ferocity.<\/p>\r\n<p>The fur down the back of a female&rsquo;s neck, shoulders, and back is thicker and longer than a male's, and she also has thicker longer fur on her belly and inner thigh, which thickens further when carrying, or nursing young.<\/p>\r\n<p>The female Kivuuli's voice is softer and higher in pitch than a male's. Her growl is smoother, but deeper and fiercer. Her purr is a low and smooth.<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p>Heat and Mating<br \/>Kivuuli attract mates through scent.<\/p>\r\n<p>Female Kivuuli go into heat regularly, but when observed in our dimension it happens roughly once every 1-3 years. A female raising a kit can not enter this state as long as she is nursing the kit. This is the only time she can become pregnant. It lasts for roughly two weeks or until she finds a suitable mate.<\/p>\r\n<p>There are three stages to the heat.<\/p>\r\n<p>Stage 1- Her scent begins to shift. This is not actual heat yet; she is not fertile. But her body is preparing itself for heat. She starts to become more interested in males, but also more hormonal and dangerous. She also becomes territorial towards other females, not letting them near her den. This stage lasts a few days.<\/p>\r\n<p>Stage 2- Her scent grows stronger, and her body is almost ready to mate. This is the attracting a mate stage. The testing the males and letting them fight for her stage. She becomes actively interested in males, and is easily aroused. Like a cat, a female in heat will groom herself frequently to deal with the wetness between the legs. While not water-based, it gets annoying. This stage of heat lasts about a week.<br \/>At this stage, her strong heat-scent rouses the males into excitement; causing them to follow her an attempt to impress her. Mating in this stage of heat will not end it, but it will shorten the time that she&rsquo;s in it. Once a mate is chosen, they will mate repeatedly until her heat is over. It usually ends within 24 hours of her first mating.<\/p>\r\n<p>Stage 3 - This is the most intense part of her heat. This is when she is fully ready to mate and most likely to ovulate. Her heat scent becomes so strong the males can practically taste it on the air. She becomes extremely restless, unable to stay in one place for long. Many females will pace on and on, and even whine and call their discomfort and need. Younger females react more strongly to this stage; while older females can usually ignore it with the occasional whine and shift of discomfort. The ache inside them grows so intense that even those who don&rsquo;t want a child might mate just to get it over with.<\/p>\r\n<p>The males will scuffle and fight among themselves, and the strongest, healthiest males will compete to gain her attention. Once the female has chosen, the other males will give up and find another release. Often in the form of a female who is not in heat; since she can not become pregnant she does not care about the health or strength of the male.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Even though Kivuuli generally mate very roughly, with growling and biting and claws involved, it is always consensual. A Kivuuli who tries to take a mate against their will will be turned on and killed by their Colony.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Once the female chooses her suitor and mating occurs, her heat will either be shortened, or end completely. She signals that she is ready by getting into the presenting position. Crouching down, revealing the thickly furred ruff on her back, and raising her rear into the air. Even if mating doesn&rsquo;t always happen in this position, it&rsquo;s considered a sign of acceptance, even if she plays hard to get afterwards. Kivuuli females, like cats, are stimulated ovulators. Without the proper stimulation, the heat will end but she won&rsquo;t become pregnant. Even if stimulated, the male must have strong seed or her body will kill it all before it fertilizes her. While they will mate repeatedly, the first one is the one that triggers the end of the heat, and thus, after that first one, stimulation will not cause ovulation if it hasn&rsquo;t already.<\/p>\r\n<p>It takes a few days to know if the mating was successful. After a few days, if the mating was successful, her scent will change to announce that she is pregnant. She will also fail to shed, since the shed will be delayed until a week before laying. Female Kivuuli shed a week after heat. If it does not take and she sheds, she will have to wait until her next heat cycle to try again; usually with a different male. \u200b<br \/>Gestation<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>With the exception of very few isolated colonies, Kivuuli are an egg-bearing race. They carry the egg for four to five months, growing large quickly. The male is expected to hunt for her and bring her food, since her appetite will increase as she packs the egg with nutrients it will need once it exits her body. The baby will also develop considerably during this time. By the time the egg is laid, the brain of the fetus is almost completely formed; the rest of the body finishes forming after the egg is laid. As the egg forms, the female&rsquo;s fur grows thicker and denser, to make better lining for her nest. The fur around her belly and inner thighs thickens too; and she will not shed her guardhairs.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their pelvis separates in two places, and is held together by springy, elastic tendons. Each separation contains a small bone bridge that breaks in the process of laying the first egg. This produces a small, sharp crack\/pop, and is quite painful. The bone bridge never grows back and any eggs after the first are easier. Once the egg has passed through, the tendons will spring back, and the Kivuuli&rsquo;s natural healing ability will repair any damage within an hour or two of laying while the exhausted mother sleeps. Males do not have the tendons or bone bridges.<\/p>\r\n<p>While inside them, the egg shell is thick and leathery. It forms soon after conception and plays the part of the placenta until it comes time to lay. During the last few days before laying it becomes the egg shell, which and is soft and pliable. After laying, the shell takes roughly a half hour to harden. It becomes tough, hard and slightly textured. It is very thick and tough, hard to break from the outside. It is, however, very vulnerable until it&rsquo;s fully hardened. The reason it develops so long inside the mother is so the brain can form properly; the mother gives it a kick start, and the hatchling finishes development within the egg.<\/p>\r\n<p>They look huge when they are carrying, but most of that is actually fluids that protect and cushion the egg as well as providing lubrication for laying. Nutrients are stored within the forming shell, though the hatchling has a Proteanct link to the mother until a few days before laying.<\/p>\r\n<p>During the pregnancy, the Kivuuli will have an intense nesting instinct. She will take anything she can find. Fur of other shedding Kivuuli, blankets, any soft thing, and build a nest. During the last week of carrying, she will shed, and line her nest with her fur. Once the egg is laid, it will be watched over and kept warm by her while its father hunts for her. It will hatch in another 4-5 months. This can vary by subspecies, or location, or individual Kivuuli. Eggs can vary in color, but are usually smooth and black with slightly lighter colored mottling. This can change depending on the individual Kivuuli or their environment.<\/p>\r\n<p>A hatchling Kivuuli is known as a kit, because they are very kitten like in their behavior. Kits are known to imprint on the energy signature and voice of the one who spends the most time around the egg. As such, they know their mother the instant they come out. While hatching, a mother will crouch near the egg, face inches away from it and make soft chirring calls to encourage the kit to break free of the egg.<br \/><br \/>Upon hatching, they will follow the scent of the mother&rsquo;s teats. The scent and feel of the kit suckling will trigger a surge of hormones, and she will begin lactation. This surge of hormones will reduce the Kivuuli to soft, relaxed purring. Any Kivuuli can be triggered to lactate in this manner, be it male or female. Once lactation begins, the Kivuuli&rsquo;s appetite will increase. They often feed their milk to older or sick individuals within the Colony to help them survive and stay strong.<\/p>\r\n<p>Shown are a Kivuuli&rsquo;s teats. First image, they are mostly covered by the fur. SOmetimes a slight separation in the fur is seen on shorter furred Kivuuli.<\/p>\r\n<p>In the pregnant Kivuuli, the teats poke out of the fur, as the fur sheds from directly around them.<\/p>\r\n<p>When nursing, the flesh swells a bit to push the nipples out of the fur, thus allowing the hatchling to nurse without getting a mouthful of its mother&rsquo;s fur.<\/p>\r\n<p>The consistency is thick, almost like a probiotic yogurt shake, and the taste is surprisingly mild and a little sweet. It is highly nutritious, high in protein and energy; and everything else a kit needs to grow. Kivuuli kits who nurse on their mother grow up bigger and stronger as adults, and generally have a higher chance of being more dominant. It is not at all uncommon for Kivuuli in a Colony to nurse eachother's young. Sometimes older members will play the part of nanny for younger, less experienced Kivuuli. Some Kivuuli will choose to never stop lactating for the purpose of playing nanny to the kits within the Colony.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are extremely protective of their kits. If you hurt a kit, the whole Colony will attack. Even one lone Kivuuli is far more ferocious and dangerous than any mother bear; you don&rsquo;t want to know what would happen if you pissed off a whole colony of them.<\/p>\r\n<p>A human baby could drink Kivuuli&rsquo;s milk but couldn&rsquo;t survive off of it unless water was added to it. Kivuuli&rsquo;s milk contains no water whatsoever. It is high in protein, with a moderate amount of fat, and harder on the digestive system than human milk. It isn&rsquo;t dangerous but will not meet a human&rsquo;s needs properly. If water is added a human baby can survive off of it but won&rsquo;t be at ideal health and it would likely cause a lot of gas and intestinal discomfort being designed for a baby with a much stronger digestive system. It would pose no problems for an adult, and is highly nutritious with natural healing properties as well as infection fighting properties. An adult human or other meat-eating animal could survive off of it as long as they had access to water to stay hydrated.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are highly lactose intolerant. It makes them very, very sick. As such, Kivuuli milk has no lactose in it.<\/p>\r\n<p>A Kivuuli hatchling would be unable to survive on the milk of any terrestrial mammal. It contains way too much water and their little tummies can&rsquo;t handle it, not to mention their lactose intolerance. An adult Kivuuli can ingest the milk of terrestrial mammals, but it does cause a lot of digestive upset, cramping, nausea, and vomiting. The digestive issues can become severe enough to kill a kit, though an adult can survive it. It would just make them very sick. It does not contain the proper nutrients so if the kit did manage to survive the lactose and water, it would slowly deteriorate in health until it died of malnutrition. Their digestive systems are more advanced so they can be fed mashed cooked (Not raw) meat or anything else high in protein if taken in and raised by a human or a member of another race. Mixing ground up bones and the organs of the animal can add to the nutrition and help the kit more. Some that start off being nursed, though, will utterly refuse solid food.<\/p>\r\n<p>It is not unusual for members of a Colony to nurse eachother&rsquo;s young. In fact, this is a very common practice, though some Kits will not nurse on any but their mother. This depends on the individual. It is most common for the omegas to act as nannies for the Colony, helping to care for the kits while stronger individuals hunt and bring in food. Because of this Omegas, and especially nannies, while not given any authority, are not treated badly. Kivuuli tend to produce more milk than is needed. If it gets uncomfortable, they tend to empty their teats themselves. This keeps their supply strong, is relaxing and calming, tastes good to them, and is considered completely normal. While a human would find such activity odd, it is completely natural for a Kivuuli.<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p>Kits are teeny when they hatch, a little smaller than the average human baby. They hatch with their eyes closed, but able to hear and smell just fine. Their ears are droopy and their bodies are pudgy and bellies round from the yolk of the egg still inside, being slowly absorbed to give them strength while their mother&rsquo;s milk comes in and they learn to nurse properly. Kits open their eyes when they are between three and seven days old.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are generally fairly quiet and don&rsquo;t cry often, though do tend to make small chitters, squeaks, and mewling noises. They hate being alone.<\/p>\r\n<p>Babies have a very strong instinct to not relieve themselves within the nest. When they feel the need to go, they will let their parent know with insistent screeching until taken somewhere. Like a newborn kitten or puppy, they will not eliminate on their own. There is a pressure point just at the base of the neck that can be triggered through a certain way of holding onto the scruff that triggers them to go reflexively; they will only go when held in that certain way until they learn to move about on all fours. Once able to move about on all fours they will always leave the nest to eliminate. It's an instinct to keep the nest site clean and smelling good, since Kivuuli noses are extremely sensitive. Young Kivuuli are fully mobile by the time they are three months old, and run about everywhere on all fours.<\/p>\r\n<p>The babies depend completely on their parents and the others in their colony for survival. They are unable to teleport. In fact, this takes a lot of time to get right and generally has to be taught though can be done autonomously if the Kivuuli feels that its life is in danger. Kits are weaned between 3-5 years old, depending on the kit in question. Some wean themselves earlier, some later. A mother will never force wean her kit, because if they are still nursing it means they likely still need to. Kits are able to move about by the time they are three months old. As kits get older and start to move around, they love to practice their hunting instincts and will often hunt, and eat, small animals once their teeth grow in. They generally start getting teeth when they are about a year old. They like to show their kills off to their parents, or others in the Colony. As they get to be about 5 years old, they are weaned and eating solid food with ease. They are also able to eat raw meat by then.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli grow bigger and stronger as they age. At roughly 15, they reach sexual maturity. They are considered adults, even if not at full size yet at this age. Around 18 to 23, they stop growing and achieve their full height. It is around this time they learn to effect reality around them both in silencing their steps and in creating and jumping through little dimensional cracks to teleport. They usually stay with their parents until full maturity, and after that remain with their Colony of birth.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli children are incredibly awkward and clumsy until they grow into their long limbs. They spend more time on all fours than on two feet, though around ten years old they start getting up on two feet more often. Even into adulthod, they spend time both on all fours, and on two feet equally depending on the situation. Kits hurt themselves frequently, but this only kick-starts their natural healing ability.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Kits are known for getting themselves into trouble, constantly. They are mischievous, playful, energetic, and insatiably curious. The entire colony works to keep the children safe and alive. Just like kittens.<\/p>\r\n<p>Female kits are a bit more energetic and feisty than males.<\/p>\r\n<p>Young males love to playfight and spar among themselves. These playfights grow more intense once they near adolescence, roughly around 10-12 years old or so. Sometimes, these playfights get a bit too intense, leaving one or both young males bloody. They step away to heal, which is usually finished within minutes. Once healed, they go at it again. Adolescent males are constantly tussling, wrestling, and play-fighting, which only grows worse the closer to adulthood they get. While these bouts of snapping, screaming, growling, and snarling looks terrifying and deadly, they look far, far, FAR worse than they actually are. They never seriously hurt eachother and other Kivuuli in the Colony know very well the difference between play and real fighting, since real fighting is far louder and more vicious. As males get older, they mellow out considerably, and only face off against other males in contests of strength in the presence of a receptive female. They do this to try to impress her. They usually don&rsquo;t mellow out fully until around 30 or so; around 20-30 they are fully mature, but have bouts of wild, child-like energetic kittenlike playfulness.<\/p>\r\n<p>As a female reaches adolescence, she becomes fiercer and more commanding. If she joins a playfight, the males usually back down and submit almost instantly. Playfights between two females are far more vicious and noisy and dangerous-looking than playfights between males. They are practicing to take dominance someday; males just fight for fun or to pass on their genes. She starts to show interest in the male&rsquo;s battles, and starts to show more interest in those that win these fights. Most of the time, she will avoid a mate when she has her first heat cycle, since her body isn&rsquo;t fully grown at this point and not likely able to sustain an offspring for long. The first heat cycle generally happens around 15 years of age. She is considered an adult at this age, but she usually won&rsquo;t choose a mate until she is at her full size since a younger body is less able to successfully carry an egg. Most males will not attempt to impress a young female unless they themselves are young. Even if she is sexually mature and considered an adult, she is not full size and not interested in mating. Most of the time, even if she DOES find a mate, it will not take since her body is not ready to sustain pregnancy.<\/p>\r\n<p>She will usually chase off any male that comes near while going through her first heat. The first heat cycle is usually short, and not too intense. She is not fertile for this cycle, it is simply her body announcing that it is mature. Her heats will gradually get longer until they settle at the normal length when she&rsquo;s achieved her full size. If a female is not ready to have a kit of her own, she will hide away and ignore or chase off any males that try to gain her attention. Most females prefer not to have a kit until they have gained more experience. Young mothers are far more likely to be aggressive and attack anything they see as a threat than older mothers who are more experienced in raising, guiding, and protecting a child.<\/p>","field6":"<p>Mutations and Variations<br \/>The dewclaw is a fairly common variation found among Kivuuli. Both parents must either have, or carry, the dewclaw gene for it to show in an offspring.<\/p>\r\n<p>Another common variation is the heel spur. This is also recessive. Both parents must be carriers of the gene for it to pass on. Some Kivuuli have both heelspurs and dewclaws.<\/p>\r\n<p>Some Kivuuli are unable to retract their claws. This is very rare; but when it does show up it is not much of a hindrance. They are generally chosen as hunters, though they have to be careful since their claws are very sharp when fully extended. They often make claw caps for themselves to avoid hurting themselves or others.<\/p>\r\n<p>Some Kivuuli have a strip of longer fur that goes all the way down their spine.<\/p>\r\n<p>A rare mutation can cause them to lack spines.<\/p>\r\n<p>The Bully mutation causes Kivuuli to be bigger and more muscular than their fellows. They lose a lot of speed and agility, but gain a lot of brute strength.<\/p>\r\n<p>It is not uncommon for Kivuuli to have no markings, though it is far more common to have markings around the shoulders and hips.<\/p>\r\n<p>Long Fur<\/p>\r\n<p>Hermaphrodite - (Either masculine or feminine hermaphrodite)<\/p>\r\n<p>Rex Coat (Curly, this shows in varying degrees, fairly common, but usually subtle)<\/p>\r\n<p>Feathering (Light, Medium, or Heavy, light is common, medium and heavy is uncommon)<\/p>\r\n<p>Leucism (Can appear either patchy, white, near white, or unusually pale. This occurs either partial, or full. Leucistic Kivuuli are extremely rare!)<\/p>\r\n<p>Melenistic (Menelistic Kivuuli are almost impossible to tell apart from regular Kivuuli unless from a subspecies)<\/p>\r\n<p>Furless (Rare, but not unheard of. Tends to show up in warmer areas.)<\/p>\r\n<p>Lengthened Ear Tufts (Rare)<br \/>Albinism\/Partial Albinism (EXTREMELY rare! Most Albino Kivuuli are either blind, or almost blind.)<\/p>\r\n<p>Lengthened Cheek Fluffs (Uncommon, common among Maltese)<\/p>","field7":null}},"title":"Kivuuli","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":["wip"],"page_tag":null}
#117 29 June 2023, 19:14:43 UTC
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Length: 67145 (+13760) -
{"data":{"description":"<p>The Kivuuli, a mysterious and powerful interdimensional semi-humanoid creature. They are rumored to hold the key to the Realms Between.<\/p>","field1":"<p>Kivuuli are a tall and powerful carnivorous furred semi-humanoid inter-dimensional race. They are generally black or dark grey with blue, green, or purple eyes and usually have slightly darker markings in stripes, spots, or a combination of the two that only show under certain light. There are several subspecies with different colors and markings being common from the warm reds of the forest dwelling Met'saa to the whites of the Lippizan to the blue grays of the Maltese or the golden color of Desert Kivuuli.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are elongated in build, with long limbs and are as comfortable on all fours as they are on two feet. They are incredibly wild, but generally won't attack unless attacked or threatened. Kivuuli are fully sapient and a social species. Despite their fearsome appearance, Kivuuli are a gentle and peaceful race with strong maternal instincts appearing in both males and females.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are very fast, especially when on all fours and live in groups known as Colonies.<\/p>","field2":"<h4>Between; Homeworld of the Kivuuli<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Imagine the air around you, full of bubbles. Now imagine that each of these bubbles is its own dimension. It's own universe. Has its own laws, and inner workings. Now, imagine all the space between the bubbles. A strange place, between the dimensions; ever shifting and changing. This is where the Kivuuli dwell and come from. The rules of physics do not apply; great islands of stone float through the darkness, covered in forests of strange bioluminescent fungus-like plants and other strange flora. Inhabited by strange creatures of all shapes and sizes, from tiny glowing dragonlike lizards to massive beasts that would put Earth's dinosaurs to shame. Literally anything can happen in Between, any sort of creature, any world, any dimension, any universe. The Kivuuli can reach many worlds and this is part of the reason for their great success as an apex predator.<\/p>\r\n<p>Harsh, but oddly beautiful, Between is buzzing with strange power and magic and the magical rules and laws of hundreds of dimensions, worlds, and universes clashing together in beautiful chaos. The areas of Between are effected by the laws of the dimensions and worlds closest to them; making Between highly varied. Between is beautiful; but as beautiful as it is it is deadly, thus the Kivuuli have had to adapt in to fast, powerful pack hunting predators that have claws that can slash through granite and a terrible shrieking wail that can drive fear into the hearts of the bravest.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are fast, able to teleport, and able to face creatures several times their size. This strange place has many names. Darkrealm, Tartarus, Limbo; but many simply call this place the Between; for this is what it is. The realm between dimensions. A strange and mysterious place; beautiful to behold but deadly to those not from there. While most of Between is completely dark aside from glimmers of light here and there and bioluminsecent plants and animals, some isles are ruled by a great orb of energy mimicking a sun. Some have their own weather patterns and day night cycles. Cracks and passages between dimensions are always opening and closing, allowing Kivuuli the ability to enter and leave Between at will, though they must be careful as some rifts are temporary and could close and leave them stranded in a strange and unfamiliar world. Others, still, are horribly unstable and deadly and could rip an unsuspecting Kivuuli to shreds leaving nothing but splatters of blood and the memory of their horrible screams.<\/p>","field3":"<h4>Calls, Vocalizations and Language<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli voices have a strange, otherworldly quality to them. They sound almost distorted, with a clear staticy crackling undertone. This is likely because of their interdimensional nature.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their voices are often deep, with a growl or purr like sound mixed in. A Kivuuli speaking is much what a person might imagine a lion&rsquo;s voice would sound like if it learned to speak. They tend to have emphasis on sharper sounds, like k, z, v, and such, and their r&rsquo;s are often lengthened slightly in a slight growl or purr. They are fully capable of learning languages aside from their own and, in fact, Kivuuli learn incredibly fast. Despite their wild primitive ways, they are incredibly intelligent.<\/p>\r\n<p>Outside of speech, they have a whole range of natural vocalizations. When excited or friendly, they let out a sound similar to a chittering cat. Though much deeper and lower in tone. This sound is often used by playful kits, or adults trying to show they mean no harm. Kivuuli also purr. It&rsquo;s a deep, heavy rumbling sound with a bit of static to it.<\/p>\r\n<p>They chitter, chirp, chuff, rumble, growl, purr, hiss, click, snarl, roar, howl, and many other sounds.<\/p>\r\n<p>Chirping is used to call and greet fellow members of their Colony. The chuff is similar to a chuffing tiger, and they use this to greet loved ones and family or close friends. The rumble and growl show varying levels of irritation and\/or anger, eventually leading to a wild snarling or finally, their terrible howl or roar.<\/p>\r\n<p>Purring is an expression of pleasure and contentment.<\/p>\r\n<p>When injured, they let out soft whimpers and whines.<\/p>\r\n<p>When sad, they will either be very quiet, whimper softly, or let out a heartbreaking wail when mourning the death of a loved one.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their language incorporates all of these vocalizations. And they even integrate this when speaking other languages as well.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli also rely strongly on body language. The position of one&rsquo;s ears, tone of voice, and posture can change the meaning of what they are trying to say. Looking at the position of the ears is a great way to tell what mood a Kivuuli is in. When neutral, the ears are out slightly to the sides and in a relaxed position. When alert or shocked, their ears perk up and swivel forward. Their ears often flick and swivel towards any sound, and many times they detect sounds other creatures will not.<\/p>\r\n<p>When angry, their ears go back, and they lower their ears when sad, or trying to show submission. Higher ranking Kivuuli generally tend to hold their ears perked higher than lower ranking Kivuuli.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli can also make a strange tonal almost&hellip; droning sound. Somewhere between a thrum and a rumble, it can promote relaxation or healing. The sound is, indeed, very strange. And it is something that is rarely heard among Kivuuli so it is theorized that only a few of them are capable of, or know how to, produce this sound.<\/p>","field4":"<h4>Appearance and anatomy<\/h4>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are somewhat humanoid in appearance, but have some very clear differences. They are long and lean, with elongated torsos and limbs. The average Kivuuli stands around nine to nine and a half feet tall. They have pawlike digitgrade feet which have four toes, or four toes and a dewclaw. Being interdimensional creatures, they often appear with a strange dark aura around them with what seems like tiny sparks or glimmers of lights appearing and floating aimlessly around them and vanishing again. This aura and particles usually matches the basic color of their eyes. It only shows when they are using, or have recently used their reality bending abilities.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli skin is incredibly tough and thick. It takes some strength and a sharp blade to pierce it. They have a coating of fur that is short, but dense and soft. Their natural body temperature is around 105 degrees Fahrenheit, and thus they are very warm to the touch. The fur is usually longest around the shoulders, down the back, and in small fringes around the ankles and wrists.<\/p>\r\n<p>The fur on a female's ruff is longer and thicker than that of a male, and the skin there is looser and thicker and tougher as well. This serves as a protective barrier against the male's fangs, since they tend to bite during mating. Even then, he does often draw blood though most females don't mind this. It actually feels good to them.<\/p>\r\n<p>Being interdimensional creatures, Kivuuli are extremely light. Even standing around nine or more feet tall, they rarely weigh over one hundred fifty pounds. This is due to them being made up of something like solidified energy. Light, but incredibly strong. This not fully physical nature also manifests in their spines, claws, and fangs. When angry, they actually extend out and get longer and sharper, and when calm shrink back to normal size and sharpness.<\/p>\r\n<p>They have scale like spines on their forearms pointing back off the elbow with membranes between them. Similar scale like spines go down their spine, also having membranes between them. These spines flare up when frightened, angry, or threatened. They are also used in dominance displays.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli blood is a dark nearly black purple and thicker than human blood.<\/p>\r\n<p>Males are far more common than females. There are about five males for every one female hatched.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h4>Diet and Feeding<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli are carnivorous. Their diet consists almost entirely of meat, though they might eat other things if no meat is available. They will sometimes add other things to their diet, such as fruits. Kivuuli tend to love sweets, but they aren&rsquo;t fond of sour things.<\/p>\r\n<p>When it comes out the other end, it looks like very large rabbit droppings and simply crumbles to dust if stepped on. Has little to no smell.<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<h4><br \/>Abilities<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli have many special abilities they are capable of using.<\/p>\r\n<p>\u200b<\/p>\r\n<p>Teleportation - Kivuuli are able to teleport, though their methods are strange and unique. They are able to bend the fabric of reality around them in minor ways, the most pronounced being the ability to literally tear a crack in reality and step through. The crack always heals itself right after the Kivuuli steps through. Not ALL Kivuuli can do this. It is something that must be taught. Kivuuli can see and sense the flow of energy around them. They can also completely silence their steps, even at a full run.<\/p>\r\n<p>**Note that they teleport by jumping through the dimension - or, within the bubble. They can not break out of the bubble into greater between, but they do, in a sense, touch Between when teleporting.<\/p>\r\n<p>Paralyzing Stare - The Paralyzing Stare is an ability Kivuuli developed for hunting and self defense. They stare you right in the eyes, which has a hypnotizing effect, rendering their prey or enemy unable to move. As long as your eyes are locked with the Kivuuli&rsquo;s, you can&rsquo;t move. When eye contact is broken, you can move again. Most Kivuuli ONLY use this ability when absolutely necessary. Generally if they are attacked. They catch the person&rsquo;s gaze, causes them to freeze up, and teleports away to safety as they recover.<\/p>\r\n<p>Intimidating Howl - The Intimidating Howl is a horrible unearthly howl, laced with the Kivuuli&rsquo;s reality bending power. It sounds somewhere between a feral howl, savage snarling, horrible shrieking, and radio static. It forces feelings of terror into the one hearing it, giving them the desire to run away. Most can not handle it, and either faint where they are or run in horror. This terrible howl seems to come from every direction at once, making the Kivuuli&rsquo;s location hard to determine.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Reality Bending - This ability is the underlying cause to many other abilities Kivuuli have. They are able to bend reality around them in minor ways, stifling the sound of their footsteps, stopping you from hearing their breath or smelling them or sensing their presence. They can also leap through cracks in reality to teleport and many other small, but useful applications.<\/p>","field5":"<p>Mating and Reproduction<br \/>Kivuuli males and females look quite similar. Genitals are internal, though gender can be told through differences in their bodies, demeanor, and voice. If one sees a male and female Kivuuli standing side by side, first glance won&rsquo;t reveal many differences. But if you look closely you can tell. Kivuuli do have the occasional hermaphrodite, this is a rare mutation.<br \/>Sexual Dimorphism<br \/>Male: Kivuuli genitals are internal and only emerge in a state of arousal. The male has a slit like sheath more towards the front of his crotch. Males are slimmer and smaller than females, and generally hold themselves lower as well. They are naturally submissive since even a very strong male wouldn't stand a chance against the physically bigger and stronger female. Males do not have much curve to them, if any at all and have narrow waists and hips. They have semi defined pecs, and the fur on their lower belly and inner thighs is not any longer than the fur on the rest of their bodies. They have teats on the lower belly, usually small and not very visible. They tend to have thicker and longer chest fur as well as slightly longer\/fluffier fur around their neck. This can sometimes amplify their cheek fluff, too.<\/p>\r\n<p>Male Kivuuli have lower, rougher and deeper voices than females. The growling undertone is more pronounced.<\/p>\r\n<p>Female: The female has a slit on the bottom of her crotch, barely visable of at all from the front. The slit is subtle and less visable than the male's sheath like slit. A female has visible teats, though they are only really noticeable when she is carrying an egg, or nursing a hatchling.<\/p>\r\n<p>Females are taller and noticeably stronger than males. Her body is thicker, and moderately curvy with wider hips leading down to long and slim, but strong legs. While a layer of fat beneath her skin makes her look softer, beneath that softness is a lot of brute strength and ferocity.<\/p>\r\n<p>The fur down the back of a female&rsquo;s neck, shoulders, and back is thicker and longer than a male's, and she also has thicker longer fur on her belly and inner thigh, which thickens further when carrying, or nursing young.<\/p>\r\n<p>The female Kivuuli's voice is softer and higher in pitch than a male's. Her growl is smoother, but deeper and fiercer. Her purr is a low and smooth.<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p>Heat and Mating<br \/>Kivuuli attract mates through scent.<\/p>\r\n<p>Female Kivuuli go into heat regularly, but when observed in our dimension it happens roughly once every 1-3 years. A female raising a kit can not enter this state as long as she is nursing the kit. This is the only time she can become pregnant. It lasts for roughly two weeks or until she finds a suitable mate.<\/p>\r\n<p>There are three stages to the heat.<\/p>\r\n<p>Stage 1- Her scent begins to shift. This is not actual heat yet; she is not fertile. But her body is preparing itself for heat. She starts to become more interested in males, but also more hormonal and dangerous. She also becomes territorial towards other females, not letting them near her den. This stage lasts a few days.<\/p>\r\n<p>Stage 2- Her scent grows stronger, and her body is almost ready to mate. This is the attracting a mate stage. The testing the males and letting them fight for her stage. She becomes actively interested in males, and is easily aroused. Like a cat, a female in heat will groom herself frequently to deal with the wetness between the legs. While not water-based, it gets annoying. This stage of heat lasts about a week.<br \/>At this stage, her strong heat-scent rouses the males into excitement; causing them to follow her an attempt to impress her. Mating in this stage of heat will not end it, but it will shorten the time that she&rsquo;s in it. Once a mate is chosen, they will mate repeatedly until her heat is over. It usually ends within 24 hours of her first mating.<\/p>\r\n<p>Stage 3 - This is the most intense part of her heat. This is when she is fully ready to mate and most likely to ovulate. Her heat scent becomes so strong the males can practically taste it on the air. She becomes extremely restless, unable to stay in one place for long. Many females will pace on and on, and even whine and call their discomfort and need. Younger females react more strongly to this stage; while older females can usually ignore it with the occasional whine and shift of discomfort. The ache inside them grows so intense that even those who don&rsquo;t want a child might mate just to get it over with.<\/p>\r\n<p>The males will scuffle and fight among themselves, and the strongest, healthiest males will compete to gain her attention. Once the female has chosen, the other males will give up and find another release. Often in the form of a female who is not in heat; since she can not become pregnant she does not care about the health or strength of the male.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Even though Kivuuli generally mate very roughly, with growling and biting and claws involved, it is always consensual. A Kivuuli who tries to take a mate against their will will be turned on and killed by their Colony.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Once the female chooses her suitor and mating occurs, her heat will either be shortened, or end completely. She signals that she is ready by getting into the presenting position. Crouching down, revealing the thickly furred ruff on her back, and raising her rear into the air. Even if mating doesn&rsquo;t always happen in this position, it&rsquo;s considered a sign of acceptance, even if she plays hard to get afterwards. Kivuuli females, like cats, are stimulated ovulators. Without the proper stimulation, the heat will end but she won&rsquo;t become pregnant. Even if stimulated, the male must have strong seed or her body will kill it all before it fertilizes her. While they will mate repeatedly, the first one is the one that triggers the end of the heat, and thus, after that first one, stimulation will not cause ovulation if it hasn&rsquo;t already.<\/p>\r\n<p>It takes a few days to know if the mating was successful. After a few days, if the mating was successful, her scent will change to announce that she is pregnant. She will also fail to shed, since the shed will be delayed until a week before laying. Female Kivuuli shed a week after heat. If it does not take and she sheds, she will have to wait until her next heat cycle to try again; usually with a different male. \u200b<br \/>Gestation<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>With the exception of very few isolated colonies, Kivuuli are an egg-bearing race. They carry the egg for four to five months, growing large quickly. The male is expected to hunt for her and bring her food, since her appetite will increase as she packs the egg with nutrients it will need once it exits her body. The baby will also develop considerably during this time. By the time the egg is laid, the brain of the fetus is almost completely formed; the rest of the body finishes forming after the egg is laid. As the egg forms, the female&rsquo;s fur grows thicker and denser, to make better lining for her nest. The fur around her belly and inner thighs thickens too; and she will not shed her guardhairs.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their pelvis separates in two places, and is held together by springy, elastic tendons. Each separation contains a small bone bridge that breaks in the process of laying the first egg. This produces a small, sharp crack\/pop, and is quite painful. The bone bridge never grows back and any eggs after the first are easier. Once the egg has passed through, the tendons will spring back, and the Kivuuli&rsquo;s natural healing ability will repair any damage within an hour or two of laying while the exhausted mother sleeps. Males do not have the tendons or bone bridges.<\/p>\r\n<p>While inside them, the egg shell is thick and leathery. It forms soon after conception and plays the part of the placenta until it comes time to lay. During the last few days before laying it becomes the egg shell, which and is soft and pliable. After laying, the shell takes roughly a half hour to harden. It becomes tough, hard and slightly textured. It is very thick and tough, hard to break from the outside. It is, however, very vulnerable until it&rsquo;s fully hardened. The reason it develops so long inside the mother is so the brain can form properly; the mother gives it a kick start, and the hatchling finishes development within the egg.<\/p>\r\n<p>They look huge when they are carrying, but most of that is actually fluids that protect and cushion the egg as well as providing lubrication for laying. Nutrients are stored within the forming shell, though the hatchling has a Proteanct link to the mother until a few days before laying.<\/p>\r\n<p>During the pregnancy, the Kivuuli will have an intense nesting instinct. She will take anything she can find. Fur of other shedding Kivuuli, blankets, any soft thing, and build a nest. During the last week of carrying, she will shed, and line her nest with her fur. Once the egg is laid, it will be watched over and kept warm by her while its father hunts for her. It will hatch in another 4-5 months. This can vary by subspecies, or location, or individual Kivuuli. Eggs can vary in color, but are usually smooth and black with slightly lighter colored mottling. This can change depending on the individual Kivuuli or their environment.<\/p>\r\n<p>A hatchling Kivuuli is known as a kit, because they are very kitten like in their behavior. Kits are known to imprint on the energy signature and voice of the one who spends the most time around the egg. As such, they know their mother the instant they come out. While hatching, a mother will crouch near the egg, face inches away from it and make soft chirring calls to encourage the kit to break free of the egg.<br \/><br \/>Upon hatching, they will follow the scent of the mother&rsquo;s teats. The scent and feel of the kit suckling will trigger a surge of hormones, and she will begin lactation. This surge of hormones will reduce the Kivuuli to soft, relaxed purring. Any Kivuuli can be triggered to lactate in this manner, be it male or female. Once lactation begins, the Kivuuli&rsquo;s appetite will increase. They often feed their milk to older or sick individuals within the Colony to help them survive and stay strong.<\/p>\r\n<p>Shown are a Kivuuli&rsquo;s teats. First image, they are mostly covered by the fur. SOmetimes a slight separation in the fur is seen on shorter furred Kivuuli.<\/p>\r\n<p>In the pregnant Kivuuli, the teats poke out of the fur, as the fur sheds from directly around them.<\/p>\r\n<p>When nursing, the flesh swells a bit to push the nipples out of the fur, thus allowing the hatchling to nurse without getting a mouthful of its mother&rsquo;s fur.<\/p>\r\n<p>The consistency is thick, almost like a probiotic yogurt shake, and the taste is surprisingly mild and a little sweet. It is highly nutritious, high in protein and energy; and everything else a kit needs to grow. Kivuuli kits who nurse on their mother grow up bigger and stronger as adults, and generally have a higher chance of being more dominant. It is not at all uncommon for Kivuuli in a Colony to nurse eachother's young. Sometimes older members will play the part of nanny for younger, less experienced Kivuuli. Some Kivuuli will choose to never stop lactating for the purpose of playing nanny to the kits within the Colony.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are extremely protective of their kits. If you hurt a kit, the whole Colony will attack. Even one lone Kivuuli is far more ferocious and dangerous than any mother bear; you don&rsquo;t want to know what would happen if you pissed off a whole colony of them.<\/p>\r\n<p>A human baby could drink Kivuuli&rsquo;s milk but couldn&rsquo;t survive off of it unless water was added to it. Kivuuli&rsquo;s milk contains no water whatsoever. It is high in protein, with a moderate amount of fat, and harder on the digestive system than human milk. It isn&rsquo;t dangerous but will not meet a human&rsquo;s needs properly. If water is added a human baby can survive off of it but won&rsquo;t be at ideal health and it would likely cause a lot of gas and intestinal discomfort being designed for a baby with a much stronger digestive system. It would pose no problems for an adult, and is highly nutritious with natural healing properties as well as infection fighting properties. An adult human or other meat-eating animal could survive off of it as long as they had access to water to stay hydrated.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are highly lactose intolerant. It makes them very, very sick. As such, Kivuuli milk has no lactose in it.<\/p>\r\n<p>A Kivuuli hatchling would be unable to survive on the milk of any terrestrial mammal. It contains way too much water and their little tummies can&rsquo;t handle it, not to mention their lactose intolerance. An adult Kivuuli can ingest the milk of terrestrial mammals, but it does cause a lot of digestive upset, cramping, nausea, and vomiting. The digestive issues can become severe enough to kill a kit, though an adult can survive it. It would just make them very sick. It does not contain the proper nutrients so if the kit did manage to survive the lactose and water, it would slowly deteriorate in health until it died of malnutrition. Their digestive systems are more advanced so they can be fed mashed cooked (Not raw) meat or anything else high in protein if taken in and raised by a human or a member of another race. Mixing ground up bones and the organs of the animal can add to the nutrition and help the kit more. Some that start off being nursed, though, will utterly refuse solid food.<\/p>\r\n<p>It is not unusual for members of a Colony to nurse eachother&rsquo;s young. In fact, this is a very common practice, though some Kits will not nurse on any but their mother. This depends on the individual. It is most common for the omegas to act as nannies for the Colony, helping to care for the kits while stronger individuals hunt and bring in food. Because of this Omegas, and especially nannies, while not given any authority, are not treated badly. Kivuuli tend to produce more milk than is needed. If it gets uncomfortable, they tend to empty their teats themselves. This keeps their supply strong, is relaxing and calming, tastes good to them, and is considered completely normal. While a human would find such activity odd, it is completely natural for a Kivuuli.<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p>Kits are teeny when they hatch, a little smaller than the average human baby. They hatch with their eyes closed, but able to hear and smell just fine. Their ears are droopy and their bodies are pudgy and bellies round from the yolk of the egg still inside, being slowly absorbed to give them strength while their mother&rsquo;s milk comes in and they learn to nurse properly. Kits open their eyes when they are between three and seven days old.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are generally fairly quiet and don&rsquo;t cry often, though do tend to make small chitters, squeaks, and mewling noises. They hate being alone.<\/p>\r\n<p>Babies have a very strong instinct to not relieve themselves within the nest. When they feel the need to go, they will let their parent know with insistent screeching until taken somewhere. Like a newborn kitten or puppy, they will not eliminate on their own. There is a pressure point just at the base of the neck that can be triggered through a certain way of holding onto the scruff that triggers them to go reflexively; they will only go when held in that certain way until they learn to move about on all fours. Once able to move about on all fours they will always leave the nest to eliminate. It's an instinct to keep the nest site clean and smelling good, since Kivuuli noses are extremely sensitive. Young Kivuuli are fully mobile by the time they are three months old, and run about everywhere on all fours.<\/p>\r\n<p>The babies depend completely on their parents and the others in their colony for survival. They are unable to teleport. In fact, this takes a lot of time to get right and generally has to be taught though can be done autonomously if the Kivuuli feels that its life is in danger. Kits are weaned between 3-5 years old, depending on the kit in question. Some wean themselves earlier, some later. A mother will never force wean her kit, because if they are still nursing it means they likely still need to. Kits are able to move about by the time they are three months old. As kits get older and start to move around, they love to practice their hunting instincts and will often hunt, and eat, small animals once their teeth grow in. They generally start getting teeth when they are about a year old. They like to show their kills off to their parents, or others in the Colony. As they get to be about 5 years old, they are weaned and eating solid food with ease. They are also able to eat raw meat by then.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli grow bigger and stronger as they age. At roughly 15, they reach sexual maturity. They are considered adults, even if not at full size yet at this age. Around 18 to 23, they stop growing and achieve their full height. It is around this time they learn to effect reality around them both in silencing their steps and in creating and jumping through little dimensional cracks to teleport. They usually stay with their parents until full maturity, and after that remain with their Colony of birth.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli children are incredibly awkward and clumsy until they grow into their long limbs. They spend more time on all fours than on two feet, though around ten years old they start getting up on two feet more often. Even into adulthod, they spend time both on all fours, and on two feet equally depending on the situation. Kits hurt themselves frequently, but this only kick-starts their natural healing ability.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Kits are known for getting themselves into trouble, constantly. They are mischievous, playful, energetic, and insatiably curious. The entire colony works to keep the children safe and alive. Just like kittens.<\/p>\r\n<p>Female kits are a bit more energetic and feisty than males.<\/p>\r\n<p>Young males love to playfight and spar among themselves. These playfights grow more intense once they near adolescence, roughly around 10-12 years old or so. Sometimes, these playfights get a bit too intense, leaving one or both young males bloody. They step away to heal, which is usually finished within minutes. Once healed, they go at it again. Adolescent males are constantly tussling, wrestling, and play-fighting, which only grows worse the closer to adulthood they get. While these bouts of snapping, screaming, growling, and snarling looks terrifying and deadly, they look far, far, FAR worse than they actually are. They never seriously hurt eachother and other Kivuuli in the Colony know very well the difference between play and real fighting, since real fighting is far louder and more vicious. As males get older, they mellow out considerably, and only face off against other males in contests of strength in the presence of a receptive female. They do this to try to impress her. They usually don&rsquo;t mellow out fully until around 30 or so; around 20-30 they are fully mature, but have bouts of wild, child-like energetic kittenlike playfulness.<\/p>\r\n<p>As a female reaches adolescence, she becomes fiercer and more commanding. If she joins a playfight, the males usually back down and submit almost instantly. Playfights between two females are far more vicious and noisy and dangerous-looking than playfights between males. They are practicing to take dominance someday; males just fight for fun or to pass on their genes. She starts to show interest in the male&rsquo;s battles, and starts to show more interest in those that win these fights. Most of the time, she will avoid a mate when she has her first heat cycle, since her body isn&rsquo;t fully grown at this point and not likely able to sustain an offspring for long. The first heat cycle generally happens around 15 years of age. She is considered an adult at this age, but she usually won&rsquo;t choose a mate until she is at her full size since a younger body is less able to successfully carry an egg. Most males will not attempt to impress a young female unless they themselves are young. Even if she is sexually mature and considered an adult, she is not full size and not interested in mating. Most of the time, even if she DOES find a mate, it will not take since her body is not ready to sustain pregnancy.<\/p>\r\n<p>She will usually chase off any male that comes near while going through her first heat. The first heat cycle is usually short, and not too intense. She is not fertile for this cycle, it is simply her body announcing that it is mature. Her heats will gradually get longer until they settle at the normal length when she&rsquo;s achieved her full size. If a female is not ready to have a kit of her own, she will hide away and ignore or chase off any males that try to gain her attention. Most females prefer not to have a kit until they have gained more experience. Young mothers are far more likely to be aggressive and attack anything they see as a threat than older mothers who are more experienced in raising, guiding, and protecting a child.<\/p>","field6":null,"field7":null,"parsed":{"description":"<p>The Kivuuli, a mysterious and powerful interdimensional semi-humanoid creature. They are rumored to hold the key to the Realms Between.<\/p>","field1":"<p>Kivuuli are a tall and powerful carnivorous furred semi-humanoid inter-dimensional race. They are generally black or dark grey with blue, green, or purple eyes and usually have slightly darker markings in stripes, spots, or a combination of the two that only show under certain light. There are several subspecies with different colors and markings being common from the warm reds of the forest dwelling Met'saa to the whites of the Lippizan to the blue grays of the Maltese or the golden color of Desert Kivuuli.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are elongated in build, with long limbs and are as comfortable on all fours as they are on two feet. They are incredibly wild, but generally won't attack unless attacked or threatened. Kivuuli are fully sapient and a social species. Despite their fearsome appearance, Kivuuli are a gentle and peaceful race with strong maternal instincts appearing in both males and females.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are very fast, especially when on all fours and live in groups known as Colonies.<\/p>","field2":"<h4>Between; Homeworld of the Kivuuli<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Imagine the air around you, full of bubbles. Now imagine that each of these bubbles is its own dimension. It's own universe. Has its own laws, and inner workings. Now, imagine all the space between the bubbles. A strange place, between the dimensions; ever shifting and changing. This is where the Kivuuli dwell and come from. The rules of physics do not apply; great islands of stone float through the darkness, covered in forests of strange bioluminescent fungus-like plants and other strange flora. Inhabited by strange creatures of all shapes and sizes, from tiny glowing dragonlike lizards to massive beasts that would put Earth's dinosaurs to shame. Literally anything can happen in Between, any sort of creature, any world, any dimension, any universe. The Kivuuli can reach many worlds and this is part of the reason for their great success as an apex predator.<\/p>\r\n<p>Harsh, but oddly beautiful, Between is buzzing with strange power and magic and the magical rules and laws of hundreds of dimensions, worlds, and universes clashing together in beautiful chaos. The areas of Between are effected by the laws of the dimensions and worlds closest to them; making Between highly varied. Between is beautiful; but as beautiful as it is it is deadly, thus the Kivuuli have had to adapt in to fast, powerful pack hunting predators that have claws that can slash through granite and a terrible shrieking wail that can drive fear into the hearts of the bravest.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are fast, able to teleport, and able to face creatures several times their size. This strange place has many names. Darkrealm, Tartarus, Limbo; but many simply call this place the Between; for this is what it is. The realm between dimensions. A strange and mysterious place; beautiful to behold but deadly to those not from there. While most of Between is completely dark aside from glimmers of light here and there and bioluminsecent plants and animals, some isles are ruled by a great orb of energy mimicking a sun. Some have their own weather patterns and day night cycles. Cracks and passages between dimensions are always opening and closing, allowing Kivuuli the ability to enter and leave Between at will, though they must be careful as some rifts are temporary and could close and leave them stranded in a strange and unfamiliar world. Others, still, are horribly unstable and deadly and could rip an unsuspecting Kivuuli to shreds leaving nothing but splatters of blood and the memory of their horrible screams.<\/p>","field3":"<h4>Calls, Vocalizations and Language<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli voices have a strange, otherworldly quality to them. They sound almost distorted, with a clear staticy crackling undertone. This is likely because of their interdimensional nature.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their voices are often deep, with a growl or purr like sound mixed in. A Kivuuli speaking is much what a person might imagine a lion&rsquo;s voice would sound like if it learned to speak. They tend to have emphasis on sharper sounds, like k, z, v, and such, and their r&rsquo;s are often lengthened slightly in a slight growl or purr. They are fully capable of learning languages aside from their own and, in fact, Kivuuli learn incredibly fast. Despite their wild primitive ways, they are incredibly intelligent.<\/p>\r\n<p>Outside of speech, they have a whole range of natural vocalizations. When excited or friendly, they let out a sound similar to a chittering cat. Though much deeper and lower in tone. This sound is often used by playful kits, or adults trying to show they mean no harm. Kivuuli also purr. It&rsquo;s a deep, heavy rumbling sound with a bit of static to it.<\/p>\r\n<p>They chitter, chirp, chuff, rumble, growl, purr, hiss, click, snarl, roar, howl, and many other sounds.<\/p>\r\n<p>Chirping is used to call and greet fellow members of their Colony. The chuff is similar to a chuffing tiger, and they use this to greet loved ones and family or close friends. The rumble and growl show varying levels of irritation and\/or anger, eventually leading to a wild snarling or finally, their terrible howl or roar.<\/p>\r\n<p>Purring is an expression of pleasure and contentment.<\/p>\r\n<p>When injured, they let out soft whimpers and whines.<\/p>\r\n<p>When sad, they will either be very quiet, whimper softly, or let out a heartbreaking wail when mourning the death of a loved one.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their language incorporates all of these vocalizations. And they even integrate this when speaking other languages as well.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli also rely strongly on body language. The position of one&rsquo;s ears, tone of voice, and posture can change the meaning of what they are trying to say. Looking at the position of the ears is a great way to tell what mood a Kivuuli is in. When neutral, the ears are out slightly to the sides and in a relaxed position. When alert or shocked, their ears perk up and swivel forward. Their ears often flick and swivel towards any sound, and many times they detect sounds other creatures will not.<\/p>\r\n<p>When angry, their ears go back, and they lower their ears when sad, or trying to show submission. Higher ranking Kivuuli generally tend to hold their ears perked higher than lower ranking Kivuuli.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli can also make a strange tonal almost&hellip; droning sound. Somewhere between a thrum and a rumble, it can promote relaxation or healing. The sound is, indeed, very strange. And it is something that is rarely heard among Kivuuli so it is theorized that only a few of them are capable of, or know how to, produce this sound.<\/p>","field4":"<h4>Appearance and anatomy<\/h4>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are somewhat humanoid in appearance, but have some very clear differences. They are long and lean, with elongated torsos and limbs. The average Kivuuli stands around nine to nine and a half feet tall. They have pawlike digitgrade feet which have four toes, or four toes and a dewclaw. Being interdimensional creatures, they often appear with a strange dark aura around them with what seems like tiny sparks or glimmers of lights appearing and floating aimlessly around them and vanishing again. This aura and particles usually matches the basic color of their eyes. It only shows when they are using, or have recently used their reality bending abilities.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli skin is incredibly tough and thick. It takes some strength and a sharp blade to pierce it. They have a coating of fur that is short, but dense and soft. Their natural body temperature is around 105 degrees Fahrenheit, and thus they are very warm to the touch. The fur is usually longest around the shoulders, down the back, and in small fringes around the ankles and wrists.<\/p>\r\n<p>The fur on a female's ruff is longer and thicker than that of a male, and the skin there is looser and thicker and tougher as well. This serves as a protective barrier against the male's fangs, since they tend to bite during mating. Even then, he does often draw blood though most females don't mind this. It actually feels good to them.<\/p>\r\n<p>Being interdimensional creatures, Kivuuli are extremely light. Even standing around nine or more feet tall, they rarely weigh over one hundred fifty pounds. This is due to them being made up of something like solidified energy. Light, but incredibly strong. This not fully physical nature also manifests in their spines, claws, and fangs. When angry, they actually extend out and get longer and sharper, and when calm shrink back to normal size and sharpness.<\/p>\r\n<p>They have scale like spines on their forearms pointing back off the elbow with membranes between them. Similar scale like spines go down their spine, also having membranes between them. These spines flare up when frightened, angry, or threatened. They are also used in dominance displays.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli blood is a dark nearly black purple and thicker than human blood.<\/p>\r\n<p>Males are far more common than females. There are about five males for every one female hatched.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h4>Diet and Feeding<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli are carnivorous. Their diet consists almost entirely of meat, though they might eat other things if no meat is available. They will sometimes add other things to their diet, such as fruits. Kivuuli tend to love sweets, but they aren&rsquo;t fond of sour things.<\/p>\r\n<p>When it comes out the other end, it looks like very large rabbit droppings and simply crumbles to dust if stepped on. Has little to no smell.<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<h4><br \/>Abilities<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli have many special abilities they are capable of using.<\/p>\r\n<p>\u200b<\/p>\r\n<p>Teleportation - Kivuuli are able to teleport, though their methods are strange and unique. They are able to bend the fabric of reality around them in minor ways, the most pronounced being the ability to literally tear a crack in reality and step through. The crack always heals itself right after the Kivuuli steps through. Not ALL Kivuuli can do this. It is something that must be taught. Kivuuli can see and sense the flow of energy around them. They can also completely silence their steps, even at a full run.<\/p>\r\n<p>**Note that they teleport by jumping through the dimension - or, within the bubble. They can not break out of the bubble into greater between, but they do, in a sense, touch Between when teleporting.<\/p>\r\n<p>Paralyzing Stare - The Paralyzing Stare is an ability Kivuuli developed for hunting and self defense. They stare you right in the eyes, which has a hypnotizing effect, rendering their prey or enemy unable to move. As long as your eyes are locked with the Kivuuli&rsquo;s, you can&rsquo;t move. When eye contact is broken, you can move again. Most Kivuuli ONLY use this ability when absolutely necessary. Generally if they are attacked. They catch the person&rsquo;s gaze, causes them to freeze up, and teleports away to safety as they recover.<\/p>\r\n<p>Intimidating Howl - The Intimidating Howl is a horrible unearthly howl, laced with the Kivuuli&rsquo;s reality bending power. It sounds somewhere between a feral howl, savage snarling, horrible shrieking, and radio static. It forces feelings of terror into the one hearing it, giving them the desire to run away. Most can not handle it, and either faint where they are or run in horror. This terrible howl seems to come from every direction at once, making the Kivuuli&rsquo;s location hard to determine.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Reality Bending - This ability is the underlying cause to many other abilities Kivuuli have. They are able to bend reality around them in minor ways, stifling the sound of their footsteps, stopping you from hearing their breath or smelling them or sensing their presence. They can also leap through cracks in reality to teleport and many other small, but useful applications.<\/p>","field5":"<p>Mating and Reproduction<br \/>Kivuuli males and females look quite similar. Genitals are internal, though gender can be told through differences in their bodies, demeanor, and voice. If one sees a male and female Kivuuli standing side by side, first glance won&rsquo;t reveal many differences. But if you look closely you can tell. Kivuuli do have the occasional hermaphrodite, this is a rare mutation.<br \/>Sexual Dimorphism<br \/>Male: Kivuuli genitals are internal and only emerge in a state of arousal. The male has a slit like sheath more towards the front of his crotch. Males are slimmer and smaller than females, and generally hold themselves lower as well. They are naturally submissive since even a very strong male wouldn't stand a chance against the physically bigger and stronger female. Males do not have much curve to them, if any at all and have narrow waists and hips. They have semi defined pecs, and the fur on their lower belly and inner thighs is not any longer than the fur on the rest of their bodies. They have teats on the lower belly, usually small and not very visible. They tend to have thicker and longer chest fur as well as slightly longer\/fluffier fur around their neck. This can sometimes amplify their cheek fluff, too.<\/p>\r\n<p>Male Kivuuli have lower, rougher and deeper voices than females. The growling undertone is more pronounced.<\/p>\r\n<p>Female: The female has a slit on the bottom of her crotch, barely visable of at all from the front. The slit is subtle and less visable than the male's sheath like slit. A female has visible teats, though they are only really noticeable when she is carrying an egg, or nursing a hatchling.<\/p>\r\n<p>Females are taller and noticeably stronger than males. Her body is thicker, and moderately curvy with wider hips leading down to long and slim, but strong legs. While a layer of fat beneath her skin makes her look softer, beneath that softness is a lot of brute strength and ferocity.<\/p>\r\n<p>The fur down the back of a female&rsquo;s neck, shoulders, and back is thicker and longer than a male's, and she also has thicker longer fur on her belly and inner thigh, which thickens further when carrying, or nursing young.<\/p>\r\n<p>The female Kivuuli's voice is softer and higher in pitch than a male's. Her growl is smoother, but deeper and fiercer. Her purr is a low and smooth.<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p>Heat and Mating<br \/>Kivuuli attract mates through scent.<\/p>\r\n<p>Female Kivuuli go into heat regularly, but when observed in our dimension it happens roughly once every 1-3 years. A female raising a kit can not enter this state as long as she is nursing the kit. This is the only time she can become pregnant. It lasts for roughly two weeks or until she finds a suitable mate.<\/p>\r\n<p>There are three stages to the heat.<\/p>\r\n<p>Stage 1- Her scent begins to shift. This is not actual heat yet; she is not fertile. But her body is preparing itself for heat. She starts to become more interested in males, but also more hormonal and dangerous. She also becomes territorial towards other females, not letting them near her den. This stage lasts a few days.<\/p>\r\n<p>Stage 2- Her scent grows stronger, and her body is almost ready to mate. This is the attracting a mate stage. The testing the males and letting them fight for her stage. She becomes actively interested in males, and is easily aroused. Like a cat, a female in heat will groom herself frequently to deal with the wetness between the legs. While not water-based, it gets annoying. This stage of heat lasts about a week.<br \/>At this stage, her strong heat-scent rouses the males into excitement; causing them to follow her an attempt to impress her. Mating in this stage of heat will not end it, but it will shorten the time that she&rsquo;s in it. Once a mate is chosen, they will mate repeatedly until her heat is over. It usually ends within 24 hours of her first mating.<\/p>\r\n<p>Stage 3 - This is the most intense part of her heat. This is when she is fully ready to mate and most likely to ovulate. Her heat scent becomes so strong the males can practically taste it on the air. She becomes extremely restless, unable to stay in one place for long. Many females will pace on and on, and even whine and call their discomfort and need. Younger females react more strongly to this stage; while older females can usually ignore it with the occasional whine and shift of discomfort. The ache inside them grows so intense that even those who don&rsquo;t want a child might mate just to get it over with.<\/p>\r\n<p>The males will scuffle and fight among themselves, and the strongest, healthiest males will compete to gain her attention. Once the female has chosen, the other males will give up and find another release. Often in the form of a female who is not in heat; since she can not become pregnant she does not care about the health or strength of the male.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Even though Kivuuli generally mate very roughly, with growling and biting and claws involved, it is always consensual. A Kivuuli who tries to take a mate against their will will be turned on and killed by their Colony.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Once the female chooses her suitor and mating occurs, her heat will either be shortened, or end completely. She signals that she is ready by getting into the presenting position. Crouching down, revealing the thickly furred ruff on her back, and raising her rear into the air. Even if mating doesn&rsquo;t always happen in this position, it&rsquo;s considered a sign of acceptance, even if she plays hard to get afterwards. Kivuuli females, like cats, are stimulated ovulators. Without the proper stimulation, the heat will end but she won&rsquo;t become pregnant. Even if stimulated, the male must have strong seed or her body will kill it all before it fertilizes her. While they will mate repeatedly, the first one is the one that triggers the end of the heat, and thus, after that first one, stimulation will not cause ovulation if it hasn&rsquo;t already.<\/p>\r\n<p>It takes a few days to know if the mating was successful. After a few days, if the mating was successful, her scent will change to announce that she is pregnant. She will also fail to shed, since the shed will be delayed until a week before laying. Female Kivuuli shed a week after heat. If it does not take and she sheds, she will have to wait until her next heat cycle to try again; usually with a different male. \u200b<br \/>Gestation<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>With the exception of very few isolated colonies, Kivuuli are an egg-bearing race. They carry the egg for four to five months, growing large quickly. The male is expected to hunt for her and bring her food, since her appetite will increase as she packs the egg with nutrients it will need once it exits her body. The baby will also develop considerably during this time. By the time the egg is laid, the brain of the fetus is almost completely formed; the rest of the body finishes forming after the egg is laid. As the egg forms, the female&rsquo;s fur grows thicker and denser, to make better lining for her nest. The fur around her belly and inner thighs thickens too; and she will not shed her guardhairs.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their pelvis separates in two places, and is held together by springy, elastic tendons. Each separation contains a small bone bridge that breaks in the process of laying the first egg. This produces a small, sharp crack\/pop, and is quite painful. The bone bridge never grows back and any eggs after the first are easier. Once the egg has passed through, the tendons will spring back, and the Kivuuli&rsquo;s natural healing ability will repair any damage within an hour or two of laying while the exhausted mother sleeps. Males do not have the tendons or bone bridges.<\/p>\r\n<p>While inside them, the egg shell is thick and leathery. It forms soon after conception and plays the part of the placenta until it comes time to lay. During the last few days before laying it becomes the egg shell, which and is soft and pliable. After laying, the shell takes roughly a half hour to harden. It becomes tough, hard and slightly textured. It is very thick and tough, hard to break from the outside. It is, however, very vulnerable until it&rsquo;s fully hardened. The reason it develops so long inside the mother is so the brain can form properly; the mother gives it a kick start, and the hatchling finishes development within the egg.<\/p>\r\n<p>They look huge when they are carrying, but most of that is actually fluids that protect and cushion the egg as well as providing lubrication for laying. Nutrients are stored within the forming shell, though the hatchling has a Proteanct link to the mother until a few days before laying.<\/p>\r\n<p>During the pregnancy, the Kivuuli will have an intense nesting instinct. She will take anything she can find. Fur of other shedding Kivuuli, blankets, any soft thing, and build a nest. During the last week of carrying, she will shed, and line her nest with her fur. Once the egg is laid, it will be watched over and kept warm by her while its father hunts for her. It will hatch in another 4-5 months. This can vary by subspecies, or location, or individual Kivuuli. Eggs can vary in color, but are usually smooth and black with slightly lighter colored mottling. This can change depending on the individual Kivuuli or their environment.<\/p>\r\n<p>A hatchling Kivuuli is known as a kit, because they are very kitten like in their behavior. Kits are known to imprint on the energy signature and voice of the one who spends the most time around the egg. As such, they know their mother the instant they come out. While hatching, a mother will crouch near the egg, face inches away from it and make soft chirring calls to encourage the kit to break free of the egg.<br \/><br \/>Upon hatching, they will follow the scent of the mother&rsquo;s teats. The scent and feel of the kit suckling will trigger a surge of hormones, and she will begin lactation. This surge of hormones will reduce the Kivuuli to soft, relaxed purring. Any Kivuuli can be triggered to lactate in this manner, be it male or female. Once lactation begins, the Kivuuli&rsquo;s appetite will increase. They often feed their milk to older or sick individuals within the Colony to help them survive and stay strong.<\/p>\r\n<p>Shown are a Kivuuli&rsquo;s teats. First image, they are mostly covered by the fur. SOmetimes a slight separation in the fur is seen on shorter furred Kivuuli.<\/p>\r\n<p>In the pregnant Kivuuli, the teats poke out of the fur, as the fur sheds from directly around them.<\/p>\r\n<p>When nursing, the flesh swells a bit to push the nipples out of the fur, thus allowing the hatchling to nurse without getting a mouthful of its mother&rsquo;s fur.<\/p>\r\n<p>The consistency is thick, almost like a probiotic yogurt shake, and the taste is surprisingly mild and a little sweet. It is highly nutritious, high in protein and energy; and everything else a kit needs to grow. Kivuuli kits who nurse on their mother grow up bigger and stronger as adults, and generally have a higher chance of being more dominant. It is not at all uncommon for Kivuuli in a Colony to nurse eachother's young. Sometimes older members will play the part of nanny for younger, less experienced Kivuuli. Some Kivuuli will choose to never stop lactating for the purpose of playing nanny to the kits within the Colony.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are extremely protective of their kits. If you hurt a kit, the whole Colony will attack. Even one lone Kivuuli is far more ferocious and dangerous than any mother bear; you don&rsquo;t want to know what would happen if you pissed off a whole colony of them.<\/p>\r\n<p>A human baby could drink Kivuuli&rsquo;s milk but couldn&rsquo;t survive off of it unless water was added to it. Kivuuli&rsquo;s milk contains no water whatsoever. It is high in protein, with a moderate amount of fat, and harder on the digestive system than human milk. It isn&rsquo;t dangerous but will not meet a human&rsquo;s needs properly. If water is added a human baby can survive off of it but won&rsquo;t be at ideal health and it would likely cause a lot of gas and intestinal discomfort being designed for a baby with a much stronger digestive system. It would pose no problems for an adult, and is highly nutritious with natural healing properties as well as infection fighting properties. An adult human or other meat-eating animal could survive off of it as long as they had access to water to stay hydrated.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are highly lactose intolerant. It makes them very, very sick. As such, Kivuuli milk has no lactose in it.<\/p>\r\n<p>A Kivuuli hatchling would be unable to survive on the milk of any terrestrial mammal. It contains way too much water and their little tummies can&rsquo;t handle it, not to mention their lactose intolerance. An adult Kivuuli can ingest the milk of terrestrial mammals, but it does cause a lot of digestive upset, cramping, nausea, and vomiting. The digestive issues can become severe enough to kill a kit, though an adult can survive it. It would just make them very sick. It does not contain the proper nutrients so if the kit did manage to survive the lactose and water, it would slowly deteriorate in health until it died of malnutrition. Their digestive systems are more advanced so they can be fed mashed cooked (Not raw) meat or anything else high in protein if taken in and raised by a human or a member of another race. Mixing ground up bones and the organs of the animal can add to the nutrition and help the kit more. Some that start off being nursed, though, will utterly refuse solid food.<\/p>\r\n<p>It is not unusual for members of a Colony to nurse eachother&rsquo;s young. In fact, this is a very common practice, though some Kits will not nurse on any but their mother. This depends on the individual. It is most common for the omegas to act as nannies for the Colony, helping to care for the kits while stronger individuals hunt and bring in food. Because of this Omegas, and especially nannies, while not given any authority, are not treated badly. Kivuuli tend to produce more milk than is needed. If it gets uncomfortable, they tend to empty their teats themselves. This keeps their supply strong, is relaxing and calming, tastes good to them, and is considered completely normal. While a human would find such activity odd, it is completely natural for a Kivuuli.<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p>Kits are teeny when they hatch, a little smaller than the average human baby. They hatch with their eyes closed, but able to hear and smell just fine. Their ears are droopy and their bodies are pudgy and bellies round from the yolk of the egg still inside, being slowly absorbed to give them strength while their mother&rsquo;s milk comes in and they learn to nurse properly. Kits open their eyes when they are between three and seven days old.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are generally fairly quiet and don&rsquo;t cry often, though do tend to make small chitters, squeaks, and mewling noises. They hate being alone.<\/p>\r\n<p>Babies have a very strong instinct to not relieve themselves within the nest. When they feel the need to go, they will let their parent know with insistent screeching until taken somewhere. Like a newborn kitten or puppy, they will not eliminate on their own. There is a pressure point just at the base of the neck that can be triggered through a certain way of holding onto the scruff that triggers them to go reflexively; they will only go when held in that certain way until they learn to move about on all fours. Once able to move about on all fours they will always leave the nest to eliminate. It's an instinct to keep the nest site clean and smelling good, since Kivuuli noses are extremely sensitive. Young Kivuuli are fully mobile by the time they are three months old, and run about everywhere on all fours.<\/p>\r\n<p>The babies depend completely on their parents and the others in their colony for survival. They are unable to teleport. In fact, this takes a lot of time to get right and generally has to be taught though can be done autonomously if the Kivuuli feels that its life is in danger. Kits are weaned between 3-5 years old, depending on the kit in question. Some wean themselves earlier, some later. A mother will never force wean her kit, because if they are still nursing it means they likely still need to. Kits are able to move about by the time they are three months old. As kits get older and start to move around, they love to practice their hunting instincts and will often hunt, and eat, small animals once their teeth grow in. They generally start getting teeth when they are about a year old. They like to show their kills off to their parents, or others in the Colony. As they get to be about 5 years old, they are weaned and eating solid food with ease. They are also able to eat raw meat by then.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli grow bigger and stronger as they age. At roughly 15, they reach sexual maturity. They are considered adults, even if not at full size yet at this age. Around 18 to 23, they stop growing and achieve their full height. It is around this time they learn to effect reality around them both in silencing their steps and in creating and jumping through little dimensional cracks to teleport. They usually stay with their parents until full maturity, and after that remain with their Colony of birth.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli children are incredibly awkward and clumsy until they grow into their long limbs. They spend more time on all fours than on two feet, though around ten years old they start getting up on two feet more often. Even into adulthod, they spend time both on all fours, and on two feet equally depending on the situation. Kits hurt themselves frequently, but this only kick-starts their natural healing ability.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Kits are known for getting themselves into trouble, constantly. They are mischievous, playful, energetic, and insatiably curious. The entire colony works to keep the children safe and alive. Just like kittens.<\/p>\r\n<p>Female kits are a bit more energetic and feisty than males.<\/p>\r\n<p>Young males love to playfight and spar among themselves. These playfights grow more intense once they near adolescence, roughly around 10-12 years old or so. Sometimes, these playfights get a bit too intense, leaving one or both young males bloody. They step away to heal, which is usually finished within minutes. Once healed, they go at it again. Adolescent males are constantly tussling, wrestling, and play-fighting, which only grows worse the closer to adulthood they get. While these bouts of snapping, screaming, growling, and snarling looks terrifying and deadly, they look far, far, FAR worse than they actually are. They never seriously hurt eachother and other Kivuuli in the Colony know very well the difference between play and real fighting, since real fighting is far louder and more vicious. As males get older, they mellow out considerably, and only face off against other males in contests of strength in the presence of a receptive female. They do this to try to impress her. They usually don&rsquo;t mellow out fully until around 30 or so; around 20-30 they are fully mature, but have bouts of wild, child-like energetic kittenlike playfulness.<\/p>\r\n<p>As a female reaches adolescence, she becomes fiercer and more commanding. If she joins a playfight, the males usually back down and submit almost instantly. Playfights between two females are far more vicious and noisy and dangerous-looking than playfights between males. They are practicing to take dominance someday; males just fight for fun or to pass on their genes. She starts to show interest in the male&rsquo;s battles, and starts to show more interest in those that win these fights. Most of the time, she will avoid a mate when she has her first heat cycle, since her body isn&rsquo;t fully grown at this point and not likely able to sustain an offspring for long. The first heat cycle generally happens around 15 years of age. She is considered an adult at this age, but she usually won&rsquo;t choose a mate until she is at her full size since a younger body is less able to successfully carry an egg. Most males will not attempt to impress a young female unless they themselves are young. Even if she is sexually mature and considered an adult, she is not full size and not interested in mating. Most of the time, even if she DOES find a mate, it will not take since her body is not ready to sustain pregnancy.<\/p>\r\n<p>She will usually chase off any male that comes near while going through her first heat. The first heat cycle is usually short, and not too intense. She is not fertile for this cycle, it is simply her body announcing that it is mature. Her heats will gradually get longer until they settle at the normal length when she&rsquo;s achieved her full size. If a female is not ready to have a kit of her own, she will hide away and ignore or chase off any males that try to gain her attention. Most females prefer not to have a kit until they have gained more experience. Young mothers are far more likely to be aggressive and attack anything they see as a threat than older mothers who are more experienced in raising, guiding, and protecting a child.<\/p>","field6":null,"field7":null}},"title":"Kivuuli","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":["wip"],"page_tag":null}
#116 29 June 2023, 19:14:09 UTC
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Length: 53385 (+29002) -
{"data":{"description":"<p>The Kivuuli, a mysterious and powerful interdimensional semi-humanoid creature. They are rumored to hold the key to the Realms Between.<\/p>","field1":"<p>Kivuuli are a tall and powerful carnivorous furred semi-humanoid inter-dimensional race. They are generally black or dark grey with blue, green, or purple eyes and usually have slightly darker markings in stripes, spots, or a combination of the two that only show under certain light. There are several subspecies with different colors and markings being common from the warm reds of the forest dwelling Met'saa to the whites of the Lippizan to the blue grays of the Maltese or the golden color of Desert Kivuuli.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are elongated in build, with long limbs and are as comfortable on all fours as they are on two feet. They are incredibly wild, but generally won't attack unless attacked or threatened. Kivuuli are fully sapient and a social species. Despite their fearsome appearance, Kivuuli are a gentle and peaceful race with strong maternal instincts appearing in both males and females.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are very fast, especially when on all fours and live in groups known as Colonies.<\/p>","field2":"<h4>Between; Homeworld of the Kivuuli<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Imagine the air around you, full of bubbles. Now imagine that each of these bubbles is its own dimension. It's own universe. Has its own laws, and inner workings. Now, imagine all the space between the bubbles. A strange place, between the dimensions; ever shifting and changing. This is where the Kivuuli dwell and come from. The rules of physics do not apply; great islands of stone float through the darkness, covered in forests of strange bioluminescent fungus-like plants and other strange flora. Inhabited by strange creatures of all shapes and sizes, from tiny glowing dragonlike lizards to massive beasts that would put Earth's dinosaurs to shame. Literally anything can happen in Between, any sort of creature, any world, any dimension, any universe. The Kivuuli can reach many worlds and this is part of the reason for their great success as an apex predator.<\/p>\r\n<p>Harsh, but oddly beautiful, Between is buzzing with strange power and magic and the magical rules and laws of hundreds of dimensions, worlds, and universes clashing together in beautiful chaos. The areas of Between are effected by the laws of the dimensions and worlds closest to them; making Between highly varied. Between is beautiful; but as beautiful as it is it is deadly, thus the Kivuuli have had to adapt in to fast, powerful pack hunting predators that have claws that can slash through granite and a terrible shrieking wail that can drive fear into the hearts of the bravest.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are fast, able to teleport, and able to face creatures several times their size. This strange place has many names. Darkrealm, Tartarus, Limbo; but many simply call this place the Between; for this is what it is. The realm between dimensions. A strange and mysterious place; beautiful to behold but deadly to those not from there. While most of Between is completely dark aside from glimmers of light here and there and bioluminsecent plants and animals, some isles are ruled by a great orb of energy mimicking a sun. Some have their own weather patterns and day night cycles. Cracks and passages between dimensions are always opening and closing, allowing Kivuuli the ability to enter and leave Between at will, though they must be careful as some rifts are temporary and could close and leave them stranded in a strange and unfamiliar world. Others, still, are horribly unstable and deadly and could rip an unsuspecting Kivuuli to shreds leaving nothing but splatters of blood and the memory of their horrible screams.<\/p>","field3":"<h4>Calls, Vocalizations and Language<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli voices have a strange, otherworldly quality to them. They sound almost distorted, with a clear staticy crackling undertone. This is likely because of their interdimensional nature.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their voices are often deep, with a growl or purr like sound mixed in. A Kivuuli speaking is much what a person might imagine a lion&rsquo;s voice would sound like if it learned to speak. They tend to have emphasis on sharper sounds, like k, z, v, and such, and their r&rsquo;s are often lengthened slightly in a slight growl or purr. They are fully capable of learning languages aside from their own and, in fact, Kivuuli learn incredibly fast. Despite their wild primitive ways, they are incredibly intelligent.<\/p>\r\n<p>Outside of speech, they have a whole range of natural vocalizations. When excited or friendly, they let out a sound similar to a chittering cat. Though much deeper and lower in tone. This sound is often used by playful kits, or adults trying to show they mean no harm. Kivuuli also purr. It&rsquo;s a deep, heavy rumbling sound with a bit of static to it.<\/p>\r\n<p>They chitter, chirp, chuff, rumble, growl, purr, hiss, click, snarl, roar, howl, and many other sounds.<\/p>\r\n<p>Chirping is used to call and greet fellow members of their Colony. The chuff is similar to a chuffing tiger, and they use this to greet loved ones and family or close friends. The rumble and growl show varying levels of irritation and\/or anger, eventually leading to a wild snarling or finally, their terrible howl or roar.<\/p>\r\n<p>Purring is an expression of pleasure and contentment.<\/p>\r\n<p>When injured, they let out soft whimpers and whines.<\/p>\r\n<p>When sad, they will either be very quiet, whimper softly, or let out a heartbreaking wail when mourning the death of a loved one.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their language incorporates all of these vocalizations. And they even integrate this when speaking other languages as well.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli also rely strongly on body language. The position of one&rsquo;s ears, tone of voice, and posture can change the meaning of what they are trying to say. Looking at the position of the ears is a great way to tell what mood a Kivuuli is in. When neutral, the ears are out slightly to the sides and in a relaxed position. When alert or shocked, their ears perk up and swivel forward. Their ears often flick and swivel towards any sound, and many times they detect sounds other creatures will not.<\/p>\r\n<p>When angry, their ears go back, and they lower their ears when sad, or trying to show submission. Higher ranking Kivuuli generally tend to hold their ears perked higher than lower ranking Kivuuli.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli can also make a strange tonal almost&hellip; droning sound. Somewhere between a thrum and a rumble, it can promote relaxation or healing. The sound is, indeed, very strange. And it is something that is rarely heard among Kivuuli so it is theorized that only a few of them are capable of, or know how to, produce this sound.<\/p>","field4":"<h4>Appearance and anatomy<\/h4>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are somewhat humanoid in appearance, but have some very clear differences. They are long and lean, with elongated torsos and limbs. The average Kivuuli stands around nine to nine and a half feet tall. They have pawlike digitgrade feet which have four toes, or four toes and a dewclaw. Being interdimensional creatures, they often appear with a strange dark aura around them with what seems like tiny sparks or glimmers of lights appearing and floating aimlessly around them and vanishing again. This aura and particles usually matches the basic color of their eyes. It only shows when they are using, or have recently used their reality bending abilities.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli skin is incredibly tough and thick. It takes some strength and a sharp blade to pierce it. They have a coating of fur that is short, but dense and soft. Their natural body temperature is around 105 degrees Fahrenheit, and thus they are very warm to the touch. The fur is usually longest around the shoulders, down the back, and in small fringes around the ankles and wrists.<\/p>\r\n<p>The fur on a female's ruff is longer and thicker than that of a male, and the skin there is looser and thicker and tougher as well. This serves as a protective barrier against the male's fangs, since they tend to bite during mating. Even then, he does often draw blood though most females don't mind this. It actually feels good to them.<\/p>\r\n<p>Being interdimensional creatures, Kivuuli are extremely light. Even standing around nine or more feet tall, they rarely weigh over one hundred fifty pounds. This is due to them being made up of something like solidified energy. Light, but incredibly strong. This not fully physical nature also manifests in their spines, claws, and fangs. When angry, they actually extend out and get longer and sharper, and when calm shrink back to normal size and sharpness.<\/p>\r\n<p>They have scale like spines on their forearms pointing back off the elbow with membranes between them. Similar scale like spines go down their spine, also having membranes between them. These spines flare up when frightened, angry, or threatened. They are also used in dominance displays.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli blood is a dark nearly black purple and thicker than human blood.<\/p>\r\n<p>Males are far more common than females. There are about five males for every one female hatched.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h4>Diet and Feeding<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli are carnivorous. Their diet consists almost entirely of meat, though they might eat other things if no meat is available. They will sometimes add other things to their diet, such as fruits. Kivuuli tend to love sweets, but they aren&rsquo;t fond of sour things.<\/p>\r\n<p>When it comes out the other end, it looks like very large rabbit droppings and simply crumbles to dust if stepped on. Has little to no smell.<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<h4><br \/>Abilities<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli have many special abilities they are capable of using.<\/p>\r\n<p>\u200b<\/p>\r\n<p>Teleportation - Kivuuli are able to teleport, though their methods are strange and unique. They are able to bend the fabric of reality around them in minor ways, the most pronounced being the ability to literally tear a crack in reality and step through. The crack always heals itself right after the Kivuuli steps through. Not ALL Kivuuli can do this. It is something that must be taught. Kivuuli can see and sense the flow of energy around them. They can also completely silence their steps, even at a full run.<\/p>\r\n<p>**Note that they teleport by jumping through the dimension - or, within the bubble. They can not break out of the bubble into greater between, but they do, in a sense, touch Between when teleporting.<\/p>\r\n<p>Paralyzing Stare - The Paralyzing Stare is an ability Kivuuli developed for hunting and self defense. They stare you right in the eyes, which has a hypnotizing effect, rendering their prey or enemy unable to move. As long as your eyes are locked with the Kivuuli&rsquo;s, you can&rsquo;t move. When eye contact is broken, you can move again. Most Kivuuli ONLY use this ability when absolutely necessary. Generally if they are attacked. They catch the person&rsquo;s gaze, causes them to freeze up, and teleports away to safety as they recover.<\/p>\r\n<p>Intimidating Howl - The Intimidating Howl is a horrible unearthly howl, laced with the Kivuuli&rsquo;s reality bending power. It sounds somewhere between a feral howl, savage snarling, horrible shrieking, and radio static. It forces feelings of terror into the one hearing it, giving them the desire to run away. Most can not handle it, and either faint where they are or run in horror. This terrible howl seems to come from every direction at once, making the Kivuuli&rsquo;s location hard to determine.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Reality Bending - This ability is the underlying cause to many other abilities Kivuuli have. They are able to bend reality around them in minor ways, stifling the sound of their footsteps, stopping you from hearing their breath or smelling them or sensing their presence. They can also leap through cracks in reality to teleport and many other small, but useful applications.<\/p>","field5":"<p>Mating and Reproduction<br \/>Kivuuli males and females look quite similar. Genitals are internal, though gender can be told through differences in their bodies, demeanor, and voice. If one sees a male and female Kivuuli standing side by side, first glance won&rsquo;t reveal many differences. But if you look closely you can tell. Kivuuli do have the occasional hermaphrodite, this is a rare mutation.<br \/>Sexual Dimorphism<br \/>Male: Kivuuli genitals are internal and only emerge in a state of arousal. The male has a slit like sheath more towards the front of his crotch. Males are slimmer and smaller than females, and generally hold themselves lower as well. They are naturally submissive since even a very strong male wouldn't stand a chance against the physically bigger and stronger female. Males do not have much curve to them, if any at all and have narrow waists and hips. They have semi defined pecs, and the fur on their lower belly and inner thighs is not any longer than the fur on the rest of their bodies. They have teats on the lower belly, usually small and not very visible. They tend to have thicker and longer chest fur as well as slightly longer\/fluffier fur around their neck. This can sometimes amplify their cheek fluff, too.<\/p>\r\n<p>Male Kivuuli have lower, rougher and deeper voices than females. The growling undertone is more pronounced.<\/p>\r\n<p>Female: The female has a slit on the bottom of her crotch, barely visable of at all from the front. The slit is subtle and less visable than the male's sheath like slit. A female has visible teats, though they are only really noticeable when she is carrying an egg, or nursing a hatchling.<\/p>\r\n<p>Females are taller and noticeably stronger than males. Her body is thicker, and moderately curvy with wider hips leading down to long and slim, but strong legs. While a layer of fat beneath her skin makes her look softer, beneath that softness is a lot of brute strength and ferocity.<\/p>\r\n<p>The fur down the back of a female&rsquo;s neck, shoulders, and back is thicker and longer than a male's, and she also has thicker longer fur on her belly and inner thigh, which thickens further when carrying, or nursing young.<\/p>\r\n<p>The female Kivuuli's voice is softer and higher in pitch than a male's. Her growl is smoother, but deeper and fiercer. Her purr is a low and smooth.<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p>Heat and Mating<br \/>Kivuuli attract mates through scent.<\/p>\r\n<p>Female Kivuuli go into heat regularly, but when observed in our dimension it happens roughly once every 1-3 years. A female raising a kit can not enter this state as long as she is nursing the kit. This is the only time she can become pregnant. It lasts for roughly two weeks or until she finds a suitable mate.<\/p>\r\n<p>There are three stages to the heat.<\/p>\r\n<p>Stage 1- Her scent begins to shift. This is not actual heat yet; she is not fertile. But her body is preparing itself for heat. She starts to become more interested in males, but also more hormonal and dangerous. She also becomes territorial towards other females, not letting them near her den. This stage lasts a few days.<\/p>\r\n<p>Stage 2- Her scent grows stronger, and her body is almost ready to mate. This is the attracting a mate stage. The testing the males and letting them fight for her stage. She becomes actively interested in males, and is easily aroused. Like a cat, a female in heat will groom herself frequently to deal with the wetness between the legs. While not water-based, it gets annoying. This stage of heat lasts about a week.<br \/>At this stage, her strong heat-scent rouses the males into excitement; causing them to follow her an attempt to impress her. Mating in this stage of heat will not end it, but it will shorten the time that she&rsquo;s in it. Once a mate is chosen, they will mate repeatedly until her heat is over. It usually ends within 24 hours of her first mating.<\/p>\r\n<p>Stage 3 - This is the most intense part of her heat. This is when she is fully ready to mate and most likely to ovulate. Her heat scent becomes so strong the males can practically taste it on the air. She becomes extremely restless, unable to stay in one place for long. Many females will pace on and on, and even whine and call their discomfort and need. Younger females react more strongly to this stage; while older females can usually ignore it with the occasional whine and shift of discomfort. The ache inside them grows so intense that even those who don&rsquo;t want a child might mate just to get it over with.<\/p>\r\n<p>The males will scuffle and fight among themselves, and the strongest, healthiest males will compete to gain her attention. Once the female has chosen, the other males will give up and find another release. Often in the form of a female who is not in heat; since she can not become pregnant she does not care about the health or strength of the male.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Even though Kivuuli generally mate very roughly, with growling and biting and claws involved, it is always consensual. A Kivuuli who tries to take a mate against their will will be turned on and killed by their Colony.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Once the female chooses her suitor and mating occurs, her heat will either be shortened, or end completely. She signals that she is ready by getting into the presenting position. Crouching down, revealing the thickly furred ruff on her back, and raising her rear into the air. Even if mating doesn&rsquo;t always happen in this position, it&rsquo;s considered a sign of acceptance, even if she plays hard to get afterwards. Kivuuli females, like cats, are stimulated ovulators. Without the proper stimulation, the heat will end but she won&rsquo;t become pregnant. Even if stimulated, the male must have strong seed or her body will kill it all before it fertilizes her. While they will mate repeatedly, the first one is the one that triggers the end of the heat, and thus, after that first one, stimulation will not cause ovulation if it hasn&rsquo;t already.<\/p>\r\n<p>It takes a few days to know if the mating was successful. After a few days, if the mating was successful, her scent will change to announce that she is pregnant. She will also fail to shed, since the shed will be delayed until a week before laying. Female Kivuuli shed a week after heat. If it does not take and she sheds, she will have to wait until her next heat cycle to try again; usually with a different male. \u200b<br \/>Gestation<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>With the exception of very few isolated colonies, Kivuuli are an egg-bearing race. They carry the egg for four to five months, growing large quickly. The male is expected to hunt for her and bring her food, since her appetite will increase as she packs the egg with nutrients it will need once it exits her body. The baby will also develop considerably during this time. By the time the egg is laid, the brain of the fetus is almost completely formed; the rest of the body finishes forming after the egg is laid. As the egg forms, the female&rsquo;s fur grows thicker and denser, to make better lining for her nest. The fur around her belly and inner thighs thickens too; and she will not shed her guardhairs.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their pelvis separates in two places, and is held together by springy, elastic tendons. Each separation contains a small bone bridge that breaks in the process of laying the first egg. This produces a small, sharp crack\/pop, and is quite painful. The bone bridge never grows back and any eggs after the first are easier. Once the egg has passed through, the tendons will spring back, and the Kivuuli&rsquo;s natural healing ability will repair any damage within an hour or two of laying while the exhausted mother sleeps. Males do not have the tendons or bone bridges.<\/p>\r\n<p>While inside them, the egg shell is thick and leathery. It forms soon after conception and plays the part of the placenta until it comes time to lay. During the last few days before laying it becomes the egg shell, which and is soft and pliable. After laying, the shell takes roughly a half hour to harden. It becomes tough, hard and slightly textured. It is very thick and tough, hard to break from the outside. It is, however, very vulnerable until it&rsquo;s fully hardened. The reason it develops so long inside the mother is so the brain can form properly; the mother gives it a kick start, and the hatchling finishes development within the egg.<\/p>\r\n<p>They look huge when they are carrying, but most of that is actually fluids that protect and cushion the egg as well as providing lubrication for laying. Nutrients are stored within the forming shell, though the hatchling has a Proteanct link to the mother until a few days before laying.<\/p>\r\n<p>During the pregnancy, the Kivuuli will have an intense nesting instinct. She will take anything she can find. Fur of other shedding Kivuuli, blankets, any soft thing, and build a nest. During the last week of carrying, she will shed, and line her nest with her fur. Once the egg is laid, it will be watched over and kept warm by her while its father hunts for her. It will hatch in another 4-5 months. This can vary by subspecies, or location, or individual Kivuuli. Eggs can vary in color, but are usually smooth and black with slightly lighter colored mottling. This can change depending on the individual Kivuuli or their environment.<\/p>\r\n<p>A hatchling Kivuuli is known as a kit, because they are very kitten like in their behavior. Kits are known to imprint on the energy signature and voice of the one who spends the most time around the egg. As such, they know their mother the instant they come out. While hatching, a mother will crouch near the egg, face inches away from it and make soft chirring calls to encourage the kit to break free of the egg.<br \/><br \/>Upon hatching, they will follow the scent of the mother&rsquo;s teats. The scent and feel of the kit suckling will trigger a surge of hormones, and she will begin lactation. This surge of hormones will reduce the Kivuuli to soft, relaxed purring. Any Kivuuli can be triggered to lactate in this manner, be it male or female. Once lactation begins, the Kivuuli&rsquo;s appetite will increase. They often feed their milk to older or sick individuals within the Colony to help them survive and stay strong.<\/p>\r\n<p>Shown are a Kivuuli&rsquo;s teats. First image, they are mostly covered by the fur. SOmetimes a slight separation in the fur is seen on shorter furred Kivuuli.<\/p>\r\n<p>In the pregnant Kivuuli, the teats poke out of the fur, as the fur sheds from directly around them.<\/p>\r\n<p>When nursing, the flesh swells a bit to push the nipples out of the fur, thus allowing the hatchling to nurse without getting a mouthful of its mother&rsquo;s fur.<\/p>\r\n<p>The consistency is thick, almost like a probiotic yogurt shake, and the taste is surprisingly mild and a little sweet. It is highly nutritious, high in protein and energy; and everything else a kit needs to grow. Kivuuli kits who nurse on their mother grow up bigger and stronger as adults, and generally have a higher chance of being more dominant. It is not at all uncommon for Kivuuli in a Colony to nurse eachother's young. Sometimes older members will play the part of nanny for younger, less experienced Kivuuli. Some Kivuuli will choose to never stop lactating for the purpose of playing nanny to the kits within the Colony.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are extremely protective of their kits. If you hurt a kit, the whole Colony will attack. Even one lone Kivuuli is far more ferocious and dangerous than any mother bear; you don&rsquo;t want to know what would happen if you pissed off a whole colony of them.<\/p>\r\n<p>A human baby could drink Kivuuli&rsquo;s milk but couldn&rsquo;t survive off of it unless water was added to it. Kivuuli&rsquo;s milk contains no water whatsoever. It is high in protein, with a moderate amount of fat, and harder on the digestive system than human milk. It isn&rsquo;t dangerous but will not meet a human&rsquo;s needs properly. If water is added a human baby can survive off of it but won&rsquo;t be at ideal health and it would likely cause a lot of gas and intestinal discomfort being designed for a baby with a much stronger digestive system. It would pose no problems for an adult, and is highly nutritious with natural healing properties as well as infection fighting properties. An adult human or other meat-eating animal could survive off of it as long as they had access to water to stay hydrated.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are highly lactose intolerant. It makes them very, very sick. As such, Kivuuli milk has no lactose in it.<\/p>\r\n<p>A Kivuuli hatchling would be unable to survive on the milk of any terrestrial mammal. It contains way too much water and their little tummies can&rsquo;t handle it, not to mention their lactose intolerance. An adult Kivuuli can ingest the milk of terrestrial mammals, but it does cause a lot of digestive upset, cramping, nausea, and vomiting. The digestive issues can become severe enough to kill a kit, though an adult can survive it. It would just make them very sick. It does not contain the proper nutrients so if the kit did manage to survive the lactose and water, it would slowly deteriorate in health until it died of malnutrition. Their digestive systems are more advanced so they can be fed mashed cooked (Not raw) meat or anything else high in protein if taken in and raised by a human or a member of another race. Mixing ground up bones and the organs of the animal can add to the nutrition and help the kit more. Some that start off being nursed, though, will utterly refuse solid food.<\/p>\r\n<p>It is not unusual for members of a Colony to nurse eachother&rsquo;s young. In fact, this is a very common practice, though some Kits will not nurse on any but their mother. This depends on the individual. It is most common for the omegas to act as nannies for the Colony, helping to care for the kits while stronger individuals hunt and bring in food. Because of this Omegas, and especially nannies, while not given any authority, are not treated badly. Kivuuli tend to produce more milk than is needed. If it gets uncomfortable, they tend to empty their teats themselves. This keeps their supply strong, is relaxing and calming, tastes good to them, and is considered completely normal. While a human would find such activity odd, it is completely natural for a Kivuuli.<\/p>","field6":null,"field7":null,"parsed":{"description":"<p>The Kivuuli, a mysterious and powerful interdimensional semi-humanoid creature. They are rumored to hold the key to the Realms Between.<\/p>","field1":"<p>Kivuuli are a tall and powerful carnivorous furred semi-humanoid inter-dimensional race. They are generally black or dark grey with blue, green, or purple eyes and usually have slightly darker markings in stripes, spots, or a combination of the two that only show under certain light. There are several subspecies with different colors and markings being common from the warm reds of the forest dwelling Met'saa to the whites of the Lippizan to the blue grays of the Maltese or the golden color of Desert Kivuuli.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are elongated in build, with long limbs and are as comfortable on all fours as they are on two feet. They are incredibly wild, but generally won't attack unless attacked or threatened. Kivuuli are fully sapient and a social species. Despite their fearsome appearance, Kivuuli are a gentle and peaceful race with strong maternal instincts appearing in both males and females.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are very fast, especially when on all fours and live in groups known as Colonies.<\/p>","field2":"<h4>Between; Homeworld of the Kivuuli<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Imagine the air around you, full of bubbles. Now imagine that each of these bubbles is its own dimension. It's own universe. Has its own laws, and inner workings. Now, imagine all the space between the bubbles. A strange place, between the dimensions; ever shifting and changing. This is where the Kivuuli dwell and come from. The rules of physics do not apply; great islands of stone float through the darkness, covered in forests of strange bioluminescent fungus-like plants and other strange flora. Inhabited by strange creatures of all shapes and sizes, from tiny glowing dragonlike lizards to massive beasts that would put Earth's dinosaurs to shame. Literally anything can happen in Between, any sort of creature, any world, any dimension, any universe. The Kivuuli can reach many worlds and this is part of the reason for their great success as an apex predator.<\/p>\r\n<p>Harsh, but oddly beautiful, Between is buzzing with strange power and magic and the magical rules and laws of hundreds of dimensions, worlds, and universes clashing together in beautiful chaos. The areas of Between are effected by the laws of the dimensions and worlds closest to them; making Between highly varied. Between is beautiful; but as beautiful as it is it is deadly, thus the Kivuuli have had to adapt in to fast, powerful pack hunting predators that have claws that can slash through granite and a terrible shrieking wail that can drive fear into the hearts of the bravest.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are fast, able to teleport, and able to face creatures several times their size. This strange place has many names. Darkrealm, Tartarus, Limbo; but many simply call this place the Between; for this is what it is. The realm between dimensions. A strange and mysterious place; beautiful to behold but deadly to those not from there. While most of Between is completely dark aside from glimmers of light here and there and bioluminsecent plants and animals, some isles are ruled by a great orb of energy mimicking a sun. Some have their own weather patterns and day night cycles. Cracks and passages between dimensions are always opening and closing, allowing Kivuuli the ability to enter and leave Between at will, though they must be careful as some rifts are temporary and could close and leave them stranded in a strange and unfamiliar world. Others, still, are horribly unstable and deadly and could rip an unsuspecting Kivuuli to shreds leaving nothing but splatters of blood and the memory of their horrible screams.<\/p>","field3":"<h4>Calls, Vocalizations and Language<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli voices have a strange, otherworldly quality to them. They sound almost distorted, with a clear staticy crackling undertone. This is likely because of their interdimensional nature.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their voices are often deep, with a growl or purr like sound mixed in. A Kivuuli speaking is much what a person might imagine a lion&rsquo;s voice would sound like if it learned to speak. They tend to have emphasis on sharper sounds, like k, z, v, and such, and their r&rsquo;s are often lengthened slightly in a slight growl or purr. They are fully capable of learning languages aside from their own and, in fact, Kivuuli learn incredibly fast. Despite their wild primitive ways, they are incredibly intelligent.<\/p>\r\n<p>Outside of speech, they have a whole range of natural vocalizations. When excited or friendly, they let out a sound similar to a chittering cat. Though much deeper and lower in tone. This sound is often used by playful kits, or adults trying to show they mean no harm. Kivuuli also purr. It&rsquo;s a deep, heavy rumbling sound with a bit of static to it.<\/p>\r\n<p>They chitter, chirp, chuff, rumble, growl, purr, hiss, click, snarl, roar, howl, and many other sounds.<\/p>\r\n<p>Chirping is used to call and greet fellow members of their Colony. The chuff is similar to a chuffing tiger, and they use this to greet loved ones and family or close friends. The rumble and growl show varying levels of irritation and\/or anger, eventually leading to a wild snarling or finally, their terrible howl or roar.<\/p>\r\n<p>Purring is an expression of pleasure and contentment.<\/p>\r\n<p>When injured, they let out soft whimpers and whines.<\/p>\r\n<p>When sad, they will either be very quiet, whimper softly, or let out a heartbreaking wail when mourning the death of a loved one.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their language incorporates all of these vocalizations. And they even integrate this when speaking other languages as well.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli also rely strongly on body language. The position of one&rsquo;s ears, tone of voice, and posture can change the meaning of what they are trying to say. Looking at the position of the ears is a great way to tell what mood a Kivuuli is in. When neutral, the ears are out slightly to the sides and in a relaxed position. When alert or shocked, their ears perk up and swivel forward. Their ears often flick and swivel towards any sound, and many times they detect sounds other creatures will not.<\/p>\r\n<p>When angry, their ears go back, and they lower their ears when sad, or trying to show submission. Higher ranking Kivuuli generally tend to hold their ears perked higher than lower ranking Kivuuli.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli can also make a strange tonal almost&hellip; droning sound. Somewhere between a thrum and a rumble, it can promote relaxation or healing. The sound is, indeed, very strange. And it is something that is rarely heard among Kivuuli so it is theorized that only a few of them are capable of, or know how to, produce this sound.<\/p>","field4":"<h4>Appearance and anatomy<\/h4>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are somewhat humanoid in appearance, but have some very clear differences. They are long and lean, with elongated torsos and limbs. The average Kivuuli stands around nine to nine and a half feet tall. They have pawlike digitgrade feet which have four toes, or four toes and a dewclaw. Being interdimensional creatures, they often appear with a strange dark aura around them with what seems like tiny sparks or glimmers of lights appearing and floating aimlessly around them and vanishing again. This aura and particles usually matches the basic color of their eyes. It only shows when they are using, or have recently used their reality bending abilities.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli skin is incredibly tough and thick. It takes some strength and a sharp blade to pierce it. They have a coating of fur that is short, but dense and soft. Their natural body temperature is around 105 degrees Fahrenheit, and thus they are very warm to the touch. The fur is usually longest around the shoulders, down the back, and in small fringes around the ankles and wrists.<\/p>\r\n<p>The fur on a female's ruff is longer and thicker than that of a male, and the skin there is looser and thicker and tougher as well. This serves as a protective barrier against the male's fangs, since they tend to bite during mating. Even then, he does often draw blood though most females don't mind this. It actually feels good to them.<\/p>\r\n<p>Being interdimensional creatures, Kivuuli are extremely light. Even standing around nine or more feet tall, they rarely weigh over one hundred fifty pounds. This is due to them being made up of something like solidified energy. Light, but incredibly strong. This not fully physical nature also manifests in their spines, claws, and fangs. When angry, they actually extend out and get longer and sharper, and when calm shrink back to normal size and sharpness.<\/p>\r\n<p>They have scale like spines on their forearms pointing back off the elbow with membranes between them. Similar scale like spines go down their spine, also having membranes between them. These spines flare up when frightened, angry, or threatened. They are also used in dominance displays.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli blood is a dark nearly black purple and thicker than human blood.<\/p>\r\n<p>Males are far more common than females. There are about five males for every one female hatched.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h4>Diet and Feeding<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli are carnivorous. Their diet consists almost entirely of meat, though they might eat other things if no meat is available. They will sometimes add other things to their diet, such as fruits. Kivuuli tend to love sweets, but they aren&rsquo;t fond of sour things.<\/p>\r\n<p>When it comes out the other end, it looks like very large rabbit droppings and simply crumbles to dust if stepped on. Has little to no smell.<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<h4><br \/>Abilities<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli have many special abilities they are capable of using.<\/p>\r\n<p>\u200b<\/p>\r\n<p>Teleportation - Kivuuli are able to teleport, though their methods are strange and unique. They are able to bend the fabric of reality around them in minor ways, the most pronounced being the ability to literally tear a crack in reality and step through. The crack always heals itself right after the Kivuuli steps through. Not ALL Kivuuli can do this. It is something that must be taught. Kivuuli can see and sense the flow of energy around them. They can also completely silence their steps, even at a full run.<\/p>\r\n<p>**Note that they teleport by jumping through the dimension - or, within the bubble. They can not break out of the bubble into greater between, but they do, in a sense, touch Between when teleporting.<\/p>\r\n<p>Paralyzing Stare - The Paralyzing Stare is an ability Kivuuli developed for hunting and self defense. They stare you right in the eyes, which has a hypnotizing effect, rendering their prey or enemy unable to move. As long as your eyes are locked with the Kivuuli&rsquo;s, you can&rsquo;t move. When eye contact is broken, you can move again. Most Kivuuli ONLY use this ability when absolutely necessary. Generally if they are attacked. They catch the person&rsquo;s gaze, causes them to freeze up, and teleports away to safety as they recover.<\/p>\r\n<p>Intimidating Howl - The Intimidating Howl is a horrible unearthly howl, laced with the Kivuuli&rsquo;s reality bending power. It sounds somewhere between a feral howl, savage snarling, horrible shrieking, and radio static. It forces feelings of terror into the one hearing it, giving them the desire to run away. Most can not handle it, and either faint where they are or run in horror. This terrible howl seems to come from every direction at once, making the Kivuuli&rsquo;s location hard to determine.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Reality Bending - This ability is the underlying cause to many other abilities Kivuuli have. They are able to bend reality around them in minor ways, stifling the sound of their footsteps, stopping you from hearing their breath or smelling them or sensing their presence. They can also leap through cracks in reality to teleport and many other small, but useful applications.<\/p>","field5":"<p>Mating and Reproduction<br \/>Kivuuli males and females look quite similar. Genitals are internal, though gender can be told through differences in their bodies, demeanor, and voice. If one sees a male and female Kivuuli standing side by side, first glance won&rsquo;t reveal many differences. But if you look closely you can tell. Kivuuli do have the occasional hermaphrodite, this is a rare mutation.<br \/>Sexual Dimorphism<br \/>Male: Kivuuli genitals are internal and only emerge in a state of arousal. The male has a slit like sheath more towards the front of his crotch. Males are slimmer and smaller than females, and generally hold themselves lower as well. They are naturally submissive since even a very strong male wouldn't stand a chance against the physically bigger and stronger female. Males do not have much curve to them, if any at all and have narrow waists and hips. They have semi defined pecs, and the fur on their lower belly and inner thighs is not any longer than the fur on the rest of their bodies. They have teats on the lower belly, usually small and not very visible. They tend to have thicker and longer chest fur as well as slightly longer\/fluffier fur around their neck. This can sometimes amplify their cheek fluff, too.<\/p>\r\n<p>Male Kivuuli have lower, rougher and deeper voices than females. The growling undertone is more pronounced.<\/p>\r\n<p>Female: The female has a slit on the bottom of her crotch, barely visable of at all from the front. The slit is subtle and less visable than the male's sheath like slit. A female has visible teats, though they are only really noticeable when she is carrying an egg, or nursing a hatchling.<\/p>\r\n<p>Females are taller and noticeably stronger than males. Her body is thicker, and moderately curvy with wider hips leading down to long and slim, but strong legs. While a layer of fat beneath her skin makes her look softer, beneath that softness is a lot of brute strength and ferocity.<\/p>\r\n<p>The fur down the back of a female&rsquo;s neck, shoulders, and back is thicker and longer than a male's, and she also has thicker longer fur on her belly and inner thigh, which thickens further when carrying, or nursing young.<\/p>\r\n<p>The female Kivuuli's voice is softer and higher in pitch than a male's. Her growl is smoother, but deeper and fiercer. Her purr is a low and smooth.<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p>Heat and Mating<br \/>Kivuuli attract mates through scent.<\/p>\r\n<p>Female Kivuuli go into heat regularly, but when observed in our dimension it happens roughly once every 1-3 years. A female raising a kit can not enter this state as long as she is nursing the kit. This is the only time she can become pregnant. It lasts for roughly two weeks or until she finds a suitable mate.<\/p>\r\n<p>There are three stages to the heat.<\/p>\r\n<p>Stage 1- Her scent begins to shift. This is not actual heat yet; she is not fertile. But her body is preparing itself for heat. She starts to become more interested in males, but also more hormonal and dangerous. She also becomes territorial towards other females, not letting them near her den. This stage lasts a few days.<\/p>\r\n<p>Stage 2- Her scent grows stronger, and her body is almost ready to mate. This is the attracting a mate stage. The testing the males and letting them fight for her stage. She becomes actively interested in males, and is easily aroused. Like a cat, a female in heat will groom herself frequently to deal with the wetness between the legs. While not water-based, it gets annoying. This stage of heat lasts about a week.<br \/>At this stage, her strong heat-scent rouses the males into excitement; causing them to follow her an attempt to impress her. Mating in this stage of heat will not end it, but it will shorten the time that she&rsquo;s in it. Once a mate is chosen, they will mate repeatedly until her heat is over. It usually ends within 24 hours of her first mating.<\/p>\r\n<p>Stage 3 - This is the most intense part of her heat. This is when she is fully ready to mate and most likely to ovulate. Her heat scent becomes so strong the males can practically taste it on the air. She becomes extremely restless, unable to stay in one place for long. Many females will pace on and on, and even whine and call their discomfort and need. Younger females react more strongly to this stage; while older females can usually ignore it with the occasional whine and shift of discomfort. The ache inside them grows so intense that even those who don&rsquo;t want a child might mate just to get it over with.<\/p>\r\n<p>The males will scuffle and fight among themselves, and the strongest, healthiest males will compete to gain her attention. Once the female has chosen, the other males will give up and find another release. Often in the form of a female who is not in heat; since she can not become pregnant she does not care about the health or strength of the male.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Even though Kivuuli generally mate very roughly, with growling and biting and claws involved, it is always consensual. A Kivuuli who tries to take a mate against their will will be turned on and killed by their Colony.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Once the female chooses her suitor and mating occurs, her heat will either be shortened, or end completely. She signals that she is ready by getting into the presenting position. Crouching down, revealing the thickly furred ruff on her back, and raising her rear into the air. Even if mating doesn&rsquo;t always happen in this position, it&rsquo;s considered a sign of acceptance, even if she plays hard to get afterwards. Kivuuli females, like cats, are stimulated ovulators. Without the proper stimulation, the heat will end but she won&rsquo;t become pregnant. Even if stimulated, the male must have strong seed or her body will kill it all before it fertilizes her. While they will mate repeatedly, the first one is the one that triggers the end of the heat, and thus, after that first one, stimulation will not cause ovulation if it hasn&rsquo;t already.<\/p>\r\n<p>It takes a few days to know if the mating was successful. After a few days, if the mating was successful, her scent will change to announce that she is pregnant. She will also fail to shed, since the shed will be delayed until a week before laying. Female Kivuuli shed a week after heat. If it does not take and she sheds, she will have to wait until her next heat cycle to try again; usually with a different male. \u200b<br \/>Gestation<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>With the exception of very few isolated colonies, Kivuuli are an egg-bearing race. They carry the egg for four to five months, growing large quickly. The male is expected to hunt for her and bring her food, since her appetite will increase as she packs the egg with nutrients it will need once it exits her body. The baby will also develop considerably during this time. By the time the egg is laid, the brain of the fetus is almost completely formed; the rest of the body finishes forming after the egg is laid. As the egg forms, the female&rsquo;s fur grows thicker and denser, to make better lining for her nest. The fur around her belly and inner thighs thickens too; and she will not shed her guardhairs.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their pelvis separates in two places, and is held together by springy, elastic tendons. Each separation contains a small bone bridge that breaks in the process of laying the first egg. This produces a small, sharp crack\/pop, and is quite painful. The bone bridge never grows back and any eggs after the first are easier. Once the egg has passed through, the tendons will spring back, and the Kivuuli&rsquo;s natural healing ability will repair any damage within an hour or two of laying while the exhausted mother sleeps. Males do not have the tendons or bone bridges.<\/p>\r\n<p>While inside them, the egg shell is thick and leathery. It forms soon after conception and plays the part of the placenta until it comes time to lay. During the last few days before laying it becomes the egg shell, which and is soft and pliable. After laying, the shell takes roughly a half hour to harden. It becomes tough, hard and slightly textured. It is very thick and tough, hard to break from the outside. It is, however, very vulnerable until it&rsquo;s fully hardened. The reason it develops so long inside the mother is so the brain can form properly; the mother gives it a kick start, and the hatchling finishes development within the egg.<\/p>\r\n<p>They look huge when they are carrying, but most of that is actually fluids that protect and cushion the egg as well as providing lubrication for laying. Nutrients are stored within the forming shell, though the hatchling has a Proteanct link to the mother until a few days before laying.<\/p>\r\n<p>During the pregnancy, the Kivuuli will have an intense nesting instinct. She will take anything she can find. Fur of other shedding Kivuuli, blankets, any soft thing, and build a nest. During the last week of carrying, she will shed, and line her nest with her fur. Once the egg is laid, it will be watched over and kept warm by her while its father hunts for her. It will hatch in another 4-5 months. This can vary by subspecies, or location, or individual Kivuuli. Eggs can vary in color, but are usually smooth and black with slightly lighter colored mottling. This can change depending on the individual Kivuuli or their environment.<\/p>\r\n<p>A hatchling Kivuuli is known as a kit, because they are very kitten like in their behavior. Kits are known to imprint on the energy signature and voice of the one who spends the most time around the egg. As such, they know their mother the instant they come out. While hatching, a mother will crouch near the egg, face inches away from it and make soft chirring calls to encourage the kit to break free of the egg.<br \/><br \/>Upon hatching, they will follow the scent of the mother&rsquo;s teats. The scent and feel of the kit suckling will trigger a surge of hormones, and she will begin lactation. This surge of hormones will reduce the Kivuuli to soft, relaxed purring. Any Kivuuli can be triggered to lactate in this manner, be it male or female. Once lactation begins, the Kivuuli&rsquo;s appetite will increase. They often feed their milk to older or sick individuals within the Colony to help them survive and stay strong.<\/p>\r\n<p>Shown are a Kivuuli&rsquo;s teats. First image, they are mostly covered by the fur. SOmetimes a slight separation in the fur is seen on shorter furred Kivuuli.<\/p>\r\n<p>In the pregnant Kivuuli, the teats poke out of the fur, as the fur sheds from directly around them.<\/p>\r\n<p>When nursing, the flesh swells a bit to push the nipples out of the fur, thus allowing the hatchling to nurse without getting a mouthful of its mother&rsquo;s fur.<\/p>\r\n<p>The consistency is thick, almost like a probiotic yogurt shake, and the taste is surprisingly mild and a little sweet. It is highly nutritious, high in protein and energy; and everything else a kit needs to grow. Kivuuli kits who nurse on their mother grow up bigger and stronger as adults, and generally have a higher chance of being more dominant. It is not at all uncommon for Kivuuli in a Colony to nurse eachother's young. Sometimes older members will play the part of nanny for younger, less experienced Kivuuli. Some Kivuuli will choose to never stop lactating for the purpose of playing nanny to the kits within the Colony.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are extremely protective of their kits. If you hurt a kit, the whole Colony will attack. Even one lone Kivuuli is far more ferocious and dangerous than any mother bear; you don&rsquo;t want to know what would happen if you pissed off a whole colony of them.<\/p>\r\n<p>A human baby could drink Kivuuli&rsquo;s milk but couldn&rsquo;t survive off of it unless water was added to it. Kivuuli&rsquo;s milk contains no water whatsoever. It is high in protein, with a moderate amount of fat, and harder on the digestive system than human milk. It isn&rsquo;t dangerous but will not meet a human&rsquo;s needs properly. If water is added a human baby can survive off of it but won&rsquo;t be at ideal health and it would likely cause a lot of gas and intestinal discomfort being designed for a baby with a much stronger digestive system. It would pose no problems for an adult, and is highly nutritious with natural healing properties as well as infection fighting properties. An adult human or other meat-eating animal could survive off of it as long as they had access to water to stay hydrated.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are highly lactose intolerant. It makes them very, very sick. As such, Kivuuli milk has no lactose in it.<\/p>\r\n<p>A Kivuuli hatchling would be unable to survive on the milk of any terrestrial mammal. It contains way too much water and their little tummies can&rsquo;t handle it, not to mention their lactose intolerance. An adult Kivuuli can ingest the milk of terrestrial mammals, but it does cause a lot of digestive upset, cramping, nausea, and vomiting. The digestive issues can become severe enough to kill a kit, though an adult can survive it. It would just make them very sick. It does not contain the proper nutrients so if the kit did manage to survive the lactose and water, it would slowly deteriorate in health until it died of malnutrition. Their digestive systems are more advanced so they can be fed mashed cooked (Not raw) meat or anything else high in protein if taken in and raised by a human or a member of another race. Mixing ground up bones and the organs of the animal can add to the nutrition and help the kit more. Some that start off being nursed, though, will utterly refuse solid food.<\/p>\r\n<p>It is not unusual for members of a Colony to nurse eachother&rsquo;s young. In fact, this is a very common practice, though some Kits will not nurse on any but their mother. This depends on the individual. It is most common for the omegas to act as nannies for the Colony, helping to care for the kits while stronger individuals hunt and bring in food. Because of this Omegas, and especially nannies, while not given any authority, are not treated badly. Kivuuli tend to produce more milk than is needed. If it gets uncomfortable, they tend to empty their teats themselves. This keeps their supply strong, is relaxing and calming, tastes good to them, and is considered completely normal. While a human would find such activity odd, it is completely natural for a Kivuuli.<\/p>","field6":null,"field7":null}},"title":"Kivuuli","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":["wip"],"page_tag":null}
#115 29 June 2023, 19:12:41 UTC
Page Updated
Length: 24383 (+24) -
{"data":{"description":"<p>The Kivuuli, a mysterious and powerful interdimensional semi-humanoid creature. They are rumored to hold the key to the Realms Between.<\/p>","field1":"<p>Kivuuli are a tall and powerful carnivorous furred semi-humanoid inter-dimensional race. They are generally black or dark grey with blue, green, or purple eyes and usually have slightly darker markings in stripes, spots, or a combination of the two that only show under certain light. There are several subspecies with different colors and markings being common from the warm reds of the forest dwelling Met'saa to the whites of the Lippizan to the blue grays of the Maltese or the golden color of Desert Kivuuli.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are elongated in build, with long limbs and are as comfortable on all fours as they are on two feet. They are incredibly wild, but generally won't attack unless attacked or threatened. Kivuuli are fully sapient and a social species. Despite their fearsome appearance, Kivuuli are a gentle and peaceful race with strong maternal instincts appearing in both males and females.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are very fast, especially when on all fours and live in groups known as Colonies.<\/p>","field2":"<h4>Between; Homeworld of the Kivuuli<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Imagine the air around you, full of bubbles. Now imagine that each of these bubbles is its own dimension. It's own universe. Has its own laws, and inner workings. Now, imagine all the space between the bubbles. A strange place, between the dimensions; ever shifting and changing. This is where the Kivuuli dwell and come from. The rules of physics do not apply; great islands of stone float through the darkness, covered in forests of strange bioluminescent fungus-like plants and other strange flora. Inhabited by strange creatures of all shapes and sizes, from tiny glowing dragonlike lizards to massive beasts that would put Earth's dinosaurs to shame. Literally anything can happen in Between, any sort of creature, any world, any dimension, any universe. The Kivuuli can reach many worlds and this is part of the reason for their great success as an apex predator.<\/p>\r\n<p>Harsh, but oddly beautiful, Between is buzzing with strange power and magic and the magical rules and laws of hundreds of dimensions, worlds, and universes clashing together in beautiful chaos. The areas of Between are effected by the laws of the dimensions and worlds closest to them; making Between highly varied. Between is beautiful; but as beautiful as it is it is deadly, thus the Kivuuli have had to adapt in to fast, powerful pack hunting predators that have claws that can slash through granite and a terrible shrieking wail that can drive fear into the hearts of the bravest.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are fast, able to teleport, and able to face creatures several times their size. This strange place has many names. Darkrealm, Tartarus, Limbo; but many simply call this place the Between; for this is what it is. The realm between dimensions. A strange and mysterious place; beautiful to behold but deadly to those not from there. While most of Between is completely dark aside from glimmers of light here and there and bioluminsecent plants and animals, some isles are ruled by a great orb of energy mimicking a sun. Some have their own weather patterns and day night cycles. Cracks and passages between dimensions are always opening and closing, allowing Kivuuli the ability to enter and leave Between at will, though they must be careful as some rifts are temporary and could close and leave them stranded in a strange and unfamiliar world. Others, still, are horribly unstable and deadly and could rip an unsuspecting Kivuuli to shreds leaving nothing but splatters of blood and the memory of their horrible screams.<\/p>","field3":"<h4>Calls, Vocalizations and Language<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli voices have a strange, otherworldly quality to them. They sound almost distorted, with a clear staticy crackling undertone. This is likely because of their interdimensional nature.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their voices are often deep, with a growl or purr like sound mixed in. A Kivuuli speaking is much what a person might imagine a lion&rsquo;s voice would sound like if it learned to speak. They tend to have emphasis on sharper sounds, like k, z, v, and such, and their r&rsquo;s are often lengthened slightly in a slight growl or purr. They are fully capable of learning languages aside from their own and, in fact, Kivuuli learn incredibly fast. Despite their wild primitive ways, they are incredibly intelligent.<\/p>\r\n<p>Outside of speech, they have a whole range of natural vocalizations. When excited or friendly, they let out a sound similar to a chittering cat. Though much deeper and lower in tone. This sound is often used by playful kits, or adults trying to show they mean no harm. Kivuuli also purr. It&rsquo;s a deep, heavy rumbling sound with a bit of static to it.<\/p>\r\n<p>They chitter, chirp, chuff, rumble, growl, purr, hiss, click, snarl, roar, howl, and many other sounds.<\/p>\r\n<p>Chirping is used to call and greet fellow members of their Colony. The chuff is similar to a chuffing tiger, and they use this to greet loved ones and family or close friends. The rumble and growl show varying levels of irritation and\/or anger, eventually leading to a wild snarling or finally, their terrible howl or roar.<\/p>\r\n<p>Purring is an expression of pleasure and contentment.<\/p>\r\n<p>When injured, they let out soft whimpers and whines.<\/p>\r\n<p>When sad, they will either be very quiet, whimper softly, or let out a heartbreaking wail when mourning the death of a loved one.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their language incorporates all of these vocalizations. And they even integrate this when speaking other languages as well.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli also rely strongly on body language. The position of one&rsquo;s ears, tone of voice, and posture can change the meaning of what they are trying to say. Looking at the position of the ears is a great way to tell what mood a Kivuuli is in. When neutral, the ears are out slightly to the sides and in a relaxed position. When alert or shocked, their ears perk up and swivel forward. Their ears often flick and swivel towards any sound, and many times they detect sounds other creatures will not.<\/p>\r\n<p>When angry, their ears go back, and they lower their ears when sad, or trying to show submission. Higher ranking Kivuuli generally tend to hold their ears perked higher than lower ranking Kivuuli.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli can also make a strange tonal almost&hellip; droning sound. Somewhere between a thrum and a rumble, it can promote relaxation or healing. The sound is, indeed, very strange. And it is something that is rarely heard among Kivuuli so it is theorized that only a few of them are capable of, or know how to, produce this sound.<\/p>","field4":"<h4>Appearance and anatomy<\/h4>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are somewhat humanoid in appearance, but have some very clear differences. They are long and lean, with elongated torsos and limbs. The average Kivuuli stands around nine to nine and a half feet tall. They have pawlike digitgrade feet which have four toes, or four toes and a dewclaw. Being interdimensional creatures, they often appear with a strange dark aura around them with what seems like tiny sparks or glimmers of lights appearing and floating aimlessly around them and vanishing again. This aura and particles usually matches the basic color of their eyes. It only shows when they are using, or have recently used their reality bending abilities.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli skin is incredibly tough and thick. It takes some strength and a sharp blade to pierce it. They have a coating of fur that is short, but dense and soft. Their natural body temperature is around 105 degrees Fahrenheit, and thus they are very warm to the touch. The fur is usually longest around the shoulders, down the back, and in small fringes around the ankles and wrists.<\/p>\r\n<p>The fur on a female's ruff is longer and thicker than that of a male, and the skin there is looser and thicker and tougher as well. This serves as a protective barrier against the male's fangs, since they tend to bite during mating. Even then, he does often draw blood though most females don't mind this. It actually feels good to them.<\/p>\r\n<p>Being interdimensional creatures, Kivuuli are extremely light. Even standing around nine or more feet tall, they rarely weigh over one hundred fifty pounds. This is due to them being made up of something like solidified energy. Light, but incredibly strong. This not fully physical nature also manifests in their spines, claws, and fangs. When angry, they actually extend out and get longer and sharper, and when calm shrink back to normal size and sharpness.<\/p>\r\n<p>They have scale like spines on their forearms pointing back off the elbow with membranes between them. Similar scale like spines go down their spine, also having membranes between them. These spines flare up when frightened, angry, or threatened. They are also used in dominance displays.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli blood is a dark nearly black purple and thicker than human blood.<\/p>\r\n<p>Males are far more common than females. There are about five males for every one female hatched.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h4>Diet and Feeding<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli are carnivorous. Their diet consists almost entirely of meat, though they might eat other things if no meat is available. They will sometimes add other things to their diet, such as fruits. Kivuuli tend to love sweets, but they aren&rsquo;t fond of sour things.<\/p>\r\n<p>When it comes out the other end, it looks like very large rabbit droppings and simply crumbles to dust if stepped on. Has little to no smell.<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<h4><br \/>Abilities<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli have many special abilities they are capable of using.<\/p>\r\n<p>\u200b<\/p>\r\n<p>Teleportation - Kivuuli are able to teleport, though their methods are strange and unique. They are able to bend the fabric of reality around them in minor ways, the most pronounced being the ability to literally tear a crack in reality and step through. The crack always heals itself right after the Kivuuli steps through. Not ALL Kivuuli can do this. It is something that must be taught. Kivuuli can see and sense the flow of energy around them. They can also completely silence their steps, even at a full run.<\/p>\r\n<p>**Note that they teleport by jumping through the dimension - or, within the bubble. They can not break out of the bubble into greater between, but they do, in a sense, touch Between when teleporting.<\/p>\r\n<p>Paralyzing Stare - The Paralyzing Stare is an ability Kivuuli developed for hunting and self defense. They stare you right in the eyes, which has a hypnotizing effect, rendering their prey or enemy unable to move. As long as your eyes are locked with the Kivuuli&rsquo;s, you can&rsquo;t move. When eye contact is broken, you can move again. Most Kivuuli ONLY use this ability when absolutely necessary. Generally if they are attacked. They catch the person&rsquo;s gaze, causes them to freeze up, and teleports away to safety as they recover.<\/p>\r\n<p>Intimidating Howl - The Intimidating Howl is a horrible unearthly howl, laced with the Kivuuli&rsquo;s reality bending power. It sounds somewhere between a feral howl, savage snarling, horrible shrieking, and radio static. It forces feelings of terror into the one hearing it, giving them the desire to run away. Most can not handle it, and either faint where they are or run in horror. This terrible howl seems to come from every direction at once, making the Kivuuli&rsquo;s location hard to determine.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Reality Bending - This ability is the underlying cause to many other abilities Kivuuli have. They are able to bend reality around them in minor ways, stifling the sound of their footsteps, stopping you from hearing their breath or smelling them or sensing their presence. They can also leap through cracks in reality to teleport and many other small, but useful applications.<\/p>","field5":null,"field6":null,"field7":null,"parsed":{"description":"<p>The Kivuuli, a mysterious and powerful interdimensional semi-humanoid creature. They are rumored to hold the key to the Realms Between.<\/p>","field1":"<p>Kivuuli are a tall and powerful carnivorous furred semi-humanoid inter-dimensional race. They are generally black or dark grey with blue, green, or purple eyes and usually have slightly darker markings in stripes, spots, or a combination of the two that only show under certain light. There are several subspecies with different colors and markings being common from the warm reds of the forest dwelling Met'saa to the whites of the Lippizan to the blue grays of the Maltese or the golden color of Desert Kivuuli.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are elongated in build, with long limbs and are as comfortable on all fours as they are on two feet. They are incredibly wild, but generally won't attack unless attacked or threatened. Kivuuli are fully sapient and a social species. Despite their fearsome appearance, Kivuuli are a gentle and peaceful race with strong maternal instincts appearing in both males and females.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are very fast, especially when on all fours and live in groups known as Colonies.<\/p>","field2":"<h4>Between; Homeworld of the Kivuuli<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Imagine the air around you, full of bubbles. Now imagine that each of these bubbles is its own dimension. It's own universe. Has its own laws, and inner workings. Now, imagine all the space between the bubbles. A strange place, between the dimensions; ever shifting and changing. This is where the Kivuuli dwell and come from. The rules of physics do not apply; great islands of stone float through the darkness, covered in forests of strange bioluminescent fungus-like plants and other strange flora. Inhabited by strange creatures of all shapes and sizes, from tiny glowing dragonlike lizards to massive beasts that would put Earth's dinosaurs to shame. Literally anything can happen in Between, any sort of creature, any world, any dimension, any universe. The Kivuuli can reach many worlds and this is part of the reason for their great success as an apex predator.<\/p>\r\n<p>Harsh, but oddly beautiful, Between is buzzing with strange power and magic and the magical rules and laws of hundreds of dimensions, worlds, and universes clashing together in beautiful chaos. The areas of Between are effected by the laws of the dimensions and worlds closest to them; making Between highly varied. Between is beautiful; but as beautiful as it is it is deadly, thus the Kivuuli have had to adapt in to fast, powerful pack hunting predators that have claws that can slash through granite and a terrible shrieking wail that can drive fear into the hearts of the bravest.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are fast, able to teleport, and able to face creatures several times their size. This strange place has many names. Darkrealm, Tartarus, Limbo; but many simply call this place the Between; for this is what it is. The realm between dimensions. A strange and mysterious place; beautiful to behold but deadly to those not from there. While most of Between is completely dark aside from glimmers of light here and there and bioluminsecent plants and animals, some isles are ruled by a great orb of energy mimicking a sun. Some have their own weather patterns and day night cycles. Cracks and passages between dimensions are always opening and closing, allowing Kivuuli the ability to enter and leave Between at will, though they must be careful as some rifts are temporary and could close and leave them stranded in a strange and unfamiliar world. Others, still, are horribly unstable and deadly and could rip an unsuspecting Kivuuli to shreds leaving nothing but splatters of blood and the memory of their horrible screams.<\/p>","field3":"<h4>Calls, Vocalizations and Language<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli voices have a strange, otherworldly quality to them. They sound almost distorted, with a clear staticy crackling undertone. This is likely because of their interdimensional nature.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their voices are often deep, with a growl or purr like sound mixed in. A Kivuuli speaking is much what a person might imagine a lion&rsquo;s voice would sound like if it learned to speak. They tend to have emphasis on sharper sounds, like k, z, v, and such, and their r&rsquo;s are often lengthened slightly in a slight growl or purr. They are fully capable of learning languages aside from their own and, in fact, Kivuuli learn incredibly fast. Despite their wild primitive ways, they are incredibly intelligent.<\/p>\r\n<p>Outside of speech, they have a whole range of natural vocalizations. When excited or friendly, they let out a sound similar to a chittering cat. Though much deeper and lower in tone. This sound is often used by playful kits, or adults trying to show they mean no harm. Kivuuli also purr. It&rsquo;s a deep, heavy rumbling sound with a bit of static to it.<\/p>\r\n<p>They chitter, chirp, chuff, rumble, growl, purr, hiss, click, snarl, roar, howl, and many other sounds.<\/p>\r\n<p>Chirping is used to call and greet fellow members of their Colony. The chuff is similar to a chuffing tiger, and they use this to greet loved ones and family or close friends. The rumble and growl show varying levels of irritation and\/or anger, eventually leading to a wild snarling or finally, their terrible howl or roar.<\/p>\r\n<p>Purring is an expression of pleasure and contentment.<\/p>\r\n<p>When injured, they let out soft whimpers and whines.<\/p>\r\n<p>When sad, they will either be very quiet, whimper softly, or let out a heartbreaking wail when mourning the death of a loved one.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their language incorporates all of these vocalizations. And they even integrate this when speaking other languages as well.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli also rely strongly on body language. The position of one&rsquo;s ears, tone of voice, and posture can change the meaning of what they are trying to say. Looking at the position of the ears is a great way to tell what mood a Kivuuli is in. When neutral, the ears are out slightly to the sides and in a relaxed position. When alert or shocked, their ears perk up and swivel forward. Their ears often flick and swivel towards any sound, and many times they detect sounds other creatures will not.<\/p>\r\n<p>When angry, their ears go back, and they lower their ears when sad, or trying to show submission. Higher ranking Kivuuli generally tend to hold their ears perked higher than lower ranking Kivuuli.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli can also make a strange tonal almost&hellip; droning sound. Somewhere between a thrum and a rumble, it can promote relaxation or healing. The sound is, indeed, very strange. And it is something that is rarely heard among Kivuuli so it is theorized that only a few of them are capable of, or know how to, produce this sound.<\/p>","field4":"<h4>Appearance and anatomy<\/h4>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are somewhat humanoid in appearance, but have some very clear differences. They are long and lean, with elongated torsos and limbs. The average Kivuuli stands around nine to nine and a half feet tall. They have pawlike digitgrade feet which have four toes, or four toes and a dewclaw. Being interdimensional creatures, they often appear with a strange dark aura around them with what seems like tiny sparks or glimmers of lights appearing and floating aimlessly around them and vanishing again. This aura and particles usually matches the basic color of their eyes. It only shows when they are using, or have recently used their reality bending abilities.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli skin is incredibly tough and thick. It takes some strength and a sharp blade to pierce it. They have a coating of fur that is short, but dense and soft. Their natural body temperature is around 105 degrees Fahrenheit, and thus they are very warm to the touch. The fur is usually longest around the shoulders, down the back, and in small fringes around the ankles and wrists.<\/p>\r\n<p>The fur on a female's ruff is longer and thicker than that of a male, and the skin there is looser and thicker and tougher as well. This serves as a protective barrier against the male's fangs, since they tend to bite during mating. Even then, he does often draw blood though most females don't mind this. It actually feels good to them.<\/p>\r\n<p>Being interdimensional creatures, Kivuuli are extremely light. Even standing around nine or more feet tall, they rarely weigh over one hundred fifty pounds. This is due to them being made up of something like solidified energy. Light, but incredibly strong. This not fully physical nature also manifests in their spines, claws, and fangs. When angry, they actually extend out and get longer and sharper, and when calm shrink back to normal size and sharpness.<\/p>\r\n<p>They have scale like spines on their forearms pointing back off the elbow with membranes between them. Similar scale like spines go down their spine, also having membranes between them. These spines flare up when frightened, angry, or threatened. They are also used in dominance displays.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli blood is a dark nearly black purple and thicker than human blood.<\/p>\r\n<p>Males are far more common than females. There are about five males for every one female hatched.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h4>Diet and Feeding<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli are carnivorous. Their diet consists almost entirely of meat, though they might eat other things if no meat is available. They will sometimes add other things to their diet, such as fruits. Kivuuli tend to love sweets, but they aren&rsquo;t fond of sour things.<\/p>\r\n<p>When it comes out the other end, it looks like very large rabbit droppings and simply crumbles to dust if stepped on. Has little to no smell.<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<h4><br \/>Abilities<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli have many special abilities they are capable of using.<\/p>\r\n<p>\u200b<\/p>\r\n<p>Teleportation - Kivuuli are able to teleport, though their methods are strange and unique. They are able to bend the fabric of reality around them in minor ways, the most pronounced being the ability to literally tear a crack in reality and step through. The crack always heals itself right after the Kivuuli steps through. Not ALL Kivuuli can do this. It is something that must be taught. Kivuuli can see and sense the flow of energy around them. They can also completely silence their steps, even at a full run.<\/p>\r\n<p>**Note that they teleport by jumping through the dimension - or, within the bubble. They can not break out of the bubble into greater between, but they do, in a sense, touch Between when teleporting.<\/p>\r\n<p>Paralyzing Stare - The Paralyzing Stare is an ability Kivuuli developed for hunting and self defense. They stare you right in the eyes, which has a hypnotizing effect, rendering their prey or enemy unable to move. As long as your eyes are locked with the Kivuuli&rsquo;s, you can&rsquo;t move. When eye contact is broken, you can move again. Most Kivuuli ONLY use this ability when absolutely necessary. Generally if they are attacked. They catch the person&rsquo;s gaze, causes them to freeze up, and teleports away to safety as they recover.<\/p>\r\n<p>Intimidating Howl - The Intimidating Howl is a horrible unearthly howl, laced with the Kivuuli&rsquo;s reality bending power. It sounds somewhere between a feral howl, savage snarling, horrible shrieking, and radio static. It forces feelings of terror into the one hearing it, giving them the desire to run away. Most can not handle it, and either faint where they are or run in horror. This terrible howl seems to come from every direction at once, making the Kivuuli&rsquo;s location hard to determine.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Reality Bending - This ability is the underlying cause to many other abilities Kivuuli have. They are able to bend reality around them in minor ways, stifling the sound of their footsteps, stopping you from hearing their breath or smelling them or sensing their presence. They can also leap through cracks in reality to teleport and many other small, but useful applications.<\/p>","field5":null,"field6":null,"field7":null}},"title":"Kivuuli","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":["wip"],"page_tag":null}
#114 29 June 2023, 19:12:26 UTC
Page Updated
Length: 24359 (+10466) -
{"data":{"description":"<p>The Kivuuli, a mysterious and powerful interdimensional semi-humanoid creature. They are rumored to hold the key to the Realms Between.<\/p>","field1":"<p>Kivuuli are a tall and powerful carnivorous furred semi-humanoid inter-dimensional race. They are generally black or dark grey with blue, green, or purple eyes and usually have slightly darker markings in stripes, spots, or a combination of the two that only show under certain light. There are several subspecies with different colors and markings being common from the warm reds of the forest dwelling Met'saa to the whites of the Lippizan to the blue grays of the Maltese or the golden color of Desert Kivuuli.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are elongated in build, with long limbs and are as comfortable on all fours as they are on two feet. They are incredibly wild, but generally won't attack unless attacked or threatened. Kivuuli are fully sapient and a social species. Despite their fearsome appearance, Kivuuli are a gentle and peaceful race with strong maternal instincts appearing in both males and females.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are very fast, especially when on all fours and live in groups known as Colonies.<\/p>","field2":"<h4>Between; Homeworld of the Kivuuli<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Imagine the air around you, full of bubbles. Now imagine that each of these bubbles is its own dimension. It's own universe. Has its own laws, and inner workings. Now, imagine all the space between the bubbles. A strange place, between the dimensions; ever shifting and changing. This is where the Kivuuli dwell and come from. The rules of physics do not apply; great islands of stone float through the darkness, covered in forests of strange bioluminescent fungus-like plants and other strange flora. Inhabited by strange creatures of all shapes and sizes, from tiny glowing dragonlike lizards to massive beasts that would put Earth's dinosaurs to shame. Literally anything can happen in Between, any sort of creature, any world, any dimension, any universe. The Kivuuli can reach many worlds and this is part of the reason for their great success as an apex predator.<\/p>\r\n<p>Harsh, but oddly beautiful, Between is buzzing with strange power and magic and the magical rules and laws of hundreds of dimensions, worlds, and universes clashing together in beautiful chaos. The areas of Between are effected by the laws of the dimensions and worlds closest to them; making Between highly varied. Between is beautiful; but as beautiful as it is it is deadly, thus the Kivuuli have had to adapt in to fast, powerful pack hunting predators that have claws that can slash through granite and a terrible shrieking wail that can drive fear into the hearts of the bravest.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are fast, able to teleport, and able to face creatures several times their size. This strange place has many names. Darkrealm, Tartarus, Limbo; but many simply call this place the Between; for this is what it is. The realm between dimensions. A strange and mysterious place; beautiful to behold but deadly to those not from there. While most of Between is completely dark aside from glimmers of light here and there and bioluminsecent plants and animals, some isles are ruled by a great orb of energy mimicking a sun. Some have their own weather patterns and day night cycles. Cracks and passages between dimensions are always opening and closing, allowing Kivuuli the ability to enter and leave Between at will, though they must be careful as some rifts are temporary and could close and leave them stranded in a strange and unfamiliar world. Others, still, are horribly unstable and deadly and could rip an unsuspecting Kivuuli to shreds leaving nothing but splatters of blood and the memory of their horrible screams.<\/p>","field3":"<h4>Calls, Vocalizations and Language<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli voices have a strange, otherworldly quality to them. They sound almost distorted, with a clear staticy crackling undertone. This is likely because of their interdimensional nature.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their voices are often deep, with a growl or purr like sound mixed in. A Kivuuli speaking is much what a person might imagine a lion&rsquo;s voice would sound like if it learned to speak. They tend to have emphasis on sharper sounds, like k, z, v, and such, and their r&rsquo;s are often lengthened slightly in a slight growl or purr. They are fully capable of learning languages aside from their own and, in fact, Kivuuli learn incredibly fast. Despite their wild primitive ways, they are incredibly intelligent.<\/p>\r\n<p>Outside of speech, they have a whole range of natural vocalizations. When excited or friendly, they let out a sound similar to a chittering cat. Though much deeper and lower in tone. This sound is often used by playful kits, or adults trying to show they mean no harm. Kivuuli also purr. It&rsquo;s a deep, heavy rumbling sound with a bit of static to it.<\/p>\r\n<p>They chitter, chirp, chuff, rumble, growl, purr, hiss, click, snarl, roar, howl, and many other sounds.<\/p>\r\n<p>Chirping is used to call and greet fellow members of their Colony. The chuff is similar to a chuffing tiger, and they use this to greet loved ones and family or close friends. The rumble and growl show varying levels of irritation and\/or anger, eventually leading to a wild snarling or finally, their terrible howl or roar.<\/p>\r\n<p>Purring is an expression of pleasure and contentment.<\/p>\r\n<p>When injured, they let out soft whimpers and whines.<\/p>\r\n<p>When sad, they will either be very quiet, whimper softly, or let out a heartbreaking wail when mourning the death of a loved one.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their language incorporates all of these vocalizations. And they even integrate this when speaking other languages as well.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli also rely strongly on body language. The position of one&rsquo;s ears, tone of voice, and posture can change the meaning of what they are trying to say. Looking at the position of the ears is a great way to tell what mood a Kivuuli is in. When neutral, the ears are out slightly to the sides and in a relaxed position. When alert or shocked, their ears perk up and swivel forward. Their ears often flick and swivel towards any sound, and many times they detect sounds other creatures will not.<\/p>\r\n<p>When angry, their ears go back, and they lower their ears when sad, or trying to show submission. Higher ranking Kivuuli generally tend to hold their ears perked higher than lower ranking Kivuuli.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli can also make a strange tonal almost&hellip; droning sound. Somewhere between a thrum and a rumble, it can promote relaxation or healing. The sound is, indeed, very strange. And it is something that is rarely heard among Kivuuli so it is theorized that only a few of them are capable of, or know how to, produce this sound.<\/p>","field4":"<h4>Appearance<\/h4>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are somewhat humanoid in appearance, but have some very clear differences. They are long and lean, with elongated torsos and limbs. The average Kivuuli stands around nine to nine and a half feet tall. They have pawlike digitgrade feet which have four toes, or four toes and a dewclaw. Being interdimensional creatures, they often appear with a strange dark aura around them with what seems like tiny sparks or glimmers of lights appearing and floating aimlessly around them and vanishing again. This aura and particles usually matches the basic color of their eyes. It only shows when they are using, or have recently used their reality bending abilities.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli skin is incredibly tough and thick. It takes some strength and a sharp blade to pierce it. They have a coating of fur that is short, but dense and soft. Their natural body temperature is around 105 degrees Fahrenheit, and thus they are very warm to the touch. The fur is usually longest around the shoulders, down the back, and in small fringes around the ankles and wrists.<\/p>\r\n<p>The fur on a female's ruff is longer and thicker than that of a male, and the skin there is looser and thicker and tougher as well. This serves as a protective barrier against the male's fangs, since they tend to bite during mating. Even then, he does often draw blood though most females don't mind this. It actually feels good to them.<\/p>\r\n<p>Being interdimensional creatures, Kivuuli are extremely light. Even standing around nine or more feet tall, they rarely weigh over one hundred fifty pounds. This is due to them being made up of something like solidified energy. Light, but incredibly strong. This not fully physical nature also manifests in their spines, claws, and fangs. When angry, they actually extend out and get longer and sharper, and when calm shrink back to normal size and sharpness.<\/p>\r\n<p>They have scale like spines on their forearms pointing back off the elbow with membranes between them. Similar scale like spines go down their spine, also having membranes between them. These spines flare up when frightened, angry, or threatened. They are also used in dominance displays.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli blood is a dark nearly black purple and thicker than human blood.<\/p>\r\n<p>Males are far more common than females. There are about five males for every one female hatched.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h4>Diet and Feeding<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli are carnivorous. Their diet consists almost entirely of meat, though they might eat other things if no meat is available. They will sometimes add other things to their diet, such as fruits. Kivuuli tend to love sweets, but they aren&rsquo;t fond of sour things.<\/p>\r\n<p>When it comes out the other end, it looks like very large rabbit droppings and simply crumbles to dust if stepped on. Has little to no smell.<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<h4><br \/>Abilities<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli have many special abilities they are capable of using.<\/p>\r\n<p>\u200b<\/p>\r\n<p>Teleportation - Kivuuli are able to teleport, though their methods are strange and unique. They are able to bend the fabric of reality around them in minor ways, the most pronounced being the ability to literally tear a crack in reality and step through. The crack always heals itself right after the Kivuuli steps through. Not ALL Kivuuli can do this. It is something that must be taught. Kivuuli can see and sense the flow of energy around them. They can also completely silence their steps, even at a full run.<\/p>\r\n<p>**Note that they teleport by jumping through the dimension - or, within the bubble. They can not break out of the bubble into greater between, but they do, in a sense, touch Between when teleporting.<\/p>\r\n<p>Paralyzing Stare - The Paralyzing Stare is an ability Kivuuli developed for hunting and self defense. They stare you right in the eyes, which has a hypnotizing effect, rendering their prey or enemy unable to move. As long as your eyes are locked with the Kivuuli&rsquo;s, you can&rsquo;t move. When eye contact is broken, you can move again. Most Kivuuli ONLY use this ability when absolutely necessary. Generally if they are attacked. They catch the person&rsquo;s gaze, causes them to freeze up, and teleports away to safety as they recover.<\/p>\r\n<p>Intimidating Howl - The Intimidating Howl is a horrible unearthly howl, laced with the Kivuuli&rsquo;s reality bending power. It sounds somewhere between a feral howl, savage snarling, horrible shrieking, and radio static. It forces feelings of terror into the one hearing it, giving them the desire to run away. Most can not handle it, and either faint where they are or run in horror. This terrible howl seems to come from every direction at once, making the Kivuuli&rsquo;s location hard to determine.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Reality Bending - This ability is the underlying cause to many other abilities Kivuuli have. They are able to bend reality around them in minor ways, stifling the sound of their footsteps, stopping you from hearing their breath or smelling them or sensing their presence. They can also leap through cracks in reality to teleport and many other small, but useful applications.<\/p>","field5":null,"field6":null,"field7":null,"parsed":{"description":"<p>The Kivuuli, a mysterious and powerful interdimensional semi-humanoid creature. They are rumored to hold the key to the Realms Between.<\/p>","field1":"<p>Kivuuli are a tall and powerful carnivorous furred semi-humanoid inter-dimensional race. They are generally black or dark grey with blue, green, or purple eyes and usually have slightly darker markings in stripes, spots, or a combination of the two that only show under certain light. There are several subspecies with different colors and markings being common from the warm reds of the forest dwelling Met'saa to the whites of the Lippizan to the blue grays of the Maltese or the golden color of Desert Kivuuli.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are elongated in build, with long limbs and are as comfortable on all fours as they are on two feet. They are incredibly wild, but generally won't attack unless attacked or threatened. Kivuuli are fully sapient and a social species. Despite their fearsome appearance, Kivuuli are a gentle and peaceful race with strong maternal instincts appearing in both males and females.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are very fast, especially when on all fours and live in groups known as Colonies.<\/p>","field2":"<h4>Between; Homeworld of the Kivuuli<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Imagine the air around you, full of bubbles. Now imagine that each of these bubbles is its own dimension. It's own universe. Has its own laws, and inner workings. Now, imagine all the space between the bubbles. A strange place, between the dimensions; ever shifting and changing. This is where the Kivuuli dwell and come from. The rules of physics do not apply; great islands of stone float through the darkness, covered in forests of strange bioluminescent fungus-like plants and other strange flora. Inhabited by strange creatures of all shapes and sizes, from tiny glowing dragonlike lizards to massive beasts that would put Earth's dinosaurs to shame. Literally anything can happen in Between, any sort of creature, any world, any dimension, any universe. The Kivuuli can reach many worlds and this is part of the reason for their great success as an apex predator.<\/p>\r\n<p>Harsh, but oddly beautiful, Between is buzzing with strange power and magic and the magical rules and laws of hundreds of dimensions, worlds, and universes clashing together in beautiful chaos. The areas of Between are effected by the laws of the dimensions and worlds closest to them; making Between highly varied. Between is beautiful; but as beautiful as it is it is deadly, thus the Kivuuli have had to adapt in to fast, powerful pack hunting predators that have claws that can slash through granite and a terrible shrieking wail that can drive fear into the hearts of the bravest.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are fast, able to teleport, and able to face creatures several times their size. This strange place has many names. Darkrealm, Tartarus, Limbo; but many simply call this place the Between; for this is what it is. The realm between dimensions. A strange and mysterious place; beautiful to behold but deadly to those not from there. While most of Between is completely dark aside from glimmers of light here and there and bioluminsecent plants and animals, some isles are ruled by a great orb of energy mimicking a sun. Some have their own weather patterns and day night cycles. Cracks and passages between dimensions are always opening and closing, allowing Kivuuli the ability to enter and leave Between at will, though they must be careful as some rifts are temporary and could close and leave them stranded in a strange and unfamiliar world. Others, still, are horribly unstable and deadly and could rip an unsuspecting Kivuuli to shreds leaving nothing but splatters of blood and the memory of their horrible screams.<\/p>","field3":"<h4>Calls, Vocalizations and Language<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli voices have a strange, otherworldly quality to them. They sound almost distorted, with a clear staticy crackling undertone. This is likely because of their interdimensional nature.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their voices are often deep, with a growl or purr like sound mixed in. A Kivuuli speaking is much what a person might imagine a lion&rsquo;s voice would sound like if it learned to speak. They tend to have emphasis on sharper sounds, like k, z, v, and such, and their r&rsquo;s are often lengthened slightly in a slight growl or purr. They are fully capable of learning languages aside from their own and, in fact, Kivuuli learn incredibly fast. Despite their wild primitive ways, they are incredibly intelligent.<\/p>\r\n<p>Outside of speech, they have a whole range of natural vocalizations. When excited or friendly, they let out a sound similar to a chittering cat. Though much deeper and lower in tone. This sound is often used by playful kits, or adults trying to show they mean no harm. Kivuuli also purr. It&rsquo;s a deep, heavy rumbling sound with a bit of static to it.<\/p>\r\n<p>They chitter, chirp, chuff, rumble, growl, purr, hiss, click, snarl, roar, howl, and many other sounds.<\/p>\r\n<p>Chirping is used to call and greet fellow members of their Colony. The chuff is similar to a chuffing tiger, and they use this to greet loved ones and family or close friends. The rumble and growl show varying levels of irritation and\/or anger, eventually leading to a wild snarling or finally, their terrible howl or roar.<\/p>\r\n<p>Purring is an expression of pleasure and contentment.<\/p>\r\n<p>When injured, they let out soft whimpers and whines.<\/p>\r\n<p>When sad, they will either be very quiet, whimper softly, or let out a heartbreaking wail when mourning the death of a loved one.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their language incorporates all of these vocalizations. And they even integrate this when speaking other languages as well.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli also rely strongly on body language. The position of one&rsquo;s ears, tone of voice, and posture can change the meaning of what they are trying to say. Looking at the position of the ears is a great way to tell what mood a Kivuuli is in. When neutral, the ears are out slightly to the sides and in a relaxed position. When alert or shocked, their ears perk up and swivel forward. Their ears often flick and swivel towards any sound, and many times they detect sounds other creatures will not.<\/p>\r\n<p>When angry, their ears go back, and they lower their ears when sad, or trying to show submission. Higher ranking Kivuuli generally tend to hold their ears perked higher than lower ranking Kivuuli.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli can also make a strange tonal almost&hellip; droning sound. Somewhere between a thrum and a rumble, it can promote relaxation or healing. The sound is, indeed, very strange. And it is something that is rarely heard among Kivuuli so it is theorized that only a few of them are capable of, or know how to, produce this sound.<\/p>","field4":"<h4>Appearance<\/h4>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are somewhat humanoid in appearance, but have some very clear differences. They are long and lean, with elongated torsos and limbs. The average Kivuuli stands around nine to nine and a half feet tall. They have pawlike digitgrade feet which have four toes, or four toes and a dewclaw. Being interdimensional creatures, they often appear with a strange dark aura around them with what seems like tiny sparks or glimmers of lights appearing and floating aimlessly around them and vanishing again. This aura and particles usually matches the basic color of their eyes. It only shows when they are using, or have recently used their reality bending abilities.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli skin is incredibly tough and thick. It takes some strength and a sharp blade to pierce it. They have a coating of fur that is short, but dense and soft. Their natural body temperature is around 105 degrees Fahrenheit, and thus they are very warm to the touch. The fur is usually longest around the shoulders, down the back, and in small fringes around the ankles and wrists.<\/p>\r\n<p>The fur on a female's ruff is longer and thicker than that of a male, and the skin there is looser and thicker and tougher as well. This serves as a protective barrier against the male's fangs, since they tend to bite during mating. Even then, he does often draw blood though most females don't mind this. It actually feels good to them.<\/p>\r\n<p>Being interdimensional creatures, Kivuuli are extremely light. Even standing around nine or more feet tall, they rarely weigh over one hundred fifty pounds. This is due to them being made up of something like solidified energy. Light, but incredibly strong. This not fully physical nature also manifests in their spines, claws, and fangs. When angry, they actually extend out and get longer and sharper, and when calm shrink back to normal size and sharpness.<\/p>\r\n<p>They have scale like spines on their forearms pointing back off the elbow with membranes between them. Similar scale like spines go down their spine, also having membranes between them. These spines flare up when frightened, angry, or threatened. They are also used in dominance displays.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli blood is a dark nearly black purple and thicker than human blood.<\/p>\r\n<p>Males are far more common than females. There are about five males for every one female hatched.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<h4>Diet and Feeding<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli are carnivorous. Their diet consists almost entirely of meat, though they might eat other things if no meat is available. They will sometimes add other things to their diet, such as fruits. Kivuuli tend to love sweets, but they aren&rsquo;t fond of sour things.<\/p>\r\n<p>When it comes out the other end, it looks like very large rabbit droppings and simply crumbles to dust if stepped on. Has little to no smell.<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<h4><br \/>Abilities<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli have many special abilities they are capable of using.<\/p>\r\n<p>\u200b<\/p>\r\n<p>Teleportation - Kivuuli are able to teleport, though their methods are strange and unique. They are able to bend the fabric of reality around them in minor ways, the most pronounced being the ability to literally tear a crack in reality and step through. The crack always heals itself right after the Kivuuli steps through. Not ALL Kivuuli can do this. It is something that must be taught. Kivuuli can see and sense the flow of energy around them. They can also completely silence their steps, even at a full run.<\/p>\r\n<p>**Note that they teleport by jumping through the dimension - or, within the bubble. They can not break out of the bubble into greater between, but they do, in a sense, touch Between when teleporting.<\/p>\r\n<p>Paralyzing Stare - The Paralyzing Stare is an ability Kivuuli developed for hunting and self defense. They stare you right in the eyes, which has a hypnotizing effect, rendering their prey or enemy unable to move. As long as your eyes are locked with the Kivuuli&rsquo;s, you can&rsquo;t move. When eye contact is broken, you can move again. Most Kivuuli ONLY use this ability when absolutely necessary. Generally if they are attacked. They catch the person&rsquo;s gaze, causes them to freeze up, and teleports away to safety as they recover.<\/p>\r\n<p>Intimidating Howl - The Intimidating Howl is a horrible unearthly howl, laced with the Kivuuli&rsquo;s reality bending power. It sounds somewhere between a feral howl, savage snarling, horrible shrieking, and radio static. It forces feelings of terror into the one hearing it, giving them the desire to run away. Most can not handle it, and either faint where they are or run in horror. This terrible howl seems to come from every direction at once, making the Kivuuli&rsquo;s location hard to determine.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>Reality Bending - This ability is the underlying cause to many other abilities Kivuuli have. They are able to bend reality around them in minor ways, stifling the sound of their footsteps, stopping you from hearing their breath or smelling them or sensing their presence. They can also leap through cracks in reality to teleport and many other small, but useful applications.<\/p>","field5":null,"field6":null,"field7":null}},"title":"Kivuuli","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":["wip"],"page_tag":null}
#113 29 June 2023, 19:10:53 UTC
Page Updated
Length: 13893 (+6120) -
{"data":{"description":"<p>The Kivuuli, a mysterious and powerful interdimensional semi-humanoid creature. They are rumored to hold the key to the Realms Between.<\/p>","field1":"<p>Kivuuli are a tall and powerful carnivorous furred semi-humanoid inter-dimensional race. They are generally black or dark grey with blue, green, or purple eyes and usually have slightly darker markings in stripes, spots, or a combination of the two that only show under certain light. There are several subspecies with different colors and markings being common from the warm reds of the forest dwelling Met'saa to the whites of the Lippizan to the blue grays of the Maltese or the golden color of Desert Kivuuli.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are elongated in build, with long limbs and are as comfortable on all fours as they are on two feet. They are incredibly wild, but generally won't attack unless attacked or threatened. Kivuuli are fully sapient and a social species. Despite their fearsome appearance, Kivuuli are a gentle and peaceful race with strong maternal instincts appearing in both males and females.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are very fast, especially when on all fours and live in groups known as Colonies.<\/p>","field2":"<h4>Between; Homeworld of the Kivuuli<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Imagine the air around you, full of bubbles. Now imagine that each of these bubbles is its own dimension. It's own universe. Has its own laws, and inner workings. Now, imagine all the space between the bubbles. A strange place, between the dimensions; ever shifting and changing. This is where the Kivuuli dwell and come from. The rules of physics do not apply; great islands of stone float through the darkness, covered in forests of strange bioluminescent fungus-like plants and other strange flora. Inhabited by strange creatures of all shapes and sizes, from tiny glowing dragonlike lizards to massive beasts that would put Earth's dinosaurs to shame. Literally anything can happen in Between, any sort of creature, any world, any dimension, any universe. The Kivuuli can reach many worlds and this is part of the reason for their great success as an apex predator.<\/p>\r\n<p>Harsh, but oddly beautiful, Between is buzzing with strange power and magic and the magical rules and laws of hundreds of dimensions, worlds, and universes clashing together in beautiful chaos. The areas of Between are effected by the laws of the dimensions and worlds closest to them; making Between highly varied. Between is beautiful; but as beautiful as it is it is deadly, thus the Kivuuli have had to adapt in to fast, powerful pack hunting predators that have claws that can slash through granite and a terrible shrieking wail that can drive fear into the hearts of the bravest.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are fast, able to teleport, and able to face creatures several times their size. This strange place has many names. Darkrealm, Tartarus, Limbo; but many simply call this place the Between; for this is what it is. The realm between dimensions. A strange and mysterious place; beautiful to behold but deadly to those not from there. While most of Between is completely dark aside from glimmers of light here and there and bioluminsecent plants and animals, some isles are ruled by a great orb of energy mimicking a sun. Some have their own weather patterns and day night cycles. Cracks and passages between dimensions are always opening and closing, allowing Kivuuli the ability to enter and leave Between at will, though they must be careful as some rifts are temporary and could close and leave them stranded in a strange and unfamiliar world. Others, still, are horribly unstable and deadly and could rip an unsuspecting Kivuuli to shreds leaving nothing but splatters of blood and the memory of their horrible screams.<\/p>","field3":"<h4>Calls, Vocalizations and Language<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli voices have a strange, otherworldly quality to them. They sound almost distorted, with a clear staticy crackling undertone. This is likely because of their interdimensional nature.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their voices are often deep, with a growl or purr like sound mixed in. A Kivuuli speaking is much what a person might imagine a lion&rsquo;s voice would sound like if it learned to speak. They tend to have emphasis on sharper sounds, like k, z, v, and such, and their r&rsquo;s are often lengthened slightly in a slight growl or purr. They are fully capable of learning languages aside from their own and, in fact, Kivuuli learn incredibly fast. Despite their wild primitive ways, they are incredibly intelligent.<\/p>\r\n<p>Outside of speech, they have a whole range of natural vocalizations. When excited or friendly, they let out a sound similar to a chittering cat. Though much deeper and lower in tone. This sound is often used by playful kits, or adults trying to show they mean no harm. Kivuuli also purr. It&rsquo;s a deep, heavy rumbling sound with a bit of static to it.<\/p>\r\n<p>They chitter, chirp, chuff, rumble, growl, purr, hiss, click, snarl, roar, howl, and many other sounds.<\/p>\r\n<p>Chirping is used to call and greet fellow members of their Colony. The chuff is similar to a chuffing tiger, and they use this to greet loved ones and family or close friends. The rumble and growl show varying levels of irritation and\/or anger, eventually leading to a wild snarling or finally, their terrible howl or roar.<\/p>\r\n<p>Purring is an expression of pleasure and contentment.<\/p>\r\n<p>When injured, they let out soft whimpers and whines.<\/p>\r\n<p>When sad, they will either be very quiet, whimper softly, or let out a heartbreaking wail when mourning the death of a loved one.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their language incorporates all of these vocalizations. And they even integrate this when speaking other languages as well.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli also rely strongly on body language. The position of one&rsquo;s ears, tone of voice, and posture can change the meaning of what they are trying to say. Looking at the position of the ears is a great way to tell what mood a Kivuuli is in. When neutral, the ears are out slightly to the sides and in a relaxed position. When alert or shocked, their ears perk up and swivel forward. Their ears often flick and swivel towards any sound, and many times they detect sounds other creatures will not.<\/p>\r\n<p>When angry, their ears go back, and they lower their ears when sad, or trying to show submission. Higher ranking Kivuuli generally tend to hold their ears perked higher than lower ranking Kivuuli.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli can also make a strange tonal almost&hellip; droning sound. Somewhere between a thrum and a rumble, it can promote relaxation or healing. The sound is, indeed, very strange. And it is something that is rarely heard among Kivuuli so it is theorized that only a few of them are capable of, or know how to, produce this sound.<\/p>","field4":null,"field5":null,"field6":null,"field7":null,"parsed":{"description":"<p>The Kivuuli, a mysterious and powerful interdimensional semi-humanoid creature. They are rumored to hold the key to the Realms Between.<\/p>","field1":"<p>Kivuuli are a tall and powerful carnivorous furred semi-humanoid inter-dimensional race. They are generally black or dark grey with blue, green, or purple eyes and usually have slightly darker markings in stripes, spots, or a combination of the two that only show under certain light. There are several subspecies with different colors and markings being common from the warm reds of the forest dwelling Met'saa to the whites of the Lippizan to the blue grays of the Maltese or the golden color of Desert Kivuuli.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are elongated in build, with long limbs and are as comfortable on all fours as they are on two feet. They are incredibly wild, but generally won't attack unless attacked or threatened. Kivuuli are fully sapient and a social species. Despite their fearsome appearance, Kivuuli are a gentle and peaceful race with strong maternal instincts appearing in both males and females.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are very fast, especially when on all fours and live in groups known as Colonies.<\/p>","field2":"<h4>Between; Homeworld of the Kivuuli<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Imagine the air around you, full of bubbles. Now imagine that each of these bubbles is its own dimension. It's own universe. Has its own laws, and inner workings. Now, imagine all the space between the bubbles. A strange place, between the dimensions; ever shifting and changing. This is where the Kivuuli dwell and come from. The rules of physics do not apply; great islands of stone float through the darkness, covered in forests of strange bioluminescent fungus-like plants and other strange flora. Inhabited by strange creatures of all shapes and sizes, from tiny glowing dragonlike lizards to massive beasts that would put Earth's dinosaurs to shame. Literally anything can happen in Between, any sort of creature, any world, any dimension, any universe. The Kivuuli can reach many worlds and this is part of the reason for their great success as an apex predator.<\/p>\r\n<p>Harsh, but oddly beautiful, Between is buzzing with strange power and magic and the magical rules and laws of hundreds of dimensions, worlds, and universes clashing together in beautiful chaos. The areas of Between are effected by the laws of the dimensions and worlds closest to them; making Between highly varied. Between is beautiful; but as beautiful as it is it is deadly, thus the Kivuuli have had to adapt in to fast, powerful pack hunting predators that have claws that can slash through granite and a terrible shrieking wail that can drive fear into the hearts of the bravest.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are fast, able to teleport, and able to face creatures several times their size. This strange place has many names. Darkrealm, Tartarus, Limbo; but many simply call this place the Between; for this is what it is. The realm between dimensions. A strange and mysterious place; beautiful to behold but deadly to those not from there. While most of Between is completely dark aside from glimmers of light here and there and bioluminsecent plants and animals, some isles are ruled by a great orb of energy mimicking a sun. Some have their own weather patterns and day night cycles. Cracks and passages between dimensions are always opening and closing, allowing Kivuuli the ability to enter and leave Between at will, though they must be careful as some rifts are temporary and could close and leave them stranded in a strange and unfamiliar world. Others, still, are horribly unstable and deadly and could rip an unsuspecting Kivuuli to shreds leaving nothing but splatters of blood and the memory of their horrible screams.<\/p>","field3":"<h4>Calls, Vocalizations and Language<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Kivuuli voices have a strange, otherworldly quality to them. They sound almost distorted, with a clear staticy crackling undertone. This is likely because of their interdimensional nature.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their voices are often deep, with a growl or purr like sound mixed in. A Kivuuli speaking is much what a person might imagine a lion&rsquo;s voice would sound like if it learned to speak. They tend to have emphasis on sharper sounds, like k, z, v, and such, and their r&rsquo;s are often lengthened slightly in a slight growl or purr. They are fully capable of learning languages aside from their own and, in fact, Kivuuli learn incredibly fast. Despite their wild primitive ways, they are incredibly intelligent.<\/p>\r\n<p>Outside of speech, they have a whole range of natural vocalizations. When excited or friendly, they let out a sound similar to a chittering cat. Though much deeper and lower in tone. This sound is often used by playful kits, or adults trying to show they mean no harm. Kivuuli also purr. It&rsquo;s a deep, heavy rumbling sound with a bit of static to it.<\/p>\r\n<p>They chitter, chirp, chuff, rumble, growl, purr, hiss, click, snarl, roar, howl, and many other sounds.<\/p>\r\n<p>Chirping is used to call and greet fellow members of their Colony. The chuff is similar to a chuffing tiger, and they use this to greet loved ones and family or close friends. The rumble and growl show varying levels of irritation and\/or anger, eventually leading to a wild snarling or finally, their terrible howl or roar.<\/p>\r\n<p>Purring is an expression of pleasure and contentment.<\/p>\r\n<p>When injured, they let out soft whimpers and whines.<\/p>\r\n<p>When sad, they will either be very quiet, whimper softly, or let out a heartbreaking wail when mourning the death of a loved one.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their language incorporates all of these vocalizations. And they even integrate this when speaking other languages as well.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli also rely strongly on body language. The position of one&rsquo;s ears, tone of voice, and posture can change the meaning of what they are trying to say. Looking at the position of the ears is a great way to tell what mood a Kivuuli is in. When neutral, the ears are out slightly to the sides and in a relaxed position. When alert or shocked, their ears perk up and swivel forward. Their ears often flick and swivel towards any sound, and many times they detect sounds other creatures will not.<\/p>\r\n<p>When angry, their ears go back, and they lower their ears when sad, or trying to show submission. Higher ranking Kivuuli generally tend to hold their ears perked higher than lower ranking Kivuuli.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli can also make a strange tonal almost&hellip; droning sound. Somewhere between a thrum and a rumble, it can promote relaxation or healing. The sound is, indeed, very strange. And it is something that is rarely heard among Kivuuli so it is theorized that only a few of them are capable of, or know how to, produce this sound.<\/p>","field4":null,"field5":null,"field6":null,"field7":null}},"title":"Kivuuli","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":["wip"],"page_tag":null}
#112 29 June 2023, 19:10:22 UTC
Page Updated
Length: 7773 (+5126) -
{"data":{"description":"<p>The Kivuuli, a mysterious and powerful interdimensional semi-humanoid creature. They are rumored to hold the key to the Realms Between.<\/p>","field1":"<p>Kivuuli are a tall and powerful carnivorous furred semi-humanoid inter-dimensional race. They are generally black or dark grey with blue, green, or purple eyes and usually have slightly darker markings in stripes, spots, or a combination of the two that only show under certain light. There are several subspecies with different colors and markings being common from the warm reds of the forest dwelling Met'saa to the whites of the Lippizan to the blue grays of the Maltese or the golden color of Desert Kivuuli.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are elongated in build, with long limbs and are as comfortable on all fours as they are on two feet. They are incredibly wild, but generally won't attack unless attacked or threatened. Kivuuli are fully sapient and a social species. Despite their fearsome appearance, Kivuuli are a gentle and peaceful race with strong maternal instincts appearing in both males and females.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are very fast, especially when on all fours and live in groups known as Colonies.<\/p>","field2":"<h4>Between; Homeworld of the Kivuuli<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Imagine the air around you, full of bubbles. Now imagine that each of these bubbles is its own dimension. It's own universe. Has its own laws, and inner workings. Now, imagine all the space between the bubbles. A strange place, between the dimensions; ever shifting and changing. This is where the Kivuuli dwell and come from. The rules of physics do not apply; great islands of stone float through the darkness, covered in forests of strange bioluminescent fungus-like plants and other strange flora. Inhabited by strange creatures of all shapes and sizes, from tiny glowing dragonlike lizards to massive beasts that would put Earth's dinosaurs to shame. Literally anything can happen in Between, any sort of creature, any world, any dimension, any universe. The Kivuuli can reach many worlds and this is part of the reason for their great success as an apex predator.<\/p>\r\n<p>Harsh, but oddly beautiful, Between is buzzing with strange power and magic and the magical rules and laws of hundreds of dimensions, worlds, and universes clashing together in beautiful chaos. The areas of Between are effected by the laws of the dimensions and worlds closest to them; making Between highly varied. Between is beautiful; but as beautiful as it is it is deadly, thus the Kivuuli have had to adapt in to fast, powerful pack hunting predators that have claws that can slash through granite and a terrible shrieking wail that can drive fear into the hearts of the bravest.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are fast, able to teleport, and able to face creatures several times their size. This strange place has many names. Darkrealm, Tartarus, Limbo; but many simply call this place the Between; for this is what it is. The realm between dimensions. A strange and mysterious place; beautiful to behold but deadly to those not from there. While most of Between is completely dark aside from glimmers of light here and there and bioluminsecent plants and animals, some isles are ruled by a great orb of energy mimicking a sun. Some have their own weather patterns and day night cycles. Cracks and passages between dimensions are always opening and closing, allowing Kivuuli the ability to enter and leave Between at will, though they must be careful as some rifts are temporary and could close and leave them stranded in a strange and unfamiliar world. Others, still, are horribly unstable and deadly and could rip an unsuspecting Kivuuli to shreds leaving nothing but splatters of blood and the memory of their horrible screams.<\/p>","field3":null,"field4":null,"field5":null,"field6":null,"field7":null,"parsed":{"description":"<p>The Kivuuli, a mysterious and powerful interdimensional semi-humanoid creature. They are rumored to hold the key to the Realms Between.<\/p>","field1":"<p>Kivuuli are a tall and powerful carnivorous furred semi-humanoid inter-dimensional race. They are generally black or dark grey with blue, green, or purple eyes and usually have slightly darker markings in stripes, spots, or a combination of the two that only show under certain light. There are several subspecies with different colors and markings being common from the warm reds of the forest dwelling Met'saa to the whites of the Lippizan to the blue grays of the Maltese or the golden color of Desert Kivuuli.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are elongated in build, with long limbs and are as comfortable on all fours as they are on two feet. They are incredibly wild, but generally won't attack unless attacked or threatened. Kivuuli are fully sapient and a social species. Despite their fearsome appearance, Kivuuli are a gentle and peaceful race with strong maternal instincts appearing in both males and females.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are very fast, especially when on all fours and live in groups known as Colonies.<\/p>","field2":"<h4>Between; Homeworld of the Kivuuli<\/h4>\r\n<p><br \/>Imagine the air around you, full of bubbles. Now imagine that each of these bubbles is its own dimension. It's own universe. Has its own laws, and inner workings. Now, imagine all the space between the bubbles. A strange place, between the dimensions; ever shifting and changing. This is where the Kivuuli dwell and come from. The rules of physics do not apply; great islands of stone float through the darkness, covered in forests of strange bioluminescent fungus-like plants and other strange flora. Inhabited by strange creatures of all shapes and sizes, from tiny glowing dragonlike lizards to massive beasts that would put Earth's dinosaurs to shame. Literally anything can happen in Between, any sort of creature, any world, any dimension, any universe. The Kivuuli can reach many worlds and this is part of the reason for their great success as an apex predator.<\/p>\r\n<p>Harsh, but oddly beautiful, Between is buzzing with strange power and magic and the magical rules and laws of hundreds of dimensions, worlds, and universes clashing together in beautiful chaos. The areas of Between are effected by the laws of the dimensions and worlds closest to them; making Between highly varied. Between is beautiful; but as beautiful as it is it is deadly, thus the Kivuuli have had to adapt in to fast, powerful pack hunting predators that have claws that can slash through granite and a terrible shrieking wail that can drive fear into the hearts of the bravest.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are fast, able to teleport, and able to face creatures several times their size. This strange place has many names. Darkrealm, Tartarus, Limbo; but many simply call this place the Between; for this is what it is. The realm between dimensions. A strange and mysterious place; beautiful to behold but deadly to those not from there. While most of Between is completely dark aside from glimmers of light here and there and bioluminsecent plants and animals, some isles are ruled by a great orb of energy mimicking a sun. Some have their own weather patterns and day night cycles. Cracks and passages between dimensions are always opening and closing, allowing Kivuuli the ability to enter and leave Between at will, though they must be careful as some rifts are temporary and could close and leave them stranded in a strange and unfamiliar world. Others, still, are horribly unstable and deadly and could rip an unsuspecting Kivuuli to shreds leaving nothing but splatters of blood and the memory of their horrible screams.<\/p>","field3":null,"field4":null,"field5":null,"field6":null,"field7":null}},"title":"Kivuuli","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":["wip"],"page_tag":null}
#111 29 June 2023, 19:09:40 UTC
Page Created
Length: 2647 (+2647) -
{"data":{"description":"<p>The Kivuuli, a mysterious and powerful interdimensional semi-humanoid creature. They are rumored to hold the key to the Realms Between.<\/p>","field1":"<p>Kivuuli are a tall and powerful carnivorous furred semi-humanoid inter-dimensional race. They are generally black or dark grey with blue, green, or purple eyes and usually have slightly darker markings in stripes, spots, or a combination of the two that only show under certain light. There are several subspecies with different colors and markings being common from the warm reds of the forest dwelling Met'saa to the whites of the Lippizan to the blue grays of the Maltese or the golden color of Desert Kivuuli.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are elongated in build, with long limbs and are as comfortable on all fours as they are on two feet. They are incredibly wild, but generally won't attack unless attacked or threatened. Kivuuli are fully sapient and a social species. Despite their fearsome appearance, Kivuuli are a gentle and peaceful race with strong maternal instincts appearing in both males and females.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are very fast, especially when on all fours and live in groups known as Colonies.<\/p>","field2":null,"field3":null,"field4":null,"field5":null,"field6":null,"field7":null,"parsed":{"description":"<p>The Kivuuli, a mysterious and powerful interdimensional semi-humanoid creature. They are rumored to hold the key to the Realms Between.<\/p>","field1":"<p>Kivuuli are a tall and powerful carnivorous furred semi-humanoid inter-dimensional race. They are generally black or dark grey with blue, green, or purple eyes and usually have slightly darker markings in stripes, spots, or a combination of the two that only show under certain light. There are several subspecies with different colors and markings being common from the warm reds of the forest dwelling Met'saa to the whites of the Lippizan to the blue grays of the Maltese or the golden color of Desert Kivuuli.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are elongated in build, with long limbs and are as comfortable on all fours as they are on two feet. They are incredibly wild, but generally won't attack unless attacked or threatened. Kivuuli are fully sapient and a social species. Despite their fearsome appearance, Kivuuli are a gentle and peaceful race with strong maternal instincts appearing in both males and females.<\/p>\r\n<p>Kivuuli are very fast, especially when on all fours and live in groups known as Colonies.<\/p>","field2":null,"field3":null,"field4":null,"field5":null,"field6":null,"field7":null}},"title":"Kivuuli","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":["wip"],"page_tag":null}
#110 29 June 2023, 18:16:22 UTC
Page Updated
Length: 27467 (+596) -
{"data":{"description":"<p>An extinct species of tall, elegant winged giants, the creator of the li'uhn species.<br \/><br \/>There are six of them left sealed in an oasis under a curse of immortality. There will only ever be six of them, and they are unable to leave the oasis temple they have been tasked to protect after their war destroyed their world and civilization and they are completely incapable of reproducing as part of the curse. Each of the Six Ancestors had a major part in the war that destroyed their world and caused their species to go extinct. Their imprisonment is a punishment, to make them attone for their wrongdoings, and protect the remains of the being they killed to use for their own purposes. They take this very seriously, and do their best to guide the li'uhn down a better path.&nbsp; Each of the Six has deep regrets over what they did in the past. Especially with none of their own kind left anywhere else in the world.<br \/><br \/><br \/>One of them tried to break the spell, in a way, and create a new il'hune, but she died in the process. The resulting il'hune that replaced her, Tahti, was outcasted. Kaaru took him under his wing and is kind to the kid.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>The li'uhn are held back from the level of advancement the il'hune had due to the il'hune having used up the world's resources for their own purposes, though the li'uhn don't seem to mind too much. They're nomadic creatures, constantly on the move.<br \/><br \/>The Six are <a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-029\/profile\">Kaaru<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-030\/profile\">Tahti<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-031\/profile\">Rama<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-032\/profile\">Vahanu<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-033\/profile\">Haolani<\/a> and <a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-034\/profile\">Dayalu<\/a>. <br \/><br \/>Click on their names to take you to their profiles on Realms-Between. This will give you more information about each of the Six, their dynamics with eachother, and their part in the war that destroyed their planet.<\/p>","field1":"<p>Il'hune were tall and powerful beings, natural workers of magic. They were incredibly advanced, and had exhausted their world's resources and gone to war over the last of what the world had to offer. During the height of this, they created life, creatures to do their work for them, the Li'uhn.<\/p>\r\n<p>They were true giants, standing around 15 feet tall. They were omnivores, though require more meat than vegitation.&nbsp; They had sharp teeth and sharp retractible claws. They look very similar to Li'uhn, just bigger. They created the smaller beings in their own image.<\/p>\r\n<p>They were generally proud and fierce, and could be highly territorial and warlike when resources ran thin. They tried to play god, using a god they killed to create life in their own image, and possible livestock and plants for them to use. The last hundred years their species existed was marked with suffering and pain, with no way to raise food, their technology failing around them, and them dying out until there were none left. Only six remain, under a curse of immortality and sealed away in the central Oasis that was once seen as a holy spot to them.<\/p>\r\n<p>Even with their advancement, il'hune were very ceremonial and traditional and generally held close to their kind's religous beliefs. They preferred clothing in cream, white and gold, and those with deep golden fur were seen as more attractive. Their blue eyes were striking against ther golden faces. They often wore ceremonial robes when on holy ground, or in the Oasis that was seen as a center of peace before it became the very last place with natural resources and the center of the final, bitter and terrible fighting that resulted in the extinction of the race.<\/p>\r\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/23_55_kfvguea0E21R34A.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1034\" height=\"585\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/24_56_BycDDtIZQPN8N6f.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1034\" height=\"585\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/22_54_PEqBubXQGVvQhdf.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1033\" height=\"584\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>","field2":"<p>Il'hune ruled their world for thousands and thousands of world. They could be seen in every corner, even in great cities under the ocean with water held back by great glass domes and magic. Their cities were huge and expansive with beautiful architecture. Built tough, many of their cities are still standing even thousands of years later, even if reclaimed by nature and ruined in places. Some of their remains can be found, mummified and dried out, deep under the sand where they fell and were buried, though those that were not buried have long since faded to dust in the years. All that remains is stone tablets, their buildings, murals, and various other signs that can be seen throughout the world as well as old and broken down war machines and the remains of factories and other various buildings.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their history was rich and expansive, many important figures, battles, advancements... Nations and diplomacy, millions, perhaps even billions, of them living and thriving in their world. But none of that remains. The last great event of note is the war that brought about their end thousands of years ago, the one that resulted in the end of their time on their world and for the li'uhn to inherit the war-torn world and take over.<\/p>\r\n<p>They saw themselves as above all other life... including the sapient beings they made in their own image. Li'uhn were lower class, working class. Aside from a few il'hune here and there, they were seen as animals, even if they were capable of speech. They were too small to fight back, as the il'hune had done this on purpose. They were too busy fighting among themselves to want to have to fight another race of their own creation. Li'uhn took the place of workers, spies, fighters, miners, field workers, pets. Several varients were made, with some variants made later on to serve certain purposes.<\/p>\r\n<p>Each of the Six sealed in the Oasis, the very last of their kind that will ever exist, was integral to the war and the destriction of their world. Being sealed is a punishment, put in place by the gods they once worshipped. The barrier is powered by these gods, who lie dormant deep beneath the Oasis, beyond the barrier where the Six can not get to them.<\/p>\r\n<p>The Six take their punishment very seriously, even if they are tired of living on and on for thousands of years. They now see the li'uhn as living beings every bit as much as them. With many generations passing since the original li'uhn, even stories of the il'hune's warring have faded to mythology and folklore.<\/p>","field3":"<p>Il'hune were incredibly territorial and fierce. Warlike and proud, but very traditional and religous. They took great pride in ceremony and beauty, loving white and gold more than any other color combination.<br \/><br \/>Some examples of Il'hune clothing:<br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/40_58_e6ZmTvyCahu33P5.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1049\" height=\"439\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p>They were loyal to their family, gods, and nations. They fought fiercely to protect what they saw as theirs. Il'hune do best when in small groups, about the size of a lion pride, with one dominant Il'hune, often masculine, and around 8 to 10 other Il'hune and their young.&nbsp; Young Il'hune would generally leave the family group they were born to once they came of age, and either start their own family group, take over another, or join them if they weren't particularly dominant. Il'hune were, in general, fairly restless, wandering throughout the day and returning to their home at night. This nature made the large cities they inhabited stressful, which often caused tension and fighting and the nations working on expanding their borders to make room for their citizens and make room for more resources.<\/p>\r\n<p>As their resources ran out and the il'hune struggled to survive, the stronger Il'hune would live on while the weaker ones died. They became jaded to the deaths eventually, simply trying to survive.<\/p>\r\n<p>Il'hune were social, but they did the best in smaller groups.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their voices were low and powerful and resonant, comparable in a sense to a large bell, the energy pulse they produced strong, able to be picked up from far away. Like the li'uhn they created, Il'hune were very fond of song and dance and music. Song and dance was a huge part of their culture, often accompanied by aerial displays with their wings and natural magic helping them rise up further into the air.<\/p>\r\n<p>Each Il'hune's ceremonial robes were the same, but their mask was made for them directly upon coming of age, unique to their face shape and personality.<br \/><br \/>The Six with examples of the Ceremonial mask<br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/41_59_JRHoPGADpbfNavQ.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1070\" height=\"448\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p>Family members were not territorial towards eachother, so many families would often have their own territories in the wider territories owned by the family group in general. This, in fact, was what caused Il'hune to gather into nations in the first place, family groups growing, turning into villages, then into towns, then cities... then entire nations. Il'hune were very community and family driven, and would fight fiercely to protect and keep their loved ones alive.<\/p>","field4":"<p>Il'hune were carnivore-leaning omnivores. Like humans, the sorts of plants they could eat and what they could get out of these plants was limited. They needed more animal protien and supplemented with plants for vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Their sharp teeth could grip and bite and slice through meat with ease, their claws long and curved and capable of gripping and clinging.<\/p>\r\n<p>They stood an average of 15 feet tall, though were surprisingly light and slender for their great size. They couldn't fly under the might of their own wings, so used the natural energy their kind had in their core to power their wings. This would stir up the air beneath them and allow them to fly.<\/p>\r\n<p>Il'hune traits and features were similar to the traits and features found on various li'uhn, though their coloration and bodytypes were a lot less varied.<\/p>\r\n<p>There are only six that remain, but they have a variety of the traits Il'hune were able to have. They are the last and only examples of their species.<\/p>\r\n<p>Il'hune were generally quite slender, due to their wings and being generally active, flying about from place to place. Being slender and light made it easier for them to take off using their natural magic, stay airborn for longer, and get further faster. Overweight il'hune were quite rare, especially towards the end of their race when they were wasting away from famine and starvation.<br \/><br \/>Some examples if Il'hune traits and coloration:<br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/39_57_zldEOHqr0kqDTlj.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1047\" height=\"438\" \/><\/p>","field5":"<p>Il'hune lived, naturally, around 300 years. The same amount of time the Li'uhn live on average nowadays.<\/p>\r\n<p>Il'hune are pouched mammalians like the li'uhn they created. They are not marsupials, but rather evolved the pouch convergently. Their ancestors were nomadic, flying from oasis to oasis, much like Li'uhn do today, and they would carry their young in their pouches with them.<\/p>\r\n<p>Il'hune went into season mid to late Spring, and would remain pregant for roughly two years. The newborn would be tiny, hairless and featherless with closed eyes. It would be placed in the pouch where it'd spend the first 8 months nursing and growing, at which point it'd start to poke its head out of the pouch, and even begin to come out and try to learn how to fly. At this age, they'd be covered in thick, fluffy down, with their feathers just starting to come in. They'd outgrow the pouch and be weaned by their third year.<\/p>\r\n<p>Il'hune reached maturity at roughly the same rate as humans, with their pouches not developing until puberty was complete.<\/p>\r\n<p>Elder Il'hune were seen as culturally significant. They were storytellers, keepers of tradition, guides to the younger generations. The golden markings would fade out as they aged, and they'd grey and whiten around the snout, chest, and limbs, eventually dulling and losing most of their colors as they reached the end of their life.<\/p>\r\n<p>Young Il'hune stuck close to their parents, though as they reached teenagehood, they became restless and would wander out further, until adulthood had them often wandering off to start their own lives.<\/p>","field6":"<p>Il'hune were mostly golden colored, ranging into brown with darker limbs and faces. They had different Frill types, different feather types, different mane types, and similar. <br \/><br \/>Not many records remain, however, of the various mutations and variations they had.<\/p>","field7":"<p>The Il'hune died out thousands of years ago, very little records of them remain.<br \/><br \/>There are scrolls, murals, and libraries preserved by ancient magic that can still be found to this day, though this is only snippets of what they once were, enough to make the Li'uhn that stumble across them curious.<\/p>","parsed":{"description":"<p>An extinct species of tall, elegant winged giants, the creator of the li'uhn species.<br \/><br \/>There are six of them left sealed in an oasis under a curse of immortality. There will only ever be six of them, and they are unable to leave the oasis temple they have been tasked to protect after their war destroyed their world and civilization and they are completely incapable of reproducing as part of the curse. Each of the Six Ancestors had a major part in the war that destroyed their world and caused their species to go extinct. Their imprisonment is a punishment, to make them attone for their wrongdoings, and protect the remains of the being they killed to use for their own purposes. They take this very seriously, and do their best to guide the li'uhn down a better path.&nbsp; Each of the Six has deep regrets over what they did in the past. Especially with none of their own kind left anywhere else in the world.<br \/><br \/><br \/>One of them tried to break the spell, in a way, and create a new il'hune, but she died in the process. The resulting il'hune that replaced her, Tahti, was outcasted. Kaaru took him under his wing and is kind to the kid.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>The li'uhn are held back from the level of advancement the il'hune had due to the il'hune having used up the world's resources for their own purposes, though the li'uhn don't seem to mind too much. They're nomadic creatures, constantly on the move.<br \/><br \/>The Six are <a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-029\/profile\">Kaaru<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-030\/profile\">Tahti<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-031\/profile\">Rama<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-032\/profile\">Vahanu<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-033\/profile\">Haolani<\/a> and <a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-034\/profile\">Dayalu<\/a>. <br \/><br \/>Click on their names to take you to their profiles on Realms-Between. This will give you more information about each of the Six, their dynamics with eachother, and their part in the war that destroyed their planet.<\/p>","field1":"<p>Il'hune were tall and powerful beings, natural workers of magic. They were incredibly advanced, and had exhausted their world's resources and gone to war over the last of what the world had to offer. During the height of this, they created life, creatures to do their work for them, the Li'uhn.<\/p>\r\n<p>They were true giants, standing around 15 feet tall. They were omnivores, though require more meat than vegitation.&nbsp; They had sharp teeth and sharp retractible claws. They look very similar to Li'uhn, just bigger. They created the smaller beings in their own image.<\/p>\r\n<p>They were generally proud and fierce, and could be highly territorial and warlike when resources ran thin. They tried to play god, using a god they killed to create life in their own image, and possible livestock and plants for them to use. The last hundred years their species existed was marked with suffering and pain, with no way to raise food, their technology failing around them, and them dying out until there were none left. Only six remain, under a curse of immortality and sealed away in the central Oasis that was once seen as a holy spot to them.<\/p>\r\n<p>Even with their advancement, il'hune were very ceremonial and traditional and generally held close to their kind's religous beliefs. They preferred clothing in cream, white and gold, and those with deep golden fur were seen as more attractive. Their blue eyes were striking against ther golden faces. They often wore ceremonial robes when on holy ground, or in the Oasis that was seen as a center of peace before it became the very last place with natural resources and the center of the final, bitter and terrible fighting that resulted in the extinction of the race.<\/p>\r\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/23_55_kfvguea0E21R34A.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1034\" height=\"585\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/24_56_BycDDtIZQPN8N6f.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1034\" height=\"585\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/22_54_PEqBubXQGVvQhdf.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1033\" height=\"584\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>","field2":"<p>Il'hune ruled their world for thousands and thousands of world. They could be seen in every corner, even in great cities under the ocean with water held back by great glass domes and magic. Their cities were huge and expansive with beautiful architecture. Built tough, many of their cities are still standing even thousands of years later, even if reclaimed by nature and ruined in places. Some of their remains can be found, mummified and dried out, deep under the sand where they fell and were buried, though those that were not buried have long since faded to dust in the years. All that remains is stone tablets, their buildings, murals, and various other signs that can be seen throughout the world as well as old and broken down war machines and the remains of factories and other various buildings.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their history was rich and expansive, many important figures, battles, advancements... Nations and diplomacy, millions, perhaps even billions, of them living and thriving in their world. But none of that remains. The last great event of note is the war that brought about their end thousands of years ago, the one that resulted in the end of their time on their world and for the li'uhn to inherit the war-torn world and take over.<\/p>\r\n<p>They saw themselves as above all other life... including the sapient beings they made in their own image. Li'uhn were lower class, working class. Aside from a few il'hune here and there, they were seen as animals, even if they were capable of speech. They were too small to fight back, as the il'hune had done this on purpose. They were too busy fighting among themselves to want to have to fight another race of their own creation. Li'uhn took the place of workers, spies, fighters, miners, field workers, pets. Several varients were made, with some variants made later on to serve certain purposes.<\/p>\r\n<p>Each of the Six sealed in the Oasis, the very last of their kind that will ever exist, was integral to the war and the destriction of their world. Being sealed is a punishment, put in place by the gods they once worshipped. The barrier is powered by these gods, who lie dormant deep beneath the Oasis, beyond the barrier where the Six can not get to them.<\/p>\r\n<p>The Six take their punishment very seriously, even if they are tired of living on and on for thousands of years. They now see the li'uhn as living beings every bit as much as them. With many generations passing since the original li'uhn, even stories of the il'hune's warring have faded to mythology and folklore.<\/p>","field3":"<p>Il'hune were incredibly territorial and fierce. Warlike and proud, but very traditional and religous. They took great pride in ceremony and beauty, loving white and gold more than any other color combination.<br \/><br \/>Some examples of Il'hune clothing:<br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/40_58_e6ZmTvyCahu33P5.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1049\" height=\"439\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p>They were loyal to their family, gods, and nations. They fought fiercely to protect what they saw as theirs. Il'hune do best when in small groups, about the size of a lion pride, with one dominant Il'hune, often masculine, and around 8 to 10 other Il'hune and their young.&nbsp; Young Il'hune would generally leave the family group they were born to once they came of age, and either start their own family group, take over another, or join them if they weren't particularly dominant. Il'hune were, in general, fairly restless, wandering throughout the day and returning to their home at night. This nature made the large cities they inhabited stressful, which often caused tension and fighting and the nations working on expanding their borders to make room for their citizens and make room for more resources.<\/p>\r\n<p>As their resources ran out and the il'hune struggled to survive, the stronger Il'hune would live on while the weaker ones died. They became jaded to the deaths eventually, simply trying to survive.<\/p>\r\n<p>Il'hune were social, but they did the best in smaller groups.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their voices were low and powerful and resonant, comparable in a sense to a large bell, the energy pulse they produced strong, able to be picked up from far away. Like the li'uhn they created, Il'hune were very fond of song and dance and music. Song and dance was a huge part of their culture, often accompanied by aerial displays with their wings and natural magic helping them rise up further into the air.<\/p>\r\n<p>Each Il'hune's ceremonial robes were the same, but their mask was made for them directly upon coming of age, unique to their face shape and personality.<br \/><br \/>The Six with examples of the Ceremonial mask<br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/41_59_JRHoPGADpbfNavQ.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1070\" height=\"448\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p>Family members were not territorial towards eachother, so many families would often have their own territories in the wider territories owned by the family group in general. This, in fact, was what caused Il'hune to gather into nations in the first place, family groups growing, turning into villages, then into towns, then cities... then entire nations. Il'hune were very community and family driven, and would fight fiercely to protect and keep their loved ones alive.<\/p>","field4":"<p>Il'hune were carnivore-leaning omnivores. Like humans, the sorts of plants they could eat and what they could get out of these plants was limited. They needed more animal protien and supplemented with plants for vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Their sharp teeth could grip and bite and slice through meat with ease, their claws long and curved and capable of gripping and clinging.<\/p>\r\n<p>They stood an average of 15 feet tall, though were surprisingly light and slender for their great size. They couldn't fly under the might of their own wings, so used the natural energy their kind had in their core to power their wings. This would stir up the air beneath them and allow them to fly.<\/p>\r\n<p>Il'hune traits and features were similar to the traits and features found on various li'uhn, though their coloration and bodytypes were a lot less varied.<\/p>\r\n<p>There are only six that remain, but they have a variety of the traits Il'hune were able to have. They are the last and only examples of their species.<\/p>\r\n<p>Il'hune were generally quite slender, due to their wings and being generally active, flying about from place to place. Being slender and light made it easier for them to take off using their natural magic, stay airborn for longer, and get further faster. Overweight il'hune were quite rare, especially towards the end of their race when they were wasting away from famine and starvation.<br \/><br \/>Some examples if Il'hune traits and coloration:<br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/39_57_zldEOHqr0kqDTlj.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1047\" height=\"438\" \/><\/p>","field5":"<p>Il'hune lived, naturally, around 300 years. The same amount of time the Li'uhn live on average nowadays.<\/p>\r\n<p>Il'hune are pouched mammalians like the li'uhn they created. They are not marsupials, but rather evolved the pouch convergently. Their ancestors were nomadic, flying from oasis to oasis, much like Li'uhn do today, and they would carry their young in their pouches with them.<\/p>\r\n<p>Il'hune went into season mid to late Spring, and would remain pregant for roughly two years. The newborn would be tiny, hairless and featherless with closed eyes. It would be placed in the pouch where it'd spend the first 8 months nursing and growing, at which point it'd start to poke its head out of the pouch, and even begin to come out and try to learn how to fly. At this age, they'd be covered in thick, fluffy down, with their feathers just starting to come in. They'd outgrow the pouch and be weaned by their third year.<\/p>\r\n<p>Il'hune reached maturity at roughly the same rate as humans, with their pouches not developing until puberty was complete.<\/p>\r\n<p>Elder Il'hune were seen as culturally significant. They were storytellers, keepers of tradition, guides to the younger generations. The golden markings would fade out as they aged, and they'd grey and whiten around the snout, chest, and limbs, eventually dulling and losing most of their colors as they reached the end of their life.<\/p>\r\n<p>Young Il'hune stuck close to their parents, though as they reached teenagehood, they became restless and would wander out further, until adulthood had them often wandering off to start their own lives.<\/p>","field6":"<p>Il'hune were mostly golden colored, ranging into brown with darker limbs and faces. They had different Frill types, different feather types, different mane types, and similar. <br \/><br \/>Not many records remain, however, of the various mutations and variations they had.<\/p>","field7":"<p>The Il'hune died out thousands of years ago, very little records of them remain.<br \/><br \/>There are scrolls, murals, and libraries preserved by ancient magic that can still be found to this day, though this is only snippets of what they once were, enough to make the Li'uhn that stumble across them curious.<\/p>"}},"title":"Il'hune","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":["wip"],"page_tag":null}
#109 29 June 2023, 13:50:26 UTC
Page Updated
Length: 26871 (+272) -
{"data":{"description":"<p>An extinct species of tall, elegant winged giants, the creator of the li'uhn species.<br \/><br \/>There are six of them left sealed in an oasis under a curse of immortality. There will only ever be six of them, and they are unable to leave the oasis temple they have been tasked to protect after their war destroyed their world and civilization and they are completely incapable of reproducing as part of the curse. Each of the Six Ancestors had a major part in the war that destroyed their world and caused their species to go extinct. Their imprisonment is a punishment, to make them attone for their wrongdoings, and protect the remains of the being they killed to use for their own purposes. They take this very seriously, and do their best to guide the li'uhn down a better path.&nbsp; Each of the Six has deep regrets over what they did in the past. Especially with none of their own kind left anywhere else in the world.<br \/><br \/><br \/>One of them tried to break the spell, in a way, and create a new il'hune, but she died in the process. The resulting il'hune that replaced her, Tahti, was outcasted. Kaaru took him under his wing and is kind to the kid.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>The li'uhn are held back from the level of advancement the il'hune had due to the il'hune having used up the world's resources for their own purposes, though the li'uhn don't seem to mind too much. They're nomadic creatures, constantly on the move.<br \/><br \/>The Six are <a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-029\/profile\">Kaaru<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-030\/profile\">Tahti<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-031\/profile\">Rama<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-032\/profile\">Vahanu<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-033\/profile\">Haolani<\/a> and <a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-034\/profile\">Dayalu<\/a>. <br \/><br \/>Click on their names to take you to their profiles on Realms-Between. This will give you more information about each of the Six, their dynamics with eachother, and their part in the war that destroyed their planet.<\/p>","field1":"<p>Il'hune were tall and powerful beings, natural workers of magic. They were incredibly advanced, and had exhausted their world's resources and gone to war over the last of what the world had to offer. During the height of this, they created life, creatures to do their work for them, the Li'uhn.<\/p>\r\n<p>They were true giants, standing around 15 feet tall. They were omnivores, though require more meat than vegitation.&nbsp; They had sharp teeth and sharp retractible claws. They look very similar to Li'uhn, just bigger. They created the smaller beings in their own image.<\/p>\r\n<p>They were generally proud and fierce, and could be highly territorial and warlike when resources ran thin. They tried to play god, using a god they killed to create life in their own image, and possible livestock and plants for them to use. The last hundred years their species existed was marked with suffering and pain, with no way to raise food, their technology failing around them, and them dying out until there were none left. Only six remain, under a curse of immortality and sealed away in the central Oasis that was once seen as a holy spot to them.<\/p>\r\n<p>Even with their advancement, il'hune were very ceremonial and traditional and generally held close to their kind's religous beliefs. They preferred clothing in cream, white and gold, and those with deep golden fur were seen as more attractive. Their blue eyes were striking against ther golden faces. They often wore ceremonial robes when on holy ground, or in the Oasis that was seen as a center of peace before it became the very last place with natural resources and the center of the final, bitter and terrible fighting that resulted in the extinction of the race.<\/p>\r\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/23_55_kfvguea0E21R34A.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1034\" height=\"585\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/24_56_BycDDtIZQPN8N6f.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1034\" height=\"585\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/22_54_PEqBubXQGVvQhdf.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1033\" height=\"584\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>","field2":"<p>Il'hune ruled their world for thousands and thousands of world. They could be seen in every corner, even in great cities under the ocean with water held back by great glass domes and magic. Their cities were huge and expansive with beautiful architecture. Built tough, many of their cities are still standing even thousands of years later, even if reclaimed by nature and ruined in places. Some of their remains can be found, mummified and dried out, deep under the sand where they fell and were buried, though those that were not buried have long since faded to dust in the years. All that remains is stone tablets, their buildings, murals, and various other signs that can be seen throughout the world as well as old and broken down war machines and the remains of factories and other various buildings.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their history was rich and expansive, many important figures, battles, advancements... Nations and diplomacy, millions, perhaps even billions, of them living and thriving in their world. But none of that remains. The last great event of note is the war that brought about their end thousands of years ago, the one that resulted in the end of their time on their world and for the li'uhn to inherit the war-torn world and take over.<\/p>\r\n<p>They saw themselves as above all other life... including the sapient beings they made in their own image. Li'uhn were lower class, working class. Aside from a few il'hune here and there, they were seen as animals, even if they were capable of speech. They were too small to fight back, as the il'hune had done this on purpose. They were too busy fighting among themselves to want to have to fight another race of their own creation. Li'uhn took the place of workers, spies, fighters, miners, field workers, pets. Several varients were made, with some variants made later on to serve certain purposes.<\/p>\r\n<p>Each of the Six sealed in the Oasis, the very last of their kind that will ever exist, was integral to the war and the destriction of their world. Being sealed is a punishment, put in place by the gods they once worshipped. The barrier is powered by these gods, who lie dormant deep beneath the Oasis, beyond the barrier where the Six can not get to them.<\/p>\r\n<p>The Six take their punishment very seriously, even if they are tired of living on and on for thousands of years. They now see the li'uhn as living beings every bit as much as them. With many generations passing since the original li'uhn, even stories of the il'hune's warring have faded to mythology and folklore.<\/p>","field3":"<p>Il'hune were incredibly territorial and fierce. Warlike and proud, but very traditional and religous. They took great pride in ceremony and beauty, loving white and gold more than any other color combination.<\/p>\r\n<p>They were loyal to their family, gods, and nations. They fought fiercely to protect what they saw as theirs. Il'hune do best when in small groups, about the size of a lion pride, with one dominant Il'hune, often masculine, and around 8 to 10 other Il'hune and their young.&nbsp; Young Il'hune would generally leave the family group they were born to once they came of age, and either start their own family group, take over another, or join them if they weren't particularly dominant. Il'hune were, in general, fairly restless, wandering throughout the day and returning to their home at night. This nature made the large cities they inhabited stressful, which often caused tension and fighting and the nations working on expanding their borders to make room for their citizens and make room for more resources.<\/p>\r\n<p>As their resources ran out and the il'hune struggled to survive, the stronger Il'hune would live on while the weaker ones died. They became jaded to the deaths eventually, simply trying to survive.<\/p>\r\n<p>Il'hune were social, but they did the best in smaller groups.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their voices were low and powerful and resonant, comparable in a sense to a large bell, the energy pulse they produced strong, able to be picked up from far away. Like the li'uhn they created, Il'hune were very fond of song and dance and music. Song and dance was a huge part of their culture, often accompanied by aerial displays with their wings and natural magic helping them rise up further into the air.<\/p>\r\n<p>Each Il'hune's ceremonial robes were the same, but their mask was made for them directly upon coming of age, unique to their face shape and personality.<\/p>\r\n<p>Family members were not territorial towards eachother, so many families would often have their own territories in the wider territories owned by the family group in general. This, in fact, was what caused Il'hune to gather into nations in the first place, family groups growing, turning into villages, then into towns, then cities... then entire nations. Il'hune were very community and family driven, and would fight fiercely to protect and keep their loved ones alive.<\/p>","field4":"<p>Il'hune were carnivore-leaning omnivores. Like humans, the sorts of plants they could eat and what they could get out of these plants was limited. They needed more animal protien and supplemented with plants for vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Their sharp teeth could grip and bite and slice through meat with ease, their claws long and curved and capable of gripping and clinging.<\/p>\r\n<p>They stood an average of 15 feet tall, though were surprisingly light and slender for their great size. They couldn't fly under the might of their own wings, so used the natural energy their kind had in their core to power their wings. This would stir up the air beneath them and allow them to fly.<\/p>\r\n<p>Il'hune traits and features were similar to the traits and features found on various li'uhn, though their coloration and bodytypes were a lot less varied.<\/p>\r\n<p>There are only six that remain, but they have a variety of the traits Il'hune were able to have. They are the last and only examples of their species.<\/p>\r\n<p>Il'hune were generally quite slender, due to their wings and being generally active, flying about from place to place. Being slender and light made it easier for them to take off using their natural magic, stay airborn for longer, and get further faster. Overweight il'hune were quite rare, especially towards the end of their race when they were wasting away from famine and starvation.<br \/><br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/40_58_e6ZmTvyCahu33P5.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1049\" height=\"439\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/39_57_zldEOHqr0kqDTlj.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1047\" height=\"438\" \/><\/p>","field5":"<p>Il'hune lived, naturally, around 300 years. The same amount of time the Li'uhn live on average nowadays.<\/p>\r\n<p>Il'hune are pouched mammalians like the li'uhn they created. They are not marsupials, but rather evolved the pouch convergently. Their ancestors were nomadic, flying from oasis to oasis, much like Li'uhn do today, and they would carry their young in their pouches with them.<\/p>\r\n<p>Il'hune went into season mid to late Spring, and would remain pregant for roughly two years. The newborn would be tiny, hairless and featherless with closed eyes. It would be placed in the pouch where it'd spend the first 8 months nursing and growing, at which point it'd start to poke its head out of the pouch, and even begin to come out and try to learn how to fly. At this age, they'd be covered in thick, fluffy down, with their feathers just starting to come in. They'd outgrow the pouch and be weaned by their third year.<\/p>\r\n<p>Il'hune reached maturity at roughly the same rate as humans, with their pouches not developing until puberty was complete.<\/p>\r\n<p>Elder Il'hune were seen as culturally significant. They were storytellers, keepers of tradition, guides to the younger generations. The golden markings would fade out as they aged, and they'd grey and whiten around the snout, chest, and limbs, eventually dulling and losing most of their colors as they reached the end of their life.<\/p>\r\n<p>Young Il'hune stuck close to their parents, though as they reached teenagehood, they became restless and would wander out further, until adulthood had them often wandering off to start their own lives.<\/p>","field6":"<p>Il'hune were mostly golden colored, ranging into brown with darker limbs and faces. They had different Frill types, different feather types, different mane types, and similar. <br \/><br \/>Not many records remain, however, of the various mutations and variations they had.<\/p>","field7":"<p>The Il'hune died out thousands of years ago, very little records of them remain.<br \/><br \/>There are scrolls, murals, and libraries preserved by ancient magic that can still be found to this day, though this is only snippets of what they once were, enough to make the Li'uhn that stumble across them curious.<\/p>","parsed":{"description":"<p>An extinct species of tall, elegant winged giants, the creator of the li'uhn species.<br \/><br \/>There are six of them left sealed in an oasis under a curse of immortality. There will only ever be six of them, and they are unable to leave the oasis temple they have been tasked to protect after their war destroyed their world and civilization and they are completely incapable of reproducing as part of the curse. Each of the Six Ancestors had a major part in the war that destroyed their world and caused their species to go extinct. Their imprisonment is a punishment, to make them attone for their wrongdoings, and protect the remains of the being they killed to use for their own purposes. They take this very seriously, and do their best to guide the li'uhn down a better path.&nbsp; Each of the Six has deep regrets over what they did in the past. Especially with none of their own kind left anywhere else in the world.<br \/><br \/><br \/>One of them tried to break the spell, in a way, and create a new il'hune, but she died in the process. The resulting il'hune that replaced her, Tahti, was outcasted. Kaaru took him under his wing and is kind to the kid.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>The li'uhn are held back from the level of advancement the il'hune had due to the il'hune having used up the world's resources for their own purposes, though the li'uhn don't seem to mind too much. They're nomadic creatures, constantly on the move.<br \/><br \/>The Six are <a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-029\/profile\">Kaaru<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-030\/profile\">Tahti<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-031\/profile\">Rama<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-032\/profile\">Vahanu<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-033\/profile\">Haolani<\/a> and <a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-034\/profile\">Dayalu<\/a>. <br \/><br \/>Click on their names to take you to their profiles on Realms-Between. This will give you more information about each of the Six, their dynamics with eachother, and their part in the war that destroyed their planet.<\/p>","field1":"<p>Il'hune were tall and powerful beings, natural workers of magic. They were incredibly advanced, and had exhausted their world's resources and gone to war over the last of what the world had to offer. During the height of this, they created life, creatures to do their work for them, the Li'uhn.<\/p>\r\n<p>They were true giants, standing around 15 feet tall. They were omnivores, though require more meat than vegitation.&nbsp; They had sharp teeth and sharp retractible claws. They look very similar to Li'uhn, just bigger. They created the smaller beings in their own image.<\/p>\r\n<p>They were generally proud and fierce, and could be highly territorial and warlike when resources ran thin. They tried to play god, using a god they killed to create life in their own image, and possible livestock and plants for them to use. The last hundred years their species existed was marked with suffering and pain, with no way to raise food, their technology failing around them, and them dying out until there were none left. Only six remain, under a curse of immortality and sealed away in the central Oasis that was once seen as a holy spot to them.<\/p>\r\n<p>Even with their advancement, il'hune were very ceremonial and traditional and generally held close to their kind's religous beliefs. They preferred clothing in cream, white and gold, and those with deep golden fur were seen as more attractive. Their blue eyes were striking against ther golden faces. They often wore ceremonial robes when on holy ground, or in the Oasis that was seen as a center of peace before it became the very last place with natural resources and the center of the final, bitter and terrible fighting that resulted in the extinction of the race.<\/p>\r\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/23_55_kfvguea0E21R34A.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1034\" height=\"585\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/24_56_BycDDtIZQPN8N6f.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1034\" height=\"585\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/22_54_PEqBubXQGVvQhdf.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1033\" height=\"584\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>","field2":"<p>Il'hune ruled their world for thousands and thousands of world. They could be seen in every corner, even in great cities under the ocean with water held back by great glass domes and magic. Their cities were huge and expansive with beautiful architecture. Built tough, many of their cities are still standing even thousands of years later, even if reclaimed by nature and ruined in places. Some of their remains can be found, mummified and dried out, deep under the sand where they fell and were buried, though those that were not buried have long since faded to dust in the years. All that remains is stone tablets, their buildings, murals, and various other signs that can be seen throughout the world as well as old and broken down war machines and the remains of factories and other various buildings.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their history was rich and expansive, many important figures, battles, advancements... Nations and diplomacy, millions, perhaps even billions, of them living and thriving in their world. But none of that remains. The last great event of note is the war that brought about their end thousands of years ago, the one that resulted in the end of their time on their world and for the li'uhn to inherit the war-torn world and take over.<\/p>\r\n<p>They saw themselves as above all other life... including the sapient beings they made in their own image. Li'uhn were lower class, working class. Aside from a few il'hune here and there, they were seen as animals, even if they were capable of speech. They were too small to fight back, as the il'hune had done this on purpose. They were too busy fighting among themselves to want to have to fight another race of their own creation. Li'uhn took the place of workers, spies, fighters, miners, field workers, pets. Several varients were made, with some variants made later on to serve certain purposes.<\/p>\r\n<p>Each of the Six sealed in the Oasis, the very last of their kind that will ever exist, was integral to the war and the destriction of their world. Being sealed is a punishment, put in place by the gods they once worshipped. The barrier is powered by these gods, who lie dormant deep beneath the Oasis, beyond the barrier where the Six can not get to them.<\/p>\r\n<p>The Six take their punishment very seriously, even if they are tired of living on and on for thousands of years. They now see the li'uhn as living beings every bit as much as them. With many generations passing since the original li'uhn, even stories of the il'hune's warring have faded to mythology and folklore.<\/p>","field3":"<p>Il'hune were incredibly territorial and fierce. Warlike and proud, but very traditional and religous. They took great pride in ceremony and beauty, loving white and gold more than any other color combination.<\/p>\r\n<p>They were loyal to their family, gods, and nations. They fought fiercely to protect what they saw as theirs. Il'hune do best when in small groups, about the size of a lion pride, with one dominant Il'hune, often masculine, and around 8 to 10 other Il'hune and their young.&nbsp; Young Il'hune would generally leave the family group they were born to once they came of age, and either start their own family group, take over another, or join them if they weren't particularly dominant. Il'hune were, in general, fairly restless, wandering throughout the day and returning to their home at night. This nature made the large cities they inhabited stressful, which often caused tension and fighting and the nations working on expanding their borders to make room for their citizens and make room for more resources.<\/p>\r\n<p>As their resources ran out and the il'hune struggled to survive, the stronger Il'hune would live on while the weaker ones died. They became jaded to the deaths eventually, simply trying to survive.<\/p>\r\n<p>Il'hune were social, but they did the best in smaller groups.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their voices were low and powerful and resonant, comparable in a sense to a large bell, the energy pulse they produced strong, able to be picked up from far away. Like the li'uhn they created, Il'hune were very fond of song and dance and music. Song and dance was a huge part of their culture, often accompanied by aerial displays with their wings and natural magic helping them rise up further into the air.<\/p>\r\n<p>Each Il'hune's ceremonial robes were the same, but their mask was made for them directly upon coming of age, unique to their face shape and personality.<\/p>\r\n<p>Family members were not territorial towards eachother, so many families would often have their own territories in the wider territories owned by the family group in general. This, in fact, was what caused Il'hune to gather into nations in the first place, family groups growing, turning into villages, then into towns, then cities... then entire nations. Il'hune were very community and family driven, and would fight fiercely to protect and keep their loved ones alive.<\/p>","field4":"<p>Il'hune were carnivore-leaning omnivores. Like humans, the sorts of plants they could eat and what they could get out of these plants was limited. They needed more animal protien and supplemented with plants for vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Their sharp teeth could grip and bite and slice through meat with ease, their claws long and curved and capable of gripping and clinging.<\/p>\r\n<p>They stood an average of 15 feet tall, though were surprisingly light and slender for their great size. They couldn't fly under the might of their own wings, so used the natural energy their kind had in their core to power their wings. This would stir up the air beneath them and allow them to fly.<\/p>\r\n<p>Il'hune traits and features were similar to the traits and features found on various li'uhn, though their coloration and bodytypes were a lot less varied.<\/p>\r\n<p>There are only six that remain, but they have a variety of the traits Il'hune were able to have. They are the last and only examples of their species.<\/p>\r\n<p>Il'hune were generally quite slender, due to their wings and being generally active, flying about from place to place. Being slender and light made it easier for them to take off using their natural magic, stay airborn for longer, and get further faster. Overweight il'hune were quite rare, especially towards the end of their race when they were wasting away from famine and starvation.<br \/><br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/40_58_e6ZmTvyCahu33P5.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1049\" height=\"439\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/39_57_zldEOHqr0kqDTlj.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1047\" height=\"438\" \/><\/p>","field5":"<p>Il'hune lived, naturally, around 300 years. The same amount of time the Li'uhn live on average nowadays.<\/p>\r\n<p>Il'hune are pouched mammalians like the li'uhn they created. They are not marsupials, but rather evolved the pouch convergently. Their ancestors were nomadic, flying from oasis to oasis, much like Li'uhn do today, and they would carry their young in their pouches with them.<\/p>\r\n<p>Il'hune went into season mid to late Spring, and would remain pregant for roughly two years. The newborn would be tiny, hairless and featherless with closed eyes. It would be placed in the pouch where it'd spend the first 8 months nursing and growing, at which point it'd start to poke its head out of the pouch, and even begin to come out and try to learn how to fly. At this age, they'd be covered in thick, fluffy down, with their feathers just starting to come in. They'd outgrow the pouch and be weaned by their third year.<\/p>\r\n<p>Il'hune reached maturity at roughly the same rate as humans, with their pouches not developing until puberty was complete.<\/p>\r\n<p>Elder Il'hune were seen as culturally significant. They were storytellers, keepers of tradition, guides to the younger generations. The golden markings would fade out as they aged, and they'd grey and whiten around the snout, chest, and limbs, eventually dulling and losing most of their colors as they reached the end of their life.<\/p>\r\n<p>Young Il'hune stuck close to their parents, though as they reached teenagehood, they became restless and would wander out further, until adulthood had them often wandering off to start their own lives.<\/p>","field6":"<p>Il'hune were mostly golden colored, ranging into brown with darker limbs and faces. They had different Frill types, different feather types, different mane types, and similar. <br \/><br \/>Not many records remain, however, of the various mutations and variations they had.<\/p>","field7":"<p>The Il'hune died out thousands of years ago, very little records of them remain.<br \/><br \/>There are scrolls, murals, and libraries preserved by ancient magic that can still be found to this day, though this is only snippets of what they once were, enough to make the Li'uhn that stumble across them curious.<\/p>"}},"title":"Il'hune","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":["wip"],"page_tag":null}
#108 29 June 2023, 13:40:39 UTC
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{"data":{"description":"<p>The Li'uhn are a peaceful, winged semi-humanoid race that lives in deserts, and thrive in hot and barren landscapes. They are omnivorous, but get a good amount of energy from heat and sunlight.<br \/><br \/>You can see images in the gallery, here!<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/4\/gallery\">Li'uhn image gallery<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/5.Li'uhn_Design_Notes\">Li'uhn design notes<\/a> (This also has the Upgrade Token cost based on rarity)<\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/\">Want a Li'uhn? Go here to my site! There's a free MYO event going currently!<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/10.Li'uhn_Traits\">Trait and Design Guide<\/a><\/p>","field1":"<p>Li'uhn are winged desert dwelling semi-humanoids, though their wings have a very unique structure to them. They are highly efficient and incredibly good at surviving in the desert. Li'uhn, on average, are around the height of a human, with five and a half feet tall being the most common height for the common type. Some are taller (The Silverwings, Stoneclaws and Shadowcloaks) while some are smaller (Woolies, Nightkin and Flutterwings)<\/p>\r\n<p>They have a pouch, similar to a marsupial, though they aren't actually marsupials. They are simply similar throughthe convergent evolution of their creators, who created them in their own image, just smaller. The pouch is useful for keeping their young with them, though many li'uhn simply store objects inside their pouch when they don't have a baby. The inside of the pouch is lined with a natural waxy coating on the fur which kills any bacteria and fungi. Li'uhn do not sweat, so the inside remains dry.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are friendly and social, though can be skittish. They don't stay startled for long, and tend to calm down quickly and come to investigate. They have very few natural predators, since most animals in their world are small, the largest being about the size of a coyote. These animals are the only ones that aer a threat to Li'uhn because they pack hunt, but Li'uhn are able to fly out or reach.<\/p>\r\n<p>Most larger animals went extinct a long time ago. They are naturally magical creatures with a special energy core in their chest near their heart. This stores up magical energy, and gains energy from heat and sunlight. This is then channeled through the wings and the tail to allow the Li'uhn to fly despite their relitavely small wings compared to their body size. The way this works is their natural energy stirs up the air beneath their wings, allowing them to glide and soar and control their flight even without the usual flight feathers birds have.<\/p>\r\n<p>Despite being magical by nature, very few Li'uhn actually know how to work with magic. It is volatile and hard to control when it isn't directed by their natural abilities. This magic also serves to change their gender expression, and they are able to harness to change it further. While they are all hermaphroditic, their body changes based on their preferred gender expression. Feminine li'uhn tend to have softer features, wider hips, and softer chests. Their voices soften and take on a higher pitch. They lack breasts, however, because their teats are contained in the pouch. They are under developed and can't be seen or felt through the fur unless they have a baby in their pouch. Masculine Li'uhn tend to get more angular features, and slightly more masculine faces, and narrower hips. Gender and gender expression is just a part of life for them, and it is natural to them to acknowledge the gender expression of the other. Especially since they can adjust how they look naturally. <br \/><br \/>They can actually completely hide the organs of the gender they don't identify as. They are still present, but kept within the body. This can change fluidly, especially if a Li'uhn's gender identity changes throughout their lives.<br \/><br \/>The various Li'uhn types get along quite well with eachother, they don't judge eachother based on their variance or gender expression.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are not at all territorial, and they do not have dominance battles among them. Generally, older Li'uhn with more experience take leadership with the rest following them and trusting them with their safety. Being a leader is a matter of responsibility, not a matter of power. Their mentality is very different from humans in this respect.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/18_51_m98WjQoIIsvI4P8.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1048\" height=\"637\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p><strong><br \/>Diet<\/strong> They feed partially on the energy provided by the sun, but eat insects, small animals, and any edible plant material they can find. Cacti and other desert plants are common for them to eat. Li'uhn are highly efficient and make the most out of any water they drink. They can go a couple weeks without drinking if they have to because their body holds onto every drop and barely loses any. Li'uhn can eat things that are undigestible to other creatures their size, able to even break down the internal structure of plants with the unique mix of enzymes and gut flora in their digestive systems.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>Find lists of their <a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/10.Li'uhn_Traits\">possible traits<\/a> and more information! The link also has a list of the subtypes. The rarities will be listed as well, and it'll be mentioned if the trait can only be gotten on certain types through inheritance.<\/p>","field2":"<p>Created by the <a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/8.Il'hune\">Il&rsquo;hune<\/a>, through a misuse of powerful divine magic. They were created as working class\/slave types, and used for various missions through the long and bloody war that eventually wiped the Il&rsquo;hune out. The Li'uhn thrive in the ruins of the once great civilization of tall and elegant giants. They fly through the desert sands and craggy ruins, and make their homes in the remains of their buildings. Li'uhn haven't been able to advance technologically due to the il'hune having exhausted most of the world's natural resources. They do make and wear clothing commonly, influenced by how the il'hune used to dress.<\/p>\r\n<p>Many are fascinated with the history of their world, and there are many stone tablets and murals left over from the time the il'hune still existed. There's some ancient libraries preserved through the Il'hune's magic as well.<\/p>\r\n<p>Il'hune were very technologically advanced. There are ruins of old war machines found in various places, though they aren't functional anymore. Some Li'uhn will simply make their homes inside these tanks and broken down vehicles.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn weren't left with much after their creators died out, but they thrive just fine all the same.<\/p>\r\n<p>There are Six Il'hune left, under a curse of immortality. They are meant to stop the li'uhn from following their path of destruction and war, as well as protect the remains of the god they killed to use its power to create the li'uhn. They are imprisoned by a powerful barrier in a great central Oasis that holds an ancient temple within, surrounded by the ruins of a once vast and beautiful city seen as sacred ground until the war converged on it as one of the last areas with natural resources.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are drawn to this place as their origin is there. It is seen as a major milestone to take the journey to the Oasis and meet the Il'hune. Of course, different li'uhn have different beliefs and thoughts on things.<br \/><br \/>The Six il'hune with some history about them, their personality, and their relationship with the others<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-029\">Ancestor Kaaru<\/a><br \/>Snarky, doesn't give a single shit anymore. Jaded and tired. Can be rather mischevous and enjoys messing with the other il'hune.<\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-030\">Ancestor Tahti<\/a><br \/>A strange case, the youngest of the il'hune, created in an attempt to bring the species back by one of the Six, who died when he appeared. He's the gentlest and kindest of the Six, though shy and cautious.<\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-031\">Ancestor Rama<\/a><br \/>Comes off as incredibly angry and bitter, but deep down he's just tired and depressed. Frequently fights with Kaaru, but otherwise just does his own thing.<\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-032\">Ancestor Vahanu<\/a><br \/>The leader of the Six, they all answer to her.&nbsp; She's uptight and likes to stick to tradition.<\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-033\">Ancestor Haolani<\/a><br \/>Intelligent and observent. Generally keeps to herself, doesn't have any major beef with any of the others.<\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-034\">Ancestor Dayalu<\/a><br \/>The peacekeeper of the bunch.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>The li'uhn see the Six as gods, referred to as the Six, or the Ancestors; and often travel to the Oasis to see the Il'hune. For some, this is seen as a coming of age, for others it's a journey they make periodically.&nbsp; And still for others, they come out of curiousity. The place is sacred, and the Ancestors are careful and gentle around the li'uhn. Part of their purpose is to guide the creatures their kind created and left a destroyed world to, and stop them from following the same path of greed they did. They generally appear tall and mysterious, though Kaaru will directly interact with visitors and is quite friendly and personable with them, and Tahti loves listening to stories about the outside world.<br \/><br \/>The Oasis is a safe place. Even with the Six Ancestors not getting along too well, they are always careful that nobody gets injured if their frustration with eachother becomes physical.<\/p>","field3":"<div id=\"collapse-behavior\" class=\"collapse show\">\r\n<p>Li'uhn are gentle and social creatures, very peaceful and curious. They are known to be skittish, and will usually initially flee from something new, but always come back to investigate once the initial startle wears off. Li'uhn are very playful with eachother and not at all territorial. They can often be seen gliding and flying together, frolicking in the desert sands of their home, or curled up around eachother to keep warm during the cold desert nights. They get a lot of energy from companionship and being close to eachother. Li'uhn are capable of being alone, though they prefer the company of others. Li'uhn do have small retractable claws on their hands and feet, but these are not used for combat, and aren&rsquo;t overly sharp. They use them to climb and cling, and to avoid slipping when landing. Their small fanged canines are also never used for combat, and are simply there because they are omnivorous.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn rarely fight. If faced with confrontation, they much prefer to run or fly away and retreat.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their wings are used for display and flight. They tend to spread and display their wings to eachother in dances both to impress possible friends, or attract possible mates.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn mate for life. Once they find somebody they love, they will stay together for life. Losing one's mate causes emotional pain that'll last for years, if not the rest of their life.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are very family oriented, and even if families don't live together, they recognize eachother and regularly meet up and socialize. They also form long friendships and are very loyal to those they care about.<br \/><br \/>Li'ihn are intelligent and sapient creatures, capable of learning language very quickly.&nbsp; Li'uhn are known to have a beautiful, musical chiming chirping call which they use to communicate their location over long distances. This can also be used as a distress call if a li'uhn is in danger or injured.&nbsp; It is clear and carries, and often has a little pulse of their energy behind it. They often &lsquo;sing&rsquo; back and forth in joyful chirps and chitters and chimes. They will often chirp and and &lsquo;sing&rsquo; to themselves, even when alone, or greet the rising sun with song. They have a deep fondness for music and melody.<\/p>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<p>Li'uhn tend to get along quite well with eachother. Leadership is determined by age and experience, not strength and dominance. Those who are older, more responsible and more experienced will lead the younger and guide them to various safe areas they know of. Older Li'uhn also know where all the oases are as well as good places to get food, and shelter, and safe places to stay and settle.<\/p>\r\n<p>Oases tend to have large settlements built up in the ruins of the Il'hune cities, where li'uhn will stop, stay for a time, trade wares, socialize, then move on in their travels. Elders are usually settled in these towns, and Li'uhn with young children as well.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are naturally very peaceful with eachother, and by extent would be with other sapient races if they encountered them. They work together to survive in their harsh desert environment.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Clothing<\/strong>: Li'uhn love clothes in various shades of red and gold. They often have lots of flowing fabric covering their bodies, with a cloak to cover their back as they must strap the upper parts above and below their wings. Some choose to have a small opening around their pouch at all times, allowing them to place items in their pouch and carry them around. It&rsquo;s usually held closed with a couple buttons, though it&rsquo;s left open if they have a baby at the age where they can enter and leave the pouch at will. Li'uhn love flowing silky clothing. Most of the silk in their clothes comes from a plant found all around various Oases throughout the world. It is cultivated and tended to by the elders that settle in these places. More information on Elders can be seen in the \"Growing Up\" section, as this goes over how Li'uhn age. Li'uhn also love jewelry and pretty things, and will decorate their bodies with things they find interesting in their travels. They'll eagerly tell stories about where an item came from or how they found it if asked.<\/p>","field4":"<p><strong>Average Height<\/strong>: Around five feet to five and a half feet tall, Li'uhn are small and slender, but agile and elegant.<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Average Weight<\/strong>: 120-150 pounds<\/p>\r\n<p>Their bones are light and semi flexible, and surprisingly tough for their light weight. Li'uhn, though, are a bit more fragile than other creatures their size. They are not fighters.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/4_4_DhCZJV1p6H7VeNq.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1060\" height=\"1272\" \/><br \/><br \/>Wing Structure Detail<br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/36_47_KLVS5q9Kl1kgCYT.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1062\" height=\"849\" \/><br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn wings are very small compared to their body size. The structure can be compared to a mix of bird and bat, though this structure is completely unique to their species. Their feathers are not used for flight so much as display and steering, along with their tail and turning their body as well as using their natural magic. The wings are actually used for heat management, able to spread out. They can use their natural magical energy to cause the air cooled by the shade to flow beneath and carry excess heat away from the wings.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are somewhat cold-blooded. They produce a little body heat, but rely more on the warmth of the sand and desert to keep warm. They can, however, increase this production if needed by shivering their wings and puffing up their fur to hold in the heat they produce during cold nights. This makes them extra resistant to the desert heat, as they don't overheat nearly as easily as fully warm-blooded mammans, but they are also weaker to the cold. Like reptiles, Li'uhn will slow down significantly when cold, and if cold enough they'll even enter a state of hibernation.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn have frills instead of ears. They attach at the top of the head and often wrap around the jaw and connect to cheek fluff.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn don't pee. They don't even have bladders. Their body extracts almost all water from their stool before it's passed, making it dry which actually reduces any smell. They don't sweat. Because of this, they are pretty much odorless even when out in the desert heat all day.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are very resistant to plant and animal toxins, poisons and venoms. They can take a bite from even the deadliest venomous snake and be completely fine. They can eat poisonous plants without a problem, and often get their water by eating cacti, including ones that are very poisonous to ward off herbivores. They are even resistant to toxins found in rotting meat, though they'll only eat that in desparation if there's nothing else and they are starving.<\/p>\r\n<p>The thick pads on their hands and feet are incredibly tough and heat resistant, though Li'uhn usually wear shoes for an extra layer of protection. A Li'uhn can grab a cactus and break it down open to get at the inside with their bare hands. The cactus prickes can't penetrate the pads on their hands. This is why the hand and feet have a single thick pad all along the bottom, as this protects the entire hand and doesn't allow spines to slip between pads. Their skin is thick and tough. The pad on the feet also forms a sort of webbing, allowing the feet to spread and support more of the Li'uhn's weight on loose sand.<\/p>\r\n<p>They have an incredibly advanced immune system. Very little can make a li'uhn sick. They tend to get over it quickly when sick as well.<\/p>\r\n<p>Because of how efficient their body is with water, li'uhn can potentially go weeks without drinking.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn have the ability to store water. They have a special organ that forms a pouch inside their abdomen that stores water inside their body, including any they get from whatever they eat. This is connected to their esophagus, but stays closed unless they regurgitate the water to share with others. This is generally done to share water among groups, and is seen as completely normal. While it's regurgitated, this has no connection to their stomach whatsoever and is just water.&nbsp; There's no heaving or anything involved, simply opening the mouth, contraction of inner muscles around this internal water pouch, and the water flowing from the mouth into whatever they have to put it in. It looks odd and gross to an outside perspective, but it's completely safe. The water tastes and smells exactly like any other water, though is generally warm from their body heat. This allows them to share resources with other li'uhn safely. It has the potential to save a life if the one the water is shared with has completely depleted their water and become dehydrated. The organ produces a natural substance that prevents fungi from growing and kills bacteria, keeping the stored water safe. This same substance is secreted in their saliva, keeping their mouths incredibly clean. This means their breath stays fresh and clean, and their teeth generally stay quite healthy. They can also lick wounds to prevent infection. Seaborn have a second organ that extracts salt from seawater. The concentrated salt solution left is regurgitated after drinking, with fresh water staying inside their internal water pouch until needed. They will often share this water with other li'uhn that come near the ocean and have no access to other fresh water. <br \/><br \/>Their face is muzzled, though this muzzle and snout is small. It makes them appear almost humanoid from the front. This also shows how their frill functions. Li'uhn have a second, transparent eyelid that is generally kept closed and does not hamper their vision. This protects their eyes from sand and prevents it from drying out.<br \/><br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/19_21_cKjThqB9yPL9nNA.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"575\" height=\"673\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn ears are actually located on the side of their head and are simply openings, like reptilian earsand covered by their fur. They are connected to their frill, which resembles ears and is used for emoting and sensing the world around them. The frills are packed with energy sensing organs, are how they sense each other&rsquo;s presence, as well as absorb any magical energy they are around to help feed them. They also seem to take in a majority of the sunlight, and as such are almost always uncovered. They are able to use their frill to find fellow Li'uhn. They are very important for expressing emotion and mood as well. They are very mobile, able to lower, perk up, go out to the sides, pin back and down, and can move independantly of eachother. The frill has no opening and is not cup shaped like actual ears, and is sometimes referred to as false ears; The frills are often covered in longer fur than the body itself. Their paws are small and dainty, with three toes. Their claws only come out when climbing or gripping, but are otherwise kept retracted. They have a single thick pad on the bottom and webbing that allows their weight to spread out a bit more evenly. Li'uhn are very weak to the cold, and while they can curl up under their wings and tails, it drains their energy and eventually saps their strength until they freeze to death. They avoid the cold when they can. They can get through desert winters by sunning themselves during the day and curling up somewhere warm at night, but if it gets too cold they will move on to warmer climates. They are nomadic by nature, and usually wander from place to place as they see fit. They are most commonly seen in pairs or small groups, but they can just as well travel alone.<br \/><br \/>Frill and Mouth Detail<br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/37_48_y2cYVJekqhujDHG.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1074\" height=\"931\" \/><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"collapse-behavior\" class=\"collapse show\">\r\n<h5><br \/>Abilities and Adaptations<\/h5>\r\n<p>Li'uhn use magic to boost their flight, able to use their natural energy to swirl the air beneath their wings to provide lift. They gain this energy from sunlight and heat. This is limited, however, so after flying, they often land, regain their energy, then take off again. They are also known to boost themselves up high, then glide, then boost themselves back up again.<\/p>\r\n<p>The only li'uhn type to be able to fly entirely by their own power is the Flutterwing, who have huge wongs compared to their tiny body size.<\/p>\r\n<p>Silverwings and Shadowcloaks are capable of flight with a lot less boosting needed, while Stoneclaws can not fly at all.<\/p>\r\n<p>Stoneclaws are very strong, and able to defend themselves and climb incredibly well. They can use their magic to boost their speed, allowing them to gallop incredibly fast on all fours and boost their leaps so they can leap higher and further than they would otherwise.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn have a call that lets out a pulse of energy. This can be picked up by surrounding Li'uhn by sensing the energy with special organs in their frill. Larger frills are actually more functional in picking up and gathering energy.<\/p>\r\n<p>While Li'uhn have natural magical energy within them, it's not something they can easily direct and channel. It is volatile and unpredictable, thus Li'uhn magic workers are pretty rare. Those who do work with magic usually use outside magic sources, as using their own inner source runs the risk of exhausting them and causing harm. Some can use these external sources to further boost their flight.<\/p>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>","field5":"<p>Li'uhn are all naturally intersex, though their appearance will follow what gender they identify as, as it effects their hormones. There isn&rsquo;t much dimorphism, but the face and body structure does vary slightly. They never grow breasts, as their teats are located inside their pouch. Li'uhn go into season during the spring, and are pregnant through summer and early autumn. They give birth to a tiny baby, entirely hairless with no down or feathers, which is then placed in the pouch. It will remain inside the pouch, nursing and growing. As it gets bigger, it begins to leave the pouch, though is able to nurse even when not spending all of its time in the pouch. The baby spends the winter in the pouch, starts to peek its head out in the spring, and is able to come out during summer. They are too big to go into the pouch by the time they are two years old. Li'uhn have one baby at a time, and they won&rsquo;t breed again until the baby is fully out of the pouch for at least a year. Only one baby can fit in the pouch. In the extremely rare occasion that twins are born, the other parent will foster the second twin in their pouch. The presence of the baby will induce lactation, allowing the parent to keep the baby healthy.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn often mate for life. They will impress potential partners with song. Li'uhn sing beautifully, and happily seranade eachother during their season, The beauty of their wings is another thing that attract potential Li'uhn, as well as their prowess in the air. Their aerial displays and beautiful song is a sight to behold.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn do not have menstraul cycles like humans. They go into season during early spring, and are fertile for three weeks to a month. They ovulate during this time. The egg cell is simply re-absorbed if the li'uhn does not become pregnant.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are pregnant for about 6 months. Their genitalea are partially external, with mammalian testes and a sheath, though their actual phallus remain tucked away inside unless in direct use. (There will be a link to a NSFW ref and info here once I have a way to age restrict some content, which is in progress, so this is all you get for now xD)<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn often settle near an oasis until their babies are older, rarely travelling too far since babies can't store as much water as adults and producing milk takes up more water than they usually use, meaning they deplete their natural supplies more quickly.<\/p>\r\n<p>Babies are just as efficient as adults with processing water. Li'uhn milk is extremely rich and nutrient dense. It has a balance of fats and protiens, as well as vitamins and minerals and water, everything a baby needs to grow and thrive until they are weaned.<br \/><br \/>Li'uhn babies are born small and hairless\/featherless. They are tucked into the pouch and grow there until they are able to peek out. They can go into the pouch up to two years old, and are weaned by their third year.<br \/><br \/>They grow at roughly the same rate as humans.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn babies make tiny squeaks and peeps. They are curious and playful, though stick close to their parent. They'll wander further as they get older, but will stay where they can sense their parent's call.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their pouch does not develop until they go through puberty. It'll start to come in around 12-13 years old, though won't actually open up. A good way to tell how mature a li'uhn is is to look at the pouch. It won't be fully developed until adulthood, at which point it opens up. They are considered fully mature once their pouch is fully developed. Both masculine and feminine li'uhn have pouches and teats inside them. They are capable of having lactation induced by the presence of a baby in their pouch, as the scent and feel of the baby will cause the hormonal response. As such, an orphaned baby can be raised by any li'uhn that finds them.<\/p>\r\n<p>When they reach elder status, they tend to slow down and calm down, and will often settle in one place and travel far less. This means that many oases have a large group of elders there who can pass on advice and stories to youngsters. These settlements are seen as major cultural strongpoints, and Li'uhn travel between them to meet different elders and carry stories to different parts of the desert.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn's fur and wings will dull as they age, and very old Li'uhn will slowly go grey. They grey similarly to dogs, mostly around the face, hands and feet<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<h5><strong>Lifespan<\/strong><\/h5>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are magical creatures and can live up to 300 years if they have a good source of energy<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn mature fully in about 18 years, similar to a human, though they will often stay with and travel with their parents as part of the family group.<\/p>","field6":"<p>See the link below for a detailed look at their subtypes, traits, colors, and other variations.<\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/10.Li'uhn_Traits\">Li'uhn variants, traits and rarities<\/a><\/p>","field7":"<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/5.Li'uhn_Design_Notes\"><strong>Design Notes and Guides<\/strong><\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>More information will be added to the guides above, as well as their trait lists.<\/p>","parsed":{"description":"<p>The Li'uhn are a peaceful, winged semi-humanoid race that lives in deserts, and thrive in hot and barren landscapes. They are omnivorous, but get a good amount of energy from heat and sunlight.<br \/><br \/>You can see images in the gallery, here!<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/4\/gallery\">Li'uhn image gallery<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/5.Li'uhn_Design_Notes\">Li'uhn design notes<\/a> (This also has the Upgrade Token cost based on rarity)<\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/\">Want a Li'uhn? Go here to my site! There's a free MYO event going currently!<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/10.Li'uhn_Traits\">Trait and Design Guide<\/a><\/p>","field1":"<p>Li'uhn are winged desert dwelling semi-humanoids, though their wings have a very unique structure to them. They are highly efficient and incredibly good at surviving in the desert. Li'uhn, on average, are around the height of a human, with five and a half feet tall being the most common height for the common type. Some are taller (The Silverwings, Stoneclaws and Shadowcloaks) while some are smaller (Woolies, Nightkin and Flutterwings)<\/p>\r\n<p>They have a pouch, similar to a marsupial, though they aren't actually marsupials. They are simply similar throughthe convergent evolution of their creators, who created them in their own image, just smaller. The pouch is useful for keeping their young with them, though many li'uhn simply store objects inside their pouch when they don't have a baby. The inside of the pouch is lined with a natural waxy coating on the fur which kills any bacteria and fungi. Li'uhn do not sweat, so the inside remains dry.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are friendly and social, though can be skittish. They don't stay startled for long, and tend to calm down quickly and come to investigate. They have very few natural predators, since most animals in their world are small, the largest being about the size of a coyote. These animals are the only ones that aer a threat to Li'uhn because they pack hunt, but Li'uhn are able to fly out or reach.<\/p>\r\n<p>Most larger animals went extinct a long time ago. They are naturally magical creatures with a special energy core in their chest near their heart. This stores up magical energy, and gains energy from heat and sunlight. This is then channeled through the wings and the tail to allow the Li'uhn to fly despite their relitavely small wings compared to their body size. The way this works is their natural energy stirs up the air beneath their wings, allowing them to glide and soar and control their flight even without the usual flight feathers birds have.<\/p>\r\n<p>Despite being magical by nature, very few Li'uhn actually know how to work with magic. It is volatile and hard to control when it isn't directed by their natural abilities. This magic also serves to change their gender expression, and they are able to harness to change it further. While they are all hermaphroditic, their body changes based on their preferred gender expression. Feminine li'uhn tend to have softer features, wider hips, and softer chests. Their voices soften and take on a higher pitch. They lack breasts, however, because their teats are contained in the pouch. They are under developed and can't be seen or felt through the fur unless they have a baby in their pouch. Masculine Li'uhn tend to get more angular features, and slightly more masculine faces, and narrower hips. Gender and gender expression is just a part of life for them, and it is natural to them to acknowledge the gender expression of the other. Especially since they can adjust how they look naturally. <br \/><br \/>They can actually completely hide the organs of the gender they don't identify as. They are still present, but kept within the body. This can change fluidly, especially if a Li'uhn's gender identity changes throughout their lives.<br \/><br \/>The various Li'uhn types get along quite well with eachother, they don't judge eachother based on their variance or gender expression.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are not at all territorial, and they do not have dominance battles among them. Generally, older Li'uhn with more experience take leadership with the rest following them and trusting them with their safety. Being a leader is a matter of responsibility, not a matter of power. Their mentality is very different from humans in this respect.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/18_51_m98WjQoIIsvI4P8.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1048\" height=\"637\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p><strong><br \/>Diet<\/strong> They feed partially on the energy provided by the sun, but eat insects, small animals, and any edible plant material they can find. Cacti and other desert plants are common for them to eat. Li'uhn are highly efficient and make the most out of any water they drink. They can go a couple weeks without drinking if they have to because their body holds onto every drop and barely loses any. Li'uhn can eat things that are undigestible to other creatures their size, able to even break down the internal structure of plants with the unique mix of enzymes and gut flora in their digestive systems.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>Find lists of their <a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/10.Li'uhn_Traits\">possible traits<\/a> and more information! The link also has a list of the subtypes. The rarities will be listed as well, and it'll be mentioned if the trait can only be gotten on certain types through inheritance.<\/p>","field2":"<p>Created by the <a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/8.Il'hune\">Il&rsquo;hune<\/a>, through a misuse of powerful divine magic. They were created as working class\/slave types, and used for various missions through the long and bloody war that eventually wiped the Il&rsquo;hune out. The Li'uhn thrive in the ruins of the once great civilization of tall and elegant giants. They fly through the desert sands and craggy ruins, and make their homes in the remains of their buildings. Li'uhn haven't been able to advance technologically due to the il'hune having exhausted most of the world's natural resources. They do make and wear clothing commonly, influenced by how the il'hune used to dress.<\/p>\r\n<p>Many are fascinated with the history of their world, and there are many stone tablets and murals left over from the time the il'hune still existed. There's some ancient libraries preserved through the Il'hune's magic as well.<\/p>\r\n<p>Il'hune were very technologically advanced. There are ruins of old war machines found in various places, though they aren't functional anymore. Some Li'uhn will simply make their homes inside these tanks and broken down vehicles.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn weren't left with much after their creators died out, but they thrive just fine all the same.<\/p>\r\n<p>There are Six Il'hune left, under a curse of immortality. They are meant to stop the li'uhn from following their path of destruction and war, as well as protect the remains of the god they killed to use its power to create the li'uhn. They are imprisoned by a powerful barrier in a great central Oasis that holds an ancient temple within, surrounded by the ruins of a once vast and beautiful city seen as sacred ground until the war converged on it as one of the last areas with natural resources.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are drawn to this place as their origin is there. It is seen as a major milestone to take the journey to the Oasis and meet the Il'hune. Of course, different li'uhn have different beliefs and thoughts on things.<br \/><br \/>The Six il'hune with some history about them, their personality, and their relationship with the others<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-029\">Ancestor Kaaru<\/a><br \/>Snarky, doesn't give a single shit anymore. Jaded and tired. Can be rather mischevous and enjoys messing with the other il'hune.<\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-030\">Ancestor Tahti<\/a><br \/>A strange case, the youngest of the il'hune, created in an attempt to bring the species back by one of the Six, who died when he appeared. He's the gentlest and kindest of the Six, though shy and cautious.<\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-031\">Ancestor Rama<\/a><br \/>Comes off as incredibly angry and bitter, but deep down he's just tired and depressed. Frequently fights with Kaaru, but otherwise just does his own thing.<\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-032\">Ancestor Vahanu<\/a><br \/>The leader of the Six, they all answer to her.&nbsp; She's uptight and likes to stick to tradition.<\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-033\">Ancestor Haolani<\/a><br \/>Intelligent and observent. Generally keeps to herself, doesn't have any major beef with any of the others.<\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-034\">Ancestor Dayalu<\/a><br \/>The peacekeeper of the bunch.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>The li'uhn see the Six as gods, referred to as the Six, or the Ancestors; and often travel to the Oasis to see the Il'hune. For some, this is seen as a coming of age, for others it's a journey they make periodically.&nbsp; And still for others, they come out of curiousity. The place is sacred, and the Ancestors are careful and gentle around the li'uhn. Part of their purpose is to guide the creatures their kind created and left a destroyed world to, and stop them from following the same path of greed they did. They generally appear tall and mysterious, though Kaaru will directly interact with visitors and is quite friendly and personable with them, and Tahti loves listening to stories about the outside world.<br \/><br \/>The Oasis is a safe place. Even with the Six Ancestors not getting along too well, they are always careful that nobody gets injured if their frustration with eachother becomes physical.<\/p>","field3":"<div id=\"collapse-behavior\" class=\"collapse show\">\r\n<p>Li'uhn are gentle and social creatures, very peaceful and curious. They are known to be skittish, and will usually initially flee from something new, but always come back to investigate once the initial startle wears off. Li'uhn are very playful with eachother and not at all territorial. They can often be seen gliding and flying together, frolicking in the desert sands of their home, or curled up around eachother to keep warm during the cold desert nights. They get a lot of energy from companionship and being close to eachother. Li'uhn are capable of being alone, though they prefer the company of others. Li'uhn do have small retractable claws on their hands and feet, but these are not used for combat, and aren&rsquo;t overly sharp. They use them to climb and cling, and to avoid slipping when landing. Their small fanged canines are also never used for combat, and are simply there because they are omnivorous.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn rarely fight. If faced with confrontation, they much prefer to run or fly away and retreat.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their wings are used for display and flight. They tend to spread and display their wings to eachother in dances both to impress possible friends, or attract possible mates.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn mate for life. Once they find somebody they love, they will stay together for life. Losing one's mate causes emotional pain that'll last for years, if not the rest of their life.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are very family oriented, and even if families don't live together, they recognize eachother and regularly meet up and socialize. They also form long friendships and are very loyal to those they care about.<br \/><br \/>Li'ihn are intelligent and sapient creatures, capable of learning language very quickly.&nbsp; Li'uhn are known to have a beautiful, musical chiming chirping call which they use to communicate their location over long distances. This can also be used as a distress call if a li'uhn is in danger or injured.&nbsp; It is clear and carries, and often has a little pulse of their energy behind it. They often &lsquo;sing&rsquo; back and forth in joyful chirps and chitters and chimes. They will often chirp and and &lsquo;sing&rsquo; to themselves, even when alone, or greet the rising sun with song. They have a deep fondness for music and melody.<\/p>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<p>Li'uhn tend to get along quite well with eachother. Leadership is determined by age and experience, not strength and dominance. Those who are older, more responsible and more experienced will lead the younger and guide them to various safe areas they know of. Older Li'uhn also know where all the oases are as well as good places to get food, and shelter, and safe places to stay and settle.<\/p>\r\n<p>Oases tend to have large settlements built up in the ruins of the Il'hune cities, where li'uhn will stop, stay for a time, trade wares, socialize, then move on in their travels. Elders are usually settled in these towns, and Li'uhn with young children as well.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are naturally very peaceful with eachother, and by extent would be with other sapient races if they encountered them. They work together to survive in their harsh desert environment.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Clothing<\/strong>: Li'uhn love clothes in various shades of red and gold. They often have lots of flowing fabric covering their bodies, with a cloak to cover their back as they must strap the upper parts above and below their wings. Some choose to have a small opening around their pouch at all times, allowing them to place items in their pouch and carry them around. It&rsquo;s usually held closed with a couple buttons, though it&rsquo;s left open if they have a baby at the age where they can enter and leave the pouch at will. Li'uhn love flowing silky clothing. Most of the silk in their clothes comes from a plant found all around various Oases throughout the world. It is cultivated and tended to by the elders that settle in these places. More information on Elders can be seen in the \"Growing Up\" section, as this goes over how Li'uhn age. Li'uhn also love jewelry and pretty things, and will decorate their bodies with things they find interesting in their travels. They'll eagerly tell stories about where an item came from or how they found it if asked.<\/p>","field4":"<p><strong>Average Height<\/strong>: Around five feet to five and a half feet tall, Li'uhn are small and slender, but agile and elegant.<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Average Weight<\/strong>: 120-150 pounds<\/p>\r\n<p>Their bones are light and semi flexible, and surprisingly tough for their light weight. Li'uhn, though, are a bit more fragile than other creatures their size. They are not fighters.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/4_4_DhCZJV1p6H7VeNq.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1060\" height=\"1272\" \/><br \/><br \/>Wing Structure Detail<br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/36_47_KLVS5q9Kl1kgCYT.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1062\" height=\"849\" \/><br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn wings are very small compared to their body size. The structure can be compared to a mix of bird and bat, though this structure is completely unique to their species. Their feathers are not used for flight so much as display and steering, along with their tail and turning their body as well as using their natural magic. The wings are actually used for heat management, able to spread out. They can use their natural magical energy to cause the air cooled by the shade to flow beneath and carry excess heat away from the wings.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are somewhat cold-blooded. They produce a little body heat, but rely more on the warmth of the sand and desert to keep warm. They can, however, increase this production if needed by shivering their wings and puffing up their fur to hold in the heat they produce during cold nights. This makes them extra resistant to the desert heat, as they don't overheat nearly as easily as fully warm-blooded mammans, but they are also weaker to the cold. Like reptiles, Li'uhn will slow down significantly when cold, and if cold enough they'll even enter a state of hibernation.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn have frills instead of ears. They attach at the top of the head and often wrap around the jaw and connect to cheek fluff.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn don't pee. They don't even have bladders. Their body extracts almost all water from their stool before it's passed, making it dry which actually reduces any smell. They don't sweat. Because of this, they are pretty much odorless even when out in the desert heat all day.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are very resistant to plant and animal toxins, poisons and venoms. They can take a bite from even the deadliest venomous snake and be completely fine. They can eat poisonous plants without a problem, and often get their water by eating cacti, including ones that are very poisonous to ward off herbivores. They are even resistant to toxins found in rotting meat, though they'll only eat that in desparation if there's nothing else and they are starving.<\/p>\r\n<p>The thick pads on their hands and feet are incredibly tough and heat resistant, though Li'uhn usually wear shoes for an extra layer of protection. A Li'uhn can grab a cactus and break it down open to get at the inside with their bare hands. The cactus prickes can't penetrate the pads on their hands. This is why the hand and feet have a single thick pad all along the bottom, as this protects the entire hand and doesn't allow spines to slip between pads. Their skin is thick and tough. The pad on the feet also forms a sort of webbing, allowing the feet to spread and support more of the Li'uhn's weight on loose sand.<\/p>\r\n<p>They have an incredibly advanced immune system. Very little can make a li'uhn sick. They tend to get over it quickly when sick as well.<\/p>\r\n<p>Because of how efficient their body is with water, li'uhn can potentially go weeks without drinking.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn have the ability to store water. They have a special organ that forms a pouch inside their abdomen that stores water inside their body, including any they get from whatever they eat. This is connected to their esophagus, but stays closed unless they regurgitate the water to share with others. This is generally done to share water among groups, and is seen as completely normal. While it's regurgitated, this has no connection to their stomach whatsoever and is just water.&nbsp; There's no heaving or anything involved, simply opening the mouth, contraction of inner muscles around this internal water pouch, and the water flowing from the mouth into whatever they have to put it in. It looks odd and gross to an outside perspective, but it's completely safe. The water tastes and smells exactly like any other water, though is generally warm from their body heat. This allows them to share resources with other li'uhn safely. It has the potential to save a life if the one the water is shared with has completely depleted their water and become dehydrated. The organ produces a natural substance that prevents fungi from growing and kills bacteria, keeping the stored water safe. This same substance is secreted in their saliva, keeping their mouths incredibly clean. This means their breath stays fresh and clean, and their teeth generally stay quite healthy. They can also lick wounds to prevent infection. Seaborn have a second organ that extracts salt from seawater. The concentrated salt solution left is regurgitated after drinking, with fresh water staying inside their internal water pouch until needed. They will often share this water with other li'uhn that come near the ocean and have no access to other fresh water. <br \/><br \/>Their face is muzzled, though this muzzle and snout is small. It makes them appear almost humanoid from the front. This also shows how their frill functions. Li'uhn have a second, transparent eyelid that is generally kept closed and does not hamper their vision. This protects their eyes from sand and prevents it from drying out.<br \/><br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/19_21_cKjThqB9yPL9nNA.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"575\" height=\"673\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn ears are actually located on the side of their head and are simply openings, like reptilian earsand covered by their fur. They are connected to their frill, which resembles ears and is used for emoting and sensing the world around them. The frills are packed with energy sensing organs, are how they sense each other&rsquo;s presence, as well as absorb any magical energy they are around to help feed them. They also seem to take in a majority of the sunlight, and as such are almost always uncovered. They are able to use their frill to find fellow Li'uhn. They are very important for expressing emotion and mood as well. They are very mobile, able to lower, perk up, go out to the sides, pin back and down, and can move independantly of eachother. The frill has no opening and is not cup shaped like actual ears, and is sometimes referred to as false ears; The frills are often covered in longer fur than the body itself. Their paws are small and dainty, with three toes. Their claws only come out when climbing or gripping, but are otherwise kept retracted. They have a single thick pad on the bottom and webbing that allows their weight to spread out a bit more evenly. Li'uhn are very weak to the cold, and while they can curl up under their wings and tails, it drains their energy and eventually saps their strength until they freeze to death. They avoid the cold when they can. They can get through desert winters by sunning themselves during the day and curling up somewhere warm at night, but if it gets too cold they will move on to warmer climates. They are nomadic by nature, and usually wander from place to place as they see fit. They are most commonly seen in pairs or small groups, but they can just as well travel alone.<br \/><br \/>Frill and Mouth Detail<br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/37_48_y2cYVJekqhujDHG.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1074\" height=\"931\" \/><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"collapse-behavior\" class=\"collapse show\">\r\n<h5><br \/>Abilities and Adaptations<\/h5>\r\n<p>Li'uhn use magic to boost their flight, able to use their natural energy to swirl the air beneath their wings to provide lift. They gain this energy from sunlight and heat. This is limited, however, so after flying, they often land, regain their energy, then take off again. They are also known to boost themselves up high, then glide, then boost themselves back up again.<\/p>\r\n<p>The only li'uhn type to be able to fly entirely by their own power is the Flutterwing, who have huge wongs compared to their tiny body size.<\/p>\r\n<p>Silverwings and Shadowcloaks are capable of flight with a lot less boosting needed, while Stoneclaws can not fly at all.<\/p>\r\n<p>Stoneclaws are very strong, and able to defend themselves and climb incredibly well. They can use their magic to boost their speed, allowing them to gallop incredibly fast on all fours and boost their leaps so they can leap higher and further than they would otherwise.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn have a call that lets out a pulse of energy. This can be picked up by surrounding Li'uhn by sensing the energy with special organs in their frill. Larger frills are actually more functional in picking up and gathering energy.<\/p>\r\n<p>While Li'uhn have natural magical energy within them, it's not something they can easily direct and channel. It is volatile and unpredictable, thus Li'uhn magic workers are pretty rare. Those who do work with magic usually use outside magic sources, as using their own inner source runs the risk of exhausting them and causing harm. Some can use these external sources to further boost their flight.<\/p>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>","field5":"<p>Li'uhn are all naturally intersex, though their appearance will follow what gender they identify as, as it effects their hormones. There isn&rsquo;t much dimorphism, but the face and body structure does vary slightly. They never grow breasts, as their teats are located inside their pouch. Li'uhn go into season during the spring, and are pregnant through summer and early autumn. They give birth to a tiny baby, entirely hairless with no down or feathers, which is then placed in the pouch. It will remain inside the pouch, nursing and growing. As it gets bigger, it begins to leave the pouch, though is able to nurse even when not spending all of its time in the pouch. The baby spends the winter in the pouch, starts to peek its head out in the spring, and is able to come out during summer. They are too big to go into the pouch by the time they are two years old. Li'uhn have one baby at a time, and they won&rsquo;t breed again until the baby is fully out of the pouch for at least a year. Only one baby can fit in the pouch. In the extremely rare occasion that twins are born, the other parent will foster the second twin in their pouch. The presence of the baby will induce lactation, allowing the parent to keep the baby healthy.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn often mate for life. They will impress potential partners with song. Li'uhn sing beautifully, and happily seranade eachother during their season, The beauty of their wings is another thing that attract potential Li'uhn, as well as their prowess in the air. Their aerial displays and beautiful song is a sight to behold.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn do not have menstraul cycles like humans. They go into season during early spring, and are fertile for three weeks to a month. They ovulate during this time. The egg cell is simply re-absorbed if the li'uhn does not become pregnant.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are pregnant for about 6 months. Their genitalea are partially external, with mammalian testes and a sheath, though their actual phallus remain tucked away inside unless in direct use. (There will be a link to a NSFW ref and info here once I have a way to age restrict some content, which is in progress, so this is all you get for now xD)<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn often settle near an oasis until their babies are older, rarely travelling too far since babies can't store as much water as adults and producing milk takes up more water than they usually use, meaning they deplete their natural supplies more quickly.<\/p>\r\n<p>Babies are just as efficient as adults with processing water. Li'uhn milk is extremely rich and nutrient dense. It has a balance of fats and protiens, as well as vitamins and minerals and water, everything a baby needs to grow and thrive until they are weaned.<br \/><br \/>Li'uhn babies are born small and hairless\/featherless. They are tucked into the pouch and grow there until they are able to peek out. They can go into the pouch up to two years old, and are weaned by their third year.<br \/><br \/>They grow at roughly the same rate as humans.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn babies make tiny squeaks and peeps. They are curious and playful, though stick close to their parent. They'll wander further as they get older, but will stay where they can sense their parent's call.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their pouch does not develop until they go through puberty. It'll start to come in around 12-13 years old, though won't actually open up. A good way to tell how mature a li'uhn is is to look at the pouch. It won't be fully developed until adulthood, at which point it opens up. They are considered fully mature once their pouch is fully developed. Both masculine and feminine li'uhn have pouches and teats inside them. They are capable of having lactation induced by the presence of a baby in their pouch, as the scent and feel of the baby will cause the hormonal response. As such, an orphaned baby can be raised by any li'uhn that finds them.<\/p>\r\n<p>When they reach elder status, they tend to slow down and calm down, and will often settle in one place and travel far less. This means that many oases have a large group of elders there who can pass on advice and stories to youngsters. These settlements are seen as major cultural strongpoints, and Li'uhn travel between them to meet different elders and carry stories to different parts of the desert.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn's fur and wings will dull as they age, and very old Li'uhn will slowly go grey. They grey similarly to dogs, mostly around the face, hands and feet<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<h5><strong>Lifespan<\/strong><\/h5>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are magical creatures and can live up to 300 years if they have a good source of energy<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn mature fully in about 18 years, similar to a human, though they will often stay with and travel with their parents as part of the family group.<\/p>","field6":"<p>See the link below for a detailed look at their subtypes, traits, colors, and other variations.<\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/10.Li'uhn_Traits\">Li'uhn variants, traits and rarities<\/a><\/p>","field7":"<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/5.Li'uhn_Design_Notes\"><strong>Design Notes and Guides<\/strong><\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>More information will be added to the guides above, as well as their trait lists.<\/p>"}},"title":"Li'uhn","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":["wip","stub"],"page_tag":null}
#107 29 June 2023, 13:39:54 UTC
Page Updated
Length: 26599 (+17080) -
{"data":{"description":"<p>An extinct species of tall, elegant winged giants, the creator of the li'uhn species.<br \/><br \/>There are six of them left sealed in an oasis under a curse of immortality. There will only ever be six of them, and they are unable to leave the oasis temple they have been tasked to protect after their war destroyed their world and civilization and they are completely incapable of reproducing as part of the curse. Each of the Six Ancestors had a major part in the war that destroyed their world and caused their species to go extinct. Their imprisonment is a punishment, to make them attone for their wrongdoings, and protect the remains of the being they killed to use for their own purposes. They take this very seriously, and do their best to guide the li'uhn down a better path.&nbsp; Each of the Six has deep regrets over what they did in the past. Especially with none of their own kind left anywhere else in the world.<br \/><br \/><br \/>One of them tried to break the spell, in a way, and create a new il'hune, but she died in the process. The resulting il'hune that replaced her, Tahti, was outcasted. Kaaru took him under his wing and is kind to the kid.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>The li'uhn are held back from the level of advancement the il'hune had due to the il'hune having used up the world's resources for their own purposes, though the li'uhn don't seem to mind too much. They're nomadic creatures, constantly on the move.<br \/><br \/>The Six are <a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-029\/profile\">Kaaru<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-030\/profile\">Tahti<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-031\/profile\">Rama<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-032\/profile\">Vahanu<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-033\/profile\">Haolani<\/a> and <a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-034\/profile\">Dayalu<\/a>. <br \/><br \/>Click on their names to take you to their profiles on Realms-Between. This will give you more information about each of the Six, their dynamics with eachother, and their part in the war that destroyed their planet.<\/p>","field1":"<p>Il'hune were tall and powerful beings, natural workers of magic. They were incredibly advanced, and had exhausted their world's resources and gone to war over the last of what the world had to offer. During the height of this, they created life, creatures to do their work for them, the Li'uhn.<\/p>\r\n<p>They were true giants, standing around 15 feet tall. They were omnivores, though require more meat than vegitation.&nbsp; They had sharp teeth and sharp retractible claws. They look very similar to Li'uhn, just bigger. They created the smaller beings in their own image.<\/p>\r\n<p>They were generally proud and fierce, territorial and warlike when resources ran thin. They tried to play god, using a god they killed to create life in their own image, and possible livestock and plants for them to use. The last hundred years their species existed was marked with suffering and pain, with no way to raise food, their technology failing around them, and them dying out until there were none left. Only six remain, under a curse of immortality and sealed away in the central Oasis that was once seen as a holy spot to them.<\/p>\r\n<p>Even with their advancement, il'hune were very ceremonial and traditional and generally held close to their kind's religous beliefs. They preferred clothing in cream, white and gold, and those with deep golden fur were seen as more attractive. Their blue eyes were striking against ther golden faces. They often wore ceremonial robes when on holy ground, or in the Oasis that was seen as a center of peace before it became the very last place with natural resources and the center of the final, bitter and terrible fighting that resulted in the extinction of the race.<\/p>\r\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/23_55_kfvguea0E21R34A.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1034\" height=\"585\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/24_56_BycDDtIZQPN8N6f.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1034\" height=\"585\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/22_54_PEqBubXQGVvQhdf.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1033\" height=\"584\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>","field2":"<p>Il'hune ruled their world for thousands and thousands of world. They could be seen in every corner, even in great cities under the ocean with water held back by great glass domes and magic. Their cities were huge and expansive with beautiful architecture. Built tough, many of their cities are still standing even thousands of years later, even if reclaimed by nature and ruined in places. Some of their remains can be found, mummified and dried out, deep under the sand where they fell and were buried, though those that were not buried have long since faded to dust in the years. All that remains is stone tablets, their buildings, murals, and various other signs that can be seen throughout the world as well as old and broken down war machines and the remains of factories and other various buildings.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their history was rich and expansive, many important figures, battles, advancements... Nations and diplomacy, millions, perhaps even billions, of them living and thriving in their world. But none of that remains. The last great event of note is the war that brought about their end thousands of years ago, the one that resulted in the end of their time on their world and for the li'uhn to inherit the war-torn world and take over.<\/p>\r\n<p>They saw themselves as above all other life... including the sapient beings they made in their own image. Li'uhn were lower class, working class. Aside from a few il'hune here and there, they were seen as animals, even if they were capable of speech. They were too small to fight back, as the il'hune had done this on purpose. They were too busy fighting among themselves to want to have to fight another race of their own creation. Li'uhn took the place of workers, spies, fighters, miners, field workers, pets. Several varients were made, with some variants made later on to serve certain purposes.<\/p>\r\n<p>Each of the Six sealed in the Oasis, the very last of their kind that will ever exist, was integral to the war and the destriction of their world. Being sealed is a punishment, put in place by the gods they once worshipped. The barrier is powered by these gods, who lie dormant deep beneath the Oasis, beyond the barrier where the Six can not get to them.<\/p>\r\n<p>The Six take their punishment very seriously, even if they are tired of living on and on for thousands of years. They now see the li'uhn as living beings every bit as much as them. With many generations passing since the original li'uhn, even stories of the il'hune's warring have faded to mythology and folklore.<\/p>","field3":"<p>Il'hune were incredibly territorial and fierce. Warlike and proud, but very traditional and religous. They took great pride in ceremony and beauty, loving white and gold more than any other color combination.<\/p>\r\n<p>They were loyal to their family, gods, and nations. They fought fiercely to protect what they saw as theirs. Il'hune do best when in small groups, about the size of a lion pride, with one dominant Il'hune, often masculine, and around 8 to 10 other Il'hune and their young.&nbsp; Young Il'hune would generally leave the family group they were born to once they came of age, and either start their own family group, take over another, or join them if they weren't particularly dominant. Il'hune were, in general, fairly restless, wandering throughout the day and returning to their home at night. This nature made the large cities they inhabited stressful, which often caused tension and fighting and the nations working on expanding their borders to make room for their citizens and make room for more resources.<\/p>\r\n<p>As their resources ran out and the il'hune struggled to survive, the stronger Il'hune would live on while the weaker ones died. They became jaded to the deaths eventually, simply trying to survive.<\/p>\r\n<p>Il'hune were social, but they did the best in smaller groups.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their voices were low and powerful and resonant, comparable in a sense to a large bell, the energy pulse they produced strong, able to be picked up from far away. Like the li'uhn they created, Il'hune were very fond of song and dance and music. Song and dance was a huge part of their culture, often accompanied by aerial displays with their wings and natural magic helping them rise up further into the air.<\/p>\r\n<p>Each Il'hune's ceremonial robes were the same, but their mask was made for them directly upon coming of age, unique to their face shape and personality.<\/p>\r\n<p>Family members were not territorial towards eachother, so many families would often have their own territories in the wider territories owned by the family group in general. This, in fact, was what caused Il'hune to gather into nations in the first place, family groups growing, turning into villages, then into towns, then cities... then entire nations.<\/p>","field4":"<p>Il'hune were carnivore-leaning omnivores. Like humans, the sorts of plants they could eat and what they could get out of these plants was limited. They needed more animal protien and supplemented with plants for vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Their sharp teeth could grip and bite and slice through meat with ease, their claws long and curved and capable of gripping and clinging.<\/p>\r\n<p>They stood an average of 15 feet tall, though were surprisingly light and slender for their great size. They couldn't fly under the might of their own wings, so used the natural energy their kind had in their core to power their wings. This would stir up the air beneath them and allow them to fly.<\/p>\r\n<p>Il'hune traits and features were similar to the traits and features found on various li'uhn, though their coloration and bodytypes were a lot less varied.<\/p>\r\n<p>There are only six that remain, but they have a variety of the traits Il'hune were able to have. They are the last and only examples of their species.<\/p>\r\n<p>Il'hune were generally quite slender, due to their wings and being generally active, flying about from place to place. Being slender and light made it easier for them to take off using their natural magic, stay airborn for longer, and get further faster. Overweight il'hune were quite rare, especially towards the end of their race when they were wasting away from famine and starvation.<br \/><br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/40_58_e6ZmTvyCahu33P5.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1049\" height=\"439\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/39_57_zldEOHqr0kqDTlj.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1047\" height=\"438\" \/><\/p>","field5":"<p>Il'hune lived, naturally, around 300 years. The same amount of time the Li'uhn live on average nowadays.<\/p>\r\n<p>Il'hune are pouched mammalians like the li'uhn they created. They are not marsupials, but rather evolved the pouch convergently. Their ancestors were nomadic, flying from oasis to oasis, much like Li'uhn do today, and they would carry their young in their pouches with them.<\/p>\r\n<p>Il'hune went into season mid to late Spring, and would remain pregant for roughly two years. The newborn would be tiny, hairless and featherless with closed eyes. It would be placed in the pouch where it'd spend the first 8 months nursing and growing, at which point it'd start to poke its head out of the pouch, and even begin to come out and try to learn how to fly. At this age, they'd be covered in thick, fluffy down, with their feathers just starting to come in. They'd outgrow the pouch and be weaned by their third year.<\/p>\r\n<p>Il'hune reached maturity at roughly the same rate as humans, with their pouches not developing until puberty was complete.<\/p>\r\n<p>Elder Il'hune were seen as culturally significant. They were storytellers, keepers of tradition, guides to the younger generations. The golden markings would fade out as they aged, and they'd grey and whiten around the snout, chest, and limbs, eventually dulling and losing most of their colors as they reached the end of their life.<\/p>\r\n<p>Young Il'hune stuck close to their parents, though as they reached teenagehood, they became restless and would wander out further, until adulthood had them often wandering off to start their own lives.<\/p>","field6":"<p>Il'hune were mostly golden colored, ranging into brown with darker limbs and faces. They had different Frill types, different feather types, different mane types, and similar. <br \/><br \/>Not many records remain, however, of the various mutations and variations they had.<\/p>","field7":"<p>The Il'hune died out thousands of years ago, very little records of them remain.<br \/><br \/>There are scrolls, murals, and libraries preserved by ancient magic that can still be found to this day, though this is only snippets of what they once were, enough to make the Li'uhn that stumble across them curious.<\/p>","parsed":{"description":"<p>An extinct species of tall, elegant winged giants, the creator of the li'uhn species.<br \/><br \/>There are six of them left sealed in an oasis under a curse of immortality. There will only ever be six of them, and they are unable to leave the oasis temple they have been tasked to protect after their war destroyed their world and civilization and they are completely incapable of reproducing as part of the curse. Each of the Six Ancestors had a major part in the war that destroyed their world and caused their species to go extinct. Their imprisonment is a punishment, to make them attone for their wrongdoings, and protect the remains of the being they killed to use for their own purposes. They take this very seriously, and do their best to guide the li'uhn down a better path.&nbsp; Each of the Six has deep regrets over what they did in the past. Especially with none of their own kind left anywhere else in the world.<br \/><br \/><br \/>One of them tried to break the spell, in a way, and create a new il'hune, but she died in the process. The resulting il'hune that replaced her, Tahti, was outcasted. Kaaru took him under his wing and is kind to the kid.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>The li'uhn are held back from the level of advancement the il'hune had due to the il'hune having used up the world's resources for their own purposes, though the li'uhn don't seem to mind too much. They're nomadic creatures, constantly on the move.<br \/><br \/>The Six are <a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-029\/profile\">Kaaru<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-030\/profile\">Tahti<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-031\/profile\">Rama<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-032\/profile\">Vahanu<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-033\/profile\">Haolani<\/a> and <a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-034\/profile\">Dayalu<\/a>. <br \/><br \/>Click on their names to take you to their profiles on Realms-Between. This will give you more information about each of the Six, their dynamics with eachother, and their part in the war that destroyed their planet.<\/p>","field1":"<p>Il'hune were tall and powerful beings, natural workers of magic. They were incredibly advanced, and had exhausted their world's resources and gone to war over the last of what the world had to offer. During the height of this, they created life, creatures to do their work for them, the Li'uhn.<\/p>\r\n<p>They were true giants, standing around 15 feet tall. They were omnivores, though require more meat than vegitation.&nbsp; They had sharp teeth and sharp retractible claws. They look very similar to Li'uhn, just bigger. They created the smaller beings in their own image.<\/p>\r\n<p>They were generally proud and fierce, territorial and warlike when resources ran thin. They tried to play god, using a god they killed to create life in their own image, and possible livestock and plants for them to use. The last hundred years their species existed was marked with suffering and pain, with no way to raise food, their technology failing around them, and them dying out until there were none left. Only six remain, under a curse of immortality and sealed away in the central Oasis that was once seen as a holy spot to them.<\/p>\r\n<p>Even with their advancement, il'hune were very ceremonial and traditional and generally held close to their kind's religous beliefs. They preferred clothing in cream, white and gold, and those with deep golden fur were seen as more attractive. Their blue eyes were striking against ther golden faces. They often wore ceremonial robes when on holy ground, or in the Oasis that was seen as a center of peace before it became the very last place with natural resources and the center of the final, bitter and terrible fighting that resulted in the extinction of the race.<\/p>\r\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/23_55_kfvguea0E21R34A.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1034\" height=\"585\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/24_56_BycDDtIZQPN8N6f.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1034\" height=\"585\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/22_54_PEqBubXQGVvQhdf.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1033\" height=\"584\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>","field2":"<p>Il'hune ruled their world for thousands and thousands of world. They could be seen in every corner, even in great cities under the ocean with water held back by great glass domes and magic. Their cities were huge and expansive with beautiful architecture. Built tough, many of their cities are still standing even thousands of years later, even if reclaimed by nature and ruined in places. Some of their remains can be found, mummified and dried out, deep under the sand where they fell and were buried, though those that were not buried have long since faded to dust in the years. All that remains is stone tablets, their buildings, murals, and various other signs that can be seen throughout the world as well as old and broken down war machines and the remains of factories and other various buildings.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their history was rich and expansive, many important figures, battles, advancements... Nations and diplomacy, millions, perhaps even billions, of them living and thriving in their world. But none of that remains. The last great event of note is the war that brought about their end thousands of years ago, the one that resulted in the end of their time on their world and for the li'uhn to inherit the war-torn world and take over.<\/p>\r\n<p>They saw themselves as above all other life... including the sapient beings they made in their own image. Li'uhn were lower class, working class. Aside from a few il'hune here and there, they were seen as animals, even if they were capable of speech. They were too small to fight back, as the il'hune had done this on purpose. They were too busy fighting among themselves to want to have to fight another race of their own creation. Li'uhn took the place of workers, spies, fighters, miners, field workers, pets. Several varients were made, with some variants made later on to serve certain purposes.<\/p>\r\n<p>Each of the Six sealed in the Oasis, the very last of their kind that will ever exist, was integral to the war and the destriction of their world. Being sealed is a punishment, put in place by the gods they once worshipped. The barrier is powered by these gods, who lie dormant deep beneath the Oasis, beyond the barrier where the Six can not get to them.<\/p>\r\n<p>The Six take their punishment very seriously, even if they are tired of living on and on for thousands of years. They now see the li'uhn as living beings every bit as much as them. With many generations passing since the original li'uhn, even stories of the il'hune's warring have faded to mythology and folklore.<\/p>","field3":"<p>Il'hune were incredibly territorial and fierce. Warlike and proud, but very traditional and religous. They took great pride in ceremony and beauty, loving white and gold more than any other color combination.<\/p>\r\n<p>They were loyal to their family, gods, and nations. They fought fiercely to protect what they saw as theirs. Il'hune do best when in small groups, about the size of a lion pride, with one dominant Il'hune, often masculine, and around 8 to 10 other Il'hune and their young.&nbsp; Young Il'hune would generally leave the family group they were born to once they came of age, and either start their own family group, take over another, or join them if they weren't particularly dominant. Il'hune were, in general, fairly restless, wandering throughout the day and returning to their home at night. This nature made the large cities they inhabited stressful, which often caused tension and fighting and the nations working on expanding their borders to make room for their citizens and make room for more resources.<\/p>\r\n<p>As their resources ran out and the il'hune struggled to survive, the stronger Il'hune would live on while the weaker ones died. They became jaded to the deaths eventually, simply trying to survive.<\/p>\r\n<p>Il'hune were social, but they did the best in smaller groups.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their voices were low and powerful and resonant, comparable in a sense to a large bell, the energy pulse they produced strong, able to be picked up from far away. Like the li'uhn they created, Il'hune were very fond of song and dance and music. Song and dance was a huge part of their culture, often accompanied by aerial displays with their wings and natural magic helping them rise up further into the air.<\/p>\r\n<p>Each Il'hune's ceremonial robes were the same, but their mask was made for them directly upon coming of age, unique to their face shape and personality.<\/p>\r\n<p>Family members were not territorial towards eachother, so many families would often have their own territories in the wider territories owned by the family group in general. This, in fact, was what caused Il'hune to gather into nations in the first place, family groups growing, turning into villages, then into towns, then cities... then entire nations.<\/p>","field4":"<p>Il'hune were carnivore-leaning omnivores. Like humans, the sorts of plants they could eat and what they could get out of these plants was limited. They needed more animal protien and supplemented with plants for vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Their sharp teeth could grip and bite and slice through meat with ease, their claws long and curved and capable of gripping and clinging.<\/p>\r\n<p>They stood an average of 15 feet tall, though were surprisingly light and slender for their great size. They couldn't fly under the might of their own wings, so used the natural energy their kind had in their core to power their wings. This would stir up the air beneath them and allow them to fly.<\/p>\r\n<p>Il'hune traits and features were similar to the traits and features found on various li'uhn, though their coloration and bodytypes were a lot less varied.<\/p>\r\n<p>There are only six that remain, but they have a variety of the traits Il'hune were able to have. They are the last and only examples of their species.<\/p>\r\n<p>Il'hune were generally quite slender, due to their wings and being generally active, flying about from place to place. Being slender and light made it easier for them to take off using their natural magic, stay airborn for longer, and get further faster. Overweight il'hune were quite rare, especially towards the end of their race when they were wasting away from famine and starvation.<br \/><br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/40_58_e6ZmTvyCahu33P5.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1049\" height=\"439\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/39_57_zldEOHqr0kqDTlj.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1047\" height=\"438\" \/><\/p>","field5":"<p>Il'hune lived, naturally, around 300 years. The same amount of time the Li'uhn live on average nowadays.<\/p>\r\n<p>Il'hune are pouched mammalians like the li'uhn they created. They are not marsupials, but rather evolved the pouch convergently. Their ancestors were nomadic, flying from oasis to oasis, much like Li'uhn do today, and they would carry their young in their pouches with them.<\/p>\r\n<p>Il'hune went into season mid to late Spring, and would remain pregant for roughly two years. The newborn would be tiny, hairless and featherless with closed eyes. It would be placed in the pouch where it'd spend the first 8 months nursing and growing, at which point it'd start to poke its head out of the pouch, and even begin to come out and try to learn how to fly. At this age, they'd be covered in thick, fluffy down, with their feathers just starting to come in. They'd outgrow the pouch and be weaned by their third year.<\/p>\r\n<p>Il'hune reached maturity at roughly the same rate as humans, with their pouches not developing until puberty was complete.<\/p>\r\n<p>Elder Il'hune were seen as culturally significant. They were storytellers, keepers of tradition, guides to the younger generations. The golden markings would fade out as they aged, and they'd grey and whiten around the snout, chest, and limbs, eventually dulling and losing most of their colors as they reached the end of their life.<\/p>\r\n<p>Young Il'hune stuck close to their parents, though as they reached teenagehood, they became restless and would wander out further, until adulthood had them often wandering off to start their own lives.<\/p>","field6":"<p>Il'hune were mostly golden colored, ranging into brown with darker limbs and faces. They had different Frill types, different feather types, different mane types, and similar. <br \/><br \/>Not many records remain, however, of the various mutations and variations they had.<\/p>","field7":"<p>The Il'hune died out thousands of years ago, very little records of them remain.<br \/><br \/>There are scrolls, murals, and libraries preserved by ancient magic that can still be found to this day, though this is only snippets of what they once were, enough to make the Li'uhn that stumble across them curious.<\/p>"}},"title":"Il'hune","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":["wip"],"page_tag":null}
#106 29 June 2023, 12:53:37 UTC
Page Updated
Length: 9519 (-356) -
{"data":{"description":"<p>An extinct species of tall, elegant winged giants, the creator of the li'uhn species.<br \/><br \/>There are six of them left sealed in an oasis under a curse of immortality. There will only ever be six of them, and they are unable to leave the oasis temple they have been tasked to protect after their war destroyed their world and civilization and they are completely incapable of reproducing as part of the curse. Each of the Six Ancestors had a major part in the war that destroyed their world and caused their species to go extinct. Their imprisonment is a punishment, to make them attone for their wrongdoings, and protect the remains of the being they killed to use for their own purposes. They take this very seriously, and do their best to guide the li'uhn down a better path.&nbsp; Each of the Six has deep regrets over what they did in the past. Especially with none of their own kind left anywhere else in the world.<br \/><br \/><br \/>One of them tried to break the spell, in a way, and create a new il'hune, but she died in the process. The resulting il'hune that replaced her, Tahti, was outcasted. Kaaru took him under his wing and is kind to the kid.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>The li'uhn are held back from the level of advancement the il'hune had due to the il'hune having used up the world's resources for their own purposes, though the li'uhn don't seem to mind too much. They're nomadic creatures, constantly on the move.<br \/><br \/>The Six are <a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-029\/profile\">Kaaru<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-030\/profile\">Tahti<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-031\/profile\">Rama<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-032\/profile\">Vahanu<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-033\/profile\">Haolani<\/a> and <a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-034\/profile\">Dayalu<\/a>. <br \/><br \/>Click on their names to take you to their profiles on Realms-Between. This will give you more information about each of the Six, their dynamics with eachother, and their part in the war that destroyed their planet.<\/p>","field1":"<p>Il'hune were tall and powerful beings, natural workers of magic. They were incredibly advanced, and had exhausted their world's resources and gone to war over the last of what the world had to offer. During the height of this, they created life, creatures to do their work for them, the Li'uhn.<\/p>\r\n<p>They were true giants, standing around 15 feet tall. They were omnivores, though require more meat than vegitation.&nbsp; They had sharp teeth and sharp retractible claws. They look very similar to Li'uhn, just bigger. They created the smaller beings in their own image.<\/p>\r\n<p>They were generally proud and fierce, territorial and warlike when resources ran thin. They tried to play god, using a god they killed to create life in their own image, and possible livestock and plants for them to use. The last hundred years their species existed was marked with suffering and pain, with no way to raise food, their technology failing around them, and them dying out until there were none left. Only six remain, under a curse of immortality and sealed away in the central Oasis that was once seen as a holy spot to them.<\/p>\r\n<p>Even with their advancement, il'hune were very ceremonial and traditional and generally held close to their kind's religous beliefs. They preferred clothing in cream, white and gold, and those with deep golden fur were seen as more attractive. Their blue eyes were striking against ther golden faces. They often wore ceremonial robes when on holy ground, or in the Oasis that was seen as a center of peace before it became the very last place with natural resources and the center of the final, bitter and terrible fighting that resulted in the extinction of the race.<\/p>\r\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/23_55_kfvguea0E21R34A.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1034\" height=\"585\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/24_56_BycDDtIZQPN8N6f.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1034\" height=\"585\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/22_54_PEqBubXQGVvQhdf.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1033\" height=\"584\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>","field2":"<p>Il'hune ruled their world for thousands and thousands of world. They could be seen in every corner, even in great cities under the ocean with water held back by great glass domes and magic. Their cities were huge and expansive<\/p>","field3":null,"field4":null,"field5":null,"field6":null,"field7":null,"parsed":{"description":"<p>An extinct species of tall, elegant winged giants, the creator of the li'uhn species.<br \/><br \/>There are six of them left sealed in an oasis under a curse of immortality. There will only ever be six of them, and they are unable to leave the oasis temple they have been tasked to protect after their war destroyed their world and civilization and they are completely incapable of reproducing as part of the curse. Each of the Six Ancestors had a major part in the war that destroyed their world and caused their species to go extinct. Their imprisonment is a punishment, to make them attone for their wrongdoings, and protect the remains of the being they killed to use for their own purposes. They take this very seriously, and do their best to guide the li'uhn down a better path.&nbsp; Each of the Six has deep regrets over what they did in the past. Especially with none of their own kind left anywhere else in the world.<br \/><br \/><br \/>One of them tried to break the spell, in a way, and create a new il'hune, but she died in the process. The resulting il'hune that replaced her, Tahti, was outcasted. Kaaru took him under his wing and is kind to the kid.<\/p>\r\n<p><br \/>The li'uhn are held back from the level of advancement the il'hune had due to the il'hune having used up the world's resources for their own purposes, though the li'uhn don't seem to mind too much. They're nomadic creatures, constantly on the move.<br \/><br \/>The Six are <a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-029\/profile\">Kaaru<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-030\/profile\">Tahti<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-031\/profile\">Rama<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-032\/profile\">Vahanu<\/a>, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-033\/profile\">Haolani<\/a> and <a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-034\/profile\">Dayalu<\/a>. <br \/><br \/>Click on their names to take you to their profiles on Realms-Between. This will give you more information about each of the Six, their dynamics with eachother, and their part in the war that destroyed their planet.<\/p>","field1":"<p>Il'hune were tall and powerful beings, natural workers of magic. They were incredibly advanced, and had exhausted their world's resources and gone to war over the last of what the world had to offer. During the height of this, they created life, creatures to do their work for them, the Li'uhn.<\/p>\r\n<p>They were true giants, standing around 15 feet tall. They were omnivores, though require more meat than vegitation.&nbsp; They had sharp teeth and sharp retractible claws. They look very similar to Li'uhn, just bigger. They created the smaller beings in their own image.<\/p>\r\n<p>They were generally proud and fierce, territorial and warlike when resources ran thin. They tried to play god, using a god they killed to create life in their own image, and possible livestock and plants for them to use. The last hundred years their species existed was marked with suffering and pain, with no way to raise food, their technology failing around them, and them dying out until there were none left. Only six remain, under a curse of immortality and sealed away in the central Oasis that was once seen as a holy spot to them.<\/p>\r\n<p>Even with their advancement, il'hune were very ceremonial and traditional and generally held close to their kind's religous beliefs. They preferred clothing in cream, white and gold, and those with deep golden fur were seen as more attractive. Their blue eyes were striking against ther golden faces. They often wore ceremonial robes when on holy ground, or in the Oasis that was seen as a center of peace before it became the very last place with natural resources and the center of the final, bitter and terrible fighting that resulted in the extinction of the race.<\/p>\r\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/23_55_kfvguea0E21R34A.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1034\" height=\"585\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/24_56_BycDDtIZQPN8N6f.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1034\" height=\"585\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/22_54_PEqBubXQGVvQhdf.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1033\" height=\"584\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>","field2":"<p>Il'hune ruled their world for thousands and thousands of world. They could be seen in every corner, even in great cities under the ocean with water held back by great glass domes and magic. Their cities were huge and expansive<\/p>","field3":null,"field4":null,"field5":null,"field6":null,"field7":null}},"title":"Il'hune","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":["wip"],"page_tag":null}
#105 28 June 2023, 18:39:22 UTC
Page Updated
Length: 58665 (+4754) -
{"data":{"description":"<p>The Li'uhn are a peaceful, winged semi-humanoid race that lives in deserts, and thrive in hot and barren landscapes. They are omnivorous, but get a good amount of energy from heat and sunlight.<br \/><br \/>You can see images in the gallery, here!<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/4\/gallery\">Li'uhn image gallery<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/5.Li'uhn_Design_Notes\">Li'uhn design notes<\/a> (This also has the Upgrade Token cost based on rarity)<\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/\">Want a Li'uhn? Go here to my site! There's a free MYO event going currently!<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/10.Li'uhn_Traits\">Trait and Design Guide<\/a><\/p>","field1":"<p>Li'uhn are winged desert dwelling semi-humanoids, though their wings have a very unique structure to them. They are highly efficient and incredibly good at surviving in the desert. Li'uhn, on average, are around the height of a human, with five and a half feet tall being the most common height for the common type. Some are taller (The Silverwings, Stoneclaws and Shadowcloaks) while some are smaller (Woolies, Nightkin and Flutterwings)<\/p>\r\n<p>They have a pouch, similar to a marsupial, though they aren't actually marsupials. They are simply similar throughthe convergent evolution of their creators, who created them in their own image, just smaller. The pouch is useful for keeping their young with them, though many li'uhn simply store objects inside their pouch when they don't have a baby. The inside of the pouch is lined with a natural waxy coating on the fur which kills any bacteria and fungi. Li'uhn do not sweat, so the inside remains dry.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are friendly and social, though can be skittish. They don't stay startled for long, and tend to calm down quickly and come to investigate. They have very few natural predators, since most animals in their world are small, the largest being about the size of a coyote. These animals are the only ones that aer a threat to Li'uhn because they pack hunt, but Li'uhn are able to fly out or reach.<\/p>\r\n<p>Most larger animals went extinct a long time ago. They are naturally magical creatures with a special energy core in their chest near their heart. This stores up magical energy, and gains energy from heat and sunlight. This is then channeled through the wings and the tail to allow the Li'uhn to fly despite their relitavely small wings compared to their body size. The way this works is their natural energy stirs up the air beneath their wings, allowing them to glide and soar and control their flight even without the usual flight feathers birds have.<\/p>\r\n<p>Despite being magical by nature, very few Li'uhn actually know how to work with magic. It is volatile and hard to control when it isn't directed by their natural abilities. This magic also serves to change their gender expression, and they are able to harness to change it further. While they are all hermaphroditic, their body changes based on their preferred gender expression. Feminine li'uhn tend to have softer features, wider hips, and softer chests. Their voices soften and take on a higher pitch. They lack breasts, however, because their teats are contained in the pouch. They are under developed and can't be seen or felt through the fur unless they have a baby in their pouch. Masculine Li'uhn tend to get more angular features, and slightly more masculine faces, and narrower hips. Gender and gender expression is just a part of life for them, and it is natural to them to acknowledge the gender expression of the other. Especially since they can adjust how they look naturally. <br \/><br \/>They can actually completely hide the organs of the gender they don't identify as. They are still present, but kept within the body. This can change fluidly, especially if a Li'uhn's gender identity changes throughout their lives.<br \/><br \/>The various Li'uhn types get along quite well with eachother, they don't judge eachother based on their variance or gender expression.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are not at all territorial, and they do not have dominance battles among them. Generally, older Li'uhn with more experience take leadership with the rest following them and trusting them with their safety. Being a leader is a matter of responsibility, not a matter of power. Their mentality is very different from humans in this respect.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/18_51_m98WjQoIIsvI4P8.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1048\" height=\"637\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p><strong><br \/>Diet<\/strong> They feed partially on the energy provided by the sun, but eat insects, small animals, and any edible plant material they can find. Cacti and other desert plants are common for them to eat. Li'uhn are highly efficient and make the most out of any water they drink. They can go a couple weeks without drinking if they have to because their body holds onto every drop and barely loses any. Li'uhn can eat things that are undigestible to other creatures their size, able to even break down the internal structure of plants with the unique mix of enzymes and gut flora in their digestive systems.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>Find lists of their <a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/10.Li'uhn_Traits\">possible traits<\/a> and more information! The link also has a list of the subtypes. The rarities will be listed as well, and it'll be mentioned if the trait can only be gotten on certain types through inheritance.<\/p>","field2":"<p>Created by the Il&rsquo;hune, through a misuse of powerful divine magic. They were created as working class\/slave types, and used for various missions through the long and bloody war that eventually wiped the Il&rsquo;hune out. The Li'uhn thrive in the ruins of the once great civilization of tall and elegant giants. They fly through the desert sands and craggy ruins, and make their homes in the remains of their buildings. Li'uhn haven't been able to advance technologically due to the il'hune having exhausted most of the world's natural resources. They do make and wear clothing commonly, influenced by how the il'hune used to dress.<\/p>\r\n<p>Many are fascinated with the history of their world, and there are many stone tablets and murals left over from the time the il'hune still existed. There's some ancient libraries preserved through the Il'hune's magic as well.<\/p>\r\n<p>Il'hune were very technologically advanced. There are ruins of old war machines found in various places, though they aren't functional anymore. Some Li'uhn will simply make their homes inside these tanks and broken down vehicles.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn weren't left with much after their creators died out, but they thrive just fine all the same.<\/p>\r\n<p>There are Six Il'hune left, under a curse of immortality. They are meant to stop the li'uhn from following their path of destruction and war, as well as protect the remains of the god they killed to use its power to create the li'uhn. They are imprisoned by a powerful barrier in a great central Oasis that holds an ancient temple within, surrounded by the ruins of a once vast and beautiful city seen as sacred ground until the war converged on it as one of the last areas with natural resources.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are drawn to this place as their origin is there. It is seen as a major milestone to take the journey to the Oasis and meet the Il'hune. Of course, different li'uhn have different beliefs and thoughts on things.<br \/><br \/>The Six il'hune with some history about them, their personality, and their relationship with the others<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-029\">Ancestor Kaaru<\/a><br \/>Snarky, doesn't give a single shit anymore. Jaded and tired. Can be rather mischevous and enjoys messing with the other il'hune.<\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-030\">Ancestor Tahti<\/a><br \/>A strange case, the youngest of the il'hune, created in an attempt to bring the species back by one of the Six, who died when he appeared. He's the gentlest and kindest of the Six, though shy and cautious.<\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-031\">Ancestor Rama<\/a><br \/>Comes off as incredibly angry and bitter, but deep down he's just tired and depressed. Frequently fights with Kaaru, but otherwise just does his own thing.<\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-032\">Ancestor Vahanu<\/a><br \/>The leader of the Six, they all answer to her.&nbsp; She's uptight and likes to stick to tradition.<\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-033\">Ancestor Haolani<\/a><br \/>Intelligent and observent. Generally keeps to herself, doesn't have any major beef with any of the others.<\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-034\">Ancestor Dayalu<\/a><br \/>The peacekeeper of the bunch.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>The li'uhn see the Six as gods, referred to as the Six, or the Ancestors; and often travel to the Oasis to see the Il'hune. For some, this is seen as a coming of age, for others it's a journey they make periodically.&nbsp; And still for others, they come out of curiousity. The place is sacred, and the Ancestors are careful and gentle around the li'uhn. Part of their purpose is to guide the creatures their kind created and left a destroyed world to, and stop them from following the same path of greed they did. They generally appear tall and mysterious, though Kaaru will directly interact with visitors and is quite friendly and personable with them, and Tahti loves listening to stories about the outside world.<br \/><br \/>The Oasis is a safe place. Even with the Six Ancestors not getting along too well, they are always careful that nobody gets injured if their frustration with eachother becomes physical.<\/p>","field3":"<div id=\"collapse-behavior\" class=\"collapse show\">\r\n<p>Li'uhn are gentle and social creatures, very peaceful and curious. They are known to be skittish, and will usually initially flee from something new, but always come back to investigate once the initial startle wears off. Li'uhn are very playful with eachother and not at all territorial. They can often be seen gliding and flying together, frolicking in the desert sands of their home, or curled up around eachother to keep warm during the cold desert nights. They get a lot of energy from companionship and being close to eachother. Li'uhn are capable of being alone, though they prefer the company of others. Li'uhn do have small retractable claws on their hands and feet, but these are not used for combat, and aren&rsquo;t overly sharp. They use them to climb and cling, and to avoid slipping when landing. Their small fanged canines are also never used for combat, and are simply there because they are omnivorous.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn rarely fight. If faced with confrontation, they much prefer to run or fly away and retreat.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their wings are used for display and flight. They tend to spread and display their wings to eachother in dances both to impress possible friends, or attract possible mates.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn mate for life. Once they find somebody they love, they will stay together for life. Losing one's mate causes emotional pain that'll last for years, if not the rest of their life.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are very family oriented, and even if families don't live together, they recognize eachother and regularly meet up and socialize. They also form long friendships and are very loyal to those they care about.<br \/><br \/>Li'ihn are intelligent and sapient creatures, capable of learning language very quickly.&nbsp; Li'uhn are known to have a beautiful, musical chiming chirping call which they use to communicate their location over long distances. This can also be used as a distress call if a li'uhn is in danger or injured.&nbsp; It is clear and carries, and often has a little pulse of their energy behind it. They often &lsquo;sing&rsquo; back and forth in joyful chirps and chitters and chimes. They will often chirp and and &lsquo;sing&rsquo; to themselves, even when alone, or greet the rising sun with song. They have a deep fondness for music and melody.<\/p>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<p>Li'uhn tend to get along quite well with eachother. Leadership is determined by age and experience, not strength and dominance. Those who are older, more responsible and more experienced will lead the younger and guide them to various safe areas they know of. Older Li'uhn also know where all the oases are as well as good places to get food, and shelter, and safe places to stay and settle.<\/p>\r\n<p>Oases tend to have large settlements built up in the ruins of the Il'hune cities, where li'uhn will stop, stay for a time, trade wares, socialize, then move on in their travels. Elders are usually settled in these towns, and Li'uhn with young children as well.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are naturally very peaceful with eachother, and by extent would be with other sapient races if they encountered them. They work together to survive in their harsh desert environment.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Clothing<\/strong>: Li'uhn love clothes in various shades of red and gold. They often have lots of flowing fabric covering their bodies, with a cloak to cover their back as they must strap the upper parts above and below their wings. Some choose to have a small opening around their pouch at all times, allowing them to place items in their pouch and carry them around. It&rsquo;s usually held closed with a couple buttons, though it&rsquo;s left open if they have a baby at the age where they can enter and leave the pouch at will. Li'uhn love flowing silky clothing. Most of the silk in their clothes comes from a plant found all around various Oases throughout the world. It is cultivated and tended to by the elders that settle in these places. More information on Elders can be seen in the \"Growing Up\" section, as this goes over how Li'uhn age. Li'uhn also love jewelry and pretty things, and will decorate their bodies with things they find interesting in their travels. They'll eagerly tell stories about where an item came from or how they found it if asked.<\/p>","field4":"<p><strong>Average Height<\/strong>: Around five feet to five and a half feet tall, Li'uhn are small and slender, but agile and elegant.<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Average Weight<\/strong>: 120-150 pounds<\/p>\r\n<p>Their bones are light and semi flexible, and surprisingly tough for their light weight. Li'uhn, though, are a bit more fragile than other creatures their size. They are not fighters.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/4_4_DhCZJV1p6H7VeNq.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1060\" height=\"1272\" \/><br \/><br \/>Wing Structure Detail<br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/36_47_KLVS5q9Kl1kgCYT.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1062\" height=\"849\" \/><br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn wings are very small compared to their body size. The structure can be compared to a mix of bird and bat, though this structure is completely unique to their species. Their feathers are not used for flight so much as display and steering, along with their tail and turning their body as well as using their natural magic. The wings are actually used for heat management, able to spread out. They can use their natural magical energy to cause the air cooled by the shade to flow beneath and carry excess heat away from the wings.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are somewhat cold-blooded. They produce a little body heat, but rely more on the warmth of the sand and desert to keep warm. They can, however, increase this production if needed by shivering their wings and puffing up their fur to hold in the heat they produce during cold nights. This makes them extra resistant to the desert heat, as they don't overheat nearly as easily as fully warm-blooded mammans, but they are also weaker to the cold. Like reptiles, Li'uhn will slow down significantly when cold, and if cold enough they'll even enter a state of hibernation.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn have frills instead of ears. They attach at the top of the head and often wrap around the jaw and connect to cheek fluff.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn don't pee. They don't even have bladders. Their body extracts almost all water from their stool before it's passed, making it dry which actually reduces any smell. They don't sweat. Because of this, they are pretty much odorless even when out in the desert heat all day.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are very resistant to plant and animal toxins, poisons and venoms. They can take a bite from even the deadliest venomous snake and be completely fine. They can eat poisonous plants without a problem, and often get their water by eating cacti, including ones that are very poisonous to ward off herbivores. They are even resistant to toxins found in rotting meat, though they'll only eat that in desparation if there's nothing else and they are starving.<\/p>\r\n<p>The thick pads on their hands and feet are incredibly tough and heat resistant, though Li'uhn usually wear shoes for an extra layer of protection. A Li'uhn can grab a cactus and break it down open to get at the inside with their bare hands. The cactus prickes can't penetrate the pads on their hands. This is why the hand and feet have a single thick pad all along the bottom, as this protects the entire hand and doesn't allow spines to slip between pads. Their skin is thick and tough. The pad on the feet also forms a sort of webbing, allowing the feet to spread and support more of the Li'uhn's weight on loose sand.<\/p>\r\n<p>They have an incredibly advanced immune system. Very little can make a li'uhn sick. They tend to get over it quickly when sick as well.<\/p>\r\n<p>Because of how efficient their body is with water, li'uhn can potentially go weeks without drinking.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn have the ability to store water. They have a special organ that forms a pouch inside their abdomen that stores water inside their body, including any they get from whatever they eat. This is connected to their esophagus, but stays closed unless they regurgitate the water to share with others. This is generally done to share water among groups, and is seen as completely normal. While it's regurgitated, this has no connection to their stomach whatsoever and is just water.&nbsp; There's no heaving or anything involved, simply opening the mouth, contraction of inner muscles around this internal water pouch, and the water flowing from the mouth into whatever they have to put it in. It looks odd and gross to an outside perspective, but it's completely safe. The water tastes and smells exactly like any other water, though is generally warm from their body heat. This allows them to share resources with other li'uhn safely. It has the potential to save a life if the one the water is shared with has completely depleted their water and become dehydrated. The organ produces a natural substance that prevents fungi from growing and kills bacteria, keeping the stored water safe. This same substance is secreted in their saliva, keeping their mouths incredibly clean. This means their breath stays fresh and clean, and their teeth generally stay quite healthy. They can also lick wounds to prevent infection. Seaborn have a second organ that extracts salt from seawater. The concentrated salt solution left is regurgitated after drinking, with fresh water staying inside their internal water pouch until needed. They will often share this water with other li'uhn that come near the ocean and have no access to other fresh water. <br \/><br \/>Their face is muzzled, though this muzzle and snout is small. It makes them appear almost humanoid from the front. This also shows how their frill functions. Li'uhn have a second, transparent eyelid that is generally kept closed and does not hamper their vision. This protects their eyes from sand and prevents it from drying out.<br \/><br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/19_21_cKjThqB9yPL9nNA.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"575\" height=\"673\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn ears are actually located on the side of their head and are simply openings, like reptilian earsand covered by their fur. They are connected to their frill, which resembles ears and is used for emoting and sensing the world around them. The frills are packed with energy sensing organs, are how they sense each other&rsquo;s presence, as well as absorb any magical energy they are around to help feed them. They also seem to take in a majority of the sunlight, and as such are almost always uncovered. They are able to use their frill to find fellow Li'uhn. They are very important for expressing emotion and mood as well. They are very mobile, able to lower, perk up, go out to the sides, pin back and down, and can move independantly of eachother. The frill has no opening and is not cup shaped like actual ears, and is sometimes referred to as false ears; The frills are often covered in longer fur than the body itself. Their paws are small and dainty, with three toes. Their claws only come out when climbing or gripping, but are otherwise kept retracted. They have a single thick pad on the bottom and webbing that allows their weight to spread out a bit more evenly. Li'uhn are very weak to the cold, and while they can curl up under their wings and tails, it drains their energy and eventually saps their strength until they freeze to death. They avoid the cold when they can. They can get through desert winters by sunning themselves during the day and curling up somewhere warm at night, but if it gets too cold they will move on to warmer climates. They are nomadic by nature, and usually wander from place to place as they see fit. They are most commonly seen in pairs or small groups, but they can just as well travel alone.<br \/><br \/>Frill and Mouth Detail<br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/37_48_y2cYVJekqhujDHG.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1074\" height=\"931\" \/><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"collapse-behavior\" class=\"collapse show\">\r\n<h5><br \/>Abilities and Adaptations<\/h5>\r\n<p>Li'uhn use magic to boost their flight, able to use their natural energy to swirl the air beneath their wings to provide lift. They gain this energy from sunlight and heat. This is limited, however, so after flying, they often land, regain their energy, then take off again. They are also known to boost themselves up high, then glide, then boost themselves back up again.<\/p>\r\n<p>The only li'uhn type to be able to fly entirely by their own power is the Flutterwing, who have huge wongs compared to their tiny body size.<\/p>\r\n<p>Silverwings and Shadowcloaks are capable of flight with a lot less boosting needed, while Stoneclaws can not fly at all.<\/p>\r\n<p>Stoneclaws are very strong, and able to defend themselves and climb incredibly well. They can use their magic to boost their speed, allowing them to gallop incredibly fast on all fours and boost their leaps so they can leap higher and further than they would otherwise.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn have a call that lets out a pulse of energy. This can be picked up by surrounding Li'uhn by sensing the energy with special organs in their frill. Larger frills are actually more functional in picking up and gathering energy.<\/p>\r\n<p>While Li'uhn have natural magical energy within them, it's not something they can easily direct and channel. It is volatile and unpredictable, thus Li'uhn magic workers are pretty rare. Those who do work with magic usually use outside magic sources, as using their own inner source runs the risk of exhausting them and causing harm. Some can use these external sources to further boost their flight.<\/p>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>","field5":"<p>Li'uhn are all naturally intersex, though their appearance will follow what gender they identify as, as it effects their hormones. There isn&rsquo;t much dimorphism, but the face and body structure does vary slightly. They never grow breasts, as their teats are located inside their pouch. Li'uhn go into season during the spring, and are pregnant through summer and early autumn. They give birth to a tiny baby, entirely hairless with no down or feathers, which is then placed in the pouch. It will remain inside the pouch, nursing and growing. As it gets bigger, it begins to leave the pouch, though is able to nurse even when not spending all of its time in the pouch. The baby spends the winter in the pouch, starts to peek its head out in the spring, and is able to come out during summer. They are too big to go into the pouch by the time they are two years old. Li'uhn have one baby at a time, and they won&rsquo;t breed again until the baby is fully out of the pouch for at least a year. Only one baby can fit in the pouch. In the extremely rare occasion that twins are born, the other parent will foster the second twin in their pouch. The presence of the baby will induce lactation, allowing the parent to keep the baby healthy.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn often mate for life. They will impress potential partners with song. Li'uhn sing beautifully, and happily seranade eachother during their season, The beauty of their wings is another thing that attract potential Li'uhn, as well as their prowess in the air. Their aerial displays and beautiful song is a sight to behold.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn do not have menstraul cycles like humans. They go into season during early spring, and are fertile for three weeks to a month. They ovulate during this time. The egg cell is simply re-absorbed if the li'uhn does not become pregnant.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are pregnant for about 6 months. Their genitalea are partially external, with mammalian testes and a sheath, though their actual phallus remain tucked away inside unless in direct use. (There will be a link to a NSFW ref and info here once I have a way to age restrict some content, which is in progress, so this is all you get for now xD)<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn often settle near an oasis until their babies are older, rarely travelling too far since babies can't store as much water as adults and producing milk takes up more water than they usually use, meaning they deplete their natural supplies more quickly.<\/p>\r\n<p>Babies are just as efficient as adults with processing water. Li'uhn milk is extremely rich and nutrient dense. It has a balance of fats and protiens, as well as vitamins and minerals and water, everything a baby needs to grow and thrive until they are weaned.<br \/><br \/>Li'uhn babies are born small and hairless\/featherless. They are tucked into the pouch and grow there until they are able to peek out. They can go into the pouch up to two years old, and are weaned by their third year.<br \/><br \/>They grow at roughly the same rate as humans.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn babies make tiny squeaks and peeps. They are curious and playful, though stick close to their parent. They'll wander further as they get older, but will stay where they can sense their parent's call.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their pouch does not develop until they go through puberty. It'll start to come in around 12-13 years old, though won't actually open up. A good way to tell how mature a li'uhn is is to look at the pouch. It won't be fully developed until adulthood, at which point it opens up. They are considered fully mature once their pouch is fully developed. Both masculine and feminine li'uhn have pouches and teats inside them. They are capable of having lactation induced by the presence of a baby in their pouch, as the scent and feel of the baby will cause the hormonal response. As such, an orphaned baby can be raised by any li'uhn that finds them.<\/p>\r\n<p>When they reach elder status, they tend to slow down and calm down, and will often settle in one place and travel far less. This means that many oases have a large group of elders there who can pass on advice and stories to youngsters. These settlements are seen as major cultural strongpoints, and Li'uhn travel between them to meet different elders and carry stories to different parts of the desert.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn's fur and wings will dull as they age, and very old Li'uhn will slowly go grey. They grey similarly to dogs, mostly around the face, hands and feet<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<h5><strong>Lifespan<\/strong><\/h5>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are magical creatures and can live up to 300 years if they have a good source of energy<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn mature fully in about 18 years, similar to a human, though they will often stay with and travel with their parents as part of the family group.<\/p>","field6":"<p>See the link below for a detailed look at their subtypes, traits, colors, and other variations.<\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/10.Li'uhn_Traits\">Li'uhn variants, traits and rarities<\/a><\/p>","field7":"<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/5.Li'uhn_Design_Notes\"><strong>Design Notes and Guides<\/strong><\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>More information will be added to the guides above, as well as their trait lists.<\/p>","parsed":{"description":"<p>The Li'uhn are a peaceful, winged semi-humanoid race that lives in deserts, and thrive in hot and barren landscapes. They are omnivorous, but get a good amount of energy from heat and sunlight.<br \/><br \/>You can see images in the gallery, here!<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/4\/gallery\">Li'uhn image gallery<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/5.Li'uhn_Design_Notes\">Li'uhn design notes<\/a> (This also has the Upgrade Token cost based on rarity)<\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/\">Want a Li'uhn? Go here to my site! There's a free MYO event going currently!<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/10.Li'uhn_Traits\">Trait and Design Guide<\/a><\/p>","field1":"<p>Li'uhn are winged desert dwelling semi-humanoids, though their wings have a very unique structure to them. They are highly efficient and incredibly good at surviving in the desert. Li'uhn, on average, are around the height of a human, with five and a half feet tall being the most common height for the common type. Some are taller (The Silverwings, Stoneclaws and Shadowcloaks) while some are smaller (Woolies, Nightkin and Flutterwings)<\/p>\r\n<p>They have a pouch, similar to a marsupial, though they aren't actually marsupials. They are simply similar throughthe convergent evolution of their creators, who created them in their own image, just smaller. The pouch is useful for keeping their young with them, though many li'uhn simply store objects inside their pouch when they don't have a baby. The inside of the pouch is lined with a natural waxy coating on the fur which kills any bacteria and fungi. Li'uhn do not sweat, so the inside remains dry.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are friendly and social, though can be skittish. They don't stay startled for long, and tend to calm down quickly and come to investigate. They have very few natural predators, since most animals in their world are small, the largest being about the size of a coyote. These animals are the only ones that aer a threat to Li'uhn because they pack hunt, but Li'uhn are able to fly out or reach.<\/p>\r\n<p>Most larger animals went extinct a long time ago. They are naturally magical creatures with a special energy core in their chest near their heart. This stores up magical energy, and gains energy from heat and sunlight. This is then channeled through the wings and the tail to allow the Li'uhn to fly despite their relitavely small wings compared to their body size. The way this works is their natural energy stirs up the air beneath their wings, allowing them to glide and soar and control their flight even without the usual flight feathers birds have.<\/p>\r\n<p>Despite being magical by nature, very few Li'uhn actually know how to work with magic. It is volatile and hard to control when it isn't directed by their natural abilities. This magic also serves to change their gender expression, and they are able to harness to change it further. While they are all hermaphroditic, their body changes based on their preferred gender expression. Feminine li'uhn tend to have softer features, wider hips, and softer chests. Their voices soften and take on a higher pitch. They lack breasts, however, because their teats are contained in the pouch. They are under developed and can't be seen or felt through the fur unless they have a baby in their pouch. Masculine Li'uhn tend to get more angular features, and slightly more masculine faces, and narrower hips. Gender and gender expression is just a part of life for them, and it is natural to them to acknowledge the gender expression of the other. Especially since they can adjust how they look naturally. <br \/><br \/>They can actually completely hide the organs of the gender they don't identify as. They are still present, but kept within the body. This can change fluidly, especially if a Li'uhn's gender identity changes throughout their lives.<br \/><br \/>The various Li'uhn types get along quite well with eachother, they don't judge eachother based on their variance or gender expression.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are not at all territorial, and they do not have dominance battles among them. Generally, older Li'uhn with more experience take leadership with the rest following them and trusting them with their safety. Being a leader is a matter of responsibility, not a matter of power. Their mentality is very different from humans in this respect.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/18_51_m98WjQoIIsvI4P8.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1048\" height=\"637\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p><strong><br \/>Diet<\/strong> They feed partially on the energy provided by the sun, but eat insects, small animals, and any edible plant material they can find. Cacti and other desert plants are common for them to eat. Li'uhn are highly efficient and make the most out of any water they drink. They can go a couple weeks without drinking if they have to because their body holds onto every drop and barely loses any. Li'uhn can eat things that are undigestible to other creatures their size, able to even break down the internal structure of plants with the unique mix of enzymes and gut flora in their digestive systems.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>Find lists of their <a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/10.Li'uhn_Traits\">possible traits<\/a> and more information! The link also has a list of the subtypes. The rarities will be listed as well, and it'll be mentioned if the trait can only be gotten on certain types through inheritance.<\/p>","field2":"<p>Created by the Il&rsquo;hune, through a misuse of powerful divine magic. They were created as working class\/slave types, and used for various missions through the long and bloody war that eventually wiped the Il&rsquo;hune out. The Li'uhn thrive in the ruins of the once great civilization of tall and elegant giants. They fly through the desert sands and craggy ruins, and make their homes in the remains of their buildings. Li'uhn haven't been able to advance technologically due to the il'hune having exhausted most of the world's natural resources. They do make and wear clothing commonly, influenced by how the il'hune used to dress.<\/p>\r\n<p>Many are fascinated with the history of their world, and there are many stone tablets and murals left over from the time the il'hune still existed. There's some ancient libraries preserved through the Il'hune's magic as well.<\/p>\r\n<p>Il'hune were very technologically advanced. There are ruins of old war machines found in various places, though they aren't functional anymore. Some Li'uhn will simply make their homes inside these tanks and broken down vehicles.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn weren't left with much after their creators died out, but they thrive just fine all the same.<\/p>\r\n<p>There are Six Il'hune left, under a curse of immortality. They are meant to stop the li'uhn from following their path of destruction and war, as well as protect the remains of the god they killed to use its power to create the li'uhn. They are imprisoned by a powerful barrier in a great central Oasis that holds an ancient temple within, surrounded by the ruins of a once vast and beautiful city seen as sacred ground until the war converged on it as one of the last areas with natural resources.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are drawn to this place as their origin is there. It is seen as a major milestone to take the journey to the Oasis and meet the Il'hune. Of course, different li'uhn have different beliefs and thoughts on things.<br \/><br \/>The Six il'hune with some history about them, their personality, and their relationship with the others<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-029\">Ancestor Kaaru<\/a><br \/>Snarky, doesn't give a single shit anymore. Jaded and tired. Can be rather mischevous and enjoys messing with the other il'hune.<\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-030\">Ancestor Tahti<\/a><br \/>A strange case, the youngest of the il'hune, created in an attempt to bring the species back by one of the Six, who died when he appeared. He's the gentlest and kindest of the Six, though shy and cautious.<\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-031\">Ancestor Rama<\/a><br \/>Comes off as incredibly angry and bitter, but deep down he's just tired and depressed. Frequently fights with Kaaru, but otherwise just does his own thing.<\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-032\">Ancestor Vahanu<\/a><br \/>The leader of the Six, they all answer to her.&nbsp; She's uptight and likes to stick to tradition.<\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-033\">Ancestor Haolani<\/a><br \/>Intelligent and observent. Generally keeps to herself, doesn't have any major beef with any of the others.<\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/character\/C-034\">Ancestor Dayalu<\/a><br \/>The peacekeeper of the bunch.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>The li'uhn see the Six as gods, referred to as the Six, or the Ancestors; and often travel to the Oasis to see the Il'hune. For some, this is seen as a coming of age, for others it's a journey they make periodically.&nbsp; And still for others, they come out of curiousity. The place is sacred, and the Ancestors are careful and gentle around the li'uhn. Part of their purpose is to guide the creatures their kind created and left a destroyed world to, and stop them from following the same path of greed they did. They generally appear tall and mysterious, though Kaaru will directly interact with visitors and is quite friendly and personable with them, and Tahti loves listening to stories about the outside world.<br \/><br \/>The Oasis is a safe place. Even with the Six Ancestors not getting along too well, they are always careful that nobody gets injured if their frustration with eachother becomes physical.<\/p>","field3":"<div id=\"collapse-behavior\" class=\"collapse show\">\r\n<p>Li'uhn are gentle and social creatures, very peaceful and curious. They are known to be skittish, and will usually initially flee from something new, but always come back to investigate once the initial startle wears off. Li'uhn are very playful with eachother and not at all territorial. They can often be seen gliding and flying together, frolicking in the desert sands of their home, or curled up around eachother to keep warm during the cold desert nights. They get a lot of energy from companionship and being close to eachother. Li'uhn are capable of being alone, though they prefer the company of others. Li'uhn do have small retractable claws on their hands and feet, but these are not used for combat, and aren&rsquo;t overly sharp. They use them to climb and cling, and to avoid slipping when landing. Their small fanged canines are also never used for combat, and are simply there because they are omnivorous.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn rarely fight. If faced with confrontation, they much prefer to run or fly away and retreat.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their wings are used for display and flight. They tend to spread and display their wings to eachother in dances both to impress possible friends, or attract possible mates.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn mate for life. Once they find somebody they love, they will stay together for life. Losing one's mate causes emotional pain that'll last for years, if not the rest of their life.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are very family oriented, and even if families don't live together, they recognize eachother and regularly meet up and socialize. They also form long friendships and are very loyal to those they care about.<br \/><br \/>Li'ihn are intelligent and sapient creatures, capable of learning language very quickly.&nbsp; Li'uhn are known to have a beautiful, musical chiming chirping call which they use to communicate their location over long distances. This can also be used as a distress call if a li'uhn is in danger or injured.&nbsp; It is clear and carries, and often has a little pulse of their energy behind it. They often &lsquo;sing&rsquo; back and forth in joyful chirps and chitters and chimes. They will often chirp and and &lsquo;sing&rsquo; to themselves, even when alone, or greet the rising sun with song. They have a deep fondness for music and melody.<\/p>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<p>Li'uhn tend to get along quite well with eachother. Leadership is determined by age and experience, not strength and dominance. Those who are older, more responsible and more experienced will lead the younger and guide them to various safe areas they know of. Older Li'uhn also know where all the oases are as well as good places to get food, and shelter, and safe places to stay and settle.<\/p>\r\n<p>Oases tend to have large settlements built up in the ruins of the Il'hune cities, where li'uhn will stop, stay for a time, trade wares, socialize, then move on in their travels. Elders are usually settled in these towns, and Li'uhn with young children as well.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are naturally very peaceful with eachother, and by extent would be with other sapient races if they encountered them. They work together to survive in their harsh desert environment.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Clothing<\/strong>: Li'uhn love clothes in various shades of red and gold. They often have lots of flowing fabric covering their bodies, with a cloak to cover their back as they must strap the upper parts above and below their wings. Some choose to have a small opening around their pouch at all times, allowing them to place items in their pouch and carry them around. It&rsquo;s usually held closed with a couple buttons, though it&rsquo;s left open if they have a baby at the age where they can enter and leave the pouch at will. Li'uhn love flowing silky clothing. Most of the silk in their clothes comes from a plant found all around various Oases throughout the world. It is cultivated and tended to by the elders that settle in these places. More information on Elders can be seen in the \"Growing Up\" section, as this goes over how Li'uhn age. Li'uhn also love jewelry and pretty things, and will decorate their bodies with things they find interesting in their travels. They'll eagerly tell stories about where an item came from or how they found it if asked.<\/p>","field4":"<p><strong>Average Height<\/strong>: Around five feet to five and a half feet tall, Li'uhn are small and slender, but agile and elegant.<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Average Weight<\/strong>: 120-150 pounds<\/p>\r\n<p>Their bones are light and semi flexible, and surprisingly tough for their light weight. Li'uhn, though, are a bit more fragile than other creatures their size. They are not fighters.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/4_4_DhCZJV1p6H7VeNq.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1060\" height=\"1272\" \/><br \/><br \/>Wing Structure Detail<br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/36_47_KLVS5q9Kl1kgCYT.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1062\" height=\"849\" \/><br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn wings are very small compared to their body size. The structure can be compared to a mix of bird and bat, though this structure is completely unique to their species. Their feathers are not used for flight so much as display and steering, along with their tail and turning their body as well as using their natural magic. The wings are actually used for heat management, able to spread out. They can use their natural magical energy to cause the air cooled by the shade to flow beneath and carry excess heat away from the wings.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are somewhat cold-blooded. They produce a little body heat, but rely more on the warmth of the sand and desert to keep warm. They can, however, increase this production if needed by shivering their wings and puffing up their fur to hold in the heat they produce during cold nights. This makes them extra resistant to the desert heat, as they don't overheat nearly as easily as fully warm-blooded mammans, but they are also weaker to the cold. Like reptiles, Li'uhn will slow down significantly when cold, and if cold enough they'll even enter a state of hibernation.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn have frills instead of ears. They attach at the top of the head and often wrap around the jaw and connect to cheek fluff.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn don't pee. They don't even have bladders. Their body extracts almost all water from their stool before it's passed, making it dry which actually reduces any smell. They don't sweat. Because of this, they are pretty much odorless even when out in the desert heat all day.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are very resistant to plant and animal toxins, poisons and venoms. They can take a bite from even the deadliest venomous snake and be completely fine. They can eat poisonous plants without a problem, and often get their water by eating cacti, including ones that are very poisonous to ward off herbivores. They are even resistant to toxins found in rotting meat, though they'll only eat that in desparation if there's nothing else and they are starving.<\/p>\r\n<p>The thick pads on their hands and feet are incredibly tough and heat resistant, though Li'uhn usually wear shoes for an extra layer of protection. A Li'uhn can grab a cactus and break it down open to get at the inside with their bare hands. The cactus prickes can't penetrate the pads on their hands. This is why the hand and feet have a single thick pad all along the bottom, as this protects the entire hand and doesn't allow spines to slip between pads. Their skin is thick and tough. The pad on the feet also forms a sort of webbing, allowing the feet to spread and support more of the Li'uhn's weight on loose sand.<\/p>\r\n<p>They have an incredibly advanced immune system. Very little can make a li'uhn sick. They tend to get over it quickly when sick as well.<\/p>\r\n<p>Because of how efficient their body is with water, li'uhn can potentially go weeks without drinking.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn have the ability to store water. They have a special organ that forms a pouch inside their abdomen that stores water inside their body, including any they get from whatever they eat. This is connected to their esophagus, but stays closed unless they regurgitate the water to share with others. This is generally done to share water among groups, and is seen as completely normal. While it's regurgitated, this has no connection to their stomach whatsoever and is just water.&nbsp; There's no heaving or anything involved, simply opening the mouth, contraction of inner muscles around this internal water pouch, and the water flowing from the mouth into whatever they have to put it in. It looks odd and gross to an outside perspective, but it's completely safe. The water tastes and smells exactly like any other water, though is generally warm from their body heat. This allows them to share resources with other li'uhn safely. It has the potential to save a life if the one the water is shared with has completely depleted their water and become dehydrated. The organ produces a natural substance that prevents fungi from growing and kills bacteria, keeping the stored water safe. This same substance is secreted in their saliva, keeping their mouths incredibly clean. This means their breath stays fresh and clean, and their teeth generally stay quite healthy. They can also lick wounds to prevent infection. Seaborn have a second organ that extracts salt from seawater. The concentrated salt solution left is regurgitated after drinking, with fresh water staying inside their internal water pouch until needed. They will often share this water with other li'uhn that come near the ocean and have no access to other fresh water. <br \/><br \/>Their face is muzzled, though this muzzle and snout is small. It makes them appear almost humanoid from the front. This also shows how their frill functions. Li'uhn have a second, transparent eyelid that is generally kept closed and does not hamper their vision. This protects their eyes from sand and prevents it from drying out.<br \/><br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/19_21_cKjThqB9yPL9nNA.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"575\" height=\"673\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn ears are actually located on the side of their head and are simply openings, like reptilian earsand covered by their fur. They are connected to their frill, which resembles ears and is used for emoting and sensing the world around them. The frills are packed with energy sensing organs, are how they sense each other&rsquo;s presence, as well as absorb any magical energy they are around to help feed them. They also seem to take in a majority of the sunlight, and as such are almost always uncovered. They are able to use their frill to find fellow Li'uhn. They are very important for expressing emotion and mood as well. They are very mobile, able to lower, perk up, go out to the sides, pin back and down, and can move independantly of eachother. The frill has no opening and is not cup shaped like actual ears, and is sometimes referred to as false ears; The frills are often covered in longer fur than the body itself. Their paws are small and dainty, with three toes. Their claws only come out when climbing or gripping, but are otherwise kept retracted. They have a single thick pad on the bottom and webbing that allows their weight to spread out a bit more evenly. Li'uhn are very weak to the cold, and while they can curl up under their wings and tails, it drains their energy and eventually saps their strength until they freeze to death. They avoid the cold when they can. They can get through desert winters by sunning themselves during the day and curling up somewhere warm at night, but if it gets too cold they will move on to warmer climates. They are nomadic by nature, and usually wander from place to place as they see fit. They are most commonly seen in pairs or small groups, but they can just as well travel alone.<br \/><br \/>Frill and Mouth Detail<br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/37_48_y2cYVJekqhujDHG.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1074\" height=\"931\" \/><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"collapse-behavior\" class=\"collapse show\">\r\n<h5><br \/>Abilities and Adaptations<\/h5>\r\n<p>Li'uhn use magic to boost their flight, able to use their natural energy to swirl the air beneath their wings to provide lift. They gain this energy from sunlight and heat. This is limited, however, so after flying, they often land, regain their energy, then take off again. They are also known to boost themselves up high, then glide, then boost themselves back up again.<\/p>\r\n<p>The only li'uhn type to be able to fly entirely by their own power is the Flutterwing, who have huge wongs compared to their tiny body size.<\/p>\r\n<p>Silverwings and Shadowcloaks are capable of flight with a lot less boosting needed, while Stoneclaws can not fly at all.<\/p>\r\n<p>Stoneclaws are very strong, and able to defend themselves and climb incredibly well. They can use their magic to boost their speed, allowing them to gallop incredibly fast on all fours and boost their leaps so they can leap higher and further than they would otherwise.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn have a call that lets out a pulse of energy. This can be picked up by surrounding Li'uhn by sensing the energy with special organs in their frill. Larger frills are actually more functional in picking up and gathering energy.<\/p>\r\n<p>While Li'uhn have natural magical energy within them, it's not something they can easily direct and channel. It is volatile and unpredictable, thus Li'uhn magic workers are pretty rare. Those who do work with magic usually use outside magic sources, as using their own inner source runs the risk of exhausting them and causing harm. Some can use these external sources to further boost their flight.<\/p>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>","field5":"<p>Li'uhn are all naturally intersex, though their appearance will follow what gender they identify as, as it effects their hormones. There isn&rsquo;t much dimorphism, but the face and body structure does vary slightly. They never grow breasts, as their teats are located inside their pouch. Li'uhn go into season during the spring, and are pregnant through summer and early autumn. They give birth to a tiny baby, entirely hairless with no down or feathers, which is then placed in the pouch. It will remain inside the pouch, nursing and growing. As it gets bigger, it begins to leave the pouch, though is able to nurse even when not spending all of its time in the pouch. The baby spends the winter in the pouch, starts to peek its head out in the spring, and is able to come out during summer. They are too big to go into the pouch by the time they are two years old. Li'uhn have one baby at a time, and they won&rsquo;t breed again until the baby is fully out of the pouch for at least a year. Only one baby can fit in the pouch. In the extremely rare occasion that twins are born, the other parent will foster the second twin in their pouch. The presence of the baby will induce lactation, allowing the parent to keep the baby healthy.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn often mate for life. They will impress potential partners with song. Li'uhn sing beautifully, and happily seranade eachother during their season, The beauty of their wings is another thing that attract potential Li'uhn, as well as their prowess in the air. Their aerial displays and beautiful song is a sight to behold.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn do not have menstraul cycles like humans. They go into season during early spring, and are fertile for three weeks to a month. They ovulate during this time. The egg cell is simply re-absorbed if the li'uhn does not become pregnant.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are pregnant for about 6 months. Their genitalea are partially external, with mammalian testes and a sheath, though their actual phallus remain tucked away inside unless in direct use. (There will be a link to a NSFW ref and info here once I have a way to age restrict some content, which is in progress, so this is all you get for now xD)<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn often settle near an oasis until their babies are older, rarely travelling too far since babies can't store as much water as adults and producing milk takes up more water than they usually use, meaning they deplete their natural supplies more quickly.<\/p>\r\n<p>Babies are just as efficient as adults with processing water. Li'uhn milk is extremely rich and nutrient dense. It has a balance of fats and protiens, as well as vitamins and minerals and water, everything a baby needs to grow and thrive until they are weaned.<br \/><br \/>Li'uhn babies are born small and hairless\/featherless. They are tucked into the pouch and grow there until they are able to peek out. They can go into the pouch up to two years old, and are weaned by their third year.<br \/><br \/>They grow at roughly the same rate as humans.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn babies make tiny squeaks and peeps. They are curious and playful, though stick close to their parent. They'll wander further as they get older, but will stay where they can sense their parent's call.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their pouch does not develop until they go through puberty. It'll start to come in around 12-13 years old, though won't actually open up. A good way to tell how mature a li'uhn is is to look at the pouch. It won't be fully developed until adulthood, at which point it opens up. They are considered fully mature once their pouch is fully developed. Both masculine and feminine li'uhn have pouches and teats inside them. They are capable of having lactation induced by the presence of a baby in their pouch, as the scent and feel of the baby will cause the hormonal response. As such, an orphaned baby can be raised by any li'uhn that finds them.<\/p>\r\n<p>When they reach elder status, they tend to slow down and calm down, and will often settle in one place and travel far less. This means that many oases have a large group of elders there who can pass on advice and stories to youngsters. These settlements are seen as major cultural strongpoints, and Li'uhn travel between them to meet different elders and carry stories to different parts of the desert.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn's fur and wings will dull as they age, and very old Li'uhn will slowly go grey. They grey similarly to dogs, mostly around the face, hands and feet<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<h5><strong>Lifespan<\/strong><\/h5>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are magical creatures and can live up to 300 years if they have a good source of energy<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn mature fully in about 18 years, similar to a human, though they will often stay with and travel with their parents as part of the family group.<\/p>","field6":"<p>See the link below for a detailed look at their subtypes, traits, colors, and other variations.<\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/10.Li'uhn_Traits\">Li'uhn variants, traits and rarities<\/a><\/p>","field7":"<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/5.Li'uhn_Design_Notes\"><strong>Design Notes and Guides<\/strong><\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>More information will be added to the guides above, as well as their trait lists.<\/p>"}},"title":"Li'uhn","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":["wip","stub"],"page_tag":null}
#104 28 June 2023, 18:29:06 UTC
Page Updated
Length: 53911 -
{"data":{"description":"<p>The Li'uhn are a peaceful, winged semi-humanoid race that lives in deserts, and thrive in hot and barren landscapes. They are omnivorous, but get a good amount of energy from heat and sunlight.<br \/><br \/>You can see images in the gallery, here!<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/4\/gallery\">Li'uhn image gallery<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/5.Li'uhn_Design_Notes\">Li'uhn design notes<\/a> (This also has the Upgrade Token cost based on rarity)<\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/\">Want a Li'uhn? Go here to my site! There's a free MYO event going currently!<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/10.Li'uhn_Traits\">Trait and Design Guide<\/a><\/p>","field1":"<p>Li'uhn are winged desert dwelling humanoids, though their wings have a very unique structure to them. They are highly efficient and incredibly good at surviving in the desert. Li'uhn, on average, are around the height of a human, with five and a half feet tall being the most common height for the common type. Some are taller (The Silverwings, Stoneclaws and Shadowcloaks) while some are smaller (Woolies, Nightkin and Flutterwings)<\/p>\r\n<p>They have a pouch, similar to a marsupial, though they aren't actually marsupials. They are simply similar throughthe convergent evolution of their creators, who created them in their own image, just smaller. The pouch is useful for keeping their young with them, though many li'uhn simply store objects inside their pouch when they don't have a baby. The inside of the pouch is lined with a natural waxy coating on the fur which kills any bacteria and fungi. Li'uhn do not sweat, so the inside remains dry.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are friendly and social, though can be skittish. They don't stay startled for long, and tend to calm down quickly and come to investigate. They have very few natural predators, since most animals in their world are small, the largest being about the size of a coyote. These animals are the only ones that aer a threat to Li'uhn because they pack hunt, but Li'uhn are able to fly out or reach.<\/p>\r\n<p>Most larger animals went extinct a long time ago. They are naturally magical creatures with a special energy core in their chest near their heart. This stores up magical energy, and gains energy from heat and sunlight. This is then channeled through the wings and the tail to allow the Li'uhn to fly despite their relitavely small wings compared to their body size. The way this works is their natural energy stirs up the air beneath their wings, allowing them to glide and soar and control their flight even without the usual flight feathers birds have.<\/p>\r\n<p>Despite being magical by nature, very few Li'uhn actually know how to work with magic. It is volatile and hard to control when it isn't directed by their natural abilities. This magic also serves to change their gender expression, and they are able to harness to change it further. While they are all hermaphroditic, their body changes based on their preferred gender expression. Feminine li'uhn tend to have softer features, wider hips, and softer chests. Their voices soften and take on a higher pitch. They lack breasts, however, because their teats are contained in the pouch. They are under developed and can't be seen or felt through the fur unless they have a baby in their pouch. Masculine Li'uhn tend to get more angular features, and slightly more masculine faces, and narrower hips. Gender and gender expression is just a part of life for them, and it is natural to them to acknowledge the gender expression of the other. Especially since they can adjust how they look naturally. <br \/><br \/>They can actually completely hide the organs of the gender they don't identify as. They are still present, but kept within the body. This can change fluidly, especially if a Li'uhn's gender identity changes throughout their lives.<br \/><br \/>The various Li'uhn types get along quite well with eachother, they don't judge eachother based on their variance or gender expression.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are not at all territorial, and they do not have dominance battles among them. Generally, older Li'uhn with more experience take leadership with the rest following them and trusting them with their safety. Being a leader is a matter of responsibility, not a matter of power. Their mentality is very different from humans in this respect.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/18_51_m98WjQoIIsvI4P8.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1048\" height=\"637\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p><strong><br \/>Diet<\/strong> They feed partially on the energy provided by the sun, but eat insects, small animals, and any edible plant material they can find. Cacti and other desert plants are common for them to eat. Li'uhn are highly efficient and make the most out of any water they drink. They can go a couple weeks without drinking if they have to because their body holds onto every drop and barely loses any. Li'uhn can eat things that are undigestible to other creatures their size, able to even break down the internal structure of plants with the unique mix of enzymes and gut flora in their digestive systems.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>Find lists of their <a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/10.Li'uhn_Traits\">possible traits<\/a> and more information! The link also has a list of the subtypes. The rarities will be listed as well, and it'll be mentioned if the trait can only be gotten on certain types through inheritance.<\/p>","field2":"<p>Created by the Il&rsquo;hune, through a misuse of powerful divine magic. They were created as working class\/slave types, and used for various missions through the long and bloody war that eventually wiped the Il&rsquo;hune out. The Li'uhn thrive in the ruins of the once great civilization of tall and elegant giants. They fly through the desert sands and craggy ruins, and make their homes in the remains of their buildings. Li'uhn haven't been able to advance technologically due to the il'hune having exhausted most of the world's natural resources. They do make and wear clothing commonly, influenced by how the il'hune used to dress.<\/p>\r\n<p>Many are fascinated with the history of their world, and there are many stone tablets and murals left over from the time the il'hune still existed. There's some ancient libraries preserved through the Il'hune's magic as well.<\/p>\r\n<p>Il'hune were very technologically advanced. There are ruins of old war machines found in various places, though they aren't functional anymore. Some Li'uhn will simply make their homes inside these tanks and broken down vehicles.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn weren't left with much after their creators died out, but they thrive just fine all the same.<\/p>\r\n<p>There are Six Il'hune left, under a curse of immortality. They are meant to stop the li'uhn from following their path of destruction and war, as well as protect the remains of the god they killed to use its power to create the li'uhn. They are imprisoned by a powerful barrier in a great central Oasis that holds an ancient temple within, surrounded by the ruins of a once vast and beautiful city seen as sacred ground until the war converged on it as one of the last areas with natural resources.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are drawn to this place as their origin is there. It is seen as a major milestone to take the journey to the Oasis and meet the Il'hune. Of course, different li'uhn have different beliefs and thoughts on things.<\/p>","field3":"<div id=\"collapse-behavior\" class=\"collapse show\">\r\n<p>Li'uhn are gentle and social creatures, very peaceful and curious. They are known to be skittish, and will usually initially flee from something new, but always come back to investigate once the initial startle wears off. Li'uhn are very playful with eachother and not at all territorial. They can often be seen gliding and flying together, frolicking in the desert sands of their home, or curled up around eachother to keep warm during the cold desert nights. They get a lot of energy from companionship and being close to eachother. Li'uhn are capable of being alone, though they prefer the company of others. Li'uhn do have small retractable claws on their hands and feet, but these are not used for combat, and aren&rsquo;t overly sharp. They use them to climb and cling, and to avoid slipping when landing. Their small fanged canines are also never used for combat, and are simply there because they are omnivorous.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn rarely fight. If faced with confrontation, they much prefer to run or fly away and retreat.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their wings are used for display and flight. They tend to spread and display their wings to eachother in dances both to impress possible friends, or attract possible mates.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn mate for life. Once they find somebody they love, they will stay together for life. Losing one's mate causes emotional pain that'll last for years, if not the rest of their life.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are very family oriented, and even if families don't live together, they recognize eachother and regularly meet up and socialize. They also form long friendships and are very loyal to those they care about.<br \/><br \/>Li'ihn are intelligent and sapient creatures, capable of learning language very quickly.&nbsp; Li'uhn are known to have a beautiful, musical chiming chirping call which they use to communicate their location over long distances. This can also be used as a distress call if a li'uhn is in danger or injured.&nbsp; It is clear and carries, and often has a little pulse of their energy behind it. They often &lsquo;sing&rsquo; back and forth in joyful chirps and chitters and chimes. They will often chirp and and &lsquo;sing&rsquo; to themselves, even when alone, or greet the rising sun with song. They have a deep fondness for music and melody.<\/p>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<p>Li'uhn tend to get along quite well with eachother. Leadership is determined by age and experience, not strength and dominance. Those who are older, more responsible and more experienced will lead the younger and guide them to various safe areas they know of. Older Li'uhn also know where all the oases are as well as good places to get food, and shelter, and safe places to stay and settle.<\/p>\r\n<p>Oases tend to have large settlements built up in the ruins of the Il'hune cities, where li'uhn will stop, stay for a time, trade wares, socialize, then move on in their travels. Elders are usually settled in these towns, and Li'uhn with young children as well.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are naturally very peaceful with eachother, and by extent would be with other sapient races if they encountered them. They work together to survive in their harsh desert environment.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Clothing<\/strong>: Li'uhn love clothes in various shades of red and gold. They often have lots of flowing fabric covering their bodies, with a cloak to cover their back as they must strap the upper parts above and below their wings. Some choose to have a small opening around their pouch at all times, allowing them to place items in their pouch and carry them around. It&rsquo;s usually held closed with a couple buttons, though it&rsquo;s left open if they have a baby at the age where they can enter and leave the pouch at will. Li'uhn love flowing silky clothing. Most of the silk in their clothes comes from a plant found all around various Oases throughout the world. It is cultivated and tended to by the elders that settle in these places. More information on Elders can be seen in the \"Growing Up\" section, as this goes over how Li'uhn age. Li'uhn also love jewelry and pretty things, and will decorate their bodies with things they find interesting in their travels. They'll eagerly tell stories about where an item came from or how they found it if asked.<\/p>","field4":"<p><strong>Average Height<\/strong>: Around five feet to five and a half feet tall, Li'uhn are small and slender, but agile and elegant.<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Average Weight<\/strong>: 120-150 pounds<\/p>\r\n<p>Their bones are light and semi flexible, and surprisingly tough for their light weight. Li'uhn, though, are a bit more fragile than other creatures their size. They are not fighters.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/4_4_DhCZJV1p6H7VeNq.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1060\" height=\"1272\" \/><br \/><br \/>Wing Structure Detail<br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/36_47_KLVS5q9Kl1kgCYT.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1062\" height=\"849\" \/><br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn wings are very small compared to their body size. The structure can be compared to a mix of bird and bat, though this structure is completely unique to their species. Their feathers are not used for flight so much as display and steering, along with their tail and turning their body as well as using their natural magic. The wings are actually used for heat management, able to spread out. They can use their natural magical energy to cause the air cooled by the shade to flow beneath and carry excess heat away from the wings.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are somewhat cold-blooded. They produce a little body heat, but rely more on the warmth of the sand and desert to keep warm. They can, however, increase this production if needed by shivering their wings and puffing up their fur to hold in the heat they produce during cold nights. This makes them extra resistant to the desert heat, as they don't overheat nearly as easily as fully warm-blooded mammans, but they are also weaker to the cold. Like reptiles, Li'uhn will slow down significantly when cold, and if cold enough they'll even enter a state of hibernation.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn have frills instead of ears. They attach at the top of the head and often wrap around the jaw and connect to cheek fluff.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn don't pee. They don't even have bladders. Their body extracts almost all water from their stool before it's passed, making it dry which actually reduces any smell. They don't sweat. Because of this, they are pretty much odorless even when out in the desert heat all day.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are very resistant to plant and animal toxins, poisons and venoms. They can take a bite from even the deadliest venomous snake and be completely fine. They can eat poisonous plants without a problem, and often get their water by eating cacti, including ones that are very poisonous to ward off herbivores. They are even resistant to toxins found in rotting meat, though they'll only eat that in desparation if there's nothing else and they are starving.<\/p>\r\n<p>The thick pads on their hands and feet are incredibly tough and heat resistant, though Li'uhn usually wear shoes for an extra layer of protection. A Li'uhn can grab a cactus and break it down open to get at the inside with their bare hands. The cactus prickes can't penetrate the pads on their hands. This is why the hand and feet have a single thick pad all along the bottom, as this protects the entire hand and doesn't allow spines to slip between pads. Their skin is thick and tough. The pad on the feet also forms a sort of webbing, allowing the feet to spread and support more of the Li'uhn's weight on loose sand.<\/p>\r\n<p>They have an incredibly advanced immune system. Very little can make a li'uhn sick. They tend to get over it quickly when sick as well.<\/p>\r\n<p>Because of how efficient their body is with water, li'uhn can potentially go weeks without drinking.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn have the ability to store water. They have a special organ that forms a pouch inside their abdomen that stores water inside their body, including any they get from whatever they eat. This is connected to their esophagus, but stays closed unless they regurgitate the water to share with others. This is generally done to share water among groups, and is seen as completely normal. While it's regurgitated, this has no connection to their stomach whatsoever and is just water.&nbsp; There's no heaving or anything involved, simply opening the mouth, contraction of inner muscles around this internal water pouch, and the water flowing from the mouth into whatever they have to put it in. It looks odd and gross to an outside perspective, but it's completely safe. The water tastes and smells exactly like any other water, though is generally warm from their body heat. This allows them to share resources with other li'uhn safely. It has the potential to save a life if the one the water is shared with has completely depleted their water and become dehydrated. The organ produces a natural substance that prevents fungi from growing and kills bacteria, keeping the stored water safe. This same substance is secreted in their saliva, keeping their mouths incredibly clean. This means their breath stays fresh and clean, and their teeth generally stay quite healthy. They can also lick wounds to prevent infection. Seaborn have a second organ that extracts salt from seawater. The concentrated salt solution left is regurgitated after drinking, with fresh water staying inside their internal water pouch until needed. They will often share this water with other li'uhn that come near the ocean and have no access to other fresh water. <br \/><br \/>Their face is muzzled, though this muzzle and snout is small. It makes them appear almost humanoid from the front. This also shows how their frill functions. Li'uhn have a second, transparent eyelid that is generally kept closed and does not hamper their vision. This protects their eyes from sand and prevents it from drying out.<br \/><br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/19_21_cKjThqB9yPL9nNA.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"575\" height=\"673\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn ears are actually located on the side of their head and are simply openings, like reptilian earsand covered by their fur. They are connected to their frill, which resembles ears and is used for emoting and sensing the world around them. The frills are packed with energy sensing organs, are how they sense each other&rsquo;s presence, as well as absorb any magical energy they are around to help feed them. They also seem to take in a majority of the sunlight, and as such are almost always uncovered. They are able to use their frill to find fellow Li'uhn. They are very important for expressing emotion and mood as well. They are very mobile, able to lower, perk up, go out to the sides, pin back and down, and can move independantly of eachother. The frill has no opening and is not cup shaped like actual ears, and is sometimes referred to as false ears; The frills are often covered in longer fur than the body itself. Their paws are small and dainty, with three toes. Their claws only come out when climbing or gripping, but are otherwise kept retracted. They have a single thick pad on the bottom and webbing that allows their weight to spread out a bit more evenly. Li'uhn are very weak to the cold, and while they can curl up under their wings and tails, it drains their energy and eventually saps their strength until they freeze to death. They avoid the cold when they can. They can get through desert winters by sunning themselves during the day and curling up somewhere warm at night, but if it gets too cold they will move on to warmer climates. They are nomadic by nature, and usually wander from place to place as they see fit. They are most commonly seen in pairs or small groups, but they can just as well travel alone.<br \/><br \/>Frill and Mouth Detail<br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/37_48_y2cYVJekqhujDHG.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1074\" height=\"931\" \/><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"collapse-behavior\" class=\"collapse show\">\r\n<h5><br \/>Abilities and Adaptations<\/h5>\r\n<p>Li'uhn use magic to boost their flight, able to use their natural energy to swirl the air beneath their wings to provide lift. They gain this energy from sunlight and heat. This is limited, however, so after flying, they often land, regain their energy, then take off again. They are also known to boost themselves up high, then glide, then boost themselves back up again.<\/p>\r\n<p>The only li'uhn type to be able to fly entirely by their own power is the Flutterwing, who have huge wongs compared to their tiny body size.<\/p>\r\n<p>Silverwings and Shadowcloaks are capable of flight with a lot less boosting needed, while Stoneclaws can not fly at all.<\/p>\r\n<p>Stoneclaws are very strong, and able to defend themselves and climb incredibly well. They can use their magic to boost their speed, allowing them to gallop incredibly fast on all fours and boost their leaps so they can leap higher and further than they would otherwise.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn have a call that lets out a pulse of energy. This can be picked up by surrounding Li'uhn by sensing the energy with special organs in their frill. Larger frills are actually more functional in picking up and gathering energy.<\/p>\r\n<p>While Li'uhn have natural magical energy within them, it's not something they can easily direct and channel. It is volatile and unpredictable, thus Li'uhn magic workers are pretty rare. Those who do work with magic usually use outside magic sources, as using their own inner source runs the risk of exhausting them and causing harm. Some can use these external sources to further boost their flight.<\/p>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>","field5":"<p>Li'uhn are all naturally intersex, though their appearance will follow what gender they identify as, as it effects their hormones. There isn&rsquo;t much dimorphism, but the face and body structure does vary slightly. They never grow breasts, as their teats are located inside their pouch. Li'uhn go into season during the spring, and are pregnant through summer and early autumn. They give birth to a tiny baby, entirely hairless with no down or feathers, which is then placed in the pouch. It will remain inside the pouch, nursing and growing. As it gets bigger, it begins to leave the pouch, though is able to nurse even when not spending all of its time in the pouch. The baby spends the winter in the pouch, starts to peek its head out in the spring, and is able to come out during summer. They are too big to go into the pouch by the time they are two years old. Li'uhn have one baby at a time, and they won&rsquo;t breed again until the baby is fully out of the pouch for at least a year. Only one baby can fit in the pouch. In the extremely rare occasion that twins are born, the other parent will foster the second twin in their pouch. The presence of the baby will induce lactation, allowing the parent to keep the baby healthy.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn often mate for life. They will impress potential partners with song. Li'uhn sing beautifully, and happily seranade eachother during their season, The beauty of their wings is another thing that attract potential Li'uhn, as well as their prowess in the air. Their aerial displays and beautiful song is a sight to behold.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn do not have menstraul cycles like humans. They go into season during early spring, and are fertile for three weeks to a month. They ovulate during this time. The egg cell is simply re-absorbed if the li'uhn does not become pregnant.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are pregnant for about 6 months. Their genitalea are partially external, with mammalian testes and a sheath, though their actual phallus remain tucked away inside unless in direct use. (There will be a link to a NSFW ref and info here once I have a way to age restrict some content, which is in progress, so this is all you get for now xD)<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn often settle near an oasis until their babies are older, rarely travelling too far since babies can't store as much water as adults and producing milk takes up more water than they usually use, meaning they deplete their natural supplies more quickly.<\/p>\r\n<p>Babies are just as efficient as adults with processing water. Li'uhn milk is extremely rich and nutrient dense. It has a balance of fats and protiens, as well as vitamins and minerals and water, everything a baby needs to grow and thrive until they are weaned.<br \/><br \/>Li'uhn babies are born small and hairless\/featherless. They are tucked into the pouch and grow there until they are able to peek out. They can go into the pouch up to two years old, and are weaned by their third year.<br \/><br \/>They grow at roughly the same rate as humans.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn babies make tiny squeaks and peeps. They are curious and playful, though stick close to their parent. They'll wander further as they get older, but will stay where they can sense their parent's call.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their pouch does not develop until they go through puberty. It'll start to come in around 12-13 years old, though won't actually open up. A good way to tell how mature a li'uhn is is to look at the pouch. It won't be fully developed until adulthood, at which point it opens up. They are considered fully mature once their pouch is fully developed. Both masculine and feminine li'uhn have pouches and teats inside them. They are capable of having lactation induced by the presence of a baby in their pouch, as the scent and feel of the baby will cause the hormonal response. As such, an orphaned baby can be raised by any li'uhn that finds them.<\/p>\r\n<p>When they reach elder status, they tend to slow down and calm down, and will often settle in one place and travel far less. This means that many oases have a large group of elders there who can pass on advice and stories to youngsters. These settlements are seen as major cultural strongpoints, and Li'uhn travel between them to meet different elders and carry stories to different parts of the desert.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn's fur and wings will dull as they age, and very old Li'uhn will slowly go grey. They grey similarly to dogs, mostly around the face, hands and feet<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<h5><strong>Lifespan<\/strong><\/h5>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are magical creatures and can live up to 300 years if they have a good source of energy<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn mature fully in about 18 years, similar to a human, though they will often stay with and travel with their parents as part of the family group.<\/p>","field6":"<p>See the link below for a detailed look at their subtypes, traits, colors, and other variations.<\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/10.Li'uhn_Traits\">Li'uhn variants, traits and rarities<\/a><\/p>","field7":"<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/5.Li'uhn_Design_Notes\"><strong>Design Notes and Guides<\/strong><\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>More information will be added to the guides above, as well as their trait lists.<\/p>","parsed":{"description":"<p>The Li'uhn are a peaceful, winged semi-humanoid race that lives in deserts, and thrive in hot and barren landscapes. They are omnivorous, but get a good amount of energy from heat and sunlight.<br \/><br \/>You can see images in the gallery, here!<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/4\/gallery\">Li'uhn image gallery<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/5.Li'uhn_Design_Notes\">Li'uhn design notes<\/a> (This also has the Upgrade Token cost based on rarity)<\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/\">Want a Li'uhn? Go here to my site! There's a free MYO event going currently!<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/10.Li'uhn_Traits\">Trait and Design Guide<\/a><\/p>","field1":"<p>Li'uhn are winged desert dwelling humanoids, though their wings have a very unique structure to them. They are highly efficient and incredibly good at surviving in the desert. Li'uhn, on average, are around the height of a human, with five and a half feet tall being the most common height for the common type. Some are taller (The Silverwings, Stoneclaws and Shadowcloaks) while some are smaller (Woolies, Nightkin and Flutterwings)<\/p>\r\n<p>They have a pouch, similar to a marsupial, though they aren't actually marsupials. They are simply similar throughthe convergent evolution of their creators, who created them in their own image, just smaller. The pouch is useful for keeping their young with them, though many li'uhn simply store objects inside their pouch when they don't have a baby. The inside of the pouch is lined with a natural waxy coating on the fur which kills any bacteria and fungi. Li'uhn do not sweat, so the inside remains dry.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are friendly and social, though can be skittish. They don't stay startled for long, and tend to calm down quickly and come to investigate. They have very few natural predators, since most animals in their world are small, the largest being about the size of a coyote. These animals are the only ones that aer a threat to Li'uhn because they pack hunt, but Li'uhn are able to fly out or reach.<\/p>\r\n<p>Most larger animals went extinct a long time ago. They are naturally magical creatures with a special energy core in their chest near their heart. This stores up magical energy, and gains energy from heat and sunlight. This is then channeled through the wings and the tail to allow the Li'uhn to fly despite their relitavely small wings compared to their body size. The way this works is their natural energy stirs up the air beneath their wings, allowing them to glide and soar and control their flight even without the usual flight feathers birds have.<\/p>\r\n<p>Despite being magical by nature, very few Li'uhn actually know how to work with magic. It is volatile and hard to control when it isn't directed by their natural abilities. This magic also serves to change their gender expression, and they are able to harness to change it further. While they are all hermaphroditic, their body changes based on their preferred gender expression. Feminine li'uhn tend to have softer features, wider hips, and softer chests. Their voices soften and take on a higher pitch. They lack breasts, however, because their teats are contained in the pouch. They are under developed and can't be seen or felt through the fur unless they have a baby in their pouch. Masculine Li'uhn tend to get more angular features, and slightly more masculine faces, and narrower hips. Gender and gender expression is just a part of life for them, and it is natural to them to acknowledge the gender expression of the other. Especially since they can adjust how they look naturally. <br \/><br \/>They can actually completely hide the organs of the gender they don't identify as. They are still present, but kept within the body. This can change fluidly, especially if a Li'uhn's gender identity changes throughout their lives.<br \/><br \/>The various Li'uhn types get along quite well with eachother, they don't judge eachother based on their variance or gender expression.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are not at all territorial, and they do not have dominance battles among them. Generally, older Li'uhn with more experience take leadership with the rest following them and trusting them with their safety. Being a leader is a matter of responsibility, not a matter of power. Their mentality is very different from humans in this respect.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/18_51_m98WjQoIIsvI4P8.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1048\" height=\"637\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p><strong><br \/>Diet<\/strong> They feed partially on the energy provided by the sun, but eat insects, small animals, and any edible plant material they can find. Cacti and other desert plants are common for them to eat. Li'uhn are highly efficient and make the most out of any water they drink. They can go a couple weeks without drinking if they have to because their body holds onto every drop and barely loses any. Li'uhn can eat things that are undigestible to other creatures their size, able to even break down the internal structure of plants with the unique mix of enzymes and gut flora in their digestive systems.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>Find lists of their <a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/10.Li'uhn_Traits\">possible traits<\/a> and more information! The link also has a list of the subtypes. The rarities will be listed as well, and it'll be mentioned if the trait can only be gotten on certain types through inheritance.<\/p>","field2":"<p>Created by the Il&rsquo;hune, through a misuse of powerful divine magic. They were created as working class\/slave types, and used for various missions through the long and bloody war that eventually wiped the Il&rsquo;hune out. The Li'uhn thrive in the ruins of the once great civilization of tall and elegant giants. They fly through the desert sands and craggy ruins, and make their homes in the remains of their buildings. Li'uhn haven't been able to advance technologically due to the il'hune having exhausted most of the world's natural resources. They do make and wear clothing commonly, influenced by how the il'hune used to dress.<\/p>\r\n<p>Many are fascinated with the history of their world, and there are many stone tablets and murals left over from the time the il'hune still existed. There's some ancient libraries preserved through the Il'hune's magic as well.<\/p>\r\n<p>Il'hune were very technologically advanced. There are ruins of old war machines found in various places, though they aren't functional anymore. Some Li'uhn will simply make their homes inside these tanks and broken down vehicles.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn weren't left with much after their creators died out, but they thrive just fine all the same.<\/p>\r\n<p>There are Six Il'hune left, under a curse of immortality. They are meant to stop the li'uhn from following their path of destruction and war, as well as protect the remains of the god they killed to use its power to create the li'uhn. They are imprisoned by a powerful barrier in a great central Oasis that holds an ancient temple within, surrounded by the ruins of a once vast and beautiful city seen as sacred ground until the war converged on it as one of the last areas with natural resources.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are drawn to this place as their origin is there. It is seen as a major milestone to take the journey to the Oasis and meet the Il'hune. Of course, different li'uhn have different beliefs and thoughts on things.<\/p>","field3":"<div id=\"collapse-behavior\" class=\"collapse show\">\r\n<p>Li'uhn are gentle and social creatures, very peaceful and curious. They are known to be skittish, and will usually initially flee from something new, but always come back to investigate once the initial startle wears off. Li'uhn are very playful with eachother and not at all territorial. They can often be seen gliding and flying together, frolicking in the desert sands of their home, or curled up around eachother to keep warm during the cold desert nights. They get a lot of energy from companionship and being close to eachother. Li'uhn are capable of being alone, though they prefer the company of others. Li'uhn do have small retractable claws on their hands and feet, but these are not used for combat, and aren&rsquo;t overly sharp. They use them to climb and cling, and to avoid slipping when landing. Their small fanged canines are also never used for combat, and are simply there because they are omnivorous.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn rarely fight. If faced with confrontation, they much prefer to run or fly away and retreat.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their wings are used for display and flight. They tend to spread and display their wings to eachother in dances both to impress possible friends, or attract possible mates.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn mate for life. Once they find somebody they love, they will stay together for life. Losing one's mate causes emotional pain that'll last for years, if not the rest of their life.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are very family oriented, and even if families don't live together, they recognize eachother and regularly meet up and socialize. They also form long friendships and are very loyal to those they care about.<br \/><br \/>Li'ihn are intelligent and sapient creatures, capable of learning language very quickly.&nbsp; Li'uhn are known to have a beautiful, musical chiming chirping call which they use to communicate their location over long distances. This can also be used as a distress call if a li'uhn is in danger or injured.&nbsp; It is clear and carries, and often has a little pulse of their energy behind it. They often &lsquo;sing&rsquo; back and forth in joyful chirps and chitters and chimes. They will often chirp and and &lsquo;sing&rsquo; to themselves, even when alone, or greet the rising sun with song. They have a deep fondness for music and melody.<\/p>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<p>Li'uhn tend to get along quite well with eachother. Leadership is determined by age and experience, not strength and dominance. Those who are older, more responsible and more experienced will lead the younger and guide them to various safe areas they know of. Older Li'uhn also know where all the oases are as well as good places to get food, and shelter, and safe places to stay and settle.<\/p>\r\n<p>Oases tend to have large settlements built up in the ruins of the Il'hune cities, where li'uhn will stop, stay for a time, trade wares, socialize, then move on in their travels. Elders are usually settled in these towns, and Li'uhn with young children as well.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are naturally very peaceful with eachother, and by extent would be with other sapient races if they encountered them. They work together to survive in their harsh desert environment.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Clothing<\/strong>: Li'uhn love clothes in various shades of red and gold. They often have lots of flowing fabric covering their bodies, with a cloak to cover their back as they must strap the upper parts above and below their wings. Some choose to have a small opening around their pouch at all times, allowing them to place items in their pouch and carry them around. It&rsquo;s usually held closed with a couple buttons, though it&rsquo;s left open if they have a baby at the age where they can enter and leave the pouch at will. Li'uhn love flowing silky clothing. Most of the silk in their clothes comes from a plant found all around various Oases throughout the world. It is cultivated and tended to by the elders that settle in these places. More information on Elders can be seen in the \"Growing Up\" section, as this goes over how Li'uhn age. Li'uhn also love jewelry and pretty things, and will decorate their bodies with things they find interesting in their travels. They'll eagerly tell stories about where an item came from or how they found it if asked.<\/p>","field4":"<p><strong>Average Height<\/strong>: Around five feet to five and a half feet tall, Li'uhn are small and slender, but agile and elegant.<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Average Weight<\/strong>: 120-150 pounds<\/p>\r\n<p>Their bones are light and semi flexible, and surprisingly tough for their light weight. Li'uhn, though, are a bit more fragile than other creatures their size. They are not fighters.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/4_4_DhCZJV1p6H7VeNq.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1060\" height=\"1272\" \/><br \/><br \/>Wing Structure Detail<br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/36_47_KLVS5q9Kl1kgCYT.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1062\" height=\"849\" \/><br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn wings are very small compared to their body size. The structure can be compared to a mix of bird and bat, though this structure is completely unique to their species. Their feathers are not used for flight so much as display and steering, along with their tail and turning their body as well as using their natural magic. The wings are actually used for heat management, able to spread out. They can use their natural magical energy to cause the air cooled by the shade to flow beneath and carry excess heat away from the wings.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are somewhat cold-blooded. They produce a little body heat, but rely more on the warmth of the sand and desert to keep warm. They can, however, increase this production if needed by shivering their wings and puffing up their fur to hold in the heat they produce during cold nights. This makes them extra resistant to the desert heat, as they don't overheat nearly as easily as fully warm-blooded mammans, but they are also weaker to the cold. Like reptiles, Li'uhn will slow down significantly when cold, and if cold enough they'll even enter a state of hibernation.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn have frills instead of ears. They attach at the top of the head and often wrap around the jaw and connect to cheek fluff.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn don't pee. They don't even have bladders. Their body extracts almost all water from their stool before it's passed, making it dry which actually reduces any smell. They don't sweat. Because of this, they are pretty much odorless even when out in the desert heat all day.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are very resistant to plant and animal toxins, poisons and venoms. They can take a bite from even the deadliest venomous snake and be completely fine. They can eat poisonous plants without a problem, and often get their water by eating cacti, including ones that are very poisonous to ward off herbivores. They are even resistant to toxins found in rotting meat, though they'll only eat that in desparation if there's nothing else and they are starving.<\/p>\r\n<p>The thick pads on their hands and feet are incredibly tough and heat resistant, though Li'uhn usually wear shoes for an extra layer of protection. A Li'uhn can grab a cactus and break it down open to get at the inside with their bare hands. The cactus prickes can't penetrate the pads on their hands. This is why the hand and feet have a single thick pad all along the bottom, as this protects the entire hand and doesn't allow spines to slip between pads. Their skin is thick and tough. The pad on the feet also forms a sort of webbing, allowing the feet to spread and support more of the Li'uhn's weight on loose sand.<\/p>\r\n<p>They have an incredibly advanced immune system. Very little can make a li'uhn sick. They tend to get over it quickly when sick as well.<\/p>\r\n<p>Because of how efficient their body is with water, li'uhn can potentially go weeks without drinking.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn have the ability to store water. They have a special organ that forms a pouch inside their abdomen that stores water inside their body, including any they get from whatever they eat. This is connected to their esophagus, but stays closed unless they regurgitate the water to share with others. This is generally done to share water among groups, and is seen as completely normal. While it's regurgitated, this has no connection to their stomach whatsoever and is just water.&nbsp; There's no heaving or anything involved, simply opening the mouth, contraction of inner muscles around this internal water pouch, and the water flowing from the mouth into whatever they have to put it in. It looks odd and gross to an outside perspective, but it's completely safe. The water tastes and smells exactly like any other water, though is generally warm from their body heat. This allows them to share resources with other li'uhn safely. It has the potential to save a life if the one the water is shared with has completely depleted their water and become dehydrated. The organ produces a natural substance that prevents fungi from growing and kills bacteria, keeping the stored water safe. This same substance is secreted in their saliva, keeping their mouths incredibly clean. This means their breath stays fresh and clean, and their teeth generally stay quite healthy. They can also lick wounds to prevent infection. Seaborn have a second organ that extracts salt from seawater. The concentrated salt solution left is regurgitated after drinking, with fresh water staying inside their internal water pouch until needed. They will often share this water with other li'uhn that come near the ocean and have no access to other fresh water. <br \/><br \/>Their face is muzzled, though this muzzle and snout is small. It makes them appear almost humanoid from the front. This also shows how their frill functions. Li'uhn have a second, transparent eyelid that is generally kept closed and does not hamper their vision. This protects their eyes from sand and prevents it from drying out.<br \/><br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/19_21_cKjThqB9yPL9nNA.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"575\" height=\"673\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn ears are actually located on the side of their head and are simply openings, like reptilian earsand covered by their fur. They are connected to their frill, which resembles ears and is used for emoting and sensing the world around them. The frills are packed with energy sensing organs, are how they sense each other&rsquo;s presence, as well as absorb any magical energy they are around to help feed them. They also seem to take in a majority of the sunlight, and as such are almost always uncovered. They are able to use their frill to find fellow Li'uhn. They are very important for expressing emotion and mood as well. They are very mobile, able to lower, perk up, go out to the sides, pin back and down, and can move independantly of eachother. The frill has no opening and is not cup shaped like actual ears, and is sometimes referred to as false ears; The frills are often covered in longer fur than the body itself. Their paws are small and dainty, with three toes. Their claws only come out when climbing or gripping, but are otherwise kept retracted. They have a single thick pad on the bottom and webbing that allows their weight to spread out a bit more evenly. Li'uhn are very weak to the cold, and while they can curl up under their wings and tails, it drains their energy and eventually saps their strength until they freeze to death. They avoid the cold when they can. They can get through desert winters by sunning themselves during the day and curling up somewhere warm at night, but if it gets too cold they will move on to warmer climates. They are nomadic by nature, and usually wander from place to place as they see fit. They are most commonly seen in pairs or small groups, but they can just as well travel alone.<br \/><br \/>Frill and Mouth Detail<br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/37_48_y2cYVJekqhujDHG.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1074\" height=\"931\" \/><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"collapse-behavior\" class=\"collapse show\">\r\n<h5><br \/>Abilities and Adaptations<\/h5>\r\n<p>Li'uhn use magic to boost their flight, able to use their natural energy to swirl the air beneath their wings to provide lift. They gain this energy from sunlight and heat. This is limited, however, so after flying, they often land, regain their energy, then take off again. They are also known to boost themselves up high, then glide, then boost themselves back up again.<\/p>\r\n<p>The only li'uhn type to be able to fly entirely by their own power is the Flutterwing, who have huge wongs compared to their tiny body size.<\/p>\r\n<p>Silverwings and Shadowcloaks are capable of flight with a lot less boosting needed, while Stoneclaws can not fly at all.<\/p>\r\n<p>Stoneclaws are very strong, and able to defend themselves and climb incredibly well. They can use their magic to boost their speed, allowing them to gallop incredibly fast on all fours and boost their leaps so they can leap higher and further than they would otherwise.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn have a call that lets out a pulse of energy. This can be picked up by surrounding Li'uhn by sensing the energy with special organs in their frill. Larger frills are actually more functional in picking up and gathering energy.<\/p>\r\n<p>While Li'uhn have natural magical energy within them, it's not something they can easily direct and channel. It is volatile and unpredictable, thus Li'uhn magic workers are pretty rare. Those who do work with magic usually use outside magic sources, as using their own inner source runs the risk of exhausting them and causing harm. Some can use these external sources to further boost their flight.<\/p>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>","field5":"<p>Li'uhn are all naturally intersex, though their appearance will follow what gender they identify as, as it effects their hormones. There isn&rsquo;t much dimorphism, but the face and body structure does vary slightly. They never grow breasts, as their teats are located inside their pouch. Li'uhn go into season during the spring, and are pregnant through summer and early autumn. They give birth to a tiny baby, entirely hairless with no down or feathers, which is then placed in the pouch. It will remain inside the pouch, nursing and growing. As it gets bigger, it begins to leave the pouch, though is able to nurse even when not spending all of its time in the pouch. The baby spends the winter in the pouch, starts to peek its head out in the spring, and is able to come out during summer. They are too big to go into the pouch by the time they are two years old. Li'uhn have one baby at a time, and they won&rsquo;t breed again until the baby is fully out of the pouch for at least a year. Only one baby can fit in the pouch. In the extremely rare occasion that twins are born, the other parent will foster the second twin in their pouch. The presence of the baby will induce lactation, allowing the parent to keep the baby healthy.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn often mate for life. They will impress potential partners with song. Li'uhn sing beautifully, and happily seranade eachother during their season, The beauty of their wings is another thing that attract potential Li'uhn, as well as their prowess in the air. Their aerial displays and beautiful song is a sight to behold.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn do not have menstraul cycles like humans. They go into season during early spring, and are fertile for three weeks to a month. They ovulate during this time. The egg cell is simply re-absorbed if the li'uhn does not become pregnant.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are pregnant for about 6 months. Their genitalea are partially external, with mammalian testes and a sheath, though their actual phallus remain tucked away inside unless in direct use. (There will be a link to a NSFW ref and info here once I have a way to age restrict some content, which is in progress, so this is all you get for now xD)<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn often settle near an oasis until their babies are older, rarely travelling too far since babies can't store as much water as adults and producing milk takes up more water than they usually use, meaning they deplete their natural supplies more quickly.<\/p>\r\n<p>Babies are just as efficient as adults with processing water. Li'uhn milk is extremely rich and nutrient dense. It has a balance of fats and protiens, as well as vitamins and minerals and water, everything a baby needs to grow and thrive until they are weaned.<br \/><br \/>Li'uhn babies are born small and hairless\/featherless. They are tucked into the pouch and grow there until they are able to peek out. They can go into the pouch up to two years old, and are weaned by their third year.<br \/><br \/>They grow at roughly the same rate as humans.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn babies make tiny squeaks and peeps. They are curious and playful, though stick close to their parent. They'll wander further as they get older, but will stay where they can sense their parent's call.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their pouch does not develop until they go through puberty. It'll start to come in around 12-13 years old, though won't actually open up. A good way to tell how mature a li'uhn is is to look at the pouch. It won't be fully developed until adulthood, at which point it opens up. They are considered fully mature once their pouch is fully developed. Both masculine and feminine li'uhn have pouches and teats inside them. They are capable of having lactation induced by the presence of a baby in their pouch, as the scent and feel of the baby will cause the hormonal response. As such, an orphaned baby can be raised by any li'uhn that finds them.<\/p>\r\n<p>When they reach elder status, they tend to slow down and calm down, and will often settle in one place and travel far less. This means that many oases have a large group of elders there who can pass on advice and stories to youngsters. These settlements are seen as major cultural strongpoints, and Li'uhn travel between them to meet different elders and carry stories to different parts of the desert.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn's fur and wings will dull as they age, and very old Li'uhn will slowly go grey. They grey similarly to dogs, mostly around the face, hands and feet<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<h5><strong>Lifespan<\/strong><\/h5>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are magical creatures and can live up to 300 years if they have a good source of energy<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn mature fully in about 18 years, similar to a human, though they will often stay with and travel with their parents as part of the family group.<\/p>","field6":"<p>See the link below for a detailed look at their subtypes, traits, colors, and other variations.<\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/10.Li'uhn_Traits\">Li'uhn variants, traits and rarities<\/a><\/p>","field7":"<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/5.Li'uhn_Design_Notes\"><strong>Design Notes and Guides<\/strong><\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>More information will be added to the guides above, as well as their trait lists.<\/p>"}},"title":"Li'uhn","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":["wip","stub"],"page_tag":null}
#103 28 June 2023, 16:01:59 UTC
Page Updated
Length: 53911 (-52712) -
{"data":{"description":"<p>The Li'uhn are a peaceful, winged semi-humanoid race that lives in deserts, and thrive in hot and barren landscapes. They are omnivorous, but get a good amount of energy from heat and sunlight.<br \/><br \/>You can see images in the gallery, here!<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/4\/gallery\">Li'uhn image gallery<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/5.Li'uhn_Design_Notes\">Li'uhn design notes<\/a> (This also has the Upgrade Token cost based on rarity)<\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/\">Want a Li'uhn? Go here to my site! There's a free MYO event going currently!<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/10.Li'uhn_Traits\">Trait and Design Guide<\/a><\/p>","field1":"<p>Li'uhn are winged desert dwelling humanoids, though their wings have a very unique structure to them. They are highly efficient and incredibly good at surviving in the desert. Li'uhn, on average, are around the height of a human, with five and a half feet tall being the most common height for the common type. Some are taller (The Silverwings, Stoneclaws and Shadowcloaks) while some are smaller (Woolies, Nightkin and Flutterwings)<\/p>\r\n<p>They have a pouch, similar to a marsupial, though they aren't actually marsupials. They are simply similar throughthe convergent evolution of their creators, who created them in their own image, just smaller. The pouch is useful for keeping their young with them, though many li'uhn simply store objects inside their pouch when they don't have a baby. The inside of the pouch is lined with a natural waxy coating on the fur which kills any bacteria and fungi. Li'uhn do not sweat, so the inside remains dry.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are friendly and social, though can be skittish. They don't stay startled for long, and tend to calm down quickly and come to investigate. They have very few natural predators, since most animals in their world are small, the largest being about the size of a coyote. These animals are the only ones that aer a threat to Li'uhn because they pack hunt, but Li'uhn are able to fly out or reach.<\/p>\r\n<p>Most larger animals went extinct a long time ago. They are naturally magical creatures with a special energy core in their chest near their heart. This stores up magical energy, and gains energy from heat and sunlight. This is then channeled through the wings and the tail to allow the Li'uhn to fly despite their relitavely small wings compared to their body size. The way this works is their natural energy stirs up the air beneath their wings, allowing them to glide and soar and control their flight even without the usual flight feathers birds have.<\/p>\r\n<p>Despite being magical by nature, very few Li'uhn actually know how to work with magic. It is volatile and hard to control when it isn't directed by their natural abilities. This magic also serves to change their gender expression, and they are able to harness to change it further. While they are all hermaphroditic, their body changes based on their preferred gender expression. Feminine li'uhn tend to have softer features, wider hips, and softer chests. Their voices soften and take on a higher pitch. They lack breasts, however, because their teats are contained in the pouch. They are under developed and can't be seen or felt through the fur unless they have a baby in their pouch. Masculine Li'uhn tend to get more angular features, and slightly more masculine faces, and narrower hips. Gender and gender expression is just a part of life for them, and it is natural to them to acknowledge the gender expression of the other. Especially since they can adjust how they look naturally. <br \/><br \/>They can actually completely hide the organs of the gender they don't identify as. They are still present, but kept within the body. This can change fluidly, especially if a Li'uhn's gender identity changes throughout their lives.<br \/><br \/>The various Li'uhn types get along quite well with eachother, they don't judge eachother based on their variance or gender expression.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are not at all territorial, and they do not have dominance battles among them. Generally, older Li'uhn with more experience take leadership with the rest following them and trusting them with their safety. Being a leader is a matter of responsibility, not a matter of power. Their mentality is very different from humans in this respect.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/18_51_m98WjQoIIsvI4P8.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1048\" height=\"637\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p><strong><br \/>Diet<\/strong> They feed partially on the energy provided by the sun, but eat insects, small animals, and any edible plant material they can find. Cacti and other desert plants are common for them to eat. Li'uhn are highly efficient and make the most out of any water they drink. They can go a couple weeks without drinking if they have to because their body holds onto every drop and barely loses any. Li'uhn can eat things that are undigestible to other creatures their size, able to even break down the internal structure of plants with the unique mix of enzymes and gut flora in their digestive systems.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>Find lists of their <a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/10.Li'uhn_Traits\">possible traits<\/a> and more information! The link also has a list of the subtypes. The rarities will be listed as well, and it'll be mentioned if the trait can only be gotten on certain types through inheritance.<\/p>","field2":"<p>Created by the Il&rsquo;hune, through a misuse of powerful divine magic. They were created as working class\/slave types, and used for various missions through the long and bloody war that eventually wiped the Il&rsquo;hune out. The Li'uhn thrive in the ruins of the once great civilization of tall and elegant giants. They fly through the desert sands and craggy ruins, and make their homes in the remains of their buildings. Li'uhn haven't been able to advance technologically due to the il'hune having exhausted most of the world's natural resources. They do make and wear clothing commonly, influenced by how the il'hune used to dress.<\/p>\r\n<p>Many are fascinated with the history of their world, and there are many stone tablets and murals left over from the time the il'hune still existed. There's some ancient libraries preserved through the Il'hune's magic as well.<\/p>\r\n<p>Il'hune were very technologically advanced. There are ruins of old war machines found in various places, though they aren't functional anymore. Some Li'uhn will simply make their homes inside these tanks and broken down vehicles.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn weren't left with much after their creators died out, but they thrive just fine all the same.<\/p>\r\n<p>There are Six Il'hune left, under a curse of immortality. They are meant to stop the li'uhn from following their path of destruction and war, as well as protect the remains of the god they killed to use its power to create the li'uhn. They are imprisoned by a powerful barrier in a great central Oasis that holds an ancient temple within, surrounded by the ruins of a once vast and beautiful city seen as sacred ground until the war converged on it as one of the last areas with natural resources.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are drawn to this place as their origin is there. It is seen as a major milestone to take the journey to the Oasis and meet the Il'hune. Of course, different li'uhn have different beliefs and thoughts on things.<\/p>","field3":"<div id=\"collapse-behavior\" class=\"collapse show\">\r\n<p>Li'uhn are gentle and social creatures, very peaceful and curious. They are known to be skittish, and will usually initially flee from something new, but always come back to investigate once the initial startle wears off. Li'uhn are very playful with eachother and not at all territorial. They can often be seen gliding and flying together, frolicking in the desert sands of their home, or curled up around eachother to keep warm during the cold desert nights. They get a lot of energy from companionship and being close to eachother. Li'uhn are capable of being alone, though they prefer the company of others. Li'uhn do have small retractable claws on their hands and feet, but these are not used for combat, and aren&rsquo;t overly sharp. They use them to climb and cling, and to avoid slipping when landing. Their small fanged canines are also never used for combat, and are simply there because they are omnivorous.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn rarely fight. If faced with confrontation, they much prefer to run or fly away and retreat.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their wings are used for display and flight. They tend to spread and display their wings to eachother in dances both to impress possible friends, or attract possible mates.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn mate for life. Once they find somebody they love, they will stay together for life. Losing one's mate causes emotional pain that'll last for years, if not the rest of their life.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are very family oriented, and even if families don't live together, they recognize eachother and regularly meet up and socialize. They also form long friendships and are very loyal to those they care about.<br \/><br \/>Li'ihn are intelligent and sapient creatures, capable of learning language very quickly.&nbsp; Li'uhn are known to have a beautiful, musical chiming chirping call which they use to communicate their location over long distances. This can also be used as a distress call if a li'uhn is in danger or injured.&nbsp; It is clear and carries, and often has a little pulse of their energy behind it. They often &lsquo;sing&rsquo; back and forth in joyful chirps and chitters and chimes. They will often chirp and and &lsquo;sing&rsquo; to themselves, even when alone, or greet the rising sun with song. They have a deep fondness for music and melody.<\/p>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<p>Li'uhn tend to get along quite well with eachother. Leadership is determined by age and experience, not strength and dominance. Those who are older, more responsible and more experienced will lead the younger and guide them to various safe areas they know of. Older Li'uhn also know where all the oases are as well as good places to get food, and shelter, and safe places to stay and settle.<\/p>\r\n<p>Oases tend to have large settlements built up in the ruins of the Il'hune cities, where li'uhn will stop, stay for a time, trade wares, socialize, then move on in their travels. Elders are usually settled in these towns, and Li'uhn with young children as well.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are naturally very peaceful with eachother, and by extent would be with other sapient races if they encountered them. They work together to survive in their harsh desert environment.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Clothing<\/strong>: Li'uhn love clothes in various shades of red and gold. They often have lots of flowing fabric covering their bodies, with a cloak to cover their back as they must strap the upper parts above and below their wings. Some choose to have a small opening around their pouch at all times, allowing them to place items in their pouch and carry them around. It&rsquo;s usually held closed with a couple buttons, though it&rsquo;s left open if they have a baby at the age where they can enter and leave the pouch at will. Li'uhn love flowing silky clothing. Most of the silk in their clothes comes from a plant found all around various Oases throughout the world. It is cultivated and tended to by the elders that settle in these places. More information on Elders can be seen in the \"Growing Up\" section, as this goes over how Li'uhn age. Li'uhn also love jewelry and pretty things, and will decorate their bodies with things they find interesting in their travels. They'll eagerly tell stories about where an item came from or how they found it if asked.<\/p>","field4":"<p><strong>Average Height<\/strong>: Around five feet to five and a half feet tall, Li'uhn are small and slender, but agile and elegant.<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Average Weight<\/strong>: 120-150 pounds<\/p>\r\n<p>Their bones are light and semi flexible, and surprisingly tough for their light weight. Li'uhn, though, are a bit more fragile than other creatures their size. They are not fighters.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/4_4_DhCZJV1p6H7VeNq.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1060\" height=\"1272\" \/><br \/><br \/>Wing Structure Detail<br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/36_47_KLVS5q9Kl1kgCYT.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1062\" height=\"849\" \/><br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn wings are very small compared to their body size. The structure can be compared to a mix of bird and bat, though this structure is completely unique to their species. Their feathers are not used for flight so much as display and steering, along with their tail and turning their body as well as using their natural magic. The wings are actually used for heat management, able to spread out. They can use their natural magical energy to cause the air cooled by the shade to flow beneath and carry excess heat away from the wings.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are somewhat cold-blooded. They produce a little body heat, but rely more on the warmth of the sand and desert to keep warm. They can, however, increase this production if needed by shivering their wings and puffing up their fur to hold in the heat they produce during cold nights. This makes them extra resistant to the desert heat, as they don't overheat nearly as easily as fully warm-blooded mammans, but they are also weaker to the cold. Like reptiles, Li'uhn will slow down significantly when cold, and if cold enough they'll even enter a state of hibernation.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn have frills instead of ears. They attach at the top of the head and often wrap around the jaw and connect to cheek fluff.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn don't pee. They don't even have bladders. Their body extracts almost all water from their stool before it's passed, making it dry which actually reduces any smell. They don't sweat. Because of this, they are pretty much odorless even when out in the desert heat all day.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are very resistant to plant and animal toxins, poisons and venoms. They can take a bite from even the deadliest venomous snake and be completely fine. They can eat poisonous plants without a problem, and often get their water by eating cacti, including ones that are very poisonous to ward off herbivores. They are even resistant to toxins found in rotting meat, though they'll only eat that in desparation if there's nothing else and they are starving.<\/p>\r\n<p>The thick pads on their hands and feet are incredibly tough and heat resistant, though Li'uhn usually wear shoes for an extra layer of protection. A Li'uhn can grab a cactus and break it down open to get at the inside with their bare hands. The cactus prickes can't penetrate the pads on their hands. This is why the hand and feet have a single thick pad all along the bottom, as this protects the entire hand and doesn't allow spines to slip between pads. Their skin is thick and tough. The pad on the feet also forms a sort of webbing, allowing the feet to spread and support more of the Li'uhn's weight on loose sand.<\/p>\r\n<p>They have an incredibly advanced immune system. Very little can make a li'uhn sick. They tend to get over it quickly when sick as well.<\/p>\r\n<p>Because of how efficient their body is with water, li'uhn can potentially go weeks without drinking.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn have the ability to store water. They have a special organ that forms a pouch inside their abdomen that stores water inside their body, including any they get from whatever they eat. This is connected to their esophagus, but stays closed unless they regurgitate the water to share with others. This is generally done to share water among groups, and is seen as completely normal. While it's regurgitated, this has no connection to their stomach whatsoever and is just water.&nbsp; There's no heaving or anything involved, simply opening the mouth, contraction of inner muscles around this internal water pouch, and the water flowing from the mouth into whatever they have to put it in. It looks odd and gross to an outside perspective, but it's completely safe. The water tastes and smells exactly like any other water, though is generally warm from their body heat. This allows them to share resources with other li'uhn safely. It has the potential to save a life if the one the water is shared with has completely depleted their water and become dehydrated. The organ produces a natural substance that prevents fungi from growing and kills bacteria, keeping the stored water safe. This same substance is secreted in their saliva, keeping their mouths incredibly clean. This means their breath stays fresh and clean, and their teeth generally stay quite healthy. They can also lick wounds to prevent infection. Seaborn have a second organ that extracts salt from seawater. The concentrated salt solution left is regurgitated after drinking, with fresh water staying inside their internal water pouch until needed. They will often share this water with other li'uhn that come near the ocean and have no access to other fresh water. <br \/><br \/>Their face is muzzled, though this muzzle and snout is small. It makes them appear almost humanoid from the front. This also shows how their frill functions. Li'uhn have a second, transparent eyelid that is generally kept closed and does not hamper their vision. This protects their eyes from sand and prevents it from drying out.<br \/><br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/19_21_cKjThqB9yPL9nNA.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"575\" height=\"673\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn ears are actually located on the side of their head and are simply openings, like reptilian earsand covered by their fur. They are connected to their frill, which resembles ears and is used for emoting and sensing the world around them. The frills are packed with energy sensing organs, are how they sense each other&rsquo;s presence, as well as absorb any magical energy they are around to help feed them. They also seem to take in a majority of the sunlight, and as such are almost always uncovered. They are able to use their frill to find fellow Li'uhn. They are very important for expressing emotion and mood as well. They are very mobile, able to lower, perk up, go out to the sides, pin back and down, and can move independantly of eachother. The frill has no opening and is not cup shaped like actual ears, and is sometimes referred to as false ears; The frills are often covered in longer fur than the body itself. Their paws are small and dainty, with three toes. Their claws only come out when climbing or gripping, but are otherwise kept retracted. They have a single thick pad on the bottom and webbing that allows their weight to spread out a bit more evenly. Li'uhn are very weak to the cold, and while they can curl up under their wings and tails, it drains their energy and eventually saps their strength until they freeze to death. They avoid the cold when they can. They can get through desert winters by sunning themselves during the day and curling up somewhere warm at night, but if it gets too cold they will move on to warmer climates. They are nomadic by nature, and usually wander from place to place as they see fit. They are most commonly seen in pairs or small groups, but they can just as well travel alone.<br \/><br \/>Frill and Mouth Detail<br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/37_48_y2cYVJekqhujDHG.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1074\" height=\"931\" \/><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"collapse-behavior\" class=\"collapse show\">\r\n<h5><br \/>Abilities and Adaptations<\/h5>\r\n<p>Li'uhn use magic to boost their flight, able to use their natural energy to swirl the air beneath their wings to provide lift. They gain this energy from sunlight and heat. This is limited, however, so after flying, they often land, regain their energy, then take off again. They are also known to boost themselves up high, then glide, then boost themselves back up again.<\/p>\r\n<p>The only li'uhn type to be able to fly entirely by their own power is the Flutterwing, who have huge wongs compared to their tiny body size.<\/p>\r\n<p>Silverwings and Shadowcloaks are capable of flight with a lot less boosting needed, while Stoneclaws can not fly at all.<\/p>\r\n<p>Stoneclaws are very strong, and able to defend themselves and climb incredibly well. They can use their magic to boost their speed, allowing them to gallop incredibly fast on all fours and boost their leaps so they can leap higher and further than they would otherwise.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn have a call that lets out a pulse of energy. This can be picked up by surrounding Li'uhn by sensing the energy with special organs in their frill. Larger frills are actually more functional in picking up and gathering energy.<\/p>\r\n<p>While Li'uhn have natural magical energy within them, it's not something they can easily direct and channel. It is volatile and unpredictable, thus Li'uhn magic workers are pretty rare. Those who do work with magic usually use outside magic sources, as using their own inner source runs the risk of exhausting them and causing harm. Some can use these external sources to further boost their flight.<\/p>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>","field5":"<p>Li'uhn are all naturally intersex, though their appearance will follow what gender they identify as, as it effects their hormones. There isn&rsquo;t much dimorphism, but the face and body structure does vary slightly. They never grow breasts, as their teats are located inside their pouch. Li'uhn go into season during the spring, and are pregnant through summer and early autumn. They give birth to a tiny baby, entirely hairless with no down or feathers, which is then placed in the pouch. It will remain inside the pouch, nursing and growing. As it gets bigger, it begins to leave the pouch, though is able to nurse even when not spending all of its time in the pouch. The baby spends the winter in the pouch, starts to peek its head out in the spring, and is able to come out during summer. They are too big to go into the pouch by the time they are two years old. Li'uhn have one baby at a time, and they won&rsquo;t breed again until the baby is fully out of the pouch for at least a year. Only one baby can fit in the pouch. In the extremely rare occasion that twins are born, the other parent will foster the second twin in their pouch. The presence of the baby will induce lactation, allowing the parent to keep the baby healthy.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn often mate for life. They will impress potential partners with song. Li'uhn sing beautifully, and happily seranade eachother during their season, The beauty of their wings is another thing that attract potential Li'uhn, as well as their prowess in the air. Their aerial displays and beautiful song is a sight to behold.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn do not have menstraul cycles like humans. They go into season during early spring, and are fertile for three weeks to a month. They ovulate during this time. The egg cell is simply re-absorbed if the li'uhn does not become pregnant.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are pregnant for about 6 months. Their genitalea are partially external, with mammalian testes and a sheath, though their actual phallus remain tucked away inside unless in direct use. (There will be a link to a NSFW ref and info here once I have a way to age restrict some content, which is in progress, so this is all you get for now xD)<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn often settle near an oasis until their babies are older, rarely travelling too far since babies can't store as much water as adults and producing milk takes up more water than they usually use, meaning they deplete their natural supplies more quickly.<\/p>\r\n<p>Babies are just as efficient as adults with processing water. Li'uhn milk is extremely rich and nutrient dense. It has a balance of fats and protiens, as well as vitamins and minerals and water, everything a baby needs to grow and thrive until they are weaned.<br \/><br \/>Li'uhn babies are born small and hairless\/featherless. They are tucked into the pouch and grow there until they are able to peek out. They can go into the pouch up to two years old, and are weaned by their third year.<br \/><br \/>They grow at roughly the same rate as humans.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn babies make tiny squeaks and peeps. They are curious and playful, though stick close to their parent. They'll wander further as they get older, but will stay where they can sense their parent's call.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their pouch does not develop until they go through puberty. It'll start to come in around 12-13 years old, though won't actually open up. A good way to tell how mature a li'uhn is is to look at the pouch. It won't be fully developed until adulthood, at which point it opens up. They are considered fully mature once their pouch is fully developed. Both masculine and feminine li'uhn have pouches and teats inside them. They are capable of having lactation induced by the presence of a baby in their pouch, as the scent and feel of the baby will cause the hormonal response. As such, an orphaned baby can be raised by any li'uhn that finds them.<\/p>\r\n<p>When they reach elder status, they tend to slow down and calm down, and will often settle in one place and travel far less. This means that many oases have a large group of elders there who can pass on advice and stories to youngsters. These settlements are seen as major cultural strongpoints, and Li'uhn travel between them to meet different elders and carry stories to different parts of the desert.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn's fur and wings will dull as they age, and very old Li'uhn will slowly go grey. They grey similarly to dogs, mostly around the face, hands and feet<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<h5><strong>Lifespan<\/strong><\/h5>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are magical creatures and can live up to 300 years if they have a good source of energy<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn mature fully in about 18 years, similar to a human, though they will often stay with and travel with their parents as part of the family group.<\/p>","field6":"<p>See the link below for a detailed look at their subtypes, traits, colors, and other variations.<\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/10.Li'uhn_Traits\">Li'uhn variants, traits and rarities<\/a><\/p>","field7":"<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/5.Li'uhn_Design_Notes\"><strong>Design Notes and Guides<\/strong><\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>More information will be added to the guides above, as well as their trait lists.<\/p>","parsed":{"description":"<p>The Li'uhn are a peaceful, winged semi-humanoid race that lives in deserts, and thrive in hot and barren landscapes. They are omnivorous, but get a good amount of energy from heat and sunlight.<br \/><br \/>You can see images in the gallery, here!<br \/><br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/4\/gallery\">Li'uhn image gallery<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/5.Li'uhn_Design_Notes\">Li'uhn design notes<\/a> (This also has the Upgrade Token cost based on rarity)<\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/\">Want a Li'uhn? Go here to my site! There's a free MYO event going currently!<\/a><\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/10.Li'uhn_Traits\">Trait and Design Guide<\/a><\/p>","field1":"<p>Li'uhn are winged desert dwelling humanoids, though their wings have a very unique structure to them. They are highly efficient and incredibly good at surviving in the desert. Li'uhn, on average, are around the height of a human, with five and a half feet tall being the most common height for the common type. Some are taller (The Silverwings, Stoneclaws and Shadowcloaks) while some are smaller (Woolies, Nightkin and Flutterwings)<\/p>\r\n<p>They have a pouch, similar to a marsupial, though they aren't actually marsupials. They are simply similar throughthe convergent evolution of their creators, who created them in their own image, just smaller. The pouch is useful for keeping their young with them, though many li'uhn simply store objects inside their pouch when they don't have a baby. The inside of the pouch is lined with a natural waxy coating on the fur which kills any bacteria and fungi. Li'uhn do not sweat, so the inside remains dry.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are friendly and social, though can be skittish. They don't stay startled for long, and tend to calm down quickly and come to investigate. They have very few natural predators, since most animals in their world are small, the largest being about the size of a coyote. These animals are the only ones that aer a threat to Li'uhn because they pack hunt, but Li'uhn are able to fly out or reach.<\/p>\r\n<p>Most larger animals went extinct a long time ago. They are naturally magical creatures with a special energy core in their chest near their heart. This stores up magical energy, and gains energy from heat and sunlight. This is then channeled through the wings and the tail to allow the Li'uhn to fly despite their relitavely small wings compared to their body size. The way this works is their natural energy stirs up the air beneath their wings, allowing them to glide and soar and control their flight even without the usual flight feathers birds have.<\/p>\r\n<p>Despite being magical by nature, very few Li'uhn actually know how to work with magic. It is volatile and hard to control when it isn't directed by their natural abilities. This magic also serves to change their gender expression, and they are able to harness to change it further. While they are all hermaphroditic, their body changes based on their preferred gender expression. Feminine li'uhn tend to have softer features, wider hips, and softer chests. Their voices soften and take on a higher pitch. They lack breasts, however, because their teats are contained in the pouch. They are under developed and can't be seen or felt through the fur unless they have a baby in their pouch. Masculine Li'uhn tend to get more angular features, and slightly more masculine faces, and narrower hips. Gender and gender expression is just a part of life for them, and it is natural to them to acknowledge the gender expression of the other. Especially since they can adjust how they look naturally. <br \/><br \/>They can actually completely hide the organs of the gender they don't identify as. They are still present, but kept within the body. This can change fluidly, especially if a Li'uhn's gender identity changes throughout their lives.<br \/><br \/>The various Li'uhn types get along quite well with eachother, they don't judge eachother based on their variance or gender expression.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are not at all territorial, and they do not have dominance battles among them. Generally, older Li'uhn with more experience take leadership with the rest following them and trusting them with their safety. Being a leader is a matter of responsibility, not a matter of power. Their mentality is very different from humans in this respect.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/18_51_m98WjQoIIsvI4P8.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1048\" height=\"637\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p><strong><br \/>Diet<\/strong> They feed partially on the energy provided by the sun, but eat insects, small animals, and any edible plant material they can find. Cacti and other desert plants are common for them to eat. Li'uhn are highly efficient and make the most out of any water they drink. They can go a couple weeks without drinking if they have to because their body holds onto every drop and barely loses any. Li'uhn can eat things that are undigestible to other creatures their size, able to even break down the internal structure of plants with the unique mix of enzymes and gut flora in their digestive systems.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>Find lists of their <a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/10.Li'uhn_Traits\">possible traits<\/a> and more information! The link also has a list of the subtypes. The rarities will be listed as well, and it'll be mentioned if the trait can only be gotten on certain types through inheritance.<\/p>","field2":"<p>Created by the Il&rsquo;hune, through a misuse of powerful divine magic. They were created as working class\/slave types, and used for various missions through the long and bloody war that eventually wiped the Il&rsquo;hune out. The Li'uhn thrive in the ruins of the once great civilization of tall and elegant giants. They fly through the desert sands and craggy ruins, and make their homes in the remains of their buildings. Li'uhn haven't been able to advance technologically due to the il'hune having exhausted most of the world's natural resources. They do make and wear clothing commonly, influenced by how the il'hune used to dress.<\/p>\r\n<p>Many are fascinated with the history of their world, and there are many stone tablets and murals left over from the time the il'hune still existed. There's some ancient libraries preserved through the Il'hune's magic as well.<\/p>\r\n<p>Il'hune were very technologically advanced. There are ruins of old war machines found in various places, though they aren't functional anymore. Some Li'uhn will simply make their homes inside these tanks and broken down vehicles.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn weren't left with much after their creators died out, but they thrive just fine all the same.<\/p>\r\n<p>There are Six Il'hune left, under a curse of immortality. They are meant to stop the li'uhn from following their path of destruction and war, as well as protect the remains of the god they killed to use its power to create the li'uhn. They are imprisoned by a powerful barrier in a great central Oasis that holds an ancient temple within, surrounded by the ruins of a once vast and beautiful city seen as sacred ground until the war converged on it as one of the last areas with natural resources.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are drawn to this place as their origin is there. It is seen as a major milestone to take the journey to the Oasis and meet the Il'hune. Of course, different li'uhn have different beliefs and thoughts on things.<\/p>","field3":"<div id=\"collapse-behavior\" class=\"collapse show\">\r\n<p>Li'uhn are gentle and social creatures, very peaceful and curious. They are known to be skittish, and will usually initially flee from something new, but always come back to investigate once the initial startle wears off. Li'uhn are very playful with eachother and not at all territorial. They can often be seen gliding and flying together, frolicking in the desert sands of their home, or curled up around eachother to keep warm during the cold desert nights. They get a lot of energy from companionship and being close to eachother. Li'uhn are capable of being alone, though they prefer the company of others. Li'uhn do have small retractable claws on their hands and feet, but these are not used for combat, and aren&rsquo;t overly sharp. They use them to climb and cling, and to avoid slipping when landing. Their small fanged canines are also never used for combat, and are simply there because they are omnivorous.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn rarely fight. If faced with confrontation, they much prefer to run or fly away and retreat.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their wings are used for display and flight. They tend to spread and display their wings to eachother in dances both to impress possible friends, or attract possible mates.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn mate for life. Once they find somebody they love, they will stay together for life. Losing one's mate causes emotional pain that'll last for years, if not the rest of their life.<\/p>\r\n<p>They are very family oriented, and even if families don't live together, they recognize eachother and regularly meet up and socialize. They also form long friendships and are very loyal to those they care about.<br \/><br \/>Li'ihn are intelligent and sapient creatures, capable of learning language very quickly.&nbsp; Li'uhn are known to have a beautiful, musical chiming chirping call which they use to communicate their location over long distances. This can also be used as a distress call if a li'uhn is in danger or injured.&nbsp; It is clear and carries, and often has a little pulse of their energy behind it. They often &lsquo;sing&rsquo; back and forth in joyful chirps and chitters and chimes. They will often chirp and and &lsquo;sing&rsquo; to themselves, even when alone, or greet the rising sun with song. They have a deep fondness for music and melody.<\/p>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<p>Li'uhn tend to get along quite well with eachother. Leadership is determined by age and experience, not strength and dominance. Those who are older, more responsible and more experienced will lead the younger and guide them to various safe areas they know of. Older Li'uhn also know where all the oases are as well as good places to get food, and shelter, and safe places to stay and settle.<\/p>\r\n<p>Oases tend to have large settlements built up in the ruins of the Il'hune cities, where li'uhn will stop, stay for a time, trade wares, socialize, then move on in their travels. Elders are usually settled in these towns, and Li'uhn with young children as well.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are naturally very peaceful with eachother, and by extent would be with other sapient races if they encountered them. They work together to survive in their harsh desert environment.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Clothing<\/strong>: Li'uhn love clothes in various shades of red and gold. They often have lots of flowing fabric covering their bodies, with a cloak to cover their back as they must strap the upper parts above and below their wings. Some choose to have a small opening around their pouch at all times, allowing them to place items in their pouch and carry them around. It&rsquo;s usually held closed with a couple buttons, though it&rsquo;s left open if they have a baby at the age where they can enter and leave the pouch at will. Li'uhn love flowing silky clothing. Most of the silk in their clothes comes from a plant found all around various Oases throughout the world. It is cultivated and tended to by the elders that settle in these places. More information on Elders can be seen in the \"Growing Up\" section, as this goes over how Li'uhn age. Li'uhn also love jewelry and pretty things, and will decorate their bodies with things they find interesting in their travels. They'll eagerly tell stories about where an item came from or how they found it if asked.<\/p>","field4":"<p><strong>Average Height<\/strong>: Around five feet to five and a half feet tall, Li'uhn are small and slender, but agile and elegant.<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Average Weight<\/strong>: 120-150 pounds<\/p>\r\n<p>Their bones are light and semi flexible, and surprisingly tough for their light weight. Li'uhn, though, are a bit more fragile than other creatures their size. They are not fighters.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/4_4_DhCZJV1p6H7VeNq.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1060\" height=\"1272\" \/><br \/><br \/>Wing Structure Detail<br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/36_47_KLVS5q9Kl1kgCYT.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1062\" height=\"849\" \/><br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn wings are very small compared to their body size. The structure can be compared to a mix of bird and bat, though this structure is completely unique to their species. Their feathers are not used for flight so much as display and steering, along with their tail and turning their body as well as using their natural magic. The wings are actually used for heat management, able to spread out. They can use their natural magical energy to cause the air cooled by the shade to flow beneath and carry excess heat away from the wings.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are somewhat cold-blooded. They produce a little body heat, but rely more on the warmth of the sand and desert to keep warm. They can, however, increase this production if needed by shivering their wings and puffing up their fur to hold in the heat they produce during cold nights. This makes them extra resistant to the desert heat, as they don't overheat nearly as easily as fully warm-blooded mammans, but they are also weaker to the cold. Like reptiles, Li'uhn will slow down significantly when cold, and if cold enough they'll even enter a state of hibernation.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn have frills instead of ears. They attach at the top of the head and often wrap around the jaw and connect to cheek fluff.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn don't pee. They don't even have bladders. Their body extracts almost all water from their stool before it's passed, making it dry which actually reduces any smell. They don't sweat. Because of this, they are pretty much odorless even when out in the desert heat all day.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are very resistant to plant and animal toxins, poisons and venoms. They can take a bite from even the deadliest venomous snake and be completely fine. They can eat poisonous plants without a problem, and often get their water by eating cacti, including ones that are very poisonous to ward off herbivores. They are even resistant to toxins found in rotting meat, though they'll only eat that in desparation if there's nothing else and they are starving.<\/p>\r\n<p>The thick pads on their hands and feet are incredibly tough and heat resistant, though Li'uhn usually wear shoes for an extra layer of protection. A Li'uhn can grab a cactus and break it down open to get at the inside with their bare hands. The cactus prickes can't penetrate the pads on their hands. This is why the hand and feet have a single thick pad all along the bottom, as this protects the entire hand and doesn't allow spines to slip between pads. Their skin is thick and tough. The pad on the feet also forms a sort of webbing, allowing the feet to spread and support more of the Li'uhn's weight on loose sand.<\/p>\r\n<p>They have an incredibly advanced immune system. Very little can make a li'uhn sick. They tend to get over it quickly when sick as well.<\/p>\r\n<p>Because of how efficient their body is with water, li'uhn can potentially go weeks without drinking.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn have the ability to store water. They have a special organ that forms a pouch inside their abdomen that stores water inside their body, including any they get from whatever they eat. This is connected to their esophagus, but stays closed unless they regurgitate the water to share with others. This is generally done to share water among groups, and is seen as completely normal. While it's regurgitated, this has no connection to their stomach whatsoever and is just water.&nbsp; There's no heaving or anything involved, simply opening the mouth, contraction of inner muscles around this internal water pouch, and the water flowing from the mouth into whatever they have to put it in. It looks odd and gross to an outside perspective, but it's completely safe. The water tastes and smells exactly like any other water, though is generally warm from their body heat. This allows them to share resources with other li'uhn safely. It has the potential to save a life if the one the water is shared with has completely depleted their water and become dehydrated. The organ produces a natural substance that prevents fungi from growing and kills bacteria, keeping the stored water safe. This same substance is secreted in their saliva, keeping their mouths incredibly clean. This means their breath stays fresh and clean, and their teeth generally stay quite healthy. They can also lick wounds to prevent infection. Seaborn have a second organ that extracts salt from seawater. The concentrated salt solution left is regurgitated after drinking, with fresh water staying inside their internal water pouch until needed. They will often share this water with other li'uhn that come near the ocean and have no access to other fresh water. <br \/><br \/>Their face is muzzled, though this muzzle and snout is small. It makes them appear almost humanoid from the front. This also shows how their frill functions. Li'uhn have a second, transparent eyelid that is generally kept closed and does not hamper their vision. This protects their eyes from sand and prevents it from drying out.<br \/><br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/19_21_cKjThqB9yPL9nNA.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"575\" height=\"673\" \/><\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn ears are actually located on the side of their head and are simply openings, like reptilian earsand covered by their fur. They are connected to their frill, which resembles ears and is used for emoting and sensing the world around them. The frills are packed with energy sensing organs, are how they sense each other&rsquo;s presence, as well as absorb any magical energy they are around to help feed them. They also seem to take in a majority of the sunlight, and as such are almost always uncovered. They are able to use their frill to find fellow Li'uhn. They are very important for expressing emotion and mood as well. They are very mobile, able to lower, perk up, go out to the sides, pin back and down, and can move independantly of eachother. The frill has no opening and is not cup shaped like actual ears, and is sometimes referred to as false ears; The frills are often covered in longer fur than the body itself. Their paws are small and dainty, with three toes. Their claws only come out when climbing or gripping, but are otherwise kept retracted. They have a single thick pad on the bottom and webbing that allows their weight to spread out a bit more evenly. Li'uhn are very weak to the cold, and while they can curl up under their wings and tails, it drains their energy and eventually saps their strength until they freeze to death. They avoid the cold when they can. They can get through desert winters by sunning themselves during the day and curling up somewhere warm at night, but if it gets too cold they will move on to warmer climates. They are nomadic by nature, and usually wander from place to place as they see fit. They are most commonly seen in pairs or small groups, but they can just as well travel alone.<br \/><br \/>Frill and Mouth Detail<br \/><img src=\"https:\/\/\/images\/pages\/0\/37_48_y2cYVJekqhujDHG.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"1074\" height=\"931\" \/><\/p>\r\n<div id=\"collapse-behavior\" class=\"collapse show\">\r\n<h5><br \/>Abilities and Adaptations<\/h5>\r\n<p>Li'uhn use magic to boost their flight, able to use their natural energy to swirl the air beneath their wings to provide lift. They gain this energy from sunlight and heat. This is limited, however, so after flying, they often land, regain their energy, then take off again. They are also known to boost themselves up high, then glide, then boost themselves back up again.<\/p>\r\n<p>The only li'uhn type to be able to fly entirely by their own power is the Flutterwing, who have huge wongs compared to their tiny body size.<\/p>\r\n<p>Silverwings and Shadowcloaks are capable of flight with a lot less boosting needed, while Stoneclaws can not fly at all.<\/p>\r\n<p>Stoneclaws are very strong, and able to defend themselves and climb incredibly well. They can use their magic to boost their speed, allowing them to gallop incredibly fast on all fours and boost their leaps so they can leap higher and further than they would otherwise.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn have a call that lets out a pulse of energy. This can be picked up by surrounding Li'uhn by sensing the energy with special organs in their frill. Larger frills are actually more functional in picking up and gathering energy.<\/p>\r\n<p>While Li'uhn have natural magical energy within them, it's not something they can easily direct and channel. It is volatile and unpredictable, thus Li'uhn magic workers are pretty rare. Those who do work with magic usually use outside magic sources, as using their own inner source runs the risk of exhausting them and causing harm. Some can use these external sources to further boost their flight.<\/p>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>","field5":"<p>Li'uhn are all naturally intersex, though their appearance will follow what gender they identify as, as it effects their hormones. There isn&rsquo;t much dimorphism, but the face and body structure does vary slightly. They never grow breasts, as their teats are located inside their pouch. Li'uhn go into season during the spring, and are pregnant through summer and early autumn. They give birth to a tiny baby, entirely hairless with no down or feathers, which is then placed in the pouch. It will remain inside the pouch, nursing and growing. As it gets bigger, it begins to leave the pouch, though is able to nurse even when not spending all of its time in the pouch. The baby spends the winter in the pouch, starts to peek its head out in the spring, and is able to come out during summer. They are too big to go into the pouch by the time they are two years old. Li'uhn have one baby at a time, and they won&rsquo;t breed again until the baby is fully out of the pouch for at least a year. Only one baby can fit in the pouch. In the extremely rare occasion that twins are born, the other parent will foster the second twin in their pouch. The presence of the baby will induce lactation, allowing the parent to keep the baby healthy.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn often mate for life. They will impress potential partners with song. Li'uhn sing beautifully, and happily seranade eachother during their season, The beauty of their wings is another thing that attract potential Li'uhn, as well as their prowess in the air. Their aerial displays and beautiful song is a sight to behold.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn do not have menstraul cycles like humans. They go into season during early spring, and are fertile for three weeks to a month. They ovulate during this time. The egg cell is simply re-absorbed if the li'uhn does not become pregnant.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are pregnant for about 6 months. Their genitalea are partially external, with mammalian testes and a sheath, though their actual phallus remain tucked away inside unless in direct use. (There will be a link to a NSFW ref and info here once I have a way to age restrict some content, which is in progress, so this is all you get for now xD)<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn often settle near an oasis until their babies are older, rarely travelling too far since babies can't store as much water as adults and producing milk takes up more water than they usually use, meaning they deplete their natural supplies more quickly.<\/p>\r\n<p>Babies are just as efficient as adults with processing water. Li'uhn milk is extremely rich and nutrient dense. It has a balance of fats and protiens, as well as vitamins and minerals and water, everything a baby needs to grow and thrive until they are weaned.<br \/><br \/>Li'uhn babies are born small and hairless\/featherless. They are tucked into the pouch and grow there until they are able to peek out. They can go into the pouch up to two years old, and are weaned by their third year.<br \/><br \/>They grow at roughly the same rate as humans.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn babies make tiny squeaks and peeps. They are curious and playful, though stick close to their parent. They'll wander further as they get older, but will stay where they can sense their parent's call.<\/p>\r\n<p>Their pouch does not develop until they go through puberty. It'll start to come in around 12-13 years old, though won't actually open up. A good way to tell how mature a li'uhn is is to look at the pouch. It won't be fully developed until adulthood, at which point it opens up. They are considered fully mature once their pouch is fully developed. Both masculine and feminine li'uhn have pouches and teats inside them. They are capable of having lactation induced by the presence of a baby in their pouch, as the scent and feel of the baby will cause the hormonal response. As such, an orphaned baby can be raised by any li'uhn that finds them.<\/p>\r\n<p>When they reach elder status, they tend to slow down and calm down, and will often settle in one place and travel far less. This means that many oases have a large group of elders there who can pass on advice and stories to youngsters. These settlements are seen as major cultural strongpoints, and Li'uhn travel between them to meet different elders and carry stories to different parts of the desert.<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn's fur and wings will dull as they age, and very old Li'uhn will slowly go grey. They grey similarly to dogs, mostly around the face, hands and feet<br \/><br \/><\/p>\r\n<h5><strong>Lifespan<\/strong><\/h5>\r\n<p>Li'uhn are magical creatures and can live up to 300 years if they have a good source of energy<\/p>\r\n<p>Li'uhn mature fully in about 18 years, similar to a human, though they will often stay with and travel with their parents as part of the family group.<\/p>","field6":"<p>See the link below for a detailed look at their subtypes, traits, colors, and other variations.<\/p>\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/10.Li'uhn_Traits\">Li'uhn variants, traits and rarities<\/a><\/p>","field7":"<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/5.Li'uhn_Design_Notes\"><strong>Design Notes and Guides<\/strong><\/a><\/p>\r\n<p>More information will be added to the guides above, as well as their trait lists.<\/p>"}},"title":"Li'uhn","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":["wip","stub"],"page_tag":null}
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